Mapping Status and Roles of Javanese Women in Indonesian Literary Texts
PEMETAAN STATUS DAN PERAN PEREMPUAN JAWA DALAM TEKS SASTRA INDONESIA MAPPING STATUS AND ROLES OF JAVANESE WOMEN IN INDONESIAN LITERARY TEXTS Esti Ismawati Program Pascasarjana Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten Abstract Status and roles of Javanese women in Indonesian literary text has been written in the form of short stories, novels, and romances, as seen in Umar Kayam, YB Mangunwijaya, Arswendo Atmowiloto, Nh Dini, and Ahmad Tohari, but until now no one has diccussed it scientifically. This paper describes status and roles of Javanese women in Indonesian literary texts from the colonial era, independence era, today’s era, and Javanese women in reality, because the literary texts are the reflection of the society. Are there changes within the status and roles of Javanese women in Indonesian literary texts and in the reality? The methods used in this research are descriptive method for the Javanese women in literary texts and survey for the Javanese women in the reality. The techniques used are bibliography technic (reading appreciation) for literary text and indepth interview and questionnaire. It can be concluded that the status and roles of Javanese women in Indonesian literary texts and in the reality changes from era to era. The changes includemindset and lifestyle change. There is no difference between the status and roles of Javanese women in Indonesian literary texts and in the reality. Keywords: Javanese women, status, roles, literary texts, reality Abstrak Status dan peran perempuan Jawa dalam teks sastra Indonesia telah banyak ditulis dalam bentuk cerpen, novel, dan roman, sebagaimana tampak dalam karya Umar Kayam, YB Mangunwijaya, Arswendo Atmowiloto, Nh Dini, dan Ahmad Tohari.
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