THE BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 5:00 PM (PT) – 7:00 PM (PT) In person: School Board Office, 811 Stanley Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 1N7 By video conference: Prince Charles Secondary School, Room 104, Creston, BC

1. Call to Order A. Welcome new Director of Human Resources Services – Chair Trenaman B. Welcome Student Trustees – Chair Trenaman 2. Acknowledgement of Aboriginal Territory We acknowledge, respect and honour the First Nations in whose traditional territories the Kootenay School District operates and all Aboriginal people residing within the boundaries of School District No. 8. 3. Insertions/Deletions to proposed Agenda 4. Adoption of Agenda Proposed Resolution: THAT the Agenda for this October 1, 2019 meeting, BE ADOPTED, as circulated. 5. Receiving Presentations: A. Equity Scan – District Principal Higginbottom 6. Opportunity for Comments by the Public 7. Consent Package (p. 3) App. 7 8. Adoption of Minutes (p. 12) App. 8 Proposed Resolution: THAT the minutes from the September 10, 2019 Regular Meeting, BE ADOPTED. 9. Future and Action Item Tracking 10. Old Business: Nil 11. Education A. Superintendent’s Report (p. 18) App. 11A

B. Recognize World Teacher Day (Oct 5, 2019) – Superintendent Perkins / Chair Trenaman

12. Finance & Operations A. Long-range enrolment projections and demographics analysis (Baragar) Handout 12A

B. Draft Letter to BCSTA Regarding School Site Acquisition Charges (SSAC) (p. 31) App. 12B

Proposed Resolution: THAT the Board respond to BCSTA regarding SSAC as proposed.

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 1 Agenda – Regular Meeting Board of Education – School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) October 1, 2019

13. Policy & Governance: Nil 14. Human Resources A. Staffing Update – Director Holitzki / Director Singh B. Enrolment Update – Director Holitzki / Director Singh Handout 15. Trustee Verbal Reports 16. Question Period 17. Meeting Schedule & Reminders (p. 32) App. 17 A. BCSTA – Meeting of Board Chairs Thursday, October 17, all day, Westin Wall Centre, B. BCSTA - MoE Joint Liaison Meeting Friday, October 18, all day, Westin Wall Centre, Vancouver C. Board Meetings The next COW Meetings & Board Meeting are scheduled for Tuesday, October 22, 12:30pm. Location: PCSS, Creston D. Facilities Plan - Family of Schools Consultation Meetings Kaslo Wednesday, October 23, 5:30 pm at Jewett Slocan Valley Monday, October 28, 5:30 pm at Winlaw Elementary Salmo Tuesday, October 29, 5:30 pm at Salmo Secondary Crawford Bay Wednesday, October 30, 5:30 pm at CBESS Creston Wednesday, November 6, 5:30 pm at PCSS Nelson Thursday, November 7, 5:30 pm at Trafalgar E. BCSTA Provincial Council Friday, October 25 & Saturday, Oct 26, all day, Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver F. BCSTA Trustee Academy Thursday, November 28 – Saturday, Nov 30, 2019, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver G. BCSTA – Provincial Council Friday, February 21 – Saturday, Feb 22, all day, Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver H. Board’s Budget Dinner Thursday, April 2, at 5pm, at the Prestige, Nelson I. PVP Meeting with Trustees – Budget Internal Consultation Wednesday, April 8, 12pm - 2pm, JVH Kaslo J. BCSTA AGM Thursday, April 16, 12pm – Sunday, April 19, 12pm, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver 18. Adjournment of Meeting

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 Appendix 7


ITEM The following Consent items are routine items received for information.

1. Board Correspondence Package p. 4 2. Receipt of Record of August 13, 2019 Special Closed Board Meeting p. 11 3. Annual Financial Discussion Handout



1. F. Nay, K. Allaire, L. Bourassa, D. Hill (parents from Kaslo) to J. Horgan, Premier of BC September 3, 2019 and R. Fleming, Minister of Education, relative to Our Children’s Right to Equitable Education

2. B. Eaton, Director of Instruction SD8, to F. Nay, K. Allaire, L. Bourassa, D. Hill (parents September 10, 2019 from Kaslo), relative to letter from September 3, 2019

3. V. Adrian, Co-Chair SD74, N. Rempel, Co-Chair SD74, to Minister R. Fleming, Ministry September 10, 2019 of Education, relative to Recruitment and Retention

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 4 October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 5 October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 6 October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 7 October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 8 School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) PO Box 250, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250 453 9101 FAX: 250 453 2425

September 10, 2019

The Honourable Rob Fleming, MLA Minister of Education PO Box 9045 STN Prov Govt , BC V8W 9E2

Dear Minister,

Re: Recruitment and Retention

The Gold Trail Board of Education met on September 3, 2019 and discussed its ongoing difficulty with recruitment and retention. This is the second school year the Board has written to you to express concerns regarding this ongoing challenge.

In September, Gold Trail started the school year with eight classroom teaching positions unfilled. In September 2018, the district had twelve unfilled teaching positions. These positions remained vacant throughout the school year. As a result, the district transferred and reassigned teachers from valuable non-enrolling positions to ensure students had classroom teachers. The decrease from twelve to eight vacant positions is not an improvement. It is a result of the district choosing not to post non-enrolling positions while it seeks to fill classroom positions.

This year the district has also been unable to fill a principal position which required the re-assignment of the District Principal of Aboriginal Education to a school principal position. This role is important to the work of the district and even more so now as the district implements the BC Tripartite Education Agreement and supports employees to understand and work towards the Calls to Action within the Truth and Reconciliation Report.

The Board is limited in its ability to incentivize people to join our team. We observed the provincial efforts to recruit French Immersion teachers from France and Belgium and would value similar efforts to increase awareness in the value and importance of teaching in rural districts.

The Board appreciate the efforts of the school staff to meet the needs of students, families and communities during these shortages, however, we worry the shortages will negatively impact our ability to retain staff in future years. We are also concerned this will

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 9 To: The Honourable Rob Fleming, MLA From: Co-Chairs, Adrian and Rempel 2 | Page

negatively affect the learning of our students. Gold Trail’s increasing graduation rate shows the dedication and hard work of the team in the district to improve the learning experience for each student; however, we are unsure how long the district and staff can sustain this work with such significant shortages.

To address the recruitment and retention challenges in Gold Trail, the district has made difficult choices: • closing the Gold Trail Distributed Learning program, • restructuring grade levels at Sk’il’ Mountain Community School which requires Grades 8-12 students to travel three hours per day on a rural mountain road to Lillooet for the second school year, • eliminating non-enrolling collaborative teaching positions, and • requiring some principals to teach full-time affecting their capacity to lead learning and build relationships with students, caregivers and community.

We look forward to hearing from you as to how we can work together to continue to provide quality education in Gold Trail.




Cc Jackie Tegart, MLA Deborah Jeffrey, FNESC First Peoples Education Council BCSTA (for distribution to BC Boards of Education)

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October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 11 Appendix 8

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 6:00 PM (PT) – 7:00 PM (PT) In person: School Board Office, 811 Stanley Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 1N7 By video conference: Prince Charles Secondary School, Room 104, Creston, BC

BOARD: L. Trenaman B. Maslechko S. Walsh A. Gribbin D. Lang

DISTRICT STAFF: C. Perkins, Superintendent M. McLellan, Secretary-Treasurer B. Eaton, Director of Inclusive Education D. Holitzki, Director of Human Resource Services N. Ross, Acting Director of Innovative Learning Services N. Howald, Director of Information Technology B. MacLean, Director of Operations S. Whale, Executive Assistant C. Riehl (via Video Conference at PCSS)

PARTNERS: D. Kunzelman, KLTF (via Video Conference at PCSS)

GUESTS: T. Harper, Nelson Star A. Ruggiero, Grant Thornton R. Lynch, Grant Thornton

REGRETS: S. Nazaroff, Trustee C. Beebe, Trustee S. Chew, Trustee B. Coons, Trustee

1. Call to Order Chair Trenaman called the meeting to order at 5.58 pm. She welcomed everyone back to the new school year. 2. Acknowledgement of Aboriginal Territory We acknowledge, respect and honour the First Nations in whose traditional territories the Kootenay Lake School District operates and all Aboriginal people residing within the boundaries of School District No. 8. 3. Insertions/Deletions to proposed Agenda: Nil 4. Adoption of Agenda Moved by Trustee Walsh, seconded by Trustee Lang and RESOLVED: 19/20-001 THAT the Agenda for this September 10, 2019 meeting, BE ADOPTED, as circulated. 5. Receiving Presentations: Nil 6. Opportunity for Comments by the Public

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Minutes – Regular Meeting Board of Education – School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) September 10, 2019

At the request of Chief Louie, Chair Trenaman publicly acknowledged and again apologized for a comment that she made at the June board meeting, which he perceived as very offensive. In response to an email she received from Chief Louie she stated: “I am sorry to learn that you did not accept the apology I gave to you during our meeting. I ask that you please understand that my intention was the complete opposite of how you interpreted it. I am learning, and ask that you pardon my ignorance of understanding. I have since come to understand, through a perspective provided in a letter from Suzanne Pederson, why you would consider my remark offensive. Once again, I offer my sincere apology and will also do so publicly at our next Board of Education meeting. It is my hope that you will accept my apology and continue to work with us in supporting our students. I, and staff, would be pleased to meet with you again for any discussions that will support better understanding and positive relationships between us.” Furthermore, Chair Trenaman added: “Chief Louie, I am sincerely sorry and will strive to broaden my understanding so I do not appear to be “colour blind” as referred to in Suzanne Pederson’s letter. We are an inclusive district that cares about every student in our schools.” 7. Consent Package Trustee Gribbin requested the following letters to be pulled from the correspondence package:  July 25, 2019, S. Pederson to C. Perkins (p. 17) and reply from August 20, 2019 (p. 75)  July 29, 2019, R. Cawston to SD8 Board of Education (p. 20-21) incl. Appeal (p. 22-73)  July 30, 2019, L. Trenaman to Mayor and Council, Town of Creston (p. 74) All letters were added to the agenda as Item 11C. Moved by Trustee Maslechko, seconded by Trustee Lang and RESOLVED: 19/20-002 THAT the Consent Package for this September 10, 2019 meeting, BE RECEIVED, as circulated. 8. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Trustee Walsh, seconded by Trustee Lang and RESOLVED: 19/20-003 THAT the minutes from the June 25, 2019 Regular Meeting, BE ADOPTED. 9. Future and Action Item Tracking 10. Old Business: Nil 11. Education A. 2019/2020 EDCOW Terms of Reference Moved by Trustee Walsh, seconded by Trustee Maslechko and RESOLVED: 19/20-004 THAT the 2019/2020 Education Committee of the Whole Terms of Reference, BE APPROVED, as recommended by the EDCOW Committee. B. 2019/2020 Education Committee of the Whole Annual Plan Moved by Trustee Maslechko, seconded by Trustee Walsh and RESOLVED: 19/20-005 THAT the 2019/2020 EDCOW Annual Plan, BE APPROVED, as recommended by the EDCOW Committee.

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Minutes – Regular Meeting Board of Education – School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) September 10, 2019

C. Letters from Correspondence Package

Trustee Gribbin acknowledged the apology made to Chief Louie by the Chair. He referenced the July 25th letter from Ms. Pederson and July 29th letter from Mr. Cawston, raising issues from them. A discussion ensued. It was pointed out that the Board has been clear and proactive against any racism or discrimination, as in its August 20, 2019 letter to Ms. Pederson, as well as in many other ways.

Trustee also inquired as to the purpose of the meeting with the Town of Creston regarding Kin Park per the letter from Chair Trenaman to Creston Counsel. A brief discussion ensued. All Trustees were reminded they are invited to attend the meeting, which will be a closed meeting of the Town’s Counsel.

12. Finance & Operations A. 2019/2020 O&F Committee Terms of Reference Moved by Trustee Lang, seconded by Trustee Walsh and RESOLVED: 19/20-006 THAT the 2019/2020 Operations and Finance Committee of the Whole Terms of Reference, BE APPROVED, as recommended by the O&F Committee. B. 2019-2020 O&F Committee Annual Plan Review Moved by Trustee Lang, seconded by Trustee Walsh and RESOLVED: 19/20-007 THAT the 2019-2020 Operations and Finance Committee of the Whole Annual Plan BE APPROVED, as recommended by the O&F Committee. C. 2019-2020 AFG Plan & 2020-2021 Capital Plan – M. McLellan Moved by Trustee Lang, seconded by Trustee Walsh and RESOLVED: 19/20-008 THAT the 2019-2020 Annual Facilities Grant Spending Plan BE APPROVED; and THAT in accordance with provisions under section 142 (4) of the School Act, the proposed Five-Year Capital Plan for 2020-2021, as provided on the Five-Year Capital Plan Summary for 2020-2021, submitted to the Ministry of Education, BE APPROVED. D. 2018-2019 Annual Financial Reports  2018/2019 Audited Financial Statements  Surplus Restrictions & Carry-Forwards  Audit Report The Auditors made themselves available for further inquiries from the Board as to the Audited Financial Statements. Secretary-Treasurer McLellan reported that Surplus Restrictions request for this year have only the basic, routine carry-forwards and surplus restrictions, which he would ask board to approve. He elaborated on each item on the Restrictions listing presented on Appendix 12D- 2. The question was asked as to what is planned for the remaining unrestricted surplus, to which the response was that it was additional reserve with no plans or recommendations being made by Staff to the Board at this time. Chair Trenaman thanked the auditors. As there were no further questions for them, the auditors left the meeting. Moved by Trustee Walsh, seconded by Trustee Lang and RESOLVED: 19/20-009

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Minutes – Regular Meeting Board of Education – School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) September 10, 2019

THAT the Surplus Restrictions, BE APPROVED, and THAT the 2018/2019 Audited Financial Statements, BE APPROVED. 13. Policy & Governance: A. 2018/2019 G&P Committee Terms of Reference Moved by Trustee Walsh, seconded by Trustee Maslechko and RESOLVED: 19/20-010 THAT the 2019/2020 Governance and Policy Committee of the Whole Terms of Reference, BE APPROVED, as recommended by the G&P Committee. B. 2019-2020 G&P Committee Annual Plan/Policy Priority List Moved by Trustee Maslechko, seconded by Trustee Walsh and RESOLVED: 19/20-011 THAT the 2019-2020 Governance and Policy Committee of the Whole Annual Plan/Policy Priority List BE APPROVED, as recommended by the G&P Committee. C. Review of Operational Plan Superintendent Perkins presented the enclosed Operational Plan. She reported that it is a rough outline of the year and subject to change. D. New Policies - Policy Pro Formas and Ministry mandated policy  Policy 270: Memorials for Deceased Students or Staff (S. Rothermel)  Policy 350: Provision of Menstrual Products to Students (Ministry mandated)  Policy 850: Cyber-misconduct (N. Howald)  Policy 860: Social Networking-Media (N. Howald) Moved by Trustee Maslechko, seconded by Trustee Walsh and RESOLVED: 19/20-012 THAT Policies above BE REFERRED to the Governance and Policy Committee of the Whole. E. Revised Policies  Policy 540: Supervisory Conflict of Interest  Policy 730: Pesticides  Policy 810: Use of Information and Communications Technology (no suggested changes)  Policy 820: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (no suggested changes)  Policy 830: Wireless Technology in Schools  Policy 831: Cell Phones & Digital Devices  Policy 840: Use of Video Surveillance  referred to next Committee meeting Moved by Trustee Walsh, seconded by Trustee Maslechko and RESOLVED: 19/20-013 THAT the above revised Policies, BE APPROVED, as recommended by the G&P Committee.

14. Human Resources A. Temporary Superintendent Succession – Superintendent Perkins Moved by Trustee Maslechko, seconded by Trustee Walsh and RESOLVED: 19/20-014 THAT the Temporary Superintendent Succession BE APPROVED. 15. Trustee Verbal Reports

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Minutes – Regular Meeting Board of Education – School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) September 10, 2019

Trustee Lang: attended several BCPSEA board meetings in July and August, Provincial Teleconference, SSACs (School Site Acquisition Charges) meeting. Trustee Walsh: attended PAC meeting and South Nelson Elementary opening day meet-and-greet. Chair Trenaman: participated interview process for HR Director position with trustee Chew, attended Abed Pro-D, interviewed Student Trustees, attended Aug 21-22 Trustee Leadership Development Session. 16. Question Period: Nil 17. Meeting Schedule & Reminders A. BCSTA Kootenay Boundary Branch - AGM Friday, Sept 27, 3pm until Sept 29, 11am. Location: , BC B. Board Meetings The next Board Meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, 1pm. Location: Nelson School Board Office C. BCSTA – Meeting of Board Chairs Thursday, October 17, all day, Westin Wall Centre, Vancouver D. BCSTA - MoE Joint Liaison Meeting Friday, October 18, all day, Westin Wall Centre, Vancouver E. Facilities Plan - Family of Schools Consultation Meetings  Kaslo Wednesday, October 23, 5:30 pm at Jewett  Slocan Valley Monday, October 28, 5:30 pm at Winlaw  Salmo Tuesday, October 29, 5:30 pm at Salmo Secondary  Crawford Bay Wednesday, October 30, 5:30 pm at CBESS  Creston Wednesday, November 6, 5:30 pm at PCSS  Nelson Thursday, November 7, 5:30 pm at Trafalgar F. BCSTA Provincial Council Friday, October 25 & Saturday, Oct 26, all day, Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver G. BCSTA Trustee Academy Thursday, November 28 – Saturday, Nov 30, 2019, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver H. BCSTA – Provincial Council Friday, February 21 – Saturday, Feb 22, all day, Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver I. Board’s Budget Dinner Thursday, April 2, at 5pm, at the Prestige, Nelson J. PVP Meeting with Trustees – Budget Internal Consultation Wednesday, April 8, 12pm - 2pm, JVH Kaslo K. BCSTA AGM Thursday, April 16, 12pm – Sunday, April 19, 12pm, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver

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Minutes – Regular Meeting Board of Education – School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) September 10, 2019

18. Adjournment of Meeting Superintendent Perkins thanked Director MacLean and his team for their hard work in renovating the new School Board Office and the work they have done at Hume Elementary. The meeting adjourned at 6:53 pm.

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 17 Appendix 11A

Superintendent’s Report October 1, 2019 Submitted by: Dr. Christine Perkins, Superintendent/CEO

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 18 Superintendent’s Report


● Open House and PAC the annual PAC pot luck dinner a huge success this year!! ● Staff involved in SHelly Moore workshops,Faye Brownlie, POPARD. Also, whole staff participation in Mental Health Literacy during the August Pro D days for ARES

● Introduction and implementation of Caring School Communities as part of our continued goal around positive school culture.

● Cross Country running has started, Terry Fox run on The 26th, Orange shirt day activities the last week of September in preparation for Monday September 30th. CANYON LISTER ELEMENTARY

● Orange Shirt Day activities and assembly to continue to work towards equity, as well as towards truth and reconciliation calls to action.

● New trails and a new tipi platform outdoor learning area completed in our school forest over the summer, and the debut trail event is a Creston inter-school cross country trail running meet hosted by Canyon- Lister.

● We have now scheduled UNESCO Hour into our weekly timetable for K-7. This is a time when all students are working on cross-curricular projects connected to the UN Sustainability Goals, and there are opportunities for students to be flexibly grouped according to individual interest. ERICKSON ELEMENTARY

● September is the month of Professional development - 4 teachers at Faye Brownlie, 4 staff at Shelly Moore, and 25 staff from Canyon-Lister and Erickson School at Carole Fullerton

● Nearly all classrooms at capacity with 209 students in attendance in total ● Cross Country running has begun. PRINCE CHARLES SECONDARY

● reopening of HUB services ● Full slate of Fall sports offered, Yeti programming has commenced ● Terry Fox Assembly and Run were terrific WILDFLOWER CRESTON

● A successful start-up to our second year as an expanded classroom community out in Creston with the addition of several new families to the K-3 and 4-7 classrooms. Also, we are welcoming the addition of Fraser P. (teacher) and Erin F. (educational assistant) to the Wildflower team out in Creston.

● Successful acquisition of grant money from a variety of sources to put toward the first phase of an outdoor play area for the Creston Wildflower students.

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 19 Superintendent’s Report


● Crawford Bay Elementary Secondary welcomed 78 students. The startup was as smooth. ● Highlights have included, o Visit by Cops for Kids o Weekly assemblies for K to 7 students which are virtue based o Strong staff pulling together to make things work in a small Elementary/Secondary school.


● Monthly assemblies which centre around the Seven Sacred Teachings; this ties in to our school code of conduct

● Multi-graded classrooms in the intermediate end which provide for many collaborative and innovative practices

● Partnership with CBAL to provide opportunities for students with literacy challenges to do one-to-one reading with volunteers

● SES and SSS participated in the Terry Fox Run together; students enjoyed a hot dog lunch together SALMO SECONDARY

● Successful team building and school community event at Champion ● Launching of weekly exploratory classes in which students engage in interest based inquiry activities ● Implementation of a cafeteria course which services the breakfast and hot lunch program


● 10 students are now attending Jewett from grades K-5, after projecting for 4. ● Nature & inspired inquiry learning largely outdoor and through the fine arts. ● Safety protocols and procedures have been discussed, plan is being built with help of Scott Rothermel. J.V. HUMPHRIES ELEMENTARY-SECONDARY

● Grad meetings individually with each grad and parent. Students/families beginning their year prepared and excited for the potential pathways ahead of them.

● SBT meetings structure that includes weekly meetings with Principal, Counsellor, Case Manager, Alternate Teacher, and Youth & Family Worker.

October 1, 2019 Open Board Meeting Agenda Page 20 Superintendent’s Report

● Having the Alternate programming now up at JVH. It seems to be working well and staff is enjoying the atmosphere in the room. It also creates a great connection/support for many of our Ab Ed. students.


● A new “Welcome Bench” adorns our main school entrance. Thank you to Seamus Gray for creating this beautiful piece of art that holds a welcoming space for our students, parents and visiting community members.

● BK and WEG staffs committed part of our summer professional learning to reinforcing and expanding our knowledge base of mental health literacy. We discussed our common understandings, concerns and hopes for our struggling youth and families. We hope to continue building resilience in our learners by supporting them in understanding their own stress response and how to deal with everyday stress and anxiety.

● We are excited to have been awarded an Art Starts Grant for 2019/20 to work with Filmaker, Brian Lye. Our grade 5/6 learners will be immersed in a fall focus about the forest and trees. ● Mr. McRann’s Grade 5/6 class organized the annual Terry Fox run for our school. Congratulations to our entire school community, we raised approximately $700 this year by asking each student to seek out at least one pledge. Thank you to Mr. McRann and the Grade 5/6 class for your leadership and supporting this important cause.


● The Student Orientation for all New Students before our doors opened up on Tuesday was once again very well attended by students & parents along with being well appreciated.

● Student enrolment went way up from the number anticipated and planned for is a positive sign. ● The staff is excited this year to implement a Gr.7-12 Literacy based comprehension assessment for planning purposes in order to achieve school-wide improvement in this area. We are also planning the development of a “Wildcat” block of time for experiential learning opportunities involving our community. W.E. GRAHAM ELEMENTARY-SECONDARY

● Great start to the school year at WEG. All the same staffing so children were happy to return to a strong culture of fun and learning. Continue to hover at 80 students Grade K-10.

● VWP and OELP (Grade ⅞) already out on their first trips. OELP camping at Kokanee, and VWP out for camping. ● Indigo Adopt-A-School- Coles book store is supporting WEG for a month (Sept 15 to Oct 6) Please buy books there and mention WEG, we’ll get a book that matches your purchase!

● Art Starts - Already completed an ArtStarts Project: A large “Cirlce of Courage” by Ms. Roxanne’s Grade 3/4/5/6 class.

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● All Winlaw staff, including CUPE, completed a Summer PRO-d course titled Children of Trauma and Resilience. It has been very impactful to have both EAs and teachers working together on the training. This is a continuation of the 2018-2019 Curriculum Grant Winlaw received as well as our Strat Plan.

● Winlaw Elementary is officially full in the Primary Classes. ● Welcome Back/Fun Day BBQ was a great way to start the year- great community involvement.


● We have had Slava from Dance Fusion coming on Mondays this month. The children are enjoying a variety of dance moves and a variety of music. Our Parent Advisory Council is funding this great opportunity.

● We are having our own Terry Fox Run at Lakeside Park this Friday from 1-1:45. ● Three of our classes have visited the spawning channel and presentation at Kokanee Park and our Grade Fives attended Forestry Day. HUME ELEMENTARY

● Open House and Book Fair Sept 26- this is our annual meet the teacher night. This year there will be a school scavenger hunt and a special prize for the students.

● Shout out to PAC who have funded the installation of a water bottle station on the top floor for the students to use. They also funded the installation of one in the kindergarten wing. Many thanks to all they do to make Hume such a great school.

● Kokanee eggs are growing in our new fish tank. The CBT and Nelson Legion donated toward a new tank for us to watch the Kokanee grow. L.V. ROGERS SECONDARY

● Excellent start to the year as all student schedules were sent out in June, and with preliminary appointments in July with counsellors. Much smoother start up as a result, with fulsome participation at the New Student Orientation and our Opening Assembly the first week of school.

● Three Year Grad Planning has begun with all of our CLE 10/11 (Career Education 10/11) classes. Counsellors are visiting classes, and students will take home their grad plans for signing. LVR has two PSI evenings planned, with Alberta PSI on Tuesday September 24th at 6:30 and BC PSI on Wednesday October 16th at 7 pm in the Gym. There will be a Parent Grad Planning workshop starting at 6 pm in the Multi- Purpose Room beforehand. All grade 10-12 students and parents/guardians are welcome!

● First PAC meeting at LVR had great participation, and great questions from engaged parents! We welcomed Trustees Walsh and Maslechko at the meeting, and glad they were able to join us.

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● LVR Class of 2020 met the Nelson High School Class of 1954 for an intergenerational breakfast at the Prestige Inn. Wonderful conversations between Ms. Kroker’s AP Literature Class and the Class of ’54!


● Kokanee Eggs are growing in our beautiful, quiet new tank, thanks to our PAC and community volunteer. Our bees thrived over the summer and are busily preparing for winter.

● Our cross country running club meets twice a week and 30% of our school is participating! ● We have three school wide events coming up over the next 2 weeks: Terry Fox run on the 27th, Orange Shirt day activities on September 30th and Fall into Nature on October 2nd where all of the WKTEP elementary teacher candidates come to help us all practice how to learn deeply and safely in nature.

● We have a SET-BC grant and an ArtStarts grant, both centered on using a myriad of technologies and techniques to help students tell their stories. ROSEMONT ELEMENTARY

● Rosemont is hosting an elementary cross-country running event on Thursday October 3. Area elementary schools will join in one of the best cross-country running trails in the district.

● Rosemont is embarking on an ambitious PBIS school-wide support plan with the help of inclusion support teacher Ailis Lawrence. Staff are meeting regularly after hours to plan systematically how to support all of our learners.

● Rosemont staff are hosting an open house for parents on Thursday, September 26, our annual Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 27 and our Orange Shirt Day assembly on Monday, September 30. SOUTH NELSON ELEMENTARY

● The South Nelson Elementary Staff and PAC hosted our annual Meet and Greet time with refreshments on our lower playground on the first day of school. Students, parents, staff, and extended family

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members enjoyed a great time of connecting before school started. We also would like to thank Trustee Sheri Walsh for joining us!

● Our Cross Country Running team started the second week of school with an impressive group of 50 students Grade 2-5 practicing twice a week. On September 26th, we are looking forward to hosting the first cross country meet at Lakeside Soccer Fields. On September 19th, South Nelson hosted our annual Terry Fox Run where the entire school ran or walked in memory of Terry while raising money for cancer research.

● The South Nelson staff launched our 2019 professional learning in August focusing on Mental Health Literacy and our school numeracy goal by delving into the work of Dr. Peter Liljedahl and math teachers Kyle Pierce and Jon Org in prioritizing conceptual understandings and thinking classrooms. During the past week, four teachers spent a day learning with Faye Brownlie on intermediate literacy assessment and developing a balanced primary literacy program.



● A huge thank you to our Wildlflower PAC for the support in transforming our hallway spaces and basement areas into flexible learning environments. PAC fundraised toward the addition of a beautiful front entrance, central wood learning station, flexible learning surfaces for the hallways, and standing desks for the basement.

● Thank you to operations staff for their support with a multitude of projects. Most recently the roll-out of new floors on the 2nd floor.

● A fantastic group of educators in Nelson with the addition of 7 new staff members (inclusive of teachers and educational assistants).

● ArtStarts grant successful - programming to begin in our Gr. 2-6 classrooms from October to December

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● September 5, full welcome back of all Aboriginal staff at our first team meeting! This was held at , room. We welcomed Elder Don Courson who shared Metis resources and teachings and Elder Donna Wright who guided us through hand drum songs. We reviewed all Ministry requirements for Aboriginal Education audit and celebrated self-care.

● Grade 5 Aboriginal Education students, drumming and welcome at Kokanee Park: September 24, in partnership with Ministry of Forests.

● ACE meeting, 1st of the year! September 24. Celebrating another year with community partnerships and guidance.

● Introducing new Indigenization Coordinators: Jesse Halton and Hannah Lunn, filling a term year while Danica Weager is away on leave.

● September 30th, the district continues to move forward with Orange Shirt Day to honour and learn about the impacts of Residential Schools. Across the district we are seeing an explosion of student awareness from full class stories, display boards, and assemblies! This is a testament to “shared learning and shared responsibility”!


● n/a


● Very positive first meeting with Selkirk College to begin co-developed initiatives looking at curriculum development in the area of cultural mindsets, intercultural professional development for employees, and Pathways for students by utilizing dual credit agreements.

● Sino Exchange likely. Expression of interest to have students return to Nelson from our partner school in China.

● Ministry of Education has contacted Kootenay Lake School District to work with them to develop the new curriculum in the area of culturalization and intercultural skills.

● Redesigning of marketing material to align with Kootenay Lake School District’s revisioning, as well as updating contact information.


● n/a


● Faye Brownlie, a renowned BC educator, facilitated Literacy workshops for primary and intermediate teachers on September 16, 17, and 18.

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● On September 20, 2019 approximately 400 SD8 staff and community members attended our District Professional Development Day. Workshops were facilitated by local community presenters, SD8 staff, and provincial educators such as Peter Liljedahl, Rod Allen, Denise Augustine, and Rebecca Bathurst- Hunt.


● Rollout of POS Debit/Credit Terminals in all schools and Online Payment Credit Card Payment Underway


● Most staffing and hiring is done for the year, with over 90% of our staffing in place ● New CUPE Developing Leaders program will be starting soon, led by our own Theresa Montpellier – a very exciting program for all CUPE staff looking for leadership opportunities! ● HR Welcomes Miranda Kastrukoff as our new Dispatcher/SFE clerk – welcome Miranda!!

OPERATIONS ● Operations leadership team meeting August 26, 2019 – review of goals for the upcoming year ● Transportation – online registration – 1516 students registered as of September 17, 2019 , September 20th ProD – Updated PTPM review, Air Brakes refresher training ● Custodial – schools ready for September, ProD September 20 – sessions related to custodial manual update review – ergonomics.

Superintendent’s Report


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ENGAGEMENT & RELATIONSHIPS ArtStarts - On behalf of ArtStarts in Schools, thank you for applying for an Artists in the Classroom (AIC) grant. AIC grants are adjudicated on a merit basis by a jury made up of artists and educators from across the province. Applications are assessed on the following four weighted criteria: Artistic quality (40%), Student engagement (30%), Curricular connections (20%), and Project scope (10%). We are pleased to inform you that your application for “Rising Strong - Documentary Film Project” at L V Rogers Secondary has been awarded a large scale grant in the amount of $7676.00 to assist with artist fees and material expenses for the proposed project.

BCCAISE (BC Council for Administrators of Inclusive Supports in Education) – new name for former BCCASE.

BCCPAC – (BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils) All school Parent Advisory Council are welcome to become members.

BCSSA – Senior District Educators attended the summer Academy where the topic was “Compassionate Disruption for Educational Equity and Transformation”. This tied in to SD8s participation in the Harvard Research project on Deeper Learning.

CBT - Columbia Basin news - Columbia Basin Transboundary River Conference: One River, One Future - You may be very proud to learn that three SD8 students, Gabvriella Hurst (LVR), Aur Hagar (Mount Sentinel) and Morgan Koorbatoff (Mount Sentinel) participated this past week-end in a very rich and authentic learning experience as they attended the Columbia Basin Transboundary River Conference: One River, One Future in Kimberley BC. These students, along with six other alumni of this summer's Field School , a program of Wildsight in collaboration with SD 8, joined almost 300 people, including scientists, policy- makers, and subject-matter experts to discuss energy, economic and environmental perspectives, including perspectives of State, Provincial, Federal, U.S. Native American and Canadain First Nation governments, surrounding the Columbia River and the renegotiation of the . Ella, Aur and Morgan, as well as the other youth delegates, conducted themselves with maturity and deep engagement, bringing valuable contributions to conversations which were noted and appreciated by many conference delegates.

The student group even had an opportunity to meet with Sylvain Fabi, Executive Director, U.S. Transboundary Affairs and Columbia River Treaty, Global Affairs Canada, as he learned about their thoughts about the Treaty and their own experience during the 'mock Columbia River Renegotiation' exercise during the Field School this summer.

See attached photo (student delegates, along with leaders Grace Broadfoot, Graeme Lee Rowlands, Monica Nissen, and researcher Sanne vander Ros, meeting with Sylvain Fabi at Columbia Lake on a conference field trip Saturday.

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CUPE – Welcome back to a new school year. We were thrilled to have over 200 CUPE members participate in our District Professional Learning Day and look forward to the new CUPE Leadership Development Program.

DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) – All School PAC members are members of the District DPAC. See attached for the schedule of events, dates, and times. [email protected]. Or [email protected] Or

Human Resources – Welcome to new Director of Human Resources – Chandra Veer Singh.

KLTF – Welcome back to a new school year. Debbie Sabourin has taken medical leave as President of the KLTF. We are p to welcome Carla Wilson from LVR as KLTF President an Doug Kunzelman as Union Leave.

Ministry of Education – latest news… Student provided free menstral products in schools Finalists named for 2019 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education Literacy programs help British Columbians develop essential language, listening skills SOGI summit begins school year with priorities on student, Indigenous voices

New Covenant Church - Jeff Strong, the pastor of Nelson Covenant Church, heard about SD8's new initiative to offer $40 school supply packs to parents for students this year. He invited his church to help cover the cost for any families in the community who are struggling covering a portion or all of this cost for their children. His church response was overwhelming. They raised enough to provide $1200 worth of

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support to EACH Nelson school! And, the word is out, apparently there are further donations on the way for other SD 8 Families of Schools. Thank you Jeff and his entire church community.

Premiers Awards in Education – Congrats to JVH teacher, Grace Broadfoot who is a finalist for the Premiers New Teacher Award. She will be attending the ceremony with Principal Rude and other provincial nominees early October.

PVP - Thank you to all PVP who attended two days of Leadership and Team Building with Matishak Group. It was an excellent beginning for the school year. Welcome to Rod Giles as Principal of Crawford Bay for the next few months. We are extremely happy you have been able to assist at this time. We are pleased to welcome back Kim Jones to the team as part of her Gradual Return to Work (GRTW). Kim has been heroically battling cancer and we are pleased to have her back.

SafeSchools - Welcome to Scott Rothermel, our new Manager of SafeSchools.

Selkirk College – Congratulations to Selkirk College on the Grand Opening of their new Silver King campus. Our Trades and Dual Credit students have an incredible new location to learn in and we look forward to a continued partnership with Selkirk College.

Student Trustees – Welcome on board to all of our new Student Trustees. All have completed their onboarding and are ready to represent their schools. • Crawford Bay Elementary Secondary School – Liam Borhaven (2nd term) • J.V. Humphries K-12 - Jace Lamoureux (2nd term) • L.V. Rogers Secondary - Avie Waterfall and Harlan Hofmann (both new) • Mount Sentinel Secondary - Adriana Wilson and Calla DeRosa (both new) • Prince Charles Secondary in Creston - Aurora Jarvis (new) • Salmo Secondary - Kyla Jones and Brook Jessup (both new)

WKTEP (West Kootenay Teacher Education Program) – Welcome back to all our WKTEPers and especially, to Tim Huttemann, who has returned to Nelson and replaces Geoff Burns as the Practicum Coordinator and Adjunct Teaching Professor.

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October 1, 2019

Mike Murray, Chair BCSTA Capital Working Group 4th Floor – 1580 We. Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 5K9

Re: School Site Acquisition Charges

Dear Mr. Murray,

On behalf of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake), I am writing to extend our support to the BCSTA Capital Working Group’s nine recommendations to government concerning possible legislative and regulatory changes that impact on school district’s rights to raise funding through School Site Acquisition Charges (SSACs).

We are very supportive of the SSAC recommendations because – if implemented – they would help assure more flexible arrangements and adequate funding when Boards of Education are working with developers, local governments and the provincial government to acquire locations to best serve our communities. This would be helpful to all Boards of Education around the province. Yours truly, Draft Lenora Trenaman Chair, Board of Education School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake)

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DATE TIME LOCATION MEETINGS COMMENT 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Committees of the Whole September 10, 2019 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Open Board Meeting Audited Financials Approved October 1, 2019 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Closed & Open Board Meetings Working Session 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm PCSS, Creston Committees of the Whole October 22, 2019 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm PCSS, Creston Open Board Meeting November 19, 2019 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Closed & Open Board Meetings Working Session 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Committees of the Whole December 10, 2019 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Open Board Meeting Winter Break 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Operations & Finance January 28, 2020 Committee of the Whole 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Open Board Meeting Amended Budget February 18, 2020 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Closed & Open Board Meetings Working Session 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Committees of the Whole March 10, 2020 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Open Board Meeting Spring Break April 7, 2020 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm PCSS, Creston Closed & Open Board Meetings Working Session 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Committees of the Whole April 28, 2020 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Open Board Meeting May 19, 2020 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Closed & Open Board Meetings Budget Approval, Working Session 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Committees of the Whole June 9, 2020 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Open Board Meeting June 23, 2020 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Board Office, Nelson Closed & Open Board Meetings Working Session Summer Break

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