THE FACE ON THE j admiringly on toe tine, wtmo parting .- . •« that'.«cr>ara|ed' tho braids of purest WAIiTZ OP THE GIGLI HOW FAKE COME8. It Is.Wot thai or aa India., ^.j flax.. • ' •.'•• ' * • . Prellr Utlto Hutj^.^l THE ."Ami bow d"jro Ilko them, Mr. Sel- 100 00 Mrs. Barali Longncre : THE STRANGEST, MADDEST DANCE 1(1 IOV0I. dcnr* naked Mm. Jono* a bit later, re- DUB' 10 NOTICE Is ornbv fiwn by NICHOLAS C0R8OV, Col- ed and., died In PbUudelpha{<«!' rcrctng to tlu> biscuit , .. *.'.,,.. THE WORLD. : | Accident" has ployed an Important « tecbir of fmxm of UM Vtty ol Ucemn Cli», C»I" M«y Couoly. New •.,,100 00 -LILACS : Mit hi the m«h|i»(r of great men. If itntr. that by Tlrtua of tb« ataluM In incb o«w m-da «nil pro»l<»<). ncarefbclnit the upeeu of tSr'- "I love thorn.", n iw wened ho, .referring. be will Mil »t'pabllcL«l« all I'm laoda,lananianl>,liar«lllanMnU So ui~ •tot cau mWt jthiit., any n-ooian w Cooper had never been challenged by anda realraal nl«l*b)Da nlnn. After tbat Seklcn. Uownrd man- Ibe LUIca Thai liCeUbnlta Im tfce Tbe Mid ~le lo take place at the Ooancll cbamber, norta oorfier TV ISO Ml 2 01 on every roln of the rirltlth^ he might never "have been ono of the * :•" I .a, hy \v. ft UdlnO agod.almost dally to meet Kiitherlne. ' Old liallaa Clir of Kola.' >f Ktf bit) atreet aad cralral avenue taeconil noArl.ln otsaa Cllj, sw 2 01 illnn empire*, Mrs. Keen Tras. great noveUstm. K. J.,OD . . " * • . , OfiOU) sun) or at least to catch a sllmnto of bcr. r Amoni; all remarkable features that Albtrl.Woplaon Hte>lmaa 2>00 M«l I2U4 U* w oodcu vorauda. -Sola, that nnclout, bnt sleepy city lying would pot hare known thbV groat gen- •old and Ibe namte of tbe persona azalnal vtbom tbo Mid lasa* bave Issued sljico 1S10"»~—-'^-i7T»l those of many a pampered 'beauty twoaty tu|lo» -out' from Naples In ttnr, 1 10)00 70 coin'rac'tory. ' "... j ulou of .approach- eral.; ,..;•.. .. •<...,•-. :,• been laid on account or same, and Ib*'amount of taiea laid oaXitonRUley XX ' i'ip» (O •JtU , whom he'd met In the courso of hU va- lovely .Campagna Felloe.. ' . 'account ol eacb purcel. ar* aa followa, yls: . AD- a K. tMrr , 100 W> •it« OL. XXVII. OOEAf? CITY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1906. 11 i ii- hr&ne, und tbe air ried travels. - • • , • • If- Shakespeare .had not failed,as' a H.W.Lalw «» HlOO' It is'usually uMHumod tuat '*»•' • '..'...• !• •'• • •'•..'•' .' • •. • •. •.. * • . •• • • ••••.. will Ulrica. By glanclnjr Xola's groat hero und patron saint Is wool' merchant and turned actor and FIRST WARD. •' X4 JiS! nn the lit'ild sldo'of the copp^L, One moraine Kathcrlne was reading Val. Millet • ia>«o St. Puulluua.. poet aud bishop of tbo- then, becoming distrusted -with himself Owner. Lot No. Sec Tu. CMls^ .110 I30 00 of nn.Inilliio. but a clone looksfl i it it nun uot difficult to ' Toe Bonse of Mirth" but on the reran" Qftb coutury. lie Is credited with hav- Win. WUIouibby f ' I 7 su • : oi III ' iS"" .3 HIEDIMU as an Indifferent player, applied bun- S. P.. HIM venl nSaxou. profile jnjt toS»' ATTORSEYfc.a.T'LAW. ., ft » JIICO cuiue frbmr da. At least abo was supposed to'be ins Invented church bells and was al- 105 —•• ; S8 7 6» 2 il P, KlemW :• 10 OU self to writing there would never bare 10W 2 01 UWHI cent anil look at it: The Botttathi HAND NAMED TO SUCCEED — --•-••-, It. In.reality she bid closed together so remarkable a person tbat .1*1 00- 10 ai SCHERMERHORN OBJECTS TO been this great 'dramatist, and no lib • .100 00 10 OK 10 00 nf nn ludluu. • .' . ' ^^"» JJyJORGAN HAND, T. ABBOTT, M. D., too paire 'no v.-as carried off Into captivity by tbo IU «noo 11 3) 204 .3 k tra ijCity Sentinel B wltb ber slim forcflnccr. Sbo bad only doubt tbe plays of today would bave •IK'. laioo , „. Thackara 4 HOOK K - moo netWCPII ISM und lfMOJaiDsjkl i J liejoud tbut. white In Mourn. Ills captors, however, were so bcon/'lnferlor to what they are. •'••'• . I O^VJ^LM"011* * I 12 - 01 wTl>. Hamploo ATTORNEY and Phyalclan aad Surgeon, two'days more here In God's creen to uo a to 00 IO ton I.niiSiiiTo' wiis ehlef eaintmS Publlaned Wtekly at • SENATOR LEWIS M. CRES5E tlio gray H;:Ut. rwu.- luu oil Coward Impressed by tbo sanctity and sweet- •) .1*> 00 ; JJ JobD A. all«n 30 Ml 11 COU NSELLOR-AT-LAW, BEING CALLED DELINQUENT liouxo. tho oliL\it In tho tiny vllla^v as earth, and tbo lilacs seemed to bo call- ness of the bishop tbat they suffered Cowley become"~o 'poet purely Mr*.LI-BICKisber I SU III **• Kran*BoMll» . ' M.I a) the 1'nltcJ MtntiM mint in : OFFICE—Corner Central ui Eighth Street ins bcr Imperatively, she bud been tbrongb cluiuce. When only, a boy he !-Poi«a 1 iMIOO j gj, .N'.tban Rttley 4 tjon» 600 17 lu \a n cpni|M'tltlou wo Solicitor. Hastar and Examiner In Ohanovry, well as tho lar^oit. Sclilea Howard blm to escape, aud wben bo returned 73)00 ;» IB si . 22 Haprams Coifrt Commlaalonar. Notaiy Publlo. found In his mother's attic a copy i 112 0U 78 11 CO 17 1 ' was tUe oaly llylus roprewutatlve of In lilacs to that extent that I MUUO. 11)91 •JgJ J.L. Muniliall S IV n>« and 'cugravliiKs for",.. alAPE HAV dOIIHT HOVHK, M. J. of Spenser's 'Faerie Quecne" and, be- . 1M) OL) 71 17 In a Convention Controlled by the Hand People, the Commrjdore Has Always Paid f\> c thefnclly. XI to- 111 am 17 rupiH'r cent that was to bo banM> laooo ll ** f J>' Naihan Rl«le» A HOIM rRTIS ROBINSON (Oppoaltsl^ibllo Bulldlpga). 1 coming cuchanted by tho rhyme, W) ITS mn 22 dip (,-roap on Mr*. 'Jones' cd wltb them. All at once an Impulse iw . , HO NO' .•fjj) J. Land E. II Jt»r»b«ll e no ~ wlilrh hiiH RIUCV IIIM-MI in servlcs j- Former Senator was Nominated With No XaxeB Batty; He Telia /^'** of yielding camo to bcr. Why In tbe mined to write poetry for hlaiself. **. P.Oanaeld I 100 Iti ^Editor and Proprietor ^C. HUTCHINSON, M. D. GARDNER AGAIN RAILROAD MEN i^iu to, spook of Selden, ilnu Ur. (Urrl»on HUM 2 in ' •.» oi were over n thonsiuul iloslgi JONATHAN HAND, leading up to, tho subject from the fra- world should Mio not step over tbe low Gibbon tolls tbut It was while bo was Mn. Llx.lo«r HUI 4 7U firlzo wnii n, ghoil ono. Friction—Cresse Said He Would Not be Membeft of Couodii^ \ $ ^ hedge and go Into tbe lilac garden? j at Itonie'amoug tbe rului of tbe cap- Wm. B. Curray awuo I. R.Thnm»" 17UO.I 17 r;:ckeil bl* brain for soino < er Year, Strictly In Advance OonnselloF r «*> llomoeopathist. erance of the Imsbcs. ^ ^ ^ ' • ^ . ycara aanIver AnderyoD BoanceolR Walttr Ulil II Ul 17 At Council's moetlng^n Monday^ ^V*' "Them Uioeksi Is slcklsbly sweet" Sbo did. Boos buns above tbe purplo Itol tbat he wan first.moved to writ ii I(U 00 I! Ill 17 slniniliir ilotlun th\it would fSi.Jo at End nf Year" ''• No.' Hsi4 Ocean Avenue. an Independent Candidate—Stille GETS NOMINATION TO VISIT HERE 1 ot BlKhonll>-« Kesdtne It. It. ca. 0 on 17 observed Sirs. Juues borsclf. celebrated with more and more ce"rcmo Uocan Clly I-nnd Co. i\ ,} «(M" 17 for uioutlis he hju? OCEAN CITV. N. j: . bchermerhojrn, of , toaiit,, tinkled la tlio distance. Ob. It was al- great empire. 'Probably bad be notEdward Hlooeblll 'Hill 1 CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, N. J OCUCK I1ODBS:-TIU 10 a. nt.,2 to 1p.m., 'Nominated for Assembly. • "Really luiusuatlng." acquiesced the uy until at length the trade guilds be- 17 sirllsfy hliiiwlf. *** a protest against being advertised ui .togothcr enctotlns. Just then a gold- , ,„„ . i ornamental tow- taken a walk on tbat certain sunny dUO • 17 Iconic DlMtnnco Telepbnne. II lo«|». ID. ' . boarder wLo bad beeu »i>eudlujs the to erei t v aborate Malban Itlilcy H «i 2 OJ • • , SI0 (i 00 17 Ouo morning a tniiiilKjr of In the Republli'aii County Conven- ns to pulley, • have always been Chosen for Eighth Term, He Mayor Stoy Sends Request lb l day be would never have conceived h 40 2 IH I delinquent taxpayer in thto $tty, J- wlater licre in lila little cottaee among ea eyed sable collie .came leistirely ,'en whlch ,u^ CTrrled m „£££on as Jll Ir OU 17 with their ibU-f,'.who Inul beeatajjj tbe work tbat afterward ronde blm fa- woi m :« ' m tion held in the Hippodrome lu thin bund, and Die liberal in hid respects . to Mayor Champiou to ' something of which he bu,*never'~~. tho Berkshire bills. -By tho way. I down tbe curved ivaik to meet her. • symhoU o/\ue ,{£„ ^.H^ch thi .^O 0 * +0 * 01 it Oil 17 their nwiM-i'ts to the prent whitt/ DIRECTORY. jg[ARRISON H. VOORHEKS t HOWARD BURT, M. D. isPrateed by Governor - . mous. p ( Sill •ini 17 city on Balurday afternoon last, '«x- he honest opinions, of his opponent. •aw a strain.-'} man at tho postofflce -\oa beautjr cried the B.lrl exultant- -Joyous ,„,,„,„„, win,^ tbelr Wsbop ,>ujai 2 oi ' been guilty, ho said. On tbe contrary,, r u mt an s.uu 17 In WiixtihiK'.ou, I'MIIII. to tbe cU>i Stokes. Ia p. ni. The trouble over this piece of Una;,/ A commanding whistle from around icism,, be cave up bU profession as a ISOOJ 4-J) I.', ul •IS •w-lruK. UliMiii|>lon. , . , I II IUH p. 111. . * bnqw a thins or two." s0202.04| L,Lwi »»KMillet Millerr IIIM young iliiiiijhtei 207 .tlorUrl Ntrect. - I'siadiiq, Nled Mr. Hand, uud who haH held ho people lie, represents. Bliou'd the rldgeton, Tuesday, Congressman following communication from Mayor tbo turn of the walk, and tbfin: lawyer and turned, writer.' ••- ISOOJ 4SI Ml 111 2'JI j StnhJ —Ntoholiut C'orwm Hcll'l'bciiie baa been before Council ueveral times'.., "TbatV him.',' couUruied Urn. Jones. On «,ho eve of tbe, wben H Sj I I .* Co. ?, ul II I I'ollco-Wiiiiuuil Hrull.. ' tlio poHltlon diirlnK tho lant I m. : orlunes of war or politics decree that Dim J. (iuriliner, of Atlantic County, ritoy, of Atlantic City: . .' • ' Mollle. Mollie. .old girl, where are Frnnklln discovered elnctrlclty by •i»!oj .'. IO 14 gn-iit .'cdiiifrn. . Tbe olil thief „, J,j InHpeotor jk|urlrort C Hmlth. v recently. Not until thla past year, a* "But wbysbouldn't be know a thins or tho eiell. or ornamental towers, seven Nalbao Rl>le>' - JS 1 lofeat shoiilil perch upon IIIH banner^ nnmiiiated by aectumatlon for his Jos. U. CirAMi>ioy, vX accident and SI ol lore iras turned to 'J» OJ. 5 0* ' ' MO II ti'ttvtiHl liy tin swei-t- faced maUau'l jpervlKor—wtirron W. !irt»wn. In a prepared Hpeech, pry|iare. . Mr. CreHHe Hald, that he mlKht not be Is voice will never'be heard hi ailvls- Ighth term. The convention wax one, Mayor, Ocean City. 1 1 and trainu.* round tb 4 20 S IX ! !.« A Ul ' II !.l,v wondered DOV ^IIUiimH.i.ntliuiu, limob O. Htcel- OFFICES • •nlMiinderxWifld or ml>M|uoted, Senator g IIIH frleudi* aud followers to fomake the most- eudiuslastle ever held In DearSIr: • • ever bouu* and woa't have-a thlnff to stand ready all Nola Is Illuminated, and JU1U 6 «O 2 04 | II irry lieodloy. Hurry I*- rimlth, U. H. KMJllTIIST. ANlVWB.SI.BY AVE. lessed for property alongside tbe for leading a. dlsKlnated life. X1.1 IW woiilil look In tlii" feiitliercdDej eNHe Ktated that there had been ru- he district. The Atlantic-County On October JfHh a committee of do with the people In the village." also sbe loved her new foilnd friend. thousands of colored lanterns are bung .Sll IVUI 4 20 2 04 ! .'. 0U . II XUitU lMionf*—Ifa'll* l'»i lutt>r-Htut«r. ll:t. he Republican party and, vote for the oardwnlk and In tbo vicinity of< . ISO 00 4 20 J 01 I ' ft Ml II •ol Ueuilh—Dr. ( li4rlet*.K« KilwurUw, Tlio moon was beginning to show "Ahr* cried • SelUen. coming ' upon on rope* aoposK the streets. Newton discovered tbe force of grav- ll% l.K Till* w:i« mill th<> rlllof. who «Mj£ Mi l>r. C H. Itlrter, Nwretury; Hurry Apgar & Boswell. OUU'M HoiirH Unit) Ut"~ m. From 0 to H p. m. uiorn that', if not reuoiulnafed, he >emucratlc candidate -in opposition to elcgatlon went In a special train, and lotol men desire to bring to your ally •trading R. R. Co. ljonu 4 ai "'-"oi I ' Itl .sui II hlrteonth rtreet. red and low In the warm dusk, and the them uu<;iiMKtecl!y.' -But It Is beauti- itation through a mere chance. When .14) 4 21) 2 01 ! II lhvsliil IIIIIISI-IC UH MASTEHISIN CIIANIIKI1V , No olllcc UuurM MuiHluy iiftermHin. would run for the KonalorKhlp on an lth the dPlegateH from Rurllngton boatH about K>0'PcnnMyIvnnla IJail- One no;Icrg that the. hase of tbe pyram- l.W Ol '.Tl gpector; l>r. 1. N. (.rlnooni, Mnllcul * llOUltHK HUII,1IIN<1. - At-Hfiibvn H. CorMon'M, Munifirn ftloudnyN, ils HiiccesHruI Republican opponent; Mr. Bcbermerhorii c'aimed that the ful to lTad you la my garden:" be said. a student at Cambrklse be went one :ctl Liso n> 4 20 a ad and other Hues general agoutH for ice! Till. 1-fTi-l-t Wlllf ;. OOKAN PITY. N. J. • ground was largely occupied by the • -fecti on the la»u.'.Tbe Uttlu tired uut -looktnc cUully—upon—Katl^ trork ol ry-to-the-rountryr—Being-weary wlth- mu 17— [InntclcRaTcirthntrinnnnl no liiieiitloir ihort-otrHng;—\Vill7be—poHltton—for iH-ums. on the lowest story ... ., • . „ , 1 t'nknovrn II 'and shoulder to Khnuluer in Hupporl ty,. and ho asked fora proper ad* city slrl who sat on the lowest step of you' know. last night I Ureamed you hu 4 20 A.F. Lot»r fallK'r'.toolr thro 11 make ask I.s>a«.-ommodatlon foranorchestro. and I . """bles, be sot down beneath an IWOO . 1 so 20 ui 'ill fot Educntlon-Dr. H. T. Abbott, of iloliiRanythhiK nf the kind. . hero the vlrltoru were furnished a •our people to give, the delegation a the veranda and who bad just arrived were here. Ton are very, very wel- I apple tree, and while be was musing 2TO 10 7 00 JobDS.Trow**r 2 21 the pl. tinl-...liK It nftenr ~: A. J. Hmlth. Vice ITtfHUletu; K. c. QR. CHARLES B. RIDER tlio' principle)! that have been the lustment of tho matter. ev?ry tier nnd detail of the towering rill SIUI _. Hoeretary; Klvbiird It. iiiur-.H. B. L,AW OFFICES ' I"r. 3. H. I)ougla-<», ax chairman of iinch by the Rrldgeton Republican cceptlon at your yacht club.' The . tuat dav had nothing to say. She was come, little lady,**' . Natbnn Kluley l.VIIU 1 40 til! 10 IU" !s own nnin ioni(«iii. uiile and beacon, light of the grand Mr. Jamea was present at tlie meet. Rfirir. that rises glittering, there was rudely aroused by a severe ' l-'ll 00 - I 20 1100 i, JutnuM w. i vf. • » "Vou fcee," she- explained helplessly, Ch^« tl Ca^n'T Tvi At' tin- l:ft muuii'tit pr tb> jup^riDiaudent—1'rot. JUIIICH M the county executive committee, 'liib. ' ' larty will remain about two hours ailing her whole soul with the beauty blow from an apple which, falling 1 OKI 4 3) ,»y,'iri 11 3) Id party for the lout balf century. ig, but did uot say anything- In above th^blghest housetops Is worked J.C. Towiiswnd 1 - Godfrey &, Godfrey, gf the coming night. trying to hide her telltale blushes. "It ' IV) 00 ' 4 20 aoi . IX) It) I iW v.'ii fur sc::.IInu In I'liuravlun culled the meeting to order, Jouu Newton Morton, of Florence, Itur- md will look over the proposed route 1 out with as much pains as though It from the branches, struck bin) on the 1.VI0O 4 3) Ien are born, live their little liven, reference to the question, was the lilac*. They called me." 2 oi UIUI I IM 809 Central Avenue Ingtuii County, wan chairman of the rom AtlanttcOlty to your beach front. Pretty soon, carryhuj' her lamp. she)', n-iTe Intended for some great cathe- bead. He was surprised at the force Ooran City Au 2U0 00 : •JIM Walter Hborno thnnclit Illm-elr of . llurtlett Uullillng.:; :: llrluht, of Wlldwood, won nfade lie and are soon forgotten, but tbe Mr. Bchcrmerhorn, continuing hla irent upstairs to her bedroom. • She Suddenly be took-both her hands. In 20 00 2 01 * FIR5T WARD. tin- I'limlilnntliin nf liullnn JCHURCIi "SERVICES. tuiniMirary chairman. onventlon; and the secretary was A prompt reply will be appreciated n ,,ml, which should endure, not for a of tbe blow from so small on object, W ' > )9)U) 4 20 OOtAN iulTV. !». J. irlnc'plex that |iave been and are emarks, stated that If the groand-U 2 01 ! »|".tJburcb(cornorV'ouiral Jivenue I ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. looked at the liljh mound of feather bis and drew her toward tbe bushes. Tax. Cott niul'Katou' KWeotiK'sK. He goto st Lloyd, of Cape May County.. iy.our committee. * - .' lay, bbut for a thauxand years. and this led him'to deduce tbe prlud- M \Mt lO 43) 2 Oil Owner aod Description. •• Hireet. Itev. J. Ward (Jumble Cncllon HIM ret h, Deputy Iiiterual (lealHoftbe Itepiihlican party tliat wu Kild under the present conditions It bed and at the small window at the "Dear.lilacs." bo whispered whlmsl 150 IO -4-a) a w' Voknown • , nnil miifli spurt in:iik> ..r. . ! ' r - | Every Whitsunday Nola wakes op ple of gravity. re ' l.WOJ 4 a) 201 Revenue Collector hi tlilH Hlnte, and ill love are ax ImpcrishableaHtlib hill* 'Itrk Lewis P. Bcott, ° Atlantic If possible a trolley ride through the foot Into which was already, flooding Cfllly. "she Is here now—on enchanted STtleetof Hav Front.b*«lnhtni:«t r-jltL ifHurvtre, tOJW: ©veotnj:»*«rvlre,7JtO. ill be the last easement deed he will j to grait excitement. A varicolored Flamsteed .became an eminent as- 120 00 4 20 2 Mi at lIn- tliiK* In tin- .ity uectluif, We«ineMdHy ov«nlnjr, 7JUi. JAMES M. E. HILDKETH RALPH L. GOFF, a brother of Captain H \V, HHilreth, 'ounty, 'made the speech nominating Imlts of your famous resort will bo ground-and we must keep her. You : ISO 00 reeltf > nd an eternal an the heavens, . Igu In Ocean City. ,, .. the spring moonlight. For" a moment Ititllau crowd, largely* mixed wltb tronomer through chance. Because of •a 13) srs rert. I :i s u in I HIT 21 1.2 II Inolileut. Tin*' sl:i'ti'b ,> Muhool, 2^0. Thomiw H. Uoarluy. 1.VI00 . I 20 »«' of thin city, WBH clionen periiiancnt I pre»e.iit to you, gentlemen, the lordlier. The anticipated .friction lighly appreciated by-all, If provided she stood Irresolute: then she lowered pour* through the III health he was taken from school, I'd 10 4 31 Unknown Ilie M'Vehtli slfiliiir mill tlnally f ijonduiil. • : •. CoUnsellbr-at-Law * CIVIL ENGINEER. City Solicitor Thompson expressed tbo shade, slipped on a cheesecloth ki- Vd) II) 13), 5o»|- boa reel of Oo*an Ironl.^>n KJflh Sol I'rllKtnM—ITmldont, It. VEYeR* Chairman, and Aamu W. Hand, uf ante nf one whom^ie of Oecau City. rum that county's delegation did not iy yiiur committee. . '• streets to the market place. For a few' and. wishing ,to bnve same books to 1.11 10 aodNlvlb »irv« « . * •j| 1111 ni . .'«* I ili.> ln"f r/iiind. Uy out* vote It i 4 111 H. MuwrurM;; irvusarur, ••Tito he opinion that Council baa the right mono, dr. w the pins from her hair. let- "and I will not let yoa go. Tbe bouse 4 31 2041 Mar* Uucbaeao i: Ur. 11.T. Ablsitl, K.hmr.l M. Hut- -, MiiHtcr and Kxumtner In CONVEYANCER the H(ar. iif tho Cape, WIIH jimde ire proiid to ejnlm an a eltl/en nnectful!y, lire they lu-cure scats on n balcony, at read» •etmnuctlloUt/W'IMrW'UT: 311 Ul StU 2 011 anil ever SIIIIM* i^tmih l^in . L.CJIbb, Inhn Miirl". imH. C'biiin- Chancery ' -«- > adjui-t Hie assessment. ting It fall about ber shoulders, blew yonder Is very lonely and waits for IIS 'JU W .t IU '-• l« ICC by 135 tret, beelonlni; HI ib<> north .WIN1H AND CENTRAL. AVENUE) Hccrttary.l Tlio" CougresHiuan appeared liefnre K..P.:BTO.V. ' a window, on a flat roqf or oven on od,a book on astronomy. He was so 1M 131 corn*r 01 sixib Ktrr^t HID! I II-TOII uvenili-. fai-e li:is - MM-VIM" fur tlu» liiiroblotf i»—Nn. 211 llceiin Hlreel epresentallve . citizen of Cape May John Creth Marsh, representing the oat tbe lainiuuid followed ber whim to you. You will stay?" I I.VIUI 2ml and eiteDdtag NW on ffcvitn uvi-nu^ _.. HuiHliiy morning, mm. J. CAI'B MAY, CITV. N. .1 " OCEAN CITY. N. J.. A. C. ItoHtvell, oftliiB city, made a lie convention- and WUH RIVCII an aomo crumbling and dangerous projec- much interested bi thU volume that 117 1M> ID • 4 3) 2 01 than Mhli'li mi ^lndi>rolntal l«ud«r; Monilaytivenjnif,7.l.'i, Mnl. •utility, a ItiioHevelt typo of man, one President Adaintr-npimlnted tho fol- loan from the casement. .Her answer? Well; she was a girl 1W«I 4 VO M 100 f-«t. illssos Crcth, • asked fair .reduction for" tion of tbe hoary old cathedral. Tbe be procured others and at length adopt- a world liiK. sni'h treini'iuloos-j Krl ..< uvuainir, VOUIIKH vleorouH protuMt aKiiniHt the delegates linse guide IIUH ever been IIIH sense nf vatiuti. - Aving committee: tiea.O. Admns, I). and very tired, and be was a. man and ln> ISO 00 4 3) 2(U tTol'&OWD rlieM^t >.>«llflaK Hro lield in in alleged overcharge. ™ It had been a very long while since streets at tin* four corners of. tbe mar* ed tbe study as a profession. IHl 1*4110 4 31 2 14 Lot lilncbeiwrt-n 4Vi>»n and from Holly Iteach being admitted In (Joveruor Hto'kcs; who lives in the . Sampson . and J. C, Sreeinran. strong—and It' was spring—aTid thev 4 31 tloii.—Hi'tralt Xi'wrf OFFICES OF "MARRY" H. RICE, right and jiiHtlce, and IIIH. duty (o his Oil motion; the proper officers were •Catherine Hope had looked from a • Uot squire are kept clear for tbe pas- 151 l.'rf) 00 2 04 Ailnnitravcnue«and iwiwt^u fifld 21 OlUOll IKS 01 2 W Pennant, the authority on natural I.U 1U00 4 3) 2 01 Sliib •treeu.. . the convention. "He Hald he made bin 'dlow man. A man whoso, sterling strict, wan Riven an" enthusiastic re- hese gentlemen were-requested to do window over n t-nrden when the moon were among the lilitcs: ' - I sage of the irtant-cldl." l»00 4 31 REOISTEHED AHCHITRCT nstructed to adjust these claims. history," received his propensity In that • Itl 2 01 CokDOW ' ' ' jHbyterliiirCriureli, Wevley Iiveimu Herbert R. Voorhees, proient on the girength of an opinion ortu and chunu'ter IIBH "been the cp ion, uud In repealed verythlilg possiblu to eutorlahi the was shining; True.' from tbe window I Suddenly tbe confused sound of. many 1M \fJ) 00- - 13) :« SAID ABOUT WOMEN. inlu Htrevt. Kav. H.T. CiiMHilUjrry. A Itrrte later, ^r^Tbompsou said direction through.a chance perusal of .130 00 4 JO lAt of land lytnic b«lve«b H'vimuiid OCKAN CITV i Tim AHhiiry Avenue; alls, made a speech praising the Con- of, their stodgy city lodgings on Elev- ISA . We«lrv Hvenae* aad between Ftnb and 21 1)00 il« 00 • 2 01 inday aervlceii, lUUB) u. m. und » ATI.'A\TIU CITV: Cor- Kentucky arid Atliiu given by the Attorney (Jeneral ofthn iiiiidation stoneH'or his HUCCCSH atia Isltors. "••.•• GUIMARD, THE SPIDER. i banCs'ls beard, and one- by one-, flash- a book.'on birds which he found on a l.v. .300 VO HO 201 .ij«r nicelluv. W"lne" r**st of I'lvlll^ntlim Is tin .luali HluUlii Hecr«tHry; A. Ii. Inif. Wlnlcr. - * - Colllni£»woow«ll. ' . by (imlriiiun Hildreth, amidHtcrlex to ItuleH, Tlicodore Itoosevelt, no_ truly ressed regret that the season had air. But that was so different IVI 00 4 20 2 U4 !>>t ot land lylD.* l»etwe«n Weai-and PrftvUle I it U'OIIIIIII Ik* we] ims. u. • Miller communication, ref- —8unday.Magnzlnp. Kavrn MVenofc* abd bvtwetrn Klnb and ', uu ttfi 110 m) 'J 111 "Andy" to Hit down lit, that "you camiot too strongly In- ilsr|uoteil, he liud reiluceil IIIH H|ieecl| •nded and that all the bouts were \< ry «.ii..nv-li. IMnutris. . " ~ • .' •- I " FI'NKHAI. UtHKCTOUH reuce to which Is made elsewhere In I .'•) 00 4 3) 2 04 or Ibe Holy Trinity, HroteHlam Some of the delegates attempted to ril upon tlie elementary fact that i u.ritiug. He then spoke as follows: uantled • only on clotheslines, sheds, tbe bade' all sincerity and with- 1V1 111 4 3) 8 04 ' SECONit WARD. , Jt>-:llir\ U till- clC's fnod add [.corner Kluvenlri street uud I>D-I his Issuo. ' windows or.tbe boarding houses on tbe Naples. Tbctu- men are famous all alatake* of Aothorm. I'll IU 4 3) IVt •'rattle" Lawyer Itonwell, a Crewe mi cannot build the superstructure of Every elouil has Its silver lining, out rr-btike that his century bud pro-over tbe Ciinipumm Felice for tbelr 'Caul no PU-r Tom pvoy I"rov«A I, liev. Murtto Alifu»r, i^ilnlHter nft ut Illvjuiltllili V MoruliiK praytir and neruiou. ENLARGE HOTEL ndur the conditions, the city knew thoughts might come to ber were made Frederick the Groat" and Voltaire. On the party-at the Crescent tavern cat l.tlMI) ' 4 20 2 01 Ibe SVV .oroer «it Nltuli Mir t-i itnil vtfulnic Horvtcu* ut H.00 o'cltusk. ...Undertaker • and - Embalmer. more than Home otliern were HUCCCHU- Ie ha* never promised the 1m- the fact that the defeated caudiduti' havoc of by an accordion, cheap coon totrer a ninu walkx backward. guiding two suppers In one evening. Scott In ISO 00 ' <3I. 2 04 IKYBTI nv» n«>e *ah-ltJV or the Improper and hnsal- ISOOJ 2 01 A. T. J.ine* * , . L-ott. . if* will follow niornl'itf. prayer 849. ASBURY AVENUE, ;itflil«;en,U«oni'M to. tils Added la songs or tbo caterwauling of feline Aucnstns for refusing to dance before one chapter of Vlvnnhoe" gives the 4 3). itber Uilndayn al.TJU >'clo«k. Hlldreth "upm the air." I'a.vs tried and has fully fulillled Ilie > into details 'of what IIIH -policy creatures on tbo fences below.". and foot. Other men run beside them Christian name of Mnlvolsln as Rich- ro oo 4 20 201 aofv«t ot OotaD Front. beiElcinlnif 3» •" uiore woiiii'ii hnve OCEAN CITY, N. J. l*ttlrvlew—N«%v'Olitlit|r Rooni. 4 3) tat fcel Irom Ibe »W .-orn-r or BlrVentb HOUSE ('Imlriiiun Hlldreth Htated, among in leu and responsibilities involved HI be.'what lie will do or leave uu- METHODISTS JUBILANT ard, subsequently uttering It to Philip. IV) U) 4 3) airerl and Ooeao avenue i«nd extenu- ni(ir<> th^y are willing to CiillHiipawereddHJ-or nlifht. ' * Albert I>., FciRg. of Cumiteu,Who has And now—oh, the feathery, pole flor- 1S0U) 2 01 InK Hff on Ocean MVv'iU*. A) fr«i. _ JDO'M Koqian Catuoho Cbaii-b, me. . I don't need to tell you what Pope makes a weasel eat corn. Klusi-- ISO.ID 4 3) 2 01 2 000 Oil • U IO 'J I 'UCIIM. : avenue, belwiMin Thirteenth Hnd and Went Ave., othor tlilngH, that the committee on pun him. Ho liuri alWayit looked to •esceneo of the lilacs over yonder! 046 4 -JO Cumherlund Tru« C'lmpnny arge property Interests here, where he . I'll UI 2 01 Women "aro ;b HIM. IUIV. Johu J. riweeny. iwmtor. credeiillulH had accepteil the Holly ie Interest of the Itcpubllcan party nf Ills I will Introdilee and pans next ne llnitdrvdib Kntborlne drew, her breath In with de- ley makes John Brumblecombe read ISO 00 4.3) 2 04 - 170 ttrrl of Own Kionl. Utlui.lnii So ^.rlektir s*.IHMIHIUU'. MiinsouHun- JyfARK LAKE . esldes In tliu sunimer, has arranged to tbe prayer for "All sorts and condi- 2S04A 7 00 2 04 f«*t trom.the KU'csurner ot Kiev.nib present iiml m STu, and 10 o'clock. ° 'Ocean City* m.J. Ileacli delegatex; that the committee 'ape May County uud Is still faithful Inter. That In ouo of the bright . Woraoiilh McrllnB Ho light as tbelr dominant scent came op 7 Ul 204- alreet and O>«an avrnuranil exumllni; ako a numlier ot iiililltions to tbe 'ZA W 4 20 HWonllnranaVrnileJTOr^l. AH porMiuH IIIIVIIIK' Furniture or anyhud considered their, credentials ken- Wen to lonk at it. The dark side Is to her. If only her dear mother could tions of men." though In tbe time of l.M) Oil • 24)4 uniwi* rnivt-rb. kliiU of M«rt-'lmii(llKe (o beHlorvd will i that IntoreHt.lhlrt present day. He 'uirvlew Hotel, whleh he owns, aud There was more life In the town of I.VIUI 4.31 201 AWlU.Seoll bernucle rJoptlst Church, Klcbtli Undertaker and Emhalmer Ills: I have had at my side, lighting be rwitn her to enjoy; tbe beauty of It Elizabeth tbe prayer book did not con- I 2.1 60 t el of Bay Fronl. betrtnnlnn aoo ft*l A tcrnmirniit wife,may In _ Wmt avenue. Kev, J. U. llrnndon, HHVU iiiuncy by Koliif? to the uine. ia» HCrved you faithfully and fear- LVeynioutb, Sunday, than there bas IU Ul 2 01 ( loulder to shoulder, an army of good. bleli has been so capably maiiagi'd all! But. that had not been possible. tain It Sir .Archibald AllUou speaks- ISO (W , • 4 31 '.'01 t"i>Dl HW rurnerof Tenlli Mtrt'el and II *>* ice-in In' <;itii>ili!cfi>il a toleraN* Hunduy services, prviicbkuu 1 a avenue, ketln- the chuiriiiuii of the dimly executive Senator, and we. since'ely hope that Ice a'ud I have led them to jlefent 'Wnymouth Meeting House." This tbe same author .translated "ttrolt de lit iAon> 4 3) 2 01 Dln>U on rUy avvnue 70 feel ml tliey iiliviiyx full.—Jnbnwn. ' Aaron \V Hand a1>u> wan ie Ktlug, and right here while I 'have had been all that mother and daughter which Is only equaled b'y Victor Hu- Ill 2^4) 0) 7(1) 2 m 200 Mr on W •Id* of Ua« nvrnuf. briln- V I'll! slutw tlieir gratitude for'thlH tit be established by tbe Methodists ID >Cl»>lt*y nnd - • I.V) Ol 4 3) 201 nlaie I.W f™t H of r.nlh «lrwt >uW sei'rctiiry of the committee. he opportunity I want to exprt'SH my aoutbJerney. Fifty years ago It was -caaM'do to scrape together the meojrcr jto;s_translutlon_of_!:Kirih_of_Iiorth." ioatuioatu _ -2^04 ilWtlnjloi:jWLOtlb^i-tKiintan^«ianiib i -J— r.llluit ihr- ulilifill Iperformnuce of duty by again Board of Trade Wtfclliiy. teno helped Fragonnrd to adorn ber 1100 oil 2 H) 201 110 Ul. acllin him In a poxltlon to win the ppreclatloirortheir tlrcleHH~eirortH~ln icuiodeled uomewhat by a new eover- savings for Katherlne's rest of a fort- •world, with forty struggling men be- "premier fle iiuatre."—J^iodon. Acad- lu) ui' ' '£ Hi 2 01 tbnr .2»0 2 01 the tltm' [t lo iise-'yiiiir' hud tl coiiiiiilUcu Mliall coiiHlHt of members ntllcc tliat lie HO Justly inerltH. (Jentle- uy behalf. iig.on the outside and tbe substitution night. And Kntherine was not one to neath each of \hp eight glgll and the 100 00 2 III «wti( oi J III meet In Council Chamber ut K mew and vi hltnper over Impossibilities. •BBBnard. for whose paintings today fabu- I hour . murk. Nixlilti^' t,lm|iler. Irom ench election district, to be ap-inen, It Klven IUO tho greateHt pleamirc In thin contest, I HomelliueH feel that f u more modern pulpit. Rev, Albert whole army of dancers guided by tbe lm 00 a en 'clock this (Thurstluy) evening. All lous sums have been paid, lost his com- ion u> * < Hot |l KHI'.Kl^l Of pointed by the chairman of the con- huve not done-uiuch myself, but J She was here now. and she would shrill wblsth-of the captain. :M to present the nnnreof Kcnator h. M. members are requested to attend, us tlnttbewit, no\v over 82 years old, pas- make tbe best of every, moment to. mission because be dared to fall In This story Is told by u clergyman of i:,.-u> 4 3) NICHOLAS CORSON, nnil wliii usivi; SJISO vention, .: - •• liiuk you will all agree with mo that After a few minutes of this dance the North Carolina: "An old roloivj man Imiar N'nnon ll lui w !« 2(M •tc^^ensiicunillilatefiirnouiliiatlon for utters of Importance will come up. orlu iSCO, and Rev. W.8, Schenk, grow strom; and well again that she lave with bis patron, tiolmnrd bad a II!"" no to 2NJ 2 01 iiotlquK 'nf'fouiiiiiiii utlllllen not NOT CHEAPEST, BUT LEAST EXPENSIVE \ Captain Hale lu a few worilx uy friends have put up a .pretty re- massed bauds strike up a wild taran- stole a pig and after getting borne with NalliuD KUley and SOD* IV) IUIIW 2 04 e SeimtiirMlil|i ot Curio ^lay Oiiiiity,- lantor In '88, W abd '88, reside lu might go back with new life to-ber theater In her own hojuo^and; her en- Collector of Taxes. by m:ni, Inn i^lviu to in tertainments there/were, tella. Immediately the bearera dance the animal knelt to pray before re- I'll liuno 2 01 % nominated Robt. K. Hand for the nil I aHHtirvyou.vletorlouH or defeated peetalile. tight—ut least, they luive irectlngyour welfare. To huve done lay's Ijandlng. .* office «ork aud the companionship'or 2 01 Crentiir, }ciiow" tlic- rule.: traragant In so age of luxury. Paris more reckk-iuiy thun ever, and thetiring. His wife beard blm praying '» otllce or Stute Kenatdr, ie will t-Uinil true tiHhe rrliiuliilcx of .cpt up enough exelteinent lo break Is and then be coiiilemneil lu hard, Kev. William' Abbott,-of Ocean her sacriflclng little mother.. huge crowd rushes hither and thither keep In mind tla> hour -OUR- conM not spare,oer to London nntll «h« the Lord to forgive bun for stealing Mr. llonnell -named Conivllle II. tcinibllcalllwin aiid true to IIIH party.' le'munbtony that sometimes ultemls ut that is tlie prlceur penalty of being Urovc, ulllclated In the morning. -Tbe-mlld-eotmtry-alr-andrtbe thon- -to e*eni>t-unnl)illatloirfrom-tho-fall lf mil—Httrwt—and—to—hoM was past her/fortieth- year. She .was / Ibe pig." She went to sleep with L'ucle HtlllevofTiicknhoerforthe-Ainiemblyr Mr. Harris nominated'Capt. Vann public life. Mrs, Charles II. Col well read a history Bond odors of the spring played upon a sort af boudoir adviser to Marie An- the Kreut.Juzceruaut*. And imminent Epb still praying. Later In tbe night ttralfiht out from the PtUMBING, "uiniiii with a clean record and well mil for the olllco of AHxemblymaii. .We have all done whatever our Although defeated by the Kcpuhll- or tbo'eburoh and Rev, Dr. James her face and lifted her loosened hair, toinette, and so great was-tbe esteem enough thin neem. Tbe towers, DeTerntce Wu Plraf Brvnnl br :ho" bund at rlKht ancles bcndla( gilded by the moonshine into tbe like- sbe woke up aod saw ber biiaband still i liked hy nil who know him. The In unmiiiK Senator Hand, (Ciptajii taiids or heads found to do, and have rau party of this county,.I emerge from K. Iiako, or National' Park^ preached In .which sbe was held that one of tbe i from TO to 100 feet nigh, kneeling In prayer. At daybreak h!ii; - .. lkr. E«""|M>' :ho wrliit forward:' If the sun s*i HEATING, ness of an nureole.. Her wblte fclmotm Ul r of l t nomination Wax xecouded by io excuse or apologies to oiler, t think the aunlversary vermon. Prof, E. D. most dlstlngulahed sculptors or. tbe alarmimbend thla'-nrai y and that at a terribly supplications bad not ceased. •Epli. '* '" '•'•>' ' «utli|uliy. Ir wai o'clock I* mill huh In late said lie wan glad tii be' able tit content with charity for all my fell softly around her: from the position " ' ' But presently tbe m close one eye nnil hi'iike threei ROOFING Suyre. • .•.. iresciitto the Convention such anHjon- frank confession rrom both sides iiemlcs and malice toward none. Itiley. of AbHccon, bad charge or the In which she held.ber arms her soft why don't you come to bedr ns'-ed \ "'aDUt-.wiur^ tirst by the l>r. .1. X.- (JrlHcoiu, In a ringing oulil be that we have both douo bis wife. 'Let me 'lone. Ttlnb: de mo' 'anil afterward l.y. tlie Itomans iren of the width of tin' orablo man un he wn« aliout to The party and the pcoplo of' Cape miilvcrsary program. »• elbows . were plainly visible, and her Mpeceh, plm-eil Benntor Ije»'l'» M, I tries to 'splaln to de Lord bow I come autl uni-.i-nt tu-ntiou' :bnuib,- Knoll lueusiirtf mesM 1 —Hubert K. llaiiU, ise'H iiamo before the convention, Ust bow to the Inevitable. against the dark painted frame of the: brated at Notre Dame. — MacmLUan'a to steal dot pig de, wusser I gits' mix- speaker said, was before them. . ml lu* tlic. familiar language of till' A night IIIJIHKS IS It to Kee this great •Tat'ltus. I'llti'r. XI'IIOJIII iur and others. lours, so tliat the tliuo mi iiHlKnisi BUILDING PBRMIT8 window, stood out like a-cameo. 31a5szl&ft. ed.' "— Buffalo Commercial. ." The total Vote Was 11| for Mr llnml I have frequently been askod whether 'commercial bonne" I want to thank populace dancing furiously and tbe ': lie U'i::u'!i<'.in' Jiiyiu^a to have. In- 652 and 654 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, N. J. Tho girl was little conscious of any- lc>n» :i. nr 4 ovlock. n lib ptldk, ilid H| for Htsnalor Crcsse. r I would run Independently nr mil 'ou for **past fuVorH"—for. the* good clsjjf. COIOMHUI towers dancing also In rrculuriil i,K- lifV-.'lui; of lioer or ale. aa ou can lioiit-tbo Mr, ('lialriiiuii, you. my fellow Ite- thing; except the wonder of the.night, their mids(. Just "when the porters'* ! L««ra>«d Better. Following Were tlie dcIcgalcn: . nd in order to clear the utlnusphere lajoritlcs you liavo given mu when I I.IMl <>f Tlioae Ornntcd p Tbe Kansaroo at Bmy. k "My daughter bas learned one thin; it was tliwi t-ullis.1. to the nrltonn. at fork Preiw, lnililkaiiB. nnil (lentleineii: irlends and cticmlcs ullke, I Want iiflotitlt ofHepitrmber, I nor was she aware of one who watched . \yhea pursued tbe kaugomo. If possl- grow so fatlzued that their burden be- M • 'iiu. »f the l.itiw'H • u./u.-st by the Anglesea- Wilbur H. Young. ivaH u candidate. her a moment from the snudow of tbe cpmes;a very real danger the board of at boarding school." exclaimed tbe It in my privilege to-day to Hpeak o'Htate here, publicly, that I will Hot, The following penults were granted T>le, directs bis rllcht toward tbe river. t •'• ',-u-r. J'lu* 1'J-(:JUA comluutMl ttbe Horn, and oil Caka*. Avaloii—(lllbert H, Kmitli. Captain Vanaman . xutd thutr- nl lilacs In. the garden beyond the hedge. Judsos senu^ tbe police over, to Inter- man. "and that is how to write a legi- Good id you briefly In behalf.of one whom Hider any clrciiiiistanceM, be au m- iy Itiilldlug Inspector Smith, during If be reaches It be enters and; tbanks ble hand.", * " 1 :«'\\iug o( li'.U'Iey uiiilt. riilliiii: It ale. *> Printing is tbe advance "Say, 'il'j-uu know ttuytblns Capo, May City—First Precinct—J. hough hot iiominaled for tlio Asscin- Selden Howard was.returning from his to bis 'great helsbt. Is able to/go on fere. Gradually tbe waltzing pyramids U!4rll ulHiiit l.-^l. wlwu tlie Of yull alt know, win) IH a soil of Cujie e|ien(leiit cniiilldate. And once more he month of September: "How did It happen?" asked a'frlcuil. josser. h'cyV I>'ye km»v "tbejH SECRET SOCIETIES. larry Hliglics, Mtopiien. II. AVltwitli tly, ho. desired to express bin thanks dog kennels; whence' be had gone to foot to a depth wbere tbe dogs are art uirou^-bt to a' standstill- and ranged l:i;ro,ltioTl tin' brewing of bops with May Cminly tii tlie manor iKirn, and waul to express my appreciation ol Allen Hcull, alterations and addl- look after a sl<-k collie, wbeshla eye "She' kept writing home for money." agent of a successful business jork! Well; they will wbe.n tft . I'lly LcklKU,' No. 171, K. mill A. M.. lumiiol F. KlilrldgcHecoiitl Precinct— o the convention obliged to swim. There be plants him- la a row li.f.jro the ton-n fia!!.—William the Iiarli-y i-alllug It lil<>r or. in eeond und lolirtiiTbuniduy tfvi>ulnKi* ulinse idicexlori- .have had lio vmall lie many good friends who bave'vnl- IOIIH tn llreckley ItroR.' store. had chanced to fall upon the figure In G. Fltz-Geralil lu Tbe World Today. said No. 1, "and I sent back word I om nn' they, hnvi> tn. Tbe month. In Miuonlc luill. WlUlum .onl" Smith, Ailain Sweeke. Dr. N. A. Cohoii, of Wildwuod, wan self on his two bind legs nod bis toll, English, bwr,. million,.W. M.', 1'.'M. ThuiiniH.J, Mian. In nuikInn her hletnry, ami who liltccrcd to go' alon(?" in caso I Wm. Hoiill, alterations and additions the easement and In sheer artistic ap- and. np to bis shoulders In the water, couldn't read a' word of her lottcrs. It 11 The neatness and correctness top* t-iili^siticiit. ih.jiiirli thefrt Demi Is Township—Flrst'l'rccliict—- iamei were City l«diie. No. W, K. of •;., meet" come UN 'me of the line«t typen ltK--i(>J,UTM>NH. "Sho's like some young princess,'* be The diary of the ii|io«!le-to the In*rsphy."— Detroit Free Press! the." absolute up-to-dateness of ivcut rlsht iilito it iui'iit diet, tepubllean partlen In this couuty; the Clelland Parker, alterations and bis fore paws he seizes by the bead the great l.i^r'il^lnki-rs uud tbut for a long d tfilrd Monday eveniniea of jeacli und tlie truest of Kcntteuieii that old _ thought to himself,, pursuing bis way dlan*. John Eliot, shows that the Puri- oil i-nkw. Vt'|> 11 k.o—f I'," liall " . 'Anbur ' y UV6UUI5I , uear Holly Kcaish-Fred Mvyer, Jtcnj. V. mrty. IH bifsfcer tliun inyself, nnd my The rollowlilg lesoliillous' Wore im- additions to residence Twelfth and As- toward the big bouse, "or a goddess. first doe that approaches him. and. as AJmoat •> liuBlt. .tluii" every Hiijlc**s»;wr iiiudt; bis own everything that ye do for von It. Howard tii ALLOWAY M. SMITH & CO; .•a|ie'May County IIBH ever produced. he In more solidly balanced than bis tan forcfatlk-rs hud the good fortune tHt-r. In tii i^c- year* iHt-r was the afu rail fi>n«>. Ili'Ilf tJJk on iDrn, K. of IU larker. liugrintlun It has repudiated me will lilmoiisly udopted : bury avenue. Her halt's tike the silvery flus around Tbat suit you haVe on." said the (Successors to H. A. W;. Smith) AH tit lil« public record, it needN no assailant, ha holds tbe dog's nose un to havle an extremely mild 'winter In erJl nnil p:>;n:l.:r ilrlnk. In the colony amuzlu-._ Cur.'un tlilui' 'bout oil jower ToV'imlll|>- Wlllliim 'I'.' Itiite, lot luT^ti HiiOlt'ieilt reason .for tlic to; We, the Itepulillcmw of Oii|io silly County, •JOH. U. Champion, ' Presbyterian corn. Her name ought to be ?etdlto. chap who always talks whether be b if you give* us a chance, will luucil, No. IX Jr, O.-U.A. M., iiieel". & eotiventloti luitwinltied, (lit ticriiliy «i^|ir«Mi der water as Ions can. Unless 1&MW7. The diary say»: •Thl» winter of Mu.*ii!(-(iurfvtrs Its r**tnll prlra waw though. Onci* it .ho** hu» b<*0 W^ luHdny evemnir In K. of P. ball. eulogy from me. HurhiK the Inciim- Urn my back upoirit., Jhuruh, Huventh'aud Wesley avenue. Marpessa; or Ariadne. How ever In anything' to say or not, Is a dead ring fcl[ln 811 ASBURY AVENUE,. - OCEAN CITY, N. J. ,eamlug K. HiiKlics.. v .iir tirlile uliil Kuilsfitciliui In ihu uruiiil recuri a second dos. speedily comes to tbewas one. of the mlMest that we ever n 'cat an* then p-oWJ p " H -alih, Mecretury. Imiicy of theptllcefl lie-haM lieirl^more the world did the Jones family stumble er for one my > Brother has." Hi.-.1 l.y itnv ut u iM-iuiy u <|Uiirt .Its Middle T(jwi)Hhip—First' Prccliii't— Another silver lliilng to the dark .f th(< ituii'liMlciiii puriy ill N'utjoultl uud JOH, <). Champion, alterations and rescue the Brat one Is sore to be bad: no snotr nil winter long..nor sail- to In llnlw wus II i! furlildilt-n. A induce you to become one of our lero aln^t uotblu' In tbe worUlTI TELEPHONE, Y IUWH direi'tly beneliclul to the inu» ' across such a creatureJ~ The glamour sharp weather, but they had long floods ?Huh!~' growled the fussy man: _ ully Council, No. lo, It. ol A., iiiw.l» Charles A, lluniiell, Oavld K. Uitir, limd of (Ii feat In the Inner COIIHC >tuto ifoveriliiicnlil, liil(i pludgo our' lioilrly iddltioiiH. to.Mr. Mu«'a real* of the 'girl wave Itself Into his dreams, drowned. If a companion arrives and latv of liil:> (irili-rt'ti tdu.t every vlct- esh onto bint a Bocornl time. To! Tbur»rtny evenlun lu K. of V. hull. of the people liavo been enacted than ii|i(Mtrt U> Its prliirlitliui iiilll i'lliilililHil at Connecticut which Was much ipoyIo "What do yoa.take me for—a clothes regular pa'trons. -tffc try us muc-b a« you're mind to.I t ' Hie W. Luke, iiecretiiry K«lgarF, Kiidiijott; Hoeond Precinct— esu tlmt I have' honestly dune my deuce, Sta ltrlghtbu Place. '" • and to waking Intervals be pondered by tua attack* on the kancaroo man- Uftta-.or «r.I.ii:iiy lu'nktfiifr should ol- In any other period of the liiHtory of Wu omlonu! tiiu |>flllcl|ilu or tlic to ye corno In thet meadows. \\'e never ringer?*:—Chicago Xews. 'hurleH J;. Vuiiainnn uud Oliurles ;ery best for my constitueutH and the John Marts, moving boat house, on-plans for an acquaintance.. "Ah. ha, ages to ant the captive free the -half jvays b*- jiroi'liled with goml whole no liso."^—American l _jflon LodaVNctfl. AfO. U. W,, lneol« the Huuie leiiRth, and In every Inutaiice irlluury iiu till' ticHt iiu-iinu ot lieciirlnU tile drowned brute Is glad to regain tbe had a bad day to BOB preach to the In- •nd fourth Mouduy eVeiilniiu In K. ol .'oombH. axpayern. My only thought bus been ixpreaMlbn oi thu-sonttment or ilit* uttoplo OH Tenth utidtUe bay. ." I have itr at last laughed he., . , soUic I!**V fur the <-nnr[alimleQt of be'IiaH fully HII p port ed 'beue meaBUreii shore aa quickly as posulble. "In"'this'' dlnns (at 'Xen-ton 'or Xatlckj_all_thls- Mot la Stock. Wlllard W.Adninu.recorder. DAVID MUIR, JR., Ocean City—First Wiird—Andrew heir Welfuro, and all my public acts her] icstloii of liaiiltniltlnn of 'cottrtty ciilidl. Early,tbe next.morning he went a* wlntcr, praised-by .the Lord." During Customer (iffltatedly to Eossiplng with hit) vote.. Ill fact during tbe taut way a stroa^ and courageous male t Tnlklnc in ":; twii In mow cm &li» Tribe. No, i£J), I, O.It M., .meei. J. {SoHwell, Dr. I. N. (Irlscdin; Becoiid lavo had in. view "Uio greatest good ' '• Ho. They Will Wed. , Oshlng. As ruck'would have It. be abopclrls>—I wish you would show me tWo yearn, under the wine and able tlic iirlu^l|ij|e oi hanio rule tn kangaroo "will hold his own against the season of WH7 tbo diary continues: Tbi. lausi .if iht- cuioiiy always favor- than U CCIIIi;nilly siippn^cd. Of Wedneiulay ovuiilnu- 111 K. of V. bull, Wartl—Clltiton Itreckl'ey uud It. It. a tlie greatest number.'' Itut at secured a Well filled creel. On bis way twenty or thirty dogs, drowning some, "A.great-sickness epidemical did thecommon civility. 8bopglrl (absently}—' f U Wallace, keeper ot record*. leadership' of our prenent CJovernor, octil ult.ilr<«,'uml MID According to rumor, two or three Sorry, madam; We ain't got It—Boston ed th» matmfai-turv of U*r. and even Ktmiiitit^. 1 (I'lHMl tlW »IM» Of t« Btiten. legislation ban been from tlie earliest wlilelt will iH^intt ilui elwtlon (if nl young men lit this city have decided home, without'ceremony, be lifted tbe and frightening others, and the hunter ton! lay upon as. that the greatest on Camp* No. ,7J>, I** O. K, «it A., Tin, • Slate • and - Slap - Roofing, whom history^ will acclaim as the c& late an. t«>:i yoat* after Maauacba- ami thirty 41 >r eent of tbo Ba* olllcen* tot tilt piiultti service im neurty m bitch of Mrs, Jones' low back gate and part of the town was sick at one*. Transcript. . eVy - Krlduy iilnliihK t lu K. of 1\ liull. Sea Isle City—Wayiie M, Struthers. ays of history & Circumscribing of the hat the words of a popular song, Is obliged to Intervene with a bullet settit hail liwiii.o a mate a taw was 3T |H'I- ini;i. Uf tlie women Wl* CORRUGATED IRON WORK • Brentt'fct. Governor New Jersey has ponulhle, arid » Vole ot the piibple Ullou'.ul .entered, nVyuy or "nay. or Ithiiortiinl' (leiiiirtureH' from th*> UCCUM The. Scorpion of Cellos. . tbe luniiiifiH-tiirp ntiil couxuinptlon of «ww ijil.- • ri.- IlariK-i- • Ve*U» 19. (•• O.. of A., m«tu every MatiirdilVMat . enacted for tlio benellt or the commou ove all the time?" looks good to, Jones rolllag the .dough for breakfast Daring the summer of 1002 Apostle "THI yoa regard that man's argu- l K. oll 1\ bullbll . ii.ii TT, Uuao Upper Towiiship—Jollii S. DOUglaHH, Ing. you can't please ' everybody. tomed pliLit ui UiuBtuie ijovtirninont- A more disagreeable object than a '• — them, and. they are about to try It out. biscuit Eliot write*, "it pleased God tills, ments as sound?" ' ' boor, oh. nut, other malt lli)Uors," 405 Wesley Avenue, - Ocean City, N. J.people tliun in anjr previous ten years, scorpion of Ceylon It would be difficult olin \V. Qatidy and Frank Ashmend. Homebody's apparent rlghtH are re- e*pre*M otir -btiEb iippreclittlon oi inn I.n ojhor words, soon there will be spring to exercise the country .with e • . "Yes."..answered the senator, "That The act frwd beer from" all taration, oc* and HtilUniinatillae Htilllty of our UM "Good morning. Sirs. Jones." said he. to Imagine. Although, as a rale. It does 74446 Asbary Avenue. OCEAN CITV, N. J, Htella Council. No. as, Vt. of l»., meet* We are proud or the fact that the Went Capo May—Harry T, Ludlum, strlcted for ilie general good of tb(; and nothing 'else,'*—Washington Star. but It came too late after a net-leu of | v! in Monday uleep at 7.10, in K. or 1*. Hull. . • RepalrH of every description for allimokeH .. isl repreiioiiliitue ill l^cilittruiiN, the Ifon marriage ceremoule4 In which they Tve got such a jolly big end falTof not measure more, than seven inches In severe drouth, .but sonc. were so rash oncmleH our candidate IIUB made were icople at lurgo. fish here that I don't kpow what to do as to Impute It to tbe sitting of tee nscul.laws which for revenue purposes ninnr'itiiifj'. Imt h ' •llilrtt • • of FuruaceM aiidlHangeH. ' •. nd Ueorge A. Cummluga. oroble John J. (lurdm r, nnd orhlii onrcmltt will tako leading parts. length, there Is a species found In the had mudc,beer dear and )<<«1 to the Im- nnile ill tlie support of legislation that Wll "Ob, Mr. Seldcnr* exclaimed the good scnt«I to tlic-ui. » <>Ht>r !li«u ii Hive late the bralnL aui'l th« reaction from »"•' 1. •' , . • iian taken ordi rs from any corporation nloft, the very picture of aggressive and the other one was a little,'puny ventlon," Cbalrmuu .Hlldreth .said II aH possible to the Verdict of the voters, tbat tbo prosperity of Htuuj nud Cdliutry members were hospitably entertained woman, a bit flustered, but smiling with warfare. „ Here they stretch themselves «ro|i of tcuilfr li«C unu. lu u CJUJIIV the stimulation Is not perceptible;. 'IB8T PBaSBlTIHIAK bllUUCH. ' magnate; be'ban "lidded lustre to the Snmhrtnkahte appreciation. (Wauldthe man about four feet sir Indies. The was an honor and pleasure to do so. I am* a flrm believer In majority rule, imt tbe creatnusH of tlie Nntlun m tioinu un by tbe members of the filnwood In the broiling son' and await their of blurs Uu'y win have euni'c-ilt'j It _.jie* ti*' and coffeet pre excellent, W Auxiliary Uoclcty nieeta Jimt Ml/' Uameu'Of those.inen-who-JmVe repre- bearens'fall nextti When had Mr. Sel- foreman came along Ju> See how the ItimlllW. .^enlBS ofi aob tnontn. PreHldenti How About Shutting and If a miijorlty'of tho people of this Hbroud, dependv uponlholr mutnti.nunce. Council. ., ' from Hl-ht. Try thoui u-ltb a p:«.i? of brain srtors. For a little' n bile they The nominee Hold that ho doalred to prey. These are the small, beautiful work was progressing and noticed that J. F. Fox; Vlce-1'reaident, Mm, lu M ^teuted Cape May Couuty In tbe service joeq Howard last honored her bumble chJlk or a tiny i-v.i'ilo. anil tbty re- do uctuu.:y .ninUe n» inore IntelUsont fl treaaurari Mm. William K. Wll utticerely thank the , frlelldu . who county prefer Bonator Hand at the After deciding to bold the next con- honeyblrds that dart from flower to one of them was doing more work than ortbeStatfrol New Jersey; . "" ' dwelling like this} Barely not shwe his flower and take the place of tbe hum- ninlil utollc'jy luii.lii'alilc. Wet the than wenatumlly art-. Tliat hi why they |.ii nf IIIIJI" B'") , *p; Moreuiry. Mra. Jon. I. Hcull: uaalii- lielped him In the lively, energetic bead of ntluirs, they are by rlebt eu- voutlou at Capo May Court house, tho motherdled.poorsoul!) -Acceptthem? the other. '-Look here.*' be cried, "bow J iii'rfurated. 1 - «tiiry. Mra. T L>ee. Adam*: coUeoto»«i As to hl« private life, ]t Is wlthou ming birds of tho east As one ap-chulti anil oiler It. u|;:i!u. und tile plant ire so popular. It is why we chemists .aimun and Mm. Cbm-len Mumn.. , * campaign. If elected, lie coutinued, Itled to hla representation, and I meeting adjourned. tetter to Ira 8. Champion, • , WeH. I Just guess I will! And so Mrs. Is It that little Dennis bacan. who Is me tuue» .r KndeaVor noolety meets every Krl- off the Water? .,.. reproach; thone who kuow htm beet proaches the scorpion unmi to shrink apparently mistakes It for meat.- tbe mli-ibem lutellictual drinks. Atcohol. T would be the taut one to attempt to only half your size. Is doing nearly nni'li'iit Orulda Mrnoon at i o'clooa. . be would do all honorable.tblngtt for Ocean City. Jf,J. V ratch Is alekl Well. youH Just star bristles gradually Vloslng round It: whether It be taken In the. form of love him most. Kitidly and genial lu Jnto the-stone lintil It MconiM almost twice as'much work as yon. Patrickr jtlan Kndeuvor. noclety meet* at 7 tbe peoploof Cupe May Couuty. thwnrt their wishes au ex pressed at thf Dear Sir: Hero's the difference be* > here to breakfast' nil be all ready In u. UUco\'er|uz the' doception. they champagne oV beer or whisky. Is no^ liy I>lliiy and other < t Uunday evenlnga, . bia Intercourse wltb all, the regard of Owu Vour Home. Imperceptible. Suddenly', (he great in- Glancing down to his partner. Pat re- polls last Tuesday. tween.two pure palntsf one strong; flftcaKmtautes." Thla was aa mnch' sect will raise its cliiws and dart lit Itr GiiaKy relax uud return tbe chalk sn Intellectual drink. f)ot the opposite. We have the mechanics and, the ability ' bis .townsmen Is bhown by the fact i The sueaker Was cheered during aud . •dVu dlgniiled aud gives you a dell- > as Howard had hoped for. plied: "And why- shouldn't bet Ain't Obruitian Teuiperuuco 'Union, at tbe close of his speech. '• tienator Hand having served In tho the other weak. beautiful victim, which In a without thJinku. Tbeie vegetable glntv From the beginning alcohol stupefies omlnutlonul, meet* aemt.montnly« that no reputable man'In'all of Ocean clous xcuse >tr security to own youi he nearer to liV . • , ," tend of enllvenlne tbe brain. But nl. Mm. Eltmbutb Urlolts corro«popd Senate two terms' knows better than C. P. Hanger, Stauuton, Va, painted, ' -Totfre awfnUy kind, Mrs. Jones," hi destroyed. ' tons will a'wsrti morsel* of poached -ry — , Mmt*lii . A* ..-.» B- .•»^I._.^ KanckM __^^^; racordlr_ , *- to do 'this properly. A little attention City could lie found to oppose him as Mr. Btllle thanked the convention home at It makes us tult! If It were not en- most or you. the responsibility he Is two uew 'houses, the houses esaMjr.-i ' besald, nffecttog. surprise. "And—yea, and mutton chops.'but cbeeju lira. M, Mllner; treawirar, Mra. delegate lit .the - recent primaries. for his nomination. He asked for th OCEAN CITY. tunu the IOJVCK rjatte black and Onal- The world Is bin who can see through livening how should It moke us talk? . and a little' expense NOW, will save support of the deleguteu and gave them assuming. To attempt to defeut tho Besides, your responsibility as a real alike: ooe another pure paint,, tha^;h'jri <-* heUere'JJl stay^- rva a atck collie Too Smooth. Alss. alcohol makes ns talk, bat we Where he given bin friendship he In ^OTOTin tbe kennels, m so tack and The Fiancee—Thwv's Jnst one,thlnv "» kills tUT Its pretension. . What deafness.' what but promise to look after their in teren'tM, legislation that would be injurious tc estate owuer makes you a desirable other Uevoo. JUpvoa .cost a quartet^ stone blind custom, what jovergrowi) say nnder Its Influence the things we thin tbe BtauucbeHt and truest friend ever « -s look ajter;her; then JTU be back to ac that worries me « little. Tin- Ptanre- a •'heap "of it when Spring comes. the county, and to secure for It leglsta citizen. Thluk It over, then call ou less for paint aud labor. tlf -,t < £ Defloed. error you behold. Is there only by your should not Alcohol deadens the In- i" U:ui',-htlly i If elected. • ' ' " ' I> What Is that* Tb.- Plaucw - Th«v tlon that Is heeded, Is no small task Feople generally ..<-"..«•' ^'je^?*<«*wi-«^Wr«*w-^Wr ii ' Teacher—WUD kusns. what triplets hibitory, the prohibitive centers of the l»lttU. "I jiui tbtt.otdr. utti He Is a Ho|iubllcau, a stalwart of tin Capt, Vunamati, Mr. Hughes auc I .HARRY HKAJJtiEV, seems to be no opposition on the pan sufferance See It to be a*.)|e. and yon even In a small county like thin. o^ Katbertne Hope entered the aroT Teacher's Pet—I know. Two have already dealt It tia mortal blow.— brain. It stupefies the brain muscle, 'Well; ytw, but you want tO*J Btalwarta, whoso voice hau ever bee W. M. BtrutherH wore appointed a Real Estate Operator, Ninth andAs- over for paint. of any of oar relative. twins and .one left over.—Woman's which, knows what things should not Your representatives In the Legisla- bury avenue,'next to tire house who dlnluc room i^rs, Jones of cosrse pre- IS ber that you're UOt 0 llM* * itman'a Aaaoolatiou. WUlon Wllleu, beard lu no uncertain tones lu aup committee to eiicort Senator Crease to •l atstad Mr. Howard. ,' ' Home' Companion. be "told, and hence, while, drinking- we t'hllU fre«». jut, Mark Lake, asoratiuy. " ture have to Spend many hours of -mud wlU show you tbo* very best way and OK wlu be bald Ini June. JOHN R. GROVES, < port of tbe. prllielples of Republican, the platform.' . , ' ' In, Kngbjnd. under the Tndors, tile talk: bat, oh. the things wo say, »M; w6rk, In research and study (when the some of tbe greatest bargains to be Often conf«ss|.-)n la owning m> ubcu Idleness walks so elowry that pover- AtJCTIONBER . Da«d lo 1«. loin an Republicanism has been pro- Senator Crease began his remarks b] man who gave to a beggar was fined oh. bow we blnsh tn tho cold gray Ocean O ty Bonding and Loan aaaoela. rest of you are asleep) In order to vote found here ou the easiest terms. yon are snre to J* 'cangLt -Satonla* ty has no trouble tn catehlns op writ No. 721 Mm. KnlcLer—Weren't yoa 1 neeuaaooud Hatnrday of eaob month. claimed by Iilncolu, OarUeld and saying that it looked a good deal Ilki and the redolent of the gift was pan- light of tbe morohif after to remember Intelligently and houettly on matter ITUI14 liKSt " - - T- It _ProM«l«alor«ala, eiu Ocean cd when the bull J " nt, ueorge p. Adania; aooretary, " 64-9 Asbury Ave -* - Ocean City, N. J Roosevelt. Honest differences, of oplu leading a lamb to slaughter. He sale Phone connection; . r t senior account of your now dress! 00. er-No.' It was exactly th» i >X behaved wbon he sot tho.*

( i-f material* atxl trfcntrwd «Hb • tbe'fctM^.. While tbe rttht band iroe* Ocean City Sentinel ocirtl5l»w*aad*a>(>o«ant making lbe ttrakc* Ibe "*<* uUf(l/Al 111 1 OJj -.JACOB N C. GODFREY^ D«K toUom Uw iti*H«luaiofr> -n^cblac** of tbe left arm meat bej W • HebMai* in •RaottMpwmbur UL dreated" means to be aoltably va:OoT.m, (MS a. fot wb*ttr«T«5Cur«t»CK) t» to k«5x«r»! a>-«kio" CaJI* oo'lbe palm at t&al CCEAt: CITY.- - - NEW 1KJ>SEY BL R. \V. 'lcatloiiH of intorext dono«tbeil»T. AU». bo«(e« ofyouv. moajtot. On IAMBI of tbe palai t*- weemUia: HuncUyi, £23 p. m. luoaratoili .Congregations Were. $*i&, F A. Paimiiee. G. W white- aud. bur rcudorn F. X,; Cobb and Hiss Rpesc Children Somewhat Scattered, Stirring SpeechSy'E-jc-Gbver- Atlantic City Railroad Com- Rtfputcrf Murderer Said to 5J6 p.-m. Bumlaurik • ' .. • tas«J that «=at-vi=g (x**t Jbfanud al »rtn*' 8«cTt Present and Excellent • .... * (««»«;,..Vso^ ra. aod limpiwity are >c* fc«3ri>o<«-%jr*~;Ji.rru:s. •, " ATOLEN / ' ' . | aod »Ub more f^eaaare .oc a yoeo< "tx*i miac be too us calljr atuve water NO. 9l5 ASBLHY AVENUE.. , _ -—•—-•—' '• "—! " '———^^M&jjijm'of tlio writer, iint.-tiec.exiA v. t Or. J. X>'« octtermts* L*>*r Sabbath,'Mar>tuU Allaoti.- Oryj.;ris *»rd ;— ''ffiiiriiir .••.. •• 'iii•K at tlje reHldehco of Mr. J. I.abar olllce ofr the, Weather llureau In ItHFl.dieVn Hall, on ttbb e thithirdd floorfl • fof True ,'ltelatIon of Lawyer* '«T»thl-l|Mperiwual injuries was given by it Jury Muliuare, tho Itnlbtn, who murdered • •eoii*; Heu«.- a» ibej Msicbeil.-Jcbs Lire, Rtfum--.-* J*. lleaillej), 101/1 Anbury avenue,, loiilhly iu,eturoitiglciU"Hiiiuiuary, "IIH the llojlrse liiillding, Trower'H-Hall, l.i'KiHliitiire," Jierore the' Hlate iTu the Circuit Court at Citiiideu.Tliurif Saverlo Cululghi, niie*ol "IIIH coui|try- (JUTTAUtO*. a wt: oc tbe itc llaHiy m>ib rn>«r»y j e. sneq,t>cK> . L - The contracting partleH were ,MIHM tile, prevailing high tomperatufe. 011 Klglith Htreet, near Asbury avd ^Huociatlon at the Mnrlbprougli-lllen- day, 'when Je*no X. AVIeklzer, or nien, at 'Woodbine, on tho night of •-.JooaiJ'* Ureai. FS»b y.-' • Tb*'; fell: ant drew«i to get". E. N. C. Cleiland DOTS., 'flattie U. Koexe,' or Hultlmoro, Aid , With ono exception (Heptembe'r, 1HSI,) line, In the city pavilion and In Iru'H. hejiu Hotel in'Ailantlo City Krljay Me*lioppen, 'Pa., WUH awardcl $^,(NX) June lltlwlasi, has proven futile.. Bibfe." be tail <. : • e-e-r«TP DQOKra and .Mr. Frank L., 'of Ovean il'waH.tlik wurment Scptoinber III HChaiupl IU'X store room, Heveiith ami niglit, iiHMilleil the . present State HRahiHt the Atlantic City Itiulroiid The men who were employed «in the Nr». H«.<; Haser B^AL ESTAjE B.ROREH ... like full. •• View, N.'J. The ceremony .wan 'per- period of;ill-yearn. ' Anbiiry avenue. liCKlxlaturo inomberri for their Hllp- Company. Wlckl/er'*caso wait for In-' seet,lon gang of,tlie West Jeniey »fe M0TGL .Hit- ifc7 jiTMity uioruliiK". formed by Kev. Win. K. Cobb, brother ,'i'lio Ivinperature during tlie'month All of the teacher* were present, HIIIMI metliodof conduetlnK' 'buiiliieiw,' iirle* reeelrtxi while, cmploycsl H* aSersbore Itailroad ut WoiHlblue. 1 ijv-ur rarht a«* of n^rt.^. l.s«viise: S." at'toc. Exkn: R. Curtis Robinson; ?G«ttlnK'n bit wlniry. of tliu Kroiiui. _ . '"averaged 71 degreen, <^r'.t.<> degreen pel und -Ol pupil* were e'nrolleil the llrst, their Inactivity hi |m»»lng II|HIII bllln common workiiiiin by the On the night of June (Hh the camp a!.l oiber Uv*., T,, .Tte«t Btj 0. Kaad »bouW'«--li3 !:» »Jroke. tt>e rvac -to e ocgS: »*»«. i:. Jo*. tV»"•\vfck c H Kl«»«»tl« at: aui A»l»or» .•*'«•. Tlie bride WIIH beautifully .attired Ii duy In exceHH of the .normal. The) day. Hluce then, the iiuuiber IIIIH III- and dlHcUHHlug ,tUem upon the lloor of llrlilge Company In the construction WUH nettling a week'* breafl bill; and by. umfr* aisi*ott ^fa 'Hiye you inovwl back? ' • •' " &xoiaaO«i to t!w Sen- (waJmcsi . ' •. .•"•• . • •-** • . •; _." . • . white |Hiint de - Hprite, carrying 'a average maximum tomperaturo WIIH ercuheil. the lloune, and lliolr fuvorltlxm HIIOWII r a drawbridge across Tuckahoe river. four or tlio men paid their • share or Ocean Aye. * **** .*J.-~'~ • • cate». ail primary trct!»«Mc{M f;CUpenterH uro nil btiMy. « "5>or-.J ~*^^ AND INSURANCE A. ?. Tilirtt, C M Klvcn u'lnuKnlllcent HUppcr and re-ofiM) degrees, or over, viz, 01 degree* city Superintendent J. M. .Steven* CIIUM.'H all bill,*, good, bad ot* in-with the defendant rullroad company, cation, left the camp for 'the Italian party *S11 wpolate. .That .« zi**-ov-hi*. that arittaesalSy'aU'JiWt. », Tlii* » .tbe"crea:«-t »ci tn.^s :: Tr.*;-. .r>. j(h lucij lTI^ O«UCCJ. I-J- . Insurance Ko^P HayliiK n K<>< I unril for Ocean OPEN ALL THB YEAR : fre>hmunt«. ... on the Kith and IN) deg'rcUHon the^lxt.-j md hi* hand* full on Monday morn- .litrerenl, lo be voieil upon, IH a UM.*IC*H that WIIH grading each side of tlie •liiurleVn near Mlllvllle. Mollnaro lbe taeklsi; 'tt'tbc !fcjo.>r ncu c ".hioh «e cancv< vwoit. • t^>c Ir.aial tboc«ht thai «•"«**<•.Itre-J it* Amiinir tlioxe who enjnyisl the tie-The lower*! leiiiperatiire wan -.llilegreCH, ing, gelling order out of chaos, but,expenditure of time'. Formerly, when lirldgo for 1111 additional parallel track, -larted niter him, creeping close be- Notar), Public and Commissioner o« Deeds Gft'four prlnthiK iliuio livforc uhi- on the- iltli. The niglitH during a hind him. Tl\cii lie Hhnt tho man that S> tbe ber ', a* Was to bo expected, he succeeded In lie l.cgixlature coiilalncd men whoand wa* using a gravel train hauling THE IMPERIAL =t ««. yocr of Sea iKle-City; Mr. and Mrn. JOH.large part of tlitvinntilh were wanner 111* ell'orls. •••,.' iiul. tile Intero-l of the .State'at hearl, illrt fur the purpose, when In some through the heart. The murderer then nou* early ault)iiui, the Hean 101.1 CK.-'TltAL".\ Vi:.. 0CK.VN CITY, Wi J a^ private cu;ces. *e C. l_AKE I'oliL, of Oi'Oan View; Mr. und Mr».than iiHiial, especially from the Itllh !•> ;hc3* were referred to a .committee, placed the revolver close beside the Nos.744.46 Asbury Avenue for olieBtmitH. manner the train got beyond control Harry ItoeHe, of Philadelphia; .Mr. «il, tiicliiHive, wlicii the minimum' ulio killed the bill* before they Were "Tiody und lied to ti den*o swamp near •ay ai*i!i»c. K»>t«n lix -Tie J.'-.\.. Hirr--. J.ii^* A=-ier ...REAL ESTATE AGENT.. PERSONALS- or tho crew aud run' upon the' bridge ,' Ooiill you can to help nloiiR public und Mm J, I.nban Head ley, Mr. IJOIIIH temperature did not fail below 70 de- voted upon If they were hill* of a Hello Plain.' " (>IKm oil tlio yrur.. 1.10 ^ -J. Grataai. • J,:::.^ iu^i. .S; >! .o ^ X,..M, ,^ OIJ N. j. OCEAN CITV. N. J. mid Injured WIckl.iT. " ' Improvements. • Heailloy and MrH. Kolla Clarretwin, of gree*...' . wortlileHHiiattire TIIIHInduetothe fact He was tracked through the woods Mm C OSTZKU aait«a. t!wt: I-'r. Jot= u-wr«.«.« .:-.<;*<~ to r»=r.' ''A, j. Bmith kce|iM n.Niip|ily of leu nil liat It was negligence or the railroad - >;ira» of tbe dexi ;«" SxatcrdaT.. ... : wedding iniircli , on eight duy* during the month, the present day uro not of Die right kind appcareocil**.. Tr.^-iat..-*'. A E. Sa::ii. ^«—.:«•>='-' «. -r*J - , tbrOPSl the winter. company to let it* train get beyond 3 insdiT 1 tolal (all ticlnu-,»l InclicH, orxllglitly Kbeuewr Adiuns, of iVest Phlindel- or they have fallen Into Ja/y bablls. for hi* capture, dcad.or ullve, but he 71a Cvnlrul Avenue, i: MooMay...... l P: '"Semen =o downforthe winter. ' . fng on Monday In X. C. (i(iilfroy'n than the average amount. • The l have not heard a gtHHl ilebateon njuro him. " . ' OCEAN CITY, Now Jersey. hi* escape. ,3« Wedoe^tay.^, 41 !.«£ «.« . ^hecliiiin Miiytliut Oulnlier IH tWhoiixe; AHhury avenue, below• Sixth greatest l!l-honr fall WIIH 1 4!> lnclien, on Jesse Murdoch and w(fe have moved liellooriif the..New. Jernoy -LeglHla- . 'I'lie' cu*e wu* one or the mn*t Im- l Ixirntloo. 'All tU« U~lem. In iS Tbarsd*v ^^^r^c?^ ^t '-^ .^%~ ^.^S^r ^v^rs.;;;^rr Money for_Mortgages... Mrcet. - • • , the l-rti and 1 :itli On lite L"Jd, .7^<>f an buck to Ocean City from Avulon. mre for the hint wjveral yearn. For- n I* said lie «a» arrested by a detec- lmeiiu Hfiuiw HeHt«d tbronslioat. *» Friday.." ...' |be»tr4onth for cyolliiK.' ' •orlant over fought In.Xew Jersey and Open ull llioyiwr. inch fell, but mi other dayn of rain the N D. Wright, ol Phlludelphia, reg- merly, when we had member* like tive In Italian i|iiarler* in New York, ;.«V.U'«b« ume, the. «n^ ar* B:b4« dee*. Hi tw kno•.•!***» of L=dUm. ^-c-.S-Wt;r.>. M L»^ • JORDAN MATHEWS ilen nxi IH belnR k'nth- einlnenl lawyer* were employeil .to UBS. H. (1AKWOOD, Prop. Limoi by the f>»rty ' . MISSING.A I.ONG TIME fiitln were ligitt. - Kair weather pre- istered ui the Klbcroii 11 few dayn. 'hnnccllnr Magic, Vlre-Chuncellor light the issue. Counsel ol tlio plalntiir hut-a large crowd assembled and the >•" A »^:. a&l E*i ^^-. -HZ *ii Co ZT.-:* erednow hi «reat (|inintltiuH. vnllcd rrom tlie Iti. to .the Iltli, In- oliicer lost hi* iium, since which time 2* 3i«Miij...... a.' Jiulge Hildreth, of Cape May city, llergen ami other-men of ntich known wa* Paul J. Sherwood, or Wilke*- THE ELBERON 15 *» -• 'tst n- of ifce ass. = These are the llnent 5* Pi;il*d«jpbl«U'e*»;af*r> so He doe»t=-tb< t< •.ocnted In California. Mr*. Williams. Johnson is visiting son, or Camden. For tlie derenduiit Sfapy a niuii IH ill*HatMle£ -VHIII HPnrrh of—two yeiira-tliu. llMHIlH a few'i|»yHr IIol Water Hunt. Kvery ICooni Tboroa(bljr without precipitation. SiiiiHhlne "an Mlllvllle l^on one of itH meniberH, who Ictt IIIH.home mid William W. ltecd, both or Cam- THE ehfci e! a • hlne. . • •,'••'• na- right. Cciitlomcn, It in tho cim- I9> OnlrHl Avonno, OCKAN* CITV. N. J. • :•«== *-*i •»--= v * Manufacturing Jeweler. . s at Beventli and Central avenue, for u suitable place to locate he would Jacnli Wolf, of Tuckalioe, wax "ourt. .. t Tlle^prevjiillngwlnil dlrertlon WIIH oni of the meiulierHoftlie l.eglsluturc .^aaiiV.'Mccl^iiix.: -*~ _' " ^'—^'^ „H. . '•••:•-•.., •- V>. .. SOCTM SECOND ST.. ** the.Wlnter. Hfinl for IIIH wife and family. anioiig the vi»ltorH to till* city yeVler- Kmlncnt physlciaiiH uud ox|ierl* THEKJE an ft» isea. if aoy. wit!' a'.: F: TO LIMIT CKKMTOICS «l|nm nil tli« y*.nr. I'li'iuwntly located, ~.-.'J~*Z~~~-~- «* nt*-- C'f t'.21 \Z> 1>Z\TSVZ~ : i; &1 : v: ..Builder.. .iorlliea~t, the.averago hourly velocity day*. :o vote on a bill or -Imply the name ol from the medical colleges of Philadel- auur thu U'lirti, with full uceun vluw. i*. It ' Minor Vincent lia" iinncil' into Ira \Vheu he reachetl' Chicago M:vcral tbe goni foiau, "asd at«o£:teiy so ~^-«c!?oc-i:yrt_b* t.w»J t/ tc* Si:i a-.-: " , .^....[V^' "• *__ *"" . '' " Pkludclpbu. •>«. . ' K.:i niilort, and the highest- llvc-mlnute l-^ttal** nf Arrhllmttl I'tiini'hctli (trcfitmut, -' UotiiticofnrortM. Wrlleror bookleL ' -, T W. II. Shirley, of Philadelphia, wan bo bill being read uud ma the con-phia and from Cuuidcn hospllals .•I toe 3ooJt cf Jocah i»» a V«ee: ^''^ "*' *'""• r- • . S. Chainpion'H linuse, Seventli ntul letters were written to IIIH relative-, . I'urMiltMl to tin* nnliT i-1 K. ('• IltWiil, Hiir- * . MIMMKH LKWIH A CONARO. ."' >:* : s velocity I'D milcH per hmir, from the iwits being read ou (lie lloor of theostltled. on behulf of the defendant, rot{Hli- ot Ilio t'ouniy . llMhl^on V northciiHt,^III the* loth." Occurrence* i'ck. ' _ liouse three time* im the Coustltulioii while the plnintlirs Injuries wore e\- tin1 u|tptrrittlo*t-(tr ili«> HttlworliMT, ailniltll^f ru- Axi> thins bov ebeap tbe sias SDS^ :se *L==rf. :*,br a= l=.J;f>Jia.. *i.-." .> » •'>-»=--• J-• >. >!r».-.l for" 1_ WVOMING -•-• _ v w 1 ! jif tiiunderHtoruw and fogn wcrt> very provides. . . " "• _jilaiue' d by hi* utteudlug pliyslclun, irlK Of Wtlll tltHVHH^I, lull)"*' IN lU'H'bV fclV«WI Serf vbo.baf Jc*i Scljixd tbe «5 f=iC rpjes bi, .-ay. «• saix-e • <.^>i "d«a » wj:b *'•*-• - ' -' • K. "•*:-!:;, i-.! -..-c. aj8>;WlU I'0'*' f'" Oi'toher iiieetlin; lo- ami the hiiHbaiiT diHappearctl nu if licv.'II^J. Cook and faiiillyriif Coii- toilitM'rt'dlhjrH ttl «-atr I-:. .1. llntler, of Wllkes-ltarrv, ittid fIt** miliHcrllMT* tinthT onlh or iiflimintl*>tt. ~7*4 OCKiN AVKNCK * rter» «a* »:« :o*ui«c*a.»i:!;iMl;rrfii:i.> If :b*s .Ai-J:e-- K. Mi,;:*;:- MiJ- K. •.. HW'allowcd up by an earthquake. i' acso os bit Be« diskicaiy. • morrow ewuln);. heavy ncirtlica>t Monn Unit prevailed iiihoek.eii, nre registered at the im- ilit'lr 4-|»tiiit4 unit tNinuiHl^ nyalli-l lite .-Htiiti- ever of tbe Pfc^^ie^riia K«aJ <. Hasei:^. a taS* that -z-2 tb*yaju-» reject a:-i tur= ::• H'= • ?">t»f. S-:-:cj«: Mi -c^y1 j:;«<:tr MrJ. I"oiieilJjHlieved him dead, as ti bill through the legislature at thely l>r. TlioiuuH It. "Lee, of-Caiiideli, at Mild ilt.Hii*.* *| wllliln Mlt.finmitlMfrmn tli** Uccnit C'ilr. N. J. ' •*""""" .""^ for a few dayx atunil the middle of the perial. — — , • TTO»» Coospk^y tor =^r* tti A : 31> u ThftAt. ^! T. I.', will hnlil a incetliiK re-cut lime, lie must employ an oiit- iimsc physielaii .*or Ihuy Tacv^ are iac*bic£ at Ar . »» w so ocber va; ic-.ifc,. iarpi-- ' * - '• A.L-r-.S'-.rr-'Hr.. »"-•; |«lie uns i|ime Hiire-llial If lie wan alive dipt. Cliarlc* Campbell, of lNeiiHant- will l«> forct-vr Imrrvd «tf unyHi'iroti Miriiltui ipen nil tin' yt*ur 11 ' Hot ^Wst«r UOAL. year*. *»y» ih< Newark A.Ji ' ' «t the buiuo-or Mrn. M. A. .Mlluer inoiitli the*general MinilltloiiH wercrc- sldc luvvycr'lo go before the legislative' l|H>»iih*rr|l»er. C4^ioc» cf »*;«ll£rxff re^ocm o tasciti*. _*tat '=a M-iiJiaTfc . Mr. A L^.an .-. M A'-U.-^:^.SEASHORE FURNITURE he wiiulil write to'her." " . vltle, wan in Ocean hiiy on business IWlrrt-Ai-ri^' II. A- It. W»l - '• . A. I>. IflLNER. 1 Mr Mr £ r< . next Wedncilay afternoon. ' , iiiarktihly mid iiniiHinilly agrcealile. Midy and argue tlie nu'rlts.of the bill As ordlsarj *xaan^aUcl of ss* B:&* \>i . *— '- -V':!-*-•"=:= Vi>- CiiiiiuiiiulcatioiiH were nenfto every Keiil ICHIUIV TrnitKferM. sol'lllA I'AMrilKI.U Ec^iasd. Bot H tbey. •» oaM ti Momjjiy. ... T-. for him. . * • "" ~ • » ' " Allli[ of tiiii rvctec eoc«rt: \it'a- *.--i lies tb* ciiJ iw -- • Boii't defer puttluiTup yiur HIOVVM. Klks' home in the miintry,:an tbesr f r« Gallaaher's ~ ~ Daniel .Smith and family, of this &i3 laoyear* cy k -c^nj^ ;y. ,oec :a b*»''.»*rv>.1« .. <.»•: ir: • • • ... A little artlllclal heat IH conducive to cently he wan Iccatetl in'u ^iiiall city MIUER NOT KNOWN "Tliere I* no. longer any open 'lly recordoil In the olllco of County tioa 3t vocld be raicb oo.T-crwi.iji'> *3 S. SECOND STHtCT - PflL*^ city, arc enjoying a vlnll wftli relativen E. CLINTON & CO., HOTEL STOLEN t ~be -f«»^hirt I i*i ••^t.ft. In lima. IIi» family" left al'once to ic, legislation puttliroilgh, but It all .'I6rk W'uy.are IIH follows: to I beir s

    .ittt\n.r-K~x2'. ti Short IN'otic'e _ . W " ""'""" cn»"«e«i tlie e<|uator 1'cuell's ulfe and fricinN cann.ot A. I". Maluuey, of Philadelphia Locke. ^I"AO. North corner of Ply- Is Ke» Ci«i* i^t-. they bave * ccr- H ui|l Iraporleii ol -dci>*x>oeT ^Vatcci^cfjwe tia: of a= as;c*.—sa-ior. \, -L- ' • • tbowlinl V'a l'l" "J fronnlie Miutli. At Couiii'irHnicclIng on Viiiiiluy as iiiiiong the ItlscayneV gueHtH dur- about present duy legislation. uoutli I'laec and. Atlantic avenue, BRUSHES. Now Open fev .taw aad Ibei ir* esjo-ms?, tc ari'ount for IIIH HtriuiKeactlonx; IIH they "It Is the duty of.every lawyer, an-\ 1008 MARKET, and 8 3. TENTH ST., » tbiX al! cbiJ- tee* the cisartrter of ti^t '; FUEL LIGHT HEAT - . - —;— . A mild winter nniylie expecteil had never had a quarrel and hi* do.uveiiluir, tlie following commiiulfa- ing the week. • • S0X7". feet. • .. mi American clti/en, to stand liefore • H.V. GOFF ar»of a«e be o^ lbe .oMKiiroa. i>« HtiiuiKv - — I iKWtn now until November, elee- ne.-tle life i-oemcl uilt. of cimiplctc tlon from ('ban. !•» K DO IT NOW The Philadelphia Lodge of KlkH City, N. J - ilnywat tho^hore. I'lymouth 1'iace ltL"> feet Miutlieuht of r.-ec *xi»d< G. B. siTHENs«- SON, . The Infer-State li^^z ^ ss«^.~. letrllneiilal lo the welfare of his .State APARTMENTS ^.^iHted lu locating the mJ*Viui» uiiiu. Cenllemeii: Mis- Menu ltit*seli, or Oleuu, N' V,, >cean avenue, MtxTo feet. . • SERVICES RUN clll/ciiHiiiid again 'with all IIIH "-"•-"• Reading Coal sbo.Kay e '1'iic garliage contruct which UHU is vlblting her sister, Mm. J. Jl. Jume* M. Chester et «l* to James ll. xt'nlirtit 'imtiiintuslugliani, William F. Ilensoii and 1U..HI t-«iul on tin* tiliirkt't, 'J^IO lit*, to Mtii. siuult* r*Kiin>4und room* wlU» Canffleis anff Buiiaers. Ph°neExchangj^-;-^--r^ lentil ilay of June, ItllXi; III wlilcli I, winch IH oriieuellt to his state. Joseph T. Ward. i-'ilnHI. Lot* 71*1 and Itlo ton unariihli-«' tHw'flpartew.lil illnnlhly (.c-^ioii tlll» tlie undersigned, WUH a partner, I now 11 IH U disgrace to bur Slate to have 7IL*>', Section",K, aird ocean front and 1 what win ne~»ir«.-r<-cl c«.nurcui«- Herbert, have gone on a'tlirec. week*' aiHcvnnil VurU. Tll.Vril iiiiilil'IkT ib«* ^vvsrsiry aie S«ae zas ajva lie dXJ . , '• • , VetilOK. ' . I liereliy rei|iie-t that the payment duejr iiur statute boiikH fill) of bud grammar riparian lands In front of Mime.' FaralsiiM. iicriiH Noxi Huittf»>'; trip to the Maine WIKHIH. aacne _ ii$*~l~~t~oa of ^*s« ^vt ,: He CITY SAS LIGHT CO." BOLRSE BUILDING Daniel Kmiiii. IIIIH rente.) William nldor »ald contract lie made equally IIH they are to-day. .Annie C. Fleming to ('enrgcanua THOMAS J. T.HORN asd co Mr' B».-..^-..»... c>f» " ' • 8."Jotll!MmV cottiiKe'. corner KleVelith >'IIIST M, K to the xaiii Itt'iijiniiln JiecdH and uiy- John <;. .Suiter I* tmlertaluiti'g a No burin conic* to a lawyer to lark. jfl. LoHTK. Sccilon l>. . RUSH ADVERTISING AGENCY 1054 ASBIRV AVEM'K. 1 • - Florist' ' - streetUli'l Wc-l avenue, where lie.unil I:eV.' J. Ward (iiinlble. l>. II.Helf, , and that the future payment* be friend ut litxcottage, corner Fourteenth serve hi* State In tile right manner, Jame* II. Linn et ux to tieorge W. Fi\LL. BUI.llS,.GRASS ttil Akburjr Aveono .' ircs» ail cf tii*. -It t» ': 11J8 - ASBIRV • IVKM K. I r-i- -,-;i;>,ii.,t_v ••; v.- i urnlnj hlafamily will renlde. • pastor will preach'lioth luoriiluganil nadt" oimiilly to the Vtifd Itcnjiuiiin Ircet and Anbury avenue. but ill tlio end it make* a better, man, i\rouse et als, Jl. Conllrmatloli decil pcisnpltf la boor nia^y ta=t» ate »t*o^. 90I1 A»bar>. H01I1 l*l»oti' •• ,..' \l,^.-,,i a;..; tic of as' ,^«>bn fl. 'lticker ami -wife- have evening. Kuuraiuuilt of the Lord'H l.i'iilH and my-eir. Mis- Amy Thorn, of thin city, IH i better lawyer and a better judge of for lot on Iluy front, I7"> feet northeast aud CLOVKR Slvlvl). • 4ftcean City, N. JU Mendel's O< K »j» CIT.V. S. J. itin. Judge Vale, of t he Circuit Court, mauiOM. a^;ojt*j c}«ie Ihe caerr -\t a «*3fcil znm smiy ijr.jSj: !.*.;' luf hap- taken out'iipaney ijf * tub? W« mat' ta a Vsrz-.\'*.-•- ENGLISH JOHNSON, t<:.«-i if N'ajv>'". r.o'l tut ID cottagestreet, f,o on Ocean aVentie, near Ninth (iinrhiiu; Kervice. ' Tlie Milijeet forllie' <: MM.I.I:II. in I'rankford, Plilludclphia. William I'. Sliarplessetux to Harry One-Rrice Store & 11..I ii. J evening xervlee will be '•itnchanKcd Court, are' growing examples of this hi* f*!'•> Kiki..-". v:> i':. :.c iii'iiiptcti^ t gtreet,J' E., fuever* Ilie Illlilretlu Interi nionlliH'IIUH rtnlinl._..... , AI'IMtoi'illA'I'lliS UAI.ANil.s. ' MM* Anna Murphy, chief operator Wooievcr, triistcij. $:t*inn. Lot il7ii, Ii. K. TOKItKttT . ATLANTIC ICEiNLMILK COMPANY H statement.. .Hats and Gent s • • • *™- ofKW'.' H.ilrleiBll'H •'•oIliiBC'H on I'c'n- aiid.rnchangeuble." .Treasurer Ira >S. champion reported in tile' I toll Telephone oltlce, thin city, Sccilon A. . " . -.r !• to oewsel? at How tralayeiiile.'.liear.HevciiIli >tnel,-an«r i>TiKltlng-relatlve»-|irltrldgeton; —'•<-ielitleineii-ay." Hpeclal HervlixM. All nld f"lk- MrH.-Joiin VosH IIUH been vinltlng The SUSTINKI. Is on stile at Win. F.HOUSE MOVING AND RAISi:,'9 alivysboy of oevc^aouo :bab to boU to Lfir^^E-SODtractors-iaoil-Byiiiiers- are cxpei'lally Inviteil. MIscelliincoiH. ' , HI II piulity of service than tlie people art! llurdiner'H store, Toll Asbury •avenue Pare Atdernef Milk and Cream *=.. Tfcar U »co al! tai_< • •|:..l:Ki:r'VNHKK' •:.:*S«*w""MlnoJllh'1- Fire licparlment, . «»)>.avid Tucker, who IH employed aw a ««• by raiyisg tise I^^^.^H^,^, LN. JOHNSON. =**••-^-->* ^.^.^-^.^wi^^.,^,, "••""r '"J' 1'">\"---eMjtive tenoherH in the Inral piililic HDIIOOIH, Drainage, 'II' IU loetrlueH of t'XteuHio.u ,'whii'h are he- having returned froiu IIIH' vacation miK-liinlHt in CoateHVllie, I'u,, wan at toctiae arfcb »ea-elx>ea ? :c r>»»for Contractor and Builder Printing, r '—WV-I |-: | Mru_\liirUm-t>odfreiV«'—<-'a|io-.Mny-|time-for— every—la-wyenif-trueTvmeri^ IIOI.Y TltlM'I'V. .Music, A. J. SMITH',. PROPRIETOR . , S05 C&rizra.', Avenue t. • • PRACTJCAIrHOUSE-PAWT^ I,",.no Coi|rt 1 louse, I- visiting at tlie home 'an Hplrlt and morals to step forth and -pre . Mre. Kll/alietli Itrlek. ami Mr^.M. lloardualk, No.108 Market St., Clothing for Boys OCEAN CITV. Ni. J. • .ServicCH on .Sunday next. Morning of'l'iix'<"olleetor Nlcholaw Corson, In assert .IIIH rlglitn In Mcchig that tlie . WHOiCSALC AND' MCTAIL OCAIKM IM depeod*. ai* L«ai- o^5 Asbur-y A\:i*nue, A..MI)ner left.tliin city Tuexday bfler- Hoard of Health, : ' prayer aiiiHioly coiiiiuliuliin at 1(1..'10; ttiU'clty. ; • riglitn of the American "cltlzenx are Usiiw> lo ns«e ibaa Xes noqb,' at< deleKatCH from tlie loeal .Sinking Fund balance', ii.In evening prayer and xcrnion at T.!Mi, uphold. : • »bo msidpJy tbeir onlop, .to attend the State Couyen- Imciett Sinking Fund, l Mis* Kli/.ubutii Cordon ha* returned PHILADELPHIA, "I. hope that we wjll llnd in the 1 Mongof the Woma'n'H " 'ClirlHtfuii Tlie lte\". Hr. Cook will nlllclatt-. " Xeiv Sewerif, to ber.liouie In tills! c-lty after a two PURE ICE Ih^S^l^^^^rri^^i^^'^t'^i *^'^^^^ >-^— _ . HatsforMenandBovs.' JOHN MARTS V -;"- V"::i': ..,,,.. New Street*, . 111!) youiig men of lo-ilay, more mtn of the diseaxe. . • .' • • ' ful.Tenjperance l.'iiloii, ulileli IH heiiiK weeks'vWt- wltli relatives at I.oyal- Millinery ot, Kouth J*»r««y tor The foliowlr.g bills were read aud unck, I'u. . Washington, (.lileohi. Monroe ami held In Ciim'ien fnmi '1'iie-iluy until r lTba» beta, said t>nt tije Baa, or The l'ciiti»ylvatllu Itailroad'H ride irdered puhl; ' '.'apt. Jiiilio* U", Ijce atld son, of .thin AIIIIIIIS type to dcul with the present woman *bo el!L'ticilict|J, vllle, N. .1. " .•.'... Alwny»o touttVl tit lenao. orap;«al* to baa or b*Tr.£a asy ^ • W .-i.--;i~a.* ?.-:jBr £K». Ust: i 'w*>* • fe:. ?-rc>b;:t i.%v.<. ' * • " :-%:•:•_ i'.-..-.r>•.. ci.-wti .•,i.y|fllllaiirJeHieri who IIMJ held tlie and re-enter it' without pilrchaiihig a reasnrur, note*. ?-."i(l,.".l!i.i).V; ('• lirown, Itvvolutioii established for Us.'! UH Mrs, Vcila Smile In entertaining her lt' liitilkt tt. »»y. it >iiboa bejsaa.' isttreu'oV ferry ticket will he'tested III tlie civil fl7.*»0i J. P. Fox, inriin); w. "liarchiy, and Friday ..' Kttll ^c ". . *-1 ?--'••"„ • "Mendel's One-Price Store SQBaE 3. B8BSSBI3 i SON " . " . ™" ^M°" »'»»»«er of iiehry-H ««». nr- , ntty praie aa .iateiocia; ;^ C?«.'.'- -Iv*-.-.: -teri-ttt-Htp, l»*ria —--—^v^^-N^i^-^-¥ ^Vf-^JM i^ !UAJE*H,»fl»li,.liaijllJl£Clloii with who had purchased a .ticket .to Cape ^;cI III; John \l. (Jrove», flLil..".»i John Frank Cobb iu*ubstltntiiigiii thetmiik of 11 f^/\ A"X ttwj6p«lne«a ulul IH nou' a triivellni; for a few iltiys. October 4th, 5th and 6th hy uiutniHtTfii So IUHH In u^iyhf eo< already ia tbe *>«>-> May, left tin- building unit on return- It." drove*,' ">n contx; M. Keunedy; luring Mr. Fire's absence. , to iiiiri'hii^^rti. Office. No. 634 ASBURY AVENUE .of gfrTfny tbe ciaagSed -vU ,"- lo lilIA'h • eaJennaii for'al'lillinlel|ihli llrni.MrH. fc Sir*. Wilbur E Voting and tiiiugli- ! HU>\. til HIHt lt.l4Ut.'KI-UH''tlitiWfl'<>III tll<- \wHt, w 1 rci t i l l k l inc 1 ing presented the ticket for entrance. JiiCt-J; It.' (.Ireeiiienr. Zll.HtH W. Jl Ceo. IC. Wt'lsH, of CermantoWn, WIIH |nr««Ht ulul tri'wht'Ht niot'K In i'lilliKiflphlu. *oofc«TeTibea> eaiefclly isk ooe ^ t, c-c. Qr\ A T • " POAI'*Sws " "" ; "" ' "-' " . ' Inforuied that (heticket allowed no u visitor lM.;ro yesterday. - good1** u> iiit) uliirtiiiii t.r ttannH u^wtm! tlc- ^IlowyiieJpyca to lais hag jar yoe wop-over privilege and Unit he would Ht .1"; Neiln Carlmin, •">! ceilt*; T.'Satiirdny in thlscity tlicgtiestsof Mr*. • iiv«n*il tr******l fr.m the Jo*. Hciolhroyd Wan llKiilll({oiiKattir- lelphla, have retilined to their city • tbe «ror5d"—bo» £ar aScuiryocteay be •111 lirgiiineut, which re-mlled in litu II.. <'. Smith,. JII.IKI: Hoiirgcolu .t Mr. and At*. Wllbiir'(iafwoiid',".-or M. E; C. PHILLIPS home after spendIny the stinuner in &oc& tbe «w*^?> ARCHITECT y arrest and a the police court for Itoblnson, fH.Olt; Massey .v. Kdwurd*. Camdt'ii, were nver-Suiid»y visitorHat Alderhey Dairies • Ocean i'lty. . LUMBER C& Jl'.'.OIKI; J. It. Chrlstiiyi, j::,0ll; .V Cirrl- 0baaa^nonictliliii18 >enr> vlu); UIIIIHIIII bn H wI fol| r thile:III.I7; K. II. Campbell; I«>cenis;. Mrs. Almedii Sandi'rlln and daugh- * , , NN(lulwrflni« •JnnrMtilr4>«l, 905 WALN.UT STREET. . Sl>-'\\ ESTifl ^,,,, Nlr ,t0(lt,iroy(, , mt fuM \H MeWhirter left the Court liean- uiiiul, III ihl* city, TKSXE. are a few ter. Martha, and'Ml»* Kll/.abeth Ab- tiuarunteed Strictly Pure niHinced hN Intentjuri qi iiiHtituting A, M. Siiillli.tCii., *!i.77"; litither h. V.lwood. SU'elniiin, (if riilladolplila, dptsre tooijeiiSecw e arid to^nniember iiix friemlx hoth here boit left today for a vl-li to the Delii MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGK. A- y,..i »TV * .w»v•. iun-iun-"i{ -it x-vat milt for damages. Wallatf, $i>IMH>; Jnlnf' X. JohllMin, WHS a guest at the home of his pareutH, • ~~:VJ r>>ui..Uro.the t ang'ln I'hiludelphla. ware Water (Sap. . lo.the t"l" *• '. hi M; Mhoemukur Ijiimber Co., f:!7.ii7: Mr, and Mr*, Hiram, in till* N'o wultltiK fof trt'o wejikKto know iryoii enn Ret it; Me win tell you ut AWAY LOTS AT LEONARD KRAUSS Co. i'lioiuitu Joneo, *iit ll'ii ('arlort S*. Cor- Mrs. II. K. Itugbve and M|SH .Alice mice. Itariralns inltay.aiicl Ocuuil front properties. ('holcc I'nttaKiw ror Tuklnic a Trip. . ' city, over .Sunday, ' am than os— tnken ncciipancy of a cottage on AH- $70iKl;- IS hisn. If tbe ulnier inontliH, '. fur Buck Hill FallH Inu. Ituc-k Hill U. Smith, J;ts:!l; Ituiive'it Flower", Xrn. J, Ward Gamble and daughter, ESTABLISHED 1881 Cbe tmioeac faneaaoeaS t ,N*. T. l.iitton, liiftiiey order clerk In Kttll«. I'a. They will remain for a>[iiili>; M. 1:. Sack', ^IIMUl; Ceorge Ml.xu (Iriu'f, returned to Ocean City the I'o-it OIIU'c, linn returned from a With t'oltl st-tmtiiv iii-w tlilH year* am bra K may eaaae yoa aoeae' ttrtia is-ca- week. TJiejr worb aeoom pall led by lkrewer,'$til.'uiti Walter Foster, *AJ Oil; Tuesday ufteriionti after a.two weeltH1 iirtceiwiay vuSiitloii trip Hpont in SPECIAL BARGAINS imriMl ta tiivv hciior uo^yico now thnu '.& Ibh ^ Haip*T» Mrn, I,.'Hiker, of the Ooeanlc, Mn>, C, tVi'itylor.SiV.IMI; Ira B. (Jliumpion, »*l"'lt.wlth.fri';tiilu In Trenton, ilntAklyu JJIU*L_ —«•• • -• ^~" " * t ? Media uud vleiiiity*' • • A new coltntfLvcuitlttiily located ou Woslcv tivcmtc. iicvof occupied "yes" t; II. Ambler and \IW. Ade'le Marriott.' JllWIt W. ,W. ItruU'h, JtKJ.OO; N , Cor- and Albany. 1 Rev. N. J. Wrlg'bt,. presiding elder , ,.. 7,7: I7.">0li; S..K. Hcull, STi-tM) ; F. A. Aaron Htephenson and family, of toaocii eoe ei*e, tr S t» , imiAui; It'. (; Hoblnson,!?i:tl ut; of Itridgotou I>l*trlct,^*.iiH eutcrtulncd A new fitmiKlied eoltngent Forty-eiglllii Hli'vut, 7(h St. and Asbury A\e. Will Hpcnd Winter Hcrr. VVcuonali, are here for n season of Bcod. oc If after «le- It, C. ItouiiiMiii, #IS.:Ki Ojeun Cltv. i^l the Inline of Mr. and Mrs. John \ .. • ; $3,5.00. •• . • .'•• \V. II. KirkbrMe, of Ca'mdeu, who recreutlou. .They are visiting Mr vbati* a»&£d*eesns IjeilKor, 'Wi.Vt;. It. C. Itiibluson, Jlfl.M; Marlw, aver Btinday. ... Mau tieen vUitUig lu this city .for foverul Stepliensoii's parents, Mr, and. .Mrs, '•.'.' . ' A s'plcitdiiloomplctL'lj'fiitiiislicd hotel, , dayx pant,, returiiel home ycJtenliiy. Ocean City ledger. *HH:I8; City (!IIH Mrs,'!'. Jt, (jalidy, AV'IIO Hjient Jl de- bot . tofet freest reajoc.. for. a Learning. Klepbenson. •';• ' ' ", $12,000 : . "• lie expectH'toHpeiid the winter motitliH llhCA^ jwtK); Electric UgUf Co., IlKlitl'ul SL'IIHOU IntlilH city, IH now at. First National Bank dcaibj. tJieo Set JK> aoooat of' uaaxxg t= SK^J Jeswey. u 1 v T to>i x th)( ' The time will be 1 r«eec tli."»«!w" A' MILE AND'A.H.VLi-' .-'te-*- irise...^ 8E0. 0. ADAMS & BRO." ?it|dl«trift iiice(IiiB pf 1»,<>. B. of A. ("alllllun. ' '•"'.' u|ien|ilng,a few weekx. at Anbury I'uru wteku'pieaiiuretrlp.' Tlie MASSEY & EDWARDS CENTRAL CAPITAL $50,000. , SURPLUS $20,000 Yo«J art- We a^e ap« to sake i and Itoston. •*ecesa, lAiJ- AUJ" n thlu vicinity will Lii' held lu and vicinity. Or, lto»soll iH'atteniiing spent In' Nevv York City, i opec .v-»'f. taa r^. XX'. •:' wi:«-fii* si'.ta it< j..; *.;^r ~.;-: ;i^ city on the eveiilnt; of Oetolier Heal IlMliilL- ^lulterN. Dr. .anil Mk J, D. Counteruitiic U, M. IIHHWK, I'reaiaoni 1 >tM •', R I,*:. Darby reporlK tho following hi eldved their cuttuiio in thin city Mon- II. II. HTlTKH, Vlc«-Pr«ldeat taaja oa taarrgtrt- .'-Ape^y zo The memlicrsor\Vali-Btella Couhcll, Itev. Ji Wurd tiumble, • l>. 1), Beautiful Cottage Sites.. • • ' WJ KUOTT HANI), Oaahisr • .'• tfaet t-r' sSr i^e taleats .ecsedced to ca.. W« u- 'C"auip,.No 7S, while the interest of real estate matters: «' day and' returned to their home lu •OT N'o.l'ui, l>. of P., will _ liblil a.feuKt.or I J. K1TH1AN TATKM. HoUolUn' to teldrisi-^ tteeaa'C^jr.N. J-. . feiai«3i*r that A^aioc't* * as-.i ADft'wt in Maxoa Line Promptly j me IH looked for. , TIIBHBIO of two'bay front lot* (utd 'puWtor oftlio First M. K. ChUrcli, this West Philadelphia. They expect to High'Ground. LoU Gruded, BtreoU and table" .at 740 Anbury, avenue, on city, will return from bit) Vacation to*, •*, eiake *a - ex^oisuct , Jc«;.taSeEt fa a ea;'&= a»2 to fcciy in oct two lot* at Twentieth and Central to a spend u portion or the winter month* filany_ new bulldliiRa already erected. • Plot, lying between Atlantic ' DIRCCTORSl tiy, to ioo*. at yoor &*t It J» a *»' • OCEAN.CITY. *N J. ' ' Saturday, October (Itlt. A Hue time l« 1'hlladelplila man, \viio has becVime'l day, after nil absence of'about three In Miami, Florida. =t ti.fc^iki a «a»je fcc r oxpei'ted ,and all friends* of the satiety WeCkx. ... avenue and the Ocean, 'and Flfrti and North streets. h. M. OreHw Otaa, MatbeKii Hult 111 ejefctinent of John Myerii greatly Interested in Ocean City. JMUIt , WBUjrr . Hextert J. Cook a=>d »i^r. are Invited to attend. ' • • Jamc* !•:. Itodlno, of Philadelphia, Apply to any real eiitote a^elit. Investigate, befivre' | Freea tb, f^aiia«/ * • \YkU MITCHELL, Ht C'lmrleH* Myerii, of tlitu city, He rented Capinln J, B. WliletH* . Will aa" to Tikaii, K.V Coriion, ' H.U.ilooro • Bocberti left nde- ti* called for trhil In the Cape May co'tiugb, Hlil (.'entral avenue, to l'eri:y I* visiting hi* pareutH, Itev. und Mm. Fire Chief JS.' Itush, or thin city, olsewliere.'. • ,' ' '•• I. H. Clmm|.l(.u 'B.B.61IUM : ka oa!y ,*Se " BR1CKUYIN6 - PLASTERING . Full Mtdct Heady. , II. II. lloiilne, in till*city.' Mr. Itodlne . ll. W, ^wardi JoMphl 8«nli y «ef teipe^iia 7S2 ASBURYAVENUE Dty Court on- ll'iiciday, Tlie W. Shields, manager of the'ltourse will uttendthe International conven- H. WiMiiy'Liika It-llawardTtiarn die sboold." X* b taot faaadsc&r k*yaa,«aa>«a. full aud complete mock or the latest avenue, to John H. Tucker. Uoth took Mrs. Ellin H. Mursbull, who lias here on Saturday' morning next, and .' • . K. V. COBHOM. Board or -ulroctom meet Tncidaqr Hid too J tbe palm Itniil y«or body ^~f ci>«r Fine Paper Hanging. Paift* it 8\LK.—To ctoxe an extnte', -UK stylCH In tmitingu; which he will make' possession on October 1st. - ' been visiting at the home of Mr: aUd will be accompanied by Mru. Rush. mriiUy.mornlngi. uveiiue, lOleVeil-rooni Fur- to order, Ulve lilm a call. WJCJ. Abbott for the past few " There R a great ninny houses iti Ocean City.. for RENT iM e«r'^ta».«»o'Bmti»5««»caBO to, altaoa toxb si ' IWi' lbeeia^da'win iw fcaad reaiytogo A Select tine oil C'ottune, complete, Hi llrMt-elana Bortl It. Jt. Hmlth'H cottage, Wit Ak- months, has lefi for lMillailolphla fqr . . Some R Cottages,.sont'eR Hotels. - '"'" >**i--*i - ltlon, Hot and cold 'water; aljto bury aveliuo, to J. Fraiick, of »e.iajai M~Miiar#rff>r

    MM 'S£iUii&:'-,':^^: "i'-"-"'-1*^

    more sore at lieart than over before In 1 rpi.Tpo npft fllAQ'TT 4 VTi asm .... CONTflOL-OF ENERGY. . •- - TThe -Knint(e»t Jm.Uf* >.l««o h.>. hm-nl-two tomato j 1-Kir's IU irrtUSlliAJMt A SENTENCE OF DEAJH |( la Xo T»mplo«lan la |h« I F rolcv* In tbe next room. There was a Tbo smallest screws ever made are Is II PoulM* For lt« llamaa RM*< Traa-lr Endltas: of • Mofd»r TrUI !• Dank .Teller. vacant atovrplpe hole Just above bis used In the niauufacturc «f the mlnla the inspector's HAUNTEb HOUSES INVESTIOATED BY to Av»r« Bxllnetloait ture watches" which nre sometimes fit- • ,W»»«'r» Comw*^ • "Money? Hun'.t tbe night of sag bead tbat let every word float through. hurry as you, set mi« "•" ^—- - "•'•." LOIktBROSO. • ... Tbe only, coucelyahlo way In which ted In ring*, shirt studs, bracelets, etc. "One of the most tragic scenes I of-It muke me hungry for ly u, Tbe. women .were the Innkeeper's wife g people: ro«-ut this i*rein|>tory order Romance""" the human' Intelligence can ever suc- They arc the HexTftiliiif to "U'lugIIn-n1' wi' wlt:if«seil." sail an uged lawyer. nil. To tell the truth. It Is llke'ioc_ and bis daughter, and b» beard the They arc the HexTftiliiif to : ceed In av^rtlUB'tbe "procession,of the visible to the nakejl r.v'e, looking like '•iK-cnrrvil In u «j:iall town In one ot the and f.t-l.u bit nulled as "the ear starts mud to ui"."' ' '; ^v"S3JS^ .mother »ay: ' I . ' Pyrrhic rhnvamu Which forwurdlvltb the'cimtouinrg Jerk, aud Bn CLAUDE w I great year" Is not. by postponing the. ruluuti- gniius of Mud. With n good wo item 'suites. The Judge, wus'n man Tims Hpoko n teller lu n UonvertmllSw . TUlti\ .where did-you; get .that ten- tu ui Beyond Solalloa' br- A»r of l^fsue. but' by. reversing the process, th«y elljicr full abjectly Into a neat or dollar bill changed*" Ihr KMII Lanta of Physical Sel. y g p class, however. It-may lx> plainly swn of sixty or tuore. nuil, lu addition to a He was tulkliig w u young .nujjW^pf b h Wl clutch with .'frantic, baste_ the flnit con- 1 ;li |. Coi>jrrii|lit..uo*. b> V- "At* tbo butcher's." was the reply. Tbe question Is this: While energy Is that t'licli Is 11, jicrfect. ijcnnv^ huvtng-a iuo«t vonerable- and dignified appear- side the caw. •Ou the eout" ™*' * mrf—A Pnsalrd Phpaltflst. anee. und. lUuntier he was tlw suddeat veak-nt lit rap. ' • Sl8^ Iwlns dissipated In- accordance .with nuuiher. of tlin-ads tiny screws nro four on«»- Onco every two tunntbn— * ° day the natural law. can we so .manipulate und Hunches of |uip«r money. KJJV; ter r , . '. icist.-' coutritiuted* to the Annales des tbousundihs of un Inch In diameter and iur'town ten or u down year" before ijuiot.luhinU city,to a buslllug'Heuport -• .or two"earlier, -and noiv n day or two things as to accumulate,energy, mak- 1 ••I'm sure 1 couldn't st.iuj 1 ' "Burned It up. Pon't you go to Tret- Sciences l'Hychli)ues an account of two ncvcn om-Uiousaniil:::uiiit fa.v. fnim'ed in tlie reason why we should not accomplish' made to count "tiny trhimpba of u week., • Tor "tho tlrst few ' •' had M-CII liliu grow old und groy since njay for blnu" ' •• led.'^ nud .the. professor confessed -that ,- "Oiie night our town was all torn up • soft'ilove'colored y^akcr ,hnUuot. she tills. It Is true that hitherto all, the« riieohntileul Inav'iulty"'other than td ge luoniy. wimfil look pii-tjy got. • ljl>ir iippolutmtoit.,. Tlicy' had •, always . Ten uilntHiw Iut<-t the lunixvtor was ho set ilbout bis Investigations with by 1 robbery Jin.1 murder and the cap- gazed nt-'tlu" bi'iis.|in' young itinu wh« ATTOBKEVIi.AT-l.AW. atomic evolution that. ba-«• ihH-n ob- a' basis for eKtlmatlon. The method mill you'd hate h> tisi>''ynur wl fimutl lih'n a pj<*".i*aiit.-*|»oki-n and a just at the brftcber's, askliis riuestlons. Ue nuthlug to" l>e desired. In tbo complete- ture of the killer "»nrl thief almost ID. cnuieto take, Ijer ,(;ttw. "What" Is thy .man, but all st v»l lu awc.or. him. I: went from tbenj to the postonice forka served Is ntomlc disintegration. We usua'lly pursuiil In determining thelf 1 tii k.-<-p inviiy from It, brtt ;if'" SIX TRAINS EVERY WEEK DAY PLUMBING INSPECTOR'S ' uess of bls*iiJ;e(>tl«.'Uiu. ' •" the act! For a woud«r he wuiu't lynch- name5" die salJ, : '.•'• •'•* '•'- •jyjORiGAN HAND, fc T. ABBOTT, M, D.,' n;> dyiKirtiiionib of rtn» public twrvlce. I few minutes" talk wltb tbe accused may H|ieuk now. Indtvd. of tbe uuutysl* number I*. M'carefully count VM and or wi It doesn't seem like i_ Tbe, pheu.imena In- question, how- ed thou utul -there, but'he wasn't, and Itaiher surprlsc-d ID ,'bW turn,". lie t.'ucle Sum inon* purtlcular tlian In tbi girl. Wben he- bad asked a question of the element*; Hut so It wUs. we then place them on a delicate balance, ,si-.'i:is like tnt.'rely 1111 article . ATTORNEY jincl eVer. Vr0^1^ to l>e l>eyond solution by may 'remember, that, the older- chem-. the nyml'er of n given mnount "bclnl as Soon us duyllgbt- cuifie proceedings- meekly 'rcpllnl. -slvlng '-nirl^tlan nn plaj letters In ber band she bad been called clerk In • a thousand who thinks < * —By— • le Court ConmiMloner. Notary 1'ubllc. mltteJ that for the drst time hi his y«iiing^ter. to defrnd him. . get ol«i>rveil, >tlll l's>:.lii',- steailIustly F. MAY COIJI1T IIOIJNK, IV. J. ' tricks with tils loiters are*.certain t Into the grocery part In a hurry anil chotulstry. We began by lirvaklni: up Htp.illn-.- the money lit- handles tfflks life he «as In the presence of tbe" ln- 1 Qnver Ttilnira ltionl PiamcSj at him. "tli»e would' not lmvo said (Opposite Publio HulldlDff»>. Pennsylvania Railroad-Will Give Ocean City Qreat Incumbent Must Pass IM> pursued with rvleiuli-*. energy. had left the letters on tbe counter for conilWHiuds^ hut now we* 'can make "lleully there wasn't any. defense, lie Is In'debt and Is IM'II'H: crowded fj' 'CURTIS ROBINSON tuuslble and that he, was Wonted In There l« u relation N'twetra tho color 'Step Ilv4-lyr. to lue .lunl ,t!:ce known : liis|svt:.r ('ninfurtb was gvnarull; a" moment beside the ' Iunkeeper*s tBem-^oiin. Indeed, make coni|»ounds and I was frank' enough to toll him filiil-. To* the hank employee wholm 'nation, Which Had Mot . his attempt to irrapple wltb the unsub- of tliiuu* and tile .nu-r^y of the com- that I.wus'iiliu.'ty,yeiiri. ol.l." > Editor and Proprietor f. C. HUTCHINSON, M. p Service—Two Express Trains Each Way, the rvtntileil us n lllni hearted num. It*was daughter. " hltlierto unknown In nature. Similar- that lie might be thankful If! we could 11N deb's pnld and*tins enoui-h toha' JONATHAN HAND, WEAKFISH WERE COMMUTERS M stantial. . ' lv, It Is more than probablo that xt* I'twtion cau-liic n. Tiro more vigorous save him from • lynching. He wils n Tlie co.l.llfctiir tollilli'd llW «-'l]..' !>.>'•• Been Done. . mulcrxtood tliat he was au old bachelo And now alK>ut senrcbin); your ..V.11 . • ' 1.A and complim- t!..;c,>iiibiisili>n the high- from thinking of mj ur.-.-nt m*J(, . Per Year, Strictly in Advance ' IlomcBopathiHt. • Others—Four Up and Four Down—Going and bad never known what love w "I was asked In November, 1900, to shall ore lorn; louru to achieve the In the town, evidently 1«1 ^c:l IUT *[i ml. .1. ii:i.I"ulu*ii the ludy \f t-a^li money has nu valu.'-. Hm Counsellor-- at- Law, trunk V" nslK-d the Inspector. Investigate some strange occurrences er tli r.-fniiiL-ll.illi,v of the light? A $1.30 at End of Year At the incelliii; of tho '.BosjrimrtU — lie uiv«-|»tcl uo oxcnseH from postmas- svntli.-sls of the elements us well us there by some stories he had benrd:ninety 1,-t th.- ear li" :i»-i-t.i't of As l.ur^ us he bus c[ifiUL*h f«>otl^^ OCEAN CITY, N. J. , faced way mid said: Slguor I'avarlno l«y way of rescatorl. Uvcn wheu itlit* radium atom. tlie way emits ray-, that was a man i>f iK-ihaps thirty-three ot CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE,-N. J tlon uf Harry V. atanlon, the ofllcs of • tniwllu? At tifty yenrs of use bo bar" M ,(ilU.— WOMUU'S Iloiiic r.i:'i|i.uilon. - . Orrux HODRB:—TIII10 H. m., 'i' to i p. m., • and Then Fast Trolley Cars— ' I don't wuur you to, but If you must Turin. One phenomenon I was asked child of thy atom, breaks burubiL- In n more i-.uupl.-ti> und offef- thlrty-fonr, with s" most itnprepossoRs- vtni:i!ll.-ll lie hits 110 fOr^lOB; I'luiiii.liip Iiinptctor was declared va- iiif to Id* part of tlio route, and no'on. I*oni{ UUdmco Telephone^ , «to s p. m. ^ . then you will tlud the bill In a letter. to explalu was the mysterious over- down and dlssljMite* Its onctvy. ndlnc•!''•*•'' > i-inltti'/l ruys c" t:ig ap^earuncti, greatly arcentuateil by Lrnqlfrv l.niikrri OI4 at Tlilrt«r-fl«r. and even a^ l>lg. Hue. Juicy,steakb Barly Morning Mail to - Qttlt^a targe Number Caught'Send Letter of Request to the cunt hy reiidon or the ract that tbe late knew him for Just wba't be was. Out- Head the.letter." • h .turnliig'»>f..cin>« anil Jug«. which were It I* snpixwed, a* thi> dull at.-ip'nf k-'ml.-' ti> vlol.»i. Th.* tlnin.- of ti i-aiidl.* or a a nwti gmwth ot MUITO• whlskom, Jill. s'l.'.-u,...tre V..;s t.f mi !.J.- li!-[-.,-llt. .«•» teiiiptatloii for .lilin. Hut let fe' liCITY DIRECTORY. During the Last Few ! ' Local Board -of inciuniicm wan not legally qualified to • . of bis officialism he- bad a bean The JustKv was, tnketi along. Tbe pr.t'lplt.ite.1 to the ground by. some lamp cimlsts »f a m-rl.M "f ivivntrlc get u-i«sl and liuimry. aud ho'll com N H. VOORHEES Continue. the oiitlnal en.Tiilt's ure not d.-stroyed. y«n of i1!"»!p«tli i^vurrences- were 'accompa- imuln and thus again lHH.*t>tno avull- lHU**«'»leluy w-is uot much In fore.', anil •eviiilnj; .; Iiittii 1 ir:r;:«l rrt'ly, HI .' I ()ulte a not'married wan ibo Met'that be hac ml ofL'mi«t-ll—Msrk Wr Aflaam couple or weekH n gaiiR ol 3)0 laburernjCiiiupi)iiy, l'liilucfclpltlii: Wlllliun A. liunilicr of tislilnii' partii'M At n inecllni; of the Hoard of.Trade. • Jlvfbre the uieellnfr; Plumbing In- went out of the, room almost on tiptoe. ule.l l>y loud knocking* on the walls ahle? Are matter and ••in-n.-y to go on light of different colors. tti»* tnti.-rmost by 0 o'clock, uf the *wou.l dnv the pris- fn--' from ilie teinptiitliin to ...OFlUK... ' 1 Till II11. m. •" 1 th'iu^li IN |.i.-l..'fs witj'i Olerk-^T. Antnct with tho 1 ate It Is to " ' - " " oFrlf-K tills In various their, way. ultimately destroying thiv oner wus stundlng before Uie Judp' to_ imoUs iitij'p'i IT*: N\j mil..iv .iil.l have rer—lrHH. L'huui|ilon. 111.'tiler aud a crippled sister, HI* sal. Mary even bad a' l>eau. The letter lark t-nn"—Ivltig red and having a tern- .Att—NIvliolttMCorMon SO7 narkol Klml, " .'• (••uden. ( tf to H p. m. few tliiyx, with vnryliiR HitcrcMH. Soniejor.a petlli'in of i-nniniiiti-rK f»? For myse-lf. I -Incline tp rei-elve senfAnce. As be stooil tliere* tal:eii-litiii f-r nnyih'n^ but nliut Ii.-!ii|. ;iny work on the bay bridge Tor the trolley In ooiineutinli \\ It li the rilmorx ciin- . ary could do no marc. One- day a wind- proved that she was eucuced to_ p«'r.itur.» of exactly !i7T il.-irnxH* I*. or Hollcu -MHIIIII«I Htuill. Hell 'Phone • imuiy wefiklNIi, whilo others o'clock exprowi from IMillii'ilolphlii lo daughter was awakened on several oc- tho view that victory will ir«t nt lust that day a harder looking customi'r 1 wiiH—n wan of SMI.J.V. pi'il'ii's a [in. ' bltl"iis,"—I»Mn i-r Tost Die Initpector -llerlmrl I'. Hlilllh. llner*NV Hlmllar number will be at ccriiini; tlie mutter or tlio InrtlilniK of fall cnnio In the shape of a legacy, and yonncf man In a uelghlvorjug town, and 1 xM lr Hiipt-rvlMir—Wnrivii W. Itniwn. 1 Hack iihonf as ninny .-roakerH ,.ea,, ,„,. next u». ,,n.,,^it I JS'Xta M 7^ ^^ casion* !•}• lilow» uluu-J at be*r by some with "man'mnnss umvwaiieniiile mind!"- i ''l"" " * .""•.' •" "'" I"""!-"'' ""ler of tClnk I never saw. ^' fCSSOr. Hi; .-:i!f;b|el ic. i"|- {In. .- .IWflll. to. HolT- Al'OAK. AN11KKW. V. HosWKI.I, work ou the SoiuerH , IViint Hide, theb'rlilKe, it iKNtateil that, will) the O . U the lamiector had drcftnis of uia'trt bejwid seut her the money to save up liltfe Joi«. Tnainp-win. unseen baud, and her body on examt- C. VT. Sakvhy. K.-IV. S.. In Harper's-' ri'friiiigllilllty nre shells ..f light which '. •* 1I«»» yoa . anything to sny why stoi'. 1 or iSt.Wtl •:•< tin. oiirrcusi-s pin ? u. tilnniH, .Murk '" J N. GRISCOM, M. D. aconliuK to rcpiirt, the workmen to next chuifue In the \Ve»t .Jer»ey Itall- **' the Juicy ...... 1 IHVUI.IK weaklUh. • up for .ILCUKKI.,,.. The .uhjert «an re-1 n H. t .« 1« S ZJXTZI' uuny .111II a* nil his own. no om wltb more ni.-aluA their 'weddlne. iiail'in was foimd to be-covered with" Il aree omntfiiomntfii. yellowyellow , .givengiven1. MiiMiiee . Indigo •EUMDLE HANDKERCHIEFS. I «hiiin, IHIHIIJ 1:. HI... t^uihl Maine liliu. JLIagazlne. sentence'of death shsukl not bo pro. uu.lir i_«:.''s fc.'t :':;d iLun'-uvc.l. -I'lfr- ' " ''f Hcu.tli-y, llnrry l_ Hmlth, l>. H. KKillTII ST." KdIjKY AVE. meet In Ilie nililillc or tlie buy ultli nmJV hchclule, which occur* next Ktwnc ?k?.er._ I U-nry H.«,.o. Tl. fcrre,, w IMnWMUn^ntot&XrX^ZnJ^^Slllitlllliltl v "Why didn't you tell me this lie- '.>n'il*e*. th» rd lit*** \e» 11. Stlto, I.. IJ. HlKhee, of the willuoat ; L CT3 U • Tlio>< who looked upon tbe'man ns . rt notmcsxl «poa yoof said the Judge aft- don. n;!i.!a:r*: p.:: -! t:i." 11s lu- st!-..\-o i,( ntLT-siute, 11:1. the bridge oinipleteil. Sunday, Ocean I'ity will lie given HIX.J •pon motion of-l)r. I. N."

    r 1 6 crajgr—T,"l"t"" 1 fti,v , ^- •;;>i"<;;,-'-;v-l>X;;f.-."'i;-,"< !.' lr -'•'','::.•:'• •'." ...'•'' •...••.•.-.••. • • '' \ ' _.,:. •-• •'.

    who »poke of giving ypjjrjlfl»_tnj S10XES PMISES Tr, or'puttdig on tbe" yoke. Uod'i truth I* foond ID Him wbo fottaemmi I'lly; Mrs. Randolph Marshall. Mrs. >«rterd«y, to-day and forever. A; Steelmau, Tuckaboe, J. I. Gullck, ;an City Sentinel CURTIS ROBINSON H. W. Gullclj. Chicago; Halma Gillette, i OLD FOLKS'MY EWING NAMED FIRE INSURANCE PERSONAL NOTES iSDPT. BAXTER "OLD WAR HORSE" THE CHURCHES •The fourth pillar b UodVpoWer, HAD TO AMBON .' PKNMMVI.VAMIA HAIUIOAO. Editor and Proprietor Milwaukee. • ' ' \ j Business House. 657 Asbury Avenue, Spring of | UR8DAY, OCTOHKK 11,-1900. : wblcb-enablea Him to accomplish all TO SCHOOL t»I JKIWKV AND HKAKHORK Vlfl. CCEAw CITY, - - NEW JFP8BY W Hchoduisin •itMltlcptainbrnbrr U, JMl He undertaken. Power may. be In a • NEXTSDHDAY FOR NEW SCHOOL OF INTEREST Trnld" IIJUVO Ocean Car aa lolioww . . • IJttT-Sute 'Pbone No in Congressman Gardner Safe Good Sermons" WCr£Deljv- ". • • ',' AND PROaPe'CTS'.ARC QOOO, be Rlad to rccclvo Itoma of AGAINST HAND GOOD ADVICE TRIP TO TEXAS lioww , JacXJpsaniollver.^-|>olK ' SKLEl)PROPOSALS. knd communications of intereiit of a.18, J.IHJ p.In., wnk (IJ«tT.a>, JUS a. Man to Send-Back to™ r ^Parents Are Ndt Obeying' the Randan, All. ,vilvSrit**m«ni"* la lorni cola mo*, S cent* ere"d ~ t Kb'opi teacber. but Uod ebone Kor making »tre«Uat Av*loo, N. J. Healed I eoinmuully and our readers Eighteenth'Anniversary to be Board Decides to Place p.lupiu . « At*c«imnioitatlooAfcnntntMlallpPA*cmttl j, UBli diMt.lA0diMt.lA0.m. » p r IIO«.CHO1I in-t-nton. Motbl d y to Invert 'all' power In Je*u» Christ btd» i»r propowu* for ttradioir s, K.60n.m, • ••• i .".... ••:•:•' i.f- The church * were quite well at- .«ud ibe power of God la^ble to keep Ft fill atenue; Kltfbth «tr**-i from" Ih' } UPHOLSTEK/.VG IH, A PJtOKESHION, aud.I have one of lhe|3 Chnrch. >' Once. " |-orH.» IHOCIIJ-, (UH,».*5. M3 a. m^ ai*. •' h of the >p«yche» nf ('iingrewni'in all hl» promise*. Let us be sure we '. Kvery year the principal* aud clty north weal curb liar of Tblrrf avrnu* to thw I ilcd wltb the-full namo ami ' Assembly. • Away on .Trips. tended U»t Sunday. .Below 'will h; •ir»*[n • known mt H**rb C'twk. «nd<»r««Ni .People" know It nure, an the work Is null « . '•"?!( • ' - # • . Had in Schools. ... - Constable. • ,. Gardner aud Governor Stoke- uimfc HI i of*tbo writer,-'not necessarily At a rcgulur meeting of thi) Hoard of aja, i M, s »•>, p. ni. • • • i-.-,:•••••• found extractH of ^ttue of the have the ark of Uod'a covetfant w|tb luperlutendenu of scbuola have* to "I*ropo. 17." «IH »*• Extensive preparations are being .The probobllltleH ore that there w)ll Mrs J. It ChrWIun visited relatives County Superintendent Ilurr re- W. Wl Aili-rl.ury, 4. B. Wood, ' ' \ vmi.ii) for thin rvcrtvrd b» Ibe «;i*rk ot 1b« Jlor uittU i'minvll j , but as a guarantee of Kducatlon, Tuenday ovcnlng, Capt. J. Jtisl about tliu time, tho latter, part " —' tw V«-n>b«r, iw«l A'l bm» eighteenth annlvcrnary of "Old Folks' , In IhlH county.,, thiH,- .„..fall..' Th»,..e . . . III tbe First M.-E. Church, OQ SUII- r Mrs I...K. Tliomas huHbeer.. visit- from State Superintendent Hasten Uusli were preparing to leave for U«n«yV ing friends Iu Chester County, Pa. In every Beet ion of tlie.Stati) there l>allas, TcXa r Prayer aud Holy general knowledge of its . elvmeiits. | content. R fulle.ilied StatesStan*, thethe!' - • «»>"bleflr»t »pokeof thechaiiBe- ^jflBi» mantle of charity In too often a I The" Ladies' Aid Society are a coin-' After - some couMiltutlon,. fl)rinerformer'-M. ChCHtcrnnd n tiliullur amount by .. Kurinaii Willis, Jr., of this city, is a H0T6L . i Cook's text, was i .._., Tho temleiicy of tliu Instruction given .. W/ien Chief. ItuHli j\«certalne' .. student ut Temple College, Philadel- "•" OdOodVV earth h. I , re, ,ue HieHi' d,,tl«' »» o f > tlconstantly. h R. Curtis Robinson (fur rural ynutu lu the past has been ti aud that four constables \VcTo on his 4 Thursday... U c Even par "Wherefore whosoever shall eat thUi I, iu'evldeut that uirfny pareutn JACOB SOHUFF kegivltig Day will be our next minimum limit la 70 yean Mr. \V*uulmoU. H vote of tho convention for the" a T|ie amount of liiHuranc I" to be In-, ,iui . lK » cdidt ft i '""'»d "i « iiiunr"'. «<••«?* —"t ' -»"•"«*«•». even par- phia. • ••'.'••' '.x ' weuii them from rural life. Thu time trail, he dlil everything posolblo to 5 Friday.-., .. 8 u }> bread.and drink this cup of the. Lord,! DO, ^^ tbe InlportaUce of regula Scott. Hand Is chairman of tlic com- creased when the building Is tliilshed' 3 J5 "J'JR .» candidate after an endorsement like "r' ? '» bar. of steel are la'motion noiulnutlon for Senator. M l»s A^ny Thorn has returned from has come to make this Instruction^ of make his oscapo. On their way to 6 Saturday ... Tlle unworthily, shall be guilty of the!.nH .*....-#.—i—---» - THE PIONEER BAKERY. mittee on coiiveyanceH, and Mr. Holla nnd It WUH the feeling of the meiubeTH Ocean Ave. 7, Sunday S.»I Or "'Iscaniiot be rcsll/ed.j>y hi- Mim "°rU to-day, .will never body and blood of the Lord. and punctual attendauce at school o will noon be ^\ Illlnui Lake, of Ocean City, wax a leiiKthy visit to Kruhkford, Phlladel xueh a character that It will put them ('upu May (Iiy,. where they had busi- b aeBll lfo.70iOArtgrTAwigt.OcMO City. Ij.'J. (Jorrctnon Is chalrmau or the comnominate- d for Assembly, ami Nathan nf the board; that the whole Insurance S Monday..... 4.12 4o2 cltl«n«. We are llviinr ina remark-, " > or'where it wan never before Dr. Cook wild io part: tbe part of their children, 'especial'; Conveyancing and plihi. • . . * • In closer, brouder and,more hitelllgcnt ness, a constable cot on thctrnln when » Tuesday b e 1 Krom mlttee on decorations. Hhould be divided mnong theprinclpu Jivtwccii Kighth and Ninth Street* $ iii « ?.! * ' P" '*'" 'he beBlnnliiB man | <-'«mlnent» are rfoliiR where seas, were! ".Such a verse of Holy Scripture I at theopenluK of the term. Xopupl e llMhlng IISH been good during A. Cohen, of Wildwmxl, for Coroner Walter II. Iluys, or Philadelphia, touch with their environment und It stopped at Swain station, and panned 10 Utdnesday. a tJ Sou veil I TB will be given all Included authnr{/.cil ugcntx here In $.">WM> IntH or. ,SS tf.'ivs Tin ha->t>een»«!kin(tto»dvancetiiahisln.T: ." •««• «i». rising where continent* well calculated to make UH pause, can nrTord to miss the' opening week Mr. Cohen also ban the nomination on uitHu'vfsltor here on Batnrday and cairno tho rural school to become a through the car lu which Mr and 11 Thursday... w f Our of work, when ne»" subjects arelntro insurance within the age limit. tho Kepubllcun ticket. Senator Jume* policies. OPEN ALL THE VBAR 12 Friday .; I.i»f l.ifct 7 ill silo Plane ol life. The Aiuerleaii Kep-Udic |' T - °rlnl«ns"are changing, ft think and pray, before we come to tbe ">veather~lH more like the foot- Sunday, more practical f«loii mi the old asleep, with jilnhat pulleI ilowii over THE IMPERIAL ourselves with too much care; or with \ir. Kwlng was ucandiilule for the dolphin. . . • come the Initiative In meeting till. IB Tuesday viewed. Those who think they cau thcennoii willbo"lleautlful, MUJCMIIC, building', and Ifthereareqny iiucxplreil his face Mrs*. .Ku-li WUH oci.'u]>ylug a IT Wednesday.. too (treat reverence approach tbe#e Semite In 1S0I and was defeated, by 1114W deinuud. We-now askfyini'to c kO.K7i S.47 4.S4.1 i not, but the nartv of! vemlon, while them U>.tl, EMTATt: A.1I) IS«I K.IMI. crowded at all of the services "during I'tiiludcliihla Hecordoii Monday hail refill II letter from \V. P. Long, clmlr- Mr. and Mrn. Charle.» C'orxon, of . Mm C. OKTZBU 22 Monday , . II W 11.85 140 5. thers look for pnx>f, munion or turu away altogether. extra individual attention In Money to Loan oh Bond and Mortgage tcrcstH uud occuputioiiH. . Tho dls-•lervert tho papers. I.ineolii*-i;ram and McKliiley "ha.i- r craze. '. the ul-lirtliiK the following to say: ' niiin of the Board of hiMiimnco ITnder- Sinner*' Point. vl»lleil fricuilM lu' this 2S Tuesday ...... U..VS S.;S ri.i-,bee fe Every pastor has met with such case*. school or out. lo.provide for the In " •'•* « « »»d only party Uovernnients, too. are* changinp ready-made religion- alwnyit MIOIIH mi. hch<»ol yards aiid HCIIIHII llulng roi|iiircd tiy Ian; to appear as G.ARWOOD HOUSE, 34 Wednesday. f 41 i 6U j I ,,ro. struction they have missed. This |« iieelingx are anticipated. .'•Thu I)ciilo(!riitsofCa|ie Muy County writcrH, who wrote that> xcveral nicin- rity over Uiinday." 25 Thursday.... Kres,|ve.and The ilrKt wa* the .fraternal coven;- I meau, of course, tbe sensitive soul, N. G. Clelland l9ek%the purt. dciiH Issueil fniin tills ilepartilicul witnesses In the will case,' I buy went, U i „• the couutrv.' in unwarranted imposition either up- have nominated former Hhurill' S. K of the coimnittee .woulil bo here Mrs. William West, of, I'a.. 7*i« Central Avenue, 26 Krlday.T. ... S.(M' 8 is; aio u.4o 1 Then tB full of humilityy, thee ousoull thathat t feelfeels s HEAL ESTATE BROKER:: were Inteiiilcil lo stlmulale a proper, but woru not culled upon In give rexrert-old .Xew" jer'irToVndori'j™*? ,' " 7' *"? ^t "f on the, teacber, who n«eils: and de- {Faith never would know Itself but Kwlng, one or the oldest nnd best on Weilnesilny or Thursday of next Is VIHIIIIIK her, duiiKlitvr, Mrx. Murk OCEAN CITY, Now Joraay. 27 Saturday 4 ID -Iis 10 IS 10.4U »_. ha t:. I hav. e sai--d 'uwia• v here. I e.\s - tam ? met a"d farn)«I the trib«l intensely IU own unuortbluesj."' But LOUD* »5otl«4i SERIOUS FIRE ntvrust and prldu In huino an well us tosthunny, after all.' The MiminmiH in 23 Sundav ;..... L 'es~tb^ hours out-ldeof .theschno ,-«teij|nl weather. kimwu reslilents of the enmity, as the week tomnkeiinexiiniliiutinn. Menu- I.uke, In fills clly. Ili-lltflitllll l^irullan. All tbe Lntui lm to ltovernnlellM «e are to remember, Iu this a< in liuproviM Hrop*rtyfor tUni WJU« ur -chnol ciiylrotiinvnti and to lead up to the court luniMJ illsarraiiKi-il their eitUMi Uirougboat. 29 Monday...... nr-e the ad"| Tneu tbe iitronjte-t in curriculum for re»t and recreatioij, or ;IJgbt ovorciinti were last' night opponent of Itobcrt K Hand for Hen- whilu, the insurance i-ould be hound, iVtllill'lits. U(MlNt) lhat wl| m lM every approach Into the Divine Pres- Hotel niMl Collnixe Rurnefl HI Ijconurd Murphy und I-e«lle ('. tlie consideration of other matter • nf a plans ami they were- i-onipellcil to O|wi» nil liio ywir. < KOTue-day i.X£ K..VS ' jti ore Koo-evelt"' W ' . Ix^atne binjt and ntor. -Hand, who was nominated by Subject to a rule. w hslt ah! luIe upon tbe class to whom every minute eventti 81, and AMbory A»r evidence, ' . cape 9fay Point. luureprtictlcul cliaracler. ... HI Wednesday T.So •tia ctice, our Lord's parable of the twu lleadk'j-, of tlilH city, urc visiting rel- aliiiiidon their- t'rip to I lie "Lane Star Uus. H. U.UiWOOD, Prop. ' 1U 1.2S a>a wholeici| * *° ^ monarchy. Later tho nmrKln ofa -half-vote, ox peels to ( i'ly Siiperlnlendent Htevenx' report tb men who wen: up iuto the temple of berschixil time beloni;*, and every nothing holler than every- Tho ('ape. House nnd a cnltuge aiiven in llridgcton, Kindly prcpurc, as thoug'i dosiKiiol Slate." Therefore, Ocean Clly w|ll endor^ the rei-urd of last Legi-Uiure. j'"'•. ? People wanted tome *ny win easily and bulltivcs that Hunat<»r on enrollment Hhowed lliu enrollment THE ELBERON tllelr(: ver m ut w to pray. We are ever to recollwt that minute given to an Individual to re- amuel Schurch owned by H. O. I'uckham, of I'lilln- MIXH Kllle AdniiiM IIUH relurned from to bp lucor|H>ratc(l with,tho course ol notilgiiro III the convention. IUTIIEK .julet iu the -bulldiue llne In Mjttilnir more raoote.1 matters thaiij " " - hlch broushLthe view or explain work already covered fricmlH will Htund by him011 Monday to !«-• iH'i. (l-'iiriin-riy tbu Kiiimvit) lull It was not the self-oatlstied Pharisee y ^—^, REAL ESTATE :: ,,Tbe8KNTl.NKI. Prllltll g I louse will iltlpliiii, at Cope May I'olnt, ~*,vere de-j short visit to her friend, Mlsc Hose study now In use. nf tho rural* uud 4vii(iiiii uitd «:vinrui Avenue ufli '^ houi* since" the re .llllrtucht we could do'wltho'iir liitlnted with pride on account of lil- u.njiii.tly taken fruui AND INSURANCE lib work. •""""** by Tire Sunday night, which Cunip, at WOIMIIIIIIO, village schoolH under yiiuroiipcrvlslo'n. UCKANilTV, N.J, r ttle-cla fupinirl-llie-lk-ket-Tiiiil—mit-nm-rmfe=T" TAX • Inev i-iii-tnlu the adtulni-tratlon of Uuv- and formed a republic, under which virtues aud morally blameless- life, Orlsbirrr*Te.. Oceifl Clly, H. J>' lint can be lluttered ixllfteeu for an hour threatened to IIHHIIIHC an outline, of a course I hut will embody i ivtilii ll>'4il. Kvi-ry UIIOIII Tliurougtily Why is it that your bo\^or girl does pvnik'iitly.' Mr. Kwing Jia" u good done hy his corps'of lenclierH, who nrc Joseph Morey rcturueil home Kriduy. llo,.Uil. "Tig-: victory of Kob«rt K. rftind over ertior.iMokes.V "e.are living today.. *bo was accepted aud whose prayer kinds a fool, ' , serliMH proporlloiiH. The loss -Is es- the elements; of .ugricijliuro aw related •KmInt In lii'mliy IMVI'II l>>- Nli-h"l.i» 1'hn.nn. not enjoy the school worV? Have you ottiMC««i and tf i«*»> for r*n iriiiny Hturdy followcrx In the county, | tcachlnit under iinusuiil dlllli-ultles. from a very pleasant trip through the 'liiuniornr lhi- riiy «f II.V«II IIIJ-, MIMIO d Senator, of <>]V May, wa» KOIIOA'IIIS'f>«i|ire.»iu»n Here tlie speaker referred to ttewas .beard. No; he who went dpali £ roved and untinprovej ropvrtirt for Yoa caunot.elevate society nt%the timated at about H<(,000> lo'liu condltloiiK of soil mid Vllnniti-. N'I-W JiT-i-v, tlml Ilit- Hiili> rorTiixt-i. tiil ln>lsied that be be lu school every day Imwever, und It IH cx|icc!eil that tho The "cerclury reported orders drawn Slule nf 1'eniiNylvuiilu. • • UiJwl to IMkn I-IIIIV Tlinrtfiliiv. Hi'fKcliilM-r J7, HUH. i:i.i.4i:. NAVLOU, prapl another victory for the jjunday iivernor.sitoke* evil, ot 'craft." the nouuppreclatlon to his bouse justlOed was the Publl- It IH supposed that'the lire, uiiinli and of supply and deinaiiil In your f..r iiII I every hojir that the s.hi»I has prloeof the Individual. sentiment which dominated Hie cun-to tlie amount «r J.'>I)7I on tho erection Mrs. Mary Slang, of I'hlludelpliiii, IIKkl, Is iii Tlilirwluy, ii.-lulx'r S,n,. rali>on>,"itay» the Trenton True Amer- • totheL-o.iiveml.iii >f cl!tzeu«hlp and other t>ad thlues. cau—the poor slnuer,-«!io. Lnirieutril originated .in the Puck ham coltugc, ••Aunty. Wo are Impelleil .to ijuike UOI, ill Ititt Mdjii- Ituiir -ilnl IIIII.-I«. ican. 'The Kepubllcap u parl]arly off Ca| Inpie nee:i open since he arrived iit'-chi*)! C U. LAKE M«oy a hnir truth Work* more viiss for the Itcpubllcan uoiuluntiiiii anil repairs appropriation (bond air. Is oci-iipylng her coltuKe, on Anbury Nl< HOI,.\Kroi:siiN,Collector. . 1'HE KATHLU . |erii.>r prefaced hi* remarks t .-v>nie n the , , , ' vould not so mucb a-vJo^ik up to.ijre? fn nearly every ca-e when.* there trouble than u whole lie. count) ami &M.HH on the Incidental iiveniie, for a -few dnyn. Jlil cvutnif Awiiu.', OOBAN O1TV, «. J. • that of Essex." • ir t u yof Mled permaneut are the hllN, bm REAL ESTATE AGENT.. when Mrs. Packham started to muke will largely sway the November ballot- nre best known to you, .iliijl because iieaveu, but smiting bis breast, crlod, is a lack of interest or a 'di-iike for Builder.: jTlje furmcrH are looking carefully appropriation since the lust account. i Ajiec- und Irene Iteniiett, of XOTIC'K TO LIMIT CHKIMTOUS I||MMI nil I hi-- yi'iir. rit-iuinntly located, mi evenliiKcull. The llaineHwmiiiron- ing. If II IIOOH, Kwing Aiibary.Avenu*. OI>*D Ctiy, S. J, •ftMrtbe growing turkeys. l)n million, It WOH ileeiileirthat all I'upu. Muy (.'iiy, aru truents of -MIHS : . "Orallinen, distrust most ttie man Ry-f refreshing to »rre«»i t t-are being ua.heii iytothe valleys am! Humetl, Ibe cotURe, aud, fanneil hy uu good show of winning.' one i-olliitles will furnish a KMllltl. Of Ar^lllllMllI l*lt|lll>lK tl, (tt IIM-Il. lloiii*' i-'uinroriH, vv'rlitf for booklet. or have kept the child from school— tt_B ma,n nti>yH out of polities.hojiu* four-light doors on the-llr»t and secCviiu (illhert iii thin city. rumiiiinl ID Ih,. ortli'r ol K. r. lli-mll.Hitr. . wbQjnejitu set ouewt of American.' pirty-frouj thl-* ^.viioii i>r" re t by earth'|UHkes. However. v>e "Iu the context St. Paul cull-lomli.d Lots for sal*. I Htlll'breeze, spread to the Ca)>o JIIHUH;, The Hecord lu a little mixed. Senator ciiinnjltlce. of our Illgl*. Seliool roijiilu ol ili^ t'liinily ol I'.II*. Mtty, IIIKII.- mi M ISMhX lit;WIN * CONAB1*> It may Urtora day, a few day* or a fllilr'chunce ti> mi'ike friends. ('rcsscdul not,say that lie would sup- ond llonrri he ('hunged to one-light, the In- fiiurlot-nlti ilii\ nr Mluii^l, .V li. Ilkhl. I>II agalustanothcr Kt of Amerlcaus." x IIJL-^laie. If public ortU-e i*apubl:t' ire'iuost luteroted in the tbinirs that the lust'it'utlon of the Lord's s*upp*r. A; bucket. brigade WUM formeil, the 1 Mrn. Itelle Krrlckson, nf this city, in 1'eachurs' AHSoelutlon the Information ChristV ci'mniaud. 'Thi- do"ii» week at a time. When the child titwn havliiR uu lire apparatus, hut port the ticket,- ,He did nay, however, i»>st not to exceed.forty cents each. ' HpcndiiiK a-week very plvusaiitly with needed to prepare u HUgKestive course .Hit ll|ipilL'llltltll Of I lltl HIllMltTllMT, IllJlllilllSirit- W'YOMING.- ~ xx "Each Kvnuraiion baa lu'owu trust, lt"T:an be better illle-l t'j t ,-.•areolil," "Ho* dear to my beTrt ,i- AvjOumber of inipruvenientx uro The president pro tem. and secre- :riK of i-ulil ilso iis-il, mill •«• Is lu-n-liv I;IV,III remembniuce of Me," anil the i 'liurclt'« returns to *cln>ol the threads ar i Ocean- City, thu holer WUH destroyed within bulf mi that.ho woiiTd- not run Independently. frleudHiit Cupe May,Clly. in elementary agriculture that will <> I hi- rrrdltor* III salil ili-,-,-IIHi>il |,, ^Khliill It, work to do. aud no eeneration' cao veteran than by the uovlce. t 'oiian --- the ol'lngken bucket " Tbe trees ue N. J noticed In uiaiiy parts of the city. 7*4 IICKA.N A.VKMHK , duty iu this way to show forth the bro'ieu, be becomes d^couraged, "hl>| Ocvuu <'fly was represented lu tlic tary were authori/e esliilt- tisid's - qeath until He wme. Thinterese t soou change* to dislike KUIII an engine uud hono wagon, hut iiinvt-iitloti by William Lake, or thetfilnl payment on the new MCII(H>I to general ni-e. Although New Jersey I'- kiiltl ilr,','i«M<>nd srrowth. It B well tq save enough to gi-t back Jo". SteclmaiiT the contracto Asbury avenue, viiitcd relatives in Iirlt't-nllidiiv ,il Aimu^l, A. li.liM, or llu'v oldest counsellors of [lie lt< The text declares Christ uucbatiRe-i Apo-lIeTt4-u the wbo'e subject. Ju«t a- he ilm's ne*'excuses absence,. In they arrived too late to beofaHslstanet!. I'lmt Ward, uud I-;. A. llotirgcol.-i, o/ ll suiull Htute, It poHsusses vurkil eon- «lll IM-foit-vcr hurri-il lif uny H«-llml Imiilt).-! •li ull Hi.- yiur - ;: Hoi..Water Heal* , duty Iu the present."—Extracts from JORDAN'MATHEWS OttI0 • « . ' wheif the proper ]ia|>er» p Atlantic! Hy over .Sunday. llii'siilwi-rll-j:. of thlsjState. Let us* hope Ih-ii l.'on titid unchaneeable. The speaker told the church has over done, ou tbedlrevt most truancy cases the parent* are The shifting or the wind, which at the Sei-.U|il Ward.. Mr Lake nnni- ditloiiH nf suil uud (tllmuttv A enursv . E.Cor. \iih and Colambi* Av*no*, All Is not gold Unit-Klitrcrx. The Tho xcrretury'wuK uuthnrl/ed to pro •IrH. Leah A. (,'nuover, f the eternal lixediie-w of life., duty' command of Jesus Christ; and He mote to be blaided thijn'tlie culprits. llrst bore the cinders toward the Carl- liuitiMl Hhcrlll Kwliig tor tile Senate, uspeelully udapted to the heavier soils Kuosevelfaapeech "at York. Pa.. tSQHMnt Htoreri uro »tlll full of cut irare minute und order books, uud Mr. wax a recent visitor at the home of honor. Wtien McKlnley. diol w« and desilny.- PeiJple try. to deilm- •*»>>, -If ye love Me, iseep.Mjr' c«m- AKUIU. do tlie parents redliie that ton House, «nvcd It from destruclimi. and the nomination WUH seconilcil hy and mine extensive farming nperu- Slovens wai al-i> ailtliiirl/til to gelMr", llunmih l>. KnbhiMjii. , - " tb,)U»:lll politlcul Cll:lO- bid IV)IUC, b.l' i'Iiri«t. hut He batllw deiiultiou t<- tuandments.' Now, it it. true that Old every day their child I* out of school i Plans and: Specifications Thf.('u|ie House, hullt In lHTtl, wax \lr. Itotirgeols. IIIIIIH of life middle nnd imrthern HOTEL flTGLEN IN THE CHURCHES to the licit ti'lvnnfnge for use In «r. .niid-MrH. William Powell, 'of E. CLINTON & CO., there s^^i«!d into tb^ While H>'U-f | raiiM? He cannot oe derineti. We .IT} TedUuient religion »a. not ucrely the}'are deprlvlnvr ni>t n:'.ly their .out Autumn leaven nre Ink ILK on beauty IMirrliurL-'i in Hull by the Cupu Miiy W.M.t.AKi:. • r. nnd.Mrs. William Powell, iMiiutlcH of the Suite would not IV Prepared at Short ISotice tho city 'puvilion, where the ^tlgh this Kfnlli and Central Ave. another who mnde our cnti'.ilry the iI.I limit <.!oil to our iluiltations Vli.' negative, though the law, as we have child of school privilege-, •' but and;, will soon lie attractive to (iiiprovviiicut Company, of whloli • William Lake, the nominee lor clU'. iiru^fn iiTKcxIcndeil visit to suited to lliu' Handy wills' of ,nnr Manu'aelurers arid DOIICLJCIO Wbat WIUB> Offered Co^irtr OOlltctorH. • -linn! i-hililreti ale. . peace-maker of the world " -,Iu -.|utu~—^^ ' siiutiierii eouiitleK. Importer, of DnUOllLU- State provide* an appropriation I <'O>Tlt.»CT<>MJ» 1'lit- fnlliiwliig hills were ordered Sow Open . FIK3TM. E. . Illiu-etf to us u'ltbour i-tiniprebensio:, *g»iu aud again., what ue u-lii)rt time before Kiir nluny yeurs it hu» licei^ iniiu- lived to the ripe old age ol OH During have returniil iiome from u pleasant carry u eimrso of Htudy on thin Hiihject •There are t»o4ue,iionsIn ihlscain. 'y NO. JJ SOUTH SECOND ST., a -ent,*l;W .M. Itmick, agent, *1.rogruuix will uKvil by thu Kruutr .family, und I mil tin- Sprint;, summer and full month t visit to relatives at Xiiwport. into MiiciwHsfnl operation. Thin Is true fblladelpbla. Pa. j ephone Exchangi A x|icrhil iiiectliig of the Itiiurd of Reading: Coal FIltST ficient to pay another teachers salary. i'lU'iit -u-cuiiililaitiillaiiil fur Uuulae tratiou,-If elected*; yarry out 'the « David, Bryant, Byrou. Wiilttler a of f»eopte In regard to slu bo •mounted. Iweii ot-t'ilpieil until Halurdiiy, wUeti ic worked tipnn a farm; hi the winter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Scull, of thin mid will continue to bu true until tho Ainu i;i..(|IHi- Wiuiil I>1' lu.rr.-l or >oi.l.. Most of this was due to ImiliiVreno -.«p>UKfellow. He Incarnated »ta is in not doing these forbidJeu 5econd" Story thu* KrowcrH removed to a iiuurhy rut hu atleii'Ieil the stuck and went to requirement Is mmle and thu. task 4" ( ates- Tbe State Convention of the. ciiiiii; of lu>4 week for the pilri > ofcity, have returned from u row days ilitf HIM Kiniriintt-fil, n*'ll ur l-:iitl r|>rlHL' f>ittli. ." .IJlnluc Itootn. Church ou Sunday next will be held thiugs. No account or-little account ou the part of the parents.. ' _/ 'Jotting a Specialty. •cltonl from two to three ' set. Neeejslty will, In ihln a» in other 'liliitne they to balled b>>- an unfrien-Ufre y H-.u maiishlp In Mo***. Bismarck. ll e account Christian Endeavor Society Is b-ing tMgo for tlitr winter The IIH-I on tlm xi-'lt to friends In Mt,. Holly. MUS at tbe usual boura, with tbe pastor. or -hJl be b ll1 se bk Tbe following I* i»u abstrai-t of the meeting the architect of the' new or -haJl be be l.elpe.1 by I u ! stone, Lincoln. MrKinley and Roo-e- seems to betakeu of sinn of omiT-sioii— : Estimaies Farolsned. 11 1 Kntwern'. lieraaAal property In i'stl- Krom tlie HprliiK or 1H.VI until thu full linen of aetioii, proven must potent lu- ottleo'mm Vnrd, rl'WII liuil Rev. H. T. Casselberry. In charge. Scbool-Litu'ii of Xew Jersey bearing BOC'RSE BUILDING "^'V""" ! ;* /, school biiiiiljug, Seym >Ur DUVIH, und Mr. anij Mrs. IJIIIWIHHI Sack have Gardner aud his cv>l!eacu ' veil'. He-Incarnate"" ; piritual. truth li the' failure in what U directly and Re«ldmctfM 1 muleil »t SMOrt. • . nriKKO, he H-orkcil witli'1iln_father In cmitlve- to eil'ort. in lon- on this matter: (Art. XV, Sec. 1>V • Aapitiktecs Ideas of lliu rounds of the I'milractnr, Joseph Stcolmaii. ~. liecii cliterlalhltig (.'unidcii frlcuils at HOLY TKIXITY. gre^s. The election i.f a lei the hearts "of men. plainly coinmauded. Christ tells us, *«54 ASHl'RV AVKNIK, Mr.Packhniu's ootlune Wan vuhicd tho hla«-ksiiiltli Nhiip, Iviir'iilii): IIR- When we shall tuk« IIH advanced u THOMAS J. THORN leir>l»[ure "Every parent, guardian or other nini«Ti>i»t their Wesley avenue cottago. RUSH ADVERTISING AGENCY In Holy Trinity P. E- I hurch next this year has more ttmn Stnlc The.minlster>poke of men who pru- 'Ifye love Me keep My, eomuia'nd- pleasure ure vaguely built on tlie plan ut il'>00, uud the Inns is covered Iiy ln- trude, null uMHiHt^il In froiiiiiK tiuuiy of Asked nst«> the roporied trouble lu Ktnud In regard to thin form of imlils- Florist Sunday there will be Holy Ijiiu- r^erson having co-itrol of Thr ,-alamlty. .,f ,.,e burn.n, "*^"^^ '">«• thu iiiiHlriictliin <>r tho Hue ...Mr. Steel- Juhii It. (Mirlstlan visited his sister, canoecn . TThbe le>;l-laturll e will vole for a fe~- to be Christians, and said that one meuti ' The first of tboe Hiiop. 90H AHliur>. ll<»lli'I»IIOII. M 1 Niiraiicc > . . the largest coa^t-wlso Vessels thut irlal eiliii-allon IIH IIUH been taken In 'PAI.L I5UMJS, OKASS »;•( Anbury Ww« T tweiu the ages of-even and fourteen BAKER Gl Bt mini said that the spei.-illcations caflcd Mrs. David D11ws.n1 in West Pliitudel- mnnMn at 7.80a. m. Morning prayer, l ultend Is to luve our neigh- . iHi:»xinv. s. j. ' : «.f M,,*.-ow ai,r.vden has made 91 reirenerates. The only, way to ju»ni> bor. He also bids us to short' forth yesrs shall cause such clilld to regu- ...Undertaker • and - Embalmer, army miirht not have hip. «Wi< ' ' y" » -' Sunday iu Not bcin;; sutUlleit with the MIIIOIII. for the smoke Hues to tic lined with Htudy Hhull have lieen forninliiled ami Oreau City, IV. J. Eveulus prayer and sermon, 7.cJ0. HU death until He comes In the Holy larly attend day. tc-hool. Such regular r^i.^I if .Vat-d*..!. had put u "WW"11 M- K.,Church. I,AWYER TO WBD ihK hu WUM reircivliii! from the comuioii tho best lire brick, but Unit through Mrs; llcnj. Ncuklrk, or I'lillailel- published, Works oh agriculture will 839 Asbury Avenue. . public official. ,<- 84.9 ASBURV AVE-N.UE, Tbe Kev. Herbert J. Cook will officiate Jer»ey to the front "He has at'sll, ^ re .is for all profesoluff Christian- Communion. 'This do In retneui attendance at school shall be during ENGLISH & JOHNSON, • I.VTKII-STATK Phone In histnl When a mull marries he thinks hU lib entered upon a course of an oversight this hud hut-been (lone; 1I1I11, IH visiting ut tiic hnmo ur her liilckly llud ii place iu our xejionl and ST. ACGl'sTISE'S. brance of Me" Is a positive command tbe days and hours that the public OCEAN CiTV. N.. J.'~ [. II. VimrtK-cil Will Take u Wlf t- Htiidy hy hluincifliit-thu-early aixe of that hi- was rendy uud willing to take son, llu/til Xcwkirk, In this city. ' pAlagngical* libraries, our- tenuherr* It. It. tlm« held the bands of the •Pr*-MrfniJ Att.,M* * ami i-nlletl for the mk'e* bit wlfc«u an^el> u, p uuilie db wliul'l ill'. a pity-she ATLANTIC IC£l«LMILK COMPANY Mara will be aajd_«_Ii)_oV!gck_|u l "'""'e Involvlog. out greate»t__rjiV-ili finis are lu session iii the city, toun • "nil* »r *«^rr*l 'iiij* or nwlil. - • IVpil Wc«lneHrtuv. tno cliliiiiicys uiid build them I discover new and fnMt-iiiiitiii>r of this c\>uotrv. I abga.V-s->etf~t,-tf—un-T—: ^—^~ im'.ther uVul l« ui.rke. fll *^'f cul^l a_woiuaii-xtuuk-up-'whehbl n jjt_tveiirst lie, wan enuiloycd as u InniJ Mr. and Mrs,'l>unlcL_.l'('!' oiir i'liiiin-y' IIerllcrt~n. Vonrhucs, an A'tluiTtuT urvoyiir. to s|ic<-lllcatioiiH, |f theclly, have been >ls|tlilg relatives In iMnf Investigatioii, and the niinier- Shining aud have , uo fears jif i\{e M LAKE ahe.doesn't feel Hho IIUH lo wear her HOUSE MOVIfJ8AND RAISING future." gave a number of Illustration, of th!.. .\emust plead His merits, But we shall be shown to the sail 134O A»bury Avenue. beatelotheM to gel attention. . City lawyer who luisiin oltlce in tills l(y hard work iiml.strict ccunmiiy. In board preferred Iho ulihiuiuy to Htuiul, WiMullmry durhiK.lho pant few.iluyH,' KCIIOOIH Will Hiiddeiily rui-eK-e im •baxe-w-nc|>flCBB0 Mountain Ice . EXTINGUISHED can" prepare ourselves for our comm .n faction of the board of eilucatlon th: city, ami who IH HOllc|tor for the Oeeiri lie would either nllovv Iho dilferouce uud largely Inureut-ed Ptlro Ald«ne/ Milk and Cream . FIRST I'KISBVTEKtAy. • i ttrr.'t, J. . ItnHKUT 'FISH Kit ifo Itepubllcun City . Convention the winter nf lHlld he WUH able to taken Mrs. Sophia Cumbcll hits returned ions, and »e ought to do so. It is our the bodily or mental condition of »uc Undiirtnker and Embalmer City Hoard of Health, Will bn iiiarrleil to lie upplleil on tho substitution ol Furthermore, UH a-rosiilt (Seuerul Contravlor orrlco. 1O14 Asbury Av», HAD BIG MEETING 1 >ctiiii City Kcpr eiiiirxe In. the -West from U'omlstovvn, whoroslio IIUH Ueen lK , » nll«lr«ifa D|l or I«»tructlon He scrmoh'u "God's Promises and Tu*e ,- ALLEN SCULL •'••••'; III the winter of lKili, ho npeuud n Mrs. Aila Xixnn, of Mlllv lie. Is "ftho en .\V. Reariey's collage, on Ceutralave- mi others—and determined by Divine ball fal{ in comply with" the pro- Bodety of tho First M. E. Church WUH Hebron I'resbyterlun Church, I'lilla- nautical srlnml, mid hud a number nf ing the chimney - without lire brick HIM) etKluiHJuMiti tlmt cmuc* from re-1 THOMAS _The«;r»ud Lodge of Instruction for Kounditlon!).)" HHii s text HIJIBKUk. g visiting ut tlic huino of her parents, nne, near Eighth street, early Manday, froui'l of tin* act shall be deemed a Contractor and Buiider_ • *-*• uveniiiK lu tho church. lelplila, lit -I o'clock, and will be per- to-day nioro than nut' m i that Hiilmtittitluu nmtT n'nnhOn^iitlou niWl he Iii < ocean. City Ice aed Goal u. uoulii ho IldM ~»HernoonTXTUeve» Hlldreth, of the brotherorXITssBteckler, per«->u and upou sAor 60S Central Avenue IIUH to huvu a great deal of Atlantic Comity caii testify Clipper for tin on the diimo would beat thlsclty. " u poHltton tn bear wltlinut liardslil|> tlie MQ "JQQ IVlarket St A. J. SMITH, PROPRIETOR Ocean City Electric Llgbt Com piny, complaint ma'tV by the . truali OCEAN CITY, N. J* wlmjs pastor of the church Miss not to get iiiad with other to liM ability a" a teacher In naVlKu- tlic expense iir t.71>. MIHH lilircne lanipliell IIBH returned noticed that the lower Portion of tbe fflcer-or other.per»on •le*lirnai*d shall I. N. JOHNSON Asbury Avenue, Htecklcr formerly resided In I'leasant- WHDLCIALC AND Bu:lditic«t people for- ikuttethluK that IH bis'own tloii. Not many, days ugo an old set Mr. DavlS. expressed t'hoopliiloii thut to her Imme at. I'leiiMantvllle-after * fence was on fire, Mr. Hlldreth bv apprehende«l up.>n warraut I ville. ' . IITV. N'. J. captain wild: "To-day T can take iny the chimney Is. perfectly Mifo iu ItsHpendiiiga few day« with relatlveHln .Many of IIH Imve been wont to lie-I promptly extinguished the blaze. At cer, moueiecates were any cMn>table of the county, and PLUMBER, When they return from their weilil- present condition. With 11. nine-Inch PHILADELPHIA, j<. I t-e iturles that had passed. -It 5 K t yibcent It. AdaiuH, . «on <>r°J T. shi|i to any port In the world. Thu thin city. plnre the lack of edili-at'lmial iiiten'-t | the bottom of th.e fence wan a quautitv May-County and Atlantic C >n. convict JOHN MARTS- |- "';7, hig trip, the couple will reside in Wall, there wouhl be no danger. PURB ICE ' spokeu at s time when a new era, »'»• sins. . We^shall do so again l i . '. , AdUSK. of this city, will open a iini- grciituf" portion or this knowledge, for ('apt.- It. lIvtidtH-noit and. HOII, iimnlfenied In many of our country | 'of paper. * Tb«r»«i" a disorderly STEAM AND GAS. FITTER v nM Atlantic (;ity, iillt Mr. Voorhee-i will_ 1 Until-Messrs. Steelmau and Davls'l Ht)Ud'|tmru>r*i»t Ho lo be opened up for. worship and srfr- [ la tbe geueral confession of the com- "** ftetlonery xmruiii llrlilKetou in u feu' MO ilolng, I received from Win. liiikt , HerHvliel, od ulil. forgive hi V.4Culloirrrlp. ' Repairing a specialty. itally « •luillly iu ~i< ? . . Mr. V'oorlieei, who In i\ if UUIIHNUIIIIIII! him, hu Insisted I HIIOIIIII liuvc'a which pniveil satlHlactory to the mem- lug the Hiiriwt meuiiHof xtimuluthig It. { over from" AtlantiAt c City, and "fr'ronribe rirst. C>o ."•>. Ilr of rabbits, ludlcutiiig u gdud season's friend" In I hi* city, who, are extend- which;ut the time, I tliought wcre.of thi general belief tlmt. while tho IIr«- their children'* productive capaeity, of uhi>m e «upf.l|. Hk.^i«E»ajpo»^for guiuitirri when the time Scliuykill, lMiiladelpliiu, WUH a visitor OAK AKjD ' oat, * < ' ••••-•.•• «: given-io the race immediately h i-ame to_ihls city in a ,..w -"-* endless.comfort " •erv-e.1 va.'ailrtii. Aui.,ti = oilier place* ing' congratulations, UH doen the little value; hut long experience ou the lluert were safe, the con'truct Hud not. better lit them fur earning a llvell- Alwuyt* thy tfttMlifMi uud l*-ut ti*l«f«-i his *in nor sued for pardon like tinil K. A Hiiuri, tiils, of noii'le Ht'cUrltU'H. . ' . * Full rliiV«ir.'.Ca < May CUv- however, and did not remain Carpenters, and Builders iiViJt apiuilnteit a|«li«t*.il tlmt the Itonfil did nut w' Miggoni in them tho grueen lind ntlli- Hiiiiiw *it ttiut ' t'liMnnierw.. N" l«wu lit ut<)i;ltl ' night and. In mistake swallowed a S-V. Tnckaboe:-Trinity.- , NV.>.'. i admire the superstructure but > . E. ('. Cole was a visitor to tbi- coiiimiHMloner of deeds In lSlU. In cliiirUiM lo bur<'iiii*i, Mny'- thiiik of the foundation*. .Xo'vf, COAL Mix* Myrtle HIiuinniiiiKnlt-riuIn* IS7.-> ho WUH appointed a Master' In ( lainly Hppenl !•>' oiir rural piitriniH, ou Wedtie^day. • 1 Autoiuo* lie lisraae. ood old world that lovci u -hold be lived Up to. lluekH County, Pa. • •,. iHrtfi^Mt unU tr.MliiHii uuwti Hi I'iilliult'lphliU tevr mlnu'w*. ":Hand conducted ibe Landing: I'anuou, Xo. 1W, Auith-<. All cied the vine: Arbutus. Xo 170, t'spe Charles A. ftoj-, of . .Ehlli ATWI.KJC :haritubly ovorlookH thu ravlugx ITiidcr the circumstances; however, an Mr, and ->ln«. KiiReno -Zlegler, of elreulnv l« one of VHH| in ^M^[a'M»tl^> unwMini *>( Uj-WHcJ «!•-• ' ' May ; pillars, which euonot fill or crompl aiid Poultry. COAL MIHK Myrtle Simmon* of Cmnden, iueiit, In ISil:l, ho haw received frum Hvi-riwl irtnUH cliuricti M! uuy ruttr^t ^lutlon Inn at Stone Harbor for •iirt House: Hereford Xo.177, wa- In 19Vu a,few day* slue*. of Ibe Keimlble' yuiiiiK man who 1H the clilnmey iH.iluubllesit' perfectly l'liiludelphiu, were here Irom Friday New Jer-u>''t'(Uiu:itlon, mwl It Vlld-Jdecay. Tbe Hrst I- holiness. " " men.-.Mi*- WaTreu, .Ocean !!e*ldetiiv, •*•>" A-bury avenue. CHARLES L..HOFMA.\\ tlie ellk-ieut clerk ut the general de- the (lillerciit he C Maban, of Pe-rmoiit. «-.i. ^ * Buy yi.iu C»»al frura the cnugi about a, girl. , Until Kundiiv. They occupied their S. CHAMPION Xo, 1S4>, 'Atlantic'iiAltnes*. ri *'•• Strttton, Mi-. fifteen i.-immN-liiuH, for varloliH KiuiN county unit eity mi|terlnteiuleiit»t m-be j* _ -_' ^_^ .___ „ ^JL had acted as aguldeto jruunincand Office 7th Street bet Jsbarj iwf Was! «ie .REGISTERED.ARCHITECT livery window In tho Ocean <-'ity I'ost wire, ho thought it bent to ullna- \ho City. which vill uot suffer him n- Ocean City's visitors yesterday, Celling avoiiuo cottage. heM4llirlti^tliv*yc»r. AM enrly are-' HiO^AT E^K/XOIHJ3; flshlijy parties from Philadelphia. A j cundlilHtcK for PMMIc pluue Olllee, enlerUined at her linme in tliix nf work. • • ' i,'liluim-y t<> remain and siil.-titute Tile grand officers • present Thluk hou our whole life is Mr, and Mrn., Vii-tor Knitter and "-"•- *—*-H hiruutiviililu will be Kreutly I ... A.lderney Dairies wife survives him. . **i*|tiuiit u promises. Our peace, our i»eorgH eE E» .Weiss, of Germanto.wn, LUMBER & now one now by Night; (iity a Jolly party of youiiK folka from On tho Jilth of I'Vhniury, IftfUl, hu L' G. Haul' li.iifiuei.-i In home and State, alii •H Hays. R S. ItelptM; W. wo .Saturday until Monday morning . Mr. aud Mrs: T. H Luder*, ofPb-II- H , getvJuut they're polite! avenues uiid alleys of Oi.-ciin City, tlie former'H pureiltx, Mr. uiid .MM, tlUaranieea-Htrletly-Ptnhe mer. District Deputy Urand Mus'ier. that ue are here, all that we expert t.-' y. K. A. Bakerker, , I.. iJ. Tliom'p-' n.j FUEL LIGHT .HEAT — --. . * "-»0ELPHU •In the party were. MliHeH-Leu'neitc Kiihstltiited fur tin iii tho belfry tower, - Mr*. Louise JWU Brown, of Emleo bo hereafter. Men are ebo*en for idelphla, are guests of the Kathlu. - • As \.n-i mva-iUHysslireiif ;':.Jo»epli .Suttiin, who Inix bveiiHer- Ho moveil Ills family to the.island hi tlicdillerchce not to exceed '*.r>0; that Uoliert I'lsiier, In tlilrf city.. MONlvY.TOXOAN ON MORTGAGI5. ' ... ions those In auVudaucv from I'ba* W.-Kverin,,tli,.- Phllaiielphi-SPhlladelnl : E. I '-.'¥> iwiundti in thri Hcndcrsoii, UesAle. Syfer, Kunua and Sharpnack street*. Uermantown l-iibllc offices because of their promts- MUi Oetiel, of tbe Imperial. U vi-ii'- 7 loaiil^ ill witli a complication of IKHI. -. • , • : • tlii WcrO tn ho tixed, copper Mrn. Henry I. lle»H,of I'iiiludelplila,*n were Ei-Seuator I!o*», nf H. Madden. M l).lAb MathlH and Itertha VunHooU, Walter No waltliiK f»r two. weokH to Umnv If you cictl Rot It; uo' I'nn. tell ynli >it •unouncft* the' engagement of her M. ferve.ihe people, but, ah*! hou DOIT NOW LEONARD KRAUSS Co. lie Hiibhtllillcd, thin In lieu of fireproof aveouipunted by her daughter, XlMx Court Hou^: v|es>r*. Rutherford uu j Ing in Philadelphia and New York. • dlipucH, ut IIIH home In Atlantic City, Hluck, Blierry Wulluce,ChurleiiMartin, He Wax one of tl-e orcaui/erJ, uiid l once, (turKuitix in Itiiy aiid Ocemi front priijiertle.4. Cliolcu cottHKen fur dangbter, Mfcw Madeleine G. Brown UIHIIV fall • K-tTHLC. RANGES SET „ AlH hope that tho crack of doom They had a pleurant time while tho tubiiHhei! In IfW-', and Its third treas- Harry Kleclinun, one of the letter . -J. M. CHESTKR/-&COV Wends In dseao Clly. where Mr aud Swartbmore: I>. T. M.iicliell. La'ns- Mr, HHVIH told the members tlmt Ice Creani Me-»rs. C'as»el aud Xlchola* o hav. (.;•:rhrlliators, currleiH, IN <»fI" ou IIIH vaciiilon. Jon. Sandal owns property. Mr. Sand* fc.l dowue: Mr. and Mr;. T. H OM SHORT NOTICE they are rowpmiHible for tiieir e<|uity • QCKAX CITY, N. ]. nof Atlantic City. have God at all The;Trenton. that foilo\VH the oruukluf; of llrst Heiiretiiry ami chief of Hie Ocean COX'M period of rent from (lurrying business at G3I Arch street, Philadel- Phllade'lphk. those in the party are well.known in therein.; He suggested that the board ESTABLISHED list anclBnt joketi wltli uhich weare thin city. ' " ' City Fire Dt'jiuftiiient. • • • lelterti I»drawiiigto a close. phia. . t . ELItKltn.V. •' CITY GAS LIGHT CO. xliiiuid at once necurc.u growing policy. With **(thl Hejiuy booil un uetivcjuiililbiirjut K. Itliler linn returned t.o Trentiin, ui to il Percy Towsend, Laura EDWARD STONEHILL a iiiimbc-r of secret societies slni-e I8UU.. jtjj-it- lupxe u« u tliiio SPECIAL BARGAINS ,( r.. ..- J«t<«jrOo»«»i . CEMETERY IN CLOSURES following Imve been appointed wliere he IH eugugeil iu biiKlne«H with Beatrice Towsenil.' Marie ' BOUGHT DRUG STORE He Is 11 past olllecr'lu • tho Kn lights or tlie liourii would KeWJtie more cheaply. l Vaults, Ur»ve(ov*r» ..flxiLjVttrdeiiH in tIIIH county: lieVVlM a brother, after a few du>»' VIHII to Ills ll v Giibertiithens, a local carpenter Ptll-, Bi)d. a V. M. In tlib !•'»'atiii A. On inotliHi ofsfr BlHca', Secretary A new cottage, centiaily looutwt on \Vi.-4i!y-ti\ymtL\-ne-\-ox occupied, ;«™ "«' '^»'r^>^2^.^»»^**« well known In this section, where he niour Dnvis, Robt. A. «. Crsii«to»,'A BRICKLA1TER and PLASTERER IVo* 'PtSa.ll' I ...vuer'n.U'i.^l.l).- utriiclcil to 'apply to brother, Dr. t'liaw. it. Hlder . 1 1 A, li.'" M; " ' h»» IWod a number of years, is cunsJd- "' All wu'rk iu mn»ou Hue . •- -"" iUddie 'iWnHhlp; T Of B ArmstrouK, Pbiladelphia: .^. H Wil- ."" Mendel's " Hloii of Bourne phnnuiicy. 1'olltieully,' ha IH, und always haw the I inli'rWriters' AHHOC-IIIIIOII For ny Miller, or'tlii-J city, him' eringlbe advisability of accepting an cox,'Jo>. Steelmau. Kridgeton: Jos. I ne ce St (•piinptiv nitfnrt«i t<«... Upper ToWiiHhlp. been vlHltliiK her winter, \lw. John I-:. .A new liiniUlitid cottage at I'orty-oi«lil!i stfeet, • " / Ifl \j{. flflQ ASDUrV Alft from the . various A, li. Armstrong, nf t'hiludelpiila, beuii. u Democrat, in both National oil tlie nbw blllld- oomptetcjy furnislied liotol, J offer to eJijeage in tbepontracUng bu»i- Mi-u Wild red .*»> ri^r* •••'• ... ..,,•. •. ;..:• the dWrlct than of Camdeo, were recent ^ujj, (Uxaa Clly: tolwart Artlett: H°. "F? °re of Ocean City people who recently purchased tlie Bourse uud Btute uil'iilrJ. In local electiotlH, AuHtln, at. I'leuMiilltvlMo. 8ho WUH i «• in'Philadelphia;. M^. Slibeu. Is baid-^ver before « v»K,ai a Sea IWIe; K. C. Miller, Alloway: R. p accompanied by her nephew, Austin . ,-. • " . ' . $IsJ,O,OO' • B been the Atgie'n. Hats and Gent's A DARBY'S uttemt the luinlveriuiry. I'liarinacy, Eighth and Anbury ave- he IH Independent, voting'for the can- ' Btipt, Hiei'uiiM WUH instructed to call w! W. BrowS * •">P«»'*n.inu forGntod Lodge of Iu»lrOi.tlon since the A re* dollars, a few days' Gil*. i-'ew^Vork'. —•'- " of the old "Head of the- John H. Trower, of Oeriuaiitown, on Neejey ' . ,. * • A lot for a cottiiK*-', vcfyncar ocean, ccitlix* of tho 1 .only Twelftit OMrlct >a» r«organiie>1. p!fr»i*uf«. 'My people have forgfttten Mr. antf «r». H. M. Xewkl'rk left! Ocean fcity La undo nue, took, poasessloh of the store 011 didate he ttiluKM be«t lltt'ed for the First National Bank vi.Vetbodlat church, near tho tflcplioiiu uiul have U.H under- bti. aiid M rH^MIniin B, MoU'rer, of Me day* without number,' U. GodV Ocean'City ytstenSay morning for ,i the tusklnwror lhu,ruin»tl WUH nominated. J»t M. Pocoao. 656 Ah A oe, nuxt Sunday week. ' BtuMillm,' with lilin In one of the alo«ot thlH city, left thin nfternooii for I'hilli- vacatlo0 tri Henry M.'XVIr/. MUs Alice Win, 'depends on the amount r>( tailnrlnir uiude u romurkuble change, for theNotwItliNtuuding' Oc-euh ..City .IH (EIGHTH AND :, : Ocean City, N.J. .Postmaster E. K: Sultou and wife cbaree agalntit as. But Uod doe* not' i put upiMi the-e parts. Tlie L In 'J'rower'n Hull. delphia, \Wieru they will reiiiuln a fe\v I be Finance" Committee of \ValllnRford: Dulght G*rrl»on, 8£0. 0. ADAMS & ,_ luuiiy guuuerti are notbette, r lu tlie uppeuraiice of the Interior Htroiinly'ltepiibllenii, he wax for more MASSEY &, EDWARDS CENTRAL AVENUE. E V. Corsou and wife E. A. "Corton Car* forgTus, Every .parrow u doderf.' days aud then K» to Kerllllty, Lull- CAPITAL $50,000.' SURPLUS $20,001 and iwlfe and Civil EiiKhieer K. May City. CounVII fai< e^ery.halr of your bead numbered,: £? aware that under the newof tho Htoro > Ihuii, twelve yenrH a Member of the MiMiirri BtlttM, BampKou nnd Lee, caKter County, Pu, Mr. Mowror'a - Kendall Smith aiid wife left ben) on statement, after'an examination of tbe every member f« written down. ' ' i Ei«hth and lawn the flicker la protected'the Mr. Aniistrong Is u graduate of the Hoard of ChoHoii KreeholderH from the committee.mi|>olnte teiu|iomry i|uiirterH fur the BOIIOOIH, as Fred. R. Oych, ,or Philudolphlu, Beautiful' Cottage Sites..: •W, HOO'IT HANU.-UMhler • ' .- ie« will enjoy their trip. . collector in lOUt. b> exonerated from. |ji£ |j& fnet.. BjJortsuien will govoru high reputation us a plmrmudxt of Impiirtant cnuimltlee.s, und one year His children would be«br( God to fall Wallinfrford, who^ spent tbe fotloWH: Four roomw at Trower'H Hall, «UtemeoU made by the present , --,.-7 UK |iart* man Jt6«ims<:lveH accordingly. ability In that city. Ue will have ItH director, neVer lut'tiiig party mverve who hanjunt dtapoued of the KourKO • High Ground, tiotn tJrmkxl. Btreetx and HklewuIkH r iort,t HU own • • -' . conveyancer and summer resident of I deal," HB l«a jiuutllng yoiiiiii man for the best. Interest of the t-oiinty. three room), in'the Ilouruo Dulldliigat neurly lite ycatH, and uiade muuy have taken plaee'oext Hunday. has Clothing for B b-prlutlug of every de*;rlptlon, $7.5 for two inuiiUiH or ,$100 for threo J, W. E.Mjuuoy,-.' turned over io the city. The'dltTerenu and aska you to give him a cull. • When party'linen were drawn, uxti> Irlendu durliiR hit) visits to thlv city. Apply to any real extute uK«nt. InvcutlKuto before purchasing been postponed until Sunday week. Widow Jones "Suits* for I or umall quantities, lieutly aud K V-forBon,__^_ L tH.I), Moore 'egi»iertug~at'~tbe Wyoming moiitiin;oiie room ut Champion'« store, • • ; • A ^ im' eluewhere, '• • •••*.•' .'.'' ^ ' • . ,I.H. Chuniploii K-ILBttU* . Word to tnb effect was telephoned wa» Da.*d upon an Item of 7! !, »>»l" Is-God's truth. XiSSZrtoSKIk. Busier Broun, [Kiub ^bi^y BRS,^ TSmR^fi I ;ly printed at theBKNTiNKLPrlut- th« nomination nnd election of olllcern, Seventh and Anbury uveuue, Bt $25 a Mm. Bebeeca ' Sttftoo on all aud id tllou>e<<. Wiinl llrller P.iV. ' . IKeisulvllcun Clly Convention^ It. W. Kdwurdu Jo«epb.l.Hoall . franchise tax which Wai paid In 752 ASBURY AVENUE' iltlpe at rtutunuble driven, All and no attention paid u« to tlio ability month. The lilkh. School childreii H. Wiuley Luke R. Howard Tborai 'y for tbe aasenument of IMC ' which will no, 8affer him to- cbaige f r B d The City Convention of the Hepub- All .tout u* we see change d d^' I FUher,. wifeA. O, .C . Collid». B.TbomV, Herber. Mt ;ci 'J!?& ? •«<••* " OCEAN 'CITY. N.* " guaranteed to pieuue. ; being made by "llio cur- or fc*Hl and u now taking «v»r ii- A i- » . *y«»enlng law between ibe Ocean f. P. Donahey. VinV Fine Paper Hanging, PaJnti* avenue, .KleVen-room • Kur- with uhorte'r day's work. They cluiiu coiivli'ilniiu, making no comjilalnt. irrldny niorninipi. -. •*.... ; '\Y'.i:..:'di,\-',ii$J: Hb Cit L'ottage, complete, lu llrHt-elaaa I'reHldent Ahbott und Becretary Uob- purpone of iilnchiK lit iioininutlon cuii- out wveral cases oT goods each day. Ihar T^.K ^ * •»»»."«• «"W M» W. Taylor t, u WllUrd W. Al A Select .Line o* '." 'fvV; thut they are not on equal terms with dlihiteH for the fnllowliiK OIIICC-H: City There R a jjreat niatiy houses in Ocean City. . ' a 0 11 • ' ii .-J'V•'CorlllfiBlT-'•'"' •m Among U>e culna are »ni»ll bluo aud >>f Cta M ta t ou, Hot uiid cold water; also IIIHOII were uutliorl/.eil' to' execute the Some R Cottages, some R,Hotels.'' . . > .wbJta baking-lmwls, monasht Jat> •ik. our .jfi r^'SK •"" —» •' - '** «' CHAS. E. ADAMS & BRO. itige, newer drainage, frout aud carpenters lu other near-by resortH I UC. . . , Collector, <'ityLClerk, two- MeuiberHof that.etaii buy It by tbe om>« WALL PAPERS AND eruudui HullaDlu for boarding PianosTuned,$2; Ilourd of Kducutlon for two yeartt. and iconic R stores, aonie R for rent,: ' .-.„.., ••• • . dlnlots, and vaaca of all. klado. The followiiti; billu were ordered , l Si twi... t in--^PBOOFltels ^H chapter. It ea. INTERIOR DECORATIONS Lot, 1)0x10*) feet. -IuqUlreK. pakl: Uavlu & D.ivln, *7:i.lit; AmerlcauJ o;ie Member of Hoard of Education Some R for Sale. "There R also' • • • . ' ,. . iKY, 781N, Forly-fourth street, Foil KKMT.—Two houues; ouo unfur- Teh years' experi- )Kvory laolllly oonaUUmt wltb Uftbankloa * nished, by the year; one HIUUII .OIIO, HuutlUK uud Veiiillathifr. Conipauy for one ycur. • ' Many lota for sale without houses. "• • " axtsndad lo ourpKtronil.' .'.' ';;• 1 • i Headquarters foe . :'$$ delpbiu, l'a., or ngenu ut Ocean J. l> Fox, , fbriilshtsl, until June I next. Apply ence. . (third payment), $iir76: li. Homuu, If you wafit any of these on the best terms; apply! to ' Your Moodnt j» rani««titnilf Wltoiu 1 "' tf. •! «6'—7 Anbur' y avenue. »-2T at.; I>. Lu Vatiamau, $12; Harry'H. W.W. JJUOWM, UP-TO-DATE SIGNS i^ ( v . HarrvH.Lake. Liake; »10.fi0, • Executive Committee. ROBERT FISHER. The Bourse, Ocean City Lo»l^

    ';'6fS/3iSi "-•;H;:Jv-^;''i*'-lyVv8^?^:U:S'.^!jv':^«^^^ t^div-J'i--"*"-''wj«i*f^SS;s&asgsi an cod. «o mu*t thta. as-ClnderelUi ,T»» WOMI "Potlirir droppnL tired, bat Mill merry, into a THE PALACE OF DOOM PICTURE ON A HILL. THE SLIN5E ON FISHES. Tbat t>oll<-}"° wbltb -a' man gets rbalr nojlw t>angi-|o«- pinna. TSey ra^-: ua»v »3» very deugbt- from an'Irisur-in.-v cotuptiny Is'no nl* •asattlsBea On* TUmr. 8* WOO: G ~.Vnd tbvo tb« prince." be iald slow- fnl Utt!c cirU la E^Tlind. to Judge by ative of that other word '•poll''y"'Whlcb ' Wner* II Dim xol STRANae LEGEND OK A MYSTERIOUS I ' wTktlr .ly, Ijbklnir down upon bet with com- tbe aaocJotM aboat tbem. that cprep' •h» . iniieHliieii n*t>, Tbe latter ls_a_j A Joke end* uliuu know what tli.- prince did Is one of a Nlx-year-old which the Gen- and "police." »t the UrecU "polU," a tide of th* bin ts Very prvclpltoc*. thoae ,\ll lUhftv tne our Jok«t woiihi, fu By Ruth Si«rt«n» n-|tb,oq» ru.v i<-T!ue fou." ft I*M-M*4 lk« War t» tlewoman* recount* with* enjojnment: • • - - ..... |ate,Latin. J -^ who know'exactly the «pot where fo -r^he was rlJIuc wl(b bcr aaqt ootskl* lu Zululund iir *\\b." •"w- eri.-.l. b*r own"?rfti fsllloj; tll*at aad OanUaa- ••' look will be able to wirom tbe rail-. i i it. 1*0. bj lloawr S OEf.l«"r bu jwrutlii.v.* -but dr*t yiHj've to »'««• •* tk« Maa one of th> lliutlnzo electric trams..'A* way carrfase window^ a tort of rode It was proceedins ut a rather cood,pace couulrloM would l~. u UDJ tin- «lipi-r.- _ ' Imitation of tbe banian form outlined ' "Tr*. flr»i -J'vo to'nnj tb«- «Hpp»r. down a stnrp derllT-lry tbe aant wa<> ,v,r- ir " ' I enrolled. here.' Every • country lias stood Is Uotrje many as«a In white. Tbe flsur*. which I* between And vrbrti It l» found I've ihv,a.lvan obviously a Ijttlo nenrooA. ' Tbe child, Tne'.nmeC ^re',«l usually taijlr the ^J?$!gv A-jnviy Iral ' forego bis s b-rautiful marble Aatoe ibe myittry 200 and 300 feet lo height. POMJ a lone •H'livi-*.- If ticular brand of bum«r' anil hi £!£>• of k!iiwini:%wl*>r<* dwell* Cindor- obwrvinc this. lookej up sweetly Into ^utlDuoB, «rt« nf duct*, with numer- ment MM < " rfli»«V brvn::i!>.«* way >thr.^Ji.B tbe "Btcfctt. of which a;tracted fbe attention of nil staff hi each* band. This hi tht "Lorn"" date Jt,to tbe full you ijl' L eila—and ih;it th.- *!i;»p,-r will flt." ber aunt's face and nald: 'Are yoaw ..; o ctt the wl*e men from far and near. No- Man or Wlla-toft*-*-.**, once tbe center trlcbtencd. auntie? Becnase yoa can tog'al«*tb* side or tbe fish. Some.!.,ttrallel.-l b.v tb:.t of .llplumu. the In that couh|ry or -Whl.-b Ujtt 1*'he pruvenr*— body coaM remember wbeo it bad been of profound Tenentlon and worship, meant many yearn. Tbe if r~e UuiT v. U :i a y.>uu;r v leanliiely. • ' ' . take boKl of my Ijand If yoa are; "• ' n*h«i bare on.' line on a• «!d« some jparvul. of p..iniaiixt. envied- and nobody knew what tt bot now merely an obje.*of Interest to folde.1 double.- to u*,t» b«- u> fVOL.XXVII. riiU-d him; ,' '•-May i pot lt to tbh. I-'aluthparir" . »h«- gran«lniotlier ba'd tbe ' uiUfortune to plajulj- Tlslble. and In casw-» ap- ; rhlcaci Xe» < y lutv.> iin>|r | NO. 30 v 1 It xu tbe fisure of > woman, tall. fc^r.-^ Von .iu ibt» ph/, , "Try and .*.*." . have the li-tl of the wfa on .whlcb' pear ut* a martin^ on the t«n. More;j tboiK tin- llty of tl, strong 'ami «ui>ple. She stood erect. • ' Th«- It t :. li«.- '\vbi-v:.:.l vrlsli .•> *:...-r .-.iij »iar«J. tudler N^r-xa A uio*t pecul- •oft.-u tier arv ni>t ut«* all. , _ ' , '."^"^..'"tT.Irii of AUMtrtlla j tlui.-x hu v drink, .nidotoerj with tcr rlgbt arm .outstretched, bet ^IM n^i--. »l»re th!» •."cretion la porw > To cat n >u «• nxk. to ,k n; ttralsbt • lar .-««>* of U-fcavtor, Coins quickly man(le faUlnc-la graceful fold* aboot wt ri IK)1 tun ii'-l(. of H-H 1 around' ttv offUrf • of ib* cnJ^ln. be wbil* 'siurfaco or ; <>»«• ."•""-•_-,_.„ ,,,„ l.nUU, ,,{ u,,. WILL MAKE EFFORTS TO at lua. >>ai T>f .li-ii: !;; li.-j=rn eyr*. ber figure., on ber fa«e • look. baU • In M-erj"<-OHHtry, i,hl, the,,!: ianCity Sentinel HAND, 3^ T. ABBOTT, M. Dl, !• REPUBLICANS numbej, however. cltl<-«. wh.rli i TRADE BOARD THANKS TJn-rv w»«' a ;.ra.\ Irap.-v^ston of 'baroptHl liU hem\ i-ofrly several tim'e-i smite, half frown, lurin* yet appeal- firm tb «up;>ort tl 'a-'I tbe l«dy. the •r»- life U not sttik- tulu ix-r.-Hiitiici., of YIMJ pcort against rtK-'l«iM. cavrf hlinaWf a vio- proacb It afoot, rramplnjr along, tbe firm wo=;an jva< tx>aih1.'a fact which lines. Tt»re are ' conttaeut and. Publlihed Weekly •! ATTORNEY and l>n>tvn:w^i«. It «y::n'l'^o *.*? avown'of ing.. bnt. always boWLng the obaerrer winding bnes. as the pilgrims of old lebTjj, .I<)PM in lateral tliai In many other eoulilu't Hw>'.a,Joke Unvrt fbyalclan and Burgeon< lect iCiatf sol tlieu •m-if'tbrosgh the ber fcramioblld remembered In ber ilso t>ores for'the «.vrotlon of mocta. j l^-'y dNniu/ljr t S;KIIC ttblEim' ry .hrv-rn st::!T—or was it by a sprang?-feellne that It rooaedof most have tramped • when they came mlKlit U\ Tli.-ri' .in- Uun COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, GET MORE VISITORS HERE tr«v* to the IwV rock -la rite little clear- prayem that evenlns a« follows: "I or «lline. In the n.->b-» head. ' tiaeo* lnlut'«l I CEAlSl CITY. IM. O. Bollcllor, Maatnr »od Exsmlnnr In Chancery, OFFICE—Corner total and Eighth Street , NAME TICKET WEST JERSEY RAILROAD mystery, glory and horror. ' , peuplu In Ir.-Iiiml an well i C>M>—arai u klml-"f aureole of .fln~y. ed »paw at to* CTljrr.of to* bluff. Srt- hither on the occasion- of some great than); the*. 0**1 I-onl. for bavlne at ' -By-. .... Hapnine Court Commissioner, Nourj Fubllo. The.dime la exuu u hair. H.>w the fleece UM A tl234T down. _h* p?ang**l an t*cnprj band But crra all that, written »o clearly -last found a .-hair th2t *l«m between tt*1 scales to the outer j It - J , Austra. ' <'APE H\V I»IIHT aOIWK, M. J. orncc Housts :•{ JJom i to s p. m. girl;.«,cp tfcai cii^T iato Uw •3«ep'||-**k*t and br;>usht_lt oat In tbe mystic olgns that art otea, might' nle can sit don'u upi^n." some time np> 1, CURTIS ROBINSON (Opposlt* Publlo Bulldinits). Mayor'Cfaampion to Seek Co-1 Present Oflice-Holders Are Re- tart of the tvxly. orer which It spreadi. (' ,, ,;,.,, overwork bare been overlooked by the P#ople aljle size, bnt gradually __^ MK- ...ut br*«-rn walklns boot of as one-apmi> - forming a. *>rt of ouTer *k!n or cover* Editor and Proprietor operation of Mayor of saiaH dlo-oaiiMi*. , ,.,th.-r That ull uiy. Uj<.Uii froni JONATHAN HAND, f. CHUTCHINSON, M. D. ' ' nominated at the City nuywayr pity a ni^u couWn't Veep not a morTmiwwi ^£?£f™L"*™** " ' °- Hon ••» Hrlp Volnell. Inn. traa«jvarent and having elasticity BOYS READY FOR Service Now Being Given Same lime' u=> the head of a large Atlantic City. • . _:'• "Convention. SUNDAY IN THE tir,.'k "f hi* brreif'i'. lU-'ilso Iuto train, To hi* cmllt be -It «a!J that th«* an] tenacity and often coruMerab'.e Per'Year, Strictly in Advance Counsellor-at- ' Ilonvooopixthiiat. . Ocean City. - - in;; •••II runt bill t;,. li«' cue id talc* !t oa tra* *«lf dVauEoiarioo tn bit. aspect aj- wholesale * was In need . bo>ly. It would not t-e rtmsrlcaMe for $1.50 at,~£nd~nf Year The oieiuberx of the Hoard of Trail of an adTcnUiu^ tiiai:.-isor. If be had Bollollor, Hsst«r In ChsDcarr, Notarj I'ubllc. The 'ItupubllcuiiHuf this city met in tbe niu -T,;1UMH turuiwc a Sulr—be be *at lunilxu; 1; miserably over and a fair «!2*-d n-*h. nay a n-*h of two j No. HSS4: Ocean Avenue, are of the opinion that It would ALL HALLOWE'EN At u tnec-tliitfof the Board ol Trade, rollcm-ed. tbe uj- J'MV". .Must be *on:«!ikn; over. oil. Vv»: of COOTS." be'd-bad It r->un.lji welaiit. u have a coatlac of-| CAPE' MAY tX>URT HOUSE, N. J OCCAN CITV, N. i. CITY'S CHURCHES 011 Thursday evening last. Dr. I. ft. ( hare cJne mrt>lde the and hired well for the Interi-xtx of Ocean City t .Suturduy eveniliK, and liomlliuted the tlio rn.itM- wiih' bor .\vt^. Ile'J aerer th*r.' all tb>- vbilr. WVIL hadn't be 'llr.;.- a thrnj-.s^-jtid Ar an Isch la • ltrllUh «,,| Ixinic IXNlnnco Telepboue. Urric-K HouBa:—Till 10 a. m., 2 lo « p. m., have occaHlonal VIHIII-, enpeclully dur- CirlHcom »uld he thought It was In £«vu~-tliat I* to *ay. tht-j trird to It's b« bav# it at to#'a;l. rjiai^i^-r." Rut be ihi»kin-»a.' K'.»!n-< Vjr.v'irreaUy, In tile J D to » p. ro. ' • . ticket to be voted fur at the UOIIIIIIK frota faroff Unds came to Borne.! ™*• *nd,'.° m<^ •» ."tent was bad a twtU)^ t!ut the wto knew, tllliti t IIIK the BiiaimerM.'uBoii. from delei Wjth' Fair Young Friends, election. ' . Stormy Weather Prevented order for the board to take cognizance 1 tAat n i=. ."^^t of sli-j'.e -vt;L-h ttt-v s.vr»'te, • JITY DIRECTORY. extracted iby the starce. and stUl lt' • Jlf.f'*"*' ** *"** '* ^ * 0°^ etmash al»-it ^i:.«a:in*h!r. and ahout i'i:ii!n- m u.- (.;„ JJARRISON H. VOORHEES HOWARD BURT, M. D. to cunveiltlotiH In Atlantic City, nlui nf the fact that the Pennsylvania ruj.t«l »w.vtly. ; v« must be , "" be o>alln'tTthar i, 'to W Slda^ 1088101 Tbv .vl will «u-rs<-»t l:»eir ,as one tnat j They'll Celebrate, on John V. Ko.-c,'u member of.thee\- Congregations from Turn- stowl. mate. cold. Inexplicable. j j * to maie out tb* form atadls- hU 'nrwtal tf . > i.« t,-.- ^-ll them on tbe 'ir.^ Jiwt as i|ill.-k t»ianf CITY OFFICIALS N •. . f , • • * liar to tlin trJp_uiU(!;_thLi_rfi!iortJa>il Itnllroad Company •)» giving Ocean • w^at tiv? - Mii'j^v be itra» tbe bl^xest w tn Ucnt l j ectitlve com'uilttec, called the meetliiK —On? day a yonngjnen -i>5d.before-r "f^ , r ^ " hollows were road woU "in:iko-:<.»ii!nwcr for tbo#<-- (00]|i week Ly the Aiiic-rk-un AxHic'lutioti o -' —Wednesday Night. ' - ing.Out in Force'. City excellent service. Tt would be "I rw-jr y*>ur i^anl'Vii."* U-«ua DodJey. cad ou "reo-rd." be'd- wacer-no fellow r of prinier*' lot. Idem or Council-Murk W. Adumi. well, Dr. tirlscoui Bald, to let the so.ldcuiv' r»-alt=ln^, xl^.x ^lie baj asked ev«-r had a (.etter excuse: Haii£ it: 011 0 orwn,^ (Jencral I'uHHenKer nnd'T ckt-t AKIMIU WeilneMilny nlKht next K>Mag tbe mystery, aad each day ' o *! * "r-'-of tbe r.Kinir or. setHngsuu' Tberef .«•'h-> put one >-f hii t-rack *j!e* •! .m toosjij Clerk—T. U-e AIIIIIIIH. • - Till It u. ID. .Muyyr Jus. (1. Cliuniplon waHchiiseu " The stormy weather oil Hunduy lust a *;ue-ttion V'".u:tf' III.ULIOS aco and that *Lv baw-to look at aim that r 0 f —r*»r— IrtkH.ctminpl»n. orricK (IOUKH;. IA move In'tblH dlriH.-tloii will bemad ofllclulM of tho railroad know that tbe slrce be was a Hnle oolW he bad come |'™' M* * '»to a deep «uadow. In or-" men Into t'...: p »i«l. anj 03w'i>ay< I lo H n. m. looked forwiinl to with unxlety by tbcj permanent chairman, on motion of uterfered with the attendance ut the an^s.n*wvr **~it* exiH-ct^; of him. "Tbe tartli ^or—NICIIOIHH UorMOD board appreciates the service now , to preserve tbo r»rjn or tbe Looff' him *•!««*• •> y--::r.. .\:id ... or Police -MkmiiHl Hi-ull, . *l", !n trr..;iT »li:i:-e. ni; InffWctor -llurliurt C, Htullli. - j The HujriieMtloii was maile" by • I'reni. being Klven, and he waaof the opinion cus«xl Ixljre.V'u taw." And tien. in tbe taj-j-'.e-t feu" a.oi^eat-, he'd ever gcz!n^ at tbe stranc? coantenance. . Hupwrvliwr— W'Hrrvu W. Hruwii. All Hiillowe'en. Lust ye»r, we recall, < nuiuiiiuter surely bj rbU fool- .ak« of hi* l , WllllumH.. K. OFFICES Mm 1 • . * ' that the Hoard of Trade's Transporta- prUio-ss." he fifiKie 1 tritin phaatly. l«iiae*» b*'d dished any prospects of part and" tell the,secret that age* had aa !a hi* ;.^.- ..r II,.nor. Tbe effeofhas been to province a some-, bou*«» « ir-'vl »:. •« t: ^sc-.ifw froni. iw t-ue^.;.'.. It I* v !> Mt ttwkwanl-iis. ln«t EIOHTH ST."ANnWIiSSIjKY. AVE. i confer with. Mayor Stny, of Atlanta piirtles,. whn«e nltlre wiis pretty, in The coiumltleu l. K, tively a-*-j-*r*»iKe. • \VelL,.aaj'bowJ tals aew ody be bad been sincere hi Us tl^bter by • "irr.v f.T||AS<'KKV. thanks, when the members of the com- more ditiractlcjrtj- rban !-. for*-. • risible in no* weatber rrom a great are r>"^H'Il''«l 1-y tt* •••'lor. It U the>! olon. .Trviwnrvr; J, W. Hiiilln, NUIK. (mien Hour*- Until luu. m. From 0 toji p. m. ;.||ie hillijuct of eiideavorlns; to liemuadc in others. I'erhups the youiiK folks The' dek'Kules to tbu coiiveiitim w> -ti.>rTure; ml'jht i-«f!] have,tbe search. Kgithfnl througa all dlsap- *ell!c= VI II! -I p iectnr;-l)r. 1. N, (irlMcoiu, Mvdlt-Hi I1OU11HK IIUll.lUNilIIUll.lUNil, • No nftlee hnunt Hunday ufternoon. - , _ ... , "Satunir DurkiiesK". was the uiibject mittee call upon Superintendent Lovell —Ob. not at a:!." -I .that ni.ifc.~i ; Ur. N. It, lluri; II rl»-rl c. Hi.illh. AH1IUK . AVKNUE BIIII KlKltlHTlT l HTlfKKr will reltlirale the III-CIIHIOM in iluillur were I'IIUH. I). Suiiipsuu uml Join con;<-*-i!oa over with -tud- jro off and p.>:at=:ents ntTsia gamed strength aad paying *ti'- U. who »;wr itDdon-Ua." There arv In different parts of tl>e -.. : IUH,color; U.K. Voorliuu,, sollu- OCEAN CITVv N. J. sboot hlti->r. T. I.', llutchinsiiii Joskins tbe njy^Tiflcation he fe3t. ' • la tiirvecijnute^ fc*-^-a * back. The' rode and early billxlde fisares. and, at- Ulo>t IIUJ'OrTtht' fUMtJOO Of mi; A.J.Hinllh.'Vl«lilc>nl; ICCIC. IIIK lust. that it would be better for the secretary sky. sSKvne full upoa tbe usage. can be"— Sbe hesitated. triil trip ha*', tailea aavi- thoasb the very fact of Ibex great an- i'ro mlelit liav» been m.-HrereWryrereWry; Klvlmril II. ul.HH. KK. from tho Si'coinl VVUnl. ^-.' ' • '•The A srracpe thrill passed throogh the ^r«:—SaturAfy Ev.>a!nc r.~ D, JulnerJ i W. tva.tva D ., " Y-» •• ' - 011 tilt-bay. Tlio delt-Kutei to conven iu.ii walthic aad«till alone. liquify reader* It unlikely taat blstor- , frora th.- UX' fi>r:n th-- ir<-«1 Mi:i:i came Uup«rinleodeut—Prof. Juineri. M A letter from Juhn Sc-henk, in whicl "fell us' that there was ilurknesn over man, and. lacking in tbe direction b> f.-r ni.'l ^I;I|.-<1 bU mysterious All llullowe'en,* letter of thanks. . peried. A line of r ~..-*t pink appeared ph. y'tri: roh lr-Ia: .See intent hare «^. -™. .~~^* u., uw IMWCW «»•. leal or doitjaieuury evidence will Iw pla:u: life i. •yu 1 I of tlie Godfrey & Godfrey, *• I>Olsti«t«-« 1t |(111H |n Atlantic t.'ily IIIIKIH be tfw witch chnrins uml spooks, Its love-: he told of his inubiUty tit serve* mid all the.hind from noon on the day of d Lin la Dm* Labels. ' ••JiiHI: W.HII.I •"oor-Jorom K. This Idea met with favor,'and the Juwt sNnf the bro"-* u c"»il.-ir. sal civpt cart-d !f be* tsdu'r »;*>:lrd it all. !«ted by .the pointing finger, be saw. fortn»r kuisst.— 'sise called la oq:e yarrU away, the shadow of the ciw part«*e it * very satisfactory t •. [•r.-~rmi M. secretary wan HO Instructed. outstretched baa to enpeuiully durniK tlicKhuiiuer M'IINUI bu one Kreut nielli when thu veil be- i-etitcil; was read, was no eclipse, total 'ur partial. The t1a«h!nr lu:«* tlan;e f<--\ the white brow Wa» it-wiccij Kotaimr • *•.. l^ChtircU. corner central uvenuu ATLANTIC CITY. N.J.', . In', the regular order of buulueiu. find that aa explanation has been 6-h. -UVCAN CITV. ar. J. ,JMr: j-MwardH uHkt-d .Mayor Champion ween the-mutt-rial and the occult Is | Mr. Sclieuk's n...„..„. aud bWinc at l;i'i In the l!sbt tair tbat could tjve takea you down- tbe cave a low cry. aad. after "noting the a doeces ivli-'.'r:it^I I'rjs.-a .!r-«rr.-.'!:rrJ dn • i.| wt. Itev. J..Wurd Uiimble. wus uc- us!ronomlrul theory irf u llctlon. Tlie 1 found whi'-b will at once account for diVii tot iin;; ' " ' —ffnr IIIN views. ifleil uml we arc ull endoweil wiUM^ie ceptrrl-uud Kverton A. Co President Hdwards aunouiiccd tbe fol-. sj*>i welL be departed- —nt any ra:.-. it w::i '..-,r T!. • nn-,->'- nr..!- : th" | smT~niir not hide hl».fuee from tlle Jjlew AJKMU lifr f;;. v. TnnSIey. fa*dnat< iU u? a^in la t&» r,aie.~ maay of their peculiarities. ri.u' rcvr«- :. . lc», I0JM: evcnlnK Mervlce,7Jifl. rsou eleeteii lowing as stuudlng committees of the . cad-forja Thac ai^it at midalght be went to .addr^v of f!;,- I'-ir* Li>"*-- 'V:i {:•* -o-ra-it- u\ :ir»> toil- iiullntf. W«Hin«Mdiiy uvenlntt, 7JU1. JAMES M. E. HILDRETH Muyor ('haiiiplon oxpreHbfd hix up «mer of divination, -Then mill tht-ii to Illl the vacuu'ey. eurth. That |s.poetic license. This For answer be knelt without a word The tbeo>ry U that tbe*e are sacri- was , 1! Hubool. 2.30. TIIOIUHN H, Uourlvyi Hoard or Trade: . th-* Inlroslon.. - . ' ^ the place and N»j-m to dig hi the provul of the Idc-u. The people nf At- inly luuy we know If "he" Is true; .If' T. I.c-b Adums WIIN nomliiuted sod pot the fateful sboe la place with ficial figure*. We learn frvm tbe -writ- •Me tbe wat,-r. Y.cirviajon tie »i.iai- ideal. for darkness w'us-sutuiiic (lurkiiess. Hell cround wbere the shadow of £» band of the TruKtecd—1'rCMldtfiit. It. U. HlltfH; lumlc- City ure Ijrond-iiilnded uiid feel ivc tire40 In- luutrttd dtlrluK the t.-niu Kntertaliimeht—Lewis M. CresM, "Of ctvnr-*' it** tvry slnapje. orjly •!!*- clat-orare cur...' He would have that ings of Cae-iar that tb* <;»«:* ^r. I. N. • snuvfally sropid >f is*. And~- pru U\-fr K-^'tv b* forfeitrd ber. favor : Iir. II. T. AblKUI, K.lwurd M. Hill- itnd Kullcllor, MliMlrr HndJ£xunilner ID ArTHE' kindly towurd Occuu City, ^lie wuld nt; yeur, and if our rli'uls will be nut' to Britons 'were doabtic** lU'-iu-U^Ii ,ha\! - wjiiaii>!« • ri f^r-lsm rr. the bullot for" Mr.wuHsutan's hour of triumph—though (Jrlscoiri. •. _ t!::^ up -trnl^ut and sol only out) brief hour. The- prince of Finance—N-. C. Clelland, W. Scott Ii»s very IiraT-t*—-I'm aot la the lea*' "I fi-uad It in tlw ravine before I formed of *». tLey i'.'.^l with liv- jtluK»—Huuduy moruloic, IOU), J. tween thv two rvsortH ever Nlnee the leari of iiur "best ever," . . In order, then, the followini; were Tt-on hi* i«il Increased, and. clear- T»-<»r». — I'AI'K MAY U1TV. N. .1 BOURSE PHARMACY this world held'swuy over the prince afra! 1 to Y" yon." clisit>*d up at aU." he «ald abroptly. ing men. Tbe figure wa.< ultimately maker* In « ill ji ri> vummiff , VVOUIIKU M Itobert lluriiH has Klven usiiuiirj--in--Jnomimiteil^jhc secreiury castiiiKthe nf peace till Je-us hud mUdo un atbnc- •'!: »s# In my pocket a"! tb*. while. fired, aad the miserable T'.CCUM per-feltinc thvlr i'i'':;i " "T i>>» leader. Thtwe 'ii ur« held In AI.NO COI,I> NOlfA . Transportation—JOH, Ci. Champion, f r i-rl.1 li I-IIPI-.II- th"Ul.-h Muyor added that lie Would communi- IKIIIKI pictiires~of the uliilin-r' In" hallot In tuch liintunce: __ — wh'fo tl>- cirl cu.vvd uaeaslly on b«r•Now *«:ad me away, for I can't (rb un- df>^r. wltb a great stoae rlnc- Grasp- , jsjj^j In ""' " las. to r.-a;. lj.- lint.r i;.:iy OFFICES OF inciit for him. lie" wus enveloped Hurry F. Htiintoii aud K. M. Hptton. . i t' nl.T-Mnrk' T" :iln cate with Muyor Stoy, who, no doubt, ivhich thu festlvul Is observed lu rfcol city < 'nllevtor—Nicholas Cnrsoi rwfcy tbrofie «nd «*ntln-» d to }ook l&f5 you d-i". , Izs ti» r!nc b«- pilled open ta* door Tti**^ sjyiac ia Sussex. they coal*! v L. GOFF, ii. w'ltir tUe uliiiosphure of luurul uml. AdyertisliiK—Harry Headley, John brare. - - - and started back, dazzled, for a flood th«' PreMbylerlHU Onurcli. W'eMley uvenuu would be K'ud In coopenite. luiicl, whcrL' uiust of the cer<-iuonles,' Bot O.nddreiia leaned forward to take probably of grwai antl.iulty. Ia whlob ' stflllae vviiln •irfPl^Uuv.'Il. T. CuNKflliurry, Herbert R. Voorhees* .Member.- ,of Hoard of :Kiliicutlnn — 'plrituut bluckue-s by the .space nf It. Groves and K. A-, Coraou. hi* rvrz-orsefiil f^cv bvtweva two. t-ui- of 1'sit burst cpoa him from oot of II;;- li THE CAMtL. Hunduy Hervit-fM, ia:M IU m. »nd K CIVIL ENGINEER. . rreoldent I-M»urtntry AVonut*; * as j James. \V. anil S. It. Huiiiphon, three hours. There never wus uu Legislation and Education—Dr. V.' over il*-. «*-l-c *'i r.-* Mii'Y. anil—I-beld terC_v baads.. • tie depths. " . • ' I'ruyur iiieullnir, WerilivKduy evvu* ATT.A^TU' t.'ixv:X'or Kt*ntu«iUy apil Aituu vleWH nl other members present. well us maidens, wlm wish to know If | for two years each, and It. II. eac* to tb* weather. It raas: . "ew York irod •*! 'llrt> n l^nirrntm T*'a|« K o'»lt»ck. "SiiTnluy tu'linol 'AW p. ni. 1U* AVilUier.. w If j f t h I I I Htltes eclipse luxllui; three hours. "Oh. t-f-y, boy." tte cri«-d softly: QcicklT rpcovfrtne. tbe-young- man ; T. CitKM-llH'rry, MUiH-rltit«ndeul*. I!. Itidel. Dr. Chnrles E. »tward» and or, m a iirsMrs atd !e^->rj dowa—and— III- Mil- l« Vlrlnsa. A» ikftiinCily Ot)lr«oii Tln^rtB'fi unit Krl- CONVtVANGERJ Arthur I), llurruww .mid- that the heir love ull'uirs wilt end in tlle tor one yeur. < "Jesus wus lor the time' beiiitf for- ~o«: iaaocect of toy*: I>!d yoa thiak I'vjk.-d asala and btield a wide mar- _.. nuM Hfivr tli** l-urtiil th.-y _ or 'lyiiMtt:*;*—K. r. c-Hnnohi, prewi. |tr Thomus Itenuetl. ' . • my |y-<-' :'i»rwe*Jc^-d 1^ a'*ton«—and"— ctis a lirap. ; k:;i i:. Klnulliun Mlilllh, »c'n; Tui-*»iliiy ana Tlmm i«y>* .^II l>. kcu of the t-'uther. llvlllniselfusked, .TJitiv n-3* a tentative «alftiac of tbe I didn't know> I >a»'yi^i pick lt up —LoaJou Standard. itreiumrer; l>*wl« M l-'r.-xM*. JIIM. I. Kctill OCEAN CITV. N. J. . ! ii» nilvuiiliiKef were >*> pronoiiined. uildeu In isit ull alone, ut- the .hour nf .-iimhuuts of till- ntllces for which they utiou—C. H. Hhoemnker, A. U. sSiir>aji-ry *fclr««. ihea a b*sry. morion down tk-l'iw—no. you shiU cave all the _• dv-r. ' Tbrow'.ag down bis spado be • ;...- ;;.-! :a a I lu* it-jw into toitlm. Wbk-tf r!*!"—a i:ni..'h r.- .1.,Ljcrnos u£ vid Crt«-weH. Ot'i'im flty. No. IK. 'Why has Thou for«ukcii .Me" 'An-Kurrows and <>eorge O. Aduuis, " ' -Th-f' r- h—:. th.-in t!;" b^^df'-r Ttlif rtaats i» -•- ' .'-— j 11, A. W, .Smith expressed tlie ildnlKht. with u caudle lo a part uf have a^'alii be'eu nuiuc-il. of withdrawal tviieath th^m. "And I—I troth: !t fell—I let it faU becau*e I " rc»s*>l tbrousn the door, down the otkall Ia Bamuu of her. - *-,.r :t Thij." i-u-.ti.iRi b* OQ* of th** HWur-r-to tuke the piuce of tliesiiineri H. A. \V. Smith's name originally . ' !li-r real !;/-!•* :; -loit tbe mjte to "tbaf* »ae flalibed. iw yoa.-" - . »T«T-« aad fouad btoself !a a rast haJL i -Chit 'V- :i ih V v-'i Iti it^ vii*r and ha* pn>K with hi- «. n-'ii'ii''if- li^'lc, lit- cans? I. or tUo Holy Trinity, i-roif-iuul HARRV H» . RICE, ! opinion thi.l it Wits amove in therlKht he hiiu>e where there is no other per-. With the ticket thus nominated, uml to die the sinner's death. • ibe Burme-e fona of (oot- >i mi, c-orner KluVi'iitli HI rt-ei jtnd c« li* was "placed oh the •'Committee ou .- trlth de*p*rate coarass. tbnutinc Into Jest ' tt«a Tora Hurroa. coana» TSe fioor ^f tal* r~>rg was of*marble, i hall. Is • "Ji«*y .; rv rl rouml wh*v< ;tnit >t--l 'dlrntion. Hu li-fiired tbe board of in. Then she must set the candle in • ihe conVciitiiin adjourned, ajt.«sa! citaie. Tbe nani« r ', Kuv. Murtlu Alulitir, uilnlHier ID' SHOEMAKER'S KECIISTEKEU ARCHITECT Jestis endured ull the putns und liCKlslutlon uud EdiicuHon," but he . tIztt ibe otber foot. lcca»ed la a stout aropad tb^- corner of tbe boo&e. de- p=re white, while the walls and cellicg •: /u'ftv T <'ntji> -iir>' .iMt n . vicar-. W. T. rrl.n-.-- Ills tisslstitllct-. mnt of her. and, >vhllc looking stcail- There Was u siu'uli nttcildiin.-c nt tlle tneari* -Tvu^d U»*ket."-write* Mr. -Kel- t-r-j aal , iiiltics of thu Klniier. Only thus little brown walking tooc - were of the name material !a majry XTill (Jlllft. kindly i-psll'i Morulnu pruyur and «^rtn. diH-lincI to serve. Dr. KdwardM then. » cldVl he cock] quhe a« well {•Mrpone ly ia-Ets'tvult'Ca Bcrma. aod tbe chlp- the m,t evening Hervltv Ht 7 it'l .t'.-liM ^. hr. t.'huh. Kr.Kilwiirdn inoveil tlmt ly Into n mirror, niiirt < bjier hair \ ii>uveutlnu:_i|iie inn ulcMH^in.-, pr.ib- could i'lcbeii perfect .Saviour, 'lit! -~Two furl«cj! IMcsbes were. In full op- coi irs. Tbe bece pillars apholdins the .•d. Tli.-J' li:ivf i:.i-ry was numed. • hi* «n:i v loa U rva'ly a tra*-l of plaited rattan*. van « ul J NO iVIiM-k. St.iy In rerift-lirt- to the Nubjetrt. ,'l'lie Ills rather .dilllilllf feat Is suti^fu.--; ...... 1_ wtr nilnhlTic iiia'lc" tin- rli;litc<>liHuess Ihi.-l.-y cued fixedly st tbe sjaalJ Xbe ganie l»'plaved by »^veral youths and IT- Tin- I ill'I iiii-t Mii-r-y. >vuu decided to usk the udvertlslnp; ' rich rr»» la'y srrewa upoa tbe Coor. eU miili" ill.-, wu-ti. [ million' was nec-ondet like thuy~ be quetftloaed. with noted for bi> rizid-iiit^^r;ty. Here U feet apart. Tbe ball having htea uvenile, Ixflweeu TUIrtucntli und "The swnrd of" justice uiust sm|tu prepuriiiK •> liooklet alone the lines stood. Tbe water Is Ira basin was as rf tftnaln In nth NIM. Ht'V. John J. >4u'«*ri)y. puKlur. lloulder. Tlie candle iuu»t pdsltlvcly Cmt soletniiiry. an ta*ta&re wbvh i".-mrrtkrr •»•/*»i*.lMiutr MHMMOIINUII e. ll»lc<-. WI1I1 eioa=vj to the left foot. ence to fcl* largf wrate. Sow firsa a;J- falls* kirks It art into, tbe, sir, und lo TO PERFECT 'or Us, Our inli|tlitlc-< were laid 1111 the board, tin! committee to submit Its his land* wa* for -l ;iti«r'ili'.- Ocean CHj, ST. J.SEASHORE FURNITURE Another eereulouy\ quite well-kunwn yoa l.U4>a-.*~ *!K- n.*i{K>ud«d. with corre- q .Micujiih ('. li'ilcv, one uf the bc-MHim, uud we i-iiii Mow luy them on plans to tlie board, . ; - :r neg-Miat^d fee bin'; f«.c the per-"charced tie e£r as it does when -water foot. Tbe effort I* to keep It la tae t:v: i ...nil.*', 1 >" TnbCrnucle ItuptlHt'ClinrciilHtClinrcii,, KluhllKluhllrr All pcTMiiiM ImvliiR .Kimiifure or any Ol hlvery Uvticrlptlon tit. • , 1 Tlie ""'gfiSiaiiiid WW«tuv«mie«tuv«mie. Krv.JKvJ. iiff. limmlimmioiii , save money by K "I'«MIIIH>"' will Ucvrlop l^eclrlc tills country, is to place three cups Him anil lie t»v«l." fal^ frora oa blsa. for. • though tbe air a^ l>ar as po»*!ble and Vltii->at ire drie.I- >IIL-!I' ' n I'-'rr !•! kind of MerchandiHe t"o th boe Htoreit will known und best liked residents of l>r. I X. iJrlst-om, chairman or the Aad th?n aae tbe jrelcoae relief of : HuuduHd y wrvlrea, pmicliliu.'!• ti>Hle»i Ttaia Winter. r howls In friiut of the life'.- One. fanrfiter. Bndi'r ibe relaxing infloeace 'ent ro-.tbe duke aiid 'o'Ji him b,* focatala was. apparently perfect, no iMlas i>o~**>i>>a of in* Itilt A faai-7 "1 -i- :-'aa4V^P* ra*ra tV>'eriiti;i.l l*r»yermetititit;,KoirlijM'kk FiFriilud y b I Gallaaher's Soiiien-' l'olnt, aiid well known by u iMiurd's committee lu diaree of the. DuiiiiK Iliei-oinlliK winter the ellbrU iioulId be empty, ohe.sliould isu^tatit | nuuttMsr' of Oi-euu City of which Padlc-y AanL'upon tbe had ma«le a capital t^rgala. "U"aat do water p» fr»a It to fall again, stroke U tu turn about face K* toe l«iJ! a«V-l I ,1 I 1 ^.JwsWIMInii ol Ilw iHUird-tiiarle" If. Shoemaker Storage House 43 S. SECOND STREET - PHIL*. nplu, wu In" Holy Trinity Churih Sunday entertainment of Die passeugcr and fall* an! kick It nith tie s.jle t>f tie "if Ua- ri-iiiiHylviinlu U-^ heid or any 1 to ilcv-elop 11111I perfect Itx electric- Hy«- li.'U., took us Ids siihj.'ul, "Thet.'hlef visit to this city lust week, made Ills . cades aad costly fur robe*. Lifelike • -.lid t" a routb irat';"***?* - Unrein. I*"™ wry. . iieVinu who is to teuipt. fate should l^ojily after noon Sunday uml In wl forr.-nily. -jay oabelief that •oca. aad I kiww'it ti>'t-e worth "ar .Iwlre ton/' ' ' teni. Many thJiiKK ure yet rc<|iilre?.~ -Arv you quite they looked, but to the tosch tbty were loue her eyes tightly and dip her >,uiitly killed. The iiecfdent nccurrec wiM In- another like It In th<- as marble. It w: before perfection NMIIIIX. i'liero "III Lk JiiOSO. He added that, In his opinion, n b t -Itaara . _ Il—nf-tllt- —«'e-~lmulii~uaH vole—of— thanks—waH-dtu ~Hr~AT'~\V; • ~ t-.lll an = If is expeeted by spring that ull of the what i him it. these days; not a very popular .Smith* for the manner he hud enter- ty, TTi3t 1« prvTTv ecorxcb to saToo or , Tafc'.' •ni'. Illtle. probleuiH now existliiK will be mtx-b practice la »3ch speaklac.- •,-• him aft- -, "'' ' person hi uiry• day,'' said- I>r. Cook. tuliied (lie vlsitortt Ht the Blscayiie, y '»',<].. , >. solved, nnd the^ystem will be prui.ll "Itut the lux business ntrlb|iles two srdeut erprwloa was r*- already a frf'ji-.' .I.*.- li:-.> 11 « 1 which »a« u credit to thu Hoard of r*ai;valne • 1, x v hy one of^dtie ftubaUssSoo To re- ge=:s. Delicate- esaceUd vases and • •' ':i 1 «•» , 1 r/>i' ? uprSiit-^. 'Hi.-!! <.iii ciilly perfecteil. ; InterestiiiK i-huru.i-teis to (he life un<( Trade, the cltlzenrf of this resort and become a widow early In life, but, If ,,,, boie. • • . swonis Inliiid with -eau added their • r«wp|.' W!K HI If tln-y tho'usbt *ti*i| and. !,;iv :t .|r ! The electric cars are easily liuudled. r(>rllll B < the clrcuiustuiiees llteratilie of the Now 'Testament— St. Mr Siiil'h. , . . -It U nxrrt," he said -a* his haad Bow Tn wcafUj to tbe f ^ce. Cat* Ult> Vrrim ererythla.-. tint dmfrt fn>p tlMr. fliid riM ky. t:r>»!in.t •! Tliiiy ure sturled oil'without apparent -he chances to touch the one whlL'h ' 1 Matthew, the evangelist, and Zuc- LM^§^4i^^Il )l^l i^J iis thiaz jhar But rarest .of all tie cems- was a A cat ciai-acterii'tk- little ellort, mid net under full 1 headway c-o,,tui.iMhe clean uuter she may look "" elicilS, wlioin uiiilitli'M ITIIIIIU'S US a great carbtiacle. which stood la a cor- rva by lovt-rw of .the sinuous pets Ups was a "boa mnt_"—Atchisou Glob*. -OUR- ueeldeut entirely tiiiuvoiduble aw fat us vote of iliunks be extended Mr,.Smith, ^j,_ aiH»cared tiervii. -licit the downtrod- Ing r*ay sjiol." rura- {earorts} If ! fill a .1 > aluioht Instantly,. The trains are forward to uu earlyy ' marriagge wltjji u j h^wasc-iiiicerneil,' bishop of the t'huri-h in Inter years. * ner of tbe room and frots which uea** love, of perfuaie Ta# ke*na> h d Li: ! wild that the latter had KIVCII II nice dcta^bcal;! arise to do taee serricg^ .eusll.v_atop|ied,-qiidJIUIe time—h-losU liaiidsome young man, followed liv — l jioug-li—you-wt-re—irot-irll~brnughr! : T ^4-of-soeiit-^>-u?^-fiil-tt>-poacixkiiEr-ia~t I rpeyTrfrleiRt lMncheoii-8l-!i-Teasoiiable~rirlcerj'nr'' [« X catk aid ywx letter *\i you »!UJ ti^r flutlnoos y"U «ITJ- four li'ivir.!. PLUMBINC, III nmkiiiK stops at stations. long years of wedded huppfuess. up, like,.your speaker,- in .\"ew Kng- i named llurretl1 , attempted to rross the shoWiilK Ills to-o|)cralion with ' the . fora la ^isrt tc-co J a »l.-r#. a r y>» n Mint (•!<-.•< ofth,- .- lu AmerlcuVery little superstition is-j l^'j,;^ ^,;,,,^ ld h Wad of uoxh TOO b»r& HEATING. The curs ure clean, much cleaner I k j land, yiuiuiay huve n-cn, at -iiine bourd, . ''.'••• "I'm snr* yoa ca^," *i;e itirerposed ' of, .-.inj.l^ ci'liiis hi iiif ,Saaia,' attached tnunyofthe ceremonies, but •' : hud ' hastily. *B«t U-t :;u? ie'.'. ay pUn first.irbo- 4* , than the steam trains, because there passed. Tlie rain, driven. l>y time, it little book culled 'The New A risliik' Vtitc- of thanks was Kiven. cb TT:U d^to^t. . Me aid A-rnit-^l ^-rjre^at. they ure indulged In with a vim und the I «w!d:i": i*t T.-'J ju to tiad It aad ROOFING Js un c-nul dust, xuioke or steam clouds. •""" .*'"'""" I strong unrthetVst wind,. tt'us rushing KnKlaud I'ryiner.' It win- |MII,1|-1IUII. • Mr. Smith Htateil tlmt It was uixiurce ected by tm*. ; hearty enjoyment that leave tae bc!p!^»i* a^d a!ote a^aia." • n!nr ifroa his •tics ^b^ik. JAVA'S ISLAND OF FIREgji Thii.urs ure prttlyju IhelrBlinpllclty. t well make lip j ulr0II(S|, ,|le ..c(,t" In bliiuliiig sheets. In a bygone KOlieriiiioit. bynir.l'urltati of Kratiliculloii to him tu know thut words: ' ' ' • • e-vlpciti; =3.v j ) for any luck or fulth "Ol course not." Dudley's face as- a&d «: B: | They ate ull llnlsheil up in cherry, the 11. Here inns-; ,,,He. ,.,,i.held, a...n. umbrelli._..,,.a. closel. •y over *• Kutlie'rs, forth* instruetluii ofchildreii, hjs t-M'OrtH were appreciated, ••.'.".'.• sumed a tliooibtful: exi>rv«sw 1J..j I.i.-vUs.' ill front ol it, rc-ceiviut; a giant-Ill); Thu curio iliis ot llteruttiri-.' •Crude November. • . almost us enjoyed us "snup eried ^»sr>!n;!y. Aad I>udfcy, lootla; lar wrinkle* *erins bis Tbea" b* ria**ed iato tbe nert rood to tb.r. u\r:.l a< tli.- 1-land ^__ .operated from either end, the. name us blow from the cur which threw him wood ciitx and ijiiultit rhyincs. weri> dmnoii," In which Kuiue u .number of | ^.'jj . Jmefally fnMn hi» own praeroat boa aid fouad it fitted up as iaa£nl£centr/ .TJii* B"<>l.i^;.-tii siiiL-11 :irity Is raHT| "" u trolley fur. Tlie controller Is eii- tiy ueross the udjnlniiiK truck chiif fciittires. There was a rliyuTv HUNTERS as'uV ooe t^ tad Ju*t left. All mas- I r SECRET SOCIETIES. ' ruislns ure sutiirateil with ulcohitl and ' to the adorabJe mareles* one.. r«alii«< . G(Krd Printing is tbe-advance-' lat.- uf I";.II,_-."ILU!'. 1 situated it'" . "tlrely (IHI'crciit from that commonly His head struck I lie mil with such for every -leltcr in.Ihe iilphhet. The that oo«> more- bsfd "pet his icjjs la !r.' reckxjs. of r±« linl* Colorado cer of cooci>h* were about this room. ' Oily IXHIBC No. ITI. K. unit A. M.. IlKlited While bilrlilnir, tlin players 4^'(.viilt-r "f tin'- i'!:::!W nf M III use, uud Jhe niotorman standu at Ilihl Wus this: Ltiw^vrM. HM>' Itie Mtaie Deer •"Forsivwn." rf»' declared la a • coo- river la Sxitosx aboond hi w, aad recliuias oa tbern were wonder-.I 'conrf Hull loitrtti Tllllr-iduy bv«ninu sortvl-dorlr,; h. r r.-•••:•»> tu Ui* . ' agent of a successful business. iiiontli, lu MIUJOIIIC hull, wtliium ! the" riiiht of the front.of the car. The " •Xiiro'lllvMI" I." E^i«%-IM luvalld. iaent. "becaa** of th* irvrry «je-yoo petrifaction. xrbo:« forests fully b«ucirul woa*n.. Bet their lips j iiiiiiK.ui, w. M.; r. M. TIIUIIIII" .j, ecscitli- aer^'ia^t. ! Brt'iir (•:,si>raiil -W of V.-iw air brake tins iustutti application when' .liiil-i'iiint. II ir>-_' said first. And so. ><:• go back to oar j: fooad la soaie ptloeswhlci. are were seated In this place of siSesce. A WIU la Tkm WorJU.' r Mji-rvlury, . , The question whether sportsmen be.- ' ;--.r.^c.. -^ • '• Tbe ueataess and correctness. rmm>iiu.J«i it u-iv-i fi t!»it Itjri operated. ' have the most admirers diirhiK tli«i {"cltlUlreii .' lljw (..ii-il ni M>.-:-' huve 11 right to shoot deer Is being . crottoiks. 1 «-e ozily •^••-- wcy, Aud yet. hard as- Siat. but which look as IT bet Krora ta^re' be , In tb* pro', site division of tbe U>a»i roU-'b.—iii •.: r',-i jL'lly Lodij'e, No. HU, K. of I'., inrats MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING One of these -11 son—Is Th.> •'Uliiinl'- W ali.iur xva -'-Absurd us this sotitids, children "of coarse. It'ii such a !inle distaace- receatry stripf-edof tt-elrfoL-ajre. Socbe tziaj raore woe couarr ourt Sir tiull. AMbury uveuue, peur H utIi) " ""-' I'ennsylvnnia tt* eamp'« jo»t ba<-t lo tie try** tber of ta^a^ stoae tr«^s are •^taadia; Just iik«l to adroit to probate ttV will CHICKEN POTPIE In thc'foriiier triiiue a lur),'e tiilils| ' " ,' who once learned II knt'w -inure about the southern |iurt of the State, Several cJled with fine I tail'-.- of iilm.wt «»s!i«;tl.r fifty A «!>• K. llowiird Thorn. K. of K. ALLOWAV M. SMITH & CO. •-I eoold bof> <»a rtne fo-^t, I sra;*yo*e-*" as natural as hie. while others bonsoi.. snaariis ailed with forase. Fr*d«ii'-k TJ^ra of Acjwburj-nvea-. Illleil wftli wuler, und u iiiimhi-r oV| lt»»roud at SoiuerN- Point; olir morn I lit subject thuu'tlic uveiuKC of the hunting clubtuppcaledtocbunael ever>:thing that ve do for you.,.' fMttr .S-.IM^ tli.'i' Severul pUed acrou eacb otber lust like tbe s tiat could make a Streatluni, who dl»d U-ar)EC fr*)*^ . (Successors to H. A. W.'smith) ' l.uclle^- Aid Will Ulve ttupprr oil upplesure tlirnwn lu It Kach person j' • yc»rs uKo, u brother or Mr,child duestodayj' ". She, patjsed toi*<> cohnol; jTCounoll. No. 12B. Jr. O, I), A. M., meeiu ll(l tt H for a decision, und It In rumored that JB«e pjejwcr* of Mr^jrdlnr bis Jook fallea tao£«rc3 of "a real wood forest. there. . vaio*d at ti.OoiX A' djy or a l*?5? ^.Tuwduy evenune in K» of. P, bull, l-"flclH>', November 9lli. . must huve Ills hands tied- hehiud his! "» « drowned In the Uuy, and After ti'lliiiK of /.iicciiciis' ell'orts to \Vh.-.i tlie • >';: «.v.-v; ' if'yon give as a cbarice. will, B-'ft; Iliiriiuui tUll'y IW> S»-«'O IR.H ullli, kccretury. . 81 I ASBURY AVENUE, - OCEAN CITY, N. J. 0 H l<;t a (>U th'espoi'Umen huve been advised that frank disap^intKent:- al*o to _. _„ _ G*oloci«» ay tint taes« .stoae trees Tae vocas noaiaa returatd to the he died. cocn««l stated. Mr. Tbors ua l» 1 .•.-rvri.el i The nieinbt'rs of tlie ijudles' Aid buck aiid endeuvor to (jet un upple out I" ' '""K " ' >' "B "ephew WUH sec <'lirlsl,, the speaker usked: "Do we a paralytic strike.. He asked for . who rlslui iniil' fullin-: like great u ll me act passed by the lust Legislature -wbetber. it orccrr«-x5 ta him to wonder were . oi A., tueeU TELEPHONE, SH Y. • • Boolety .or the First ,M. K. Church or the tub with Ills mouth, His ellorl»| " > "-''<*' »'»' murdered In. tlle woods- look for tlie moth'i- which Inspired the 1 tboosasd fc*t with mart which trans' -I have here 'seen," be said, "whai p!*ce of pa;*r. and they cave aa ca thrust through. th<> boiling BTliurMduy eveulbu lu K, or* P. tiall, I Invalid It Is declared by several "" why. with f riends so r^ear. she had. sot -.-t. •. •Lii.-ii {i "le W, LUKe, Mtcrpiury have decided to hold u chicken potple will provide umiiseineiit for tlie entire publican's struiIKe Met? Kusy to forraed tbera froa wj>od to solid rode, no s^an will believe- I know tbat of reJope to hlaj- He wrott oa lie IV-cl t>y jdiirir ari.l the again A (Jlffom lawyers that the new law amended au . 1 • regular patrons, -^jj^ "tf3^ supper at the Illscuyn'o Hotel on Krlcompany' . , . • . . uiiHWer—curiosity, Thu sequel would Tfcis marl after tbe l£;*e of a^Te* wash tbU uealib I tLouSd take notblas. bat 6f it. hi the prtsM-uce of hi* -«*ife an withdrawn. I<«lde3 the _ JIIOD Lodlte, No. v limitation -Itat'l should t* tcre.™ «!» relesu«i. 1 Itareiy ,llas the rain poured down* lu ed oat. Ie3vis£ tasae of tie trees sttsd- to prove to tbea thzt I sp^akitmrlf can two of his ciiUdrea. "All to V. of th* bollluii.mui! (SiIamasttBi dandrourtli'MorirlayevenlillcH in K,ol day evening, November dili, ' iuher well-known Imeihods.of us. show that there wus sonii-thlnK more .(tame wanleus are beselged with -to loji- ay balsa** and Se-t ta* wroas of the *.vi--.!U.ii^miJ a uunjl^r o * Wlllud W.AdHUiil, recorder. I such perfect torrents as It did etirly on tsz ia aa ac^-isat position. Tbe tsajor- be co hirxa." _ ••' T.~ This »ra 'wltn«7sscd Uy.Art' score* of ctismtly bubble* of »•*•' • The folloWliiK couiiultteea have beep •certalniiiK our futcs , are dropplni; tlmii curiosity. I helievi'thut, liiKome foot'riowri.- ,I>uiir fu-. jrv' Mnii*. n.Arria- DAVID M0IR JR., Sunduy .morning and for some time hi ietterx asking advice. Attorney <4en- lipot them, however, are piled helter 1' be took ta Uls arms a jeweled TKorti and Ten-y Tbvwti.. Tb* will - that fill,up lit,. Ijujre- Iinl Din Tribe, No. 220, I. O. It. M., meets t appotuleil: ' melted lead through a key Into ii cup wuy, tlle tux-cutliurcr luid leurucd *H.iSJ>Jy. -*And Ir"* very «oay aai I atb-i.'.ii '!:.- f^iaiir. Tbe o--^: .:j->r- a tlle crul MeCarler has lnformen!led ed that it was probably tie iborte* Intensity ..r tlw d.-fi.tii all there Is jnst ov oae way. as I said."" «:J'::W1 la al^-ct -^i Mrs. A. V. Mlliier ifTid Mra. B.C. Oolr. when It tolldiaes Will indicate thei veutured'oiii during-the clny, a« the lot mi-rely to look ut II hu, but to neeyear, eloxltig the season for three The chana wss broken. Tbe arrow oce'oa record. It was doly executed •K-lth *!u. tb:,. of the'bubble..'.b u L'UUI|>. No. 71, I".U.S. ol A,, Tin, • Slate • ana 1 WUH ful Sbe tiit«! tbe lonely boot back and • t.ary 'ie'ot.-.: t<> li- »j-.i-!ul profession of our future husbuml;' f?" .'""« >".«»' «ft»e time, and witxu^d«d and be tb^rerore pro-' • every tr'rl-luy tlltflit In K.or 1*. liu.ll. - Holiultors—Mrs. P. J. Smith, Mrs. ti. Him—a.very diU'ereut tlilnj;. lie suro,- yearn, is vmlld, and he IIUH ItiHtructed had left the bow and shattered the ear-v a< wt.ii'ii th^ J.<".'l^r:y"<'{' M pitrt. wv IL.' Juvaii.-u- uudwrltW forth rala b*«l and •rfeardW It pea- noonced for rt- "oiirgeoltl. becretury. CORRUGATED IRON WORK Ii. Hcllll, Mlt,s (irace r\.\-kir*- i '.-r. ti.-.- «-;?^'of ya-j v« was a lull spli-.-llie the game wurdeuu to arreut any ohe aJvrfy. Pnl'cy did IStor!*'. w \Chea : FURNACES AND RANGES, Wllltts, Mrs. It IJ (ioti; Mrs. Head' running around the block and the llr-t j"'"-' wuler WBlt f r« fulth, this inorliiiiK. or uuy moruiiiK, aid icns-. on !rt off est darkness orersptv^ad tbe place. t liwl n'.ttiroti tbe wist edge ot p Hi, F. O. or A., um U overV Kulurday, did' not nut-•between thin i-ity and Who violates the act. g f"*"!" "^^ *^«!:cre« tbit formerly Tbeo tiie yocn; man remembered the Sentinel Printing House S p. in.. In K.or I-. Hull. M. T. Kusb, ley uiid Mrs. (J. M. ('mnpbell. - muli'we meet is the one we ure todid' not nutbetwen thi it wecai. diJ so. He will, not puss our > (ieorge i Ji1j_gr l ( |lort Wily In tilt' III'HII, • iiw nt old. . tb* jounj: •niUs^—ice me±n , tbe ;-r»1.*tMy sdds o-^c tao?* to tbe' of refularinx.drnxibe-navnfti*. If a.Turk < 1 __ teha Couuiil, No'."!*"!', of 1\.'mi- W. K. Ma««ey, Mr'sTli/ 8. AIIUUIH, of paper'/oh sewn'of whlL'li lire: natural uyesi(;ht'Wll|-. get no Rlliil|isi> *ti>ere oolj remaica for me to help fcrtii-r i-r^>tt.-,-t .<»a of tiie b.-lplr-i-* i "744-46 Asbury.Xvenue. OCEAX CITY,. X.; Kvii ,»i,i! . • mi.! ct-e |b Uonauy H\W\» &l 7J0I, Hi Iv. M K Hu lli f '/h 'f hll vi-iiowirun wmmied. ing the mutter, and the Chief Kxecu- jrw. I «2ppo«i-1 oasnt." be conti-neii. black beaded, lnlaod &*4dss variety— •wstr^'er* In th^'ni.-irU- chamber. overiiken witb wine falls dowa !a th* rfilld. Tri!-c'»-t:V:^i< Utt> wt»Miti- rift; tiou" a .;,VI:I':I'C- mi csal .to be colUcud aad aoSd for pies The whistle of yellow-it'SH wus heard tlvo says he eumiot.sce where luwyers wtn* bis haaS moved actin ever, ao Ha»- this -i*rr a listen I^et street a»i li arrested bytne cuard be Ktid,,.. ; . ' ' •• * * of Furnnoes andiKan^eH., ; • behold Him, and Hi' will speak to in. aad poddSnpB" Tbere 'Is still * -tradi- .wain ls<;'"r-si t-.r tlsvd->-t> tb..u=l;t trhk-ti i' CHURCH SOCIETIES." Nellie Hurt, • Mrs. \V. Scott Hand, acf|iialiitmiee; 011 one or the othera Is |u this city for Heveral iiotiM on Suti- Hud any iluw iu the present act lie ialtinsiy toward ibe pocket, then rap- Is sentenced to the basrinada Tali :.;.'" ^ " ' - iK done promptly, Bmoky chlnjueyu Voii It-urn, this day, tlio truth tlmt tion ta f«tor of rook pie. bat tbe nss>- pnnishnMfSt is rctwated as far 'is the flHHT.M. K. OlIUHCII , Mrs. t'hiiB. Katilpsoli Uiid Mrs, A, I).written "old muid," und the lust one I uuy evening^ Judging i-ayij it is very clear anoTTJIniple and *31f aunty from it "to—lo~— ject of th* nv!u<.Tion of.iiafnnt taflrtai!-1 >' Aid IIIMM tint MoDduy evenli.ii 'of cured or no charge B|iop In reur. : Is a blutik Starting at It o'clock lii i hili lias K'VCII , uns)'ieukuble comfort to ber of royiii tbat wae 00 tbe market ttird offense, after which be 1* regard- itorrow'H.-. * ' ba bluilk .Sturti.lK at •« o'clock In i wlilstllnB,of the birds, they were .'overs the Intent completely. -Ob. pray dan"t f**i any obligatioa ty. a pr»!>Hii of tfce tstraVrft Itajv>rtan«* I outb. Mr*, KllzulielU Guntly, (i*-esl. inullltudts of hungry, InllKhiK souls— m the matur!" ni tbe hint with lost Is a dacreacisc qoaotirjr every year. ed as iocorricible aad cill*d ~iib(<«riaJ In -rie-r.of (be MckTC-arti !n*eem*at'!a 1 ;UnL 'L^iVlnltt Tliorn^ lreUJiurer;.Mrs. . A«u Route Changed. the uioniiiitf, we draw out u slip every | rrli?liteiied. Some ,»onlo were or the Squirrel nfced to be eateo com- tiie world h. ..a.. drunkard" or "pririlesed •5r^akird-v* • AdmiiH, Heareuilry, .. ' : iiotir souls not u whit butter satisfied vf 1th . « a bit pf Joe in tbe tone. '. . . j 1 i.,. T.»>.''>.. "privileged r^akard- . In bJoba U. UuDdy, uaptirlntendeul Juo* "HtreetSupervisor Warreu W. Hrowii tearhiK them up without look, | 0pliii6n that the blrdH had monly too.—toadoa Coon try life. loo* pw aaai.-: Es; laiiii. If I ; ciaiiiP I juug at themthem. . The lust one should be tlit'lr eiirtlily luissesslons than you are . , RouiEtit tt coliMice. -To avail mywlf of tbe most fortn- If b* is tb*s arrested be bas only to desires, throuRh the SKNTI.NKI,. to In- ! The' lust' one should be into the heart of the city by the high exbe opportimity that' ever befell 'an *r«j at till* ralK' of Ji.-^i sacse . himself, meorioo bis Iodcio£. otii-V f.i:...:>'and • drawn! out at i« o'clock uiid reud. It with yours. ••That truth |s this,.and it ChrUtopher Hentha 111, who IH a tli - all . a i- .i.r. .ii nl'ti of I form housoliolders in this city that,. In' tide In tlle bay, while iithers ex pressed member of the life-Having crew under undeserving bessarr" he ' finisbied. say. be Is a ~pcivil*s«d dronkard." Be p 4../ vt-rr jrreatJ> will Hiirely and truly Indicate our tbu view that tho bipeds were1 prepar- la fresli and sweet to us whn aru us- E*t^tiir»y bUarSooaly as he aaaSstsd ber dance ceiret y*t writ a legible book: jr«arA Sw::# f'ilat'Uet is released and **at to sk«p opoo tbe in tbeir cccic-aptloa of'brfid, Tn* iii|il' |.|U**e dir4.*»-< of bot ashes of tbe barbs. klesi Com taxnz ,in tbe wcrld us u» for lit.- -''ajnriiy. Il lias been made in the collection of ing to go further South, ' to b«r feet—that is to say. ber foot i P. Pox:,Vj«e-i*rei Jesus, who lie street' staticm, has purchntied the house Mere words cannot approxlciat» the ceat pVtorv: Derer did my .of tbes* ^catitlty of ciil th«v l*.<« tbi' Frenchman*'who oGtusnvri-s j^.t\y rwo iH:>t,:.. huiiitatiiin. a —,. . ireanurer, Mr*. Wllllum K. Wll ashes. Heretofore the ashes have been and 'lot 'on Central avenue, below tblas< nor ever will: cor can It w}tb- 1 11 ill}- li.I in ull w.-.nhi*»M*<. ; Heoretary, Mnt. JOHJOH.. 1. Hull 11; HMMII*I . nnclc froni Bovtou. • • WUH,' without tinillnt,'. tlmt JI-SIIH wu-i deQgbt of .that trip hi the neighboring plaiw-:.. At tl:* wt3i^ tirie ib^rv ts ti> poond*'*>.'dAy. cr 70£.,f/>Ciid* a year. Real returyretury* MMmm. TT. Le Lee AduniHAduniH:: co collecloriic l , collected every day. Now, the ash Eighth street, formerly owned by Ur. oot absurdity b*. sappoaed to do tbetn.' ut iuac;<- lit sir teoikrrt Rsi; His ,-;li ill,.s upiill.s-I1.-.-.1M far,«Sfj XO BUITvB HOTEi;? oil tbb lookout for lilni." . (madS,. too neJcbborinsJ camp. They Corporal (u> soldiery--Why Is tie Tbu eaormoos qcannry, c«£ipu-Dd wicn onlman and MM, Cbkrles Murlinurlin . juun goes over tlie usual Tuesday route I)r aud MM, K. T. Abbott anU Mr. ICnowltoii. Mr. llouthmn will take whlcb *re y*t works Very crocs or rode that aU tbe t-Ml oj tii^tirta woald DO-- ti'U,(.;i Ji.|irT:, r Endeavor itoololoololy meeu everj off the Water? . V.,. tn« teeming Utgardl-r U pt-T^jds a :ent. •y in .ibv-wIM*. The story of /W-C-IICIIH, thu Hpeukc'r d like I children and . «lntcbed blade of tbe saber corred' Instead of v rnooo »t 4 o'olooo'olookk . 011 Monday, the Thursday route on and Mrs. Leauder Conou returned posucssloli ut once. He was a . former other In frantic mirth. And with •ad yery *uiy aiu] reasdble, as It were. snuilj tbe scu's beat for ousuatb of stmlebt? Prirate—It Is ctmred m or- f *«fct^«*.by tbe ^^-»in^Tf i**^*^*? marfci Ttu-r.. url- tms,-- \vlu» pr» fef Jinn Knduuvnr society meetii ut 7 I.ocul l>eople HUld 10 Have m- said, jiistllluH ItDt'lf, uud preuches Its a. secoad. k Hunduy evenlnipC' Wednesday and the Saturday route homo Oii Saturday evonlug ,frora a resilient ofTuekerton. what exceeding, canr. and deUberate- t> comsttri*oa to tbe [>rodDclioo of si der to. pve taore- force to' the Wow. the inflnence, of clijnaric coniiiticzu 00 of tr-au:j»lii-j ihruuch .wooJto *»*J vertted ui i l*ocouo, owu HcriiKitij Wo know that He who Cower or a tree.—Barrow. .,",.. oil Friday. 'Housekecpera Will .bear delightful' visit to Philadelphia aud ness it was necessary to proeaed: Tb» Corporal—Humbug*! Tbe saber is corv food St.,Loots Post-Dtaipatchv, runtuitali;-, .-arrylu-i t ' ."* -&~in*tf (JurlstUm Teoiperjuic« Utiion, We have the mechanics ,dnd' the ability • An Atlantic City paper cOntalnH^tho tro tbe An Eng«*>« paper tells of a clergy- •»r< am v.-ry iflucb .sreetetj ingly. "'•..' piuceu of Interest ill Hoston, and were Wben tbi'j- ank*J Brotber D!:fce». bat I Qadervta&S b*. oked . scabbard, blockhead?—Mie- man ivbio. bad two evirates, with * the ,y iry, Mm. M. Mlloor; treiuurer, Mr", f. pleased with their trip. They hud his Idea of rwrfMri bappisefit be re- -wl 09 tii* cian^- to -tell bri igiuun .. Real KMMie xrunxfern. tic and Ocean L'lty people, Is proposed. veuls Hlluhelf to us beoutisc we have home ut • tance. And did the little cashad eende BUirrr. older of wbosa he was as swords'points la ilwir, tlcviilntr »-air.p. It* T good weather until they reached New plied: - • " • .-'• be .bad • ota^e Op ^t .' and a little. expense NOW- will save Uecent real estate transfers lu Ocean ThOBeushore Investors have already OOKA^f CITV. •:• . foot .'•» murfi as caress tbe croond ia On being appointed to another living fttlni-s* b tb^ tMlntlVi' rt-.- VM^ a "hesp" of it when Spring comes. r ft creeo tree. *«-ld a trAtei UMIUU tm- ^e^. whom be FiV^. Sjfid.'Whexi' be kmontu. Mrs, M. B, Adulnw, bresldenl; Clerk Way are UM fotlawu: •• peat to erect the hotel very soon, * They MUVM He'» »uiuic Weil, get cleur vision of Him by faith. estate owuer makes -you u desirable 1& .uettp In wvmhijiCDl. cootcltfafL It dernmtb b!s bead, two 1>U: oeea eaeb *~Gh. yes: b H ry yoa bare bad 10 come, so far from k i-linlr or bnuiuioclc be s»Uf* kH.Umltb»cn>tury;Mliui Uructt (Jar- tnm aitaca too madi }oj to dlacorer yocr regular practice. Doctor—Oh. ItTs came to preach bis farewell temen h» ^ th«> nia-i lirtuilful vUtm of 1" '"uror. - - City ol Ocoail City tb Auuu C. Cretb are already Kettluic the tract in uhupe eltlzeu. Think It over, then call on side er bin: aa a upiienite fer an.tbroc chose u bis text. "Abide ye bjere with Hurry H. Kite, or Colllngswood, VtilflT 1-KtailVTKIllAN'. , fat tte course of tbe brstcrical eoorer- allrlcbt. watw' arid woodland and Elizabeth K. Creth,' f47.ll; 'Lota «ud utockliiK'lt with |Kitlltry. The, In- HABHY HEADLI^V, V vakcis apr—Atlanta Ooostito- The first Knl-e of an l^Caat I haive.anoiber parJeat la the "'* aos. and 1 and (b* lad will go yon- n'« A-uioclullon. Wilton Wlllou, formerly of thin city, wan a visitor Iti the Pre«l\yter)un Church on Sun- saOoa ttaat this vas .Tbzn Hnttan*s eiibborb L »» I can kin two birds cnl: Mark Lake, ilucreUuy, Annual 810,817, 818 and «ilt, Section C. - veBtiuB party conslntu of E. V, Cor son, Real Estate Operator, Ninth and An. ranitl* rVai 'old .^Ctea'-tlist' be ****fw** ywif ' [s. one 0/ tbe saAJC •g>ad worship." ' — T»lll be held ID J une. JOHN R. GROVES, \ here u/ew days bince. Mr. Rice lii lu-day mornlugi' (be Bacrumont or thebury avenue, Jiext to ; Ore bonne who ^ sights lo nannv. It Is loBoceaet with ooe stoc*.—Jodre. George Hayday et ux to Frederick Evertoli A. Corson aud E. M. Buttou." tereated lu the cnuieut block bubiueiia, Lord'o Supper wus odmlulatered, aiid •ecn cbice tb« coDaee daya-cad Cto- ./ UCENSBD AUC3TIONEER ' •• • • She KB«W, Men' oostlt to calco!ate life both c» ty^Hip >aKid *»VI**f tO DB ts%e wiw vfao Is dscfs^le «*"*^ f^iv^ii ty liuildlbK and Loan luuoolu Poutlero. $850. Lot UU4, Bectlpu 0. PoBtmustcr Button, wheu Keen In ref- an well a» iteveral other euterprUiea, lu wilt Dhow you tbe very beat way aud dRdbt Us wtfcKs ritmt. If they were ratej to lire a km£ and c ActioO (torn youth, adrtce from ml3- pn-Ste what a lovely neelM miooud Huturdity of wuiti moulli. there wub a receptlou of memberu. ' some of- the greatest bargains to be Is its hrlt.W-«nnr»i.-Dr. Dt Uv- bins at tHipnrnf la • benefactor ft* K«e«ni*Bt rlna Htnrjr s» nl, ouorge O. Adubiki «Borel«ry, It. Same to.Lulu Veree Bouiers Btulth, erence to the above, umiled, hut de-addition to bulldlug and coutraetlug. Kev. H. T.'Cuujielberry, the puntor, time.—Bias. ' dle a«e.'pra-ren f-^oen *t»'a«ed.—H»- 1 xboro. found here ou tbe easiest terms. • (1, Lot-1U8, Bectlou C. cllued lo verify the statement. He fcays be lu doing well, • Yen. It U. And |t"» gvoulna too. 649 Asbury Ave - - Ocean City, N.J. Kt-ontlnuod on 'i hint i-ugc) ! Fbone conneetlon Why. what Jo you ro«»n' Co,.' Wheb, Henry cavo .It to ™« ' had It t«tod.— : 71 :l •,- W ' •; .V ' i» WWW^^^MilMM

    •' TWnOOTDUWt. aud we must, work while It In called Sailroad «tmt-«»Dlri; Ocean City Sentinel Now thai tbe political caunpalgiiI" STRONG APPEAL TO to-day. • N. C. GODFREY^ |an City Sentinel SUIT IN EJECTMENT on lu earueot, UieBuNTlNKL feeU that HOW TAXPAYERS STATE OFFICERS "The laat word Is, "Father, Into Thy HITCH OVER MACHINERY FELL [THOSE WHO JILL TO RAISE $10,000 PBNNWI.VAMM KMUOAh i*Bnntmo AMO Pctumm KVBKT T» It I* not out.of place to once" wore (hill ENT JkHMl&V AN1I HKAKkoBB ^ bunds I commend my spirit' .What Business House, 657 Asbury Avenue. Spring, of iSDAY, OUTOB]iK 28, 1900. UcliKtole in mm October M, •Mention to two or the bent laws ever W R. CURTIS ROBINSON HONEST VOTERS MAY APPEAL comforting words are these! Words — _.—,-• .^.,^=^.^» AROUSES MUCH INTEREST pawed by tbe State l*ftinlature. It. P. OS. OF L HERE . BRIDGE PLANS INTO THE OCEAN KON FOR OFFICE FOR NEW CHURCH lull or faith! \Vhat a sweet, assuring >. ; AND:PBO9P«:CT» AWao6D.'.-':;| ball boi glad, twreceive Items or .... * • • • j" • Editor #nd Proprietor ' might be well for ppiltlclaus through- 1 CCBAU - . NEW JBR8BY word -Father Is! , Wbat'an encourag- ltd communications, of Interest out tbe county to put tbl» out. pa»tc If 7-»« later-State 'Phone No i» Republican Roosevelt Party County _ Board of Taxation' Chaplain E'der Made a Fin ing" word! May we learn to Know commuully pud our readers mm® Ip tbelr respective bats, 'aiid read It Matter' Refeued to War De:A.- D. Scull Met With Unfor- Case of Hotel Company Against R. R» Sooy- Now on* Official Wst of Persons Named Methodist Official Board Tells 10 09 ,Uod as our Father ai> Jesus did, for He "I.Vuli.' Line df House Furnishingi (hero. " • , . • " . UtM over at Intervals. , Wants Convention's Work , Will'Pnrvide a Form of . Address at the District' Architect to Complete nta In local column*.'A i ca.mcrtoi.hoH-u» the Father. ~" partment Representative tunate Setback at Sindia. • Trial at Court House—Defendant. Calls by the Different 1 W p.m. p New Jersey, tbe cecdlnga at Cape -May Court House,, hotel. - . >' . .. followlu seut out, up to this time. Hut a number No*. 7a, of this city, on.Friday, even In chltects-In'the employ of Stern A> Abel l),Hcull,'«r thlH city, met with a local ticket to be voted < at the church, (leorgo H>. Savage, wan 4ai orr lelldlend oor procur0 e or or agreel too procur001 e W. W. A'tii tatered at the Poat om« « Ooaw ctty.'. » ' I"" "* "«"* I" "" addresn and declaration of principles of property owners in the Becohd. last. .The ijpeeting was especially in- Bilvermau, did not meet with tho' en-aiuunfortunate and somewhat contly ;his week, because ol tlie fuct that the( John. Wllfflns, of CJIeiioldeu, being Instructed' to •jiroct'cd with the com- xiuwbod, H, J.. a* Meeond CUUM mail matter. • -.'ATOI.K.V. . ' •_ DOTS. . ,. uIt 6fthe Ocean O'lty Hotel and l)c- Hworn, stated that In the Hummer of Uenei ' or endeavor to procure, auy money or were mmu|mollll|y ,dopted. • . Ward have called at Collector Corson's terestlng because of the presence ul tire approval of a committee from thin iccldent. . , ' ' , • • Kollowlng are tlie ticketH that "IM plete -detail • plan of the church us Edith T. Gauily, Deimlsvllie. ;. - •elopuicnt Compnny agaliiHt' Itluhard I* lie WUH ul tliu Hotel Hrlgliton and oilier valuable con .(deration or thing. The immortal declaration that he otllce aiid were furnished wlth'the the members of the State Executtv renort which examined t,Ue drnwliigs Tho accident hapiKiiiccl on Friday lie iu the Held, in thin city 011 election lulckly u« possible. OCTOBHB TIDR*. orany office, place or employment, lu ..^ca IIIH party beat who- serve* '' KATHI.n. ' . t. Hooy, owner of the Brighton Hotel, tiie bulkhead was thirty' or forty feet day: • • • ' , • statemenka'for the year of 1006." As Committee ortlie organization. i doom aro being put up. . in Philadelphia on Monduy lant., . morning, when IIIH Hlxty'-horiie |>owcr HKPUHMCANi Tlie board voted to raiite *10,000 by order to luduee auch voter to vote or bfacouutrybcrt" la as true to-daya« I Henry M. FuAsell, Mary T. .Kiissell, van callcd'for trial. i \ '. • j from the house. At that time tlie stated'In the SENTINEL but week,I There- was a.good-sized delegatioi |pld 'year IN racing through Its As planned, there are to bo on|y two boiler artd engine-fell Into tho ocean HUite Seuator—Kobert K. Hand. tUbnorlptloUH, the latter to be limited •> ^" refrelu rrom registering or vbtlng aj was when yedarej by that warrloi appeals from the Second Ward will be present from Atlantic City, while Del- Media; Robert Carson, Philadelphia For months, both*Hides have been In Hiirf broke over tlie bulkhead. AHsembly—Cornxllle K. Htllle. to three years, uud to bo paid In nlx-| R. Curtis Robinson •rter. • • ' n, \1 vearn; JUIIICH W., J yearn; bearlug ul U per cent. ' • s Friday...... , 9.45 312 3.42 or having regWered or rerralneU frouiln.i, ,onlM^, „, „..» .„„„ ..;.. „., Conveyancing cb Sunijuy. . ll r feet of the Iiotel aud Itlcliurd It. StitcH, 1 yeur.' 10 09 10.16 tlia't it'mpext or war. were not yelby the asaeosore of the county, President l>. t% Mehrhor, of Jersey • WY1>MINorj We an Republicans bold the duty of prepared and furnished by the State. Mercer, or Penwiukeii; State C'oiuluc K. luster, W. L. Shute, Bridgeton; Insurance it ute boom;' . ,iro|tc-rty In involved. . the hotel,'but there wero Mime to the 0 Tuesday | A. 18' 6.1 bribery for any persoii to give or »Kref' ,,, , , . , ,y ^^y agreed to take the plans to • Major nortlieuHt winds pn>valling for more Freeholder—John P. Kox. und 1(X> souvenir POKIUIH Hliowlng tbe c 2ellll 1 piluueri01 tol I uame To receive consideration all appe tor Clarence A. Hunn, of Atlantic Clly Mrs. J. A. Laughlin, Atlantic City. will NOOII lie ii . chapter of About a year ago Leeds >\c liipplu- lorlhwunl. AHKCHwir— Hcnrv T. KouldH. interor of the. present church on tbo Hetwecn Eighth aud Ninth StreeU 10 Wednesday:. .05 .88; 6.05! 7.1 to Klve, for Ibe purpo.-e of prouioliii); Flngler, at Wilmington,, repreientlng ban a week prevlouH. hiiclen Cox etaled that ordiiiury and tbat In "a goverumeut of tbemust be filed on tblsolttclal form. State Secre ary Hon. J. W. Tliorn, « IIISCAVNK Notary Public and Commissioner ol Deed ig aecldcntH. sott organized tlie Ocean City Hotel Conbtuble—NCIIH CnrlHou.' - ' OCCUHIOII of tlie reeentj "Old . Folk**' 11 Thursday .... \M>t 7 0s; ai or procuring tbe iiouiluat Ion "or elect lor the United SlaleH War Departmentr Although there Uero men .employed ldts came willihl about thirty feet or t'ay" celebration. These souvenirs 12 Friday...... 2.43 8.18 9.1 people, by the |>eople aud for tb The form or petition recites the pe-Treulou; State Chaplain Itev, Charles (!eo. K. Weli-s, (,'erniaiitowii; J. C. Dora n innn kmiWH tlie IC-HH lie 'o'ui|iuiiy uud purehused of the Ocean 1 HKI'ON'It WAItll. ufa candid ate for public olllce, any who will hear both sides before the it the Hccue at the tliuc. Mr. Scull, the Iiotel porch. There weru uo biiHhen Council—Hurry ileadley. ure to be diHiioHe. Johnsnn 4 -15'10.85'H US voter who holds bis ballot as a Hacred description of the properly ou which Delmont, District .Prexident of Cuui Sweeten, Camilen: Wm. \V; I'ndy luud, (ucuted between. .Sixth und Abel "D Hull tc-lilled that ho built Assessor—Kliner It. KngllHh. 1.) Holiday. 5.20 5.4011.80:11 52 uaed topayT wholly or In i«irt, for pro- out be IOIIK till tlioiiglitMWlll go given. Till" conference watt held lelp, would uot penult any of the tlie bulkhead on a line with Atluntlc Arrangements were completed for trust and cauls It as a duty, foMowlug the appeal Is made. It then' gives tin berlaiid County; Harry Freed, of Atand wife, Oaklyn: II. It. Early, K. M. Keventli streets, for the purpose of Justice or Pence—Jerome S. Ituuli. I lie linunclal plan Tor "New ('hurcli 1« Tuesday 6.10 viding any meat, drink, entertain yuHterday morniug.' ue;i to endanger their lives by work- avenue, and' was a (| next Ion of tTHE IMPERIAL 17 Wednesday.. 6.5U; 7 18' IH the dictates of bin own conscience l» amount or tbe assessments and slates lautlc'Jlty, District President or AtGorgati, C. R. Bei.dlg, F. J. Sclimltt. OCUAPJ CITY, N. J. j_ a large iiiiMleru six or eight- KKPUHMCAN KOOSKVKLT. Day,"" to be held on Sunday, meut or provision for ibe |)iir|M>M.' o Jlfow'eii—Wednesday even I ng.•went to prens ycnlenlay afternoon, the ng near the machinery, before it'fell' building the bulkhead or losing thu November ISth, when Dr. John UIS CtfNTItAU AVE., OOKAN'OITV, Ni J. IS Thursday.... 7 42; 8.03 2.01 the nation's safeguard, and the Re-that the petitioner is aggrieved because antic County; R, -Howard Tliorn. .ving. . 10 Friday... . 2.1W 2 4: influeu -Ink per«ou>i from volliig or re- rexult of tlie Interview cannot be au- nlo the Hen. He had HCCII tlie con- Assembly—William I.uke. Kruntz, of New York, the celebrated 8 SOI'8.54 public's security. . tbe.assessment is in excess or the tru Ocean City, District President or Cape Wells, K K. Dyer,. I'lillack-lphm Money to Loan .oh Bond and Mort(raj{e. lay—ThuiikHgivlng Day. Hoon after taking title, I.eedn . l.lp Two bulkheuds built weru last to re- lluuncler, will preach. • •J» Saturday 336 fraiujng front voting, ror paying the uouni'ed in tills Iwtue. ,. itlon of the pllhrg and knew there place one- wuHhcd awuy by tide*, Coroner—Nathan Cohcil. 9.16J *•+• We believe that the canting of Ih value of tbe property, and also lu ex .May County; Alfred Moore, of Allan makes a girl bluHti even to think !>lneott were uotl|led by Hooy'n attor- Open ull me year.'' SI Suuday 10.0810 871 tu; 3,30 rent of any cliib room or fur titling up Mayor Champion announced at the wax danger, but hoped that the wind 'fiicre W'UH 110 growth orgrutw'. OUIHIIIC Tux Collector—Nicholas Cornon. £! Monday. 4 40 525 free man's iiubougbt ballot Is tbe or assessments levied agalusl tic City, National Representative. Kl.llCltllN'. ir she came tu getthig kisscil. thut lie claimed ttlleto the laud or high water murk In front or hotel. City Clerk—T. l.eo Adams. • 'Mn> G. OKTZKL. 11 00.11.35 6.25 any club room or providing uulfnrm» T..B. Mcl'auu, R. H. Mai-key, Dr meeting of the Hourd of Trade, on .voulil HUbsideand tlfat eventually lie "OTIi'E TO LIMIT CKEIHTOKS 23 Tuesday ...... 5.38 r judgment upou tbe titueos property or like character iu tlie umi In all, there were nearly lou preseut .a man lluds it nuicli hnnier they had jnt-t purchastVI by vlrtuo nf a V. G. Duiley. of Phijudclphiu, be Inn Hoard of Kducutloii--Suuiuel Samp- 24 Wednesday... 6.44 7 30 for auy organized club or for'the pay- Alice M. Seabrook, Miss Clara All 'I'liurxduy evenfug laut, tbat ho hail .vould be able to remove the ina- Hwnrn, Htuted thai ho WUH lu Ocean son,-years; James W., Ityeurn; 8J10 of every caudidate whose uame Is locality. There la a blank space foi about SO of ivh'tin were from Atlatitl biirrow a dollar thaji to earn Ipuriuu deed from the State or Xuw or Arclillutltl 1-Hinplxill, rtecfusml. GARWOOD HOUSE, " • 25 Thursday...., :l.54 iO9| 7.58 ment for tbe publication of. any article thony, Philadelphia; John Itoseu received a telephone inemiage, from ihlncry. , . • ity In IKSO nearly every clay for heven Kichurd U Sliten, 1-year. rtirmmtit lu Hit. nrilur or K.(*. Hewitt, Hur- 3.1H 9 4C oll'ercd for bis suffrage; aud that It Is the insertlou of tbe amouut at which Clly. . ' " , erney. Tlifx notice Htopped all pro-weeks. Ho reinoinbereil tlie Mturllng , -i-insr WAitn." -7«* Central Avennet as FrldayT:, .... 8.04 -9.10 tending to Influence auy voter, unless baum, Oceau Clly; Warren Rhliiehan VI r. AHlibridge, one or the euglneerx, Tho imu-lilnery IH owned by Mr. '»KHl^ol Hi^ Con my ol Capt. Muy. nmiitt on 27 Saturday...... 410 42a 10 IS10 40 Ills duty to himself, his fellow-men tbe petitioner claims the' assessineui Rev. Charles Elder," of Trenton iiall boy IH already imunitnc- eciliiigH looking to Hie erection of the if the eon-tnictlon of the Hotel lirigh- Council—Xlcliolus (itMifrey. hu murliiinlli iluj tit. Aiii:ii«l, A. t>. lUt.l,on OCEAN'ciTV, New Jeraay. it I; inserted as a paid advertiseuieu ami wire, Mr. Milsbury,- W. H. Helm telling him that tlie plant) had been Kciill, who Huyn thlx IH the third time ton. In rrout or which there WUH U Kreeliolder—John P. Kox. the u ppl lull Ion or lilt- Ntitwcrllwr. iidtulnistrH. 28 Sunday...... 5.I9|U.15|ll SO his country, and his Uod, to cast ii should be axed. State Chaplain, was tlie orator of th? "prepare for Hallowe'en,October lew hotel, a» it WUH found ueceHHary trlx or wild Mt*rll>t-r. untlt-r mull ^tr Hrllrinlitton, >p«n Hil Hieyemr. 710] secure to: him ' aud bU fellou artldavit which must be rilled In andtaiiiln. g manner for nearly an hour ,,Ezrn Luke IIIIH rented lier cof- fore inuktiig the gruul expcndlturen CoiiHtable—Netln Carlson. - llM-lr (ilahllN tllid ili'iNunds ucnlllNl f lit? eimittt 31 Wednesday... 7.35 .55 128 Cox, Boston; L.B.Gray. Washington ofHteru >t fellvcrruan.and look over ring the machinery out of the ocean, WUH about llfly Tect in front or tlie •rHiiltiilt-ctmscd vvtlhlii iihit-ninlilhs rrom Hie * -HaA.S,«AKWO0lJ,Prop. PERSONALS. the bent and purest service Nworu each petitioner, certifying All or tbe other Slate and county oil! miil " Wesley, avenue, to eccnxury lu erecting HIICII a large ' l>. c;;'K. SI. SchrbVti,'Newark? G. It, jtlie plans before thewe were nulmillted lit Mr. Scull IH arranging to nave It. hotel Lie rrcallcd-Suuet-rrcallcduueA and we bold this duty to be far abave to tbe correctness of the' appeal. The ceri«, beside several others, made shon |>hiun iiotel ^ ' I .Sinith'H Imth hollscH und had always • iiuiielt^llurry iiciuuey. w(tt IK* rutuviT I'hrrt-a tif uny ucllon iii;iilnN THE ELBERON IT la Dot surprising that all over the «'uifc, HaitroiU; ^^T-Lr Kobtur; Klmei o tlie War l)e|)iirtinent: Mayor '. Scull, HOOII after the accident Freulinliier—Willium S. Johnson. I he xultNcrllitT. UrT-Suuiu«>r«(-*l*Ue«M>l»-f»u>!Jy-overjmiit—btryontl—the—claim»T)fTnty party^| formTjf«ppcal1aTifoaeled alter thuse addresses, some of which were statli occurred, not I lied I/, I,. ICavenmin, of l.ecdn >Vc l/lppliH'i>lt hud scare-lies lialhed friuii thcui. At high tide both l»»tod Atllfimt II, A. l». lUOtt. (Formerly Uie Kniuett) county icobt. J£. Hand's candidacy la Cox,~ John To/our, Dclmoiit; E. W ^^.^.-.O. 8. of A', boys had u rough Jliauiplou ' ex|ire»Sed the hope thut lion-en were Hiirrouiidol by tidal Assessor—Klmer II. Knglisli. SIII'IIIA Suuday. or faction. iu use by the State Board of Equaliza- tical.' . • ' • * ' lludelphia, the o wnor""of. tlie iiudu, and they found thut'tlielr title iia uud ceniral Avenue viewed with Increaalng disgust. The I'apperuiau, Wilmington. . trlpby bout over from, Atlantic City here would be us large a turnout an water. To tho norlheast of the Iiotel DKMOCIKVTIC. We believe tliat the Republican party tion of Taxes. Camp 7-Vof this city, .made the be« Wrecked vei*Hel ' an uway back ror ncurly a)l> ycurn. Stale Senator—Sumtiel Kwing. . OCKAN CUV, K. J. V conservative man doeo not care to be Mrs. NVU. Uodrrey. or thi-.-lty, on'IPrlday'evenlni; last.. )o»8lble iu tliconkcHof citcrii A: Silver- then! 'Were small .hills, lint none In «-as founded ou tbe purest principles The provisions or the uew tax law —, -.••»••• .. —. .Sony did not claim to have auy deed rrnnt or il , • AHsenibly—Willium I'Uke TOKBKHT ilul Wuter lluut. Kvvry Room Tboroavbly represented lu tbe State Legislature by visiting lu Philadelphia. showing as to percentage of meuiben SBugh Cuiiiilnghniii mid ramlly nun on Monday uioruliiR lanl. K. It. of Ulght and Justice, and so continue)- relating to appeals Is as follow*: In good xtandlui;, "hlle Camp 1", ol rom the old JSomcrn lieirn, who orig- George l-'eusli'rniiieher. Ill I>vS(l and • Curuner—Nutlian Cohen. w tu AliKi* l>. Hcui.1.) Mr. Band. • MIKS Lizzie Scbock, or this city, ha»e moved t<> u cottage in tho vlciuity DoubtlCHH tbe - ineleuient weather TO MOVB PARSONAGE 1 . I-'IIIHT WAIIII. J • aud.that it la tbe uacred duty of every ' '-The county board of taxatiou sha JACOB SCHUFF nnlly owned the whole Inland, but lit 1KS1, was u linulier salesman, anil his MHH. r,l,l,A K. WAVLOR> Prop ' now employed iu Philadelphia. Delmout, showed tbe bent tluancia of^JEleventli nnil Simpson. cpt at home many who otherwise llrm furnished iiiatcriul r.. President II. limit by I. II. Smith ut that time. NATIONAL IMtOHIIMTION. THE KATHLU, Henry KuVsell, a leading resident or name, to give his utmost InUuence'by sloners of appeal or any local board Camp K9, or Atlaimc City, »hp«ed tin knottier Hoo« Will l»e He-cured Iced made lu 1HH7. . This wilncsH tcslillci! tlmt he hud beeu Smie Senutur—Hnniuel Kwing. get Into their places when the bel No. 700 Asbnri AISBBA, Oeeao Git], I.J. X. KUwjinix, or the Hoard of Trade, Contractor Media, Is registered at the Kiithlu. action, voice or vote, to the promotion charged with the,duty of reviewing largest membership ami ereutest per of Dr. Curry, 701 Central fur Rev. Dr. €>anible.^ l.uwycrH, repro-cuting Leeds & l,lp iu Ocean City every summer siuee IKS1 Assembly—-Willluui Lake. Oeneral M Centritl Avenue, OCKAN CITY, S. 1. rings, prompt tj obey signals, prompt Pr*«h Brr*d, i>toa d Cvk d-JIj. ^rddio ua unwell. j . und WUH fauiillar with I lie locution of Wilson Hoy, of Philadelphia, d of* law nud order, temperance am taxes on appeal, in accordance with ceutage or gain during tbe luiivMrml on Bandar . t luaku a rubblt believe ttrut ireliuxed the I'lr-it' M. K. <:hur.L-h Hill, cliilnilug thut thin riparian deed the tides. He saw when the.tides hud TAX SALE ADJOURNMENT. girls who are going to take the .bent Seuutor CreiuHi went to I'hllarleliililu. near ttie ItOaoh, wltb full ocean view. Suuday. private life; aud we bold tbat nothing regulations as It may, (Yon) time to Freed, had pr<)posen, G. THOMAS • " J11BMKS LKWJH 4 CONABU. ne»' members. C'ampvS'.i. also of At •illi-.'tiir (if ElTif rtlyof ot-i-Hii i:ny, Kliil* 01 county boards of taxation shall hea ~}V.A.Schock.) - Hulierinerliorn, Commodore of tlie moved to another ullo. Mr ltee\i ii>rHvy.- tliuf tliff Hule forTuxeH uilvwf- BAMO'S GREAT "StPPOBT." R|der have returned from a visit tu ItepubllcanUm. lautlcCity, w;as next best as to In me Konie-fellovVK tire sat* J un dued IH it, ul Hit* KAIIIIT lutiir mill pliicf. • No. 108 Market St., Benjamin Collins, of Mlllvillp, ua» veutfon of !9iM wan a Republican Con be made at such times and under siicb At IUSO o'clock the tiiei'llng ud a"re/tnaklnK r»ols of themselves. IIIH 11 good title to home fuwt luud" toJiolel, Whii.-h WUH reached by every or- ;ij OCE1N AVENVK • credited with,at least reflecting tbe GEORGE s; BltKEL,-Proprietor gntnt? - lie plttim, they ipoke of tlie ucccHHlty, xpectn (o retire from active ministerial MIIKIL.AH ttlltmiN,Ooll«F}ar. atnoug the Uurwned's gue»t»' (luring veutiou. — ' * rules and regulations as It may from jonrned to the second floor and par- vf ivhlcli the riparian deed Tor the land dluiiry tide. There were 110 HUIIII lillls views of the communities In which NO. 8i5 ASBURY AVENUE, '--""--'- tt woman Hilda that praying rom their |iolut of view, of a draw In front of the hotel. Oceau c-lty. H. J. the week. We deny that It* couduct vra's wor- time to time prescribe aud adopt; pro took or refreshments. After all iia< ivork within a .short tlmo anil tukw up mder water oin attach. THOMAS J. THORN tbey are published. This being true, Ocean City. N. J. igshe umits won't bring it, >vcr Kuinbow ('liauuel r Irving Wright, of Gcronintowil PHILADELPHIA, >l>on nil thi. yeur * :: Ilolw\VuUir Heat. R. M. Gcrsa*, of Mt. Airy. I'lilla thy br the name of Republicanism, o .ided, tbat appeals may be made a bad their ill), the Atlantic City boyi ilx rerfldeui.-c. here. Ilu iH pa»tor of The (lefendalil set up lu hix uliHWer let us, for-a moment, Jook at tbe Plans and Specifications ick on wis^ihHs for it. •_ The projectoni of tho trolley line luli'd that he WUH ul I...' Hotel Florist A. P. MII.MBR.' deiphia. was a recent guot of-the that Its candidates are entitled 10 ou any time prior to the twentieth day o aud tlie members or the Stalu Kxecu HI.41. tSTATK AMD IS lie church attcmlcdby.Itolit. ('urson. 11 lids Kiilt'tliut he did own Mime (a-l ltrii;iiiou lu the Hiiiiimerlo.r ISS^i/whun present situation In this county. T uiun who IIHH been, roped In icroxH the bay told or the dllllciiltieH '•P'AIX BUrvBS, GRASS Bibcayue. support. December of the year'ln wlilch Mild tlve Committee returned to Atlaurt me ofOceun ('lty'« o taken to drink be- tuud tlmt 'lie could have pdxses>d(iii of hut he WUH u riparian owner by HIIOVV- iKUiiint the bulkbeud. XiutU aud Central Ave. . tbe others, only two are supporting l.oun« N>£otlut«d. Improved or l'n» Fine Family Groceries. Hiram S. Mower and wire relumed We believe that Justice was denied collectors, of the- respective taxing baglrl refti*.* him would prob- The Ocean t'lly people iiiHlHtcd ou he parsonage within a coinpiirutiveiy ug Unit their IICIKIH go clear tu low S. It. Smith, a sou of I.It: Smith, Boot. E. Haiid In bin efforts to secure Improved Proi^rty for.livol Hule o^ Mendel's pan elevatloiiM to permit pouur'-boatH iliort time. A comuiltlco. or the lei-tilled thin he bud niudu uo state- . ET CLINTONI & CO., home to^lay frum a vi<-ii ti> Lancaster that the truth was suppressed: thai districts on or before the lirst day oSUNDAY IN THE i water Iliiu ill the AtluiiticOccuu.-wliiii- A,lwuytittietreitheittuD(l twnl tobefoimd lo . .' : 3iow Open election to tbe Btate Senate. Kxi-uuDia?. * G. B. SITHENS & SON, :o pax under, without opening the luircli'H.oliIclal board IH looking-for ment to thu pluhitlliH regarding UIIH i** murhi't. - • County,'Pit. honor was outraged, . and falrnes February'following such appeals. •Clevenlli HI. and Anbury A%r. ,M«s>ey * W.lwurdH have tented the he (lefoiManl Swiy'n deed only goen custt. He WUH futiiillur with the bulk- Manu'acluieis and DDIIQ1JC0 One of these papers .Is controlled druwv, and tliixWiiH aKrced to liy the iliotlicr.lloiiHc for Or. Gamble and hlv full ttHVor«d Ti*Jutt rliolrt* bmndu ol Coflee, N. C. C3OFF SylvaDus Murphy and family Imve trampled under foot "Any action or determination o Hats and Gent's Sll (V-nlral avenue to FranFkk o I he' WCM line of Atlmitle avenue. head built by his father of wrcckuge, importers ol DIIU0IILU• nuitrNtif ull KrHttaM.CftitiitMt FrulU. Hlckltm, absolutely by former Senator Hand, l>rojectorH r* aiully, to be occupied by them until bucked by Mid uml Hand. He hud a ^nlcetJ, IbtlMlnw, Drltxl lltwf. liutler Mad l^trd. moved from 1.509- \Ve>.t avenue to t We believe that thin was tbe reouli any county board of taxatiou 'may be CITY'S CHURCHES who eunie liere frnm' Atlantic Mr. tfony In re|ireaented by Geo. 1008 MARKET, and 8 S; TENTH ST., ffuniH of IK-HI (]Uullty.. WeLclied wheu pur- he being Uiibnclally Interested In tbe Samuel Schurch •Furm lieiioW parnoilngc IH tin lit. l;oal In front of tbu litilkhead. Which tauHed Uy ruHtouiurx. No IOHH ID weight THE SEWABD same. The other paper is supplied Central avenue. of a conspiracy.^coucelved lu secrecy appealed for review to tbe Board ItniirKeolH aiid Judge JUIIICH M. K.wus reached by -the ordinary., tides. •tmrued to purehnwrw. REAL ESTATE SBRVICB IS GOOD , PA. - Htop In utid hmU««it|fcil(>nH from tlib b«nt^ APARTMENTS Dr. Oay, of MIIKIlle, a leading wrongfully to secure to oue caudldate Equalization of Taxes of Sew Jersey (i'on1lmu-tl from Kin*! I j'I'lie lnslile it'iuke or u i-ult _ iy, Octolwr 12111. was thu 414tli lil.lrelli. Atlantic avenue WaH under Water. wltb proofs or editorials from tht Star AND INSURANCE specialty: tile making or thu ruination of! 'AntuHtHiid irfHlit*Mt Mtork In riilludelphlu. 1 4 Problbltioulat, was a visitor here the under such rules and regulations a iryoftlieilisciivery of America VISITED BROTHER ' This WUH in INK:; There were no Hand Order* Ity iu ill I promptly utwmiled to. All xcelitMil iL (-oiuiiio4Htloni'for Ilun)neiM and publishes tbe same political bun- that nomination which a major ty o 701 isbnrj hie., Ocean City, R. J. 'le|'flli|s on the ilinoillit nf Tlie jury selected in coiiHtitiited aH A A HA MM preached in the evening, his nul>Jec rlstoplic-r Oiluuihus, Friday, 'ornier PHlronH oflt hills In front of the hotel. During foodx to tliM. umoiint of flOiind upwurd di^ Mttii. rilnulo rooniHuDd rooina wlib combe.' ' • • latter part of last week. the Republican voters of this county vaid ' Board of Equalization may Esfimaies Fomlsted. put upon' these parts. Tbe MM TOIIOWH: • ' cross-exalnliiatlon, It developed tlmt lvt*re'. Jiimi-H I.. Hnillli llodu'l' Hccn ID AtlHDtluor Uup« Mny county. Judging from tbe "political com Mr. and Mrx. William li. Abbott desired by their ballots to. award tn Iluj.ruVMi uiid uului|>ruv«il proMrHts* foi long 'wear utid shape-Iioltilng A. Hwaiii, (.'ape Miiy: Jos tile Witness hud been approached by Readinar Coal Mils. K. F1ZKLU ofJesilson IheCrtiss" His text Was sulo ueath the surface. -That's ' • llerct in FlveVrnnt. -lames I'. Holmes, u detective in the ment" In the latest Issue of the' Star, nave returned from an extende I vi»lt another. said Board of Equalization shall be 1054 ASBI'RV AVICMi:, fjujty V. AitaliH und ramlly have It In* 11 noticeable fact that, HIIICC the McKlHnlck, Cold riprlng; Herbert AIKO Kliiilllnif WfMkdby barr<*l or coid. authorized and empowered to review Luke, Si; 2 can't buy by .looks a.'oue. JunicH IJ. .Smith and HOU, Lorenzo employ of ISIeakley.A Slockwell, and Ib-Kt 0011I on Ihe milrUiit. -1^10 IIM. to. copies of which paper were distributed to Anbury Park and vicinity. We refuse our sanction to a nomlua- naB - ASIIl'RV AVKMIv, 'CloilirM, whilst as htyllsh « alloy nf a house owned by •ecent change of Kchedule and the I11- -Umw, l''it.hing(.'reek; Ivtlwin /.. MilU, taken by him to their Caiiiden olllcu, - tliu. ton uuuruiitetit]. Bflll or Kuterprliw llon «e believe thus tainted; aud bold such action and proceedings, and giv 'It has beeu mid tliut irwe i«j-sesrtii B rcaHed service glfeu by the -1'ennByl- I)., of Chicago, Mtarled 011 their return' 'uiirt HoiiKe; Providence IiUdluiii, *|iboue, In this city last week, "free, gratis, for Mr". Jane Homan, or Hakersvillc, i- C. l_. LAKE Hhop, 90H Aitbuiv. noils i ri«kn* 1 in cut as any Kuruit-nis made, uti, Miller, on Anbury avenue, ulicrc lie refused lo muke uliy stute- RUSH ADVERTISING AGENCY that to .do otherwise would Hlulllfy such judgment therein as It may think (lie whole lire or Christ; written with tcr built In the wear aula - Railroad Company, many rip to the Went ou Sunday laHt, after 'ourt HoiiHe; JunifH (t Stltes, DennlH- ment rcgurding thecuHe In Iltigutloii. •met. npd Vnrd; TKNTII and nothing," Mr. Boot. K. Hand Is really gue»t at tbe home of her daughter, ..REAL ESTATE AGENT. , X. J. BevcntJi und Kiifhth slreetM. ourselves an Republicans, and make proper'" the same detail as the record of 11I> ' must clot hex—that's why (inner patroiiH nf the Reading are •x fewdiiys'vlrtltto'Mr Bmith'Hbrother,. vllle; Cliurien K. KoHter, Heuvllle; Iten- Mrs. Murguict Hurkcr, or I'hl.ludel- too angelic to be sent to Trenton. He Mrs. James Scull, iu this city. I«5I Asliury Avenue, Ucrun Clly. S.J, Itrcckley, of this city, has two TO IIKXII Al*lkKAI«H. B3l Aaburjr Av»m us accessories, If not parties) to a iwllt last twenty-four hours, the. recur ,, them With our nauie. raveling" oil the Went Jersey be- Councilman Harry IJ. Smith, and uiuln Little. South SeuvilleiCieorge W. phiu, guve testimony pructicully iu HITTIM1S «»K would be contaminated by contact •Allen H. Coi>oii,- of Philadelphia, would occupy ISO volumes as large a il pieces, coined in lHfvi. which hurmony with the preceding wlt- 'AXIN'li IHHTHK-r AUIC. leal fraud! that even a silent repudia- AN EASY VICTORY ENGLISH & JOHNSON, « Clothing for Boys ii wcen tlilK city aud Philadelphia. 'amlly. . " ' Kute.-i, Avulnn; Sherman T. Dowler, 1 Ocean City. N. J with the riff-rair politicians. visited lil»Tather, Nicholas Con-on, in ijaU tar tku\t. I'nttuifp* fai f*nr. Iy the letter "V" on the reverse t UH lo tlie wuHhlug of the. bulk- tion at the ballot box would fail short our bible," said Mr. I'awelberry. Willow Jones Suits for* Do;!, The morning train down uot only Juinex L. Kinlih formerly wax inHoli.y llt'ucli. J. Woodrtltf Eldredgo. lolly Ikiiu-li bis city. Saturday aud Sunday. Currvspoudtftit-e SOIIL-IUK] :::: t: 'lie word -"cents" being omitted, ldlbf'd tViluwod of our civic duty, and .that we owe ItBlmtr Team Oolclnntf d a» llig '•The sayings of Jesus from the cro~ folk, IIu»ter Brown; Oouble-f rcaclieirtiil^resorron-BchedulepbuVir TTRhTeHH wiflTTifiOirotlier uTOTlHcityT .Ve.-l (.'u|ie May; J. Dorrell WoolHtoii, hills. HAND IS BVCAKED. —Itev.-Dr—l«anible,-aeconi|>aiil«i-by~ H are rcKiirddl UH curloxltieH, Wl-sl Oi|w Muy. liPouneTvea a» Republicans, aud Ocean cll» FJ*r are seveii Tii uumber. Three a?i inukeH tliS ((Uiekent time ever made on mt left here liveyour«ago forCliIcago, .'ourt HoiiHe. , (!eo(ge Itoden, iu lsbj, mis faiuillur J.'»««rTowiinlilit,. ATLANTIC ICEiKLMILK COMPANY Robe E. Hand has admitted to his.his family, left here to-.» ppcono Mountain Ice election to the State Senate as toe rep- game at tbe Hippodrome on Saturday JORDAN MATHEWS (inir, who IIIIH given liobd nude to -IlliU'lty tile Riparian Com- Washed UH base. • t.viiit trityViii'xl'urd, Mo'iidity/-"" ngtbe dwelling.portion of Howard of whose nomination in' unquestioned evening last.' The visitors dldu't what'they do prices. -•elve the Philadelphia newHpiipurn Mr. Smith wax well known in thin mlHKlon In 1S!IT, and the plulutilf com- Aflerniidd y ret-ess". Mrs. Nelson It. »V»M»D,«'">'. '*» Wuril. Thurwliiy,' Pura Aldernei Milk anil Cream resentative or tbefcoplebf Cape May S E.Cor. I5tb»uj Coluninli. Avrnilf, . hful service In- that c-n|mtlly, Shoemaker's store, on Asbury ave and unchallenged; aud further to in- ' We learn from theM* words tha nd the mull from tlmt city long bc- city aiid throughout tlie county." He SiM>y('orOcean City, lestllled thut the diith J'II|KI ? Muy. O'ftoo, 1014 Asbury Av», County. While maklug this ad- have a look-In, which wao a surprise Men's. Pantaloons y i rcuHou of uxHiuvey- biilklicud In ((Uestlon Wukubolit thlrly- \vttlon, Jesus prayed for (he very men who Toro many Inive had their breukfuHtH, ed IIIH pleuxure at HCCIIIR tho OCEAN CITV N. J. ' friends en- vite, as we hereby do, the co-operation :o tbe Ocean city.boys. Tbey expected TheSvvellest. Wee our window aiK-cniiidetotiieiuby Iteevexll Inzard, live or forty reel I rom tlie Iiotel porch, drove, ibe cruel nails through nt Attorney (Jciieral Dullleld uany ImprovenientH iniule In tliln deavor to make It appear that he will U». Wm.T. Aldrlch. of Plilladel if'all.voters who with us bold tbat to have a lively battle with the ALLEN SCULL (. ., ' .'"..' could pluy hi. front or the 11 only when Tfau> latter statement Is positively un- We declare ourselves now and ever live through love mure uml uio're, foi OCEAN CITY.-N. J. . TINTK; cnr.K. A. J. SMITH. PROPRICTON Dr Alice M Seabrook and .\>is>> at tint thought tbat one or bis ribs (I that alter- that It will be Paltifal Accident. With 105 charter member*, the . The cast* Was opcticd for the jiluiu- Wearing btithliiK suits. true, or course. .At the .convention, true - Republicans, believers-In and hou* can. the followers of Christ be K-llniHltM cht*rfiJlly tfiveii. • - ', Mara Anthony, of Phlladetphia^were was broken, but examination by I)r to WedueMlnyM lu November. t'upt. John Knott, of tho steamboat Voting MUII'H Christian AHHOCIIIIIOU of, liircouijiuiiy l>y Jiulgu U'escott, and W. lluucr, or Heavllle, bud liuowii WHOL(««L< «»o acTall. ocana IN - Seuator Cresse stated that he would supporters of those princlplesof justice lions u lieu Je»ux is tbe 'Lamb' W. L. BERRY, . llulldluifMVnft-ltd l>'y rolllhit-l or (jjty. ; ALBERT G. GILBERT^ '.'ape.Muy IIUH been organized. Lutlier iniong the Week'* vislton. at the Abbott showed thai tbe.rib was only Anrclla, met wiih a painful accident the conveyances sliowlng paper title of 1'ei-k's Iteut-h illice a elilhlautlor not be an Independent candidate- aud fairness which tbat glorious Re God i How can the "church be .'..Ogdeii wuH'clccted prenldcnt,' Oscar Ocean C'iC'itty ti IKSII. -He K«W ElberoD. ' ' • ' '• *\ badly bruised. , XARGING HOTEI, A'lille steering the boat between tills Were placed in evlileiice. This, and'nothing more. Since that publican whose name honors -our dove' when its -members tear and Manufacturing Jeweler, JOHNMARTS PRACTICAL HOUSE PAIflf O. llarr, vice preHldeut; O. Itoltoli Itrlghlon I lolel l and tliu Mi-callcd sen Mrs. l*orna McNeillalid won, Arthur, Thellne-upof the teams was as fol aity and Homers' Point on Bunday. Tiie lirst witness called was H. (i. wull hi front of it, which WUH ubout time, Mr. Cresse has not publicly dis- ticket ha» condensed and Immortalized devour like birds of prey V NO. 33 SOUTH SECOND ST.. 645 Asbury Avenue, | Kldredgc, secretary; Walter Hava^'e, PURE ICE of Haddouiltld, who were guests of In the pbraze. "A SQUARE DEAL.',' ows: t4cu1l HHH Bt-lean lVorlc on leuvy rollers HmaHhe have Hoclntloii will opeii rcudlug, giimu am. 1H.SU, und .remained there untlllSS'l. OAK AISD PINK wn cottages In this city, were visitors O. Morey V ' ^.....J '.; / Reed. mill that he Wati llua>ilo to Hleep Sun- lurguly lecliuicul, from n nurveyor's a stock on hand at all times. Mis . voters of Cape May County, who are »in ad •Inlstratlon of theHtateof New uud children, masters. and servants Also, Jobn ry addition In tiie rear_and meeting roouiH and .a well<'iHiip|ied Ivlng a ))ortioii of thu time on (iccuii here on Suuday. , •' •j. Smith / Gusld IStlte* - GEOBGE *H. -BpDBGEOIS S • SON ilay night. • About three o'clock on ntnnd-|iolni, und iiicludeoor mother lies in her gThe addition, which will becoii- porch. The ordinary high tides enme were the talk of Atlantic City, and all he asks is a trial to ini'e since, relumed to bis duties on Elmer—KoecbllDg, 1; Edwards, 5; TA.' H. BAKER cnMK-cxuiUliiution or thin witness was Senate' in November next—and the ened Invasion or that day of rest, and narrow wooden house* aiid the . . OCt^.V I ITV, >. J. .- of frmne, will contain elgh- . yuuintf in-riiii. ciiy. up to the bulkhead. At Kiglilh und convince the citizens of Ocean City,that this is no'Fairy Ta'e, Office. No..634 ASBURY AVENUE Monday morulug. • traug, i; Foil goals—Ocean C'ity— -roonix, Tlie dining room uc- tliarullifli aliil searching, and devel- Dceun uvei;.tie , In ISSi;, I...... he tidew s washe-d. possibility would appear remote, In- demand compliance with the laws of uelgliDor* come iu and fold the worn .Undertaker - and - Embalmer . Estimates fflTea. Buildlair* er«c[«d by con- Htr«r«l Culliracl Award'd, Mrs. Hou'ard ItiHloy, or Plilludcl- deed, If pne. Is to judge' by tbe expres ilr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor I'usey, of he t^late of New Jersey In regard Scbock, 1. Elmer—Stltes. 1. Iteferee, tract or dar. UIIOIIH will be doubled and oped liliportuikt matter fuvorubje to UCroHH the iu'euue. There were )io Stews, 15 and 25 Cents • ' ' :. bauds across ihe silent breast, and the 849 ASBURY AVENUE, Aviilon IH preparing to do a lot or plila, IH the guent or MIHH Alice ItlHley sand hills lu fronl of [he llolel ut thut sibna of opinion heard—he will find Lalisd.owne, have been spending a hereto. ' " Ralph Chester. Time-keeper, Harry COAL iclien enlarged. The work is to the defendant. love light- has gone out of the «yw. OCEAN CITV, N._J.i • J xtrect work.'in order to keep abreaBt 11 UIIH eliy. Mrn; Itlnley U tlie wife time '. : " • ' .. ' Fried, 2O Cents 1-2 Dozen. himself practically a political nonenity few days wltb-Mr. and "Mrs. Win. E. H. Lake' CHARLES L. HOFMANN pleted' about the lirst or the dipt. Jalnes \\ , Ijee, of ()ceuii City, I'pon this ground we stand as up n then It will be too late to be kind, so t'allK answered day or nliflit. ' with the other reuortu In thin section, of Ihcbrother or MIUH Ulnley, 'Howard, I.'. «'•• • - I!I(IH \veier opened on Monday afler- who Is In the t-crvlee of the (lulled standing wltb the Bute officials, and cent, of the Philadelphia Amateur Kulrvlew illd HUUII II volume uf orlginul knowledge u( I'eck'H lleut'hiii went to Oceuil.Clly In thu Hummer of N"o goods delivered: Open 9 a.m.-i t p.m.'Saturdays, 12 p.m. Mbu Anna Jessup,' daughter of liecauae or- our faith in tbe Intel- "Another word Is the answer t,o the JyJARK LAKE »U«i, •»rcinc»Ti. it. Graham, Tenth with Me III Paradise.' We learn from Buy your Coal from tbe ! Inland, Plilladelplila. He hilH eleven Guarauteed Strictly Pure different sty le of law-makers In Trenton' staufflerand Kirkpatrlck. Undertaker and Embalmer ;i(e»ts. Thus It WUH fA, whoue price » as j. after tlial yeur. thut line. Witness WUH there ihe en- and Wesley avenue. this tbat no man, no matter now vile, PHILADELPHIA iiiontiiN-yet to serve before.tils term tire season or 1KB:!. 11 ud the liiean high ' N knou'iryon can Kill li; uu^culi (oil you nt —a class unliketheklnd tbat prevailed Ibert Kngg. the owner, felt' it I'iie other bidders were: Xabb & Fox, With this much teailiiioiiy before Mrs. Emma Townsend and daugh- I hereby certify tbe foregoing to be u "IN THB CHURCHES has hope of being saved, .cleansed aud of eiijltimeut expire* . ' Wuter reached the bulkhead. onus. KurKuliiH in l!uy uiici Oeeall ft-mit liropcrtlcH. < :holl.o cuttuK<"< ror a few years ago. SHOEMAKER LUMBER la! io cnlur(,'i the' llotc-l. if UIIHcity,^,,LM(I.W; E. liultz, Avalon, the Jury, tiie pluintlu" company rented Kale. Alxo lotx for liivetituient mill ror Improvement—tliu choice of ter, Miss Ida RoblDBOU, hrve returned rue and correct copy of the address made ready for glory iu a moment, Tbonv 1* LEONARD KRAUSS CO. 5,24IW5i Jolin W. Youug, Wlld.wood, Its t-use, and were notllletl by tbe de- Henry H. .Ilujnes, whn 'niiide tbe Be OfTered OfcE*N CITV.M.J . TWELFTH ST. AND WEST . I'leuty of, .Ciuiue. orl^inaf Homers Hurvoys r»r the.Oc'cuii (teairciiy. ' Apply to • . • • • thin city after it week's ..visit .to ud declarations of principles of the through ralth in Jesus Christ. .It has l,ii-JI; Cornon &Bulton, O(*uu City, feuduni's counsel that any evidence in BTATE«CBEAT«TAKE. lion* Nrit sand been said that the devil makes bums .V BID ON BRIDGE There in uuld to bo lotM of blrdH'aud City AssiwhitliMi, • tesllllili uu to the "J.-M. CHESTER & CO., K.HL/K friends at Ocean View. Republican Roosevelt party unani- Electricians, 'An you are always Hiire n g ' rebuttal would be objected to on- thebeuuli IcvelB und tlie bulkhnid. He •AND A loss of a single Republican mem- FIRST M. E. Ceor^e W. Ernst uhbltH in- the Hurroundliig country, Mrs. Almeda SauderliU aud Miss mously adopted at a meeting held Oc- of gentlemen, but that Jesus Christ • ^40(M>urjdiiiotbet»D- ground thut the base must be proved demonstrated tlmt the lund Minwurd of . ....-.'j • OCKAN CITY, N. I. ber of Congress In New Jersey'might 659 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City, N. J. Contractor Cona4;M;IIer« . Two Mew HoniMM. and'there In every prospe t or plenty Elizabeth |Abbott, of thn city, have oberii, 1006. " 'Services In, the First M. E. Church can make a geutlemeu out of any bum. GENERAL HAULING Kle«(rlcut work ot ull Wind* pronipMy HI- Atlunlic avenue, and between the : make tbe House of .Representative* Aotomo'.ille Garage. ' Uodedto. .VII muterlHlitnd work^uiu-iintts^ ItiHp«;ctM Hie nay. Wm. T. urowp, of p^ or H|:ort during the comliiK. K6UHOU. 011 the Hue ol format opening. avenue uml tin' bulkhead locution, wui Ice Or earn returned from a two weeks' visit to JOS.VTIIAN HAND, Secretary. in Sunday next will be held at ibe 'Still another word is the fearful •irlclly oral 6I»»».. V • Mr.' Bourgeois moved for a noli-Hiilt Democratic The effect of such a Wholeaule Butter, KKK", I^artl, whain conuected -with one or Phila- There U one tlfing, however, tlmt utor btlow Ihe level or the pre-itnl We have t.wo investments to offer, . ESTABLISHED i88l' be Delaware Water Gap. customary hours. . . cry, 'My God, my God, why hast ink It. Bneeteii, or liic IIml P. It. on techulcul Krounds, and, bin motion high wuter—murki rt'itiit'Hu begun change may be stated In • few words. Tbou forsaken Me'." This Was some- • and-Poultry. " . Bon.. Cuiuileu, WUH adelphla'.H big manufacturing eittabllBh- bothern Ocean' City gUnnerri. not a •~ ~- onea1r$500 andthe Other at $950. .Mr—and' Mrs. ;,,h*t] FIRST PJUSBVTEKIAN 0. J. HAMMEU liiK denied by the (.'ojirr, 'Mr. Uiiur- Hiirveysin Oceuil City In IHKII, nilii hud With <''ol(t ^loruice. ut)W..iblii yr, Bin ate President Roosevelt veaM be halted JSPEhUXG HBPORM _ hlng new In tbe exjierleuce of Jes Kexlilenc-e, dSn .\»bury avenue, icre oil Tuesduy. The firm ineiilM, aud who, a few montlix tiliice, little, and I hat IH that every farmer surveyed contitiuully HIIICU that yeur. purod to iclve iwtter Hervloe now than lu lb« North Wlldwood, spent several days StTrtce».-couduCltd by the Rev, H. 8.0.fti)ami. ., ;_JbliUli(aBi (,'folH began Ills opening foe the de- They are 25 per cent: LESSthaTu punl, . ,v ID bis policies, forther e could be no io be foroa^eu of His Heavenly Father, Office. 7ih Str««t del Atteff tti W 11 liivited to bid mi the Work of purchased a Iqt ou Plymouth Place, and laud-owner "oil idiore" ban a Various, maps were exhibited und.ex' be latter part of last week with their T. CasHelberry, will be held in tbe fendant. " •••'•'••. plained by tlie wltilt'-s. .legislation - without Democratic eon- •time Hapl. .Bujeler • Hcndi l^iie but let Us learu this was part of the 6E0. 0. ADAMS & BRO. rlictlng the bridge across tilt- buy a pretty cottage. He h iotreKputuiiilii" notice posted iu u surrounding properties.. The buyer daughter, Mr*. Clinton Johnson. h'irst Presbyterian Church at the usual Clmu. MultheWu, jr., the lirnt wl.- Alfred H, Higbee, M Ocean City, enrrence. Congress, will be blocked, brought the plans to' tlila city', and|-coiiHplciioiiH place. Tbe many friends In tbis city of hour on Sunday next. payment that Jesus Christ wax uisk- Monumeuts; MaUsoleuM*!?, [r Hwe.-tcil ciiino doWii io take u ness (or the dereliduilt, guve positive ^Ma evidence IIK to the hlilkiicild in will therefore realize that rhu,ch pro- 7th St. and Asbury A^e. tbe President thwarted and defied < liarles J. Ilaxter, State Supenn- PLASTERING, RANGE SETTING ceveral coutractorii are propariiig U Mrs; Alouzo Cotton will be sorry to ug for our salvation from sin. Let UH Btatuary Work, <: >r tlle.lilltlook ' ' . Uawrd ni AicricaUvre* tesilinoliy as to tlie locution or mean rroiit of the Iiotel building uiidthu fuel and the time of the lint session of thebear of her severe Illness, 8be Is lu eudent of Public Instruction, has sent' ST. AIMJUSTINE'8. learn, also, that It must be a fearful FUEL LIGHT HEAT BRICK LAYING, tic, Etc. rry K Hluiitoii cctiiired for iiigli water mlRil, '«2 and '&<, wlilch thut all ordinary tides washed ltn base. fit without any advance in values. next Congress would be devoted in the letters to ;the school BuperintendenUi Mass said at 0o'clock |ln St. Tbe Cape May County Hoard of Ag lie declared cume within uixty-ijve feet Tlierc were no suml hills lit front or tbe Woman's Hospital, Philadelphia. blng for our souis. when God. with All' Work hi Mason Line Prompt!} CEMETEH* INC'LoS teu' the services of George Mru. E. It. Lake Will build a cottuge As "snaps" or "bargains" they can- Houue to the manufacture of .political Dr. Kossetl, ot Pbiladelphla, wbn and teachera explaining tbe attitude Augustine's Church on Sunday morti- rlcultlire wilt hold lt« a.nnual se«sloi or tlie present Hotel Brighton, aud, at tho hotel to Inn knowledgu at any time First National Bank draws His presence; that must be a . Ifurial Vaults, Urave .- ; ,., f,' Whoso boat conveyed the lear Kleveuth.and ABbury, In which that.time, every ordinary tide'came during 1881 und lfcWii. The witness capital for the Presidential campaign. assisted Wm. G. Abbott hi hi* drug or the State Board' of Education ng, Rev. J. J. Sweeney,' the rector, DO IT NOW . Attended To. u.t Cape May Court HOIIHO on Noveui . • not be duplicated today. .' . . . iell In Itsell. Let us have a care liow All kluds of Cemetery WO* j ctor and a companion over the Hhe'will live. • _ • under whut wati known us. Htreet & testllied to lociltlllg the bottom or the 6K store during the summer months and toward tbe niuipllfled method of speil- fflclatln.g. OCEAN CITY, N J. ' ber 1. Tlie society Ima an Its object EIGHTH AND : The Drat act of • Democratic House up until a few days ago, has returned weturn tbe spirit '.of God /rom. our SERVICES RUN "the proponed bridge. . Steel'H bath lioui-os. • '• • -Sooy bulkhead and, also, ruiniiuutH or • would be an assault on tbe protective " ig. '' . ' i>. HOLV, Works ait Filed Rlecliou p the furtherance of agricultural p(ir A. J!. Hmllh, a HOU of I It. Hmitli, the original Hmlth billkhtuil u'Uhli MASSEY & EDWARDS CENTRAL AVENUE home. .'.:"• HOLV, T^rNITY. hearts. . thirty feet-of tlie lioiel porch. ° ' Ocean City, N. J. tariff and on tho great industrial lu- ^RANGES SET The Prohibition' party having failed sulW. An Intcreathig prpKraui 1» be- who built the Hrlgliton, tcstllled that Mr. and Mrs. A. J Smith returued He favon a gradual and rational Twentieth Sunday.. after Trinity, •'Another sayiug was the two short Ivcu'Cotilracc for HouNv. the meuii high water Hue lu 18HU nd Wlllluui II1. Ketites, a resident of •W.H.MITCHELL, to eaut live per cent of the total vote at Ing afran^TT'SpeulierH from tin R 1 terests dependent on It. The certain :o tbelr borne in this clly Friday simpilficaUota'or English spelling,' but Saints Simon and Jude. Holy Com- words, _'J thirst.', For ueaJfly tweuiy- .U. Champlou, builder,' of \thlH 1881 came within twenty-live feet of Bonier*' l'olnt, uud e^-Mayor or that CAPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS S20.0M svenlug. after a pleasant visit or twb ON SHORT NOTICE county will dlBciiKH appropriate topk-H prospect of that wllb the election of a declares tbe reform can safely, be left lunlon', 7.S0 a. m.. Holy Communion 'our hours He had been ultliout" food BRICKLAYING - PLASTERING THE buv received tlie contract to erect the ' luut Keneral * election,' It wail the Iiotel porch and under Htreet & place, testllied io Ills kuowfedfto or tlie Lu M. OKKMHK, Hraaident weeks wltb relatives in- the Slate or iiccemiary for the patty mauugers to Hteei'H bath liouues. On cross-exam- erection or tliu Iiotel building by I. it It. B. MTITKH, Vice-rreildent ' Democratic House would have au Im- Maine. • '' • In tbe funds or the well-established Itb morning prayer and 'se'rmou, ordriuk, and that, too. under a rear- J6BBIN6 n S HtUry liouue at J^lanercll, I)«lu- Beautiful Cottage Sites... mediate oufavorable effect opon busi- CITY GAS LIGHT CO. tile election papers at the county 'Celebrallou Pofclpouv'd. ination, the wltneHUWaH takeu lu hand Bmlth. The ordinary itlgh' title, hi W. HOOTT HAND. Cuhlsr J. Edward Voss, a Undent" at agencies; tbat have In the past ably JfO.''; Evening service and missionary ul physical and mental strain, but y, l'u , rorTlioH. W. White,' by Judge Weicott, who eudeuvored to High Ground. Lot* Graded.' Btreetu and' BldewuIkH Graveled. , 1. KITHtAW TATBM. Pollelloi ness ou tbe day following theNoven*- The celebration of thu ll-itki aunl 1882. WoHhed the Iiotel bulkhead, and Pierce's Business College. Pblladel- directed orthographic Intelligent* and sermon, 7 SO o'clock. . • his is also part of tbe payment He hlludelplila. The building IHJD clerkV ojllee ou Monday Iu«t, In order Impair hit) testimony UH c lUnictiliK tho hotel itHeir was built ontliecdKe Many new buildings* already erected. Plot lying betw cen Atlantic ber election. Tbe collapse of )ffi3 fol- OCKAN CITV. «,!•• veraary of theHead of River (Jliurch DIRCCTORBl pbla, visited bla parents, Mr. and Mrs. •aste. .\ • must make, 'for God spared uot Hin frame, the tlrut Htory to gft it'ptace 011 the ticket. Thin wa« with all ulllduvlt Huid to |iuve been or the Ntraiut. Hu stated that {here UM.Ureus . Chan. Matbe^a lowed right on tbe beds of Cleveland's John Voas. In tills city, over Saturday Esek froio at Tnckulioo, Which WUH to have been mudo by him (Smith) In , llleukly & were no natural cliaugeH iu the con- uyei)iie arid tlie Ocean, aud Fifth and Nortli utreetH. Tbe superintendent believes the IU'II Sou,' Should, we uot learu what 52 ASBURY AVENUE en Bcull l» of the opinion that There in a neiv moruliiK mull to to thoBo lutereBted In the old church testllied that lu 1881 the bulkhead WUH IJ. Wealey fjike B. Howard Ttwm she will visit the .family or. Rev. Dr. standard dictionaries. . ell Smith returned on Friday' even- 1; N: JOHNSON, Holuieu, a detective lu their employ, lu front or tlie hotel ubout thirty or ; the agricnltnral States as a mandate men tremble.' . , FaroHure. ftrpete, HUith, Md 1 (Jily'u bullderd will have a biiny rhlladelphla from thU clly. It eloBe The celebration will bj held ou next ElUiU.ManbjOl Daniel a. Bt<«|mai> -Young, formerly of this clly. • ' : ing last-from Me Pocono. While OCEAN CITV. H*\ aud thut It WUH not au be understood forty-feet from tlie porch; the tides for tadO'revUJon, and, as the Newark "Another word _l», tit Is iitilsbed.; Window Sh«de«. Etc Mr. Bcull, who ban. Heveru! at 7 o'clock. Up Until Friday moru Bunday, Weather permittliiK., Ocean City Land Company Ix»lieB.LoJlam. Mi./ Mrs. E. M. Button and son. Edward, .way, tbey visited the Delaware Water PLUMBER, liig lout, the Philadelphia mull -Webi the ructH. came clone to it ulwayu aud a part of f.Advertlaer says, the proteetlonlat are spending a week with Mm. But- •Win Enlwxt Boose. fesus Istheouly One who could ever I2-U A»bury sveDue.Ocem City tontmelH, Huyn .lie liau begun RufuD liooye, o_f . Atlanti_..^c City,, tlie time up to uud uga|ust It. Atloi V. COKHON, (>r«Mld«>nY lloard or Director* meeftneaiUjr Gap, Scran ton'and Stroudnburg, Pa. Fine Paper Hanging, t a mouth earlier than be did luHt [iUft with the way mall leaving herou; the Bmlth bulkhead wan washed Krldajp marolng*. :m»Jorlty, endangered.' .If a ton's brother, lo .New York. Mr. English 4 Johnson have received Msjt that—the only. Oue who Hul»bed ^UU a. iu. Now the Philadelphia K(u SAliK.—To OIOMB an eutute, 44U teutllled to having furulubed lumber > STEAM AND GAS FITTER He IniH on hand coutrucU to Anbury- avenue;. Eloveu-room Kur- ror the Itrlghton Hotel. He stated away. • Hooy iiad another oue built, There R a great niany houses in Oc can City. ;itevl1UoniJiouttIbe nia'»e, New Jersey Button went over ou Saturday after- the contract to enlarge the building FOE BALK—Near tbe Bay front, be- His work—aud what was that Work ? A Select Line of. mail has a separate pouch. 1 noon and wlU remain a few days. DARBY'S uoinil of $11,000. il lulled Cottage, coruplete, 111 UrutHiIuKu that the ordinary tlden came Within which WUH uluo destroyed by the tides, Some R Cottages, 'some R Hotels. ;|ii(dk«>»|toi^ief;wlle»ervto'lier ln- owned by Ell Stewart, Twelfth and ween Tenth and Eleventh streets Yours aud my salvation. Alt that tweuty-llve or tlfty feet of tlie .hotel, and a third constructed. A. E. Cox. who baS been upending, several cheap Iota suitable for summer Repairing a specialty. WALL PAPERS condillou. Hot and cold water; UIKO Some R-stores, some R for ryit, P TM«F\IWn p^ainnes.toabejuwinoieto lone than tbe summer months with bis son,Asbury avenue A big addition is to can be don*, lias beeu done, aud it re- gas raiiRc", newer drainage, front, aud und that there wcro no baud bllltior The trial wabHtlll lu. progress an the. 4t 4 be made totb e rear, and this will be cottages; 9200 per lot; one-half can re- • Bath; Tubs and Plumbers', INTERIOR DECORA! A M PianosTuned, $2J bide veranda. Suitable for boarding any sort In front of tbe hotel building. went to press. There wll' • Some R'for sale. Tliere-Ralso Every ta«l|iWeoa»t»t«twlU»iwftl)M«tn«''' ^f^ofbmdoe«e,lossofeinpIoTment.- Milton, at Bordentown, came to this main on mortgage. Apinl "y __ mains for us to glorify Him lu our extended to oar p«trou», y'"f/-,, city on Thursday evening to make an used as a boarding boose. The Im- ^v'Weare to let our lightso shine Supplies. • . Headquarter* tat „. Rubber Hot Water Bugs aud Ten years' experi- houue, Lot, 00x100 feet. Inquire ii There wan uocroBH-examluatlon of be uo court on Friday nnd Saturday, •, Many lots for Sale without houses. SrSOOIili-. \V. Ktl>,chief WrttoS^ ?» te and, boforo any ono could Interfere, How TeMot a Ara > favored the undertaking." On the baso It chooses »oiuo'e.\'li»r«al Clotba. ITS DE8IQN WA8 8UQQE8TED'. BV of the pyramid1 are the letters In Ho- • twl flenM Ar» PrtMlaecd, close to tlie pitlillc rJiil. and- proceeds Tbo explosive Jiurpoon, The only really pt-rfect diamonds luodern whale hunter's to her room.' No out; inado comment (Inuring by tho wayside you will of- ' ' SIR JOHN PRESTWICH. uinu numerals, UDCCLXXVI, and un- to build ou mi iiv'tTli.iiiKiiig twig. Tbo on the" sceuo save that Mr. Carjcton ten sfo that stately, spiny looking derneath Is the motto "N'OVUH ordo which ure to lie found on thls'globo are Dnlslhiu toiielies U'luk" put t3 the xmull Is a* truly inurderous Wfapi]«;J3 HER WORD amusedly met the luugutiT in Auno'u tbow.wblch full frji:i the skyy In mcteormcte - nlnile, It In left, iK-curtllng to one nu-In length .ami strotig' ItT^nj • • * •»— "•'••.. • plant.' the teazel, but I wonder how seCtorum"—a uew order of the ages— «yes nod-told 'tknllluit li»-would have urrniamm* llatlrd Stain. ~' ' J •fcopyrlghu IMSrty K^a Puralli been disapproved'-uf by tier family, • Thus, after six yeans of fruitless ef- Tbnt Is a Btartlluff stnteuipnt, bnt a Mrds UiciUHelvea turn' mirnieu iiad, col- foatiiro "next to ttie Jipmb and, while .tlioy \veix> ull sorry for her, loniethiiiB of man's' make, yet here Is It Is.a fact not generally known and fort, a very simple, seal was adopted •till more sturllliu* one Is that all tbe lectlnK any rulibUli tiny run IInd In tbo they thought It tluio slio Hbould come I Is operated by u time fuse aod7_ John Mason did not slam, the sate »»e of nnlure'u own, und nothing has .ret oue or peculiar significance that the und yet remains the anus of the Hulled diamonds to lie'fmind on our planet wuy of UIOJIK, rnde\l Iruvi'x, ends ot cot- In tbo vitals of tlie whale, ui U)S limply because lie know tbntthjsmanl- States.—Thomas W. Lloyd In St. Nich- hnvo fnlleu ou our earth from tbe skies to ber senses. ever.- been manufactured to suceosaful- treat seal, of tbo United States, which' ton nnd otlhT'such trltlet, stick them like device tbat prevent,,,( fcHtutlou of rage would surely delight Time bud beou slow nud torturing-to '>' ««k«> Its pluco._ For agxs tbo teazel was adopted In 1T82, was suggested by olas. ' ' . nnd have uot, ns iiiost'of utf tuought, ou tliu oittxlile nf tbi> ncs'l by u»mu« of Kosullo. Sbe was watching bis depar- bei'u-proilueeil bero like eon I and oilier "drawing" our of tlie bmlv'i John. Ho- wanted to toll KoSulle tbat' lias been used for fulling cloth—that * citizen of a country with which our pieces Of- purlnlriod ,'\Veb«. In .either ture from Ihe window, and be was an- bo lovcd.ner au*l her'only. Ho wnuted is, raising tbo "nap"—and tbe manu- mlneml |iroiluctH, '* -, cast- I hi- remit Is tiie KUII'IC; uud. they Uie tcrrille strain of tliu wot DWu Was tlicu nt war. *• A physician was talking, about'nla ' erUy conscious that she knew* be to sena her lloweTH, to give her every .fm'turvro rvfer to "nap goods" thus Vet this' l*-the Intis't Kclcnlinc asser- umlie tlielr fu'tihv lioini' u tliiiroughly Ktor's. frantic fffor{x to freoi VOL. XXVII. OCEAN CITY, N; J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1900 patient's syhiptiinjs. would, IIH usual, return In a few days, •deslro of ber heart, and h'u found It a treated OH "elggml" ' ' • ' -' The history of tho great seal aud .the. tion wltb tvKunl to Ihe world's stock mnrcpiitnhV ob'iH't.'Tlii'ii.' nml uot till insists -of four" hlnmsi; bn although sue bad said she hoped sbe difficulties which beset those having In* I "Young, strong praplu tlon'tglvo me X ; of till} prvclouii Htono. The wuolo stock does the little heii HUiililnl luy llL'nlonK the shuft lM'furo It I would ho rid of Dim for awhile.. Sbo MIS.!Meantim"e 'ZJ.^"L™K\L?Z.!he-WIM- ,very .attentive"~ t o ' -«. •.-W. ripe; the'drta!spike heads are charge the matter of selecting a suit- I enough symptoms when -they nro 111, of the Klmlierlcy niliii's.-Wltli their lin- thcu, whlcli are • rort-eil apart i ATTORN EV».*T.|, AW. " able and satisfactory design are full of , ht.sald, "tjtit the middle need mid tho bor ttro u,VH'.i!sli <;i-'ir<. wlileli.sbo was HO young auu>> beautlful-and so Anne, who was becoiulug vastly bored , •?? euref ully In bundles kiiowu .rescitiri't's. nnd. nil the .gems of Ihviuxelves lu tile SVIIUII-'H bo Interest' Soau after the Declaration of j "B"1 B'VP '"<•' to" nuuiy. Thinking hutches un.Ii'i* Hie nlielier of n .. provokluitprovoklug!l • /•..' . • witwltfhi Illhis nipturerapture,a uiitandl sorrows a'niamrl was ^' ^:! I directions to fucto- tills he found In any part PLANNING FOR ONLY TWO STRONG SERMONS SENATOR Iudtiwndcnce wus signed Benjambi about their health nil the time., study- potvb wblch has liecu iiinsirui'ted over Is hit, so that If tin. nrij janCity Sentinel JjyJORGAN HAND," T. ABBOTT, M. D., At tin-, entrance to tho llttlo.park, al- logR ofir hintu, to win his Hosalllaq. uud <•"'•'• vnrlety mostly used havo of our planet, all have fallen from Franklin, 'lliouius Jefferaou and John .tag Ihelr condition all the, time, tbo the Host. KliloMliig II.T. fr'uiu sun 'uud which sometimes oVcura, it ' ATTORNEY and . ready growing green In tbo April sun, let her go buck to ber old ix-Miceful the extreme end of the spikes booked AduuuT were appointed a committee to aged and tlie "middle aged discover a space nt some time of.other. • breaking tbe-ro|ie.' . Publ'l^ticd Wnkly «•'. . . and Nurgeoii. bo -met lu>r sister. Iio dig not know ruin. ^ .. •' • . ways. . . ' (- . • -or eurveB iMiekward. Thta Is called Souiewliere In the Illimitable distance COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, DRAWS IN BRIDGE OVER BAY •: HEARD SUNDAY prepare-a great seal for the Infant re-' '» every muscle. In every or- When."Ush" nre iiiimproai 'OCEAN CITY, rj. J. . Solloltor,MKat«r and Examinee ID Chancery, OFFICE—Comer Centra} and ElgbUi Street CORNERSTONE OF CHURCH? Anno very well—lie bud W«n too busy At last oue night Anne waked and ''fullers' fennel." These beads form a public. They employed a French West gun,'In every limn. Tlius they ccufuso tliut surrounds ux tliere Is a vast - naiimin "Irrud. with Hosullo. Ho wlshetr now that ha Is a chauco of kllllug niora I ,-By— Bnpreiue Court Commlnloner. Notary l"ubUo. (Till 9 a.m. heard ltosulle sobbing to ht'rxelf. In Hart of brush and are attached to a Indian uumed Slmltlero to furnish dc- ! '-"''• • mond factory, the only plnco wbero Broad luudi* from li.niauu flour'IS ' ••APU If AV «'OtlltT HOIJNK, N. J. had made friends wltb/ber; ber blue a day n novel method |H jj the murulng Khu pleaded hvadnchq,and |iM or cylinder which revolves perfect gems nrv prwluciMl, nnd from colainou euotitzli l:i Km-ope und K;ic- (Oppoilto' Public BulldlDKii). Chief. Engineer Brown and Goo d-Sized Congregations eyes were so Uko and-still so unlike (V signs and sketches; but. although a I -Tbe average sufferer of fifty or so tbe'Urst'victim. When it Is URTIS ROBINSON stayed In heh r rooru tililll nearlly evening.i ' tlilx fnelory we "uive rorplrcd n Inrgo land. Oue pound Is mild -to eoiitaln Presbyterian Congregation to Itusalle's. Aune Btepped In frout of ii(rilnnt nupfiifo of tbo cloth, and number were suggested, proved will pour upon my head a deluge of dead n hole Is ljored ttipui , I,ocal Business Men Make - Attended Services in Aune had a long conference by tele- these curvedl spikes cutcb, part of tho supply In the |mst nnd lire still occa- more nouri linteiit null eiu'.-^y produc- Editor and Proprietor bim'and stopiied bim unceremoniously. satisfactory. lymptoniB like this: > . Into Its Kluinaili und nlr l« | JONATHAN.HAND, 'J'.C. HUTCHINSON, M. D OPENING OF THE Hold Ceremonies on Next pboae with John uud. took pallia to sionally nvelvlni; JIII puiiml of tlie MUST ANSWER • "Iloon trampled u|iou.asalu!" sbo ob- tlirriuls nnd pull them up, making n Thou each, member of tbe committee " 'Well,* doctor." I'm miserable all It by n pipe from the KU-nrncrV Inspection Tour. local Churches. bnve her fallier and Ted si*>nil tliu fuzzy" nap. This Is trimmed down and Wliut n-nsonx art' there for'believing fliu'st bccfsttiik, li much lunri- dlpMt- i Per Year, Strictly In Advance Counsellor"- at- Law, HomoeopathiBt. • Saturday Afternoon, served;, "John Muson, for so clover a evening elsewhere. ' . ,,.,„., was asked to submit a design. Frank- over, fovorldi one minute, freezing until It Ix Intlnted Ilk.- H KiiKlnccr Hrown, who bun clmr«e 01 The attendance In the local churches lemon tliut soft, velvety finish to tbo. tbe next. I've a ciuiwlng pain lu my tills? iblu und less than O.:C->.IM1I IUV |irli'i>, Tlie orlflix* IH then clcs,^ 9i.5o at End nf Year Holloltor. Maater (oCtaaboery, Notary Public, Tbe of tbe new Preaby- man generally you're sometimes an After dluuer she went to Kosnlle'l ,.] i| lin proposed for tbo device Moses lift- The llrst |«leee of evidence Is that tbo No. H34 Oooan Avenue, The plaiiH Tor tlie trolley bridne acroBrt GUNNING SEASON on Sunday last-Wan good, lleluw will OI Slr'fli-ary ."tmilcy wus u livin Mloyor HARD QUESTIONS Tho xplke* have strength enough Ing his, waud and dividing tbe Red sea hip' nud Hide mid back and an all gono en plug, nnd a mail Is left »| 1 torluu Church, at Seveutb and Wesley awful —fool!" gho submitted this room and pleaded 'H'IIU: tired. She wlinle or the riw-l; In which tlie Kim- CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, N. J. OCEAN CITY. N. J. (lie buy, and who In located atHomcrH lie found extraetH of some of the ser- Uioucbfully. In a voice-too gentle to be nnd'elasticity, but wlieii they'come lu and Pharaoh aud his'hosts overwhelm- Rensutlon In the xtom.-U'li, with a shout- III tlie l).m:i:i';i. He we..t so ax to Ktnnll boat to.'exhibit,,!, a.veuue, will be laid with Impressive coaxed Rosullv to arrange- tier pretty lii>rl«'y jri'iim "lire round Is similar; to OKVICK UODIU):—Till 10 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.( roint.cumo to HiUclty, on Saturday lusultlngt ' ' . eontitet with a rough phtco-tn the cloth ed with waters, and for a. motto the Jne.^ieiimlglt' lieiidiiclie over the left advise that Its i would cure wllll" IIIB wlinlcr.sleiiiiH off to" (Ll*tuncoToleplione. „ mon •< preached: hair and don a pretty gown so she niillilnc i'lsi. on outli. It Ims boon glr- Bios p.m. 'Many I,ocal Sportsmen.Are ceremonies at 2 o'clock ou Saturday tlicy hrruk anil so mold tearing tnn words of Cromwell. "Itcbclllon to ty-eye.. I Imve it queer tuxie |n' my inoiith, ill it-iil *n'l I vcr affis'. ml 'fry. A-; uiiiuy uioriiliiK la"t, for the iiurpone of iriak- FIltST rill-NllVTKUIAN. Applicants for Health Board "Then yon and Rosalie are agreed, could go flowu- If any ouu should come. ••u II illKilii'-iilslilui: iiniMi- (Klmlierlcy), afleriioou uext. inatorliil. Try as they may, no one has rants Is ohedivucu to God." Adams u dlzzluesx .when I sloop over nnd a WIIIMI - lyl.i: at Hi.-llolllt Of |jTY DIRECTQRY. InKnii lUHiiet'tion, with repreneututlve and I SUPJHMO you ara expert testi- While ltosulle wus sulkily doing ns her 4 tlom. 111! VI" 11. en klllinl by n' JJARRISON H. VOORHEES /HOWARD BURT, M. D Getting Ready for Satur- "New und.Old Men" WUH the subject Positions May Have Some ever been able to Invent a tool possess- proposed tbe choice of Hercules, tbe dull ache up uud 'down tlie right side, ami- It ii>nVxpiiin!x exact ly with Uio ili'ath fro»'irSils'n lhibt L'ruel of oltlzunn of IIIIK rc-orf, of thu buy, wlCh Prior to the laying of tbe comer- sister wished. Aunt- heard tbv hell and four Is not nn >*ii -CITY OFFICIALS mony. . May I turn and walk wltb ing nil of t,liose qualities, so the teazel hero resting on n club,' Virtue pointing along with 11 kind of 'inimbiiess. I tfinttiT of wldili. nii-tiHirlliii are com- day,'Noyembcr ioth.- or Rev; II.T. Cai-sclberry's discourse Troubles. stoue, which will be done by Senator you?*s> , . ' sll|i|HXl down to aiisuW It. She came lianaim fliim* rilM'il v.lih i;i!IU was tliu thret's nml tivm nr»» 809 Wesley Avenue. " 1 lie idea of. dredijIiiK from Dry couch n Int. my thront's sire, mid l'vo posed. •' ' 1 •pit U.cttHniplon. • OoiiTiMollor - at - In the First I'resbyteriun Church 011 Lewis SI. Crease, oue of tbe officials of back saying It wax'soine oue for Her stands unrivaled for that use. Tho to her rugged uiouutalu on the. ono side only foii.l hi I'o-.iMivt il;i and dlivxt.* KlllKle Hlllp'kllleil tweiity-lwo'by I of Council—Murk W. Adum* TliorouRlifuru to the buy • TIIIH. plan Tlie KuiiuinK HOIHOII for thin yeur As wax brouglit out ut u relent Sbo nodded uud Uion nuked a matter plant us we see It growing wild looks and persuading him to ascend, and tbe ennielu'. Appetite's fair, bin not In plalu laiiKUaue, -ttit- whole of Unit The i-'ecrVt of tile 'ia::a.::i ns n h-Ml:!i f Clerk—Y. \jea AduntM. * I Till Ilium. Sunday evening lust. He took his the church, exvrclses 'Will be held In of fact question. "liowNmany time* father and iisked lloxullc If.slio would vast mass.of rock fell on earth from mid the rifoni yi'iir'x wnrk for, vr— Ir»H.L'liiiiii|)lun. or^icnc iiouKa:' 1 to :i p. tu. hud been propn»ed in lieu of a third will open In Now Jersey on Suturduy meeting of the local Hoard ot Health, |M>rl:ii|ui at first glance somewhat Uko Sloth ou tbe other side glancing at her what It should he. I have a feeliuir of- nuil xti'eu^;Ii p"o.!u<',;i'; f.t.> 1 II.-s in IN < text froiuKpli., -I; £> nud U.1 In purl: the old church 4iu)ldlng, where the has Klio refused you?" . mind going tothe library anil bringing lassitude, anil I'm very weak. . The»o the skies nt uume Into period of Uio li-- i. nn amazlm: mini I tr— NIcholftM t'ornon I Mlret-t, - taiutlcu. . \ 8 to H p. m. draw In the bruise. - N'ovdinber'10, and already the local the,State (uwx require health officers tbe book slie.luul left on the tuble. thfxtli-. but It really b-is-o dignity flowery beds aud pcrsuiuliug bim Into UU.-II, p.-i-ii-.;tii •> ni' p o.VM.i u:nl llnmi'inlHTe' d that on stiirm. for 1'olico -Nitinuul HCIIII. In tlijs letter to the Kpheslans," pastor, Kov. H. T. Casselberry, will' "I hiid not tliouglit to keep count vice. Jefferson proposed the children arie only u few. of my inulit xyuiptomx. world's formation: This Is rather stag- * HE ItiHfiector- -llt*rt>ort CHniltli. - lirowii WIIH ucroinpauled exponents of the rlllo ure making And sunllury luxpectorx to be licensed, nml character, all It* own. TbA. beads iri'ei't nuin'Or of li.i i*:i!orle-». iv?ipi*ei!\v. l»i.islble tn cnilsc at nlh ni rtU|M*rvlKor-,\Vurri'ii \V\ Itrown. -did Mr. ('uH>elberry, "Paul is trying preside. ' ' Itosjil|o Just now lufornied ruu that thl« Rosalie,, In her trailing blue dmis, of Israel In tbe wilderness. led .by a To proceed, etc' "—KxcliniiKe, gering, hut It must lie rciuouibcrcd on IIIH trip over the buy. by Suiiutor uuiplo preparation for tiio fuHejiiutlng uud the license can only be obtained ill flower arc' covered 'wltb a fluffy ly :n ni;! :I:II.-<. li l.i a p.>.-rvUy lul- liury the um'i. and Unit jllulior— fc:x-Juu*t» Jon. TIiompMon. W. HiIlT AetlAK. ANDBKW C. I1OHWKI.I. to point, them from heathenism to was tbe last time. I didn't know I had went downstairs ami through tbo bull down, In vender or white, and as tbocloud by .day and a pillar of fire by tl/ut there Is n mountain In Arizona jlliiMtii—tJftiritu u. itliuiiH, Murk W. N. GRISCOM, M. (Jretwc, Mayor (Jhumplon, IC \V. |j|-winter Hport; From tlie loth of No- alter Hie npjillcunt for such position These exercises will luclude ad- Into tbo llbrory. 'Sbo hud-biilf crossed iitii-otl t-.itlu.i' If v'.'.ivd rirealifimt ter months'llshlnu- I; i WllllniH-l.ifiMiliiin. Jit-rob C. HUt:|- Christianity. In doing ,ni, he has been tho sauii sort or a—fool so of ten. | blossoms- drop spikes appear until lat- night, aud on the reverse side Henglst An raruntrd Spirit. which IH |ii'l:iio\vleilseil by all sclpntists Brry ll«u.iley. Hurry UHmllh, 1>.H. OFFICES I. warils, Dr. V. K. Kd.wurdH, JliirVy K, vember until December .11 it will be has passed un' examination before drestes by several of tbe local min- But dou't you thluk she ought to give tbe room before she. saw Jolm sitting and servi-il wWi lidll: nml siiirar.—New Inc tlutt perlml- tin- wlm: Ir^GUTHST. AXI> WiSSIiBY AYR oi-i'iislon local! attention to Iwo sii er It fairly bristles. The leaves, point- and ' Ilorsa, tbe' Saxon . chiefs from A contented spirit wits Mrs. Snow's, to IH'.II mi'lwiilc mountain. And dia- Vork. I'r^s;:. ' - . Hlaiitmi, K. \V. KurlelKli, C'upt. Incer- lawful In HUH State 10 tdioot hure isters, who have been luvlted to attend, mo credit for my perslstonceT Not ev- In u grout chair In tls" dim ni-ellgiit. the ciiiixt to osiup,. ||K. |M ol Hculth—l»r;i h trkw K. ^lwurdn, Iltitli I'IIOIIVH—He 11, 15; Inter-Hiule, I1:U members of the Slate Hoard or Health. •HI imil spiked, shooting out each side wbom we claim the bbiuir of being m> couti'iideil that at times, tier m>lf;h' monds > Mm; found ut thut sjHit. „!; Or. C. H. ICIiier. MeureiHry; ilurry Apgar & Bos well, of human nature. Philosophize as we er}* man proposes so many times—to She wuuted. to flee from him. but soiiie- Mli.. l.i III " which tlir Vnr<|iialx art- nol oitfci- llourM- LTntll U»n. ni. From u in N p. ni Mill anil C'upt. Herbert C. Slllltli, 1 la- rabbit, i|ual|, purtrldge, grouxe, Kng- These exuniinullnnx ure both written uud special music by tbe choir. of the stem, meet at tbe base aud form descended and whose princi- bora foiinil ft iryln- anil tiuik an un- I)i omlx are found prncllnilly In iiou. Truiu4iirt*r; J. W, -Hiiinti.'NuiH MAHTKWi ![* 4;i|ANtlCKV, No ofllco Uotirn SimdHy iiflernixin. please, we all recognize thut our nature tho same jrirl." . , bon- ber few would not juove. nor did •Jirtle! of. fooil and I.IIB^III tlilx ri>s|Hst iiullUc •utwtitr; i»r. l. N. Url^'ont, M«MIICHI 1 two latter rcpreiteiiliiiK (he yuchln- II")! or ring-neek pheasant and gruy, and oral. B At the conclusion of the mrvlcea-ln- ples and form of government we havo righteous s:illsrnit!oii In pnwntlng any supcrllclal luyei-s iif the earth's eriiKt,j-^MIlk. h til • ir; Or. N. H. Hurtj ll_rbt>rlC. Hiiiltli, IIOUKHK IILIII.IHNO, At K*>U1KJII H. Corxun'M, Aluiitoru, Mondavi , it—mysteriously— twnfoid—'poinHhliiir .- •.•••.^•uniuu ui me nervieea-ln sbo fliid.n wonl to say. Then to her ti little basin in which %ls usually wa- c\ cry » ;o')\it:u and congoni-nt. whose Iwhltnt IIIt AVKNUK iinil KIOIIIH HTUKKT Ualmuiilityn anil Maninliiy^^aJl^a^ <>lack—nnr|-f()x H|UtrTeIrt.. WoodeoeK, Anno laughed dryly as be continue*! assumed. Jefferson, waa_tlien_jomiesi small tliopm wldcli inli-lit prli'l? llimiiBli That Is mntlher proof of their eeleHtlal I nourishment lDttlT=- ttrenr For the > bune'lt of uny or Oceun tile old church building, the congrega- tor. So wo IIIIVP the name of the plant nmtes seetlon of Ilinlwi, gruy, KugliKli or Wilson wilne, rail- In UH satanle, soiiietlilng strangely "I wolllit Imv glvi-n np long ngn II "''"jrroiii tin- linvk "dlpmicns," meaning her comfort. origin, rurtlii'r. tin- dhjmoud crystals | linspltj], i:ml c i an brldKe, Tlie purty went out in Sen- 1 City'x resideulM who inay .desire to tion wllj adjourn to the uew building, I were not umjxplalnnbly sure that sh< falling down her cheek. John by bis colletiKOeVtO, comhlni thoir sep- till' MIIIIV,' Of "Up- clumnels which.strike norta _. ijr. B. T blnls, mumh lieu, or inud lien uud near tb (iod; liiilf bcust,* half divine; - I thirsty*. JIIKI many otlu'r fanciful ones, ' ".'Nt>, iny Angle hasn't the uieuslen." ure formed like nn iillu'rx thut are of j iiiirsi' sli,i;i..l l::.o-.- It: A.J.Hinllli. Vli-t-I'rcHltlci.t; ICC. CHARLES B.iRIDEK ator (JreiMu'H yacht, Flirt, nailed by apply for the position of. sanitary In- and,H. It. Captain Hinltii. . reed uinlH are now in Keawin, and il spector, the KKNTINKI., through the bos said directly that sbe does not. 8h« comfortable to be leaning against him. Klruuc pnsif that they fell from ubove. i any rniin In:' Invi ll'ls aiiil'i-oivnles- D« Jutuen 4 • > te. estate, there Is something ortbedeiuon The sloue Is about two and a half haps It seems strange she should cscaite "orld. . ' Hupvrmmudeni— Prol- JUIUCH M will continue to be lawful to uhoot shnply nays she 'won't marry me 1>s handwriting. Is still on flic In tho state rents. It IN I.O: CII'M II iliat It •-.lines Godfrey & Godfrey, It WUH found thut.the HUKgeHtlon to lurking in UK, whlcli,. If it could be courtesy of Dr. I. N. (iriscoiu, her*, Icet loug, eighteen Inches wide and. department This design consisted of tho epidemic, but my children ar>>_ un- It Ix eiirloiix Unit 'our diauionilx nro ' them the remainder of • tho year, What's the matter with me?. Am I toe ns "i-oniiiry mil!:." 'i IHM-C I:III-I li" In- «rof the I'oor—Jororne H, Itu>>lt. Itooinn Sift, »l« and 817 • cut u channel from Dry Thorough- with given u few of tho xuhjects which nine Inches thick. On it are tbe fig- xL-ssrzzzsf?"—. -r;.:=^or - ^ shield with six quarterhiES—*bo 0 U-sunlly fortunate always In those" re- nut |x»rfe<'t n:nl that some ,of theiu 809 Central Avenue duck, brunt and water^ wild known, would make others shudder rich? I con give away the stuff If sh< to^rlty and ,-*;!• -rli-iu*'* buck-of It.' It HABITS OF, BEES. • liurtielt HtilidiPK.:: :: fare WUH, Bcurcely feuklble. Another must be answered at-thc cxauiluatiiin: ures, -'1000." Into tbe box which will "Well," ho questioned, "bow "hull gold, wltb an enameled rose,- rod am spects. (If -course I take the liest of when' tlrxt broii-Iir from KluilMTloy foul, phore birdH, surf Hiilpo of buyuud shrink from us/ The germ of I lie likes. Am I too successful? I mlghl The' Lite of • Clam. <• ' •nliiex uud extuisiil to tlie njr exploit' has Ixi'ii srlciiilll'.Mllv, ili':iit>usiiatcil CHURCH SERVICES. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. flllTV. »• J. plan met with more favor, uud thul . Health JjtWH of Now Jersey and bo? You know you tml'l you liojied you white, for Eutjluud; tbe st^-ond, whlti core of them, und, then. thVy luticrjt n A Clnn Inxllnci |O Work T^ worst crime is iu us ull, and yet In our be placed In the slone will be put a ' The vluin's Nxly Is' completely en- uud ,rvIc«.7JKL I.ATKST FAI> Kinder C'liuiiuel. TIIIH channel, it WUH plover I* over and a xevero line Ix Isolallon und qnaruntlu'e. Sunduy school, history of tbe church, can IK- pusln-d out.' The other Is for the from tin- proiri'lliij* IIUTT™ which iiivent ineetltitf, WednttHduy uvenlntCt JMi. Illed—the pledge and gilt or our better What does sbe want? I've said and After tlie llttl.c mliiiitett.hud cunning- wIUl a golden Illy, for Franco: the tlftii, gle tfame down wltlr measles n 'week Ix oiiiithtisl lu all Ms p'irliy and U<>pt Ttio i»liii*t*rt tlh-y clinnK*' for facttw Kolioul, iJW. TbOitmNH.tioorlvyj chllnmted, Hlioulil be ut least nix feet nttuehed for the person cuught Cleansing und disinfection. copies of tbe local newspapers, done everything under heaven, and sh« ly BlIpiKsJ a nay and It wus time thai siphon or^ commouly known a,H them completely. Thix Ix 'iUL.naturnlly po'sscsses something Hie clam may be lielter off than we are, Ucrmuny, und tbe sixth, sold, xvlth thi variably lK>IJn\v in*.*,* .Some L»| M inalnliilned hy the railroad coui|)uny. pO.<-H'itHiOII. . '"_ —— I'liniibliJK, dFiiTliage aud gas-llltlng. It was hoped to have, among the . "I'reclxely! Hint's why I called yon In dismay: Ik'lslc cTOtvned rnl lion, for Uollani where tile xto.:.'>J~Tl]-«» prmlui-eil. ull.l Ihr. H. T, AtilH)tt, KtlWiinl M. Kut- Clillncery ' THI: il Ihe unhiHtl nature, aiid It lias been fur he has a imie liraln In his foot and "Yes, dear Angle Jiungtho measles at MurtH, IruH, C'tiiuii- • • Olnice—No.•JH.'lctuii Hired .ir When the party teturiieil, The peimlllCH-arc for each animal -what I did. A gfrl liken to trail s "ph. Anne's, lxkjk: Sbe will be wait Those denoted tbe couutrieii froul wblcl thV*i' iiiutlUlous iMiuiot prevail o:i ttti' the snid Uliut Ihe uverago-muu lives,so ApplicuiitH for license* to nerve ns I'lilladelphluiiH present, that well- nlso^irgiiiiid for secreting strung flbers. tust."-sold ihet-onteii^etl uiothiT. "Now. I'arili. nx the o.xyireu prevenls I . I.'AI'K JlAY U1TY. N. J uiiluufiilly_tukcn_or hud iu poHKen- man. hut hate* the man that will tx tag for It." America bad been peopled. most of th(> other children are well.,uud-j "wan-iH>cUH»e(l ut HOIIIU lei health iifllcerH will be ex 11 mined 011 known" l'resbyterlan and philan- trailed. Not-loglvul, ts It? TO use hei \V|th this he spins a hyssus by which BOURSE PHARMACY iloni Incase of noii-piiymeiit of lineti close lu^lhe nnfmu.l Ihut ~lie ut.der "I hardly think HO," JoliK asserted lie can attut'h hluutelf to whatever he 0» the doctor luis.ploiity of time to at- In order to inaki' n ilinmoftd ut .Senator tlie* following sulijecls, among others: thropist, John H. Converse, of tbe own words, you are always around dryly, "i'our sinter Anno la wise. Rb lie proposed to place this shield with- z, 1.1. OFFICES OF- stands Us lunuungo fur belter I hair if HUes. He docs not even nave to search in a red lionler, on which there slioul tend to her it really seemed an opjior- mwnry thut tin- COIISIIIII.'IHS > ALSO COJL1» KOOA llrowu lett the city with uud COHIH, tlie~eouvleted nre subject to l'rlnclplrs of buctorlology. lluldwm Locomotive Works, but Mr. onderfoot. Yoa give, her no time tc'| know tatter than to exisx-t you lu i NO ••:»•• fail lK««t that \w aeeepts mlI,,ol,llln>.H RALPH L. GOFF, 111 nngel spoke to him.' Hut, that for his food, but wails for It to come be thlrtoeti white escutcheons, llukei tuulty for An;Jc, I don't siipimse then? very hot nud tll.'ll fjiolcil «|iiiti> the sitHunient tlmt he would report to uiprl-oiiiuent. A line of $:M IH ut- 'Diseases duo to oeeupallons. Converse has sent a letter in which he want you or miss you or. think aboui moment when she scut yuu down, to ly. Nothing elw wlti*itt*coimt Herbert R. Voorhees, man, by nature, has animal desires Is to him. .He makes u burrow In thetogether by n kffold chain, each boarini over was u child tiu wh:>m they came t'Pretihy ter lun his lirm the reunite of IIIH iuxpectlon. aeliiil for u gunner to take or at- Food und drug inspection. expresses his icgrcte at not being able you. She's too sure &of you. Sb< me!" • • ., v x r H'K*N.('ITV: T:n» Anbury Avunut*; CIVIL ENGINEER. ' no fault of his, nor Is it a misfortune ntu Mirtwi, Ituv. II.T. r mud or KUUII. nttiiehlng-tifmHi lf to,the appropriate Initials In black of th out more lieaiitlfufly ih'tn on* Angle, IMH'iillitr shape «r tlii'"iT.vxta!s ' \\«- tt ft-* TJ.ANTJC i;iTVt Cur Kentucky ami Adau (K'eiiu I ity'n IntereatM Merc Well rep- cui|it to take any gume except by the Dust und xiuoke. .. - to attend the ceremonies here' by knows Just where you'll lie. You nevoi "Sent UH' to yon!" Itemlle ••cli'H'd. jTiMM'ml "foriiiatloii Tof -the irem, HvrvittfN, laiU'u. in. and H to the possessor of these ones inherited Iwtlom liy the bysitus. Then ho thrusts thirteen original statos! ITiero were I tell the doctor I think he may well be 1.,-yoii.r tii.' caiilf lilon, iyor uiL'olltiK, Wetluetfdtiy fVoa- IW AVt'lllll'H, - '• saRVEYe xi-o of a gun held ut arm'H length. reason of previous engagement*. let ber want anything bad enough tc •'YeiCniy ludy! I>o you imagine your earth did imt cool suililciil . _ clock. Kunduy HCIIOOI iKO p. m. At iti'fHi^Ctiy Oltlrouu TiiONduvH IIDII Krl- re.ieiiied ut the hearing before Major In hariiionlouH pro|Hirtlon wlttj the Contagion and Infection. Ills siphon lip through the mud andsupporters on either side of tlie shield, proud of bis- little-* p'ltlem."—Youth's ant] *> tho | litink we 'ill tin* fut-(,. Any tuinn, nml a lltllo tin* 1 l« . CONVEYANCER The same line will ulso bo ini|M)scd for appreciate It when It Mimes. .She tuu sister bus IMWII trailing iui> alwut for CorapuuiQti. Uellis. could uot llnv«' hii-tl I. CtutnvUwtry* Muittrliiteuduut- €in> wl Tu«i^*l«y null Ttiiim my KvenliiKM (Jur< Flutfler, 'of the lulled Klaterf War Laboratory diagnosis. - The church Is being built of stone water until It reuchrtt the surfuce; Tbe tbe oue onlbe rlgbt twlui; the Ooddc innhH*cil un | lU-liIoviMii-'iit U liii|H>^lb!o wttliout tliU U'low tlif hhv. of TrUHtuuh-^K, 1*. CHiinuM, iFrtmi- Injcil *l I'IMHIU- — A NINTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE, mental and spiritual propensities. always bud her own way. Sbe needs tc her pleasure'.' she Ix morv glad to tw this plaui't. Min It h. htwri'Uiry; A. II. AlHitCUyy,, NoNo . -14141 1). Ufpurluicnt, In Wilmlugtou, Uel , on gunner to hunt on • Sunday or to . Domestic and public water supplies. and will present a handsome appear- siphon Is umde up of two tubes, the of tlberty In a corxelet of armor, I: Ipow-T. ,l.(f«- ilirtlU with JiU'iiMhit: uud i\vn\ty I.IiU'lvhh.N |iak*vllhj| lli-l Oct-ttli City, No. IK. OCEAN CITY. N. J. They aro ull frqm tlie Divine Creator, be a bit afraid of you. SbenccdstotM rid of me tbau—ever you were!" 1^-wif MVr^NMt*, JUM, I.KCII!) N IK Weilne-day of'luHt Week 111 the matter i-nrry Ihejrnis in tho lleldH or WIUHIH Lighting, heating and ventilation of uuee when completed; .It will be l ' ' water flowing in through oueaud out allusion to tbe tben state of war, an . Tbr Alui*>«pliere. In every ximt, \vin*rr dlauiiiiiilH nrt> wnuk' for tin- int-' l«l«-alUt. pivt- kfn« nml iitn-cii tTititer , Jrtl&Yld CrtMfwmi; mid all ure for our gobd. Kill, mark "Tbtti- It—wus..not—Auue - e*Vr>" 1 IIII Sunday orlo hunt i|imll, purtrldge, large and roomy, and in keeping with through the other. When the Inflowing holding a spear and cup* In bor rigbi Even If it were imsslblc for tiiiln to found the croiuaj l» (if a nature whlrb titan Mil* kfiiK- aikil -I'"" -" HARRV H. RICE, of a third draw lu'the trolley railway you, beware how you feed the animal buildings. lie frowned. "lam not a brute. Thai Jobu laughed and' tuide. tier goo* current, hulrii with minute plants and live without Iweaflilug nlr he eotitd not Ciitlittl • I." I- 1r,t band, while the left supi>ortcd tb vxni'lly n'-u-mbli'K tin- mutter of. me- aii'I iUvM- nillllonjiin^ ImVono "-*--—•- of tbe Holy Trinity,' fro ten tu tit bridge UCTOMH thn bay. plieasant, woodeoek or rubbltH when n you—lieti'are how you neglect the Sewage illxponul. the demands of thin growing congre- Is not my xvay." night uuliilaln. reae!ies the gill cbumlwr, some, shield. On the'left was tbe liodde exist on the iirnb If It were whliotit nil teoritex aud Ix dinVn'iit from other lny- 1, oorotir KloVuuih Htrcet und-C'ou- SHOEMAKER'S '. REGISTERED ARCHITECT here i» Irauklng KIIUW on the ground. gation. It Is being constructed on tbe t!rt-ly .f*i'.' ii.l-.Kii Ii, tin- yw\r t'i7l hy MI- tlx* liinil itf nlllk ami hootj. M*i\\ Mnriln Alicucr, uilnlxter in After thu testimony of the Ocean Following ure xome of tho spec!men "No? Well, what bos your way no "If you were'nut |ierfwtly sure that of tliest' are slftetl but aud retained for of Justice, leaning on a sword In bei atmosphere. Plants derive carbon, the irfnci*.' Tin* iK-st 1 spiritual. 'Neglect the-spiritual and Pup.' ', i*x|K-rh-ii»i«v wltht hAi 11, Co U, vlcur; W. T. fTlntfle, City people hud l>een heard, Major It Ix nI-o unlawful 10 huiit.geexe Hieslloiis from examinations thus for site of 1 ho old building and. on a lot' complbbwlt" It was .'nnt-^Aniie-reVer,' you .would Ul, while the water and waste matter rlgbt band and In her left a balance most ImiMirtiint clement i^f their food, Slottx-ntt pruytr HIKI •frinun, feed only tlie animal, aud you have phici's to Hud' tlii'iu KIIOII'II IM> In theIiou'fVi-,'. whifj li.ijl K,s'.i •:niuj-4iii fnr for It took tlu< wlinN- littitKi-holdta Kliij;lcr rererveil deelHlon. - mil ducks, except between one hour held: * . , adjoining, donated hy Henry I>. II« tried to laugh. "Oh, I'll take youi never, never have asked me!" wlik-li flow out through' tho other tube. Tbo crust was the eye'of-Providence, from tbe'iitr. jiml without plants there Inuilx toward the .south |MIIO. ; even I ni£ Horvlco tit 7 ;t) o'clock. STORAGE Iriuclclon Ave,, .' the human b?ast,'soouer or later. L x i*LMitu;-!<> it.i lint t-uitjivi \v:w nor ;iMfi- up tin- titrvam of Innn-y tbat. t drttUnit -ouiiun1ununy orCHC|it from Ocean Oily were beforenhurlite and one Hour ufter HUH- How should u xaiiilury Inspector Moore. The edifice will co«t about advice. I'll do anythlud you say. It botb or tliotu knew to bf trill-. Jn a radiant triangle, whose glory ' could he u-i food for nulmals and there TIII''MI':II-..>I' tin- siiutli-pol(< the' more j 1 , Her" "-win follow ir"«irntnu prayer Ct'llh't*^ *i11** 1 *.*y Cri'^o.y'wtljN-r*'*'. *fln» liiturfnu cla - - • - IN. J- sell or to permit dogti to run rubbltH ut "If you scan history, you cun see to $16,000. Of this sum, (5000 were sub- ' • can't be worse than It Is now." And AnntV went to \HH\ mid xlt^it the tended over the shield uud Uoyond tbe fore no human liefiigs. Water also iluiiKf n( ,||s,-ovcrliiL' dluuiiiialn. nml Mber Hun. lay * HI 7 uu >'rlock. . eiiuto^ Ii. M. Cfeiiae, Mayor Jod. O. secure authority to enter a private ' Tb« Dandy at Old i-iiuiicil «»t "lYi-;ii in |,V»:i \V:K_ t!i*» •'•<•- tlli> iHiJlc.V WilH UllXi-fl With 8O0t,H^-; HOUSE what depths IIHIII- can 'fall, wliat,ln- "Well, I hate the responsibility. If sle*>ji of one who liux xtif-ifssfully ]>vr- ngures. Tbe motto waa "fe I'iurlbu: comes frJiu the ntmoniihi-ro, but If tin- proluilillliy Is that if -limn ever 'liuiupluiia It, W, kdwardH/frenideut light ut uuy time, orlo. run at lurge muse for thu purpose of investigating scribed by Senator an-l Airs. Lewis M. What bus Ikfiiiiie of-tho dandy of i'li^lastli:il IMMI;* «hl«!i furutiiily |im-, trumciits of torture he could you get-her you'll fight; If you don't fornied an iinhiiiux duty. Unum"—one out of many, For tb< there were no 'vnter there could lie rfiiclH's' that I'lid of t)i«* earth nuil ilitt-* f;ulie )H»urliitr ilou'ti' no fiiHtaodw ;a«tlne'« Ilotuuii cut nolle Chiiiuh, Ititli au«l U'eMf Ave, of the Hoard of Trade! C. Howard uwondHor Melds" Inhabited by rub- 1 suspected nuisance where such Cresse. the old days? Is £ierc now anything Ihlliltt'ti |iih-;w ( ^triiilu*: in-irrl'itv piously thru KO.MI t!h> cblmuf HVt*mi«>. twiwi-vrt TlitrttHtnth HUU reatliis brother cruelly; and, with nil you'll both be miserable anyhow. Yot reverse be pro|Kwed the duvlco of Tba- neither taints nor anliilaiH. If fooirand tliiit It ii *v;i of U'i*. imt a itb ntft, K iv. John J. Hwe^uey* puMior, O«'ean City, IV. J. Stberiiierlioru, Commodore, and bits or game blrclnj until the llr-t of entrance Is refused by the owner? to compare with him? To he. a dandy water canM be siipiilletl In" Borne other tilliatir*-^. TV-it ji >/Mi'i:tV' illy *wilt'tl OlrnlKSl HIIil ttit* IllHt of tbo hOMJ Huuduyn ut It O'CICMII.. inir pretended clvlli/atlon, man Is still must get ber-^and then work out youi raob Bitting In an open Hiurlot. a crown plain of. >-'ti!lil I mil ctivert^I with KUDW, | "." All I'CTHDIIH Inivinjr Furniture or uuy SEASHORE FURNITURE Hurry V. St'iiiton, Secrelury of theKebrtinry, or at uuy time in wooils or What regulations govern the fruns- BOYS WERE WARNED three things were requisite, according f H *».... » .Ill ..t.,..' H.,.1 .«...* IX i . ,l.\. _l.... * * firiir iiiul ai»p*'tf/.luj:. ;,y own salvation. In the first place, ybc Tvliy do wo Kricvi* ut xepunitlonfil on bis bead and a sward In bis bund way the world- would mill be unhabit- tlienlie ulll IIIMI llml Unit It Itttherkh- ... Uliul of McrobunillHO to be ulorwl will ItelilH, Inhabited by deer It U also brutal und devilish. We need only tn the t-viHTt of tlie Ijiudon Saturday able by plants and uula'al* owing to IWH art* JitpaiK*s(- In thoir abtB(ji%i TtiberDBcle HuptUt Ctmrrli, Kiuhth OI Kvery Ucucrlpllon nt Jeeaii City V'aclit Club; L'ouueiliuati lortation, burial nud (llsliiterment of must give her a shock. Write ber • Why do evprhixtlui; /iiri'.wolls chill our passing through tbe waters of tbe ltd e*t illanitiiiil mini* In tlie worltl, j . "Tin* t iiniici- *tt a \Vitr«i, . • TtiberDBcle Hu nave uioney by K«I»K to thu r-cun eaeli day's' uewnpaperH to prove Review—the iiiati bud to dress himself the severity of tin' cold. Wltlinit un at- juT'ilmirj; na well u^.iu their dn d \V^tt*'-tUut K*--v. J. II. (frtiudun, Hurry U. Smith) CoUncirmaii-at-large ugniiiHt tiiogume luwsof .New Jersey lead liuniaii bodies? Stute particularly nuyor Champion mncd Hallow note and accept your dismissal. Tel hearts, .and the fading away of lost. sea In pursuit of tbe Israelites—ruyi Thin citHiiiK f:iet nt illaniiii.tlM eoni- j A;.e.'tiV|' .v tin in .leiiiint tlirmiBh " HuQduy l f preiu'hlntr It ».in. lie assertion. We still need • great ber yon begin to see tbut sbe hi rigbi lu a" more urtlntlc and original fasbloq from a pillar of lire In a cloud. expro.l tliu boHrd—l'harl*n ,_ Shoemaker Storage House . 43 S. SECOND STREET - PHIL' lie lutter one of the must euihuxluxtlc .i|tiirrel,. hure, Kugllsh. and ring depth und nearness of graves. "B<''not tin sliivo of words," nays t siH-lety und he had to bo possess- equally •siriiivi- llelil of n|HK-tilatloni j l>ort:iut-lltlte "' »'.l of i«'« li>tii'iN MVWIHW clialrmtin; ohn H. Trowftr, treat*. Kor years it has been the custom of ber and the family. Then call some mand. beamlliK* on Moses, -who stand rents. The sea—If we may suppose one tiof*il liy til••na wtiu stij-ly thebalttnnt^jHUtiurola, i«orn try. NI4VH ll)r»lii». Itrtiiumel wus uot a man on' tbe slioru am). vxteudluK hU buiii to have lif"n supplied liy s|uue un- IIHVI* busy jriithvrt'tN t»r '—*•'•'••' "'r' *'—— - kill miiru thun thirty (uarnh liens or Nor iian the HWeetnesH and light while I love 'It. und lone fur It andof birth, but luith be nud O'Orsay were er nf inetetirlteK CIIIIIMIIIIIIL- thene tiieitt: •*(**" 1 r • >l;i tii:M: Ytiii can have .ritcrli i\: Slh'ermuli, Ihe projeetorH of transmission of the bacillus of typhoid carry oil' wagons, signs, etc., on stay away. Abseuccs of that sort arc over tho sea. causes It- to jjverwbeli known cause— would* lu* . a. stagnant U'llftl .11 tlJVt needH n cuiitingof mini liens In one day. l-'arnic-M' and licory, nor thceducutlnn theory, made mourn for It. here In tbo (.'cniilne sonx<>, men" of brnlus. or wit, ns It used to be' If it luix lii|t|nMltil lii'fnre. ax KcI tin' (lit pr •*:.!• 1 yiiii repiiliit anil re. jy^|^_j^4y fevcr-froiu oue4iidlvtdiial—.to-unolher-jJIallowe'eu.—Mayor Champion, a fow flattering; you must be quite unaffect as truly as tlie floor I stand on V" pool, uninhabitable by seaweed or fish nuinlicr tif Helf electe.I eltiieni uify~rewer~|)ri*iTilC^niit7^ayHToiueT ed by her presence." eallMl. l^nl'Iuitiilngton In bis l*ook,on Pbaraoh'_aod_bla_followcrs.—Motto fnntcml. Mr. Kturii add several lawyern, but run growers liuve. the right to trap Hlute tlie most eUcctuiil -iiethndH for days NIUCO,' Issued a proclamation - And nre-not-ull cood-<«|K'rteticei'thug again?' •Pi'iirHiiiV Mnmntln Tliemselvtn wlih hnney ami amIV; line, this Is bcredlty, or n comblnullon "duudles"*glves us a~Tilcturo qf~Cou'nt "Rebellion' to tyrants Is ot^lkli.-o t hey suld nothing in tlielr own behalf. rabbits tinder .certain restrictions the restriction of the spicad of tubcr- wiirniiig boys not to repeat this prac- "You kuow tbat is Impossible. Yoi Wrever a part of our liven? <*un we IVOrsay riding down to Richmond ou Aurrlrnp Duyrr In London. • l.ittlci'*l>;iv cliiilnn ur. ciirnillis rclnaliilDE bii}< >f clicuinstanecs, or ua larger number God." '' i 1 cllloslx, ; know how tho sight of her**— therefore rvjrrct or mourn any past joy. "My Aru»t*!r::ti mfi'iii caitu* ui'ar 10 . ' A HrlutH Mtfn, * "Iltnv iifleli iltt' INMltlnn .for tia.vx. "I.lit 'quiet tKftfij Sieiii>Krapliern took the testimony. lace tho ulanio on satan or Adam, tice this year, under penalty of the • a .superb luick dressed In blue coat and Jefferson's device met wjtii the un 1 'Vinir ' "You've iidt to do Itt And yoa mast any lost friend? Nothlnir Is lost or gout! brims buttons, buffwnlstcoat wide ex- xliiff nit* jiwt JFi;K» OU my'hiHl trip to Tlienter Mini itn. - f. •'t ni ytni tluelveto exnillna was MIIIIM. Ajf # Ax niid htuted in the HKS'TI.VKI, lust GIVEN PRESENTS but the true answer to the problem is .Mention tlie agencies ui|k'h may be law'. , ' . from ns twit we hiivc the spirit and qualified approval of bis. uss:>cl:ites. play, **!r. lt'« tn i Iniii the toko another girl oat occasionally. Be- pnn«i> of mi-nry, sblrt front, tight fitting I^ondon," it'tntirknl a ohilumin. "Whon «t»i:e. "!)(» you 11 n h tu* ni'leii ili» they fan tleal of.honey to IICIIIIHI for ttemt.^ ivei'k, tliu prepured .plahH HIIOW two his, -vI-.N". As tho Scripture teaches, coucerned In the transmission nf germ In speaking or the proclamation, one ins naturally modest, I dislike to sue capacity to appropriate nnd make »ox and tbe committee reported to the Ubn AiniilRiir I'l i.vwi'liilit- Km, I iiiv faetiire of «'a.\. ami when thewrffe leathers, liroatl brimmed, glossy bat I tried to huy.u certain hulhlo^ pujv tlie fiiriiltim iistO'itOl l Hali'.-H v JIN. XXn- NOT CHEAPEST, BUT.LEAST EXPENSIVE dniWH—one ut Ueach Thorougiifure ReVM. Hrvil and Mount KetBicau- us Diivid/wlien lie Mnneil, salil, 'I diseases". or Ocean City'w prominent - business . geat tbat you send me flowers some own forever. It Is not tbe' toucb of tlucntal congress on Aug. 10. ITTU. bu look liere jnv; Can't ymi lenyili felt these «ii[ii.llcw ivallzo In ^ ind siwticMS white kid doves.. And be for some unaccountable reason Its there the kennel maw pricttl it at $500, Wttlil, "iir. i>u' ti^ten' tin. they *U1p and thcotherat Klilp Channel. The brrcd by Jr. <>. «i. A. M. What constitutes a nuisance? l)e- men said' it was a. proper move to times aud come for a walk with me body that makes presonre. Have we us be had nu* «lzod up ns an Amorlain -JtUi'e. Vtl" I. I"',' V cult way that l>y kv*-t'liiu »UimJt>i;; e Hlnneil: I ucknowleilge my trans- tells*us that this faultless makeup was report was never acted upoi out';"—l^nil-1lilt- I tinilei'-.liinnial. • )ceaii City representutlVcb asked for At the annual session of the New llne Ihe relations of uulHUnrex to public make. Tbo practjccK indulged in at Tbnt will.bring things homo to bet A not all known tlmvs wben presence In stared, nt l*y ihe passers with respect- and. In his regard, an easy murk. I luc the wax a ehance the end mjW gress'loii,' there can be no transference ! iinother ilrnw—tlilw over'l{ainb.aw_| healtli, 1—= : r- .tlnies-durlug-tbe-past-were-a-rdlscredit: ' glil hates to have nn admirer transfei tbe fleflb broDKht no nearin'ss. and untl the greatest Hiluilrntlon. He set Notljlug further was doue in tbe mat- made a deal with a chbby nt the hotel aefuiiiillnlietl mure III < -OUR- Metsey-Hlttte-CoiiiieH-uf-tlib-Jrr-O-lJT- TrgTnit;~~My mn cannoriie yours, nor tlLMbaiJTTajh Describe lit dcUill linn1' u lo«| of theto all (ronceriied. Ocean City Is un- himself bodily to any one, but esne td* lul wurkliit' fi.r thu nnii[i;"ii wed ki;- yourself, there is no wuy .by which palgn and he left Auue at tho gati to be able to appreciate and love tbe winner. I gave n $10 tip ta tne cab- HEATING, lie gentlemen • present represented Are liiith tubs or'shoucr liallis pref- certain portions 0/tlie year, and these Allevlatlnv Clrcamai*ne«. ed to make unotber device. - knon'ti.—Nttiv Yorfc Ilfnild. son; Becretury, Wllilum II. Miers; leuitoilee Is possible. If someone else she bad him hiugblug. Itosalie san spirit of another. Is the true association man: so I made $ i::o by einployliii: an iveral Interests, there'might be other Trcusurer, Itev". J Morgan Heed; Con- lius slimed, wecannot repent, aud the erable? Ou .what do ynu buse your properties 'should- lo guarded from and - conmiuniou. Hence our. frlentls It distressed MIs.ii Willing to find ' Tney suggested a design four Iiicue agent who culled hit; huusnui uu 'nu- ROOFING , them and -shrugged ber shoulders* how much the'llttle girls In ber Sun-"in diameter, oue fsle of which should 'rtENRY BELL'S COMET. uterentx cniicerntil ill the construction ductor, I*. \V. Wergers; Wurden, Kd- iouk. culls on 'men everywhere tii o|ilnlon? danger 'When tlie ownors-aro not here. While reiuovlug ber bat In the hal need never die. nor hoed we over be som. nnd hl< horse an *or*ie."—Now. Mention the agencies whleli niuy be- parted from tboni. • day school class thought about dress be composed M a shield with thlrt York Sun. . ^_ . • " ' fthc bridge, uild Jl Wan very desir- wur<( (!. Harryv . • • repent.' . ' Anne remarked to ber sister: and outward adornlug. She never lost diagonal red niid white stripes. Tills Tbr KlrW Htcam^r TbnC able that all should be heard-before coni'enicd in the transmission of germ HORNSHARK APPEAR "Well, dear, John tells me* that yot Further. In order to realla) them lllr<- In jilm't'il the 652 and 654 Asbury Ave., Trenton, 1'fesldeiit; Cleorge'll. Poulr Mat each man muy liuve, Uut we'do of Ike "Tbe reason I didn't come,but Sun- montloneil imt IIK'Jai'l;, yet. duu- jind lie bridge might be Interfered with iiccesimry topurify sewage. you bud wanted him. but lam gla< shall grow to think them all body and day wus because my coot wasn't fln-an olive bruncb. -Tuo crest wus .a rudl- vortlxoiiiHii of flio. first sleaina •JJj noli, Trenton, A'lte rresldent; A. J. iot get it by denying the.demon with- you do not Kow you may find tlmi forcct tbat diviner. Intangible; nn- not Jiiekilaw 1-t iln* ptojier'-uanie of tlie RINTIN^ ufter u portion of it hud been cou- Crane, Kast Orange, uud e ueghn-led. It will be i real self.—Exc-bunge. Tlie llrst post oftlce In die county nppeiirauce the. week before. •'''My old peace—and tbe legend. "Seal, of the Murg:ir;*r O"..Mt»^. To urjiir Is to chili- vorilxpincnt In tho fllnugow Goofe Afli f I lie iiicellliK; il iu reported, Mr. During the yeur the order lius In- n Christ cast out the demon, and indicate tlie clone of the Hulling sea- relief for you1 to buve him out of tin . Ti Good Printing is the advance oue had s|iots ou It that wouldn't come United States;" on tbe reverse tbe ter. but wlii'llji-r the Vi'.rb .u'lix ilorlved 1S12: . Stern suld tlmt, although they want 10 creased in membership In this State was established at Dennis Creek ill son. Still, .there urea few wenkilsli way invhile. 'You*n> ItMj ytiun? to leitvt figure of Liberty seated In a' chair. SECRET SOCIETIES. ' lieu'let us Heek to be 'renewed In tlie Tile Olde«t Hoarf* In off nnd a place where the buttons bad from the* luihi* or tile lutine from' the "Kti'iitn imspcat;o hunt, t City l.ortuc. No. 171, F. null .v. M.. .C'^nmiundutc the peoplo of Ocean from'-il.lSJS to-H.aiii. IK0:i, when Ji'icmiah Joliiisoii «'un ap- lult. . • fntlier and me. aud. afler all. I tbin) holding tbe staff -and cap: motto. agent of a successful business. spirit, of our mind, and (iut' ou the Tbe oldest building In Louisiana, the torn through." verb Is n ijtii''tlon. It Is iiiore.tlian iw«-«'ii (iliisjjow. (iri'i'iiiu'k and >»il und fourth Tlillr^luy c^v-itiiiiiUM 'Ity, mi aililltlnna draw would be a Kev.^I. Morgun Heed was presented pointed posluiuHter. In the following Cieiieral Warren and Mr, Hague you're 'right about his uot being tbt ancient archbishopric on Chartres "Semper" — forever — and uuderueiitb tnonth. Ill Miuioiih-. hiili, M'lllliiin new man which, ufter righteousness, "But* Mary, dear," said the teacher probable tint tlk- .11 in Crow of Aiiicrl f Tbe neatnqss and correctness, bur* I-Vir PIIHSI-IIKIT^ »»\f. lUHon, W. M.; r. M. TIIOIIIIIH J, source of delay uud perhaps danger, With $o00 in gold, und u magnificent year Jeremfah Hand WIIH appointed Were out with Capt. Albertson on right Uiiiu for you." street, New.Orleans; boasts of one of gently: -you know It's.not-tbe outside MDCCLXXVI. Obe old liiiiu.* for a ue^rro lw>j-> wiit Bcrlliir ImviiiB nt'miil'li I'lpent* urelury. In Christ Jesus.' Never forget for : and they desire tonvold thefc thliigH the first postmaster at MlddletoWn, Friday and Saturdaylast. On Friday ItosalU* shrugge:! lier shoulders. > the handsomest courtyards. The build- :hat rcaljy mutters." 1 tip IL llllIKlKDIIUI VffiriOl to {liy fQ8 silver wuter sef wus given to Itev. line moment tliut 'lie thut soweth to Tb!s device mot with tbe Kume ntix' iMznt ncroiK from Kn^luiid in Hit se, No. Ui; K.itt I*., ut(3«tii MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING they caught ;u> weakdsh,andon'Sstur- ilie absolute up-to-dateness of I'ho liriijei-Inrs, It is.said, claim tlmt Kd ward Mount, or .Asbury l'urk, re- now 'Cu|ie May Court' House. The The next diiy Itosulle. without com ing wo4leret-ted in 1727 and remains "Voji'm. I' know," said little Mary, lect nt tbe bauds of cougreiM an tbe dnys. when u ero'.v wax ,11m, ns n swul rlier C'lyilir l)i't«i'i-ii mini iloiiilitoiillity iiVuiilht£i4' of Ills own llosli shall of the flesh reap day they succeeded In landing 20, Of lueut, htiudediAuiie this note: exactly as It was first erected. • Vis- 'Inn, Miss Willing, mother bad ripped K.of I , hull. Anbury uvvnuv. ur I icy will have the new trolley line in tiring councilor of-the Slate. The mulls previous to Hint time. Were former, aud the matter remained In low wan piil;.- l.o'U'oii Kiiiiulnrd. 1rfWiui:k—to KIIII liy tlie Ktr«t.'( II. llnwiiril Tliom, K. of It. L-orruptlon.' I,el UH SO learn Christ Oils number, tieneral WArren captured Dear Miss Carlcttm—I want to than) itors will remark the ancient staircase '-*- lining out, so there wasn't any In- everything that we do for you, wluil, air »u;I Htiiiin— , ALUOWAY Al. SMITH & CO. peratlon by April 1st next. They order Jius had a greater increase'In curried by private parties. The stage you for yoir frnnkni-^ of yeiiterday,_an* abeyance until 1782. when' another hat we may be 'meek and lowly iu fifteen "or sixteen.' of cypress, worn by 'the,passim: of Mil'- til loi>:- at!"—Youth's Companion. ai«'M Qali'k Work, tho voiwl Hliull H'livi- tin' Broai*; (Successors"loH. A. W. Smith) '• - \ -xfiect the cars to make the trip be- ineuibcrsliip during the. administra- rotiteu'hnd not been CKiabHshcd and 1 nwsurtt you that I nhnll not annoy!yoi generations. In the courtyard J, MK-II committee was appointed. They re- if you give-us a chance, will incll, tia. 1-J.l, Jr. U. 11. A. SI.. iiiMtK neart.' Let us ever remember tlie netilxtiu I liuvt) in th«> Luiat,. Con you for ported substantially- tbe same ' device On o:ie OIT:: Jlon* Mo'-nrt wax imik- ou Tik'iuliiyK, Tlilinfilnya and juauy evt'lilnu lu K. of i'< hull, ween Sinners'JMInj aud tills city in tion of Councilor Mount than ever dnioultlon, 'watch and pray.' Put tlie vessel was probably the prliivlpul give £io for- linvlns troublud you BO IIIUGI one Of the oldest and best preserved *tr«*auou« Life of Old. as tbe former, committee: but. tills bo-' i'l merry .wlt.'i liis frletuls at- luidnijTht iluyn. iibout uildduy or it w ,'V ^lilh, Hecrutury. 811 ASBURY AVENUE, - OCEAN CITY, N. j. en minutes. With three drawn, de- illCHlls of transporiallon. ' Reul KMiaie XranMfcrM* onj BO- ton?? You ure p.rolrutily rUcht li before in its history. n tiie whole armour of l»c u "strenuous" age. l:i':i uot it si:iL-le note wait written of induce you to become one'of our thert'iifttT UH iiiuy nnsvcf ftQB r Recent real estate transfers In Ocean tlcclfllnK tVtnt I coulU not moke you hap dates back, so- tbose' who claim to Ing' still unsatisfactory., congrc&t, ou City c'outicili Nb. 10,' O. 01 A.. 'itleeU . • TELEPHONE, S3 Y. ' ' lays would result lu thiH time betug fcjeveu re|iresentutlvw werd elected to light the good ilgl>t 'ngiili!Ht the beast |>y. on I ht>!V<)nt!nuo tny pretKJUt friendly rvla doctor's : •* ' - nliuut the/'pace'" we tbe whole matter to- Its sccrftiiry, was to IK- p.o.luci'il o'.i the following on MoudiiyB. U'ct am you said man, ulept unill 3 o'clock lu tlie m'orulUK, j' Willard W . AaanwAaw, rccordur. veiit. In the live years between W00 Crostiiugham'eC^iis, {-'tOOO Lot £61, tho kttft linii' you glulll have tha pain o tury.aud so form. But are we all so with no better fute thau their predeces- of Uils vitwo] rMjulro only to'bel KUggested dredging the chan- element. Tiie representatives elected y *'•.-- ref ri'ShwI. Hi* xt't to work on DAVID MUIR, JR., and 1IH)">, uud prnportlonale strl'les Section A. ' ' • • . rcfusfnif. Vounf tflnccrely, tremendously btremious? Are we sors! and, after vainly tryhi- tojterfect to'uiw-t tlie' npprobuttoti roval niid 'tilt* proprietor 1« di't^nnlMi lU'Uduy eVvutui: in K, of f. hull. lie buy, nnd thus give to yachtsmen Park; VV. H. Mlers, Trenton; William were made In evf ry inifiistrlnl depart- men wero in tbe Elizabethan age or Wallace, ICfe£|>fer ol 'rttcordii. . ' Trinity Church WUH, of a missionary 1>. Gordon. t^iiOO. Lot 15, Section 8, "Well. I. like a man to know wbeL Originally' the word "Impertinent" of congress. Thomson reeelyed from ilutit wltit l:;i-rL'dllj|c rapidity uud diu- cvprytliliig In Ills pow bad enough," remarked Anne signified merely "not belonging to." .than they were: say—we take date at John Adams, then in Loudou, nn ox is tiu>i:i to the fbpyl«tB, Ttio (Aioouriiwui'-nt. Tlie ti'rnw arett; iKton Cump, No. 70, J . O. H. of A., Tin, • Slate - anfl • Slap - Roofino, State liav'e Just been Issiu-d l,y the ery Krlduy nliiLt 111 K.or I', hull. ciiciiliig the. buy without going Beubright; Hubert Carson, New lirtiii's- un address tin the need or millions Again Itosalie shrugged her sboulden When Wycliffti suld that there were random—In 1R00V English literature ceedhigiy simple, and' appropriate de- i'UK to'^iiV.!:! ut T> in the evening, im-xc-ht 4 »ii|)|inpi fur ilif be*t Ceii'sUH Itureuu The , ceiisun Was Correll Doughty to 'Jamen McKln- and history do not show convincingly ' i» Heortitury. , . CORRUGATED IRONWORK iiroiigh tile draw. ' • '. wlck; Joseph M. Thompson, New ind tlie privilege of every Christian to asd made a wry little face.. , • many men In this world wbo wore vice, which was suggested by Sir Jobu :nwt'iiA ;tf them were 495 Wesley Avenue, - Ocean-City, N. J. iat his IInn would do this, as_a siib-£ (!, limi. _ __.' Anne observed that tbe gayety was a 4l i nlsslonory—and most of UH cuuiiot— Thomas Kelley ct alB. to Newtou Then, as Used by Shakespeare, "Im- » . Mo Thoroavntare«° tea. - It ' consisted * of un escutcheon !• luiuiliHl to tiit' ort'lu-xtru. «ila Council; No. til, n. or 1'.. 1 itltute for a draw over KulnboW. bit'forced and that durhjg the third 744-46 Asbury Avenue, OCEAN'"'CJffv, N. J. \rftnM po^ir in clwted B^ \ve euli Help to' send a representative, IVorU of VliiicluiM.* . . . Kelm. fiWO. Lots S01 and '302, llec- pertinent" came to mean "Irrelevant" i'liunieterlstlt.* of the readiness of tbf bearing thirteen perpendicular stripes, • IM7J10, III K.or 1'. I Repalrti of every description for allimakeB John ltynu, Frank Sherman and she mooed a little. Jobn'had Bomebow Itoll huvp «Ti'l ftlary or .floury'tfreVllle." " blue and spangled with thirteen stars. Tlie nii^-llkh lKian.1 or Tlianet, form- CHURCH SOCIETIES- default of ^.lOOO bai! each by United (Jeorge W, Davenport ei ux to John bom ber, and flowers and drive* and l.comfnft n:: t «Vnt"l IK1 IterialrlilK done promptly. Smoky ohimueyH ion by the local Interests. ' , . "I cannot got over yimr uose," said f And. to give It greater consequence,, Inn a piirt uf the county of licnt, IN ill' States Commissioner J, \Vlllard Mor- ilid no of every baptized tuem-ber ofit, marked the building by running their V. tiontlore. fl. . Lot 883, Section O. theaters were leas frequent. She bad iiloniruli!,. n mu.l1.:•:! in'i. i . • cured or iio charge Shop In .fear. One of Ocean City's business men, no time to miss him. ' • frank American v.omnn to the Irlsl be proposed'.to place the escutcheon on lost whoilf ton(po.«e:l !«f chalk.- Tlie Aid meet* tint Monday bveniujr of gau-^n Cumden, Thursday, mi charges scontained lii'the text—our Iiord's lead pencils over 11 Thowe who In- Wlllium Ii. Bright, Sheriff; landsof , -\ • The Turkey.' tbe breast of tbe American .eagle, dis- Of tl|l> l:lt>wt p'll:l!l:ll rl» th. KllKHlMHli Gundy. int!Mt- i speaking of Mr. Stern's objections In tho fourth Week be called-wblle novelist..'flolley finittiiu. •whost- uosi sluutl IK li'ii .liilles In letiKth aud about Lavlnla Thdn^'tffcuwurtJrJ Mm. of forcibly entering the post olllces at great commission: Matt: US; 10. dulge In such practices should be Krauk E, Champion et als. to AIvlu Turkeys are great .WHndcrers. _ A played, without support, as emblematic the fiyik> or -|'lia:!:iVj. i inn, Htftoreliiry.. ' :o a third druW, tuld that-tljesv ure sbo wus out. Of course she could, not mother will often lestl her brood three was tlattcuetl. Ivo Iti Itreiiiltli ittlil llax more cliiilk eX' ( J^orothy, Mllmay und Oceati V'lew, A's to the present condition and made to suHer.the fulT penalty of tbe1*. Hlsley et uls., administrators of "Xp wnntler ytm itkii't." be rt'torljiN -of self'reliance. . • VrHl>ii'(l?--('il:l!ilIi('.M' ,!'i >r ml-. a Q. UuJidy, HUporibtetideht Jt.n- UorlTiy of deep conuideratlou. If hun- know that Anne bad.phoned him to or. four miles away from home. There io|ied oil lu nurfa«f than IUIB any otli- Poatmaster Wuy, ofOceui) View, ten- great success or missions, the speaker law. . -..•',' Nathaniel Rlsley, deceased. *1285. come. Ho waa teavlng-Jost as BosaUe "for tin'I'H ig>'Is iTii!:eil." '•' ..-'..' ' IIUC <)( t>l|Ulll nrc1!^ OU till! flolle. reds of people coining to thlBClty.ju they tnko up tbt-ir habitation lu the un- This device met wltb universal ap- ;he Humuier time ufo held Up Heveral tilled to tbe tlied of money and post- puoted freely Irom tlie letter of Wll- , irts or lots 154 and I«l, Bectlou A. entered and shook bunds with ber' cor- frequented Woods. The Instinct for Sol- lab t-'eoioglKtH. wiy Vtiut tbero ur* ' ODDITIES. PBKUUYTICUIA.M laiu Jeunliigs'Hryan to the Kvenlng K. Church oil Sunday moriUng lust. proval. In and out of congress, and Was 1 Auxiiiury «o«lety me«tH rt Mo*' minutes three times,* In ' coming a ugestump's, besides a pooketbook cou- l'hlllpS. Haud, Jr., et ux to Ktla dially lie- did Uot look broken heart- itude and wild life Is very strong after adopted hi .1782. It remains to this jot li'KH than 4S.0UtJUttb.00t> _ tous of How About Shutting Bulletlu or Saturday, October :17th, In.] There are ten members ut present, It will iiironl sweeier* ptlnest Uklnif of miab. month. f ldt couple ot miles, to permit a bcow or a tulullig ¥100 and a box containing a Mulllken. $1100. Lot 4SJ, Section C. ed, and he-seemed to be on very.good centuries Qf domestication. But a kin- day tbe great seal of the United Stntes, jk "lu xlrtit" on 'liinilot anil that It BI>M iiitvor utoro 1111 liouey' -. Wfiioii: Vioo-l'rtwidenl.Mr-.JU. M but It lu expected that the number will terms with Anue, to whom next morn- the hour of death 'to Irivp \rlpcil on .vouiutuke 10.1100 men ami 3,nU0 barxM treattur«ri Mtf. Wlllluiu K* Wll- ;ouplo of .llalieruien oru'young fellow which tbe diutiiiguished Writer, from dred Instinct Impels the mother to bring unchanged in the slightest degree from l«.llcltt. .- k • . '., diamond belonging to K. Whaland, be lucreused to llfteen wltuln a short " Will Kulcr Xllulat b*. Ing be sent sonte violets. Rosalie saw tear from »'ie cheek- nf uorroir llniti i lid ourtii yo.llOOyeaw to niovo H, prtS- uortiUry. Mr*. JOH, 1, Houll: tu^iu-i nd hist bweetueart In a yacht (o pasa lie btundpoint of a.Chrlstlau luymun, ber growu family back In tho fall to the day of Its adoption. (Stripped of ' Tln> ninth tiitH n.fur Jacket M* etary* UniiT |>**e Adutnu;colleoto*'*<» which bud been put tliere for' safe time. The members of the choir ure: Rev. Leslie L. Haud, M. JD ,of Mlll- bun 6nt walking with Mary Dye. TIJen where sue started out wltb them In the have rilled >ih, empire, to h:ive t^ott Idluc It-were due up rcjidy to be liuttorily iiitup. " ' >: pXituittii und Mnu OhurleH tUurtin, off the Water?..... lirough a draw, would It uot cause keeplnij. ' • jives the result of ills pefuoual obser- qUcrcd uilJIIonx or ti> liuve enslaved th' be/nldic tecbnlcuUHes, It may be de- > Kndtutvor uoolety tueetii cveryf rl- /exutlou to the visitors or cottagers ou Sopranos—Mrs il.-B Adams, Mrs. ville, who will abandon the practice of tie took Anne driving. Sbo began' to spring. This is not done, .however, tit! scribed as follows: * . • irtttl away. ..,. A Kqulrrpi coti'ic.'i :i Hy cttu 'dovoorjl! O0KAN CITY, • tndlu, Kgypt, I'alcstlne and .Turkey, and C. Homer Shoemaker. • tion of Hov. W. R. Blaoksou. "John seems to be taking his. medi- < Meeca. ., 'PIUUUettK'daiiiv tomorrow nlgbt.or li hat,the.bay la one of Ocean Clty'u toen arrows; In Its beak a scroU u- Fret) looked down at hlu feet, ovl' iwtly mid tin. \uizd ctUl live. y= and a little expense NOW will save Itesides, your responsibility us u reul l)uss~Itblia (.iarretsoti uud H. H.- cine, like a man. Ilosy! He's an right, Mecca la p Urge city nud n principal this It that We're at bV PlKST lUrTIHT C {reuteut ussotu. there IH probably more * * C Asu result or our observaitous, nu»lB«parl Blrtfaa. IIomt»Coiiipau|.iu. scribed wltb tie motto, "E Pinribna dentiy puzzled... "Why, mamma." ho A luirxt>iiy «-ii| nve1 for boW estate owuor makes you a desirable Adams', . and I am glad Anne seema IneUnod to one of tbe cast. Tuo temple of Mecca, •aid, "I jcan't tako 'eo» oft!** f Atd tneoU tirut Tbbriidiiy alternooo. a •'heap*' of it when• Spring comes. ;o be gained by tlie lucrcaue In the our Interest iu foreign missions has The State Board of Health totoklng Unum;" for the crest over'the bead' Real •tlio lieiul linn been plncbod oC; !S; onth: Mm* M> H. Aduiun. president: number of peoplo visiting this resort, oltl/en. Thluk It over, then cull on Miss Charlotte Bhocniaker, orguulst. koep bim In the fantlly. Be probably to wblcb so many iiligrlnw uuuunlly of tbe earle. which appears above the Hiuitb^uorulary; MtMM UriUW Cur- been quickened," ' an actlveilnterest In the compiling of -S^aSM -appreciate* hchur treated like a-hmnan travel, forms a snacloiw square about Those wbo nttiiiu liny excellence com Plrfi, iile» uud euturriUhinji Dy means of the electric railway, tbau HAttRY MEADIJEY, III closing, Dr, Cook gave, an Inter- At the morning servlco, Rev. H. U.statistics relating to tbe number of monly spend life in one commou pm escutcheon, ,a golden glory breaking •low Hot To, , Bodlne occupied the pulpit iu the ab- {bftUwaftcr the way yoa always wtlk- >: quarter of a mllo In each direction. through of surrounding thir- "Pleuso read 'our paper," annotated fr*K!i-!i solid oad Btlil retain W$< .hut tbe owners of yachts aud other Real Estate Operator, Ninth und As-.]esting HUmmnry of tbe missionary or-> marriages and births In tho State of «1 on bim. Tbe fellows ear no's the Wltb a quadruple row of columns. A suit, for excelicaco ls> not gained npor A horse.iiln;uy« gets tip n'«'AMtoeUtloUi . WUlon willow, pleasure boats should tlud It compul- bury aveuue, ueit to lire house who sence or Itev, Dr. Gamble, Mr. easier terms.—Johnson. teen stars forming a constellation of tbe editor In ruturnlne tbe mantliidrlpt LICENSED Mark Lake* ueareUuy* Alinual gatilzatlou uud methods of tho church. Bodlne preached a stroug uud InNew- . Jersey. The officers of tho bo»jrdt i beat jroong lawyer In town. But I number of steps lead down to Mobam White Stan on a blue field. flrst imd it cow din>etly tho .,.,... twill be held ID June. ' JOHN R. GROVES, sory to go out of their usuul course Id. will show you tbe very best "way , uud i-'HUfr M. B. should think you'd bate- to bare him med's bouse, and within It Is the black "I d,o," wrote Imck the contributor, Ihe bay. Tbe latter would cause Home structive sermon from the text, "My have, also decided to proaecate unre; tote tls •punishment so cheerfully, Tbe reverse Is an n»iii.i«h^ pyramid. "and my stuff to designed to show that Suuie tliet) thrnat their egg»JS#i HuiidlDuand Loanaiwoola some of the greatest bijrgujus to bit The newly-orgunlze(l choir, under yoke is easy and my burden light." leutlesaly all • phyalouuu who fl»UH o atone sold to nave been brought by tbt Tho .nobler tbo blood tbo less tbe In the senltb la an eye In a triangle snr- bodlea of c-uteriilllurs. but MMeoood uutarday or eaob month, little iucoiiveuleuce to comparatively the leadership of Harry H. Lake, wan Poftyf angel Gabriel for Its foundation. ; know what Is tbo matter with your t, Ueor*e O. Aduruw; neoretary* IC f ' ' fouud. here ou the easiest" terms. . Itev, Johu VV, HmltU, of this city, report births at which they attewJ., pride.—From tbo Danish. . Bmnded with a glory. Over tbo qfg.arc I eld paper-"—Philadelphia ledger. Blieli iinrtii' of the 'body (bat rborn. Phoue eomicetlon. , ' beaVd for the first time In tho First M. was the preacher lu the evening. larxoe uro rccdintroti the flv-^j^. 649 Asbury Ave - - Ocean Cityi N. J. 111; £°f ter parent they will not.cttMi

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