THE FACE ON THE j admiringly on toe tine, wtmo parting .- . •« that'.«cr>ara|ed' tho braids of purest WAIiTZ OP THE GIGLI HOW FAKE COME8. It Is.Wot thai or aa India., ^.j flax.. • ' •.'•• ' * • . Prellr Utlto Hutj^.^l THE ."Ami bow d"jro Ilko them, Mr. Sel- 100 00 Mrs. Barali Longncre : THE STRANGEST, MADDEST DANCE 1(1 IOV0I. dcnr* naked Mm. Jono* a bit later, re- DUB' 10 NOTICE Is ornbv fiwn by NICHOLAS C0R8OV, Col- ed and., died In PbUudelpha{<«!' rcrctng to tlu> biscuit , .. *.'.,,.. THE WORLD. : | Accident" has ployed an Important « tecbir of fmxm of UM Vtty ol Ucemn Cli», C»I" M«y Couoly. New •.,,100 00 -LILACS : Mit hi the m«h|i»(r of great men. If itntr. that by Tlrtua of tb« ataluM In incb o«w m-da «nil pro»l<»<). ncarefbclnit the upeeu of tSr'- "I love thorn.", n iw wened ho, .referring. be will Mil »t'pabllcL«l« all I'm laoda,lananianl>,liar«lllanMnU So ui~ •tot cau mWt jthiit., any n-ooian w Cooper had never been challenged by anda realraal catatnl«l*b<ral* baralnD CM'' m roentl>)Da<l,manll.ioad,orTlne . r p«rl tliarwiraulBclant ^ • tbo'Elri' dlmppl ( *a»t Ptaigtaalto au»d Diagaiou tor Ibe pprpoae lo pay Ibaa ta tax liell«n iberrooinerroo,. fortorlh. iba year iw1908n, Inelad- UoBthJersfyltaco. IWOO tw sot lived, with tbo exo.-ptlon of ; his wife to. wrlto as eood a story as' •zut Wants. • Of coaiw that wn« only'the bosln- liiro ol Ibe Uamarkabla mnttval of ln( intonaf and coats of sale orlklH, wherbsme no,onno onee will bid far • IWOO j jo Victoria, wliow Imngo was tj£ an EnsUsb novel bo bad.been roadtag aboriar term. Natbaa RWey aiid Hons IWOO IS 2 04 > nlnn. After tbat Seklcn. Uownrd man- Ibe LUIca Thai liCeUbnlta Im tfce Tbe Mid ~le lo take place at the Ooancll cbamber, norta oorfier TV ISO Ml 2 01 on every roln of the rirltlth^ he might never "have been ono of the * :•" I .a, hy \v. ft UdlnO agod.almost dally to meet Kiitherlne. ' Old liallaa Clir of Kola.' >f Ktf bit) atreet aad cralral avenue taeconil noArl.ln otsaa Cllj, sw 2 01 illnn empire*, Mrs. Keen Tras. great noveUstm. K. J.,OD . " * • . , OfiOU) sun) or at least to catch a sllmnto of bcr. r Amoni; all remarkable features that Albtrl.Woplaon <s« lino tho number of ber metal pSX If Napoleon bad persisted in his at- Aaron Andorfer 5S 5 1U ;<vj sprius etcnlng. so Her loroly. tlrod eyes and Uttle. quiet 1 kiiou- thcrj Is uoun more remdrkable , ' Thursday, September 27,1906; « anno 2 Ucf- facn as a girl' of twehi|2 wajn* appealed to him In all Inflnltely tempts to be a writer of essays after Alton Rlalcy l mi on \ Imcl ventured to sit than tbe Juae festival of tbe lilies at ho left the military academy-the world at 2 o'clock In tba alUroooo. 7m Tic* mo 2 04 la to. be noon on every AtnerliS! more tender and real fashion'than hud The nld laDds, tanamanla.' hereditament* and rtal e«tale ao to be abaI>Hte>lmaa 2>00 M«l I2U4 U* w oodcu vorauda. -Sola, that nnclout, bnt sleepy city lying would pot hare known thbV groat gen- •old and Ibe namte of tbe persona azalnal vtbom tbo Mid lasa* bave Issued sljico 1S10"»~—-'^-i7T»l those of many a pampered 'beauty twoaty tu|lo» -out' from Naples In ttnr, 1 10)00 70 coin'rac'tory. ' "... j ulou of .approach- eral.; ,..;•.. .. •<...,•-. :,• been laid on account or same, and Ib*'amount of taiea laid oaXitonRUley XX ' i'ip» (O •JtU , whom he'd met In the courso of hU va- lovely .Campagna Felloe.. ' . 'account ol eacb purcel. ar* aa followa, yls: . AD- a K. tMrr , 100 W> •it« OL. XXVII. OOEAf? CITY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1906. 11 i ii- hr&ne, und tbe air ried travels. - • • , • • If- Shakespeare .had not failed,as' a H.W.Lalw «» HlOO' It is'usually uMHumod tuat '*»•' • '..'...• !• •'• • •'•..'•' .' • •. • •. •.. * • . •• • • ••••.. will Ulrica. By glanclnjr Xola's groat hero und patron saint Is wool' merchant and turned actor and FIRST WARD. •' X4 JiS! nn the lit'ild sldo'of the copp^L, One moraine Kathcrlne was reading Val. Millet • ia>«o St. Puulluua.. poet aud bishop of tbo- then, becoming distrusted -with himself Owner. Lot No. Sec Tu. CMls^ .110 I30 00 of nn.Inilliio. but a clone looksfl i it it nun uot difficult to ' Toe Bonse of Mirth" but on the reran" Qftb coutury. lie Is credited with hav- Win. WUIouibby f ' I 7 su • : oi III ' iS"" .3 HIEDIMU as an Indifferent player, applied bun- S. P.. HIM venl nSaxou. profile jnjt toS»' ATTORSEYfc.a.T'LAW. ., ft » JIICO cuiue frbmr da. At least abo was supposed to'be ins Invented church bells and was al- 105 —•• ; S8 7 6» 2 il P, KlemW :• 10 OU self to writing there would never bare 10W 2 01 UWHI cent anil look at it: The Botttathi HAND NAMED TO SUCCEED — --•-••-, It. In.reality she bid closed together so remarkable a person tbat .1*1 00- 10 ai SCHERMERHORN OBJECTS TO been this great 'dramatist, and no lib • .100 00 10 OK 10 00 nf nn ludluu. • .' . ' ^^"» JJyJORGAN HAND, T. ABBOTT, M. D., too paire 'no v.-as carried off Into captivity by tbo IU «noo 11 3) 204 .3 k tra ijCity Sentinel B wltb ber slim forcflnccr. Sbo bad only doubt tbe plays of today would bave •IK'. laioo , „. Thackara 4 HOOK K - moo netWCPII ISM und lfMOJaiDsjkl i J liejoud tbut. white In Mourn. Ills captors, however, were so bcon/'lnferlor to what they are. •'••'• . I O^VJ^LM"011* * I 12 - 01 wTl>. Hamploo ATTORNEY and Phyalclan aad Surgeon, two'days more here In God's creen to uo a to 00 IO ton I.niiSiiiTo' wiis ehlef eaintmS Publlaned Wtekly at • SENATOR LEWIS M. CRES5E tlio gray H;:Ut. rwu.- luu oil Coward Impressed by tbo sanctity and sweet- •) .1*> 00 ; JJ JobD A. all«n 30 Ml 11 COU NSELLOR-AT-LAW, BEING CALLED DELINQUENT liouxo. tho oliL\it In tho tiny vllla^v as earth, and tbo lilacs seemed to bo call- ness of the bishop tbat they suffered Cowley become"~o 'poet purely Mr*.LI-BICKisber I SU III **• Kran*BoMll» . ' M.I a) the 1'nltcJ MtntiM mint in : OFFICE—Corner Central ui Eighth Street ins bcr Imperatively, she bud been tbrongb cluiuce. When only, a boy he !-Poi«a 1 iMIOO j gj, .N'.tban Rttley 4 tjon» 600 17 lu \a n cpni|M'tltlou wo Solicitor. Hastar and Examiner In Ohanovry, well as tho lar^oit. Sclilea Howard blm to escape, aud wben bo returned 73)00 ;» IB si . 22 Haprams Coifrt Commlaalonar. Notaiy Publlo. found In his mother's attic a copy i 112 0U 78 11 CO 17 1 ' was tUe oaly llylus roprewutatlve of In lilacs to that extent that I MUUO. 11)91 •JgJ J.L. andE.il. Muniliall S IV n>« and 'cugravliiKs for",.. alAPE HAV dOIIHT HOVHK, M. J. of Spenser's 'Faerie Quecne" and, be- . 1M) OL) 71 17 In a Convention Controlled by the Hand People, the Commrjdore Has Always Paid f\> c thefnclly. XI to- 111 am 17 rupiH'r cent that was to bo banM> laooo ll ** f J>' Naihan Rl«le» A HOIM rRTIS ROBINSON (Oppoaltsl^ibllo Bulldlpga). 1 coming cuchanted by tho rhyme, <!otcr- «>W) ITS mn 22 dip (,-roap on Mr*. 'Jones' cd wltb them. All at once an Impulse iw . , HO NO' .•fjj) J. Land E. II Jt»r»b«ll e no ~ wlilrh hiiH RIUCV IIIM-MI in servlcs j- Former Senator was Nominated With No XaxeB Batty; He Telia /^'** of yielding camo to bcr. Why In tbe mined to write poetry for hlaiself. **. P.Oanaeld I 100 Iti ^Editor and Proprietor ^C. HUTCHINSON, M. D. GARDNER AGAIN RAILROAD MEN i^iu to, spook of Selden, ilnu Ur. (Urrl»on HUM 2 in ' •.» oi were over n thonsiuul iloslgi JONATHAN HAND, leading up to, tho subject from the fra- world should Mio not step over tbe low Gibbon tolls tbut It was while bo was Mn. Llx.lo Kl.li«r HUI 4 7U firlzo wnii n, ghoil ono. Friction—Cresse Said He Would Not be Membeft of Couodii^ \ $ ^ hedge and go Into tbe lilac garden? j at Itonie'amoug tbe rului of tbe cap- Wm. B. Curray awuo I. R.Thnm»" 17UO.I 17 r;:ckeil bl* brain for soino < er Year, Strictly In Advance OonnselloF r «*> llomoeopathist. erance of the Imsbcs. ^ ^ ^ ' • ^ . ycara aanIver AnderyoD BoanceolR Walttr Ulil II Ul 17 At Council's moetlng^n Monday^ ^V*' "Them Uioeksi Is slcklsbly sweet" Sbo did. Boos buns above tbe purplo Itol tbat he wan first.moved to writ ii I(U 00 I! Ill 17 slniniliir ilotlun th\it would fSi.Jo at End nf Year" ''• No.' Hsi4 Ocean Avenue. an Independent Candidate—Stille GETS NOMINATION TO VISIT HERE 1 ot BlKho<Waullnu4- return was ' 8olloltor, Muter In Chaooary, Notary Pnbllo, evculqg. Commodore^ O. Howard bloom, and a Uitlo attenuated fountain : tbe history of tho rise and fall of tuai ' I>nll>-« Kesdtne It. It. ca. 0 on 17 observed Sirs. Juues borsclf. celebrated with more and more ce"rcmo Uocan Clly I-nnd Co. i\ ,} «(M" 17 for uioutlis he hju? OCEAN CITV. N. j: . bchermerhojrn, of Philadelphia, toaiit,, tinkled la tlio distance. Ob. It was al- great empire.
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