Orosis Ments As Election Inspectors of the Third to the Stnff
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If You wont to- day's News, today SECOND you llnrt It tit HPTJT TP THE STAIl HAW AJIAINT RT AK EDITION New Ornamental Parlor Alarm Clock Free to Star Subscribers. VOL. XIV. HONOLULU, HAWAII, TUESDAY, (MARCH 5. I907- - No. 4662s THE LEGISLATURE DUG.GAN BIDS LOWEST, QUOTING $129,562, FOR SE THINKS THE aob PROTECTION MESSAGE CURT OKHILDREN LEPROSARIUM CONTRACT CA'rTER REPLIES TO AN INTER- THE CHILLING WORTH BILL IS John Duggan Is tho lowest bidder for of the local bidders asked Acting Col- - lector Stackablo received the follow- - award tho contract as alternates havo the contract to build the United States lector R. C. Stackablo to cablo tho Su- - 'ns: to bo figured and aggregated.' All ROGATORY AND THE HOUSE DE- APPROVED IN THE SENATE A that leprosarium on Molokal. his bid being pervlsins Architect Washington. J. "u?san lowest mauor, one liunurou is known at present Is the identity oC AT at (U'nn u 1 . SAD CASE KALIHI. fv.ninn thnitaritiit flr Vtimlfa.1 i,m,1a ...t. 1 i - i n CIDES TO INTERROGATHE FURTH $129,562. c " "'"" Knox Taylor, and inquire concerning I xtv-tw- o ura for the."construction of the lepro-- Yesterday was day for open- lowest bid. THE SENATE. the th0 the Taylor, Architect. sarlum entlr exclusive of the road to THE HOUSE. ing of the bids at Washington. Somo At o'clock this afternoon Col- - it will doubtless take soma time to load to tho t.mitiinv. ELEVENTH DAY. ELEVENTH DAY MORNING SESSION. MORNING SESSION. some in There was nothing striking In tho The Governor created stir morning. to conven- morning with his mes-eag- o Senato this Prior the House this ing generally wore occu- replying to the resolution of the the members ap- pied with their correspondence for out Houso somo days ago asking why on having by of town constituents Insist propriations made In tho loan bill their lotters to the members answered legislature been up Engineers tho last had held read message After routine duties the clerk on hla order. The Governor's a communication from Superintendent was quite briof. It stated that out of Holloway relative to lands in Walklkl consideration for the out of town mem- a report on which had been submitted TO bers of tho last legislature who wanted by President PInkhani. Tho commu STAND IS TOTAL to take the steamers leaving early In nication and report were referred to tho weok, he had signed tho loan fund Health Committee. Start Work On bill. But that at tho time he signed Tho Houso notlllcd. tho Senate of tho it he had not had time to intelligently passago of Houso bills 23, 27, 60. These consider all tho items and had so in- passed ilrst reading. No. 27 relates to TRIAL WRECK formed the legislature reserving to the salmon license. himself the right to cause the expendi Senator Smith submitted the follow- ture of such only as ho approved. The ing report: (Associated Press Cable to Tho Star). (Associated Press Cab), to The Star). governor again called tho attention of SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. Sup- YOKOHAMA. March 5. All passen- CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. gers Range Light tho legislature to the rapid Increase of The Judiciary Committee has had erior Judge Dunne today disregarded and the crow of tho wrecked Great tho public debt. consideration Senate Bill No. tho writ of error issued by Judgo Heb- - Northern S. S. Dakota, havo been safo- - under ly landed. Tho Representative Rice moved that the 40, Prevention bard to enable Abe Reuf to appeal to vessel Is probably a entitled "An Act for the loss, Houso acknowledge receipt of the mes of cruelty to children," and recommend tho Supreme Court, and ordered that total interrogatory tho trial of Reuf for extortion proceed sage and that a further the passage of tho bill. (Associated SURVEYORS DETERMINE FINAL DETAILS PRELIMINARY TO WORK sent to the governor asking his rea Tho provisions of the bill aro such as The officers wero unable to find tho Press Cabin to The Star) be defendant upon such being LONDON, March 5. Sir Conan Doyle delaying the expenditure of to provide greater protection for young and return OF ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON HONOLULU HARBOR'S NEW! sons for Judgo Reuf's tho novelist. Is seriously ill tho. money already appropriated. The mo children and prescribes penalties for made Dunne ordered that from $5,000 ball be forfeited. effects of ptomaine poisoning. BEACON ORIGINAL tlon was carried and tho clerk ordered parents and others who have legal con- DESIGN CHANGED TO STRENGTHEN SUP- cruel- to so address tho governor. trol of children, who treat them PORTING STRUCTURE LOCAL CONCERNS TO SUPPLY ly neglect Maximum STEEL. Tho came to order at 9 o'clock. or wilfully them. House penalties aro provided for those who After prayer by tho chaplain and tho proper BONILLA TO reading yesterday's minutes by tho violate tho law so that and DYNAMITE of may bo exercised clerk tho business of the day was taken reasonable discretion Surveyors are at work on tho site of includes some by tho court In Imposing punishment. three thousand barrels up. tho proposed $30,000 Honolulu harbor ot tho required cement, A communication was received from THE EDUCATION submitted tho follow- front rango light, three men under Ins- - rSlnally tho design of tho proposed tho Board of Trado of Hllo asking for Senator Hewitt rango light did not ing: LET LOOSE TAKE HUGH tructlons from the United States En- - iyllndera for brace copies of bills Introduced In the House. to boUveen supportInK C. S. Hi'lloway pent to the House a The committco on Education, glneers department, of which Captalt now whom Resolution said that something of tho doslred copy of the pay roll of the Bureau of was referred Senate (Associated Press Cable to The Star). (Associated Press Cable to The Star). Otwell 19 local chief, yesterdny after- - beauty No. 12, beg leavo to report. Items of tho edifice must bo sacrificed Agrlcult''-- f and Forestry. The POTTSV.ILJLE, Pa., 5. A PUERTA CORTEZ, Honduras March noon going over tho ground In tho to up In ac- March make the expenso ot adding bill No. 17 amending !3 covered by said Resolution aro 5. Presfdont will assumo com- determining Senate Act of serious explosion of dynamite In the Bonllla boat and the ablo reinforcements to tho foundation Session Lhwh of 1905, relating to funds cordance with the recommendations storo house of tho Richards Colliery, mand of tho Honduran army, in an ef- llnal details preliminary to tho work pillars. tho Department of Public Instruction, Captain Otwell of Engineers, for the payment of County expenses, occurred hero today. Frty people wero fort to resist tho victorious advanco of ot actual construction which, as ox- - however, who is In charge of tho work; was reported favorably by the Flnanco Injured. the NIcaraguan forces. cluslvely announced In Tho ot (Continued on Fago Five.) Star will seo that tho bulldlmr loans tim CTnmlttn Ailnntnrl. yesterday, will bo begun within a few its promised attractiveness through its Tho Ju.lleiary Committee reported WINTHROP IS PROMOTED. RUSSIAN DOUMA OPENED TODAY, days, within a couplo of weeks at th intended strength and nono of Its 39, Intro- Star.) favorably on House bill No. (Associated Press Cab.s 10 Tha Star.) Press Cable to Tho most. during qualtles on account of art Tha duced by W. T. Rawlins, amending HILONIAN WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4. ST. PETERSBURG, March 5. Tho Great Iron cylinders aro about to bo building will bo ot steel and concrote 1G3S to- - Sections and 1679, Revised Laws, Governor WInthrop of Porto Rico has new Douma opened Its session hero placed on tho coral bed somo dtstanco with a contral tower containing tho relating to reports of circuit and dis- been made assistant Secretary of tho day. Thcro was a great demonstra- - seaward and considerably to tho Ewa rango light. trict courts. Treasury. R. Post succeeds him as tlon or honor to tho deputies of tho sldo of tho slto of the presont light-- Catton & Noll nnd the Honnlnln Trnr. FRANCISCO SATURDAY party. OUTSIDE PRACTICE. chief executive of Porto Rico. Socialist houso on tho spit of land that narrows Works, It Is understood, will contrlbuta House bill No. 16 Introduced ,by Mr. tho channel's Inner opening and those the metal work. Tho structure will cylinders will bo filled concroto; Sllva, prohibiting certain government with probably bo completed on January 1 COMES NEXT AND and county ofllcers practicing law was DIRECT TRIP DUVANCHELLE all that, has provented tho beginning 190S. C. of tho work on this has been the reported favorably by tho Judiciary EXPECTS TO MAKE IT IN 6 2 Peters in tho meanwhllo tho spit of land Committee. Castro opposed the adop- scarcity of good cement. upon which tho present lighthouse, DAYS. Tho Lloyd ship Herzo- - tion of this report, claiming that com- North German stands will bo removed, 8,0 that by petent men could not be secured to PIERCED BT gin Cecillo which arrived Sunday from tho time tho light shines from tho now Lelth, will cement serve the people at the present rato of Tho S. S. expects to sail for break this famine tower tho old site will havo vanished Hllonlan onfirmed as sho discharges, cargo compensation unless they were per- - San Francisco on Saturday next. She fast as for her from tho face of tho earth. mltted to accept outside employment is at tho Oceanic wharf and has been FENCE PICKET The Senate confirmed tho appoint- Mr.