THE LIFE-BOAT. the Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution
THE LIFE-BOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution. VOL. XXIV.—No. 276.] MAY, 1922. [PRICE Gd. Annual Meeting. THE Ninety-eighth Annual General taries), and Lieut.-Colonel A. S. Murray, Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- O.B.E. (District Organising Secretary BOAT INSTITUTION was held at Caxton for Greater London). Hall, Westminster, on Wednesday, 29th The CHAIRMAN : Lord Waldegrave, ladies March, 1922, at 3 P.M., the Right Hon and gentlemen, in presenting to you the Stanley Baldwin, M.P., President of Annual Report of THE ROYAL NATIONAL the Board of Trade, in the Chair LIFE-Bo AT INSTITUTION, I assume we may Among those present were :—The Ear take that Report as read ; but, in accordance with custom, it is my duty to say a few words Waldegrave, P.O. (Chairman of. the on the adoption of that Report, as an intro- Committee of Management), Sir God- duction to the proceedings to-day. frey Baring, Bt. (Deputy-Chairman oi I think it is one of the few agreeable facts in the Committee of Management), and the life of a public man that he is on occasion allowed to be present at a meeting of this kind, Lady Baring, the Right Hon. Sir Donald and to support, however inadequately, one Maclean, K.B.E., M.P., Admiral the of the most noble and self-sacrificing works Hon. Sir Stanley Colville, G.C.B., that are carried on in the country. I do not G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., Lieut. T. W. Moore, suppose you could have chosen one who has less first-hand knowledge of the subject, but, C.B.B., F.R.G.S., R.N.R.
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