James M. Shearer
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«W>4nB ^pvoit tfaMi twioa tba psr napita tax _____ “• ^ avscfif* chat far gradad w m litU M laat yaar. K the tata la lewletWw t ttar o mse4lhg.;tha taduetkw at a mai ft«m Iw yaac’a rstwwiu ms OaoBcU, 116 ■ Locii Ddegatioa to Go that a p n o ^ owner'a tax bin wUi ^V0L.LVL,N0.134 : am ra g a 18i) |At Rate of 24 Mifls Eack MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) wlU BiMt la h* laps this yaar fay o s* dollar - for Pod^ SM M Fiuk Sif- PRICE THREE CEM1 E •MRtMr awTBtnf at each thousand doUan. of tbs I Importifit matinat to Hartford for CoiVai-| Person Wodd f l i j H a Od value of his property. tm Vtm i M d tc n a O a t will ba bald Tim a v o rv * amount o t tax paM fio Fini Lost Dunfs ItOBiwr BigM at Tinker hall. two Tiiii Afternoon. W M anehestar rastdanta this yaar. JAPAN ADOPTS Moch, Figiret lbdicat& If tha 34-mlIl rot* la adoptad, wUl b* Estinated d $10,000. LABOR’S LEAGUE thla raomiog eas than tan eants a day. BIG MANHUNT IS ON a t ' thee public Sixteen members at the Ifanchas. A NEW POUCY : at Mala aad 8 t JaaieaIiRtaeta A l a year’a property tax .burden. ortjr pndaltaad the t|aia at day ter Toung Repubitean club will at Eire on ^ fxrm of Frank S4g - TO SQUEEZE FOR If the adjourned annual town maet- « a a m. om rtat oiaat twaety adar tend the annual convention of the AiURAHiH A crraira Uo ta Buckingham’s John Item BUI a( IM aaid a qnaitar at aleraa. Iffg Monday night ta High aehaol AFTER AN ATTEMPT state Junior GOb organisation m section last night the TOWA^ CHINA laiV hrraat%ator aaglaetad to hall adopt* the aeleetmen’* reeoni' COURTCHANGE Hotel Bond, Hartford today. main poultry building. 3 is foot tong aaaartala wtat Ubm it was by the mendaUoo o f a 34-mlU rate, wUi Chapman OouH. Older at Am a ihartfc« dadc fhea, aatiaSed to as- At 1:80 p. m., shortly before the and threa stortsa high, a $d4.12 for OBch wooibb ranth, at Its meettag laat night la a iia a t | »t t t aras not yet aoon. buaineas meeting of the convention Sito DistTows Territorial and child In town. the Mawnic Temple, Initiated two loss eatlmatod at $10,000. i « TO SLAY OFnCIA opens in the ball room of the beteS, "Non-Partisan” Group Plans Garden club wiU the local delegation will meet to The average per capita tax candidates, and made, plans for Henry Sagllo, eon df Frank Mag- liakl tti March a>eetinc Monday elect a chairman and determine the based on the State Board of H ^ t h ’s St. Patitek’s party to follow the Uo, w u ta the Goodwtil Grange haU Hope Beyond Great WaD, ta Glastonbury where tbs Bnektegt' a Drive On Congress m •eawitiv at 7:80 la the Robbins room policy it win follow. Representa f - : estimate of ■34,725 as Manchester’s ifieetlng, March 19. M n . Fredericka at Osatar dinrch house. The guest tive William J. Shea win likely be present populaUon. ham Dramatic club was putUng oA Birton Fitte Los V.' U A 34-mllle rate, on the grand Uat Spies* will be la charge of the pro- the drama "SUas Smtdge From llir -' D echres China Most Be 6,000 ON STRIKE i^aalMr will be J. A. Maater, pro* chosen chairman. Behalf of the Measure; A. tanior a t eatemoloty at OconecUeut u revised by the Board of Relief, g n m and roqueata every member to nip Ridge” when be received warS A member of the Mancbeater club wUl raise 8843.607.41, next to the that the fire was at Ms bema. BA District Attoniej/ M at* OsOage. who win give an may be nominated at the aama time, . __________________ -_________________________________ __________ wear aoipathtag green or he prepar Treated As Japan’s EqnaL lOuatzatsd lecture on "Nature sm^est ,iroperty tax levy of the ed to pay a forfeit Mrs. Astrid left for home at once to" try to F. of L , C. L 0 . in Accord. IN A CHEVROLET for onp of the county organisation school wUl take the parts of students to the genteel school Uught by Isst eight years. Allowtag for the Inee^. Msmberi are urged to at- Dougaa and her - committee w U tect his 0,000 egg electric ineui As He Drives Aloie tani aa iaaportaat buaineas rward* “ - from hem. Sir James Barrlee delightful c o m W which le to p ^ taoraase ta population, this year’s which was filled to capacity. & h ota^'^*fU iS8**^ teachers of Manchester for the beneflt of the EducaUonal O u b and the Ver- serve sppropriata refreshments. Tokyo, March 8.— (A P ) — Japan kw Am April maeUiig win be tax burden per person la the amall- 'riia Glastonbury Firs Senatorial district and Hartlord eet ta the lain tm years. The Amanath Sewing club will dlaavowed any Intentio^. of tent- Washington, March A— (AP) —* COMPAW PLANT An htteraated trill be •^k*>t, are as foUows: Msry, Flora Pickles; Isabella, a horrid Uttle girl who meet at the home of Mrs. Dougaa under the direction of M. J. His Home; Had B eei ba attend thla lecture. county cawnisea to partake in the Btacept for the large collection ot toslal aggression ta China today apd Labor’s Non-PartlBan League set eleetion of diiitrlct and county myateries of algebra, Betty Barstow; m im 281 8ebo(d atreet Friday evening, fought the fire tUI the water sumiljF back" taxes this year the.tag rate pledged heraelf to a new policy built out today to bring pressure on Con Dr.' Ward B. Greaa and Mia. oSioes. vTould have to be 30 mins ta order to M airh 13. at 7:30. was used up. Then, unbanmered, thfi tive Against Sit fire hsd fuU force unUI the hutldlfiff on a keystone of "equality" ta deal gress ta favor of the Roosevelt pro Other Units A re Forced to Gtaan at Parkar atreet w iU'laara Delmtea an RepreaeaUUve balance the budget. Tha court has received lavltstiona - tefliBRow on n vaenUan tfiD Through a new policy adopted this to attend a card party sponsored by was mtirely consumed.^ ~ IS ing with her great continental posal to revamp the Supreme Court. Shea, President Sedrick Straugbaa, A caU was sent to the South Mail- Strikers in Aircraft thrwigh the South. They will vlsU former President Aaron Cook, form year by the selectmen, the rate to be tha groad court at tha Masonic neighbor. 8\>relgn Minister Naotake ‘The President has chosen this path Close Because of Dispate tkatr aan. Ward, a student at R iv recommended by the wae Temple ta West Hartford, March IS Chester Fire department and No. S —the only path—toward his human er Chairman Sherwood G. .Bowen tag of Chamber of Commerce at T arrived at 9:00 but It .vrafi too_tata Sato launched Japeui on the "new aM da MUltaty Academy, Galims- of the Board of Selectmen, Attor m ^ e Itoown two weeks ta advance at 8 o’clock." A larga attendance itarian objectives,” President George M.C.A. of the town meeting. Last year, be to save MyU-jug. T8ey had ijooo deal” for China to the cheera of Gaacgla, who with Herbert ney Raymond R. Bowers, Mias SALVAH0N ARMY K. OF C. SETBACK POINTS from courts la this section of the L. Berry told the league's national Over Refusal of Finn to Los Angeles, March 8.— (A P) rwhMM at thla toam, aaother atu- March 19— Radio Star Concert at cause the adjourned seeeion came state. Is hoped for by Urn Ways and feet of %ose which would havg Parliament stirred by his announce Bdith WUaon, Bvaiett T. McKlansy North Methodist church. ment. Japan, he declared ta a maid convention. "It Is up to those who An attempt to assasslnal dM t at the academy, la at present earlier ta the month, the voters hsd Means committee of tha grand reached Jola Brothers Ice pond tf supported him for reelecUon last fall at the Board at Bducatkm and the Also Irish tea party and enter nc ides of the atae of the grand Ust en apeeefa on hla policy, must aban Discharge a Workman. Attorney Huron Fitts, noted a i HoUywood-to-the'sea, Florida. Board at Relief, joaeph Sytveater, NOT ENOUGH TO WIN court which Is In charge. they had ben notified when the fire to follow him now." Dr. aad Mr*. Gteim also plan to EXECUTIVE HERE tainment at Orange ball by Daugh or the propoeed tax rote untU the first atarted which was about • don her auperiority complex ta or cutor whose most recent aetlan Attorney Charles O’OuwA McLean ters of Liberty. Fidelity Court. No. 18. wOl have The meeting of the league, estab atop in MiamL afternoon of the meeting. birthday celebration Tburaday, o’clock. der ever to readjust her long- against sit-down strlkara^ Brawn, Mra. MUdred Doitgan, March 26 — Entertainment and Beat Holy Name Society Play With about half of the residents Strained felatlona with China. lished last year to campaign for Mr. March 18, at the Masonic Tempi* ta There was a crowd of over 300 Oenerta Franco were bombarding the Spanish government a t r d n g h o l d t f M a l a n ^ l ^ Roosevelt’s re-election, opened a Flint, March 8.—(A P )—A strike an IntMsIva manhunt today qroup X of tbeMamarial Hospital Harald Maher, Selectman Richard oance, R.