at *.". 7 -> 1912 THE OMINECA HERALORIA. £•D VOL. 4. Uo.Jsft( HAZELTON, B. C., May 3. 1912 TEN PAGES BASEBALL SEASON OPENED BRIDGE STEEL ON STEAMER INLANDER WILL CHAMPIONS WENT TO DEFEAT FIRST SPAN ARRIVE IN PORT TONIGHT Work is Making Rapid Progress and New Hazelton Administered a Drubbing to the Peavine League Winners Trains will be Running Across on or before the Middle The Last "First Boat" is Bringing Many Passengers—Left VanArsdol —Score Was Five to Two--Visitors Battery a of July Yesterday Morning—Twenty-Seven Booked From Strong Feature The contractors on the steel Prince Rupert work on the Skeena Crossing (Written Specially for the Herald) bridge are making splendid pro­ Before the shades of evening booked from Prince Rupert are : Have you heard gentle baseball THIS THE DAY TO gress and this week they com­ have closed over the town tonight Misses Williams, Roy, Ewingand fan how this awful thing came! pleted the work on the first span. the first boat to come up the river Peddle, E. J. Rice, Mrs. Parker, about that struck our peaceful HEAR THE APPEAL The steel is being completely to the head of navigation will have Mrs. Martin, L. H. Campbell, E. little hamlet, nestling here as it rivited as it is laid and this will pulled into port and many citizens C. Stephenson, C. F. Scott, E. does in the forks about three take somewhat longer than had will have welcomed the return of Cole, Mrs. Russell, Rev. A. E. miles off the right-of-way ? Governor General in Council will Lis­ the contractors used false work. their friends and the first arrival Price, R. Coppock, son of H. Hearken then, ye somnambulent, ten to the Arguments For and But when it is done it will be of others. Tonight will be a Coppock, who is coming in to ye that are without wisdom and Against a Station at permanent and nothing more will momentous one for many. The join his father in investments in also those among ye that may South Hazelton have to be touched. Four crews steamer Inlander will be the first Hazelton farming lands, W. E. perhaps possess the unawakened of riviters are employed and that boat to berth at the Hazelton Herger, R. L. Gale, of Telkwa, spirit. is all that can be used. H. N. Wright, J. Millichamp, T. A wire was received the fore docks. She will also be the last (With apologies for the Aid of The last of the piers is all but Burnside, L. Lavigne, Mrs. La- part of the week from a legal "first boat" to arrive. The pre­ George) completed and in a very few vigne, A. Tyson, Supt. of Indian authority in Ottawa stating that sent season marks the closing of Once Upon a Time the Base­ days the men will be all gone Agents for British Columbia, Pat the date for hearing the appeal navigation on the mighty Skeena ball Bug Bored, Butted, Horned, and the steel men will have the Phillipson. Indian Constable, H. of the Grand Trunk Pacific Town- and everyone will be down to see or Harpooned its Healthy Head ground all to themselves. B. Rochester, manager for the site people against the decision the last first boat. into a Coming Camp. Therafter While this work is being car­ Inlander Co., Chas. Vaughan, of the Railway Commission. The the Prominent Prospectors, Ver­ ried on Foley, Welch & Stewart The Inlander left VanArsdol and Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow. Commission disallowed a station satile Dog Mushers, Very Wealthy have gangs of men working on yesterday morning for the Can­ at South Hazelton, and the in­ Mine Owners, Struggling Real the piers and getting everything yon and she will make all speed terests behind the new townsite Estaters, Nifty Clerks. Lucky ready for the steel men on the ahead every hour of daylight are asking the Governor General RAILWAY DAY Lads with Scads and even Lovely several smaller bridges between until she reaches Hazelton. When in Council to allow a station to Ladies began to Compute Batting Skeena Crossing and New Haz­ she left Prince Rupert there were A COMING EVENT be placed at that point as well as Averages and Discourse upon the elton so that as fast as they can on board twenty-seven passen­ at New Hazelton. The interests Delayed Steal and the Hook get the rails over the big bridge gers, and when she got to Van­ behind both towns are confident G.T.P. to Run Big Excursion to Hazel­ Slide. The Policy of the Pluto­ the steel men can start on the Arsdol she waited for the train of the result. The New Hazelton ton—Arrangements Now on Foot crats Below in throwing the smaller structures which will not ion Wednesday night and picked people will fight the appeal very to Display Resources of switch and putting the Main Line require much time to complete. iup as many more passengers, all hard. 1 the District on a Branch Line to keep the Every effort will be made to bound for Hazelton. Those who One of the first and undoubted­ country more Compact was Moth- ly the greatest excursions that balled to the Shelf with the other wili come into this district this Dried Lizards. The Pristine season, and probably the one that Pastime of figuring whether the will do the country the greatest Pitcher could outguess the Batter amount of good will be Railway became Paramount. Day. This occasion will be run Thereupon the Coming Camp under the auspices of the Grand organized an Aggregation for the Trunk Pacific Railway Co. E. A. primal season that Pulled Down McMaster announced the plans, and Destroyed the Temples of all as far as perfected, when here other Gobs of the Wherewith, and this week. He consulted a num­ they Squandered for uniforms ber of the local mining and busi­ with Sassy Cerise Stockings. ness men as to what arrange­ And all the while during the ments could be made for their Best Winter We Ever Had, a accommodation while here and as Bunch of Huskies who had Broke to an exhibition of ore and other the Barrier to a Healthy Start in produce. The idea appealed to •Life long before the Advent of the live wires at once and F. C. Curled Hay breakfast-foods, were McKinnon is now devoting a lot Pitching the Pill about the Yard of time to this end of the pro­ at a New Camp which was Right gramme. on the Stop where the Choo-choo The Railway Day excursion will cars will Stop. They were Ribb­ With the Arrival of the First Boats the Pack Trains will be brought in and started for the far north be a big affair. Mr. McMaster ing to Rob the Pea-vine pennant says that the railway company winners of their Goat. will advertise the trip very ex­ Strange but Sad the Tigers of tensively in all parts of the con­ yesteryear were Lolling in their Local Freight get the steel into New Hazelton The Steamer Port Simpson left tinent and that mining men and Lairs Polishing up their Plumage Arrangements have been made as soon as possible so as to get Prince Rupert on Thursday morn­ capitalists from every point will when they should have been on by the Inlander people with away from the bad roads between ing at nine o'clock for Hazelton likely be among the passengers. the Job Trimming up their Claws. Foley, Welch & Stewart to use the bridge and that town. New with a full cargo of fi eight for The trip will be from Vancouver And small boys followed them the cable at Skeena Crossing for Hazelton will also be the transfer the Hudson's Bay Co. J. H. Boyd to Prince Rupert and then up the about Sluffing Chances for an transferring local freight across point for some time as there is a is also on board. The steamer is Skeena river to New Hazelton, Average in Bradstreets, pining the river when the cable is not in lot of heavy work to be done be­ expected to arrive hereon Sunday and the Hazelton district, and only for a Mention in Spaklings. use on the contractors own work. tween there and Mud Creek, and probably farther into the valley What the Regular Practicers The Inlander will be the first the road from New Hazelton east be toward the fall of the year, it if the road is completed any from Across the River hung on boat to arrive in Hazelton this is in pretty good shape for trans­ may also be possible to have farther. the Old Towners would make year. porting supplies to the camps another exhibit of farm produce. The local people, headed by Mr great Briny Tears flow freely. farther out along the line. This will do much to counteract McKinnon are now preparing to Into the New Camp had came a B.C. Year Book the many reports that have been have an immense exhibit of the Knight of the Knife and Mug, a The Omineca Herald received .. Warren, of the Hudson's Bay sent out that the agricultural ores of the district made here in Brawny party carrying much on the last mail a copy of the staff here received word this lands of this district were not a convenient building where it Adipoise Tissue who hailed from Year Book of British Columbia morning from Victoria of his what they were supposed to be. can be seen and inspected.
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