Cuts Roadway Below Grade Mongoliahere from Far
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THE SAN ,FRANGISGO GAIX?^ SATURDAY,. APRIU 14, lDOf^ 11 '" • iADVE-.TisE-C--?rrs.^:- \u25a0• c RAIiWAT TBAVEf-. v^fij^v'' Trains le*T© and are d_• —'• *'"""" "•' AXFBANCISCO CUTS ROADWAY \u25a0 "\Positively by (®ui^tr\ MONGOLIA HERE cored '. .^ - I^ADTrDO the«e:iauio piiic. , l/r\l\lILi\v \u25a0". rEBBT DETOT «___^vv'«.,^ "x'.Ki tress froial>7-peps__» lor FROM FAR EAST BELOW GRADE SPIp.YTLE dlgeattoa and TooHearty "luti->VOQT QF? MARKET STREET.- -~~7 Eatlxlg." perfect reei- 7-oOA~lmtr-,VaeaTUle.~l_£ers,Ra-M«7 7.23 •A" » dacr___ento, • 'raf I\lFQ edylorDiz_lne_3,Na_sea, ' WCa--racSmom!. Benlcla. ? Gray |^ IItA ' ' ( U 8ol»«a and W»t- Stations 7.28* Pacific MailCompany s Liner City Engineer Dr°w-—eBS, Bad Taste 74B*Y«UeJo, K»pm. Calliiog«, Santo j^jPI-aLSsgg In the Hqath. Coated :- .. I'.osa, Martinez, B_aKi-CJ ..... 608» Brings \u25a0 Beacon 7^4oA_Tlles, Pl-asanton. LITex more. More Than 900 Brothers Lowered &gg&FIFStlm .'\u25a0 Tongae. Pain Intha Side.' Tracy. L_throp. Stockton... A... 7_28-> W i 74Sa 8_aU«r -xcarsloa— Wrisht,relton, Passengers Big Cargo r"Street by Oyer/Fofty Feet T~~ J TORPID LIVER. I_ey BigTrees, Santa Cms 9-16* and reguiato tie Bowels. ;Purely Vegetable. Express— (Vl» Davis). 8-QOASh-~ta- \u25a0 \u25a0>\u25a0»\u25a0•.\u25a0 William*. "WUlo-rs. tFrnto. Ked, . ;- \u25a0 Blnff,Portland. Tseoma. SestUe. 7.435» SMALLPILL SMAILDOSE. SbULLPRICL .B.ooa D»tl_, Woodland, KnU&_»L_nd_ne. COLLIDES WITH JUNK BLASTING MUST CEASE • MarysTnie. OroTiU*..-'. ...., 7^B* PAPTCPgICURE SICK h_-_ACHI_. S-ISAS^ewar-U" CenterrlUe, Saa Josa, . FeUon. Boulder Cree*. Santa * •"-___, - Crai sad Way 5iaii0n5 ....:..: 5.559 \u25a0 Genuine Must vSear AnUoch. Byron.... Tracy. Steamship "Runs Down Chi- I'Says F&?Has B^oAM»rtlnes. Banos, Woo^arcK Kittle Signature Stockton, -Tflwmaa. L*« g IVER Fac-SiniilB MendoU, Annona, Uanford. \u25a0 4/53- nese Sailing Craft During Been Granted NovSermit V_all_rporterTlUe .:.. •j 4 43, &20AFort Costa. Luttsrop. Merced. Mo- desto, Hanford. Tlsalla. Thick Fog. but Saves Crew tolJnderniine OfflciaWfevel Bakersfleld 4j»B* 840Ainiei,B*nJose. Uvermore. Stock- Valley Spring. *"• 1 . - ton (tMllton). '.^yesterday Sacrsmeato. PlacerrUle. \u0084__. ,__ The Company's bly liner Clty'^nglneer I.Woodward lone. Pacific Mail : <quarrying v Colfax. JlaryTTtUe. Redßlnfl.... 4.CBP Xorgolia, Captain Porter, made ah'iinspection of:".the OUB FEE 1 B.4oAOak<Ja!e, Cblnese. Jamestown. .__' W. P. S. ar- - \u25a0\u25a0 - *-~* being by Gray, on - Angela...' now done Bros>c Bea-^ . Sonora. Taolamne and . rived yesterday afternoon from, the Orient TO BE PAID WHEX CURED. • E-p—ss—Ogden and East. - 4.28* (;betweenr' Castro.^ anfj,Dla- 9JOOA Atlantic p &i passengers and cori'street. : - ßichmond, Port *»ae» w-ifh nearly 5000 tons - which" property* 9.4oa Costa.M»i m,mp spite mond.^'asainst owners^ and Way SUtlons 5-^2 of cargo. In of the fact that among have protested^'oh- the ground- that the? Vallejo,Dally. Xapa. Suwtay oniy;..... 7.48* : ' 10.20a the passengers were 60S Asiatics Dr. blastlng>.ls' .a menace :to lifejkhd^prop- 10.20AL08 Angeles Passenger— Port I ;.*.'\u25a0 :S-*J*V: '\u25a0 Costa. Martines. Byron, Tracr. IlobiSy and his assistants pava tho liner •>..!\u25a0 -;/;.} S-*J*V -. 'i--'^-^ Lathrop, Stockton. Merc-d, - quick dispatch through 'i'.\Woodward-. ascertained Mhat^Beacon -;;.,. - Raymond, Fresno. Go«_ea Jane-. Quarantine end stfeet,**.btetween'^the stre'ets^narned, is tion, Lemoor«, Vlsalta, within a few j " ' Hanford. minutes after 6he was re- being* cut; by-more than f9rty feet 'BakersfleM, Los Angeles. ....... 7JJS*• anchor was up down City, St. Xonis and »_ >ased the heaved and the would-be, the'' official' grade ll*''§s CURE 10-20AElPaso. Kansas ,7.08* ureat steamship proceeded to below'^arfcat' ' •-. Chicago — ' the""Paciflc ? If."ft were Omaha, Maii %vh?.rf. of-the street. !i |so 11JJOa The Qrerland Ltmlted mo officiaCgrade has as yet been Chicago, Denyer, Kansas City... t 9>4B* Hfr berth there would have been roomy While Klles, San Jose and StatiPM p fixed, "Judges the exca- •11.40A War -*.iri5 enough for a boat China, Woodward' - that ti.OOP Sacramento ßlrer Steamers :...... Tli-OOs" little like the gradef; taking Ccnterrille," Jose,'/ for Mongolia's vation' 'is iar below ;the . 't2.lsp2fe'Wftrk. San . but the leviathan \u25a0 propor- the grades, of :ahdV Diamond XewAlmaden. LoaOatoa. Felton, :- : tion* it was a veritable pocket hole. The \u25a0' • Boulder Creek, Ssnu Cra» and, _ _ streets" as a standard. i. -^ .;tlo*oA Ar.icrica Maru was st tbo end berth of 'Wo6"dw'ard",says.r',that, -"'permit Principal Way stations the ,3^opPort Costa. Martlafls.Brron, Tracy, » _ :he lone: wharf. At the Panama dock '\u25a0 Gray jBros.; reads; that; they v Fre5n0..;..... / City of granted to 1 Modesto. McrceU. " }12-08* !ny the Peking, her stern extend- grade .We cure Skin Dl>ea.«i, Blood Pol- I 3.4opß«_lcl_. Winters, Sacramento, ' shall havejthe right tbj \u25a0ion, :r:c: some thirty feet beyond" tha pier- for^credits Varicocele. Stricture. Ser\oa\ \u25a0 \u25a0,-.»- --Woodland. Knlchts Landing.- incfrontrqf,;their '.own;.pr'opertyj:tp the Decline, - \u25a0 Jfarysrilln and Orovllla head. Alongside the Peking was a big -Weaknena.' Piles. Fl«t _Jn \u0084'.' ......... 10.43 A official graded Gray^Bros^clalnv.that as and, DlMeases of ;Blad- - , S.4oP Hayward, Jfllea, and Way Stations ,*7-48* coal barge. Added to these material and the. Kidneys. Martines, San. *der and ."Prostate. ,-"••.\u25a0*.: . ••-4.oopVail«Jo, Ramon. *' \u25a0_ visible was racing noTonicial^krade^has ibeen'iestabilshed \u25a0\u25a0 9.28 obstructions a ebb tide th'iy/are^at liberty' to -quarry -down as • Special "Diseases —Newly . Nap*. C»liatosta. SaaU Res* a a bank, the being a • contract- 4.O3pKU-s, Tracy. Stockton. Lodi. .v 1028 a end mud water Just far aa.they : Jike.'^i Wppjjward disagrees ed *anJ chronic cases cured. All-burning. ' little lower than the Mongolia's require- . Itching and Inflammation stopped in I 4.4spNew_rk, San Jose, Los Gatos ...Jjjgjg* with the firm-on-that yfpint -and* willre- ; . twen- - ment*. Through this maze of difficul- findings to, ty-four hours cures effected in seven days. 1 4.4opHayward.' Nlles, Irvlagton,* S*n tB.*4BA ' Report. port his the Board of Works - - \ ;i ties, however, Captain Porter worked his Semlnole . for oil from this . port to Weather , We make: no charge for a' friendly talk .-- . Jose, IJTennore 1 1.43 "refined • witlv.a -recommendation fur- \jr correspondence.- Ltnlted— Kewman. Los « a big ship ard alongside Shanghai. ;.Both vessels were chartered prior Pacific,Time.) \u0084that>th^ Come -to us in ths B.OCPThe Owl ..-•\u25a0' - landed her with '* ' (120th Meridian— cutting^ dow-h, street cease. Banos.Mendota, Fresno, Talare,. \u25a0 ther of-the strictest confidence. "We have been ex- ' - ;"1 Mongolia to arrival. \ • ApriI", r p.m: . the obstacles intact and the ._.. '-i SAN FRANCISCO— ia—5 ; treating .Baker-fleld, Los Acgeles .-. *8.43 a 4 r,. In cuttlng^down of clusively special diseases of men \u25a0 uascratcbefl. Captain Karvey on the The following maximum 1 and minimum retnrn^for.i.the Gray years.- Nothing 5-COp Golden .Sta> Llmlted-El Paso. \u25a0 • \ Beacon ; \u25ba its'lfivel; for science can devise or City, tug Arabs rendered valuable assistance Exports by ihf KoHmos Liner. temperatures are reported for| the previous stre4t.'*i*t>elow money can buy «. lacking, our Kansas 8c Louis and - • \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 a-istxlp-rjof . Is in . office 1 < .«\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-. : land - "• Cnlcsgo of to Tho German steumer Sesostrls or,th« KosniO3 day:- -•-. \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0 .: '--'i Bros. want. to. donate equipment. We will use you honestly. .\.."......' 8.43 a f:i overoamlns the efforts the tide 60-42 running • ts.2op Hayward, SlHes and San J0ie.....; 7.03 line salleiT'.yesterday for Hamburg- and way. Boston .. 60-36'iNew -York ...... twenty feet -jin'-'twldth.^ from. •treat you -skillfully and you to - a keep the passengers on board all night. cargo Chicago- \. 04-48 5.20P Vallejo,Port Costa, Benlcla, Sui- , ports with"a general- merchandise laden ........ BG-ts'Phtladelrhla 1.. Thirtieth ?. to/;* Thirty-first"v'street, be- -health in the shortest time with the!least \u25a0'" sun, Mongolia's cargo Plttsburg ...;:.. \u25a0 • Sacramento..!. :.......' 11.29 The included 1622 bales at this port 579.722. The cargo Cincinnati 70-501 W-44 streets, < 1 and expense. c- -.'; a and -valued at .. tween discomfort-: >.• \u0084 \u0084. \u25a0 Omaha, Honolulu, S T. St. Louis .". 80-38 Castro:arid Diamond^' but '" 843CPEaatern" Express— C&tcaro. of raw silk. 1« to-l*ft_<li.stributed as follows: For Mexico, H. 80-68 ... .. Ifyou. cannot call, write forarm;- - - St. Louis,' < - $19,231; "Colombia, Jacksonville ..:. 80-64. Washington 6tt-44 It is not"thought . this wlll'.remedy . \u25a0 Denver, Kansas City. triat: \u25a0 Fine weather was encountered all. the $27.452; Central America, ' - '80-66| -< ...." torn' blanks. x '-\* Martinez, Sacramento,} ; ;' . .. \u0084\ . Stockton. Peru, Chile, WAY j New Orleans \u25a0''!:. the The" property owners and \u25a0 way across and Mongolia's $616i;Ecuador. $15,940; $1524; SHIP TACOMA NOW ON HER • ..BS-48.; •:' matter.**v '• .... '\u25a0^\u25a0^--" Reno, Sparks; JJontello. Ogden ..'12.48* the Pacific the $S>BGl7 Germany,. $180;. Holland,- $15; France, TO BRISTOL BAT FOR A CARGO I SAN FRANCISCO.'i..-. ;ln vicinity are indignant San engines never turned purpose. following the/ eeasonar 'to residents the Dfc;HOLSMAN (!& CO: S.2OP Hayward, Nlles aad Joae ......\ 9.48 a to better $25, Taa'foUowint.were" the principal ship- OF SALMON. / . x The are. rainfalls they' term wanton cut- r Paanenirer— Port Coata. Be-, y Engineer - • I date as. comaared with'\u25a0) those ;of*same date over. what-i the 'H6urs^-S' ?.'tb- 5, "7 to-.8:30 :p.'" £_ i.7.ooPßeno Ira, ' Chief Chisholm's face was one ments: • \u25a0.\u25a0 • " 3ul»un, Elm .