Teachers(s): (retired) Giampaolo DI PAOLA Academic year 2017/2018: Paris School of International Affairs – Spring Semester


Admiral (retired) Giampaolo DI PAOLA : Head of Pol-mil department at MOD (1994-1998); Chief Cabinet of italian Ministers of Defence (1998-2001);National Armament Director/Scretary General of defence at Mod Italy (2001-2004) Italian Chief of Defence(2004-2008); Chairman Nato Military Committee(2008-2011); Minister of Defence of Italy (2011-2013)


Session 1: The security landscape and the megatrends shaping its evolution

Case study: traditional and new security players.

Recommended readings:

 Contemporary Security Studies by Allan Collins (CSSAC) Introduction(pages 1-9) ; Security Studies,an Introduction by Paul Williams (SSPW) introduction (pages 1-10)

Session 2: Contemporary security challenges: War, proliferation, terrorism, migration and human trafficking, transnational crime, climate change, energy security, environment and health security, Cyber threat: the new Frontier; the Global Commons

Case study : mass migration from Africa to Europe

Recommended readings:

 RHSS(pages159-167) ;  RHSS (ch 17);  SSPW(ch13);  SSPW (ch29); COURSE OUTLINE

 RHSS(ch29);  RHSS (cp12);  CSSAC (cp19);  CSSAC(ch 30);  RHSS(ch15);  SSPW(ch34);  SSPW(ch31);  RHSS(ch11);  RHSS(cch19);  CSSAC(ch24);  CSSAC(ch15);  SSPW(ch13);  SSPW(ch20);  CSSAC(ch23);  SSPW(ch21);  RHSS(ch25);  Conflict and cooperation in the Global Commons by Scott Jasper (CCGC) (chs 11,13).

Session 3: Regional security challenges: Asia Pacific region: the rise of China. The USA pivot to Asia Pacific. The North Korea case. China –USA relationship: what future?

Recommended readings:

 The Routledge Hanbook of Security Studies by Miriam Dunn Cavelty and Victor Mauer (RHSS) chapter 23 ;  CSSAC: realism and the rise of China (pages 27-30);  Is the american century over? by Joseph S. Nye Jr (ch 4);  The contest of the century by Geoffry Dyer ;  The mith of the American decline by Joseph Joff (ch 5)

Session 4: Regional security Challenges: Russia and her neighbourhoods: Eastern Europe, Caucasus, central-East Asia

A case study Georgia and Ukraine crises.

Recommended readings :

 RHSS(chs 25,27,32) . COURSE OUTLINE

Session 5: Regional Security Challenges: The Wider Mediterranean and the MENA Region

Case study : the Syrian crise Confronting security challenges.

Recommended readings:

 RHSS(cp28).

Assignements for this session :

Homework paper: Regional security crises : commonalities and differences among russian neigbourhoods’ crises and crises in the Mena region.

Session 6: Confronting security challenges: the international Organization: UN structure and multilateral decision making process

Case study: UN from preventive to assertive diplomacy and peace operations : two cases: the in mid 90s and in mid 2000.

Recommended readings:

 SSPW(ch24 and 26);  CSSAC(ch20).

Session 7: Confronting security challenges: the International Organization: Nato: Past, present and Future. Nato multilateral Political and Military decision Making process

Recommended readings:

 Nato Treaty Washington 4 april 1949 founding document;  Nato Strategic Concept Lisbon 2010.

Session 8: Confronting security challenges: Nato –Russia relationship: past, present and Future

Case study : What after Crimea and Ukraine?

Recommended readings:

 Nato –Russia founding Act 1997; COURSE OUTLINE

 Nato-Russiarelations: a new quality, declaration 2002;  Nato Wales Summit declaration 2014,  Nato Warsaw summit declaration 2016.

Session 9: Confronting security challenges: Multilateral Diplomacy: The Nuclear issue and NPT future; Nato nuclear debate; the international debate on the new weapons: WMDs, drones, cyber, hybrid warfare

Case study: Nato –Russia : nuclear deterrence and missile defence.

Recommended readings:

 Nato deterrence and Defence posture review.20may 2012;  Joint coprehensive plan of Action (JCPOA) 14 july 2015;  CSSAC(ch 25);  CCGC (chs 11 and 13)

Session 10: Confronting security challenges: Negociations in International organizations: Nato and the Libyan case: how the decision was eventually taken?

Séance 11: Confronting Security challenges: International Organization: EU, past present and Future

Case study the EU multilateral complex decision making process.

Recommended readings:

 RHSS(ch34).  Macron speech on Europe future

Séance 12: Confronting security challenges: EUCSDP in the making. The burden sharing issue

Case study: The future of Nato-EU Transatlantic relations.

Recommended readings:

 EU global strategy 2016; COURSE OUTLINE

 Nato-EU Joint declaration Warsaw Summit july 2016 ,  Jolyon Howorth :the future of EU-US cooperation in Yale Journal of International affairs (winter 2013 pp 30-39).

Assigment for this session : Nato –EU: which way forward?