Building Bigger Battleships. NEW SCHEME FORDEFRAUDING Pre-Adamite Bermuda. SPONGE FISHING INDUSTRY IN QUEEN VICTORIA'S DONKEY BANKS. «*. _. THE BAHAMAS. High Cost of Living. Wben Queen Victoria was at .Aix- Nobody seems to explain, in the Ia aa effort to warn the bankers To the Editor of the Royal Gazette. From October until July the spong­ les-Bains in 1892 she found great diffi­ ing season in the Bahamas is in full culty in walking and complained that comment on the launching of the of the country against the opertions Sr,—The long expected dredger is RIOTS IN PARIS AND VIENNA. Rivadavia at Quincy, Mass., what of an audacious band of swindlers who swing. There are several thousand she had no means of locomotion fit doing its work well'and effectually not men and boys engaged ia the fishery, for easy and immediate use. One use Argentina expects to have for the have devised ao entirely new scheme only in deepening the channel entrance, biggest battleship in tbe world. Ia of getting funds illegally from banks, each schooner carrying a crew of from afternoon as she was driving by Labour And Socialist Demon­ known here as "the Cut," but also in five to seven. The sponges are found the edge of the Lac de Bourget she met fact, the recent activity of South Mr. William B. Joyce, president of the adding to our knowledge of what strations. American countries as .Argentina, Bra­ National Surety Company, recently all over the banks, which vary ia a peasant jogging along in a small cart was Bermuda of old, the only unsub- depth from two to four fathoms. drawn by a donkey. The animal was zil, and in building and equip­ made public the methods by which merged mountain peak of the Lost ping huge warships is a phenomenon banks et this city have lost $20,000 Arrived on the ground, the small still young, but so thin and so ill-groom­ PARIS, Sept. 18.—The numerous Atlantis of Plato, which hitherto has ed that be was very littl± to look at. meetings of Labour Unions in various which must stimulate surmise in more within a fortnight. The fraud has been scant, and confined to a but im­ boats, of which each schooner carries directions than one. It is not long two or three, put off, manned each by Tbe Queen stopped her carriage and parts of Paris to protest against the made necessary a change in the policies perfect geological study of its prevailing high cost of living had heavy police since Brazil's Navy mutinied and written by surety companies to protect rocks. I kave just examined a small two men, one of whom sculls, while beckoned to the fellow. "Would yon nearly caused a revolution. Is the guards yesterday. banks. boat load of very large twisted cedar the other, armed with a thirty-foot care to sell me your donkey?" she flocking of these bristling sea-monsters roots in a fair state of preservation, a pole, bearing at the end a double hook, asked. Not knowing to whom he When the manifestants left the in southern waters a safeguard or a The methods consist of forging checks meeting places they often made demon­ and, after having the same certified remnant of what was evidently the lies extended over the bow; and exam­ was speaking the peasant replied, with menace to peace among the South ines the bottom through a "sponge- strations in the markets. Disorder by the banks on which they are drawn, trunk or very large bough bearing the usual distrust which country people American States? When the Rivadavia strong marks in its charred condition of glass," of bucke; with a glass bottom. entertain for those who come from the prevailed in Menilmpntak Market. was launched, ea August 26, from the having them cashed on other banks Laying this upon the surface,, he sees Manifestants who proceeded toward here or ia other cities. Thus far some fire having ravaged it in its growth, towns, "AH depends." Fore River Shipbuilding Yards, Presi­ probably caused by lightning. When everything below as clearly as if no "How much did you pay for him?" another market found the way barred dent Taft sent to the Argentine minis­ ei the checks have been cashed here, water intervened. by a strong of police. while others have been turned into asked what I supposed its age to be asked tbe Qneen. "A hundred francs, ter a telegram of congratulation in I replied some 60,000 years, basing The sponges when found arc hooked and he was cheap at thc price." "Ill Rioting followed, in the course of which he exprest the "sincere hope" money ia Canada. which three men and two women were "The very audacity of the thing, my assertion oo the supposition that up, and as soon as thc schooner's deck give you two hundred. Will you take that "your country will find her useful it was co-eval with thc age of the is filled she sails away to a "ranchc." it?" After some hesitation the bargain arrested. The women were particularly only for the peace she insures and never the going to the one place ia the world violent at CHchy, and troops are aiding which one would think would be the Admiral Milne stalagmite. My asser­ where she deposits her evil-smelling was struck. in hostile engagements.'* tion was also backed by ascertaining the police tbere. last at which a forger would present load in a "crawl," or enclosure of Wat­ .After the donkey became the Queen's that the specimens in question were ties in shallow water, where it remains More arrests were made at Oriel Argentina's monster super-dread­ paper—the bank on which it was drawn" property it was set to draw Her Majesty nought also inevitably arouses the old dredged from 12 to 16 feet in the for a couple of weeks, during which thc along the little roads and Barrow walks as the result of the dear food rioting said Mr. Joyce, " is responsible for the sub-soil of the water above them, crew are fishing for a fresh cargo. OB Wednesday. There were demon­ question. Where is this building of success of the scheme." No New a carriage could oot enter, and Jacquot, some 15 feet at high tide. In verifica­ as he was named, led an easy, gentle strations also to-day in various towns bigger and bigger warships going to York baok teller or cashier would On their return, all hands enter the tion of the great age attained by the crawl and beat out thc now rotted and agreeable hfe. When the Queen and cities of the Provinces. lead? The Rivadavia fa 585 feet long, cash a big check without identification— while the Arkansas and Wyoming, cedar family, I quote tbe following fleshy parts of the sponges, which, was about to return Jacquot should they are far too careful for that; in extract from a report by Professor when first gathered, present the ap­ be taken up with her on the journey. VIESHA, Sept. 18.—Many persons thi ships of our Xavy whkh most near­ fact, they are the most careful in the ly approach her in size and type, are Dudley of the Leland-Stanford Uni­ pearance of round masses of dark India On tbe day of Ms arrival at Aix were killed or wounded here yesterday, country; but when they have been versity which I have in my records rubber, freely perforated. when troops fired on a mob which start­ 23 feet shorter. Like the Arkansas asked to certify checks that seem to be the rogue proved that he had a good and Wyoming, she is to have a main oa the .great age of the Sequoia ol When the fleshy part has been memory. He broke loose from the ed rioting in protest against the high all right, they have oot hesitated to California one of which was cut down thoroughly removed, and thc market­ waggon in which he was carried, sniffed price of the necessaries of life. Barri­ battery of twelve 12-inch guns, but do so. That is why the crooks have these are to have a radius of fire of in 1890— a .sacrilege now forbidden by able skeleton washed, the heap is laid the air of his native land with delight, cades were erected in the streets and 120 degrees as against 90 degrees in tlie succeeded in doing as they have. law and the few remaining trees of on shore in a secluded spot, and the took his bearings and scampered away there was a fierce exchange of bullets American vessels. Newspaper reports According to Mr. Joyce's statement the grove are aow protected by law. schooner .starts again for the sponge- before aay one could lay a hand upon and the soldiers were pelted with all of her displacement differ consider­ a man who appeared to be a prosperous He says hi his Report: banks. At length,* when enough sponges him making straight for the stable, sorts of missiles. ably, but the authoritative Army and Western merchant, entered oae of thc have been gathered and cleaned to where he had been so well looked The rioting followed a huge Socialist Navy- Journal places it at 27,500 tons, most conservative national banks down­ "This tree whea cut dowa in 1890 load the vessel, they are sorted by thc after in the previous year. demonstration held yesterday afternoon as against the Arkansas' 26,000. She town aad, after introducing himself has certainly opened a vista. It dis­ crew into glove, , lamb's wool, Jacquot, in fact, managed before at­ outside the Rathaus. In the early will cost, say the dispatches, SI 1,000,- as James H. McCann, of Hood River, closed by its concentric rings when cut grass, etc., each kind is separately taining middle age to secure for himself clashes .fifty of the rioters were wounded. 000. Ore., stopping at the Hotel _ Plaza, down an age of 21,711 years and it was strung in rings of from one to two dozen. a career which many a court function­ One hundred were arrested. Fifty opened an account by depositing a 271 years old at the commencement thousand persons were present at thc In spite of recent intimations of a In this way they arc sold at auction ary might have envied. Pampered, check for $8,700 on the Butler Banking of the Christian era. For 516 years in tbe sponge exchange, when thc first well treated and respected, he retired demonstration, and fifty speeches were reaction toward smaller battleships Company, of Hood River, Ore. Thc this tree grew without harm, and then made, demanding that the Government in the British Navy, remarks the New step of the preparation for the con­ into private life some years before the New York baok wherein the stranger received a burn 3 feet wide (lightning sumer is carried out by thc sponge Queen's death, and ended his days permit tbe importation of foreign meat, York Tribune, "there is no evidence deposited the check was the New York .stroke?) It preserved a record of this and take other measures to remedy that any other important Power has so merchants. The sponges are exposed at Windsor where he was treated as the correspondent of the Hood River bank­ injury about the year 245 A.D. After a to the sun to improve the color. They equal of any thoroughbred. the conditions which have resulted much as seriously considered such a placid life of 1196 years this tree in from the prohibitory increase in the policy." On the contnury, "the ten­ ing house. are then clipped and all irregulari­ The check was a cashier's check, 1441 A.D. then aged 1712 years ties aad pieces of shell or rock are price of food products. dency toward .still larger vessels con­ received another injury for a fresh THE ADVENTURES OF ENG­ tinues unabated." More and larger purporting to have beea duly certified. removed. On Monday " McCann " appeared at the scar 18 feet wide reduced iu 1890 to 14 LAND'S GREAT SEAL. guns necessitate larger ships. As the feet. This tree after defying storm and Tribune puts it: bank aad presented his check for S3.7 50, IK got the cash and has not. been seen fire for over 20 centuries fell a victim NEWS FROM WINSTED CONN. No other emblem of governmental THE CHINESE REBELLION. "Farragut's principle, than which since. to the desire for money. When felled authority, perhaps ever had such a there is none sounder, was that the The check reached Hood River it measured 15 feet ia diameter at 6 Stirred to its depths by the charges series of queer adventures as those per­ Fighting At Cheng Tu. strength of a ship lay not in its armor feet above the ground. Older trees than that the wells of its incomparable taining to the Great Seal of England. yesterday. Immediately thc Butler it still stand around its roots." but in its arms, and that t.he ship was Banking Company telegraphed that news had dried up, this thrilling city In the first place, when Richard 1. Chung King, Sept. 18.—Late advices from Bu Chau say that a detachment strongest which had the most powerful tlie check and the certification were a Another Sequoia in the Sierra Nevada roused itself and offers the following set out for the Holy Land he took the guns. Onr ordnanc; experts ate now, of cavafa-y numbering one hundredi forgery. Mountains was examined by Professor collection of items to prOve, that, now seal with him. His vice-chancellor, as they believe, perfecting 16-inch as always, Winsted is peerless:— Malcbien, is said to have worn it suspend­ which had left Cheng Tu attd .had John Muir who reported it weB pre- proceeded as far as the Lung Chetii guns. The dreadnought and the Utah served. He further says "it is well A cat owned by Roscoe Young to-day ed by a chain around his neck. Off carry 12-inch guns. Obviously a ship brought home a rat trap which had Cyprus the vice-chancellor fefl overboard hills, was ambushed by the Revolution­ balanced noble and majestic and scver- ists and routed. Tbe survivors re­ with 16-inch guns would be far superior GEOGRAPHY LESSON FROM A a 1 000 years old. Its bark is over 2 caught a rat. Now Mr. Young is and was drowned, and the great seal to one with 12-inch guns. If, therefore, was lost. turned to Cheng Tu. SHRIMP. feet thick, free of limbs for 175 feet. trying to find the owner of tbe trap. 16-in<:h guns are found to be practi- Besides the few now carefully protected Gustave Scitz, of New Hartford, Thc first seal of Charles I. was The following day a stronger force •:u bfc«the rnle of efficiency wfll require trees growing .ia Calaveras Cou-et** .to-daa used a twenty foot ladder to thrown into the River Severn, in order of cavalry left the besieged Capital) that we have ships capable of carrying Dr. Gaillart! a member of thc Tilho mission, discovered in Lake Tchad the full height of this tree is officially- pick his beans. Tbe plants run up •.hat it might not fall into the hands and came into collision with the rebels. them. That is to say, the primary stated 327 feet by careful measure- telephone poles and the pods are two of Cromwell's soldiers. When James They forced tbeir way through the and fundamental problem is to provide numerous shrimps of a species well knowa to naturalists but hitherto meat.' ' feet in lengfth. II. fled from England be carried thc besiegers, and opened the road to Jen- thc most powerful guns. Then comes shou about fifty miles to the South. found only in the Nile and its tributaries. Returning to the wood specimens, A freak ia the flower line—red and great seal with him. He threw it tbe secondary problem of providing white dahlias grow ng on thc same stalk into tbe Thames, evidently thinking The loyal troops reoccupied Kicnchau ships to carry those guns. The ship This discovery leads physical geogra­ which originate this communication. phers to assert that the basins of the Bermuda has never giveu the slightest was brought to town to-day bv Mrs. that without it, William III. could not on Sept. 14th. It is believed that thc is made for the guns, not the guns for P. J. Reichel, of West Hill. carry on thc Government. A fisher­ Viceroy at Cheng Tu has arranged for the ship. Nile and of Lake Tchad were once due to or evidence of preoccupation in communication. For it is impossible by mau before Sir George Somers James Rice and his bride, who were man's net caught it, and rt was restored an ultimate retreat to the Yamen which "We may grant that a ship should be to imagine that thc very fragile eggs discovered it. Amoag all the trees of married in Millcrton, N Y , Monday, to the authorities, and was used by has been fortified. The buildings sur­ as small and as swift as possible, so or larvae of Palaemon niloticus as tins and races ia antiquity of the Old were arrested here to-day for breach of William until a new seal was made. rounding tbe Yamen have been demol­ long as it is stable and strong enough to shrimp is called, could have been World, some object, however small or the peace and carrying concealed la 1874 thieves broke into thc house ished. The situation in the SzechueS carry the guns. Bat smallness is not transported from oae basin to the other slight, has remained to show that it weapons. of Lord Chancellor Thurlow and stole capital is considered more hopeful. the desideratum nor tbe criterion, but by aquatic birds in the manner that was inhabited, even by savages, but Walter Richardson was remanded thc great seal. It was never recovered. rather ability to carry the guns. That seeds are carried. for trial here to-day on the charge of The county-seat of Lord Chancellor PEKIN, .Sept. 18.—The French and Bermuda has nothing to show, having German Legations have received mes­ is the essential thing. Our ships must The topography of the intervening been too isolated and too difficult of ac­ stealing a diamond ring. Testimony Eldon took fire at night. At thc be as large and as heavy as may be was tbat the ring minus thc stone was first alarm the Chancellor hurried from sages from the Chuu King that the region is not yet sufficiently known cess for human beings of those primitive Viceroy's troops are maintaining order necessary for that." to make it possible to assert certainly days. A study of geology however found on his person. Thc diamond has his sleeping chamber with thc great not beea recovered aad the police seal, and buried it in bis garden. In the in the city. The British Consul advises A dispatch from Quincy to the New that there was once a great lake or opens tbe eyes to antiquity. sending refugees down the river, as marsh between the Nile aad Lake think he swallowed it. morning he tried in vain to locate the York limes makes the following in­ I understand that out of this rem­ place where he had buried the seal. he fears further trouble owing to tbe teresting comparissons between the Tchad or that a tributary of the great nant of a primeval forest thus dredged E. W. Hopper, of Twin Hill, to-day breaking down of the civil adminis­ river oace took its rise ia tbe Saharaa dug up a British copper coin on his By thc advice of Lady Eldon evs.-y ser­ Rivadavia and the latest dreadnoughts up, some old fashioned pieces of furni­ vant in the household was provided tration. of the principal Powers: Lake, but there is a vast depression ture are to be made. I have two or premises. It was in a good state of about the Babr-el-Gazal region that preservation, and lettering "Georgius either wkh a spade, a trowel or a poker, "The United States has four battle­ three of the "natives" always on the aad ordered to "probe" tbe_ gardeB. makes this hypothesis seem probable. lookout for curiosities for me, and I 11. Rex, 1749, is visible. Mr Hopper ships of thc dreadnought type that are had visions of a buried treasure, and At last tbe Chancellor was relieved by nearly as big as the Rivadavia and two have a strong idea that when the the cry of "fouad." LATEST AVIATION MARTYR. Harbour itself is being dredged, there with pick and shovel sought to find of which will be more powerful so far great wealth but without success. The Great Se-al of England is often as their main batteries are concerned will be some strange and curious Lieut Cammel Killed At Hendon. CHESTNUT" HAS A CLASSIC finds brought up from beneath its There was a rost on the pumpkins called "the seals" because it is made than the Rivadavia will be. The in two parts thc obverse aad tbe re­ Arkansa and Wyoming are 860 tons ORIGIN. waters. this morning, the first time this season Cider mills to-day started operations vere''. In other days when a new seal LONDON, Sept. 18.—While flying smaller in size, bat carry identical was used the old one was broken into main batterkes, while the New York Joseph Jefferson, the actor asserted H. B. SMALL, on full time aad tlte temperance folk at a high altitude at Hendon this -after­ that the origin of the word "chestnut," started a campaiga to make Winsted pieces, the destruction forming quite a noon. Lieutenant Caramel's Military and Texas, the building of which ships ceremonious act. Thc pieces were is sow under way, are 500 tons smaller as applied to a stale story, was to be St. George's, September 15th, 1911. dry. i ^ Aeroplane collapsed. Lieut. Cammel found ia a melodrama entitled The mm*- perquisite of the chancellor. _ In modern fell hundreds of feet and was instantly than the Argentine dreadnought. The days the ceremony of breaking the old New York and Texas will mount tea Broken Sword, by William Dillon, ABOUT THE TOOTHBRUSH. kiHed. in wliich the following bit of dialogue seal has consisted in tbe sovereign's Lieut. Cammel r,as using a V.alkyrie 14-inch gaas, however, making their giving it a gentle blow with a hammer. main batteries the greatest ever placed takes (dace between Count Xavier aad CLEANLY WOMAN. It may seem somewhat extravagant military monoplane, one of tbe four his servant Pablo. It is then supposed to be broken, presented by Mr Barber to the wat on board a battleship in this or any to buy toothbrushes by thc dozen or the and has lost all its virtue as a symbol other navy. Count Xavier—Once I entered the gross use one brush for one day only office in June. of the royal authority. Tbe lord chan­ The unfortunate aviator was an officer forests of Calloway, whea suddenly. ERRONEOUSLY THINKS BY SCOURING and then throw it away_ but that is cellor preserves the " broken"_ seal, "Great Britain's nearest approach exactly what some medical scientists of the Royal

other* do not need the useless expense SHIPPING REPORT. of two governments; with Canada a DIRECT SERVICE TO MOROCCAN TANGLE. Schools for Crime. part of us and contributing to our MURRAY'S ANCHORAGE. Zhc "Ro^ai (5a3ettc national expenses, the opposition to reciprocity would lose its force. There Sept. 18.—Arrived, Br. S. S. Tagus, JAMAICA. GERM AN VS ANSWER TO FRENCH has long been a strong sentiment in piloted by Pilot E. L. Smith. Received PROPOSALS. i.- Punishment off Young favor of annexation in thb country; pratique and proceeded to Grassy Bay i ia the past we have annexed many to land passengers and freight. ««, Tenders Te be Called for Soon. Great Secrecy Maintained. Offenders. times, awl have usually taken territory Sept. 18.—Br. S. S. Oceana, piloted occupied by people far different from Is It Annexation ? by Riot A Crcsscr . After receiv­ BERLIN, Sept. 19.—Herr Von Waech­ BY E. BOWEN ROWLANDS. ourselves and at great distance from ing pratique disembarked 65 passengers INCLUSION OF BERMUDA ter received M. Cambon at the Foreign ns—the Phillippines, Hawii, Porto and a few hotel stores on to tender Office yesterday afternoon and presented Rko, Panama, and even the Flori-das ESSENTIAL. The question of the value of reforma­ Triton for St. George's; then proceeded to him Germany's answer to the latest tory .schools has recently been much dis­ To-day the greatlfight opens ia and the Louisiana Purchase and the to Grassy Bay to land other passengers. proposals of France relative to the territory acquired in the Mexican cussed and we understand that a com­ Canada over the Reciprocity ques­ At 5130 p.m. passed through outwards Exhibition In 1915. Moroccan dispute. mittee appointed by tbe present Govern­ War were distant and occupied by for New York. tion. It is safe to say that before different people when taken under our ment is now inquiring into thek admin­ Sept. 19.—Arrived Br. S. S. Cromarty KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sept. 18. -His PARIS, Sept. 19.—The Foreign Office istration. In these circumstances, no to-morrow dawns a chapter of im­ yesterday received a telegraphic sum­ from Halifax, piloted by Pilot James Excellency Sir Olivier, who excuse is necessary for dealing with mense import wiB have been added ***- -• - mary of Thursday's pour parler be­ "Great Britain is now trying to de­ Griffiths. Received pratique and pro­ returned to Jamaica on the "Tortu a matter of such national importance to the history of the British Empire ceeded to Hamilton. gucro" on the 15th inst. has resumed tween the French Ambassador and the as the treatment of young offenders feat reciprocity in order to hang on to German Foreign Minister and also as a whole, as well as to that which Canada; many of us .are opposed to it Sept. 19— Pilots E. L. Smith and the administration of the Government against th; law. Mr. Bowen Rowlands F. G. Virtue, assisted by fishermen in, this Colony. a full report by letter but maintains who needs no introduction to our immediately concerns the- Dominion of for other reasons, white Canada re­ great secrecy in the matter. The mains alien. I read from the Cana­ Arthur Lamb and Walter Lamb, visited readers, has undertaken to survey Canada. Interviewed on his arrival, His "Temps" gives the impression that the dian papers that American capital has Mill's Breaker and Buoy, took bearings Excellency stated that, having conferred the whole question in a series of articles Ostensibly the matter at issue is a from land and soundings in vicinity German response wul be partially of which we publish the first to-day. practically built up the Dominion, and with the Right Hon. L. V. Harcourt, satisfactory but says that it would proposal for reciprocity in respect to that is just what British capital did and then proceeded to Kitchen's Buoy Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the detached shoals; several bear­ still be premature to forecast the out­ trade .between Canada and the United in South Africa before the Boer war, it had been decided to call for tenders come with anything like an assurance The "schools for crime" in question which annexed that territory to Bri­ ings and soundings were taken, after for a new Direct Steamship service at ate the privately owned, privately States. It is alleged that free inter- whkh thc pilots and their assistants of certainty. The aegotiatioas are tain. Of course, we do not want a an early date. Full details of the re- aow eatering a decisive stage aad the managed, but State-supported prisons ourse between the two great portions war of conquest, nor any other war, boarded the Consort, which quirements had been supplied, and for young criminals technically termed had taken them out, and came ashore feeling amoag Freach Statesmen ap­ ofthe North American Continent bnt should we not do all in our power instead of, as hitherto, being asked pears to be that they have offered "reformatory schools." The expres- to bring about the peaceful union of reaching Market Wharf shortly before what they would supply for a given sion is not of my own invention, but must be to their mutual advantage. three o'clock. to Germany more than thc public these sections of the world? With subsidy, the Steamship Companies will opinion of their country will approve was used by a late judge when discuss­ And on the surface the proposition Senators and members of Congress Sept. 19.—Auctioneer F. B. Spurling be asked to quote their price for the after the present strain has relaxed. ing with me the evils of the reformatory serins reasonable—nay, thc conclusiou, from Ontario, Quebec and other new offered thc hull ot the Schooner Emma nature of servke required. The French Ministry probably will system; but I unreservedly tdopt it- 'States,' we would command the St. if thsere were no unseen factors to vitiate Knowlton for sale at Public Auction The "Gleaner," in an editorial find it impossible in any essential For my observations during many Lawrence river as we do the Missis- und;r thc shed at Market Wharf this commenting on this intervkw says years when I practised in the superior it, would be inevitable. That there is particular to go further than it has sippi and England's North American afternoon at 4 o'clock. Thc bids start­ in part:—" Unfortunately in his remarks gone. There is almost a feeling of criminal courts satisfy me that the such a factor, has for a long time been base of war operations against s ed at £25; five pounds was the limit on the subject there was one point which regret among the French people now ejtp.esskn is warranted by facts. Still, conceded. would be limited to the Bermudas, bid and bidding was lively. It went His Excellency did not make quite that the Cabinet has gone so far. satisfied though I personally am, I which she holds as a chip on her shoul­ as follows:—£25, £511, £55, £60, £65, readily acknowledge that in order to The opponents of reciprocity regard clear in fact we do not think he referred der and as a club at our front door— £70, £75. £80, £85, £90, £100, where to it at aB, and that was whether justify the serious charge implkd there­ the measure as the beginning of a a naval station which she is as ready the auctioneer hung for quit: a-while Bermuda is to come in with Jamaica in in evidence must be adduced more movement of which thc end must be to use against us as she ever was, and seeing ao other bids ia prospect any direct line servke that may be cogent than the opinions of one judge knocked the hull down to R. R. Swainsc n Discouraged London. and oae barrister. the absorption of the Dominion by and whkh she could not hold without arranged for. Halifax.?" Esq., for thc sum of £100. Thc auction This evidence I propose to set out the I'nited States. A strong denial In our opinion the inclusion of Ber­ evidently was well advertised, for there muda in the projected coBtract is GLOOMY OUTLOOK FOR FOR­ in this and succeeding articles. is offered to this. It is alleged tliat To own the whole continent is a was a large crowd in attendance; highly desirable. We had almost said EIGN INVESTMENTS. But, before I deal with specific among the many who were within sound csseatial. Bermuda is a popular tour­ reformatory schools, I may profitably the United States have no such inten­ perfectly legitimate ambition, on the of the auctioneer's hammer were:— tion, and therefore, by inference, that part of the United States; and tte ist resort: Jamaica has yet to be made Reflection Of Fundamental In­ summarise the result of inquiries made H. Smith. Col. Engineer Surveyor; such a resort, aad one way to attain fluences. of those whose business in life it is to annexation is impossible. ambition is nourished, and has been W. C. Hallett. Colonial Surveyor; E. S. that object would be to bring this familiarise themselves with such mat­ Yet if history conveys any lesson at nourished, by all classes over the McCallan, Revenue Officer; Messrs. island into regular steamship communi­ LONDON September 19—London is ters. .And first: Those who are con­ E. C. Crawford, R. R. Swainson, W. D. all. it surely teaches that intentions in wide area of the Union; and reci­ cation with a place which is often over­ taking a gloomy and discouraged view cerned in the management of our Lent, A. Cresser Fox, Engineer Snape, State prisons. Some three years ago I procity is, to all appearance, the means flowing with health and pleasure seekers of things. It is convinced that thc thc face ofovermastcringcircumstaaces T. T. Higinbothom, J. M. S. Patton, in the winter months. We mean world wide declines that have recently visited—.in thc course of preparing a are productive of very little effect, if, at present in favour for attaining the H. V. Smith, Wm. E.Meyer, Jr., Edgar of course steamship communication been so active in all classes of invest­ series of articles for another journal Meyer, David Rkhardson, A. J. Thomes, indeed, of any. Reciprocity will un- ambition. of the speedy and comfortable order." ment arc neither temporary nor fickle. on our prison system—our convict George Simpson, F. B. Kimball, R. \\. They are a belated reflection of in- prisons and certain other prisons, in­ doubtedlv if carried out lead to thc But Canada has shown herself capa­ Appleby, Rev. L. L. Havard, A. Inglis, The expected tenders will probably come up at the next regular session of flucnecs that arc fundamental. One cluding what is now known as the Bor­ introduction of United States capital ble of self-governmeflt while yet re and a large number erf American and of the main influences of liquidation stal Institution at Borstal. Whereever Bermudian interested parties. the Legislative Council. into Canada, and thc eventful Amcri- maiaing aa integral portion of the A meeting of thc Royal Jamaica originates in the unabsorbed Argentine I went I found without one single excep­ tion, that every official from thc gover­ C nization of the Domimon. British Empire. Her loy.alty has, it is .Sept. 19.—Dutch S. S. Loppersum Society of Agriculture and Merchants Loan of £14,000,000 recently under­ hoisted for a pilot in St. George's har­ written by Paris and Belgain Banks. nor down to the lowest-grade warder, What has American history to say true, been but indifferently rewarded Exchange has been called for the 28th bour was boarded by Pilot F. G. Virtue inst . the sole object of which will be In additionthere is no question that condemned the reformatory system, on the question? by the disciples of Cobden; and Mr. and taken to sea. The Loppersum, to discuss the Direct. Line question. keen anxiety is entertained regarding basing their opinions on the effect of it Winston Churchill, among other evils in ballast, is bound to New Richmond, the outlook for a lasting settlement of on thc prisoners who had been and were "We might as well be frank and hon­ The work of enlarging the Hote' in thek charge. Quebec. Tichfield, Port Antonio, will be under­ the Moroccan controversy. The belief est '' said Mr. Prince ojf IllinoiIllinois in he has inflicted upon his country, is general that France and Germany res o openly boasted that the overtures of Sept. 20.—It is reported that a torna­ taken at once. the House of Representatives on the do passed over St. George's at 3.30 are further apart that the diplomati­ " HOTBEDS OF CRIME." Certain energetic Jamaicans are al­ cally, inspired statements on the ne­ 28th of April. American went int o the great Dominion were received o'clock this mornin

of age shall be sent to a State prison , THE PICTURE POSTCARD. unless upon a certificate of the court of conviction that he is too unruly or In the matter of profit the picture depraved to be sentenced to "deten­ postcard has become one of the most e. tion under the Act. important factors in revenues of the post office department. To give some "ISBCSTRIAL SCHOOLS." idea ef the enormity of the picture postcard business k may be noted that "Detention ht a place of detention" more than 47,000 picture postcards may be ordered practically in any case were mailed in one way at a small where a criminal is under sixteen years seaside pleasure resort in the neigh­ GOVERNMENT NOTICES. of age, but no place of detention has bourhood of New York City. These yet been provided by the State. wjrein addition to thc litters and ordi- It therefore follows, generally speak­ nary.'postal cards that passed through ing, that if a court of trial thinks it that office. The picture cards carried THE PATENTS, DESI6NS AUD TRADE MARKS ACT. LARD 6d. per lb. desirable to deprive a youthful offender only brief messages ranging from a oi his liberty, he must be sent to an mace "HeBo!" or "Yours truly," np FLOUR 7 lbs. for 1/- CORN MEAL lt lbs. for 1/- "industrial' or a "reformatory " school. to ~A9 well thus far on onr trip," Application has been made for the registration of the following Trade Marks: As to the former, it applies to children or "Having the time oi our Ives, and Date of application: 19th July, 1911. CODFISH 4d. per Ib. under twelve years of age—and in one all send love." Applicants: Bosch and Company, of Badalona, Spain. case to children of thirteen—and is That fe the common case with COOKING BUTTER 9d. per lb. 6/6 per 101b. Tub ratter intended for unfortunate than these cards. They are .aot vehicles of Trade Mark wicked children. However apart from correspondence in the stricter sense. In Class~i$r'~~' RICE 7 lbs. for 1/- this, considerations of space prevent me They ore .sent on account of their discussing snch schools now, although pictures, and save for the sentimental KEROSENE OIL 3/3 per tin. some of the objections that may be gratification of being remembered, the advanced against the reformatory school recipients generally find in the pictures apply also to the industrial school. th iir chief value. SALT BEEP still 4%d. per lb. by the piece; As to reformatory schools, any per­ Like tbe postcard, the pkture card Sd. per Ib. ii cut. son of twelve years of age and upwards fe of foreign origin and was introduced and under sixteen who is convicted to this continent about 1898, through of an offence punishable, in the case of the enterprise trf European lithographers SPLENQID COFFEES at 1/2.1/6,a»« 1/8peri*. an adult, with penal servitude or im­ who discovered that American travel1, prisonment, may be sent by the court lers were specially fond trf sending of conviction to a reformatory school home photographs of buildings and SUQAR —at cost—3d. per lb. for not less than three and not more than statuary, landscapes and street scenes, five years, the period not to extend in to show thek .Mends what had interested any case beyond the time when the them ha thek foreign wanderings. offender attains the age of nineteen These men conceived a plan for making years. pictures cheaper£than photographs, but Also, an industrial school boy over for general purposes equally effective, twelve years of age, and a youthful whkh could be mailed without enclosure offender pardoned conditionally, may in envelopes. be sent by order of the Home Secretary Presently some governments abroad to such a school. granted the privilege erf putting a Thompson, Roberts & Co, The other methods of punishing per­ little writing on a card wkh a picture. sons under sixteen years of age do not It was not long bcfoic what started concern me, as none involve any such as a local money-making scheme devel­ deprivation of liberty as imprisonment oped into a great industry and spread HEADQUARTERS FOR in a reformatory school entails. all over the world. The Universal Postal Union adopted rules that per­ GOOD GROCERIES mitted the transmission of pkture EFFECT OF THE " CHILDREN ACT." postcards through the international mails aad ia due course they were Now, the result oi the Children Act," Septr. 15/11. JlOllH. 108. wf in so far as it sanctions " imprisonment," admitted to the demestic mails. is merely to substitute for the State As first-class matter, both post­ prison a private prison, as the following cards and picture cards enjoy the Date of application: 19th July, 1911 same supreme right (rf way that letters facts will show. A young criminal Applicants: Bosch and Company, of Badalona, Spain. of twelve to sixteen years of age if do. They differ from letters however, imprisoned at ali, must—subject to in the important particular that if Trade Mark Special Valves in what has been, written above—be impris­ by any mischance they find their In class 43 oned in a reformatory school, at a way to the Dead Letter Office they are maximum cost to the country of 12s. destroyed instead of being returned lew Fall Shoes a week and a minimum cost of 8s. 6d. to the senders. The files trf the Dead a week. Letter Office at Washington make a Ladies* Boots, 4/M», 4/11J, ">/«, 5/11, 7/6 A young criminal between sixteen fearful showing as to cards. Oi the Ladies' Low .Shoes, 3/10, 4/114, 5/3, 5/6, 6/3 and twenty-three years of age, if he unmailablc alone, an average of fifteen LatBes'Strap Shoes 4/U|, 5/8, ©/*. 7/11, 8/11 thoussand come there every day. New Men's Lace Boots 5/4, 5/11, 6/$ 7/11, 9/1% is thoroughly wicked and of strong con­ York City has sent in as many as one stitution, may, if convicted at assizes hundred and five thousand dead cards SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY or quarter sessions, be sent to a Borstal of all sorts, as the harvest of oae week institution—that fe, a State prison in the busy season; Chicago following Boys' Sehool Boots, 9i to 1% 2/11} pair Value 4/6 where he fe specify taught to earn Men's Black and Tan Low Shoes, 7/11 Values up to 13/6 hfe living outside—for not more than close wkh ninety-eight thousand. Even these figures give oaly a rough suggestion THE AMERICAN SHOE CO. The Arcade, Burnaby Street. three years, at a cost of £1 a week! of the extent of the business done in If the young criminal in question cards, both by dealers and by thc Gov­ 21/9/11. th does not fulfil the necessary conditions ernment. An approximate calculation he may be sent to Dartmoor Convict puts the total erf cards mailed at less Prison—if sentenced to penal servitude than two thousand million. —or to any local prison if sentenced to imprisonment, where he is placed in a The postcard industry has grown juvenile adult class, at a cost, if at and grown till it now almost threatens Dartmoor, of £40 14s. 9d. per annum; to swamp the mails. if elsewhere, of £30 Os. 4d. per annum No similar fact has ever laid so power­ The above figures do not allow for ful an obsession upon the mass of thc value of labour and only give the actual public. Tourists'Guide first cost to the country. It therefore appears that in order to obtain the especial care of the State a youthful criminal must be of known criminal character, strong in body, and sixteen years of age or over. Furniture Sale —Daily. Mail.

BT PUBLIC AICTION ARTISTIC WORK OF THE SPITAL- FIELDS SILK WEAVERS. TO BE SOLD The Bermuda Some beautiful pieces of silk, made At "Clyde Me," Date of application: 19th July, 1911. on a loom in Spitalfields to a design Applicants: Bosch and Company, of Badalona, Spain. approved by tbe Queen, were recently (Near Victoria Park) on view in London. Tbey were sold Trade Mark for tbe benefit of the Prince Francis the residence of In class 43. POCKET ALMANACK of Teck memorial fund of the Middle­ sex Hospital. Thc silk was made up MR. H. W. THOMPSON in twelve colours and had woven on its surface a design of White York ANIS DEL MONO roses entwined wkh pink May blossoms To-morrow, Friday surmounted by St. Edward's crown. Guide and Directory. As fe the case with all Spitalfields silk the 22nd inst., at 12 o'clock: it was hand-woven, and has wearing and J. T. TRIMINGHAM, lasting qualities far surpassing any Auto Piano and 18 Rolls Music Acting Registrar. silk in the world. Mahogany Table The exhibition may help to resusci­ Golden Oak Tables and Rockers tate a dying industry. Fifty years Wicker Chairs, Oak Hall Stand By Command, ago the Spitalfields weavers numbered Oak Writing Desk and Chair R POPHAM LOBB, tens of thousands. To-day there .are Oak Dressers and Wash Stands Colonial Secretary. scarcely more than 200. The firm Oak Cheffonier and Costumere Colonial Secretary's Office. SIXTY-EIGHTH PUBLICATION oi which Sir Henry Buckingham, one 3 Smyrna Rugs 6x9, Oak Sideboard of the present sheriffs trf the cky, is 5 Axminster and Wilton Rugs 9x12 September 20th, 1911. v91 the head, is one of the few remaining Linoleum, Curtain Poles, Clocks weaving firms owning looms which are Lamps, etc., Meat Safe lent to the workers. These invariably Enameled Lined Refrigerator work at home. The work is so intri­ White Enameled Bedstead, Spring and Advertise in The Royal Gazette cate and requires such Mattress that it fe impossible to employ power Brass Bedstead, Spring and Mattress Containing a Revised Historical Sketch of Ber­ or to work in association. The .Spital­ Oak China Closet, Toilet Sets fields weaver is an artist. Oak Dining Table and Chairs muda Generally, with Statistics, embody­ The pattern chosen by the Queen Oak Arm and Morris Chairs was one of the most intricate known, Divan Mattress and Cover SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE ing detailed information on points over -400 threads having to be thrown Step Ladders, Oil Cans, Flat Irons to produce one and a half inches of Water .Pails, Blue Flame OH Stove of interest. .silk. A veter-an weaver was intervkw- Kitchen Table, Cooking Utensils ed while working on the royal pattern. etc., etc., etc. PER CENT. His loom was over a hundred years old, DISCOUNT while a .second loom has been in use B. W. WALKER* CO., 20 for nearly two centuries. Auctioneers It is made of oak and has a magni­ Hamilton, B.da., CHINAWARE ficent Spanish mahogany roller oa Sept. 31/11. th whkh tbe warp fe wound. On the roller GLASSWARE Some On sale at the various news-stands of tbe loom 5,000 separate threads were ENAMELWARE goods wound and passed through the "reed," CARP PRICE —2s. (48c.) a comb with 700 teeth .set in the batten, PICTURES at 1 whkh swings backward and forward SOUVENIR CHINA balf while the shuttle flies across it. Strict silence fe enjoined by thc Miss Helena Fubler CUTLERY price worker. It is needful. Som .-times four different shuttles, each containing a GRADUATE NURSE STATIONERY different colour have to be used in Frederick Douglas Hospital, Phila. WANTED FORJRENT varying rotation. The weaver catches and dispatches the shuttles wkh the INVITES THE PATRONAGE EXTIA SPECIAL BARGAINS II LAMPWAIE deftness ef a juggler, and all the while OF THE PUBLKL BY A SINGLE keeps strict count of the journeys ef The Upper Fiat each shuttle. Maternity Cases and Sale commences Wednesday morning and continues for two weeks GENTLEMAN "It requires all the brain you can OF THE put into it" said one of che weavers, Massage Specialties "and you could not do snch work as Address: Board and Lodging this in a factory; the noise of other Bermnda Furnishing and Supply Comply machines would distract yonr mind. Mangrove Bay District, - Sandys. (permanent) in Hamilton or MELBOURNE At this t-ask you need daylight; the Sept. 31/11. lm th.&.s 1@" FRONT STREET STORE -®ft environs colours ran into one another in artificial Sept 18/11 828.72.mwf Apply, stating terms, and location light. Yon need to have your heart i I k, for there is always something new HOUSE to learn, and each .new pattern has ks Finch Grown Royal Gazette Office OGILVIE ARTON own difficulties, for whkh the whole ma­ chine may lave tm be altered. I Sept 20/11. eitf * Sept 13/11.816.3t.3w 3th am afraid the craft will be extinct soon, Golden Self Blaicbiig as the young people won't stick to it. It d jsn't pay, more'sthe pky. I have made PROFESSIONAL MAN silk twenty-four inches in width, whkh Feed of all Kinds (single) WANTED only weighed one ounce to the yard. CELEtf Ol that I could make six or seven yards Now to hand and ready for delivery REQUIRES a day. In working k I hardly dared to tjuch it. I was almost afraid to look ALSO at it. There were 9,000 threads in Cheap for Cash. Board and the warp." A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Three Clerks OTHER SEEDS H. DUNKLEY, Lodging FOR including all favourite varieties. TO CURE A COLD IM ONE DAY Telephone 187. Hamilton. in a private Boarding House or FLOWER SEEDS with a private family residing GROCERY STORE fake Laxative Bromo Quinine 11106.86D.e.i. to N80. eitf as well, in .good supply. in or near Hamilton. Tablets. ,-Ul druggists refund Apply at once. Reply with terms, etc. to tiie money H it fails to cure. THOS. J. WADSON, ! THOMPSON, ROBERTS ft CO., E. W. Grove's signature is 00 •lUaiilton each box Advertise in The Royal Gazette c/o COLOSIST Office I Han llton H9B MWHTTNB CO, * lm*. V, * V Bept H/U.821.27.(w 2th BeptiW/nt888.21.eitf eitf Bept. a/ii.tmsuitf •it* THB ROYAL GAZETTE, 1HDRSDAT, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911.

THE WORLD OYER. Glimpses of Ireland's Capital City. I " BASEBALL STRATEGY. BERMUDA-ATLANTIC LINE Bench Order* at Times Queers th* NEW YORK-BEBMUDA ROUTE. tf. A fine example of coolness was .given Batter With .ths Fan*. Someone has said that " Dublin is One of the charms of tbe game is its the other day by a telegraph operator one of the very few real cities teft ia at Rennes, Fraace, while the post- unexpectedness, the fact that yon nev. MAGNIFICENT Largest and finest Janos tbe world." By that we suppose is office was burning. The Central Post steamer te the The Best Natural Aperient Water meant tha* there is still to be found er can tell what's going to happen un­ TWIN - SCREW S. S. "OCEANA" Bermuda Service Office in Paris r.eeeived from them the there that sense of corporate life til it is history. ier sluggish bowels. Brings relief following message: "The post-office is among her 300,000 inhabitants, which In the natural easy way. Speedy, on fire on the floor beiow ns, where the Do yon know what 'Inside bair* LEAVE BERMUDA EVERT MONDAY *m9 tarn .and gentle. Try a bottle found in towns of a certain size, with really Is? Most "fans" think they do, telephone cabins have been burned. en increasing radius, somehow or LEAVE NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY —aad drink half a tumbler We will leave when the flames reach but few really do know. In fact, it on arising, before breakfast, tm other gets split up into cliques ofhft- is, a very interesting sidelight, both on Superb accommodations for over 600first-class passengers; Orchestra; our floor.'' Soon after all were obliged teres^ sometimes mutually exclusive. to escape to the basement. tbe game and on the American char Gymnasium; Cham ores de Luxe with private baths, and many other It is hardly possible to live in Dub­ exclusive features. Tickets and further particulars of lin, writes a recent visitor, and WJt acter, tie realize that nine ont of ten While preparations were being made see daily many aspects of public life people who see a ball game see onl; A. K. JOLLIFFE, Manager, 26 Front Street, Hamilton, Bermuda CONSTIPATI a few days ajo for the annual festi­ which in larger capitals must be tbe flesh of it, never realize the skele­ t796A.36.ei to 7-9-12. »p eHp val at Cossenay, near Lausanne, Swit­ laboriously sought for. When the ton on which lt is built, never see the zerland, a terrt&ie accident hap.pened. whistles call the operatives ia Dub- heart beating nor watch ite lifeblood Eight men belonging to a circas com­ En, factories to their mtst, out swarm pany were placing a tent in position, the work-hands. They may often flow. Yon go to a game and shout J. W. GIBBONS, M.M. when the central pole came into con­ meet, sometimes they must do so, the yourself hoarse. A Clergyman tact with an overhead live wire of stream of students from Trinity Col­ "Hit it ont, yon, you 'bonehend'.' 13,f>00 volts, and five of the workmen lege. The castle disgorges its long Wbat yer standing there for? Tbink fill dead on the spot. Three others lines of officials. Merchants COBK this a pink tea? They're all perfectly Sanitary Plumbing and Gas- received severe shocks. The festival gregate in an open-air "readez-vo«s;" has b^en abandoned. good—hit 'em!" And the player at fitting, Galvanizing, Tinning, the jauntiag-car jogs noisty over cob­ the plate, bearing, longs to obey—for bles; shawl-enveloped maidens offer Brass Casting and Pipe Bend­ yoa flowers; beggars—for here thtir all players love to hit—yet holds him­ The latest mixed metaphor comes self In. ing, Sheet-iron Work, Brazing from France, a; is worthv being name is legion—lift up their hands and placed on record. The occasion of rt voices. Such scenes are enacted within "Make bim give yon three balls. of all Metals; Casting a Spec­ was a dock strike at Rochefort. the a very limited area and, there is about Tben hit!" are his orders from tbe dockers being filled with indignation the maa "abandoa," which often bench from tbe baseball general or­ ialty. because the authorities refused them recall to the traveller experiences_ ia dering tbe game. A man is on third. Southern Italy. Under duller skies, a fortnight's holiday on fn!I pay, and Tbere ts bnt one ont. Hits bave been Sole Agent for P.B.Colt's Acetylene this is how their spokesman rendered which frequently shed copious tears, the Dublinite in some ways tempera­ few and far between, bnt a long fly da* Apparatus. the ancient sentiment that worms will will score tbe man. How get a long tarn. "Even the feeble she-^p." he ex­ mentally closely resembles the Italian claimed, "when the fierce .Masts of in­ of Central Italy. fly? By meeting one which "cuts tbe Bun STBBBT. dignation make; its fleece bristle up on heart of tbe plate" .square and fair. Tbe viator is at once forced to observe How get the pitcher to serve snch a end, feels that it must t'irest out its the jauating car. We say "forced" talons and scratch." advisedly, for as in the days of Harry hall? By "working" bim until three Lorrequcr. Dublin may still be "writ balls have been called, wben the Soon France will have the largest down" as the "most cardrivingest fourth ball must come over the plate sailing vessel in the world. She is to city in Europe.'" There is no need to or tbe batter be given a pass; bence be launched next month and will be describe the jaunting-car, with its the orders. V they go wrong, if tbe called La France. She will replace as seat on each side, hs fame having gone • Printing • pitcher succeeds in getting three strikes the first sailing ship of the world the forth to the uttermost parts of the earth huge German sailer Preussj«, which The "gondola" of the Irish no one who. across before three balls, the batter *j*—mmmmmsmm^m&m^m*mmmmmammm*-\%\—wmm**mmaaamaa was lost last year on the English coast. is .anybody, dare visit the Emerald Isle strikes ont, and a groan goes up from The Franc will be 393 feet long and and omit to taste its perilous joys. the crowd. Bnt the batter knows, and her beam will measure 52 feet. Her Two may ride theron more easily than the pitcher knows, and the team disDlacement will ,bc 10.189 tons. On one—one balances theother, as children knows, and the players on the bench her five mists wfll be spread 19,500 on a see-saw plank. The trouble begins know that the man at the plate struck square feet of canvas. The mammoth when a ride has to be undertaken alone. ont because be was obeying orders.— ship will sail betwen European ports The novice usually braces up Ms nerves and New Caledonia. as if for a shock, and under such con­ World Today. GENERAL JOB ditions can hardly be expected to de­ With a packet knife a Texas man, rive unmixed pleasure from Us jaunt. TOLD IN FEW WORDS. Jjan Morales, killed a mountain lion Th ? wiser course is jnst to sit carelesslp, as if you had years of experience be­ Nervous Collapse, Brain Fag, a few days ago after the beast had Shortest Robber Story In History, as PRINTING t >rn his right arm until it hung help- hind you, and probably tlie ordeal will be safely undergone. One is unfortu­ Narrated by Voltaire, Neuralgia— M< had just left his home nate, if the ways of the Dublin Jehu and hearing the screams of his chil­ In his study of "Seven Great States­ For gelling things done, making tbings go, tbe invigorating stimulus of •do not prove of interest 1 He. as a type, men" Andrew D. White describes the dren returned to find the lion in the bubbles over with humour which a rich Phosferine cannot be equalled, says the Rev. A. H. Field. Fully middle of the floor over the dead body work done in the eighteenth century in Black and Colours. brogue makes doubly palatable. He aware that as a clergyman he is hound to make sure of the accuracy of of tin ihree-year-old boy. The other by the French minister Turgot against can drive a hard bargain but show that bis estimation of Phosferine, this gentleman states tbat, distinct from two children were unhurt. The Hon yon appreciate him. and all that Dub­ thc vicious system then prevailing of sprang at him, and Morales, madden- lin contains may be yours for the "farming ont" the taxes.. A great o:ber cases, be has verified and tested the efficacy of the tonic kimself. e 1 with rage at the death of his child, asking. Motors have aot yet robb" 1 combination of contractors resulted It was Phosferine, and Phosferine alone, be says, whkh raised bim managed to get out his pocket knife, him of all interests in life, and thc the large blade of which opentd with who grew enormously rich at the peo­ from tbe nervous collapse, remedied the and neuralgia which deep vein of poetry—despite appeal ple's expense, not, however, without held down bis efforts and arrested his plans over a lengthy period. a spring, and wfth his left hand began ance which promises nothing but stabbing the lion and finally pierced prose—often expresses itself in un­ able criticism. Since taking Phosferine be is entirely free from nervous distresses, and iu heart. adulterated elovuence. This syndicate assumed tbe charac­ can pot his whole heart and energies into his work, and indeed, such is SPECIALTY: ter of what in America of these days his activity tbat he has roused many helpers to bis cause. Experience I.undy Island, a granite rock off the Dublin is unquestionably a beauti­ wonld be called a "combine," and at bas taught the Rev. A. H. Field that numbers of people do not realise coasc of Devon, has lost its "king." ful cky. Guide books run into pages the bead of it were the fanners gen­ their languor and half-hearted efforts are due to lack of nerve force, and I'! . v-jneiabie owner of the island, the ab jut its rebuilt cathedrals, its ra mi- eral, wealthy, powerful and, as a rule, Rev. H. G. Kea\en, -after spending lie itions of tram lines, its spacious merciless. Their power pervaded the he believes they will quicker appreciate the efficacy of Phosferine by practically all his life in his granite qu ivs, its charming gardens, its au- learning of his own recovery. Ruled and Printed Custlc there amongst his people, who m -rous bridges erossiag the River entire nation, from tbe king's apart­ numb' r 35, has been compelled to re­ Li'Tey (one of these the O'Connell, ments at Versailles to tbe cottages of turn to thc mainland owing to iae«ea:r- Bridge, being rather a curiosity, in the lowliest village. Have No Existence Now. Forms, Visiting Girds, ing ji ir; and illnc. . The bleak is­ that it is considerably broader than To those men and their methods Vol­ land and its people wfll see him no long), Sackville street is certainly taire bad made a reference which ran Rev. A. H. Field, 336, Brettenbam Road, Walthamstow, writes: more in the winter, though he may one o" the finest streets in all Europe, "It gives me much pleasure to testify to tbe beneficial effects of although its immense breadth some­ through France and Indeed through visit the rock occasionally in the warm Phosferine in many cases of nervous disorder, where I have advised ** Invitations, «* weather. Mr. Heaven has been "king" what dwarfs tbe buildings that line it. Europe. of Lundy since his yout''. Being private The Neltoa Pillar is a lofty fluted A party of Parisians were amusing the use of your tonic. Some four years ago I myself had a nervous prop. rty. the island ha no local govern­ coin nn in the Doric style, and rises each other by telling robber stories. ^breakdown, and a friend advised Phosferine. I took his advice, and I ing body. Mr. Heavt.» has been king. skywards 120 feet, .being surmounted Presently Voltaire, who had been speedily found that I had acted wisely, for the neuralgic pains and the Programmes, Tickets parliament, and piuserver of the by a colossal statue of the great Ad­ listening quietly, said: mental weariness soon took flight, and I was thoroughly braced up. peace, and hi.", kindlv rule endeared him miral, executed bv Kirk, a native of "I can tell a robber story better io all his subj.-cis. Dublin. Recently some members of my church, at my suggestion, tried the than any of yours." and Porters. «* «£ Trimty College, founded by charter remedy, and were quite satisfied with* tbe beneficial results. I have Tbe whole room immediately be­ a tvised its use now for nearly four years, and in no case bas it ) et Concerning the recovery of a watch of Queen Elizabeth ia 1591. with its came silent and listened to tbe great­ from the ?ca, a remarkable story is ample quadrangle, called Parliament proved a failure. When one thinks of the great number of so-called est personage in the French literature told by Mr. \\. T. Farrell. of Swinford, Squ.are, because Parliament voted narve remedies, it is satisfactory to find at least one upon which reliance £40,000 for its rebuilding, is a well- of the eighteenth century. Co. Mayo. " \\ 1 iie on a holidav in can be placed. I wish yonr Phosferine every success. Wben preaching _M Douglas," I.O.M.," he says, "a friend eacowed University, that, by the Voltaire after clearing his throat be­ Can DC piaCGU. I WISH yUUl I HUaiCUUC C«CIJ Oiaa_v^>i>s. .. aaa.*a j^.«...-.».—Q and myself were wading in the sea. As way. was the first in the United King­ gan as follows: away,, I have noticed Phosferine findsfinds a place in the village"" the ti e was coming in at the time, my dom to grant degrees to a Jew and a "Once on a time there was a farmer friend was jumping up and down as Roman Catholic. The City Hall. general" Dublin Castle, the Custom House, and the waves passed under his i&it, later Tben he was silent. Presently all ALL WORK as wc were walking along the pro- a score of other public buildings aB men." • . my friend discovered "that his make a fine showing, but probably began to cry out: PHOSFERINE watch was gone, and .decided that it the Custom House right on the banks "Why do yon stop? Go on. Tell ns Executed with Despatch mast have fallen "oW-Of "His pocket of tbe l.iffey is rightly considered one tbe story." THE GREATEST OF ALL TONICS when he was frockling and wading. of the very noblest edifices set apart "I have told the story," said Vol­ A PROVEN REXED7 FOR and in First Class Style At ebb tide my friend, two lady friends for such a purpose in the whole of Europe. taire. "Do yon not see that my state­ Neuralgia Lassitude I Backache and myself went along thc shore", and Costing £600,000 it is in quadrangular S?r-evta Debility ment implies tbe greatest robber story Influenza Maternity Weakness Mcuritis | Bheumatism searched for ihe watch, and sur' enough form, 375 feet by 205 feet, with a Premature Decay Faintncss I Headache ORDERS SOLICITED. one of thc ladies found it lying in a graceful dome. ln history?" Ladjgaatiaa »1 Bental Exhaustion Brain-Fag | Hysteria small pocl of water oa thc shore. It But although Dublin may pride it­ had t">ne over three hours while in the self on its public buildings, visitors Absinth. and all disorders coi^e*jue2fc upon a reduced state rf the nervous system. water." most likely wfll carry away most Dr. ft. Hercod of Lausanne in a spe­ Tiie Roval Gazette Co., Ltd, permanent recollections of its im­ cial contribution to tbe Alliance Tem­ A scene of the greatest activity pre­ mense and beautifully wooded Phoen­ perance Almanac points out tbat the ix Park, situated a little distance from 'Tlie Remedy of Kings^fe JOHN F. EVE. vails at Delhi, India. Th.; Coronation absinth liquor, which Is now prohib­ Manager, Durbar works are making steady pro­ the cky. Of nearly 2,000 acres ia ited in three European countries—Bel­ Phosferine bas been supplied by Royal Commands PHI extent, its chrcunsference must be To the Hoyni Famly Tee Imperial Family rf China gress. Th canvas camps •affl cover gium, Holland and Switzerland—owes H.M (.toe Queen of Roumania an area of 25 square miL-s requiring quite seven mites. It is about five ?; tbe impress of Bussia times tbe size of Hyde Park in Lou­ Its peculiar noxiousness to tbe fact R.M. tSsa Ktae »• S9 Ja HIM. the Dowager Empress of Russia 6> nil- of road. The electric light that It is prepared with several es­ C a. tits King or Grceeo Ii RH. The Grand Duchess of Hesso AUUMACK SEPTEMBER, 191 f system which i- being iastjiHcd will don, aad the Irish have every reason Jad tho'Princlpal Royalty and Aristocracy throughout the World. be the greatest overhead system in to congratulate themselves on ks mul­ sences, among them wormwood, whfch p= • Asliton tr rr.rsor.s. Ltd.. La Belle Sauvage. Ludexte Bill. London, England. _. SUN tiplicity of charms. Within k staads have marked toxic properties. Added fa*-. Ic ice in Great Britain, b ttles, l/ij, xtft and at/6. Sold by aH Chemists, Sines, &c • ac the world. Arrangements are I eing Q * mace to connect all the camps by rail­ thc Vice-regal Lodge, with itj- owa to tbe action of tbe alcohol (a strong TK2 2/9 s!zo contains nearly fou? times the l/U size. a High Bemarkf. extensive grounds a military school tm • Tide. way. The forthcoming Durbar will be absinth contains 05 per cent) these a th: grandest Imperial spectacle ever and hospital, various State residences, essences have a most deleterious ef­ o 3 • 8 seen in India, a land celebrated through thc Zoological gardens, sports grounds, £ S3 S etc. The portion generally frequented fect on the organisms, especially on out "ihe ages for spectacular pomp the nervous system. Even small doses H. M by the public is called the " People's "Old Fashioned'* T 19,5 5 54 27i and splendor. It wfll be the first provoke a great irritability, which 4 47 tirr.c the ruling .King Emperor has Park," aad certainly itf artistic orna­ W 20 5 5 ."53 28 5 37 may easily lead heavy drinkers to India with his prcsMtc; ia mentation as well as its rich endow­ T o 04 5 52 29 6 % p :rson at a Coronation Durbar, and ment of natural beauty, make k a crime. Epilepsy is more quickly de­ F 5 54 5 50 7 16 India proposes to show its apprecia­ place in which one could gladly loiter. veloped among absinth drinkers tban S 235 54 5 49 7 58 tion in a fitting manner. Thc main avenue runs through the among the drinkers of tte commoner 8 24% 55 5 48 8 41 loth Simtlay very centre of the park, and at the kinds of alcoholic liquors. — Dundee If 25 5 55 5 48 9 24 intersection of four of the main roads QbPfAYfaOR after Trinity An aged wandering singer, rhyaaster a mighty pillar supports a phoenix advertiser. aud story-teller, who was a descend­ rising out of flames, in representation New Moon 22 day lOh 17m A. M. ant of one famed ia the days of mins­ of the habit of this fabulous bird. We trelsy, died recently in the hospital in were told that it was in this main A FIGURE IN THE BRITISH COM- Liqueur Scotch WhisKr County Meath, Ireland. He was tbe avenue between tbe statue of Lord ' MONS. THE BERMUDA ROYAL GAZETTE last of the aid school of so-called poets Gough and the Phoenix pillar that Scarcely any figure could have de­ THE ROYAL GAZETTE COMPANY wl > lived by story-telling and verse- Queen Victoria in the last year of parted from the House of Commons and Agents: JNO. F. BURROWS & CC making at farm-house firesides. His her IHe drove slowly between appar­ le't so great a gap in the intimate life LIMITED, nr.H.e wss Thomas Smijh. and one of ently interminable lines of chfldren of members as has been occasioned .Proprietors, his ancestors wore cap and bells and gathered from all parts of Ireland by the death of Collins, the waiter in served as a jester to a prince. In his to do her honour and that the aged the upper smoking room. Foi some­ is published every Tuesday, Thursday boyhood Smith .wore a faded doublet Queen could not restrain tears at thc thing like fifty years he had been in OBSOLETE BERMUDA and Saturday morning at The Royal of alternating stripes erf yellow and impressive sight. In addition to this tbe service of the House, and he had Quebec S.S. Co. Ltd Gazette Press Office, North west corner of Reid and Burnaby Sts., Hamilton. blue, which was handed down to him fine park Dublin although flat itself known whole generations of members, Shilling Green Stamps NEW YORK AND BEBMUDA as a relic of 1 is greatgraadfatier's has immediate surroundings which who looked upon him wkh almost Business communications to be fame as a countrysi-ie fun-maker. His invest k with much charm. From the affection. The upper smoking room is 4/- EACH. SERVICE. addressed The Royal Gazette Get, stories for the most part had to do crowded streets one often catches the true centre of serious gossip in Only a limited number to be had. Limited with the fairies. His visits through­ glimpses of .not-far distant hills, which thc House of Commons. It is the out tic country were made with sche­ seemingly invite exploration place where men speak their minds FOB SALE AT SCHEDULE Communications for The Royal duled regularity. Like mose poets he- to .one another. Collins, in moving THE ROYAL GAZETTE OFFICE Gazette to be addressed to The Editor was not thrifty, and die 1 poor. about among the tables, heard all oi The Royal Gazette. .Sept. 14/11. ly th 4p MIT TO OCTOBER, IS 11 thc gossip and no man was so infallible Cable Address—"GAZETTE," Ber : A parachutist, L eutcaant Lampriere in interpreting the real opinion of mem­ LBAVB I.BAVB muda, Telephone No. 144. bers—an opinion not always expressed performed a daring feat at Fraser­ Superfluous Verbiage. 8TBAMBB NBW YOBK BEBMUDA. burgh the other day. He had gone to tt was Sunday evening uud likewise in more public quarters. NEW MAPS The Bermuda Royal Gazette is on file in: thc Fraterburgh Games to make a lite flrst call. She was entertaining Some few weeks ago at a garden LONDON—At the Imperial Institute; at OF ballton accent and a parachute descent, him at the piano, and be was not fend party to tbe staff and polke of the the Royal Colonial Institute; and and though, there .was a strong gale Bermudian Wed Sept 20 Tues Sept 26 of music. Of course sbe couldn't be House of Commons Mr. T. P. O'Con­ at the offices of Messrs. Hopkins, h'owing he determined to do as he nor made general reference to the Bermndian Sat Sept 30 Sat Oct 7 expected to know tbat, poor girl! Sbe Bermudian Wed Oet 11 Toes Oct 17 Ford, Lee & Co., 81 Billiter Buikl- had planted though there was every unique position of Collins. He told BERMUDA, E. C, also at Liverpool at probability that ke would be carried was not particularly accomplished, but how when Mr. Lloyd George was in Bermudian Sat Oot 81 Sat Oet 99 Bermudian Wed Nov 1 Toes Nov 7 Thomas Robinson & Son, 31, James out to sea. With the wind blowing at she didn't know wbat else to do. and r'oubt about the passing of his budget, SK, fifteen miles an hour the balloon soar­ be hadn't suggested anything. So sbe when all the political authorities told Bermudian Sat Nov 11 Sat Nov 18 ed swiftly aloft. Lampriere, as he played on and on. occasionally skip­ him one thing or another, he went A New and 'Revised Bermudian Thur Nov 23 Tnes Nov 28 NEW YOSK—At the New York Publio sailed over tbe harbor, was distinctly ping a few bars that sbe didn't re­ to Collins as the best informed ptlitician Library; at the offices of Messrs. observed to open the gas valve and member and trusting to luck. Finally to know what ought to be done. Edition Subject to change without notice if Middleton & Co., Morris Buildings then leap into arid-air. For some from sheer weariness and to make Collins was an ideal waiter, know­ circumstances should require. corner of Beaver and Broad Street, tirr.c l.e s-.'.etr.ed to be dropping head­ of the popular Driving, and at the law offices of Messrs conversation she turned to bim and ing the preferences of his regular cus­ long iato the harbor, and the greatest tomers and needing' no order from WATLINGTON & CONYERS, Patton and Patton, 40, Wall Street excitement prevailed amongst the folks said: Cycling and Road Map of them when they entered the rcom over Agents PmT.ADKT.PHiA, PA.—At the Museum, on shore. Owing to die rapidity of "Papa thinks It is wicked for me to whkh he ruled. He seemed to have Bermnda jnst published. Sept 16/ll.tH38.82.e.i. e.l. 88 South 4th Street. the descent the gra'rast fears were play tbe piano on Sunday." the secret of perpetual youth. His entertained for his .safety, but soon he round, sunny, boyish face, his alert­ Special prices to the trade. parachute opened out, and Lampriere "Papa Is certainly right," be replied wearily. "But why does he—er—speci­ ness, and his uniform cheerfulness floated gently over the bay, and there cave to him aa appearance of juvenil- Now on sale at Don't forget to advertise your DON'T FAIL TO was scarcely a splash when he touched fy Sunday?" ky which belied all statements as tq the water. He, his balloon and para­ It hi perbaps seedless to record that his age. He had the true Irish tempera/ THE ROTAL GAZETTE OFFICE business to ensure the greatest ADVERTISE chute were quickly picked up by a he was never again invited to that Mt- ! ment, was witty1 and ready, and was Hamilton •jug boat, 'le flat-Philadelphia Ledger. never known to be "out of sorts," Jaa 81/11. 9l.t.f. suooess. III Tbe Boyal Oaiette