: : V ' : : -V- 'i:;' ^ v ■ ■ ^ T«r imkf OtaMT M ik Vkv r.fi Yow Ttat. Worry ud UfMcy eastern and native OYSTsaa UKEN UAV AMD NIUHT. PLAZA CAFE


MISSING PLANE IS REPO Canadian SUteBMnt b OncniffiSIIIIIIttEltllOHS Given to Washington Ha«B«an PiaSid Htiisni n BCKWKwp a m M m m. m. m. m. m. m. AVathingtou, April 9.—Representa- Mils DIB nniT wJns of the. Canadian Cmvernment . IL s. V. im against the sinking of khe schooner bym OkyiMiHmIm Mm Fm Alone, were formally presented to usTioirsciiicim Secretary Stimson by the Hon. Vin­ to toM Um Iwmi m lU CM«t. lUrtr Mto i cent MasMy. Canadian Minister, to^ Mm. AtotowMitoNAat by^tolMiff « The t tO' Council nift in nsvLir »r«- cil al sonu- near date, inspect the lower day. The Canadians did not make‘s to *• IfcrfM topirt. irfckfc «• kr «km last eveniiw, the lull board b«nK portion of the waterworks, and that imblic the contents of the note, and it service." ' . CmUm ii bCMpliiii Ito hMiMtor, % pre»nt. H>> Worship Mayor Btisby /ncnibcrs of the Press he invited to at. is expected the State Department win presWing. A communication tend the inspection. Aid. Renncy con­ take time to study it before h is pub-, (tee «W tot te priNtoito to At te ito At S eeivcd from Mr. A. E. Craddock re­ cluded by saying that “my friend in the fished. Stite Cte CaptCtetiterftiA^ftoitototo ^ garding the placing of signs hi the editorial said something about my new­ HRMBT neighborhood of schools. On motion found knowledge: well, all 1 can say to of AWertnan Barsby and Hart the let- that is 1 knew twitCT'would ruD dostn ■ ter ’•'II be handed ovm to the school hill beiore 1 Cnme into the Council." (ilifiilDEN ; bo««L Mayor Busby said that afl kuuw M. Armstrong, hon.aecretary of the rater could be brought into the city in BBumn MB nil BUB ; Cricket Oab, wrrote asldiig sniBuii Bremerton. WaMt. Aprfl It-Jolm large quantities, but, the questiou was Mkkovich, fifD'-five, of Erntfe Htr- i..tbc Coumal for a donation for the of money. It would require the «.«lnb. He exptained that this was the , April 9.—What promised Imr. JfitiAp County, wu in a buipital MIBSIIIB NIMBI n paaung of a.money by-4aw, and be did here today detperately tvoumtod as > 5 first time they had erer requeued fi- > be one of the asMt faltiurly eon- not believe the'rattfAyers at the pre­ result of an encounter with F. II. ’ nancial assistance, but the occasion vas tested appeals carried from Britisli sent time wanted this. Es-entually Ex­ Heirgood,Khsap County «4sm war­ J eattraordinary. TTie dob are tearing Columbia to the Judicial Committee of mniBiiiniiii tension Hin must be either gonearound the Privy Council, was withdrawn yes­ den. who said he. shot. Uirkovich when _ : doan the present old pavilion on the through to gel more water. .At the imiiiBiiH the latter attempted to escape arrest. ; ^ groonds, and erecting terday, when A. H. Macnetll. K.C.. counsel for West Kootenay Power & Heirgoodreported he had arrested 4.tha lab^-i» being supplied by ns wtirrying. He believed that with ijght Company, aonouflced in (he MirkoviHi. a son. Sam Mirkovicb, J.J. tiruek in ibt bsMBM tobtoa wbN bers, but money n needed for i assistance of the present pump, unBrninm Court of Appeal that the Granby Con­ Francis and Sam Borick when he foimd Brmm Lagutom. MUmcv cd JuNiec. terial. The letter handed to Council could give the citirens all the solidated Mining, Smelting & Power them fishingwith a net at the numtli srumutad aguiM Itob praaactra. eotiimittcc for tonsidcnition. water they needed^ot All they waMed, Ctsmpanr has abandoned its appeal of Beef Creek, in Hood Canate, in vio­ H. N. Atkinson, caretaker at--tbe. perhaps. of Ctouda. ato at uV ue a ’The 4>peal eras w-hUdrawn, lation of the sute game Bthiag law. ' I: local postoftice. srrot* asking Aid. Hart said be had not inteiided writ M a patoy af r Hilliilra- VAncottver, A|iril 9,-Thi* city The game warden said he bad ar- Conncil to lay a drain pific ai speaking on the “Tba Bilaiil rr weald htotrN ap too westerly comer of the court bouse to lain wrestling ’ with the prcUein of rested the a>en .frithout trouble, but until Engineer KingsMport had_bem that they fater ttmk to the ears and fatoea over the itoa that tUe paeM carry away surpins water from the Oriental penetration in commerce. received regarding ltiic reservoirs, a . feu deep- water when ■e u( NatiraR. In baa to a MM to eitotorit wm ig/ street. He explained that he wished The ProvineW Government rece * hud fouud thut better holding capaci^. etc. He Iw- Granby Comiiany. Heirgood waded and caught the bow of U to put in a flower garden where the >M wouM be hu- Ga»ry, rii ritolllii asMBbto Tto- licved that if we used what we own. and the Consolidated Mming & Smelt­ the boat. The men refused to obe# ’ij water at present flows. The request rent it out to every Tom, Dick proe«4to.#emtU|llN ertto barrier* aud "fjiwss referred to the street committee ing Company, of Trail, on the other; with wide powers, the assumplioi wking. Htkgoo4 and Harry, we could gel along for a said. He fired once when MMeovicb > I toh *to ciMNmio. o4 the \ (or action. and involved the supply of electric ing that these boards wosdd have while. He had advooated a meeting raised a hand holdinga knife. Heir* pvuMir M etfRtttomY and fedamry. An application for a water tapping power for the Granby Company's work­ with the 'tuanager of the Fairhanks- good's.bullet went thrangh the up­ -Wlmt b dafetol CatoA iihritoi to the raar- K from J. J. Moore was referred to the ings at Anenby. traders practishix unfair methods of Morse Co. witlj a view to obtaining raised ann and Ibrowh the cheiL Hos- we bMu uf -thc to te Mkm bl^ to m datob*- i.: superintendent for action. 1 C. Mayer*. K.C., counsel for the Compeiftion. Asiatics might he group­ sledge. AM. Hart said Hirkovtch had a tfeu turiMs. u( tocir • toito of the Nw tofbet rMbar thaa : The finance committee recommended Granby Company, assented to Mr. ed wishin this latter cUss, h k would advocate the buying of a new slight chance to live. r fur toe penee N *• woeU and to good ||e iitomliilrw of farojgn marketa ” mtmeo- Macneill's statements, j tended, by reason of their cheaper that the Council purchase Mirkovicb, who is stated to be a for the city hall work, standard of living. - i: graph maehi. fisherman by occupation, wus said by iLat have baaa uMarad in Ms Uoaaa! MMimva tot litoto<« uf Ca toto at a cost of $337..5.00 sibly nickel ore. tctontod hoto ytoerriay, .Mtor a w pump would give better results. mayor or reeve of the municii»ahty ap­ oBcims ______50.00 niusiiifi warii*t vlril to hto pvea«s. Mr ato Give the i>resfnt pomp a chance, he communistswounded plying for such I board. - Mn. Ptoican. TIinu m, Ctortetoy. The satar>- ot Mrs. H. Davidson. The pipe-line is in bad shape, Bimharmt. April *^Eight Com- The hoard has power to issue, re- Kamtoop*. April 9.-2Premiec S. F. R C ^ Stenographer in the city hall staff, will. and it was reported there were growths mCw ot cancel any licence to do bosi- oa recommendation of the finance com- Tolmic, One ofCanada’a foreuwst five- «inR«Bit in the line between the pomp and the ness within the municipality in which Isotthi with poUee i stock authorities, isn’t worried about TktoU tor tot Ototowt DtoM on : miltee. be raised five dollars per top of Extension Hill So pomp could mining sfiatriel. it has jurisdiction and to regulate the the threatened high Hoover tariff on SM. to Fteseber'* Eetomtor'* ato the i asonth from April 1st last. come that. Five stars agohe had conduct of -such business. In addition, Canadian cattle. ; Public Works ManagerShephftd re- said there was a necessity for a sep- HIGH SCHOOL PLAY the board has power to relusc to >*- "Canada ha* nothingto be difturbed : ported an expenditure on streets dur- arafe n>Pf I'"' between the pump and Students of the HighSchool will tell le, continue, transfer or renew about.” said' Premier Tolmie here re­ ' Toftno, AprO 9.-An enthusiastic fe I tug the past week of $227.52. an.l on over Extension Hill, to where the ve­ you they are presentingtheir play this mse if in the public interest. cently attendinga livestock exhibhkm. ception w*» tendered toe Prince*. j waterworks. $247.91. locity is higher,and the line onl> one- year “iust for fun," and an evenmg of Alderman Angus Maclnnes, repre- 'The United States may jack up fts North at BamfieU, Ucinefet, and To f The warrant coutaining ac- tbird full He believed the Coanctl fun it is The story of semiug Labor. oppos« the plan tariff, but Canada will still be in a fino yesterday, on the occasion Ol her 1: counts for the month was brought should obtain an eatimate on the cost who .pent a night on the Ferris the ground that drastic measures happy position." He added that down and the accounts, totalling $14,- separate line, as he had sng- Wheel and a day al home, and foundcurtail...... Oricnul...... competition would be special maiden ernite to West Coast he had refused a suggestionthat be 767,46. were ordered paid. the dav at home fat more trying be- admission of their snpcrioat.v. poinu, extending four day*. gestcil- make a trip to Washington to plead St flight nboM 9 O'chfch a Mtoto By-law No. 458 fixing the cause of the explanation* he had to oriental was brought The viceregal party expressed con tixatioo for 1929 was reconsidered make, will keep you laughing from the originally as a laborer and against the proposed tarilL siderable interest, in the gamfield caMr •Whether or not we are hit by a station, where a, test message wa* itotod ahtoU^RhiA iTl Ml M and finally adopted. start to finish. The play is called j,* competed with | ton roof la Ws ^ la to* Cbtot Rhstr Watanrarks Pvuhlaua “Mrs. Temple's Telegram."and wiU be Ulior .he was tolerated ..jfind high tariff wall, it it (he duty of Ch- through (or Lord Wfllingdon. tht DiWESNMD c Governor-General MM H« hto i«t firisbnd Ms torit < Under the heading of new business. presented at St. John'sHall on Thurs­ m> attention was paid to pTWests oi uadiaii cattle breeders to Inereatc and The lnd'ian.s with primed facess and Ml to* % M agiM Bte Aid. R#nney stated he wished to refer day of this week. Auiurin WilBams nioiu. Nor did the. whHc improve their stoeV," the premier de­ clared. ."Only ten percent of the cattle eird headdresses, did a wac dance to r J to “My friend Bob s editorial." In the ism And Audrey Gray carry heavy parts In complain of the Asiatic* as -I. ; editorial, continued Aid. Kenney, the the real play spirit, while Harvey hxlly long as they could employ Ihert at paring throtigh Canadian abbatoir* ,& first Hats beef. TW^ slock men on^t f editor of The Herald had said that he Goodman, Duane Bindon. Eric fiitv evt* a ** fe’ (the speaker) had raised damnation. Ross. Laura Jotautone. Tom Bertram Asiatic.* went into fanning on their get together ‘ - and it was dme he said something and William McKenzie complete one own and began to undersell the whites about that. They cannot hope to In­ > about the dam. He thought it only- of the finest casts that has ever been the Asiatics were branded a menaa. crease sales of beef so long as they fair that he reply to this, although he Washington, April 9.-.Mthough the assembled for a High St*ool prodmh Retail traders werp now lechng the sell stuff like “trunk hrngei.- scarcely knew whether the argument White House was silent. tl*was leara-' tjon Tlcfcets may he *tamed pinch id the same way. Premier Tolmie paid a tribute to toe Tofino, . ' ■ R%t IsMfe Iiritoisd was being carried on for the enlighten- rd today that the name of Charles from the High School students. AMerman Maclnnes characterizes the various breeders' asodatiooi which Gates Dawes, former vice-president, proposed regulation as “class legisla- doingimportant work in tba-riray In a colorful and picturesque cere­ at WelltogMn._ Iwas seirarriy bnitod ;• ; snent of each other or not. However, mony. Lord Wtllingdonhere was pre r : gettingback to the dam. His conten- been proposed to the Bjitish go\- pj,}i„re „hey •hcAt th. MBS ari* body by • lk« >1 tion." sented with an address at to* Ch­ r. tion was ttiU U one laid a piece of ernment as ambassador to the Conn r , j. Fish„, master of the “Argentineis one of our chief teato* OMfkt stooedRstob H« b ilian LegionHall, and made a chief ol • hose out straight. fBled with water, of St. James. Canadian National freighter Canadien petitors, and the cost of raisingcattle S laiirito-toraeorar the Clayoquot Indians. Seigneur, resulted in three firemen on there is oraparativeb' cheap, , , ■■ —a .a ^ ' then raised one end of the hose, the Eesidcots oi the Welt Coast have 1 water would run out. The higher you the Ship being sentenced to jail by lonEHiN n said. “But foot and mouth disease ha* TntoMW«Ttos*Ato so far been highlydcligbttojtoththe Magistrate George Jay in the city been very prevalent there and it hw 0* ifctow tout *bar« M ** ’ raised the end. the faster the water vessel, which averaged fourteen and a i would come out of the other. This ap- pofice court in yesterday. been proved that the disease can be tolm for . ptoM ^ BESCPFiil hall knots to Bamfield on this in.l»- . fiErSMCiCI carried by the carcass. That has pUc- aufees which opto hte* to May Mto, .T ■: plied to the dam at the South Fork. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. .Stcarman have ural trip. ' . then agetwo onto to tht liAat flto If it were raised, the outflow would be ed Argentine heel *t a disadvantage ,n left (or Vancouver, where Mr. Strar- The Princess Maquinna was pasted for murder and «Mof raga. „ , faster at this And,, But It had also mm Ottawa. April 9-Thc oificial an- world market* and Canada, because m man will preside at tlie semi-annual ex­ at 10 55 nmt. in Barklay Jiound, with home in mind thN the preyure nonitcemeiit was made from the De­ its fine record in the matter of health Fred Smith has toofiptel Ms hem da aminations x>f the B. C Pharmaceuti-, an exchange of whUlles. H« entire would be greateron the pipe line, and partment of Justice today of the ap­ ot .stoek. -sbmikl cash in .m that sHua- Vancouver. April 9.-Adrift for (our cal Association. Mr. N. Lloyd Dug­ crew Uned up on the deck to see tb. f, as this is already in a leaky condition, pointments oi Justice Auby Morrison tion- Once establish a name for our days when* their^ trawler. Suva, was gan. of the Owl Drug Co. Vancouver, as Cliief Justiceof the Supreme Court cattle in the world markets and ther. ^ is an old line, etc., this would have to "'tHc *wc«her Ita* been clear and £■“535*= There w« also the pos- disabled through a broken crankshaft. win be in charge of Stearman'i drug of ami Alexander is nothing else to worry abOilL If the ha* b*to traiaiog haari el hto tod to* F. Ketchcll and ARwrt Thiroux were slore daring the latter's absence. M. since leaving Victoria, and tbe 'tiWKty of loweringringthe line at this end. Fuller oi Fernic a* Pinsne Judge of market is ours cvervtbing else is all utotoriMridbeogoodoto Rdowe- „vetr from death in the storm-tossed the Supreme Court. Jiolicc J. * tairly Mnooth. which wonld decrease the preUnre on WESTERN FUEL CORTORATION right. ______I______1 hotoary CuRto ShmlsM. ri ‘ waters' Of Malaspi-m Strait. ei^lV MacDonahl under the statute* Of Bi I wadWtahts to tbtow Anbm the pipe. Regarding Engineer Shafp* ESIPLDYEES SICK AND TOREE FELLOWSHIPS ^ mile, norths of ish Columbia, becomes the Chief Jus­ Mr. Sime R..SS has Ixten appointed I in . wremihig motto twiea M report, it must ha remembered that accident FUND WILL COMMEMORATE pjn. Saturday evening by Lmon tice of the Province. a notary pnlilic at the University Unds Mr. Sharp reported on both a gravity SiMieial general meetingof member* late MAURICE CODY Steamship Cheloita. Ketchel and at Point Grey. Messrs. Leo Waugh •lystem and a pumping syNem.. -wiB be held on Sunday, April 14th in Q-l. Thiroux waged a successful fight and R. E. Benson, oi Prince Rupert, Toronto. Aprfl »-As a resuk of toe ^ #onalIy,.\hL Renncy did not believe St. John'NAmbalance Hall at 11 a.m. against reef, for more than a day Wlio mti Mhni^Bellmy ? have been-named by the Provincial gvnerosiW .of friend., of the tau ~ - that Hie installation of a centriftigal sharp. Business: To consider altera- Maurice Codn -wn bf «cv. Canon « tn toe wind changed. They < Government as member- of the board i pump on the present she wonW do any tim of Ruhr 6 and amendment of Dec. The 1-auricr Club oi Vietoria is giv­ J. Cody, who lost hi* life by drernmutg sink the engineof their JJ*™ of management of the Prince Rupert f good. He did hot fcelfeve that a cen- ?t. 1926. To add .'That si* months ing a dinner to the Hon. T. D. Pat- wh h on a canoe trip, a fellowship o» anchor, and when that failed, kept off General Ho.spital. The appmntment i trifogdlpumpwooMdelivefwatcrat ao •ball elapse before any further bene: tullo. Liberal leader, in the Chamber an annual, value ol-$l,S00 and two M ahw which she prooseto m Ltotomte 18-foot Eft. Tbe trbnncn of 1926 )»ad fits shall be paid. All members urged of Commerce building, Victoria, on lowship* to the value oi $300 haw •to ther. .warts tht opeahtg of ^ Governor in Council ol Messrs. Chm- , endorsed the gravity system. How- Thursday evening o' ibl* week. Mr. - ■, the UnhAfsity ci garito m Betotg Sto Wh» to. and most overboaia and saHs gw*- to attend. topher W. A. Neville and David U been CKttibliihed in l ‘ ever, in order to have a better untor- ’ Bv order of the Committee. Patiullo's speech op that mceasioo is oo to Pomt Barrow hi the Arttfc. , The men were sendingnp flares when Hale, of Atlin. as jutice* of the peace. T<>ro.ito. standing all round., toe 300-4t WM. SYKES. Sec. being broadcast from Victoria. . geslcd that an wfewher* of the' Chelosin came along. vifS’iP NMMNO FREE FR^ TOESDAY. APRIL 9.1«9.

satioB «t Tokyo, wtth the hope of tber AevtlopiiiR tif* trade which h« AFFDsffTE been worked tip «nce the efrabHsh- The rubber compo^ ^ raenf of a C»n»di»n corantitsioner in makes the . Japan. In the article to which reference is NEW SEBEWJtt^ here made, and which appears in of the Chamber, it American T. and T. - the most wonderful. is noted that dnriiw tWt present era Japan had entered into the orbit of the age. ' wwM trade and hat t|^n her stand Anaconda Copper . nnranp the great nations wt the worid. American Smdteri The Island Erainre baa developed a . M2J DONTTFAIL large trade exchange with Western Internatkmal Nickel - - 46:i to see this new lie a, ^ conntriea and at present welcomes Granby .—------. >93.6 Western foods for her tables a^^ Wes­ Kennieott Copper — tern materials for bnilding bp her Felt Tired OLD MAN BOOL’S many and growing indnstries. In and Miserable TIRE SHOP tnrn for these she sends to the other ADied Chernies] - «ItookLydia E. Pinkham s powers her valuable natural products, Cerro de Pasco ... sach at sak and tea: and her laanu- Sinclair______Satisned dutomert Our sales are inereaii, fay factnres, such as toys and electrical it gave me strength to do my OATISFIED customers have been largely leaps and bounds ud work.My nerves arebettoand From a standpoint of geographic responsible for the growth and prog­ rfeel wdl and strongand have simply cannot afford to pu proximity to Japms, Canada atands a aaod appetite. I sl^ ress of this Bank for sixty years. up the wonderful values of. first among the Western posrers and U Ssindsrd Oil, I and am in pretty good spiAs Todayt more than ever, we try to bring tree hoi closer by from Hi to 4 days saiHng Imperial Oil . and able to work every day fered by that king of tie time than the United^tates. Aided by liow. t recommend the Vege- a human sympathy and an intimate thU natural advantageand by the fact makers. F. A. fTrifanliig taUe Compound arid you understanding' into our daily business Aut Japan hat become a world mar­ .Atlantic Refinery - may use this letter as a t^- T. «. aootM. I ket. Canada’s exports rose from one monial."—Mio Ddima Wal­ contacts. They Cct No Sfan million doDars in valne in W26 to forty lace, Union Street, North Devon, Y townaa the two UPRKHil doet, has, of eowse. been the food sodity greatest in demand, and LANTZVEiJ; TAXI 80 BaltiiMre, April 9.- The Balti during last year Omadiaa farmers sold Sun, in a copyrighted story yesterday, HERB.BRIGIinmh» nearly twelve mfflioa dollars worth of said that six of the seven shots fired their wheat to Japanese oanramers. on the Norwegian registered banana CANADIAN Scars Roeboek-. boat Juan by a coastguard cutter bare- COLUERIES missed striking the ship as it sailed 0.ly. limited a up Chesapeake Bay Friday morning. PACIFIC Gcaersd Electric . ptain Anderson, the master of the Mmm 87 vessel, and Paul E. Kesterson, the pilot Are Now Ready to Ship and Sell Coal. Agricnltaral Irr . 64.1 who brought the Juan from outside the on hand. The fallowing program wtl be sent _ 127.4 capes into the port in Baltimore, have NT the air by the ABC Network by - 66A protested to the Norwegian consul, the Phone 446R1 and 635 For Particulars. Now is the time to put laM ■ayti^jaa^ imiykJj atkms XJft JDSK KEX, KYA, KLZ. KHTK and Kim.: Kesterson is quoted at saying the on the garden. « to 7-9ma WWicman’s Orefaettra, last shot fired by the boat, marked "C. OU Gold How (CBS from NY). G. 189* passed over the stern of the 7 to »--C«tisInstitute of Music VWVWWWhMWi ABMaaf ship and sirnck the water where WM. Bom Juan would have been were the pilot S35 FranUh Sinel W«sU 8 to 9-Vic Meym’ Popufat-Rceord- CaM money, 7 per cent. not swinging sharply to starboard at- PkoM 134 ingOrehesira. Sales first half hoar. 4S3^ r hearing the preceding shot. THE COMFORT- 9 to PJO-lkne rignsb; Bnehsntenr He taw the rotter when .he boarded iUU ROUTE Male Quartette. the Joan outside of the capes and o 10—Histories of Psul Banyan, one time it was within talking distance ANNOUNCEMENT Tw OM OwMlir. he said, but gave no sign and made no Messrs. Morrison & Stewart wish to Hiram Wa&er „ effort toward boarding (hr ship after following it for an hour. After announce to the general public that they Dommion B. - shooting, Keste^n said, the < have secured the agency for Nanaimo THROUCH Power Corpor manding officer of the coastguard TIRES . TRAINS DAILY ler did not appear, but sent alioard two and District for the 1.90 men who asked to see the ship's pa­ T« Aa PiM h Hra 1.68 pers and asked where she was hound. cJ^AvSm Con. Mia. aadEateit.- 450 They intimated the}- thought the ba­ Sudbnry Batin______, 9JS nana cargo was a camouflage, but af­ Toronto, April 9r~Statistics recently Falcon Bridge------1090 ter peering down iji the hold seemed NASH MOTOR CARS issned by the Araartasent oflabor at U7 satisfied there was no liquor aboard, and will have new models on display in aa cancerniag wages and the cost Sherritt Goiilon ^ , 870 said. of living refute eritseitm often leveHed . S1J5 After being pe. mitted to proceed, the the near future. the medical profession for itt 1875 Juan continned to Baltimore and un­ Aim vAMcouvn. charges, said Dr. T. C Rontley, gen- DalhoaM Oa . 595 loaded her barana cargo here Satur­ FURTHER PARTICULARS WILL BE «1 secretary of the Canadian Medical HogteOa™^---- . 2090 day. She is chartered by the United ARR VAKCOUVU, Pend O'reflle ~ Fruit Company. ANNOUNCED LATER. Prisrting ont the average i ER. Wilson • hi Canada today receives Phene N2 a«e)y tiwee times what be was paid for July - stnrilarwerk in 1901, and very nearl^ Commercial and Wallace donbte that received the yrar before Canadian Pacific tbe World War. Dr. Rnntlty said that mcranparisonitwoiiM be foBiid that WfaKlrfifaiBtlMy? Sailings medkal charges had not incres mote than from 98 to MB per eeht Big Opportunity "Referring to metfical tariffs." ... 'EUROPE d Courtenay em|>lor said, "it win be fonnd that, m 1901. an for nf&e caO in most parts of Casmda eras HID SUB ~ $L in 1928, an office call, as FROM SAINT JOHN R.W.BOi« the chriKxed mtsons of the were in tranilers whhoui sale, and the Tlus IS the second allotment of shares, and is to be used world in regar dto the age of baUnee in actual sales urith______LESSONS hi VOICE PRODUCTION directly and only for building purposes and for development ranking whh Greece, Siam. of ownership. Sales for the period of Oass vsteni, Italian method, The head, VenerneU., Cdha and Poteiid. March 13 to March 28 totaled $227,627. resonances, the open throat, breath- work m the mine. The first allotment was subscra>ed by the end included 82 transactions Upward, iag, the vowels, eonseoants, etc., ett members of tbe original syndicate, and with the money so ■wwwvwv hw of $230000 in reported sales l»ve not Terms per tnonth $590 each student. yet been registered in the record One lesson per week of forty minntet. subscribed the present plant was installed and the mine title changes. Private sioging leiaoot at special placed on a productive basis. Coal is being mined every We eie luodliak ■& kmda of lerma Apply Mr. Joseph Hlxloo. St. The brisk realty market is bring W- PanTs Rectory. day and the coal is of the finrat quality. hmed with interest by: the city The idiyrieal work LADIES ATTENTION There will be no difficulty m disposing'of this second ir«8hVegeta&leB0^1 ‘BUT Hart has installed two ma­ allotment and we advise anyone interested' to get their chines for poUshing hard wood floor. ^«ur nnrtime work for anything about the home These ma­ LANTZVILLE COLUERIES, LTD GIVE US A TRIAU-YOU WALL BE those in the chines are for hire at reasonable Bniiduig pemils issued for the week rates. Dt tu(e and see Mr. llart be­ Lantzville Collieries, Ud. OUR^gtON. closing Saturdigr, excluding the $2,000,- fore you start your Spring cleaning, ft 000 permit for the new north wing at will save you hours of labor and also Wallace St.. Nanaimo. B. C. Hotel, were $24,437 for Please give me full Information w seventeen profecti-. ..The new .enncrele ______; Rooms (above J. is undrrst^ that this request does and hriefc service station for the Im­ Caldwcll't store) will be open every Nnhimo Graen Gtoeery perial oa Company, at 504 ^JohiMon evening to April 6th, from 7 to 9 for the registration of voters. Registra- “* ‘ «8e 1000 Goi»*a««iiaSteecl street, is fisted at an e.______«I tions during the day can be made juypoa .Parfitt Bron have the ...... E. PUnta, I d office. NANABiO FREE PRESS. limAflf,

m M V:! ' 3 ''11

■\V(iat is Esperanto, really?" Tiont you know? Its the world langoaKc." •Where is it spoken?" •N p«herr/^______—From (.utierrer, Madrid, Spain LONDON’S HOMELESS Light to moderate northerly winds, ARE DIMINISHING ; clearing with frost at night. London. .April 9,—Sara Weller spoke of early experiences wlien he had'to find a night's lodging "in the dark arches of Waterloo Bridge. " Fisher Bod^ Year by year the London County Council Ukes a census of people found Wiiiesday SpMtIi, homeless in the streets at night. This Great RedKtie> b the Price year the census happened to be taken STYLE ANDTALUE STANSAB9 OF THE'WlfflilA of Freih Metb. during the severely frosty period when everybody who could contrive it v Pot RoMt.. lb...... ISe be expected to reach a shelter of some In value, Fisher Body superi- rials, sturdier btane construc­ ¥^her Body style fuid yb Iuo , Boiling Beef. 2 lb*. for„25c sort. Only 31 people were discovered ori|y can be measured in a^tnal tion, smoother steel paneling, of ooune, only in tiMiee ears 2 lbs. Steak minced for 35c sleeping out. less than half the dollars and eents. For instance, richer, more beautiful finiah, induded in the Piaher Bo^ her enumerated last year. Twenty- both inside and outside, f In «roaplisted below. When the 2 lb*. Sausage for...... 35c five years agothere were 1800. the upholstery cloth in any style, Fisher Body cars lead 21btLardfor...... 45c The old evil oi miserable creature* Fisher Body in a given price time comes for you to buy your sheltering by night in archways definitely in eveiry price field. next car,-be sure to inspect, Ayrshire Roll in cuts, lb. 30c clasa is finer, more beautiful staircases or slinking from bench Fisher Body designs are fresh, . first, the Fisher Body ^ars sell­ Side Bacon in cuU. lb...36c tench on the Embankment, has al­ and more durable than the up- authentic. Fisher designers ing at the price you desire to most come to an end. But this does hedfltery cloth in other bodies 3 lbs. Bulk Butter for..$1.25 arc leaders in the pay. Lse the Fisher Body can not mean London has done with the in that price class—and costs Choice Blend of Bulk Tea. problem of the Ifomeless. In this same for Fisher, the world’s largest in that price class as your per pound...... 50c census'more than M.000 people, a% much more per yard. Q Fisher builder of automobile bodies,is Standard of Style and Value, 2 tin* Pineapple for...... 25c many as in 1938, were found in uses finer carpets, genuine plate able to attract and does attcact and you will nisdte sure a mou lodging booses, and there were glass, more substantial roof the best talent in the body better body, a better ear, and a 2 dn* of Peaches for...... 39c 900 more in casual wards. csmatruction and roof mate­ 4 pkt*. Jelly Powders for 25c industry. ^ You can obtain better motor car investment. AUSTRALIAN TRADE Large Sweet Oranges, 2 doz. DECLINE IS NOTED CAMOCAC . gJt SALIX • AirLAVsmt.is.enru • for...... 45c The overseas trade figures of Aus­ Apples, per box from..$1.95 tralia for the first half of the present financial year (July to December in­ Gardra Seeds in Great clusive) rtveal a decline in both «BA'ERAL Variety. ports and exports as compared with MOTORji the corresponding six months of the Early Seed PoUtoes, Garden previous year of 7279I.I90 as against Peas and Com. 80.943.252 as regards imports and 68.- 793.252 as against 71309,265 pounds for ■Hcbell’s Ftraers exports according to D. H. Ross. Cana­ dian Trade Commissioner at Met- Market Isonrnc. Decline took place in several commodities which enter largely in MAYBE SO W DELIVER Tffi GOODS. Smith—Are you gettinga new Canada’s export trade to Australia, WOOD «ad.COAL; Phnes 920 and 921. this year? MTTLEW such as agricultural implements, tim­ CmEDM Jones—Yes. That it. at toon as Eve ber. paper and rubber tires KnIiwVo.d.l.>L_«aM; paid lor She one that I had before W.ANTED—To buy closed car. Must the one I've gotnow. ____ IN COMMONS ON Wko KSM Mbu Bdunj ? be in good condition. J. Bod*. Coo- fecltonery, 6 Commercial »treet. ’ “Ui-r- GRUN QUESTION 95-St FO RSALE—Twin cylinder motor cy­ Ottawa. .April 9.—Parliament in its cle, in good condition. Phone 876L. I rapid advance towards an early pro- ______^3t I rogation faces a week of con.stant ac- 1 tivity, Tuesday debate on the budget FOR S.ALE—Five roomed house, j is expected to be concluded. The »ame foil lot in 300 block, Kennedy street. y a hectic battle on the administra- The word (Unkm*) nj-NEK« Apply Free Press office for particu­ i, a French word meaning «»»*- ^ . n of the Canada Orain Act and the lars. 97-tf I proposal to prevent the mixing of grain I for export in Canadian evelators will FOR SALE-Good saddle and driving what* — break out in the agriculture commit- horse. light delivery waggon, Mexi­ RUTHERFORD’S Guessing Games can saddle, also harness and runners remainder oi the week, for waggon. Phone KM7L, Nanaimo. “U-NEK” [ government legislation will have the 94-3t I right of way in the commons: while TEA and COFFEE FOR RENT-Hotuekeepmg r« J the senate re-assembics Tuesday night la. Give It I private entranee. Apply 341 Irwin nrHEY were a lot of fun when we were youngsters, those guessing games. 1 for the first time since the recess. St-, phone S91L. ' 9S-tf ' Di*cussk>n on the annual financial * Guess who this is! Guess the number of beans in the pot! Guess how ] statement of the minister of finance FOR RENT-Furnished flat. Apply long the pendulum will swing! Sometimes we came pretty close to the ri^t ! wHIl likely be concluded by Hon. J. A. 45 Wallace street or phone 840Y. [ Robb. Robert Gardiner. f.F.A leader. anssver. Sometimes we were a longway off. Whichever we were, we all had SMf ] and Premier King. In all probability a good time, and the worst guesser got as much of the evening’s refreshment* Hon. R. B- Bennett. Conservative lead­ lO LET-Two room* foe light bontc- SLAR^TOOTOS^ er, will not speak. The house will then keeping; 528 Victoria Road. 40-tf as the best delve into the main motion, the Con­ ^>$1.00 ^4iAMPBELLjTUDro servative amendment, and the V F. A. HtJt BiMk IW' How far away those guessing games seem now! And how they have Oratorial utterances the bud- FOR RENT—Store on Front street., Wish to announce tbqr.are at lost their appeal. Perhaps it’s because we learned, as we grew older, that get since it was brought down next to Globe Hotel P.O. Box T3, SSiJS'p.SJ’t’K.K^SX house March 1, have filled nearly S(*l Nanaimo. 94-61 Adwim’iT New and to kanw is better than to glieu. Guess v*4iich U the best package on the ■pages of Hansard to date .Approx­ Second Hand Store imately one-half milhon words have FOUND—A number of keys on ring, grocer’s shelf! Gueu which bolt of cloth is pure wool 1 Guess which talking carryingtagnumber 81. Owner call S. and W. Bl«tli. 4*7 FItnwIlliam been sjioken by 9.1 memhers who have StrMi machine will give us most satisfaction! ' No. guessing for those thing* wasn’t expressed their views in support or at Free Press Office. V and Second Hand Range*. so much fun. We wanted to be certain. And that was one of the r condemnation of the g wernraent’s fis­ FOR RENT—Two modern houses. Pianist and I cal policy and before the division R. ROBERTSON.'Wrib we turned to advertising. W. Martindale. II rliurch bell rings this total verbiage will be 97-3t E. R. MALUN8. XMn considerably augmented J. BELU Tkvmpet. The list ot government speaker, is well nigh exhausted Hon. Ernest La Poime. minister ot justice, will resume LOST—English setter pup, lemon col­ the debate. ored face, «lx nionthv old. Finder Debate on the administration of the please ph me S93L 98-3t Canada Grain Act passed through the incipient stage on the floor of the FOR RE-NT—S-foiu7ied house on Rich­ m bouse shortly before adjournment for ards sired, off WetitwoMh Plume Easter recess. The controversy 109L. 99-6t slated to have only begun, as in GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT farmer members complam that mil­ Noticn of Applicouoo ror ConMnt * lions of dollars were lost jp the handling Tnnafer of Bw Ucoismi - albert of tast year's bumper crop oi a hun­ ^r1?,55in^ STREET Notice is hereby given that Hair dred mUlion bushels. One of the first ih day of April next the undersigned WIND BLOWN . MEATIIIARKET •acts of the agriculture committee. ' ends to apply to the Liquor Control consequence, wdl probably be the su Board for enniem to transfer of beer CUTS FOR QUAUTY AMD 8BRVI« moning of the grain commissioners license NV ll.W and issued in respect wa to afford these offitlals an op­ of premises being part of the building The popular wind blown portunity to defend themselves against known as Nanaimo Ho’el. situated Commercial Street. Nanaim.v, in hair dress is a specitlty Abo Prime Be^^on. r in which they have carr.e.l < Province of British Columbir. and de­ with this cul artd sel by scribed as Lot 4, PUn 3213. Sec. 1, 'Nanaimo City: as registered in the experts. Land Registry Office. Victoria, B. C-. IN CHILLY SPRING from David Mottuhaw to Fred Mol- If the valves have just been ground tishaw. of Nanaimo, and Reuben Mot- malaspina and a spriug day turns ce.I.I short tiihaw of Vancouver, B. C BMUty Shoppe mn* and frequent stops will undo Dated at Nanaimo, B. C., this 7th. Phe-m av,AUJiAM much of t^e work. Drive the car fur­ day of March, 1929. ther between slops in order to keep the Applicants and Transferees. 73-lm ■ engine at a more efficient temperature. m NANAIMO FREE PROS. ItJESDAV. APRIL 9. 1929.

iBORlWft Niii*lmo-«SiN«0. f «Bd Mr*. G. Berry, a *on. Both dv- ki- - ngcag^,-mwOL _____ YllMtlDr Mr. T. R. Jaetooo, mipwtor of Pete Maffeo of Nanaimo, was re­ mi««, left life. They pisyed like cbanapioiu, Victoria Cipitals. Dunci i .inJ t-hc-' 0*yleCo.,Lta. in the city, the guest of her mt^ber- sweeping down on thq I'ancouvCT net, Jiiainus in the lower, ar^.'. Nanaimo, or with matching frock of silk to form a smart enscndila.< Courtenay and Port .Alhe.ui in Ok •4M TU*'. — itt-hw, Mra WilAffit. W^ce stteet. with blinding speed. 4Por nearly Shown in a wide variety of fur-trimmed and Uilorcd styles « f minutes in this periodI the Lions fought' upper. Ladies of the Royal Ptarple meet, themdS. Home and home games will bj play the popular cape and scarf effect models. All shades indudiBf Tnesday, April 9th at 8 p.m. in the Aiain and again the Scarlet Tide ed between thl^iniersectional clubs, black. Misses' and women’s sizes. Prices rangefrom— Foresters' Hall Social session, cards. rrdled in to break on the rockKke Van­ while the teams in each section couver defence. Them Brennan war meet each bther in two home and home banwhed and through^the breach games dnring the season. At the end MANAIMO-VAlVANCOUVER ^ frenzied wave swept ?with trresistibte of the season the leading teams in the $17.50'° $45.00 twoTiahres wiH play off for the leagui' Al b rfmd- b •* 8Viua0iltp^xlRficac p^er to e^lf the 'iMons' cage. Like Princess' Mary wM.(4>e .Sten Scarcely bad the gamestarted agmn To Wumlisr Playwrs weaves, in shades of browns, blues and fawn mixtures 'll/^ new feature that will be intro­ Ditobo SUcwl Phtexppl* 19c ANNOUNCEMENT when the Lion* suffered another .dw- Sockny. Sslmow Hs, *> .Z9e are shown: 56 inches wide. Priced at— heartening break. Sanderson clutcihe^ duced by the Island League this sea­ OwtaMxl Toart Soup , tto le Hnaia# ngab tahm. ntor thn Lepine and held Wm,, Upine elboWed son win be the numbering of players ExbScte, per Z os. bettU ISe •JoBey mmA Custerd Powder Sc I MKmtm vrsMinm ag«ey far Marib Saidor IM% hhn away, hot Ion sx^f the episode ai so that the fans may distinguish one $1.95 $2.50 $2.75 PUto. Pabt wa nsa b n padri.n iderson. I player Trom another. The idea is be­ to mmih r^ w» 'A4 hmt paa- Again the Canadi4 mt ing introduced this year by the New iJMa Paint ta W had, n Pabt wer. ^e d York Yankee*, originators of the idea. that napvma saAb MsrCtna ^ thTri^ thirds and passed to Mon­ The Kst of officers follows; Honor­ bfariar gibb. nml Mb bafca duo, vMio whipped it past Brennan's ary president. Premier Tohnie; honor­ hatter nmi waar. bagar. legs to fool Jackson. ary rice-presidents, lower section. C. KASHA SUITINGS iwbteln. V IW MB emu GuM F. Davie, M.P.T., Duncan; upper sec­ iwn in the most favored shades, including fawn, blue, giri. tb Sadar Pab Pbb third l&I was the best tion, A. Saunders, Nanaimo; president P. Maffeo, Nanaimo; vice-presidents, I green mixtures; 56 inches wide. Jg 75 Cn», b h. landa ftob M8% Par. of the game. Morenz flashed down n hriiHt mah, lower section, E. Rowbottom, Vic­ Nie defeHM and sent the pn^ toria; mid-section, • D. C Macfarlane, Nanaimo; upper section. A. F. Pah. EiS: Port Albemi; seerctary-trtMsurer. Ce­ cil Mulholland. Nanaimo; delegates to ?AV1D SPENCER, LTD. W* abn antiy Martb SaiMr B.C-AB.A, Pete Maffeo or D. C. Me Fartan*. drb. in fab Wb*. bd ifarlb the prostrate 5a.br Mmr Van. n VarnnA that The orchestral accompaniment* fo WAXTED-Tem and fly, 12*1< «t •W *ba b «Aab. a gnbaM Who kiUea Mini Mkmj ? he Haydn “Creation" performapci hrger Apply Price Tre**. 8M pnspab Vanbh fcr .> ^ will be played by some of the best mu­ Mrs. James Caldwell, Nesvcastle A Matmb nf aR nabra af sicians on Vnncotiver Island. Tonfeht Mr. .A. \V. Whittinghsm left for Van­ Townsitc, has left on. a visit to friend* aaa. abl Abhaatb. wMl Ibte. at 8 p.m. eral housework. Phone BS9. 1 couver this morniiiK on a business in Calitofnia. trip. t VANCOUVER STOCK EXCHANGE See Faye Claire Lane .in.iWiWl" SAMPSON FINAL CLOSING TODAY The regular monthly mcelmgof the "Doir Dance at the aildreAlbaet Mr. J. H. Warren oi Port Alberni Canadian Red Cross Society will he St. JohnAmbiilsnce HaU Frittay, April BARDWARE passed through the city this morning Supplied by B. C Bond Corporation) held in the Legion HaU. Wednesday. 12th. KM en route to Vancouver on a basine** Big Mittonri...... Atwil lOlh at 8 o'clock. 100-2t trip. Hear Mrs. Jessie Willis Randell, fa­ g««village of Hope, in Mooseheart Partner Whist Drive Reeve* McDonald _ vorite Vancouver soprano, 'sing "With the Yale ffivirion. tonight at 8 o’clock. mmu Rufu* Argenta___ Verdure Oad" al the Pliilh.armmiic concert Tuesday first 97 3l Mr. Thomas WeBi of the Plaza and 'KSS' Bmt Thread J Good Eats Cafes, returned at noon Daihoasie CHI . DR. E. T. WHITE DIES IU». J5peckl . from a bnrinesa trip to the Mamland. Devenish_____ London, Onl.. .^pril 9.—Dr. Edwin HAVE YOUR CLOCK I Juvenile Foresters, boys, will i Faby.------T. UTiite. assistant princip.*! of the OVERHAULED! I I i* a mistaken, Me* I Mr. and Mr*. S. Thompson of Saa- Freehold _____ - their goldenwed­ rJ that a clock wiU rwi Home Oil____ the show, , It I definitely without pss^,. ding hwt Friday, have >»een the guest* IB. Alberta....__; tention. Neglect since Sunday of their granddaughter, Regent — ruin your clock. ~ Mrs. Frank WWte. Skinner street. CARD OF THANKS Phone us and we wiB ■ They left by the afternoon boat today, The Nanaimo Ladies' First Aid class call and get the clocr«J '■“.Stl—i ANNOUNCEMENT on a visit to relative*^ the Maiidand,. wishes to thank the officers and mem- I Mr. J. LmU. R.7U.MS. LX-CJH., fin1ihe'd.*''''An'' *or| her* o< the \'.I.M.S. Association for guaranteed. Mr. Pete Peaiaon iwt today on ai Tht Kbbum (figh Sekod provirting us the opportunity of meet­ €»**w lMcb.r ami fw- IS yur. Musi­ bnrineu trip to the Terminal City,, Stariaiti ing in friendly compelirion with the cal Dfawesoe of tb. Csqsitol Tb..tr., ladies of other parts of the Island at will nmv cbv.to .U bis Oib. to lb. 1I& T, Strangof Ladysmith, pa»*ed' present their annual play Cumberland on Saturday night last. Iiriti.. both Prim.,, «ul Advao tbrxmgh Nanaimo thi*,afternoon on a ‘^MRS. TEMPLE'S Also Cnmberhtid Centre for their visit to the MainlaiidSt* wk in helping to make it the success TELEGRAM” , it wss. And we also wt»h to thank all A merry mix-up meant to make ^ you mirthful those who provided their cars, espe- ciaUy Mr. J. Hunt for the large l>us StMoiIU,n>n4l.7.Apr9 ' - transportation of juvenile lltL teams up to Cumberhud and return. TOWELS 1lit,feek We'i MRS. F. M. THORNE. Pres. ,>.g. &gli.h M Tow.l., pto...... 7S<«lto.l .letesday Sped^ • U,p Wh.1, Towel., will, colored «dp». pdf dm

, 17**'«5y«^to.... PilW ready ^redWerwiling. l5iM,4j.anl.fot... ‘ BEDS , reg'^ t l .25. to clear, pair ,69c AUenON SALE iCo«ewi8 SMlbekteStl! Wedaesdsy, April tOth. OwckClau Towelling. 4 ynrd. lor now Ml , •t 1.30 pan. sharp. Check Glass Towelling. 3 yards for Price* }• der instructions from Mr. R. L, amsay, Fitld Superintendent L-" EGGS ' EC«S.-loc.l Fred, Egg,. Enlre, 3 dore. In. In Basement of Harvey Murpliy'* Store Robin Hood Oats and mm Following 12-inch Disc Plow, Light Wi See u* about your New ;gon. New Disc, Two Set* of Jlarne Linoleums. Our slock i* al­ RobiB Hood nFl«ir/i49.. O^S^’s Wool SMreater* wirii polo col- a Motor Engine. etc„ «»c. ways fresh. If you would per sack...... ,.....$2.35 like us to measure your floors Robin Hood ’ Breakfast Oats 27 ^ Ui^leaAf^ Canton nannel, regular Machme. cost $65.00, One Solid Oak Phone 1025 • yard...ASc Fumed Finish Dining Set of eight eces, co*t $175 (like newL We shall be pleased to do so. 1 Empire Typewriter. 1 Edon Elec- ■ic Washer, cost $165; Leather Suit ARTHUR I malpa ss^ V^OI^N X HITCHEN I MALPASS & WILSON „ P m ■ ■ m Sgm