Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383 2nd International Conference on Social Science (ICSS 2019) The Zen Concept related to Language Politeness Expression in Chanoyu Ceremony Norselady Rumengan Susanti Aror Japanese Education Study Program Japanese Education Study Program Faculty of Language and Arts, UNIMA Faculty of Language and Arts, UNIMA Manado, Indonesia Manado, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] Indria Mawitjere Japanese Education Study Program Faculty of Language and Arts – UNIMA Manado, Indonesia
[email protected] Abstract-Japan has many cultures, such as religious of Modesty in Chanoyu reflects the personality and ceremonies and traditional ceremonies. The ceremony knowledge of the host including life goals, ways of for drinking tea or chanoyu is one of them which is quite thinking, religion, appreciation for Chanoyu ceremonial well-known and still exists today since the 16th century. equipment and how to place art objects in the Chanoyu Tea was introduced to Japan around the 16th century by ceremony room. 5. The Maxim of Agreement, namely Zen monks. Sen no Rikyu, one of the masters of this the participants in the Chanoyu ceremony can ceremony always uses four basic principles in chanoyu, mutually foster compatibility or agreement , and be namely harmony ( wa ), respect (kei), purity (sei) and polite. 6. The Maxim of Sympathy, that the participants calm (jaku). The research method used the library in the Chanoyu ceremony can maximize sympathy method and descriptive analysis, which describes the between one party and the other. data obtained then analyzes it. The main purpose of this Keywords: chanoyu; Modesty; Speech Act research is to gain deep meaning about the concept of Zen in the Chanoyu ceremony and the politeness expression of speech acts in the Chanoyu ceremony.