IMPRESSUM CROATIAN THEATRE 1/2006 A publication on Croatian drama and theatre Publisher: Croatian Centre of ITI √ UNESCO For the Publisher: Æeljka TurËinoviÊ Address: BasariËekova 24, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel. +385 1 4920 667; Fax. +385 1 4920 668 E-mail:
[email protected] Editorial Board: Tajana GaπparoviÊ, Hrvoje IvankoviÊ, Æeljka TurËinoviÊ Art Director: Bernard BuniÊ Translated into English by: Katarina PejoviÊ English language editing: Susan Jakopec Design & Layout: Mirena »ale / AXIS-DESIGN d.o.o. Zagreb Print: DeVeDe Published with the support of: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia City Office of Education, Culture and Sport √ Department of Culture, Zagreb Front page: Jean Giraudoux, Ondine, Dubrovnik Summer Festival 2005 Photo by: Damil Kalogjera 1/2006 contents editorial Dear friends and colleagues, Before you is the first issue of the magazine Croatian Theatre, published by the Croatian Centre of ITI-UNESCO. This magazine is the successor of the bulletin Croatian Drama and Theatre that was published in Croatian and English from 1995 onward. Besides presenting the annual activities of the Croatian Centre of ITI-UNESCO, the bulletin was also featured new plays by our playwrights and served as a particular kind of database on Croatian the- Jasen Boko atre. As of this year, we have decided to publish the ITI bulletin in its Croatian version only, 4 PLAYWRIGHTS ∑ THE BEST THING IN CROATIAN THEATRE while its English equivalent will be substituted by this very magazine, the aim of which is to provide the international theatre community with a better insight into the current trends in contemporary Croatian drama and theatre.