No. 841,588, PATENTED JAN, 15, 1907. R

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No. 841,588, PATENTED JAN, 15, 1907. R No. 841,588, PATENTED JAN, 15, 1907. R. SHIPMAN, MEANS FOR PREVENTING SLIPPAGE OF TRACTION WHEELS, APPLICATION FILED MAY 3, 1906, 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1. KSN % S22NS SA R N No. 841,588, PATENTED JAN. 15, 1907. R, SHIP MAN. MEANS FOR PREVENTING SLIPPAGE OF TRACTION WHEELS, APPLICATION FILED MAY 3, 1906. 28HEETS-SHEET 2, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. NA RALPH 'SHIPMAN, OF SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. MEANS FOR PREVENTING SLIPPAGE OF TRACTION-WHEELs. d No. 841,588. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Jan. 5, 1907. Application filed May 3, 1906. Serial No, 815,0ll, To all whom it may concern: locomotive, only one of said branch pipes Beit known that IRALPH SHIPMAN, a citi being shown in the drawings. By turning zen of the United States, residing at Sun the crank 4 in one direction or the other the bury, in the county of Northumberland and valve 2 may be turned so as to throttle the State of Pennsylvania, have invented certain steam passing to both steam-chests or to per new and useful Improvements in Means for mit the steam to pass through freely. This Preventing Slippage of Traction-Wheels, of valve 2 is operated automatically, so as to which the following is a specification throttle the steam flowing to the steam My invention relates to means for auto chests and cylinders whenever the slippage of O matically regulating the power applied to the the driving-wheels exceeds a predetermined traction-wheels of locomotives or other mo amount--that is, in practice the traction tor-driven vehicles, so as to prevent slippage wheels of a locomotive hauling a train of cars of the traction-wheels. will have some slight and practically constant By means of my invention the motor may slippage, which may amount to, say, one apply full power to the traction-wheels up to revolution in twenty, fifty, or a hundred, the point where slippage of the wheels would and it is not desirable to reduce the power occur; but any sudden slippage of the wheels applied to the driving-wheels on account of or a slippage in excess of a predetermined this slight constant slippage which qccurs annount E. result in diminishing the power through various causes while the train is in 75 of the motor to such an extent that further operation under ordinary conditions. In slippage cannot take place. my invention, therefore, the throttle-valve is In carrying out my invention I provide a not operated to reduce the flow of steam for controlling device for throttling or otherwise this slight constant slippage, but any slippage varying the power of the motor and means which occurs in excess of the slight constant 25 operated by one of the traction-wheels and a slippage referred to will cause the throttle truck or trailer wheel for actuating this con valve to immediately throttle the steam to a trolling device to reduce the power of the sufficient extent to stop the wheels from slip motor when slippage occurs and to gradually 9. isease the power when the wheels cease to p fe automatic controlling of the throttle Slp . valve 2 is accomplished by the following In the accompanying drawings, which mechanism: On the axle 7 of one of the pony illustrate my invention, fg. 1 is a side ele truck-wheels 8 is secured a sprocket-wheel 9, vation of a locomotive having my improve which is connected by a sprocket-chain 10 to ments applied thereto. Fig. 2 is a plan view 8, sprocket-wheel 11, the latter being secured 90 35 of the governing mechanism for automatic to a counter-shaft 12, arranged parallel with ally throttling the steamwhen slippage of the the axle 7 beneath the boiler of the engine in driving or traction wheels occurs. Fig. 3 is a suitable hangers 13, only one of which is . section on the line 33 of Fig. 2. Fig. 4 is a shown in Fig.1. As practically no slippage section on the line 4 4 of Fig. 3. Fig. 5 is a occurs between the pony truck-wheel and the 95 40 side view of a portion of an electric-motor car track T, if the circumferential length of the having my improvements applied to a truck, wheel-tread is, for instance, one hundred and Fig. 6 is a plan view of the governing de inches, the pony truck-wheel will turn oncefor vice illustrated in Fig. 5. each one hundred inches of track traversed Referring to Figs. 1-4, inclusive, of the by the locomotive, and the number of revolu Od 45 drawings, A indicates in outline sufficient of tions of the counter-shaft will be directly in . a steam-locomotive for the purpose of illus proportion to the length of track traversed trating my invention. In the pipel, leading and its speed will be in direct proportion to from the steam-done of the boiler, is ar the speed of the truck-wheel. A sleeve 14 is ranged a controlling-valve 2, which is rotata loosely mounted upon the shaft 12, and this 50 bleby means of a rod or stem 3, extending sleeve has a sprocket-wheel 15 secured there vertically downward through the smoke-box to and connected to a sprocket-wheel 16 on of the locomotive and having secured to its one of the driving-axles 17 of the locomotive lower end a crank or lever 4. The valve 2 is by a sprocket-chain 18. The counter-shaft shown in the rear branch of the fitting 5, 12 and sleeve 14 turn in the same direction; C 55 which connects the pipe 1 with the branch but the sprocket-wheels are so proportioned pipes 6, leading to the steam-chests of the that the shaft 12 rotates at a slightly-greater 86,588 speed than the sleeve when the locomotive is the latter being connected to the engineer's operating without slippage of the drivers-as, reversing-lever 43 in the engine-cab. for instance, where R locomotive is drifting In Fig. 1 the engineer's lever is thrown with steam cut off. slightly forward of the center, and in this po The shaft 12 has a cam-hub 19 journaled sition the sleeve 38 is drawn away from the thereon, and this hub has at one end a V curved surface 29 of the shank of the pawl, shaped notch or recess 20. A cam-collar 21, permitting the tooth 34 of the pawl to en splined upon the sleeve 14, so as to rotate gage the ratehet-teeth. 36, as shown in Fig. 4. therewith and be movable longitudinally When the reversing-lever is in the central O thereon, has a wedge-shaped end 22, which position, the sleeve 38 is moved part way 75 fits within the notch or recess in the hub 19. onto the curved surface of the pawl and The wedge-shaped end of the collar21 is nor presses the head of the pawl into a central mally held within the W-shaped recess in the position, where neither of the teeth 34 or 35 hub by a spring 23, interposed between the will engage the ratchet-teeth. When the sprocket-wheel15 and the collar. The in reversing-lever is thrown back of the center, clined faces of the hub and collar form cam the spring-tooth 35 on the pawl comes into surfaces by means of which any rotation of engagement with the ratchet-teeth. In the hub and collar relatively to one another other words, when the engine is moving for will cause the collar to move longitudinally ward the pawl-tooth 34 engages the ratchet upon the sleeve 14 against pressure of the teeth atoneside of the shaft2. When the en spring 23. Normally the shaft 12 turns gine is moved backward, the tooth 35 of the faster than the sleeve 14; but a slippage of pawl engages the ratchet-teeth at the oppo the traction-wheel will cause.the sleeve 14 to site side of the shaft, and when the engine is move faster than the shaft 12. Means are stopped neither of the pawl-teeth engages the 25 provided for preventing the hub 19 from ratchet-teeth. The pawl-tooth 35, as shown moving faster than the shaft 12, and there in Fig. 4, is movable longitudinally within fore when the sleeve is turned faster than the head of the paw and normally pressed said shaft the hub being held down to the outward by a spring 44. The paw-tooth 34 speed of the shaft will cause the collar 21, is arranged to slide over or past the teeth 36 30 which turns with the sleeve, to move longitu when the shaft 12 is moving faster than the 95 dinally on the sleeve away from the hub. hub t9 in the direction indicated by the ar This longitudinal movement of the collar 21 row in Fig. 4, but to engage the ratehetteeth causes a lever 24 to rock about its pivotal 36 when the hub 19 tends to move faster point 25. This lever has an elongated eye or than the shaft in the same direction. Simi 35 slot 26 at its free end, which engages a pin 27 larly when the engine is reversed the spring OO upon the crank 4. It will be seen that any tooth 35 will slip over the teeth 36 when the movement given to the lever 24 will cause a shaft is moving faster than the hub and both movement of the throttle-valve 2, which is are moving in a direction opposite to that in connected to the lever by the rod 2 and crank dicated by the arrow in Fig.
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