[National Emblem] Presidential Agency for ALL FOR A International APC Cooperation NEW COUNTRY of Colombia PEACE - EQUITY - EDUCATION Code: A-FO-102- Version 01—Date: June 21, 2016 (Bar code)

When responding to this communication, please mention the following details: Filing number 20165000023221

Bogotá, 02-12-2016

MARTÍN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representative UNDP Colombia Address: Avenida 82 #10-62 Bogotá D.C.

Subject: Support to the Green Climate Fund project titled: “Integral Management of water resources as a strategy for the adaptation to climate change of the most vulnerable communities in La Mojana”

Dear Sir:

On behalf of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia (APC-Colombia, acronym in Spanish), it is my pleasure to send this letter to express our support for the comprehensive programmatic proposal that seeks to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities in La Mojana and complement the effort of the national government within the implementation framework of La Mojana Action Plan.

APC-Colombia is an organization that leads international cooperation in Colombia. Our objective is to increase the benefits obtained by the Colombian and international society from development- related cooperation according to the country’s priorities. The Agency focuses and invigorates the international cooperation that Colombia receives by prioritizing the territories that need it most, mainly in three thematic areas: peace building, sustainable rural development, and environmental conservation and sustainability. It also shares knowledge and practices that make Colombia more valuable to other countries, through the South-South Cooperation (SSC) and Triangular Cooperation (TrC), which seek to contribute to the sustainable development and positioning of Colombia in the world.

In light of the above, the proposed program is very important for the country and the experiences and lessons learned will be replicated by APC-Colombia within the framework of our South-South and Col-Col cooperation programs in different regions within the country that are also vulnerable to climate change impacts, multidimensional poverty and have been affected by the armed conflict. APC- Colombia particularly highlights the axis of academic training proposed by the program, since it constitutes an important part of the Cooperation offer from the country to the world. This could contribute to a counterpart worth ONE HUNDRED MILLION PESOS Common Currency ($100,000,000), as follows: i) Design and implementation of the practical part and training course exchanges, extending its implementation to benefit southern countries, ii) the transfer of the “KNOW HOW” methodology for documenting and systematizing Case Studies and Histories, and iii) the time of people who are able to follow up this process.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to fund this kind of programs which will complement the country’s efforts to implement adaptation measures in La Mojana region and are aimed at improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable rural communities in the country.


(Signed) MONICA VARONA GUZMAN Director of Inter-institutional Coordination

Telefax - Telephone number: (+571) 601 2124 Address: Carrera 10 No. 97A - 13. Piso 6-Torre A Bogotá, Colombia


D.G.C-100-0105 San Marcos, June 21st, 2017


Subject: Co-financing of the project financed by the Green Climate Fund titled: “Climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana”

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the corporation for sustainable development of La Mojana and San Jorge “CORPOMOJANA”, an entity that acts as first environmental authority in the jurisdiction of 7 municipalities of the Department of Sucre and, therefore, is responsible for the administration of renewable natural resources and their sustainable use.

The region of La Mojana is a very important ecosystem area for the country in which the main rivers of Colombia’s Andean Region meet. The wetland complex provides both direct and indirect environmental services (water regulation, food supply, water supply, wildlife habitat, among others) to 4 departments and intermediate cities of the Colombian Caribbean region. CORPOMOJANA has jurisdiction over 6 municipalities that belong to La Mojana area.

CORPOMOJANA works hard to avoid the ecosystem degradation and to restore environmental services that have been lost due to the transformation caused by humans, and exacerbated by climate events such as floods and prolonged droughts.

The project that is being submitted to the Green Climate Fund is aligned with environmental and sustainable development priorities and compatible with the climate of the region; hence, the project is aligned with the action plan of CORPOMOJANA and its investment lines.

The corporation will invest USD$1,660,614 in ecosystem restoration for the next 4 years. This investment, together with the resources of the Green Climate Fund, will have a bigger impact on the transformation towards a resilient environment in La Mojana. The corporation commits to monitor the environments restored within the framework of the Green Climate Fund project once it has been completed, as well as to provide the technical assistance required for such purpose.

Moreover, the corporation will contribute in a timely manner with the dissemination of information to the communities that might be affected by events of floods and droughts within the component of early warnings.

Finally, we would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for financing the gaps Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that help to save lives and improve the livelihood of the most vulnerable communities in the country.

Sincerely, (Signed) LILIANA MILENA QUIROZ AGUAS General Director - “CORPOMOJANA”

Address: Carrera 21 #21A-44 | Telephone number: (575) 2954877 - Fax: (575) 2955477 San Marcos - Sucre

P● ァメan_fl蒟 鋤乱 &I aeprtanqnto Oe ol,rOo{r Monterla A 7 uiC,?ltt @05 7 2h r{r{ffl Doctor MARTIN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representante Residente Avenida 82 No.10-62 Pisos 3 y 4 Bogot6, Colombia

Asunto: Co'financiaci6n al proyecto del Fondo Verde del Ctima titulado "Manejo integral del recurso hidrico como estrategia para la adaptaci6n al cambio clim6tico de comunidades m6s vulnerables en La Mojana"

Reconociendo la importancia estrat6gica que tiene para el pais que sus comunidades sean m6s resilientes y cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para adaptarse a los efeclos adversos del cambio y la vulnerabilidad clim6tica, La Corporaci6n Aut6noma Regional de los Valles del Sin[ y del San Jorge -CVS; se complace en apoyar la propuesta program5tica integral que busca mejorar el manejo del recurso hidrico para incrementar la resiliencia climStica de las comunidades vulnerables en La Mojana.

La Regi6n de la Mojana se ha visto fuertemente afectada por el incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de eventos extremos concluyendo en prolongadas sequias e inundaciones que hacen particularmente vulnerables a los habitantes de esta planicie inundable donde confluyen los principales drenajes de la regi6n interandina de Colombia.

Por su parte, La Corporaci6n Aut6noma Regional de los Valles del Sin0 y del San Jorge -CVS, se encarga de apoyar a trav6s de su plan de acci6n institucional 2016 - 2019 'C6rdoba hidrica y biodiversa" actividades acordes con el enfoque del proyecto en asunto.

En relaci6n con lo anterior, La Corporaci6n Aut6noma Regional de los Valles del Sinu y del San Jorge -CVS-C6rdoba tendr5 una inversi6n los pr6ximos 3 afros (2011-ZO1g) de: - $t .778.117.120 en A,reas protegidas y ecosistemas estrat6gicos como garantia de funcionalidad ecosistdmica en el departamento de c6rdoba. ' $7.441.918.897 en Restauraci6n ecosist6mica con 6nfasis en conectividad para la construcci6n y recuperaci6n de la estructura ecol6gica natural de soporte en el departamento de C6rdoba. - $3'511.'t60.951 en Gesti6n de riesgo, adaptaci6n y mitigaci6n frente al cambio climdtico, para la reducci6n de la vulnerabilidad deltenitorio. - $4.990.929.790 en Gesti6n integraldet recurso hidrico.

A trav6s de estas acciones se puede apoyar el objeto del proyecto en asunto.

Cam,a 6 No. 61 - 25 Banio Los Eongos Pgx 789 06 05 - 789 06 20 Motcria -

Quisi6ramos agradecer al Fondo Verde del Clima por la oportunidad de financiar los vacios actuales que tiene Colombia para implementar las medidas de adaptaciones que permitir6n salvar vidas y mejorar los medios de vida de las poblaciones m6s vulnerables delpais.


ALBE:RO ARR:ETA LOPEZ Subdirector de Gesti6n Ambienta:.

C carera 6 No 61-25 ( &市 l● 53● pBχ 789 06 "os05-7890620 祗巡:肥 轟銀翻甲 Montett tOlomba u_vde o18000914808 ψ C6rd● be Hldた●yB国 ~…

th REGIONAL AUTONOMOUS CORPORATION Montería, DECEMBER 7 , 2016 OF THE SINU AND SAN JORGE VALLEYS 090-5727 CVS For the sustainable development of the department of Córdoba Cordoba Water and Biodiversity MARTÍN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representative Address: Avenida 82 #10-62, Pisos 3 y 4 Bogotá, Colombia

Subject: Co-financing of the Green Climate Fund project titled: “Comprehensive management of water resources as a climate change adaptation strategy for the most vulnerable communities in La Mojana.”

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country to have more resilient communities with favorable conditions so they are able to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and climate vulnerability, the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Sinú and San Jorge Valleys - CVS is pleased to support the comprehensive programmatic proposal aimed at improving water resource management and increase climate resilience of vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

La Mojana region has been severely affected by extreme events and their increasing frequency and intensity resulting in longer drought and flood periods that make the inhabitants of this flood plain especially vulnerable, where the main drains of the Colombian Inter-Andean region meet.

On the other hand, the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Sinú and San Jorge Valleys - CVS supports “Córdoba: water and biodiversity” through its 2016-2019 institutional action plan, such activities are in line with the approach of the project mentioned in the subject.

In this regard, the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Sinú and San Jorge Valleys -CVS- Córdoba will have an investment in the next 3 years (2017-2019) for the following amounts:

- $1,778,117,120 in protected areas and strategic ecosystems to guarantee the ecosystem functionality in the department of Córdoba. - $7,441,918,897 in ecosystem Restoration focused on connectivity for the construction and recovery and recovery of the supporting natural ecological structure in the department of Córdoba.

- $3,511,160,951 in Risk Management, adaptation and mitigation of climate change to reduce the vulnerability of the territory. - $4,990,929,790 in Water resource comprehensive management.

These actions may contribute to the objective of the project mentioned in the subject.

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for financing the gaps Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that help to save lives and improve the livelihood of the most vulnerable communities in the country.

Sincerely, (Signed) ALBEIRO ARRIETA LOPEZ Deputy Director of Environment Management.

Address: Carrera 6 #61-25 Barrio Los Bongos Telephone number: (574) 789 06 05 - (574) 789 06 20 WWW.CVS.GOV.CO Montería -Colombia E-mail: [email protected] Green line: 018000914808 Córdoba: Water and Biodiversity

Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt



Asunto: Manifestación de apoyo y cofinanciación al proyecto "Scaling up climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana"

Respetado señor;

En representación del Instituto de investigaciones biológicas Alexander von Humboldt me complace manifestar nuestro apoyo al proyecto del asusto en mención, que pretende brindar de forma integral soluciones para incrementar la resiliencia de las comunidades vulnerables de la región de La Mojana ante el cambio y variabilidad climática.

El Instituto Humboldt se encarga promover, coordinar y realizar investigación que contribuya al conocimiento, la conservación y el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad como un factor de desarrollo y bienestar de !a población colombiana. Además, se encarga de realizar, en el territorio continental de la Nación, la investigación científica sobre biodiversidad, incluyendo los recursos hidrobiológicos y genéticos.

La región de La Mojana es un área de especial importancia ecológica conformada por un complejo sistema de humedales que presta variados servicios ecosistémicos, entre ellos el control de inundaciones, la provisión de alimentos, mejoramiento de la calidad del agua, provisión hídrica o la oferta de hábitat para fauna y flora. Sin embargo, es también una zona particularmente frágil a los efectos del cambio y variabilidad climática que son exacerbados por la transformación de los ecosistemas de la región a causa de la intervención humana. Por lo anterior, es de vital importancia recuperar la salud de los ecosistemas y reestablecer los flujos de servicios ecosistémicos de los cuales dependen las poblaciones más vulnerables que habitan en La Mojana.

A partir de las acciones en restauración ecológica incluidas en el Proyecto se contribuirá en el logro de dicho objetivo y, además, se fortalecerá el monitoreo participativo de la biodiversidad y el conocimiento científico sobre la restauración de humedales que podrá ser replicado en otras zonas del país o incluso en otros humedales del mundo.

Es por esto, que en el marco de dichas actividades el Instituto Humboldt contribuirá con una contrapartida de 73*000.000 de pesos Anuales correspondientes a la información que posee el Instituto para la región y a la dedicación del 10% del coordinador del programa de Gestión Territorial y el 10% de dedicación de dos investigadores expertos de la Línea de restauración ecológica, uno en técnicas de restauración y otro en análisis de paisaje

Sede Principal: Calle28A#l 5-09Bogotá, D.C, Colombia | PBX: (57){1) 32027671 Nrr820000142-2 Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt aplicado a restauración, quienes trabajaran estrechamente con el equipo contratado para el logro de los objetivos.

Quiero agradecer ai Fondo Verde del Clima por la oportunidad de financiar este tipo de proyectos que complementan los esfuerzos que hace el país para implementar medidas de adaptación en La iVIojana, dirigidas a mejorar los medios de vida de las comunidades rurales más vulnerables del país de forma armónica con la conservación de los ecosistemas.


femando García Martínez Director (E) instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Avenida Paseo Bolívar 16-20 PBX: (57) 1 320 2767 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

Elaboró: Wiison Ramírez

Sede Principal: CalIe28A#15-09 Bogotá. D.C., Colombia[PBX: {57)(1) 32027671 NIT 820000142-2

HUMBOLDT Alexander von Humboldt INSTITUTE COLOMBIA Research Institute of Biological Resources


Subject: Statement of support and co-financing to the project "Scaling up climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana"

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the Alexander von Humboldt biological research institute, it is a pleasure to express our support to the aforementioned project that seeks to provide integral solutions to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities in La Mojana facing climate change and variability.

The Humboldt Institute is responsible for promoting, coordinating and conducting researches that contribute to the knowledge, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as a factor of development and well-being of the Colombian population. It is also responsible for performing scientific research on biodiversity, including hydrobiological and genetic resources in Colombia’s mainland.

La Mojana region is an area of particular ecological importance comprised by a complex wetland system that provides various ecosystem services, such as flood control, food supply, improvement of water quality, water supply or habitat for fauna and flora. However, it is also a particularly fragile area to the effects of climate change and climate variability that are exacerbated by the transformation of ecosystems in the region due to human intervention. Therefore, it is fundamental to recover the ecosystems health and to reestablish the ecosystem service flows on which the most vulnerable communities living in La Mojana depend upon.

Based on the actions of ecological restoration included in the Project, it will be possible to contribute to achieve this goal. Also, the participatory monitoring of biodiversity and scientific knowledge on wetland restoration will be strengthened and could be replicated in other areas of the country or even other wetlands in the world.

For this reason, within the framework of these activities, the Humboldt Institute will contribute a counterpart of COP$73,000,000 a year corresponding to the information the Institute has on the region, and 10% is dedicated to the coordinator of the Land Management program and 10% to two research experts of the Ecological restoration line, one for restoration techniques and the other for landscape analysis applied to restoration, who will work closely with the team contracted for the achievement of objectives.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to fund this kind of projects that will complement the country’s efforts to implement adaptation measures in La Mojana region, which are aimed at improving the livelihood of the most vulnerable rural communities of the country in harmony with the conservation of the ecosystem.

Cordially yours,

(Signed) Hernando García Martínez Deputy Director Alexander von Humboldt Research Institute of Biological Resources Address: Avenida Paseo Bolivar 16-20 Telephone number: (571) 320 2767 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

Prepared by: Wilson Ramírez

Main Branch Address: Calle 28A #15-09 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia │ Telephone number: (571) 3202767 │ T.I.N. 820000142-2


Doctor Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia Calle 82 #10-62 Bogotá

Matter: Co-financing of the Green Climate Fund’s project titled “Scaling up climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana”.

Dear Dr. Santiago,

The Adaptation Fund (AF), the organization responsible for the execution of integrated projects for risk management and adaptation to climate change, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program for the improvement of water resources management and the increase in climate resilience of the vulnerable communities in the La Mojana region.

The AF executes territorial development projects to reduce the risks associated with global environmental changes, and thus adapt the territory to its climate conditions. Within this context, the La Mojana region has been selected as it has been severely affected by the increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, reflected by prolonged droughts and floods that make its rural inhabitants particularly vulnerable.

The AF, in coordination with national planning institutions, has drawn up the Action Plan for La Mojana as the main instrument for generating a territorial transformation directed at adapting the region to climate change. Accordingly, the project, which will be financed by the Green Climate Fund, is of the highest importance to the country, as it will complement the investments that the national government is planning to make in the region by means of the AF.

The AF commits to a contribution of 61.8 million dollars, from the national budget, as a direct co- financing to the resources requested to the Green Climate Fund. These funds are distributed in the different components of the Action Plan for La Mojana, with estimated values as indicated below:

• Governance and capacity building program o $ 2.8 million for the establishment of a Regional Interagency Water Board and the establishment of a Multipurpose Land Registry to support land management. o $ 0.8 million for the development of the regional climate forecast center • Safer and sustainable infrastructure program o $ 17.2 million for the construction of adapted public infrastructure that will house communal water tanks • Environmental dynamics recovery program o $ 36 million for landscape-scale restoration of wetlands in the region, including strategies for active and passive restoration, water flow recovery in channels, silvopastoral systems, among others, to improve environmental conditions in an estimated area of 40,000 hectares. • Economic recovery program o $ 4 million for the establishment of home gardens o And $ 1 million for the development of agricultural extension activities in the context of the social recovery program.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Green Climate Fund for supporting this fundamental initiative for the country, which will help us implement climate change adaptation measures directed towards one of the most vulnerable rural populations in Colombia.

Yours sincerely,


Calle 72, No. 7-64, 10th Floor Bogotá D.C. Colombia / Tel: +57 (1) 5082054 REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA DEPARTAMENTO DE BOLÍVAR ALCALDÍA MUNICIPAL DE ACHÍ Nit: 800037371-1 Secretaria General y del Interior

Achí -Bolívar; 29 de noviembre de 2016.

Señor, MARTÍN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representante Residente UNDP Colombia

Asunto: Co-financiación al proyecto del Fondo Verde del Clima titulado “Manejo integral del recurso hídrico como estrategia para la adaptación al cambio climático de comunidades más vulnerables en La Mojana”

Reconociendo la importancia estratégica que tiene para el país que sus comunidades sean más resilientes y cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para adaptarse a los efectos adversos del cambio y la vulnerabilidad climática, la Alcaldía Municipal de Achí – Bolívar; se complace en apoyar la propuesta programática integral que busca mejorar el manejo del recurso hídrico para incrementar la resiliencia climática de las comunidades vulnerables en La Mojana. La Región de la Mojana se ha visto fuertemente afectada por el incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de eventos extremos concluyendo en prolongadas sequias e inundaciones que hacen particularmente vulnerables a los habitantes de esta planicie inundable donde confluyen los principales drenajes de la región interandina de Colombia.

Por su parte, la Alcaldía Municipal de Achí- Bolívar-, se encarga de aportar recursos que contribuyan en el desarrollo de los sistemas de alertas tempranas, abastecimiento de agua para la población beneficiaria del municipio, así como en las actividades de restauración de humedales. En relación con lo anterior, la Alcaldía Municipal de Achí-Bolívar-, tendrá una inversión de $100.000 USD durante los próximos 4 años en temas de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, abastecimiento de agua potable y recuperación de humedales. Esta cofinanciación incluye la contribución en efectivo y/o en especie a través de tiempo y recursos dedicados por personal de la entidad. Estos recursos complementan los componentes 2 Infraestructura del agua y servicios ecos sistémicos adaptados al cambio climático y 3 y Sistema de alertas tempranas adaptado al cambio climático

Quisiéramos agradecer al Fondo Verde del Clima por la oportunidad de financiar los vacíos actuales que tiene Colombia para implementar las medidas de adaptaciones que permitirán salvar vidas y mejorar los medios de vida de las poblaciones más vulnerables del país. Especialmente de la población vulnerable dependiente de sectores sensibles al clima, como son las comunidades rurales del municipio de Achí.


______JAVIER NADJAR RODRÍGUEZ Alcalde Municipal- Achí Bolívar

Centro Calle San José, Edificio Palacio Municipal Conmutador 6820302, E- mail: [email protected], ACHÍ – BOLÍVAR “PORQUE ACHÍ SOMOS TODOS”

Achí-Bolívar, November 29th, 2016

Dear Sir, Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-financing of the Green Climate Fund’s project titled “Integrated management of water resources as a climate change adaptation strategy for the most vulnerable communities in La Mojana”.

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country of its most vulnerable communities being more resilient and having the necessary conditions to adapt to the adverse effects of climate vulnerability and change, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Achí-Bolivar, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program which aims to improve the management of water resources to increase the climate-related resilience of the vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

La Mojana region has been badly affected by the increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, concluding in prolonged droughts and floods than make the inhabitants of this floodplain – where the main drainage routes of Colombia’s inter-Andean region meet – particularly vulnerable.

For its part, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Achí is responsible for contributing resources that support the development of the early warning systems, water supply for the municipality’s population, and swamp-restoration activities.

As such, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Achí will invest $100.000 USD over the next four years in Disaster Risk Management, potable water supply and swamp restoration. This co-financing includes a contribution in cash and/or payment in kind, through the time and resources of the organization’s personnel. These resources complement Output 2 (climate change adapted water infrastructure and ecosystem services) and Output 3 (a climate change adapted early warning system).

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to finance the gaps that Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will allow lives to be saved and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable sector of the population – especially the vulnerable people dependent on climate-sensitive sectors like those in Achí – to be improved.

Yours sincerely,


Municipal mayor of Achí Bolívar

Ayapel-Córdoba, November 25th, 2016

Dear Sir, Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-finance of the Fondo Verde del Clima (Green Climate Fund) project called “Comprehensive management of water resources as a climate change adaptation strategy for the most vulnerable communities of La Mojana”

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country of its most vulnerable communities being more resilient and having the necessary conditions to adapt to the adverse effects of climate vulnerability and change, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Ayapel-Córdoba, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program which aims to improve the management of water resources to increase the climate-related resilience of the vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

La Mojana region has been badly affected by the increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, concluding in prolonged droughts and floods than make the inhabitants of this floodplain – where the main drainage routes of Colombia’s inter-Andean region meet – particularly vulnerable.

For its part, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Ayapel-Córdoba is responsible for contributing resources that support the development of the early warning systems, water supply for the municipality’s population, and swamp-restoration activities.

As such, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Ayapel will invest forty million pesos ($40.000.000 COP) over the next four years in Disaster Risk Management, potable water supply and swamp restoration. This co-financing includes a contribution in cash and/or payment in kind, through the time and resources of the organization’s personnel. These resources complement Output 2 (climate change adapted water infrastructure and ecosystem services) and Output 3 (a climate change adapted early warning system).

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to finance the gaps that Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will allow lives to be saved and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable sector of the population – especially the vulnerable people dependent on climate-sensitive sectors such as the agricultural sector, restoration of wetlands and access to information– to be improved.

Yours sincerely,


Municipal mayor

Scanned by CamScanner Caimito -Sucre, February 6th, 2017

Dear Sir, Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-finance of the Fondo Verde del Clima (Green Climate Fund) project called “Scaling up climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana”

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country of its most vulnerable communities being more resilient and having the necessary conditions to adapt to the adverse effects of climate vulnerability and change, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Caimito-Sucre, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program which aims to improve the management of water resources to increase the climate-related resilience of the vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

The municipality of Caimito has a great environmental and social wealth, however, problems of access to drinking water in times of drought; low productivity of agricultural activities; and degradation of natural resources by bad practices of farmers, ranchers and fishermen; are some of the factors that keep a large part of our population in poverty, and more and more people are being affected by the increase in flood and drought events.

Therefore, the Mayor of Caimito considers of great importance to provide measures to adapt our communities to the climate change that allow them to have livelihoods improved through a friendly development with the ecosystems that are the basis of productive and cultural activities of the region.

The Municipal Mayor’s Office of Caimito, during the next 4 years will have an investment of $300.000 USD in issues of provision of drinking water with climate resilient technologies, through the improvement of the micro-aqueducts that currently are vulnerable to events of flood and drought. With the resources of the Green Climate Fund, a greater impact would be achieved, benefiting the population located in the rural areas that are also the most vulnerable to the climatic change.

Additionally, the water solutions implemented by the project will be incorporated by the municipal administration guaranteeing the technical support to the communities for the maintenance of the systems. We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to finance the gaps that Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will allow lives to be saved and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable population to be improved.

Yours sincerely,


Municipal mayor of Caimito-Sucre

Guaranda -Sucre, February 6th, 2017

Dear Sir, Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-finance of the Fondo Verde del Clima (Green Climate Fund) project called “Scaling up climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana”

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country of its most vulnerable communities being more resilient and having the necessary conditions to adapt to the adverse effects of climate vulnerability and change, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Guaranda-Sucre, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program which aims to improve the management of water resources to increase the climate-related resilience of the vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

The municipality of Guaranda has a great environmental and social wealth, however, problems of access to drinking water in times of drought; low productivity of agricultural activities; and degradation of natural resources by bad practices of farmers, ranchers and fishermen; are some of the factors that keep a large part of our population in poverty, and more and more people are being affected by the increase in flood and drought events.

Therefore, the Mayor of Guaranda considers of great importance to provide measures to adapt our communities to the climate change that allow them to have livelihoods improved through a friendly development with the ecosystems that are the basis of productive and cultural activities of the region.

The Municipal Mayor’s Office of Guaranda, during the next 4 years will have an investment of $300.000 USD in issues of provision of drinking water with climate resilient technologies, through the improvement of the micro-aqueducts that currently are vulnerable to events of flood and drought (the municipality will co-finance 10% of this investment in goods and services). With the resources of the Green Climate Fund, a greater impact would be achieved, benefiting the population located in the rural areas that are also the most vulnerable to the climatic change.

Additionally, the water solutions implemented by the project will be incorporated by the municipal administration guaranteeing the technical support to the communities for the maintenance of the systems. We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to finance the gaps that Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will allow lives to be saved and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable population to be improved.

Yours sincerely,


Municipal mayor of Guaranda-Sucre

NIT: 892280057-6 Majagual-Sucre; 16 de enero de 2017.

Señor, Martín Santiago Herrero Representante Residente UNDP Colombia

Asunto: Co-financiación al proyecto del Fondo Verde del Clima titulado “Manejo integral del recurso hídrico como estrategia para la adaptación al cambio climático de comunidades más vulnerables en La Mojana”.

Reconociendo la importancia estratégica que tiene para el país que sus comunidades sean más resilientes y cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para adaptarse a los efectos adversos del cambio y la vulnerabilidad climática, la Alcaldía Municipal de Majagual - Sucre; se complace en apoyar la propuesta programática integral que busca mejorar el manejo del recurso hídrico para incrementar la resiliencia climática de las comunidades vulnerables en La Mojana.

La Región de la Mojana se ha visto fuertemente afectada por el incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de eventos extremos concluyendo en prolongadas sequias e inundaciones que hacen particularmente vulnerables a los habitantes de esta planicie inundable donde confluyen los principales drenajes de la región interandina de Colombia.

Por su parte, la Alcaldía Municipal de Majagual-Sucre -, se encarga de aportar recursos que contribuyan en el desarrollo de los sistemas de alertas tempranas, abastecimiento de agua para la población beneficiaria del municipio, así como en las actividades de restauración de humedales.

En relación con lo anterior, la Alcaldía Municipal de Majagual-Sucre-, tendrá una inversión de $40.000 USD durante los próximos 4 años en temas de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, abastecimiento de agua potable y recuperación de humedales. Esta cofinanciación incluye la contribución en efectivo y/o en especie a través de tiempo y recursos dedicados por personal de la entidad. Estos recursos complementan los componentes 2 Infraestructura del agua y servicios eco sistémico adaptado al cambio climático y 3 y Sistema de alertas tempranas adaptado al cambio climático. A través de las oficinas de desarrollo social, la alcaldía, se compromete a trabajar mancomunadamente con las comunidades, para que estas acciones tengan una sostenibilidad en el tiempo.

Dirección: Calle 5 No. 22 – 07 Principal - Teléfono: 2871545 Correos: [email protected]. [email protected]

NIT: 892280057-6 Quisiéramos agradecer al Fondo Verde del Clima por la oportunidad de financiar los vacíos actuales que tiene Colombia para implementar las medidas de adaptaciones que permitirán salvar vidas y mejorar los medios de vida de las poblaciones más vulnerables del país. Especialmente de la población vulnerable dependiente de sectores sensibles al clima, como son las comunidades rurales del municipio de Majagual.


LUIS BENITO GOMEZ MARTINEZ Alcalde Municipal- Majagual Sucre

Dirección: Calle 5 No. 22 – 07 Principal - Teléfono: 2871545 Correos: [email protected]. [email protected] Majagual-Sucre, January 16th, 2017

Dear Sir, Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-financing of the Green Climate Fund’s project titled “Integrated management of water resources as a climate change adaptation strategy for the most vulnerable communities in La Mojana”.

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country of its most vulnerable communities being more resilient and having the necessary conditions to adapt to the adverse effects of climate vulnerability and change, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Majagual-Sucre, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program which aims to improve the management of water resources to increase the climate-related resilience of the vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

La Mojana region has been badly affected by the increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, concluding in prolonged droughts and floods than make the inhabitants of this floodplain – where the main drainage routes of Colombia’s inter-Andean region meet – particularly vulnerable.

For its part, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Majagual is responsible for contributing resources that support the development of the early warning systems, water supply for the municipality’s population, and swamp-restoration activities.

As such, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Majagual will invest $40.000 USD over the next four years in Disaster Risk Management, potable water supply and wetland restoration. This co-financing includes a contribution in cash and/or payment in kind, through the time and resources of the organization’s personnel. These resources complement Output 2 (climate change adapted water infrastructure and ecosystem services) and Output 3 (a climate change adapted early warning system). Through the social development offices, the mayor's office, is committed to working with communities so that the actions have sustainability over time.

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to finance the gaps that Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will allow lives to be saved and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable sector of the population – especially the vulnerable people dependent on climate-sensitive sectors like those in Majagual – to be improved.

Yours sincerely,


Municipal mayor of Majagual Sucre

San Benito Abad Municipality TIN 892280054-4

San Benito Abad, Sucre, February 6th, 2016

Mr., Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-financing of the Green Climate Fund’s project titled “Scaling up climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana”.

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country of its most vulnerable communities being more resilient and having the necessary conditions to adapt to the adverse effects of climate vulnerability and change, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of San Benito Abad, Sucre, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program which aims to improve the management of water resources to increase the climate-related resilience of the vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

The La Mojana region has been badly affected by the prolonged floods caused by the overflow of the San Jorge river -more intense in recent years -, leaving more and more victims and economic damages of great magnitude.

The Municipal Mayor’s office recognizes the importance of implementing a project such as the one that would fund the Green Climate Fund in the Mojana region. The components of safe water provision for the vulnerable population and the early warning system would greatly reduce the vulnerability of our communities. For these same aspects, the Municipal Mayor’s office will invest in the next 4 years $ 300.000 USD. With the resources of the Green Climate Fund, a greater impact would be achieved, benefiting the population located in the rural areas that are also the most vulnerable to the climatic change.

Additionally, the water solutions implemented by the project will be incorporated by the municipal administration guaranteeing the technical support to the communities for the maintenance of the systems.

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to finance the gaps that Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will allow lives to be saved and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable population to be improved.

Yours sincerely,

Agustín Villareal Gonzalez Municipla Mayor of San Benito Abad Opportunities for all

Carrera 15 No. 10-50 Tel: (57 5) 293 00 03 Fax: (57 5) 293 00 04 Email: [email protected] [email protected]




San Marcos - Sucre, November 24th, 2016

Dear Sir, Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-finance of the Fondo Verde del Clima (Green Climate Fund) project called “Comprehensive management of water resources as a climate change adaptation strategy for the most vulnerable communities of La Mojana”

The Mayor’s Office of San Marcos, Sucre is pleased to support the comprehensive programmatic proposal that seeks to improve the management of water resources and thus increase the climate resilience of vulnerable communities at La Mojana; considering how important it is for the country, strategically speaking, to help make its communities more resilient and have the necessary conditions to adapt to negative climate conditions and climate vulnerability.

La Mojana region, where the main drainages of Colombia’s inter-Andean region converge, has been severely affected by the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme climate conditions such as long droughts and floodings, which has rendered the inhabitants of this meadow especially vulnerable.

The Mayor’s Office of San Marcos, Sucre is responsible for providing resources that contribute to the development of both water supply systems for the rural population of the municipality and wetland recovery activities.

Thus, the Mayor’s Office of San Marcos, Sucre will have a $4,000-dollar investment during the next four years in terms of drinking water supply and wetland recovery (environmental issues). Such co-finance includes cash and/or in-kind contribution of resources by means of time and resources provided by the staff of this entity. The foresaid resources complement component 2 of Water infrastructure and ecosystem services adapted to climate change.

We would like to thank Fondo Verde del Clima for the opportunity to finance the gaps Colombia currently has in order to implement adaptation actions which will save lives and improve the livelihood of the most vulnerable populations in the country; especially, the vulnerable population who depend on climate- sensitive sectors such as drinking water and wetland recovery.


(Signed) BLADIMIR SIERRA Municipal Mayor of San Marcos – Sucre.

Prepared by: Alfonso Armando Gándara Ricardo. Secretary of Urban Planning

Telephone number: (575) 2954797 - Fax: (575) 2954797 Email: [email protected] - [email protected] Address: Carrera 28 #17-71, San Marcos

(I, SANDRA MILENA PINILLA BARRERO, Sworn Certified Translator and Interpreter for the English-Spanish, Spanish-English languages, appointed pursuant to Competence Certificate No. 0324 by the National University of Colombia and duly registered before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, do hereby certify that the above translation fully corresponds to the original document written in Spanish. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal on this 1st day of December, 2016. Translator’s Contact Information: (571) 6135182, (57) 3002315608, Calle 116 # 71 A 25 Of. 202, [email protected],

Sucre, Sucre, February 6th, 2016

Mr., Martín Santiago Herrero Resident Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Co-financing of the Green Climate Fund’s project titled “Scaling up climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana”.

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country of its most vulnerable communities being more resilient and having the necessary conditions to adapt to the adverse effects of climate vulnerability and change, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Sucre, Sucre, is pleased to support the proposed integrated program which aims to improve the management of water resources to increase the climate-related resilience of the vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

La Mojana region has been badly affected by the increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, concluding in prolonged droughts and floods than make the inhabitants of this floodplain – where the main drainage routes of Colombia’s inter-Andean region meet – particularly vulnerable.

It is important, for the Municipal Mayor’s Office, to work for the well-being of the communities and to promote economic development that considers climate change factors. For this reason, activities related to providing technical assistance to communities that improve their productive practices are of great interest to this municipality. For these same aspects, the Municipal Mayor’s office will invest in the next 4 years $ 300.000 USD, supporting a vision of sustainable development and green growth for the conservation of natural resources and life. In addition, the components of water supply solutions adapted to the climate and the restoration of ecosystems are valuable subjects for this municipality and the region.

Additionally, the water solutions implemented by the project will be incorporated by the municipal administration guaranteeing the technical support to the communities for the maintenance of the systems.

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to finance the gaps that Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will allow lives to be saved and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable population to be improved.

Yours sincerely,

EBER MARTINEZ GARCÍA Municipal Mayor of Sucre, Sucre



100.11.03/DG No. 117

Sincelejo, March 16th, 2017


Subject: Confirmation to the Project financed by the Green Climate Fund titled: “Climate- Resilient Water Management Practices for Vulnerable Communities in La Mojana Region."

Dear Sir,

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country to have more resilient communities with favorable conditions so they are able to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and climate vulnerability, the Government of Sucre is pleased to support the project proposal aimed at improving water resource management and increase climate resilience of vulnerable communities in La Mojana Region.

The Government of Sucre is the governing body responsible for formulating and implementing the Departmental Water Plan –PDA, which is financed through the General Participation System and the National Fund for Risk Management. The financial resources are articulated through the PDA to improve the conditions of quality, coverage and continuity in the provision of aqueduct services.

Within the framework of this Plan, the Government plans to invest Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred Million Pesos ($15,600,000,000) to improve the water supply systems for the rural communities in the municipalities of San Marcos, Caimito, San Benito Abad, Sucre, Majagual and Guaranda. The resources invested by the Green Climate Fund will complement the efforts of the national government in assisting the region’s most vulnerable communities to climate changes.

Additionally, the water solutions implemented by the aforementioned project, regarding the adaptation of micro aqueducts, will be welcomed by the Government of Sucre. These measures

will provide support to the requirements of infrastructure maintenance pursuant to the provisions established by the Law. Furthermore, there is a commitment on the part of the Departmental Water Plan - PAP - PDA - SUCRE to protect and strengthen the institutions operating rural micro aqueduct systems so that they can be self-sustaining and functional according to the guidelines of the National Government.

My greatest commitment within the Development Plan and as a Government program is to advance in the solutions to supply drinking water to the rural sector. Therefore, I give my institutional support to ensure that both technical and financial efforts can be consolidated in this regard. I express my gratitude to the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity given to the Department of Sucre of financing Colombia’s current gaps regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable and depressed populations in La Mojana Region of the .


(Signed) EDGAR MARTÍNEZ ROMERO Governor of Sucre

Prepared by: Luis Fernanda Pérez Rodríguez Secretary of Departmental Planning. • Address: Calle 25 No. 25B-35 - Sucre Sucre T.I.N. 892280021-1 • Telephone Number: (575) 2799470 Ext. 102 Makes progress in peace


Montería, February 14th, 2017

Martín Santiago Herrero Representative UNDP Colombia

Subject: Expression of commitment to the project of the Green Climate Fund titled: “Comprehensive management of water resources as an adaptation strategy to climate change for the most vulnerable communities in La Mojana.”

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country to have more resilient communities with favorable conditions so they are able to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and climate vulnerability, Córdoba University is pleased to support the comprehensive programmatic proposal aimed at improving water resource management and increase climate resilience of vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

La Mojana region has been severely affected by extreme events and their increasing frequency and intensity resulting in longer drought and flood periods that make the inhabitants of this flood plain particularly vulnerable, where the main drains of the Colombia Inter-Andean region meet.

On its part, Córdoba University supports the research activities on climate-adaptive varieties, the implementation of best climate practices, technical support for rural communities, training and project capitalization. We will also support the development of early warning systems and we commit to make them sustainable once the project has been completed. Such contribution, which corresponds to the counterpart in kind of the University, has an estimated cost over the course of eight years of USD$1,091,360 differentiated in the attached table. This amount comprises the availability of institutional strengths in the area built during the last 50 years and can be summarized as follows:

- Assistant Principal’s Office of Research and Extension. - Highly qualified researchers (PhD’s). - Scientific support laboratories (hydrology, soil, crop physiology, phytopathology, topography, genetics and plant breeding, GIS, toxicology). - Datacenter to support transmission and data processing. - Institute of Agro-climatic and Environmental Studies (creation phase). - Institute of Applied Biotechnology for the Colombian Caribbean (IBAC). - Institute of Biological Research for the Tropic (IIBT). - Fish Farming Research Institute (CINPIC).

- Regional Water Institute (IRAGUA). - Extension Education Center. - Center for Sports Science and Physical Culture. - Language Center. - Radio Station (FM) with regional coverage. - Regional Television Channel.

In view of the above, Córdoba University considers the implementation of the project to be crucial as it will contribute to having a sustainable society, with greater capacity to adapt to global change. Such objectives are of high priority in the activities carried out by the institution.

Moreover, we are pleased to know that the measures proposed by the project promote a comprehensive approach for the management of an essential resource for life such as water, and seek to promote the necessary conditions to make them sustainable in the long term.

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for financing the gaps Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that will help to save lives and improve the livelihood of the most vulnerable communities in the country. These measures have been especially designed for vulnerable communities that depend on a sector sensible to climate such as the environmental sector.


(Signed and Sealed) JAIRO MIGUEL TORRES OVIEDO Principal Córdoba University

(Attached table)

Human talent Infrastructure, equipment and (designated professors with a TOTAL utilities Doctorate (PhD)) YEAR 1 $280,800,000 $50,000,000 $330,800,000

YEAR 2 $297,648,000 $53,000,000 $350,648,000

YEAR 3 $315,506,880 $56,180,000 $371,686,880

YEAR 4 $334,437,293 $59,550,800 $393,988,093

YEAR 5 $354,503,530 $63,123,848 $417,627,378

YEAR 6 $375,773,742 $66,911,279 $442,685,021

YEAR 7 $398,320,167 $70,925,956 $469,246,122

YEAR 8 $422,219,377 $75,181,513 $497,400,890

TOTAL $2,779,208,989 $494,873,395 $3,274,082,384

TOTAL USD$926,403.00 USD$164,957.80 USD$1,091,360.79

Committed to regional development Address: Carrera 6ª#76-103 Montería – T.I.N. 891080031-3 - Telephone number: (574) 7860920/7860381


Sincelejo, 5 de diciembre de 2016

Señor MARTÍN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representante Residente UNDP Colombia

Asunto: Expresión de compromiso al proyecto del Fondo Verde del Clima titulado “Manejo integral del recurso hídrico como estrategia para la adaptación al cambio climático de comunidades más vulnerables en La Mojana”.

Respetado señor Martín, reciba un cordial saludo.

Reconociendo la importancia estratégica que tiene para el país que sus comunidades sean más resilientes y cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para adaptarse a los efectos adversos del cambio y la vulnerabilidad climática, la Universidad de Sucre se complace en apoyar la propuesta programática integral que busca mejorar el manejo del recurso hídrico para incrementar la resiliencia climática de las comunidades vulnerables en La Mojana.

La Región de la Mojana se ha visto fuertemente afectada por el incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de eventos extremos concluyendo en prolongadas sequias e inundaciones que hacen particularmente vulnerables a los habitantes de esta planicie inundable donde confluyen los principales drenajes de la región interandina de Colombia.

Por su parte, la Universidad de Sucre se encarga de apoyar las actividades relacionadas con la investigación de variedades adaptadas al clima, implementación de buenas prácticas al clima, apoyo técnico a las comunidades rurales, capacitación y capitalización del proyecto, de igual forma estaremos apoyando el desarrollo de sistemas de alertas tempranas y nos comprometemos a dar sostenibilidad al mismo, una vez finalice el proyecto. Este aporte, que representa la contrapartida de la Universidad de Sucre tiene un costo estimado a ocho años de US$688.000 y está representado en:

- Apoyo desde la División de Investigaciones - Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias - Investigadores Doctores - Laboratorios de apoyo científico - Emisora Unisucre FM, con cobertura regional

Carrera 28 No. 5 – 267 Barrio Puerta Roja – Sincelejo – Colombia Nit: 892.200.323-9 Línea Gratuita de Atención 01-8000-945268 PBX (57 + 5) 2771195 Ext. 1018 Cel: 313-5461419, Rectoría Pagina Web: Correo electrónico: [email protected] FOR-CO-008_Ver. 3.0

En relación con lo anterior, la Universidad de Sucre considera fundamental la puesta en marcha del proyecto que contribuiría con el propósito de tener una sociedad sustentable y con mayor capacidad de adaptase al cambio global, objetivos que son de alta prioridad en la gestión adelantada por esta institución. Adicionalmente, nos complace saber que las medidas propuestas por el proyecto promueven un enfoque integral en el manejo de un recurso esencial para la vida como es el agua y propenden por crear las condiciones necesarias para hacerlas sostenibles en el tiempo.

Quisiéramos agradecer al Fondo Verde del Clima por la oportunidad de financiar los vacíos actuales que tiene Colombia para implementar las medidas de adaptaciones que permitirán salvar vidas y mejorar los medios de vida de las poblaciones más vulnerables del país. Especialmente de la población vulnerable dependiente de sectores sensibles al clima como el sector ambiental.



Proyectó: Pedro Caraballo Gracia, Docente de Planta Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Transcriptor: Kelly Salazar Torres

Carrera 28 No. 5 – 267 Barrio Puerta Roja – Sincelejo – Colombia Nit: 892.200.323-9 Línea Gratuita de Atención 01-8000-945268 PBX (57 + 5) 2771195 Ext. 1018 Cel: 313-5461419, Rectoría Pagina Web: Correo electrónico: [email protected] FOR-CO-008_Ver. 3.0

(University logo reads: Sucre University SUCRE UNIVERSITY SCIENCE - DEVELOPMENT - TECHNOLOGY) Visible for all


Sincelejo, December 5th, 2016


Subject: Expression of commitment to the project of the Green Climate Fund titled: “Comprehensive management of water resources as an adaptation strategy to climate change for the most vulnerable communities in La Mojana.”

Dear Sir,

Recognizing the strategic importance for the country to have more resilient communities with favorable conditions so they are able to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and climate vulnerability, Sucre University is pleased to support the comprehensive programmatic proposal aimed at improving water resource management and increase climate resilience of vulnerable communities in La Mojana.

La Mojana region has been severely affected by extreme events and their increasing frequency and intensity resulting in longer drought and flood periods that make the inhabitants of this flood plain particularly vulnerable, where the main drains of the Colombia Inter-Andean region meet.

On its part, Sucre University supports the research activities on climate-adaptive varieties, the implementation of best climate practices, technical support for rural communities, training and project capitalization. We will also support the development of early warning systems and we commit to make them sustainable once the project has been completed. Such contribution, which corresponds to the counterpart in kind of the Sucre University, has an estimated cost over the course of eight years of USD$688,000 and can be summarized as follows:

- Support from the Research Division. - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. - Researchers with a PhD. - Scientific support laboratories.

- Unisucre FM Radio Station with regional coverage.

In view of the above, Córdoba University considers the implementation of the project to be crucial as it will contribute to having a sustainable society with greater capacity to adapt to global change. Such objectives are of high priority in the activities carried out by the institution.

Moreover, we are pleased to know that the measures proposed by the project promote a comprehensive approach for the management of an essential resource for life such as water, and seek to promote the necessary conditions to make them sustainable in the long term.

We would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for financing and support Colombia in the implementation of adaptation measures that help to save lives and improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable communities in the country. These measures have been especially designed for vulnerable communities that depend on a sector sensible to climate such as the environmental sector.



Prepared by: Pedro Caraballo Gracia, Full time Professor of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Transcriber: Kelly Salazar Torres.

Address: Carrera 28 #5-267 Barrio Puerta Roja – Sincelejo - Colombia T.I.N.: 892.200.323-9 Toll-free line: 01-8000-945268 Telephone number: (57+5) 2771195 Ext. 1018 – Mobile number: (57) 313-5461419, Principal’s Office Web Page: - E-mail: [email protected]