Post Office General and Trades Directory for Ayr Newton And
KYLE & CARRICK DISTRICT LIBRARIES LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION ArJ This Book is for reference only and must not be taken from this room. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland I nsr ID Page. Page. >5BlBverti6cmcnts, - 181 Educational Trust Governor>i, - 25 Athletic Club, 16 Excise, 14 j^ yr Academical ^ yr Bible Society, 12 Fairs, 19 ji^yr Bums Club, •24 Golf Clubs, 15 ji^yr Cemetery, 9 Guildry of Ayr, - - . - 6- j4.yr County Club, 14 H.M. Prison, - - - - 24 ^i.yr County Hospital, 10 Harbour Trustees, - - - 6. />T Cricket Club, 16 Houses, Farms, &c., - - 199 jiyr District Road Trust, - lusiirance Offices and Agents, 19-20 - - >yr Gas Company, - - - 13 Justice of Peace Court, 7 /vr Lawn Tennis Club, - - 16 Justices of Peace, - - - 18 ia«r poet ®fHcc, - - - 27 Kirk Session, - - - - 10 Surveying Staff of G.P.O., 27 Kyle Union Poorhouse Boaid, 7 Branch Office, Ayr Docks, 27 Land Valuation (Kyle District), 9 Pillar and Wall Boxes, - 28 Lieutenancy of Ayrshire, - - 18 Parcels Post, - - - 32 Life-boat Institution, - - 14 Express Delivery, - - 41 Magisti-ates /".nd Town Council, 5 Money Orders, - - - 32 Magistrates of Newton, - - 18 Telegraph Money Oiders, - 32 Market Days, - - - - 19 - - - Postal Orders, - - 33 Masonic Lodges, . 17 Savings Bank. - - - 28 Medical Practitioners, - - 13 Rates of Postages, - - 34 Merchant Company, - - - 1^ Re-Direction, - - -34 Municipal Board of Police, - 6 Petitions to Parliament, • 35 Newspapers, - - - -
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