The Cid: a Tentative Bibliography to January 1969
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THE CID: A TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY TO JANUARY 1969 1 TRODUCTION This work began during a Seminar on the Cid at The Ohio State University, in the Spring of 1967, under the direction of Dr. Aristobulo Pardo. As our work progressed it became increasingly evident that there is a current need for a scholarly evaluation of the present status of the Cid studies, which in turn will indicate new areas for further exploration. Even though existing bibliographies are well prepared their limitations make it necessary to consult each of them and to examine previous works on the Cid in order to have ali the informa tion available that is needed. Hopefully this bibliography will facili tate and stimulate the formulation of sorne conclusions regarding the status of the Cid studies. The goal was to make this the most complete bibliography on the Cid to date, and include as much information as possible with each itero. Unfortunately, at times complete information was not available. These items are included with as much reference as was found with the idea that even though they are incomplete they will serve as a clue for those interested in further research. Since they are obvious they are not marked as such. Also, existing bibliographies contain smal1 errors, some of which have been found and corrected, and some errors have undoubtedly been perpetuated. lnformation was particularly confusing, or not available in the secúons dealing with the early ro mances, the chronicles and the early plays. Recognizing that the conti nuing research on the Cid dates tlús publication before it is known, it has been decided to publish it in its present forro with the belief that its appearance will produce c;o¡nmeqts that will be extremely helpful 22 DO, NA SUTION and enable a later publication of a more exact bibliography. Any additions or correction by those who use this volume would be appreciated. The reference facilities at The Ohio State University have been used exclusively, with tbe exception of Mary Graffs "Studies of the Cid in Literature", which has contributed a number of references to tl1e dramas of tl1c Cid. Of the existing bibliographies used for this compilation, the most useful has been the very excellent Manual de bibliografía de la literatura espaíiola by José Simón Díaz, whose work is exceptional, covering all segments of Spanish Lilerature. For perio dicals The Modern Language Association Jndex and the indexes of Revista de Filología Hispánica and Nueva Revista de Filologia His pánica have provided numerous entries. In linguistics the bibliogra phies of Hensley C. Woodbridge and Paul R. Olson and the biblio graphy of Homer Serís were inYaluable. For Russian literature on tbe Cid, Ludmilla Buketoff Zurkevich's Spanish Literature in Russia and the Soviet Union 1735-1964 was used. A complete list of bibliographies consulted has been included. All have made sorne contribution, either by supplying items or additional information. Division of material so closely related was difficult. Sorne items seemed to fall under two or more categories with equal significance. Rather than lill pages with repetitions, t11ere is a subject index inclu d.ed, whid1 not only clarifies this problem, but also further sub-divides the material in!o significant divisions. Frequently sorne of the titles were not necessarily indicative of the contents of the articles. When the contents were unknown, the divisions o[ the existing bibliographies were used as a guide. It should also be remernbered that many of the editions and translations contain excellent introductions that include critica! evaluations that are extrernely inforrnative. Editions that have introductions are noted in tbe texts of the itero. The subject index is followed by tbe author index which indicated the high level of scholarship that has been done on the Cid. The previous researchers are the most prominent Hispanists of the world, headed by Spain's most distinguished scholar, Ramón Menéndez Pidal. He is by far the most prolific and out-standing Cid schular in tbe world. His work covers every phase of examination, the poem, the ballads, the chronicles, and the era in which the Cid lived. It is obvious from reading his titles, and the titles of other scholars, that there isn't a scholar living who does not owe a debt of gratitude to him and his research. His contribution to the Cid studies, from bis THE CID: A TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY TO JAI\UARY 1969 23 first examination and interpretation of the manuscript to his recent investigatiou and analysis of the authorship, is monumental, as are ali his studies in Spanish Llterature. His scholarship has dominated this entire century. o nation can boast of have such an eminent scholar o{ scholars. Again I would like to express the de ire that this bibliography will serve as an ímpetus for a much greater work, formulating conclu sions concerning the present status of the Cid studies. Again I would like to invite commcnts and criticisms so that a more detailed and exacting copy of a bibliography on the Cid can be published. I wish to express my thanks to the members of the Cid Seminar, for their inspiration, and to Dr. Aristabulo Pardo and to Mrs. Ana Llorens, librarian of the Modern Language Graduate Llbrary at the Ohio State University whose assistance has been invaluable. May this work be of assistance to all future Cidistas. THE ClD: A TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY The Cid Ballads Etlitions: The first 22 items, those without an editor, compilor, or author, are listed somewhat chronologically. However, with facilities and infm-mationav:lilable complete accuracy is impossible. 1. Cancionero de Romances en que están recopilados la mayor parte de los romances castellanos que fasta agora se an compuesto. Ambe res, Martín Nucio. 275 fols. 1 <!- edición ca. 1545. 2<!- edición ca. 1550. 32. Romances del iuramcnlo que torno el Cid al rey don Alonso. ["En sancta Gadea de Burgos / do iuran los hijos dalgo... "]. (Fols. l 53v-l 55r). 33. Romana de Ximena Gómez. ["Cada día que amanece (sic) / veo quien mató me padre .. .'l (Fols. 155r-155v) . 34. Romance del Cid Ruy Díaz. ["Caualga Diego Laynez / al buen rey besar la mano ... "]. (Fols. 155v-157r). 24 OONNA SUTION 35. Romance del Cid Ruy Díaz. ["Afuera Rodrigo/ el soberuio castellano ... "]. (Fol. 157) . Reproduced Facsimile: Menéndez Pida], Ramón. Cancionero de Romances. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienúficas, Madrid, 19-!5. ( ueva edición) . 2. [Aquí se contienen quatro romances antiguos. El primero de Tarquino, Rey de los Romanos: de como por traycion for�o a Lucre cia Romana: y [co]mo se mató con vna espada delante su marido por auer sido adulterada. Otro de los Condes de Carrión, como mal trataron las hijas del Cid. Otro del Rey don Bermundo). [s. l.] [s. i.] [s. a.] 4 hs. a 2 cols. 20 cm. Sin portada. 2. Romance de los Condes de Carrión. ["De concierto están los condes/ hermanos Diego y Fernando... "]. Commentaries: Durán. Catálogo de Pliegos, p. LXIX. Gallardo. Ensayos, 1, n9 l.l 14. Reproduced Facsimile: Pliegos, 1, n9 18. Praga, u, n9 52. 3. [Maldiciones de Alaya, hechas a vn criado myo que se lamaua Misanco, sobre vn 1·omance del Conde Fernán Gonfález. Y otro del Cid]. [s. l. - s. i.]. [s. a.]. 4 hs. a 2 cols. 20 cm. gót. Sin portada. 2. Entran las historias Castellanas. ("Muera como muerto fue / el Rey don Sancho el mayor... "]. 7. Otro romance del Cid. ("Por Guadalquibir arriba / caualgar caminadores ... "]. Salva, 1, n9 127. (Hacia 1590) . 4. [Romance de los condes de Carrión. Con la glosa sobre el roman ce que dize. Thes cortes armara el Rey. Y otros villancicos]. [s. l. - s. i.]. [s. a.]. 4 hs. a 2 cols. con un grab. gót. Carece de portada. 1. ["De concierto están los condes / hermanos diego y feman do"]- THE C!O: A TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY TO JAN'UARY 1969 25 2. Glosa sobre el romance que dizen tres cortes a1·mara el Rey. ["En el tiempo ele aquel sol / llamado Cid ruy diaz ..."]. Foulché-Delbosc. Les Cancionerillos, p. 305. 5. Tres Romances del Cid. [s. l. - s. i.]. [s. a.]. 4 hs. con un grab. 49. 1. ("Aquel sol de Castellanos ...'J 2. ["Si de mortales feridas ..."]. 3. ["La que a nada no perdona ..."]. Salvá, 1, n9 109. ("Hacia el 1600... El primero es la glosa de Francisco de Lora al romance Helo, helo por do viene... ") . 6. Aqui se contienen seys Romances del Cid Ruy Diaz de Viuar. El primero, cuydando Diego Laynez (sic) . El segundo, Consolando al no ble viejo de Burgos. El tercero, en los solares de Burgos. El quarto, Pidiendo a las diez del día. El quinto, Vitorioso vuelve el Cid. El sexto, El vassallo desleal. Aora n ueuamente impresos. [ s. l. - s. i.]. [ s. a.]. 4 hs. con un grab. 49. Salvá, 1, n9 110. ("Hacia el 1600"). Gallardo, 1, n9 531. (From J. Simón: "Edición me parece de principios del siglo xvm, incorrectísima") . 7. Glosa del romance que dize Afuera afuera Rodrigo. Con otras coplas y villancicos. [s. l. - s. i.]. [s. a.]. 4 hs. a 2 cols. con un grab. gót. Sin portada. l. Dize la Infanta. ["En los tiempos ya passados / ay de mi desuenturada ..."]. Foulché-Delbosc. Les Cancionerillos, p. 325. 8. Romancero General en qve se contienen todos los Romances que andan impressos en las nueue partes de Romanceros. ... Ahora nueva mente impreso, añadido y emendado. Madrid, Luis Sánchez. 1600. 8 hs. + 362 fols. 20 cm. 180. Otro romance .. ["Pensativo estaua el Cid / viendo se de po cos años ... "]. 201. Otro romance. ["De palacio sale el Cid / sentido (le una pala. bra... "J- 26 OONNA SUTION 226.