: : V ' : : -V- 'i:;' ^ v ■ ■ ^ T«r imkf OtaMT M ik Vkv r.fi Yow Ttat. Worry ud UfMcy eastern and native OYSTsaa UKEN UAV AMD NIUHT. PLAZA CAFE fm-FIFTH YEAR. NANAMO, VAHDOUVER SLAM). OOLUIB^ HJESDAY. APItt 9. 1929. MISSING PLANE IS REPO Canadian SUteBMnt b OncniffiSIIIIIIttEltllOHS Given to Washington Ha«B«an PiaSid Htiisni n BCKWKwp a m M m m. m. m. m. m. m. AVathingtou, April 9.—Representa- Mils DIB nniT wJns of the. Canadian Cmvernment . IL s. V. im against the sinking of khe schooner bym OkyiMiHmIm Mm Fm Alone, were formally presented to usTioirsciiicim Secretary Stimson by the Hon. Vin­ to toM Um Iwmi m lU CM«t. lUrtr Mto i cent MasMy. Canadian Minister, to^ Mm. AtotowMitoNAat by^tolMiff « day. The Canadians did not make‘s The t tO' Council nift in nsvLir »r«- cil al sonu- near date, inspect the lower imblic the contents of the note, and it to *• IfcrfM topirt. irfckfc «• kr «km last eveniiw, the lull board b«nK portion of the waterworks, and that service." ' . is expected the State Department win CmUm ii bCMpliiii Ito hMiMtor, % pre»nt. H>> Worship Mayor Btisby /ncnibcrs of the Press he invited to at. take time to study it before h is pub-, presWing. A communication tend the inspection. Aid. Renncy con­ (tee «W tot te priNtoito to At te ito At S eeivcd from Mr. A. E. Craddock re­ fished. cluded by saying that “my friend in the Stite Cte CaptCtetiterftiA^ftoitototo ^ garding the placing of signs hi the editorial said something about my new­ HRMBT neighborhood of schools. On motion found knowledge: well, all 1 can say to of AWertnan Barsby and Hart the let- that is 1 knew twitCT'would ruD dostn ■ ter ’•'II be handed ovm to the school hill beiore 1 Cnme into the Council." (ilifiilDEN ; bo««L Mayor Busby said that afl kuuw M. Armstrong, hon.aecretary of the rater could be brought into the city in BBumn MB nil BUB ; Nanaimo Cricket Oab, wrrote asldiig sniBuii Bremerton. WaMt. Aprfl It-Jolm large quantities, but, the questiou was Mkkovich, fifD'-five, of Erntfe Htr- i..tbc Coumal for a donation for the of money. It would require the «.«lnb. He exptained that this was the Vancouver, April 9.—What promised Imr. JfitiAp County, wu in a buipital MIBSIIIB NIMBI n paaung of a.money by-4aw, and be did here today detperately tvoumtod as > 5 first time they had erer requeued fi- > be one of the asMt faltiurly eon- not believe the'rattfAyers at the pre­ result of an encounter with F. II. ’ nancial assistance, but the occasion vas tested appeals carried from Britisli sent time wanted this. Es-entually Ex­ Heirgood,Khsap County «4sm war­ J eattraordinary. TTie dob are tearing Columbia to the Judicial Committee of mniBiiiniiii tension Hin must be either gonearound the Privy Council, was withdrawn yes­ den. who said he. shot. Uirkovich when _ : doan the present old pavilion on the through to gel more water. .At the imiiiBiiH terday, when A. H. Macnetll. K.C.. the latter attempted to escape arrest. ; ^ groonds, and erecting counsel for West Kootenay Power & Heirgoodreported he had arrested 4.tha lab^-i» being supplied by ns wtirrying. He believed that with ijght Company, aonouflced in (he MirkoviHi. a son. Sam Mirkovicb, J.J. tiruek in ibt bsMBM tobtoa wbN bers, but money n needed for i assistance of the present pump, unBrninm Brmm Lagutom. MUmcv cd JuNiec. terial. The letter handed to Court of Appeal that the Granby Con­ Francis and Sam Borick when he f oimd Council could give the citirens all the srumutad aguiM Itob praaactra. eotiimittcc for tonsidcnition. solidated Mining, Smelting & Power them fishing with a net at the numtli water they needed^ot All they waMed, H. N. Atkinson, caretaker at--tbe. Ctsmpanr has abandoned its appeal of Beef Creek, in Hood Canate, in vio­ perhaps. of Ctouda. ato at uV ue a I: local postoftice. srrot* asking ’The 4>peal eras w-hUdrawn, lation of the sute game Bthiag law. ' Aid. Hart said be had not inteiided The game warden said he bad ar- writ M a patoy af r Hilliilra- Conncil to lay a drain pific ai VAncottver, A|iril 9,-Thi* city speaking on the rested the a>en .frithout trouble, but “Tba Bilaiil rr weald htotrN ap too westerly comer of the court bouse to lain wrestling ’ with the prcUein of until Engineer KingsMport had_bem that they fater ttmk to the ears and fatoea over the itoa that tUe paeM carry away surpins water from the Oriental penetration in commerce. received regarding ltiic reservoirs, a . feu deep- water when ■e u( NatiraR. In baa to a MM to eitotorit wm ig/ street. He explained that he wished The ProvineW Government rece better holding capaci^. etc. He Iw- Heirgoodwaded and caughtthe bow of * hud fouud thut U to put in a flower garden where the Granby Comiiany. licved that if we used what we own. the boat. The men refused to obe# >M wouM be hu- Ga»ry, rii ritolllii asMBbto Tto- ’ij water at present flows. The request and the Consolidated Mming & Smelt­ rent it out to every Tom, Dick wking.Htkgoo4proe«4to.#emtU|llN ertto barrier* aud "fjiwss referred to the street committee ing Company, of Trail, on the other; with wide powers, the assumplioi and Harry, we could gel along for a said. He fired once when MMeovicb > I toh *to ciMNmio. o4 the \ (or action. and involved the supply of electric ing that these boards wosdd have while. He had advooated a meeting raised a hand holdinga knife. Heir* pvuMir M etfRtttomY and fedamry. An application for a water tapping power for the Granby Company's work­ dafetol CatoA iihritoi to the raar- with the 'tuanager of the Fairhanks- good's.bullet went thrangh the up­ -Wlmt b K from J. J. Moore was referred to the ings at Anenby. traders practishix unfair methods of Morse Co. witlj a view to obtaining raised ann and Ibrowh the cheiL Hos- we bMu uf -thc to te Mkm bl^ to m datob*- i.: superintendent for action. 1 C. Mayer*. K.C., counsel for the Compeiftion. Asiatics might he group­ sledge. AM. Hart said Hirkovtch had a tfeu turiMs. u( tocir • toito of the Nw tofbet rMbar thaa : The finance committee recommended Granby Company, assented to Mr. ed wishin this latter cUss, h k would advocate the buying of a new slight chance to live. r fur toe penee N *• woeU and to good ||e iitomliilrw of farojgn marketa ” mtmeo- Macneill's statements, j tended, by reason of their cheaper that the Council purchase Mirkovicb, who is stated to be a for the city hall work, standard of living. - i: graph maehi. fisherman by occupation, wus said by iLat have baaa uMarad in Ms Uoaaa! MMimva tot litoto<« uf Ca toto at a cost of $337..<iO, and that the pre- Oriental encroacliracnt on retail at tto UMra Mtototoa ef a pnatol. IMK tht hama Murtol watod grow aad authorities to have a record of cou- seat minieographbe told to the school trade, according to .Mderman Warner eraasr la the caetotto tolto bf fldM M peatoeta at Caaato could bt run imjtalf the jirke Of .the viciions tor game law' ' bflM for the sum of TKM. The recom- muMiCiuisi Loat, is steadily increasing in the sub­ citoMry to the rawto of aakOKi. R-‘MeUtoto Uherto «< Marto present one. People would feel safe urban districts and white right to fish hgd been qnest'ioned be­ . Biendation was adopted. for fire purptsses and could have their cause he is wn alteu. Mr. ItoilMt. - ptotMea i. stoatoii toe tow toat too he claim*, arc-suffering from unfair gardens. He did not agree that Ex­ FraqeU mM the Another i fiflilMSBIV competition. There i» a danger, he tension Hill Was the lUaio trouble. |. cemuMtee as follows, w mvs. that the‘while trader will he Crvstal Creek was 16 feet higher, and diinn out of hasirw** alWgt^er un­ hwaii the point o( mort wf JSe pewent Wwil..;*- '......................... less restrictive measures arc adajfttd' 1^* ' tee have had « troublc. against the Oriental Aid. Smith said that it seetn^ that Sioux lookeut. Out.. April 9.-sTwo The provincial legiiUtion unless one expressed -their view* iu Fokker planes piloted by Jimmy passed provides for appointment at the public they were not given credit for \ ance and Duke Schiller are enrontc request of a monjcipal council of a the heat of pretodto " M -ssliF thinking anything about the water trades license Iward within a city or from here for Chesterfield Inlet. The was cloMd to Canada, other k -1 Canada - - ? problem For his part, be did not numiciiiality. consisting oi a mcmbei plane* will explore the west coast of would hav. to be found I" * Nanaimo Public Health Nurs- agree with Aid. Hart or the editor of appointed by the Lirutenaiit-Governor- ABOlITTililliT 100.00 Hudson's Bay which is thought to be The HeraW regardingthe necessity of iii t ouncil. one appointed by the mu­ 100.00 particularly rich in copper and pos­ Mn. J. C McGravir. Sktonar ttteeL new pump. He did not believe a nicipal council and the third to be the I s^^£rS.,“ r >5.00 sibly nickel ore. tctontod hoto ytoerriay, .Mtor a w pump would give better results. mayor or reeve of the municii»ahty ap­ oBcims __________ 50.00 niusiiifi warii*t vlril to hto pvea«s. Mr ato Give the i>resfnt pomp a chance, he communistswounded plying for such I board.
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