Museum and Exhibition Centre for Technical and Technological Development of the Arctic (Arctic Museum and Exhibition Centre) Branch of the World Ocean Museum in St. Petersburg – "Icebreaker Krassin"

Seventh International Conference “Polar Readings – 2019” State and Public Organisations in the Management of the Arctic: Past, Present, Future

29–30 April 2019


“Polar Readings – 2019” will focus on the history of and prospects for cooperation between state and public organisations in the management of the Arctic. This theme is extremely relevant in connection with the implementation of large-scale projects and the need to develop effective mechanisms for managing Arctic activities. The 2019 conference will turn to the rich historical experience of our country and will consider the experience of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route (Glavsevmorput), the various Arctic committees, the state Committee and other organizations involved in Arctic management. The conference will be held in St. Petersburg at 29-30 April 2019 on board of the Branch of the World Ocean Museum in St. Petersburg – "Icebreaker Krassin”. “Polar Readings – 2019” will be held on the eve of the Icebreaker Festival on the River Neva. Historians, archives staff, museums, libraries, undergraduate and graduate students of various educational institutions, restorers, archaeologists and collectors are all invited to participate in the conference. The conference will among others focus on the following themes: - Activities of the various federal (administrative and scientific) institutions, committees, and commissions on the Arctic and the North (Siberian Department, Jakutskaya prikaznaya izba, the Admiralty Board, the Main Hydrographic Office, the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Polar Commission, the Northern Scientific-Commercial Expedition, etc) from the 17th century to the middle of the 20th century; - History and experience of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route: its territorial management and various subdivisions (1932-1964); - Experience of international organisations in the management of scientific research and development of the Arctic; - Activities of the Commissions on Indigenous Peoples of the North; - Activities of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON); - Historical experience of interaction between state and public organisations in Arctic governance; - Prospects for cooperation between state and public organisations in the management of the Arctic on the basis of historical experience. All the presentations will be published in the “Polar Readings’’ Conference yearly publication.

April 29, Monday

9.00–9.30. Registration of participants 9.30–11.30.Plenary meeting (part 1) 9.30 – 9.45: Greetings 9.45 – 11.30: Reports

9-45 – 10-00 Zamyatina Nadezhda Yurievna candidate of geographical sciences, leading researcher of the Department of socio-economic geography of foreign countries of the Faculty of Geography of State University (Moscow) Pilyasov Alexander Nikolayevich doctor of geographical sciences, general director of "Institute of Regional Consulting", professor of the Department of Socio-economic geography of foreign countries of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow state University (Moscow) «Super-organizations in the management of the Arctic» 10-00 – 10-15 Golovnev Andrey Vladimirovich doctor of historical sciences, professor, member of RAS, Director of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of RAS, head of the base Department of IAE RAS at HSE St. Petersburg (Saint-Petersburg) «Creation of Nations in the North in the years of Soviet regime» 10-15 – 10-30 Vakhtin Nikolay Borisovich doctor of philology, professor of anthropology, Head of the Centre for social studies of the North of the European University in St. Petersburg, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) «Petersburg Northern studies» 10.30 – 10-45 Nikulina Annie Yulievna candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor of the Department of organization and management of Mining University (St. Petersburg) «Attracting human resources to the Arctic» 10.45 – 11-00 Blinov Vladimir Mikhailovich historian of the icebreaker fleet, member of 'The Union of Russian Writers' () «The history of the formation of a unified system of state management of the icebreaker fleet at the Russian Arctic (on example of 'Atomflot', State Corporation 'Rosatom'» 11.00– 11:15 Kalashnikov Alexander Viktorovich head of Department of navigation and hydrographic and hydrometeorological support of the Administration of the Northern sea Route (Moscow) «On the results of navigation in 2018 in the waters of the Northern Sea Route» 11-15 – 11-30 – Discussion 11.30–12.00. Coffee-break

12.00–13.40. Plenary meeting (part 2). 12-00 – 12-15 Kazanin Gennady Semenovich doctor of technical sciences, member of the International Academy of Informatization, laureate of the RF Government prize in the field of science and technology «for the development, scientific justification and introduction of advanced technologies for the creation of ecological and geological bases of subsoil use of the West Arctic shelf of Russia» (2005), President of the Association of polar explorers of the Murmansk region, member of the RAS, General Director of «MAGE»(Murmansk) Verba Mark Leonidovich doctor of geology-mineral sciences, member of Russian geographical society, chief scientific officer and member of the Academic Council of VSEGEI () Shkarubo Sergey Ivanovich candidate of geological-mineral sciences, honored geologist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the RF Government award 2005 in the field of science and technology, chief geologist of «MAGE» (Murmansk) «At the beginning of the way to the oil and gas storerooms of the Arctic shelf» 12-15 – 12-30 Lipina Svetlana Arturovna doctor of economical sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Council for the study of the productive forces of the all-Russian Academy of Foreign trade, member of the Arctic Academy of Sciences (Moscow) «Strategic socio-economic development of the Arctic» 12-30 – 12-45 Minina Marina Vissarionovna candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, vice-president and scientific secretary of the Arctic public Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) Mitko Arseny Valerievich candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Chairman of Council of young scientists of the North of the Arctic public Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg) Mitko Valery Bronislavovich doctor of technical sciences, professor, President of the Arctic public Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) «Features of public-public partnership in the Arctic region» 12-45 – 13-00 Bobylev Nikolay Gennadievich candidate of technical sciences, associate professor with the duties of Head of the Department of Environmental safety and sustainable development of regions, Institute of Earth Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg) Sergunin Alexander Anatolievich doctor of political sciences, professor of Department of theory and history of international relations, Faculty of international relations of St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics (Saint Petersburg) Ageeva Yaroslavna Vladimirovna 2-year magister of Department of Ecological safety and sustainable development of the regions of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg) [email protected] Кokazhanova Madina Askarbekovna master's degree student of the Department of Environmental safety and sustainable development of regions of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg) Emelyanova Anna Sergeevna the undergraduate student of the Department of Ecological safety and sustainable development of the regions of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg) [email protected] «Strategies for sustainable development of cities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation» 13-00 – 13-15 Zaydfudim Pavel Khaskelievich doctor of biological sciences, candidate of philosophy, professor, academician RAEN, Director of the National Center for the design of the cultural environment of rural and urban settlements of the Assembly of peoples of Russia, Honorary Polar Explorer (Moscow) «From the experience of Goscomsever of Russia» 13-15 – 13-30 Ilina Lyudmila Nikolaevna candidate of geographical sciences, Institute of Natural Resources of Manitoba (Canada), Institute of Geography RAS (Moscow) «Canada and Russia manage the Arctic: a comparative analysis of management strategies» 13:30 – 13:45 – Discussion 13.45–15.00. Lunch, Excursion to the Museum of St. Petersburg Mining University)

15.00–18.30. Work in sections (St. Petersburg Mining University) 15.00–16.45. Section 1 (part 1) 15-00 – 15-15 Bashnin Nikita Viktorovich candidate of historical sciences, researcher of The scientific and historical archive and the group of source studies of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of RAS (St. Petersburg) Cherkasova Marina Sergeyevna doctor of historical sciences, Professor of Vologda state University (Vologda) «Church administration in Pomorie in XVI-early XVIII century (based on the materials of the Vologda Bishop's house)» 15-15 – 15-30 Vershinin Evgeny Vladimirovich doctor of historical sciences, historian of NPO «Northern archaeology-1» (Nefteyugansk) «Provincial administration in the North of Siberia» 15-30 – 15-45 Proskurjakova Maria Evgenievna candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of history of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) «Practices of state implementation in The far North in the second half of the XVII century: statement of the research problem» 15-45 – 16-00 Savinov Mikhail Avinirovich candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of the VIC SZFO, senior researcher at Arctic and Antarctic research Institute (Saint Petersburg) «Everyday yasak winter quarters: the Russians and Yukagirs on the Alazeya in 1670-ies (based on materials of the Scientific-historical archive SPb AI RAS)» 16-00 – 16-15 Zadorin Maxim Yurievich candidate of law sciences, associate professor of Department of International law and comparative law, Higher school of Economics, management and law, Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) «Political and legal status of the indigenous peoples of the Arkhangelsk province in the late XIX – early XX centuries (on the materials of archival sources)» 16-15 – 16-30 Zadorin Maxim Yurievich candidate of law sciences, associate professor of Department of International law and comparative law, Higher school of Economics, management and law, Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) Zaikov Konstantin Sergeevich candidate of historical sciences, vice-rector for international cooperation, Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) «The role of the Arkhangelsk society for the study of the Russian North in establishing the Russian presence in the Arctic in the late XIX – early XX centuries (on the materials of archival sources)» 16-30 – 16-45. Discussion 16.45–17.00. Coffee-break

17.00–18.30. Section 1 (part 2), summing up the first day of the conference 17-00 – 17-15 Nikonov Sergey Alexandrovich candidate of historical sciences, associate зrofessor, Department of history and law, Murmansk Arctic State University (Murmansk) «The participation of merchants in Arkhangelsk in the Murmansk fishery in the late eighteenth century» 17-15 – 17-30 Agapov Mikhail Gennadievich doctor of historical sciences, leading researcher of the Institute of problems of development of the North, Tyumen scientific center of the Siberian branch of RAS (Tyumen) «Trade versus farming: the public initiative "the revitalization of the North" the 60-ies of the XIX century» 17-30 – 17-45 Zaozerskyi Daniil Sergeevich junior researcher of the Federal research centre for integrated study of the Arctic of RAS (Arkhangelsk) «On the issue of economic development of New Land and Svalbard in the 1820s–1901» 17-45 – 18-00 Peresadilo Ruslan Vasilyevich senior lecturer at the Department of General history of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) «The policy of the Russian state and Norwegian influence in The Russian North in the XIX – early XX centuries» 18-00 – 18-30 – Discussion, summing up the first day of the conference

15.00–16.45. Section 2 (part 1) 15-00 – 15-15 Tretyakova Svetlana Nikolaevna candidate of historical sciences, associate зrofessor, independent researcher (Severodvinsk) «Admiralty-Board and organization of polar expeditions of the second half of the XVIII century» 15-15 – 15-30 Sychev Vitaly Ivanovich candidate of physics and mathematics sciences, professor of the Department of oceanology of Russian State Hydrometeorological University , expert IOC / UNESCO and MNOK in Russia (Saint Petersburg) «The Naval Ministry of Russian Empire in the period of preparation of polar expeditions: from expedition of O. Kotzebue to expedition of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev» 15-30 – 15-45 Gatino Nikolya delegate of the Association in Memory of Admiral I.I. de Traverse (Paris, France) Decub du Shatne Madlen president of the Association in Memory of Admiral I.I. de Traverse (Paris, France) Sychev Vitaly Ivanovich candidate of physics and mathematics sciences, professor of the Department of Oceanology of Russian State Hydrometeorological University , expert IOC / UNESCO and MNOK in Russia (Saint Petersburg) «Some results of the cooperation with he Association in Memory of Admiral I.I. de Traverse in the history of exploration of the Arctic in the 1st quarter of XIX century» 15-45 – 16-00 Golovnin Petr Andreevich director of the Association «Russian-Japanize Center of Science and Culture» (St. Petersburg) «A.A. Bunge – the Explorer of Siberia and the Arctic» 16-00 – 16-15 Roshchevskaya Larisa Pavlovna doctor of historical sciences, professor, chief researcher of the Department of Humanities interdisciplinary studies Federal research center of Komi scientific centre, Ural branch of RAS (Republic Komi, Syktyvkar) Zagorodnyuk Nadezhda Ivanovna candidate of historical sciences, Tobolsk complex scientific station of Ural Branch of RAS (Tyumen region, Tobolsk) Konovalova Elena Nikiforovna candidate of historical sciences (Sweden, Örebro) «The welfare of participants as the Main hydrographic office in 1910–1920-ies (by the documents of Russian State Archive of Naval Fleet)» 16-15 – 16-30 Emelina Margarita Alexandrovna candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of the VIC SZFO, senior researcher at Arctic and Antarctic research Institute (Saint Petersburg) «"Special research organization for the comprehensive study of the Soviet North": on the activities of the Commission for the study and practical use of the Russian North (1919–1920)» 16-30 – 16-45 – Discussion 16.45–17.00. Coffee-break

17.00–18.45. Section 2 (part 2), summing up the first day of the conference 17-00 – 17-15 Brovina Alexandra Alexandrovna candidate of historical sciences, Head of Department of Humanities interdisciplinary studies «Komi scientific center, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (Republic Komi, Syktyvkar) «Scientific researches of Northern scientific expedition of VSNH in the territory of the European North of Russia» 17-15 – 17-30 Vovina Varvara Gelievna doctor of historical sciences, leading researcher of the St. Petersburg Institute of history of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) «Historical and Archaeographic Institute and LOII of the 1930s in studies of the North» 17-30 – 17-45 Krasnikova Olga Alexandrovna candidate of historical sciences, head of the Sector of cartography of the Fund department of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg) «Polar Commission of the Academy of Sciences: history and results» 17-45 – 18-00 Pashkova Tatyana Efimovna honorary worker of fisheries of Russia, researcher of the Polar Department of Russian Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO by N.M. Knipovich) (Murmansk) Pestrikova Larisa Ivanovna candidate of biological sciences, scientific secretary of the Polar Department of Russian Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO by N.M. Knipovich) (Murmansk) Benzik Alexander Nikolaevich researcher of the Polar Department of Russian Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO by N.M. Knipovich) (Murmansk) «To the 120th anniversary of the Murmansk scientific and fishing expedition (1899–2019)» 18-00 – 18-15 Zakharov Denis Vasilievich candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the Polar Department of Russian Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO by N.M. Knipovich) (Murmansk) Manushin Igor Evgenievich researcher of the Polar Department of Russian Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO by N.M. Knipovich) (Murmansk) Strelkova Natalia Alexandrovna candidate of biological sciences, Deputy head of the laboratory of trophology of the Polar Department of Russian Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO by N.M. Knipovich) (Murmansk) Liubin Pavel Anatolievich candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of ecology of natural systems of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan) «The age-old period of hydrobiological research of the Polar Institute» 18-15 – 18-30 Parygina Daria Vladimirovna chief bibliographer of the user service Department of the President library (St. Petersburg)«Experience in management of scientific research on the study of the Arctic territories (based on the materials of the President library Fund)» 18.30 – 18-45 – Discussion, summing up the first day of the conference.

Icebreaker Krassin 15-00 – 19-00 Inter-active play “Geostrategy of Arctic” by sociologist, historian Sergey Borisovich Pereslegin April 30, Tuesday St. Petersburg Mining University:

9.30–10.00. Registration of participants 10.00–12.30. Section 3 10-00 – 10-15 Troshina Tatiana Igorevna doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, professor of Northern (Arctic)Federal University (Arkhangelsk) «The introduction of Zemstvo in the Arkhangelsk tundra: another unsuccessful attempt to include the indigenous peoples of the North in the national space» 10-15 – 10-30 Kazakova Ksenia Sergeevna candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the center for humanitarian problems of the Barents regionof RAS (Apatity) «Church and society: the activities of "foreign" schools in the Kola North in the late XIX-early XX centuries» 10-30 – 10-45 Kolovangina Marina Mikhailovna candidate of historical sciences, chief research officer of Nenets Museum of local history (Nenets Autonomous district, Naryan-Mar) «The role of the Committee of the North in the development of the Northern outskirts of the USSR in the 20-ies of XX century (on example of the Nenets national district): the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Committee of assistance nationalities of the North outskirts of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee» 10-45 – 11-00 Pivneva Elena Anatolyevna candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher, head of the Department of North and Siberia of Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology of RAS (Moscow) «Actual problems of socio-cultural development of the Russian Arctic in scientific and applied research, Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology of RAS» 11-00 – 11-15 Astakhova Irina Sergeevna junior researcher of the Department of history and ethno Arctic Eguipment SB RAS (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk) «Activities of the Executive authorities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the field of protection of indigenous peoples of the North in the 1990s» 11-15 – 11-30 Novikova Natalia Ivanovna doctor of historical sciences, leading researcher of the North and Siberia Department of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS (Moscow) «Free prior informed consent of indigenous peoples in the context of Russia's Arctic policy» 11-30 – 11-45 Davydova Elena Andreevna candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Chukotka branch of the North-Eastern Federal University by M.K. Ammosov, Junior researcher of the Department of Ethnography of Siberia of the Museum of anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkamera) (Saint Petersburg) «The role of the State on the diet of Chukotka residents» 11-45 – 12-00 Davydov Vladimir Nikolaevich candidate of sociological sciences. researcher of the Chukchi branch of the North-Eastern Federal University by M.K. Ammosov, leading researcher and a Head of the Department of Ethnography of Siberia MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS (St. Petersburg) «The transformation of the practices of mobility of the nomadic reindeer herders of the Russian North: the state and the changing modes of temporality» 12-00 – 12-15 Shagieva Zarina Ilhamovna 3rd year student of the Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies, State University (Volgograd) «RAIPON: support of traditional nature management practices as the basis of cultural identity of indigenous peoples of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation» 12-15 – 12-30 – Discussion 12.30–13.00. Coffee-break

13.00–14.30. Section 4 (part 1) 13-00 – 13-15 Mosnik Yuliya Igorevna candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of «Vyborg Museum-reserve» (Vyborg) «The activity of the transport and industrial colonization plant of the Murmansk railway for the development of the Murmansk region in the 1920s» 13-15 – 13-30 Boyakova Sardana Iliinichna doctor of historical sciences, chief researcher of the Institute of humanitarian studies and problems of small peoples of the North FIC «Yakutsk scientific center SB RAS» (Republic Saha-Yakutia, Yakutsk) «Glavsevmorput' in Yakutia: experience of economic and socio-cultural development of the North in the context of Stalin's modernization of the USSR» 13-30 – 13-45 Ilina Valentina Alexandrovna candidate of historical sciences, Аssociate Professor, Department of history and philosophy, Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) «Management of the process of economic development of Kamchatka and Chukotka in the 1920-30s: foreign policy and non-economic aspects»

13-45 – 14-00 Zamyatina Nadezhda Yurievna candidate of geographical sciences, leading researcher of the Department of Socio-economic geography of foreign countries of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University (Moscow) «Frontier cycle: stages of development and management of development of territories (on the example of Igarka)» 14-00 – 14-15 Filin Pavel Anatolyevich candidate of historical sciences, Deputy Director of the Arctic museum and exhibition center, senior researcher of the AARI (St. Petersburg) «Glavsevmorput’ in the history of the Soviet Arctic» 14-15 – 14-30 – Discussion 14.30–15.30. Lunch

15.30–17.00. Section 4 (part 2) 15-30 – 15-45 Kalinin Vyacheslav Alekseevich candidate of historical sciences, head of public relations and mass media service of Gazprom podzemremont Urengoy LLC (St. Petersburg) «Construction projects 501 and 503 as peculiar models of management of economic and social development in the Arctic» 15-45 – 16-00 Roshchevskaya Larisa Pavlovna doctor of historical sciences, professor, chief researcher of the Department of Humanities interdisciplinary studies Federal research center of Komi scientific centre, Ural branch of RAS (Republic Komi, Syktyvkar) Rozhkin Evgeny Nikolaevich candidate of economical sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of the sector of historical- demographic and historical-geographical research of the Russian North Institute of language, literature and history of the Federal research center of Komi scientific center of RAS (Komi Republic, Syktyvkar) «Creation of canning industry in the Polar zone of the European North of the USSR (1930–1950-ies)» 16-00 – 16-15 Martynova Elena Petrovna doctor of historical sciences, Professor, Tula State Pedagogical University (Tula) «Industrial development of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: interaction of enterprises, indigenous communities and authorities» 16-15 – 16-30 Goncharov Alexander Evgenievich candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Siberian state University of science and technology named after academician M. Reshetnev () «Ubeko-Siberia and hydrographic support of Kara expeditions (1920s)» 16-30 – 16-45 Grishko Alexander Vasilievich director REC AD & MSP ONHP (St. Petersburg) «The role of design institutes in urban development and development of the Arctic» 16-45 – 17-00 Discussion 17.00–17.15. Coffee-break

17.15–18.30. Section 4 (part 3), summing up the results of the second day 17-15 – 17-30 Sheh Alexander Vladimirovich post-graduate student of the Department of history and law of MAGU (Murmansk) «Development of the Murmansk region in the context оf Gorbachev's visit» 17-30 – 17-45 Bertosh Andrey Alexandrovich post-graduate student of «Kola scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (Murmansk) «Interaction of state and public structures in the development of Arctic tourism in the USSR (on the example of the Kola North)» 17-45 – 18-00 Zaretskaya Oksana Valerievna doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of General history of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) «Thematic focuses and areas of cooperation of Sweden with the countries of the Arctic region in the field of education and science in the early XXI century» 18.00 – 18.15 Mikhailova Galina Viktorovna senior researcher at the laboratory of bio-resources and Ethnography of the Federal research center for integrated study of the Arctic of RAS (Arkhangelsk) «The role of international organizations in the conservation and use of animal resources in the European part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation» 18.15 – 18.30 Discussion, summing up the results of the second day

18.30–19.00. Excursion to the branch of the Museum of the World Ocean in St. Petersburg – «Icebreaker Krassin»

Icebreaker Krassin:

10.00–12.30. Section 5 10-00 – 10-15 Davydov Ruslan Alexandrovich candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of the Federal research center for integrated study of the Arctic of RAS (Arkhangelsk) «The accident of the icebreaker ship "Sadko" in 1916 in the White sea and awareness of the need to create a rescue service and lifting vessels in Russia» 10-15 – 10-30 Kuznetsov Nikita Anatolievich candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of the Department of military-historical heritage of The Moscow state-financed cultural institution Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Expatriates (Moscow) «Activities of the government of Kolchak on the organization of the Komseverput' 10-30 – 10-45 Korandey Fedor Sergeyevich candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the laboratory of historical geography and regional studies, Tyumen State University (Tyumen) «Silent Scholz: how the transformation of the Northern sea route into an' artery of constant practical communication ' was administered (case of the Northern sea route Committee, 1919–1930)» 10-45 – 11-00 Andrienko Vladimir Grigorievich historian of icebreaker fleet (St. Petersburg) «A short history of Ubekosever (1920-1935)» 11-00 – 11-15 Goncharov Alexander Evgenievich candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Siberian state University of science and technology named after academician M. Reshetnev (Krasnoyarsk) «Ubeko-Siberia and hydrographic support of Kara expeditions (1920s)» 11-15 – 11-30 Zakharov Viktor Georgievich candidate of geographical sciences, leading researcher at the Geological Institute of RAS (GIN RAS) (Moscow) «Features of command of actions of fleet on the route of the Northern sea route during the Great Patriotic War (on the basis of the analysis of data of hydrometeorological information)» 11-30 – 11-45 Kulikov Sergey Valerievich postgraduate student of Naval Academy (St. Petersburg) «Organization of intelligence support of allied convoys (on the example of JW-52 convoy)» 11-45 – 12-00 Pryamitsyn Vladimir Nikolaevich candidate of military sciences, Deputy head of the research Institute of military history of The military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moscow) «An interdepartmental approach to the study of the Arctic (by the example of field work of the hydrographic ships Prisma and Boirep in the spring of 1959)» 12-00 – 12-15 Ovsyannikova Evgeniya Vladimirovna researcher of the Museum Department (funds) of the Central Naval Museum (St. Petersburg) «The role of the state in the organization of ice air reconnaissance in the Arctic (on the example of the air force of the Northern fleet)» 12-15 – 12-30. Discussion 12.30–13.00. Coffee-break

13.00–14.30. Section 6 (part 1) 13-00 – 13-15 Filippova Tatiana Petrovna candidate of historical sciences, research fellow of the Department of humanitarian interdisciplinary research of Komi scientific center of the Ural branch of RAS (Republic Komi, Syktyvkar) «Scientific expeditions and study of the European North of Russia by the Geological Committee (1882– 1918)» 13-15 – 13-30 Romanenko Fyodor Alexandrovich candidate of geographical sciences, leading researcher of the Department of geomorphology and paleogeography of the Geographical faculty of the Moscow State University (Moscow) Ezhova Natalia Mikhailovna candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, teacher of Murmansk College of arts (Murmansk) «Geological activity of Komseverput’ and Glavsevmorput’ (1918–1957)» 13-30 – 13-45 Osedach Anastasia Grigorievna post-graduate student, Junior researcher, Department of humanitarian interdisciplinary research, Komi scientific center of the Ural branch of RAS (Komi Republic, Syktyvkar) «The participation of geologist A.A. Chernov in the work of the North scientific expedition» 13-45 – 14-00 Smirnova Tamara Mikhailovna doctor of historical sciences, рrofessor, Department of history and philosophy, Faculty of humanities, State University of aerospace instrumentation (St. Petersburg) «Features of adaptation of students of the Institute of peoples of the North (1930–1941)» 14-00 – 14-15 Chistyakov Anton Yurievich candidate of historical sciences, docent, leading expert of the company «Etnoekspert» (Saint Petersburg) «Problems of studying reindeer husbandry in the work of the all-Union Arctic Institute in the 1930s» 14-15 – 14-30 Discussion 14.30–15.30 Lunch

15.30–17.00. Section 6 (part 2) 15-30 – 15-45 Filippova Tatiana Petrovna candidate of historical sciences, researcher of the Department of Humanities interdisciplinary studies of Komi scientific center of the Ural branch of RAS (Republic Komi, Syktyvkar) Lisevich Nina Grigorievna chief archivist of the Department of humanitarian interdisciplinary research of Komi scientific center of the Ural branch of RAS (Republic Komi, Syktyvkar) «Development of permafrost in the Arctic space of the European North-East of Russia: from the experience of the Vorkuta research permafrost station (1936–1958)» 15-45 – 16-00 Shabalina Olga Vyacheslavovna candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of Kola scientific centre of RAS (Apatity) Ivanova Medea Vladimirovna doctor of economical sciences, leading researcher of Kola scientific centre of RAS (Apatity) «The history of the Northern branch of the USSR AND the Museum-Archive of the history of the study and development of the European North in Apatity (Murmansk region)» 16-00 – 16-15 Romanenko Fyodor Alexandrovich candidate of geographical sciences, leading researcher of the Department of geomorphology and paleogeography of the Geographical faculty of the Moscow State University (Moscow) Ezhova Natalia Mikhailovna candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, teacher of Murmansk College of arts (Murmansk) «Polar Department of Glavsevmorput’ and activities of of polar stations in 1932–1963» 16-15 – 16-30 Bogdanova Anna Anatolievna candidate of economical sciences, associate professor, Department of regional studies, international relations and political science of Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) «Features of management of the Arctic region of Russia taking into account the factor of economic security» 16-30 – 16-45 Rabkin Sergei Vladimirovich candidate of economical sciences, associate professor of the Department of State and municipal management of the Komi Republic Academy of public service and management (Komi Republic, Syktyvkar) «Interaction between the Federal center and the regions: the historical dilemma of the choice of Arctic development institutions» 16-45 – 17-00 Discussion 17.00–17.15 Coffee-break

17.15–18.30 Section 6 (part 3), summing up the results of the second day 17-15 – 17-30 Zaozerskaya Julia Sergeevna senior researcher of Department funds of Murmansk regional art museum (Murmansk) «Arctic frontiers. To the anniversary of the Arctic group» 17-30 – 17-45 Garin Nikolai Petrovich professor of the Department of Industrial design of the Ural state University of architecture and art (Yekaterinburg) Kravchuk Svetlana Gennadievna head of innovation and creative laboratory of the Ural state University of architecture and art (Ekaterinburg) Kukanov Denis Alexeevich junior researcher of the Ural state University of architecture and art (Ekaterinburg) «The policy of "low mobility": alternative vehicles for winter off-road» 17-45 – 18-00 Ageeva Yaroslavna Vladimirovna 2-year magister of Department of Ecological safety and sustainable development of the regions of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg) «Prospects of interaction between society and science in the Arctic through the prism of the mass-media» 18-15 – 18-30. Discussion, summing up the results of the second day

18.30–19.00. Excursion to the branch of the Museum of the World Ocean in St. Petersburg – «Icebreaker Krassin» 19.00–19.30. Сreation of the resolution