Copyrighted Material
Index Note: Page numbers in italics refer to figures and tables. 16R dune site, 36, 43, 440 Adittanallur, 484 Adivasi peoples see tribal peoples Abhaipur, 498 Adiyaman dynasty, 317 Achaemenid Empire, 278, 279 Afghanistan Acharyya, S.K., 81 in “Aryan invasion” hypothesis, 205 Acheulean industry see also Paleolithic era in history of agriculture, 128, 346 in Bangladesh, 406, 408 in human dispersals, 64 dating of, 33, 35, 38, 63 in isotope analysis of Harappan earliest discovery of, 72 migrants, 196 handaxes, 63, 72, 414, 441 skeletal remains found near, 483 in the Hunsgi and Baichbal valleys, 441–443 as source of raw materials, 132, 134 lack of evidence in northeastern India for, 45 Africa major sites of, 42, 62–63 cultigens from, 179, 347, 362–363, 370 in Nepal, 414 COPYRIGHTEDhominoid MATERIAL migrations to and from, 23, 24 in Pakistan, 415 Horn of, 65 related hominin finds, 73, 81, 82 human migrations from, 51–52 scholarship on, 43, 441 museums in, 471 Adam, 302, 334, 498 Paleolithic tools in, 40, 43 Adamgarh, 90, 101 research on stature in, 103 Addanki, 498 subsistence economies in, 348, 353 Adi Badri, 498 Agara Orathur, 498 Adichchanallur, 317, 498 Agartala, 407 Adilabad, 455 Agni Purana, 320 A Companion to South Asia in the Past, First Edition. Edited by Gwen Robbins Schug and Subhash R. Walimbe. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0002649130.indd 534 2/17/2016 3:57:33 PM INDEX 535 Agra, 337 Ammapur, 414 agriculture see also millet; rice; sedentism; water Amreli district, 247, 325 management Amri,
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