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|.ll i T f;>M Tl -re‘ ■ ■ ™ ■it V- U • Avarsg* IM y CfemiktlBii tlsiA^ Far tba Maotti aC Maireh, 1848 off 0 . R teU&TEEIt Ba H j r D A T . m a r c h 80, II iWanflygHtgr nittg Ifgralb V ^ , 0 4 2 Otoudy and act aa eaid wM il teied Hgiit ahewera toaight; Meoaher of tha AoSIt day partljLalandir aad w aaa ihougbt that the ’ man had, • said ” I'U ride on the back. ” So he al Rureau of CIrealattoas About Town lowed him a couple of seconds to All Is Ready Mfmeheffpr— City of yUlnge Charm Heard Along Main Street get around the truck and then INSURE ' Mlu Pauline Beebe and her shot out of the fire station, pre Manchester Children With For Show Here (OlaaaUM Adverttetog an Page 18) • MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONbAY, APRIL 1, 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE C !mother, of Maple etreet. who hkve ceded by Chief Foy, eirens blast McKINNEt BROTHER' VOL. LXV„ NO. 154 been vacationing: in St. Petem- And on Some o f Manche»ier'» Side Streets, Too ing their right of' way. FiitiirKOttcens of .ToWu as They Appear Today Baal-Bstoto aaB tox w B f f , , burg for the paat two week* are YOU can tnuigine their embar-"* ................ 44 BBB MAIN ST. A- expected home tomomm’. 'Manchester's streets are in • pieces. Perhaps the privacy of the rasisment when, upon arriving on Pep Parade” Made Up A their usual bad aprlng condition- back yard is best after all. the scene of the fire, there was no VUlageri Flee Erupting VolcEno Sunaet Council. Degree of P<K.a- bad on springs, that ia. W f’v* However, may I suggest this. fireman on the back of the truck Mostly of Local Talent hnataa. w’ill precede it« meet'ns heard a -lot of complaints about During the warm months when the and no extingu isher.H ow ever, To Be Given Russia’s Payment 400,000 Soft Coal Monday evening at the Xipier club* the holes in the highways in town men can go to the back It w o«ld since the fire w’ss but a short dis houjM with a dinner at 6:30 at The - most folks claiming that- the ' be a good idea t o ' do so In view tance from the station it was but SIMONIZING ^ Sheridan, In honor of the visitation streets here sre far worse than in of sanitation, but when the snow a matter of minutes before they Rehearaala ara progressing of the Great Pocahontas, Clnra neighboring towns. I lies ankle-deep let the men collect sighted the puffing and perspiring; nicely for the home talent show, The Body Shop Method^ FerriSt and her staff. Members ffrom the sidewalk. As I recall fireman coming over a rise on "Pep Pqrade,” sponsored by the Of Dues Arouses A VeSnon man who trades in are requested to bring their gifts 1 there were few’ people who cared ."pruce street csrrj’Ing the extin Ehcchange Club for production SO LIM ENE A FLAG G. Ii|e’ Manchester told us the other day BS4 OaMtv S I TM. BIBII MinerS\in Stoppage; ' if the collector plowed through guisher. April 2 and . 3 at the Manchester for the gift party Monday eve^ that he was driving into town and nlng. and all returns roust be made ; drifts, or tried to prv a frosen High school auditorium. seVeraJ bad apota were hit jostl garbage pail o ff the ground, It is a secret who has been on the tickets before the Qrawinx ing the driver and his wife con Andrew Ellison, former, loopf- Full Team Hopes that evening. j Intereated cboaen to enact the part of Guaaie siderably. His wife remarked. fixer In the broad goods weaVmg Peck who "rules the roost" In the • Well, we’re In Manchester when mill St Cheney Brothers, told us Attention of all residents in the We imderstsnd that Howard Peck household which Includes her we stmt hitting the- bumps.” • the other day that whep he came WASHING MACHINES Steel antes Pine Acres section is directed to Keeney, c h ie f'o f the Manchester Iiuabkhd, Henry, played by Ralph to Manchester fi-om fJOrthern Ire REPAIRED - ALL MAKES] Members of Other Ten \ the open meeting at the Y.M.C.A., A recently dls<^hsrged veteran , Fire department has placed one Villaine and thair daughter, Judy, A rm y Plans Is .without the Use of b|s car st of the accepted duties of firemen land in 1866—just fid years ago- MIsa Hope Sullivan. ' 10 Yean* Experienee! X Monday eveningv April 1. under the the local Salvatloh Arm y corp.s Delegations on Secur auspices of the Pine Civics- Astso- present • he^ti.se of two badiv on his ’’definitely won't” list. Guaaie haa her heart aet on Reneoanble Rates! was just orgapheing its band. The Back Up ^Vaditioiial Pol ciatlon. The principal speakers broken springs. He was driving That's climbing trees to remove Judy’s marrying Keith Trevelyan ity Goundl Count bandsmen needed in.strumenfs and A. BR EW ER , , M ay Tests will be Arthur H. tiling, superin I up Hartfonl road the other night frighfened 'sts. It seems he was ;Norman Phillips), whom ahe Wage Dispute Forces, icy as Contract Ex they didn’t have the funds to com Teiepbona 2-0549 or 2-0248 i Three Developments tendent of Manchester schools, and when ^he. hit a had hole In the road, in the act of doing just such a fondly refers to as a banker, but lie, t ouldn’t see the hole to avoid pletely outfit themselves with new Judy ia determined that the man pires ul MidniglU; Attorney Charles S. House, ch-u- kindly deed one day recently but inatrumenta. In FRVor o f Hope for man of the Board of ICducation. IpWiecHuse of the lights on an ap- the cat didn’t appreciate it— and' In her life ahCll be Tommy Mead O f Rockets proHching car. He can’t afford Somehow they learned that a ows, (Robert Weigbid) who Uvea Ending of Ahsehce Tie-Up 0/ 7Va/isjoorf]^aiioni,.g siarted The subject for discussion will be it showed Its lack of appreciation local man. the late James Camp the proposed hew school for the to ht^’e repairs made just now and next door and la Stpdying at the he sought help from the town, but In a way not exactly pleasing to bell, father of former Police Cap GoVcrnnienl Orders t«» West Side. Ag. College. at last report he wssn’t getting Chief Keeney. So no more cat tain. the late William R. Camp LIST YOUR New York, April 1.— (/P>-- To Push Development rescues for him. Mra. Suzanne Faizoite, a pro Insur^x Supplies for very far. bell, owned a whole band outfit fessional with five yeara before Russia's payment in full o f H u n d r ^ o f that he was willing to sell. They PROPERTY As Atomic Age Weap^ WorkcFS Line The past winter has been un the footlights with the Ziegfleld her dues in tho United N a Urgent 20 Bl*jsl Our tavern reporter wonders If approached him and found that on; Retusemhled Ger usually hard on road surface, but Follies, an Aunt Hattie Hotchkiss W ITH -THIS a g e n c y tions gave a boost today to Furnoceii Fa^e.Bankirtg FULLER BRUSH it would seem the harsh winter some places he has visited aren't he had Just about the equipment throws the “ money wrench" Into using the beer shortage to do a they wanted. The instrumentn. FOR tl(l(!K RESULTS hopes that the Security coun man V-2s to Be Used f^ Trampor^n or AkrOn Curbs would affect roads In other towns * the works, however, when ahe ar AND READY CASH! ss well ss Manchester—or are little profiteering. He repotts that were all shined up and in fine rives enriched by the death of hei cil win soon be running on a n^olk to Work Today ^ Pittsburgh, April f DEALERS in one place in particular he was condition. Mr.’ Campbell gave there more village ways about husband and proceeds to take Singlea. 2-Famlly Honaea. Bual- full team basis,. It has been Waahingthnt April 1.— (97—The A work stoppage by theSia- Manchester than just charm? told there was no beer on draft, the Salvationists a good price on over. There’s only one trouble neas Locariona or Suburban one man short since Wednes Inhabitants of nearby vlllages flee by boat from the erupting Japanese volcano Mount Sakura Jims Detroit, April 1.—< ; ^ a ! T o G c t R i d c S but he was offered all the bottled the lot and they bought the equip Aunt Hattie has a mania for Property. Army signalled Its bitention today tion’s Boft coal miners, W k- CALL 2-1254 ment. (background). Driven from their homea they <fi>me ashore on Kyiuhu, southern Island of the main beer he could pay for. j t ’e hie idea phony fortube tellers and a» day when Russian Delegate to push the development o f rockets tie-up of Detroit's municipal-' ing up the traditional “no A reader sends in the following Japanese group.— (AP wlrephoto). that there's more money in bpttled They learned that Mr. cismpbell present is in the clutches of Ma GEORGE L. GRAZIAD IO Andrei Gromyko walked out la aa an atomic age weapm hy ached ly-owned transportation sys contract, no work” policy of opinion on the garbage collection had purchased the band equip protest against the oouhril’a ra- Strike of Transport Un* beer and a higher price is charged dame De La Claire, Mra.