Nazis Claim Thermopylae Pass Taken;
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-viT '.’. Average Daily Circulation The Waatlwr Far tke Moath of Marta, UMl rsreeaat ta O. S. VNaBm 6 ,7 1 7 Fair a fd n a p a ilei aoal Member aC the Aadit Saturday telr, aHgIrtly wa Bareaa .of Oicalatloaa . ?• y . Manchester— A City o f Village Charm “ 7 " (ClaaeiBed Advertteiag Oa Page If) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEM VOL. LX., NO. 176 ^ Nazis Claim Thermopylae Pass Taken; Six-In^ Guhs Used Against 28-l^n Tank Blazes Away With Cannon Possibility Forces Ayer British Thrown From Axis Partly Out Inside 48 llours; Occupy Greenland Beat Baejk Disclosed by Roosevelt A //bp* In What He Frankly British ami Greeks Cling T Fighting Makes ‘Extn|>f Calls Surprising State-i Jn i^lCtSS Oj Doggedly to Positions ^ ordinary Demands' eii^ ment; Neutrality Pa-! ^ , » trol to Operate as Far- LiOpperneauS In Face of Masseil Germans Who Mak* place \German Forces; Lat-' Forced March of 5Q^ As Needed for Defense — — est Reports Dramatic^ Miles; Machine * Gi nr i.- ~7 IOC Roosevelt Places Lind- Lab r Head Washington, April 25.—(/P) 1 But Barren of De Nests Pour Punisl —A possibility that Axis bergh in Category of tail ; Report l^lfizis Fire into Naid Atta< forces partly occupy Green Civil War Appeasers. Byrd S^s Woman Sec- land,'big Danish island in the Losses Are l^avy. retary Htu Made Her ers; (Capture Artillery^ Whose Head Banished. western hemisphere now un self Serious Bottleneck Berlin, April 25.—(/P)— der Ame'rican protection, was Athena, April /^6.—</P)— i Wsshington, April 25.—(Jt^ — In addition to four machine guns, numerous sub-niechine. guns, and a 37 mm. anti-aircraft gun, the disclosed by President Roose new Chrysler M-3 medium 28-ton tank carrlea a 75 mm. cannon, shown firing at Detroit. Six-inch guns, jtlie heaviest Ir / Defense Plans, Gernisn high command todajr' velt today in what he frankly Presldsnt Roosevelt placed Ool. firtillery the HdtAs have used announced that Nazi troo] Charies A. Lindbergh today in the termed a surprising state eahington, April 25.- had thrown the British out category ,of Civil war "copper in their driv^oward Athens, ment. At the same press con have been ^rned on the Brit enetor Byrd (D., Va.), demanded Thermopylae pass. Belat heads.” / Mediation Unit today that Frances Perkins be re reports from Thermopy! ference, Mr. Roosevelt said The president waa asked st a ish and Greek defenders of, Democrats in House that the United States neu- press conference why the Army Therm^ylae, where grej^ placed as secretary of labor by ”a said that the well-fortifi^ ^trality patrol would operate bad not taken up Lindbergh’s com greeiywaves of German m- two-fisted men who witf'have the sition of empire forces To Try to Get aa far into the waters of the mission. The famous aviator, who Block Insurance Bill fantiy were beaten b^k. IntesUnal fortitude to say to both taken in less than 48 houra frequently has criticised the ed- labor and capital that, strikes in seVep seas as may be neces miniatration’e foreign policy, la s British announced ^om though the fighting preparedness Industries'*an not be sary for the defense of the reserve colonel. Mines to Open that a further “oreer- “ extraordinary demands' Request for Suspension tolerated.” western hemisphere. The prealdent remarked that in y withdrawal of their/iorces In a Senate speech, Byrd aaid the Germans who had made But amptatlcally the president the Cl%^ War, both the Confed Nazis Assert 50-mile forced march. Mi Direct Request to Min Of Rules on ^Compan had been executed aHer the that Mias Perkins, the only women said that the administration was erates and the Northerners took cabinet member, "has made ta her machine-gun nests poured on Utarty-loving people from other ion' Measure Offered infliction of severe usualties not thinking of eqnvoy* at this countries, and both let certain peo ers and Operators to Many Enei on the attacking Gemans.) self one ta the moat serious bottle punishing fire into the Na! tims. He describta the task of necks in the entire defense pro- ple go. By Howe Is Defeated. Dramatic but tartan ta detail, attackers, it waa aaid.. __ , Amariean patrol ahip4'*s the re The latter, he eeld, were the Resume digging Ex- Z ta m " latest.reports filtering back to Byrd said that the cabinet offi *Tn ' Greece Hiermopylae pdii connaissance of ocean .Xallandlgtams. -pected from Panel.'h Ships Sji Athena last night /from the his waa taken In an embracing attack determine whether an aggfiiSJi’l (Clement L. Vellandlghem was § t a ^ Capitol, ■ Hartford, cer has demonstrated "Ineptneas, toric battlefield saM only that the and thus the enemy was thromf ship might ta coming into the April 25.—(JPi— House Demo British and Greeta clung dogged out ta a strongly fortlSed (Costinned Ou Page Two) western hemisphere. (OoBtinaed Oa Page Two) . By The Associated Press crats blocked by a scant ly to their positMns in the face of tion," said the dally commi The soft coal wage dispute Claim Navy Brought Neataality Fatrol Net Owoy three-yote margin today a massed German./forces, in announcing the piercing ta Convoying, on the other hand, which hex set tack production ah Into Po Confis- Indloateo Ftar^ ReeistaSM historic mountains less thsn 1 move for immediate action on mUea north of Athens, where tK Ifr. Roosevelt said, was escort!^ estimated 80,000,000 tons since Observers here regarded the merctant Bblpa In a group to R ^ s e a “companion bill” to the sav cated Vessels news that the Nazis, after trying Big Shipyards British conUngent tad held up tfij April 1 came up today before a Nazi advance. ings bank life insurance Since / Started. infantry assSulL had brought big Item. The American neutrality mediation panel intent on quick guns up through the mountalne as Moostata Treeps T asded reopening of the mines. measure which would author Chief Target patrol, ta added, could not be Taxes JVeeded an IndiceUon of the fierce resist "Mountain troops again bad H inade a convoy by csdling It .one Some coal men predicted that ize banks to act as agents for April 25 — (e) — The ance they were meeting. Die three-man panel would bring outstanding share in this soil any more then a cow could be Connecticut insurance com Navy has brought into Ambulance drivers ' returning cess,” said the communique. 4 the reopening issue to the fore at turned into a horse by calling It a Not Settled panies in the sale of small or confiscated in occupied from the .front said the Qermar)a For Bombers (A non-committal comxnu horse. once by making a direct request to bed l<Wt heavily in attempts so far the miners and operators. to rcl- policies. The request for sus 872 enemy ablps totaling of the high command yester The president also told report to stwm the defenses. They claim sume digging and remove the pension of the rules to permit ,900,000 tone since the beginning together with today's report, ers that Amreicans who have tak ed British losses were "extreipely British Fliers Penetrate Dissension Crops Up on threat of a serious fuel shortage dicated the Germans had b en the attitude that the dictator an immediate vote on th of the war, the German high com ligr from national defense industries. heM up. more than 4g (hours ships will ta victorious had adapt mand announced today. e hundre<L miles, southeast of Heai^y Anti - Aircraft Specific Methods of .While President Roosevelt's companion bill” came fn their efforts to take the strat ed a dumb attitude which waa not Yesterday and the day before, e mountainous tattlefront,’ Oer- boitr^ got down to business on the former Speaker Walter H^we, the high command added, 71,600 Fire in Attack on Kiel paas.j good Americanism. Obtaining * Vast Rev lan air power continued to con- Informed eourcM aald n coal Controversy, CIO officials de (R), chairman of the anks [tons’of British shipping have been /centrate on porta end shipping Declaring that he was ”agin” sunk in British end Greek waters, And Wilhelmshaven. pieces ta heavy artillery and wM enue Treasui^ Asks. clared a strike at the big Glenn Committee who f ^ g h t near Athena, itself shaken et duek machinery fell Into their hands 9 dictatorships and that everybody including 80,000 tons by L. Martin alr^tMe factory at Bal- against the savings Jbank life lest night by a thunderous dive- the paaa. ^ was, Mr| Roosevelt said that Umore, and^aWbtber CIO group V'erafaip operating overseas.” bomber attack on the port of \ Bulletin! America waa willing to' fight for Bufietin! insurance propoe^ adopted At the same time blaek-sas^/; completed balloting on a strike This raider was said to Pireaua, five miles away. London, April 26—0F>—B- blemed Nazi bomhers aad Stu democratic processea. He, for Washlngtoa, AprU 2fit-<P) sunk 29,000 tons previously. call aga^t General Motors Cor- yesterday aher long debate. A Greek commimlque early to A. F. bombers attacked au ware reported roekihg relent one, the president added, would —^Tbe House Ways and Means The high command last poratita’e 6L. widely scattered pro- Howe aald he w ^ te d Immediate day said the Luftwaffe emastaed, Importaat irou aad steel attacks sgslnta ship concent not lie down before dictatorships, Committee said today cou- duettoh luiiti. action on the ybill, permitting said that 89,000 tons of shl{ too, at the nearby coastal and greealonal tax experts had work# at Ijmuldea ta The Uons and airports in' sa effort amaarks Not Bfatboratod ' Coal Mediation Panel banka to act u insurance com had been sunk in and about island points of Elevsis, .