Mills Hopijy with Strike Finish Terry Sawka, Presldenibf Iodal TERRACE -- the End of the Monday, July 27
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Mills hopiJy with strike finish Terry Sawka, presldenibf iodal TERRACE -- The end of the Monday, July 27. non-binding arbitration. The two CPU locals, 1127 and depressed pulp markets. 4, agreed with ~/ils0n!s analysis month-old pulp mill strike last "We'll have to wait and see The two unions, the Canadian 298, at Kitimat's Eurocan pulp "It appears the employers ac- mill were in favour of the pack- of the einployeis':m0tivatidns Friday saw Operations resume at how quickly the pulp mill gets up Paperworkers Union (CPU) and complished what they: wanted during the strti~ei i': : local.mills in Terrace. and going," he said. "Anybody the Pulp and Paperworkers of age by 69 and 79 pei cent respec- through a strike by reduciug their tively, but Mike Wilson, presi- "It was obvi0us:t0 ~us that we "We're quite happy it's over," would be a fool not to say we're Canada (PPWC), had earlier ilwentory and raising the price of would either be forced oi~ strike said Skeena Sawmill manager glad t0 see them back to work," voted 70.2 per cent in favour of dent of local 1127, said there was ,, .. a mixed reaction. Pull" said W!ls°n! : • Or wind up being locked out,,' Don Chesley. Employees at the Woods operation and log :i tile new contract. Ill Prince Rupert members of saidSawka ..... deliveries resumedl Monday .at The package covered three of ,'We're nlad that we've iosta mill came back to work Monday, PPWC local 4 at the Skeena Cel, : "If Rcady's intentions were to concluding a twp-week holiday Skeena Cellulose but the planer : the unions' four demands with month's wages," said Wilson. ~ lulose pul I, mill rejected the offer putus to Work under the eondi- shutdown.. : and saw mill were shut dowli for : the statutory: holiday, pension "We feel that the stakes sllould have gone up, by 58 per cent. ~. lions that he has right now, then "We would have gone back to that one day So inventor~bUld" plan improvements and language work anyways," headded; be builtUp. :i !: protecting union melnbers on Wilson also expressed a belief =They were joined by locals in be:should have done that three At Skeena Cellulose, manager The strike elided July 17 xchen testing. common to many union members Casllegar,: Vancouver, Quesnel weeks ago instead of letting the Rand Menhinick expects normal the pulp and papei" industry ac, Union acceptance of the pack, that the employers deliberately and Prince George, who also industry have its down lime," operations to resume fully by cepted mediator Vince Ready age wasnotwithoutreservations. prolonged the strike because of voted against the new contract. Sawka said. Pulp mill watchers ,want more control over their duties TE1LRACE ~ Two groups head- it," said Art Sterritt of the Tsim- provincial agencies and two ing a committee to monitor the shian Tribal Council. members at large appointedby Orenda project during construc- "Our nloniloriag and assess- the group. tion and then during operation meats should have a little bit It's to report to the provincial want its powers beefed up. more distance from the proponent eomrfiittee which oversees major The regional district and area for the mill," lie said. development projects everysix natives say the committee should Regional district planner Tosh months and to issue a public be able to hire its own consultants Yainashita added that the com- report every six months. and have the authority to take mittee members won't have the David Parsons, the official ill corrective action. technical expertise to delve into charge of the provincial major That's different flora first the various reports it will have to projects steering committee, said provincial government proposals. consider. the initial proposals are subject to It sees the committee as a way "We'd like the ability to call discussion. of providing communication upon individual experts to verify "There's been no decision yet. about the project, commenting on that thd testing has been c0m- Obviously' things can be environmental impacts and • pleted in a reliable and thorough changed," he said. safeguards, commenting on hous- manner," he said. Parsons added that he expects ing for construction workers and In addition to the regional dis- all the committee members will as a forum for other issues related trict and a/ca natives, committee be named first before its final to the project. membership will include the City duties are outlined. "We're not satisfied with just of Terrace, District of Kitimat, Still to be decided is the budget being able to comment. We want Lakelse Lake Community Asso- and administrative structure for something with ~. little teeth in clarion, Orenda, federal and the committee . : " ~e provincial government ~i~s committed itself to financing the activities of native groups on the committee and Orenda will have Steelhead to pay for studies and related projc,~ts requested by the com- mittee and ~approvcd by the pro- viucc. Also to be decided is if and returns poor when tile committee's meetings " TERRACE ~ Preliminary fig- emerges. should be closed to the publii:. ures released by the provincial The commercial net fishery has To date, the regional district Enviromnent ministry suggest operated near the mouth of the and native groups suggest meet- this year will again see a poor Skeena for five days so far this ings should bc closed at their dis- return of summer run steelhead to season. crction and depending uponwhat the Skeena. A total of458 gillnetters took they want te discuss. Based on the results of the test part in the latest two-day opening But they also suggest that fishery at Tyee, near the mouth of for sockeye and pinks which are closed meetings will lead to 'a the Skeena, it is estimated only so far returning in larger than ex- pcrccption that decisions which 282 steelhead had entered the pected umnbers. affect the public arc being made river by July 10. Commercial fishermen report secretly. having taken 131 stcelhead ill Parsons said he believes the ir ii: ...... • That's well below the estimated their nets to date. This year many meetings should be as open as i: ...... • : • 640 fish which had passed Tyee by the end of the same week last are tagging the fish prior to possible. Ribbon breaker year. releasing them. FI'RSI"i,~I~Y:ot the '1992 Skeena'Valley rriathlon,' Barbara Graham ci6sse s ~e Furlong Bay. !i: It's also the seventh straight This iucidental catch is being !~hishin~];li(e.~;The.Vancouver native completed the l.Skm swim, 40kin DiKe' ano '] a;: year early returns have failed to handled different this year under • ti~6i:0"f ~i~:i~!.46,:'nearly a minute, and a half clear of her nearest rival. Overall Winner was Frank i,,, top the 1,000 mark by midJ'uly. the Steelhead Conservation and Ci~iPl~e,!~ai~~t!ibf Vancou~/er who clocked 1:55:07 Top Terrace finisher wasColin Parr, 29th'/ But it will be another couple of Research program adopted by the b'verall,: Fbi:~.i~ore0n the triathl0n:~and detailed results, see pages B4 an~l BS;'. • " - weeks before a clear picture of North Coast Advisory Board, the the ..strength of this year's run body representing all the major northenl commercial fishery or- ganizations. The program calls for connner- clal fishermen operating in out- Docs keep up pressure side waters to tag and release all steelhead they find in their nets TERRACE -- Terrac e, Smithers said Appleton. "No cap on social resulting in the current stress on "They'd rather we be tile bad that re "in good shape and and Prince Rupert doctors walked services, but there is a cap on the health care system. guys." vigorous". off the job last Friday and met in health care. Either some system of user fees In answer to allegations Ihat BC The procedure for boats opei'at- Terrace for a study session todis- "When the money runs out, will have to be implemented, Said doclors are paid 30 per cent more ing in the lower Skeena will see cuss their next move in the ongo- physicians will be taking more Appleton, or the province will than other Canadian doctors, Ap- live steelhead held ill tubs on ing battle between doctors and time off," he said. have to spend more money on pleton said fee schedules are not barges. Each-barge is to be the health miliistry. Appleton predicts a reduction to health care. colnparablc from province to pro- capable of holding up to 1,000 Terrace doctor Geoffrey Ap- all but essential services by the "I don't see why we (the doc- vince. steelhead for five days. pleton said there was a 100 per time the governmeut's fiscal year tOTS) should have to pay for it;" While he said it could be that The fish will be held there until cent Terrace participation rate by ends March 31 should the dispute he said. BC doctors are paid morc, hc said that particular commercial open- doctors, save for those on vaca- continue. "But they (the government) they "they're ccrtainly not paid ings is over, then tagged and tion or who had to perform essen- "I don't see why my service is won't implement user fees for 30 per cent more than anybody released to make their way UP" tial services. worth less at the end of the year political reasons," he said. else." slream. Those essential services in- than at the beginning of the cluded surgery, deliveries, year," he said.