ANNEX IV – Co – Financing Letters GREEN CLIMATE FUND FUNDING PROPOSAL I [National Emblem] Presidential Agency for ALL FOR A International APC Cooperation NEW COUNTRY PEACE - EQUITY - EDUCATION Colombia of Colombia Code: A-FO-102- Version 01—Date: June 21, 2016 (Bar code) When responding to this communication, please mention the following details: Filing number 20165000023221 Bogotá, 02-12-2016 MARTÍN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representative UNDP Colombia Address: Avenida 82 #10-62 Bogotá D.C. Subject: Support to the Green Climate Fund project titled: “Integral Management of water resources as a strategy for the adaptation to climate change of the most vulnerable communities in La Mojana” Dear Sir: On behalf of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia (APC-Colombia, acronym in Spanish), it is my pleasure to send this letter to express our support for the comprehensive programmatic proposal that seeks to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities in La Mojana and complement the effort of the national government within the implementation framework of La Mojana Action Plan. APC-Colombia is an organization that leads international cooperation in Colombia. Our objective is to increase the benefits obtained by the Colombian and international society from development- related cooperation according to the country’s priorities. The Agency focuses and invigorates the international cooperation that Colombia receives by prioritizing the territories that need it most, mainly in three thematic areas: peace building, sustainable rural development, and environmental conservation and sustainability. It also shares knowledge and practices that make Colombia more valuable to other countries, through the South-South Cooperation (SSC) and Triangular Cooperation (TrC), which seek to contribute to the sustainable development and positioning of Colombia in the world. In light of the above, the proposed program is very important for the country and the experiences and lessons learned will be replicated by APC-Colombia within the framework of our South-South and Col-Col cooperation programs in different regions within the country that are also vulnerable to climate change impacts, multidimensional poverty and have been affected by the armed conflict. APC- Colombia particularly highlights the axis of academic training proposed by the program, since it constitutes an important part of the Cooperation offer from the country to the world. This could contribute to a counterpart worth ONE HUNDRED MILLION PESOS Common Currency ($100,000,000), as follows: i) Design and implementation of the practical part and training course exchanges, extending its implementation to benefit southern countries, ii) the transfer of the “KNOW HOW” methodology for documenting and systematizing Case Studies and Histories, and iii) the time of people who are able to follow up this process. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the Green Climate Fund for the opportunity to fund this kind of programs which will complement the country’s efforts to implement adaptation measures in La Mojana region and are aimed at improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable rural communities in the country. Sincerely, (Signed) MONICA VARONA GUZMAN Director of Inter-institutional Coordination Telefax - Telephone number: (+571) 601 2124 Address: Carrera 10 No. 97A - 13. Piso 6-Torre A Bogotá, Colombia www.apccolombia.gov.co [CORPOMOJANA CORPORATION FOR THE SUSTAINABLE MINISTRY OF ALL FOR A LOGO] ENVIRONMENT NEW COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT OF LA MOJANA AND SAN JORGE PEACE - EQUITY - EDUCATION “CORPOMOJANA” T.I.N.: 823000077-2 D.G.C-100-0105 San Marcos, June 21st, 2017 MARTIN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representative UNDP Colombia Subject: Co-financing of the project financed by the Green Climate Fund titled: “Climate resilient water management practices for vulnerable communities in La Mojana” Dear Sir, On behalf of the corporation for sustainable development of La Mojana and San Jorge “CORPOMOJANA”, an entity that acts as first environmental authority in the jurisdiction of 7 municipalities of the Department of Sucre and, therefore, is responsible for the administration of renewable natural resources and their sustainable use. The region of La Mojana is a very important ecosystem area for the country in which the main rivers of Colombia’s Andean Region meet. The wetland complex provides both direct and indirect environmental services (water regulation, food supply, water supply, wildlife habitat, among others) to 4 departments and intermediate cities of the Colombian Caribbean region. CORPOMOJANA has jurisdiction over 6 municipalities that belong to La Mojana area. CORPOMOJANA works hard to avoid the ecosystem degradation and to restore environmental services that have been lost due to the transformation caused by humans, and exacerbated by climate events such as floods and prolonged droughts. The project that is being submitted to the Green Climate Fund is aligned with environmental and sustainable development priorities and compatible with the climate of the region; hence, the project is aligned with the action plan of CORPOMOJANA and its investment lines. The corporation will invest USD$1,660,614 in ecosystem restoration for the next 4 years. This investment, together with the resources of the Green Climate Fund, will have a bigger impact on the transformation towards a resilient environment in La Mojana. The corporation commits to monitor the environments restored within the framework of the Green Climate Fund project once it has been completed, as well as to provide the technical assistance required for such purpose. Moreover, the corporation will contribute in a timely manner with the dissemination of information to the communities that might be affected by events of floods and droughts within the component of early warnings. Finally, we would like to thank the Green Climate Fund for financing the gaps Colombia currently has regarding the implementation of adaptation measures that help to save lives and improve the livelihood of the most vulnerable communities in the country. Sincerely, (Signed) LILIANA MILENA QUIROZ AGUAS General Director - “CORPOMOJANA” Address: Carrera 21 #21A-44 | Telephone number: (575) 2954877 - Fax: (575) 2955477 San Marcos - Sucre www.corpomojana.gov.co P● ァメan_fl蒟 鋤乱 &I aeprtanqnto Oe ol,rOo{r Monterla A 7 uiC,?ltt @05 7 2h r{r{ffl Doctor MARTIN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representante Residente Avenida 82 No.10-62 Pisos 3 y 4 Bogot6, Colombia Asunto: Co'financiaci6n al proyecto del Fondo Verde del Ctima titulado "Manejo integral del recurso hidrico como estrategia para la adaptaci6n al cambio clim6tico de comunidades m6s vulnerables en La Mojana" Reconociendo la importancia estrat6gica que tiene para el pais que sus comunidades sean m6s resilientes y cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para adaptarse a los efeclos adversos del cambio y la vulnerabilidad clim6tica, La Corporaci6n Aut6noma Regional de los Valles del Sin[ y del San Jorge -CVS; se complace en apoyar la propuesta program5tica integral que busca mejorar el manejo del recurso hidrico para incrementar la resiliencia climStica de las comunidades vulnerables en La Mojana. La Regi6n de la Mojana se ha visto fuertemente afectada por el incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de eventos extremos concluyendo en prolongadas sequias e inundaciones que hacen particularmente vulnerables a los habitantes de esta planicie inundable donde confluyen los principales drenajes de la regi6n interandina de Colombia. Por su parte, La Corporaci6n Aut6noma Regional de los Valles del Sin0 y del San Jorge -CVS, se encarga de apoyar a trav6s de su plan de acci6n institucional 2016 - 2019 'C6rdoba hidrica y biodiversa" actividades acordes con el enfoque del proyecto en asunto. En relaci6n con lo anterior, La Corporaci6n Aut6noma Regional de los Valles del Sinu y del San Jorge -CVS-C6rdoba tendr5 una inversi6n los pr6ximos 3 afros (2011-ZO1g) de: - $t .778.117.120 en A,reas protegidas y ecosistemas estrat6gicos como garantia de funcionalidad ecosistdmica en el departamento de c6rdoba. ' $7.441.918.897 en Restauraci6n ecosist6mica con 6nfasis en conectividad para la construcci6n y recuperaci6n de la estructura ecol6gica natural de soporte en el departamento de C6rdoba. - $3'511.'t60.951 en Gesti6n de riesgo, adaptaci6n y mitigaci6n frente al cambio climdtico, para la reducci6n de la vulnerabilidad deltenitorio. - $4.990.929.790 en Gesti6n integraldet recurso hidrico. A trav6s de estas acciones se puede apoyar el objeto del proyecto en asunto. Cam,a 6 No. 61 - 25 Banio Los Eongos Pgx 789 06 05 - 789 06 20 Motcria -<oldntia 卜器罵潔脚輻 リ UH Vctdc 018000914808 Critdobr Hldrke y liodfuc€ Doctor MARTiN SANT:AGO HERRERO 57271 1J醸翻 Quisi6ramos agradecer al Fondo Verde del Clima por la oportunidad de financiar los vacios actuales que tiene Colombia para implementar las medidas de adaptaciones que permitir6n salvar vidas y mejorar los medios de vida de las poblaciones m6s vulnerables delpais. Cordialmente, ALBE:RO ARR:ETA LOPEZ Subdirector de Gesti6n Ambienta:. C carera 6 No 61-25 ( &市 l● 53● pBχ 789 06 "os05-7890620 祗巡:肥 轟銀翻甲 Montett tOlomba u_vde o18000914808 ψ C6rd● be Hldた●yB国 ~… th REGIONAL AUTONOMOUS CORPORATION Montería, DECEMBER 7 , 2016 OF THE SINU AND SAN JORGE VALLEYS 090-5727 CVS For the sustainable development of the department of Córdoba Cordoba Water and Biodiversity MARTÍN SANTIAGO HERRERO Representative Address: Avenida 82 #10-62, Pisos 3 y 4 Bogotá, Colombia Subject: Co-financing of the Green Climate Fund project
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