Archaeobotanical remains In ancient cultural and socio­ economical dynamics of the Indian subcontinent

K. S. Saraswat

Saraswat KS 1992. Archaeobotanical remains in ancient cultural and socio·economical dynamics of the Indian subcontinent. Palaeobotanist 40 : 514·545.

The paper describes the ancient plant economy in the Indian subcontinent in a chronological framework of cultural development from the earliest Neolithic cultures of primitive village·farming communities to highly advanced Iron Age cultures of Early Historical Period around the beginning of the Christian Era. In an impressive array of archaeobotanical data generated during the last four decades, some of the salient developments include the earliest evidence of west Asian cereal cultivation dated to C. 7,000 B.C., in Neolithic Baluchistan, Pakistan, and the earliest evidence of rice cultivation during sixth millennium B.C. in the Middle Ganga Valley, . Similarly, other notable developments sifted from the data include the viticulture and cultivation of some garden plants by the Harappans in Punjab and evidences of highly systematised and rational medicinal plants from the Iron Age cultures in Ghaghra Valley of eastern Uttar Pradesh 'deciphering the meaningful perspective of medicinal history in the Indian archaeological context. Throughout the cultural development from Harappan times to the end of first millennium B.C. the records of crop remains of West Asian, African and indigenous origin from widely scattered sites indicate well-knit trade contacts and socio'economical and cultural integration which kept evolving in new forms during the course of growth and fading of heterogeneous cultural groups in diverse geographical regions. Several new advances in the recovery and analysis of plant remains during the.recent past hold out the possibility of obtaining new informations which may drastically change our existing archaeobotanical concepts. Key-words-Archaeobotany, Ancient plant economy, Neolithic, , Harappan Culture, India.

K. S Saraswat, Birba/ Sahni Institute oj Palaeobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow 226007, India. rilll

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STUDY of the scanty plant remains of human the discovery and excavations of sites of Harappan workmanship, survived in pre- and protohistoric culture in the Indus Valley, from 1921·22 to 1946­ settlements, provides evidences to reconstruct the 1947. Owing to the importance in the subsistence history of man and plant relationship in the Dark economy in the ancient times, centrality of Ages. 'rhe cultural models of plant remains in agriculture was the main field of research. The European archaeology have dominated the thoughts and speculations for about 125 years, yet we have to Four Decades of Indian Palaeobotany look only at relatively recent events beginning with Editors B. S. Venkal3chala & H. P Singh Publisher: Birbal Sahni [ns[itute or Palaeobotany, Lucknow SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 515 reports on the food refuse in the form of carbonized (1984) at the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany seeds and fruits from the Harappan settlements generated a mass of data on the ancient plant unravelled the histOlY of plant domestication and economy. At Deccan College, Pune Kajale made agriculture. During this early phase of development significant contribution on the crop economy, the archaeological plant remains also attracted the particularly in the ancient cultures of peninsular attention of Professor Birbal Sahni. In 1936, he India. No work was done by them on the anatomical reported some food grains from an Early Historical studies of archaeological material. Buth and his site at Khokra-Kot, Rohtak District, Haryana and students at Kashmi~University, Srinagar have assessed the values of archaeological discoveries for accomplished the research work on the cultural the understanding of early man, during the period plant remains of Kashmir Valley. which constitutes a link between the time scales of At present, Birbal Sahni Institute of the geologists on one side and of the prehistoric Palaeobotany is the leading centre where the archaeologists on the other. morphological as well as anatomical details of seeds, It was in 1946 that Chowdhury and Ghosh for fruits, cuticles, fibres and wood charcoals are being the first time studied archaeological wood remains studied. The study does not pertain only about the from Arikamedu near Pondicherry. In 1951, their subsistence pattern but to reconstruct the models of work on woods which were used to make coffin at ecological potential of the cultural settlements. Harappa, revealed an interesting data and this During the period of last four decades, as a widened the scope of xylotomical studies in result of increasing interest of archaeologists and archaeology. Vishnu-Mittre and his students­ botanists in each other's spheres of activity, a rich Savithri (1976), Sharma (1983) and Chanchala data has been gathered on the ancient plant

GHALIGAI r 2 ./ SARAI KH9~Ae I e~URZAHOH r::1 .._ / 1 Islamabad 0 GUFKRAL


~a::etta I'1EHRGARH

~)} ~ .. ~SARUTARU Karachi o eMARAKOOLA Gauhali eOAOJALI- HAOING




Map I-Shows seven zones of Neolithic Culture. 516 THE PALAEOBOTANIST economy. In India and Pakistan at the present Differences in the plant assemblages established moment, a major interest has been on the finds from between sites may be an artifaCt in sampling the early farming communities, alternatively termed methods or due to the nature of evidence. To as Neolithic cultures, some of them as early as 6,000· compare the data on various sites with a view 7,000 S.c. The bulk of the plant remains in most of towards establishing possible developments in the the sites consists of carbonized seeds and fruits. crop husbandry over a larger area, it is necessary to Moreover, for various sites only preliminary results have well·dated information. are published. The dissimilarity in the available Archaeobotanical information on available data information on plant husbandry at the individual falls short in terms of both quantity and qualiry. The sites is a handicap to carry out comparative study. role of rlant economy in relation to the exceedingly

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Map 2-lrnportant sites of Harappan and other copper and iron· using cultures. SARAS\X/AT-ARC HAE0130TAN ICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 517 broad aspect of socio-economy and cultural communities_ The data on the origin of agriculture is evol ution of widely scattered ancient settlements is a still insufficient. The domestication and cultivation challenging study (Maps 1,2). There are some areas of plants and taming of animals developed step-by such as Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Bengal, Kerala, step out of food-gathering and hunting stage. It is an Himachal Pradesh and Haryana, from where either outcome of the continuing increase in ~heextent practically no information is available or it is too and intensiry of manipulation of natural ecosystems little to be considered. This is a serious gap in our by the Stone Age man. Under the circumstances, it is knowledge which can of course be filled up in quite difficult to fix a point when the phenomenon course of time when more promising sites with plant of agriculture actually started. Future research in this remains are discovered. Important sources of direction would likely throw some light on this information have been cited and coverage of issue. references of many inconclusive and fragmentary reports is regretfully omitted. Some have only been NEOLITHIC BEGINNING touched upon. Summary of the finds of food grains from the ancient Neolithic times to the Early The plant and animal domestication was a Historical cultures in different regions is presented fundamental adaptive element which contributed to in Table I. The present information on plant remains the emergence of permanent sedentary settlements has been synthesized from well-settled farming of Neolithic Culture which is characterized by mud

Table I-Archaeological record of field-crop plants in the Indian subcontinent

NEOLITHIC CULTURE EARLY HAlWPAN I CHALCOU-, IRON AGE CHALCO CUl.TURE THIC CULTURE LITHIC CULTURE .Z CULT 2 ~ C) liRE :r. 'f. c-'" v C c ~ ..e ..e'" V 0 :2'" c z 'f. ~ o ._if'° v"" ° ° ~'T_ vO v . 0() ." °N ° o.N ~oc ~<"I .N ~~ r- I .\ ~-:-­ .?- ::::x -:- C.- V "'-. C' -=6 ~o ",0 c..6 c..6 ~6 _0",0 ur--- °o -0'-0 If' _0 =<::i 08 cC.0 "'0 if' _"'\.J ,r .~o. ° ~~ ::s "'0 .::~ ~ .::~- .'!!.'"0. -= Lr": ~~ N N ~\r §N N ..eN t-:- tf.-:.° E "1 ~ ---' v '.J ..e u ~.~ O() . v: c C"3 . . -- .~ ~ ~ ::: ~ ;:: <::i 2~ ~~ C ::: ..c ~ ::. \:s, 2l:::S "J"J :: .~.\: TAXA "'\.J v\j .- \.J :: \.; ..J\.; ,'2 \j "''-.: ::\.J :c-'"'\.J :L-, u_ c:J_\vo_ ::0_"'\.J -- u_ v_ ""- z-..-/ &~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Oryza 1..' + , + + + Oryza rufipogon Griff. + + + + + (Wild Perennial Rice) Oryza nivara Sharma et Shastry + (Wild Annual Rice) + + + OlJlza Sativa I.. + + + + + + (Cultivated Rice) Aegilops spelloides Tauscl. (Spelt grass) + Aegilops tauscbii Coss Syn, Triticum ttlUscbil + (Coss) Schmal (A wild grass) Triticum monococcum + + (Einkorn Wheat) Triticum dicoccum Schubl. + + + (Emmer Wheat) Triticum durum Desf. + + (Hard Wheat) + + + Triticum aeslivum L. emmend. lhell. + + + + + (Bread Wheat) Triticum compactum Host. (Club Wheat) + + + + + + + COn/do 518 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST

Table I-Cootd.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Triticum sphaerococcum Perc. (Dwarf \X'heal) + + + + + + + + Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch. (Wild Barley) + Hordeum distichum L. (Two-row hulled Barley) + + Hordeum vulgare L. emmend. Bowden. + + + + + + + + + + (Six-row hulled Barley) Hordeum vulgare VaL nudum L. emmend_ + + + Bowden. (Six-row naked Barley) Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaenn. + + + + + + + (Finger- millet/Ragi-m illet) Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P_ Beauv_ + + (Barn-yard millet) Panicum miliaceum L. (Broomcorn-millet) + Panicum miliare lam_ (Slender-millet) + Paspalum scrobiculatum L. (Kodon-millet) + + + + Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) Stapf & Hubbard + + ( Pearl-miilel/Bajra) Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. (Fox-tail + + + millet) Sorghum bicolor (L.) + + + + + + Moench (Sorghum-millet/Jowar) Avena fatua L. (Fatlla + grass/Wild Oat) Avena L.' (Oat) + Avena Sativa L (Oat) + Cajanus cajan L. (Pigeon-pea) + + Cicer arietinum L. (Chick-pea) + + + + + Dolichos biflorus L. (Horse-gram) + + + + + + + + Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, + + + + Syn. Dolichos lablab L. (Hayacinthbean) Latbyrus sativus L + + + + + + + + (Grass-pea/Khesari) Lens culinaris Medik. (Lentil) + + + + + + + + + + Phaseolus latbyroides L. + (Phasemy-bean) Phaseolus Lunatus L. (Sieva-bean) + Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Kidney-bean) + + Pisum arvense (L.) Pair (field-pea) + + + + + + + + + + Trigonella foenumgraecum L. (Fanugreek) + Vigna aconitifolia Uacq.) Marechal + (Aconite·bean) Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper (Blackgram) + + + + + Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek + + + + + (Green'gram) Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., Syn. + + Vigna Sinensis L. Savi ex Hassk. (Cow-pea) Unum usitatissimum L. (Linseed/ + + + + Flax) Brassica campestris L. (Yellow- + + mustard) Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. & Coss. + + + (Field-brassica) Carthamus tinctorius L. (SafOower) + + + Ricinus communis L (Castor) + + Sesamum indicum L. (Sesame/Til) + + + Gossypium L.* (COllon- + wild or cultivated) Gossypium arboreum L. + (Cultivated callan) Gossypium arboreum L./G. herbaceum L. + + + + (Cultivated callan)

+ Present; • Specific identification nOt clear SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT '519 architecture, bone tools, chert blades and scrappers, highly evolved hexaploid forms of bread wheat packed and ground stone objects and hand-made or (Triticum aestivum), club wheat (T compactum) wheel-made . Use of metal was either absent and dwarf wheat (T sphaerococcum), in addition to or negligible. Primary Neolithic economy consisted einkorn, emmer and hard wheats and hulled and of small scale cultivation with hoe or digging stick naked forms of barley already encountered in the and the pasturing of flocks and herds. Neolithic sites preceding phase. Other than the cereals, seeds and that were initially regarded to represent the fruit remains of Acacia sp., Phoenix dactylifera, transition from the stage of food-gathering and Prunus sp. and Ziziphus sp. have also been found hunting to that of incipient agriculture, have (Costantini & Biasini, 1985). subsequently proved to depict relatively late stage of So far, wheat and barley were regarded to have crop husbandry. been introduced from West Asia, through established The Neolithic cultures in India have tentatively farming systems. The data available now suggests the been grouped into six different geographical regions expansion .of centres of origin of crop plants (Thapar, 1978, 1984), to which one may be added proposed by Vavilov, as supported by Zh ukovsky from Pakistan (Map 1). The available information on (1968). The process of West Asian cereal plant and animal remains is summarized as under: domestication had undergone outside the narrow limits earlier suggested by Vavilov. According to 1. North-western Zone Zhukovsky the "Indian Centre" should become the This zone covers Baluchistan, Swat and the "Indian Subcontinent" Megacentre, while the "Asian contiguous area of Upper Sind Valley in Pakistan. For Centre" be expanded to include the eastern portion many years the earliest evidence of pastoralism of the "Near Eastern Centre" which can be extended characterized by the taming of sheep, goat and cattle from the fertile Crescent (Iran & Iraq) towards with limited cereal cultivation was best documented Arabian Peninsula. In view of this, the Baluchistan at Kile Gul Mohammad in the Quetta Valley, would wholly be contained in the "Central Asian Baluchistan dated to about 4,000 B.C. (Fairservis, Centre" (no 5 proposed by Vavilov) and the cis­ 1974). Now, in view of the excavations carried out Indus terri tories would lie on the boundaries of the by the French Archaeological Mission from 1973 to "Hindustani Centre" or "Indian Subcontinent" 1979 the indigenous process of plant and animal (Centre no. 4). In this formulation, Baluchistan domestication in Neolithic settlements has been regains its unitary nature by retaining its links with traced back as early as Ca. 7,000 B.C. near a village the adjoining "Central Asian" and the Indian areas. at Bolan Pass in the Kachi plains of The finds of cereals at Mehrgarh, which is one of the Baluchistan. In the earliest Aceramic Neolithic phase best studied sites in Baluchistan, indicate the the cereal grains of einkorn wheat (Triticum indigenous process of West Asian crop monococcum), emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum), domestication within the region of the Indian hard wheat (Triticum d. durum), wild two-row Subcontinent, contemporarily with the Neolithic barley (Hordeum spontaneum), two-row hulled revolution in West Asia. barley (Hordeum distichum) and the hulled and The other notable sites at Saraikhola (Ca. 3,100­ naked forms of six-row barley (Hordeum vulgare­ 2,800 B.C.) and Ghaligai (Ca. 2,970-2,920 B.C.) termed as H. sphaerococcum due to the rounded suggest that Neolithic culture in Baluchistan shape of kernels and H. vulgare var. nudum) have continued till the opening of second millennium been recovered along with the date fruits of B.C. Barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triticum cultivated Phoenix dactylifera (jarrige & Meadow, sp.), rice (Oryza sativa), lentil (Lens culinan's), 1980; Costantini, 1984; Costantini & Biasini, 1985). field-pea (Pisum arvense) and grape seed (Vitis With the continuing cereal cultivation, hunting of vinifera) have been found in Period-HI at Loebanr wild animals also played an important role in the in the sequence of Ghaligai settlements of the Swat subsistence economy (Meadow, 1984). Valley (Allchin & Allchin, 1982). It is interesting that The process of animal and plant domestication rice turned up in the Neolithic economy of at Neolithic Mehrgarh was largely completed by the Baluchistan at such an early date. Basically the mid-sixth millennium (ca. 5,500 B.C.) in the ceramic Neolithic farmers in this region were the growers of phase (Pds. IB, ILA, lIB) characterized by hand-made wheat, barley, etc. Rice, which is the crop of pottery. Bones of domesticated sheep (Ovis aries), Gangetic plains, possibly moved in competition with goat (Capra hircus-aegagrus) and cattle (Bos these crops through the cultural contacts. Future indicus) indicate a marked shift from hunting to the work can only resolve the phenomenon of rice stage of animal domestication. Advancement in the introduction in the Baluchistan. Whatever the data crop husbandry is evidenced by the appearance of available, Neolithic'foundation in Baluchistan during 520 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST the course of further cultural development, provided 1988). But for Buxus wallichiana (box'Wood tree), the basis for economic growth in the subsequent the rest of timber taxa are the local components of Chalcolithic phases in the north·western Indian vegetation around the sites. Boxwood trees are not subcontinent. reported from the Kashmir Valley (Stewart, 1972). Of the two species of boxwood, Buxus papillosa occurs in Murree, Baluchistan, etc., in North -western 2. Northern Zone Frontiers and B wallichiana in the region of Poonch Out of about three dozens of sites representing and Udhampur, on the south of Pir Panjal. Boxwood the Neolithic culture in the Kashmir Valley on the is highly esteemed for engraving and carving work. elevated flats of Karewas, Burzahom ld Gufkral All the same, their preference to boxwood in have been systematically excavated \.Khazanchi, propensity to many locally available woods, 1977; Sharma, 1982, 1991). Neolithic phase at indicates their technical skill to utilize the quality Burzahom has been dated from ca. 2,400 to 1,500 forest-products. In animal domestication, crop B.C. (Agrawal et al. 1978), and at Gufkral dated to husbandry and the forest economy, considerable about 2,600 B.C. Three phases of evolution­ advancement can, therefore, be seen in the Neolithic Aceramic, Ceramic and Late Neolithic have been cultures of Kashmir Valley. identified. Subsistence economy seems to have been 3. Central Gangetic Plain specialized food·gathering, hunting and farming. Settlers in Aceramic phase lived in subterranean pits NeolithiC culture in the Belan Valley and and used both stone and bone tools. They were Vindhyan Plateau of Uttar Pradesh is admittedly of its predominantly dependent on wild games and own kind in India to establish the primacy of this domesticated only sheep and goat. Pottery came in culture and the existence of antecedent stages the use in ceramic phase. The animal domestication thereof. Chopani Mando, Koldihwa and Mahagara, also showed progressive increase with the additional about 85 km south-east of Allahabad, represent a evidences of domesticated cattle and dog. It is the sequence of transition from the stage of food­ Late phase of Neolithic in the early half of second gathering and selective hunting (in Epi-PalaeolithiC millennium B.C. in which the overground dwelling Period) through incipient food producing (Proto­ structures built of mud and mud·bricks are found. Neolithic) to settled Village farming in the Neolithic Entire herd of sheep, goat and cattle is found to be times (Sharma et al., 1980; Sharma, 1985). In this domesticated, although hunting also continued region, potential domesticates were present from (Sharma, 1982; Thapar, 1984). very early times; cattle right from the Lower Investigations have established that the Palaeolithic and sheep/goat from the Upper Neolithic settlers in the Kashmir Valley were also Palaeolithic cultures. Within the chronological conversant with the cultivation of crops (Vishnu­ framework prOVided by radiocarbon dates (6,570 ± Mime, 1968, 1974; Kajale, 1982; Buth & Kaw, 1985). 210 B.e. and 5,440 ± 240 Be.) evidence of the Interestingly, the remains of dwarf-wheat (Triticum Neolithic culture at Koldihwa and Mahagara deserve sphaerococcum), bread-wheat (T aestivum), club­ our attention. At Mahagara a cattle'pen with a wheat (T compactum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), number of hoof-marks of animals, huts of wattle and lentil (Lens culinaris) and field-pea (Pisum arvense) daub represented by floors and post-holes and with have been reported from the earlier phases of scattered pottery, Neolithic tools of stones and Neolithic deposits at Gufkral and Burzahom. Rice bones and faunal remains suggest permanent (Oryza sativa) which makes staple diet of modern settlement. Economy of the Neolithic settlers was Kashmir, appeared at Gufkral in the later phase. based on hunting and farming, as evidenced by the Associated with the crop remains the weeds occurrence of both wild (cattle) and domesticated belonging to Lithospermum arvense, Medicago (cattle, sheep, goat and horse) animals and rice Rice denticulata, Lotus corniculatus, Avena fatua and the was used in this region even in the advanced species of Trifolium, Medicago and Ipomoea have Mesolithic or Pre-Neolithic period (8,080 ± 115 also been identified. Wood charcoal remains of B.e.), but it was of wild variety. Pottery from Celtis sp., {J/mus sp., Cedrus deodara, Pinus sp., and Koldihwa and Mahagara contains the husk· Parrotia jacquemontiana have been reported from impressions of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) along Burzaho.m (Savithri, 1976). At Gufkral, Pinus with those of annual and perennial forms of wild wa//ichiana, Aesculus indica, juglans regia, Picea rice, viZ., Oryza nivara and Oryza rufipogon smithiana, Ulmus wa//ichiana, Pru'rI-Uscornuta and respectively. Also the grains of cultivated Oryza Buxus wa//ichiana have been found to be exploited sativa have been found at Mahagara (Savithri, 1976; by the settlers (Chanchala. 1984, 1986; Lone et al., Sharma, 1980, 1985; Sharma, A., 1983; Sharma et al., SA\{AS\X'AT ARCIIAEOBOTA;\iICAL REt-IAINS OF INDIAN Sl'l3CO:--lTINENT ')21

1980). The evidences show a long term continuity of Recent excavations at Senuwar from 1987 to the gradual intensification in the techno-economic 1989 reveal the evolutionary trend in neolithic aspects of early hunting and food-gathering culture. Characterized by Red Ware the earliest community, which led to the resource husbandry in phase (Ca 2,0001,800 B.C) is metal free Neolithic times The evidence for the cultivation of Succeeding phase dated from 1,800 to' 1,200 B.C. rice in view of the radiocarbon dates for the early shows marked improvement in the ceramic Neolithic levels, dates it as the earliest in the World technology with the use of copper (Singh, 1990). (Sharma et aI., 1980). Pal (1986) believes thal these Systematic collection of the plant remains has early dates do not belong ro the Neolithic strata in heen made by floatation technique (Saraswat, Belan Valley. In his opinion Neolithic culture in this unpublished). Food grains from the earliest phase of region could be placed within second millennium pure ~eolithic(2,000-1,800 B.C.) include cultivated B.C. The evidence of the cultivated barley (Hordeum forms of rice (Oryza sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare) from Neolithic Mahagara (Dixit, Aruna.S., lJulgare), dwarf wheat (T7-iticum sphaerococcum), 1987), also supportS this view. The oldest record of jowar millet (Sorghum hicolor), finger-millet barley in the Indian subcontinent is known from (Eleusine coracana), lentil (Lens culinaris), fie ld­ Mehrgarh in Baluchistan (7,000·6,000 B.C.) and pea (Pisum arvense) and grass-pea (Lathyrus there is no evidence regarding the culrural contacts sativus). Weeds and other wild seeds and fruits of Neolithic farmers of the Belan Valley With those of comprise Setan'a glauca, Vicia hirsuta, Vicia sativa, Baluchistan, in this early age It must have been from Amaranthus sp, Oryza ruflpogon, Panicum sp, the Harappan or Pre-Harappan settlements (2,500­ Rumex dentatus, Bromus sp., Coix lachrymajohi, 2,000 BC.) that the diffusion of wheat and barley Ipomoea pes-tigndis, Al"tocarpus lakoocha and took place in Ganga Valley, as evidenced by their ZiZlphus nummularia. In addition to these crop cultivation during second millennium B.C. in the remains, farmers in the following Neolithic Neolithic context of Bihar. The basic qualification of Chalcolithic Period (l ,800- 1,200 B.C.) also opted for evidence is authenticityf Is the source of barley the cultivation of bread-wheat (Triticum aestlvum) , specimen accurate:> Does it belong ro the cultural chick-pea (Cicer arietinum), green-gram (Vigna level indicated ? Presence of barley from the same I"adiata) and horsegram (Dolichos hljlorus). Neolithic strata (Dixit AruM S, 1987) which Polygonum plebejum, LathJ1'uS aphaca, Coccinia revealed rice remains (6,570 ± 2108.(,5,440 ± 240 grandis, Trianthema monogyna, Datura sp. and B.C.) creates a lot of confusion. Correct situation ZiZ1Phus oenoplea prOVide additional information should be resolved by re-examination of the facts about the weedy and wild taxa recovered in through controlled sample collection. Whether or association of crop remains. Rice was the local crop not these barley remains should be taken as a of this region. The eastward migration of wheat, genuine sample of crop economy of the Neolithic barley, lentil, field-pea, chick-pea, etc., suggests the people of the Belan Valley, during the sixth-fifth direct or indirect contacts of Neolithic farmers in millennia B.C. is yet to be deCided. Bihar with the cultures in north-western India Efforts should be made to find out such elements 4. Mid-eastern Zone that act as indicatOrs of the leading margins of A number of Neolithic settlements have come to innovation waves. The problem of the diffusion of light in the alluvial plains of Bihar Two of them, this advanced system of crop cultivation in the Chirand in the alluvial tract of the Ganges in Saran Neolithic context of Bihar is at present not easy to District (Narain, 1970; Verma, 1970-71) and Senuwar understand. in the vicinity of Kaimur ranges in Rohtas District 5. North-eastern Zone (Singh, 1990), have been excavated. Farming, herding and foraging proVided the subsistence base The only excavated site in the north-eastern for these early farming communities. The Neolithic zone is Deojali-Hading in northern Cachar hills, culture in this region can be assigned to a general Assam (Sharma, 1981). No direct evidence for the time-bracket of 2,000-1,200 B.C., characterized by domestication of animals and plants has so far been the use of stone and bone implements. Food grains obtained. On the circumstantial evidence Thapar from the Neolithic Chi rand included hulled barley (1978), however, suggested that the shifting (Hordeum vulgare), dwarf wheat (Triticum cultivation must have been practiced. sphaerococcum), rice (Oryza sativa), lentil (Lens 6. Central-eastern Zone culinaris), field-pea (Pisum anJense) and grass-pea (Lathyrus sativus) Wild rice (Oryza ruflpogol1) has Similarly, no remains of plants and animals are also been encountered (Vishnu-Mittre, 1972) found at Kuchai in district Mayurbhanj, Orissa 522 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST

(Thapar, 1985). Evidence of the grinding stone-tools suggest that the cattles were used for heavy draft and for some sort of agricultural activity is certainly a weight-bearing works. The ass must have served as dubious one. These implements might have been beast of burdon (Zeuner, 1963). Among the wild used to grind some wild seeds and fruits (Thapar, fauna, the bones of tortoise, monitor lizard, hare, 1978). sambhar, spotted deer, stag, nilgai, black-buck and gazelle indicate that hunting and trapping also 7. Southern Zone played an important role in the southern Neolithic Neolithic culture in southern India is better economy. Soil analysis below the Neolithic deposits known as compared to other zones. In the Deccan at Kupgal shows that the region experienced wetter Plateau granite hills favoured for settlement, climate and had more vegetation with scrub forest wherever they contained suitable caves and rock­ and grassland, providing a suitable environment for shelters. Small plateau on the summits of hills or the wild games (Majumdar & Rajguru, 1966), level areas on hill sides were likewise exploited. A contrary to the present drier conditions in the large number of sites have been excavated in recent region. years. They are Utnur, Kodekal, Nagarjunakonda and The plant remains from southern Neolithic are Palavoy in Andhra Pradesh, Tekkalakota, Maski, inadequately known. Fruit stones of date (Phoenix Terdal, T. Narsipur, Sanganakallu, Kupgal, Hallur, sp.) are known from Tekkalakota in and Brahmagiri and Hemmige in Karnataka and Utnur in Andhra Pradesh (Allchin & Allchin, 1968). Paiyampalli in Tamil Nadu (Thapar, 1978; Sundara, Hallur evidence brings to light the cultivation of 1985). Allchin and Allchin (1968, 1982) have finger-millet (Eleusine coracana) (Vishnu-Mime, distinguished three phases of Neolithic culture in 1971). Seeds of wild Eleusine indica were also south India. The earliest phase without metal and found in the collection. The discovery of fruits of characterized by the use of hand-made pottery, use teak (Tectona grandis) at Hallur is yet another of stone tools at Urn ur, Brahmagiri-lA, Lower interesting record. Teak usually grows in dry climate Piklihal, Kodekal and Maski-I, can be assigned to subject to heat and drought, but also in fairly moist date Ca. 2,450-1,900 B.C. The occurrence of and warm climate experiencing high rainfall It does ashmounds at some sites suggested to be the not grow at present in the region of granite hills. accumulation of burnt cow-dung, is attributed to This suggests that the teak was the component of pastoral economy (Thapar, 1978). The following local forests in the Neolithic times and the climate phase (Ca. 1,900-1,350 B.C.) is characterized by dull was also not so dry as today (Vishnu-Mittre, 1971). burnished grey ware, stone and bone tools, bead Wood charcoal remains from HallurIIA belong to making and the use of copper at Brahmagiri-IB, Holarrhena antidysenten'ca and the species of Sanganakallu-I (i), Tekkalakota-I and Hallur-IIA Polyalthea, A nogeissus and Albizia (Sa vithri, 1976). Towards the close of Neolithic, the last phase (Ca Horsegram (Dolichos blflorus), an indigenous crop 1,400-1,000 B.C.) at Tekkalakota-II and Hallur-IIB commonly used as a feed for ca ttle and horses, is shows contacts with the Chalcolithic cultures of the known from the Neolithic Tekkalakota in Karnataka northern Deccan, which resulted in the economic (Vishnu-Mittre, 1968) and Paiyampalli in Tamil Nadu advancement by the use of copper and wheel-made (Allchin & Allchin, 1968). Savithri (1976) identified pottery. the wood charcoal of Soymida jebrijuga from The animal bones have been examined from Tekkalakota. From the same site, in locus-GWD and Maski (Nath, 1957), Piklihal (Srinivasan, 1960), locus- II, a bean comparable to Phaseolus vulgaris, Utnur (Srinivasan, 1961), T. Narsipur (Alur, 1971a), horse-gram (Dolichos bijlorus) , grass-pea (Lathyrus Sanganakallu (Alur 1969), Tekkalakota (Rao & sativus) and the fruit-stones of jujube (Ziziphus Malhotra, 1968), Hallur (Alur, 1971b), Kodekal nummularia) have also been reported (IAR, 1974­ (Shah, 1973) and Nagarjunakonda (Gnanamuthu, 75 J, but the chronological cultural affiliation of the 1958). In the light of the evidence cattle, sheep and samples is not clear. Fruit-stones of jujube (Ziziphus goat were found to be commonly domesticated. The vulgaris) are also known from Kodekal in Karnataka domestication of horse has been witnessed at HaJiur. (Kajale, 1974). Obviously this indicates that crop the presence of buffalo has been observed at Maski, husbandry did not form a major part in the economy Nagarjunak(mda and Kodekal Besides, bones of of Neolithic settlers in the peninsular India. They domesticated ass, dog and pig have also been found were probably heavily dependent on cattle at Maski and Brahmagiri. The overall evidences husbandry. indicate that the animal husbandry became the chief Looking to the periods of Neolithic occupation source of their economy. The anchylosis of hock in the various regions, it appears tha t the joints and exostosis on certain parts of skeleton also environment and the exploitive technology SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 523

combined with adaptability were largely responsible manufacturing of wheel-made pottery and lapis­ for the food-producing economy. There are, lazuli, turquoise and carnelian beads made by the however, possibilities for recognizing another drills of green jasper of the same type that was used Neolithic region in Rajasthan and . Still many in 3rd millennium BC. in Afghanistan, and Iran, and areas in India remain unexplored. in the Harappan culture during 2,350 B.C. ~acticeof cultivating the high yielding hexaploid bread wheat EARLY CHALCOLITHIC CULTURES IN (Triticum aestivum), club wheat (T compactum), BALUCHISTAN AND AFGHANISTAN dwarf wheat (T. sphaerococcum) and the hulled and REGION naked barley (Hordeum vulgare and H. vulgare var. nudum) and herding of cattle, sheep and goat In the region of Baluchistan and Afghanistan, continued. following the Neolithic culture (Seventh to mid­ Further in Ca. 3,500 B.C. large buildings have sixth millennium B.C.) a continuing elaboration of been exposed and the production of stamp-seals of Chalcolithic cultures across the vast area from .he bone material suggests the ingenuity in trade and present Iranian border to north-western India, has commerce. By 3,200 s.c. Mehrgarh was reasonably shown the progressive improvement in the similar in many respects to several sites in eastern architecture, technical activities, crop and animal Iran and western Pakistan. Economic prosperity husbandry and even the ideology till the end of advanced further as a result of an impetus from second millennium B.C. Some cultures co-existed Central Asia. Crop remains of emmer, bread wheat, with the Harappan Civilization (Ca. 2,300-1,700 club wheat, dwarf wheat, hulled and naked forms of B.C.). The relationships within these cultural groups barley have been found. In addition to date are yet to be established, but it seems that from the (Phoenix dactylzjera) and apricot (Prunus sp.), northern Baluchistan the cultural impulses travelled grapes (Vitis vinijera) were also added to the to southern Baluchistan and the Indus System. subsistence economy (Costantini & Biasini, 1985). In the Kachi plains of Baluchistan at Mehrgarh a Although, in the succeeding phase opening up to marked change in the economic prosperity has been 2,000 B.C. ceramics and figurines show noticed during an early Chalcolithic phase (Ca. affinity with those of the Harappans; there is no 5,500-4,300 B-C.), following the preceding Neolithic evidence of a Harappan culture phase at Mehrgarh. culture. Introduction of improved hand-made Harappan culture dated to Ca_ 2,000 B.C. has been pottery, granaries for storage of agricultural produce, found at a neighbouring site Nausharo_ An advanced bead manufacturing of soap stone with flint drills crop economy at Mehrgarh in the third millennium and the use of copper were the important B.C. has been evidenced by bread wheat ( Triticum advancements. Long distance trades with Iran, aestivum), club wheat (T. compactum), dwarf wheat Central Asia, northern Afghanistan and coastal (T. sphaerococcum), hulled barley (Hordeum regions of Arabian Sea, also brought altogether vulgare), naked barley (H. vulgare var. nudum) and change in their economy and culture (Jarrige & oat (Avena sp.). Wild seeds of Acacia, Lolium, Meadow, 1980; Jarrige, 1981; Allchin & Allchin, 1982; Polygonum and Chenopodium have also been found. Possehl, 1990)- Hunting of wild games practiced in Jujube (Ziziphus) and grape (Vitis vinijera) were Neolithic times was given up and almost all the bone the important fruits (Costantini & Biasini, 1985). The remains have been found to be of domesticated wood charcoals from Mehrgarh consist of Tamarix, cattle, sheep and goat. Continued from the Neolithic, Prosopis, Populus, Zizzphus, Junzperus and Vitis the cereal remains from this phase include Triticum species (Thiebault, 1989) The presence of wild monococcum, T. dicoccum, T. cf. durum, T. grapes in the northern Kachi plain has been aestivum, T compactum, T sphaerococcum, excluded on the basis of phytogeography. Thus the Hordeum vulgare and H. vulgare var. nudum. occurrence of charcoals of Vitis at Mehrgarh Among the non-cereals, other than Phoenix indicates grapevine cultivation. In Baluchistan, dactylijera the fruits of Ziziphus and Prunus and Mehrgarh is the best studied site to assess the cotton seeds (GossYPium sp.) were added to the gradual development of technical and economical economy. However, due to poor preservation it innovations from 7,000 B.C. to the Harappan times. could not be determined with certainty whether These evicences collectively indicate that the cotton seeds were of wild or cultivated species Chalcolithic village farming began on the north of (Jarrige & Meadow, 1980; Costantini & Biasini: Indus Valley in the mid-sixth millennium B.C., and 1985 ). this established the foundation for the highly Subsequent development in the following advanced agricultural economy of Harappans. Period-III (Ca_ 4,300·3,500 B.C.) is marked with the During the fourth and third millennia B.C. a 524 THE PALAEOBOTANIST

large number of small vUlage cultures nourished in incipient phase of urban development has revealed the Quetta and Zhoh valleys of Balllchistan the domestication of cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat Excavations at Kile Gul Mohammad in Quetta Valley and the cultivation of wheat (Triticum sp.), barley have revealed the use of copper in about 3,200 B.C. (Hordeum uu!gare), lentil (Lens culinaris) and Similar culture was discovered at Damb Sadaat field-pea (Pisum arvense). revealing social interaction within and outside From Nindowari in Ornach Valley, Pakistan Baluchistan (Fairservis, 1956). In the later phases, (Third Millennium B.C.), silicified skeletons and contacts of these cultures were established with glumes of Triticum aestivum and Hordeum vulgare, Indus Valley. Balakot in southern Baluchistan (Ca a rachis fragment of wheat, one complete grape, a 4,000-2,900 B.C.) has revealed the evidence of barley large number grape pips (Vitis vinijera) and (Hordeum vulgare). vetch (Vicia sp.), jujube silicified wood remains of the grapevine have been (ZiZIPhus sp.) and melon or gourd (Cucumis sp.) reported (Costantini & Biasini, 1985). From Pirak, a The cattle, sheep and goat were domesticated si te dated from 2,200 to 1,000 B.C. near Jacobabad in (Dales, 1979. 1982; AJlchin & AJlchin, 1982). Baluchistan, an assemblage of the crop plants Mundigak near Kandahar (Ca 4,0002,000 B.c.) in inc I ude Tri tic um aestivo -compac tum, T. Afghanistan witnessed transformation of the rural sphaerococcum, Hordeum vulgare var. nudum, culture into an urban settlement. Club wheat Oryza sativa, Avena sp., Sorghum sp., Panicum (Triticum compactum), bread wheat (1' aestivum). miliaceum and Un urn usitatissimum. The fru it hulled barley (Hordeum vulgare), naked barley (H remains comprise ZiZIPhus jUjuba, Vitis vinijera and

vulgare var. nudum), jujube (Ziziphus vU~r!,aris)and Citrullus d. colocynthus. The rice-straw deposit the wood charcoal of Salvadora persica have been varying 30-50 mm in thickness, evidently suggests found at this site. Cattle, sheep, goat, horse, ass and the paddy cultivation in Baluchistan. Remains of dog were domesticated and hunting of wild animals Sorghum millet, an African domesticate, amply was also practiced (Allchin & Allchin, 1982, demonstrate its introduction in the economy of Costantini, 1984; Costantini & Biasini, 1985). Baluchistan during the second millennium B.C. At Shahri-Sokhta (Ca. 3,200-2,100 B.c.), in (Costantini & Biasini, 1985). Iranian Sistan, analysis of wood charcoals has The Chalcolithic sites in the region of revealed the presence of Tamarix, Populus, Afghanistan and Baluchistan are Widely scattered and Fraxinus, Ulmus, Acer, Celtis, Dalbergia sissoo, a number of them are still unpublished. By and Adnanthera d. pavoniana and Adina cordijolia large, the essential basis for the agricultural and Fruit trees of Pistachio, grarevine and date palm are technological advancement in the Harappan Culture also represented The carbonized cereal grains must be seen in the economic interaction within included einkorn wheat (Triticum monococCllln). these cultures. emmer wheat (T dicoccum), bread wheat (T aestivum), dwarf wheat (T spbaerncoccum). twO­ THE HARAPPAN CULTURE row barley (H. distichum) , hulled barley (H vulgare), naked barley (H. vulgare var nudum!' The Harappan Culture (or Indus Civilization) lentil (Lens culinan's) , flax (Unum usitatissimum) represents the earliest large scale urbanization in the and secale (Secale cereale). Fruits which playeej Indian subcontinent from 2,500 to 1,500 B.C. Once important role in the subsistence economy, have splendid in its isolation in the Indus Valley been represented by the seeds of Vieis vinljerr<, (Pakistan), it is now seen to have occupied a much Cucumis melo, C. sativus and Citrullus c%cynthus. wider area greater than that of the contemporary Assemblage of wild and weed taxa compriso:­ civilizations of t:gypt and Mesopotamia put together, Hordeum spontaneum, Aegilops speltoides, and to have had strong cultural connections to the Chenopodium album and the species of Bromus, west at the time of its birth and powerful eastward Lolium, Phalaris, Polygonum, Rumex, Vicia and influence in the later phases. This culture extends Capparis (Costantini & Biasini, 1985). from the Arabian sea-board in Baluchistan in the At another site at Deh-Morasi Ghundi near west to the border of Haryana and western Urtar Kandahar the domestication of sheep, goat and cattle Pradesh to mark the eastern limit, and from Manda in is evident during Ca. 2,700-2,600 BC. (Shaffer, Jammu and Kashmir in the north to Bhagatrava in 1978). Tne grains recovered from a mud structure Gujarat in the south. After reaching a fully urbanized believed to be an 'alter shrine complex', included state in the nuclear area of Indus Valley, the (Hordeum vulgare) and a fodder grass Aegilops Harappan culture witnesses an overall disintegration tauschii (Chowdhury, 1963) Also from Tarakai Qila of cities and towns during irs expansion and the in the same region (Allchin & Allchin, 1982), an emergence of small, more nebulous settlements SARASWAT-ARCHAE0!:30'lANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SIJUCONTINENT ')25 with a phenomenal lack of standards and material belonging to a coarse variety of Cossypium economy betraying a bias in favour of rural arboreum (Turner & Gulati, 1928) Apart from actual economy. fibre, numerous woven textile impressions were The Harappan civilization is marked by high found on faience, vessels, etc. at Mohenjo-Daro and level of technological achievements in town I1arappa (},·Iarshall. 1931). The earliest civilization planning and architecture, ceramics, metallurgy, kllO\\ 11 to h:l\'C spun and woven the cotton, was the bead styles, terracotta (Votive objects), etched seals, Harappan (utton textiles in the Indus Valley were intensive agriculture, long distance trades, uniform the product of a sophisticated textile-craft script, and uniform standards of weights, measures (Santhanum & IIutchinson, 1974). Sind was so and even proportions. The wealth of archaeological famous for cotton in the ancient Greek World that its data makes it inaccessible fully to review the product was called Sindhu (Sindon in Greek) information in the present context of plant economy. From a figure painted on a pOt from Harappa it The cultural uniformity over such a wide area of is seen that dhoti was in use. Likewise, the sculpture Harappan culture leaves no doubt that a stable of a priest or yogi from Mohenjo-Daro shows that sociological relationship existed between Cities, shawl was used as an upper garment. From the towns and the rural settlements and in the presence of needles, buttons, buckles, etC one may communities of craftsmen, traders and the conclude that stitching of garments was in practice. agriculturists. The various purposes for which woods were Mostly the archaeologists in the past have used at Harappa indicate that Harappans in the Indus remained less interested to the botanical source Valley must have had experience of this raw material material, therefore the information on plant for a pretty long period (Chowdhury & Ghosh, economy is rather limited as compared to its wider 1951) For instance, to make coffin the Harappans expansion. The available data is summarized under used the scented woods of deodar (Cedrus deodara) three areas as under: and rosewood (Dalbergia latijolza) Against the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt where the The Indus Valley in Pakistan scented woods of cypress, juniper, pine and cedar In the nuclear zone of Indus Valley the were used for making coffins, the use of Indian information on the food economy at Mohenjo-Daro, deodar and rosewood for the same purpose revealed Harappa and Chanu-Daro is still based on the earlier an interesting data that enabled the archaeologists to reportS by Percival (1921), Stapf (1931), Luthra draw conclusions of considerable cultural (1936,1941), Burt (1941), Shaw (1943) and Mackay significance. The Harappans knew the forest wealth (1943). Vishnu-Mittre and Savithri (1982) h"'e of Himalayas and central India for the explOitation of however, revised the specific identification of some deodar and rosewood respectively. Their choice of of the cereal grains. The principal food grains jUjube wood (ZiZIPhus sp.) to make wooden mortar consumed by the Harappans have been found as for pounding grains indicates their knowledge of the belonging to the species of wheat (Triticum shock-absorbing quality of this timber (Chowdhury, aestivum, T. compactum and T. sphaerococcum) and 1970). the hulled and naked forms of six·row barley The fa unal remains are also the source of (Hordeum vulgare and H. vulgare var. nudum). information to know the biological environment Sesame (Sesamum indicum) from Harappa and prevailing in the Indus Valley. They domesticated field-brassica (Brassica juncea) from Chanu-Daro cow/ox (Bos indicus) , buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), were the main oil-seed crops. A few vestiges of seeds sheep (Ovis aries), goat (Capra hircus aegagrus) , comparable to those of melon (Cucumis sp) and horse (Equus coballus), elephant (Elephas two faience sealings shaped like date-stOne (Phoenix maxim us), camel (Camelus dromedarius), pig (Sus dactylijera) indicate the familiarity of Harappans scroja cristatus), dog (Canis jamiliaris), cat (Felzs with this fruit. Occurrence of lotus fruit in faience catus domesticus), fowl (Callus sp.), etc. (Badam & and some earthen-ware vases shaped like a Sathe, 1991). Statistical analysis by Singh (1983) pomegranate (Punica granatum) and coconut fruits revealed that domesticated pig played a dominant (Cocos nucijera) also tend to suggest that role in the food economy at Mohenjo-Daro followed Harappans knew these fruits. Since a pendant shaped by cattle, sheep and fowl. Consumption of meat with like a lemon leaf, lemon may also not be left out of the vegetarian diet tend to suggest the balanced questiEln in the Harappan economy (Vats, 1941). carbohydrate and protein contents in the Harappan Among commercial crops, the cotton occupied food economy. Besides, Harappans explOited fish, the foremost place. The cotton fibre found adhering turtles, stag, sambaI' deer, hog deer, spotted deer, to a silver vase at Mohenjo-Daro was identified as chinkara, etc. for obtaining protein-rich diet. No 526 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST remnants of agricultural implements have been nudum), field-pea (Pisum arvense) and chick-pea found, but it is surmised that wooden ploughs and (Cicer arietinum) have been recovered (Vishnu­ sickles of copper were known to them. A synthesis of Mittre & Savithri, 1982). Remains of timber taxa botanical and faunal data presents a picture of a exploited by the settlers have been identified as mixed but well settled economy based on crop and Calligonum sp., Ficus sp. (F glomerata/F religiosa), animal husbandry, which highlights one of the Dalbergia sissoo, Boswellia sen-ata, Tamarix dioica, prominent aspects of economic status of Harappan Morus indica, Salvadora persica, Terminalia sp., society. Albizia lebbeck, Acacia sp., Anogeissus latifolia and Tectona grandis (Savithri, 1976). The Eastern Region Rohira is situated on Ludhiana·Manerkotla Road The development of pre·Harappan and in district Sangrur of Punjab. Investigations on the Harappan cultural traits began in Baluchistan and carbonised plant remains from the earliest pre· Afghanistan, which founded the urban culture in the Harappan occupational phase (Ca. 2,300·2,000 B.C.) Indus Valley. From the lower Indus, this culture revealed the presence of hulled barley (Hordeum moved east and nonh-east and having come upon vulgare), dwarf-wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum), the now extinct stretch of Ghaggar (ancient emmer-wheat (T. dicoccum) and jowar-millet Saraswati), moved upstream and spread in regions of (Sorghum bicolor). Lentil (Lens culinaris) and Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab (Dikshit, 1980; horse-gram (Dolichos bljlorus) were among the Sharma, 1982). The settlers in this region developed legumes. Date stone (Phoenix dactylifera) and their own way of life and became indigenous. grape seed ( Vitis vinljera) constituted the imponant Eventhough the pre-Harappan preceded mature­ evidence of the fruit remains (Saraswat, 1988). Wood Harappan culture, their differentiation is not charcoal remains of Capparis aphylla, Manilkara satisfactorily demonstrated even in Pakistan, much hexandra, Tectona grandis, Cedrus deodara, less in India. The pre-Harappan sites in India are Cedrela toona, Lawsonia inermis, Vitis vinzjera and much later than those on the lower Indus and they the species of Acacia and Taman'x have also been bear the impact of the mature Harappan culture; in found from the pre·Harappan levels (Saraswat, 1988, the state of cultural amalgam pre-Harappans and 1988-89). In addition to the similar finds of hulled Harappans continued to live together for many barley, dwarf wheat, emmer wheat, lentil and horse· centuries. gram, naked barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum) Till date a large number of sites have been and fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum) are excavated. Kalibangan in Rajasthan, Rohira, new additions in the following mature Harappan Mahorana and Sanghol in Punjab and Hulas in phase dated to Ca. 2,000·1,700 B.C. (Saraswat, 1986). western Uttar Pradesh are the imponant sites to Wood charcoal remains belonging to Acacia sp., reveal the data on the plant economy of Harappan Prosopis spicigera, Tamarix dioica, Dalbergia sissoo, culture-complex in the eastern region of the Indus Ziziphus sp., Nyctanthes arbor-tristis and Vilis civilization. vinifera have also been found from this phase. Kalibangan in Ganganagar District of Rajasthan Remains of Hordeum vulgare, Triticum and on the bank of now dry Ghaggar revealed the sphaerococcum, T. compactum, Lens culinaris, Vitis Early Indus or pre-Harappan phase, dated from 2,450 vinifera and Lablab purpureus (Syn. Dolichos to 2,300 B.C. In this period, no evidence of crop lablab) have been found from an early phase of economy is available. However, wood charcoals of transformation of Bara Culture from the pre· Acacia sp., Dalbergia sp. and Tectona grandis have Harappan (Ca. 2,100·1,900 B.C.), at Mahorana about been found (Savithri, 1976). The most important is 8 km south-west of Manerkotla in Sangrur District an evidence of ploughed·field surface showing the (Saraswat, 1990-91). The origin of Bara culture is not marks of furrows in two directions at right angle to very clear, however, its beginning and development each other (Lal, 1970-71). Closely spaced furrows in appears to be derived from the pre·Harappan one direction and crossed widely spaced furrows in traditions. It is also surmised that when the cognate the other are indicative of mixed crop cultivation Baluchi Village farming communities descended into which is still in practice in this region. In the closely the Indus plains, some developed urban Harappan spaced furrows horse-gram or sesame is grown, society, while others formed complimentary rural intersected by the widely spaced rows of mustard communities in the Harappan culture-complexes of (Allchin & Allchin, 1982). Punjab and Haryana (Sharma, 1973, 1981; Sharma & In the folloWing mature Harappan phase, dated Sharma, 1982). Houses in the Baran settlements about 2,000 B.C., food grains of hulled and naked were made of mud·brick walls. Painted motifs on barley (Hordeum vulgare and H. vulgare var. pottery, bull figuries, bangles and beads are other SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDlAN SUBCONTINENT 527 imponant objects sharing the panial affinities with meagre. Seeds of black-gram (Vigna mungo) from Harappans. Daulatpur in Kurukshetra District and some wheat A prominent site of Bana culture is situated at grains from Hissar are reported byVishnu-Mittre and Sanghol (Ca. 2,000-1,400 B.C.) in Punjab. Recently in Savithri (982). In the territories berween the Sutlej 1989-90, the present author has made systematic River and the Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Harappans and collection and examined the food grains of dwarf their successors have shown late survival, wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum), bread wheat (T degeneration and devolution of characteristic traitS. aestivum), club wheat (T compactum), hulled and Hulas in Saharanpur District has revealed the Late naked forms of barley (Hordeum vulgare and H. Harappan crop economy, dated from 2,000 to 1,200 vulgare var. nudum), jowar millet (Sorghum B.C. The assemblage of seeds and fruits includes rice bicolor), italian-millet (Setaria italica), lentil (Lens (Oryza sativa), dwarf-wheat (Triticum culinaris), field-pea (Pisum anJense), chick-pea sphaerococcum) , bread-wheat (T. aestivum), club­ (Cicer arietinum) and horse-gram (dolichos wheat (T. compactum) , barley (Hordeum vulgare), bijlorus). A few seeds of poppy (Opium sp.) have jowar-millet (Sorghum bicolor), oat (Avena sativa), also been identified. Fruit remains include grape finger-millet (Eleusine coracana), cow-pea (Vigna (Vitis vinijera) and emblic myrobolan (Emblica unguiculata), lentil (Lens culinan·s), grass-pea ojjicinalis). These evidences provide the parallels (Lathyrus sativus) , chick-pea (Cicer arietinum), with the typical Harappan economy. field-pea (Pisum arvense) , horse-gram (Dolichos So far, the course of social and economic bijlorus) , green-gram (Vigna radiata), black-gram evolution of Harappans in India has increasingly (Vigna mungo), cotton (Gossypium arboreum/ been shaped by cultivation of cereals, pulses and oil­ herbaceum) , Kundru (Coccinia grandis), walnut seeds, and a sophisticated textile craft. Grape seeds (juglans regia), almond (Prunus amygdalus), castor from Rohira, Mahorana and Sanghol along with the (Ricinus communis), pipal (Ficus religiosa) and a grapevine charcoals from different horizons of wild grass Cenchrus ciliaris (Vishnu-Mittre et aI., cultural depositS at Rohira provide an unequivocal 1985; Saraswat, 1987-88). Imprints of the husk of evidence of grapevine cultivation (Saraswat, 1988). both wild and cultivated forms of rice (Oryza Hyacinthbean (Lablab purpureus) from Mahorana is rujipogon and O. sativa) are noticed_ on potsherds an infallible record of green vegetable cultivation and the burnt mud-plaster pieces. Wood charcoal (Saraswat, 1990-91). In northern India, it is grown as remains have also been identified as of Acacia sp., a garden crop. Its cultivation indicates that an Shorea robusta, Tectona grandis and a species of assured irrigation and high intrinsic soil fertility bamboo (Saraswat, unpublished). It is important to would have been maintained for growing this note that during the eclipse of Harappan culture vegetable crop. The evidences suggest that the style, the rice cultivation was opted by the Late knowledge of horticulture was highly advanced in Harappans due to the influence of contemporaneous the Harappan communities of Punjab. Lawsonia cultures in Gangetic plain. This brought a change in inermis (Hinna or Mehandi) evidenced by wood the Harappan style of agriculture. charcoals at Rohira is grown as a hedge plant in Bones from Kalibangan in Rajasthan and Rupar India. One may presume that Harappan ladies would in Punjab (Ca. 2,062-1,800 B.C.) indicate the have used hinna for embellishment, as the leaves of domestication of cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, horse, this plant, when powdered and made into a paste, camel, elephant and pig by Harappans in this region. give dye for colouring the hand-palm and nails. Barasingha, spotted deer, black panridge, fresh­ Parijat (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) also deserves a water and river turtles, etc. were also explOited for special mention as an ornamental plant grown in the the protein-rich diet (Badam & Sathe, 1991). gardens for itS fragrant flowers, which open in night The Southern Region and drop off in the morning. There might have been other plants also grown by Harappans in their The expansion of Harappan culture in the gardens, but their evidences are lacking. Till recent peninsular India covers Kutch, Kathiawar, coastal past, there had been no repon on the horticultural flats of Gujarat and some areas of hinterland of and gardening practices in the archaeological Maharasthra. In this peripheral zone the Harappan studies. The work carried out at the Sahni Institute traditions and material culture displayed an has added a new dimension to the economy of independent regional style with the local indigenous Harappans. hunter and food-gathering communities. The Further eastward there is concentration of characteristic traditions of Harappans are Harappan sites in the region of Haryana and western documented at many sites (e.g., Rangpur, Lothal, Uttar Pradesh. Information from Haryana is very Surkotada, etc.), whose material culture and town 528 TIlE PALAEOBOTANIST planning is similar to that of me Indus ValIey. (Ghosh & La!, 1962-63). Except the Tectona grandis Economy and other technological advancemenl~(Teak) and Ptet"oca/pus santalinus (, evidenced in inscribed seals, ceramics, metal work rest are the elements of local dry deciduous forests. and bead manufacturing, which are typical of mature Quality wood of teak in its natural distribution phase, are known from Gujarat by about 2,100 B.e. occurs at the distance of 100 km in north·eastern and Lothal and Prabhas Patan were the important eastern direction from Lotha!. Pterocarpus seaports. The sea-trade was a major stimulus of santalinus (Lal-chandan) is native of eastern Harappan immigration. An expectation of uniformity Deccan, from the Godavari to Palar River (Brandis, in the cultural milieu or chronological span has not 1971). Highly prized wood of Lal chandan was been observed in this region. Seeds and grains from exploited by the Harappans from this area Although the archaeological sites for some time until the it') utility can not be demonstrated, but the great use recent past, have casually been reponed. No of the wood in old times was for the source of a red systematic collection by float:ltion technique, but dye-santalin. It j; not soluble in water. Dissolvect from Rojdi in Rajkot District, have been made. in alcohol, it dye:, cloth a beautiful salmon·pink Records of some millets included Pennisetum colour. Besides, the wood is excellent for carving typhoides from Rangpur in district Surendranagar work, especially for making idols and other joinary (Ghosh & Lal, 1962-63), Fleusine coracana and purposes. Wood charcoal of P. santalinus at Rangpur Setaria italica from Surkotada in district Bhuj bears considerable cultural significance, as it claims (Chanchala, 1984; tAR, 1974-75) as well as Oriyo priority to a sound Knowledge of efficient wood Timbo in district Bhamagar (Wagner, 1983), and utilization. The amount of annual rainfall in Gujarat Eleusine coracana from Shikarpur in the Runn of is so unpredictable that systems for the control and Kutch (Chanchala, unpublished). These finds are management of water were probably important dated from different levels between 2,500 B.e. and factors of Harappan agricultural economies \X!here 2,000 B.e. Rojdi in district Rajkor is best viewed as a rainfall patterns were favourable and the irrigation permanent site, almost the size of a town, to give an possible, both winter crops of wheat, barley and idea of regional expressions of the mature Harappan pulses, and the summer crops of millers were grown. phase that wa.s established around 2,500 Be. A large In the areas where rainfall was not adequate, millets number of seeds and fruits of the cultivated and wild played an important role in the subsistence taxa, useful to humans as a food source, fodder, etc., strategies. have been recovered and analysed recently (Wagner, Enormous quantities of seeds of wild grasses, 1983; Weber, 1991). The assemblage of crop plants sedges and other srecies recovered from a number from Harappan Rojd; includes Eleusine coracana, of sites, have been used to deterf!1ine the regional Pennisetum typhoides, Sorghum bicolor, Echinochloa ecological conditions of the Harappan se'ttlements. crus-gaLLi, Setaria italica, Panicum miliare, The conditions in the habitational sites can be easily Hordeum vulgare, Unum usitatissimum, Lens modified on a large scale, through the human culinaris, Lathyrus sativus, Vigna radiata, Pisum activities. Further, soils of the seasonal tropical arvense and Brassica campestriS. Frui t remains of environment like that of Gujarat are often highly jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana) and cucumber fertile and can be very producti/e if they are (Cucumis sp.) have also been reported. supplied with sufficient water Such changes may At Lothal, the husk and spikelet impressions have entailed development of a tolerance for a wide were found on pot·sherds and at Rangpur rice husks, range of habitat conditions, and consequently a apparently used as binding material for mud-plaster, dispersal of the species beyond their natural range. were found embedded in burnt and partially burnt It is, therefore, not always easy to feel sure about the mud-lumps (Ghosh, 1961; Ghosh & Lal, 1962-63). past climatic conditions, on the basis of data The identification of these Oryza remains as to the obtained from habitational sites. wild or cultivated taxa, remained tentative. Fairservis From Surkotada in the Runn of Kutch (1979), however, is of the opinion that Harappans carbonized seeds have been referred to Setaria during the phase of decline opted for the rice viridis, Phragmites karka, Scirpus supinous, cultivation. Trijolium repens, Euphorbia pycnostegia, Wood charcoal studies show the explOitation of Chenopodium album and the species of Acacia sp., Adina cordijolia, Albizia sp., Soyamida Echinochloa, Andropogon, Brachiaria, Eragrostis, jebrijuga and Tectona grandis (Rao and Lal, 1985) Digitaria, Panicum, Portulaca, Poa, Carex, Other than Acacia, Albizia and Soymida Harappans Eriophorum, Dichostylis, Polygonum, Atriplex, also explOited the timbers of Azadirachta indica, Amaranthus, etc (Savithri, 1976; Vishnu·Mime & Pterocarpus santalinus and Tamarix sp., at Rangpur Savithri, 1978). Similarly, a large number of wild taxa SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAl REMAINS OF INDL<\N SUBCONTINENT 529 identified from Rojdi belong to Blainvillea acmella, urbanity, is as yet sketchy, except of culrure in Boerhaavia dijjusa, Chenopodium album, (Dhavalikar, 1984). Cymbopogon martini, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, The plant economy is discussed under two Digera muricata, Digitana ascendens, Eyphorbia broad geographical regions. granulata, E. prostrata, E. thymidolia, Clossocardia bosvallia, Coniogyna hirta, indigojera li71ljolia, Central India and the Deccan Medicago sativa, Melilotus indica, M. alba, AhaI' Culture (Ca. 2,000-1,400 BC)-This Polygonum plebejum, Sapindus laurijolius, Setaria culture has been named after a type site at Ahar near tomentosa, S. glauca, Tragus bijlorus and the Udaipur and played an imponant role in the species of Abelomoschus, Acacia, Borreria, Carex, development and transmission of material economy Chloris, Cenchrus, Amaranthus, Convolvulus, in the south-eastern Rajasthan during the late and Cucumis, Cyperus, Desmodium, Elyonurus, Ficus, post-Harappan times. It is characterized by mud­ Fimbristylis, impatiens, ipomoea, Lotus, Melochia, brick and kiln -baked structures, ab undance of Neptunia, Panicum, Peltophorum, Phyllanthus, copper objecrs, bead industry and white-painted Polygalla, Rorippa, SCilpUS, Sida, Solanum, Stella ria, black and red wares. Being near the Khetri mines, Trianthema, Verbascum, Vicia, etc. (Weber, 1991). the people were expen in copper smelting. Not surprisingly, many species do have Mixed economy based on crop cultivation and economic uses. These seeds in the habitational sites animal herding was pracriced. It is evidenced by the must have come through the direcr or indirecr remains of jowar millet (Sorghum bico[or) and rice human acrivities. Quite a few might have come from (Oryza sativa), and the bones of domesticated the agriculrural fields, along with the crop produce carrie, buffalo, goat, sheep and pig (Vishnu-Minre, and may give enough indication about the 1969; Sankalia et aI., 1969). Among the kitchin ecological conditions in which the crops fit in The middens the bones of carrie, buffalo, goat, sheep, data needs detailed interpretation from this deer, tunle, fish, etc. indicate the explOitation of viewpoint. both domesticated as well as wild animals for food. Harappan cui ture is spread in a vast area of Additional evidences of crop-economy of Ahar about 4,80,000 sq km in diverse geographical culture are from Dangwada in district Ujjain, Madhya regions. In spite of the considerable advance in Pradesh. The finds include wild rice (Oryza archaeological work, the knowledge of planr rujipogon). cultivated rice (Oryza sativa), bread­ economy of this culture is still inadequate. Furure wheat (Triticum aestivum), black-gram (Vigna systematic work will take us a long way rowards a mungo), green-gram (Vigna radiata), lentil (Lens clear understanding of various aspects of the culinaris) and jujube stOnes (ZiZ1Phus sp.) exploiration partern of botanical wealrh. identified by Vishnu-Mime et at. (1984) CHALCOLITHIC CULTURES IN INDIA Kayatha Culture (Ca. 2,000·1,800 BC)-This culture is named after Kayatha Village situated in The Chalcolithic cultures, characrerized by the district Ujjain, . It is followed by the use of copper, were spread in a wide time range occupational phases of Ahar and cultures from abour 2,200 ro 900-800 B.c. They are either (Ansari & Dhavalikar, 1975). Technical advancement panly contemporary with or posterior to the Indus is evident by sturdy violet-painted pinkish-red wares Civilization. From highly varied shape and and red-painted buff and combed wares, specialized ornamentation of ponery, archaeologists have been blade industry of silicious srones, and beads of semi­ able to distinguish a number of cultures of limited precious stones and shells (Thapar, 1985) geographical and chronological occurrence and Evidences suggest that Kayatha and Ahar cultures various degrees of relation. These cultures with their received early technical innovations from the chronological time-brackets cover the areas in south­ Harappans and accommodated the same ro local eastern Rajasthan, Malwa region in central western cui rures, prior ro onward transmission of post­ India, Maharashtra and the Ganga-Yamuna Doab Harappan cultural traits. Food grains of dwarf-wheat (Agrawal et aI., 1978; Thapar, 1985). Except for some (Triticum sphaerococcum), club-wheat (T. cultural equipments, the Chalcolithic culrures share compactum) and horse-gram (Dolichos bljlorus) a common level of agriculrural economy and have been reponed by Sharma (1983). The bones of technology. Their basic economy was based on crop­ domesticated canle and horse which were husbandry, stock-raising, hunting and fishing. The slaughtered for meat are suggestive of animal knowledge of socio-political aspects in these husbandry (Mur, 1975; Dhavalikar, 1979). Derailed cultural serrlements without any pretensions to evidences are wanting. 530 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST

Malwa Culture (Ca. 1,700-1,450 B.C.)­ in life after death. At and Daimahad, ShOWing a considerable overlap with Ahar Culture, several child burials have been found inside as well the spread over a large area in as outside the houses. Two urns faced mouth to Madhya Pradesh, Malwa region in particular. It is also mouth containing the body of a child were buried in represented in Maharashtra, but its beginning has a pit with some bowls and jars, probably containing been placed in later period around 1,600 B.C. In food for the dead. It has also been observed that Madhya Pradesh, main excavated sites of Malwa they obtained copper from south-eastern Rajasthan culture are at Navdatoli-Maheshwar on the Narmada, and conch shells from Saurashtra through their trade Nagda on the Chambal, Kayatha on the Chhoti-Kali contacts (Dhavalikar, 1984). Sind and Eran on the Betwa rivers. on the Food grains from Inamgaon and Daimabad river Pravara, Prakash on Tapti and Inamgaon on include wheat (Triticum aestivum and T. Ghod are the sites in Maharashtra. Malwa people, sphaerococcum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), finger flourishing in Madhya Pradesh, began to extend their millet (Eleusine coracana), lentil (Lens culinaris), settlements into the Deccan and having come in field-pea (Pisum arvense), grass-pea (Lathyrus contact with southern Neolithic communities they sativus), horse-gram (Dolichos biflorus), kidney­ adopted burial customs and some other cultural bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), sieva bean (Phaseolus traits (Shinde, 1990). lunatus), phasemy-bean (Phaseolus lathyroides) , The culture is depicted by mud houses with cow-pea (Vigna unguiculata), hyacinth bean floors having cow-dung coating, black-painted red (Lablab purpureus) and black-gram (Vigna mungo). pottery, artefacts of copper and low-grade hronze, A fair representation of wild seeds and fruits of stone objects, bead industry of precious and Ziziphus jUjuba, Phoenix sylvestris~Syzygium semiprecious stones and terracotta figurines cumlnZ, Heteropanax fragrans, Chenopodium (Sankalia, Subbarao & Deo, 1958; Thapar, 1985; Amaranthus and Rhynchosia has also been noticed Sankalia, Deo & Ansari, 1971; Ansari & Dhavalikar, (Kajale, 1977a, 1988a; Vishnu-Mittre et al., 1986). 1975; Allchin & Allchin, 1982). Formerly it was argued that the Malwa farmers in In Madhya Pradesh, the remains of wheat lieu of iron ploughs, could have not successfully (Triticum aestivum/compactum), rice (Oryza exploited the hard and sticky black cotton soil for sativa), field-pea (Pisum arvense), grasspea agriculture purpose in Maharashtra (Kosambi, 1963). (Lathyrus sativus), lentil (Lens culinaris), black­ Nevertheless, Wallace (1988) has contradicted this gram (Vigna mungo), green-gram (Vigna radiata) , view. According to him, black cotton. soil breaks linseed (Unum usitatissimum) and jUjube (Ziziphus easily as a result of its shrinkage and expansion cycle jUjuba) have been identified by Vishnu-Mittre and simply a wooden hoe is sufficient to turn the (1961), The seeds of chick-pea (Cicer arletinum) soil. Malwa people domesticated cattle, sheep and have not been confirmed in the collection, though goat. Bones of sambar, chital, black-buck, mongoose Sankalia et al. (1958) mentioned them in the and hare suggest the hunting of wild fauna to economy of Navdatoli folk. Wheat grains from supplement the protein requirement in their diet Kayatha near Ujjain are from uncertain dated context (Allchin & Allchin, 1982). Prakash and Awasthi Savalda Culture (Ca. 2,200-1,700 B.c.)-The (1971) examined the wood charcoals belonging to earliest Chalcolithic culture, after the excavations at Acacia sp., some unidentified conifer and bamboo. Savalda on the bank of the river Tapti in West The settlers at Navdatoli-Maheshwar domesticated Khandesh of Maharashtra, is characterized by distinct cattle, sheep and goat. Bones of some deer and ceramics in varying shades of brown, chocolate, pink fishing-hooks of copper suggest that hunting and and red colours. Details of cultural equipments are fishing was also practiced by the Malwa people in not known. The artistic activity of the Savalda people Madhya Pradesh. can be seen in the designs on pottery, showing The excavations at Daimabad and Inamgaon, hatched triangles and diamonds, loops, circles, Maharashtra have revealed separate houses of a fishes, peacocks, birds and arrowheads. From the craftsman and a priest suggesting the existence of comparable deposits of Savalda culture at Daimabad ranked society around 1,600 B.C. The religious in Ahmednagar District, the grains of dwarf-wheat complexes excavated at Daimabad, Maharashtra and (Triticum sphaerococcum) and barley (Hordeum at Dang~adain Madhya Pradesh (Wakankar & Khare, vulgare) have been found (Kajale, 1977a; Vishnu­ 1981) indicates that Malwa people did also carry Mittre et aI., 1986). Acacia wood charcoals have also some customs and traditions they practiced in their been reported (Chanchala, 1984). In view of the homeland in the Malwa region (Shinde, 1990). The succeeding Late Harappan and Malwa cultures at evidences from burials suggest that they had belief Daimabad, it may be surmised that wheat, barley, SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 531

etc. must have been grown along with a number of culinaris), grass-pea (Lathyrus sativus) , field-pea leguminous crops. (Pisum arvense) , pigeon-pea (Cajanus cajan) , chick-pea (Cicer an'etinum), horse-gram (Dolichos }orwe Culture (Ca. 1,400-900 BC)-Initially biflorus), kidney- bean (Phaseolus vulga ris), known from Jorwe on the bank of Pravara in district hyacinth-bean (Lablab purpureus), safflower Ahmednagar, this culture has been represented at (Carthamus tinctorius) and linseed (Linus more than twO hundred sites in the semi-arid zone usitatissimum). Fruit and seed remains of beleric of . Amongst them, the important myrobolan (Terminalia belenca), jambo (Syzygium sites are Inamgaon, Theur, Sonegaon and Chandoli cumini), Indian cherry (Cordia myxa) chiraunji in district Pune, Bahal in district Jalgaon, Prakash in (Buchanania lanzan), babul (Acacia nilotica), district Dhulia and Jorwe and Nevasa in district jujube (Ziziphus jujuba), wild date (Phoenix Ahmednagar. In Madhya Pradesh, Navdaroli­ sylvestris), Katanj (Pongamia pinnata), sugandha­ Maheshwar has also shown the presence of this bala (Pavonia odorata) and tarla (Heteropanax culture. The settlement patterns, socio·political fragrans) have also been reported (Kajale, 1975, organization, technology, religious beliefs and 1977a, 1977b, 1979, 1988a, 1988b; Vishnu-Mime et exchange networks of the are better aI., 1986). An important discovery is that during the represented in archaeological evidences than other Jorwe times cotton was spun in Maharashtra and, at Chalcolithic cultures in the Deccan and central India any rate the flax was also used. This inference is (Dhavalikar, 1984). based on the discovery of beads strung upon a Settlements have been identified as villages, thread of silk with a cotton nep from Nevasa in some quite small in the vicinity of a large village as district Ahmednagar and second such string in a farmsteads. Mud houses had the wattle and daub similar context at Chandoli in district Pune, which construction. Settlement plan and the burial had a thread of flax or linseed (Gulati in Clutton­ evidences of Inamgaon indicate the ranked society Brock et aI., 1961). The domesticated animals of the in the Jorwe communities. Jorwe people traded with Jorwe culture people included cattle, sheep, goat, many of their contemporaries including the hunter­ buffalo and pig. Bones of deer and nilgai suggest gatherers. They obtained gold and ivory from that hunting was also practiced. Karnataka, copper from Rajasthan, conch shells from . It is obvious that in every respect there was a the Saurashtra Coast and amazonite from Rajapipla in spurt in technological, socio-economical and Gujarat. Copper may also have come from Amreli agricultural developments. The Deccan College, mines in Gujarat. Within the Jorwe culture zone Pune owns the credit of having contributed itself, large centres like Inamgaon and Daimabad immensely to the Chalcolithic cultures in the region may have served for regional exchange and also as of Maharashtra. redistributive centres under the administrative Chalcolithic cultures of the Ganga Valley control of chief-doms. These farming communities prepared painted Eastward of Punjab and Haryana no typical and wheel-made pottery. Copper objects, gold Harappan sites are found and instead the indigenous ornaments, crucibles and tongs of copper for Chalcolithic cultures are encountered. The possible working of goldsmiths, chalcedony drills used to exceptions being some sites like Alamgir and Hulas perforate the beads of semi·precious stones and in the bordering region of western Uttar Pradesh, copper drills for iVOly beads indicate the technical where the characteristic Harappan traits were advancement attained by Jorwe culture people. watered down by mingling with local cultures. What Lime-making was a flourishing industry of Jorwe was diffused into these Chalcolithic cultures were communities, as testified by Inamgaon evidence the elements of Harappan technology and (Ansari, 1978-79; Dhavalikar, 1984). agricultural traits, in the forms which increasingly Evidences of agriculture from Inamgaon, deviated from the original system by successive Daimabad, Nevasa, Apegaon and Tuljapur Garhi in adaptations, changing in cultural and environmental Maharashtra give us a fair idea of cultivation of systems. As one moves eastwards in the Gangetic different species of wheat (Triticum aestivum, T. corridor from the semi-arid Harappan zone, the compactum and T. sphaerococcum), barley climatic conditions favoured the development of (Hordeum vulgare), rice (Oryza sativa), jowar­ original forest cover of greater density. The cultural millet (Sorghum bicolor), kodon-millet (Paspalum diffusion into the Gangetic corridor would appear to scrobiculatum) , ragi-millet (Eleusine coracana), have been initially by boat along the great rivers, fox-tail millet (Setaria italica), green-gram (Vigna followed later by a lengthy process of forest radiata) , black-gram (Vigna mungo), lentil (Lens clearance and settlement. Economy of these rural 532 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST cultures was mainly based on farming and animal chick-pea (Cicer arietinum) and field-pea (Pisum husband!)'. Characterized by red ware traditions, the arvense) from another contemporaneous site at Dil Chalcolithic cultures in the Gangetic plains data Quila in district Bulandshahr were examined by the from about 2,000 B.C. Their chronological details are present author at Aligarh Muslim University. not yet fully established, but they run up to 900-800 In the middle Ganga Valley, information of plant B.C. These Chalcolithic cultures may be described as economy of the Ochre Coloured Potte!)' culture under: comes from Sringaverapura in Allahabad District, dated to Ca. 1,050-1,000 B.C. Food grains of Oryza Copper Hoard or Ochre Coloured Pottery sativa, Hordeum vulgare and Sesamum indicum, Culture (Ca. 2,000-1,000 S.C.)-The early Chalcolithic reparian culture characterized by thick cotton fibres belonging to Gossypium arboreum/herbaceum and the wood remains of ochre-coloured water-rolled potte!)', most probably maintained its contacts with the Harappans in Pin us roxburghii, Ziziphus sp., Acac ia nilotica/catechu, Mangifera indica, Madhuca Rajasthan and Ha!)'ana and diffused various indica and bamboo have been reported (Saraswat, Harappan traits in central and ,astern Uttar Pradesh, 1986, 1989). In the same cultural context the rice­ Bihar and Bengal (Sinha, 1982). Hoards of copper husk is reported to have been used as degraissant in implements have been found from the settlements. the clay to make potte!)' at Mirapatti in ~llahabad Some of the harpoons and spearheads are the superb District (Kumar, 1991), but the detailed information examples of craftsmanship, employing the use of is lacking. It is now almost certain that the riverine double mould and close casting of copper and these communities belonged to traders serving the settlers objects are much finer and better than those seen in in the Gangetic plain, but their precise the otherwise advanced Indus civilization (Sankalia, stratigraphical provenance and modus-operandi is 1974). Some of the objects have affinities with Chota not known. Nagpur products in both stone and copper, and there are other links with flat-axe forms from Culture (Ca.l,500-800 Harappan and ]orwe contexts. People lived on the B.C.)-Black and red wares although known from a edges of the flood plain in hamlets of wattle and number of Iron Age culture sites in Rajasthan, daub huts, growing various crops, rearing the cattle, Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh, the and fishing and hunting in the floodplain forests. culture associated with this ceramic style has come The culture has been variously attributed to the into ligh t in district Etah of Uttar Pradesh at Indo-Aryans corning from West. In the course of Atranjikhera and ]akhera, within the time bracket of their homeland in Saptasindhu and Panchanada Ca. 1,500-1,200 B.C. (Gaur, 1969; Sahi, 1979). In (Sind and Punjab) they had gradually settled in the Rajasthan, Noh in district Bharatpur and ]odhpura in Ganga Valley. Besides adoring tertacota figurine of ]aipur District are the important sites dating from Mother Goddess (Prithvi) and the holy bull 1,100 to 900 B.C. (Agrawal & Kumar, 1976). At (Vrishabha), they worshipped terracotta wheels and Sohgaura and Narhan in district Gorakhpur (IAR, pottery discs symbolising the Sun and 1961-62; Singh & Dil, 1985) and Khairadih in Ballia anthropomorphic figures of Lord Indra-the District (Singh, 1989), the black and red ware users foremost God of Rigvedic pantheon (Kumar, 1984, in the Middle Ganga Valley colonized from about 1987, 1991). Terracotta wheels from Dil Quila 1,100 B.C. to 800 B.C. Settlement plan and socio­ (district Bulandshahr) and Atranjikhera (district economic aspects are not clearly understood. Wheel­ Etah) and the bones of horse from the former site made pottery was black inside and red outside. (Gaur, 1973, 1983) are suggestive that horse may Exclusively the copper objects are found in the have been used as a draft animal in a wheeled cart. Ganga Valley, but in Rajasthan the use of iron has Although a number of Ochre Coloured Potte!)' also been reported with this ceramic tradition. cultural settlements are known, so far the Information on plant economy of the Black and information on plant economy is meagre. Remains of Red Ware culture folk in the Upper Ganga-Yamuna rice (Oryza sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), Doab, is regrettably meagre. Food grains of Oryza chick-pea (Cicer arietinum) and grass-pea (Lathyrus sativa and Hordeum vulgare, and the wood charcoal sativus), and the wood charcoals of Acacia sp., of Tectona grandis are known only from Atranjikhera Shorea' robusta, Dalbergia sissoo and Pinus (Chowdhury et al., 1977). Oryza sativa, Dolichos roxburghii are known from Atranjikhera in district biflorus and Vigna mungo have been reported by Etah, dated to Ca. 2,000-1,500 B.C. (Chowdhu!)' et Vishnu-Mittre and Savithri (1974) from Noh in al., 1977; Saraswat, 1980). Food grains of barley district Bharatpur, Rajasthan. (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Tn'ticum aestivum), An intensive investigation carried out at the SARASWAT-ARC HAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 533

Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany on the plant robusta), kuchala (Strychnos nux-vomica), tamarind remains from Narhan in district Gorakhpur has (Tamarindus indica), jhau (Tamarix d2oica), teak thrown a fresh light on the plant economy of Black (Tectona grandis) , basil (Ocimum sp.-cf 0. and Red Ware people in the Middle Gangetic plain. sanctum), gurch (Tinospora cordijolia) and In the earliest hahitational phase at this site a large bamboo (Bambusa sp.). • number of carbonized seeds and fruits, weeds and Having discussed the agricultural and forest wild taxa, impressions on pottery and plasters, economy, it is difficult to find out whether all the cuticle remains and wood charcoals have been sites of Black and Red Ware culture in the Middle identified (Sharma, 1989; Sara swat et al., 1988, Ganga Valley had attained similar advancement or 1991). The crop remains included rice (Oryza there were some differences between them. Taking sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triticum stock of material progress that was made at Narhan sphaerococcum, T aestivum and T compactum), about 3,000 years ago the present way of life in the pearl-millet (Pennisetum typhoides), kodon-millet Villages of the area does not show any remarkable (Paspalum scrobiculatum), chick-pea (Cicer progress, although foundation of the present crop arietinum), field-pea (Pisum arvense), green-gram husbandry seems to have deeper roots in the (Vigna radiata) , horse-gram (Dolichos bijlorus), protohistoric times. Besides, the rich evidence of grass-pea (Lathyrus sativus), lentil (Lens culinaris), agricultural advancement and remains of date and moth-bean (Vigna aconitijolia), field brassica raisins (dried grapes) suggests intimate trade (Brassica juncea), sesame (Sesamum indicum) and connections with the contemporary cultural Linseed (Linum usitatissimum). Fruit remains of communities in north-western India jujube (Ziziphus nummulan'a), grape or raisins At Sohgaura in district Gorakhpur, the imprints (Vitis vinijera), date (Phoenix sp.-d. P dactylijera) of wild and cultivated rice ( OlJlza rujlpogon and 0. and jack-fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) have also sativa) have been reported on the pottery (Sharma, been found. Associated with these crop and fruit 1983). remains, the seeds and fruits of weeds and other Khairadih is a small village on the bank of wild taxa include Fimbristylis tetragona, F. Ghaghra River in BaHia District. The excavations dichotoma, F tenuiculata, Rhynchospora hooken', revealed the similar cultural chronology on this site Cyperus sp., Elaeocharis sp., Dactyloctenium as represented at Narhan. A large number of plant aegyptium, Andropogon sp., Panicum sp., Cenchrus remains have been collected by the author and cilian's, Poa sp., Echinochloa crus-galli, Polygonum preliminary examination of seeds and fruits from the barbatum, Rumex dentatus, LOlium temulentum, earliest phase of Black and Red Ware culture at Amaranthus sp., Chenopodium album, Cucumis sp. Khairadih indicates similar advancement in (d. C melo), Trianthema portulacastrum, Ipomoea agricultural economy, as from Narhan. In addition to pestigridis, Oldenlandia dichotoma, Rhynchosia field-brassica (Brassica juncea) already known, minima, Trigonella occulta, Vicia sativa, Indigojera finds of yellow mustard (Brassica campestris) and enneaphylla, I. linijlolia, Desmodium gangeticum, castor (Ricinus communis) are new additions to the Lathyrus aphaca, Cleome viscosa,. Sida alba, Chalcolithic culture of the Middle Ganga Valley Malvastrum coromandelianum, Commelina (Saraswat, unpublished) benghalensis and Argemone mexicana/ochroleuca. The culture of Sohgaura, Narhan and Khairadih The large collection of these plant remains throws complex shows striking similarity in the ceramic light on the crop and weed association in ancient forms and other cultural equipments with those agricultural fields and gives an indication oJ the found in Bihar and the Vindhyan region, where the ground vegetation cover around ancient Narhan. Chalcolithic phase seems to have Neolithic Many wild plants might have played an important beginning and survives up to a later date. Here, role in the economy of ancient settlers, as they are although a large number of sites have been still used quite largely. excavated, so far there is little information on plant Information regarding the woods exploited by economy. At Senuwar in district Rohtas of Bihar the Black and Red Ware folk at Narhan has also been remains of rice (Oryza sativa), barley (Hordeum derived by the study of wood charcoal remains. The vulgare), wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum and T taxa represented in the charcoals belong to dhak aestivum), jowar-millet (Sorghum bicolor) , chick­ (Butea monosperma), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), pea (Cicer an'etinum), green-gram ( Vigna radiata), bistendu (Diospyros montana), mahua (Madhuca field-pea (Pisum arvense), lentil (Lens culinan's) , indica), mango (Mangijera indica), babul/khair grass-pea (Lathyrus sativus) , horse-gram (Dolichos (Acacia nilotica/A. catechU), mulberry (Morus bijlorus) , linseed (Linum usitatissimum) , sesame alba), bakar (Premna mucronata), sal (Shorea (Sesamum indicum) and safflower (Carthamus 534 THE PALAEOBOTANIST

tinctorius) , have been found from the Chalcolithic Polished Ware (NBPW). Beginning of the iron-using levels characterized by black and red ware industry PGW culture at Atranjikhera in district Etah is dated (Saraswat, unpublished). to 1,025 ± 110 B.C. In the Midd Ie Ganga Valley in A few sites discussed here are Widely scattered, view of the evidence from Narhan, district yet there is sufficient archaeological evidence to Gorakhpur, Black and Red Ware folk acquired the show that the bearers of Black and Red Ware iron technology during Ca. 1,160-800 B.C. and traditions in northern India were the skilled farming transmitted to Black Slipped Ware phase, dated from communities. 800 to 600 B.C. (Singh, 1991). NBPW sites, Widely scattered in northern plains, are almost covered by a IRON AGE CULTURES time-bracket of Ca. 600-50 B.C. (Agrawal et at., 1978) Towards the end of second millennium B.C., In northern India a variety of metal equipments discovery of iron was by far the most important made of iron, copper, bronze, lead and tin-and iron factor which heralded a new era in the cultural tools facilitated more effective clearance of advancement in the Indian subcontinent. A new woodland. Textile, metalwork, jewellery, pottery and stimulus and technology emerged by the use of iron other craft industries had developed giving rise to a as a principal metal for tools, which accelerated measure of specialization and trade. Population more effectively the forest clearance to obtain increased and a number of settlements emanated extensive tracts for settlement and agriculture. Iron with administrative central-place functions, but later metallurgy was long thought to have been adding marketing and commercial activities. Such introduced into India from western Asia, but the data places known as Mahajanpadas, recorded in the from geology, ancient literature, ethnography and literature and now identified on ground (e.g., archaeology has now indicated that the significant Kausambi, Varanasi, Rajgrih, Patalipurra, etc.), were technological advance may have been developed to provide the basis for the rise of India's second independently in the Indian subcontinent urbanization. Steps were made in the development (Chakrabarti, 1976). According to Hegde (1991), of caste system to stabilize the elements of pi ural iron technology developed in India on the basis of a society of diverse ethnic and economic components long tradition of successful copper technology and it was in this period that a complex socio­ which provided the necessary infrastructure for religious system developed. The iron technology mining, roasting, crushing of the ore and facilitated, for the first time, substantial inroads to be benefication and smelting in small furnaces. made into the eastern forests for the emerging During the period of 1,200-1,000 B.C. iron using Mahajanpadas, which enhanced the setting of very cultures attested in a considerable number of cairn complex philosophical maturity of the Indian cemetries of Baluchistan, replaced the copper-using Civilization. The expansion of agriculture facilitated Chalcolithic folk. Although at AhaI' in Rajasthan and by the iron tools apparently provided an additional Eran in Madhya Pradesh, iron-associated levels have "techno-environmental efficiency" (Harris, 1975), been referred as early as to about 1,300 B.C. (Sahi, The factual evidence of plam remains, however, 1979), the use of iron on a larger scale does not does not throw adequate light on this issue. In view seem to have stabilized at such an early date of the rich economy of the Harappans and other (Agrawal, 1982; Deo, 1991). For the beginning of Chalcolithic cultures, it is clear that the farming was iron technology in central India, Chakrabarti (1976), successfully operated even in heavily wooded nevertheless, preferred a more conservative estimate ecozones, prior to the introduction of iron of about 1,100 B.C. Here and elsewhere in southern technology. Maximum number of iron-using sites are India, the cultures are associated with Black and Red in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. So far Ware tradition of the ceramic industry. more than 650 sites of Painted Grey Ware culture Process of iron technology in the cultures of have been discovered (Lal, 1984). But our Punjab opens around 1,200-1,100 B.C. and information on plant economy of this culture in culminates in the Upper Gangetic plain in mid-first Vedic and Post-Vedic times is regrettably scarce and millennium B.C. On many of the sites in northern scattered. India the Iron Age cultures are associated with a In Punjab, Kodon-millet (Paspalum break in pottery style-well-fired Painted Grey Ware scrobiculatum) and wood charcoals of Acacia and (PGW) in the Upper Gangetic plain and in the Albizia species have been reported from NBPW eastern lowlands giving way to Black Slipped Ware phase at Rupar, dated from 600 to 50 B.C. (Savithri, (BSW) derived from earlier Black and Red Ware 1976). Preliminary examination of recently collected traditions, and to a very distinctive Northern Black food grains from the iron-associated phase (Ca. SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 535

1,300-400 B.C.) at Sanghol in district Ludhiana has In Allahabad District, Kausambi is an important revealed the presence of Oryza sativa, Hordeum site. From Northern Black Polished Ware culture (Ca. vulgare, Triticum sphaerococcum, T. aestivum, Lens 600-200 B.C.), barley (Hordeum vulgare), cotton culinaris, Vigna radiata, Pisum arvense, Dolichos seeds (Gossypium arboreum/herbaceum) and the biflorus, Lablab purpureus, Sesamum indicum and timbers of Soymida febrifuga, Hol{Jrrhena Brassica juncea (Saraswat, unpublished). Detailed antidysenterica, Adina cordifolia, ZiztPhus, studies of these remains are likely to fill-up the gap Terminalia, Lagerstroemia, Anogeissus and of our knowledge on the Iron Age crop-economy in Dalbergia species have been reported by Chanchala Punjab. (1986-87, 1987-88). At Sringaverapura, a key,site of In western Uttar Pradesh grains of rice (Oryza Ramayana Age on the bank of Ganges in district sp.), cuticle remains of Saccharum spontaneum and Allahabad, the phases of iron-using cultures are rice-husk and the wood charcoals Dalbergia sissoo characterized by Black Slipped, Black and Red, and Holarrhena antidysenterica were identified by Burnished Grey and associated red wares, dated Chowdhury and Ghosh (1954-55) from Hastinapura from 950 to 700 B.C. Rice (Oryza sativa), barley in district Meerut (Ca. 900-500 B.C.). It has, however, (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triticum not been possible to determine whether rice grains sphaerococcum and T. compactum), chick-pea from Hastinapura belong to some wild or cultivated (Cicer arietinum) and green-gram (Vigna radiata) , form (VishnU-Mime, 1974). At Atranjikhera in district cuticles of barley husk and leaf epidermal remains of Etah, Oryza sativa, Hordeum vulgare and Triticum rice, palm (Phoenix sp.) and khus-grass (Vetiveria compactum were the food grains from the Painted zizanioides) have been identified (Saraswat, 1982­ Grey Ware phase (Ca. 1,025-600 B.C.). The only 83; Vishnu-Mime et aI., 1985). Wood charcoals timber known was chirwood (Pinus roxburghii). belong to Madhuca indica, Mangtjera indica, Ramie-fibre (Boehmeria platyphylla) recovered from Mesua ferrea, Ziziphus sp., Albizia sp., Betula uti/is the face of a fishing-net impression indicates quite and Bombax malabarica (Saraswat, 1989). In the advanced knowledge as this fibre has great strength preceding Chalcolithic period at this Site, dated from and durability, and high resistance to water action. 1,050-1,000 B.C., presence of Pinus roxburghii From the following Nonhern Black Polished Ware charcoals was noticed along with other locally horizon at Atranjikhera (Ca. 600-200 B.C.), in available timbers. Pinus occurs in the outer addition to Oryza sativa, Hordeum vulgare and Himalaya and Siwalik Range, and also in the valleys Triticum aestivum, black·gram (Vigna mungo) has of some Himalayan rivers at an elevation of about also been reported. Timbers of farash (Tamarix 1,500-7,500 feet. In this period the exploitation of articulata), laurel (Terminalia tomentosa), cypress still higher ranges of the Himalaya is noticed by the (Cupressus torulosa) and deodar (Cedrus deodara) presence of bhojpatra (Betula utiUs). Bhojpatra trees have also been identified. Shaft of an arrow-head has are found from Kurram Valley in western Himalaya at been identified as of Dendrocalamus strictus the elevation of 11,000 feet to Bhutan, ascending to (Chowdhury et al., 1977). Exploitation of chirwood, about 14,000 feet; rarely descending below 10,000 cypress and deodar from the Himalayan forests is feet (Gamble, 1902). The possible nearest source of definitely a sign of an advanced knowledge of bhojpatra to the settlers at Sringaverapura seems timber utilization in the iron-using cultures of the likely to have been the Garhwal Himalayas. It is Upper Ganga-Yamuna Doab. important that the Iron Age people in the Ganga From a number of sites in Middle Ganga Valley, Valley had a know-how of the upper Himalayan evidences of Iron Age plant economy ha ve come to forest wealth. Use of bhojpatra wood for some light in recent years. Food grains of Oryza sativa, constructional purpose, in propenSity of several Hordeum vulgare and Pisum arvense have been quality timbers available in the plains, is naturally reported from Painted Grey Ware and Northern Black dropped. Main product of this tree is bark, consisting Polished Ware phases .at Radhan in district Kanpur of thin papery layers peeling off in broad horizontal (Kajale & Lal, 1988). From Black Slipped Ware and rolls. The regional utility of bark in upper Himalayas Northern Black Polished Ware cultures (Ca. 800-200 is attested for roofing, umbrellas, etc. The papery B.C.) at Hulaskhera in district Lucknow, food grains bark has been used for writing since much ancient of Oryza sativa, Hordeum vulgare, Eleusine times. It is safer in practice to transport thick coracana and Vigna radiata have been found in branches of bhojpatra to avoid any damage to bark. association with wild seeds and fruits of Quite likely this may have been the reason for the Chenopodium album, Echinochloa crus-galli and the finding of bhojpatra wood at Sringaverapura. The species of Fimbristylis, Indigofera and Cyperus Indus people had an inscription in 2,300 B.C. (Chanchala, 1992). Brahmi script was Widely known during the Ashokan ......

536 THE PALAEOBOTANIST period. Some scholars also conceive the writing are new additions ro the timber taxa of Madhuca (pro-Brahmi script) must have existed long before indica, Ocimum, Tamarindus indica and Mangijera the Ashokan time. In view of this fact it is left ro the indica from the preceding phase of BSW culture. scholars ro decide whether or nor the evidence of The rich information on the bulk of botanical bhojpatra material at Sringaverapura should be taken remains at Narhan has contributed significantly to as a genuine indication of writing on bhojpatra bark, our understanding of the Iron Age plant economy in during 950-700 B.C. Another imponant evidence is Ghaghra Valley (Saraswat & Sharma, 1985, 1986-87; iron-wood (Mesua jerrea) which is one of the Saraswat et aI., 1988, 1987-88, 1990, 1991; Sharma, hardest, heaviest and strongest timbers in India. 1989). Meat was also an imponant component in Iron-wood is an element of evergreen forests in their diet as evidenced by a large number of charred Assam and Bengal. For what purpose it was brought, animal bones with cut marks. Cattle, sheep or goat is not known. But the people in the Middle Ganga and horse bones are found indicating animal Valley should be having a well-knit trade system ro husbandry (Singh, 1991). have exploited this valuable raw material of the far­ Khairadih, on the right bank of Ghaghra in flung eastern localities. BaHia District, is another site keeping with the From the later phase of Black and Red Ware general trend of chronology and other material culture dated to abour 800 B.C. at Narhan on the remains similar to Narhan (Singh, 1989). A sizable bank of Ghaghra River presence of a few rusted-iron quantity of the carbonized material has been panicles on the surface of an impression of a fishing­ collected from this site. Studies are at present in the hook indicates that the hook was made of iron. From preliminary stage. Food grains of rice (Oryza the surface of a thread impression associated with sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triticum that of hook, recovery of ramie-fibre (Boehmeria sphaerococcum and T. aestivum), green-gram sp.) is imponant. In the present state of our (Vigna radiata), chick-pea (Cicer arietinum), field­ knowledge, ramie is the most suitable fibre for pea (Pisum arvense), grass-pea (Lathyrus sativus), fishing-thread. The use of ramie for making fishing­ lentil (Lens culinaris), etc. have l>een found which net by PGW folk at Atranjikhera has already been belong ro Nonhern Black Polished Ware culture (Ca. reponed, The carbonized grains of rice. barley, field­ 600-200 B.C.). Wood charcoal remains belong ro pea and green-gram from the Black Slipped Ware mahua (Madhuca indica), babul/khair (Acacia culture (Ca. 800-600 B.C.) are of the same kind as nilotzca/A. catechu), mango (Mangijera indica), from Period I characterized by Black and Red Wares kandi (Flacourtia indica), sal (Shorea robusta), (see Chalcolithic cultures). Safflower (Carthamus neem (Azadirachta indica), teak (Tectona grandis), tinctorius) is a new introduction in this period. The sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), dhak (Butea wood remains of Acacia sp., Madhuca indica, monosperma), maha-rukh (Ailanthus excelsa), Diospyros montana, Shorea robusta, Tamarindus bistendu (Diospyros montana), tamarind indica, Mangzjera indica, Ocimum sp. and Tectona (Tamarindus indica)., chilbil (Holoptelia grandis have been found, in continuation from the integnjolia) and dhela (Alangium salvzjolium). earlier Chalcolithic period. However, the wood Funher studies are still in prog~ess(Saraswat, 1989­ charcoals of sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), anwala 90; Saraswat et aI., 1990) (Emblica ojjicinahs), kaim (Mitragyna parvzjlora) The finds of some herbal drug yielding plants and jambolana (Syzygium cumini) are new elements from different cultural horizons during first represented in this phase. millennium B.C. at Narhan and Khairadih, created a During the follOWing period of NBPW culture good deal of excitement. At Narhan the presence of (Ca. 600-200 B.C.) food grains of Oryza sativa, date (Phoenix dactylzjera), draksha (Vitis vinijera), Hordeum vulgare, Triticum sphaerococcum, T. tulsi or basil (Ocimum sp. ef. 0. sanctum), Kuchla aestivum, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Vigna mungo, (Strychnos nux-vomica) and gurch (Tinospora Vigna radiata, Lathyrus sativus and Sesamum cordijolia) from Black and Red Ware culture (Ca. indicum have been found. Fruit remains include 1,100-800 B.C.) and that of emblic-myrobolan jUjube (Ziziphus mauritiana) and emblic-myrobalan (Emblica ojjicinalis) and sandalwood (Santalum (Emblica ojjicinalis) Remains of cuticles recovered album) from Nonhern Black Polished Ware phase from lhe mud plasters of some wattle and daub (Ca. 600-200 B.C.), have been noticed. At Khairadih structure mve been found ro be of rice-husk and the remains of nutmeg or jaiphal (Myristica leaf, bamboo and wild grasses-Saccharum jragrans), emblic-myrobolan (Emblica ojjicinalis), spontaneum and Desmostachya bipinnata. Wood haritaki or chebulic-myrobolan (Terminalia charcoals of Lagerstroemia parvijlora, Pinus chebula), draksha (Vitis vinijera) and chiraunji roxburghii, Santalum album and Boerhavia dijjusa (Buchanania lanzan) are found in Nonhern Biack SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 537

Polished Ware culture, dated Ca. 600-200 B.C. lamp-pendants, daggers and swords, all of so similar (Saraswat et al., 1990). A great deal of information manufacturing techniques as to indicate a closely on the use of medicinal plants, scattered pell-mell in organized community (or caste) of smiths serving Vedic and Buddhist canonical literature and in the local pastoral population. That some of the Ayurvedic treatises is known. The ancient remains of cultural traits represented in this complex were medicinal plants are highly valued, making the transmitted from Central Asia and Iran by Indo­ archaeological and historical reconstruction more European migrants is generally accepted, as is the meaningful, particularly to ascertain their relevance proposition that others were developed from within the Vedic and post-Vedic system of medicine tradi tions already extant among the Neolithic­ in the first mellennium B.C. During this period the Chalcolithic population of the area. In the present religion was closely interwoven with economy, trade context it is sufficient to remark that at the southern and commerce. The finds of sandalwood which is end of the Deccan corridor a regional picture of native of Mysore and surrounding region, nutmeg of considerable persistence developed that can nor be Moluccas, Celebes and Sumatra islands, and draksha entirely accounted for by the diffusion of and date which were obtained from- north-western innovations from the north. Indian subcontinent, affirm that medicine domain Dozens of sites have been excavated in was 'no exception to the well-knit organization of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil trade and commerce in the Middle Ganga Valley. Nadu. Only a few have revealed the information on Further eastward in Bihar the excavation work at plant remains. Agricultural activity of the Megalithic Manjhi, on the bank of Ghaghra in Saran District, has people in Maharashtra is corroborated by the finds of revealed the occupational phases of iron-using Black agricultural tools like sickles and hoes and the food Slipped Ware and Northern Black Polished Ware grains recovered from the Megalithic sites at cultures (Roy, 1987). Food grains of Oryza sativa, Naikund and Bhagimohari in district Nagpuf. The Hordeum vulgare, Triticum aestivum, Vigna radiata assemblage of food grains comprises rice (Oryza and Pisum arvense have been preliminarily sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triticum examined from the Northern Black Polished Ware aestivum), kodon-millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) culture (Ca. 600-200 B.C.) at this site. During Early and finger-millet (Eleusine coracana). Besides, the Historic period the piles of wooden palisade at seeds of legumes like field-pea (Pisum arvense), Pataliputra were made of Shorea robusta (Ghosh & lentil (Lens culinaris), black-gram (Vigna mungo), Lal, 1958). Wood remains of Acacia sp., Holarrhena grass-pea or khesari (Lathyrus sativus), horse-gram antidysenterica, Boswellia serrata, Casearia sp. and (Dolichos bijlorus), hyacinth-bean (Lablab Soymida jebnjuga have been identified from pUipureus) and pigeon-pea (Cajanus cajan) and Sisupalgarh (Ca. 300 B.C.-350 A.D.) near fruit remains of jujube (Ziziphus sp.) have also been Bhubaneshwar, Orissa (Chowdhury & Ghosh, 1952). reported (Kajale, 1981, 1989). The information on plant economy from the eastern Food grains reported from Satavahana period region is meagre. Systematic collection of material (450-50 B.C.) and Indo-Roman period (50 B.C.-200 from new excavations would enrich our knowledge A. D.) at Nevasa on the bank of river Pravara in in this context. Ahmednagar District, indicate the crop economy The south Indian Burial complex-usu,ally similar to that of Megalithic culture (Kajale, 1976­ referred to as Megalithic, comprises a great variety of 77). The information on the food economy of grave forms, including stone circles with urn burials, Megalithic, Early historical and the overlapping legged pottery sarcophagi, cist graves, stone phases of these two cultures (c. 500 B. c.-400 A. D.) alignments, and rock-cut chambers. Concentrated in is drawn from the excavations at Veerapuram in south India, they are also found in many other areas district Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh (Ka jale, 1984). The of the subcontinent. Chronology of Iron Age food grains of Oryza sativa, Hordeum vulgare, Megaliths has been extended recently by typology Paspalum scrobiculatum, Pisum arvense, Dolichos and radiocarbon cross·dating to about 1,000 B.C. bijlorus, Lablab purpureus (syn. Dolichos lablab), Megaliths are mainly commemorative rather than Vigna mungo and the fruit remains of jujube sculptural. Having considerable diversity of local (Ziziphus sp.) and beleric-myrobolan (Tenninalia traditions, they have certain things in common. The belerica) have been found. It is obvious that the grave pottery is predominantly Black and Red Ware. settlers at Veerapuram enjoyed the food economy A variety of beads, small gold ornaments and objects similar to the Megalithic people in Maharashtra. The of bronze, copper and iron are universally remains of Dolichos hi/lorus, Lathyrus sativus and represented among the grave goods. The latter fruit-stones of Ziziphus jUjuba from Iron Age levels include iron axes, sickles, chisels, knives, tripods, at Tekkalakota (Savithri, 1976), and Paspalum 538 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST scrobiculatum and Oryza sativa from HalltJr, nil to almost the highest in the World, offered Karnataka (Vishnu-Mittre, 1971) are known. Only variable circumstances to a variety of food grains and Dolichos bz/lorus seeds are known from Iron·Age other plants represented in diverse cultural deposits'. cultures at Paiyampalli in Tamil Nadu (Allchin & A rich data gathered, might be of some value in Allchin, 1968). These sites may have been rich, but assessing the economical and ecological potential of yielded too little to be convincing. the cultural settlements Most of the reports are Studies on wood charcoal remains in the limited to a record of presence or absence of context of Iron Age and Early Historical cultures in particular crops in various levels of stratified south India have been carried out only from a sequence. The crop remains have much information limited number of sites. Tectona grandis and the to give not only about the cultural level but also species of Acacia, Dalhel-gia, Anogeissus and about the diffusionary traits of agriculture and Terminalia (Rao & Sahi, 19(7) are known from likelihnod of cultural intercourse. The crux of the Prakash in West Khandesh, Mahu:1shtra (Ca. 600 appro;Jch is how condusive environmental B.c.·600 A. D.). Purpose for \vhich these woods were conditions had been to spatial propagation of used, is not known. At Maski in Raichur District of specific agricultural innovations in relations to the Karnataka, dated from early first millennium B.C. to know-how of a particular human culture in the dark First century A.D., Acacia and Chloroxl'lon swielenia ages But, in view of the progress of work on were exploited for firewood (Cho'wdhur\' & Ghosh, economic, social and technological aspects of 1957). Arikamedu near Pondicherry in Tamil Nadu, diverse cultures, we have suffered the most with the is an Early Historical site (1st century BC.·I cenutry dearth of botanical knowledge in the prehistoric A.D.). Here timbers of Diospyros, Mimusops and times. The information, howsoever important it is, is Heritiera species were used to make boats, tOys and inadequate and any rea listic of the original extent at other wooden furniture (Chowdhury & Ghosh. the individual sites must take account of possible 1946) gaps in our archaeobotanical record. Many In the far south innovations from the north archaeologists, until recent years, have not seriously arrived by the southern corridor (Daksinapath) looked for the plant remains. As a result, the ahead of the Mauryan expanSion by 4th century B.C., potentially rich sites yielded too little to be and diffusion by seaways became equally significant. convincing. Now floatation rechniques promise to In view of the discussion, the informations of plant give us a much highf'r yif'ld of material evidence remains from the settlements of the Iron Age than had been available in the past. Consequently, cultures belonging to I millennium B.C. and widely some new archaeobotanica! evidences seem to offer scattered all over the country. The irr)n, indeed, not only a point of radical departure from the equipped the settlers for great potentialities ro traditional picture, but also a body of firm empirical achieve significant economic prosperiry. A large g~)Pevidence against which rheoretical models could be occurs in our present knowledge of the pl2nt evalu<1ted. The gaps in our knowledge are also due econ.omy, during the later phases of protOhistOric ro the preservation of material by carbonization. A period and the beginning of Early HistOrical 2,'Jod n.umber of plants are unlikely to have come in cultures. contact with fire and many fail to survive in identifiable form. Thus by means of synthesis of CONCLUSION AND REMARKS botanical information from a number of sites, general tendencies of the plant wealth in ancient

There is no dispute that we have built up economy should l~f'~stahlished. affluent information concerning the plant eC0110"11)' Tr.e contemporary local and regional variability of various archaeological periods and an extensive in the culture has a Iso been neglected. Environment use of radiocarbon dating has provided reasonably and socio-economy are certain to proVide valuable consistent chronologies of cultures of the whole informations. The approach necessitates taking into subcontinent, both in time 2nd space, In recent years consicteration ma.'lY other botanical evidence increasing attention has been focussed on the including the sludy of pollen, wild seeds and fruits, technological and economical aspects of different wood charcoals and other organic remains, thus cultures. The remains of plants and animals and the giving an inSight into the character of physical cultural data are not only complimentary, but environment of individual cultural settlements. In absolutely' interdependent for interpretation recent studies wild seeds and fruits are being purposes. the subcontinent with a wide range of studied, but the informations on wood charcoal and climate from temperate winters to tropical summers, cuticle remains are still inadequate. Wood charcoals with monsoon rains varying in range from practically are also only a fraction of the biological material and SARASWAT-AHCHAEOBOTANICAL REMAINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ')39 we cannot attempt a reconstruction of the means of agriculture. environment on the basis of them alone. They are, A number of new finds have added immensely however, a component of fundamental importance to the economy of Harappans. Evidences from when they are taken in an overall framework of flora Punjab have shown that their economy was not in which all the other type of data are integrated. shaped only by cultivating the annual crops, but they The habitats of tree taxa suggest a sectorial attained the know-how of an ad vanced horticultural reconstruction of floral belt or associations in the practices to cultivate fruit trees, vegetables and light of modern information. Some quality woods ornamentals as well for adornment (Saraswat, 1988, are attested with the economic context. 88-89, 1990-91). Discovery of ploughed-field at In spite of all limitations, the basic framework Kalibangan in Rajasthan is also unique in the world of cultural plant economy has now been more pre (Lal, 1970-71). There can be no doubt that it was of cisely defined in space and time. Systematization of just on the same pattern as that followed by the work that was so intractable a quarter oLcentury ago, modern farmers of the region for mixed cropping, has also proved that India and Pakistan constitute and as such it is aD extraordinary example of the the region where crops and agricultural practices longevity of Indian agricultural technology. Another have their roots much deeper in the prehistOry. instance of the same competence now suggests that Some of the finds have amaZingly been found to date the Harappan expansion into Saurashtra and Gujarat back seven or eight thousand years before the Christ. may have resulted from an awareness of the much Until recent past the earliest radiocarbon dates greater potential of those areas for growing millets for domestic plants in the Indian subcontinent were and other crops of wheat, barley and legumes, for the cereals and other food grains found in late compared with the 1ndus Valley itself. Further, the fourth millennium Afghanistan (Allchin, 1969) and data on plant economy of Harappans in western at sites of the Indus Civilization of about mid-third Uttar Pradesh during their cultural degeneration, has millennium B.C. (Chowdhury, 1971). Recently the demonstrated the diffusion of crop economy into cereal remains of wheat and barley from Aceramic the Chalcolithic Gangetic Valley. It has also Neolithic settlement at Mehrgarh in Baluchistan elucidated the connections between two cultures (jarrige & Meadow, 1980; Costantini & Biasini, 1985) that was thought to be unrelated. and potsherds with impressions and carbonized The striking teature of the pattern of plant grains of cultivated rice from Neolithic Koldihwa and records in Chalcolithic and Iron Age cultures of Mahagara in the Belan Valley of district Allahabad in Ganga Valley and the peninsular India (2nd-I the Gangetic plain of Uttar Pradesh (Savithri, 1976; millennia B.C.) indicates extensive trade contacts. Sharma, 1980, 1985; Sharma, A., 1983; Sharma et al., Crops of north-western region (alternatively called 1980), have amply demonstrated the earliest as Middle Eastern Complex) such as wheat, barley, evidence of agriculture as early as sixth-seventh field-pea, chick-pea, lentil, etc. spread during the millennia s.c. The crops of wheat and barley which second millennium B.C. throughout the peninsula were supposed to have been imported from West and northern plains. Rice, the most important Asia, have been demonstrated to be of a process of indigenous crop, is also found throughout, except in indigenous domestication in the north-western Saurashtra and Gujarat. Third group, including jowar· region of the subcontinent. The egalitarian social millet, finger-millet and pearl-millet, has their wild and settlement systems in Baluchistan have shown relatives in Africa. In default of their early evidences the gradual advancement right from the earliest in Africa, they are regarded on the botanical Neolithic culture through various Chalcolithic stages evidences alone, as introduced in India. These three which eventually led to the understanding of highly major groups of the food grains are well represented advanced Harappan economy. Contemporarily, the in the Indian archaeological record, over a wide area early histOry of agriculture through the examination witnessing diverse environmental conditions. It can of material from the Gangetic Valley, has provided be surmised that artificial irrigation and other an uneqUivocal record of the earliest cultivation of management practices may have made it possible to rice in the world. expand the agriculture systems intO environmental Neolithic cultures in other diverse regions zones whe re particular type of crops would have not coexisted with Harappan and other Chalcolithic been found. Conversely, artificial systems by the cultures, from the midthird millennium to mid­ different cultural groups must have had changed the second millennium B.C. Rich data on the plant unfavourable conditions to favourable ones, for wealth amply demonstrate that despite the sufficient means of agricultural practices. knowledge of metal, Neolithic farmers could It is necessary to pause here for a moment to successfully exploit the land resource for sufficient consider the potential complexity of the interaction 540 THE PALAEOBOTANIST of processes involved in the development of remains in future would be of particular agriculture in time and space. The situation is never significance. Prehistoric man was dependent on wild static. Human interaction with ecosystems in the plantS for food, medicine, ceremonial and other form of habitat modification and manipulation of requirements; infact these are still in use. Based on gene pools does not stop with the transfer of crops the economic models of present-day tribal and and habitats into new environmental regions, but farming communities some conclusions can be continues and likely leads to further significant drawn, which would be meaningful in prehistOric changes and innovations. A5 a result, there may have economy. Circumstantial evidences thus warn us not been repeated transfers of crops and habitats which to assume easily [hat the wild and weed plants were need not all be in the same direction but may have of no economic importance. resulted in the return of highly modified forms back I[ is not known when man began to use wood. to an original region. A5 crops and habitats got However, a general belief is that wood was used for shifted, there would have been continuing the first time during [he Stone Age when man was on opportunities for feral and weedy varieties of crops the look-out for a digging tool in search for food. to establish themselves. Such local populations must Selection of various timbers for specific use and have constituted additional sources of genetical secondly, locating [he forest sources from where variability that contributed to further development quality timbers could be obtained, would have been of domesticates through interbreeding and the twO aspects of timber utilization during backcrossing. Because of human communication and prehistOric times. Use of Himalayan Cedrus deodara exchange, often over a long distances, the increasing and Dalbergia latijolia of central India at Harar-pa number of populations of a single crop existing in for making coffin, is an unique example. From different areas and under different environmental several other sites a number of quality woods have conditions, must have represented an ever been found, but [heir specific use is difficult to work increasing genetic pool for manipulation during the out. Cedrus deodara from Harappan Rohira in long course of the agricultural histOry. Given the Punjab; Pinus roxburghii, Cupressus torulosa and compleXity of this scenario, it should not be Cedrus deodara from Iron Age cultures at surprising that it is often exceedingly difficult to Atranjikhera in Etah Distric[, Uttar Pradesh; and trace the history of particular crop and cultivation Pinus roxburghii, Mesua jerrea and Betula utilis in systems. In any event, it becomes clear that the Chalcolithic and Iron Age cultures at Sringaverapura empirical verification of the model of crop plants in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh may be few examples sketched on archaeological remains, demands a among many others, which suggest that pre- and large body of data from different fields. Indian proto-historic men since much ancient times archaeology does not, at present, have such a body claimed priority for an efficient explOitation of this of data to precisely reconstruct the history of forest product from Widely scattered regions. agriculture development. It would be particularly Wood charcoal studies at Rohira in Punjab have desirable to assess the bearing of the archaeological brought an insight into [he cultivation of grapevines evidence against arguments put forward by by Harappans. Charcoals of henna (Lawsonia geneticists and plant geographers. inermis) and parija[ (Nyctanthes arbor·tristis) at the A large number of seeds and fruits of wild and same site provide an information on [he gardening weed species recovered from various sites are of activity of Harappans in Punjab. Further, the charcoal particular Significance, not only to the actual study at Narhan has brought to light the evidence of determination but also for acquiring the state of soil Ocimum sp., Tinospora cordijolia, Strychnos nux­ conditions and the picture of ground vegetation vomica, Santalum album, etc. which are highly around the settlements. Many plants may have valued in the system of herbal medicines. Such arrived through the activity of man, albeit not evidences are of considerable significance in a necessarily intentionally. In association with crop prehistOric cultural economy of middle Ganga remains, they may be taken as reliable evidence of Valley. the state of fields and serve significantly to sketch Until very recently the existence of high level of the perspectives of ecological potential of sanitation, public hygeine, physical and chemical contemporary agro-ecosystems. So many weeds may science and an advanced architecture and agriculture have arrived along with the diffusion traits of represented in archaeological sites, had been likely agriculture from distant phytogeographic regions. to be matched by a similar knowledge of medicine. From a number of settlements, weeds and other wild Now, [he systematic and intensive analysis of the taxa have been reponed. Owing to the gaps in our bulk of plant remains carried out a[ the Birbal Sahni information, the systematic collection of these Ins[itu[e of Palaeobotany, Lucknow from Narhan and SARASWAT-ARCHAEOBOTANICAL REI'v1AINS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 541

Khairadih on the bank of Ghaghra River in Uttar dispersal agents for plants and often look after the Pradesh suggests that during the first millennium plants of particular interest to them, and also supress B.c. a highly advanced medicinal system was in their natural enemies and competitors. vogue. A collective evidence of drug-yielding plants The archaeological contexts for the earliest represented by the remains of draksha (Vitis signs of domestication have been termed vinijera), tulsi or basil (Ocimum sp.), Kuchla 'Mesolithic' in some areas. These settlements have (Strychnos nux-vomica), punarnava (Boerhaauia yielded microliths or other stOne blade implements dijjusa), emblic-myrobolan (Emblica ojjicinalis) and ground stOne tOols similar to Neolithic ones, and sandalwood (Santalum album) from Narhan; and domesticated-animal bones (Gupta, 1979). and chebulic-myrobolan (Terminalia chebula), Mesolithic folk were hunters and food-gatherers. emblie-myrobolan (Emblica ojjicinalis), jaiphal Occurrence of a large number of querns, mulIers, (Myristica jragrans), chiraunji (Buchanania anvils and hammers indicate that they exploited the lanzan) and bel (Aegle marlnelos) from Khairadih vegetal food resources (Sharma et aI., 1980). Camp (Saraswat et aI., 1990). This period from 1,000 S.c. sites of Mesolithic people at Mahadaha and Sarai to 200 B.C. is equated with the post-Vedic and Nahar Rai (Sharma et aI., 1980) present the picture of buddhist era of history. All these plants are highly an incipient Village settlement (Varma, 1984). These valued on the rational scientific basis in the people knew pottery and devised ways for storage. indigenous medicinal system called as Ayurveda. It Wild rice embedded in the lumps of burnt clay from is also invariably true that medicines develop in any Chopani Mando in the Belan Valley (Sharma et al., community or society only after a fairly high level of 1980) and the grains of wild grasses, Chenopodium, medical knowledge has already come up. The same Portulaca, rice (wild), etc. from Damdama in must have been the case in the socio-economy of Pratapgarh District, Uttar Pradesh (Kajale, 1988) Indian cultures. Prior to first millennium S.c. the provide useful information on the explOitation inadequacy of the local medicines must have been strategies of wild plants by the Mesolithic men. realized to meet out the growing needs of society. Evidence of animal domestication comes from Bagor This realization was followed by action to import the in Rajasthan and Adamgarh in Madhya Pradesh much needed knowledge of a rational medicine (Misra, 1973; Sankalia, 1974). Bones of domesticated from beyond the confines of the north Indian plains. sheep/goat and some cattle suggest that some The finds of medicinal plants also support this headway had been made in this direction in proposition about the interaction between north and Mesolithic times (Ca. 10,000-8,000 B.C.), prior to the south India, as well as the north-western region. commencement of agriculture in Neolithic culture. Sandalwood was brought from south India, chiraunji As agriculture developed incrementally from the from central India, and draksha or grapes and date stage of food'gathering, it is not possible to exactly were obtained from north-western India. Most define when it first occurred. It is, however, possible interesting is nutmeg or jaiphal, which is native of to decipher when the manipulation of natural Moluccas, Celebes and Sumatra Islands. The ecosystems intensified rapidly in a region, which exploitation of resources is suggestive of ingenuity eventually led to the food-producing economy. in economic and commercial activities between The historical reconstruction and the search for diverse cultural regions. This approach made empirical evidence of botanical remains are through the archaeobotanical remains has for the considerably complicated. The point is not to first time explored the wisdom of ancient settlers in propose a pat formula by which the development northern India to assess the advancement in medical potential of a given cultural interaction with plant knowledge based on factual evidences. wealth can be assessed. Too many theoretical as well In our current approach we have been liable to as empirical questions remain to be solved. Further forget what type of subsistence economy may have work in the recovery and identification of cultural preadapted non-agricultural people to become plant remains is likely to produce additional cultivatOr? This question of prime importance is still evidences to fill up the existing gaps in Our awaiting an answer. The farmers and the hunters and knowledge. food-gatherers manipulate their environment, deliberately as well as inadvertently. A survey of ACKNOW1EDGEMENTS ethnographically documented hunting·and-gathering societies will show that virtually all of them interfere I wish to express my gratitude to Dr B. S. with their environments in a variety of ways, many of Venkatachala, Director, BSIP for continued which result in some increase in the productivity of encouragement during the course of this work. I am particular plant species. Food-gatherers act as indebted to Professor B. B. Lal, Dr C. Margabandhu 542 THE PALAEOBOTANIST and Dr J. P. 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