-viT '.’. Average Daily Circulation The Waatlwr Far tke Moath of Marta, UMl rsreeaat ta O. S. VNaBm

6 ,7 1 7 Fair a fd n a p a ilei aoal Member aC the Aadit Saturday telr, aHgIrtly wa Bareaa .of Oicalatloaa . ?•

y . Manchester— A City o f Village Charm

“ 7 " (ClaaeiBed Advertteiag Oa Page If) PRICE THREE CEM VOL. LX., NO. 176 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941 (EIGHTEEN PAGES)


Nazis Claim Pass Taken;

Six-In^ Guhs Used Against

28-l^n Tank Blazes Away With Cannon

Possibility Forces Ayer British Thrown

From Axis Partly

Out Inside 48 llours;

Occupy Greenland

Beat Baejk Disclosed by Roosevelt A //bp*

In What He Frankly British ami Greeks Cling T Fighting Makes ‘Extn|>f Calls Surprising State-i Jn i^lCtSS Oj

ment; Neutrality Pa-! ^ , » Doggedly to Positions ^ ordinary Demands' eii^

trol to Operate as Far- LiOpperneauS In Face of Masseil Germans Who Mak* place \German Forces; Lat-' Forced March of 5Q^ As Needed for Defense — — est Reports Dramatic^ Miles; Machine * Gi nr i.- ~7 IOC Roosevelt Places Lind- Lab r Head Washington, April 25.—(/P) 1 But Barren of De­ Nests Pour Punisl —A possibility that Axis bergh in Category of tail ; Report l^lfizis Fire into Naid Atta< forces partly occupy Green­ Civil War Appeasers. Byrd S^s Woman Sec- land,'big Danish island in the Losses Are l^avy. ers; (Capture Artillery^ Whose Head Banished. retary Htu Made Her­ western hemisphere now un­ self Serious Bottleneck der Ame'rican protection, was Athena, April /^6.—

^trality patrol would operate bad not taken up Lindbergh’s com­ greeiywaves of German m- two-fisted men who witf'have the sition of empire forces To Try to Get aa far into the waters of the mission. The famous aviator, who fantiy were beaten b^k. IntesUnal fortitude to say to both taken in less than 48 houra frequently has criticised the ed- Block Insurance Bill seVep seas as may be neces­ British announced ^om labor and capital that, strikes in though the fighting miniatration’e foreign policy, la s preparedness Industries'*an not be sary for the defense of the reserve colonel. Mines to Open that a further “oreer- “ extraordinary demands' Request for Suspension tolerated.” western hemisphere. The prealdent remarked that in y withdrawal of their/iorces In a Senate speech, Byrd aaid the Germans who had made But amptatlcally the president the Cl%^ War, both the Confed­ Nazis Assert 50-mile forced march. Mi Direct Request to Min­ Of Rules on ^Compan­ had been executed aHer the that Mias Perkins, the only women said that the administration was erates and the Northerners took cabinet member, "has made ta her­ machine-gun nests poured on Utarty-loving people from other ion' Measure Offered infliction of severe usualties not thinking of eqnvoy* at this countries, and both let certain peo­ ers and Operators to self one ta the moat serious bottle­ punishing fire into the Na! Many Enei on the attacking Gemans.) necks in the entire defense pro- tims. He describta the task of ple go. By Howe Is Defeated. Dramatic but tartan ta detail, attackers, it waa aaid.. __ , Amariean patrol ahip4'*s the re­ The latter, he eeld, were the Resume digging Ex- Z ta m " latest.reports filtering back to Byrd said that the cabinet offi­ *Tn ' Greece Hiermopylae pdii connaissance of ocean .Xallandlgtams. Athena last night /from the his­ waa taken In an embracing attack determine whether -pected from Panel.'h § t a ^ Capitol, ■ Hartford, Ships Sji cer has demonstrated "Ineptneas, an aggfiiSJi’l (Clement L. Vellandlghem was toric battlefield saM only that the and thus the enemy was thromf ship might ta coming into the April 25.—(JPi— House Demo­ British and Greeta clung dogged­ out ta a strongly fortlSed western hemisphere. By The Associated Press (Costinned Ou Page Two) (OoBtinaed Oa Page Two) . crats blocked by a scant Claim Navy Brought ly to their positMns in the face of tion," said the dally commi Neataality Fatrol Net Owoy The soft coal wage dispute massed German./forces, in announcing the piercing ta three-yote margin today a Convoying, on the other hand, which hex set tack production ah move for immediate action on Into Po Confis- Indloateo Ftar^ ReeistaSM historic mountains less thsn 1 Ifr. Roosevelt said, was escort!^ estimated 80,000,000 tons since Observers here regarded the mUea north of Athens, where tK merctant Bblpa In a group to R ^ s e a “companion bill” to the sav­ cated Vessels news that the Nazis, after trying Big Shipyards British conUngent tad held up tfij April 1 came up today before a Nazi advance. ings bank life insurance Since / Started. infantry assSulL had brought big Item. The American neutrality mediation panel intent on quick guns up through the mountalne as Moostata Treeps T asded reopening of the mines. measure which would author­ patrol, ta added, could not be Taxes JVeeded an IndiceUon of the fierce resist­ Chief Target "Mountain troops again bad H inade a convoy by csdling It .one Some coal men predicted that ize banks to act as agents for April 25 — (e) — The ance they were meeting. Die three-man panel would bring outstanding share in this soil any more then a cow could be insurance com­ Navy has brought into Ambulance drivers ' returning cess,” said the communique. 4 the reopening issue to the fore at turned into a horse by calling It a Not Settled panies in the sale of small or confiscated in occupied from the .front said the Qermar)a For Bombers (A non-committal comxnu horse. once by making a direct request to bed l—B- blemed Nazi bomhers aad Stu democratic processea. He, for Washlngtoa, AprU 2fit-

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. PRIDAT, APRIL 26, ld41 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, APRIL 28,1941 t and comprehensive student needs, that ‘ was ■ ' done. Thla work, be construction resulted in “'a build­ the Brltlah. Ha Urges Man 71st Annual ^ Columbia Plank Bridge he added. These' include: Quilt Head argued, was of n type which, would ing containing highly combustible to read wha*. Thomaa Paine had Way to Raise About Town A ^n s Subject tp Ousting Planning Short (1) Proficiency In use of English not Jeopardise his employu''safe­ msteriai and not of fireproof con­ iio r N a z i written on the adflaablHty of quit­ T o Replace Wpaeott Bios reading, writing and speaking; ty, and he contended that the type struction, a bulging in which may ting. Being Erected (2) Ability to. employ a aclen- of construction the city demanded occur the dame'thing that did be­ Mr; Itooaevelt waa aharply criti- Tbs Aabury group of the Sout^ Session May 7 575-13. WIIBmastte Dhilaioa College Course Will Appeal To tlw Taxes Needed Methodist church will hold a rum­ Object o f Ikecoi^s Search tific approach to solutions of prob­ would retard production at the fore.” ^ners Ends c4l of those Americana ' who. he Labor Head • t, ’’ lems; plant In such a way as to be un­ moreles sad foradveeass, aald, have taken the atUtude that mage sale Tueaday, April 38 from wa have rebelled mmUmst 8:30 on. In the store at 31 Oak. People of this vicinity will hava (3) . Underqtanfitog of economic, fair to himself and to the Federal Only five states, all In the South, the dlcUtorahlpa will aurely ba vie- Not Settled Hartford'East Congrega* Will Be Used at Local Abbreviated Educations political and social factors respon­ Coi^cted o£ Violating Oaaiel 8:*. Mrs. Bertha Dowd of Charter (Ooatianed Page One) an opportunity to hear Rev. James- ' Washington. April 25—M V - Tbeailable to six months Imprisonment government for which the concern reported mors than 1,000 lumber F*«r ol 28 tu^- torioua. < Oak street ia chairman of the com­ tional * Churches ^ to OUkey,. D.D. of Springfield, Span Un^I SteeL Job^ sible for society of today: makes quilts. mills each at the last . Census. Not Goad .aaMricaatam / To Be Offered by Ohio (4) Appreciation of man’s Haven Building (Oontlnned From Page One) mittee In charge. Those who wish weakness andinalilUty to meet her famous es the pastor of a great J u « l « ’“ " S ' >»• City Attorney M. Edward We- These were North Carollns, 1,879; The greatest attribute of Cairtuircd In Box ThlB, he aald, ia not good Amerl- Meet in Broad Brook.' Is Completed. searching Its records on n « r ly 6.- In coding and acMevements in literature, a^; banoff, summing up the prosecu­ Alsbsma, 1,573; Mississippi. 1.277: Is mercy.—Beaumont sad canlam. And It la a dumb attitude, collectors to call should contact responsibility In thq settlement of church, the author of many books, State Next Fall. Code; Fined $750. be In general agreement with Mrs. James Nlchola, 5003 or Mrs. OOd.QOO aliens to determine ! cross-checking the nearly 5,000,- music and philosophy; and tion’s case, contended that the re- Georgia, 1.083; and Vlrginis, 1,058. er.. n Siding. he added. , ^ strllces.’* Treasury officials today on the Mary Benaon, 3143. Hqein Resignation oS Oeak The 71at annual meeting of the next Sunday evening when he The Dlliso OonstraOUon Ctont- many might be subject to deporta- 000 registration forms for infor­ (5) Personal, academic and voca­ Mr. Rooaevelt declared he waa Columbus, O., April 25.- tional guidance. / New Haven. April 35.—(/PH- "agin” dlctatora-*-that everybody need for raising 33,500.000,000 In Ifir'Mld be bad heard that Miss Hartford-Eaat Aasociation of Con­ comes to the Columbia church to pany, Springfield, Maas., >«)n- Uon for lUegal entry or other Uw mation of a general personal na­ Bay, Oat, ApcU 15—(if) - new taxes, but dlsaenalon cropped Abbreviated college educations— President Emeritus ^ h tm lre Davld H. Levine, president of the waa willing to «ght for demo­ Robert 8. Douglas of 187 Sum­ t'pridns’ resignation now la on the gregational churches .and minis­ address Uie Trl-County Union at tractora, building tha Hordcanum violationa. « ture—name, age, address, physical mmt tw 38 0«m w » war prt»- up over apeclflc methods of obtain­ mit. has purchased the four-family ~ :45 p.m. Proimbly the diescripUon, birtbplace, time and comprising two years of “wide, will suspend hla retirement to aid New Haven Quilt and Pad Com­ cratic procaaaea. He aald he, for fresident's desk, and added: ters, will be held St the Congrega­ Columbia river bridge, is Inatalllng a steam The task, expected to require a specially-selected faculty In the tuniiala. Byrd renewed his' criticism of present building has stood In the of a ten ^ rary plank bridge to ba 70,000 Improperly Filled Out Evans said. < a question whether he would am­ sion will open at 3:30 dayltight vriU be able to supply Important ed by Ohio State University next code and a fine of $750 and costs. Ijtin Superior:north; ahorc vll- House Ways and Means, Commit­ The sale was msde by McKinney Mias Perkins fo>r falling to certify village. He la to speak on the *aub- used during the next five and one- About 70,000 registrations have The manufacturer waa accused plify hla remarka at a preaa con- time. Rev. John Ramaker of the half months during which the new data on the forrign population at fall. END! Jeet, “What Our Relltlon Should ferMca Tuaaday that the Ameri­ tee yesterday ended with no Indi­ Brotbere, through Hefbert Mc­ various strikes to the National a moment’s notice. been rejected because they were of violating the code on 92 cotints (urittvoa aald they had Kinney. Ciktgregational church iq Glaston* Give Ua.” Dr. GUkey la In great bridge will ba under construction. Improperly filled out and around The new curriculum, the result Plan Curtail can people are not aware^ of the cation of any reduction of the rev­ Mediation Board aooner, and aug- l>ury will lead the devotional ser­ The search just begun 1* the of six years of planning by uni­ / In connection with reconstruction id » a boa car on a aiding gravity of the altiiallon. enue goal. Several congressmen, gaated Congress, should give tl)a" demand qa a speaker at coUegea Tracks Dug Up final examination of the quesUon-1 330,000 receipt cards have been at his plant following a fire on . houra whUa police and A meeting of the executive vice. Following the reporta of of- on accoudt of hia special ability De­ versity officials, will be conducted AdopUag Oirloua Attitude however, took aplrlted exception to board original Jurisdiction 5>Yer ficera and committees, S. H. WII- Tha sCringera on the east aide of nairee filled out by aU aliens— ex- returned by the Post Office aa a five-year experiment. 0>rk Board Use Feb. 5 In which 10 employes died. Mttrola paaaad many tiaaea projected detalU of the program. boerd of the Ohaminade Musical Strikes. Then, be said, the board to Interpret the Christian faith to the bridge, over which tbo tracks partment because the addressees Judge Joseph Weiner comment­ _ ttrir proaance waa dlacov- At flrat, the prepldent withheld Uama of Glastonbury will give a cept' diplomatic officials and their The dream of Prasldent Emerl comment but after a moment club'win be, held Monday after­ should be granted authority to en­ the modem mind. of the Connecticut Company were families—during the four months were not kt the location given. ed In passing sentence yesterday They aurrendered without re- Might Affect Purchasing report of the meeting of the Gen­ The combined well-chiid clinic tus George W. Rlghtmlre, the Washington, April 25—(ff)—Cork went on to aay that there were noon at two o'clock at the home of force Its decisions an<^lo forbid eral Council of Congregational laid, are to be' removed to permit registration period which ended Officials expressed belief that that Levine, ordered by Building The men carried pacha Representative Crowther (Rf., N. Mrs. PhHlp Nelson 56 Delmont. and spring roundup of children streamlined” course will empha­ insulation manufacturers have as­ people In the country who are work stoppages wbUq labor dis­ C3iriatian churches In Berkeley, pile driving operations. Trollay. last Dec. 36. this situation would be cleared up size general college studies design­ Inspector Henry O. Falsey not to r raUona for 10 daya and Y.), protested that a Treasury of pre-BchooI age was held in the track ties are being dug up and as work of the Registration Divl- sured the Office of Production had a detailed topographical adopting a rather curloua attitude, putes were being considered. California^ last year. Liable to Deportation ed to give students broader under- Management of cooperation In an rebuild unless with fireproof ma­ suggestion for applying surtaxes Mrs. William.. A. Knofla, for­ chapel Tueaday afternoon, attend­ reaoved from the north approacj rion progresses. Aliena permanent­ terial, undertook unauthorized con­ of the country around the who had a level of Intelligence to every dollar of taxable Income “Complete Stoppage” Soon News from the churches of Con­ ed by 33 children. The clinic waa Admlasiona of Illegal entry, standing/of life. attempt to curtail use of cork that did not apply to moat per­ merly of 93 Henry, entered the Byrd aald that If the coal mine to the bridge and an exU ly resident here are required by struction with bis eyes "wide camp. ^ waa "burning down the bam to Hartford hoapltal on Monday. necticut will be followed by the conducted Dr. Florence Brown, mal records or false infonna- "It is not for students who are board for roof inkulation during sona at hia preaa conference. He shutdowns continue a “complete ^nner-hour aesaion, with the wel­ area extending east Into the law to report change of ad­ having academic difficulties.” said open.” A I Air rafoe Pllera kill' the raU.” Such a drastic levy, Mrs. Edytha James and Miss Faith swamp near the bridge' la dlsclosed by the inspection dress within three days, but the the remainder of 1641. Claims Verbal Permission tlM prtaonera—all German Air said he waa sorry to aay that he objected, mlgbt affect the put-- stoi^age” of some li^ustrles waa come by the pastor of the hoatesa Battey, all of the atate depart­ would make Miens technically Junior Dean D. Luther -Evans United States supplies of cork •ome o f those of whom he spoke Georgs R. Girard, 343 Center, cleared of brush to permit opera­ division has not yet been able to During the fouivday trial Levine one iia n brougtit down chaaing power. only a few days off. ^ church. Rev. atlas Goodenough, ment of health. Thorough phj^cal Beible to depotUUon. The depart­ chairman of the committee setting come from Spalrr, Portugal and eraa Halmuth Achen- were present In the room. was qiteated at hia home at 5:15 The senator charged that Miss tions. check on wmpliance with this re­ up the program. “Nor Is It for stu­ maintained that he bad verbal per­ Another committeeman,/^pre- p. Id. yesterday charged with In- The evening session at 7:45 will examinations were given all the The cost of the new bridge, ment haa Indicated an Intention to North Africa. Defense officials nnmi, 16; WUhelm Bauer, 2; Wll. The attitude they have adopted, Perkins’ “fumbling and lack of children and medical attention quirement.' dents who are working for de­ said today that shipmeuts from mission from Falsey for the work ■entatlve Knutson (R., tpxlcetlon. consist of routine business and a which ia to be concrete, piling deal leniently in those cases whete Meanwhile the Federal Bureau L ' M / > / Bnnlaa, 18, and Hana George he aald. ta that there ia a new couraga” In the coal* strike had service of worship conducted by prescribed when needed. offensas iq>pear to be more techni­ grees.” North Africa have been cut off, order In the worl4. a new form of dared In a atatemeni that there and steel la $23,555 and wlU be of Investlgatlpn is checking nearly The program is set up to aid per­ 13. “contributed” to the situation. Rev. Ramaker, chaplain of the Under the aponsorahlp of the completed in 170 working daye. cal ,tban malicious. and although purchases from O HEUJ LURY TO 5 . outer eacapad prlaonaia government. was "a lack of lma0nation” In the' So far, In spite of the much (Columbia Parent-Teacher aaeocia, 5,000,000 seta of fingerprints sons who are unable to complete Spain and Portugal have been in Treasury program for raising ^ e lower temperatures, none of the "It is reported,” he aald, “that asaoclation. The principal address It is prepared to act sternly, ♦mfcn yaaterday at Kadldna Out of one side of their mouths, Mias Perkins' failure to certify tha win be given by Dr. Hilda Ivea of tlon, innoculation for dlptherla however, where deliberate viola­ ag;ainst its files to determine four years or more of college work creased It is necessary to conserve Vie wHOie mwHf enmr Alta, after they had ridden he asserted, they say they do not money through higher and more feared damage by froat to fruit the Andover-Newtbn Theological and vacclnationa for smallpox I« A tions are indicated. The Allen whether any aliens failed to report because of economic reasons, age, supplies for the Army and Navy. extensive individual income, taxes, trees and plants has been reported coal strike to the National Media, I and hi’.ch-hikad 1,200 milea like dlctatOrahlps, and out of the tlon Board was because she did Seminary, were administered to children of O F l t l S l l Registration Division expecta to criminal reem ^. This task will or numeroua other causes, Evans Cork ia used for gaskets and A iw r OIP UMBM __ the acene of the break. other that dlcUtorahlpe are going boosted coloration levlo^, new in this area. There still la danger, pre-school age by Dr. William L .' ^ have a force of more than 200 take many mmiths, and In addition explained. washers In airplane, automobile TOMORROW is the but farmers hope that their crops not desire to offend John L. Lewie. The local Congregational Two fugithra Garmaaa amrerahot to defeat democracy and might as and increased excise taxes and Ia Mr. I>wla the secretary of la­ Higgins of South Coventry, town special inveatlgators to follow more than 400,000 aliens must be To Satisfy Five Needs and Naval engines; In tanks; In suffer charges against estates. will continue to ithrlve. churches u s entitled to give dele­ Attack Tripoli located and re-fingerprlnted be- Bnth realatinf capture Sunday well be accepted. bor?" gates with voting power add each health officer. He was assisted by leads developed during the search. It is mapped to satisfy five basic cartridge plugs end In bomb parts. tlnoa othen waro wounded, Held by Minority "The government " ia following Mias Margaret Danehy, school Allens who failed to register or cause the original prints were not The collection of town taxes ia church has the privilege of sending eth m ware recaptured In the The attitude ,he said. U held by the'old formula jOf merely Increas­ other representativea. nurse, and aeveral members of the (Conttaoed From Page One) who gave false information are properly taken. wildemam aurrounding the minority of people In the coun­ ing existing taxes which in some continuing at a astiafactory rate. Parent-Teacher association. A to­ The Hrat half bllla must be paid try. He aald he had read , editor­ instances are already too high,” be Explains High tal of 17 children were given the agency, announced meanwhile that ials or columns which bad aald aald. by May 15. Injections. Gen. BJrwln Rommel, commander ed disapproval of the seizure and there had always been conquer­ Proteate Cigarette Booet Camp Costs An exchange of plants and flow, of German tanl; forces In libya,.^ Reports Chekiang said Japan does not want the Eu­ .viator Put ors, auch aa Alexander the Great, Applications for dog licenses N. Y. Stocks era and a Garden Night theme fea­ ropean war to spread to tYik Orient Representative Cooley (D-NC), had been awarded an Italian silver ssnimifsinAiRi^ M mat, T1H1I Irtla LAST DAY Caesar, Napoleon and two others should be made at the office of the tured the lecturer's hour at the military medal for valor. The F im fiF lirailJiull V sitpkaiAr iaiiEmaiN.,itamiiiCsaa —Cromwell who conquered Eng whose district Ilea In the tobacco town clerk before May 1, the Snal (Oontbraed From Page One) regular meeting of Columbia Moves Success of our DIVIDEND SALE. If you have not already bought in this sale and In Class of belt, protested that a - proposed award was msde personally ,by land, and George Washington who date without penalty. Generally a ..T Adams EkP • ...... Orange No. 131, P. of H. In the (3en. Italo Garlboldl, commander of you want to save money on your next furniture purchase, you should make higher tax on cigarettea was “un­ last minute rush develops and Air Reduc ...... 58V4 chapel Wednesday evening. Mrs. Fate of Colombian conquered the United States. sent to all holders of auch con­ the Italian armed forces In Libya, , April 25—{/Pi—Japan­ Actuolly 6 ^ 0 cu. ft. a special effort to attend the LAST DAY. . .the greatest bargain day of aD. Copperheads The president aald he waa aw­ justified.” Cooley—not q member there are lines of applloants. Com­ Alleghany ...... % Ethel Blakeley, lecturer, was In Paint Up — Clean Upl of the committee—expibseed ap­ tracts, tha lefenae Invaatigatlng who visited German headquarters ese Army headqwrtera said today Fraettcally a “ Savan" fully sorry that people with such paratively few licenses to far commlttoa headed by Senator Tru­ AlQ C8IX ...... see* charge of the program. During to confer the decoratiqn, the Plane Still Hidden prehension that stiffening of the business aesaion, routine busihess operations in Chekiang province; packed with important features But First Replace a menUllty aa to lump Washing­ have been Issued. man (D„ Mo.), akked the name Am Home Prod agency said. MB Pago Oaa) rate might reduce cigarette con­ Am Rad St S ...... waa transacted. where a sv/lft drive was launched ti.brilliantly new Iniide and Out Those Worn Out ton and Cromwell with the others sumption and thereby both hurt and address of any person who of­ last Saturday against the Cbung- were In auch high placet they Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Buckland, fered ' hla aervlce "aa an interme­ Am Smelt ...... The older girls’ group of the Bogota, Ckilombla, April 25— (/Pi from Ohio who the grower and dtminiah tax col- kirm goveinihent’s supply lines, MOoni-« If you want to bay. aay could write or talk. of Buah Hill road, have returned diary or otherwlae to asslat in Am Tel and Tel . , . Mountain Laural Girl Scout troop faScist PlonCS Botnh —Three'days after a tri-motored GUTTERS AND In addlUon to the LOW _ awaateJ by the union military lectiona. went on a hike to Isham camp at ^ . . . > mr t wj haa been completed successftdly. 1853 for “treaaonable to their home after spending the ' obtaining or performing the con A m Tob B ...... It was claimed that l,(Kk) Chi­ SPOT CASH SALE $500.80 srerth of fatat- |0 The present cigarette rate of Am Wat Wka .... Columbia Lake Tueaday morning [Ifr ilW /l PlavOl VniU army plane vanished over the vast iHMaMaa’* and waa banlahed to greater part of the winter In Brad­ tract.” nese were killed and 350 captured $ 1 3 4 . 7 5 DOWNSPOUTS PKICES you receive a i i h s tnre, you will oaly have 1-3 cents per package of 30 enton, OTa. Demanda Name And Position Anaconda ...... at 6 a. m., ccmcludlng with a sun­ Rome, April 25—(ff$— The Ital­ Cblombia, the fate of the transport UtaOMMarata Btataa. British Down brtnga In about 3500,000,000 a year. rise breakfast at the camp. while Japanese casualties were DIVIDEND In FREE Fiir- to boy 8418,50 riaee yo«r Pursuing this same line of in­ Armour 111 ...... ian liigh command reported today less than 50. and its 14 passengers still w lASYTtXMt Everything and Anything (Ka waa known aa a leader of The Treasury suggested an 8 cent R. M. Oarrat of this town, who nltnre up to 30% of your Oppofite Sdiool Furniture DIVIDEND ea "Oopparhaada” ) All members of Troop No. 98, quiry, the committee demanded to Atchison ...... that Fascist warplanes had bomb­ hidden today., Rat Qian-Topped Sliding Tn Sheet Metal 4 Axis Planes tax. Boy Scouts, of the North Method- know also the name and official AvlaUon C o rp ...... la connected with the American ed BrlUsh Naval unlU In the har­ The plane left Caucaya (Puerto Hydrator, Quickdbe Trays purchase. 'Manchester 8410.50 would be fSSJW! Thread company in Willlmantic, Whan raportara did not react to Other representativea took eX- let church, are requested to bring position of any person connected Baldwin C T ...... bor of Suda Bay, Oete, and ac­ Leguisamo)) Tuesday morning on and a score of other featores cepUon to a broad system of new their donation cards to the meet- with the government who might Balt and Ohio ..., waa the guest at the meeting of knowledged that the R.A.F. had ese Protest a 500-biUe (light to Taraptaca, an k r. Rooeavalt aald that (OonHaued iT a a ^ a g e One) the Nathan Hale Pioneer club in T. P. AITKIN & CO. waa an appaaaer aXciae levies said to have been ing to be held at the church at 7 have diacuased the contract be­ Bendix ...... • raided the nearby. Italian Island army post in the extreme south­ proposed by the etaff of the Joint the chapel Monday evening. Mr. 246 No. Main St. Tel. 679.3 wanted to make peace In 1883 ya, had beaten off an AxltHittack o'clock thla evening. fore It was let. Beth Steel ...... of Rhodes. Seizure of Ship east comer of (^lombia. congreasional committee on taxa- Truman told reporters that If Borden Garrat ipoke on the processes of Army.planes and river boats on ha fait tha northemara on its defenaea and captured 13T making thread and their uses. The communique did not Indi­ J b’. tlop. I Ranald H. Feiguaon, of The answers to the questionnaires dis­ Can Pac ...... cate the extent of damage done by the headwaters of the Amazon not win. Itallana and Germana. ~iUat Net Made PubUe Only recbntly recovered from a ■till rtplying to tha queaUon Peerribed aa “Orderiy" Herald, has returned from at-* closed any auch Inatancea, both Ches and Ohio ..,. these opposing aerial operatloiu. Shanghai, Af>ril 25—(ffV- The have been seeking the transport, This list has not yet been made the contractor and the Intermedi­ broken shoulder which she sus­ which carried (Mpt. Jorge Bemal, Ltodbarim Mr. Rooeavalt The Brltlah withdrawal In tending the American Newspaper Chrysler ...... tained last fall, Mrs. Jennie Isham Of ground activities on - the Japanese Navy announced today it thna were aa awful lot Greece waa deaciibed by the Brit public but one ways and means Publishers Association convention ary would be called before the. Col Gas and El ,. •. Greek front, the war bulletin said had made representations to Ital­ pilot; Chistoms Police C^lef Sixto KEMP’S,Inc. fell again Sunday while entering at Valley FotTa who lah command aa “orderly.” committeeman, who asked that at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York committee for a thorough Inquiry. Coral Inv Tr ; ...... merely: ian Naval authorities In connection Lopez Llerda and his wife, and a hts name not be used. Said. It "There have been rumors that ah automobile, and broke the oth­ number of army officers. Frigidaire SalfiS and Service Goorga Waahtngton to quit Heavy losses alao were declared City. A specimen of the laaue of Coral Solv ...... er shoulder. She is a patient at the "In Greece our trouts are com­ with the selsure by Italian Marines ha could not win agalnat Indicted on the Germana and Ital­ amounted to "lltUe leas than a The Herald which won first place fees have been paid to obtain con­ Cons Eldison ...... pleting the occupation of northern of the Yugoslav freighter Tomislav In recent years two other planes general sales tax," a form of tax­ tracts and that intermediaries Windham 0>mmunity Memorial vanished without trace in this re­ 763 MAIN STREET TEL. 5680 ians at Tobruk, and It waa said In ittolnaa for the Ayer Typo­ Vbons Oil ...... hospital In Willlmantic, where her Epirus” (the sector in which a part here Tueaday. ation to which the Treasury has have entered the picture,” Truman Cont Can ...... of the Greek Army surrendered A Japanese spokesman express- gion. Brltlah patrola again had been expreaaed emphatic opposition. graphy AvVard^was on display at condition is described as not seri­ You Can Make Hus said. "We don’t know If there Is esrlier In the week). Men! Com Prod ...... aggreaalve at Balum, Just over the the conventlonr any truth In these reports, but we ous. ______^------s______WUAT O tM Tm . border in Egypt John L. Sullivan, asalatant Del Lack and West Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Hutchins, Treasury aecretaly, told the com­ want to find out.” Douglas Aircraft . UTTLR "Our forward move” ia contlnu Mlantonomoh Tribe No. 88; L O. In another field, the committee who recently moved Into their new Ing In Ethiopia In the direction of mittee that the Treasury In dis­ Du Pont ...... home on the Columbia Lake road, S A / p carding the aales levy was actu­ R. M., will hold its regular h ie ^ Inquired about the amount of Deaale, northcaat of Addis Ababa, Ing In the Sports Center Monday Eastman Kodak .. were given a house warming by 35 r ated not "merely by a knowledge equipment leased or borrowed by Elec Auto Lite . . . the communUjua aald. evening at 8 o'clock. A large at­ the contractor for the government of their friends Monday evening. ESTATE 70A Prisoaeve Taken that such a tax would' fal! more Gen Elec ...... - • A walnut coffee table waa pre­ Gala Week-end 0.f Shopping For tendance is hoped for as this will Job, with lnformaU(H> on rental heavily on the very loweat Income Gen F oods'...... sented to them More than 700 prisoners were groups” but alao by belief that It be the last meeting before the prices paid. NOW PLAYING Uken In operations yesterday in three-degree initiation on Sunday, Gen Motors ...... Newton B. Smith of this town, would militate agailhst the most High Rentals Paid Hecker Prod ...... was elected Thrice Illustrious Mas­ that sector In which the Itallana equitable diatrlbution of the tax May 4, when fifty candidates will Committee members said thelf e O fA L U I H ^ were aald to have suffered severs be admitted to the local order, Rerahey ...... ter of Olive Branch Council No. load. attention had been drawn. to re­ Hudsbft'Mptors . . . casualties. putedly high rentals paid by the 10, R. and S. M. of Willlmantic Spring Suits, Topcoats, Shirts, Sullivan also asserted that the Int Harv ■ * • • • during a meeting of the council Another 112 prisoners were re­ Manchester High's a cappella government for macbluery. tk • m m . ported captured northweat of Ad' Treasury had./^&iwldered, then Int N ic k ...... Tuesday evening. abandoned, a generkknayroll tax, choirs No. 1 and 3 afe In Winated In a statement he prepared for Miss Beatrice Kahan, who for dlB Ababa where an Italian col thla afternoon for the annual mu- the committee. General Somervell Int Tel and Tel . . . umn la being closely pursued. Such a levy was left^out of the Johns ManvilTe .. • the past two years haa been a Treasury plan, he aald, because of aical festival of Connecticut salt. It was his opinion that the teacher at the Old Hop River Preaaiire la continuing In the tchooU. Army's projects were being ex­ Kennecott ...... the difficulty of collecting It from Lockheed Aircraft achob), has accepted a position to Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, aouthern sectors of Ethiopia, the profeeatonal people end farm la­ ecute "by competent architect- communique said. toew ’a ...... teach In tbo elementary schools of bor. The Sock and Buskin ^ u b of engineers and contractors select­ Bolton. Miss Kidtan^la a resident Manchesler High, directed b; ed from the best in the country.” Loft ...... • • Lorlllard of the town of Vembitr , Helen Estes, ta competing ifi\ the He said. more than 450,000 lab­ A total }f 324.30 was raised lor l^^^rsonal Notices | New England Drama Featlval orers had been employed on Army Mont Ward ...... Darlan Fails Nash Kelv ...... the benefit of the Columbia chap-' Portland, Me., today and projects which had gone ahead ter of the British War Relief so­ Sport Ctothes and Footwear At Nat Blac ...... row along with Greenwich Htg! with such rapldlt: that “ every sol­ ciety at a whist helu recently at These two schools were dier scheduled bV the War De- Nat Cash Beg Card of Thanks To See Nazi Nat Dairy ...... the home of Mrs. Junie Squier. ■(■Ins. -• W» wiih to »xpr»s» our ilnoer* in a recent state competition. attment to be under arms is Mrs. Junie Squier was hostess to ARTHUR 4 1 E h oused more adequately than any Nat Dlatlll .. ------TEXACO thank* to our rolstlve*. nrixhbor* g the Lifdles Aid Society of the -KNOCKO and frlondi (or kinddn*** and lym- (OoBtlnaed From Page Oae) Robert Johnston, of 340 Wood- In Army history.” N Y Central ------Congregational church at her CRYSTAUTE pathy ahown to uy at tha ttm* of NY NH and H .. tha death o( our (athar and xrand- bridge, who has been a part time home Wednesday afternoon for RANGE OIL fathar. Wa are arataful (or the Vlehy, and openly called for re­ correspondent for the Hartford Nor Am C o ...... the regular monthly sewing meet­ SUN. - MON. AND TUBS. turn of Laval to the Vichy govern­ Times in Mancheater, haa been Packard . . . • ■ ing of the organization. \ BING CROSBY thoea who loaned the uee of care. ment from which he was ousted by appointed to the circulation de­ Param Plct ■AS NO EQUAL! Tha Uaialk Patnily. Lbcal Stocks N BOB HOPE in Try It Chief of State Marshal Petain. partment and haa been aaatgned Penn ...... During the last 33 years, the a section in the hoKhem part of Phelps Dodge . . . •■ROAD TO ZANZIBAR” L«s Nouveaux Tampa edltorlal- 'total lumber cut In the U. S. Pl.US...*TLONB WOLF laad, "of tha two admirals who Hartford. PhU Pet ...... amouted to more than A trillion 7V^c GaUon Pub Serv N J .. • TAKES A CHANCE" HOUSE’S count In Vichy, one you can be (1,000 billion) board feeL accord­ Cooking School Mon. 1 p, m. te Lata af 88 Gala, sr Mat*. sura la not a French admiral—he Local young alngera wishing Radio ...... ing to the Census. la a foreign diplomat whose mis­ audition of their Ulenta may ar­ Reading ...... FURL OIL...6.2e GAL. sion oonaista of blocking French range for them with Miss Helen Aetna Casuali Rem Rand German collaboration.” Berggren who will refer them to Aetna Fire .. RepubUc Steel TELEPHONE 8S00 Tbs newapapar added , that Paris the New York vocallet Pietro Aetna life Rey Tqb B ------And Make EXTRA Savings On la not tha "trua capital” of Soldano. He will be in Hartford Automobile Safeway Btorea ...... “A Roller Skating SATURDAY ONLV France. Sunday. Ooqn. General Sean Roebuck ... • » * .- ^ - Hartford. Fire . Shell Union ...... l a k e s i d e c a s in o Hartford Stm. Boll. Socony Vac ...... South Coventry NaUonal Fire ...... South Pac ...... SUNDAY, APRIL 27th j a c k LONDON’S Like - •SPECIAL SALE!- Phoenix ...... South Rwy 7:80 to 11 P. M. Travelers ...... 39 Std Brqnda ...... Every Purchase With - THf ^.cva:;: original PnbUe Utllltlaa^ Std o n Cid MAHOGANY Conn. Lt. and Pow. 81* Std OU N J ...... CURTAINS! Oonn. Ppw...... 38*4 Tex Corp Bedroom ONE CE Timken Roll Bear Hartford El. Lt. . . . 53V4 U April t# to May 3 Dotted Msrquisette Hartford Gas 39 Union Carbide GREEN FURNITURE? 8. New Eng. Tel. Oo. 145 Unit Aircraft .... RUFFLED CRISS-CROSS , CURTAINS Unit. nium. She. .) . 100 Unit Corp ------FRED E. .MICHAEL WHEL Don’t Mias Seeing The Western Maas. ------24 Unit Gaa Imp..... GRACE BRADLEY Two QUINN’S 92 Inches Wide To the Pair Induatrial U S R u b b er...... STAMPS S-PIECEiRUITES Acme W ire'...... 18H U S Steel WERNER PLUS! T A K E MB BACK TO In Onr Windows! PHARMACY Pair Am. Hardware .... 20% Wdatem Union ...... Medium Dot. Arrow K and H, com 35 West El end M f g ...... Teacher o f OKALAHOMA” 1 Gronp Beg. 88e Biumgs and SpenMr 3% Woolworth ...... ; • • • ■ • Bristol Brass ... .X. 40 Elec Bond and Share (Curb) PIANO Given With Cash Sales All Day Saturday colt’s Pat. Firearms 70 Only $79.95 REG. 98c REG. 91.49 Eagle Lock ...... 8 STUIMOi Fa&lr Bearings ... ISQ 153 WeM Oqnter Street _ FEEE Hart and Cooley . . . ,133 Curb Stocks Or At Homes of PapUa. iBRenprioff Mattress Hendey Mach.. Com 8 ______Incladed- Land'ra Frary A Clk 30% New Brit. Mch., com 39% Ark Nat Gaa A ; . . 1 Group Pair North and Judd . . . 31 Am Super Pow .... We Also Invite You To Shop For Spring fM’ SPRIM SHOfftNa! Peck Stow and WU. 8 El Bond and Share. Russell Mfg. Co. . . . 17 . LATE STAOE SHOW SA T SSU N ^/O M M l «ari* $383 uhaa Nsrif h 3 < Medium and Medium [Nlag Hud Only $89.95 ScovUI Mfg...... 33% I Penn Road Pin Dota. and Pin Sfiex CO...... 10 1 Segal Lock Footwear For Women, Misses, Children FREE •(IRaa* Stanley Works .... 44 STATE Spriaff or Mattreas li3l88.2SMriH»ml Reff. Lentths Dot. 92 In. do., pfd ...... 29 ■r lacM ad .’ Torrington ...... 24 O a r M aU Imas fo t Vaader - Root...... 53 > Hospital Notes iaUtlit fS-Inch in Wide to lEimetwea Other S-Pfeea Naw Yark Baaka CARROLLS lar aarnca, Pin Dot. Pair. Bank of New York 345 1 . Bankers T ru st...... 53 Discharged, yeatertoj^ M n. Wshmt SIRCTHWWf— Bmaleyet as4 Central Hanover .. 88% I Eleanor______DcitinldJdson. 54 Fairfield; 6ia a ie aee ieeelvedla aey way. ChfUK ...... M% 31% I Calvin Muldoon, 158 Maple;. Mra. SUITES atraaailiaad (%'amical 43% (Percy Stocks______ind Infant se .886 t a f l M J O asks oaly City 35% 37% Hartford; William Goldthwiata, ~ ■ 88 w m s f / s m Ml aWlity CHENILLE RUGS OonttnsBtal ...... 13% For Bath or Bedroom. 20z3f In. Com Exchange .... 42% **Admltted today: Edith CarroU. INC I f yoa sm ^ 2 9 w $ W Baas • Gfsaa • Btaa • Orchid . aod Biaek. Flrat NaUonal .... 1490 Broad B n »k ; Mrs. Melvlna CSoviUe, Guaran^ Trust ... 357 78 Oakland; Mra. Bertha Keeney, Uving 'nruaC ...... 10 343 Main. THE STORE OF QUAUTY vaa Btm« ...... 14 Disebaigad today: Oatberins Catharine'PasquaUnl. **a2w2ira*Ma a** KanufacL Truat . . . 84% SJTXlT^irri’ L. s o n' s THE TEXTn]^ STORE N Y T ru a t...... 80 Patricia. Bernard and BSUxebMh I n e . ALL FeO T'W eAW ffffo?l A.L.SlocMBk.Prap. PahMc NatioBal .... 38% Ifmpby, 477 North Mala; Ridiard f'. . N n ? M JiN C T E E T NEXT TO THE BANK YttIa O qam taa . . . 1% /adover. jsrsoBn^t 1 wa USYMiat...... dtnaUaste. v • tr ,r.•er-inKwiiraweidexM w A ' . j f t-‘ -tU. ii r»" -SStTV''.'.

MANCHteSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. APRIL 25, 1941 . ^ . _ . States already have been “frdzen” Tangrady learned that the son he by President ttodsevelt'a moclama- believed had died .at' birth actually *Hike to Nowhere' Will iBe Yugoslav Rule tion, but are expected to be iriess- Adoptioi^Case was the adopted son of the Kocnas, Bank Insurance Bill ed to the Yugoslav government-Ut- This waa the storF-«f Kenneth To Test Soldiers and Unife Outside Nation exllp, as required, in the same man­ Queer Tangle as told yesterday before Superior Farm Prices ‘Brain Corps ’/for Halting ner funds are rsicaaed to other Judge Francis B. AUegtetti. The Washington,- April-26—(if-)—The'ouaiforms, they wUIalbf Goes to Conference govenimanta aotablisbed \outalde Ju d « said he would rule May 38 War Department annoimced yea-'; «lfht hours a toy German occupied territory. on n n g rad y ’S suit to obtain cus­ terday an extraordinary "hike to minutes rest each bemr.' - Expected to Continue False Name Used in Al­ tody oif bis son. He said that the ’Tbs first tssfc covering a Gain Is Seen Mental Diseasef is Urged legritty of the adoption may be Ruaalaa mvoltitfon la House RepuTblicans Ap* lowing Couple to Take nowhere” during which soldiers , ^ we^kA wni l>s mods ISIT trada y h u carried oh by gas- Appetizing Meal Fight Against Axis quMtloned because MrR. Tangrady will march and march for hours in room to wMch western desert ollnb launch between Siberia and gue While Democrats Canada^s budget used an assumed name for herself tropic beat and Arctic cold with­ matlc c o itio n s will bs sis Larger Onlpttt of Indus* Philadelphia, April 25—OPV—^ This to particularly true to the Powers from Exile* Baby at Birth* Ud the baby’s father. the Seward peninsula, so close it la Brings Confession " ' -9' out ever arriving—or even depart­ The ropm will bS dry snd said to be jMaoible to walk aerqoa trial Goods af Lower FoimkUon of a ’T)raln corps” to ' present c ^ c t W l^ a n^m ijst Sit by Silently; May Sergeant Tangrady and his wife ing. thermometer at 1 B tnictu n M ily U»l* y*w . wfcWi h .i* i b* mentally as well as physieally Washington, April 25.—(^V—The For War Is High licago, April 3 5 .— (ff)— Ken- wouM ri«uU to tocrewed r«wnu€« when the ^rlng Straits arS froB- the arm^ sarviMS to halt mental, ^ gtand u. under the stress of left the courtroom hand In hud, ’The line of march will be a -the: heat of dsaert saato en over in wrinter. Costs Expected.* diseases before they start was sug­ Settle Differences. Yugoslav government has been es­ netfixTangrady doesn’t know it but and Mr. and Mrs. Kocna bore away treadmill in the Fatigue Labora­ _ eaich.rest period the ; o f B««e«; «>•". AlMtamt prompUy tank and alri^Iane warfare or Na­ Camden, N. J.’, April 25.—(flV- tablished in friendly territory out­ J i m n u n ^ V& recommwidaUoB Reports of Red Air Base gested today to The American val combat when seconds count in he’s tile central figure in one of the the child to whom they have be­ tory at Harvard University and Idpattog soldtora will Reports that a Russian air boas state Capitol. Hartford, April A Juicy, steak dinner was a big side conquered Yugoslavia, it waa . April 25—(AP)—Albert come devoted. the aim of all the footwork wil physical examlnatlona. Y^tmlation Set for Now i that b«, too, b« retooved ftora Washthaton, April 35—(FJ—^Ths Vldlhsophical Society. maneuvering and firing. * Matthewa lieutenant governor of atrangeirt adoption cases In •' the and wireless station were being Agricultu^ Department declared Dr. Robert M. Yerkes of Yale 25.—(P)—The savlngz bank life In­ help to authorities investigating learned authoritatively today, and be to find out how roldlers—i likewise will be msde determine^ offtco. ^ built on Spvlat-owned Big Diomede ^ws Would Aid SeleetliM^ Proper Men is expected to continue its fight the province of Ontario, Canada, memory olChlcago court attaches. Until the current national do- today that fin "equitable diatribu- UnivSepity, one of the coimtiy*s surance bill, which found House the baseball bat slaying of Mrs. their uniforms—stand up the various types of socks,«ks, ahosA'£ pfinJ o f Oown Up* island to these a a ^ straits only Such a brain corps would be of Republicans arguing among them­ Agnes McBurney, 38-year-old against the Rome-Berlln Axis from Kenneth to four months old and field conditions. tmderwear and other elotiothiiig b s m fanaa boom, liowever, little had Upn’*^ of the ^eflta-dfi defense outstanding psychologtota, told the aaid today (Jonada’s war budget has sparklin^blue eyes. Principal Nominee to one mile from Xmerican-ownsd spending would result' to a larger group that a luge p i^ of.the suc­ great aid to selecting the proper selves while the Democratlve former rodeo star and mother of exile. for 1941 would “exceed the total ’Thirty volunteer doughbpys will for such marching. (Bdltot*« » t « s Omee Atoo- baen heard. a>nce the dramatic U ttla Diomede hrtsnd, were inves- men for the services and also in The State Department, it was Last Noveifiber his parents daya when fantaatically rich min­ output of industrial goods a t low­ cess of tbs £ton>toa Armies in minority sat by silently, was six children. war budget of our country from participate in the experiment. *In Later tests wlQ cover cood i^lto w » colled “8ew*rd*» « - Ugated last July by officera o^ a er costa and a substantial recovery helping new soldiers and sailors, headed today for a conference The appetizing meal accomplish­ learned, baa full information on the separated. His mother, Frances, 21, standard field kit and /regulation rin the Arctic. eral depoeita were flrat dlacorered, sweeping over Xkirope has been 1914 to 1920." came to (Jhicago'while hla father, To .Naval Academy Ita Unportaaco to UnltoKl States^ Coast Guard cut­ in farm prices. due to thorough peyrtiological and plucked out of a comfortable boms committee which will attempt to ed last night what detectives were movementa of .the boy king, Peter Addressing Boston Unlvenlty of Xortli Amefk» of thto Itad where every man. ter. They they had talked to life, to accUinate themselves to n , members of the government^ Sergt. John W. Tahgrady, remain­ woman and child oould have ten \O th er results, ILadded, would be psychiatric training pf the men compromise differences between it unable to do in a-full day of ques­ students during a week-end visit . ww ottcotl^i the four wlrttes who am leadem of Axmy~or Naval life, a considsrable tioning Robert Cox, 40-year-old and of the eatabUahment of a ed at Scott Field, nt,, where he to aquare mltea to himaett. a lu xe increase in employment of who operate her tankAx machliis and a Senate-adopted measure in Boston, Matthews asserted in a Washington, April 25 —• (JP) — M O M tIe r •» Oie O niM the Eskimo population on the Is­ la b ^ w ith “perhaps Aoms moder­ gUna and airplanes, training which task in itself, Dr. Yerkss declared. covering the same subject. Negro and former WPA worker. Yugoslav "capltal-in-exile/* prepared address: attached to the Army Air Force. Half the population la Indian land anp had oees told of the There to also Jiiat as g ^ t a None of the Information, how­ At the hospital whets Kenneth Representative Fitzgerald (D., Nioety nW en dolton and EaWmo. v- ate inereasss to wage rates which American soldiers are n ot now The bill was adopted by a wide "You boya have been good to me "In no year of the last war did Now/""At KELLER’S IC apart to boM de- ^)i«senoe of a small detachment of have b ^ out of Une with others.” need for such a corpa in peacetime and given me a good feed. I’ll con­ ever, will be made public, inform­ our war budget exceed ten per was born his mother re^atered so Conn.) announced today the ap­ Thl/te-three ‘per cent cant «of thevan Soviet/ soldiers, constructing a being given. majority in the House yesterday _____ aai aaother Fhrelfn-bom In a aurtsment enUUsd ’‘Shar­ Duri^ the first World wir,, 'to which the normial, ordinary In- and thus became the first of the fess now. I did it," Ck>x told Prose­ ed oTlctato said, imtil revealed by cent of our national Income, where­ “Mrs. Robins" and aaid ti^at her pointment of George F .‘ Harring­ The Ctouawana are large plane hangar. (Jlvkhial can turn for information. the Yugoslav government itself. husband was in South Dakota and ^ n _ k " la o« to ttoa toad •< moatly Scandinavian Immifranta. ing in the D^ense Program,” the "American psycholsgista pioneer-' administration proposals which cutor Samuel B. Orlando. as this year it exceeds 25 per cent ton, Killlngly, as his . principal >mor Oruenlng, who Hew department took noUce of com- profinoBls, advice or other guid­ He pleaded guilty to murder Will Coattnne To Vtonotioii of a much laixer budget, aiid It is did not want the baby. Vaato Amona.the Caucaalanana the oache- m to investigate the rumor, ed in training the Artoy and Governor Hurley said he wanted plainU by some eposumers against Navy,” he declared, while the Eu­ ance .matters of self-development, charges and was held without bail While no formal announcement expected that next year our war George F. Kochna and his wife nominee to the Naval Academy at SCOTTY KOJE lor rate ta the biyheat to the coun­ jported that from the air he education, vocational choice and ;b see disposed of before .he made Annapolis, Md. teao aad advancing food ropean nations ignored such train­ major appointments to receive Orlando said Cox related how he haa been made It was understood budget may take 50 per cent of heard of new-born Kenneth artd, try. could see only a few seals sunning aortal adjustments”—a bridga with Mra. Tangrady’s perpiisslon, Alternates, in the order of their wtet to (aktoc There are fewer than ten thou^ "Many aincere ‘ ^ k ing. Following th t'w ar psychologi­ u ta the lower chamber. asked for a drink of water at the in diplomatic quarters, that the the total income of Canadian citi­ Family themselves on the rocks. that food prices not be tween theology and psychla^. McBurney farmhouse, hit • the United States would continue to zens.” adopted him in the county court. appointments, were Levlo E. ZenI, Mctkera eotpeat). sand white women to the wfa<^ A ’3urm a” road may be built cal training was neglected in this -Facing May 1 Deadline permitted to axperiends further country. adde^ family dog with a stick when it recognize the government of King Canada’s war expenefiture tjiis Parents Become Reconciled Mansfield Depot: William G. (Jol- _ __ ^lerrttory. . , ^ / from Ssattla to Palrbanka, to the Human behavtar b e g ^ seven’ The other measures listed by the Last month the Tangrady’s be­ kdwske, Taftville; and Marvl) ' • Snappy in Style • Smart in Color toy Vtoto Kriltar ^ • Juneau, with a -population/ of subetentM Increases, because thto “ Germany, however, entered In­ governor, who is facing a May 1 growled and waa pushed off the Peter aa the legitimate govern­ year will amount to $1,500,000,000, interior dt Alaska, if Ic^alaUbn would contribute to sn ’’inflation' months before Mrtb, Dr. Arnold ment of Yugoslavia, and that (Jon ho said. came reconciled. Then Sergeant (Jurian, Norwich. xprU A around 5.000 peraons la tha/lar» now bsfom Congreaa goes through to our progresa and between wars deadline for about 20 appoint­ steps by Mrs. McBurney. • Sturdy in Wear • Snug in Fit Dorothy Lamour (no sarong), Btog CJrosby and Bob Hope star, ary price spiral’ and be unfair to molded psychology and psycho­ Geasell of the Yale University "I saw a baseball bat lying there statin Fotitch, the Yugoslav minis­ !3^«"«gld rnOi to CO to Alaska wrlth I ast metropolto. In case Alaskan ssaporta were again in a mlrthy musical, "The Road to Zsnxibar” at the State induirtiT and labor," the statement School of Medicine told the philo­ ments, were the milk control bllL technology as Inatrumentd of ao­ the state labor relations act and and I picked it up and hit her with ter, would continue to function * ^ S d ...ninety mlUlon doUaraJ u k a Ice-Bound Hea' cut off from shipping by an ene­ theater on Sunday, Monday and T uesday. The current feature to said. sophical society members. here. ’'•4''• I natioBal defeoae.. .,comto» To taxpayers Alaska bunds like my Navy, the proposed highway, rtal progress with hundreds of men three public utilities measures. it until she was dead,” the proaecu' ' 100 % "The Lady Eve” starring Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. Industrial PHeea HeM Down being trained to military psychol­ In a study of 37 prematiffely- tor quoted the accused man. , Yugoslav funds in the United of Undo Sam’s Jeans rather an ice-bound heaven, miUtaty experts/say, might be The department said such com­ born Infants he found that they re­ Except for the milk bill and one am to gold the only line o/ communication ogy-” of the public utUitles measures, nbodnce creeks or the Rold- Twenty-thousand - plaints were baaed on the conten­ Contrast Striking acted almost the same aa normeUy- Napthalated samto of Nome. j dust may be extn fed annually with the "outside” other than air, tion that industrial prices ad­ born children a^d proved it with the Senate ^ has passed all of Iw every operator / without pay­ and virtually all military equip­ Today, Dr. Yerkss added, "the comparative motion rteturea. The them. ftoi this last frontier, of the To Opea-School vances were being held down by contrast to striking and the Naxis M\ _ SUtea the tundras buxs ment of any tax io the territory. ment, as wen aa food and fuel for Hurley Urges government action and that the premature babies had normal The state defense council bill, REALLY, IT’S LIKE WOOL *rhere are no corporation or gen­ cltlMna and aoldiem. might have have an unparalleled organisation nerve reflexes, Including the abili­ another administration proposal, the building of Army and __ es, and banks and wages of many persona have not to deal with problems of propa­ iwaea Of Sitka, Kodiak, An- eral Income to enter the territory from it. Oh Air Raids risen. ty to grasp objects with their waa headed lor the governor’s Scotty Kotos for youths snd ' fi:\ . Faifhanks and Putch utUltlM are taxed. There to no In addition. It would make a Meeting Foe ganda, morale, pemnnel and like hands; good fixation of the eyes desk today, following Senate HAVING men give warmth withont . But the Dureau-experts counter­ matters of human engineering. We FIVE real eaUte (ir property tax. ex- beautiful ^ p for auto tourists. ed with a statement that from and other normal charaeteriatica. passage. The chief executive was weight, protection without Boston, April 36—(g)—Boston, have no comparable organization, expected to sign it forthwith and illMlIfVFm ’BMR iBMew* inmmowmwmmw- bulk, skin-snug fit without 1839 to 1940, hourly factory wage few military psychblogtots and no Thus babies start out with a de­ REFRIGERATORS Nation Dedicated to Pol* easternmost of America’s big rates had increased 18 per cent, finite behavior pattern which is name a defense council of nine bind. Each is knitted from a 1^ .^ lb. ‘Tiort- o, pn.i«t «p training ochoola in the Anny or members. high quality, resUlsnt Arling- Attend Meeting dues, announced today the open­ while the cost of living declined 18 Navy to meet prospective needs." not affected by the date on which 4rt laadlii^^ to cenUy>hen the Bureau of Klsh- icy of Aiding Remain* per cent and the cost of food drop­ The saving* bank Insurance bill creat worsted yarns of 100%: ..npa, construction workem ^ tened the salmon seaaoo pi^hologtota should., be organ­ they are born, Dr. Oessel declared. IN ONE! ing of a school for watchmen and ped 37 per ce n t produced the Idngest debate of the Napthalated wooL (Fleeces tw*"«eia»w are moving north I to prevent. It said, extinction of ing Democracies* ized and licensed Just aa physi­ cleansed in naptha) — elimi­ he tong Alaskan arlnter draws On Defense Food building mpervison with courses “EhridimUy, therefore, a cmiaid- The tuna to said to be the only current session in the House, but the silver horde which to Alaska’s in "types of bombr and methods cians or lawyers are to aid both lo­ the minority took IHtle part, hav­ ' o n d SuippUtbO nating excessive handling, erable rise in living and food cosU cal and higher draft b-«rda and fish having a body temperature la cVias Number One Industry. Alaskans Windsor Locks, April 35—Ut)— of extlngutobment,” "sabotage would have to occur before wages ing agreed in caucus to support preserving life, strength, r HewHaw KtodKind of Ctoantsean Upwp ,aged the ftodlifindings of the to______serve__ In______the . armed aervlceo aa warmer than that of the aurroxmd- Naw York, April 35—(JV -T en Gov. Robert A. Hurley had a plea prevention,” and "protecUon of now received wmdd be out of line the measure and thus speed it to a silleney of wool fibers, populatioa static at 60,000 ftahlng patrol end SBMrg- properties against air raids.” oi^Iaiiata, the YsJe scientist said, ing water. conference committee where they Wsslinghouss m s for several decades snd ^ thsTrav witwlth rights for Connecticut persona repreaenUng before America today to put aside with the buying power of factory every consideraUon "other than 'n e citoises, to be conducted In Wages in what have been consid­ hoped a version satisfactoly^ to TALON FASTENED SCOTTY KOTE...... $6.50 a longer ftohtog season than the State Agricultural Oonaerva- Super Murket RefrigeruHes Johnny Collar — Ribbed Cuffs — Plain Back Uon Program committee Snd the the immediate one of saving our­ the state house, conaUtute one of ered prosperous years Just before 'tbelr Democratic colleagues in the this yssr st closer Seattle or Sen Francisco opsm- the first steps of the Bostxm Senate could be worked oiit. For Every to set for a new ktod Oi or i University of OonnecUcut Exten­ selves by meeting the enemy the great depression,", the depart­ vitm True-Temp Costre/ where he to now to be found." Chamber of Commerce In national ment said. Both the House and Senate bills dean up, sn activity which t]|is point tha Interior De- sion Service were here today for I yee Mra Rva UaS* vf c«M s m M SCOTTY PULLOVER SCOTTY SLEEVELESS The Connecticut chief sxecuUvs defense work In cooperation with empower savings bank to issue Yes, fiir, we carry a complete stock of frame and finish kas m ssnt only sliiletog partnsat to attempting to develop a conference on. food for. defense He av— Mra ilraslu t n ah I $3.96 $2.50 called by the U. S. Department of last night declared that “we have tha Masaachusetta Etopartment of PROTEa NATUk Al' TiAVOM small denomination life Insurance N. from pay dirt In the ne^ Industries to AJadca. Fur EducaUon and the Massachusetts policies to a value pf not more 'The cold that’s best for one Uad of lumber, trim and the latest innovations in new interior wall V UMk,* ribbed cuffs. Pullover—for sport or sn- thaw. trapping bdng the third larg^ Agriculture. dedicated ourselves to a policy of Thailand Border semble wear. They are: Julian Thajrer of aiding the remaining democracies (Committee on Public Safety. than $3,000 to a single purchaser. food may ruin another. ‘That’s why of eggs costing one del- indi^ry. the Fish and Wild Life Autboritlea from Inrarance and jrou need 5 different Idnds of cold in iiniflhes, etc* « SCOTTY SPORT tn gold strike novels by sprrtce to encouraging fur farm' Mlddlefield, Dwight Minor of Bris­ of the world with all the resources Clash Is Denied Eliminates Appropriatioa tol and Ernest SUIton of Morris, to fight the brutal force which fire protection aaaociations, fire de­ The principal difference in them your refrigerator at ona tima. We will assist you with building plans and iihancing $6.00 SCOTTY VEST $5.50 dea or Rex Beach can be lag. partment executives, a fire homb Westingtaouie gives you Vhla totey with tales told by Big Oaim Still Bxhrts members of the SUte Agricultural seems to be ready to overwhelm is that the House biU eliminates a V neck, lesther buttons, Peart buttons, two pockstS, conservation Committee; Walter them. expert, and a Red Cross official HlilinwxaCMImUSY $25,000 state appropriation, called Sapar Maritaf Ratrigaration arrangement. coat sleeve, plate back. V-notch bottom. r offtesm of- psylng ■ three do! ' Alasksna. sided by the tocresss are among the lecturers at courses Saigon, French Indo-Chlna, PLUS many other aeoMtiooal foa- r to hs'vo s unuorm prssssd snd of sir tmnsportstlon. are awak­ Clark, state execuUve, and Alan "Because the task is so enor­ April 25—(/P)—The 'Thai consul Enloy better, mors bealthfiil a "sulNddy” by Republicans. S Farwell, admlntotraUve aaalat- opening May 5. with an expected Also under the House bill a bank turce. Come in and see the new • mcBth rent for humble ening to the great posalbllltles of mous, because it will take every attendance of 1,000. general on bChalf of the Bangkok food—Mid more free time. It’s OTHER 100% PU R E WOOL SWEATERS IN ALL- , tourist trade. Big game, which has ant, the agricultural conservation ounce of strength and energy to government, formally denied to­ •iatplm and easy when you could issue a single policy of $3.- Weriiiii^iouse Models today. cook tbs modem way on a STYLES...... $2.00 and up' afflelal complatota, arhlch I vanished elsewhere on the contl- program! meet and conquer it, because it Wlnants Luncheon Oudbta day foreign radio reports that OQO while the Senate bill Umited OoBgress, have resulted nent, sUU exists tn ouch abundance Dean of Agriculture Eldwin G. may mean the sacrifice of our Britlah and Thai troops had clash­ WeOliichooM Electric Rangel the amount o t the policies to $1,- Woodward, Vice-Director Raymond See thto beeutv todar. 000 but would permit an individual ’The W . G- GLENNEY CO. ig work being ruehed. I that even the fortnight visitor lives to defend the ideals of hu­ London, April 25t—— King ed along the Thailand border. eeal and clothtog always rarely fells to ess mooM. caribou, K. Clapp of the Extension Service, man freedom, the question arises He also denied reports that an Only 10% Down! to obtain three o t them. State Home OemonstraUoo Agent George and Queen Elisabeth today Coal, Lumber, Mason Supplies, Paint at least 35 per cent bear and mountain sheep. ' in my mind whether we have the entertained John G. Winant, Unit­ attempt had been made on the life Speaker Hugh M. Alcorn, Jr., of KELLER’S MEN’S W EAR. r to Alaska than in moat The new MrKln'ey Park Hold. Leader Edith L. Mason, and ---- a- «u---- Suffield. leaving the rostrum for G* Schell SU will to do these things,” he said. ed States Ambassador, and Mrs. of Thai Premier Luang pibul 1068 MAIN ST. TEL. 8637 MANCHESTER 336. North Main ' Tel. 4148 Manchester 887 MAIN STREET NKKT TO GREEN * GOU) BAKERY **outaide.” which to what 1 government owned, onereted a full Frank Atwood of the University "Crisis Now Upon Us” Winant, at a Buckingham palace Songgrato or that any changes the first tim^ this session to enter call any place that to ] Boaaon In IMO. At Fairbanks a editorial staff. University of Con­ were contemplated in the cabinet. a debate, strongly supported the Willlnuuitic B ran ch :' 810 Main St. TeL 169 Eliiit. Hurley aoierted, the "crisis luncheon. ikM-4au-y4 V fcolr^ Alaska. All odounodlttaa ex- ••Mlaa Alaaka. l»4t," was selected necticut Extentoon Service. to xkfm upon us,” and pleaded that measure and criticized Insurance fur. fUh and gams s n Im this wtotsr In the mktet of sn ice The conference was considering “apathy, indifference and reslgna- I companies for what he termed transpertatlon comes camhral and dog derby. Increased production of certain tbelr failure to extend life • insur­ food crops for export to Etogland Uon” be overwhelmed. Alaaka’a agricultural products The governor declared the new ance protection to low Income ______to Geld grown near the southern coast of tn the lend-leaae program. groups. V; ■! Alaska, feed the tiny popuUUon. air base here would make this CHAS. G. SCHELL IIPU gdd rush extends even town a "stronghold of American Plumbing and Heating Contractor Enactment of the bill, he idoas metal itself, with Frequent psralleto drawn he- 108$ MAIN 8». TEL. 3837 MANCTaaTER argued, would serve notice on in' ore and plsoar dumps. reen the cUmatic aimulariUea air power” and commented that Colony to Harvest the air base to evidence the Army WilUmantto Branch: 810 Mate Street Telephone 160 surance companies that “Inasmuch V go sluiced s f course dust, of Alaska aitd Norway, Sweden aa you refused to meet this need, •pOn di^ ay for the fiivt tim e-today f knows "from which direcUon dan­ Bsd at a nice profit atace and Finland are mtoleadtng. In wq*U find a method by which it can I of gold was set at $SS Scandinavia, farmers are close to Huge Grain Crop ger threatens us.” He said planes from this base be done.” ^ In in s, having fluctust- the most den .sly populated areas Hadden Supports MewrarA $30.67 to a maximum of td the world. would help protect America from 1 * Majority Leader William L. __an ounoa before that tima. Long ignored, except by the Nova Scotia to to the Hadden also supported the meas­ tpi Great Lakes—In effect, the indus­ IkdlvidualtoU an. with a very cinema, bscauas of a population Offlclsl sources said today Umely ure, accusing the "btmdreds of n e w at toaditton. Alaakans have about the aiss of s crowd attend­ trial east. DRUGS people” he said had spoken to him , virtuaUy every recommen' arrival of gtaollne and oil, permit­ The governor spoke before 125 ing a Satu^te^ football gams In ted to reach French North Africa MINSTREL against it of "pocketbook mo­ __made concerning them Un- “outside” clUes. Alaska Is not at­ members of the (Camber of Com­ the New DeaL They have de- th rou ^ the British blockade, tives.” tract^ attention because of that would enable the colony to harvest merce. 'The Rev. E. Dent lAck- ^ Benefit of The opposition was led by Rep tl^ the chief cro> of the vsry roaoon. It to regarded as a ey, chaplain of the Senate, par­ pmcKAkD c u m e a buifiper crop of grain. 'W alter Howe (Rep., Litchfield) nOm valley project, estab- po^Ual defense trouble spoL Un­ ticipated In the program. CHAPMAN COURT, O. OF A. Bix years ago as a relief The harvest promises to allevi­ speaker two years ago and chair til recently, invaders'poHlbly could ate the food problem of France by Portrajred bjr man of the Banks Committee ire, has been its literary out- have landed on many sections of on the hardships of colonlxa- allowing' shipment of wheat, com which reported the bill favorably. the coast unobaerved except by s and cooking oil, It was said. HARTFORD CHAPTER. NO. 64, O. OF E. S. Asserted he regretted opposing H-ocoompUahed without-aid by few polar bear or whales, Marionette Show oid-tiBiers. Two.fual cargoes have reached the other members qc*f* 7or the gov- variously referred to aa "Seward's Bissell .(Rep., Suffield), said "If at at wages sUftlnt at a which Mrs. Hastings describee aS time that we stop kicking tosur Folly.” Walrusaa, American Si­ Bulgarian Attack "a gay revue in miniature, spark­ 845 MAIN ST. RUBINOW BLDG. of seven doQars a day. beria, Zero Island, Polaiia and Ice­ ance companies and banks around Ickea Most Unpopular ling with humor and Inaurinjg a Hollister School I bergs. for p o litic purposes.” St to no secret that Secretary Called Unjustified delightful evening to any adult "Free from PoUtlcal Influenoe' ■‘^^■uokl Ickos, wbooe Interior De- An era of stagnation ensued, audiehce.” It includes a variety of with the Army In charge for ten Rep. George P. VanRiper (Rep., ^^pwtment to to charge of territorial soaga, dances, and colorful Tues. Eve.y April 29,1941 Wilton), who reported the meas­ FREE llaltalis, to most unpopular north of yaairt and withdrawn in 1877. akmhes of the aaras type aa A MG For two years there was no gov- Wsshlngton, Aprtl 38 — (ff) — ure for the Banks Commit^, con­ ^Utttads S3. might be prsosnted to any “full- 8 O’clock. tended, on the other band, that It CNSttCF.. -MimsroaB fktrmUfaea to the emroeUt a t all. President Roosevelt proclaimed sized” atags revue. j T i M P i l4 0 * i When trotible arose with the Tn- t<^ay the existence of a state of Mrs. Hastings has the largest waa "entirely free from political T n vetbal battle between | influence.” He described it as con­ and Ickea are baaed pri­ dians over the liquor traffic, local war between..Bulgaria on the one Marionette organization in the BIRGMN rssidenU were forbed to ask a hand and Yugoslavia and Greece country, and has played at the taining “ho appointive Jobs, no on the fact that he wishes British admiral at yictoria, B. C.. atate subsidy and no appropria­ 9 8 i . more and more land and on the other. Chicago Century of Progress,. at s o t o e . w e a r ' s for protecUon. their appeals to The chief sxecuUvs invoked rs- the Brooklyn Academy of Music, tion.” under Federal cootroLto 'Rep. T. Emmet Clarie D., KUl- VRAV W auiagton JixvJng been ignored. atricUona o t the neutrsllty sot New York Theater Guild and , s r * o it and ‘kttract populaUoh. TerrlteiT ta 1913 against Bulgaria — they already Town Hall. She haa toured cho en­ OLSON OFFERS Ingly), hia party’s floor-' leader, sot OR. west's 1 Lb. D. A R. ^Ottoens of the territ<^ for the ProtecUon was turned over to apply to the other two nations— tire United States anJ many coun­ spoke in favor of the bill, but con­ 1 Lb. Para m ira c lS- t u . t : port object to what they' call the Navy unUl 1884 when Congreaa and declared in hla proclamaUon tries abroad. Her "little peo{^” tended tthat those who referred to Cold Cream 69c -:4^srtiflcial” attempts at devclop- Dichio#' Benzen TOOTH BRUSH created the District of Alaska and that Bulgaria had attacked Yugo- have entertained groups at the dies” were trying to kill, $4Vilue Qt, such aa tha Matsnuaks ex- provided a system of court# end SlBvia and Greeca "without Juitt- White House, and within the pest oppaal. 29c Son Goggles- .pertaant, on grounds of imprao- clvi{.and crinUnal Coke. This was ficaUoo.’’ few weeks put on a psrfonnancs A 5-POINT PROG Speaker Alcorn, be ex- 25c to $1.95 Examples: Widest windshield-*-^fbr unequalled visibility. Widest tsar doocs. ‘ UcabUlty. so. sketchy, however, that du^ng for tha British War tUUef spon­ a hope that a conference 500 Facial for Ifcs Mi fomri d.-r ledsa .bmre. Tbil stunning ' , Never tocUasd to puU punches, Oaaadtaa ladoatrlaltot Mss Most rear-semt headroom. A doable recessed bock in the front seat dmt gives cx- the gold strike prospectors pack­ sored by the Duke and Duchess of mlttee could find a formula Tiasnes 19c S ' 5 Lbe. strsifh t-d ^ PsCksrd Clipper is the first stresmlincd csr ‘the Alaskan Lsgialatuia....cilled ed guns and used them Just as they Windsor, at Nassau. - IccepUitable t to both parties. ceptioiisl test-test Icgroom. First car to givs “front seat rids” to ccamsat tsden. BATH SALTS *li.« combhtai mew contfort with moderm ttreemlime detigm. - Xefees "hlgh-handsd” and said be j are shown doing to fictimi and tha Tofonto, Ont., April 25—(P) IN MOTOR VEfflOES While the Insurance bill stole 50 Sanitary n 3 7 5 : ksd a "metator” complex. i movtea They were forceid to take Sir James Woods. 8. Widely known Retail Bustoesa Good , the legislative spotligbt yesterday, A Water XA .* President 'Roosevelt called the I into tbelr oWn bands the adminia- Cansdtsa tnduatrtaltst. died sud­ the Senate, after sending the de­ Napkins 48e Setteaerij 0 7 G t AMXaiCA’S oeweK car. Not {ust becaose of its dscument a “rafraohing reminder f tration of Justice. In 19l3 Alaska denly today at hts home. Woods, New York, AprU 35 — (P) — (1) New Chryfiter and Plymouth Motor Cars and Ply* fense measure on to the go^rnor, mid-season birthday — but because here it s -,e t Om fraadom of exprqseton an- became a territory. president of Oorikm McKay Oom- Favored by good weather over a RKrtith Commercial Unita. sought to reject two hiUi; spon' r*#w> conception of streamlining o f foncdonal to our dsoocrscy.” j Traces of Its Russlsn beginnings psay. Ltd.. tsxtOo wholesalots. was broad area tha nation’s retail mar Bor^ by a Oommiasion on Insti­ beauty diat serves a purpose! Oemma Befai«s Ftae ' may still be seen along the Alos- knitted in 19l5 for hla industrial chants this week moved a “nsar- (2) The new **K’* line International Tmcka for aD haul* tutional Care but was blocked, Rsaentmaot was voiced over a i ^ ^ aeacoaat-and Yukon river work for the British Empire and In reeord volume of merchandisa,' ing pniposes. ^ temporarily at least, by Senator , NATIONAL While the dazzling beauty o i the Qippet delights IB supported by Ickea which pro- j 1« decaying forts and Greek 1917 be baa made a knight com­ the Dun and Bradstreet weekly / . il/-- your eye, every feature contributes to your safety, mander of the Order of the Britlah Joseph B. Downes of Norwich, that thousands of German' ^li?**?*^* cburrtier. trade survey said today. "Salsa Sdect* UU model Uaed Cara at fair prices abas- the president pro tem, who asked comfort sod convenience! be settled ta the territory * ^?^?* **^ Empire for his work as a member totals again ranged sharply above BABY WEE' atructed which will bring L W of the British W’ar Commission in the corresponding .week a yoar lute guarantee and favorable terms. that they be starred for debate There’s full headroom in tear as w rii as front. . • r projects financed by private Tuesday. Yoffc capital under a non- persons to Kodiak Island, long to New York. ago^” tbs review aasortsd. vision all around (no mete Aylight in bedt). Sec Here are eome of them >— RefMiied Unfavorably. -wtfitAfd.1 ‘Se t sits tasalgratioa systam. The billa reported mifavorably the Qippcrl ‘bm now sssms shelved on (a) 1940 Chrysler 4-Door Sedan, radio and heater. by the committee oh pubUc health Hill because membsni of I Ttttse... BOTTLc ; 6 UNCS OF CARS-4i BODYSTYUEt Actual lO.OOCr miles. and safety, would create another Bonos and Senate, like Alss- commission to inquire into the nxprssssd doubt about s : (h) 1940 Mercury 4-Door Sedan. Radio aad heat­ care of chronically sick and in­ C k fd d d Jf-au, top-fasavy with profeartonaii RICHARD er. firm and give statut<»y sanction PRICES BEGIN AT *907* finding happtoeas and making; estyon. (c) 1939 Chevrolet 4-Door Trunk Sedan wHh radio the tuberculosto Questional Bottle StcriHxer m ^Bvtag in a spursely asttlad coon- ‘ Ilk done outride ^ atate tostl- White Enamel ^Delivered im Detroit, STONE aad heater. tions by the tuberculooto com- white sidew airtires emd SteU tomet extre, are Alaskans whols-bcart- _____ ^$2.98 UMMU A to w er centsc of gravity liHOiRl Wider tbsn bigb, by slmo« SMARtW / ■ > ;> / '■ f i i r f A * w c ^ ^ o S d d « r a i ^ s S s foot! TTie widest Indies made ^ to sa ssch ed ^ new luxury tnhkid tbelr D. C.-«pprtirtsd (dT Thr^ 1937 Plyamuth 4*Door Touriag Sedaaa. • ^^^^^^8 a meniber of the com- Baby Scale ^ (Md widest front seat in any cat) inside. New paneled mmilinm - B rasst (Smsntog. first sponaorlng the measure, not a rssMant of tbs Sedaae Coupee Coechee—fai all popular aukes, $2.98 ^Sl^^^^enem ier, mefer tmf whb standard overtU cat width! new trim . . . new upbobteniigA AtK INI MAN WHO OWNS ONf priMdatf^ or ka8--aad YOU DONT NEED he Intended "to fight” for He to frerty tenaad . / t : if them Tuesday, iggsr" by the ANY MONEY DOWN. mg other blUs passed by the Bottle Warmer ■■ ‘ • Monaartv ero* of the Repairs — TIrea — Batteriea — AecsaamisB — Gulf Benste was one changteg tha 89e m m d TenMariso aad IMaatt Waterbury city charter so as to = " la fa Washhartofi. D. CL. Gas — Oil — aad Greaaa* Enamel ;e the Tuesday after the first Measur­ Novelty IJIO Mew T « r onday In November oa odd- Teething Rattles BR UNNER SALES CO. psMedtetily years the date o t the ing Cnp ,H1 etlFF9G» $1.39 Cleaa 80 OAKLAND STREET election which to now held aad Sanitary, 39c OLSON MOTOR SALES after the first Monday tiiiiAiNsnamr / V

MU Tab Nipples 2 tor 8 c M ^ Henry Labonte; decorattons, Mn. George V. Smith; devotioas, Mrs. Horace B. Sloatl quota, M n .' Frederick (Cranston; Henry Douda, M n. Joseph Dlmock ItoV. J. Stuart N eill; Ri Army to Release and Mrs. WlUlam Bowler. Science Offers New Drink; To Celebrate James Veanardi-Regtstrar David John Dnvls, who is taking the An effort ia being made by the Dlckaoo, treasurer; Censors, Alex Needed Workman Tomorrow Night Tomorrow Night machinist OMfow at the WlUlman- 50th Birthday committee on the Ooldto Jubilee Crockett. James H. NelU; lectur­ At the- regular meeting of EUlng- tio State School, baa been Myrtle Dobson. Edith Mxttesen, H as Proteins of (ro o d M eal to have every member possible in ers, James McCuUom, Thomas Leeman; stands^ bearers, WU­ toa Grange held Wednesday eve­ sent to ABeo’s meehlne ehop In Rtduud Bloom, Elmo Olenantonl. attendance at the May 6 party. Hartfonff for alx weeks* practioe. Many surprises UdU be in store for Uam Nhabitt, R obert J. Green­ Cleveland, April 28—WT—Pri­ pulpit were open, and disclosed a ning, the restgnatlons of- James Anne Kovactny and Dorothy Pic- vate Frank H. Sallot, 23, a pattern ----- NOTICE— Ubie aet for us blow ing the pro­ He Is dteylag with Ms sUtef, Mrs. April,254-(/F)— ScienceAgood meal. How much would sub- Star of East Lodge all and the event will be one long away: committee on laws, Henry Boflon Schwartz, master of Ellington Noridii O'Keefe in Btefford and cln, six honor ' etudenta of the has a new drink, by which onp stitute -*•*--*- fbr^ a good -• meal • •- In emer­ to be remembered. Trotter, Thomas Vennard, Robert maker whose Skill Is considered Tolland gram. C^es and lea cream were Observe Event at essential to national defense work, served and the people assembled Grange, and Mrs. Schwarts, the c^m uting daUy from there. Senior class of Stafford High ^assful will give the steak, bread, gency has not been studied. For CommlMee In Charge J. cole, James Matchett, John J. OIre. Clyde Marahafi the patients the usual dose has Kennedy, Clarence E. Booth, John will shortly be discharged from ORANGE HALL Mra. John B . Meale were given the opportunity to meet lecturer, were read and /Arthur Davis la taking the me- scboP)—S U te prepared and served by Mr. and millwright Hs was a member of tions were sung by the audience, the caU Included fire chief Charles Mrs. CSiarlea F . Sunmer presided draped in o f Brother lowing Red Croea work: Eighteen oommlttee to he held, June.16th mysterious combinations which final arrangements for the party. degree grand larceny today in con­ ed by way of Berlin to take up P. Miner, Edmund H. Horton and wMch are ia foUows: Roland I a - Police Lieut. Arthur Whitmarsh his duties. He replaces EHc “La- ) O f Both Students. St Joseph's Catholic church and with Mra. Raymond Ladd, of Rock­ and received reports from Mra. Charles H. M< women’s sweaters, one man’s are as Important as vitamins. Mra. William Bray and daughters Present Offloera nection with a theft • of $10,000 SWEEPSTAKE sons, John and Robert, Clarkson F. breche, James Simon, Harriot commander of the Groton bar­ of the members will serve. from the union. bonne. the S t Joseph's society. ville as pianist. Miss Shirley Pease, Mark Carpenter, aecretary; and A communii on on roads was sweater, seven Ohildren'a sweaters, The substitute, known aa amln- racks, will face charges of conduct The present officers of the lodge Admission 25c. Extra Cards 10c or*3 for 25c. of Ellington, rendered several se­ BaUey, Oaude W, Jones, William Mrs. Walter EUlotL treasurer rted. The mi was turned over Speer, Theodora Bocskowsl^ Eve­ btds, was shown to the American Star of the East Preceptory BockvUle. April 35.—(Special) He leaves s son. Anthony WoJ- Owen. The extreme dryness made seventeen knitted saarfs; three imbecomtng an officer at a hear­ are: WP, John Chambers; DP, Special Games 5C a Card or 3 for 10c.. lections on the accordion. Miss pro-tem . to the leol and Somera and baby Jackets, tan sum on’s gowns, lyn Seroor, EUsebeth Elkenlch, OoU^e of Physicians here this was organised on May 8. 1861 by honor of valedictorian for tach of Rockville; three daughters, the situation more critical. The Lonora GervaU, Betty *rinker, ing at 2:30 p. m. tgday at state po­ ! Mra. Mary Lawton of Thompson* Minnie Tobtassen gave the toast Following s discussion as to the Tunxla Oi furnished a hu- seven women’s akiruv girls* week hy Dr. J. H. Frazier of Yon* lice headquarters here. Sir Knight Henry. Trotter as Wor­ I oteaa of IM l thU year (oes to to the mothers and Mrs. Ann good work of the crew probably desirability of landscaping the moroua Weston Rebldeeu end Elvina Fon- . kers, N. Y. thy Master, an office he held for ;vUle, Mrs. Aima Bidorini of Staf­ saved the house from destruction. program." Ninety-two skirts, forty baby blsAeta, twen­ Commissioner Edward J. Hickey Door Prize—Order for $5.00 Prank, whoee avetaca Young the toast to the daughters. Center church, a committee of were present ty baira gowns, bight dreas- tanella. AU-lmportaBt Amino Adds many yeara It was through his ford Springs, and Mrs. Genevieve Frost, especially In the low-lying A tax o f seven mlUs, the same has refused to make public the > fou r yeara la 9S.T. Miaa Frank B^tlat of Hartford and ten grand­ The society of which Mrs. V. S. two were appointed to contact a Grange Invited EUington ea forty-three be^ klmonas and The amlnoids are the all-im- circumstances which brought great Intereat and hard work that SPECIAL! 15.00 Orders will be given for all regular gamra Alison has been an imtlring work­ parts of the town, was reported landscuing gardener for sugges­ es lest year was unanlmouriy the lodge has prospered tUfough i a atudent In the OoUege Prepar- children. * Wednesday morning. At Paul to neighbor with them ten baby bonnata, a total of 180 lirtaat amino acids. These are about the charges. Members of the JUST ARRIVED— ANOTHER LOT OF having Bingo tn the first 8 nombera called; $7.50 Orders for BIngu er, presented her with a chenille tions. 7 ^ committee consists of The next Pomona Orange artloles. ed at a meeting of the basic substances which form press and the public will be barred the past half century. The lodge In the first 6 numbers called; $10.00 Orders foi Bingo la too Oourae. She is the daughter The funeral will be held bn Sat­ (foates^ place in H c^ Valley, the Mrs. Samuel Alvord and Mrs. of Stafford Springs Wedm urday at 8:30 o'clock at his home b esp rea d . meeting will be held at Coventry Frank Davis, who enlisted in tins, and so fa r as science from the hearing. today boasts a fine membership first 4 numbers called. ! Ur. and Mrs. Stephen Frank of A committee from the Commun­ thermometer registered 25. This Walter EUlott. Mra. Alfred S. night In the court room of W and the financial standing of the and at 9 o'dobk at St. Joseph's was a new thermometer, and it Wednesday, May 7 at 7 p. m., and the army, la located at Camp -■ toe entire nutriment of WASH FROCKS and was prepared in the ity Men's Club provided the ban­ Kline led the reading of the Col­ Memorial HaU. The rate U based Would Rednoe Strikes fraternity is excellent. Catholic church. Burial adll be tn reglstera several degrees higher lect for (^ub Women and Mra. the fifth degree wUl be conferred. Bragg tn North Carolina. proteins is in these adds. school of Tolland. quet with fruit cup, roast lamb on the grand list o f 84,431,686. and There are only 23 of them, to Many New Membera St Bernard's cemetsry. with brown gravy, mashed pota­ than one in former use. Perhaps it Samuel Alvord directed a social The EUington Onter Parent- Mrs. Frank Benjamin of'H art­ theireaae o f approxim ately 840,000 By Whoa lit High school Uisa Teacher AasodaUon have discon­ ford spent Tuesday oa WUUngton form the countless varieties of Atlanta, April 25—(AT— State The lodge has retained most of has been prominent in the Left for Georgia toes, lima beans, salads, rolls, cof- registers too high, as It seems to hour of games. Refreshments were oveKIast year’s list of M,381,104. iltdm The following bowUng players be SLbove others In that vicinity. tinued the movies In the Town HllL food proteins. The new drink Labor OommissicHier .Ben T. its older members and has ac­ pitas ^>eaking contest both last fe, and Ice cream with cakoa. served by Mra. L. D. Blaton assist­ Warden Robert T. Fitzpatrick was Hulet asserted a belief today that quired many new membera In re­ of the Maple Grove bowUng team The committee for the enter­ Though the frost there was ed by Mrs. Arthur Merrill and HaU this season. Mias Helen RoIUnson, who has contains 17 of them by actually Don’l fry lo carry •varytUng ht ' and this year; ahe was the been living in Hartford wlU re­ moderator at the meeting and isolating them in pure form and Georgia's new 30-day notice law cent yeara. Many of the lodge PENNY LANE Dtative o f the school in the left Thunriay night for Atlanta, tainment from the Women'e (Uub severe it. probably did Uttle dam­ Mrs. Mirron Lea. Jack Demerly, derit. Ateut 16 y#«r minJ; carry if in year poek*t, Ga., to take part In the National age ks there are no fruit tree or­ turn to her home here May 1st making a powder. The other six would operate to reduce the num- founders and officers have passed You Said It, Sonny ! Legion Oratorloal Oon* was: Mre. Donald French, Mre. The next meeting will be held dtlsens attended. her of strikes. ia the Robineen Reminder. Bech tournament: Peter Genovesl, Har­ Fritz Gometz, Mra. John McComb, chards about there to speak of. fo on May 8 and the host asses wlU Mr. end Mra. Floyd Phelps who are believed to be In the drink. on, but their efforts and accom- belag the local winner of the rented her house aa WiUlngton Certainly in the drink are ten inemo ■ ■qrareM coupon .tear out There’s no better FuM OO : prise; she has been a member old Lehrmltt, Frank Janton, Mra. Erwin Mitchell, (fommlttee other parts of the town where fruit be Mra. John Rogers, Mrs. Isa­ Williugton Charles Gebler, Carlo Genovesl. chairman from the Men's Club, tree orchards are a specialty the bella Lee and Mra. August Mild- HUl will move to West WUUngton D rei^ o f Ns of these adds which nutritionists when attended to. Xe*p« live notes refined than we deliver. Ond I the Bkimer staff fW tWB' years, Into .the lower part of the house and chemlats have labelled neces­ only. $1.00 to $SJ00. ktodel presidant of the International Walter Barthold and Becky Miller. William Anderson. Dr. Susan frosts were not severe enouugh ' to ner. Miss Jennie B. Church knows it, which proves hefa Present- Play Sbuther, of the State Department cause much if any trouble ft U Pfaui M oaloal Program of Mra. Gertrude Bugbee. The Camp Roblnson\Ark.—(ffi— A sary for health, because animals, dwwn, $2.30. smart. Loads of other dad­ ' eind was the first prise win- upper pari la being remodeled lacking any one of them, sicken if the Henry prise in her The pupils of the Maple street of Health gave^a moat instructive believed. Ice was seen on standing The Girl Scouts of Bolton are *rhe Ladies' Aid 'Society and St. Louis sdeotee reMrted that he Rayons, Cottons and Crisp dies agree with him. ~ Cw- school will present a play in* the talk on posture -and gave moving water in several places. busy planning and rdiearaing a with outnde stain where M n . caused quite a Ut of umstematlon or fail to grow properly. " if»a jdhtof yeara Mission Circle elected the foUqw- Bugbee wiU reside. Offers Twe New Tools The Dewey-Hichman Co. Seerauckera with new Patri- tomers of oars who have scMol auditorium this svonlng en- pictures to show the effects on The High School group who left musical program under the direc- at a Missouri induction station Jewelers — Stationera — Opticians I honor of aalutatorian will go the lunge, feet and muscles of Ing officers Wednesday afternoon: whsn hs gavs Ms fuU nams as fol­ The new drink offers two tools learned from experieaM that __In Shirley Usk whose aver* UUed, "Good N ight Unci# Georgs." for the Educational trip to Waab- of their leader, Miaa Lydia President Mra. Oscar Hemmler; otic Stripes, Rayons and Cot- The following will take part: Jane the body when standing or walk­ In^n, D. C., Monday morning, ig. Ths program will center M n. Boy-Ed Alda Brttlah lows: Constantine WlUlam. Fred to doctora One Is to make cer­ unvarying top quality FM I for the four years la M .l. She ing in wrong poeittons. vice presidents. Ladies* Aid, Mra. erick Gerhart PercUal Leo tain that no essmiUal protein is duate In the Commercial Flynn, Dorothy Luetjen, Lorraine will return Friday night The trip My on the me and works of Ernest Wilson, Mra. Arthur tons in Prints, Dots and Oil Is the key to heatfaig Neumann, June Bowers, Marion The Tolland Grange will sponsor Is one of several in charge of Stephen Foster and will be pre­ BerryvlUe, Va., April 25— — cU Otto Von Schaler IV. He re­ missing from a person's diet The . Min Usk has been a Hen* a public set-back party at the Church; Mission Circle, Mra. Mra. Karl Boy-Sd,. American-born lated that the officers found thatit other is to give proteins to those Stripes. AU Sixes. econom y. / ir attae winner, assistant editor Harrispq, Stella Kastsnowltch, School Supervisor Martin B. sented at the next meeting of Bol­ Charles Lyon, Mra. LlUlan-Smith; Girls’ and Boys’ Marilyn Greene, EUie Loos. Carl Community House this evening Robertson. ton Juvenile Orange on May 2. widow of the German propagan­ wouldn't fit the printed form s and-, persoSs whose bodies, because of [iS aI OOat*o*Nine ii Talea, a member when prises are to be awarded ana secretary. Miss Sarah Wojaten- dist, diplomat and Naval officer suggested that he call himself > Ulneas, fa il to absorb tl. a proteins the Dramatic Club, very active Abrahamson, Albert Backofen, Members of ths Tri-County The scouts will reoelva credit to­ holme; treasurer. Ladles* Aid, FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM Jerry Bouchard, Lawrence Golem- refreshments served. Union and all others interested will ward their music badges. who was recalled by the Kaiser in "Butch." In what amoimtsd to a from meals. taas elan activities, and Next Sunday, April 27, Rev. E. Miss Rosa O. HaU; Mission Circle, 191b at the request (rf the United As amino acids, the proteins are ba, John Darcey, Ronald Burke, be pleased to learn that the union Graduates Visit School secraid Missouri oompriss, he EUEL <8 RANGE OH. 1 A anmber of the Student Coun­ O’Neal, of Springfield, Mass., will Mra. William ^w ler. fitate. Is contributing to several sgreed flnaUy to drop Perdval, Leo, in the final form to which normal COATS ts the daughter of Mr. and Norman St. Louts. has been fortunate enough to se­ Eighth grade pupils of the Bol­ preach at the morning worship cure ihe Rev. James Gordon Gil- The committees are: ,supply. organisations furnishing war re- Francis snd Otto tor ths duration digestion reduces proteins before Frocks $ 1 .op In Any Quantity — Any Time! Charles O. Usk of US Eaat To Appear la Revue service. ton schools visited Manchester Miss Frances Mersereap; sewing. Uef to Britain. the body can abaorb them. Patricia Chatterton. of key,lD.D., of Springfield, Mass., as High school on Thuraday and of Ms servtes. Wholesale and Retail street and was prepared in Tolland Orange members pre- speaker at the regular meeting to Dr. Frasier and associates for With Hats to ^Match j v Saat District sehooL EUington avenue, will appear in tented their secretary Rev. Valen­ learned a little of what Is in stors ten yean made and sold these be held Sunday evening, April 27, SisM 1 t o 8. ' , ’ Asnlveraary . the annual dance revue to be pre­ tine S. Alison with a leather port­ for them for the next four years, amino acids to scientists and doc- BANTLT OIL COMPAMT sented Friday. May 8, In the gym­ at 7:45 o'clock, in the Columbia Manchester High starts an hour toril to feed to germs In medical New Spring Colors and Styles ^Tm p Id, Boy Scouts of Amerl- folio. Rev. AUson Is Isaving on Congregational church. »> Dr. Oil- nasium of ths American School for May I. earlier than Bolton schools and experiments. Then two yeara ago, MARLOW’S CENTER STREET PHONE 52W l ] the qMQSorshlp of Stan* key,- author of several books of in­ high school pupils ara nearly an ’ Dobon Poet No. If, American the Deaf, Hartford, In which she Mrs. Laura Judson has returned it occurred to them that what is Regnlariy 81-98 Regularly 8$>68 Regularly $8.98 FOR V A L U E S Senrinf the Puhttc for 2.3 Years. Is a student. spirational nature, is well known hour later in reaching home In the It’s Clifford’s For Better Selections In good food for germs U often good observed Its elid>th anni- from Hartford after a brief busi­ as a speaker, especially In the east­ NOW $1.79, NOW $2.69 NOW $3.49 ROBINSON REMlNDiR ness trip. afternoon, so many of the visitors Tor man. last evening at their club- ern colleges, "what Our Religion thought the day s long one. Those \ w Vernon avenue. Miaa Grace E. Clough who has ' The new dricac now has been lUgiilarly $4.79. Reduced To $3.98 Should Give Us" will be his topic. who visited the -Hlali school in­ used with gdqd effects for people - TUs is the oldest troop In the ( nt the winter In Hillatown, Coninn. Is a guest at the homo of A very cordial invitation Is given cluded: Bernice Addy, Enrico with stomach ideer, some forms of ad district and District Wapping to all to enjoy this unusual privi­ Fiano, George Negro, Charlotte Reig n W f l M A lco is. Taylor has her cousin Emery Clough and nervousness and underweight, for New White Voile fam ily. lege. Hoar and Milton Jenson of ths /TROUSERS! digestive troubles following sur­ Mrs. W. W. Oniat as scoutmaster during the Mr. and Mra. Harold Grey and Center school; Ernest Andrews, gery, and for a condition known as CHILDREN'S eight years. 78M. Manebeeter Miaa AUce E. HaU of the East Freckles Froda— Haven High school faculty, re­ family were callers this week at Joseph Haley of the North school. hypoprotelnemia. foUowtng program eras pre- Elvis Coda of ths North school OVER 400 TO CHOOSE FROM! Too Little Protein ti| Plasma m E S S E S turned to her home in ToUand Fri- the home of Mr. Gray's brother-in- F or AH Ooeaaloiia 1: Troop falls In; Flag placed A house owned by Stanley Mal^ law and kl4ter, Mr. and Mra visited the Manchester State The latter means too Uttle pro­ i eenter; Boout oath, roll sail and ^ y for the spring vacation. nowskl of Miner Road, burned to Mra. Agnes Pratt, of WIndaor, Arthur McDonald, in Hartford. ITBde school. A T W E E D S ^ — ------tein in the plasma, the whjte sub­ $1.69 eong, "Down by th rO ld MiU was tn town this week in the in­ They learned that Frederick A. Orange Meeting stance, of toe blood. Early sym- BayoBB aad ^ttona 59c to $1.98 ^ directed by A. Hewitt; the ground here Wednesday doa* At thes regular meeting of Bol­ terest of her Tolland summer ^thbun, who has been a boarder at COVERT CLOTH toms in tlua trouble sometimes p'a history, news o f d istrict E lU efforts of the South Windsor home and oaUed on aeveral of her the McDonald home. Is now ill and ton Orange to be held this eve­ are apathy, muscular fatigue and Scoutmaster Aloo Taylor; remen, who had no ready water ning In the Com m ublty HaU at 8 occasi choice of various eub-commlttees Orange should have won the place ITIQjCgCRS® Are You t.,ooking for a ReaUy Fine South Coventry ' fiBnate enough to attend the First who wUl plan- the aCveral events Ufebron has been given. FRIDAY and SATURDAY • 16” Cut XetionBl Boy Scout Jamboree held scheduled for the areek of June 2 The refreshing rain of Wednes-I Lawn? Try ay night and nursflay morning | fifteen-volume f i r rzizn-r:? Mjvmmtn is Washington, D. C. through 8, which have been desig­ A comD This mower has no peer! Ask ; "During tbs month of February nated for Senior Week. The com­ About 100 were present at a some good dam ping the ex- o f (fom pt Encyclopedia I t AWTOMATK OfAinsSW mass meeting held at the Hebron tramdy dry ground, Plre permlu|t)MB puniha^ and placed in the for an the fa ^ before yon bay VlStt the troop sold Wild Ufa Pres* mittees are es follows: Banquet, aay mower. HSrvatlon W e^ stamps. The tiroop Jack Pease, ‘Chairman; George Coni^gatlonal church Tuesday m to have been given out since Booth-Dlmock library by tha Book l a w n prId e seed ’ BSsin aron the Boone Banner tor Bancroft, Justin Klsls, Edarard evening to further the interests of the rein end smoke aroae from committee, comprising toe Rev. H. ^.ttking. The scouts helped during Kachets, Mary Plumer; picnic, British ReUef. The first speaker of tncineratora through. the day E. Robinson. Mrs. Edith Chemplin. Stanley Waldron, chairman; Qeor- the evening Was WUUam J. Swee­ Thundey in various parts of the Mine H. B. CoomhA Mrs. Linda E. | ,’the flood and hurricane dies star town. Any kind of a fire had preyl- |[;,arlilcfa struck New England, help- glanna Becker. Ann Sheridan, ney, superintendent of the Wind­ Stanley. Mias Margaret Jacobson USED- 2 .V : - 35c lb. Francis Boldray and Leo Florl. ham Community hospital. He gave oualy been forbidden. More ridn U and M n. L. A. Kingsbury. tag in Rockville and vicinity, greatly needed. ROCKET ‘Tn IMS the tfoop held Its usual The senior actlvitiee wlU be tn very interesting talk on hospital There wUl be a meeting of the T.,arge Lots Slightly Less. charge of Ruth BasUen with Con­ needs, and thanked the Hebron Those who remained after the recently enlarged board ofi^rus- Mkae and campa. IMO the troop group of workers for ths good close of the BritUh War Relief 'SHquired a new meeting quartera nie' Berolsi. Francis Lomch, Patricia teea of tha Library Aeaoclatlon Power Mower Grant and Richard WaU. An inno­ work they, have dons^n the makr program at the (tongregational next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clocl: - OB Vernon avenue. During the past ing of su lca l bandages and other church Tuesday evening, were This seed is especiaUy prepared by os for exccUent results . year ths troop has been firing the vation for this year 1s being plan­ when an executive board will 'be CAR hospital equipment for emergency privileged to aee motion pictures choaen from their number, and ^ run* 24 MONTHS TO PAY (Rcmcaibcr: To Tria this prisd yoa arast Uve on a street having gas service audas.) of Mr. and Mra mUery enused by aerial attacks ty Y. M. a A. n --...-- Bara Wrttsr AMe ■Buck, of 283 Ml Weshington. April 25—(ffi—The Bureau of tlw Omeue today dis­ was very graphic, and she waa list Paul Roberta U- hulkUng n ga­ 49c TESTED to Peter A. Gil- closed New" Be van's municipal ened to with the deepest Interest. rage for Mrs. Henry J. Blakeelee WMhlngtoa. April JS — (ffi — Mra HelsB Prokup of PooaUtloo. on April L 1940, was Petriotlo choruses were sung tc on property recently purchased by asnii Ludwig, noted Oermaa-born tMs city, win take 808.33$—an iacranst o f 14JS04 over red on the bar at tha canter. .writer, want to work at tha Traae- Manclu^ter IN^i^ion GRASS GARDEN HCSI A pril M . tbs past 10 yeara. The city IteeU WlUUm O. Mra. Deems L. Buall»af laoonla, ury today to halp boost tha defanaa BRUNNER'S Co. V weJiBeli __ ___ res decorated N. H„ and Mn. AUea Foote of aevlags cam ^pi. Ludw%^ 80 OAKLAND 8TBXBT F.T.Bfish Hardware 180A06 peraons. ThU *1. itod e decteese of lA per with foraythia, daffodils and other OUaad have been recent gueate of voluBtoeved MANCHESTER TELEPHONE 5191 798 M AIN . . MAMCHBflTR i.886. «HWn Ou'ctty anriy hlniiiniig gssden flowers. The Mr. and Mrs, CBdrtae Gwter and wm end wftto varttra- endue d S ^ et the back ef tlw fom Oj;, ‘ 1 ^ ------UpUHNOlUKlmiim & . ■ m ' ■ . "’ •'s' - ‘ -.J- \ MANCHESTfik EVENTKO HERALD. MANCHESTBRl CONN. FKIUAX, Ariu^ m , i v n

leal training to realdent centara of night as they investigated every cltiss to.,the past faw days to'sail Commlttea on Public Health and sun and Raymond Johnson, speak­ tical eouipment within the regch Beet ttsy bo botUod 'up and aIUmt al that their taxes ba literaaaad. Chinese to Speak tba National Youth Administra­ German aboard. Thirty-three Vrare homeward via Japan and Russia, Safety, woul4 to affect, prohibit ing, for Tha Connecticut Optome­ of people with low incomes.. bA sunk or fsU into N aM bsndA. Tba Joint rfvanua oommittae of tba Dozen Aides Now Required any ston, firm w corporation Washington tion. , \ permitted to sail- 17 coming from New York and tric Society, told ths committas of The Atooctated Dallies of Con­ But n tbtr bocsuM Umo wovaa North Carolina Laglslatura was “Olrlk^jdioidd ba placed on ax- The four will be arraigned to­ others from Chlbago, Detroit, San from employing an optometrist to necticut wen recorded in opposi­ coiiaidaring an amendment to the- At Hartford Meet aetly ths Vtofne footing as men and day. Francisco and Denvey. All were carry on practice fo r'it a Massachusetts Suptome court S t r a in with tlM ipMd of Mty mil# tanks decision ruling that an optome^ tion to tha bill by Judge Arthur E. tax laws changing an existing IS should ^ g iv e n the same subalst- To l^ft Presidential iMad The agents did not say what described on the passenger list hs , Attempt to Sttfto Coe^Mtioa Howard. MKUliMKUST IJt* and ence ahoTw same Wage," the they expected to find in the risld. merchants'' trist could not practice as a ser­ tax on aaiaa of mulea and horses. Daybook It was supported by raptosenta- vant for an unlicensed optometrist I JM»AU> nUNTtWB OO, f|n awaranaas and ■ American Hartford, April M f-V n —r>T. preeideht s wife told interviewera. Errlck Hundt, one of those Jail­ Those held, their listed ages, dc- tives of optometric sociaUes ^hlle II ■t«MU Instantly the mule dealers, upon By Jack BtTaatot She made no recommendation as Washington, April 25—iff) —' the White House over-all Held on Suspicion of ed, commented: cupatiqns and time in this Coun­ Place, Where Optomc' which, he argued, a store would be. Advertising Brings Wife llaaeli—fir. 0*nu. proftaaa toward trua unity oC pur- Tehyi Hsiah of the Ctalaeae Serv^ apokeamen for retail organisatlone Ice, Boston, was listed todajr as to age limits. The burdens of the presidency have agency. ' "Everybody makes it tough • for try are: Erick Hundt, 31, sash and Want to Sell More THOMAS IWROHSOR p6M dra(a at tba pace oC the ox­ learning what the committee had Otkar Violating Draft Act trist Works Question charged It was an attempt to etifle 0«n«rBl Mamamt WasblngtCMM—If the United one of the principal spaakera at increased to such an extant that a poor German here: I have done door worker, 18 years;. Frits Pas- competition. Judge Jacob Schwolsky of the New Albany, tod.— George VA«iiS«S OvwSArl. IIWl cart > under adriSemeht, sent a repraaen- The other presidential aides are: chbeck, 34, clerk, one year and W. Sluder, 81, put a classlfled ad­ States Coast Guard aver gets Its the Connecticut Christian Shideav- White House work performed 15 A fter Ship Searched.^ nothing wrong. I Just want to go Facing Committee. John E. Corbett Of the Massa­ Hartford city court, who posed th« Beeauaa, with the roar of the tatlva to protaat to the commit­ or Union’s 1041 conventkm slated Harry L. Hopkins, fonnar Naw home. four months; Karj.‘ J. Wagner, 32, chusetts State Board of Optome­ question about what significance vertisement in a newspaper aaking PnbllAkAS B t a t t MwilAS ■**•»* Gas Mask Toting Toriier and natlva loaran, special :«AnStf AltS HblllArA. C A f f l At tee. *'Mo' than SO per (vnt of the share of public recognition, the here May 2, 3 and 4. yean ago by a atogla aecretary tailor, 20' months, and Hans E. state Capitol, Hartford, April try contended an optometrist was waa attached to an optometrist’s for a wife. Mra. Sarah Greaham, ALKIE hurricane already mutterinir Just aslstant for overseeing lend-lease \ Los . Angeles. April 25—(F)— The others were silent. (Known As 'lA* PbAt OtffA At MAAehffr. mule dealers,** declared the pbrm^ "Let the Coast Ouard Do Dr. Hsieb will speak at the now raquires a dosan aldaa at a FBI agents jailed four Germans Pockets and luggage of all the Stour, 35, store manager, 8 years. 25—i/E— quration: “What dlf- a profesalonal man who had con­ place of practice, charged that 75, answered. Aa the two were CBAtl.. AA S»CAB< CtAAA M a II MAttAt. behind the korlaoti, the American Drive Is Started aid. Hundt, Paschbeck and Wagner proponents of the measure were married, each for the .third time, spmrrvAt. apokaainan, "ara plumb against R " will become as full of meaning Watsrbury night and Sunday af­ combined salary of more today on suspicion of violating the Germans were searched. Socks ferance does it make whether an fidential relationahlpa with clients people spend their Uma hmgtMng, ternoon seaslons. Btaphan Early, native of Croset, gave Loa Angeles addresses, al­ optomatrist works in a store or an which could not be maintained If desirous only of preventing stores Sluder aaid: "I gueas if the young Sevantfe Unngbtor of n SUBSCHtmON HA' "Tell It to the Marlnea." 5100,000 a year. Va., vateran preaa aecretary. t o w act after a meticulous search were turned inside out and shirts Bora With »»<• TAAr lar MaH ...... •«•• so to s p ^ , over the price ot the any changa in this rate.” , Youth lo0dera who will be in \of 87 Germans preparing to sail opened as agents went through the though Wagner said he had been office?" was one of several relat­ he were employed by some firm. from selling glasses so that they folks nowadays get married young­ MobtA oy MaH *..•♦••••.*1 '»• When ships of warring or cap­ London, April 25— —The gov­ President Hoover Introduced a MaJ. Gen. Edwin M. Watson, na­ here only two days, and Stour could sell more themselves. er the old folks can get married ■endtags DnUs 0 A. boarda, the pef* and the wire ca­ Ths committee liatened gravely, tive nations in American ports charge of dlscusslona Include Edna « the Japanese steamship Buenos bags. One German waa forced to ing to the same subject that a Dr. Roy A. Michaels of Bridge­ 1*A|* Oooy ...... J Ives of Harwtnton, Willard Bristol ernment, undismayed by earlier three-man secretariat in 1920. tive of Eufaula, Ala., appoint­ gave his address as 5300 Palisade legislative committee had to de­ port denied, however, that such re- William A. Dower, representing older." - Or By AppototsaoeVlS d Oba Taaa • aaaS'baaaI *W. w* bles with which we hope to anchor went Into a huddle and assured the were taken over recently, who failures, has staPM another cam- President Roosevelt continued the ment secretary.' Atom Maru. remove his shoes. avenue.. West New York, N. J. of canton, Charles Crary of Prea- Twanty Federal Bureau of to- ^ e FBI suppressed its reasons cide today following a hearing on lationshlpa existed. The ConnecUcut Retail Merchants' «>t thn F e o ^ for 00 Ti MRMBBR o r __' our house—and whether they shall mule dASlars' representstive that wasr called In to rout out^ their ton, Marie HUIman of Derby. ■^palgn to Induce civilians to tote practice and soon added a fourth, Marvin H. McIntyre, natlva of a bill regarding the practice of Members of the State Board of Association, told the committee Two out of every five farmers in 171 Otamk Streot, flnrtf( crews, took over the hosts, end their gas masks. LaQrange, Ky., general secretary vestl^^on men boarded the ship for the search TH« A8BOCTATBD W t*»* they reckoned maybe be was right* Maud Hamming of North Frank­ a personal secretary. . The Germans were reported to The telephone was invented in optometry. Examiners of Optometry recorded that stores had made the public the United States In 1937 were Phono 0-8202 fllA AAAAClAIAd P fA A »A AWIb MAA- be delivered by union or non-union who has been away from his Job at sitotoK delayed its de­ guard ' Against ssbotageT 1'bs lin. A survey showed only 24 per Names 12th Aeaistant have arrived here from various 1876, by Alexander Graham Bell. Th^blll, heard yesterday by the themselves In favor of the mea- eye conscious and had brought op^ tenants. t» ABUtHd tA tbA AAA AA fAlilJjAA- taamatera. BecauM wi alothfully and that there wouldn't ba any Coast Ousrd. cent were carrying them and lat­ for many months becauss o f' ill­ parture more than three hours last t t »1> Af All AAWA dlAIMtellAA C f d l t ^ change In the law. est pictures of the king and queen With each passing year, how­ ness to n or AAt olhArwiAA e f ditto •• watch the ahuttlnf down of da- When A cruise liner ' goes ever, Mr. Rooeevelt has seen the fhiA VApAt AAd AlAA tbA I b CAI AAWA fento factories by strikes and do The committee had been consid­ Aground, lists to starboard and show them without their masks. Miss Marguerlta Lehand, parson, •BbtlABAd hAf lA. , , Now the government has asked duties of his office grow, and only al aecratary who has been with the ering a aparp reduction in the tax. threatens to dump frantic passen­ Would Train Girls yesterday he named his 12th as­ All rtrbtA of ropAHiAAtioA of nothinr effocttiAl to put An end to gers into the briny, who rushes to all building eupertotendents to Roosevelts for years.' jj^ d lA totch A A bAfio A f AlAA I ^ p*rtoAnent- sistant. Shortsighted precipitancy? Of bring them^ ashore through a In Defense Jobs forbid entrance of anyone without William H. McReynolds, JCansaa; course. But not one bit more short- treacherous, pounding surf? a mask. Bestdea bis four aehretarlea, he James H. Rowe, Montana; Laueb- SM ton YOURSCU Pel) SArrleo ellAiil of i ly; becAtiM permit John I>. si|;bted or precipitate than many Who chops a way through dan­ now has flva administrative asaist- line Currie, Nova Beotia, and SarrleA lee. LewUi on the one h|md and the Track Eecapes Bridge Oeilapaa ants and three ispecM asststanta. Lowell Mellctt and Shermanum Min-Min­ another tax proteat—where new gerous ice to bring doctors, msd- Los Angelas, April 25— — PeaushAn HearAAABUtfAa The Southern ooal operatprs on the Ical supplies and food to aome lit­ Only three of thetwelve receive ton, both of rndiana—AU »OW MUCH YOU SAVR Joaas_ MAthAwa'■ f Si^ a^ A^eaer-j other to throttle the whole defense or increased taxes are propose*), as Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt suggests Gilroy, Calif., April 25—(ffi— less than flO.OOO A yaar. tratlve susa)atants Haw Toflt. OileasA, tle winter-bound community of that girls, too, should be given a Last to join the presidential they often sre, not for the sake Eskimos where an epidemic has Harry J. Locatelll rumbled his 12- Eugene Casey of Oaithei effort -but^more than all because, year’s training in tba defense pro­ ton truck and its load of railroad staff waa yotmg Wayne Coy of Md.. liideon man on agri' ■ORMAV with- tba example of the conse- of Increased taxes themselves but broken out? Who seU. a flying gram—but not in camps. - ■*— tna across the Pajaro river bridge Delphi, Ind., who has been an as­ matters. _____ Atmrr boat down on an angry sea to entcot-ATTONs. quences of Friince'a blind infatua­ for the sake of a better life ^ r She said the girls sould spend Just in time. The 25-year-old span. sistant administrator of the Fed­ bring some pain-wracked sailor their year in hosp natksu must not be permitted to Jephtha defeated tha Ephralmitea only goea to ahow that Merrill ia regattas. (Don't snicker, .there Waterproof . . . stalnproof . . . wears are mads from smooth, th ^ . None of it will be stored for future delivery, as that would defeat our easy to clean! Baked snarnsl else . . . double-bur nraxM . . . erta. We have Irrevocably commit- at the paaaagaa of the Jordan, and an abler pilot than a Judge of were 4*48 regattas in ths last re­ combad cotton: bava hand tom benderUed agaimrt nwt and purpose. It will pay you to store it yourself at these reductions! snrfacs . . . newest patterns I 84’ 47’ afterward when treat numben of horaefleata. Aerial Bomb failed to ported year.) It maintains all tbe bama. Stand up for years/ ' ^ Polymerto enanMled to lateet tad ouraslvaa to saa that that la light sUUons and beacons for the Ephralmitea tried to pass explode, add Bernie collected 520. 4hV ..... l*95l .« 9»Sg 3J{ to 4 yd. lengths. Luxurious 5oM 42x96 ..II Dainty batiataa and organdiaa antomobQa colon I Sava newt prevantad. Having'gone thus far, navigation and shoreline aviation. «sieiA...3.49 terSq.74*. .310 new rayon crepes and interest­ with frtlla, tucka, utd lacel « a can only go on.*' themselves off as Jephtha’s Gilsad- There are times when silence When the neutrality patrol was ing slab weaves. All 39". Vary epeclal at this pricel Check that with what Bacratary Itea the latter put them to a lan­ is a pearl of toeat worth, but set up tn the fall of 1939, the Coaat Guard got that order, tooy Hull said—“Ways must be found.’* guage teat facing a newsreel camera calmly SalallScyd. is not one of them. Then you are It has Its own Annapolis at S o vo 3 0 % . And then James M. Warburg, a Then said they unto him, New London, Conn., where cHi- Aaserlad atipposed to keep talking and ap-, Savings of 25% to Over 50% REDUCED FOR WARD WEEK! enColeiful ' REDUCED FOR WARD WEEK! rich banker who aarvad as a m "Say now 'shibboleth'," (shib­ pear < unaware that anything is cera are graduated after four- FOR WARD WEEK ONLY! Sh uars boleth being Hebrew tat a gfito New Ardilatt man and later as a Junior lieu­ happening. I f you can do this, you year couraes. And it has trained The Sale nductlons listed below repreaent only a small part of the etoek available when this of ersuaaioB. Dining Suite: Eight-piece 10th Century 2.9f Oxfords Faucet wlmt life is going to be like in a and other guests included the sec- Boudoir Chaira: Powder Uue, and Ward Wqslr valna - aanaationl oonectly a quiU significant pair —John O. Blggara, producUoa fawn with deep beige fringe . Man alive, here*! value I Dosena \ . lYe ant k Mia—It’s a udradel sBitoatad by the HlUcrtaa retariaa of WcndcU Wlllkie. Her rhief, OPM. at amart new colorfast pattema J J « 7 Bve^ brand new style! Hand 2 » t Naw Fraacb-tTPa rayoa of words, but that the Germans bert Hoover. Mayor LaGua^la 'fhiloaophjr. They muat bs te choose from. Tine-count cot­ aalacted, crisp cottons. CeoL end apoa rairona, oew auhatltute tha V aound for the W and many othar prominent pec^e NaUaas must reaounce tha pretty sbeere.wAIl Mbfast, wltti ton broadclotlie — 99% ebrlnk- BUckal Naw beot-auker ftoltb Xadacadl Chrome plated bra* ■harksktoa to prtots or aound. If the Isgt proves to be Miss Molr ia ths author of a hew claim to bs the final Judge to their 14; 7-14. Mot baeauas at tha Oraeo-Britiah book called *T Was Churchill's prool. Wiltproof cotiara. tansi Our beet selling styles ■tok fancat srith aoap diahl mer paatelsl 12 te 44. aufflclanUy trustworthy the te coatroveraies with othes nations. not barauaa at tha everrua- Private Secretary," published only T. .■he!well. OarasgW priced to save you UMnayl Spout has ramovabla atrainar. eountarsiga is going to be "Wen­ a few weeks agow it ter latoraMeasl Ig cf Tugoalavia, not baeauas dell Winkle." ttm prospeettos ylaldlng of Tur Taa Mweh Baekkeeptog pr Bad tha Ibarian Feninaula to Bey Watoa to Sleep at NaM merhanis Th«y Were Ag’la It Bloomlngtoo, HL— {fPt — Police Chief -Clyde HIbhena returned a Pratt. Kaa.—Ot)—Dave Hole- ■ot bacauae at The story at the North Osroltos flve-doUar check to a nsotorist petcrie Jangling tetophona awak­ ( Vkhy rato Mule Dealen Aeaoclatioa to typi­ who wantod to use tha taaaay to ened him. "AU your children in aU a t Africa set up^aa account from which ha bed?” aomeone asked. "Tea—eer- cal of the statoto of a great could pay bis 90 isint . ftoea for tatoly." "Better look agsto." Hol- U k i^ 'to kaooma a many people who have to pay tax- parking too long. Tha chief; afraid opeter did and fqund Bobby Ray. \ U h e k feiraitoBi. BOt •• ss. don’t like to, and aa« rimstsnt •r the pfiSBsdsni it might asC 7. missiag WaUdag to hto slaan. ERY iAkR 'K .-.'■i* •'iTv', O N T C n > : ■ 12 1IANCHE8TBR BVENINO HERALD, UANCHESTEB. OONM. fitlD A T, APRIL 26,1241 » ■' '■ ■■-' "V" ' \--^- ■;' ■ / ■ • ■ ■ ■ ''.r - '- - - ti- •• .1: r •''. .:-:T-?-' ^ ■ ... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- FRmAY, APEIL 26,1941 under Lieuteosat Kltoatrick, and 1 Daylight Time Prentice Springs Surprise To Be Placed win te known as tad Battrilon aakad wbather that w u a fUr in- Board Acts to Collect Intelligence S«fneiQ|beni for decisive ac­ To Be Entertained by Visit Aircraft Factor­ during an instruction period tola As Ranks Are Filled. Booth, dai . tion In the prteqnt war criaia w u Officer Drops And Maple at Last Prentice obliged. He shoved a ally by Colonel Maxwell, and an driven^ hcensea Yi Booth of IIT : otmet, former- Sing Bt Bei^oven!*s week. An Inspector-Instructor wee gun against toe inapector'a necessary training will te given horaecB were laened and C. KiH- United SUtea hu agreed to de­ generally ^trapfbtod hers u a Unusual Movie Show. ies on Monday.' Jthtiush toe official tUne for Both locsl unite o f the Connec­ ly of Kariden. Concert on Momday. fend, were brief and not elabor­ - NighPs Session. Long Beach, Ctelif., April 35 illiutraUng to a class toe method shoulder blade. Immediately the toe officers prior to the summer, nuiqher Issued up to man of thli town took yea- pointed forawamWg that a del —(/P)—Jack Bums, head of • inaugurating toe 1941 period of UM‘ Paul'a ated. A reporter asked whether velopment o f top magnttw(|a w u Dead at Post daylight saving time occurs at 2 "covered” man swung around and ticut Stmts Guard received notice program. bnttght toe total to 1960 terdidr afternoon at A trip througdt the fa ctoriu of In order to assist the local Selec­ taxloab ooippany hare, erid he volver away from a poUceman who grasped Prentice firmly by toe ^ i e monUng from Oolonel William Notices win te sent out by the [//The ottloo win te itD W fi* 14.W9 toM « « n Unlveraalist church parsonage in On the program with Mhe the United SUtes would have a near. New England via the motlofi pic­ Through action taken last nlidit m. Sunday, April 37. clocks and may put a revolver against a safe sea road to Greenland. tive Service board In ita clksalflca- will replace men joining toe other timepieces will te set ahead right wrist Battalion Adjutant when the data day, excepting Sunday, A t e a m Dw^ glulden. Rev. laaac Smith Beethoven Glee Club next Mondaly^ sa n umi Secretary of State HuM, Secr^; ture screen will entertain meibbera by tbs Zoning Board a t Ajipeals, Army and Navy with women crimlnri's bock. '^ij.^Maxwell, Battalion Command­ W&. ABollNr takrg* ahtp After aasring that he hoped so, tary of Navy Knox and Secrets^ tion of registrants who an em­ (me hour to c effect, major trannxxrtation lines, Policeman Prentice observed "1 saw it tn the movies,” repUed As soon as a unit ia uniformed incidental bOIq of the “Italian by the Axis. ''.The president add­ and of this country," asserted H. Rieh, JwUtlonlng the Board for mits to women drivers Rush C< lences latter pvt at tbs month. 'dk p tettee on the Balkrt a^ er's beat man. by J. J. Murphey of toe tivdnc de­ Policeman Herman Muske, one quently toe questionnaires filed by pnnniislon to apply for a gasoline "There is no war on now and including toe New York, New Hav­ that ha "did it different”. Prentice. and up to strength. It will be In­ ■■ h froBta in tba pa«t *• Street Song" from - "Naughty ed, however, that he wouldn't say Hull, “calls for resistance where- reg ia tM ts do not cleariy outUna Following the ceremony a lunch- MarietU" by Victor Herbert. ThU partment in New HaVen. of Msnehuter's best known police stmion permit, waa granted this the measure isn't necessary,” en and Hartford railroad will re­ ducted Into service by a special eoA was served at Mrs. Heflin's on poBlUvely that this w u so. ever resistance wtU be moat effec­ 1b Great Demand the particular work done and often main on etandard time but tlihe- ceremony conducted by CMonel Tsa LHtls OsM Mglh command Mated M lively number should'prove pleas­ tive." To wait for actual invasion officers, dropped dead . at toe right after toe proposed usage of be added. ' Broad street, Meriden, after which He replied neg^ely when The motion plcturu have been toe deferment requests filed by toe toe property biul been explained' Burns said ha plana to hire tables will te aet one hour ahead. Armstrong, Miss June Newcomb, Averin and toe Adjutant OeneraVa With toe arrival at toe Man­ Md OB a Greek airfield at ing to the audience u it h u been would be “Utterly ahort-aighted Center at 3 p.m. today while do­ employer offers little to aid toe The new timetables of tos Ntw chester uiifceoffice ofoi the me Railwaynaiiway Ex-sx- BeUevlUe, BL— Mr 4-1botored flying boat ances. ' The declar^ policy of the na­ termining if a task Is an essential la Narrow Street bemo effective Insiiratice Bill and others. with ao little to subatantiato. it.” pu|es in plants and factories, but 1405— Ralph M. (Clifford, 78 Fos­ ford headquarters will also be FOR A NICE MEAT LOAF OR stroyed. .Senator Lee (D„ Okla.), told ter. In value present The senior band and One p la u engaging In the raids Gives InstmctioM ,y w u toe first occasion It hu His Home Garden* A proposed layout of toe prop­ MEAT BALLS During the past aeaaon she h u reporters that "if the Nasis try to 1407—Robert G. Sandals, 169 Songsters will have a prominent ’ ^ANCY MILK-FED VEAL iJPagoOM) wiaiu ita way back over the North get in Greenland we've got to stop 'had to tackle a controversy Involv­ erty was submitted. assisted the glee club by giving ing toe major portion of s vital In­ Louis DelOuerclo, 65, known to Eldridge. part at the evening meeting, and 1 Large Size (Reg. SSc) .i. Fancy, Pertoet, Ripe Panoy, Tender, Groaa 1 Bonek|a Rolled Veal to Roost, cut to any Veal, Beef and Pork Ground, aaa with only one engine function­ them, and if they’re already there About Town 1408^obn S. Haberern, 97 Bts- Station Entrances the general public/ will be wel­ I honad to annoaBce the per- vocal Mutructlou to ita members dustry. Manchester resldenU u Louis Dell, Board members were concerned Natural Oolar—Joloei size you wish, OOff* 25e pound. 2 pound^ »e*aeeeec ing. individually. This hu Improved we’ve got to throw them out.” dropped dead to his garden to the selj. come. of na P afiH OonneU era- SwaUI Scale Air Activity Acting Chairman Reynolds D. If toe mediators fall to win im­ 1 about toe gasoline station en­ Strawberries ASPARAGUS Chuck Beef Ground, act aoBHtlme next the tone'qusMty of the amgers. Rev. Earl H. Furgeson of' toe rear ^ his home at 53 Birch at 1409— John M. Mordavsky, 17 The local Salvation Armir's ORANGES The government reported air ae- N.C.), of the Senate Military Af­ North Methodist chufch'. hnd a mediate re-opening of toe collieries trances which would take away meeting Sunday evening at 7:80 Ih. Mrs. GuaUfsen, nee Berggren, whiy negotiations go forward. 1:40 this afternoon. (Clinton. sbeoe of too present Main street y, ha aaid, to Uylty over Britain during the eomea from the well known fam­ fairs Committee sair he regarded Bora to Italy he came to tola 1410— ^LesterW, Rogers, 37 will take toe form of the aimuri FINEST MILK-FED POULTRY nli^t had been on n small acnle Greenland u a part of the west­ pe firing stalls. It was decided self-denial altar servics, when ov- 2 “’* ’" 2 5 c 2 lb s . 2 5 c Lower Round Ground, o f the cooDcU ily of atngera and, la a sister of the lengthy Sod countzy whsn 11 years old and Main. that one of toe double entries Home Brewed Broilers, te flxad apd said "bomba ware dropped at nnUonally known contralto, Oer. ern bemlaphera and said It thus annual meeting and■nd banquet of I **^**^8? might be made hla home to Hartford until 1411— Marvin M. Strickland. 11 ery member will bring a gift for 2 5 c d o z . -a lb...... polnta In the aoutb, east and would come under the Monroe Methodist Youth this evening at Involved. might te oombinad. and it waa this great cause. Ib. I tlBM ago in order trude Berggren, the assistant art­ Fuel Shortage Serioue , 30 years ago when be izioved to Oak Place. stated by the applicant that a WhOa They Last! Lovely 35c Ground Ham for a Ham Loaf, eflegaately vatladla w b northeast England but nowhere ist of this 16th annlverury con Doctrine. Putnam. The principal speaker Manchester. He entered toe em­ 1412— John A. Rowe, 410 Wood- BI(MMiilng and Bndfiefi Faney, Hard, Bipa Hodie Dressed Pullets for |g Statennent Unclear Seriouanesa o t toe mounting larm roar area was to te used Tender, Crispy, Bleoehefi Ih, , • • leeeaeeeeoi to handle apadal w u much damage done and the cert. will be Rev. Hverett A. Babcock, ploy of George W . Smith to charge land, EngUoh number Of casualties reported fuel shortage was imderllned' by for pubUc free parking. Attorney cutting up, lb...... m dafaBM program, Tickets for the concert may be Senator Ball (R., Minn.), said on secretary of toe Connecticut Coun­ of bis shoe repairing business, but 1418—Sam Baydln, 4 Pearl, H ^ noted tofit the p ro^ y was Sets Five Fires; TOMATOES t the council is left to very amall." the subject of convoys, that Preal cil of Churdhes. A number of the two official agencies. The War De­ later‘engaged in business u a I 1414—Frank T. KuclenaW, 123 Celery Hearts Fresh Cut*np Fow^ purchased from any member of partment said toe shortage bad mainly adaptable for use euch as DAISIES Try Our Sugar Cured Corned Beef! e t the chief ezeco- One German bomber was offi­ the clllb or at the &oor of the High dent RooMvelt'a statement had Methodist churchra east of the cobbler forlUmHlf. He had at one Chestnut. . each cially reportad ahot down near the been unclear. caused "drastic” curtailment to te proposed, and that it was being Is Fined $2,000 Basket o f O Cra 89c Brisket, Chuck Pieces and Siriola achool auditorium Monday night. Connecticut river will be repre­ time toe IsrgMt shoe repair bust- 1415—Artoin: Angell, 118 Glen- ■old for about half of Its assessed labor relaUcoa btn EngUsh aoutb coast this morning. "It certainly la high time for production of ammonia, stul, tex- neaa to Manchester and was an ex- wood. 18 to 2 4 ...... 1 9 c Ib . Chickens for Frying or Roasting, Fancy Legs of Spring Lamb, Chopo, The Beetbovena will reheanw to­ sented. tilea and other products needed for value as placed some years ago SSIS...... lO c [fnima today tr*>n the night at the Concordia Lutheran the president to teU the people ceptlonally good workman. 1416—Lewis R. SoutoergUl, 84 medium aloe, each ...... w O C Lamb Fores, boned and ndM if yeo frankly what the situation is re­ defenM. The Bureau df Mines North School. and continued more or less at toe re It w u mOopteA Sea Areas Declared church at 7:80. The senior choir of toe Emanuel i Was Seen to Fall same figure since. , Lakewood, N. J., April 25—(T)— tWa weak and gave rlH to garding convoys,” Ball said. “How Lutheran church will rehearse this about This morning he spent working 1 1417— Henry J. Lafko, 507 Main. Howard W. Thompaon, 19, who SPECIAL! Roekwood’s SPECIAL! > Kelton** Delloloaa <)aaUty 1418— Carl O. Swanson, Jr., 84 Other Fetltloas over procedure between Dangerous to Ships can the public form an intelligent evening at 7:80 o’clock. ®« nr in his garden and after lunch, | V' Granted waa toe petition of pleaded guilty to charges of Mt- Seml-Swaet Ohooolato CORN FLAKES OR noor Loader WUUam opinion on the need or lack 6 t ' CIO leaders who claim their or­ again went to toe garden. Feeling Tai>ner. tlng five forest fires In toe Van APRICOTS and a group of hla col­ London. April 2fl.— —The Ad­ Pass Is Captured need for convoys when all the In ganisation embraces 3,200 of the 1420—William J. Fleming, 119 I t Mrs. R. O. Cheney for the right HieeviUe area last Monday, was In POST TOASTIES! Freshly Made Bakery (soods . . . Baked Right H miralty announced today that the MIh Steffle Tunsky, regent of tired he entered toe house and ' to trice gravel from her land at a "BITS" on the Houm Judiciary —... , . w .formation la in the hands of the St. Margaret's Circle, Daughters 17,000 workers in toe Martin air­ listened to toe radio for a abort Cedar. j«il today in default o t a $2,000 Jumbo V Ax Chicken Pieo, very tasty, 15c each. A E ^ Adriatic and Aegean a eu and a plane factory at Baltimore, an­ point off Spruce and Cfiuurter Oak. flfie. Fancy Laymr Cakes, a choiea (tf luge put of the eastern Mediter­ WithinniillUl 48W Hoursnuuni RepreuntaUve ot iHbeUa, will bo glad to hear time. At 1:30 he again went to toe Chaney did not appear, but Box ...... IVC 3 ^ ‘ 25c B. Lon lla n h . Jr„ (A , Old from other members of the circle nounced plana laat night to “picket garden. A man working on a house Justice of the Peace Benjajmln 2 f o r ...... i C d C idnga, each ...... J L w M a member of that commit- ranean were "dangerous to ahlp- Ribb (R., Pa.) told his colleagues: the plant and call out our workers aha was. rmresmited by Chairman Novlns said Thompson admitted 2 i ^ 2 5 c Chooolale Oovarafi Orohoin , who plan to attend the get-to- on Bissell street saw him faU. Defenders Beat RayzZMmd w .Goalee ox toe Ap­ Crackers ...... 2 ita. 25e Our Own BBktd Bbbiisp I also chairman of the pin g" (Continued From Page Ose) "The war In Europe la not the war getoer in Meriden, Sunday after until we close it down”—a task Had Heart Attack starting toe blazes altoougta he Annenr’a Floe 1 Coffee Rings, sugar frostad, Rules committee, contend- Tba new danger area, with those of the United Statu." He quoted which they conceded might take peals Board itself. Mr. Ooelee assigned no reason. PoUcs sought Boy 3 and get 1 more pack­ noOn at two o’clock. His wife, who was in toe house explained tofit toe request waa age for le! •e.eeeeeeeeeeaaoeeeeoaeea ■ 13c saclu 2 for ...... tte MM should be referred announced Feb. 30, leaves only disable British evacuation roaebtn- the pruident u having said that some time.” waa called and Mr. DelGuerdo was Back Infantry two men Thompson named as ac- ». Judldary Committee as a each end of the MadiUrranean free "to convoy means shooting and Glenn L. Martin, company presi­ occasioned by toe fact that Mrs. complicea Home Style EUierta MILK ery and wreck the R. A. F. Evangelista James McCullough taken Into toe bouse and placed on Cfiieney In demoUabizig a bill of 9f changea made before It to ahipping—west and north of During the put 34 hours in shooting meau war.” of Stratford and William Warke of dent, declined to admit that a couch. Doctors were redled, but The Urea caused’ only alight Freestoae Ham Sardinia ai^.east a t a Him from Repreuntatlve Patrick (D., strike was in progress. Twenty- (Oonttnoed From Page One) gravel, wUl for a tone at least damage.. The damage in other PlBO QeaUty Greek waters six abips were rei Cliicago, zirbo have been conduct­ be was dead when he fell. Medi­ practically engage in a commer- 4 2 7 c FRUIT AND FRESH VEGETABLES oontcndad that the Cape Khali don is in Turkey to Raa- ported sunk and 14 damaged, in­ Ala.) who yesterday advocated seven workers walked out Wednes­ fires which raged through this area PEACHES 'SS Oommittee already had ap- el-Kanais in Egypt. ing meetings this week at Gospel cal Examiner D. C. Y. Moore gave Plraetu where, tbe communi­ riri usage of her property which TUNAFISH cluding a and two convoys if that were neceaury to hsU, 415 Center, will continue day night after the company had the cause of death as heart trou­ on from Sunday to Thursday was Largest No. 2Vi Coast Fancy Green Aeparagus, Natire Parsnips, ''baagee, Inaerted to A reUahle aource said the atae “auxiliary warships.” get United Statu auppUu to rejected their demands for a 10- que said, the 2,295-ton passenger is In a resideaea sone. estimated at $1,250,000. B objections of the of the danger area in the Mediter- these services each night next cent hourly wage Increase. ble, caused when he over exerted ship HeUas cazi7

and Ms Isotiws s'W ftsta—>*■ In stQoa the oom ptotioo o f their for­ Wednesday when Captain Herbert Illness Time Loss HANCBB6TBR EVENING HERALD, MANCH^TSR, CONN. FEIDAY; AFr I l 26,1941; many American cities have given Is Named Head mer active military services. Bissell of thla town was ra’leved as IDr. J. S.Gfi^ey lilm a national reputation. He has First Lieutenant Chesterfield Battalion Plans and Training of­ ■»i also travelled extensively abroad, Pirie 'of Bolton was detailed to the ficer apd reaaatghed to the ataff aa Hits High Figui*e treat Tbs "Fifty Qoldan Hours” and one of his Illustrated talks O f Guard Unit VFW Company as second in com­ Battalion Executive Officer. n>ant amid tha peace and quiet of To Speak H< which met with great popular ap- mand to Captain McCollum. Lieut. On •Tuesday Technical Sergeant • SERIAL STORY D atelsS et the Monastory grounda ara a Pirie has been temporarily in com- IXIM aval was oh ■■ HollanL. ■■ nd, Norway Daniel F. Shea, formerly of thla Boston, April 25— (JPi— The an­ transformation fiw tha everyday mand of the VFW. state guaru town but now of East Hartford, strife and turmoil of dally Ufa. anll^weden, entitled "Windmills D«vid McCollum, Sr., Is nual loss (rf time in United States For Retreat To Deliver Address at and Fjimls." unit. was commissioned First Lieuten­ LOVE POWER Away from blaring loudspeakers I The films that he will show on Nine Appointed Here ant, Infantry and asalgned as Ad­ industry - because of illness and with their-eternal war newa and Captain o f VFW Com­ jutant, 2nd Battalion, First MIU- ceavaieNv. i m «. headache remedies, away frmn tha Saving Affects Mothers' Oiib Banquet Monday evening Include views of Yesterday's appointments by other dlBabllities of workers’ is the ^ BY OREN ARNOLD NiA atavMC. mm. six of our national parks, as well pany; Other Officers. A d ju st General DeLacour brings tary District and Archie Kilpatrick equivalent of that required for xieal Men W ill Spend giarlng headltnea of our dally On Monday Evening. as other famous Apcierican scenery. to nine, the number of state guard of 20 Roosevelt street was coni- press, away from ths noisy, un­ officers commissioned in Manches­ missioned 1st Lieutenant knd as­ building 52 , The'Amer.. W edc^end of May 9 at ceasing wheels of industry, a man 9 ^ t Programs Sunday Two local men who served as Taalarday: Oaiolye admlta ev- Bouldar Dam. You auggaatad This month's meeting of the ter. Earlier Captain John L. Jeh- signed Battalion Intelligence Of­ lean College of Physicians has been ariMwriag Lsana’a eneveraetlMi, is able to .relax and to absorb the Sergeants in the 26th Yankee Divi­ ficer, First Military District. th at” W eat Springfield. peaceful tranqtillity of the Monaa- Manchester Mothers’ Club will be Manclel’s Cocfe Is ney was commissioned and assign­ told. bat Bob prafara ta targat It. ' Whan ths call waa complatad ha sion, during the World War 1, were ed 'to the command of the Legion Calling for careful consideration madlataly tbay plan what la Jc atmosphere. When he returns held on Monday evening, April 25, triad again to raauma diotatlon, Father Joseph Patriok O'Neil, on Sunday ovanlng, refrarted both yesterday appointed to commis­ State Guard company with ..1st New York ranks as the first of industrial hygiene problems, J. doM with the rataolBlaf X-999. but wmla hia faalinga wara no at eight o'clock, at the Masonic Stumbling Blocits Lieut. Joseph LaBella as bis sec­ !. F. wlU again conduct a Retreat mentally and physically, ha la able t* turn b*clt your Bemie Quit; 9.30 Happy sioned rank In the Connecticut manufacturing state with 34,514 J. Bloomfield of the U. S. Public Carolyn aoggeata taldag It waat. leaa intent worda wara avan mora I Temple. The annual occasion of ond in command and Felix J. Mc- factory establishments ' annually Health Service yeete4$ay wt the It la a aava. MaaawhUa to meat Ufa's problems with a keen State, Guard. David Mc(3ollum of elusiva. for Maneheator man at tha Pas- Insight and a fortified strength. ?eK *T ^ ‘8unday ^ '«»*y: i® ®“ * * ^ ‘*^**‘ '•Husband's Night,” when hus­ Evltt as Second Lieutenant of the producing goods valued at more "Time lost” figuire at 350,000,000 p«war naaa from BooMar Dam can «#^en«re^Ui„> y o u ra ------a davlUtht^ aav- . ' SaSica va. L*w TranaparMti. 143 Fl'drence street, steward of the unit. ■Maks it claar that I naad har,” slontot Monastery, Waat Spring- To Meet TMa Bvenlng tt youra ta * , j j b s _ 4 concert. Haydna ’Tha bands of members are the guests Vichy, France, April 25—(fl')— than seven billion dollars, Census days a year, or more than 1,000,000 b« tappad~ ■ i ordsrad. almoat daapmtaly. k only your clock neada at- Code used by Georges Mandel, Army amKN.rvy Club for over ten Staff assignments were made statistics show. , a tottsr arrtvm for Bah. | oh—” field, Mass., during Mothers’ Day Seasona"; 9:18 Analyala of Propa­ I of the club, will be observed. work years a year. Stfangwy. week-end. May 9-11. Under the Manchester ratrsatants will meet ganda; 11:15 Recording of Brit- Dr. James Gordon Gllkey, prom­ former mlnlater of the Interior, In years, was cqmmisaloned Captain It to frooi Boimi. < I J ^ .thinking. I tonight in the Knights of Colum­ the day all networka and assigned to^tae command of guidance of, Father Joaeph Pat­ lah Mlnlater of Labor Bevlna In inent clergyman and lecturer, will his pre-war correspondence with had no idea how much I rallad rick, who to Retreat Director of bus home at 8:30 to complete vU»Br__ annual, awltch to a the British Is said by the Paris the VFW Company. McCollum "Taha A Lavs LaMar" plans for their retreat and to as- time achedule. ••Appeal to American Labor.” give an Illustrated talk which he on Laana. How Invaluabla aha to. enUtles “See America First,” and newspaper Le Matin to be a served as a non-com-,in (Company CHAfTBR X j Ws hava aceompitohad mueh. Wa ■sign individual room s to each. A standard time la follow- G, 102nd Regiment overseas , in At Hale's Self Serve What to expect Saturday:. The I In connection with which he will stumbling block to the investiga­ Tha moosaga wMeh Bob bald ] must stay togathar alwaya, for few reservaUonw are still available wtll have to tune In tion of the former cabinet minis­ 1918. and any man deairing further In­ ' to ir kartler for their network W a r-C ® S 8. 9. 11 am ., 8:M . show movies In color, that he has had boon handwritten, and even | tha good of adsnea and of our- 8:40. 6:30 p.m.; CBS 8 a.m.. 6:25 taken In various parts of the coun­ ter. Othebs Conomlaaioned ' the aorlpt gave hinta of tha writ- ■alvss. Wo hav- a dobt to hu­ formation may contact Chairman. Jtaa. , ____ p.m.. NBC-Blue 8:55 a.m.; NBC- try.' Mandel. charged with plotting Harry Mathlason o f 38 StOfie manity. Baaldaa, Carolyn, aha and zniiUp D. Mahoney, telephoqa 4268. street was commissioned 2nd aria fa a u n ^ any retreatant, or any priest of signing o ff hla Red 9 a.m.. 1:45. 4 p.m.; MBS 11, Well Known Here with Ebigland against the security Everybody's Market "Robert dear.” tha latter read, I—‘Leins snd I—*** Lieutenant from the ranks of the either St. James’s or St. Bridget’s Are You From” program 11:15 a.ro.,"'4. 6, 6:15 p.m. . . . Dr. Gllkey Is pastor of the South of the French state, < Is held at "I sand this in desperation baeausa Ha waa atuek again, hut in and Health Market VFW Company. He served over­ parish. d seaded. to\anaw«r a <^{ aa a Track meets — Penn Relays to I Congregational church of Spring- Riom. (NEW MANAGEMENT) can write what I cannot say. moment Carolyn murmurad, "BOb, NBC Red 3:15 and 5. CBS 4:30 Three of the most Important seas in Company G, 102nd Regi­ _ hava been ao changed these ara you confessing that you lova pe Ueutwttt in the field ar- field, and has been the speaker at ment, 26th Division as a duty Ser­ r. gfi-yaar-o)d Df* Henry and 5:40, MBS 4:45; Drake Relay* High school commencements and documents are telegrams Mandel ?ew days. You are utterly dlf- Laana 8Qrmi.T A re y o u ?” to NBC-Blue 3 and 4:45. . . . NBC- other occasions here in Manches­ is accused of having sent to an geant. Both of the fiewly confinis- I ha^ y know you. But the will oontlnw on WOR. New sioned officers are popular among until mld-Jvna iHe will Red—10:45 a.m. Bright Idea club; ter. unspecified British consul, ‘^Get-Acquainted w*e«t to that you .lanUy know me Ha turned slowly to har, faea Recreation the rank and file of ex-service men the aameater at Brown Unl- 4:30 p.m. Chas. P. Taft on He Was one of the first clergy­ Matin said, and code experts, have any more, or you seam not to. strained. For a long time he Just where he la V Inatmctor “Youth's Contribution During men to broadcast sermons in the not yet succeeded in breaking in Manchester as they have always “’ “Tall me, franMy, hava I prov­ atared in abysmal worry and con­ Present Crisis''; 5:30 Curtis con been active in veterans affairs Ipaach. early years of radio; and these. them down. ed unsattofactory to you in any fusion. Center Items ce rt CBS— 1:30 No PollUcs Quit way? For many montna wa have Then he slowly nodded. "Z— 8 Library of Congress concert; '6 guess that’s it,” ha rasped, barely . tonight \by Ix»rd Sale” woricad in harmony side by aide, 8-9. Junior h ^ ’ game room ^Hale'g Quality ViUmin B-1 ___'British ambaasador. be- Report to Nation. Defense Stamps and while I hardly dared hope for above a whisper. *T hadn’t thought and Bonds. NBC-Blue-12r'noon. Manager Richard Murray Invites You To Visit His open V. S. and W. 8. HEALTH MARKET . the AtlanU Bar aaaO^Uon. Store and Introduce Yourself! a ; ^ Bueceaa aa we hava achieved, .. .hadn’t thought.. .you... that fl-9. Small gym opan for hand- j I be carried at 10:30 by CBS. Education Forum finale; 12:30 I knew it to be far mora aignlfi- would aeam ...right” Ho waa still Treat of ths Week! p.m. Farmers' Union progiam. PilONE 5105—5106! FREE DELIVERY! ball K. 6. l o a f }'■ cant than you raaliaa. Don’t you nodding looking o tt at nothing 7-8, SmaU gym opan for 1»axlng tonight: The War^* — m b s — 4:30 (also NBC-Bhie) Thts atore wlU be open tonight nnttl 8 o’clock for 'phone ordera Wirt me with you any longer, Rob­ now. 'T i^ th ar.. .Months togath- Horse race; 6:30 Duluth K. 8. ^«v^ 7:15, 11:15: NBC-Rlue only. Please caU In tonight! ert? Have I ahown myself un­ er hera. Wa undaratand aaeh oth- 7- 8, Woman’a plunga period B. i Bread Rib Roast Beef Lb. 27c symphcmy. . . • Some weekend sr. Wa ha-va baan vary eloaa... 1:85; CBS 8:55. 11. U ; MBS 10. worthy? Where have I faUad?.. 8. - ' ; short waves: For Saturday—G8C There waa mora of it in a pain­ work, Carolyn, must con- Largs N B C l* . . 1 GSL London 6:15 In Town To­ 8:80-8, Bowling allayg raaarvsd i Good VahMl .,HBO-Red-8;ed—8 Lucille Mannetd ed outpouring. tlnus. It must! for Montgomery ward group K. S. night; DJD DZD Berlin 8:15 Com­ “Carolyn, you hava to hslp msl J 8:30 Information Please; POPULAR Bob read with Incraaalng dto- 8- 10, Bowling alleys reserved for I Each ralta time; 9:30-vjlhyme and ment; 2RO Rome 10 News; SEE OUR BABY traaa. Somehow on paper her I will pay you any salary, any Mr, Peloquln'a group E. 8. | Angel Cakes 25c Cross Pot Roast Lb. 25e •TGWA Guatemala 11 Marimbas. In your a club; iO Wlnga of Dea- Idea affaetad Mm mora than bar pries! You ara brilliant I FOr Sunday—GSC GSD GSL Lon­ apOken words bad dona. In truth, own rirtt You can do tMnga Z Toihorrow : don 7:80 Britain Speaks; DJD SPRING LAMB! «to n u n g . Large Package Snoshetn Favorlta Dhienr! _ 7:80 (want 10:80) A1 FOOD MARKET ha had listened to her rather ab- can’t You hava underatonc 7-8, Men’s plunge period E. 8. 8 Kate Smith tenth an- DZD DXP Berlin 8:15 Comment; aantmlndedly, but if Laana ware You aimply hava to halp mo with 7-10, Bowling alleya open E. S. ; | 9 Adaptation of “Dead TGWA Guatemala 10 Exquisite 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING FIRS'T OF s e a s o n : this upset— Laana, help me win har, show ma Leg o' Lamb ______Lb,25| »';80 inayhouae. "Do Not hour: GSC GSD GSL London “Oh, Carolyn,” ha eallad ab­ how to —to make love^ as a con­ 10:15 Scots Abroad. ' “WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP" siderate man should! 'Carolyn, Evan Haa Joke Box Calca Flour 20. b” ; 10 Hollywood premier, ruptly, “1 mu4.txmova fast The plana tor the waat leavaa in barely —^you simply musn’t laugh at me! Bay. J. F, O'Nell, C F, For Bomomy! —I need your help now more Camp Shelby, Miss. — Sergt. I Geld Madal POT ROASTS ^ound 25c two hours and—^Look, can you Frank Schllchtig of Hempstead, N. taka one more letter?...! had no than— ” Our Mother of Sorrows L,ayman’a 1080 FANCY BONELESS STEER 'n- _ But his aseratary had not laugh­ Ratraat liaague, waak4tnd retreats Y., likes to be aa comfortable as Fowl Cut Up Each 6 9 C i WDRC idea she felt ao keanlyl” po^hle wMIe serving his stint W 1 iv i Kilocycles Ths MgUy personal nature of ed. for men hava beeonu increasingly Flour __ 99c PORK ROASTS pound 19c Ha atopped baoauaa aba audden- popular. Hto engaging personality with Company A of ths Z02nd the matter never dawned on him. combined with Ma keen, aympa- AnU-Tank battalion, Hla tent Armoar'a Star . Popular! Roond or Clod______ApalLtfi Friday, April 85 Somebody had written Mm a let­ ly stood up, than ran back to har own offica cubbyhole. Ha asw that thetle understanding of the prob- fumisMngg include a dreering P Ihfh ter, ao in Ma mind it was logical table, lampa, night lights, mirrors, 4:00^Portia Faces Life. Chuck Roasts fW Ma confidential secretary to she had given way to uncontroll- lema besetting men has endeared Roast of B e^ Lb. ckatage Wife. RIB ROASTS pound 29c abate Bobbing. Her sympathy—or Mm to all with whom ha has come a portable clothes closst and an Lar^ Lb. 11c DaUaa. 4;15_W e, the Abbotta. take a dictated reply. 4:80—Story of Bess Johnson. what'hs thought waa her sym­ into eontacL array of fancy pillows. But his nao Jonea. / "It’a to Leana,” he began. piece de resistance ia a nickel Juke j (tarnation 4:45—Kate Hopkins, Angel of^ pathy for Ma position—touched More and more men are learn -Young Wldder Brown. "Leana? You moan Laana Sor- him. He hadn’t meant to upset his ing to appreciate the physical ben- box which functions without bene- • | Mercy. Sirloin, Porterhouse, Short and Cube FOWL . pound 27c ml? Isn’t she here?” 5houldcr 5teok }M Alone. 5:00—Ad Liner —dance program. lovely young secretaiy. eflta derived from a week-end Re- fit of nlckelB. Journey, "Yea. But Yd better write. She iqalnly. Dr. Robert Ilale berated 5:15—The O'NeUl's. wrote me.” \ • lack Armstrong. 5:30—Howard it Shelton—"The himself in anger, he waa a fool M ilk Carol^ looked her aurpriaa. Hi-Hot Salad In A Bowl -U fa Can Be.^Baautiful. Royal Clowns.” around women, not understanding -News. Weather. HAM ENDS pound 20c ■ 25c "She to upeet” Bob’a voice Rom ford 5:85—Ad Liner—continued. showed Infinite sympathy. "Shp to thsm at alL forilicse -Baaeball Scores. 5:45—Scattergood Balnea (To Be Oontlnaed) Hi-Hot Chickon Sports, such a wonderful person, Carolyn! IM Watch’ 8:00—News, Weather. Z hava bean moat ungraMoua. But Baking Powder 12-Oz. Caii 21c naders. 6:05—Jack Zalman. lb. HAMBURG or rta to sanaitiva and .1 don’t wish Ready Mado Itemt. Thomas. 8:15—News—Bob Trout to embarraas her in tha allghtest. ______Wating’s Orchestra. 8:20—Edwin C. Hilh pound 19c Ready t” Carolyn waa ready, ao Overnight News Columbia Fraa Ronnlag ^IHS—News of the World, 0 4 0 —Paul Sullivan Reviews the SAUSAGE MEAT ha begaiU Birds Eye Golden Corn pkg. 19i dde o f Sports. ^N ew a. BONELESS Genuine Spring "My Daar Laana: O f Connecticut I'/r-Lb. Box PatU Chapin Stags for 8:45—The World Today. ”Tour nota has shocked mo. 5alt 4c You. 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. MEDIUM IOWA STATE and LAND O’ LAKES That you had to write it at all By Aaeoclatad! Veal Roast Ham Chickentl Lucille Manners. Frank was enough to show ma up. Plaaaa 7:15—Laony Rosa. VEAL LAMB Pint 2 1 c Black's Orchestra. 7:30—AI Pearce and His Gang. forgive me. . . .Paragraph. Watarbuty— Robert. Kennedy, Wesson Broilen -Information Please. 8:00—Kate Smith Hour. ••Ot course” — undarlina that, 18 montbs md, died from suffoca­ -Walts Time. 8:55—Elmer Davis A the News. R oasts ROLLS BUTTER Irieaae. (torolyn— " o f couroa, you tion when an exploding oU stove ae and Rhythm Club. EGGS have prdved aatlafactory to me. 9:00—Great Momenta From Great aat fire to a room, in his parents’ -Wings of Destiny. Plays. FRESH KILLED Mor* than aatlatactory. You are apartment in a three-story block ^-String Serenade. 9:80---C^mpbeII Playhouse. atin the outatanding woman you yesterday. His twin brother, gallon 6 l J 2 1 e l b . LONG ISLAND 1 9 c lb were when you came, even more MAZOLA o n . uOO—Nears and Weather. 10:00—Hollywood Premiere with 39® lb. Thomas, another brother, Itatrlck, I Music. liouella Parsons. 29® ao. in my ertmatlon. Laana, it la 8, and Ms mother, Mrs. John Ken­ lost that I am an lmraW«rabla 1^0—Lou Breeaci's Orchestra. 10:30—On Wings of Song. nedy. were burned. NesUo^a Saml-Swaat -W ar N ewa 11:00—News, weather. ingrata myself! I forget to ehow Junket or Midco Ice Cream Fref MILD SUGAR CURED— SMOKED LEAN—MEATY STEER SPECIAL COMBINATION! • appreciation. I— Hartford—The Connecticut Or­ Young's Orchestra 11:05—Sports Roundup. der of the Eastern Star began the M s—Richard Hlmberis Orches­ 11:10—Newa of the World.' "Look, Carolyn, I don’t mean Chocolate Bits 2 Pkgs. 23 c to be that way! A man Just gets second day of its 87th annual con­ For Ton Houaa OooUaal tra, 11:25—Musical Interlude. T Pound Frankfurts and b o t h f o r Ms confounded noae into some­ vention today, prepared. to elect 3 packages 25c i t inr r — 11:30—Raymond SCott's Orchestra Pot Roasts <>> thing and forgets everytMng else, officers, fill vacancies on the Board 1 4 0 —Silent 12:00—Unton Wells, News. HAMS 2-Lb. Jar Home-Made Sauerkraut aee ^irtat I mean? Now how can of I>lrectora and listen to commit­ 12:05—Vaughn Monroe's Orches­ Z tell her that? She is ^ delicate, tee reports. r’a Program tra. asttsitlve—” '' :‘'iL M. • ■ 12:80—Bobby Day’s Orchestra. FRESHLY MADE Hartford—^The third annukl CONFECTIONERT SUGAR s 2; ggOO—Knights of the Road. 12:55—News. New England Conference on C%ild pound 19c Carolyn suddenly found herself I protection went into its second --and purer Spry lets you ir«:88-Ncws. PORK R oll COCONUT, Bulk I protecuon went into lu eeoono euAAR' Tomorrow's Program SAUSAGE MEAT in the role of father confessor.• P ~ day here today, scheduled to bear, yviTH 8W)WN Hale’s Bast ae and Glenn. was ss if Bob folt he had Hala’B Fresh -^m ing Watch. A. M. GRAPE juice; S. & W. 2 for 25c 1 a talk from Charles H. Warner, J ^ ROLLED OAT6 get the FULL rich flavor LIVER R utter apdogiM not to Zjeana but to her. superintendent of the Brooklyn “ilears. 7:00—News, Westher, or HAMBURG Moreover, it disturbed her greaUy. fews Here and Abroad, 7:10—Music Off the Record—Ray 2 POUNDS FOR JERGEN;S VARIETY SOAP 10 bars 29c Society for the Zhreventlon of -rjanrs a NEW eoolda treat Lb. 17c Orange Pekoe Tea "You are not unkind. Bob,” she Cruelty to (^Ihlldren. ^ Red,Bog Coffee dio Basaar. Barrett. said, gently. "You musn’t feel it .Pbmk0flm H ref XX —aadiekaiatnattHowan- -W nC s Program Parade. 7:55—News, Weather. 2 pounds 25c Bridgeport—^U. 8. Rep. Leroy tldng tba blend of brbwB sugar, FIG BARS gOs" D. Downs, Norwalk .Democrat de­ 'Kenpflptr :4 0 —^The Story Lady. 8 00—News of Europe. lb s . “But Z do! Her letter shows 1 leespooa srft nuts and tangy piaaapplel But -Food News. 8:15—Shoppers SpMlal— Music, 2 3 5 * " ’- 12 oz. 10c what a heel I am. I—weU—Leans," clared in an address last night be­ 1 laaipooQ gmflla don’t riskioaiBg soma of thair time. NOODLES, in Cellophane fore a group of Fairfield county -Week-end Whimsy, 2 5 - ' his voice resumed the dictation 1 eopbfowB angsr. finBlr pask*4 deUdognSM. Raraember this: 8:30—Newa, Weather...... I postmaatera that In dealing with MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE acoln Highway. 3 for 25c tene, ”1 humbly apologise for latfcwrtbeatm Btty Moore. 8:35—Shoppers Spwlai—continu­ MEATY SHOULDER APRICOTS, No. 1 can seeming inconsiderate, of you, and strikes In defense industries "me­ 9 eopa sifted flow Ordinary rtortaninga diation and not legislation should -Bright Idea aub. ed. Club Cheese lb. 25c 6 for 25c Z promise to be more careful here- 9M tseepoona beUac powder may “dim” fla vor Vahrltn -W om en's Clubs Xerogram. 9:00—Press News. lb. 21c DOG FOOD amr. It is necessary for me to be used, and there should be a dis­ 1 enpeniShed pinaapple, nim . swer. ^ MEDIUM—NATIVE 1 PEARS, Bartlett lyn int«rruptsd. a aUrgi^ patient for four weeks. on SpryLgreased hairing aheet.Baka la mnd- VISITASLI. 10:00—Red Cross Roll CaU. "I—yes. But you phrase it ss He was school superintendent In arata arm (SfiOT F.) 18 to 18 nrinutes., Peeefees 2 «"’25®14Vi-Oanea Can County Klat All Oman 10:05—The Life ofiRlley. Shoulder Steaks, fb. 23c Eggs dpz. 27c 1 FRUIT COCKTAIL aesnis best, Carolyn.’^ Swampscott, Mass., before coming Mahw doaed, wHb a FDLL rieh f raity I : Says Greeks Will 10:30—Gold Is Wllere ou Find It. "M e?” here. His widow, a son and two flavor your folks will rave about. YottH find W ym anli 11:00—Jackson WheelA—News.r- ”I am not very good at worda. daughters survive. Spry makea eeery kind of eookla a flavor ■ Asparagus 11:05—Salute to Britain—Gertrudei EVAPORATED 2 for 25c But—an right LMna, it ia my treat. CHvee msrvatouseakee, plea and Wed I CATSUP, 14-oupce bottle ana fervent hope that you and I foods, too. Uea purer Spey for all y q o f' 2 cu.25c Continue to Fight Lawrence. 'APRICOTS Olympic ehampihns trained on Shortaniag neede-taela tha diffeieaeal blueberries 11:15—Be Kind to Animals—Cart- MILK PEACHE5 1 can always be near each other, No. 2 Can Burt Olney Diced 2 for 19c ,diets of fresh cheese and water li (d8tMawreeiwililael«eri> wa SASiak ton E. Buttrick. PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR pray ew eempanlonrtip. so about 2,600 years ago. N » 3^ Onn Bart Oinay Mlcai New Orleans. April 25— (JTt— 11:20—Tuberculosis In tbs Aged— inUy and fruitfully started -rflMeee will continue fighting even Dr’ EUen P. O'Flaherty 3 2 5 ® PANCAKE SYRUP large bottle 19c can endure through life. It c a n s 8|migh Germany occupies the 11:3 0--Voice of Broadway—Doro,^ 3 2 5 « Garden Beets 3 Cans 25c sMilsIsiitl, the president of the 'cit A ” !” ^ thy KUgallen. 25 SWAN TISSUE ^ < 6 rolls for 25i ^ / War Relief Aasociatipn said -11:4’5—Burl Ives.—Songs. had looked lip in con- L orga N o. Can B art Otawy tre yeatertUy in announcing 12:00-,-Ad Liner—dance program. TETLEY'S TEA | 50 for 43c nation, so that he pauaed I FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABI Inna to raise $25,000,000 to send 21:30-Strictly Suing—Gil Bayek. GRAPEFRUIT SALTY Tender Leaf Tea Bags • r again. She hadn’t meant to reveal : g ita^oad of supplies to Greece her feelings but she suddenly.] PATTERSON’S MARKET Sauerkraut 3 Cans 25c Week. JUICE FLAKES Small 9c 1 SPECIAL!' 1 Pound Coffee, blushed with a aense of guilt HONE 3386 101 CENTER STREET pros P. Skourss, president of P olice W'age War Both for I9c GMilt and dlstrasa. He aaw the dls-1 l«-Omwa BotUa BoHCHnay Fresh Dandelions Peck associmtion. declared that 2-I.b. g fB .. pound 17c 1 1 Package Tender Leaf Tea tress, at least Freali >,000 Greeks were rcinbved i "Flsaae,” be. begged, “you writs I THE MEATS WE SELL—MAKES YOU WELL. srsa the German onslaughta Bo< 0|i Horn Blowing 2 2 5 « JIA* i pound ^29t it Carolyn. You sea what Tm try­ AND EVERY BITE YOU WILL SAY “TrS SWELL r Tomato Ketchup 2 for 25c 3-Lb. Pede B TTliraoe, Macedonia and Epi- JUICY—SEEDLJES3-?L0BIDA ing to say! I'm never good at this Native 5pinach 15e' to Greek Islanda GREEN GIANT MEDIUM sort ot tMng." liBrltlah military aid to Greece Philadelphia, . April 25—^iP)— LUX FLAKES OVALTINE “I. can try. Bob ” She almost | Legs of Spring Lam b.. MILK-FED VEAL Pot Roasts. .32e-35c-38c Ib. too Uttle and too late,” police, wa^ng a drive against un­ PEAS Rolls of Looa. Tondor Lsmb C u tlets...... 48c Ib. Fresh Boneless Brisket. I. but "even though necessary blowing'«f automobile Small 34c fon*rs pricsisas. Yve simply j Ch o p s ...... S8c ib, Corned , 2-Lb. Jar 29c Beks. ^German Juggernaut occupies Small 9c Oranges t to square this with Lieana. 1 Peanut Butter California Carrots 2 9 horns, claim proof it Is possible to Potatoes -rrTryOno...... 28c Ib. \ Boneless Brisket . . ,28c Ib. I i—lnlsnil of Grsaos the Greeks drive a car under all conditions c a n s hava no idoa how discourteoas Veal R oasts...... 28c Ib. continue fighting.” •without annoying every . person Large 21c Large 61c rI havo bosn to bar. X know I al­ Loin and Rib Chc^M- Boneless V e a l...... 30c lb. Freshest Center Cats of In the vicinity with nerve-wrack­ ^ c peck ways was tactless, but— liOokj Shooldor Chops,. Rib R oasts...... 32c-35c lb. P o rk ...... 29e Ib. Florida Oranges u... 2 ing noises.” 2 5 « bare, Inaiia really is Know! Mayonnaise Pint 27c iiirt Approves Assistant Supt Guy 8. Parson Indiap River JUICY FRESH PINEAPPLES 1 what Z maanT She is!” GROUND BEEP, 28c Ib. GROUND VEAL. 30c Ib. ROUND GROUND. 38c lb. Lerge—Jwley said a patrol car was driven 2,100 FLORIDA ORANGES He paused to oooaider tbatj miles within the city the past two Scedlem Grapefruit Carolyn aald nothing. She Temptsome! Toothsome! Tssty! Try Some! tiiiM ’s Contract weeks without using the horn. lO c e a c h gaging at her fingertipa. ^ Sweet Grapefruit 4 ly IS During Jw demonstration; 300 '7.iof-25® 2 d o z . 29^ Tdnratoes, Firm, Ripe lb.19e The alienee between them OUR PRODUCTS: OUR GOOD SCOTCH HAM, None Like I t ! ...... 35e Ib. Apra 28—OP)—Slx- nsotorlsta Irew flnea of $2.50 to prMonged. Moreover, it was charg­ SCOTCH SAUSAGES. 25e Ib. 8 LICED SAUSAGES, Just Prjr ThenL 28c lb. W HE ATIES Fresh Native and Gilifornio lyn Lae will earn at $25 fo r vi 2 r«c l9 « 1 of emotion. More and more, an SMALLER CHICKENS, 3 to 4 Poipids Averago ...... 32c Ib. 2, tive Rareripes, Rudishot, ' for thrsa pietima a Bleached Celery Hearts bunch 15c uigry hurt was welling Inside her a t least own chest when aiie, as bartasas WILSON LITTLE HAMS...... 40e ft. DAISY HAMS ...... 38c lb. Yellow or G ttn Bgaiiia- * f OB oacb pletan VIENNA or ITALIAN aecretexy. should have ratnaipod j Swift’s Prfoniaai Bacon...... 30e ft. ShanUeas Smoked Shonlders...... 21c ft. « And Jack Armstrong Gimp to spsad sin wanks , April 25—(F>—CapL FUDGE LOAF CAKES Strawberries, Fqncy 2 bskts. 27c calm and aloof. FreeDeavecyOitAH<^deKtffe .eHUi her paiSBU, Mr. •lames Roosevelt. U. 8. Marines, To cover bar foMtogk. aha i Lantern for 1c. ^ Oopp, at Marbas arrived here by dipper today and l o a f ad for the talsphooa. iBrectoty. FnH Line of flacbt Groccriec — Very Moderate Ptiess! TEL. 3S8T BREAD 4 "n i caU the aMlM'a afflea fort was ■anoommitUl when asked U \ 2 fo r 2 9 c Dandelions, Native peck 15c VegstsUss! fViali Em From Hcbm! FREE , Koa 1 Ert Deto XiMe < Ms final rtsotinstion is Chungking, iKwr m rt ■ . ■ wfesCrssJBl M iiw n n r d i g e a tn c t M ■oat of the Natlonaiiat rh itif HsKf^T ^‘Na. SflMifoflsa it riiJOURBEffri / / ^ C a R 9 2 1 e , : \ \ V ■ ■ . " ' • . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANdHESTER, CONN. FRlt)AY, APRIL 25, m \ MANCRE8TER CVENINO HERALD, 06MM. FRZDAT,AFH1LS8.1941

campbig, dirlcBL Mid potto oetlvltlas of tha'WPA Toy finding,, piooeerihg; aifaty oim $10,000 A ction Csntar. Local Youth physical development and ms elao- OM Games Are Forgotten Tha work of getting ths bund­ II FIRST UNE OF DEFENSE tlve badges include .firemanship, ing hi condition wUl be started Uconns in Duel Opehe^r^ 54-. music, handicraft, bookbinding, Against Town soon by WPA workers, and It Is JEagle Scout reading, jnetal w «^ alectrlcify By Manchester Youngsters hoped to have it ready when TfcCT t l » w»re JaiNCWww for and public speaking. schools close in June and the play­ __ AHt Ikw « ( aelMMw «»• I* .▼»«• iwew- Active In Sooattng grounds are opened. The building lup to M l wwt4im » tochttiiK >*»*«««*» , rfrf/i. «ito. Chief Justice Maltbie Toung Kurland is a member of Letter Carrier Charles Rogsrs of .girls aldpping ropa or playing hop- Legal Suit Is Filed by la In the south section of the play­ Indiana, NYU | the Explorer Patrol of Troop 28 the ManchaSter postoffics is au­ ' scotch. Tha "follow tha leader” grounds and in opening the bund­ 2 ^ 5 u « game of “ward over” every hy­ Mrs. Agnes Dickson; Yankees Trounce Red Sox Again Presides at Ceremonies and has been very active In Scout­ thority for the statement that this ing It la planned to provide a place Golf Swing Tune-Up Relay Decides Issi ing locally since he entered the drant, followed by boys going and Was Injured by FaU. for the Uttle chUdren to use and Relay Choices In the Supreme Court. movement four years ago. Ha has spring has failsc to bring out coming from school, or the game where the chUdren can be left by By CralK Wood assisted the younger boys coining games that were always played by of leap-frogi also played by the . . . . ------.... ------A $10,000 damage action haa mothera who are engaged In some ^ o Annex American League Lead AngusU Masters’ Golf Champion T d cp h o n c 3Tour order loBiRht, If cpftvenlent. Pine* At a eenlan of the Charter Oak into the Troop with their various boys and girls in Manchester as boys In past years, seem to be for- kind of work. FraDMurdoc] I Counctl'e Elagle Court of Review teota and has also helpedhel in Cub long as hs can recall. In his de- , gotten. He also noted that there been brought againsi' iba town ac­ Picked to Win Sprint both senior Uvary o f malls Mr. Rogers covers j seemed to be a lack of boys In the z toot night. Robert Kiuiand. eon of Scouting. Hs haa b e e n ------cording to papers filed at the And Distance Medley Leads Local Scor^ by SPECIA^ Mr. and MVe. R. B. Kurland of 87 patrol leader and patrol leader and a large action of the Eiuff Side lota playing ball, all of which office the town clerk, the claim 6. After Impact: All the action JenMn atreet, aucceaafully paaaed now becomea the sixth Ea^e and he has yet to see boys en­ were sure signs of spring years being that of Mrs. Agnes J. Dick­ As Penn Meet Opens.' Making 11 Points whb Summary hla examlnrlUona to receive the Scout acUva In ths Mancheatar gaged in playing allies, os marbles, ' ago. son, 131 Center, who aaserts she "White SoxTopl Predict Field of Only 14 crowded Into the few fleeting sec­ Capons or Roawng Chickens highest award In Scouting— the District. fell oh an icy. walk at 8 Orchard onds after impact determines the 1st in Javelin, 2nd ^ 37e lb. Ragle badge. Young Bob la OvOiem* The five other Eagtea who ars last Novembw 28. UY-DFES. LISTEN / success of the shot. If the swing Is Philadelphia, April 28—(ffV-In­ 100-yard dsah—W oo by Ho ber of T i t ^ 38 of the Oentef Opo- still connected with Scouting here It Is set up that through Injuries, Tribe to Gain j For Kentucky Derby May 3 off to a good gtart every single In­ diana and New York University Shot, DiiHnis; Benibn, 2nd, Atkiaaoa, M; Srd, Wathaab’S Frr«lit]r Chopped are Martin Hansen, Ralph Stone Marriages, Births SWAN GIVES YOU Ume, 11.2 seconds. Call Meeting including bruises and a fractured tention muat be carried out to the ruled co-favorltea today in the House, Atkinson Also GROUND BEEF and Lee Spaulding, all of Troop 18, left wrist, the plaintiff was imable sprint and distance medley raoca 220-y«ril dash—Won by At and Elmer Weden and^ Frank MORE SUDS, QUICKER, Second Place I LouisvUle, K y, April 25.— Dispose King Ranch letter. non, M; 2nd^^)R>i>•e, M: Srd, Seen Satisfactory to engage In her occupation as a opening the 47th annual Pennsyl­ Star in Fine Victory. 28c lb. Mansfield, both of Troop 28. telephone operator. j' Kentucky bardboota, putting to-1 Cu^us Coin Coldstream Stud As soon as tha ball has been hit M. Time, 34A sccmtdaA The presentation of the Eagle Of Young Men CREAMIER SUDS THAN ' gether all their information and Considered outaMa poosibUIttea vania rslay carnival but anyone 440-yard doah — Tie ______, (rm isll7 SOc.) The claim, being handled for the the body follows through with the DMrfoot SauMKO. Scout badge to Kurland will be town by Town Counsel William S. Rip Collins Pays Pirates; horse knowledge, today predicted aa startars ara Valdina Paul, Own­ of a half dosen rivals in each Behind ten points with only Wbltham, C, and Mossmaa, C; ftC ). made at a session of the local Berlin, April 28—(A)—Marriages Hyde, may come up for discus­ OLD-TYPE FLOATING J. 4 » a field of 14 to Start may 8 in the ed by VakUna Farma Master Hen­ head still in original position and event loomed as a possible upset two events to go and seem- Bellucci, M. 'Dma. 54JN|ecoBds. BriRhIwood Sausage. Court of Honor In tha near fu*. Meeting T>miglit to Or- and births in the Reich during UlVluendS Against ^^^ running of the $75,000 added winner. 880-yord run—Won sion before the Selectmen. They ry owned by thp Bern Stable'-and right heel leaving the ground, ngly on the brink of defeat, on fa EUiA C z' Scotch Ham. ture. 1940 were reported “quite satisfac­ win decide If the claim la to be s o a p s ! aeveland Putnam’s Swain. e entire left side “firms up" with There's plenty of reason for the 2nd, Olaon, M; Srd, Lorareoqtte. ganiEe Junior Cham­ Gibm Who Shipped rating the Mooslera and Violets Manchester High’s 1941 track Time, 3:06. A reis: ^»d cuts of tory” in numbw today by the Ge^ carried on to the courts,-<>r some Of course, soma last minute sur- straight. Right arm fol- SHOUJ.DER CLOD attempt made to comprpmlse it Him to Minor Leagues. oM thorou^breda in the cowtry. priaes In the Wood Memorial at in the top positions. and field edition came Mile run—Won by Elite, C; 2a^ ber of Commerce. man Statistical Office despite the raight through. Lamb, C; 3rd, Odermonn. C. Tfaim;- POT BOASTS with tile plaintiff. nominated Feb. 15 for the mile and Jamaica Saturday or possibly the Indiana has speedy Roy Coch­ through to a smashing 54 to Manchester wsr. ~ a quarter classic, obeervars at Derby trial stakes at Churchill ran and aatioaol half-mile cham­ :52.7. WHshins otMNit 6 pounds. A large attendance of local By SM Feder 50 triumph over the Univer­ SSO-jrmrd relay—WOn by M aa» Full «-ronnd Cot. So-called “war marrlageo,” made Churchill Downs beliave that only Downs next Tuesday might inject pion Campbell Kane available for young men between the ages of 18 Associated Press Sports Writer the sOrlnt medley, and event they sity of Connecticut Freshmen cliester (House, Allen, Benson oaff pound ...... Date Book easier for soldiers by elimination Reopen School Frankie Frisch’s insurance pol­ 14 have shown enough to warrant an unconsidered nominee into the and 38 years U hoped for tonight o f banns, accotmtod for 330,000 their owners putting up the $500 Derby field. won In record time at last week's at Storrs yesterday afternoon AtMnaon). Time, 1:39.3. Iowa Stale or icy returned a nice fat divided Kansas ralaya, and Cochran, Kane Field Events Tontglit at 7:80 o’clock at the Hotel Sheri­ marriages up to AprlL After At Playground check to the Pittsburgh Pirates' necessary to have them among Our Boots’ sensstionsl showing >y sweeping all three places Land O’ Lakes x spring, however, the fiUmber of the starters. yesterday in winning the ' Blue and Wayne Tolliver, Big IVn In­ Brood Jump—Won by Bensn^' April 28—Marionette show at dan when a meeting will be held today, and no one woa happier door two-n^e champion, for the in the javelin and then racing M. 19 feet. 7 Inches; 2nd, Zorn, Cg High school haU auspices of Edu­ to dlBcuae plana for the formation marriages dropp^ off so that the Here’s the way the bardboota Grass Stakes at Lexington, whip­ BUTTER than the “policy,” himself. longer dl ace medley. to a magnificent success in 19 feet, 5 inches; Srd. Bellucci. l b . cational Oub. ’ of a Junior Chamber of Commerce average for the rest of the year The building located at Cedar lined up the Derby field today: ping Whlrlaway for the fourth 18 feet, 8 tadhea. ^. was 4.8 per cent under normaL For, this policy, better known to Horse Owner time in five meetings, eetahUshed New York Unlveraty*s see Is MEATS Tomorrow as a branch of the present Cham­ and Cooper Hill, at one time a pri­ the trade aa Jim the. Ripper Col- Lea MaeMltohell, the nation’s pre­ the relay. It was the, first High Jump—Won by Whlthoanl 40c lb. April 2S-^PolUh-Amerieaa Ath­ ber organisation. E. J. McCabe, Twelve thousand more children vate school for the membera of Una, not only paid off when It Porters Cap Charles S. Howard the Bulldog-Mald of Arches o