Ldson Is Pleased
-36 -g •• ' ' Ci '^ THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA VOL. Ill, NO. 18 HAZELTON, B. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1914 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR Briton and German Captain Bonser Joins Local and District News Notes LDSON IS Reach Agreement The Great Majority A Constable MacAulay, of Aider- R. E. Allen, forester for this London, Dec. 31:-Great Brit Vancouver, Dec. 27:— Hun mere, was in town on Monday. district, is expected to return PLEASED ain and Germany have concluded dreds of pioneers, especially those a comprehensive political agree-' from New Denver about the General Manager of G. T. P. Brewer has been ap- acquainted along the northern Premier and Ministers Re ment which will, it is believed, fifteenth, accompanied by Mrs. Speaks Highly of Dis anager of the skating coast, will regret to learn of the view Progress of B. C. go far toward the eradication of Allen and their children. They trict After Visit death of Captain J. H. Bonser, During the Year all danger of war between the will reside in Hazelton in future. aged 50, who passed away last Hazelton St. Andrew's Society On his return from a trip to two empires. Part of the agree night at his home at Portland, Victoria, Jan. 1:—The premiers will hold its regular social meet Bert Schooling and Bert Mar- the end of steel, Morley Donald ment, it is understoodj'proyldes Ore. Captain Bonser was the of all the provinces, in their New i ' ^ ing OTI Friday evening next. kell returned yesterday from 20- son, general manager of the first shipmaster to navigate the for the joint purchase\of Portu-, Mile, having freighted the con Year messages, sound a note of Grand Trunk Pacific, told an in Upper Skeena River and the Up The Hospital staff enjoyed a struction outfit from Smithers optimism, predicting record pros per Fraser and no man was bet terviewer that the scenery be The upper portion of the district, sleighing party on New Years to that point, where it was taken perity for 1914.
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