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Guide to the Sanitary Reform of : The Working Collection of Sir , ca. 1785-1969

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DA676 .S26 1785 1 Guide to the Sanitary Reform of London: The Working Collection of Sir Joseph Bazalgette, ca. 1785-1969

Collection number: DA676 .S26 1785

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Descriptive Summary Title: Sanitary Reform of London: the working collection of Sir Joseph Bazalgette, Date (inclusive): ca. 1785-1969 Collection number: DA676 .S26 1785 Creator: Bazalgette, Joseph Extent: 455 items Repository: Stanford University. Libraries. Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives. Abstract: The collection documents the history of the sanitary evolution of London from the 1840s to the early twentieth century. Some 4500 separate printed, typescript, and manuscript items trace the stages by which the drainage and fresh water supply for London was introduced-- in its time perhaps the greatest feat of urban civil engineering that had ever been undertaken. Materials include maps, engineering designs, the working papers, both public and private, of the , legal briefs and numerous pamphlets describing sanitation projects outside London. The heart of the collection is the working library of Sir Joseph Bazalgette (1819-1891), the chief engineer who designed and implemented London's drainage and embankment systems. Balzagette's library formed part of the collection at the original Board of Works, which later became the Metropolitan Water Board. The collection documents the early period of urban improvement which laid the basis for healthy life in the modern city. Language: English. Access There are no restrictions on access. Publication Rights Property rights reside with the repository. Literary rights reside with the creators of the documents or their heirs. To obtain permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Public Services Librarian of the Dept. of Special Collections. Preferred Citation Sanitary Reform of London: The Working Collection of Sir Joseph Bazalgette. DA676 .S26 1785. Dept. of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Calif. Acquisition Information Purchased, 1997.

DA676 .S26 1785 2 Provenance formerly in the library of the Metropolitan Water Board (London, ). AUSTIN, Henry Water engineer. Henry Austin, Consulting Engineer for the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers, wrote a paper for Chadwick's 1842 Enquiry into Large Towns and in 1844 became secretary of The Health of Towns Association. Described by Finer as Chadwick's 'favourite engineer'. According to Finer, Austin's plan for the sewers was 'beautifully imaginative'. The problem, that of Westminster, posed this question: how could one discharge sewage in a district lying below water-level? Austin's solution involved a series of pumps and small bore pipes, carrying the liquid manure to farms on all sides. BAZALGETTE, Sir Joseph W. Chief Engineer to the Board of Works. In 1851 a fourth Commission of Sewers was appointed. Bazalgette was to be chief engineer. His appointment confirmed the ascendency of engineers over Chadwick and the sanitarians. At the same time Cubitt and Stephenson were appointed consultants. Through 1854 Bazalgette and the engineers fought a battle with Chadwick and the Board of Health over the use of pipes. Bazalgette bore a personal grudge against Chadwick. He had applied for the post of Assistant Surveyor to the Metropolitan Commission in 1849, submitting as his theses a paper on "the Establishment of Public Conveniences", a matter then commanding much Metropolitan attention, but was beaten by John Grant who wrote on the "Working of Tubes in open ditches" (April 1849). The hostility between sanitarians and engineers was a sad fact. Those who should have worked together seemed to be expending their energy in opposing each other. Bazalgette circulated reports hostile to the Board of Health and these were of great use to those who opposed sanitary reform altogether. See S. E. Finer The life and Times of Sir pp 448-452. By 1858 the Board of Health was completely extinguished and the Board of Works was set up in its place with Bazalgette appointed chief engineer. In the hands of this new body Bazalgette's intercepting sewer system was adopted and Chadwick's influence eclipsed. FORSTER, Frank. Engineer to the Commission of Sewers. In 1849 the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers and the General Board of Health were formally separated. A third Commission of Sewers was formed. was brought in and with him a clique of associates from the Birmingham Railway project. Their ideas of town drainage were nebulous, but they had experience of driving tunnels, and put great faith in the strength of the brick arch. Almost their first act was to appoint as Engineer to the Commission Frank Foster, an assistant to Stephenson. Forster was a firm believer in tunnel-sewers. This new Commission was deliberately constructed to exclude Chadwick's influence and to him it was a declaration of war for the sanitary destiny of London. In the event the principle of the intercepting tunnel was favoured, and Forster was bidden to prepare a workable scheme. In August 1850 his plan for the Southern out fall was accepted and in January 1851 the plan for the North bank. Thus the tunnel scheme had triumphed. See S. E. Finer, The life and Times of Sir Edwin Chadwick pp 380, 441. HAWKSLEY, Thomas. Water engineer. Hawksley was one of the witnesses called by Chadwick to give evidence to the Health of Towns Commission which reported in 1844 and which was the basis for all the subsequent legislation of the 'forties and 'fifties. He was the only water engineer called. In 1830 Hawksley had undertaken a new waterworks at Nottingham and it was his success here which first brought him to Chadwick's attention. At the start Chadwick placed great reliance on Hawksley's evidence and opinion. Hawksley had proved the efficiency and economy of "constant supply" on the proof of which the whole structure of Chadwick's sanitary plan depended. In 1844 when Chadwick made his only illfated attempt into private business with the creation of the "Towns improvement company" it was Hawksley he choose to one of the companies engineers. By 1847 however Chadwick had managed to provoke the undying hostility of Hawksley and the water engineers - a matter which was to have a sinister outcome for Chadwick's career. In that year Chadwick took Roe's side against Hawksley in a technical debate and from then on began consistently to discredit Hawksley's work. Hawksley now became Chadwick's most pertinacious enemy. In 1851 he set out to show that water-supply and drainage should not be united under one body: "In the one case it is a supply of the other simply removal of a nuisance!" In saying this Hawksley struck at Chadwick's core belief in one unified arterial water and sewage system. By 1850 the pattern had become one of entrenched opposition between Chadwick and the engineers. On the one hand Chadwick champion a system of pipes where the engineers favoured brick-built sewers. The engineers resented the continuous intrusion of a nonprofessional in the details of their own profession. Also they thought of their profits. Chadwick on the other hand was motivated by a desire for efficiency and economy which he thought would result from his single unified system. The antagonism between Chadwick and Hawksley did not abate. In 1876 the committee of the Social Science Association invited, of all people, Hawksley to take the presidency, and to an audience from which Chadwick was notably absent he delivered a paper attacking parliamentary interference and centralization in the history of sanitary improvement. Too much can be said of the unfortunate conflict between Chadwick and Hawksley. Hawksley was described by Chadwick's champion

DA676 .S26 1785 3 F. E. Finer as "England's greatest water engineer." His invention of the "constant system" conferred one of the greatest practical benefits technology was to bestow on Victorian populations. His part in the creation of the water and sewage system of London was of the greatest importance. To mark his eminence he was elected president of the Institute of Civil Engineers in 1901. HEYWOOD, William Surveyor to the Commissioners for Sewers. In 1846 William Haywood at the age of twenty-four, a man of considerable abilities, was appointed full time surveyor to the Commissioners of Sewers. He immediately drew up competent surveys, began to clean out cess pools by machine, and in 1848 embarked on a plan for flushing the sewers. Heywood was in fact responsible for introducing a good sewer system and sanitation to the and he worked in close co-operation with Sir John Simon. The City, it seems, regarded Haywood's as the more important contribution; in 1853 Simon's salary was £800 a year whilst Heywood's salary was increased to £1,200 - a token of the City's growing regard for his sanitary work. LETHEBY, Henry. Medical Officer of Health for London. Henry Letheby, of the London Hospital, regularly advised the Corporation on Gas and other questions. He stood against Simon in the election for the Medical Officer of Health for London in 1848, his candidature supported by the Lancet. In October 1849 he succeeded John Simon as Medical Officer of Health for the City of London. Unlike Simon he was uninspired, plodding and efficient and possessed just those qualities of meticulous, patient administrator which Simon lacked. The result was that the Second Officership of Health in the years 1855-74 produced several very solid achievements. Letheby, in 1857, secured a special Lodging House Inspector and, in 1866, four full time Sanitary Inspectors and was thus able to make the supervision system against the evils of bad housing much more effective. His achievement was to fulfil Simon's 'visionary' programme of 1849 and the City long remained the model for Sanitation. See Royston Lambert, Sir John Simon p.214-6 RAWLINSON, Robert. Engineer. He was a distinguished engineer and stood against Bazalgette for the post of chief engineer to the Board of Works in 1851. In 1869 he was called in to examine a claim by the inhabitants of Barking that the river was seriously polluted there by sewage out falls. Rawlinson accepted that the out falls may have been too close to central London but in the main his enquiry did not support the complaint. See David Owen The Government of Victorian London. 1982 p. 44, 66. Later Rawlinson became Chief Inspector to the Local Government Board. SIMON, Sir John. (1816-1904), first Medical Officer of Health of the City of London. Simon entered government service when Chadwick retired (or was forced out) of it. The unpopular General Board of Health did not long survive Chadwick. Its powers were transferred to a committee of the Privy Council with Simon as medical officer and then to the Medical Department of the Local Government Board. The Local Government Board ran from 1870 to 1919 and during that period was one of the most powerful and important departments of state. What inevitably happened was a struggle between the old Poor Law officials and the officials for the Board of Health within the new Board. In this struggle the Poor Law officials came out triumphant and Sir John Simon, who might have expected to become Joint Secretary, was pushed to one side. John Lambert became supreme and the old Poor Law administration continued unchanged. In effect became absorbed into and subordinate to the Poor Law. The Local Government Board remained supreme until 1919 when some of its powers were transferred to the new the Ministry of Health - a Ministry which Bentham had advocated nearly a hundred years before. The Privy Council epoch 1858-1872 was Simon's period of greatest achievement. Chadwick and the officials of the Poor Law Board were suspicious of purely medical solutions. Their emphasis was on prevention. Simon, in fact, felt strongly that public health reform had been ill-served by being subsumed within Poor-Law considerations. His training in scientific research gave him a professional authority which Chadwick lacked. According to Sir Arthur Newsholme, sometime Medical Officer of Health for the Local Government Board, "Simon led, and in a large measure determined, the course of public health reform between the year 1855, when he left the service of the City for that of the State, and the year 1876 when the left the Local Government Board. WICKSTEED, Thomas. Mechanical engineer. Engineer to the London Sewage Company, 1847, dissolved 1848. Formed and managed Patent Solid Sewage Company at Leicester 1851-65. One of the group of engineers opposed by Chadwick. In Leicester Chadwick tried to prevent Wicksteed's appointment. R. Stevenson stepped in to defend him. Collection Scope and Content Summary "London was the first city to create a complex civic administration which could coordinate modern urban services, from public transport to housing, clean water to education. London's County Council was acknowledged as the most progressive metropolitan government in the world. Fifty years earlier, London had been the worst slum city of the industrialized world

DA676 .S26 1785 4 over-crowded, congested, polluted and ridden with disease. Public outcry and Victorian confidence, backed by support from the press, led to inspired planning legislation, and crucially, to the creation of the L.C.C. This pioneering approach to London's management survived 100 years. " --Sir Richard Rogers. The fourth Reith Lecture. March, 1995. The collection embodies the history of the sanitary evolution of London. It dates mainly from the 1840's and 50's when reform really began until the formation of the , the Metropolitan Water Board and beyond well into the twentieth century. It documents in enormous detail the stages by which the drainage and fresh water supply for London was introduced - in its time perhaps the greatest feat of urban civil engineering that had ever been undertaken. The collection spans the whole early period of urban improvement which laid the basis for healthy life in the modern city. It is the collection of the working books, official papers, and pamphlets of Sir Joseph Bazalgette which formed part of the collection at the Board of Works, later transferred to the Metropolitan Water Board. It was continuously added to and grew to be an archive of considerable size and was, until recently, housed at the head Office of the Metropolitan Water Board at Sadler's Wells, London. Joseph Bazalgette (1819-1891) joined the Metropolitan Commission for Sewers in 1848. In 1855 the Metropolitan Board of Works came into being with Bazalgette as chief engineer. Schemes for the drainage of London came to a conclusion in 1858 when Disraeli passed an enabling act and Bazalgette' s designs began to be implemented. In 1865 the magnificent system of main drainage was opened by the Prince of Wales, though the whole work was not finished until 1875. The other great engineering work with which Bazalgette's name will always be associated is the London Embankment, a task which he was asked to undertake in 1862. Bazalgette remained chief engineer to the Board of Works until its abolition in 1889 when it was replaced by the London County Council. This is the working collection of the man and the agency at the heart of the implementation of sanitary reform and as such is a collection which could not be recreated. Nothing has been added. Some useful secondary material is present which supplements the research archive of primary materials. Much of this is unique, and has almost certainly never been systematically examined by scholars in the field. The collection contains in all some 4,500 separate printed, typescript and manuscript items bound, in the main, in some 550 substantial volumes. A large number of these items are Board of Works or Metropolitan Water Board working papers and memoranda. Typically each important Report or Enquiry is present together with the various stages of manuscript proposals or minutes of meetings, private printed papers, drafts, proof copies emended in manuscript, blue papers, white papers and the eventual public document or government paper when there was one. Each of these - and there are a large number - provide an insight into how public work was carried out whether by the Board of Works, the Water Board or Government Committees. Taken together they provide an immense amount of evidence about how the sewage and water system London and other cities evolved. Of an overall total of 4,500 items nearly 500 are pamphlets from the period 1849-1871 - 30 at least by Bazalgette himself. These pamphlet collections, bound in 16 fat octavo volumes, bear throughout presentation inscriptions, signatures, and ownership markings of Joseph Bazalgette. These form the core of the collection. When in 1887 Benjamin Ward Richardson came to make his selection of the works of the eminent sanitarian and poor-law reformer Edwin Chadwick he cleverly entitled his work The Health of Nations. This resonant title clearly contains a reminder of Adam Smith's great work on economics published just over a century earlier. Smith and the economists of the eighteenth century had spoken about the creation of wealth and the importance of free industry in the pursuit of that goal. Chadwick and the social reformers of the nineteenth century focused instead on the living and working conditions of the masses of the people whose labour had enabled that creation of wealth to proceed. The article on Laissez - Faire in the 1925 edition of Palgravets Dictionary of Political Economy lists among "recent laws interfering with free industry ...laws relating to town life," including the various public health acts. To these could be added the factory acts and the numerous government measures regulating the working and living conditions of the people. Just as Britain had been the home of the industrial revolution so it was also the place of origin for the whole framework of regulation and social provision which set out to temper the effects of unbridled industrial capitalism on the lives of the masses of the people. The philosophy of the greatest happiness of the greatest number arose at precisely the moment when it was needed as a rationale for distributing the benefits created by the industrial process. Bentham and his foremost disciple Chadwick set in process a massive programme of regulation and control which was to culminate in the creation of the great instruments of state intervention, the boards and later the ministries such as the Local Government Board and its successor the Ministry of Health and, as far a local government was concerned, the London County Council and its ancillary, the Metropolitan Water Board. Chadwick had campaigned tirelessly for the nationalisation of water. All his experience showed him that it was something that could not be left to private profit. It is worth remembering that when Edwin Chadwick came to examine the accounts of

DA676 .S26 1785 5 some of the private water-supply companies in and around London - the same companies which for profit had been poisoning and killing the inhabitants of London with sewage-polluted drinking water - he found "a good round sum" set down for opposing the Public Health Acts. The Metropolitan Water Board was a unified public monopoly for the distribution of one of the vital necessities of life. Although Chadwick did not live to see it, its creation in 1902 was none the less in some large part his doing. And the motivation for all this was more than a philanthropic spirit or a mere desire for fairness: the terrible epidemics of which ravaged the great cities of Britain in the mid-century were the nemesis of generations of squalid and insanitary housing and working conditions and overcrowded and unplanned urban developments which came with the industrial revolution. Slowly it entered the consciousness of the rich and the comfortable, whose numbers rapidly increased with Victorian prosperity, that they had a vital interest in the health and welfare of the poorer masses of society for it directly affected their own. This is the context for the story of the sanitary development of London. The prophet, the architect and visionary behind the planning was Edwin Chadwick. His middle class love of order, his hatred of waste whether of material or human resources, his care over details, his exceptional diligence, his faith in systematic organization, his mastery of the bureaucratic technique exactly fitted him for the task of implementing Bentham's theories. Chadwick in his turn looked to men like Joseph Bazalgette and Thomas Hawksley, the great Victorian civil engineers, to turn his vision into reality. The successes and failures of Chadwick's endeavour, his relationship with Bazalgette, his championship of and then conflict with Hawksley, the story of the struggle between the vested interest of the water companies and the public good as Chadwick perceived it are all revealed in the details of this magnificent collection in incomparable detail it reveals the process of implementation of what is arguably the most important public health reform ever seen in this country. The results in terms of a better quality of life, and the improved mortality of towns and cities are incalculable. This is a collection of obvious national importance but its implications are in fact even wider. The civil engineering techniques for providing clean water and a system of sewage disposal pioneered in London and British industrial cities set a model for the developing world to follow. The broader issues of town planning and control of the urban environment are also of the greatest importance. Indeed the issues of pollution and the effect on the environment of man's industrial processes and of his concentration in crowded cities has suddenly become, in the last two decades of the twentieth century, a matter more pressing and urgent than it was even to our Victorian ancestors. It is a problem for which individualism or even the individual action of states will not provide the answer. Its solution will certainly need the determination, the diligence and above all the collective will of which Victorian civilization, in its best aspects, provided such a notable and admirable example. Access Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog. Sanitation--England--London. Water--Purification--England--London. Water-supply--England--London. Sewage disposal--England--London. Metropolitan Water Board (London, England) Bazalgette, Joseph William, Sir, 1819-1891.

1785 - 1800

Volume 1 WATER WORKS. MANUSCRIPT. Lambeth Water Works Proprietors Balance Book, commencing with works in 1785. Manuscript account book for the Lambeth Water Works from 1785 to 1825 Physical Description: 4". Contemporary swede, spine worn.

Volume 2 ACTS. Water Acts.1798-1897 Physical Description: 4". Calf. Contains 10 items.

1801 - 1810

Volume 3 WATER WORKS MANUSCRIPT. Evidence, proceedings. In manuscript.1808 Physical Description: 109p. Signed Samuel Taylor.

DA676 .S26 1785 6 1801 - 1810

Volume 4 KENT WATERWORKS COMPANY. Acts relating to the company. London:1809-1902 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label.

Volume 5 WEST WATER WORKS BILL. Minutes of Evidence. 1809-10. London: 1810 Physical Description: 8". 370p. Red cloth.

1811 - 1820

Volume 6 West Middlesex and Grand Junction Water Companies, A Collection of Seventy-One Separately Printed Handbills Pamphlets and Broadsides Physical Description: Contains 71 items bound together in red cloth. Scope and Content Note A highly important, comprehensive and probably unique collection. A note in pencil at the back of the volume show that in 1951 it was examined and photo-copied for The London School of Economics.

WEALE, James. Humble Petition and Remonstrance of James Weale Esq. on behalf of himself and other inhabitant householders of London against the said Bill. Physical Description: 4p. 2". In manuscript.

Marylebone Vestrymen. Petition of the Vestrymen and householders of Marylebone to be heard against the Bill of the West Middlesex and Grand Junction Companies to Sanction the levy of increased rates then pending in the House of Lords. Physical Description: 2p. 2". In manuscript.

WEALE, James. To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled. Humble Petition and Remonstrance of James Weale Esq. [London: 1st June 1819]. Physical Description: 6p. 2". With marginal notes in manuscript.

House of Lords Committee. Die Veneris 11th June 1819. House of Lords. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee to whom was referred The Bill entitled "An Act to regulate the supply of water etc.". Physical Description: 122p. 2". In manuscript.

House of Lords Committee.. House of Lords Committee on the West Middlesex Water Works Bill, Wednesday, 16th June, 1819. The Earl of Donoughmore in the Chair. Physical Description: 12p. 2".

House of Lords Committee.. Die Sabbati 19 Junii 1819. The Earl of Donoughmore in the chair. The proceedings of the committee... Physical Description: 66p. 2". In manuscript.

Plan. Plan and sections of a proposed aqueduct from the ... for the purpose of supplying with water... the Parish of St. Marylebone. Physical Description: In two 2" sheets, folded map.

Oxford Street. Section of Oxford Street from Tyburn Turnpike to John Street. Long 2" folded diagram. House of Lords Committee.. Die Luni 21 Junii 1819. The Earl of Donoughmore in the chair. The proceedings of the committee... Physical Description: 78p. 2". In manuscript.

DA676 .S26 1785 7 1811 - 1820

House of Lords Committee.. Die Martis 22 Junii 1819. The Earl of Donoughmore in the chair. Physical Description: 56p. 2". In manuscript.

West Middlesex Company. West Middlesex Company. Report of the directors to the general assembly of Proprietors. 5th May 1818. Physical Description: 12p. 2". In manuscript.

West Middlesex Water Works. West Middlesex Water Works. Tuesday, November 3, 1818. At a half-yearly general assembly. Brs. Physical Description: 1 sheet 2" printed on both sides, folded. With a general statement of the company's accounts from 1806 to 1818 on the reverse.

West Middlesex Water Works. To the honourable the Commons of the United and Ireland in Parliament Assembled. The humble petition of the Company of Proprietors of the West Middlesex Water Works. Physical Description: 4p. 2". In manuscript.

Grand Junction Water Works. Physical Description: 10p. 2". In manuscript.

Opinions. Opinions of counsel as to the legal obligation of the several water companies to supply water. Physical Description: 6p. 2". In manuscript.

London Water. Historical note relative to the supply of London with water. Physical Description: 7p. 2". In manuscript.

New River Bill. & Middlesex Water Works Bill. Extract from the votes of the House of Commons Session 1816 Physical Description: 4p. 2". In manuscript.

New River Bill. New River and West Middlesex Bill. 19th March, 1816. 4" sheet printed on one side. Signed "Joseph Butterworth". New River Bill. Session 1816. 56 Geo. III. A bill. To unite the interests and concerns of the Governor and Company of the The New River and of the Company of proprietors of the West Middlesex Waterworks. Physical Description: 31p. 3 plates. 2".

Sloper, Robert S. Montague Street, Russell Square, November 24, 1809. Sir, I am desired by the board of directors... Physical Description: 1p. 2".

Hardy, Jonathan. West Middlesex Water Works. Incorporated by , 46th of Geo. III. Jonathan Hardy, Secretary, August 21st, 1811. 1p. 4". "The directors... announce, to the inhabitants of Mary-Le-Bone... that the company's works being now established with engines... and a most extensive line of main pipes, [that] they are ready to supply them with water." Hardy, Jonathan. West Middlesex Water Works. Office, 51 Berners Street, Oxford Street. October 16, 1811. Jonathan Hardy, Secretary, postscript, November 1. Physical Description: 2p. 2".

New River Company Charges. Plain thoughts on the rate of charges and profits of water-works companies, especially of the New River and the policy of establishing New Water-Works. Physical Description: 3p. 2".

DA676 .S26 1785 8 1811 - 1820

Rowe, J. P. Address to the occupiers of Houses supplied with water by the New River Company. J. P. Rowe, Sec. Feb. 27, 1812. Physical Description: 3p. 2". With marginal ms annotation.

Bailey, Joseph. To The Public. Joseph Bailey, secretary, West Middlesex Water-works, April 27th, 1812. Physical Description: 3p. 2".

Effect. Effect of iron pipes on the water conveyed through them. From the monthly magazine of October, 1812 Physical Description: 1p. 4"

Anti Water Monopoly Association. Anti Water Monopoly Association. Grand Junction Water Works Company. 1813 Physical Description: 8" handbill printed on one side.

Grand Junction Water Works. Grand junction Water Works. The directors...statement... 4th June, 1812 Physical Description: 1p. 4".

Rowe, J. P. New River Office, January 1st, 1816. The Directors... return you with their thanks... J. P. Rowe, Sec. Physical Description: 1p. 4".

Knight, M. K. West Middlesex Water Works. 16th January, 1818. M. K. Knight, Sec. 1p. 4". Handbill. "I am desired... to inform you that... the necessary measures for supplying the water of the West Middlesex Company, with which they trust you will have every reason to be satisfied, at all times, the means of conveying... abundant supply to any part of your premises." Grand Junction Water Works. Grand Junction Grand Junction Water Works, Union Street Bond Street. [c.1816] "Give the advantage of a never ceasing supply to the lower parts of the house, and the high service to the attics three times a week; affording sudden aid in cases of fire... [and] frost... During frost, [allow the water] to flow gently through the leaden pipes [to] prevent it from freezing..." 1p. ´ 2" sheet. Grand Junction Water Works. Grand Junction Grand Junction Water Works, Office, Union Street Bond Street. [c.1816] Physical Description: 2" sheet laid.

Knight, M. K. West Middlesex Water Works Office. Berners St. 19th February, 1818. M. K. Knight, Secretary. Physical Description: 1p. 2".

St. Marylebone Vestry. St. Mary-le-bone. March 28th, 1818. At a vestry held... Reports and correspondence between the vestry and the water companies. Physical Description: 12p. 2".

St. Marylebone Vestry. St. Mary-le-bone. May 2nd, 1818. At a committee appointed to meet the deputations from the water companies. Physical Description: 6p. 2".

Greenwell, J. M. The following petition lies for signature at the court-house in Oxford Street. Petition of the inhabitants of the parish of St. Mary-le-bone. June 10th, 1818. Physical Description: 2p. 2".

DA676 .S26 1785 9 1811 - 1820

Leckie, Gould Francis. Case of the West Middlesex Water-Works, stated in the contest with the vestry of St. Marylebone. 1818. Physical Description: 4p. 2".

Knight, M. K. Case of the West Middlesex Water Works against the bill now in Parliament for establishing a parochial water company in St. Mary-le-bone. May 11, 1818. Physical Description: 2p. 2".

Marylebone Water Works Bill. Copy of a petition intended to have been presented to the House of Commons against the Marylebone parochial water works bill. Physical Description: 4p. 2".

Marylebone Water Works. A bill to control the monopoly of the water companies the parish of St. Marylebone. 44,[2]p. 2". Substantially corrected and annotated in manuscript. Marylebone Water Works. To the inhabitants of St. Marylebone. Physical Description: 2p. 2".

West Middlesex Water Works. West Middlesex water Works. apprise their customers that the new rates... do not include the extra charge which they were informed of... 11th May 1818... for High-Service Water. 19th February 1819. Physical Description: 1p. 4".

Marylebone Water Bill. A Bill to enable the vestrymen of the parish of Saint Mary-le-bone... to control the supply of water. 1819. Physical Description: 21p. 2".

Marylebone Water Works Bill. Copy of a petition to be presented to both House of Parliament against the Saint Mary-le-bone parochial water works' bill. April 20th, 1819 Physical Description: 2,[2]p. 2".

Knight, M. K. Case of the West Middlesex Water Works. [1819] Physical Description: 2,[2]p. 2.

Water Companies. Water Companies. The merits of the question now agitating the public mind relative to the water companies, may in some measure be collected from the following statement. April 23rd, 1819. Physical Description: 4p. 2".

West Middlesex Water Works Company. A bill to regulate the supply of water by the company of proprietors of the West Middlesex Water Works Company and to limit the rates to be charged for such supply of water. 1819. Physical Description: 8p. 2. With annotations in manuscript.

Marylebone Water Works Bill. The vestry of the Parish St. Mary-le-bone beg to submit the following clauses to be incorporated in the bill...1819. Physical Description: 4p. 2. With annotations in manuscript.

West Middlesex Water Works. Bill as amended to regulate the supply of water by... West Middlesex Water Works. 1819. Physical Description: 8p. 2. With annotations in manuscript and inserted printed corrections.

DA676 .S26 1785 10 1811 - 1820

West Middlesex Water Works. An act to regulate the supply of water by the West Middlesex Water Works.. to limit the rates to be charged for such supply of water. 1819. Physical Description: 10p. 2. With annotations in manuscript.

Lynde, J. G. Chelsea Water Works. The governor and company of... were desirous of being included in the provision of a bill, now pending in Parliament... May 8, 1819. Physical Description: 1p. 4".

Marylebone Water Works. Parochial Water Works. To the parishioners of St. Mary-le-bone. 15th April 1819. Physical Description: 2p. 4.

West Middlesex Water Works. Case on behalf of the West Middlesex Water Works Company. 1819. Physical Description: 4p. 2".

Greenwell, Hugo. A list of the vestrymen of the Parish of St. Mary-le-bone in the County of Middlesex. May 1st, 1819. Physical Description: By order of James Hugo Greenwell. 2" sheet folded.

Marylebone Water Works. St. Mary-le-bone, May 20, 1819. Caution to the householders [that] water companies are canvassing a petition to Parliament to sanction their monopoly! and to entrap you! Brs. 2. Folded sheet. Greenwell, J. H. To the inhabitants of the Parish of St. Mary-le-bone. It having been presented to the Vestry of this Parish, that the grossest... misrepresentations are circulating. Physical Description: 2p. 4".

Knight, M. K. Case of the Parish of St. Mary-le-bone, who have petitioned the House of Lords to be heard against the West Middlesex and Grand Junction Water Bill. Physical Description: 4p. 4".

West Middlesex Water Works And Grand Junction Water Company. By the report delivered by the West Middlesex and Grand Junction Water Companies. [1818]. Physical Description: 1p. 4".

West Middlesex Water Works And Grand Junction Water Company. West Middlesex & Grand Junction Water Works regulation bill. Physical Description: 2p. 2.

Reasons. Reasons why our ancestors preferred one water company to two in all parts of London. Physical Description: 1p. 4".

Dodd, Ralph. Introductory report by Mr. Ralph Dodd, engineer on the intended Yarmouth Water Works for supplying the town with water for domestic purposes. Sept. 16th, 1809. Physical Description: 3p. 2.

Walker, Ralph. To the company of proprietors of the East-London Water-Works. Oct. 4, 1809. Physical Description: 1p. 2.

DA676 .S26 1785 11 1811 - 1820

Williams, Daniel. East London Water Works. To the company of proprietors. Oct. 4th, 1809. Physical Description: 4p. 2.

Burnel, John. A prospectus for establishing water works for the supply of the following parishes and the parts adjacent. John Burnel, in the chair. Physical Description: 3p. 2.

New Water Company. New Water Company. 2nd April, 1819. Physical Description: 1p. 4".

Walker, Ralph. New Water Company. Monopoly abolished, combination prevented and competition created by the East Middlesex Water-Company. Physical Description: 4p. 2.

West Middlesex Water Works And Grand Junction Water Company. Water Monopoloy. From the numerous complaints which are made of the rates demanded by the West Middlesex and Grand Junction water works companies... Physical Description: 3p. 4".

Water Monopoly. Water Monopoly. At a numerous and respectable meeting. 30th September, 1819. Physical Description: Brs. 2" sheet folded.

Water Monopoly. Water Monopoly. At a most numerous and respectable meeting. October 14, 1819. Physical Description: 2" sheet folded.

Weale. Mr. Letter from Mr Weale to Mr Lloyd relative to notices of intended New Water Company. 30th August 1819. Physical Description: In manuscript. 65p. 2"

1821 - 1830

Volume 7 SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. Report of the select committee on the supply of water to the Metropolis. Minutes of evidence. London: HMSO, 1821/8 Physical Description: 2". Contains 3 separately printed items. Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Chadwick referred several time to this report in the section "Supplies of Water" in Sanitary Condition of the labouring population of Gt. Britain, 1842.

Volume 8 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. Minutes of Evidence, Report, etc. London: 1828. 2". Physical Description: Contains 3 separately printed items with folding maps. Red cloth.

Volume 9 METROPOLIS WATER SUPPLY. Report of the commissioners on the State of the Supply of Water in the Metropolis. London: 1828. Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco. Scope and Content Note The initial report signed by Thomas Telford.

DA676 .S26 1785 12 1821 - 1830

Volume 10 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. Reports on the supply of water to the Metropolis. 1830, 1834, 1836, 1840. Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Telford's And Martin's Reports. Includes:

Metropolis Water. Metropolis Water. Copies of such written communications... Supply of water to the metropolis. 1830. Physical Description: 33p.

Supplement. Supplement to the correspondence relating to the supply of water to the Metropolis. 1834. Physical Description: 6p. With large coloured folding maps.

Telford, Thomas. Metropolis Water supply. Report of Thomas Telford. February 1834. Scope and Content Note On the means of supply the Metropolis with pure water. 12p. With an appendix signed by John Rickman. Large coloured folding plates.

Metropolis Water. Report from the select committee on Metropolis Water with minutes of evidence. 1834. Physical Description: 196p.

Martin's Plan. Report of the Committee of Gentlemen appointed to take into consideration Mr. Martin's plan for the improvement... of the River Thames. Physical Description: Inscribed presentation copy from Mr. Martin to John Rickman Esq., with a fine folding engraved plated by Martin showing his proposed plan of the embankment.

House of Lords Select Committee. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the supply of water to the Metropolis and to report thereon to the House. 1840. Physical Description: 108p.

Martin's Plan. Report of the Committee of Gentlemen appointed to take into consideration Mr. Martin's plan for the improvement... of the River Thames. Inscribed presentation copy from Mr. Martin to John Rickman Esq., with a fine folding engraved plated by Martin showing his proposed plan of the embankment. , the artist, became interested in the question of metropolitan water supply and his proposal was discussed at length by Chadwick in Sanitary Condition of the labouring population of Gt. Britain, 1842. Physical Description: p. 134.

1831 - 1940

Volume 11 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the select committees. Drunkenness, Metropolis Improvements, Water Schemes. etc. 1834, 1836, 1842, 1850. Physical Description: 2". Contains 4 separately printed items. Red cloth.

Select Committee on Drunkenness. Report from the select committee on inquiring into drunkenness. 1834 Physical Description: 445p.

DA676 .S26 1785 13 1831 - 1940

Select Committee on Metropolis Improvements. Report from the select committee on Metropolis improvements. 1834. Physical Description: With coloured folding maps.

Martin's Plan. Report of the Committee of Gentlemen appointed to take into consideration Mr. Martin's plan for the improvement... of the River Thames. Physical Description: Inscribed presentation copy from Mr. Martin to John Rickman Esq., with a fine folding engraved plated by Martin showing his proposed plan of the embankment. Scope and Content Note Edwin Chadwick looked carefully into the health of the pauper population. He analysed the connection between pauperism and intemperance. Most of this evidence was made public in 1834 before Buckingham's Select Committee on Drunkenness.

Volume 12 WICKSTEED, Thomas. Observations on the past and present supply of water to the Metropolis. London: 1835 Wicksteed, Thomas. An experimental enquiry concerning the relative power of, and useful effect produced by the Cornish and Boulton and Watt Pumping Engines, and cylindrical waggon-head boilers. London: 1841. Physical Description: 4". Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items bound together in red cloth.

Thomas Wicksteed. Mechanical engineer, Engineer to the London Sewage Company, 1847, dissolved 1848. Formed and managed Patent Solid Sewage Company at Leicester 1851-65. One of the group of engineers opposed by Chadwick. In Leicester Chadwick tried to prevent Wicksteed's appointment. R. Stevenson stepped in to defend him. Volume 13 RIVER SURVEYOR'S RETURN. Printed forms filled out in manuscript.From 2nd August 1840 to 23rd December 1841. Physical Description: 4". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains all the weekly returns from 2nd August 1840 to 23rd December 1841.

Volume 14 SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. Reports, minutes of evidence, correspondence on the supply of water to the Metropolis. 1840-1. Physical Description: 4 items with a substantial work in manuscript (39 sides). With folding maps. 2". Full calf, black label. Scope and Content Note An important series of reports on the water supply written in the year Chadwick was working on his report on the sanitary conditions.

1841 - 1850

DA676 .S26 1785 14 1841 - 1850

Volume 15 [CHADWICK, Edwin.] First report of the Commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts. Presented to both House of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons. 1844. Physical Description: Folio. [5],vi-xv,[1],470,[1],2-212p. 20 plates several folding and some part coloured and numerous text wood cuts. Biography/Organization History The first volume (later reprinted as two volumes octavo with considerable differences) is here present in its folio format. In this format, with considerable extra material and illustration it would have been circulated only to a small number of officials actively concerned. The second volume with an index with separate titlepage published one year after the first volume has not been seen in octavo format. Both are very rare. Chadwick was not on the Commission and his name does not appear on it. It was, however, very largely his inspiration and doing. "Though not named in the Commission" he told Napier, "I was compelled to attend to it, write their questions, take the examinations and prepare their report, so that nearly two thirds of these volumes are in my hand-writing, for, which I am to get only posthumous credit, if at all." In planning and conducting the Enquiry, he was the habitual assistant of the Chairman and Secretary, he 'precognized' all the witnesses for examination, accompanied several of the Commissioners in their tours of inspection, and when the Commissioners reported, its First Report and the Recommendations of the Second were of his drafting. It was, then, no mere courtesy which prompted Lord Buccleuch, the Chairman, to give full acknowledgement to Chadwick's contribution. See S. E. Finer The Life and Times of Edwin Chadwick p. 234-5. In rapid succession Chadwick followed up his great but tentative report of 1842 (PMM 313) with two others. In 1843 came his Supplementary Report on Intramural Interment; and then, thanks to the public pressure stirred up by this and the 1842 Report, the First and Second Reports on the Health of Towns, in 1844 and 1845. These were to form the basis for all subsequent legislation during the 'forties and fifties. Among their aims was to determine the best practical ways of applying the principles of the 1842 Report. The Commissioners included Sir Henry De la Beche, Lyon Playfair, D.B. Reid, Professor Richard Owen, Robert Stephenson, and . Of the sixty-five witnesses fourteen were surveyors or Commissioners of Sewers, ten were registrars or Poor Law Officials, nine were engineers, six were architects, and one, Thomas Hawkesley, was a waterworks engineer. Chadwick's emphasis was on environmental improvement rather than curative medicine, hence the medical witnesses were greatly outnumbered by the engineers. Among those giving evidence were T. Southwood Smith; ; Thomas Hawksley, Robert Thom, Thomas Wicksteed, Engineer of the East London Water Works, , Engineer of the New River Company, John Roe, the Holborn sewer designer, Thomas Cubitt and Joseph Whitworth. The Commission also received reports from fifty of England's largest towns, containing between them a sixth of the entire population. Of these "there was hardly one in which the drainage was good, and only six where the water supply was good; in thirteen the water was indifferent, in the seven the drainage. In forty-two the drainage, and in thrifty-one the water supply was supremely bad. The proportion of privies to houses was appalling. There were parts of where thirty-three privies had to supply 7,095 persons - a proportion of one privy to every 215 persons." Such a state of affairs was cited not as an isolated instance, but as exemplifying a general deficiency. At , while Dr. Playfair was examining overflowing privies, Sir Henry De la Beche was obliged to stand at the end of the alley and vomit. In all important points the commission confirmed Chadwick's views and the principles contained in the 1842 Sanitary Report, which was hardly surprising in view of the fact that the Commissioners, while undoubtedly the leaders in their respective fields, were nonetheless largely Chadwick's nominees, just as the witnesses were to a great extent selected by him. The first Report was of an interim nature and was presented in July 1844. The second, in February 1845, embodied the conclusions. They illustrate firstly Chadwick's obsession with the sanitation of London and his desire to bring about a single integrated system of drainage, sewerage, and street cleansing, fed by a constant high pressure water supply. Secondly they mark the completion of Chadwick's thought on sanitation. The reports stressed that the water supply (needed to scour the drains and flush the sewers) was supplied by private companies on a costly intermittent system at exorbitant prices and in quite inadequate quantities. From this moment Chadwick became fired by the desire,DA676 above .S26 all other 1785 things, to consolidate under one 15 Crown-appointed Commission the drainage, sewerage, street cleansing and water supply of the whole gigantic Metropolitan area; and himself to have the handling of it. Thirdly they provide valued propaganda, showing that sanitation need not be excessively expensive, and in consequence the Health of Towns Association was formed in December 1844, along with several similar societies. And finally, the onus was put fair and square on the Government which, as a result of various vested interests did little. Nonetheless so important were Chadwick's recommendations considered, that the 1869 Royal Commission reprinted them in full. This first report contains a mass of sensational and horrifying information in the form of direct evidence, reports, and statistical graphs and tables, Among the plates there is a gruesome double-folding litho birds-eye view of an alley of terrible cottages, complete with cesspool, at Preston, a couple of forbidding-looking mills belching smoke in the background. Plans of them form another. There are also plates and coloured plans of back-to-backs, and pictures of and plan of projected public baths at Ashtom-under-Lyne. For more about these very important reports see Book 5 in S. E. Finer The life and times of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1952. 1841 - 1850

[CHADWICK, Edwin.] Second report of the commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts. With Appendix - Part 1. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London. Printed by William Clowes and Sons. 1845. Physical Description: Folio. [2],iii-v,[1],120,159,[1]p. Four plates, three of them large folding and coloured. Three plates only are called for. Cased in brown cloth from the library of the Metropolitan Water Board with library stamp. In good condition. Bound

[CHADWICK, Edwin.] Appendix to second report of the commissioners for inquiring into the sate of large towns and populous districts. Presented to both House of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London. Printed by William Clowes and Sons. 1845. Physical Description: Folio.[2],iii-iv,318,317*-318*,319-380,[2]. Final blank leaf. 31 plates Scope and Content Note are present as called for at pages 96, 154, 218, 351 and 268 several of them coloured and folding. In addition there is a plate of the City of Bristol inserted at page 62 which is not called for in the list if plates.

Volume 16 WICKSTEED, Thomas. East London Water Works. Report of the directors of the East London Water Works by Thomas Wicksteed, Esq. Replies to a series of questions proposed by Dr. Southwood Smith, relative to the practicality and expediency of giving a constant supply. London: 1847. Physical Description: 2". Original green cloth. Scope and Content Note T. Wicksteed, 1806-71, Mechanical Engineer. Engineer to the London Sewage Company 1847, dissolved 1848. Like Hawksley, Wickstead found himself in opposition to Chadwick. The `constant supply' was invented by Thomas Hawksley, described by Finer as "England's greatest Water Engineer". This work quotes extensively from evidence given by Hawksley and his work but appears to conclude with an adverse judgement on the plan designated `constant supply' which is described as "scientifically untenable and practically ineffective".

Volume 17 [CHADWICK, Edwin.] METROPOLITAN SANITARY COMMISSION. First report. Minutes of evidence taken before the commissioners appointed to inquire whether any and what special means may be requisite for the improvement of the health of the Metropolis. London: 1847. Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note In 1847 Chadwick was dismissed from the Poor Law Commission and appointed to the Royal Commission on London Sanitation. This report is listed by Finer as being written in whole or in part by Edwin Chadwick himself. Chadwick spurred on his colleagues to have the first report ready before Parliament met in November. Just before this there came the first but terrifyingly distinct signs of the approaching epidemic of cholera.

Volume 18 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Acts, London: 1847 to 1907 Physical Description: 4to. Rebound in blue cloth, red label.

Volume 19 DISINFECTING FLUIDS AND METROPOLITAN SEWERS. Copies of orders issued by the commissioners. (Mr. Urquart). London: 1848.

DA676 .S26 1785 16 1841 - 1850

Volume 19 BOWRING, Dr. Chloride of Zinc. Copies of reports to the Naval Department. (Dr. Bowring) London: 1848 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Both copies presented to J. W. Bazalgette, `J. W. Bazalgette Esq. C. E. with Sir W. Burnetts compliments'.

Volume 20 AUSTIN, Henry. Metropolitan Sewers. Concise statements of the main features of the plans for the drainage of the Metropolis. Sent in pursuance of the resolution of the Court, 20th August, 1849 Physical Description: Contains 3 items rebound in blue cloth, red label together. Scope and Content Note Henry Austin, Consulting Engineer for the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. He wrote a paper for Chadwick's 1842 enquiry into Large Towns and in 1844 became secretary of The Health of Towns Association. Described by Finer as Chadwick's `favourite engineer'. According to Finer, Austin's plan for the sewers was `beautifully imaginative'. The problem, that of Westminster, posed this question: how could one discharge sewage in a district lying below water-level? Austin's solution involved a series of pumps and small bore pipes, carrying the liquid manure to farms on all sides.

Volume 20 ADAMS, John. Second series. Metropolitan Sewers. Concise statements of the main features of the plans for the drainage of the Metropolis. Sent in pursuance of the resolution of the Court, 20th August, 1849. Physical Description: Contains 3 items rebound in blue cloth, red label together.

Volume 20 METROPOLITAN SEWERS. Metropolitan Sewers. Concise statements of the main features of the plans for the drainage of the Metropolis. Presented to the court of sewers, held on the 15th March, 1850. Physical Description: Contains 3 items rebound in blue cloth, red label together.

Volume 21 WATER SUPPLY OF THE METROPOLIS MANUSCRIPT. Notes of proceedings of public meeting held at Hanover Square rooms. Monday evening October 22 1849. In reference to the Water Supply of the Metropolis. A substantial work in manuscript. Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco.

Volume 22 London Sewage and Drainage, Sixty Pamphlets from the Year 1849 by Bazalgette, Austin and Others1849 Physical Description: 4". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Index in manuscript. Contains 60 separately printed items and numerous folding plates and diagrams. An extraordinarily comprehensive collection of pamphlets on the sewage and drainage question. The pamphlet by Bazalgette on Public Conveniences for London was the occasion of a personal grudge that Bazalgette afterwards bore against Chadwick. He had applied for the post of Assistant Surveyor to the Metropolitan Commission in 1849, submitting as his theses a paper on "the Establishment of Public Conveniences", a matter then commanding much Metropolitan attention, but was beaten by John Grant who wrote on the "Working of Tubes in open ditches" (April 1849). Both these pamphlets are contained in the volume described above.

HALE, J. L. Metropolitan Commission on Sewers. Report of Mr. J. Lysander Hale. [1849] SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Special Committee on view. 19th January, 1849. NEW PALACE WESTMINSTER. Reports and Correspondence respecting the drainage of the New Palace at Westminster. January, 1849. STREET CLEANSING. Metropolitan Sewers. A Report to the survey committee on street cleansing. 22nd January, 1849.

DA676 .S26 1785 17 1841 - 1850

DONALDSON, Mr. Report of Mr Donaldson on the state of Hyde Park.January, 1849 DONALDSON, Mr. Report of Mr Donaldson on the state of Regent's Park.January, 1849 BYE-LAWS COMMITTEE. Report of the Bye-Laws Committee. 9th February, 1849 LOVICK, Mr. Report of Mr. Lovick on flushing operations. 8th February, 1849 GOTTO, Edward. Experiments of Mr. Edward Gotto in respect of tubular back drainage at . February, 1849 METROPOLITAN SEWERS. Metropolitan Sewers. February 19th, 1849 RATES. Opinion of counsel as to rates. 24th February, 1849 BAKER, Mr. Letter of Mr. Baker, one of the coroners for Middlesex. 19th February, 1849 GENERAL COMMITTEE. Recommendations of general committee as to resolutions adopted. 24th February, 1849 ROE, John. Preliminary report on form and construction of kilns, now used for the burning of clayware. February 8, 1849 METROPOLITAN COMMISSION ON SEWERS. Outline of the law of sewers affecting the Metropolitan Commission on sewers. January, 1849 BOOK-KEEPING. Clerk of accounts' remarks on the new system of book-keeping. 6th March, 1849 KENSINGTON . Report to the works committee on Jennings' Buildings, Kensington and Kensington Workhouse. February 7th, 1849 CASE. Case and opinion of counsel. 12th March, 1849 DONALDSON, Mr. Mr Donaldson's letter on the cost and distribution of liquid manure. 5th March, 1849 OPINION. Opinion of Counsel as to enforcing frontage charges due under former commissions LOVOCK, Mr. and DONALDSON, Mr. Report on the drainage of . By Mr. Lovick and Mr. Donaldson. March, 1849 CESSPOOLS. Report on the emptying of cesspools. 12th March, 1849 BAZALGETTE, J. W. Letter of Mr. J. W. Bazalgette on the establishment of Public Conveniences in the Metropolis. London: 1849 with LOVICK, Mr. Report of Mr. Lovick on Mr. Warr's application on drainage of no. 23, Somers Place, East, St. Pancras. 2nd April, 1849 AND KENT DISTRICT. Subterranean Survey of the Surrey and Kent District. WESTMINSTER IMPROVEMENT. Report of consulting engineers upon application of Westminster improvement commissioners for improved drainage of the City of Westminster. 2nd April, 1849 CASH. Cash balances on the several districts. 12th April, 1849 with GOTTO, Edward. Report on tubular drainage for Jennings' buildings, Kensington with distribution over twenty years. April 25th, 1849 GRANT, John. Report on the efficiency and working condition of the tubes laid down in open ditches since 1st January, 1849. April 30th, 1849 RETURN. Return pursuant to order of finance committee of 13th February, 1849 SEWAGE MANURE COMMITTEE. Sewage Manure Committee. Result of enquiries as to quantities of water required per acre... and the supply of sewage obtainable from the Metropolis. May, 1849 METROPOLITAN SEWERS. Metropolitan Sewers. Extract from the minutes of the works committee, of the 11th of June, 1849 HOUSE-DRAINAGE. Suggestions for the execution of House-Drainage. June 13th, 1849 PHILLIPS, John and GOTTO, Edward. Report on the drainage of Goulston Street and neighbourhood, Whitechapel. 15th June, 1849 GRANT, John. Report on two cases of cholera in Mount Place, St. George's Road. 6th August, 1849 GENERAL ABSTRACT. General Abstract of weekly wages, for the week ending 26th July, 1849. August 1849

DA676 .S26 1785 18 1841 - 1850

SURREY AND KENT DISTRICT. Surrey and Kent District. Report on evils complained of in Blackfriars Road and neighbourhood. GOTTO, Edward. Report on Church Lane and Carrier Street, St. Giles'.15th June, 1849 DONALDSON, G. Report on the drainage of Richmond. July, 1849. with AUSTIN and LOVICK. Report on the drainage of the Westminster Abbey precincts. June 22nd, 1849 CESSPOOLS. Regulations for cleansing cesspools together with suggestions for facilitating public or private efforts for sanitary purposes.August, 1848 RETURN. Return. Showing the names of all the commissioners, the committees... 6th September, 1849 GRANT, John. Report on memorial from board of guardians for Parish of Camberwell. September 17th, 1849 GOTTO, E. Report of Mr. Gotto as to sewage of the intended new street at Westminster. 30th August, 1849 AUSTIN, Henry. Remarks on the report of Mr. Gotto as to the sewerage of the intended new street at Westminster. September, 1849 METROPOLITAN COMMISSION ON SEWERS. To the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers. September 19th, 1849 LOVICK, Thomas. Approximate preliminary report on the flushing operations. 27th August, 1849 DONALDSON, Mr. Statement on expenses of the application of sewage manure. August, 1849 GRANT, John. Report on complaint of Mr Graham of Hedge Farm, Battersea. VETCH, Captain. Remarks on the subject of effluvia from gully-gratings. August, 3rd 1849. DONALDSON, Mr. Mr Donaldson's Reports on Latchmere Brook. with DONALDSON, Mr. Report of Mr. Donaldson on the subsoil drainage of the City of Westminster. September, 1849 DONALDSON, Mr. and GRANT, Mr. Report of Messrs. Phillips Donaldson and Grant on Mill Streams. September, 1849 AUSTIN, H. Report on the trapping of gullies. October, 1849. with AUSTIN, LOVICK, and CRESY. Appendix to report on drainage of Potteries.October, 1849. PHILLIPS, John. Letter to the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers on the drainage of the Metropolis. 21st June, 1849 PHILLIPS, Mr. Observations on Mr Phillips's letter to the court as to a tunnel sewer. 29th June, 1849 METROPOLITAN SEWERS. Metropolitan sewers. 1 Greek Street, 22nd June, 1849 PHILLIPS, Mr John. Preliminary report on the drainage of the Metropolis. July 23rd, 1849 LOVICK, Thomas. A preliminary report on the potteries. London: March 12th, 1849 DRAINAGE OF THE METROPOLIS. Concise statements of the main features of the plans for the drainage of the Metropolis. 20th August, 1849 Volume 23 RIVER LEE TRUST BILL. River Lee Trust Bill. Minutes of evidence.1850 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed and 2 manuscript items.

Volume 24 London Drainage and Sewage, Thirty-One Pamphlets for the Years 1850-55, by Bazalgette, Forster and Others, Bazalgette's Own Collection Scope and Content Note Collection compiled by Joseph Bazalgette, signed `J. W. Bazalgette' on the inside front cover. 31 separately printed items together in one volume, with folding plates and diagrams. 2", Rebound in blue cloth, red label.

DA676 .S26 1785 19 1841 - 1850

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Bye Law. 6th day December, 1850. London: J. Truscott, [1851] Physical Description: 4". 2p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Bye Law. 6th day December, 1850. London: J. Truscott, [1851] Physical Description: 4". 3p. (Different text than above.)

BAZALGETTE, J. W. and Edward Cresy. Metropolitan Commission on Sewers. Report on the plans for the drainage of London. London: J. Truscott, 1850. Physical Description: 4". 16,[2]p.

FORSTER, Frank. Metropolitan Sewers. The engineers report on Surrey and Kent drainage. London: James Truscott, 1850. Physical Description: 4". 6,[2]p. Folding map.

FORSTER, Frank. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. The engineers report on the drainage of the districts of North of the River Thames. London: James Truscott, 1851 Physical Description: 4". 6,[2]p. Folding map.

WOOLRYCH, E. H. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Report upon the works and general proceedings of the commission. London: J. Truscott, 1851 Physical Description: 4". 10,[2]p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. List of Officers. January 1852. 3,4p. London: HMSO, 1852 METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Statements prepared by the chairman, with reference to a reduction of the establishment charges. London: J. Truscott, 1851 Physical Description: [14]p.

BAZALGETTE, J. W. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Reports on pipe sewers laid down in Church Lane and St. Giles. London: 1853 Physical Description: [4]p.

WOOLRYCH, E. H. Metropolitan Commission on Sewers. To the honourable the Metropolitan Commissioners of sewers. London: J. Truscott, 1852 Physical Description: 4". 6p.

ARTICLES of agreement entered into _____ day of ____ in the year of our Lord 185_ between ____ of one part, and the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers of the other part. Etc. [London: 1852] Physical Description: 2". 22p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Tender for works in ____ To the Honourable ______The Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers. [London: 1852] Physical Description: 2. [4]p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. To Builders and others. Etc. [London:1852] Physical Description: 2". [2]p.

KNOW all men by these presents, that we _____ are jointly etc. [London:1852] Physical Description: 2". [2]p.

DA676 .S26 1785 20 1841 - 1850

BAZALGETTE, J. W. Extract from a report of the general surveyor of works. Under the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. London: J. Truscott,1853 Physical Description: [26]p. Plates. 2".

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Financial estimate of the amount available... [London: 1854] Physical Description: 1" sheet folded.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. ( pumping station.) A Bill to authorize the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers to purchase land... 17 & 18 Vict. 1854. London: Cox & Wyman, 1854 Physical Description: 2". [2],4p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. (Deptford pumping station.) The plan of the ground proposed to be taken for a pumping station. London:1854 Physical Description: 1" folded sheet.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. 1854. Specification, schedules of contract, etc. London: J. Truscott, 1854 Physical Description: 2". [4]p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Contract for Works. [London: 1854] Physical Description: 23p. [46 sides with verso blank].

BAZALGETTE, J. W. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Extract from minutes of general committee, Sept. 12, 1854 Physical Description: 4". 4p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Officers' Salaries & Allowances, for the Quarter Ending Midsummer, 1854. London: J. Truscott, 1854 Physical Description: 2". [4]p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Financial estimate of the amount of available balance... 31st August, 1854. [London: 1855]. Physical Description: 1" folded sheet.

COOPER, Edmund. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Eastern Division of Westminster. Report. London: J. Truscott, 1854 Physical Description: 4". 11p. Folded plates.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. 1855. Specification, schedules of contract, etc, etc, etc. For the general works and repairs. London: J. Truscott, 1855 Physical Description: 2". [4],21p. [42 sides verso blank]

WOOLRYCH, E. H. Copy of General Orders of Courts and Committees, as to house drainage and sewers. Passed since October, 1849. Directed to be prepared by order of the court. London: J. Truscott, 1854 Physical Description: 2". 4p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Dated 22nd November, 1854. [London: 1854] Physical Description: 4". 1p.

DA676 .S26 1785 21 1841 - 1850

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Copies of Correspondence relating to the drainage of East Country Road and Commercial Road, . [London: 1854] Physical Description: 2". 15p. Scope and Content Note Correspondents include J. W. Bazalgette, E. H. Woolrych, etc.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Return to an order of the court of the 29th Nov. 1854. For a detailed statement of the liabilities and resources of the commission, etc. London: J. Truscott, 1854 Physical Description: 2". [20]p.

ROMILLY, C. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Copy of the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers, dated 22nd November, 1854 Physical Description: 4". [2]p.

METROPOLITAN COMMISSION OF SEWERS. Return prepared pursuant to the order of court of the 20th November, 1855. Made on the motion of Mr. Thwaites, shewing sewers, drains, & flaps. London: J. Truscott, 1855 Physical Description: [22]p. Folded sheets.

Volume 25 [CARLISLE, Lord, ASHLEY, Lord, CHADWICK, Edwin, Southwood SMITH, T.] : Bazalgette's Own Collection Scope and Content Note Contains 4 items rebound together in half cloth, marbled boards, red label. With folding diagrams, plates etc. The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed on the front free endpaper.

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. Report by the General Board of Health on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. London: HMSO, 1850 Physical Description: 8".

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. General Board of Health. Report on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. Appendix No. I. London: HMSO,1850 Physical Description: 8".

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. General Board of Health. Report on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. Appendix No. II. Engineering Reports and Evidence. London: HMSO, 1850 Physical Description: 8".

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. General Board of Health. Report on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. Appendix No. III. Report and Evidence - Medical, Chemical, Geological, and Miscellaneous. London: HMSO, 1850 Physical Description: 8".

Volume 26 [CARLISLE, Lord, ASHLEY, Lord, CHADWICK, Edwin, Southwood SMITH, T.] : Set Presented by Robert Rawlinson Scope and Content Note 6 items bound together in Red cloth. Inscribed presentation copy to George Godwin FRS from Robert Rawlinson, Engineering Sanitary Commissioner to the Army in the East.

(SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. Report by the General Board of Health on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. London: HMSO, 1850 Physical Description: 8".

DA676 .S26 1785 22 1841 - 1850

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. General Board of Health. Report on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. Appendix No. I. London: HMSO,1850 Physical Description: 8".

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. General Board of Health. Report on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. Appendix No. II. Engineering Reports and Evidence. London: HMSO, 1850 Physical Description: 8".

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. General Board of Health. Report on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. Appendix No. III. Report and Evidence - Medical, Chemical, Geological, and Miscellaneous. London: HMSO, 1850 Physical Description: 8".

SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. General Board of Health. Report on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis. Appendix No. IV. The Cesspool system in Paris. London: HMSO, 1850 Physical Description: 8".

NAPIER, William. General Board of Health. Report and Papers of Suggestions on the proposed gathering grounds for the supply of water to the Metropolis from soft-water springs of the Surrey Sands. London: HMSO, 1851 Physical Description: 8".

1851 - 1860

Volume 27 The Commission of Sewers for the City of London, Fifty-Four Reports by the Engineer and Medical Officer, Bazalgette's Own Collection, Vol. 1 Biography/Organization History Originally in the Library of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Engineers Department with the old neat oval stamp on many of the title pages. Scope and Content Note With a manuscript index in the hand of J. W. Bazalgette. From the Library of the Metropolitan Board of Works Engineers Department with the neat old oval stamp on several of the the title-pages. A remarkable collection of Reports and pamphlets in two volumes by William Haywood, Engineer and Surveyor to the Commissioners of Sewers and Henry Letheby, Medical Officer of Health for the City of London. Contains 54 separately printed 8" items bound together in half calf.

HAYWOOD, William. Report of the transactions, and works executed by the Hon. the Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London. During the year 1849. London: 1850 REPORT of the City Members of the Metropolitan Commission of sewers to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London upon the progress of measures for the interception of the sewage of the Metropolis from River Thames. 6th November, 1855. London: 1855 LETHEBY, H. Report on the sanitary condition of the City of London for the year 1858-1859. London: 1860.with HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London upon cast iron tramways. 20th December, 1859. London: 1860 LETHEBY, H. Report on the practicability and probable efficacy of the proposed plan for deodorizing the sewage of London by means of perchloride of iron. London: 1860

DA676 .S26 1785 23 1851 - 1860

HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Hon. the committee upon improvements of the commissioners of sewers of the City of London upon the railway and other companies, applying for powers to construct works within the city of London. 21st January, 1861. London: 1861 LETHEBY, H. Report on the sanitary condition of the City of London for the quarter ending June 22nd, 1861. London: 1861 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the carburation of gas... 30th July, 1861. London: 1861 LETHEBY, H. and HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London. 21st January, 1862. London: 1862 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London during the year 1861. 4th February, 1862 HAYWOOD, William and LETHEBY, H. Report to the honourable the committee upon general purposes... November 3rd, 1862. London: 1862 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon... conditions for lighting public lamps. December 15th, 1862. London: 1862 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the Railway... 27th January, 1863. London: 1863 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1862. February 1863. London: 1863 HAYWOOD, William and LETHEBY, H. Report to the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London... consumption of gas... public lamps. May 29th, 1863 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1863. January 26th, 1864. London: 1864 LETHEBY, H. Report on the sanitary condition of the City of London, for the year 1863-1864. London: 1865 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the committee upon improvements of the Hon. commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the projects of the railway. 1st February, 1864. London: 1864 HAYWOOD, William and LETHEBY, H. Report to the special gas committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, on the ...gas supply. 10th December, 1864 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the projects of the railway and other companies. January 1865. London: 1865 REPORT of the special committee of the commissioners of sewers on gas. February 28th, 1865. London: 1865 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the new thoroughfare for carriage traffic... London:1865 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon widening Mansion House Street and the Poultry. London:1865 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the projects of the railway companies... 16th January, 1866. London: 1866 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the special committee upon improvements of the Hon. commissioners of sewers of the City of London, on traffic and improvements... 23rd March, 1866 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1865. April, 1866. London: 1866 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, on the projects of the railway companies. 1866-7. 15th January, 1867. London: 1867 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1866. April 1867. London: 1867 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, on the projects of the railway companies, 1867-8. 4th February, 1868. London: 1868 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1868. London: 1869

DA676 .S26 1785 24 1851 - 1860

HAYWOOD, William. Report to the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, on the projects of the Railway and tramway companies. 1869-70. 4th February, 1870. London: 1870 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1869. London: 1870 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the finance and improvement committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon Street Tramways. 11th March, 1870. London: 1870 HAYWOOD, William. Reports upon Street Tramways. 1870-1871. [London: 1872] HAYWOOD, William. Report upon Street Tramways to the joint committees of finance and improvements and streets. 3rd February, 1871. London:1871 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets committee of Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, on experiments in melting snow. London: 1871 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1870. 21st March, 1871. London: 1871 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon granite and asphalte pavements. London: 1871 Volume 27 The Commission of Sewers for the City of London, Fifty-Four Reports by the Engineer and Medical Officer, Bazalgette's Own Collection, Vol. 2 Biography/Organization History Originally in the Library of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Engineers Department with the old neat oval stamp on many of the title pages. In 1846 William Haywood at the age of twenty-four, a man of considerable abilities, was appointed full time surveyor to the Commissioners of Sewers. He immediately drew up competent surveys, began to clean out cess pools by machine, and in 1848 embarked on a plan for flushing the sewers. Haywood was in fact responsible for introducing a good sewer system and sanitation to the City of London and he worked in close co-operation with Sir John Simon. The City, it seems, regarded Haywood's as the more important contribution; in 1853 Simon's salary was ú800 a year whilst Haywood's salary was increased to ú1,200 - a token of the City's growing regard for his sanitary work. Henry Letheby, of the London Hospital, regularly advised the Corporation on Gas and other questions. He stood against Simon in the election for the Medical Officer of Health for London in 1848, his candidature supported by the Lancet. In October 1849 he succeeded John Simon as Medical Officer of Health for the City of London. Unlike Simon he was uninspired, plodding and efficient and possessed just those qualities of meticulous, patient administrator which Simon lacked. The result was that the Second Officership of Health in the years 1855-74 produced several very solid achievements. Letheby, in 1857, secured a special Lodging House Inspector and, in 1866, four full time Sanitary Inspectors and was thus able to make the supervision system against the evils of bad housing much more effective. His achievement was to fulfil Simon's `visionary' programme of 1849 and the City long remained the model for Sanitation. See Royston Lambert, Sir John Simon p.214-6. Scope and Content Note With a manuscript index in the hand of J. W. Bazalgette. From the Library of the Metropolitan Board of Works Engineers Department with the neat old oval stamp on several of the the title-pages. A remarkable collection of Reports and pamphlets in two volumes by William Haywood, Engineer and Surveyor to the Commissioners of Sewers and Henry Letheby, Medical Officer of Health for the City of London. Contains 54 separately printed 8" items bound together in half calf.

HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1871. London: 1872 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1872. London: 1873 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1873. London: 1874

DA676 .S26 1785 25 1851 - 1860

HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1874. London: 1875 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1875. London: 1876 HAYWOOD, William. Report of the works executed by the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, during the year 1876. London: 1877 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the inflammability of asphalte pavement. London: [1872] HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, in reference to various asphalte pavements within the city of London. London: 1873 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon asphalte and wood pavements. London: 1874 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the results of the experiments made in washing with jet and hose the carriage-ways of certain main streets, paved with granite, and others paved with asphalte. London: 1873 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon street hydrants and stand posts. London: 1875 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon Brown's Street watering system. London: 1875 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the erection of stand posts in courts and alleys. London: 1875 HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Special Committee upon improvements of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the traffic and improvements in the public ways of the City of London. London: 1866 Physical Description: With folding map

HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Streets Committee of the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon Captain Liernur's pneumatic system of sewerage. London: 1876 LETHEBY, H and HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London, upon the results of the experiment of applying charcoal to the sewer ventilators. London: 1862 Volume 28 METROPOLIS WATER BILL. Speeches of Counsel before the select committee on the Metropolis Water Bill. Session 1851 Physical Description: Printed wrappers.

Volume 29 METROPOLIS WATER BILL. Speeches of Counsel before the select committee on the Metropolis Water Bill. (part II) Session 1851 Physical Description: Printed wrappers.

DA676 .S26 1785 26 1851 - 1860

Volume 30 METROPOLIS WATER BILL. Minutes of Evidence, etc. London: 1851 Biography/Organization History The volume starts with a manuscript letter from Sir George Grey, signed by Waddington to the Secretary of the West Middlesex Water Company conveying a memorandum on the proposed Water Bill. The second item in the volume is the printed memorandum. Then follows an answer of the directors of the West Middlesex Water Company to Sir George Grey's memorandum. The Government Water Bill was introduced by Sir George Grey on April 29th 1851. It effectively frustrated the plans proposed by Chadwick, Simon and the Board of Health. It declined to enforce constant supply on the grounds that it could not accept `the wholesale supersession of existing equipment'. The Government proposed that all existing companies should be amalgamated under Government control. The Bill was furiously attacked by The Times as a scheme for confirming the private companies in all their privileges of monopoly and extortion. See Finer Life and Times of Edwin Chadwick p.407-409. Scope and Content Note Contains 18 separately printed and manuscript items signed by H. Waddington. 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label.

Volume 31 London Drainage; Fifteen Pamphlets and Reports Physical Description: Contains 15 separately printed items bound together in half calf, red label.

FOSTER, F. Report to the Metropolitan Commission. 30th January, 1851. [London: 1851] Physical Description: 8".

BAZALGETTE, J. W. Report to the Commissioners. 7th May, 1853. [London:1853] Physical Description: 8".

BAZALGETTE, J. W. and W. Cubitt and Robert Stephenson. Reports... on the High Level line for the interception of the drainage North of the Thames. October, 1853. [London: 1853] Physical Description: 8".

BAZALGETTE, J. W. and W. Haywood and W. Cubitt. Report upon the Sewage Interception... 21st January, 1854. [London: 1854] Physical Description: 8".

DIBDIN, W. J. Disposal of sewage sludge by W. J. Dibdin and Filter Presses for the treatment of sewage sludge by Santo-Crimp with discussion and correspondence, 1887. [London: 1887] Physical Description: 8".

BAKER, B. Joint report on the main drainage of London. February, 1891. [London: 1891] Physical Description: 8".

WORTH, J. E. and W. Santo-Crimp and W. J. Dibdin. The main drainage of London and the purification of the Thames... [London: 1897] Physical Description: 8".

ANGELL, Lewis. Report on the sewage outfall into the Metropolis system. February, 1894 Physical Description: 8".

DA676 .S26 1785 27 1851 - 1860

CRIMP, W. Santo. Some general notes on the Working of the London main drainage system. April, 1893. [London: 1893] Physical Description: 8".

CRIMP, W. Santo and C. E. Bruges. A new formula for the flow in sewers and water mains. [London: 1895] Physical Description: 8".

LAW, Henry. Hydraulic Formulae. [London: 1895] Physical Description: 8"

LAW, Henry. The Treatment of sewage by chemicals in perfect solution. [London: 1895] Physical Description: 8".

LAW, Henry. On the purification of sewage by filtration. [London: 1896] Physical Description: 8".

THUDICHUM, G. The Ultimate purification of sewage. 7th December, 1896. [London: 1896] Physical Description: 8".

DIBDIN, W. J. The biological purification of sewage. 1897 Physical Description: 8".

Volume 32 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Metropolis Water Act and Companies Bills. Minutes of evidence. 1852 Biography/Organization History Thomas Hawksley was amongst those who gave evidence. Scope and Content Note Contains 70 separately printed items. 2". Red cloth.

Volume 33 SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS. Speeches of Counsel and Discussions before the select committee of the House of Commons on the supply of water to the Metropolis. Session 1852 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label.

Volume 34 GREAT LONDON DRAINAGE BILL. Minutes of evidence. Taken before the select committee on the Great London Drainage Bill; and the index. London: 1853. Biography/Organization History In the first piece J. W. Bazalgette, , Thomas Hawkesley, William Heywood, Isambard Kingdon Brunnel, gave evidence. With the ownership inscription J. W. Bazalgette signed with his annotations. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items with inserted loose 2 short manuscripts, presumably by Bazalgette, one entitled Sewage of the Metropolis and the second London Drainage Scheme 1853. 2". Contemporary half roan, spine rubbed.

Volume 35 RIVER LEE BILL. (no. 2). MANUSCRIPT. Report of the Water Committee, in manuscript. Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco. Manuscript of 128p.

Volume 36 Sewage Reports 1855 - 1859 : Twenty-Six Pamphlets; , Bazalgette's Own Collection Physical Description: Contains 26 separately printed items with numerous folding diagrams and maps. Bound together in half calf, worn.

DA676 .S26 1785 28 1851 - 1860

LAWES, J. B. On the sewage of London. March 7, 1855. Physical Description: 4" folded.

Board of Works, District. 17th December, 1857. Scope and Content Note Intercepting sewerage, parks & street improvements.

METROPOLITAN DRAINAGE. Lecture on the Metropolitan drainage question. FREEBODY, William Yates. Report on the sewage interception and main drainage of the Metropolis. 1856. LESLIES, Mr. Outlines of Mr. Leslie's suggestions for the sewerage and drainage of the Metropolis. 1856 ROBINSON, Henry. On the past and present of the River Thames. London:1856 ODLING, William. Report on the effects of sewage contamination upon the River Thames. Lambeth. 1858 Scope and Content Note William Odling Officer of Health of Health for Lambeth.

PLAN. Plan for collecting sewage in London and other towns and removing it to the country. COODE, George. Unpolluted streams. A letter to Lord John Manners. Inscribed presentation copy from the author to Joseph William Bazalgette. CAMBERWELL VESTRY. . At a vestry held at the vestry hall, Camberwell, on Wednesday, September 16th, 1857 BEALE, Lionel John. Half-Yearly report... on the sanitary condition of the parish. Scope and Content Note Lionel John Beale, Medical Officer of Health for St. Martin-in-the-Fields.

SURVEYOR'S REPORT. Surveyor's report upon the sewerage of the Parish. April 3, 1856. London: 1856 FULHAM DISTRICT. Board of works for the Fulham District. Report on the local drainage of the district. Hammersmith: 1858 LOVEGROVE, James. Mr. James Lovegrove's report. Hackney: 1858 HAMPSTEAD. Parish of Saint John. Hampstead. General report on sewerage and drainage. March 13th, 1857 FULHAM DISTRICT. Board of works for the Fulham District. Report on the local drainage of the district. Nov. 24, 1858. Hammersmith: 1858 ARNTZ, R. R. Board of works for the Westminster district. Account of experiments made with a view to ascertain the consumption and cost of gas... 1858 NEWLANDS, James. Liverpool, past & present, in relating to sanitary operations. Liverpool: 1859 MCGOWEN, W. T. Sanitary Legislation, with illustrations from experience in Liverpool. Liverpool: 1859 BATEMAN, John Frederick. Glasgow Corporation Waterworks. City piping. Report on the re-arrangement and extension of the water pipes in the city. February, 1858 ANDERSON, Thomas and John Frederick Thomas. Report on the means of deodorizing the sewage of Glasgow. July, 1858 MANNING, James Alexander. Observations the journals of Glasgow... upon the treatment of its sewage and the purification of the Clyde. 1858 Physical Description: Inscribed presentation copy from the author.

CHICAGO SEWERAGE. Chicago sewerage. Report of the examinations made in relation to sewerage in several European cities, in the winter of 1856-7. Chicago: 1858

DA676 .S26 1785 29 1851 - 1860

LETHEBY, Mr. Vitrified versus porous drain pipes. London: 1856 Scope and Content Note Contains the reports of Dr. Letheby, William Haywood etc. The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed on the title page with brief marginal notes.

HAYWOOD, William. Report to the Hon. the commissioners of sewers of the City of London as to the fitness of the Aylsford pipes for the purposes of forming sewers and house drains. 27th May, 1856. London: 1856 AD 1853. Sewer and other pipes. Volume 37 GENERAL BOARD OF HEALTH. Reports on the Metropolis Water Supply under the Metropolis Water Act, 1852. London: 1856 Physical Description: 8". Red cloth.

Volume 38 Sewage Interception and Main Drainage Scope and Content Note Contains 6 separately printed items with many numerous folding maps and plans. Rebound together.

BAZALGETTE, J. W. Report on the sewage interception and main drainage of the districts North of the Thames. Dated 22nd May, 1856. London: 1856 BAZALGETTE, J. W. Report on the whole question of the Northern and Southern drainage. Dated September 25th, 1856 HEDERSTADT, H. B. An account of the drainage of Paris. Dated 7th March, 1865 Main drainage of London by J. W. Bazalgette. Dated 14 March. 1865. London: 1865 FOREST, James. Disposal of sewage-sludge. Edited by James Forest. London: 1887 BAKER, Benjamin. London County Council. Main drainage of London. Joint report. February, 1891. London: 1894 WORTH, John Edward and William Santo-Crimp. The Main drainage of London and the purification of the Thames. London: 1897 Volume 39 Bazalgette's Own Collection with Inscriptions Scope and Content Note Contains 11 items with folding diagrams etc. Rebound in half cloth, marbled boards, red label.

BAZALGETTE, Joseph W. A lecture on main drainage of the Metropolis. 31st January, 1857 Physical Description: 8".

GRANTHAM, Rich. B. Report of Mr. Rich. B. Grantham to the Chertsey Union Rural Sanitary authority. Physical Description: 8".

SHIELDS, F. W. Report to the Sewer Authority. London: 1869 Physical Description: 8".

MEESON, A. Proposed Scheme for drainage of the Parish of Hornsey. London: 1869 Physical Description: 8".

LATHAM, Baldwin. A scheme of sewerage and sewage utilization for Hornsey. London: 1869 Physical Description: 8".

BAZALGETTE, J. W. Lea Valley Drainage. Report of the committee representing the Tottenham Local Board of Health etc. London: 1867 Physical Description: 8".

DA676 .S26 1785 30 1851 - 1860

LATHAM, Baldwin. Finchley & Friern Barnet Sewerage. Report. Barnet:1874 HARDWICKE, Wm. Paddington. Sanitary Report for the year 1871-1872 Physical Description: 8".

LEMON, James. Southampton Local Board of Health. Report. June 30th, 1866 Physical Description: with

TULLOCH, H. From the Municipal Commissioners of Bombay, 2nd November 1868. Bombay: 1868 Physical Description: 8".

TULLOCH, H. Report on a project for the drainage of Bombay. November 1868. Bombay: 1868 Physical Description: 8".

Volume 40 [LESLIE, John.] Metropolitan Water Board. For the consideration of the Metropolitan Water Board on Friday, May 21, 1858 Physical Description: 2". Biography/Organization History John Leslie systematically opposed Edwin Chadwick, who was effectively the leader of the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. See S. E. Finer, The Life and Times of Edwin Chadwick, p.356-370 and 372-380. Leslie's move to reject the report of Bidder, Hawksley and Bazalgette. Scope and Content Note This appears to be the Board of Works working copy of Leslie's pamphlet, interleaved with cuttings from the sources of Leslie's quotations with manuscript notes.

Volume 41 Utilization of London Sewage Under the Auspices of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Thirty Four Pamphlets; Board of Works Collection Biography/Organization History "During the years in which the intercepting sewers were being laid the British Public was bewitched by the fantasy of profits to be made from the use of sewage as fertilizer. With Chadwick this prospect had been and obsession; and with newspaper editors, Members of Parliament, and public men generally hopes of profitable utilization ran high". The most persistent applicants for the concession to utilize sewage were Messrs. Napier and Hope. Thomas Ellis was another competitor. Joseph Bazalgette found Napier and Hope's proposal as far as its engineering character and details are concerned, "thoroughly practical" and recommended it to the Metropolitan Board of Works. (See Bazalgette's report above.) The City Corporation and the Board of Works foresaw great profits and contended that London sewage ought not to go for less than ú2 million per year! In the event the concession was granted to Napier and Hope and was to last for fifty years. By the summer of 1870 it was clear that the company had no future and it proved a costly venture for promoters and investors alike. See David Owen The Government of Victorian London. 1855-1889. p.63-64. Scope and Content Note Contains 34 items bound together in half calf, green label. From the Library of the Metropolitan Board of Works with the neat oval stamps on title-pages.

HOFMANN & FRANKLAND. Report on the deodorization of sewage. Pursuant to the order of the board. London: 1859 Physical Description: 16p. 8".

DA676 .S26 1785 31 1851 - 1860

MILLER, HOFMANN & FRANKLAND. Report on the use of lime as a disinfectant of sewage; and on the necessity for and advantages to be obtained from the use of perchloride of iron. Ordered, 16th March, 1860. [London: 1860] Physical Description: 6p. 8"

MILLER, HOFMANN & FRANKLAND. Report on the tenders for the supply of perchloride of iron and on Drs. Odling and Letheby's observations on its use as a deodorising agent. 30th April, 1860. [London: 1860] Physical Description: 8p. 8".

HOFMANN & FRANKLAND. Report on communication from Dr. Letheby, with reference to the quantity of arsenic in perchloride of iron. Dated 17th July, 1860. [London: 1860] Physical Description: 8p. 8".

SEWAGE. Draft agreement for use of sewage. Printed for members only. 17th July, 1860. [London: 1860] Physical Description: 8p. 8".

NAPIER, W. and HOPE, W. Proposition from the Hon. Wm. Napier and Wm. Hope, Esq., for a concession of the sewage of the Northern area of the Metropolis. [London: 1861] Physical Description: 10p. 8".

BAZALGETTE, J. W. and Smith. Reports on the proposition of Messrs. Napier and Hope, for a concession of the sewage of the Northern Area of the Metropolis. [London: 1862] Physical Description: 7p. 8".

DRAINAGE OF THE METROPOLIS. Report of the Committee of the whole Board on the main drainage of the Metropolis. [London:1862] Physical Description: 10p. 8".

NAPIER, HOPE, et al. Letters from Messrs. Napier and Hope, Mr. Bramwell, Mr. Townsend, and Mr. Moore. In reference to the proposed concession of the sewage of the Northern Area... [London: 1862] Physical Description: 14p. 8".

SHEPHERD, NAPIER, et al. Further communications from Mr. Shepherd, Messrs. Napier and Hope, Mr. Bramwell, Mr. Townsend, and Mr. Moore and Messrs. Fuller and Saltwell. In reference to a concession of the sewage of London. [London: 1862] Physical Description: 22p. 8".

HEMANS, G. W. Letter from Mr. G. W. Hemans, Engineer to Metropolitan Sewage. [London: 1862] Physical Description: 8p. 8".

METROPOLITAN SEWAGE. Report of the main drainage committee, on the tenders for the Metropolitan Sewage. [London: 1863] Physical Description: 146p. 8".

SEWAGE OF THE METROPOLIS. Copy of letters relative to the utilization of the sewage of the Metropolis. [London: 1863] Physical Description: 12p. 8".

DA676 .S26 1785 32 1851 - 1860

KIRKMAN, SHEPHERD, et al. Further communications with reference to their tenders for taking sewage of the Metropolis from Mr. Kirkman, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Moore. etc. [London: 1864] Physical Description: 48p. 8".

SEWAGE OF THE METROPOLIS. Further communications relative to the utilization of the sewage of London. October 18th, 1864. [London: 1864] Physical Description: 9p. 8".

SEWAGE OF THE METROPOLIS. Additional correspondence in reference to the utilization of the sewage of the Metropolis. 8th November, 1864. [London: 1864] Physical Description: 45p. 8".

SEWAGE OF THE METROPOLIS. Additional correspondence in reference to the utilization of the sewage of the Metropolis. Mr. B. Smith, Mr. G. Shepherd. [London: 1864] Physical Description: 7p. 8".

SEWAGE AT RUGBY. Report of the main drainage committee on the application of sewage at Rugby, Carlisle, and Edinburgh. 8th November, 1864. [London: 1864] Physical Description: 13p. 8".

SEWAGE OF THE METROPOLIS. Tenders for the utilization of the Southern sewage of the Metropolis. 7th July, 1865. [London: 1865] Physical Description: 76,[2]p. 8".

METROPOLIS SEWAGE AND RECLAMATION ACT. Analysis of the Metropolis sewage and Essex reclamation act, 1865. 14th July, 1865. [London: 1865] Physical Description: 4p. 8".

METROPOLIS SEWAGE AND ESSEX RECLAMATION ACT. Analysis of the Metropolis sewage and Essex reclamation act, 1865. 14th July, 1865. [London: 1865] Physical Description: 2p. 8".

SOUTHERN SEWAGE. Communications referred to in the tenders for the Southern Sewage. 7th July, 1865. [London: 1865] Physical Description: 145p. 8".

SOUTHERN SEWAGE. Report by the engineers on the tenders for the Southern Sewage. 26th September, 1865. [London: 1865] Physical Description: 223p. 8".

MAIN DRAINAGE COMMITTEE. Extract from the report of the main drainage committee. 5th January, 1866. [London: 1866] Physical Description: 14p. 8".

ELLIS, Thomas. Letter from Thomas Ellis. 9th February, 1866. Physical Description: 18p. 8".

POLLARD, John. Metropolitan Board of Works. John Pollard Esq. 8th February, 1866. [London: 1866] Physical Description: 14p. 8".

DA676 .S26 1785 33 1851 - 1860

SEWAGE. Tenders for a concession of the sewage on the South side of the Thames. 1st March, 1867. [London: 1867] Physical Description: 30p. 8".

BAZALGETTE, J. W. Report on the tenders for the Southern Sewage of the Metropolis, 1867. [London: 1867] Physical Description: 13p. 8".

SOUTHERN SEWAGE. Letters in reference to the Utilization of the Southern Sewage of the Metropolis. 19th June, 1867. [London: 1867] Physical Description: 30p. 8".

METROPOLIS SEWAGE AND ESSEX RECLAMATION ACT. Report on accounts of the Metropolis Sewage and Essex reclamation company. London: 1870 Physical Description: 7,[2]p. 8".

POLLARD, John. Metropolitan Board of Works. Letter from John Pollard for the use of Members only. 6th December, 1869. [London: 1869] Physical Description: 4p. 8".

METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Metropolitan Board of Works. Spring Gardens. 11th April, 1870. [London: 1869] Physical Description: 4p. 8".

KEATES, Mr. Report Mr. Keates on an examination of the works the Native Guano Company, at Leamington. 4th July, 1870. [London: 1870]9p. 8". METROPOLIS SEWAGE AND ESSEX RECLAMATION ACT. Metropolis Sewage and Essex Reclamation Company. 30th June, 1870. Physical Description: Folded sheets.

1861 - 1870

Volume 42 Bazalgette's Own Collection with Manuscript Index, Eight Pamphlets on River Pollution Physical Description: rebound in half cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 8 items. Bazalgette's signature on the top of the first pamphlet with a manuscript index in his hand

ODLING, William. Report on the proposed deodorization of the River Thames. Lambeth: 1860 Physical Description: 8"

ODLING, William. Report on the effects of sewage contamination upon the River Thames. Lambeth: 1860 Physical Description: 8"

DELOMMÊ E. New Project for the purification of the Thames. By E. Delommê. Boulogne-Sur-Mer: 1859 Physical Description: 8"

NORWOOD, John. Purification of River Liffey. Report. Dublin: 1866 Physical Description: 8"

DA676 .S26 1785 34 1861 - 1870

BAZALGETTE, Joseph. Second report... Purification of River Liffey. Report. Dublin: 1866 Physical Description: 8"

SCOTT, Michael. On the Purification of The River Clyde. Glasgow: 1868 Physical Description: 8"

RANDOLPH, Charles. Remarks on improvements of the River Clyde. Printed for Private Circulation. Glasgow: 1871 Physical Description: 8"

BRIERLEY, Joseph. Report on the pollution of Rivers and stream in Lancashire. Blackburn: 1869 Volume 43 METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Main drainage - metropolis. Northern outfall works. Specification for (Barking) reservoir. London: 1863 Scope and Content Note Contains coloured folding plans and diagrams. 2". Half parchment, marbled boards. With the ownership inscription of George Lansdown

Volume 44 REGENT'S CANAL (LIMEHOUSE BASIN). Minutes of Evidence etc. The Regent's Canal (Limehouse basin) Bill. London: 1864 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 4 separately printed items.

Volume 45 METROPOLITAN SUBWAYS BILL. Bill, minutes of evidence, speeches, papers, etc. London: 1864 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 16 items.

Volume 46 SEWAGE (METROPOLIS). Report from the select committee on Sewage (Metropolis) together with the proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London: 1864 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Witnesses included, Joseph Bazalgette, Robert Rawlinson and Henry Acland

Volume 47 WATER WORKS BILL. Special Report of select committee on Waterworks Bill, evidence appendix, index. London: 1865. Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 48 EAST LONDON WATER WORKS COMPANY MANUSCRIPT. Board of Trade Enquiry. 1866 Physical Description: 2". Bound together in red cloth Scope and Content Note A substantial manuscript followed by a printed report with marginal manuscript notes. With the ownership inscription of `Mr. Bales' on the final leaf.

DA676 .S26 1785 35 1861 - 1870

Volume 49 THAMES NAVIGATION BILL. Select Committee. Minutes of Evidence. Report, proceedings, evidence, and index. London: 1866. Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items

Volume 50 London Sewage. Thirty Pamphlets, Bazalgette's Own Collection Scope and Content Note With a manuscript index in the hand of J. W. Bazalgette. Contains 30 separately printed items and numerous folding plates, diagrams, and maps. 8". Rebound

LAWES, J. B. and J. H. Gilbert. On the composition, value and utilization of town sewage. London: 1866. Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed on the title page

MORTON, J. Chalmers. An agricultural experience of 300,000 tons of North London Sewage. 1867. London: 1868 Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed

ROBERTSON, G. On the Utilization of sewage. London: 1865 Scope and Content Note The Agricultural value of the sewage of London examined. London: Edward Stanford, 1865

ELLIS, Thomas. A letter to the chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works. London: 1861 AUSTIN, C. E. On the Utilization of sewage PILBROW, James. Town's Sewage. Its disposal WATSON, R. The Sewage Question. A letter. London: 1865 WALKER, T. System for the utilization of the sewage of large towns. Birmingham UTILIZATION OF SEWAGE. Utilization of sewage. Description of, and reports on Milburn & Co.'s patent machine. Second edition. London:1872 FORBES, David. On the phosphate process for the utilization of sewage. London: 1871 RICHARDSON, B. W. The sewage of towns. Papers by various authors. London: 1866 SEWAGE. The employment of the faecal matters of sewage for the manufacture of cement. London: 1872 Birmingham sewerage bill. Evidence. London: 1872 TREATMENT OF REFUSE. On the treatment of refuse by Carbon. London:1872 HOFFMAN, and Frankland. Report on the deodorization of sewage. 12th August, 1859 HOFFMAN, and Frankland. The use of lime as a disinfectant of sewage.16th March, 1860 HOFFMAN, Miller and Frankland. Report on tenders for the supply of perchloride of iron. 30th April, 1860 HOFFMAN, and Frankland. Report on the communication from Dr. Letheby. With reference to the quantity of arsenic in perchloride of iron. 17th July, 1860 SMOKE VERSUS SEWAGE. Smoke Versus Sewage, practically considered WICKSTEED, Thomas. London Sewage Company. Report upon various plans proposed for rendering available the manure. London: 1845 FOWLER, Wm. On the utilization of sewage. Birmingham: 1865 RAWSON, Christopher. A paper read on the "ABC" process of utilizing sewage. London: October, 1871

DA676 .S26 1785 36 1861 - 1870

REMARKS. Remarks by the engineer on the letter dated 7th February, 1873 KEATES, Mr. Reports by the engineer and Mr. Keates relative to the experimental operations of the Native Guano Company at . 13th January, 1873 PHOSPHATE SEWAGE COMPANY. The Phosphate Sewage Company Ltd MARSHALL, P. P. Report upon Messrs. Forbes and Price's patent process for clarifying and deodorizing the sewage of towns by phosphate of Alumina. August 1871 ANGELL, Lewis. Sanitary Science and the sewage question. A lecture. London: 1871 STENHOUSE, John. The successful application of charcoal air-filters. London: 1861 SEWER GAS. Sewer gas and its effects. Liverpool: 1876 Volume 51 WATER SUPPLY OF LONDON. By means of natural filtration of the waters of the River Thames. London: 1866 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 52 EAST LONDON WATER BILLS. Report from the select committee on East London Water Bills. Minutes of evidence. London: 1867 Physical Description: 2". With folding coloured map. Red cloth

Volume 53 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Richmond Royal Commission. Water Supply. Report Minutes of Evidence appendices and maps. London: 1867-1869 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items with folding diagrams and plans

Volume 54 Drainage and Sewage. Seventeen Pamphlets, Bazalgette's Own Collection Biography/Organization History Volume compiled by J. W. Bazalgette from the Library of the Metropolitan Board of Works Engineers Department with the old oval stamp on most of the title pages and maps. A fine collection Scope and Content Note Contains 17 separately printed items. 8". Rebound together.

MONTGOMERY, J. J. and BAZALGETTE, J. W. Report on the drainage of the Borough of Belfast by J. J. Montgomery, Engineer. Also Report on the proposed plan by J. W. Bazalgette Esq. Engineer to the Metropolitan Board of Works. Belfast: 1867 Scope and Content Note With large folding map

GAMBLE, John George. Brighton Intercepting and outfall sewers. London:1876 CITY OF EXETER. City of Exeter, 1874. Report of the City Surveyor on the disposal of the sewage of the city. Exeter: 1874 LATHAM, Baldwin. A scheme of sewerage utilization for Hornsey. London:1869 LATHAM, Baldwin. Finchley & Friern Barnet sewerage. Mr. Baldwin Latham's report. Barnet: 1874 ROGERS, Jasper W. Facts and fallacies of the sewerage system of London PEAT. Peat Composite Manure. Advt. flyer HOPE, William. Distribution and agricultural use of town sewerage. May 3rd, 1869 MICHAEL, William Henry. The working of the sanitary acts in rural districts. April 24th, 1876 ANDERSON, Prof. Report by Professor Anderson, in relation to the sewage of Glasgow under the remit made to him and Messrs. Bateman & Bazalgette. Glasgow: 1869 GALE, James M. On the disposal of the sewage of Glasgow. 12th June. Glasgow: 1865

DA676 .S26 1785 37 1861 - 1870

LATHAM, Baldwin. A lecture on the sewage difficulty. Before the Local Board of Health. London: 1867 Scope and Content Note Inscribed copy from the author to J. W. Bazalgette

HEALTH AND DRAINAGE. Relations of topography to health in connection with the principles and practice of drainage and sewerage. An address GIRDLESTONE, H. J. & J. W. The dry earth system. London:1869 SCOTT, H. Y. D. The sewage system question and the lime and cement process. London: 1873 ESDAILE, D. Pneumatic drainage. 7th April, 1874 LIVERPOOL. Borough of Liverpool. At a meeting of the council. Wednesday, 5th July, 1871 Volume 55 LEE RIVER CONSERVANCY BILL. Minutes of evidence, petitions, etc.1868 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 38 separately printed items and 1 in manuscript with some manuscript notes.

Volume 56 METROPOLIS SUBWAYS BILL. Index to the minutes of evidence, speeches, etc. taken before the select committee of the House of Lords. 1868 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 2 items.

Volume 57 GAS AND WATER SUPPLY. Report made to the board of trade. Referees appointed under the "City of London Gas Act, 1868". London: HMSO, 1869 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items and numerous folding maps, plans and diagrams.

Volume 58 RAWLINSON, Robert. Report upon inquiry as to the truth or otherwise of certain allegations etc. Pollution of the River Thames at Barking. London: 1869 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Biography/Organization History In January 1869 the inhabitants at Barking complained of obstruction and pollution of Barking Creek by the discharge of sewage. Robert Rawlinson was instructed to hold an enquiry which found that the allegations were unjustified. See David Owen The Government of Victorian London. 1855-1889. p.66

Volume 59 ROYAL COMMISSION OF WATER SUPPLY. Minutes of Evidence. London: 1869 Physical Description: 2". Purple cloth

ROYAL COMMISSION OF WATER SUPPLY. Appendix to Minutes of Evidence. London: 1869. 2". Contains numerous canvas backed maps, plates, and folding diagrams. Purple cloth ROYAL COMMISSION OF WATER SUPPLY. Appendix to Minutes of Evidence, Together with Maps and Plans, and an Index. London: 1869 Physical Description: 2". Rebound

Volume 60 ROYAL SANITARY COMMISSION. Royal Sanitary Commission (1869). First Report. Minutes of Evidence. London: 1869 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Biography/Organization History Amongst those giving evidence were Robert Rawlinson, John Simon, and

DA676 .S26 1785 38 1861 - 1870

Volume 61 RIVERS POLLUTION COMMISSION RIVERS POLLUTION COMMISSION. First report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the best means of preventing pollution of Rivers. 1870. In two volumes. London: HMSO. 1870-71. Scope and Content Note With coloured folding maps and plans

RIVERS POLLUTION COMMISSION. Second report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the best means of preventing pollution of Rivers. The ABC process of treating sewage. 1870 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. Faintly inscribed on the title page of volume I in pencil `J. W. Bazalgette'

RIVERS POLLUTION COMMISSION. Third report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the best means of preventing pollution of Rivers. Pollution arising from the woollen manufacture, and processes connected therewith. 2 volumes in 1. London: HMSO, 1871. Physical Description: 2". With coloured folding map. Half calf. With the ownership inscription of `J. W. Bazalgette'

RIVERS POLLUTION COMMISSION. Fourth report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the best means of preventing pollution of Rivers. 2 volumes in 1. London: HMSO, 1872 Physical Description: 2". Red calf

RIVERS POLLUTION COMMISSION. Fifth report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the best means of preventing pollution of Rivers. 2 volumes in 1. London: HMSO, 1874 Physical Description: 2". Red calf

RIVERS POLLUTION COMMISSION. Sixth report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the best means of preventing pollution of Rivers. The Domestic Water Supply of Great Britain. 1874. [c. 1112]. Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains numerous maps, plans and diagrams. Signed copy of `J. W. Bazalgette'

Volume 62 RAWLINSON, Robert. Report upon inquiry as to the truth or otherwise of certain allegations etc. Pollution of the River Thames. Together with minutes of proceedings, abstract, and index. London: HMSO, 1870 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. The copy of J. W. Bazalgette with his signature on the title page

1871 - 1880

Volume 63 METROPOLIS WATER BILL. Index to the special report from the select committee on the Metropolis Water (no. 2). Bill. London: 1871 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 0ver 30 separately printed items some extensively annotated in ink, many inscribed "Walter Willis". "The alterations to (this) in black ink were made in the House of Commons and in the Committee of the House of Lords"

DA676 .S26 1785 39 1871 - 1880

Volume 64 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. Statement of Accounts of the Metropolitan Water Companies. London: 1871-1880 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 65 London's Water Supply. Thirty-Four Pamphlets , Bazalgette's Own Collection Scope and Content Note Contains 34 separately printed items rebound together with numerous folding tables, maps and diagrams. 8"

METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Analysis of the water supply. [London:1871] REPORT. Report of the Parliamentary committee on the Metropolis Water Bill. 21st March, 1871 REPORT. Report of the Parliamentary committee on the Metropolis Water Bill. (no. 2) 30th June, 1871 METROPOLIS WATER BILL. Further Report of the Parliamentary committee on the Metropolis Water Bill. 7th July, 1871 METROPOLIS WATER SUPPLY. Metropolis Water Supply, abstract of the Metropolis Water Supply Act. 1871 BRAMWELL, Mr. Reports by Mr. Bramwell on the regulations for the constant supply of water. London: 1871 REGULATIONS OF WATER COMPANIES. Regulations made by the water companies and amended regulations. London:1871 BRAMWELL, BARLOW, and POLE. Joint letters from Messrs. Bramwell, Barlow, and Pole, 4th may 1872 CONSTANT SUPPLY. Solicitor's report on the regulations for a constant supply of water. 7th October, 1871 EAST LONDON WATER COMPANY. Letter from the East London Water Company as to the provision of hydrants. 14th January, 1873 CONSTANT WATER SUPPLY. Further report of the solicitor as to regulations for a constant water supply. London: 1873. Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette, signed on the title page `J. W. Bazalgette'

METROPOLIS WATER ACT. Report of the works &c, committee on the Metropolis Water Act, 1871. 3rd February, 1873 STEPHENSON, Mr. Estimates by Mr. Stephenson of the cost of the application of the act to houses of a rental of ú250 and ú315 per annum. 24th February, 1873. London: 1873 FIRE HYDRANTS. Fire Hydrants. Report made to the works and general purposes committee. 12th October, 1874 REPORT. Report by the engineer as to the result of inspection of houses 9th November, 1874 FIRE BRIGADE COMMITTEE. Letter addressed by order of the Fire Brigade Committee. 24th December, 1874 EAST LONDON AND KENT WATER COMPANIES. Replies of the East London and Kent Water Companies. 14th January, 1875. London: 1875 HYDRANTS. Letter addressed to the Town Clerks of Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Glasgow on the subject of... Hydrants in extinguishing fires. 22nd March, 1875. London: 1875 HYDRANTS. Fire hydrants. Notes relating to water supply. [London:1875] WATER SUPPLY. Report of the Parliamentary Committee on the subject of the water supply. 18th February, 1876 HYDRANTS. Report of the Works and general purposes committee of the 21st February, 1876. Hydrants for extinguishing fires. 14th January, 1875

DA676 .S26 1785 40 1871 - 1880

ROYAL COMMISSION ON WATER SUPPLY. Abstract of the Royal Commissioners on water supply, 1869, and analysis of evidence. London: 1876 BAZALGETTE, J. W. and F. J. Bramwell and E. Easton. Report upon an efficient supply of water. 10th August, 1877 BAZALGETTE, J. W. and Messrs. Bramwell & Easton. Water jets for extinguishing fires. Report WATER JETS. Water jets for extinguishing fires. 9th June 1877 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. London Water Supply. Paper read before section FAugust 20th, 1877 Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed on the title page

HASSARD, Richard. On the future water supply of London. Elevated lakes of England and Wales. London: 1876 Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette initialled on the title page

TIDY, Charles Meymott. The composition and character of the water supplied to London during 1876. London: 1877 Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette initialled on the title page.

PEEK, H. W. A letter to Sir Joseph Bazalgette from Henry W. Peek. 3rd May 1877 KENT WATER WORKS. Kent Water Works Company. Statement relating to the supply of water for extinguishing fires. May, 1876. London: 1876 Biography/Organization History Presented by the Secretary to Sir Joseph Bazalgette.

DEACON, George Frederick. On the systems of constant and intermittent water supply and the prevention of waste. London: 1875 LUCAS, Joseph. The Chalk Water System. London: 1877 WATER FOR DOMESTIC USE. Water for domestic use. London: 1862 Physical Description: The copy of J. W. Bazalgette faintly signed on the title page.

MACNEILL, Telford. Water Supply of London, by means of natural filtration of the water of the River Thames. London: 1866 Biography/Organization History From the Library of the Board of Works Engineers Department with oval library stamps

Volume 66 BOARD OF TRADE ENQUIRY. Regulations for constant supply of water to the Metropolis. Under the Metropolis Act, 1871. Minutes of evidence, Speeches, etc. London: 1872 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items with folding plates. The copy of Mr. Wiffen, annotated

Volume 67 CHELSEA WATER WORKS. Accounts of the Chelsea Water Works. London:1872-1886 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 36 separately printed items.

DA676 .S26 1785 41 1871 - 1880

Volume 68 BOARD OF TRADE ENQUIRY. Regulations for constant supply of water to the Metropolis. Minutes of evidence. London: 1873 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 69 WEST KENT DRAINAGE. Minutes of evidence etc. West Kent Drainage London: 1875 Biography/Organization History J. W. Bazalgette appeared as counsel in support of the Bill. His evidence is found in p. 1-49 in the minutes of evidence Scope and Content Note Contains 9 separately printed items. 2". Rebound

Volume 70 HUMBER, William. Comprehensive treatise on the Water Supply of Cities and Towns with numerous specifications of existing waterworks fifty double plates etc. London: Crosby Lockwood and Co., 1876 Physical Description: 4". Rebound in blue cloth, sl. dampstaining Biography/Organization History Dedicated to Robert Rawlinson, Chief inspector to the Local Government Board

Volume 71 ACTS. Water Acts. 1877-1896 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, marbled boards. Scope and Content Note Contains 10 separately printed items

Volume 72 BAZALGETTE, Joseph. Water jets for extinguishing fires. Report. London: 1877 Physical Description: 26p. 8"

METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Water jets for extinguishing fires Experiments. London: 1877 Physical Description: 4p. 8"

BAZALGETTE, Joseph, F. J. Bramwell, and E. Easton. Metropolitan Board of Works. Report. London: 1877 Physical Description: 17p. 8"

BRAMWELL, F. J. and Edward Easton. London Water Supply. Paper read before section F. Economic Science and Statistics. London: 1877 Physical Description: 11p. 8"

METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Purchase and Water Supply Bills etc. Physical Description: 2"

LONDON WATER SUPPLY. The London Water Supply being an examination of the alleged advantages of the schemes of the Metropolitan Board of Works. By A Civil Engineer. London: Spon, 1878 Physical Description: 44p. 8". With coloured folding map

FRANKLAND, Professor. An examination of the figures and statements published as the result of the analyses of Professor Frankland on the London Water Supply in 1876 and 1877 by Í. London: Simpkin Marshall and Co., 1878 Physical Description: 28p. 8"

DA676 .S26 1785 42 1871 - 1880

LLOYD, James R. Audit of accounts of Metropolitan Board of Works. Lee: 1879 Physical Description: 7p. 8". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 15 items.

Volume 73 CONSERVANCY BOARDS. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on conservancy boards, etc. together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. London: 1877 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 74 Sewage Disposal: Bazalgette's Collection Scope and Content Note Contains 3 separately printed items rebound in blue cloth, red label. The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed

SEWAGE DISPOSAL. A Precise of the report of a committee appointed by the President of the Local Government Board. To inquire into the modes of treating town sewage by Captain L. Flower. London: 1877 Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed on the title page

REPORT. f a committee appointed by the President of the Local Government Board to inquire into the several modes of treating town sewage. London: HMSO, 1876 Scope and Content Note The copy of J. W. Bazalgette signed on the title page

SEWAGE OF TOWNS. Health and Sewage of Towns. May 9th, 10th, and 11th, 1876. London: 1876 Volume 75 THAMES FLOOD PREVENTION. Report. Thames River (prevention of floods) Bill. London: 21 June 1877 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 76 THAMES FLOOD PREVENTION. Report. Thames River (prevention of floods) Bill. London: 27 July 1877 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 77 BAZALGETTE, Joseph. Observations on the reply of... shoals formed in the River Thames by mud from the sewers. London: 1878 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 78 BAZALGETTE, Joseph. Remarks on the report of... upon the mud deposits in the River Thames. London: 1878 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 79 BAZALGETTE, Joseph. Reports by... upon the condition of the River Thames. London: 1878 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 43 1871 - 1880

Volume 80 CLIFFORD, W. K. Elements of Dynamic an introduction to the study of motion and rest in solid and fluid bodies. London: 1878 Physical Description: 8". Original green cloth

Volume 81 GRAND JUNCTION WATER BILL. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee on private bills on the Grand Junction Water Bill (Group A). Sir Joseph Bailey in the Chair. London: 1878 Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco, spine worn

Volume 82 Civil Engineering; Ten Pamphlets, Belonging to and Annotated by William Doherty, Irish Engineer Biography/Organization History Volume belonging to and annotated by William James Doherty Scope and Content Note Contains 10 items bound together in half morocco

DOHERTY, William James. Description of Cofferdams used at Dublin, Birkenhead and Hull. London: 1878 Physical Description: With folding diagrams. 8". Scope and Content Note Author's own copy with extensive manuscript notes and additions

BAZALGETTE, Edward. The Victoria, Albert and Chelsea embankments of the River Thames. London: 1878 Physical Description: 8" Scope and Content Note With folding diagrams. Edward Bazalgette, son of J. W. Bazalgette

HARBOUR AND DOCK WORKS. Harbour and Dock Works. Viz. I. The Avonmouth Dock, II. The River Lagan and Harbour of Belfast, III. Whitehaven Harbour and Dock Works. London: 1879 Physical Description: 8" Scope and Content Note With folding diagrams Annotated, sometimes extensively, by Doherty

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. The Institution of Civil Engineers Charter, Bye-Laws and Regulations. London: 1879 Physical Description: 8"

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. List of Members of The Institution of Civil Engineers. January 2, 1879. London: 1879 Physical Description: 8"

GRIFFITH, John Purser. The improvement of the bar of Dublin Harbour by artificial scour. London: 1879. 8". With folding diagrams. Annotated by Doherty INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - IRELAND. The Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. Royal Charter of Incorporation 1877. Dublin: 1878 Physical Description: 8"

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - IRELAND. List of Members. The Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. January 1878. [Dublin: 1878] Physical Description: 8"

DA676 .S26 1785 44 1871 - 1880

SPOTTISWOODE, William. Address of William Spottiswoode, Esq. London:1879 Physical Description: 8"

DOHERTY, William James. Specifications. Self Acting Pile Driver. London:1878 Physical Description: 4" folded.

Volume 83 . Thames Conservancy V Metropolitan Board of Works. Minutes of proceedings and arbitrators. London: 1879-1880 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Rebound in blue cloth, red label Biography/Organization History The evidence of Sir Joseph Bazalgette was taken on the 15th and the 16th day and runs from p.674-761 Scope and Content Note With folding maps and plans.

Volume 84 URBAN WATER SUPPLY. Return. Urban Water Supply. London: 1879 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth

Volume 85 DAVEY, Henry. A description of the differential expansive pumping engine. London: 1880 Physical Description: Cloth.

Volume 86 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Index to Report, Report, Minutes of Evidence, Bill etc. Contains 15 separately printed items and evidence in manuscript. London: 1880 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Including several broadsides or circulars signed by Elihu Bates, Secretary of the East London Water Works Company

Volume 87 THAMES VALLEY SEWERAGE. The Lower Thames valley Main Sewerage. From the first day to the 23rd day. Proceedings. London: 1880 Physical Description: 2". Rebacked. Scope and Content Note Contains 23 separately published sections. Signed at the front `Sir Joseph W. Bazalgette Private Copy', inscribed throughout with pencil annotations. Each part signed by Bazalgette

Volume 88 THAMES VALLEY SEWERAGE. The Lower Thames valley Main Sewerage. From the twenty third day. Minutes etc. London: 1880 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth

Volume 89 THAMES VALLEY SEWERAGE. The Lower Thames valley Main Sewerage. From the thirty-first day to the forty-fifth day. Minutes etc. London: 1880 Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco Biography/Organization History On the 31st day extensive evidence was given by Sir Joseph Bazalgette

1881 - 1890

Volume 90 EAST LONDON WATER BILL. Session 1881. East London Water Bill (passed). London: 1881 Scope and Content Note Contains 6 separately printed items. 2". Red morocco

DA676 .S26 1785 45 1881 - 1890

Volume 91 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report on the composition and quality of daily samples of the water supplied to London. [No. 1- 60] By William Crookes, William Odling and C. Meymott Tidy. For the month ending January 31st, 1881 to December 31st, 1885 Physical Description: Small 4". Bound together in half calf Biography/Organization History William Odling Professor of Chemistry, Oxford. C. Meymott Tidy, professor of Chemistry and Forensic Medicine, University of London and Medical Officer of Health for . In a prefatory letter to the first report addressed to the President of the Local Government Board the authors state that this is the first time daily analysis of London Water quality had been recorded. At the conclusion of this letter the authors conclude that the water delivered by the Water Companies "was of excellent quality, wholesome, and in every respect well fitted for the supply of the Metropolis" Scope and Content Note Contains 60 separately printed items.

Volume 92 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report on the composition and quality of daily samples of the water supplied to London. [No. 61-120] By William Crookes, William Odling and C. Meymott Tidy. For the month ending January 31st, 1886 to December 31st, 1890 Physical Description: Small 4". Bound together in half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 60 separately printed items.

Volume 93 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report on the composition and quality of daily samples of the water supplied to London. [No. 121-180] By William Crookes, William Odling and C. Meymott Tidy. For the month endingJanuary 31st, 1891 to December 31st, 1895 Physical Description: Small 4". Bound together in half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 60 separately printed items.

Volume 94 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report on the composition and quality of daily samples of the water supplied to London. [No. 181-240] By William Crookes, William Odling and C. Meymott Tidy. For the month endingJanuary 31st, 1896 to December 31st, 1900 Physical Description: Small 4". Bound together in half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 60 separately printed items.

Volume 95 THE ANALYST. The Analyst. For the years 1881-8 Physical Description: Small 4". 8 vols. Cloth

Volume 96 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Analysis of the accounts of the Metropolitan Water Companies. From the first year ending March 31, 1881 to 1912. Physical Description: 4" Scope and Content Note A complete run of the first 32 reports bound separately in green cloth

Volume 97 BAZALGETTE, Joseph. Metropolitan Board of Works. Communications between the North and South of the Thames below . Report by Joseph Bazalgette. 1882. London: Metropolitan Board of Works, 1882 Physical Description: 8" Biography/Organization History With folding plans and diagrams. Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 46 1881 - 1890

Volume 98 LONDON AND SOUTH WESTERN SPRING WATER BILL. Session 1882. London & South Western Spring Water Bill (not passed). Lambeth Water Works Co. London: 1882 Scope and Content Note Contains 3 separately printed items. 2". Red morocco

Volume 99 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report on the composition and quality of daily samples of the water supplied to London. By William Crookes, and Professor Dewar. For the month ending January 31st, 1882 to December 31st, 1904 Physical Description: Small 4". 20 volumes. Cloth

Volume 100 LAMBETH WATER WORKS BILL. Report of the proceedings of the select committee of House of Commons on Lambeth Water Works Bill (passed) and Southwark & Vauxhall Water Works Bill (not passed). London: 1883 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 9 separately printed items with the Bill in proof, manuscripts of items not printed and a manuscript index.

Volume 101 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report on the composition and quality of daily samples. London: 1884 Physical Description: 4to. Boards

Volume 102 METROPOLIS WATER (CORPORATION OF LONDON) and other bills affecting Metropolitan Water Companies. London: 1884 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 22 separately printed items. Including several pamphlets and broadsides

Volume 103 SESSION 1884. Report of proceedings of select committee of House of Parliament on Southwark & Vauxhall Water Works Bill (passed) London: 1884 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Biography/Organization History Contains 7 items and two in manuscript. The Bill in various drafts states with manuscript emendations

Volume 104 THAMES RIVER PRESERVATION. Report from the Select Committee on the Thames Preservation; Reports, Proceedings, Evidence and Index. London:1884. 2". Rebound Volume 105 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Kent Water Bill. Minutes of Evidence, etc. London: 1885 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 9 separately printed items

Volume 106 ROYAL COMMISSION ON METROPOLITAN SEWAGE DISCHARGE. Minutes of Evidence taken before the commission from May 1884 to October 1884 Together with a selection from the appendices and a digest of evidence Vol. II. London: HMSO, 1885 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Biography/Organization History Witnesses include Robert Rowlinson, William Joseph Dibdin, and Sir Joseph Bazalgette Scope and Content Note With folding coloured maps and diagrams.

DA676 .S26 1785 47 1881 - 1890

Volume 107 SESSION 1885. Minutes of proceedings Southwark Vauxhall & Kent Water Company's Bills (not passed). London: 1885. Physical Description: 2". Red morocco Scope and Content Note Contains 10 separately printed items

Volume 108 SESSION 1885. Water Companies Regulation of Powers Bill and other bills introduced in the session of 1885. (not passed). London: 1885 Physical Description: 2" Rebound in blue cloth red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 20 items, some in manuscript. Some of the draft bills annotated and emended in manuscript

Volume 109 WATER RATE DEFINITION ACT. Waterworks clauses act (1847) Amendment A bill. London: 1885 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains over 30 separately printed items. Also manuscript items and manuscript annotations. Including pamphlets from the Liberty and Property Defence League and other pamphlets opposing the Torrens Water Bill

Volume 110 BOLTON, Francis and FRANKLAND, Percy. Lectures on the collection storage, purification and examination of water. With Returns, Report, and Correspondence. London: 1886 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 5 with folding maps and plates.

Volume 111 EAST LONDON WATERWORKS. East London Waterworks. Act. London: 1886 Physical Description: Minutes of Evidence. 2". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 21 separately printed items, with some manuscript annotation. Folding diagram and plates

Volume 112 EAST LONDON WATERWORKS. East London Waterworks. In Arbitration Assessment Appeals. Shorthand writers notes of evidence against the appeals & speeches of counsel before A. Staveley Hill, Esq. Valuation reports of M. A. Staveley Hill. Orders of Court dated respectively 20, July 1886. London: 1886. Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 9 items and 29 works in manuscript. The copies of Robert T. Wragg, the appellants solicitor.

Volume 113 SELECT COMMITTEE. Rivers pollutions (River Lee). Report and Index. London: 1886 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 114 SESSION 1886. East London Company's Bill, passed; Southwark and Vauxhall Company's Bill, passed; Metropolitan Board of Works (Water Supply, etc.) Bill, not passed. London: 1886 Scope and Content Note Contains 24 separately printed items and 4 in manuscript. 2". Red cloth

DA676 .S26 1785 48 1881 - 1890

Volume 115 SESSION 1886. Minutes of proceedings, act, bill etc. Lambeth Water Works Company's Bill (passed). London: 1886 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 15 separately printed items with several drafts in manuscript, emendations in manuscript and various autograph letters and communications of Hugh Owen Secretary of the Local Government Board. Red morocco, worn.

Volume 116 CHELSEA WATER WORKS. Reports and Accounts. London: 1887 to 1896 Physical Description: 2". Half morocco. Scope and Content Note Contains 33 separately printed items.

Volume 117 FIRTH, J. F. B. and SIMPSON, Edgar R. London Government under the Local Government Act, 1888. London: 1888 Physical Description: Original blue cloth.

Volume 118 GOODRICH, Lionel. The Metropolis Local Management Acts. By the late Edmund Humphrey Woolrych. London: Shaw & Sons, 1888 Physical Description: 922p. 8". Green cloth.

Volume 119 GRAND JUNCTION WATER WORKS BILL. Grand junction Water Works Company. Minutes, appeals, reports, bill, etc. London: 1888 Physical Description: 2". Rebound Scope and Content Note Contains 23 printed and manuscript items. Folding maps and diagrams. Includes manuscript petitions against the Bill with the Bill in various draft and manuscript forms.

Volume 120 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Extracts from London County Council minutes relating to main drainage 1889-1920 Physical Description: 2". Biography/Organization History Typescript index to the Minutes of the London County Council relating to main drainage prepared for use in the Office of the Metropolitan Water Board. Half calf

Volume 121 LONDON SEWAGE. London County Council Disposal of the London Sewage1889 Physical Description: 2" Biography/Organization History Collection of mostly manuscript, with some printed items including;

BAZALGETTE, J., DIBDIN, and DUPRÊ. Experiments on made at the Pimlico pumping station in 1884 by Sir J. Bazalgette, Mr. Dibdin and Dr. Duprê. 12p. 2" MS DIBDIN, W. J. Letters from W. J. Dibdin to Sir Joseph Bazalgette DUPRÊ, A. and DIBDIN, W. J. Sewage precipitation experiments : Preliminary report on results obtained to Sir J. W. Bazalgette. Physical Description: 6p. 2" MS

BAZALGETTE, J. W. and DIBDIN, W. J. Metropolitan Board of Works. Report by the Engineer and Chemist stating the result of the deodorization of the sewage at the outfalls. London: 1884

DA676 .S26 1785 49 1881 - 1890

BAZALGETTE, J. W. and DIBDIN, W. J. Address to the works committee. May 6th 1885 Physical Description: 10p. 2" MS

MANUSCRIPT. Large folding manuscript and folding table showing the results of analysis of samples of sewage MANUSCRIPT. Large folding manuscript showing the results of analysis of samples of London sewage MANUSCRIPT. Large folding manuscript showing the results of analysis of samples of London sewage MANUSCRIPT. Large folding manuscript showing the results of analysis of samples of sewage before and after treatment with various precipitating agents MANUSCRIPT. Large folding manuscript showing the results of analysis of samples of sewage precipitation experiments MANUSCRIPT. Large folding manuscript showing the results of analysis of samples of sewage experiments with three more similar BAZALGETTE, J. W. and DIBDIN, W. J. Experiments on precipitations of outfalls. 18th May 1885 Physical Description: 3p. 2" MS

BAZALGETTE, J. W. and DIBDIN, W. J. To the works committee monthly report. February 22nd 1886 Physical Description: 5p. 2" MS

METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Extract... on the treatment of Metropolitan Sewage. London: 1886 METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Treatment of sewage at main drainage outfalls. Report.1886 HOUGHTON, Francis G. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Crossness. 31st December 1888 Physical Description: 2p 2" MS

HOUGHTON, Francis G. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Crossness. 29th December 1888 Physical Description: 14p 2" MS

DIBDIN, W. J. On the manurial value of pressed sewage sludge. 14th November 1887 Physical Description: 6p. 2 MS

DUPRÊ, A. Letters to... officers of the Board on the subject of the sewage of the Metropolis (Address to Sir Joseph Bazalgette) London:1883 COOK, E. R. Metropolitan Board of Works letters, reports etc. on the subject of the treatment of the sewage in the sewers by manganate of soda.1888 ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. Printed for the use of members only. Metropolitan Board of Works Report on deodorization of Metropolitan Sewage at the Outfalls. London: 1887 ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. Printed for the use of members only. Metropolitan Board of Works Reports on... deodorization of Metropolitan Sewage at the Outfalls. London: 1888 ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. Printed for the use of members only. Metropolitan Board of Works Reports on... deodorization of Sewage emanations by means of sulphurous acid. London: 1888 ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. Printed for the use of members only. Metropolitan Board of Works Second Report on... deodorization of Sewer emanations and on sewer ventilation. London: 1888

DA676 .S26 1785 50 1881 - 1890

ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. Metropolitan Board of Works Report on..deodorization of Metropolitan Sewage at the outfalls. London: 1888 Physical Description: With numerous folding tables

ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. Metropolitan Board of Works Further Report on..deodorization of Sewer emanations and on sewer ventilation. London:1889 DIBDIN, W. J. Metropolitan Board of Works. Draft report on cleansing and ventilation of sewers DIBDIN, W. J. Typescript table signed by Dibdin BAKER, Sir Benjamin and BINNEY, Alex R. London County Council. Main drainage of London. Joint report 1891 Physical Description: Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 31 items.

Volume 122 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Chief Engineers Department. Extracts [in typescript] from minutes relating to Main Drainage, 1856-1889 Physical Description: 2". Black cloth

Volume 123 REEVES, R. Harris. Sewer Ventilation and sewage treatment. London:1889 Physical Description: 8". Original green cloth

Volume 124 CRIMP, W. Santo. Sewage Disposal Works. A guide. London: 1890 Physical Description: Red cloth. Sl. damp stains

Volume 125 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Enquiry. Engineer's Reports. 8th and 29th October, 1890. London: 1890 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 126 WATER EXAMINERS REPORTS. Reports of the Water examiners. London:1890-5 Scope and Content Note Contains 72 separately printed items. 2". Maroon cloth

Volume 127 WATER INQUIRY. Report to the court of common council, from the county purposes committee. London: 1890 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 6 separately printed items with maps.

Volume 128 LONDON WATER COMMISSION BILL. Special Report from the Select Committee on the London Water Commission Bill. London: 1891 Scope and Content Note Contains 15 separately printed items, some annotated. 2". Rebound

Volume 129 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. LCC. London Water Supply enquiry. Engineer's report on the London Water Supply. From the Thames and Lea. Dated 1st September, 1891 Scope and Content Note With folding diagrams. Printed boards

Volume 130 METROPOLIS WATER SUPPLY. Minutes of evidence, Bill. London: 1891 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 25 separately printed items.

DA676 .S26 1785 51 1881 - 1890

Volume 131 METROPOLIS WATER SUPPLY. Petitions; London Water Commission Bill Metropolitan Water Bill. London: 1891 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 110 separately printed items.

Volume 132 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Plans & descriptive statement of works. Southwark & Vauxhall. London: 1891, 1903 Physical Description: 2". Cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items with folding maps and diagrams

Volume 133 SESSION 1891. Metropolitan Water Companies Charges Bill, London Water Meter Bill, London County Council Water Supply Bill, Croydon Water Bill, all not passed. Southwark & Vauxhall Water Bill, passed London: 1891 Scope and Content Note Contains 11 separately printed items and five in manuscript. With related press cuttings. 2". Red cloth.

Volume 134 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Report on the Flow of the Thames. By A. R. Binnie, Chief Engineer to the LCC. Reports on the London Water Supply. London: 1892 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 12 items with folding maps and plans. Orange cloth.

Volume 135 LONDON WATER BILL. Select committee on private bill (group D). Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease, in the Chair. London Water (no. 1.) Bill. Minutes of Evidence. London: 1892 Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco. Scope and Content Note Contains 5 separately printed items.

Volume 136 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. Royal Commission 1892. To consider the question of the Metropolitan Water Supply. Geological Reports. Southwark and Vauxhall Company. London: 1892 Physical Description: 2". Printed boards, cloth spine

Volume 137 SESSION 1892. London Water Bill, passed; London County Council (subways) Bill, not passed; London County Council (General Powers) Bill, passed; Birmingham Water Bill, amended and passed. London: 1892 Scope and Content Note Contains 19 separately printed items with related press cuttings. 2" Red cloth.

Volume 138 SOUTHWARK AND VAUXHALL WATER COMPANY. Statement. For the use of the commissioners appointed on the Royal Commission. April, 1892 Physical Description: Printed wrappers, red cloth spine

Volume 139 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Annual statements sewage treatment. London:1893-1920 Physical Description: 2". Half morocco. Scope and Content Note Contains 14 separately printed items and 1 in typescript.

DA676 .S26 1785 52 1881 - 1890

Volume 140 ROYAL COMMISSION ON METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. (Balfour) Appendices to minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission.1892-1893 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note With folding diagrams and maps. Red cloth.

Volume 141 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. Report, and appendices of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply. London: 1893 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 142 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. Minutes of evidence, and General Index to the Report, minutes of evidence and appendices of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply. London: 1893 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items.

Volume 143 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. Maps, Plans, and Diagrams to accompany the report of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply. London:1893. [c.7172.iv] Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco.

Volume 144 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Engineers Annual Reports on sewage treatment at Barking and Crossness. 21 Annual Reports from 1893-1914 Physical Description: Report 22-24 in typescript copies. 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Chief Engineers own copy, stamped in gilt on the leading board

Volume 145 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Engineers Annual Reports as to work done at pumping stations. Contains a run of 21 annual reports 1893-1914 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Chief Engineers own copy, stamped in gilt on the leading board

Volume 146 ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. 1892-3. Report of the Evidence with comments on the inquiry. London: 1893 Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth.

Volume 147 EAST LONDON WATER BILL. Minutes of Evidence East London Water Bill[1894] Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 20 items with folding maps and plans. Black morocco

Volume 148 BINNIE, A. R. London County Council. Report on available sources of water supply for London. By A. R. Binnie. London: 1894 Biography/Organization History A. R. Binnie, Chief Engineer to the London County Council Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items and very fine large canvas backed folding coloured maps and diagrams. 2". Half red morocco

DA676 .S26 1785 53 1881 - 1890

Volume 149 THAMES CONSERVANCY Act and Minutes of Proceedings, 1894 Physical Description: In two substantial volumes. Scope and Content Note Contains 28 separately printed items. 2". Maroon cloth. The bill is in draft, with substantial manuscript additions and corrections.

Volume 150 WEST MIDDLESEX, East London and Southwark & Vauxhall Bills, Minutes of Evidence etc. London: 1894 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 17 items. Red cloth.

Volume 151 WATER WORKS DIRECTORY. The Water Works Directory and Statistics. In 6 volumes. London: 1894, 1895, 1898, 1899, 1900-01, 1902-03 Physical Description: 8". Brown cloth.

Volume 152 WATER WORKS DIRECTORY. The Water Works Directory and Statistics. In 7 volumes. London: 1903, 1907, 1909-10, 1911-12, 1913-14, 1915-16. Physical Description: 8". Green cloth.

Volume 153 COLLET, Harold. Water softening and purification. London: 1895 Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth.

Volume 154 INQUIRY INTO THE FAILURE OF THE EAST LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Directed by the Local Government Board. the summer of 1895. Minutes of proceedings. Scope and Content Note Contains 3 items including some in typescript. 2". Red cloth. With the ownership inscription of W. B. Bryan

Volume 155 LAMBETH WATER (Transfer Bill). 1895. Index to Evidence and speeches, etc. London: 1895 Scope and Content Note A substantial volume containing 3 items. 2". Red cloth. With ownership inscriptions of Mr Bryan.

Volume 156 LONDON WATER (TRANSFER) BILLS. Official blue book. Report from the select committee on London Water (transfer) bills together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London: HMSO. 1895 Physical Description: 389p. 2". Blue cloth. Biography/Organization History The Committee was chaired by the Honourable David Plunket.

Volume 157 WATER REGULATIONS INQUIRY by Colonel Ducat. [1895] Scope and Content Note Contains 5 items, including 2 letters, one printed and one in typescript signed by the Assistant Secretary of the Local Government Board, C. N. Dalton. 2". Red cloth. This volume details the changes and amendments to the regulations made by the London Water Companies under the Metropolis Water Act of 1871. One change that was not allowed by the Local Government Board was the substitution of three for two gallons as the maximum amount of water to used as the flush of a water closet.

DA676 .S26 1785 54 1881 - 1890

Volume 158 LONDON WATER COMPANIES BILLS. Chelsea, New River, Southwark and Vauxhall. Minutes of Proceedings, etc. 1896 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 8 items. 2".

Volume 159 LONDON WATER COMPANIES BILLS. Chelsea, New River, Southwark and Vauxhall. Special Report from the select committee on the London Water Companies Bills together with Proceedings... minutes of evidence, etc. 1896 Physical Description: 2". Half calf

Volume 160 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARDS. New River and Bills, Minutes of Evidence. London: 1896 Scope and Content Note Contains 30 separately printed items. 2". Red cloth.

Volume 161 NEW RIVER COMPANIES ACT. Minutes, Bill, Evidence, etc. London:1896 Physical Description: 2". Half calf, worn Scope and Content Note Contains 14 items.

Volume 162 STAINES RESERVOIR BILL. Select Committee on the London Water Companies Bills. Staines Reservoir Bill. Minutes of proceedings. London:1896 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 21 separately printed items with some manuscript annotations. Contemporary red cloth.

Volume 163 WATER EXAMINERS REPORTS. The Metropolitan Water Supply. Water Examiners Reports 1896-1900 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 47 separately printed items.

Volume 164 EAST LONDON WATER BILL. Parliamentary Debate, Book of Reference, Minutes of Proceedings etc. London: 1867 Scope and Content Note Contains 16 items with folding plates and diagrams and related press cuttings. 2". Dark cloth, worn.

Volume 165 LAMBETH WATER WORKS. Draft statement for the Royal Commission on London water supply. 1897 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 21 items, including manuscript index and several proofs with manuscript corrections and further manuscripts. With folding tables and diagrams.

Volume 166 LLANDAFF ROYAL COMMISSION. Metropolitan Water Supply. Minutes of Evidence, Reports, Maps, Plans, and Diagrams with appendices etc. (for the years):- 1897 to 1899 Scope and Content Note Contains 18 items bound in 12 volumes, 2", red cloth.

DA676 .S26 1785 55 1881 - 1890

Volume 167 MAIN DRAINAGE OF LONDON and the purification of the Thames by William Joseph Dibdin. London: 1897 Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth

Volume 168 NEW RIVER COMPANY. Minutes of Proceedings taken before the Select Committee on private bills. London: 1897 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 7 separately printed items.

Volume 169 SESSION 1897. Lambeth Water Works (purchase) not passed; East London Water; New River Company; Southwark & Vauxhall Water; Metropolis Water Act, passed. London: 1897 Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items with related press cuttings. 2". Red cloth

Volume 170 SESSION 1898. Southwark and Vauxhall Water. London: 1898 Scope and Content Note Contains 14 separately printed items. 2". Red cloth.

Volume 171 SOUTHWARK & VAUXHALL WATER COMPANIES BILL. Southwark and Vauxhall Water Co. Bill. Book of reference, minutes of proceedings etc. 1898 Physical Description: 2". Half calf, black Scope and Content Note Contains 28 items.

Volume 172 THAMES CONSERVANCY. Daily Flow at . 1898-1905 Physical Description: Scrap book with annual figures printed on broadsides and stuck down. 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains over 100 separately printed broadsides. With tables in typescript at the back.

Volume 173 EAST LONDON WATER BILL. (Rejected by committee of House of Lords, 28th June, 1899. Petitions against proceedings and evidence before committees of both Houses. Physical Description: Contains 28 items, some in manuscript. 2" Original cloth. Some items signed `J. A. Crookendon', of the East London Water Co. with marginal corrections.

Volume 174 JENKIN, A. F. London Government Act. 1899. With notes, etc. London: 1899 Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth. Scope and Content Note The preface constitutes a useful history of Local Government in London. The main object of the Local Government Act of 1899 was to substitute for the numerous elected vestries and district boards with a smaller number of local authorities with wider powers.

Volume 175 ROYAL COMMISSION ON LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Minutes of proceedings taken before the Royal Commission on London Water Supply. London: 1899 Physical Description: Half calf, red label

DA676 .S26 1785 56 1881 - 1890

Volume 176 SESSION 1899. London Water (purchase of companies) withdrawn; London Water (Welsh reservoirs & works) rejected; London Water (finance) ruled out of order; East London Water, rejected; West Middlesex Waterworks, passed; Metropolitan Water Companies, withdrawn; Metropolitan Water Companies (government bill) passed. London: 1899 Scope and Content Note Contains 25 separately printed items. With typescripts and related press cuttings. 2". Red cloth.

Volume 177 WEST MIDDLESEX WATER WORKS BILL. West Middlesex Water Works Bill London: 1899 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 5 items.

Volume 178 EAST LONDON WATERWORKS ACTS. Relating to the company and to the River Lee. 20 acts of Parliament from 1807 to 1900 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 20 items.

Volume 179 EAST LONDON WATER WORKS ACTS. Petitions against proceedings and evidence before committee etc. 1807 - 1900 Physical Description: 2". Original blue cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 16 separately printed items. Some items signed `J. A. Crookendon', of the East London Water Co.

Volume 180 EAST LONDON WATER WORKS. Assessment Appeals. Mr. Marshall, Valuations. 1900 Physical Description: Printed script and manuscript. 2". Half red morocco

Volume 181 LEE CONSERVANCY ACT, 1900. Minutes of Proceedings and evidence before committees of both Houses.[1900] Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains over 25 separately printed items some with manuscript notes.

Volume 182 SESSION 1900. No. 1. Lambeth Waterworks, passed. London: 1900 Scope and Content Note Contains 22 separately printed items and 2 in manuscript. 2". Red cloth.

Volume 183 SESSION 1900. No. 3. London County Tramways (two acts); Croydon Corporation Act. London: 1900. Contains 12 separately printed items and 2 in manuscript. [1900] Physical Description: 2". Red cloth

1901 - 1910

Volume 184 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. The Metropolis Water Acts (1852, 1871, and 1897) Local Government Board enquiry. Minutes of evidence and report. 1901 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 4 separately printed items and 1 in typescript. Red cloth.

DA676 .S26 1785 57 1901 - 1910

Volume 185 QUINQUENNIAL VALUATION. In the Court of quarter sessions of the . Assessment appeals. East London Water Works Appellants and Respondents Cases. 1901 Scope and Content Note Contains 29 separately printed items. 2". Half red morocco.

Volume 186 ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE. Interim report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. London: HMSO, 1901 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 2 items with folding maps and plans. Half red morocco, worn. With ownership inscription of Maurice Fitzmaurice.

ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE. Second and third reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. London: HMSO, 1902/3. [Cd. 1178/1486/1487]. Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 3 items. Half red morocco, cloth

ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE. Fourth report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. Volumes I, II and III. London: HMSO, 1904. Cd. 1883/4/5] Physical Description: 2". Together in blue cloth

ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL. Fifth report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. Appendix IV and V. London: HMSO,1910. [Cd. 4282/4283]. Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label.

ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL. Fifth report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. Appendix VII and VIII. London: HMSO, 1908. [Cd. 4285/6] Physical Description: With a duplicate of Cd. 4283 together in original red cloth

ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE. Sixth, and seventh reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. London: HMSO, 1909. [Cd. 4511/5542]. Physical Description: 2". Rebound in one volume blue cloth, red label.

ROYAL COMMISSION ON SEWAGE. Eighth report; Vols. I and II, final report, ninth report; Vols. I and II, of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. London: HMSO, 1912/15. [Cd. 6464/6943/7820/7821] Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 4 items. Half red morocco, cloth.

DA676 .S26 1785 58 1901 - 1910

Volume 187 SESSION 1901. London Water (Purchase of Companies), rejected; Staines Reservoirs (amendment) act, London County Council (tramways and street widening), London United Tramways, all passed; Mitcham Light Railways (order made). Etc. Etc. London: 1901 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 8 separately printed items, with manuscript annotations.

Volume 188 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. London County Council's 6 inch map shewing the growth of London. 1901-1902. London: LCC, 1901/2 Physical Description: Folio volume Scope and Content Note Contains 35 maps of the districts of London

Volume 189 REESON, Joseph. Acts relating to the supply of gas & water. London: 1902 Physical Description: Cloth

Volume 190 FITZGERALD, J. V. Vesey. The law affecting the pollution of rivers and water generally. London: 1902 Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth

Volume 191 LONDON WATER BILL. Report and Special Report. London: 1902 Physical Description: 2". 636p. Mauve cloth.

Volume 192 LONDON WATER BILL. Five editions of the Bill two reports thereon London: 1902 Physical Description: 2". Half red morocco. Scope and Content Note Contains 7 separately printed items. Inscribed copy of Joseph Francis.

Volume 193 LONDON WATER BILL. Bills, Petitions, Reports, Minutes of Evidence etc. London: 1902 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note A substantial volume containing 101 items bound together in red cloth.

Volume 194 METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1902. Chelsea Waterworks Company. (Five) Acts relating to the company. London: 1902 Physical Description: 2". Cloth.

Volume 195 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Metropolis Water Act, 1902. Court of Arbitration. Amended statements of claim. London: 1902 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers, red cloth spine. Contains 15 separately printed items

Volume 196 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. On appeal. MWB and The New River Company 1908. London: 1902-8 Physical Description: 4". Rebound in blue cloth red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 6 items.

DA676 .S26 1785 59 1901 - 1910

Volume 197 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Metropolis Water Act. Proceedings etc. London:1902 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 69 items including some typescript copies and drafts with manuscript corrections, also pamphlets and broadsides and related press cuttings. Red cloth.

Volume 198 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD ACTS. 1902-1915 Physical Description: 4". Red cloth

Volume 199 NEW RIVER COMPANY. Acts relating to to the Company and to Staines Reservoirs joint committee and the River Lee. [1902] Physical Description: Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 26 reprinted acts of Parliament relating to the New River Company from 1620 - 1901.

Volume 200 NEW RIVER COMPANY. Metropolis Water Act, 1902. Extracts from minutes of evidence of Mr. J. Francis (Engineer of New River Company) Mr. J. Searle (Secretary of New River Company). Mr Ernest Collins (Distributing Engineer of the New River Company). [1902] Physical Description: 2". Printed boards, red spine, worn. Scope and Content Note With marginal notes in manuscript and the ownership inscription of John Taylor & Sons

Volume 201 PORT OF LONDON. Report of His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the administration of the Port of London. London: HMSO,1902 Physical Description: 2". Rebound. Scope and Content Note The copy of the controller.

Volume 202 STEVENSON, E. H. and BURSTAL, E. K. Precedents in Private Bill Legislation. Affecting Gas & Water undertakings. 1891-1901. London:1902 Physical Description: 8". Cloth

Volume 203 SALMON FISHERIES. Royal Commission on Salmon Fisheries (1900.) Part I. Report and Maps. Part II. Evidence. Part III. Section I & II, Appendices. London: 1902 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 4 items. Red cloth. c.1902

Volume 204 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD ACTS. 1902. Acts relating to the companies of the New River, East London Waterworks Company, Chelsea, Grand Junction, Southwark and Vauxhall, Kent, Lambeth Waterworks, and West Middlesex Waterworks Companies and General Acts. London: 1902. Physical Description: 4". Morocco. In 8 volumes

Volume 205 CHELSEA WATER WORKS. Plans & Descriptive Statement of works[1903] Physical Description: Contains numerous folding maps and plans. 2". Olive cloth

Volume 206 EAST LONDON WATER WORKS. Arbitration proceedings between East London Water Works Co., and Gas Co., and West Ham Corporation. London: 1903 Scope and Content Note Contains 5 separately printed items and 8 in manuscript with folding plans and diagrams. 2". Red cloth

DA676 .S26 1785 60 1901 - 1910

Volume 207 EAST LONDON WATER WORKS. Banbury and Lockwood reservoirs opening ceremony. 15th June, 1903 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 208 EAST LONDON WATER WORKS. Description of the company's properties, works, plant, mains, etc. London: July, 1903 Physical Description: 2". Printed card wrappers, cloth spine

Volume 209 EAST LONDON WATER WORKS. Map and plans of the company's works etc. London: October, 1903 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers, cloth spine

Volume 210 GRAND JUNCTION WATER WORKS. Statement and plans shewing district and works. As agreed with Sir A. R. Binnie on behalf of the Metropolitan Water Board. London: 1903 Scope and Content Note Contains numerous folding maps and plans. 2". Olive cloth

Volume 211 GRAND JUNCTION WATER WORKS. Metropolis Water Act, 1902. Proceedings before the court of arbitration. Vol. iii. Grand Junction Company. London: 1904 Physical Description: 4". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 5 separately printed items.

Volume 212 KENT WATER WORKS. Return prepared for the Royal Commission on London Water Supply (1897), revised to 30th June, 1903. The Company of Proprietors of the Kent Water Works. Statement, plans and maps. [1903] Physical Description: 2". Olive cloth.

Volume 213 METROPOLIS WATER ACT. The undertakings of the eight Metropolitan water companies. London: 1903 Physical Description: 2". Maroon cloth

Volume 214 METROPOLIS WATER ACT. Local Government Board. Statement. London:1903 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth

Volume 215 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Court of Arbitration. Statements of claims, answers, awards, etc. London: 1903/5 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Biography/Organization History In 1902 the London Water Bill was introduced into Parliament and became law on 18th December 1902 as the Metropolis Water Act. An early typescript index explains the contents of the volume which comprises over 70 printed, and typescript, several annotated in manuscript. These papers relate to the claims for compensation by the London Water Companies following the passing of the Act. The consolidation of London Water Supply under a public board in 1902 represents the culmination of Chadwick's long struggle, although he was no longer alive to see it. Scope and Content Note Contains 35 separately printed items.

DA676 .S26 1785 61 1901 - 1910

Volume 216 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. East London Waterworks. Arbitration. London: 1903 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 3 separately printed items.

Volume 217 NO RECORD Volume 218 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Grand Junction Waterworks. Arbitration. London: 1903 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 5 separately printed items.

Volume 219 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD minutes of Proceedings (for):- 1903 to 1963 inclusive. Physical Description: In all 61 volumes 2", red cloth, or half red morocco. Biography/Organization History Chronological list of Clerk of the Board;- A. B. Pilling, 1903-1921. G.F. Stringer 1922-1937. R. P. Morgan 1938- 1942. C. W. Stoker, 1943-1949; W. S. Chevalier 1950-1954. S. D. Askew, 1955-1963 Scope and Content Note A nice complete run.

Volume 220 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. New River Company. Arbitration. London:1903 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 10 separately printed items.

Volume 221 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Transcript of the shorthand notes of the first, second, and third meetings of the Board. April, 1903 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. 4 items in typescript and 1 in manuscript

Volume 222 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. West Middlesex Waterworks. Arbitration. London:1903 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 5 separately printed items.

Volume 223 NEW RIVER COMPANY. Court of Arbitration under the Metropolis Water Act, 1902. Plans and descriptive statements of works of the New River Co., 1903 Scope and Content Note Contains numerous folding maps and diagrams. 2". Olive cloth

Volume 224 NEW RIVER COMPANY. Pumping machinery. 10th July, 1903. With marginal notes. London: 1903 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note With particulars of engines. As issued.

Volume 225 SOUTHWARK AND VAUXHALL WATER COMPANY. Plans and description of engines, boilers, pumps, etc. November, 1903 Physical Description: Printed wrappers, black cloth spine.

DA676 .S26 1785 62 1901 - 1910

Volume 226 WEST MIDDLESEX WATER WORKS. In the court of arbitration. West Middlesex Water Works Company. London: 1903 Scope and Content Note Contains 4 separately printed items and numerous folding maps and plans. 2". Olive cloth

Volume 227 WESTMINSTER. City of Westminster. Report of the Westminster City Council, for the year ended the 31st March, 1903. With retrospect and abstract of accounts. London: 1903 Physical Description: 8". Red cloth

Volume 228 MACMORRAN, Alexander. The law relating to sewers and drains. London: 1904 Physical Description: Red cloth

Volume 229 Metropolitan Water Board, Annual Reports1904 -1944 METROPOLIS WATER ACT. 1902. First Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended 31st March, 1904. London: J. Truscott,1904 Physical Description: 8". Rebound in half red morocco

METROPOLIS WATER ACT. 1902. Second Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended 31st March, 1905. London: J. Truscott,1905 Physical Description: 8". Rebound in half red morocco

METROPOLIS WATER ACT. 1902. Third Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended 31st March, 1906. London: J. Truscott,1906 Physical Description: 8". Rebound in half red morocco

METROPOLIS WATER ACT. 1902. Fourth Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended 31st March, 1907. London: J. Truscott,1907 Physical Description: 8". Rebound in half red morocco

METROPOLIS WATER ACT. 1902. Fifth Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended 31st March, 1908. London: J. Truscott,1908 Physical Description: 8". Rebound in half red morocco

METROPOLIS WATER ACT. 1902. Sixth Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended 31st March, 1909. London: J. Truscott,1909 Physical Description: 8". Rebound in half red morocco

METROPOLIS WATER ACT. 1902. Seventh Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended 31st March, 1910. London: J. Truscott,1910 Physical Description: 8". Rebound in half red morocco. Scope and Content Note With copies of the 21st, 30th, 37th - 41st and 50th - 53rd reports.

Volume 230 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Abstract of Accounts. 1904-1906. London:1904-1906 Physical Description: Half red morocco. 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items

Volume 231 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Chelsea Waterworks. Arbitration. London:1904 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 5 separately printed items

DA676 .S26 1785 63 1901 - 1910

Volume 232 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Kent Waterworks. Arbitration. London:1904 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 5 separately printed items.

Volume 233 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Lambeth Waterworks. Arbitration. London:1904 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 3 separately printed items.

Volume 234 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. On Appeal. MWB, appellants and New River brought from Chadwell and Amwell to London. London: 1904 Physical Description: 4". Black cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 6 separately printed items.

Volume 235 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Return showing particulars of (1) salaries, emoluments, and privileges, and special payments to transferred officers of the Metropolitan Water Companies between 30th January, 1902 and the appointed day etc. London: 1904 Physical Description: 2". Rebound

Volume 236 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Southwark & Vauxhall Waterworks Arbitration. London: 1904 Physical Description: 4". Half calf, red labels. Scope and Content Note Contains 4 separately printed items.

Volume 237 THAMES CONSERVANCY Minutes of Proceedings (for the years):- 1904 to 1945 inclusive. Physical Description: In all 42 separately printed items bound in 20 volumes, 2". Red cloth

Volume 238 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report by London County Council, 1905. G. L. Gomme, clerk of the Council.[1905] Physical Description: 2". Red cloth.

Volume 239 LONDON WATER SUPPLY. Report on the composition and quality of daily samples of water supplied to London. By Sir William Crookes and Sir James Dewar. Ten monthly reports from January to October 1905 Physical Description: Small 4". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 10 separately printed items

Volume 240 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. (Water Examiners) Annual Reports nos. 1 to 6. Chemical and Bacteriological Examination of London Water, 1905-1912 with reports for November and December, 1905. By Dr. A. C. Houston. Director of Water Examination. [1905] Physical Description: 2". 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 6 separately printed items.

DA676 .S26 1785 64 1901 - 1910

Volume 241 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Return of the servants of the Metropolitan Water Companies transferred to the Metropolitan Water Board at the appointed day. London: 1905 Physical Description: 2". Brown cloth

Volume 242 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1905/06 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 243 SESSION 1905. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on protection etc. London: 1905 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 244 HAWORTH, Charles Joseph. The Statute Law relating to river pollution. Second edition. London: 1906 Physical Description: 8". Red cloth

Volume 245 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Act. London: 1906; Charges Act. London: 1907; Various Powers Act. London: 1907 Physical Description: 2". Half calf

Volume 246 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Various Powers) Act. Superannuation and Provident Fund. Reports, etc. London: 1906-1913 Physical Description: Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 40 items with some in typescript. Early items dampstained.

Volume 247 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Draft Joint Report on Adequacy of the board's works for future requirements. London: 1906 Physical Description: 2". Black cloth

Volume 248 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Adequacy of the board's works for future requirements. Memoranda prepared by the Clerk.1906 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 14 items some in typescript with folding plates and maps. With the ownership inscription of Charles F. Marsh. Green cloth

Volume 249 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report by the Chief Engineer on the adequacy of the board's present works the provisions necessary for future requirements. London: 1906 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains folding plates and maps. Red cloth.

Volume 250 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Lee Valley) Bill. Notices, Bill, Petitions, Reports, etc. 1906/07 Scope and Content Note Contains 31 separately printed items. 2". Rebound. Several items signed by `A. B. Pilling', Clerk of the Metropolitan Water Board and author of the first work in this volume.

DA676 .S26 1785 65 1901 - 1910

Volume 251 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1906/07 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 252 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. (Monthly) Report on the condition of the Metropolitan Water Supply by the Water Examiner appointed under the Metropolis Water Act (for 1906). London: 1906 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 items.

Volume 253 QUINQUENNIAL VALUATION. Appeals to quarter sessions. Minutes of proceedings. 1906/07 Scope and Content Note Contains 14 separately printed items. 2". Rebound

Volume 254 The Reservoir Biography/Organization History The Reservoir, the journal of the Metropolitan Water Board Employees Association

RESERVOIR. The Reservoir. Vols. 1-3. London: 1906-09 Physical Description: 4". Scope and Content Note 12 monthly numbers per yearly volume. Red cloth

RESERVOIR. The Reservoir. A journal of the Metropolitan Water Board Employees' Association. From Vol. IV. No. 1, July 1909 to, No. 12, July1912 Physical Description: Small 4". Red cloth

RESERVOIR. The Reservoir. Monthly numbers. London: 1934-1963 Physical Description: 4". 4 vols. Red cloth

Volume 255 SESSION 1906. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on Boards Bill and protection etc. London: 1906 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 256 ACCOUNT OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Report of Departmental Committee on Accounts of Local Authorities. Volume I. Report; Volume II. Evidence, Index. London: 1907 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth

Volume 257 DUNSTABLE BOUNDARIES EXTENSION. Dunstable Boundaries extension inquiry, proceedings etc., 1907 Scope and Content Note Contains 12 more items some in typescript with folding plates and maps 2". Red cloth. With the ownership inscription of C. C. Hutchinson

PUBLIC HEALTH. The Public Health Act, 1875. Parish of Houghton-Regis1906. Physical Description: Brs.with

DUNSTABLE. The Local Government Act, 1888. Borough of Dunstable Parishes of Caddington, Houghton-Regis, and Kensworth. London: [1906] Physical Description: Brs

DA676 .S26 1785 66 1901 - 1910

Volume 258 LEE CONSERVANCY minutes of Proceedings (for the years):- 1907 to 1922, and 1945 to 1947 inclusive. Scope and Content Note Contains over 295 separately printed items. In all 9 volumes 2", red cloth

Volume 259 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Charges) Act. London: 1907 Physical Description: 4" Scope and Content Note Contains 2 separately printed items with extensive manuscript annotations

Volume 260 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Charges) Bill. Minutes of proceedings before joint committee. 1907 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label. Scope and Content Note Contains 18 items. The bill appears in draft and is extensively revised in manuscript

Volume 261 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Charges, etc.) Bill. Index to speeches, evidence and proceedings before joint committee.[1907] Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 10 printed items.

Volume 262 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Various Powers) Bill. Index to evidence and proceedings before Joint Committee. London: 1907 Physical Description: 2". Brown cloth

Volume 263 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Various Powers). Bill. Minutes of proceedings before joint committee. Act and Papers, etc. Session 1907. London: 1907 Scope and Content Note A substantial volume containing over 70 items. 2". Half red morocco, worn

Volume 264 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1907/08 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 265 SESSION 1907. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on Board's Bill and protection etc. London: 1907 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 266 WANKLYN, J. Alfred. Water Analysis. London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Träbner and Co., 1907 Physical Description: 8". Original cloth

Volume 267 GLENFIELD & KENNEDY. Catalogue of Kennedy's patented water meters. July, 1908 Physical Description: Small 4". Original green cloth

Volume 268 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Acts, etc. London: 1908-15 Physical Description: Small 4to. Scope and Content Note Contains 7 separately printed items. Red cloth

DA676 .S26 1785 67 1901 - 1910

Volume 269 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Annual Reports nos. 2 to 9. The Results of the Chemical and Bacteriological Examination of London Waters, 1908-1915. By Dr. A. C. Houston. Director of Water Examination. 1908-1915 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 8 separately printed items. Half red morocco. With the ownership inscription of Charles F. Marsh

Volume 270 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Chingford Reservoir. Verbatim Report of the speeches. Saturday 11th April, 1908 Physical Description: 2". Typescript

Volume 271 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. . October 24, 1908 Volume 272 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1908/09 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 273 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Verbatim Report of speeches... Walton Pumping station. Saturday October 24th, 1908 Physical Description: 4". Typescript

Volume 274 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Water examination department. Research Reports. First to thirteenth reports on research work. Dr. A. C. Houston, Director of Water Examination, Metropolitan Water Board. 1908 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note 13 reports bound together in half red morocco. With the ownership inscription of `Charles F. Marsh'

Volume 275 SESSION 1908. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on protection etc. London: 1908 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 276 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Fourth report on research work. London:1909 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 277 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Honor Oak Reservoir May 5th, 1909 Biography/Organization History Opening ceremony. Printed wrappers

Volume 278 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1909/10 Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items. 2". Half red morocco

Volume 279 SESSION 1909. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on protection etc. London: 1909 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 280 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Sixth report on research work. London:1910 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 68 1901 - 1910

Volume 281 SESSION 1910. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on protection etc. London: 1910 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 282 WATER SUPPLIES PROTECTION BILL. 1909 - 1910. Joint select committee of 1910. Evidence, Index, etc. [1910] Physical Description: Contains 6 items. 2". Red cloth

1911 - 1920

Volume 283 HERTFORD SEWAGE DISPOSAL WORKS. Local Government Board Inquiry. Hertford: 1911/15 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 4 separately printed items. Red cloth

Volume 284 HUMPHREY. Mr. Herbert A. Humphrey pumps and compressors. 12th November, 1910. Manchester: 1911 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 285 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (New Works) Bill. Minutes of Proceedings, etc. before Joint Committee. 1911 Scope and Content Note A substantial volume containing 70 items, some in typescript with some corrections in manuscript . 2". Red cloth

Volume 286 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (New Works) Bill. Petitions Against. London: 1911 Scope and Content Note Contains 64 separately printed items. 2". Red cloth spine

Volume 287 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (New Works) Bill. Book of Reference. 1911 Physical Description: 2". Cloth

Volume 288 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Walton Pumping Station. June 10th, 1911 Opening Ceremony[1911] Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 289 SESSION 1911. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on Board's Bill and protection etc. London: 1911 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 290 THAMES CONSERVANCY ACT. London: 1911 Physical Description: 4". Green cloth

Volume 291 THAMES CONSERVANCY Bill 1911 Minutes of Proceedings, Bill in Stages, Act, Papers and diagrams. [1911] Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 15 separately printed items numerous folding maps and diagrams. Red cloth

Volume 292 THAMES CONSERVANCY General report & statement of accounts, 1911, 1914-1923 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 11 separately printed items. Half red morocco

DA676 .S26 1785 69 1911 - 1920

Volume 293 WATER EXAMINERS REPORTS. Water Examiners Reports. London: 1911 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items

Volume 294 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1912/13 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 295 MODEL BYE-LAWS... for the prevention of waste, contamination or misuse of water. London: 1912 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 296 SESSION 1912. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on protection etc. London: 1912 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 297 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Chingford Reservoir. London: 1913 Physical Description: 4". Printed wrappers

Volume 298 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Pethick Brothers v. The Metropolitan Board. Monday 2nd December, 1912. [1913] Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 299 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Acts with indexes. 1913 & 1915. Physical Description: 4to, Red cloth

Volume 300 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Index to Proceedings before the House of Lords Committee. Lord Clinton, Chairman. London: 1913 Physical Description: 2". Green cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 2 items,

Volume 301 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1913/14 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 302 SESSION 1913. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on Board's Act and protection etc. London: 1913 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 303 ANNUAL REPORTS. Chief Engineers annual reports on sewage treatment 1914-1935 Physical Description: Half red morocco. Scope and Content Note Contains numerous items in typescript

Volume 304 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Model Bye-laws. XXI Prevention of waste, etc., of water. London: 1914 Physical Description: Printed wrappers.

DA676 .S26 1785 70 1911 - 1920

Volume 305 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1914/15 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items.

Volume 306 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Works and stores committee. Management sub-committee. London: 1914 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 8 separately printed items with manuscript index, typescripts, and annotations.

Volume 307 SESSION 1914. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on protection etc. London: 1914 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 308 SESSION 1914/15. METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on Board's Act and protection etc. London: 1914/15 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth

Volume 309 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD Acts, 1915 Physical Description: 2". Contains 8 items. Blue cloth

Volume 310 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Eleventh Report of Research Work. London:1915 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers.

Volume 311 METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. Reports of the Water Examiners. London:1915 Physical Description: 2". Contains 12 separately printed items. Original green cloth

Volume 312 RETURN. Return as to Water Undertakings in England and Wales. London: 1915 Physical Description: 2". Rebound

Volume 313 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Annual Reports nos. 10 to 17. The Results of the Chemical and Bacteriological Examination of London Waters 1916-1923. By Dr. A. C. Houston. Director of Water Examination.[1916 - 1923] Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 8 separately printed items. Half red morocco. With the ownership inscription of Charles F. Marsh

Volume 314 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Appeal against assessment. The Hertford Union Assessment Committee. London: 1916 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note With an item in typescript. Red cloth

Volume 315 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reports of the Water Examiners. 1916/21 Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains over 60 separately printed items.

Volume 316 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Eleventh Annual Report on the results of the chemical and bacteriological examination etc. London: 1917 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 71 1911 - 1920

Volume 317 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. On appeal from His Majesty's Court of Appeal (England). Between the Metropolitan Water Board, appellants and Dick Kerr and Co., Ltd., respondents. Appendix. Pleadings and Correspondence. In two volumes. London: 1917 Scope and Content Note With folding maps and plates. Printed boards, red spine

Volume 318 HAZEN, Allen. Meter Rates for Water Works. New York: 1918 Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth

Volume 319 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Twelfth Annual Report on the results of the chemical and bacteriological examination etc. London: 1918 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 320 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Board of trade. Interim, second and final reports of the water resources committee. London: 1919-1921 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Contains 3 separately printed items

Volume 321 LEE CONSERVANCY BOARD. The Lee Conservancy Board. River Lee Watershed (Flood Prevention) Act 1920. 28th October, 1920 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers Scope and Content Note Henry Stilgoe, Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Board

Volume 322 METROPOLITAN WATER ACT. Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the provisions and effect of the Metropolis Water Act, 1902. (Munro Committee). London: 1920 Biography/Organization History Henry Stilgoe, Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Board Scope and Content Note Contains over 30 items, some in typescript, with folding plans and diagrams. 2". Red cloth, front board damaged by damp

Volume 323 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Future Supplies of Water to the Metropolis. Report by Henry Stilgoe. London: 1920-1934 Physical Description: Contains 7 separate items of different dates, some in typescript. Some marked `Private and Confidential' Scope and Content Note Henry Stilgoe, Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Board

Volume 324 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Statements to the Departmental Committee appointed by the Ministry of Health to enquire into the provisions and effect of the Metropolis Water Act, 1902. London: 1920 Physical Description: 2". 12 items bound together in red cloth

Volume 325 ORDNANCE MAPS. For Ilford, Barking, Dagenham, LCC Housing Scheme. London: 1920 Physical Description: Cloth box

1921 - 1930

Volume 326 BRITISH WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION. Standing committee on water regulations. Specifications of standard water pipes and fittings. London: 1921 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 72 1921 - 1930

Volume 327 LEE CONSERVANCY BILL. Minutes of proceedings, petitions, etc. 1921 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 15 separately printed items. Red cloth

Volume 328 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD ACTS. 1921. Lee Conservancy, etc. 1921 Physical Description: 8". Red cloth

Volume 329 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Administration Committee. 26th January. London: 1921 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 7 separately printed items. Printed wrappers

Volume 330 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (charges) Bill. Minutes of proceedings, etc. before the joint committee. London: 1921 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains over 40 separate items some in typescript with manuscript emendations

Volume 331 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (Various Powers.) Act. Session 1921. Minutes of Evidence. 1921 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 10 items with some in typescript. Half black morocco.

Volume 332 SESSION 1921. Metropolitan Water Board (Charges) Act, 1921. Minutes of evidence. London: 1921 Physical Description: 2". Half morocco. Contains 3 separately printed items

Volume 333 SESSION 1921. The Thames Conservancy Act. 1921. Minutes of evidence. Joint Committee of House of Lords and House of Commons1921 Physical Description: Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 8 items and various typescripts and copies including the proof of the petition against the Bill by Henry Edward Stilgoe, corrected in manuscript.

Volume 334 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Ullswater enquiry into the Government of London, 1922-23 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 6 separately printed items

Report, Minutes etc. including KARSLAKE, John P. B. Confidential Metropolitan Water Board, Royal Commission on London Government Biography/Organization History J. B. P. Karslake, Chairman of the Metropolitan Water Board

DA676 .S26 1785 73 1921 - 1930

Volume 335 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Departmental Committee (Lord Newton). To enquire into the revenue and expenditure of the Thames & Lee Conservancies. Proceedings, statements etc. and Report of the Committee. London:1922 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note Contains 19 items with 2 in typescript. Red cloth

Volume 336 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT. Inter-departmental committee on the Thames Conservancy. Reply. London: HMSO, 1922 Physical Description: 2". Typescript

Volume 337 STILGOE, Henry E. The Littleton Reservoir for the Metropolitan Water Board. London: 1922 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 338 BELFAST WATER SUPPLY. Brief History of Belfast Water Supply October, 1923 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 339 BRITISH WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION. Model Bye-laws and regulations for the prevention of waste, contamination, or misuse of water. London:1923 Physical Description: Printed wrappers. Manuscript annotations

Volume 340 LEACH, Robert W. and LEACH, Charles Henry. Draft rating and valuation bill etc. London: Poor-Law publications, 1923 Physical Description: 8. Printed wrappers

Volume 341 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT. Inter-departmental committee on the Thames and Lee Conservancy. Report and appendices. London: HMSO, 1923 Physical Description: 2"

Volume 342 BRITISH WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION. The Purification of Water Supplies. London: 1924 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 343 KIRKPATRICK, R. The biology of waterworks. London: 1924 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 344 LAMBETH BRIDGE. London County Council (Lambeth Bridge) Act. London:1924 Physical Description: 2". Rebound in blue cloth, red label Scope and Content Note Contains 10 separately printed items and numerous typescripts. some emended in manuscript.

Volume 345 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on the census of 1921. London:1924 Physical Description: 4to. Printed wrappers

Volume 346 NO RECORD Volume 347 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD v assessment committee of Kingston Union and the Overseers of the poor of the Parish of Teddington. Case, Petitions, Evidence, etc. 1924-1926 Scope and Content Note A substantial volume containing 8 items. 2". Red cloth

DA676 .S26 1785 74 1921 - 1930

Volume 348 THAMES CONSERVANCY ACT. Minutes of evidence. 1924 Physical Description: Contains 13 separately printed items and numerous folding tables, diagrams and typescripts additions in proof of H. Stilgoe, Chief Engineer. 2" Rebound in blue cloth, red label. The Act, Bill, Minutes of Proceedings and Petitions

Volume 349 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Littleton Reservoir. Inauguration by His Majesty. 13th June, 1925 Physical Description: 4". Blue printed wrappers

Volume 350 STILGOE, Henry E. The Littleton Reservoir for the Metropolitan Water Board. London: 1925 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 351 WATER SUPPLY. Water Supply and Sewerage Systems of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Melbourne: 1925 Physical Description: 8". Original blue cloth Scope and Content Note With folding maps.

Volume 352 BARNET DISTRICT GAS AND WATER ACT. Minutes of evidence. 1926. April - June Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 10 separately printed items and numerous folding tables and diagrams.

Volume 353 BARNET DISTRICT GAS AND WATER ACT. Minutes of evidence. 1926. July - December Physical Description: 2". Half calf Scope and Content Note Contains 14 separately printed items and numerous folding tables and diagrams.

Volume 354 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Harpenden Water Order. Minutes of Evidence. London: 1926 Physical Description: 2". Half calf. Scope and Content Note Contains 3 separately printed items and 2 substantial typescripts

Volume 355 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Water pipes and fittings. Report of the committee... and model bye-laws. London: 1926 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 356 KING GEORGE RESERVOIR. Arbitration. King George Reservoir. North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co., and Metropolitan Water Board Minutes of evidence [in typescript], etc. In three volumes. 1928 Physical Description: 2". Half black morocco

Volume 357 SOUTH ESSEX WATERWORKS BILL. House of Lords. Minutes of Evidence. London: 1928 Physical Description: 366p + appendix. 2". Full morocco

Volume 358 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Inauguration of Kempton Park Pumping Station and works. 24th October, 1929 Physical Description: 2". Typescript

Volume 359 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Advisory Committee on Water. Second report of legislation sub-committee. London: HMSO, 1929 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 75 1921 - 1930

Volume 360 STILGOE, Henry E. The Kempton Park Pumping Station. London: 1929 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 361 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Kempton Park Works. Report by Sir Alexander Houston. London: 1930 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 362 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report of the sub-committee re burst water mains. December, 1930 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 363 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report by Henry Stilgoe on the electrolysis of water mains, pipes, etc. London: 1930 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 364 STANDING COMMITTEE... on water regulations. London: 1930 Physical Description: stapled pamphlet

Volume 365 THAMES CONSERVANCY. Land Drainage Act. 1930 Scope and Content Note Provisional plan of Thames catchment area. Map in colour. Linen backed. Green cloth

1931 - 1940

Volume 366 LEE CONSERVANCY. Catchment Board. Map of Catchment Area.1931 Physical Description: Red morocco

Volume 367 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. A few notes... with special reference to the New Walton Water Works. London: [1931] Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 368 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Selected engineering papers. River improvements. London:1932 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 369 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Inauguration of the remodelled pumping station and works. London: 1932 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 370 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Inauguration of New Works. 1st, November, 1932. London: 1932 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 371 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Deptford Pumping Station. London: 1932 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 372 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Surbiton Pumping Station. London: 1932 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 76 1931 - 1940

Volume 373 SOUTH WEST SUBURBAN WATER BILL. Brief on behalf of the Metropolitan Water Board and Proceedings before the Select Committee. London:1933-34 Physical Description: 2" Biography/Organization History Contains 7 items one in typescript, with folding diagrams and maps Scope and Content Note Green cloth.

Volume 374 SOUTH WESTERN SUBURBAN WATER. Session 1933-34. Proceedings etc. before the House of Commons Committee. London: 1933-34 Physical Description: 2" Scope and Content Note Contains 12 separately printed items and three in typescript with folding plans and diagrams. Red cloth

Volume 375 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Chief Engineers Annual Reports. 1934-1935 Physical Description: Copy of typescript. Scope and Content Note The Chief engineers own copy.

Volume 376 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Reports on public Health and medical subjects Bacteriological examination of water supplies. London: HMSO, 1934 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 377 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Acts. London: HMSO, 1921-1935 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth. Scope and Content Note Contains 6 separately printed items

Volume 378 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Bye-laws made by the Board on 13th July, 1934. London: 1935 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 379 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on the water supplies of the Kent District. London: [1935] Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers. Scope and Content Note Contains folding plates and diagrams

Volume 380 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Standing orders & regulations relating to permanent staff. London: 1935 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 381 MORNING POST. London Water Supply Supplement. Monday December 9, 1935 Volume 382 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE. Proceedings... Section of epidemiology and state medicine. Discussion on the problems of rural water supplies[1935] Physical Description: 4

Volume 383 TAYLOR, J. R., HUMPHRIES, Sir George, and FRANK, T. P. Report on Drainage with tables, diagrams, plans and appendices. London: HMSO, 1935 Physical Description: 2". Blue cloth. Scope and Content Note With folding diagrams and maps

DA676 .S26 1785 77 1931 - 1940

Volume 384 MUNICIPAL PROGRESS. A century of municipal progress. The last 100 years. London: 1936 Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth Scope and Content Note Authors include J. L. Hammond and E. Simon

Volume 385 PUBLIC SEWERS. Report... on the Public Sewers etc. London: HMSO,1936 Physical Description: 8". Blue printed wrappers

Volume 386 BRITISH WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION. Twenty-sixth annual general meeting and conference. London: 1937 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 387 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. A review of the Metropolitan Water Board during the years 1934-5 to 1936-7. London: 1937 Physical Description: Blue printed wrappers

Volume 388 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. The water supply of London. London: 1937 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 389 HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENTS. Highway Development Survey 1937. (Greater London). Sir Charles Bressey, and Sir Edwin Lutyens. London: HMSO, 1938 Physical Description: 2". Scope and Content Note With folding map. Red cloth

Volume 390 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. General information relating to the laboratories at the . October 1938. London: 1938 Physical Description: 4". Printed wrappers

Volume 391 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Opening of the new laboratories at the New River Head. October 1938. London: 1938 Physical Description: 4". Printed wrappers

Volume 392 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Standing orders of the board. London:1938 Physical Description: 16. Printed red wrappers

Volume 393 HENRY, F. J. J. The Water Supply and Sewerage of Sydney. Sydney:1939 Physical Description: 8". Red cloth

Volume 394 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Memorandum on the safeguards to be adopted in day to day administration of water undertakings. London: 1939 Volume 395 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Reports on public health and medical subjects The bacteriological examination of water supplies. London: HMSO, 1939 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 396 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. A review of the Work of the Metropolitan Water Board during the three years 1937 to 1940 Physical Description: Blue wrappers

Volume 397 ROYAL COMMISSION on the distribution of the industrial population. Report. London: 1940 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 78 1941 - 1950

1941 - 1950

Volume 398 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. A pure and wholesome water supply. London: 1942 Physical Description: 8"

Volume 399 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. The Thames Conservancy. London: 1942 Physical Description: 8"

Volume 400 BRITISH WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION. The war emergency water committee for the London Region. London: 1943 Physical Description: 8"

Volume 401 BUNGLE, J. H. O. Tideless Thames in Future London. London: 1943 Physical Description: Green cloth

Volume 402 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. London's water supply. London: 1943 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 403 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on the Metropolitan Water Board's Wells North of the River Thames. By P. G. H. Boswell. London: [1943] Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 404 DISPERSAL. An enquiry into the advantages and feasibility of the permanent settlement out of London. London: 1944 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 405 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. A national Water Policy. London: HMSO, 1944 Physical Description: 8"

Volume 406 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Bye-laws made by the board on 13th July, 1934... and 29th December, 1944. London: 1945 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 407 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD Bill. In Parliament House of Lords Session 1945. Minutes of proceedings etc. Before the Select Committee. London:1945 Scope and Content Note Contains 8 separately printed items and numerous folding plans and diagrams. 2". Half red morocco. With the ownership inscription of M. R. James

Volume 408 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. House of Lords. Session 1944-45. Petitions Against. London: Barber & Son, 1945 Physical Description: 2". Printed blue card wrappers. Scope and Content Note 33 petitions. With the ownership stamp of T. H. Davies

Volume 409 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. The purification of the board's river-derived supplies. Report by E. F. W. Mackenzie. London: 1945 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 79 1941 - 1950

Volume 410 SESSION 1944/5. Proceedings on the Water Bill. Physical Description: 8" Biography/Organization History Contains 9 separately printed items with some manuscript annotations and additions. Scope and Content Note Morocco.

Volume 411 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD Bill. In Parliament Session 1945-1946. Minutes of proceedings etc. Before the Committee.1946 Physical Description: 2". Red cloth Scope and Content Note Contains 40 items.

Volume 412 NO RECORD Volume 413 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Programme for the construction of new works. Report. London: 1946 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 414 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Reception at New River Head. 22nd November, 1946 Volume 415 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON GREATER LONDON WATER SUPPLIES. Replies by the M. W. B. to Committee's Questionnaire. London: 1947 Physical Description: In typescript. 2". Red cloth

Volume 416 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON GREATER LONDON WATER SUPPLIES. Index to the Minutes of Proceedings, Proceedings and Report. London: 1947 Physical Description: 2". 3 items. Red cloth

Volume 417 GREATER LONDON WATER SUPPLIES. Departmental Committee on Greater London Water Supplies. Minutes and proceedings and report of the committee. Ministry of Health 1947 Scope and Content Note Contains 14 items, some in typescript with folding maps and diagrams. 2". red cloth

Volume 418 GREATER LONDON WATER SUPPLIES. Departmental Committee on Greater London Water Supplies. Proofs of evidence.1947 Scope and Content Note Contains 23 separate items,some in typescript, with folding maps and diagrams. 2". red cloth

Volume 419 GREATER LONDON WATER AREA. Departmental Committee on Greater London Water Supplies. Proof of Mr. Arthur Collins. London: 1947 Physical Description: Green printed wrappers

Volume 420 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Report on the Metropolitan Water Board's Wells North and South of the River Thames. London: 1947 Physical Description: Original printed wrappers

Volume 421 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Staines New Reservoir. Inauguration, 7th November, 1947. London: 1947 Physical Description: 4to. Printed wrappers

Volume 422 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Standing orders of the board. London:1947 Physical Description: 18". Green printed card wrappers, cloth spine

DA676 .S26 1785 80 1941 - 1950

Volume 423 BRITISH WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION. Thirty-Seventh Annual general meeting and conference. London: 1948 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 424 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Bye-laws made by the board on 13th July, 1934... and 30th December, 1947. London: 1948 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 425 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Existing and proposed sources of supply. Report by H. F. Cronin. London: 1948. Scope and Content Note With coloured folding maps and plans. Printed wrappers

Volume 426 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. The Water Supply of London. London: 1949 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 427 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Brief description of the undertaking with notes on the works at Hampton, Kempton Park, Walton, and Deptford Well Station. London: 1949, 1951/2/3/4/5/6/7/9, 1963/4/5 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 428 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Bye-laws made by the board on 21st July, 1950. London: 1950 Physical Description: Printed green wrappers

Volume 429 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. The Drought - 1949. Report by H. F Cronin. London: 1950 Physical Description: Plates. Printed wrappers

Volume 430 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Some descriptive notes. London: 1950 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 431 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Walton New Filter Beds. Inauguration Thursday, 8th June, 1950 Physical Description: Green printed wrappers

1951 - 1960

Volume 432 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Extract from a report of the works and stores committee. London: 1951 Physical Description: Folio broadside

Volume 433 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Storage. Report by H. F. Cronin. London:1952 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 434 LONDON'S WATER SUPPLY. 1903-1953 : proof copy. London: 1953 Physical Description: 8". Cloth spine, boards. Interleaved with blank pages on which appear manuscript notes and corrections

Volume 435 LONDON'S WATER SUPPLY. 1903-1953. A review of the work of the Metropolitan Water Board. London: Staples Press, 1953 Physical Description: 8". 368p. Original red cloth Scope and Content Note Containing a presentation letter from W. S. Chevalier, Clerk of the board

DA676 .S26 1785 81 1951 - 1960

Volume 436 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Regulations relating to official staff. London: 1953 Physical Description: Printed wrappers

Volume 437 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Calculations and graphs showing the amount of storage required to meet varying demands for water from the Rivers Thames and Lee, during periods of drought similar to those years:- 1943-1944, 1933-1934, 1921. London: 1955 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 438 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Third international water supply congress, 1955. London: 1955 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 439 BERRY, G. C. Cymmrodorion Society's Publications. Sir and the New River. London: Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1957 Physical Description: Green printed wrappers

Volume 440 BONIFACE, Edward Sullivan. Some experiments in artificial recharge. London: 1959 Physical Description: 8". Printed green wrappers

Volume 441 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. A review of the work of the Metropolitan Water Board during the years 1956 to 1959. Presented... at the meeting on 23rd October, 1959 Physical Description: 8". Printed wrappers

Volume 442 WELDING. Welding and brazing and soldering of copper and its alloys. London: 1959 Physical Description: 8". Original green cloth

Volume 443 BULLOCH, William. The History of Bacteriology. London: 1960 Physical Description: 8". Green cloth

Volume 444 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Crayford Pumping Station. Inauguration of the remodelled station. Wednesday, 20th July, 1960 Physical Description: 2". Typescript. Printed wrappers

1961 - 1970

Volume 445 MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. River Lee Basin hydrological survey. London: HMSO, 1962 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 446 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Coppermills filtration and pumping station. Proposed new works. London: 1963 Physical Description: 2". Typescript. Printed wrappers

Volume 447 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Inauguration of the remodelled Staines and Walton Pumping Stations. Thursday, 24th September, 1964. London:1964 Physical Description: 2". Typescript. Printed wrappers

Volume 448 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Bye-laws made... 23rd October, 1964. London: 1965 Physical Description: 8". Blue printed wrappers

Volume 449 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Inauguration of the remodelled Wilmington pumping station. Thursday, 23rd September, 1965 Physical Description: 2". Typescript. Printed wrappers

DA676 .S26 1785 82 1961 - 1970

Volume 450 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Inauguration of the Lower Hall Pumping Station. Friday, 23rd, September, 1966 Physical Description: 2". Typescript. Printed wrappers

Volume 451 . The drainage of Wanstead and Woodford Fourth Interim Report. London: 1967 Physical Description: 2". Printed wrappers

Volume 452 METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD. Laying of the Foundation Stone at the Coppermills Works. Friday, 3rd May, 1968 Physical Description: 2". Typescript. Printed wrappers

Volume 453 MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Essex Water Survey Summary of report by C. H. Spens. Whitehall; [1969] Physical Description: Blue printed wrappers with folding maps and plates

Volume 454 MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. and adjoining areas Water Survey. Summary of report by J. W. M. Hawksworth Whitehall; [1969] Physical Description: Blue printed wrappers with folding maps and plates


Volume 455 SAVAGE, E. B. Sewerage and Sewage Disposal of a small town. London: Biggs & Co. Undated Physical Description: 8". Blue cloth

DA676 .S26 1785 83