V. NOTICES OF THE KING'S MASTER-GUNNERS OF SCOTLAND, WITH THE WRIT THEIF SO R APPOINTMENTS, 1512-1703. BY . MYLNEREVS . R . , M.A., B.O.L. OXON. e offic f King'Th o e s Master Gunne a publi s wa cr positio f varyino n g importance accordin tho gt e politica militard an l y exigencie f tho se time. When there was war with England, or civil war prevailed at home, and the whole country was torn and rent with internal divisions, then the Master Gunner becam evera y prominen te safet e kingdopersoth th r f yo fo n: m for the time being seemed at all events placed in his all-powerful hands. dayn I prolongef so d peace, however generalle ,h y sank into insignificance. At first the Master Gunner was usually appointed to the charge of the artillery and guns in some particular castle. Afterwards, when numerous appointments of this kind had been made, a Principal Mastsr Gunner was selected to'superintend the other officials in this department of the service of the Crown. e MasteTh r Gunne s alswa or sometimes give e appointmenth n f o t Master Wright. Sometime hele sh office d th f armourer o e somr o , e other kindred office. From the Exchequer Rolls we learn that Robert Borthuik was the 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 13, 1899.

principal Master Gunnee s thaKinth wa tn 1512f g i o yead r n an i ,r Dieppe on the King's business, doubtless making active preparation for campaige th n which terminate e disastrouth n di s battl Floddenf o e n I . 1508 John Drummond,1 King's Carpenter d receiveha , speciada l grant, under the great seal, of £10 a year in consideration of his services rendered to the Crown. Peris Eowane succeeds Borthui s wri hi f n appoint1532ki o t d an , - ment as Master Gunner under the privy seal is dated 30th April 1532. Davin succeedes i so e n 1545s di H hi y d,b thoug wris hf appointhi o t - t registereno men s i t d until 1548. Durin e regencyth g , before s abl undertako Jamet wa e . VI s e actuath e l administratio f affairsno , there seems some confusionlatea t a r d date charactean :th e e th f o r offic somewhas i e t changed title th alteres ei s a , Chieo dt f Engineer. Still, however, a continuous succession of holders of the office can he trace over o centuriesdfo tw r . Like other similar tenabls postswa t i e, for investes lifewa , d wit hfixea d yearly certaifeed an , n small perquisites. Like other similar posts, its importance rose with the rise of the House of Stuart, and vanished away after the Act of Union in the reign of Queen Anne. Sir Antony Alexander was son of the first Earl of , but the best know d mosan n t famou sr lis f Mastenamo ou t n i e r Gunnerr o s Chief Engineers is certainly that of John Abraham Slezer, a name mose spelth tn i tstrang d divergenan e t manne n contemporari r y docu- ments. Schlezer is the spelling adopted in the Index to the Privy Seal. Slezer is well known to the present generation by his maps and drawings made in various parts of Scotland, many of which still exist in a good state of preservation, and are of the greatest value for the illustration of contemporary history. In some cases the drawing can hardly be quite accurate t the e bu alway, yar se purpos usefuth r f fo comparisono le . Compare, for instance, the two old views of , given at page 44 of Mylne's Master Masons, with the four modern views immediately grana n 1I t unde greae th r t sea 18tn o l h June 1532 John Drummond is called " rerum nostrarum bellicavum machinator " as well as carpenter. NOTICEKING'E TH F SO S MASTER-GUNNEE F SCOTLANDO S 7 18 .

followingviewd ol famouworthe s i e sth t th I notf f .yso o e thaon n i t Crown Steeple of the parish church of St Michael is distinctly shown, three th f ebeino anciene gon t Crown Steeple Scotlandn si . This steeple was unfortunately taken dow n 182i n savo t 0e cos f th necessareo t y repair! The other two—St Giles', , and King's College, Aberdeen—still remain goon intacti d d an condition, . Sleze s appointewa i d Principal Master Gunner r ratheo , r Chief Engineer, on 23rd December, in the year 1671, according to the Index to the Privy Seal f Scotland,s curiouo i t i t s bu tha e actuath t l writ does not seem to exist. On 4th July 1677 he was appointed under the privy seal to the office of Lieutenant to the Artillery. Durin e Civigth l War n 10to , h July 1649 fine w d, Colonel James Wemyss appointed Genera e Artillerth f o ld Maste l yOrdnancan al f o r e and Arms in England. So this office apparently existed iri both countries durin 17te gth h century. Ther s alse offic wa th eof King' o e s Armourer, whic s generallwa h y held together with the office of Bower. Thus, on llth October 1675, Captain Andrew Forrester was appointed Bower and Armourer to the King under the privy seal. On 19th January 1697 a similar appoint- ment was made in favour of John Monro, described as a Bower in Edinburgh n 24to hd an Februar, y 1718 Thomas Gemmil s madwa l e Master Armourer in -Scotland. In the grant he is stated to be the successor of " John Simpson, elder, Hammerman, Burgess of Glasgow," appointee b an o dt d " during pleasur exempo b e o t only, td " an fro" m watchin wardind gan g withi burgh.e nth " giv We lise a thirtee of t n Master Gunner Chieor s f Engineer thsto e Crow f Scotlano n d appointed unde e privr th wri f yo t seal d alsan o, f theso n e to writs r confirmationo , s thereof completn i , e form founs a , n di the Privy Seal Register. e stylAd tenouth s an e s veri r y simila n eaci r h century t i seeme, d unnecessar givo yt e them all. After the death of Queen Anne, the office seems to have fallen into disuse, like some other similar offices under the Crown in Scotland. 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 13, 1899.


1512 Robert Borthuick. Dieppn i s i e e H thi e King's th yea n o sr business, acting undee th r directio f Andrewno , Bisho f Caithnesspo , Receive re Kingdooth f m of Scotland. He die 1531n si . 1532 Peris Rowane, Frenchman. f Aprio , 1532 m 30 lgrane confirmehi s i , Th o t t Februarn o d , y12 1533. Fro Exchequere mth Rolls leare w n tha receivee h t d special pay- ments fro Crowe mth 1533n n i agai d an ,1535 n ni . 1548 David Rowane. His appointment is dated April 15, 1548, but he had performed the duties of the office since his father's death in 1545. He also received a pension of £40 from the Crown. 1561 James Hectou Harid an r e Balfoure. They are both appointed, by separate writs of the privy seal, Master Gunners of Dunbar Castle on the same day in the same year. 1563 Harie Balfoure. mads i e eH sole Master Gunne Castle th f Dunbarf o reo . This gran s confirmei t d Octobe , 15654 r , unde re priv th wri f yo t seal. 1567 Harie Balfoure. s madi e eH Principal Master Gunner withi e Castlnth f Edino e - burgh, &c., by King James VI., with the advice of my Lord Regent. James Murray. He became Master of Works in 1607. . 1601 James Murray, younger. s appointei e e officeH th n successioi o ,dt s s fatherwa hi o o nt wh , also Master Wright wels a , Mastes a l r Gunner. r AntonSi y Alexander. He was son of the famous Earl of Stirling, and was also Master of Works. 163n I fine 3w d Hunter mad ea gunne n Edinburgi r h Castled an , 163n i 4 Toftis mad ordinarn ea y gunner. 1637 Sir Archibald Stewart of Hessilsyde. 0 Scots salar£1 Hi s yi monthly , wit honesn ha t stan f clothedo s yearly. Homer Maxwell, Commissary of Dumfries. He is called " founder of the artillery" in 1644, was probably heir of Edward Maxwell of Crostane, in the barony of Lockendelow, Kirk- cudbright, in 1618. He was also Captain of Pioneers. diee H d 1646. 1646 John Mylne, Master Mason. This gran dates i t d mads Septembe Kiny wa b e d g an Charle , 4 r . sT when he was much pressed by the exigencies of the Civil War. See Mylne's Master Masons Crowne th o t of Scotland, . 141p . NOTICES OF THE KING'S MASTER GUNNERS OF SCOTLAND. 189

In 1655 George Brown, appointed in. 1626 a Master Gunner in the Castle of Edinburgh, is made a Burgess and Gild Brother in the city. 1664 John Mylne receives confirmatio e granth f f 164o o tn 6 from King Charles II., and dies in 1667. e granTh s printei e tMaster th n i d Masonse Grownth f o Scot-t o land, . 147p . 1671 John Abraham Slezer (Sehlezer), This grant is dated December 23, in the Index to the Privy Seal of Scotland, and Slezer is called Chief Engineer, but the original writ cannot be found. Sleze wels ri l know s numerouhi y nb s map drawingd san variouf so s part Scotlandf so . 1693 Captain Theodore DurieFrence th f o ,h nation. executed ha e dutiee e H officdth th f es o sinc deate eth f Slezeho n i r 1689. 1703 Captain Durie receives confirmation of the grant of 1693 by Queen Anne.

Grant by King James V. to Peris Eowane, Francheman. t EdinburghA , Apri , 153230 l• . James, be the grace of God, King of Scottis. To ottr custumaris of our burgh Litera Peria of Edinburgh now present and tocum, greeting. Gimnar. Wit ye ws to have maid, constitut and ordanit and be thir our letteris makis constituti d ordani an sr lovi ou s t Peris Rowane, Prancheman, scruano t d umquhile Robert Borthuik, maistar gunnar to ws, principale maister maker meltausind r r gunni lis fo an ou fdaie hi d artilzerigf th f o ran san o l dal r efo exercin quhile th f go k offic have w e e gevi grantitd thie r letterinb an rou d an ,s gevi d granti saie san th d o st Peri e sowmth s f fifo ee pundis usuale monef yo our realm monethlie whe wirkise h n d thran ,e pundis monethlie whee h n wirkif monethlio m paisf e hi li b nocht fees o s t o hi dait e ,hi f n eth i ,a o l fo al r the rediest of our customez of our burgh of Edinburgh be our gret custumaris e saith ds w f samie o oth f d nha presene b e haldio d tocumt b an td o T nan . office wit saie hth d sow f mfiffo e pundis monsthlie quhe e sainth d Peris wirkis, and three pundis quhen the said Peris wirkis nocht monethlie of fee to the said Peris, principale maister forsaid, in maner abonewrittin for all the dais of his life, with all and sindry commoditeis, fredomez, proffittis and rychtuis pertinentis quhatsumevir pertenin pertenthagor tmay e thereto, f relie quietlie, revocatioy on pecn i t wel d ebu ean n impedimen aganr o t e calling quhatsumevir. Quhcrfo e chargw r e straitl d commandi yan r sai ou d w custumariyo s r ou f o s burg Edinburgf ho presenw hno d tocum an t mao t , k thankfull paymene th o t said Peris monethlie for his liftyme of the said sowin in his fee of the rediest of our customez of our said burgh. And the samin sail be thankfullie allowit to yow in your comptis yerlie and monethlie in our chekker be the auditouris thereof, quhilkis we sail discharge and dift'eis yow of the said sowm monethlie in your comptis, thir our letteris auys sene befor the said auditouris, apon chekker compou registrad n i t rolliran e th sn i tthereo f as efferis. Gevin under our priue sel t Edinburgea or Aprilf o ye lase y e hth eth da t God yeir x jxxxir regnd mxi v .an ou ce f ieth o yen d san 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 13, 1899.

Grant by Queen Mary to David Rowane. At Edinburgh, April 15, 1548. Ane lettre mai Davio dt d Rowane son umquhilo et e Peris Rowane, Franche- man, makand him principale Maister makar and meltar of our Soverane Ladyis gunnis and artaillierie for all the dayes of his life, and gevis him the office thairof: For using and exercing of the quhilk office hir grace with avise of hir tutou d governouan r r gevi d grantie saian sth d o t sDavi e soumth d f fivo e e pundis money of the realine to be payit to him monethlie in his fe for all the dayes of his life of the reddyest of the custumes of the burgh of Edinburgh be custumarie th samye th presen w f no sno d tocum witd an t hAn . commann i d the samyn to the saidis custumaris to mak thankfull payment of the said soume monethlie and the samyn to be thankfullie allovvit to thame in thare comptis chekkee inauditourie th th e rb s thairof. At Edinburgh the fiftene day of Aprile the yeir foursaid (1548). Per Signaturam.

Grants by Queen Mary to James Hedour and Harie Balfoure. At Edinburgh, August 31, 1561. Reg. Sec. Sig., Ane lettre maid to James Hectour makand him maister gunnar within the vol. xxx . e folgudeth . 43r ,. fo trewcagtel s e lifed d dayihi th an f an ,Dunbaf l o lo s al r fo r thankfull service done and to be done to our sovenme lady be him, hir hiencs gevi grantid saie san th d o sJaraet sowme j libsth v ,f eusualo e efe mone s hi n yi to be payit to him monethlie for all the dayis of his liffe be hir hienes thesaurer reddiese or th casualiteif hi f o t s Begynnan e firsdth t paymenf o firsy e th da tt September nixtocum t etcEdinburgA . e lashth t day f Auguso e e yeif th to r God 1561 yeiris. Per Signaturam. e lettrAn e mai o Harit d e Balfoure makan r maistem hienehi hi d f o sr ordinarie gunnaris, powder makari d wrichtian s s withi r hienenhi s castelf o l e gud th e dayi r eth Dunbaf fo trehil o sd thankful sal d w an r life An fo r. l service done and te be done to ovir soyerane lady be him in the said office hir hienes gevis and grantis to the said Hary the sowme of vj lib. money in his fee to be payit to him monethlie during the said space be hir thesaurer of the reddiest of hir casualiteis Begynnand the first payment thairof the first day of September nixtocum and sua continewand monethlie during all the dayis of lifs hi e etc. At Edinburg lase hth t day Augusf eo 1561d yeie Go .f th t o r Per Signaturam. Grant by Queen Mary Haryto Balfoure. At Edinburgh, June 19, 1563, Eeg. See. Sig., Ane lettre maid to Hary Balfoure makand him hir graces principall maister

vol. xxxi. fol. gunnar and commander of hir hienes ordinar and extraordinar gunnaris with

- 114 utheri majestier shi s craftismen withi r castelnhi Dunbaf o l gevand m ran hi o dt the office thairof for all the dayis of his lyffe for using and exercing of the quhilk NOTICEKING'E TH F SO S MASTER GUNNER F SCOTLANDO S 1 19 .

offic r soveranou e e lady gevi d grantis e saisan th do t Har y Balfottr soume th e e of vii . jvii . libmonesh d j j v . thif yo s Realm monethli m payie b hi o o et t t r efo waged an tyme n sf i s ehi cuming durin s lyftymr graceghi M e sb e thesaurare now present and being for the tyme of the reddiest of hir majesties casualties and cofferis, begynnin e firsgth t monethis f Julpaymeno e firsy th da t t a t nixtocum and sua furth monethlie in tyme cuming during his lyftyme as said is. And that the said lettre etc., with command in the same to hir graces thesaurare now present and being for the tyme to mak thankfull payment to the said Hary of the foirsaid sowme of viij lib. vj sh. viij d. money abonewritten monethlie during his lyftyme as said is, and the satnin salbe thankfullie allowit to thame in thair comptis in hir hienes chekker yeirlie be the auditouris thairof as efferis, quhilkis our soverane lady chargeis to defeis hir said thesaurare yeirli s compti hi sowme n th ei f so e foirsai e saith dd lettre being auis schewin upon coiupt in the chekker and registrat in the rollis thairof as efferis and als with command in the said lettre to all and sundrie hir graces saidis gunnaris, and craftismen withi r sainhi d castel reddilio t l e ansue obed an ry e onlith o et said Har r hieneyhi s principal maister gunna d commandaan r r foirsail al n di thingis concerning the said office in all tyme cuming during his lyftyme as efferis t EdinburgetcA . 156 d Junf o yei e xixGo e 3 y ehf th th yeiris o r da . . Per Signaturam.

Confirmation of Grant by Queen Mary to Harie Balfoure. At Edinburgh, October 4, 1565. Ane lettre maid makand mentioun that it is understandin to our soverane Reg. Sec. Sig., ladlord dyan that thair majesties lovit dailie servitor Harie Balfoure thair ^ xxxil1-Io1- hienes principall maister gunnar within the castell of Dunbar obtenit his hienes gift under the prive seill of befoir gevin and grantit to him makand him principall maister gunnar and commandar of thair majesties ordinar and extra- ordinar gunnaris and utheris craftismen within the castell foirsaid and geving to him the office thairof for all the dayis of his lyfe and granting to him the soume of viij lib. vj s. viij d. money of this realme to be payit to him monethlie during his lyftyme be thair hienes thesaurare present and being for the tyme contening expres command thairin to the saidis gunnaris and craftismen within the said castell that they reddilie ansuer and obey onlie to the said Harie prin- cipall maister gunnar and commandar foirsaid in all things concerning the saidis l tymofficeal n ei s cuming durin s lyftymghi s effcirise saidia e th s sa , lettre giff so t unde e privth r e seil ee sai maith d o t dHar y thairupoue th f no date the 19th day of June the yeir of God 1563 yeiris and of our said Soverane ladyis regn e 21seth t yeir, mair fullilie proportis: Quhilk lettr f gifeo t being senconsiderid ean thaie b t r majestie t thaia d r san hiene s comman willind dan g tha saie th td Herie according thairt office o th hav e foirsail eus al joi d d san dan priveleges thairo l tymal sain s ei fa cumins grantidi m hi o gt durin lyftyms ghi e peceablie without ony inquietatioun or impediment for the gude and thankfull thaio t servicrm done hi hiene b e eeo b t don s; d Thai ean r majestei s ratihe s - fiit, apprevit and affirmit and be thir presentis for thame and thair hienes successouris ratifiis approvis and affirmis the foirsaid lettre of gift maid to the said Harie of the office foirsaid of the date abonewritten in manner foirsaid and 2 19 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F O S , FEBRUAR , 189913 Y .

l pointial s clausis articli priveleged san s thairof eftie form th d tenour an e f o f same e peaceabillie th b l tymo nt al n ei cuminem joisi hi usid e b gan t during his lyftyme conforme to the said gift with command alsua to all and gindrie the saidis gunaris and craftismen within the castell foirsaid that they and ilkane of thame reddilie ansuer intend and obey to the said Harie thair majesteis princi- pall gunna commandad an r r foirsai l thingial n i d s concernin saidie gth s offices in all tyme cuming during his lyftyme conforme to the lettre of gift foirsaid, and to the effect that he may be reddilie ansuerit and obeyit in his said office according thairto and na wayis molestit hurt nor inquietit in using thairof thair majestei s revokithe s , annulli d dischargian te thib rs a presentit s revokis annulli d dischargian s s quhatsumever lettre f gifo s t mai r grantio d n oni t y wayis to quhatsumever persoun or persounis sen the date foirsaid of the lettre of gift abonespecifiit maid to the said Harie as said is that in ony wayis may or appea hurtfule b o t r l prejudicia r mao l k dirogatiou saie soiry th d on o t n ni Hari s giftehi , officd privelegan e e thairo tymn i f e cumingc si thad l an ,al t git'tis sua purchest be in that cais of nane availl force nor effect etc. At Edin- burgh the 4th day of October the yeir of God 1565 yeiris. Per Signaturam.

Grant by King James VI., with advice of my Lord Regent, to Harie Balfoure. t EdinburghA , Februar , 1567y21 . Keg. See. Sig., Ane lettre maid to Harie Balfoure makand him principall maister gnnnar

vul. xxxvii. loiit]. ithe castell of Edinbrucht and'gevand to him the office thairof for all the n a

w dayis of his lyffe to use and exerce the samin within the said castell and mak residence thairintill to that effect and for using and exerceing of the said office oure said souverane lord with lor y awism d f regeneo t gevi grantid e th an s o t s said Hary e soumeth f aucho e t pundi . viis . monej jd v s f thiyo s realme b o et monethli m payis ordinawagd hi hi an r o t te e fo durinfe rs e a s lyftymghi e b e his majesteis thesaurar present and being for the tyme of the reddiest of his hienes casualitei d cofferisan s Begiunan e firsdth t f paymeno e firsy th da t t a t Februare instant and sua furth monethlie during his lyftyme as said is : With expres comman s hienehi o dt s thesaurar presen tocud an t reddilio mt e ansuer and mak thankfull payment to the said Harie of the soume abonewrittin monethlie durin lyftyms ghi alsaid s ea setcs di An commandin . capitanee gth s constabild an e castelth f o ll foirsaid presen e tym d beinthaid th an tr ean g fo r deputis to ressave admit and intertenne the said Harie in the said office of maister gunnar within the said castell, and cans him be ansuerit and obeyit of l thingial s appertenin housic si gl s al havthairt aismentio t e ed us joiod an san s privelegi commoditeid san e saith d n castel i spresentlie h r usis d o la s an ehe n tyini d e ha bigan quhilkis he e e h etcs t EdinburgA . f e o 21s th hy tda r SignaturamPe Februar. 156d yeie 7Go ef th yeiris ro .

Grant Kingby JamesJamesto VI, Murray. t DalkeithA , 16014 y . Ma , Keg. Sec. Sig., Ane lettre maid to James Murray younger, makand, constituand, and vol. ixxiv. toi. ordinand the said James his majesties principall maister wricht, and gunner ordinar, within the castell of Edinburgh and in all utheris his hienes castellis, NOTICEE KING'TH F SO S MASTER GUNNER F SCOTLANDO S 3 19 .

strenthis, forthis e offic d th palaces ean , m d gevithairohi An o ;t s f during all the dayis of his lyftyme, now vacand in our said soverane Lordis handis be lauchfull demissio e samth f eno mai Jamee b d s Murray elda s fathehi rs hi r hienes present wricht and maister gunner to his majestie : With charge and commandment abon l tymmermeal e n being occupies gracehi n i st service ordinar or extraordinar, with all and suudrie privilegis, liberties, casualities, commodities, deuties d immunitiesan , , pertening thairto usiwontd an t , siclyk and als frelie as the said James Murray eldar or vmquhile Jhonne Crawfurd, or onmajesties yhi predecessours hi r so s maister wrichtis had usid tymn ean i t e bygane, with full power, libertie, and priviledge also to the said James Murray younger to use, exerce, and occupie tavernrie and oistlarie, in Wyne, beir, aill, s majestiehi meit l d drinkal an , n si , castells, strenthis, palaces, borrowisd an , tonnes r quhaireveo , e tymr th io r t e; i sair fo le b repaio happit d m an r nhi using and exercing of the quhilk office, and for gude, trew, and thankfull servicsaie done th d b e Jameo eb et s thairintil soveranr ou l e lord hes gevid nan grantit thie , b ly rs klettrea e sth gevisl al grantisd r an , fo assigni d m an , hi o t s s lyftymdayihi f soumn e pundio s te th e f o es money vsual f thio l s realmo t e be payit to him monethlie as for his fie of the reddiest of his grace's casualities d s cofferimajestiehi an e b s s thesaure presenw e tyme no rd beinth r an t :fo g Beginnain firse dth t monethis paymen f Mayo e firsy ,th t da instantt : Togidder with ane honest stand of clething yeirlie to be ansuerit and delyverit be the said thesaure saie th d o Jamesrt e maste, th lyk s tymn a ei r wrichtid e ha s he s bygane quhilki se saiservith d n i officet : Commandin d charginan g s hi g majesties present thesaurer and being for the tyme to thankfullie ansuer, obey and niak pament to the said James Murray, younger, of the foirsaid soume of pundin te s lyftymes monethlihi l al r , efo beginnan firse dth t monethis payment abony da ee writtenth , togidder wit e saihth d stan f clethino d g yeirlie sais a , d is: And the same sail be thankfullie allowit to the thesaurer in his comptis s hieneyeirlihi n i se chekke e auditorith e b r s thairof, quhilki s majestishi e chargis to deface and allow to the said thesaurer in his comptis, thir lettres being ause schawi compn no n chekkei t . is d registra e ran e rolli us th s n a si t 160d yeie Go 1 f th yeiris o t rDalkeythy A Ma .f o foure y th , da t per Signaturam.

Grant by King William III. and Queen Mary to Captain Theodore Durie. Give t Kensingtonna , Januar , 1693y31 . William and Marie &c. Witt ye us to have nominat constitut and appointed Captaine Theodore Durie gentleman of the French nation during our pleasure only to be Chief Engeneer fortou sl castleal o rt armed san s withi r kingdomnou f Scotlano e s da occasion shall requirer makinfo d f draughto gan , r mapo s f suco s h grounds forts or castles as shall be requisite for our service within the same, which place and office he has exerced from and since the first day of April 1689 by virtue of comission granted to him by the deceased Major General M'Kay, then Commande e r demissioforces th ou n chie i r n f o o ,f f Joho n n Sletcher (Slezer) last possessor thereof: Giving grantin d disponin an ge sai th d o t g Captain Theodore Duri e aforesaith e d offic f Chieo e f Engeneer witl al h VOL. XXXIII. N 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 13, 1899.

priviledge d emolumentan s s whatever thereto belonging d speciallan , d an y particularly wee give and grant to him the soume of Ten Pound sterling money monethl t 12-monethyat durin payese m yeae b i nhi th spac e o rt o dg t th e afore- said as his fie and sallary for the said office, which is hereby declared to begin d comencan e fro e sai mf th Aprildo firsy lda t 1689 t whicat , hd tymdi e h e actually enter to our service in the said employment: Requiring hereby the said Captaine Theodore Durie to observe and follow all such orders and directions and instructions as he shall from tyme to tyme receive from us, the Lords of our Privie Counsel!, the Lords of our Theasury or the Commanding Officer of our tyme forceth r e fo sbeing persuancn ,i truse th f te o repose himn di . Given att our Court at Kensingtoun the 31 of January 1693, and of our reigne the fourth year. Per signaturam Manu S. D. N. Regis super- script, manibusque commitionariorum thesaurarii et scaccarii dicti regn Scotio. i e subscript.

Grant Queenby Anne Gapt.to Theodore Vurie. Given at Windsor Castle, August 25, 1702. Gif Chief o t f Engenee r fort castled ou san f o rTheodor o st e Durie. March 8, 1703. (Date of Registration at Edinburgh in the Privy Seal.) Anne &c. Witt yee us with assent of the Lords Commissioners of our thesaury and excheque havo t r e nominat constitute d appointedan d , lykea e mak. w s &e e Theodore Durie gentlema ne Frenc oth f h nation, durin r pleasurgou e onlyo t , be Chief Engineer to all our forts castles and armes within our said kingdome occasios a n shall requiremakinr fo d draughtf gan ,o mapd s an suc f so h grounds, forts and castles as shall be requisite for our service: Giving, granting and disponin saie th d o Theodorgt e Duri e aforesaith e d office wit l priviledgehal s whatever and immunities thereto belonging. And particularl lib7 shilling2 1 11 . give m d granhi sywe an e o sterlint t g yearly conform presene th o t e t establishmen paie b do t tannuall y durine gth sallarspacd e saith an dr e eofficy fo fe aforesai s : eRequirin hi s a d g herebe yth said Theodore Duri observo et l suceal h direction order d shale sh an s lsa from tim o tymt e e receiv r Prive Lordeou th fro f , yo smus Council] e Lordth , s Commissioner r thesauryou e Comande f th o s r o , r forceChien i ou rr f fo o sf tyme th e bein pursuancn gi truse th f t eo hereb y repose himn di . Given at Windsor Castle the 25 of Augt. 1702, and of our reigne the first Signaturamr Pe . year.