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My,M~Lflijltl~Ffdu \'------­ A Review of Rail Behavior u.s. Department Under Wheel/flail Impact Of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Load ing ,/mY,M~lflijltl~ffDU \'---------­---- Office of Research and Development Washington DC 20590 D. R. Ahlbeck Batelle Columbus. Laboratories 505 King Avenue Columbus. Ohio 43201-2693 DOT -FRA-ORO-86-01 April 1986 This document IS avaliableto the DOT -TSC-FRA-85-5 Final Report Public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. RfPROOUCED BY NA Tl.ONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE u.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SPRINGFiElD, VA. 22161 NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. NOTICE The United States Government does not endorse products of manufacturers. Trade of manufacturers'names appear herein solely because they are con­ sidered essential to the object of this report. a... - Technical Report Documentation Page I. Repo"No~---------------------r~2~.~G~0-v-.-r"-m-e-n-t~A-c-c-e'-I~io-n~N-o.~---------r~3-.~R~e-c~iP-i-en-t~·'~C-ot-o~lo-g-N--0.---------------, DOT-FRA-ORO-86-0l 4. Till. and Subtitle s. Reporr Dale April 1986 A REVIEW OF RAIL BEHAVIOR UNDER WHEEL/RAIL 6. Perform,ng Orgoni zalian Caoe IMPACT LOADING TSC/DTS-73 r-:;--:-7""~:----------------------------------------------------~ 8. P .rformi ng Orgoni zation Repo,' No. 7. Author'.) / D.R. Ahlbeck _pOT-~SC-FRA-85-5 9. P .,forming_ O,gani &a'ion Nom. and 10. Worlo Unit No, (TRAIS) Batelle Columbus Laboratories RR6l9/R6654 505 King Avenue 11. Conrroct or Gran' No. Columbus, OH 43201-2693* r.-:::--:------:--:------:':""----~:-:-:------------------------------__t 13. T yp. of R .po,t and P.ri ad Ca.,.r.d 12. Sponso,ing Agency 1'4 ..... and Addr... Final Report U.S. Department of Transportation January - March 1984 Federal Railroad Administration Office of Resear=h and Development 14. Sponso,ing Ag.ncy Cod. Washington, DC 20590 RRS-3l IS. Suppl ....... tory Notos u.s. Depart~ent of Transportation Under Contract to: Research and Special Programs Administration Transportation Systems Center r"mh.,.;~..,.", M<!. n?l6.? ~'6~.-A~b~,t~,0~ct~--------~~~~~~~~~-----------------------------------~------~ This report discusses several studies involving factors that. significantly affect rail life, particularly wheel impact loads. Parameters that characterize the effect of wheel impact loads on rail behavior are examined in terms of system variables such as geometry. material properties, loads, and track conditions that affect stresses which in turn control the mechanism, probability, and mode of failure. Quantitative descriptions of wheel/rail load characteristics typically encountered were obtained from a review of the literature and results from recent laboratory and field measurements. 17. I<ey Words 18. Dis".ibulion Statement DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC Impact Loads, Surface Geometry, Rail THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL Joints, Wheel Flats, Rail Surface INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD, Profiles VIRGINIA 22161 19. Securi ty Clossi!. (of thi I report) 20. Security Clolli!. (of thi s page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 102 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed, page Quth",rized PREFACE The research reported herein combines portions of several studies sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Railroad Administration (DOT/FRA). Two of these programs that were managed by the FRA/Office of Research and Development (ORD) and the Transportation Systems Center (DOT/TSC) of Cambridge, MA, the "Characterization of Wheel/Rail Loads" and "Analysis of Service Stresses in Rails", were both conducted by Battelle's Columbus Laboratories. More recent work on impact loads has been conducted under Development of Safety Criteria for Evaluating Concrete Tie Track in the Northeast Corridor for the DOT/FRA Office of Research and Development. Special thanks are given to Dr. Oscar Orringer of DOT/TSC and to Mr. Howard Moody of DOT/FRA for their contributions and suggestions over the course of these studies. Thanks also to Robert Prause, Dr. S.G. Sampath and Harold Harrison for their contributions and encouragement as project managers for Battelle. Preceding page blank iii METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS 9 23 Approximilte Convenion, to Metric M8i5Ure5 _ Approximilte Conveuion5 from Metric MeiliUrei -- 22 --- _ Symbol When You Know Multiply by To Find Symbol Symbol When You Know Multiply by To find Symbol .21 8 - _ ~ LENGTH LENGTH - ---I".. mm ml·11· Imala.. 004·. ,nch.. on. cm CBnlimalan 0.4 incha, in in incha. -;l.Ii cenlimele,. cm 7 18 m malan 3.3 'H' h h 'aal JO cen',melan cm =-- m malan 1. I yarda yd yd yard. 0.9 mala" m == 17 km kilom"a.. 0.6 mil.. mi mi milea 1.6 kilomelan km - 16 AREA AREA 6 - 16 cm2 aquar. aonilmillan 0.16 aquala inchoa in2 in2 aquala Incha. 6.6 aqual. can.imala.. crn2 m2 Iquara mala.. 1.2 aqUllla yard, ytil hI aquala ' ..I 0.09 aquala melan m2 - kml aquA,a kilomola,. 0.4 aqUIII' mil.. miJ vtil aquara yald, 0.8 aquala melar, rn2 14 hll heClalli. 110,000 rn21 2.6 aa'n mil aqual. m,l. 2.6 lQual. kilomelan krn2 IeIn 0.4 hecta,a. ha - 13 ~. 6------~ < - MASS (weight. MASS (weighl. 12 o. ounce. 28 (I'lima II -- 11 II IIram, 0.036 ouncea 0. lb. pound. 0.46 kilog,am. kll = kll klloll'lIma 2.2 pound. Ib ahon lonl 0.9 lonna, 4 =-- 10 lonna. 11000 kill 1.1 I!hOrllOnl 12000 Ibl VOLUME - 9 VOLUME lip laaapoon, 6 ml - 8 ml millilila" 0.03 flUId ouneaa " 01 Tbap LIIblaapooOi 16 millililan ml 3 I h.a,. 2.1 plnn PI fI 0. flUId OCInca JO milloli,e,a ml _ 7 Ilia,. 1.06 Quant ql C cupa 0.24 Ilia.. I I.. ar, 0.26 l1li11001 1181 PI pinn 0.41 m1 cubic mala.. 36 cubIC ,... hl q! qU1I'1i 0.96 6 m1 cubic mll'o.. 1.3 wblc yarda y~ gal Qlllloo. 3.8 lilO,. _ Itl cubic '.al 0.03 cubIC mo.a.. m) 2 6 TEMPERATURE lexactl vdl cubIC va,da 0.16 a.oblc mllilir. ml TEMPERATURE lexactl 4 0C CaliOu, 9/6 (rhan fahlanhoi. Of - lampera'u,o IIdd 321 l.mpelalUla Of fahlanhall 6/9 (ahll' Calaiua 0C J lamperalura ,ubtraClinli lamperalura Of 321 - 2 Of 32 98.6 212 - -40 0 140 80 t 120 160 2001 'I In. - 2.&4 cm I... cllvl. for olher .. aci conwerllonl and mora d ...11 .. bl..... - I I I ,I II I I I I ,I 1,'. I I, • I I " 1,1 I, I N8S Mlac. Publ. l8e. Unlu of Wel"lu and M.alUl_ Pllc. $2.210 SO C... IOII -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 No. CJ3 10286. inchlli - cm 0c 0 31 oc TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BACKGROUND 3 2.1 Rail Joints 3 2.2 Wheel Flats 7 3. EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS 10 3.1 Field Experiments 10 3.2 Rail Joint Impact Loads 12 3.3 Flat Wheel Impact Loads 18 3.4 Rail Longitudinal Strain 29 3.5 Laboratory Rail Impact Experiments 36 4. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF IMPACT LOADS 49 4.1 The Mathematical Model 49 4.2 Rail Joint Impact Loads 60 4.3 Flat Wheel Impact Loads on Wood-Tie Track 64 4.4 Flat Wheel Impact Loads on Concrete-Tie Track 72 5. EXPERIMENTS ON THE NORTHEAST CORRIDOR 74 5.1 Rail Surface Profiles 75 5.2 Model Predictions 84 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 88 REFERENCES 89 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 3-1 LAYOUT OF WHEEL/RAIL LOAD TRANSDUCERS FOR DIFFERENT WAYSIDE TEST SECTIONS 11 3-2 VERTICAL WHEEL/RAIL LOADS UNDER INSTRUMENTED TRUCK OF TEST CAR (HOPPER CAR, 70-TON LOAD), EASTBOUND AT 65 MPH 13 3-3 EXAMPLE OF BOLT HOLE STRAINS AND WHEEL LOAD AT INSTRUMENTED JOINT, TEST SECTION 1 (BJR TRACK), LEAD TRUCK OF TRAILING 8-AXLE (DDA-40X) LOCOMOTIVE UNIT, WESTBOUND AT 68 MPH 15 3-4 EXAMPLES OF RAIL JOINT IMPACT LOADS MEASURED BY INSTRUMENTED WHEEL ON LOADED HOPPER CAR (JOINT /150, 4000 SAMPLES/SECOND, 25,800 LB WHEEL LOAD) 17 3-5 EXAMPLES OF WHEEL/RAIL LOADS UNDER NORMAL AND FLATTED WHEELS AT SHORT MEASUREMENT SITES, SMOOTH TANGENT TRACK, WESTBOUND FREIGHT TRAIN AT 46 MPH 19 3-6 FLAT WHEEL IMPACT WITHIN VERTICAL CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT ZONE - TEST SECTION 2 (CWR TRACK), ADJACENT TRUCKS OF 100-TON COVERED HOPPER CARS IN WHEAT UNIT TRAIN AT 46 MPH . 20 3-7 FLAT WHEEL IMPACT WITHIN EXTENDED VERTICAL MEASUREMENT ZONE IN CWR TRACK, ADJACENT TRUCKS OF 100-TON HOPPER CARS, 65 KM/H (40 MPH) TRAIN SPEED 22 3-8 STATISTICAL PLOTS OF VERTICAL WHEEL/RAIL LOAD PEAKS, SUMMARY OF SEVEN MEASUREMENT SITES ON CWR TRACK, ALL SPEEDS 23 3-9 COMPARISON OF EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION CURVE WITH CUMULATIVE HISTOGRAM OF DYNAMIC LOAD INCREMENT OCCURRENCE GREATER THAN 4 KIPS 25 3-10 COMPARISON OF THEORETICAL EXCEEDANCE CURVES WITH MEASURED DYNAMIC LOAD INCREMENT DATA FOR LIGHT AND HEAVY CARS, ALL SPEEDS 26 3-11 VERTICAL W/R LOAD AND RAIL LONGITUDINAL STRAINS UNDER WHEELS OF ONE TRUCK, CENTER OF CRIB AREA -- RUN 18-14, 47 MPH, BJR TANGENT TRACK SECTION 30 3-12 EXAMPLE OF RAIL HEAD STRAINS UNDER CHANGING TRANSVERSE POSITION OF THE W/R CONTACT PATCH-RUN 18-14, 47 MPH, BJR TANGENT TRACK SECTION 31 vi LIST OF FIGURES (CONT.) Figure 3-13 EXAMPLE OF LONGITUDINAL RAIL STRAINS DURING LATERAL LOADING AND HARD FLANGE CONTACT -- RUN 18-14, 64 MPH, BJR TRACK SECTION 32 3-14 EXAMPLE OF LONGITUDINAL STRAINS UNDER FLAT WHEEL ON EMPTY CAR -- RUN 18-15, 55 MPH, BJR TRACK SECTION 34 3-15 EXAMPLE OF LONGITUDINAL RAIL STRAINS UNDER FLAT WHEEL ON LOADED CAR -- RUN 31-14, 50 MPH, CWR ~RACK SECTION 35 3-16 DIMENSIONS OF RAIL IMPACT EXPERIMENT 38 3-17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF RAIL IMPACT EXPERIMENTS 39 3-18 STRAIN GAGE RESPONSE TO LONGITUDIN.AL IMPACT AT RAIL END, NEUTRAL AXIS (LONGITUDINAL GAGES ON UNDERSIDE OF RAIL HEAD) 40 3-19 STRAIN GAGE RESPONSE TO VERTICAL IMPACT DIRECTLY OVER GAGE #1 (LONGITUDINAL GAGES ON UNDERSIDE OF RAIL HEAD) 41 3-20 STRAIN GAGE RESPONSE TO VERTICAL IMPACT 1 METER BEYOND GAGE #2, AVERAGE OF 10 IMPACTS (LONGITUDINAL GAGES ON UNDERSIDE OF RAIL HEAD) 43 3-21 AMPLITUDE SPECTRUM OF STRAIN GAGE #1 RESPONSE TO VERTICAL IMPACT DIRECTLY OVER GAGE 44 3-22 AMPLITUDE SPECTRUM OF STRAIN GAGE #2 RESPONSE TO VERTICAL IMPACT AT GAGE #1 (21 IN.
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