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« ^ T « £ M ? ^ I CHANGES in BRITISH CABINET THE A/ ^T^JW^-^^SK? BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AH* GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDER. Vol LXXXIV—No. 129 HAMILTON, BERMUDA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1911. 20s. PER ANNUM THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES. A SEA VOLCANO. Moving Pictures Theatres The «^T«£m?^ i CHANGES IN BRITISH A STUDY n* NATURAL HISTORY : BY RUDYARD KIPLING. a^mong the most curious phenomena World Over. ,eas of New Zealand is its sea volcano. This condition owing to long usage elsewhere, When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride, fe a great mountain of black scoria 830 but the moderate-priced houses take CABINET. lie shouts to scare the monster who will often turn aside; feet high, from the top of which, with As far as caa be ascertained there are none but the best films, whkh have But the .she-bear tins accosted reads the peasant tooth and nail, much force, rise white clouds of vapor at least 30,000 moving pkture shows cost a good deal to produce, in which For the female of the species is more deadly than thc male. to a height of fally 2,000 feet. It fe not scattered ©ver the civilised world. In actors aad actresses understand charact- easy travelliag oa che island, for ia places the United States there are over 12,- erizatioa—the real secret of tbe natural­ BIRREL AND CHURCHILL SWAP. When Nag, the wayside cobra, hears the careless foot of man, the black pebbles of the beach are all 000, where 5,000,000 people, of whom ness of a film. I doubt if a public He wiH .sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can; astir with water boiling up thiough one-fifth are children, are present every fed on "rush" pictures which purport But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail— them—water so hot that a misstep might day, spending yearly at least $100,000,- to show in tbe evening the principal scald the foot serioasly. 000 in seeing tbe pictures. events of tbe day, bas much staying 500 Peers Boiled Down to 2. For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. power. The demand is for quality, At this poinc tbe. crater-wall has been Evea ia Russia there are 1.200 pfc- in whkh brains have a big share, and When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws, broken down almost to the sea level, and iare palaces, whkh are crowded every this cannot be produced in a few minutes. They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws—• one may look into the great hollow is­ night. DEFINITE GOVERNMENT PRO- 'Twas the women, not the w-arriors, tinned those stark enthusiasts pak— land. The crater is circular, a full mile That people will flock to see a really GRAMME. For the female of tbe species is more deadly than the male. in diameter, and hemmed in by walls good picture show is proved bv the fact many hundred feet high and very preci­ thai during the past three" months Man's timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say, pitous. The crater floor is an uneven 200,000 persons have beea io tbe Scala More Trouble For The Naiion. For the Woman that God gave him isn't las to give away; plain of volcanic ash and scoria, with Theatre to see kinemacoior representa­ The Railway Men in But wlien hunter meets with husband, each confirms the other's tafc— many little fu ma rotes, o; blow-holes, tions of great national events, and other The female of the species is more deadly than the male. through which hot sulphur vapors come features . LONDON, October 24—The Bridsbt wheeziag on-, while every few minutes Even Constantinople can boast of Conference Cabinet has undergone an importan Man, a bear in most relations, worm and savage otherwise.., tbere is a smart trembling beneath th; ten picture theatres, while ia Hong- reconstruction, rumours of which have Man propounds negotiations, Man accepts the compromise; feet, and a low, dull, rolling roar. Kong tbere aie half a dozen Wge cine­ been in ckculation for some weeks past Very rarely wfll he squarely push the logic of a fact The vapor begins to thickea as the matograph establishments. DISSATISFIED WITH COMMIS­ Mr. Winston Spencer Churchill be­ To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act. traveller proceeds, and he. very soon There fe .scarcely a town in the world SION'S REPORT. comes first Lord of thc Admiralty; finds the cause. He is stopped short by now, where the white man fives where Mi-. Reginald McKenna assumes the a great lake of steaming watef, quite one cannot find a moving picture the­ i Fear, or foolishness, impels him, ere he lay the wicked low, An Absolute Disgrace. Home Secretaryship; Earl Carringlon, To concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe; filling this end arf tbe crater, and being, atre. President of the Board of Agriculture, Mirth obscene diverts his anger; Doubt and Pity oft perplex as can be seen wbea the clouds lift, becomes Lord of the Privy Seal: Mr. Him in dealiag with aa issue—to the scandal of the -Sex! ncaily nalia mile from eicher side. The THE BUSINESS OF AMUSEMENT. London, October 24th—There seems C. E. Hobhouse. Financial Secret-aty water fe too hot comfortably to apply every likelihood that thc Royal Com­ the Treasury, is appointed Chancellor But the woman that God gave him, every fibre of .ber frame the hand to it and is insupportable either Fifteen years ago thc moving picture mission report, instead of makiag for of the Duchy of Lancaster; Mr Waiver Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed aad cagiaed for the same, to touch or to taste because of a strong w-as put down in t he United States as a even temporary peace, will prove to be Runciman retiies from the Presidency And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail. infusion of alum and sulphuric acid. passing cr.a^. To-day the business the commencement of a more serious of the Board of Education to become The female of the species must be deadlier than the male. On the farchcr border of the lake fe a with all its ramifications, fe one of the trouble ia the railway world than those President of the Board of Agriculture; row of violent solfataras (chimneys). most firmly established ia the world, which have already beea seen. Rail­ while thc Presidency of the Board She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast They have built for themselves little employing aearly a quarter of a million way men held meetings in many places? of Education has been assumed by May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest. .pillar-like cones from ten to thirty feet of people, a.id representing a capital throughout Great Britain yesterday, Mr. G. A. Pease, the foimer Chancellor These be purely male diversions—not in these her honour dwells— high and a yard or two in diameter at of many millions of dollars. at which there were passed resolutions of the Duchy of Lancaster; Sir Edward She, the Other Law we live by, fe that Law and nothing else! the base, and through these open chim­ Clever actors and actresses have repudiating the report of the Railway St.achcy, Parliamentary Secretary of neys they trumpet steam and roaring been drawn into the business, a new Commission. References lo the report the Board of Agriculture, and the Rt. She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great sulphuric gases with a violence frightful type of_ playwright has been evolved, were punctuated with angry and deri­ Hon Alfred Emmott, M.P., for Oldham, As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistresss of the Mate; to contemplate. A demoniacal screech­ tbe optical trade has received a great sive shouts. Mr. Williams, Secretary and Deputy Speaker of the House of And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim ing and din afflict tbe traveller's ears, fillip, a new class of engineer has come of the Amalgamated Sockty of Rail­ Commons, have been promoted to Her right as femme (aad baroa), her equipment fe the same. evea at a considerable distance. iato existence and a dozen subsidarv way Servants addressing tbe men the Peerage The Prime Minister The water <rf the lake is of a milky, businesses have sprung out of the admitted that thc report embo­ and Mr. Balfour have resumed in She is wedded to convictions—in default of grosser ties; opaque cast, aot more thaa tea feet great business of amusing and instruct­ died some small improvements, but .Scotland their familiar game of "beggar- Her contentions .are her children, Heaven help him, who denies! . deep. Lines upon the shore show thai ing the public with pictures. said tbat it was an absolute dis­ my-neighbour" as naturally as though He wfll meet no cool discussion, but tbe instant, wbite-.hot, wild it daily rises aad falls slightly with the Ia Londoa the pictnre trade has es­ grace lo suggest conditions until tbey were facing each other under the Wakened female of tbe species warring as for spouse and child. tide of the sea outside. In maay spots tablished its head quarters m Wardour Joly, 1912. A resolution passed refus­ Speaker's eyes at Westminster. Mr. the water boils furiously with much street and its purlieus.
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