The Mylne Family [Microform] : Master Masons, Architects, Engineers, Their Professional Career, 1481-1876
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THE MYLNE FAMILY. MASTER MASONS, ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS THEIR PROFESSIONAL CAREER 1481-1876. PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION BY ROBERT W. MYLNE, C.E., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S., F.S.A Scot PEL, INST. BRIT. ARCH LONDON 187 JOHN MYLNE, MASTER MASON ANDMASTER OF THE LODGE OF SCONE. {area 1640—45.) Jfyotn an original drawing in tliepossession of W. F. Watson, Esq., Edinburgh. C%*l*\ fA^ CONTENTS. PREFACE. " REPRINT FROM ARTICLEIN DICTIONARYOF ARCHITECTURE.^' 1876. REGISTER 07 ABMB—LTONOFFICE—SCOTLAND,1672. BEPBIKT FBOH '-' HISTOBT OF THKLODGE OF EDINBURGH," 1873. CONTRACT BT THE MASTER MASONS OF THE LODGE OF SCONE AND PERTH, 1658. APPENDIX. EXTRACTS FROM THE BURGH BOOKS OF DUNDEE, 1567—1604. CONTRACT WITH GEORGE THOMSON AND JOHN MTLNE, MASONS, TO MAKE ADDITIONS TO LORD BANNTAYNE'S HOUSE AT NEWTTLE. NEAR DUNDEE, 1589. — EXTRACTS FROM THE BURGH BOOKS OF EDINBURGH, 1616 17. CONTRACT BETWIXT JOHN MTLNE,AND LORD SCONE TO BUILD A CHURCH AT FALKLAND,1620. EXTRACTS FROM THE BURGH BOOKS OF DUNDEE AND ABERDEEN, 1622—27. EXTRACT FROM THE CHAMBEBLAIn'b ACCOUNTS OF THE EABL OF PERTH, 1629. GRANT TOJOHN MTLNEOF THE OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL MASTER MASON TO THEKING,1631. EXTRACTS FBOM THE BUBGH BOOKS OF KIBCALDT AND DUNDEE, 1643—51. GRANT TO JOHN MTLNE, TOUNGER, KING'S PRINCIPAL MASTER MASON> OF THE OFFICE OF CAPTAIN AND MASTER OF PIONEERS AND PRINCIPAL MASTER GUNNER OF ALLSCOTLAND,1646. CONTRACT WITHJOHN MTLNEAND GEORGE 2ND EABL 09 PANMUBE TO BUILDPANMURE HOUSE, ADJACENT TO THE ANCIENT MANSION AT BOWBCHIN, NEAR DUNDEE, 1666. BOTAL WARRANT CONCERNING THE FINISHING OF THE PALACE OF HOLTROOD, 21 FEBRUARY,1676. CONTRACT WITH ROBERT MTLNE,KING'S PRINCIPAL MASTER MASON, FOR TAKINGDOWN THE WEST FRONT OF HOLTROOD PALACE AND REBUILDINGTHE SAME,MARCH,1676. PREFACE. THE MYLNEFAMILY. TJie following Notice of the Professional Lives of its several members was compiled by "Wyatt Papwortji, F.R.1.8.A., "Dictionary " for tJie of Architecture of the Architectural Publication Society, pub lished for the Society. London, J 876. Printed witha few corrections and additions by ROBERT W. MYLNE, C.E., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S., F.R.T.8.A., F.S.A. Scot., $o. MYLNE (John), the first known member of the family, was appointed about 1481 Master Mason in Scotland by King James 111. who granted him a Patent of Office, mentioned with the family coat of arms, in Nisbet's Heraldry, fol., London, 1722, i. 127 : and in Notes and Queries Journal, 3rd ser., vii.198. Alexander, his son, was Master Mason to the King. Thomas, his son, was also Master Mason to the King. " MYLNE (John), his son, Mason, came from the north " " countrie to Dundee, afterwards settled at Perth, and inpro cess of tyme, by reason of his skilland airt, was perferred to be the Kings Ma'ties Mr.Measone, and Master of the Lodge at Scone." Subsequent to 1580 he was engaged on the new Port or Harbour and Stone Pier, on several public works, and designed the Market Cross, all at Dundee, and 1587 contracted with George Thomson, mason, to build Lord Bannatyne's house at Newtyle, portions of which stillexist ;1599 went to Perth in reference to the proposal for erecting a stone Bridge of eleven " arches across the river Tay, to which work,in1604, he entered a 2 " as Master Mason to the brig of Tay ; in1610 his son, another John, assisted his father in completing that work, and cutting and fixingon itthe royal arms in 1616 : it was destroyed in 1621 by an unprecedented flood from a sudden melting of snow, and was not replaced ;the present Bridge of seven arches was built 1770 by J. Smeaton, over a broader part of the river. He entered KingJames VI.(1603) as "Frieman Meason and Fellow- craft," at his own desire, of the Lodge of Scone. He died in 1621, and was buried inthe Grey Friars Churchyard at Perth, where a slab withquaint lines and a coat of arms thereon still exists. MYLNE (the third John), succeeded his father in the office of Master Mason, and was Master of the Lodge at Scone. At the latter end of 1616 he was expressly sent for, and was engaged by the town council of Edinburgh to complete a Statue of King James anticipation of that monarch's visit in the following year to his Scottish dominions : the statue had been commenced by Benj. Lambert. He was also engaged on several works in Edinburgh, and shortly afterwards settled in Dundee. In 1620 he entered into a contract with Lord Scone to take down the oldand build a new Church at Falkland. On Ist January 1623 one hundred pounds money was paid by " the Town Council to Johne Mylne mesone in Dundie," in " part payment for the ashlar stone worked to design and delivered fromKingoodie quarry," for the Steeple of the Tolbooth at Aberdeen (Spalding Club, Aberdeen Burgh Records, 4to. 1848, ii.379) : this steeple stillexists. In1630 he was engaged 3 to make extensive additions to Drummond Castle, Perthshire, portions of which remain, as well as the celebrated Sun-dial in the gardens executed by him. In 1633 he with the assistance of his two sons John and Alexander executed the finely worked Sun-dial now standing to the north of Queen Mary's tower at Holyrood Palace, for which he was paid the sum of £408 15*. 6d. Scots. On the death of Wm. Wallace he was appointed, 17th December, 1631, principal Master Mason in Scotland to King Charles I.which office he resigned in 1636. From 1643 to 1651 he was engaged at Dundee on considerable works at theTolhoothand Fortifications; and 1644 on the Steeple of the Town Hall, for which last he was paid 800 marks. He died in1657. MYLNE (the fourth John), was born 1611 at Perth. In 1636 he succeeded his father as principal Master Mason, and in 1637 was appointed Master Mason to the town of Edinburgh, receiving £100 Scots per annum. He made designs for two new Churches, of which the Tron Church, in the Italian style, " was finished in 1647. The monastery at Glasgow, of the Dominicans, which were brought over soon after 1220, and was founded 1270, stood where is now the College Church ; as a fine specimen of Gothic architecture, it excited the admiration of Mr. Mylne the King's Architect, who surveyed it in the 1638; it struck a thunderbolt in 1668, it was year being" by rebuilt in 1699 (Popular Encyclopedia, Bvo. Glasgow, 1841, iii.454). In1640-41 he was with the Scotch army at Newcastle. In1642 he reported in detail upon the condition a 2 4 of the whole of the Abbey Church at Jedburgh ;in1643 was, on the death of W. Aytoun, appointed Master Mason to Heriot's Hospital at Edinburgh, then only partly built, and continued the works to 1659. In1646 he received the appointment from the King of Captain of Pioneers and principal Master Gunner of all Scotland. 1647 made additions tothe College ofEdinburgh ; and later, in 1648, repaired the crown of the great Steeple of S. Giles's Church inthat city, which was thoroughly restored and decidedly altered in form byhim; in1650 built the Fortifi cations at Leith ;in 1652 was elected by the Crafts as one of the Commissioners for the formation of a Treaty of Union with England, and went to London towards the end of that year, where he remained tillJuly 1653, being paid with his brother Commissioners £] sterling per day during the time of his stay " there. John Miln,Master of Wark for the Mesones," was present on the 12th May, 1654, when Cromwell was proclaimed Lord Protector at Perth (Maitland Club, Chron. of Perth, 4to. Edin. 1831, p. 43). 1656 he built the house for the Pro fessor of Divinity,and six additional chambers to the College at Edinburgh ;1657 repaired.the Grammar School there. InOct. 1663 he had made designs for an entire new Palace at Eolyrood, associating Queen Mary's tower inthe arrangements; a plan is inthe Bodleian library at Oxford. As convener of the trades he had a seat inthe Town Council of Edinburgh for six years ending in 1664, and on several occasions represented the Metropolis in the Scotch Parliament. 1666 he made designs for and commenced the building of Panmure House, Eorfar 5 shire, since much altered, but which stillretains many portions, ' especially the handsome staircase ; made a design for the existing Town Hall at Linlithgow; also for a new Grammar school there: the drawings of all these still exist; executed parts of Leslie House for the Duke of Rothes; and while there at the latter end of 1667, the Town Council of Perth wrote to him to ask when it would be convenient to re ceive a deputation to consider as to a design for building a Market Cross for that city, "to be equal to none in the kingdom." He left Leslie House for Edinburgh, and after a few days' illness he died 24th December, 1667, in the fifty- sixth year of his age, and was buried in Greyfriars' Church yard, Edinburgh, on the south side of the eastern entrance gate, where a handsome tomb with an inscription records he was the sixth of the family holding the office of the King's Master Mason, and the fourth John : itis given inMonteith, Theater of Mortality, Bvo. Edin. 1704. He left no male issue. In1668 the Incorporation of Mary's Chapel placed an inscription over the entrance door of their Hall (given in Lyon, History), in which work his portrait is engraved.