Emperor's Favorite Appeal to the Army Putt Is Involved
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-$ provincial "»«• "<-*> -: NOV 20 1905 a) O'j THE DA NEWS -To___{_____• VOL. 4 NEI.SON, B. 0„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1905 NO. 176 road battalions. The resumption of ate, to replace those who resigned. sible. Only the leaders will be tried and kee country for some time and the traffic on this road insures supplies for Many Finns who have been prominent their punishment will be as light as pos trouble arose when the deputy -sheriff the capital. in the nationalist movement are among sible. The bulk of them wll be sent to and hia posse arrested them. When EMPEROR'S Profound depression over the situa the candidates, but the secretary of state APPEAL TO sea on a punitive cruise. \ told to halt they opened flre on the PUTT IS tion exists in the liberal camp. Many has refused to present their names to The United States charge ^d'affaires posse, who returned the fusilade. leaders now believe they made a fatal tht emperor. This has resulted in a has received notification that the U. S. blunder in rejecting count Witte's re deadlock. cruiser Minneapolis, now at Cherbourg, quest for their cooperation with the THE ARMY after leaving that port will proceed to IN DEFENSE Of PENSIONS FAVORITE government in working out reforms, as Copenhagen and if he thinks it advis INVOLVED they thereby practically surrendered able she will continue her cruise to the MINISTERS PATERSON AND F1SHKK the leadership of the antl-govermnent PAY DAY AT^EVELSTOKE Baltic sea in order that she may be movement to the radicals, with whom avaflable to meet any emergency. Mr. STATE THEIR VIEWS the liberals have as little sympathy as LARGE SUM DISBURSED TO C. P. R. Conflicting Stories as toEddy , however, is notifying the state Witte is Regarded With they had with the old regime. The re EMPLOYEES department that the Neva will be ice IMB&KBBRS OIF I'ARLJIAMISNT tlliLU Alleged to be Collector of sult is that the radicals, intoxicated by bound in ten days and is advising TO BE WORTH $8600 Suspicion by the their taste of power, aro trying to drive COLUMBIA RIVER DIVERSION IS Effectiveness of the against the sending the cruiser here, Political Funds for the country into anarchy. Liberal The despatches from Poland indicate Hamilton, Nov. 17—Hon. Sydney Fisher, sympathy is rapidly alienating itself NOW UNDERWAY. addressing the electors at Wentworth last Workmen Strike a break in the ranks of the strikers. night in the Interests of Vt. O. Soaley, tlio Campaign from tbem and rather than the present The Vienna-Warsaw line is open and liberal candidate, defended the Increased state of demoralization, a large portion (Special to The Dally News) street cars are running at Warsaw. Indemnity on the ground that iho major of the better classes would almost pre ity of the members of the bouse of com Revelstoke, Nov. 17.—Yesterday was Should thc strike collapse in Poland it mons were worth Jisw a year, Regarding Situation in Russia is Growing Steadily fer repression. C. P. R. payday. The payroll of the Thought in Official Quarters That WorK necessarily will weaken the movement pensions io ex-ministers he said it was Testimony as to How Equitable Squandered A mutiny in the Manchurian army is company at this point amounts to about here. M. Namehaiff, the minister of to enable ex-ministers, who retained their Worse-Disorder Spreads in all Direc ¥50,000 per month, divided as follows: Will hi Resumed in St Petersburg Ihe communications sent a notification yes privy counellloi'sliips after tholr retire Thousands to Stultify Government En* the latest sensational rumor in this ment from the administration, to live up tions-Mutiny in Manchurian Army city. According to the report the em Trainmen, $11,000; engineers and fire Beginning ot the Week terday to all the railway employees and to thut position socially. quiry in California in 1897 peror has received a despatch from gen men, $15,000; shopmen, $15,000; main officials to be at their posts today ready eral Linevitch, telling .him of a revolt tenance of way men, $5,000; office staffs -to resume work otherwise they will be Stouffvllle, Nov. IT—Hon/ Vt, Paterson, among the troops which was only sup of depot, mechanical foreman, store dismissed from the service. minister of customs, addressed a meeting St. Petersburg, Nov. 18.—(1,48 a.m.j here last night on behalf of Hon. A. u. St. Petersburg, Nov. 17.—Tiie out pressed after a regular fight ln which keeper and engineer's offices, $4,000. It In some quarters the belief is ex Aylesworth. He defeuded tho increased In New York. Nov. 17—With tlio ond or look for an early collapse of thc strike many soldiers were killed or wounded.. figures out at GOO men at an average of -—Though, according to surface indica pressed that martial law will be pro demnity and pensions io ex-ministers , tho morning session the Atinsti-ong In tions yesterday; the outlook for the vestigation committee finished a week that ls more gloomy today, tho situation be Forty-two officers are reported to have $100 per month, principally because of claimed in St, Petersburg loday. It is bus not been eclipsed since tlio inquiry ing distinctly moro menacing. The been shot for participation in the con the high wages paid the engineers and Speedy ending of the strike was gloomy, expected that the emperor and grand INNISFAIL IS LIBERAL. Lilian. Early in the week James Hyde. council of workmen's delegates, or the spiracy. No confirmation of the rumor trainmen. Of this 500 the shops em the revelations made at a meeting last dukes insist on this step against the was examined and he mado charges against strike committee, are manifestly en is obtainable from the officials of the ploy about half, and arrangements are night of the council or workmen's dele counsels of count Witte. Simpson Declared Elected on Casting E. H. Harriman and Connor governor Odell who uubseauently appeared and do- couraged by the extension of the strike war office. now being made to still further in crease gates showed that a large portion of tlie The empoyers during the day finally Vote of Returning Officer. workmen were breaking loose from the nlod -Mr. Hyde's charges. Mr. Hyde on in St/Petersburg; various organiza its capacity and consequently, its num informed the workmen that they had Calgary, Nov. 17.—The returning of being recalled reaffirmed hia former testi tions, including the bank clerks, tele ber of hands. control of the leadens, and were anx decided against tlie eight hour day, and mony, Chauncoy M. Depew was heard, Dzereula, Caucasus, Nov. 17.—A rail ious to return to work, anil a plebiscite ficer will tomorrow count the votes poll and when tin- session opened today it phone girls and some of the professional road switch was thrown open here today general Dcbulin prefect of police lias ed at the Calgary election and declare No account is taken in this payroll, will be taken today in which the various was expected that before tho day was over leagues have voted to join the move resulting in a collision between two issued a proclamation calling on the in the candidate elected. Tbe returning which Is the regular one, of the extra factories probably will reach a decision senator Piatt would be called, lie is wanted ment- Moreover It is certain that the military trains. Fifteen -soldiers were habitants not to yield to the demands officer today decided upou two contested to testify as to the collection ot contri track-laying and improvement gangs to abandon the strike on iftondny. workmen's council have received my- wounded. Alter the collision the trains of the strikers for the cessation of work, ballots referred to him on accotiut of a butions to political campaign funds by engaged in and about the new station tho Insurance companies. Mr. Odoll havlnfe Bterlous supplies of funds and conse were fired upon from the hills, the sold which demands. It is pointed out, are division between ihe deputy returning and yard now fast nearing completion. testified yesterduty that senator Piatt col quently they present a bolder front. iers defending themselves behind the At 'the meeting of the council, which sometimes accompanied by threats. officer and a magistrate. Both were The station will be the best in the in lected all .such monies up io last year, ii Practically all the pretexts based on railroad embankments. was held In tlie same hall where father it is the intelligent middle class, disallowed. It is believed that oue was now is expected tbat tho senator will be economic demands have beeu abandon terior, and the yard, perhaps the biggest Gapon, Gorky and other leaders de however, which fs beginning to really for Bennett ami one for Gushing. heard early noxt week. poBSlbly on Tues ed, but the eight hour day demand fig west of Winnipeg excepting, of course, nounced the emperor on the eve of Jan day, whon the sessions will be resumed) Kutals, Transcaucasia, Nov. 17.— support the government In its efforts to Final returns iu innisfail today gave ures in the oratory at meetings in order the Vancouver water front tracks. uary 12, (Red Sunday), delegate after Frank R. Jo-dan, son of iho f rmer comp The assistant manager of the railroad restore something like order and public Simpson, liberal, elected on the return troller of the Equitable, who ttt a previous to hold the workmen who have no Revelstoke friends will be pleased to delegate from different factories arose depot was shot and killed here today.