

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2016 No. 176 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY have fittingly been renamed for Beau called to order by the President pro LEADER Biden in this legislation. I will have tempore (Mr. HATCH). The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. more to say about the Vice President PAUL). The majority leader is recog- when he joins us again this afternoon, f nized. but for now I look forward to passing the 21st Century Cures Act today. f PRAYER On another matter, we will have an- LEGISLATION BEFORE THE other important vote this afternoon. It The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- SENATE is a vote to move forward on the na- day’s opening prayer will be offered by Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the tional defense authorization conference Elder D. Todd Christofferson, a mem- continuing resolution was filed in the report. ber of the Quorum of the Twelve Apos- House yesterday. As we wait for the We all know the world the next ad- tles of The Church of Jesus Christ of House to take the next step, I encour- ministration will inherit is a difficult Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. age all Members to continue reviewing and dangerous one. There are many The guest Chaplain offered the fol- the legislative text, which has been threats. There are numerous national lowing prayer: available for some time. security challenges, and there is much Let us pray. The Water Resources Development to be done to better prepare our mili- Our Father who art in Heaven, we Act legislation has been filed in the tary and the next administration to bow before Thee this day, the 75th an- House as well. This is bipartisan legis- deal with them. That is what this bi- niversary of the attack on Pearl Har- lation that will strengthen our Na- partisan national defense legislation bor, and remember with soberness and tion’s infrastructure and commerce aims to do. It will help strengthen our humility the sacrifice of so many who while investing in the safety and reli- military posture. It will send clear have offered their lives to preserve our ability of our drinking water. As col- messages to both our allies and our ad- liberty. We pray that Thou wilt bless leagues know, it includes, let me re- versaries, and it will provide more of their descendants and sustain the vital peat, aid for families in Flint. the tools our servicemembers need to institutions of our government that As we wait for final passage in the be successful. It makes clear that we this precious liberty may be preserved House, I encourage Senators to keep must also pass the continuing resolu- through the generations to come. doing our part to ensure that we can tion that includes funding for the war We ask Thy blessing upon the U.S. bring WRDA and its assistance for against ISIL and for our forces in Af- Senate and each of its individual Mem- Flint over the finish line as soon as ghanistan. bers this day and in the days and possible. We have already seen the con- months ahead. Grant them the wisdom On another matter, I am pleased the sequences of failing to take the nec- and judgment they seek in the disposi- 21st Century Cures Act bill will pass essary steps to confront our national tion of all matters that come before this afternoon with significant support security challenges. It is another rea- them. Honor their desire to contribute from both sides of the aisle. This med- son we need to move forward and pass to the well-being of the people of this ical innovation bill will help foster so- this defense legislation so we can take Nation and indeed those of all nations lutions when it comes to heartbreaking forward-looking steps now to help take who may be influenced for good by illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, opioid on these challenges and support our their decisions. addiction, mental health disorders, and men and women in uniform. We thank Thee for Thy abundant —heartbreaking illnesses that f mercy and constant blessings upon us. affect our families, friends, and con- In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. stituents. This is one of the most 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE meaningful bills we will pass this year, ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR f and it would not have been possible Mr. MCCONNELL. Of course, Mr. without the hard work of colleagues President, it is fitting that we are talk- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE such as Chairman ALEXANDER, Sen- ing about the bravery of our service- The President pro tempore led the ators CORNYN, HATCH and CASSIDY, and members on December 7. Today marks Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: of course along with Ranking Member the 75th anniversary of the attack on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the MURRAY. Pearl Harbor, a date that FDR rightly United States of America, and to the Repub- Let us also again recognize Vice predicted ‘‘will live in infamy.’’ It is a lic for which it stands, one nation under God, President BIDEN for his work on the time when we reflect on the meaning of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Cancer Moonshot initiatives, which this day for our country and for our

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.000 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 military, a time when we remember all finance, and she worked to strengthen ily—with her husband Joe and their those who sacrificed on our behalf, and manufacturing and support job train- two children, 9-year-old Jake and 12- a time when we recognize the men and ing. year-old Kate. They have always been women in uniform currently serving to Senator AYOTTE has helped make a her biggest fans. They are a constant keep our country safer. difference as a leader on combating source of comfort and support. Some- Through the years, one of my great- opioid abuse. As a former prosecutor times they like to jump in on the ac- est experiences has been the oppor- who has been among the loudest voices tion themselves. tunity I have had to meet with distin- drawing attention to this horrible epi- In fact, Kate recently made a guished Kentucky veterans as they demic, she knows how devastating it cameo—alongside her mother—in an ad visit Washington through the Honor has been in her State and across the featuring the two shooting hoops and Flight Program. I know many of our country. She worked with first re- practicing layups. From what I hear, colleagues do the same thing when vet- sponders and families to figure out how Kate may even have her sights on a fu- erans from their States come to town. to address this heartbreaking chal- ture in politics. She once advised her Today I ask our colleagues to join me lenge. She sponsored and helped pass mom not to run for President. in remembering all those who served comprehensive legislation that will Senator AYOTTE was taken aback. and sacrificed so much and in thanking help us tackle it. Now, in no small part She said she wasn’t planning on it but our men and women in uniform who because of her efforts, we will pass crit- wondered why she would ask in the are stationed around the world this ical funding this very week that will first place. Well, Kate replied: ‘‘Be- holiday season. help our communities begin to heal. cause I want to be the first woman f Like , my home State President.’’ of Kentucky has been among the hard- I guess it is true what they say, the TRIBUTE TO KELLY AYOTTE est hit by this epidemic. It has been a apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, privilege working with my friend to is not surprising when you consider the ‘‘God gave us two ears so we would lis- help do something about it. example KELLY AYOTTE has set, not ten more than talk.’’ Senator AYOTTE has helped make a just for Kate but for so many others as It is a simple phrase that many of us difference as an expert on national se- well. If anyone can do it all, it is KELLY have likely heard before, but to Sen- curity issues too. This military spouse AYOTTE. From sports practices and ator KELLY AYOTTE, it is the best piece didn’t need someone to tell her what it Lego competitions to 5Ks and trips to of advice she says she ever received, means to serve nor what it means for the largest lake in New Hampshire, the and it is a proverb she has lived by dur- veterans and their families. She mas- time with her kids is what truly brings ing her time in the Senate. In fact, it tered the issue almost overnight. She KELLY joy. is how she got her start here in the fought for language in the VA reform As all of you know, this job can make first place. legislation to expand choice when it you appreciate the little things even As New Hampshire’s first female at- comes to veterans’ health care. She more. It is why you will never hear her torney general, KELLY listened to the helped prevent dangerous Guantanamo complain about waiting in the pickup concerns of those around her. She terrorists from being moved to U.S. line at school. It is why she enjoys heard their concerns about the direc- soil, and she has long spoken out about spending her weekend grocery shopping tion our country was going, about the the threat posed by Iran. She just at the Market Basket, probably pick- numerous security threats facing our voted to extend some critical sanctions ing up the ingredients for Grape-Nuts Nation, and about out-of-control spend- against the regime last week, and Sen- pudding—whatever that is. Apparently, ing. She could have just sat on the ator AYOTTE has helped lead efforts to it is one of KELLY’s favorites. I will sidelines as these problems escalated— counter its ballistic missile program just take her word for that. it certainly would have been the easier for years. I wish to acknowledge what a privi- choice—but she chose to jump in the It is clear she has been a leader on lege it has been getting to know Sen- game and work to solve them instead. national security issues right from the ator AYOTTE and working with her over From day one, Senator AYOTTE rolled start. I was proud to have Senator the past few years. Her impact has up her sleeves and got to work. As the AYOTTE join me and other colleagues been immeasurable, her friendship in- most prominent New Hampshire news- on a congressional delegation I led to disputable. I know she has made her paper put it, she has never been a the Middle East not long after she took family proud as well. ‘‘freshman back-bencher,’’ she has been office. It was evident then what a dif- I want to conclude with a mantra a dynamo from the start. ference she would make on these im- that KELLY and Joe rely upon when I can’t say I was surprised. I still re- portant matters. She has regularly facing a challenge: ‘‘Brush the dirt off member the first time I heard about joined in efforts with two other leading and get back in the game.’’ It is a good KELLY. It was from our former col- voices in our conference on defense, reminder for each of us. I feel confident league , who told me about too, Senators MCCAIN and GRAHAM. To- in saying that Senator AYOTTE will be this rising star in New Hampshire. Boy, gether, they are the ‘‘Three Amigos’’ back in the game, looking out for her was he right. It didn’t take long for ev- or, as our former colleague Joe Lieber- State and making our country stronger eryone to reach a similar conclusion. man might point out, we should really and safer no matter where her next KELLY is tough, she is a problem call them the ‘‘Three Amigos 2.0.’’ journey leads. solver, and she is a fighter. Senator Either way, here is what is clear. It f AYOTTE doesn’t view the challenges of is an equal partnership, one of mutual this job as obstacles either. She prefers respect and trust, one that has TRIBUTES TO DEPARTING to call them opportunities. She says: strengthened our conference and de- SENATORS ‘‘It’s how you react to those bends in fense policy, and one that I am sure Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, fi- the road that will make the biggest dif- Senators MCCAIN and GRAHAM would nally, as each session of Congress ference in your life.’’ During her 6 tell you has enriched both their Senate comes to a close, both leaders tradi- years here, she has clearly made a dif- work and their lives. I am sure many tionally pay tribute to the retiring ference in the lives of a lot of others as other colleagues feel exactly the same Members of their own parties. This well. way. year is a bit different, of course, with Senator AYOTTE has helped make a Senator AYOTTE set out to make an the retirement of the Democratic lead- difference as a champion for jobs and impact. She clearly made one on her er. So in addition to what I will be say- as a champion for the economy. As State, her country, for her constitu- ing about him tomorrow, I figured I someone who has helped start a small ents, and her colleagues, but I know might shake things up just a bit more, business, she knows firsthand how reg- Senator AYOTTE would tell you the just this one time. I figured I would ulations can stifle growth. She fought most cherished moments of her life tell my colleagues about two col- to cut through the redtape and the bur- aren’t those spent in classified brief- leagues from across the aisle who have densome rules. She cosponsored a law ings or on congressional delegations, made their own mark on this Chamber to help small businesses expand and re- they are the ones spent with her fam- for many years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.001 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6767 announced her retirement via rhyme: it will also be ‘‘the best thing you will The first colleague I wish to speak ‘‘More than 20 years in a job I love,’’ ever do.’’ I think this is something we about is from Maryland. Some call her she wrote, ‘‘thanks to California and can all relate to regardless of which Senator MIKULSKI, some call her Sen- the Lord above.’’ You get the picture. party we belong to and regardless of ator BARB, but everyone knows this: It goes on, but here is the key line: ‘‘As which State we come from. At the end She is tough. It explains how she got long as there are issues and challenges of the day, we all came here to accom- here in the fist place. and strife, I will never retire, ‘cause plish things for the people we rep- You see, BARBARA MIKULSKI had a lot that’s the meaning of my life.’’ That resent, even if we have different ideas of dreams growing up. She wanted to sure sounds like the Senator BOXER I on how to do them. be a scientist. She wanted to be a nun. know. So, thankfully, there should be no She even wanted to be an astronaut. It is not always easy to find common disagreement over this next task. I ask And if not for a ‘‘C’’ in chemistry, a ground around here. It takes hard all Senators to join me in recognizing vow of obedience, and the thought of work. It takes negotiation. It often our colleagues for their service and to wearing a flight suit—or so we have takes those intangibles too—like comic join me in wishing them good luck as heard—she probably could have done relief. So enter Senator INHOFE. I am they begin the next chapters of their all of those things. But Senator BARB really going to miss the JIM and BAR- lives. chose a different path—or rather all of BARA show when it comes to an end f them at once. You see, you don’t have next year, especially after such a sto- to work in a lab to champion science ried run over at EPW. One day, she is RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY research; you can serve as the lead the boss; the next day, it is he. They LEADER Democratic appropriator on the Com- are the best of pals; they are the fierc- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. COL- merce-Justice-Science Subcommittee. est of rivals. They work together on ev- LINS). The Democratic leader is recog- You don’t have to put on a habit to erything; they agree on almost noth- nized. look out for others; you can serve as ing. It sounds like the premise for some dean of the Senate women and cul- buddy comedy from the 1980s, but here f tivate mentorship among your col- is what it really is: a political TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT BARACK leagues. And you certainly don’t have masterstroke. OBAMA to blast into space to blaze a trail— This unlikeliest of partnerships led something this longest serving female this year to the first significant envi- Mr. REID. Madam President, I apolo- Member of Congress knows very well. ronmental reform law in decades. It gize to Senator BOXER and Senator MI- It wasn’t an easy road getting here. It also led this year to Senate passage of KULSKI. They are going to give their wasn’t an easy road when she got here. a waterways infrastructure bill that final speeches, but I would like to have No Democratic woman had ever been will support important projects across this opportunity to speak a few words elected to the Senate in her own right our country. And while some may refer about President Obama. Of course I before BARBARA MIKULSKI. But, as she to BOXER and INHOFE as the ‘‘oddest of will be here for their full speeches. said on the stump, ‘‘I might be short, Senate odd couples,’’ here is what I It is hard to imagine today, but it but I won’t be overlooked.’’ And, boy, would call them: pretty smart. wasn’t that long ago that Barack she hasn’t been. I doubt she ever will I remember Senator INHOFE always Obama was a little-known leg- be. Maybe it has something to do with telling me how much he enjoyed work- islator with a very unusual name. I the mantra she follows: Do or do not— ing with Senator BOXER and how there still remember the first time I heard there is no try. No surprise that this were things they could actually agree that name. I was in the House gym, ‘‘Star Wars’’ fan is taking advice from on, so I made a note of it and kept an where Members congregated, and one Master Yoda. eye out for an opportunity of my own. of the people I shared the room with She has learned a lot from others, It finally happened in this very Con- was Abner Mikva, a longtime Illinois too, like her great-grandmother, who gress. Senator BOXER and Senator Congressman, an appellate court judge, emigrated from Poland with hope and INHOFE and I worked together to pass and President Clinton’s chief legal offi- little else—hope that her family might the longest term highway transpor- cer. one day experience this country’s tation and infrastructure bill in nearly I had known that Republican Senator many freedoms and opportunities. I two decades. This isn’t something the Peter Fitzgerald decided not to run for know she would be proud of her great- critics thought could be done. We each reelection after one term. Judge Mikva granddaughter today, proud of this harbored our own doubts. Yet, a bill turned to me and said he knew the per- crime novelist, this crab cake gourmet, that repeatedly threatened to come fect person to fill that open seat. this senior Senator from Maryland. apart actually never did. As Senator I said: Who could that be? So here is what we have come to BOXER put it, it was ‘‘the impossible He said: . know about Senator MIKULSKI: Her dream.’’ And it succeeded because we I said: What? word is her bond, she is a passionate worked in good faith, because we came He said: Barack Obama. advocate for the causes she supports, together, and because we focused on I said: Who? What kind of a name is and good luck stopping her once she the areas where we did agree and not that? puts her mind to something. just the ones where we didn’t. He said: He is one of the most tal- That is what happens around here ented people I have ever met in all of You could say the same thing about when the Senate is working the way it my years. another BARBARA I know too. Senator should. We see colleagues from oppo- That said a lot to me, even though at BOXER, like her colleague from Mary- site sides working through political that time I smiled and left the room. land, is hardly the tallest Member differences and coming together on so- It didn’t take long, though, before I around here, but she is not in the habit lutions for the American people. Per- understood what Abner Mikva said to of getting overlooked either. The Boxer haps that is one reason why nearly a me. Barack Obama won that election box helps with that, of course. It is quarter of a century later, Senator in the Senate. He came from nowhere, what she stands on at press conferences BOXER says she is leaving the Senate a man with an unusual name, but once to give her just a little more height. with a full heart. I know she is leaving he was here, it was obvious he was the And, yes, if that sounds familiar, that with the respect of many of her col- real deal. His ability to communicate is because it is that box which once leagues, too, including some she might was, and is, stunning. I can remember served as inspiration for an episode of not have expected when she first came. one of the first floor speeches he gave HBO’s ‘‘.’’ Let me finish with some advice BAR- here in the Senate on George Bush’s It is a good thing our colleague has a BARA MIKULSKI gave to young BARBARA policy regarding the Middle East war. sense of humor. She understands how BOXER as she contemplated her first It was eloquent, thoughtful, powerful. I far that can go around here. She has Senate run. ‘‘If you run,’’ Senator MI- was so impressed that following his often relied on it through her years in KULSKI said, ‘‘it will be the toughest speech—there had been a quorum call— the Senate, in fact, including when she thing you will ever do,’’ but, she added, his seat was way back there, and I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.003 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 walked up to him and I said—he was son with whom to leave public service comprehensive Wall Street and finan- sitting, I was standing looking over than Barack Obama. For 8 years I was cial reform legislation since the Great him, and I said: Senator, that was real- his point man, and it has been an honor Depression. His administration estab- ly terrific. That was really good. and an effort of pleasure. lished a new watchdog to help protect I will never forget his response. With- What this man accomplished, despite consumers from unfair financial prac- out hesitation, without any bragga- unprecedented obstruction from the tices. He signed legislation into law docio, no conceit, but with humility, Republicans, is remarkable. History that protects homeowners from mort- he looked up to me and said: I have a will remember President Barack gage fraud. gift. Obama’s many accomplishments. I President Obama took more action to It wasn’t a boast; it was a fact. I have don’t want to get the Presiding Officer protect our planet from a changing cli- never met anyone with the ability to in trouble, but it was because of her mate, including the historic communicate as well as Barack and two other Republican Senators Agreement. Obama. Whether it is in his writing, that his first congressional session was I met yesterday with Native Alas- speaking to huge crowds of tens of remarkably historic. We wanted to do kans. It was scary to talk to a Native thousands of people or small crowds, or more, but this good woman presiding Alaskan woman. In her town of 800, someone on a one-on-one basis, he is over the Senate today said: Enough is people are having trouble getting in without equal when it comes to com- enough. We had to retract some of the and out of the town. She told me the municating. things we wanted to do. It was hard, animals are confused because the sea- His reputation was well known even but I do say this: It would not have sons are changing. before he came to the Senate. He had happened but for the Presiding Officer. The caribou have traveled for 20,000 written a book—a bestseller called President Obama saved the country years, we believe, 3,000 miles to mi- ‘‘Dreams from My Father’’—a decade from economic collapse, ushering in a grate every year. They walk in single before arriving here in the Senate. new era of growth. Since 2010, the eco- file, not in large herds jammed to- Like his 2006 book—also a bestseller— nomic recovery has added more than 16 gether. She said they are having such called ‘‘The Audacity of Hope,’’ this million private sector jobs. Median difficulty. They used to be able to walk book was full of lyrical and insightful household incomes have risen signifi- over the ice. They can’t. There is no writing. cantly. The unemployment rate is now ice. They have to swim. President Obama made the largest In ‘‘Dreams from My Father,’’ he 4.6 percent. In some States, like the investment ever in renewable energy. outlined the remarkable story of his State of Nevada, it is more than 14 per- He tripled wind power and increased life we have all come to know. Born in cent. President Obama brought the solar power by 30 times, creating more in faraway Africa was his fa- American auto and manufacturing in- than 200,000 jobs in solar alone, with ther. His mother was from Kansas. He dustries back from the brink of col- hundreds of thousands more jobs in the was raised by his grandparents in Ha- lapse with unique programs—Cash for next few years. waii. His mother and grandparents set Clunkers—and more than 800,000 new President Obama protected more positive examples for him. They pushed manufacturing jobs since 2010. The than 260 million acres of public lands him to always do better, to be the man auto industry has added almost 700,000 and waters. That includes more than he was born to be. That upbringing jobs since 2009. Domestic production of 700,000 acres in Nevada with one order would serve him well. automobiles doubled from below 6 mil- that he signed called the Basin and Barack Obama went to some of the lion units per year to 12 million per Range National Monument, a place most elite schools in the world. He was year in 2015. where John Muir came looking around an undergraduate at Columbia, where, President Obama brought health care for special places in America. He of course, he was an honor student, to tens of millions of Americans camped in hills in the Basin and Range. then Harvard Law School. He grad- through the . Every Hopefully, some day every Senator can uated with distinction. He made his- day, we learn how important this bill go to this magnificent place in the tory as the first African American to has been. We heard from the very con- desert. It has taken 40 years to build. be elected president of the Harvard servative American Hospital Associa- One man has done it, a famous artist Law Review. Just to be a member of tion today that doing away with by the name of Michael Heizer. It is the Harvard Law Review—having gone ObamaCare would bankrupt the hos- called the City. It is stunning. When I to law school myself—is significant, pital industry. We would lose over the talk about 40 years, it wasn’t work but he was the No. 1 guy in that very next few years almost $200 billion. done on weekends. It was days, week- prestigious law school. Even then, his Through the Affordable Care Act, 21 ends, overtime, and large contingencies reputation for bringing people together million more Americans now have af- of people he directed. This magnificent and his gift of communication were re- fordable health care. The uninsured thing in the middle of the desert is now nowned. rate is at an all-time low, and 92 per- protected forever. He continued to excel after law cent of Americans now have coverage. President Obama and First Lady school. He became a professor of con- Insurance companies cannot deny cov- Michelle Obama have made our Na- stitutional law at one of America’s erage and charge more to cover people tion’s children a top priority. In 2010, great law schools. He became a commu- with preexisting conditions. President Obama signed a bill into law nity organizer, as he has spoken about How many of us have gone out to our to fight child hunger and improve a lot. He became an Illinois State sen- home States and had people with tears school meals to ensure children receive ator before giving one of the most dra- in their eyes say: You know, Debbie the nutrition they need to have matic convention speeches in Amer- has been sick since she was a little girl healthy, successful futures. ican history at the 2004 Democratic with diabetes, and now, for the first President Obama made strides on Convention in . time in her life, she can have health in- education. Our Nation’s high school Throughout it all, his ability to com- surance. graduation rate is the highest in the municate and connect with people Insurance companies can’t discrimi- history of our country. He reformed fueled his ascendancy. Those skills nate anymore against anyone because student loan programs, increased Pell made Barack Obama a terrific Senator, of their gender. All women were dis- grants, made student loan repayment and they have greatly benefited our criminated against before. Every more affordable, and expanded loan for- country over the past 8 years. American with insurance has access to giveness for graduates who enter public In just a few weeks, Barack Obama preventive care without cost sharing. service professions. will finish his term as the 44th Presi- That means no copays for immuniza- President Obama granted deferred dent of our great country. He will be tions, cancer screenings, contraceptive action to immigrant youth who would leaving office. I don’t know if I am coverage for women, diabetes have qualified under the DREAM Act, leaving with him or if he is leaving screenings, or blood pressure and cho- bringing nearly 800,000 young people with me. I guess I leave a few days be- lesterol tests. out of the shadows. fore he does, but we are leaving to- President Obama held Wall Street ac- President Obama made our country gether. I cannot think of a better per- countable. He signed into law the most more inclusive. He signed the repeal of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.004 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6769 don’t ask, don’t tell. He signed Execu- streak of private sector job growth from the House came over in the midst tive orders protecting LGBT workers. ever. We have the lowest unemploy- of all their work. I love them. I have Americans are now free to marry the ment rate in nearly a decade. enjoyed working with them. person they love, regardless of their After 8 years of President Obama, we I look around this Chamber, and I re- gender. are now as a country on a sustainable alize the reason I am able to actually As Commander in Chief, President path to fight and grow leave is because I know each of you and Obama brought bin Laden to justice. renewable energy sources. We are more your passion to make life better for These are just a few aspects of Presi- respected around the world. We reached people, and that is what it is all about. dent Obama’s storied legacy, and it is international agreements to curb cli- When I decided not to run for reelec- still growing—what a record. It is a mate change, stop Iran from obtaining tion, you know how the press always legacy of which he should be satisfied. a nuclear weapon, and we are on the follows you around. They said: ‘‘Is this America is better because of this good path to normalizing relations with our bittersweet for you?’’ man being 8 years in the . neighbor Cuba. My answer was forthcoming: ‘‘No I am even more impressed by who he Our country has made significant way is it bitter. In every way it is is as a person than who he is as Presi- strides in nearly every way. There is no sweet.’’ dent. He is a man of integrity and hon- doubt that the United States is better Why do I feel that way? It is because esty. I have learned so much from him. now than we were 8 years ago, and we this has been a dream, to be in a pro- I have never heard Barack Obama deni- have Barack Obama to thank for that. fession that I think is noble, no matter grate anyone, ever. There have been Thank you, President Obama, for how beaten up it gets, for 40 years—for times he could have. Perhaps, I being the person you are. more than half my life—and I was able to do every day what I always wanted thought a negative word should have f been said and I suggested that to him, to do, which is simply to make life bet- but he would never take it. No, he RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ter for people. I didn’t always succeed. wouldn’t do that. That is Barack The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Were there frustrations? Yes. Were Obama. the previous order, the leadership time there disappointments? Yes. Were Above all, I admire the attention he is reserved. there defeats? Yes, many, but every has given his family. He may be Presi- morning when I woke up, I knew I had f dent of the United States, but nothing a chance to do something good. gets in the way of his family. He is a TSUNAMI WARNING, EDUCATION, As a first generation American on terrific husband to Michelle and an AND RESEARCH ACT OF 2015 my mother’s side, and, most particu- outstanding father to Sasha and Malia. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under larly, as a woman, I never in my He arrives home for dinner with his the previous order, the Senate will re- wildest dreams imagined that I could family virtually every night he is in sume consideration of the House mes- be in the U.S. Senate. It was an uphill Washington. He goes to their plays and sage to accompany H.R. 34, which the battle, and I know I speak for a lot of games. President or not, he is a hus- clerk will report. people sitting right here who know band and a father. The senior assistant legislative clerk what I am talking about. His devotion extends to his staff as read as follows: When I first ran for the Marin Coun- well, and he has had a terrific staff ty Board of Supervisors in 1972, it was House message to accompany H.R. 34, an working for him. I can’t mention all of act to authorize and strengthen the tsunami a Republican landslide year. It was them, but I will mention his present detection, forecast, warning, research, and more than tough. I will never forget Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough. He mitigation program of the National Oceanic one woman I spoke with after knocking and I have a very close relationship. and Atmospheric Administration, and for on her door. I introduced myself and Close relationships come with a lot of other purposes. said, ‘‘Hi, I am Barbara Boxer. I am difficulty sometimes. It has been Pending: running for county supervisor.’’ tough, but we tried to work through it McConnell motion to concur in the amend- She greeted me by saying, ‘‘I never together. ment of the House to the amendment of the thought you would be so short.’’ Then, is one of the nicest people Senate to the bill. she said she wasn’t supporting me be- I have ever known. He also worked McConnell motion to concur in the amend- cause, quote, ‘‘You have four kids, and with the President very closely. He was ment of the House to the amendment of the you are going to neglect them if you his chief of staff as Senator, and, of Senate to the bill, with McConnell amend- are elected.’’ course, a chief adviser when he was in ment No. 5117, to change the enactment date. Well, never mind that this was a McConnell amendment No. 5118 (to amend- part-time job just a few minutes from the White House. ment No. 5117), of a perfecting nature. , now the leader of the house. Never mind that the man I Chicago, IL, was former Chief of Staff, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- was running against had a family and a and is currently mayor of Chicago. He ator from California. full-time job. Never mind that I actu- is a man known for his bluntness and FAREWELL TO THE SENATE ally had two kids, but she insisted. She his productivity as a Member of Con- Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, this said, ‘‘I know you have four kids be- gress and as Chief of Staff. is a moment for me that, I think it is cause I read it in the newspaper.’’ was former fair to say, I will never ever forget. I said, ‘‘Lady, when you give birth, Deputy Chief of Staff and I hope that I I am so honored. I am so honored to you never forget it, and I did it twice.’’ had something to do with the romance have members of my family here, staff Well, I lost that seat, but two things that wound up with her marrying my from past and present from both my helped get me through it. The first was chief of staff, David Krone. personal office and committee, extraor- an article by , who es- These are just a few of the incredible dinary colleagues whom I adore and sentially said women tend to take people I have had the pleasure of work- love, whom I worked with, fought with losses too personally. We have to un- ing with. They are all wonderful. and debated. I am so honored that Sen- derstand that we could be just a little Then there is President Obama’s Cab- ator MCCONNELL and Senator REID bit ahead of our time, and we can’t give inet—a Cabinet of quality. That in- have said really nice things about me. up. cludes my friend, Secretary of Interior I think, in Senator REID’s case, we go Second, my son Doug, only seven at Ken Salazar, a wonderful man and a back so long, and I will talk a little bit the time, ignored any attempts to terrific public servant, a man of sub- more about that. In Senator MCCON- cheer him up by saying, ‘‘Mom, can stance like no other ever known. NELL’s case, we didn’t talk for a long you make me a peanut butter and jelly After 8 years leading the country, time, and then we did get together and sandwich for lunch?’’ President Obama is leaving office on a we did some great work together. But I The point is that life goes on no mat- high point. When he first took office, think he was here just to make sure I ter how deep the disappointments. You our country was in an economic free am leaving. My leader over in the pick yourself up, and you keep fighting fall and hemorrhaging jobs. Now the House is here—. I will because this is your country. It is our country is experiencing the longest talk about her more. My colleagues country, and it is worth fighting for. I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.013 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 ran again four years later and won. I the face of a crisis, never look away, I always say, ‘‘It is not important to was eager to get to work on issues such never back down, and never be afraid. be something; it is important to do as: In the case of AIDS, I got to work something.’’ Afterschool for kids. with the Chairman of the House Appro- If you choose my path and the path Protecting the natural beauty of my priations Committee, a southern gen- of many in this room, I want to be county. tleman. He had never heard of AIDS. clear: You will need mentors and you Ensuring that a child walking to He said to me: ‘‘If people are sick, then will need friends like two of mine— school would be safe. I put up so many we must help.’’ We got the first double- John Burton and BARBARA MIKULSKI. stop signs to protect kids that I soon digit Federal AIDS funding, and we es- John encouraged me to run for the became known as the ‘‘Stop Sign tablished an AIDS Task Force and House, where he had always been a Queen.’’ brought in people such as Elizabeth fighter for those without a voice. It was local government, and the Taylor and Elizabeth Glaser, and we BARBARA had been my friend in the world was changing. The fought back. We took it under our wing House and encouraged me to run for was raging. The women’s movement to solve this crisis—both adult AIDS the Senate. When I went to see her, she was ramping up. The oil companies and pediatric AIDS. said, very simply: ‘‘Go for it.’’ That wanted to drill off the pristine coast of By that time, I had an extraordinary and $40 million—that was good advice. California. Even from my position as a new partner in the House, NANCY And I did. Senator MIKULSKI is every- local county supervisor representing PELOSI. We immediately bonded. I was thing a Senator should be. She is intel- only 40,000 people, I was exposed to so impressed with her passion and her ligent, caring, always focused, and as these national issues that would soon energy. We remain the dearest of an added bonus, she can have you in require all of my attention. friends to this day. I am so proud of stitches. I am so grateful for her guid- Tip O’Neill, one of NANCY PELOSI’s her. NANCY has changed the face of pol- ance and, most important, her friend- great predecessors, was known for his itics in America, and she will go down ship. saying that ‘‘All politics is local,’’ but in history as one of the most influen- I launched my campaign for the Sen- the global became local when Marin tial leaders of our time. ate. It was very difficult. No one pre- County got a Federal grant saying the Recently—on a recent issue—I was dicted I would win. I was less than an threat of nuclear attack is real, and expressing deep disappointment, and asterisk in the polls. I was filled with you have to have a plan to evacuate NANCY told me: ‘‘Don’t agonize. Orga- doubt. Coming to my aid was my senior the county in case there is a bomb nize!’’ This was two nights ago. She is Senator, . She stood dropped in San Francisco. This was in right. When things get tough, that is by my side, even though it could have the 1980’s. what you do. cost her votes. I will never, ever forget The Reagan administration, I think, Over the years, the issues kept com- that. Thank you, DIANNE. missed the obvious. Getting in a car on ing my way and came the way of a lot I also need to pay tribute to Anita a narrow road to evacuate to Napa or of people in this room: the Violence Hill because without her, I never would going under your desk was not going to Against Women Act, LGBT equality, have been elected to the Senate. Anita protect you, so all five supervisors— protecting a woman’s right to choose, Hill courageously told her story to the three Republicans and two Demo- workers’ rights, protecting the Clean all-male U.S. Senate Judiciary Com- crats—rejected the grant. Instead, we Air Act and the Clean Water Act, and mittee, breaking the silence on this mailed an informational booklet to the Safe Drinking Water Act. Those painful issue. In addition, people saw every household, telling them there are all examples. These fights con- there were only two women in the Sen- was no way to evacuate from a nuclear tinue, and they keep coming whether ate. bomb; you have to prevent it in the you are in elected office or not. They Anita Hill, you showed us all that we first place. come to you if you are a single parent must never be afraid to take on the During that same period, James Watt trying to raise a child and struggling powerful. It certainly isn’t easy, but if wanted to drill off the coast of Cali- to make ends meet on a minimum wage you learn to be tough in the right way, fornia. We put together business peo- that is not fair. They come to you if you can find the sweet spot, even in ple, environmentalists, farmers, and we your kid gets asthma. They come to this atmosphere where the parties have said no. The tourist industry joined us, you if your job has been outsourced grown so far apart. This is one of my and we stopped it. and you have nowhere to turn. They biggest regrets—how far the parties That was my first attempt at very come to you when college tuition gets have grown apart, especially when it broad coalition building. As national out of reach. comes to the environment. issues unfolded before my eyes, I had to Whether it is happening to you or Remember, Richard Nixon created do more if I really wanted to stay true someone else, the great thing about the Environmental Protection Agency. to making life better for people. our participatory democracy is each of He signed the Clean Air Act, the Clean When John Burton’s seat for Con- us has a chance to make a difference. Water Act and the Endangered Species gress opened up in 1982, I jumped in. It You can make a difference by holding Act. George H.W. Bush signed the ex- was a long shot. And I will always be an elected office or working for some- tension of the Clean Air Act. Many Re- grateful to the people who brought me one who does. You can make a dif- publicans led the charge for environ- to that dance: working people, environ- ference by working for a campaign. mental protection. Now, unfortunately, mentalists, children’s advocates. They You can make a difference by starting protecting the environment has be- put me over the top. a business and employing good people come a divide where we truly duke it After I won this election, I began to help you build it. You can make a out. hearing about the mysterious disease difference by becoming a teacher, a As I leave here, I intend to do every- that was stealing the lives of so many nurse, a firefighter or a police officer. thing in my power to work to bridge in my congressional district. I remem- There are so many noble ways to that divide because we all live on one ber feeling so helpless because we make a difference in America. The one planet. It doesn’t matter what party we didn’t know what it was and what thing you cannot do, even when it is are. We all breathe the same air. We all caused it. One thing was clear: AIDS tempting: You cannot turn away— want our families to be healthy and was devastating, and too many in never. The forces and the people who live on a planet that can sustain us and Washington were not taking action. shape you cannot be ignored. I say to all of God’s creations. In this time of When we found out it could be trans- everybody within the sound of my deep division, we have to find areas to mitted sexually, I had to go up against voice that you have it within you to work together. the far rightwing who didn’t want to step out and make your mark. I think I found a proven formula in provide any information about the dis- A lot of young people come up to me my relationship with my friend and ease. Yet here I was, a middle-aged and say, ‘‘I would love to do what you chairman of the Environment and Pub- mother of two from the suburbs, talk- do. How do I become a U.S. Senator?’’ lic Works Committee, Senator JIM ing about condoms. It was uncomfort- I am sure a lot of us get that ques- INHOFE. We never surprise each other, able, but this would become my way. In tion. even where we disagree—ever. Our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.015 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6771 word is our bond to each other. We the Senate. Once we got here, he made that continues, but I will not go off on found that we could work as a winning sure we had major responsibilities. that; setting clean drinking water team to build and strengthen our Na- HARRY, you will go down in history for standards to protect pregnant women, tion’s infrastructure, and we have that. children, and other vulnerable people; made incredible progress for the Amer- I am, of course, ecstatic that my suc- the dolphin-safe tuna label; protecting ican people on those issues—long-term cessor is , who served as victims of rape in the military from ir- highway bills, long-term water bills attorney general for my State with relevant, harassing questions that have and the first update on the Toxic Con- great distinction and who will continue already been barred in civilian courts; trol Act. That was a doozy for us. I will the tradition of having a strong, pro- establishing the first-ever sub- never forget that battle. gressive woman in this seat. committee to oversee global women’s Transportation turned out to be a Kamala, you heard it here—a strong, issues, which JEANNE is going to carry sweet spot between Majority Leader progressive woman in this seat is what on; recommending a diverse group of MITCH MCCONNELL and me. We hadn’t we need. supremely qualified judicial nominees talked seriously for 20 years because of As I wind down my remarks, I must who are carrying out our laws in Cali- the Packwood case. It was: Hello, hello. be completely honest about my broken fornia’s Federal courts. There are That was it. But we did come together heart. I worked hard, along with so many more I could talk about, and we to save the Highway Trust Fund at an many millions of Americans, so that all know this because each one of them urgent time. we would have our first female Presi- is like a child to us and we remember Our work together surprised so many dent. It was not to be this time, but we how hard it was to get it done, but let of our colleagues, but I think it sur- made history with , the me be clear, you don’t get anything prised the two of us more than any- first female nominee of a major party, done here unless your colleagues help thing else. But it worked because we who, I might add, won the popular vote you from both sides of the aisle. set aside all of our past legitimate divi- by millions and still counting. She My biggest regret is that I couldn’t sions in order to rescue America’s truly shattered the glass ceiling and end the war in Iraq. It hurt my soul. I transportation system. We took a risk, showed that women had the ability to came down to the floor every day and and the risk paid off. And, of course, all take it on the chin again and again. read the names of fallen soldiers. I was of my colleagues helped make that pos- My message to everyone who sup- accused of being too emotional. I asked sible. ported Hillary is, the work goes on. probing questions in committee to ex- Also, I want to mention my Repub- Yes, you build on success and you learn pose the fact that we were in the mid- lican counterpart on the Ethics Com- from failure, but you never stop work- dle of a civil war. Day after day I made mittee, Senator JOHNNY ISAKSON, be- ing for human rights, civil rights, my case, but the war went on and on. cause when it comes to ethics, we have women’s rights, voting rights, chil- It took President Obama to finally end proven there is no room for partisan- dren’s rights and the environment. I that war, and I will always be grateful ship. All we want to do is make sure certainly don’t plan to stop. the Senate is a respected institution. to him. I am not only fortunate to have had Of course, there is unfinished busi- Friendship and trust with Members on this extraordinary career, but I am ness, and I know my colleagues are both sides and in the House of Rep- also so fortunate to be going home to a going to carry on. We must restore the resentatives—I am so proud so many of State that stands for everything I be- you are here—that is the only way to Voting Rights Act. We need to restore lieve in. trust between our communities and get things done. I wish to thank every one of my Having a leader who has your back is law enforcement. We have to continue staffers—those who worked for me in essential. A good leader knows and un- to protect and provide affordable Washington, either on my personal derstands each member of his caucus health care. We must take action on staff, committee staff, those who and where they draw the line. HARRY is climate change or we are in deep trou- worked for me in the State, and those so humble. Whenever you talk about ble as humankind. We must protect the who helped me get elected. A lot of him, he puts his head down. DREAMers and immigrants who con- them are here today. Without them, I HARRY, could you just look at me for tribute to our communities every day. a second? never ever could have done my job, and We must raise the minimum wage and A good leader knows when to speak I never could have accomplished the ensure equal pay for equal work. We up and when to listen. A good leader things I have accomplished that I am must protect reproductive freedom and knows when to pick up the gloves and proud of. work across party lines for a safe fight like hell. That is what HARRY I also wish to thank the floor staff. world. REID has done. He is not a show horse; The floor staff never gets thanked I have often joked about some of the he is a workhorse. enough because they deal with us when things that have been said to me over He is a soft-spoken man. How many we are very nervous. They have to deal the years that are too colorful, in a of us have to say: HARRY, could you with us when we are about to have an negative way, to repeat here, but I speak up? He is a soft-spoken man of a amendment come up or about to vote want everyone to know, whether friend few words, but he chooses his words on something and need to understand or foe, whether critic or admirer, I do wisely, and he chooses his fights wise- the rules and our rights. appreciate the fact that you let me ly. He doesn’t seek the spotlight. When To Gary and his team, Trish, Tim, know how you felt about my work one it comes to standing up for what is and all of you—thank you. way or the other. right, he is right there when others try When I look back on everything I To close, I will read a handwritten to slip out of the room. fought for, there are more than a thou- letter I received in October from one of HARRY has not only been an extraor- sand accomplishments, and I am cer- the greatest jazz musicians in our dinary leader and colleague, he and his tainly not going to talk about all of country, Sonny Rollins, into the wife, Landra, have been close and those, but I am going to, briefly, very RECORD. He was recently honored at treasured friends of me and my hus- fast, go through 10 of my favorites. The the Kennedy Center. He wrote in band, Stewart. I call him the brother I first afterschool programs that were longhand the following: never had, and he calls me the sister he funded by the Federal Government, Greetings—so so sorry that we are not never had. He treats me like a sister; covering more than 1.6 million kids going to have you for us anymore. I’ve al- he always hangs up on me when I call every day; 1 million acres of California ways been interested in politics, marching as him. And he never calls on me when I wilderness preserved; the first-ever a 6 year old with my activist grandmother madly wave my hand at caucus. You comprehensive combat casualty care for civil rights. It has been such a joy and in- know, I am like a sister. You don’t center in California for our most spiration knowing that Barbara Boxer was have to worry, the love will be there. I wounded warriors; ensuring that our there for us. God bless you, your family, and loved am forever grateful for his leadership transportation programs remain in ones—And thank you. and his friendship. place for years to come with millions You will be missed and we all love you. Another quality of is of jobs protected; upholding our land- Have a beautiful life, just like you have that he encouraged women to run for mark environmental laws, and I hope made life beautiful for so many citizens.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.016 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 I wish to thank Sonny Rollins. I I thought about it for the next 8 years. we have to deal with, but we knew don’t know him personally. I met him She said that we look at things dif- there was no way we could come to- once, but what he said is all I wanted ferently. We had an election and elec- gether so we kind of put it aside and to do—make life beautiful for people. I tions have consequences. Remember didn’t let it spoil our friendship or our didn’t always succeed. I didn’t always that elections have consequences. Well, ability to work together in any way. prevail. I felt the pain of losing many 2 years ago, the Republicans took over, So I think it is a very important times, but I can honestly say I never and I gave her a T-shirt that said: message to many chairmen and rank- stopped trying. I was able to do it be- ‘‘Elections have consequences.’’ During ing members that if there is honesty— cause of the love, understanding and all that time, we didn’t really change set it aside if you can’t work together, support of my husband of 55 years, in terms of what we were doing to- but where you can find those sweet Stewart, who is here today. He gave me gether. I have a list of the things we spots, do it because everyone wants— so much, including the best political have done that I left someplace, but, they are cheering us on from the out- name ever. I did it because of my son nevertheless, we did the highway bill in side. I can’t tell you how many people Doug, my daughter Nicole, my daugh- 1998 and 2005. All of the things we did at home tell me: We don’t know how ter-in-law Amy, my son-in-law Kevin, actually worked. I remember when we you do it, but it is great what you and and four incredible grandchildren, had a news conference on TSCA. When INHOFE get done. Zach, Zain, Sawyer, and Reyna, and be- I looked around, I saw all of my very Fortunately, we never lost an elec- cause of the people of California who liberal Democratic friends and me, and tion over our friendship, which could sent me here time and time again—10 I thought: Wait a minute. How did this have happened, you know. They could years in the House and 24 years in the happen? have said: I am not going to vote for Senate. I had the opportunity to never We have been able to work together him; he talks to her. But we were able stop trying. I had the opportunity to and get things done, and I have been to prove that we can do it. speak out, and no matter how many very proud of that. In fact, I shouldn’t So, JIM, I am honored that you came times I had to try, I did. Here is the say this because I am going to divulge down to the floor. I am honored that thing. I have this platform, which is an our confidence, but we have meetings Senator MCCONNELL said such nice extraordinary honor. This is a sacred just as Democrats have their meetings. things. I am so honored that so many position, and I say to my colleagues All the chairmen get together, and came to the floor to hear my farewell that no matter who says what about it, when it was my turn to make a state- remarks. it is a sacred position. Hold your head ment, I said: Now, from the committee Again, I yield the floor. high. that gets things done. Anyway, that is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- So many here have fought the good the way it has been. ator from New Hampshire. fight and will continue to fight the I disagreed with Senator BOXER on a FAREWELL TO THE SENATE good fight, and I will always treasure lot of the regulations, and I have told Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, it is my time serving the people. They gave her many times she has every right to with deep gratitude that I rise today to me a purpose in my life that I will al- be wrong. address my Senate colleagues and ways cherish. They made me a better Mrs. BOXER. You do. members of my staff with whom I have person. They made my life more beau- Mr. INHOFE. But on the things that had the privilege of serving over the tiful than I ever could have imagined, were really important, we did manage last 6 years. and for that I am forever grateful. to get things accomplished. There is an First and foremost, I want to thank I thank the Presiding Officer and awful lot of hate around here, and it is the people of New Hampshire for giving yield the floor. so unnecessary. You can disagree with me the extraordinary opportunity to (Applause, Senators rising.) serve them. From Nashua to Newport, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. someone and love them anyway. I have to say that confession is good for the to the North Country, they have in- COATS). The Senator from Oklahoma. soul, but I want my good friend to spired me. The people of our State are TRIBUTE TO BARBARA BOXER know I am truly going to miss her hard-working, caring, compassionate Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, that was people with grit. They have a fierce a very emotional and heartfelt speech. around here. Mrs. BOXER. I thank the Senator sense of independence that I respect As I look around, I know there are a lot and admire. That spirit has guided me of people who want to respond and be from Oklahoma so much. Mr. INHOFE. I yield the floor. during my time here, and it has been heard, but I grabbed it first. This will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the privilege of a lifetime to serve be real short. I believe it was the majority leader ator from California. them. Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, the rela- I want to thank my family—my hus- who gave me a quote this morning. He band Joe, my wingman. Joe is a patriot made the comment that the two of you tionship we felt was based on trust and with a heart of service. That is why he agree on nothing, but you get every- honesty. We never ever misled each thing done. other. I just love the Senator’s staff. I served our country as a fighter pilot in Mrs. BOXER. That is right. really do. Our staff developed the same the Air Force and why he has been my Mr. INHOFE. There is a reason for type of relationship that we devel- biggest supporter during my service that. If you stop and think about it, we oped—disagreeing on many things but not only as New Hampshire’s attorney came to the House and Senate at about understanding that we can work to- general but as a Senator. We are so the same time. There are no two people gether and find common ground. I just proud of our children, Kate and Jake, in this body who are further apart from hope, as I step out the door—Lord who are now 12 and 9. My family has each other than BARBARA BOXER and knows when that will be, given this sacrificed so that I could serve the peo- . Yet we have something place—that others will form this type ple of New Hampshire, and I am grate- beautiful. I hesitate to show this AP of bond across party lines because ful for their patience and love. I also picture of our embrace, but it has to be without it, things just don’t work thank my mother Kathy, who is and al- in the record here somewhere. right. ways has been my mentor and No. 1 For 12 years, we swapped—back and I want my friend to know it has been cheerleader. I could not have done it forth—being chairman of the Environ- a great pleasure to work with him in without her help and that of my step- ment and Public Works Committee. I every way, shape, and form. One of us father Jim, my uncle Jack, my aunt always remember when the Repub- is from Venus and one of us is from Jane, and all of our extended family licans were in the majority back in— Mars, and that is just the way it is. We who have done so much for us. They let’s see. We lost it in 2006. I remember just see the world differently, but it made it possible for me to serve, and seeing BARBARA, Al Gore, and all these hasn’t stopped us from putting aside there are not adequate words to ex- other people danced in and out the door those disagreements. We were never press how much their love and support saying the world is going to come to an bitter with each other. means to me. end unless we do all of these things. We had a pretty big divide. One per- I also thank my wonderful and hard- At that time, she said something son said climate change is a hoax and working staff in New Hampshire and very profound that I never forgot, and the other said it is the biggest threat Washington, whose dedication, work

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.017 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6773 ethic, and talent are unparalleled in to fight for them and their families leasing Guantanamo terrorists to other the Senate. I am especially fortunate every single day. countries where they even rejoin ter- that some of the members of my staff One of the most rewarding aspects of rorist activities, and finally establish a have served by my side since I was first my time in the Senate has been stand- commonsense detention policy that sworn in 6 years ago. My staff is dedi- ing up for those who put their lives on keeps terrorists off the battlefield and cated, creative, tireless, and compas- the line for our country—our veterans protects American lives and our na- sionate. I am so proud of our team and and our men and women in uniform tional security. all we have accomplished together. I and their families. Today, we mark the We made progress in saving taxpayer am confident that they will continue 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl dollars at the Pentagon—and I know to work to create a brighter future for Harbor. We are reminded once again of there is more work that needs to be New Hampshire and for our country. their selfless service and sacrifice on done—by ending wasteful programs, I ask unanimous consent to have a behalf of our great Nation. such as the missile to nowhere, and list of their names printed in the I was honored during my time here to passing the Never Contract With the RECORD. lead the charge to repeal unfair cuts Enemy legislation that cut through There being no objection, the mate- for our military retirees and to help redtape and helped prevent tens of mil- rial was ordered to be printed in the make progress toward improving ac- lions of dollars from ending up in the RECORD, as follows: cess to local health care for veterans in hands of our enemies. CURRENT STAFF New Hampshire, who for far too long Working with Chairman MCCAIN, I Kristine Adams, Erica Andeweg, Daniel have been forced to travel long dis- was proud to help lead the successful Auger, Camden Bisson, Bradley Bowman, tances to receive care from a VA facil- effort to help prevent the premature John Chambers III, Ryan Clark, Frederick ity because we don’t have a full-service retirement of the A–10 aircraft, ensur- Dressler, Adam Hechavarria, Kelsey Keegan, hospital, unfortunately, in the State of ing that our ground troops continue to Shaylyn Kelly, Marne Marotta, Myles New Hampshire. Too often, our vet- have the best close air support possible Matteson, Richard Murphy III, Kayla Na- erans are not treated as they should be, to keep them safe. tions, Gabriel Noronha, Taylor Reidy, During my time on the committee, I Samantha Roberts, Chloe Rockow, Bethany and this has to change. They have sac- Scully, DeWayne Thomas, Elizabeth John- rificed so much for our freedom and de- have had the privilege of working son, Gene Chandler, Jerome Maslan, Cynthia serve only the best from us. closely with Chairman JOHN MCCAIN Woodward, Jane Bosse, Christopher As the wife of a combat veteran who and Senator to ensure Connelly, Joseph Doiron, Orville Fitch, Mi- served in Iraq, nothing has been more that America maintains the strongest chael Garcia, Eric Hensel, Stephen Monier, important to me than keeping our and best military in the world and to John Pearson, Neva Varsalone, Gretchen country safe. That commitment is ensure that our country continues to Wade, Lauren Zelt, Matthew Bartlett, Bren- deeply personal to me. One of the be the greatest force for good in the da Kittle, Anne Warburton, Kathryn Sul- greatest privileges I have had as a Sen- world. There are no stronger voices in livan. ator is to visit with members of our this body for America’s leadership in FORMER STAFF New Hampshire National Guard and the world, nor fiercer advocates for our Kelcey Raymond, Nathanael Anderson, our men and women in uniform who men and women in uniform than Chair- Robin Anderson, William Ardinger, Christin Ballou, Benjamin Bradley, Gwendolyn Cas- serve overseas and are there now as we man JOHN MCCAIN and Senator LINDSEY sidy, Thomas DeRosa, Virginia Demers, Den- are here today. We pray for their safe GRAHAM. Now more than ever, we need nis Deziel, Elizabeth Drumm, Danielle return. They make us so proud. They their leadership, expertise, and passion Duchesne, John Easton, Robert Fraser, Rob- represent the very best of our State for keeping this country safe with the ert Ganim, Elliot Gault, Claire Gimbastiani, and our country. challenges we face around the world. I Jeffrey Grappone, Elizabeth Guyton, Tim- As a member of the Armed Services am honored to have worked with them othy Hefferan, Brian Hodges, Kathryn Committee, I have been proud to advo- and, most of all, to call them my Horgan, Debra Jarrett, Alison Kamataris, cate for the Portsmouth Naval Ship- friends. Sean Knox, John Lawrence, Andrew Leach, Emily Lynch, Cathy Myers, Francy Nichols, yard and the skilled workers there who Serving on the Armed Services Com- Margaret Ouellette, Irina Owens, Kelsey Pat- make vital contributions to our na- mittee has been one of the best experi- ten, Brianna Puccini, Matt Reeder, Wade tional security. This has been a team ences I have had in the Senate. I want Sarraf, Michael Scala, Robert Seidman, effort between New Hampshire and to express my gratitude to all of my Lauren Spivey, Alexander Stanford, Susan- Maine. I thank my colleagues—Senator fellow committee members because it Anne Terzakis, Simon Thomson, Linda SHAHEEN; Senator COLLINS, whom I see has truly been a bipartisan effort each Tomlinson. here today; and Senator — year to ensure our troops have the re- Ms. AYOTTE. I want to take a mo- for their incredible work in supporting sources they need to do their jobs. ment to thank the Capitol Police, who the shipyard. I see Senator MCCASKILL, the Sen- devote themselves to keeping us safe I especially want to thank Senator ator from Missouri, here. I have deeply each and every day and who have be- SHAHEEN for all the work we did to- appreciated the work we have done to- come friends to my staff and me over gether on important issues for our gether on behalf of our men and women the years. I am so grateful for all of State. Whether it was advocating for in uniform. Thank you. our first responders who put their lives the shipyard, for Pease and the 157th Going forward, it is critical that Con- on the line each and every day to keep Air Refueling Wing to receive the new gress and the next administration work us safe. I also thank the Senate floor tanker, for our National Guard, or for together to reverse the harmful cuts to staff, the pages, and everyone who our veterans, we always looked for our military and to ensure that we works so hard behind the scenes to ways to come together for the people of have a defense budget based on the make our work possible here. New Hampshire, and I appreciate her threats we face around the world right During the past 6 years, I have trav- dedication and service. now, which are unprecedented. eled throughout New Hampshire talk- Since I first came to the Senate, one Another issue that has been near and ing to people from all walks of life, lis- of my top priorities has been reversing dear to my heart is addressing a dev- tening to their ideas and learning from the Obama administration’s misguided astating epidemic that is facing the their experiences. I have met so many policy to empty and close the Guanta- State of New Hampshire; that is, the hard-working people in our State who namo Bay detention facility. Each year heroin and prescription opioid epi- have, in turn, inspired me to work hard I have led efforts to prevent the trans- demic that is taking a devastating toll on their behalf. True to the nature of fer of terrorist to the United States, to on our State. I have met so many peo- our great State, they have never been our soil here, and to urge the adminis- ple in New Hampshire who are hurting shy about letting me know what is on tration to be transparent with the because of this epidemic—mothers and their minds, whether it was at one of American people about these dangerous fathers who have lost children, broth- the 50 townhall meetings we held or in detainees. ers and sisters who have lost siblings. the grocery aisle at the Market Basket. As I have called for previously, I hope Many of the families who have been af- They sent me to the Senate with a the new administration will imme- fected have become my dear friends, sense of purpose. It has been an honor diately halt the dangerous policy of re- like Doug and Pam Griffin of Newton,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.019 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 NH, who lost their beautiful daughter our country deeply and work tirelessly with her over the past 6 years. Six Courtney, who had so much potential. each day on behalf of their constitu- years ago, I stood on this floor to rec- They lost her to an overdose. ents. ognize another departing Senator from The Griffins, like so many other fam- I am so honored as I see my col- New Hampshire, Judd Gregg. I said ilies in New Hampshire I have met, leagues who are here today, because I then about my relationship with Sen- have turned their pain into passion to know how hard you work every day. I ator Gregg something that is also true save our families. I have learned so want to thank you for what you do on about my relationship with Senator much from their experiences. They in- behalf of the people of this country. I AYOTTE: that we always managed to spired me to work with a group of am humbled by what I have learned disagree without being disagreeable. I great Senators and my colleagues: Sen- from each of you and from each of my am grateful to Senator AYOTTE for ator , who I know is here colleagues in the Senate and for the op- this, and I am proud that we have been today; Senator portunity to serve with so many good able to maintain that civility and bi- from Rhode Island; and Senator AMY people on behalf of our great Nation. I partisanship even in the course of two KLOBUCHAR from Minnesota. The four thank each of you for your dedicated very close and very tough election cy- of us came together and worked on service and, most of all, for your cles. That is the New Hampshire way— what is called the Comprehensive Ad- friendship. putting partisanship aside whenever diction and Recovery Act. This bill will Without leadership here, things just possible and seeking practical, prag- provide a much needed framework for don’t get done. I especially want to matic solutions to address people’s addressing this epidemic through pre- thank Majority Leader MITCH MCCON- critical needs. vention, treatment, recovery, and sup- NELL for his commitment to making As she said, time and time again, port for our first responders, who are the Senate work and to making sure Senator AYOTTE and I have teamed up doing so much for this epidemic. As a we are doing the people’s business. to advance legislation of special impor- bipartisan team, we worked on this leg- On a personal note, I have deeply ap- tance to the Granite State, including islation for more than 2 years. Our bill preciated his mentorship and his strongly advocating for veterans, for passed the Senate overwhelmingly and friendship. the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, and was signed into law earlier this year. Working with our new President, the for the New Hampshire National Guard CARA will focus on the best pro- Senate has a fresh opportunity to cre- and that new KC–46 tanker. Together, grams to help State and locale efforts ate a better quality of life for all we fought to secure more resources for in turning around the tide of addiction Americans in this great country. That law enforcement and treatment profes- that is facing so many in this country. means elected leaders will need to sionals who are on the frontlines of the CARA is an important first step, but work together and put aside our par- opioid crisis, including this week im- there is so much more work that needs tisan differences. portant new funding in the 21st Cen- to be done. I am encouraged that be- During this election, we heard the tury Cures Act. cause of our efforts, this body has rec- frustrations of the American people I want to publicly express my grati- ognized the seriousness of this crisis. with their government. They rightly tude to KELLY for her dedicated service I was particularly glad to advocate expect this body to move forward in to the people of New Hampshire and, for $1 billion in funding to address the solving the significant challenges fac- more broadly, the people of the United heroin epidemic being included in the ing our Nation, such as getting our fis- States. Over the last 6 years, Senator 21st Century Cures Act, which we are cal House in order, ensuring that fami- AYOTTE has earned respect on both expected to pass and send to the Presi- lies can afford quality health care sides of the aisle in this body and in dent this week. I thank Senator LAMAR without Washington between them and New Hampshire. I know that her hus- ALEXANDER for his incredible leader- their doctors, reforming our broken band Joe and their two wonderful chil- ship in getting this important public Tax Code so we can keep and grow jobs dren, Kate and Jacob, are very, very health bill passed. The funding in the here in the United States of America, proud of her service in the Senate. 21st Century Cures bill goes hand in and foremost, keeping America safe in Looking to the future, there is no ques- hand with the important policy provi- a dangerous world. tion in my mind that she will continue sions in the CARA bill and will help My hope is that the Members of this to serve the State and the country she save lives in New Hampshire and across body will appeal to the better angels of loves. this country. our nature, put partisanship aside, and KELLY, I wish you and your family Finally, I would like to return to the focus on the challenge of building a all the best in the years ahead. Thank reason I ran for the Senate back in more perfect union because the chal- you. 2010: to make sure we leave New Hamp- lenges before us are great and we can- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- shire and our Nation stronger and bet- not hope to overcome them unless we ator from Arizona. ter off for the next generation. As the do so working hand in hand. I know my Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I come mother of two young children, I was in- Senate colleagues are people of great to the floor today to pay tribute to my creasingly concerned that, left un- character, and they are up to this chal- dear friend and colleague, the Senator checked, our skyrocketing national lenge. I wish them the very best as from New Hampshire, KELLY AYOTTE. I debt would ultimately burden future they continue their very important first met KELLY in 2010 when I joined generations and diminish their oppor- work on behalf of the people of the her for a townhall meeting in Nashua, tunities. greatest Nation on Earth. NH. My affection for the State of New I ran because I believed it was time To the people of New Hampshire, Joe Hampshire dates back to my bid for for New Hampshire to bring some of its and I thank you from the bottom of President in 2000, so it was a familiar common sense here to Washington to our hearts for the greatest honor of a setting to join so many old friends in deal with our Nation’s spending habits. lifetime, for serving you and for the support of her campaign for the U.S. On every committee I served on, we privilege of serving in the United Senate. I was impressed with Senator looked for ways to cut wasteful spend- States Senate with so many good peo- AYOTTE’s deep understanding of the top ing and fought to hold the government ple. challenges facing the country, the seri- accountable for the way it spends our Mr. President, I thank you, and I ousness with which she approached her hard-earned taxpayer dollars. It is my yield the floor. work, and the ease with which she en- hope that this issue will be at the top (Applause, Senators rising.) gaged with members of the audience, of the agenda of the incoming Congress The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- gracefully handling spirited debates and the new administration. If there is LIVAN). The Senator from New Hamp- and sparring matches with voters—a anything I have learned in my time shire. staple of the townhall meetings in New here, it is that it takes cooperation TRIBUTES TO KELLY AYOTTE Hampshire I always admired. I knew from both sides of the aisle to get Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I am then we would be fast friends. things done. pleased that I could be here for Senator In the Senate, Senator AYOTTE It has been a privilege to serve with AYOTTE’s farewell address and honored brought the same tenacity to her work, so many in this body who care about to have had the opportunity to serve distinguishing herself as a rising star

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.021 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6775 in the Republican Party and a leader Armed Services Committee will not be the bullets fly, you get tougher. I love willing to work across party lines to surprised to learn of her background as all my colleagues, but sometimes the get things done. Senator AYOTTE has New Hampshire’s first female attorney stress of the debate wears you down approached every issue candidly and general. I have been a fortunate ob- pretty quickly. The more contentious, pragmatically—something that is all server of more than one occasion in the better you were. too often lacking in politics today. ‘‘I which a bureaucrat withered under So, KELLY, the best way we can pay call them like I see them,’’ she once skilled cross-examination by Senator you back is to keep up the fight and said. ‘‘And that means not just with AYOTTE. She takes her oversight role make sure that we have a fair military the opposing party, but with my own extremely seriously and believes in justice system and that commanders party.’’ Senator AYOTTE took this holding our Nation’s leaders account- are accountable but they are still in mantra on the road, continuing the able. charge. tradition of the New Hampshire town- In every way, Senator AYOTTE rose to An observation: For people with hall meetings by holding more than 50 meet the responsibilities and opportu- young kids, this has to be a tough job. townhall meetings in small towns and nities of her office. There are many I don’t have any children, but I can’t cities across New Hampshire, where she qualities that are important to being a imagine the schedule if you have young spoke directly with her constituents good Senator, but none, in my opinion, kids. I have gotten to know KELLY, about the issues impacting their fami- is more important than standing firm Joe, and Kate and Jake, and I can only lies. for what you believe. That is what Sen- imagine what it is like for Joe to be a But, in my view, Senator AYOTTE’s ator AYOTTE has done. She has never single parent 3 days a week, running a best work lies in her contribution to wavered in her commitment to prin- business, trying to get kids off to defense and national security as a ciple, and this body is better for it. school. I can tell you from being member of the Armed Services Com- On a more personal note, I have cher- KELLY’s friend—and JOHN and I have mittee. Coming from a military family, ished the friendship and partnership of traveled all over the world with her commitment to strengthening our Senator KELLY AYOTTE. The kindness KELLY—that was a constant strain for Armed Forces is deeply personal. That and courtesy she has extended to her her. I am sure it is true of every young has contributed to her tireless advo- colleagues has made this institution a mother in America doing any job, but cacy on issues important to New better place, and her principled leader- having to be gone and having to bal- Hampshire, to Pease Air National ship has served as an example to all of ance the needs of her kids and being a mom and a wife and all that good Guard Base, the Portsmouth Naval us. In KELLY, you could always find a Shipyard, and to all military and civil- warm smile that served as a reminder stuff—all I can tell you, for you and ian personnel supporting our national that serving here is truly a joy and a Joe—if you meet Kate and Jake, you security who call New Hampshire privilege. all did good. If you meet these kids, it has been an enriching 6 years. They are home. While I will miss KELLY’s presence in As chairman of the Subcommittee on the Senate, I will continue to rely on full of life. I think you both handled it Readiness, Senator AYOTTE has called her wise counsel and friendship, and I very well. You should be proud of the long list attention to the dangerous readiness am confident our Nation will continue of things you have accomplished. But I crisis and has been a consistent advo- to benefit from her talents for many guess what I saw in you and what I cate for making sure the men and years to come. With this in mind, I wish more of us would embrace is an women of our Armed Forces have the thank my dear friend and valued col- attitude that nothing is too hard, noth- resources they need to defend the Na- league, Senator KELLY AYOTTE, for her ing is too challenging if you really be- tion. She has authored numerous legis- service to the Nation and this body. lative proposals to eliminate wasteful lieve you are here for a purpose. And until the Nation calls on her You didn’t talk about immigration. I and duplicative spending in the Depart- again, I wish her and her husband Joe don’t blame you. The immigration ment of Defense so that we can rein- and their children, Katherine and fight is one of the hardest fights I have vest the savings in rebuilding our mili- Jacob, fair winds and following seas. ever been in, particularly on our side. tary. She passed legislation to save The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- It is not easy on your side, but on our over $1 billion in the Pentagon’s budget ator from Missouri. side it is really tough. KELLY was there and to keep U.S. tax dollars out of the Mrs. MCCASKILL. Mr. President, I pushing over the line a bill that I think hands of America’s enemies. She has don’t have eloquent prepared remarks, made a lot of sense. been a leading advocate for repealing as the chairman just delivered, but I The debt. Everybody talks about it, arbitrary budget cuts and the mindless will tell you this: I have been lucky but nobody wants to do anything about mechanism of sequestration which con- enough to be in the trenches with it. We have had a couple of sessions tinues to weaken our military and puts KELLY AYOTTE, and when you are in with 10 and 20 Senators trying to find a the lives of our servicemembers at the trenches with KELLY AYOTTE, there way to get more revenue and do enti- greater risk. is something about her demeanor that tlement reform, something like Simp- Senator AYOTTE’s fight to prevent lifts you up. It was a tough fight where son-Bowles. If you don’t do that, the the Air Force from mothballing the A– we were outnumbered, particularly by country is going to become like 10 Warthog attack planes showed the our fellow women Senators, and it was Greece. Every time we had a meeting, very best she has to offer. As the wife hard. It was really hard and emotional, every time we had a session about of a retired A–10 pilot who flew combat and every time I would walk up to doing hard stuff, KELLY was there. missions in Iraq and an expert in de- KELLY in full-blown panic mode, this I remember sequestration. JEANNE fense policy, Senator AYOTTE under- smile would radiate; the reassuring pat SHAHEEN and KELLY AYOTTE were two stood the critical role this aircraft on my shoulder that we have the facts of the six Senators trying to find a way plays in providing close air support for on our side, that the emotional argu- to set aside these defense cuts in a bal- our fighting men and women. Year ments might be on the other side but anced approach without destroying the after year, she led the fight to prevent the facts were on our side. It kept me military. the Obama administration from fol- strong and it kept me focused. I think what you should be most lowing through on its plan to retire I will tell you three things I know in proud of is that you served for 6 years that fleet, pushing through measures my heart about KELLY AYOTTE: She is and your kids are great, that you made in annual Defense authorization bills a warrior, she is a class act, and she is a lot of friendships that will last a life- that would prevent any premature di- my friend. time, and that your best days are yet vestment of this aircraft. At the end of Thank you, KELLY. to come. the day, she was right. The Air Force The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- You can tell the people of New Hamp- conceded to this aircraft’s value and ator from South Carolina. shire—or I will tell them for you if reversed its decision, delaying any di- Mr. GRAHAM. Thank you very much. they can understand me. Apparently vestment until at least 2022. Mr. President, I just want to attest they couldn’t because I didn’t do that Anyone who has watched Senator to CLAIRE and KELLY—if I go to war, I well when I ran for President. The bot- AYOTTE question a witness in the want to go with you all because when tom line is that KELLY never blinked.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.006 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 She went into the sound of gunfire. She than KELLY AYOTTE, and it comes out colleagues today and most especially took on the hardest challenges. She did of experience. It is borne of experience pleased to be here to honor my good it with style and grace, and everybody of walking around New Hampshire friend KELLY AYOTTE as she leaves the in this body is better off for having met communities with families who have Senate but does not leave public serv- KELLY AYOTTE. lost a loved one. Earlier she talked ice. I look forward to working with you about befriending a family who had Believe it or not, I first met KELLY for years to come. The three amigos lost their beautiful daughter to this on the softball field when we were on are now two, and there will never be a horrible epidemic. It comes from going the Congressional women’s softball third amigo like you. to the treatment centers and seeing team. I was in the House, and KELLY I yield. the people who are in the trenches, sav- was the cocaptain in the Senate. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ing lives, and improving lives. It comes raised money for young survivors of ator from Ohio. from talking to those who at one point breast cancer. I knew then I wanted to Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, we had great promise in their lives and got get to the Senate to be good friends have heard a lot of wonderful things off track, seeing those people in a with KELLY because when you talk about KELLY AYOTTE today and all are detox unit as she has done or seeing about being in the trenches, she was deserved. You notice they have come them in a treatment center or, promis- such a competitor. from both sides of the aisle, and they When you think about a team, a ingly, seeing them now in recovery and come from Members who were talking baseball team or a softball team, who beginning to get their lives back to- about her expertise on national secu- is the toughest person on the team? gether. rity—as JOHN MCCAIN did eloquently— This is not an issue of Republicans or Everybody wants to say the pitcher. In and homeland security. Democrats. It is not an issue that is po- my view, it is the catcher. Guess who I certainly have worked with her on our catcher was. KELLY AYOTTE was litical. It is an issue that is in the those issues. I was with her on the and is, and so we became good friends heart of KELLY AYOTTE because it af- Armed Services Committee when I first then. came to the Senate, and we are on the fects the communities she knows in We found we have a lot of love for Homeland Security Committee now. New Hampshire, the people she loves in physical activities. We are both run- She has been a champion for those New Hampshire, and now, sadly, our ners. We have run a couple of times to- issues, there is no question about it. Nation. gether. We participate in the 3-mile On that issue, she has led, not just to She has helped to keep our country run that we have every May that deter- safer, and legislation that she has draft legislation—and she talked about mines who is the fastest male Senator, championed will help to make it safer the CARE legislation which is going to who is the fastest woman Senator. for our kids and grandkids. change the dynamic and get the Fed- Well, guess who the fastest woman I have also worked with her on other eral Government to be a better partner Senator is. You got it. She just blew issues, and I wish to talk about that for with State and local and begin to turn right by me every year so I might have a second. One is this way in which we this tide—not just the Cures legisla- hope next year. I don’t know. I will as a Chamber can ensure we are cre- tion, which does have funding for the have to check out the newcomers. But ating more jobs, being more energy next 2 years to try to stop some of this KELLY was always such a great compet- independent, helping the environment, horrible growth in addictions, itor on the softball field, running in and that is energy efficiency. She has overdoses and deaths, but she has done 5Ks, and just being around in general. been a leader on that issue. this house-to-house, family-to-family, As we have heard from everybody, and I have legisla- person-to-person back home to give you have served your State with integ- tion that we are still working to get all people hope and to help gather the sup- rity and passion. I know it is tough on of it done, but we have gotten some of port in communities around New your family. I see Joe in the Gallery. I it done, and KELLY AYOTTE was a huge Hampshire to fight back. She will con- have met your beautiful children, Kate part of that. In fact, her legislation on tinue to do that. She is not doing it as and Jake. I have heard you on the Tenant Star is now law of the land. It a U.S. Senator. After all, she is doing it phone planning daycare while the rest is helping to make commercial build- as a mom, she is doing it as a citizen. of us are figuring out how we are going ings and office buildings, more energy I am looking forward to continuing to get home that night or what we are efficient. Again, it has the added ben- to work with her on that issue as well doing in our committees. As a young efit of creating jobs and making the as the other issues we have talked mother, KELLY is still trying to make economy stronger while improving our about today. Her public service career the ends meet. I have such admiration environment. That is what she has led is not over; in a sense, it is really just for that as a mother myself. I know on as well. beginning. I know she will be active on how difficult it is, but I know the three I have also worked with her on issues the national security issues, on fight- of them know that no matter if you you would expect someone who is a na- ing against the heroin epidemic, on en- were here figuring that out, they were tional security expert to lead on. Iran suring that we continue to have a safer always No. 1 in your heart. I think that sanctions, she has taken the lead on and stronger country. I, for one, look is a real tribute to you. some of the issues that resulted in the forward to working with her on that. We have heard all of the issues she incredible vote we had on the floor of I thank her for her service. I thank has been so out front on. Particularly this Senate just a few days ago when her, her kids, and Joe for their sac- as I am from a State like West Vir- virtually every Senator voted to ex- rifice because this isn’t an easy job. It ginia—the opioid issue has really im- tend those sanctions, but I have does take you away from your family. pacted our rural areas. When I visited worked with her on another issue that Yet, in 2009, she decided she was going KELLY twice over the last 6 months in has nothing to do with our national se- to serve her country because she was New Hampshire, it was the same kind curity; it has everything to do with our worried about the direction it was of impact. It is small towns, families, family security. It has to do with en- going. She did that, she did it val- people who know each other. It hurts suring that people have the oppor- iantly, and she deserves our praise everybody. KELLY, thank you for your tunity to achieve their God-given pur- today. leadership there. That is going to make pose in life. It has to do with stopping KELLY, we are going to miss you, but not just a mark in your State but the deterioration of our communities, we also look forward to continuing to across our Nation and in my State in families being torn apart, and the enor- work with you on all of the issues that particular. mous impact we have seen of the opioid were talked about today. Thank you We traveled to Gitmo together. I had epidemic. Starting often with prescrip- for your service. never been to Gitmo before. To have an tion drugs, often leading to heroin— I yield back the remainder of my expert such as KELLY explain to me and now synthetic heroins such as time. to hear her question what is going on fentanyl, carfentanil, and U–4, these The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- there and how important it is and was, are very difficult issues. ator from West Virginia. she continues to be in the fight that I have seen no one in this Chamber Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I am she led to make sure we don’t have ter- who has a greater passion for this issue very pleased to be on the floor with my rorists on our own home soil. The fact

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.007 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6777 that Gitmo is still open and is still I end by saying what I really learned the people who were behind me. Well, functioning to keep those very dan- from my mentor was from watching guess what. No, I was behind them, be- gerous folks off of our shores I think is the way she dealt with other people, cause they certainly have led the way. a tribute to KELLY’s leadership. the way she always treated people with Along the way, there were people In terms of New Hampshire, as you respect, with class, with optimism, and who also not only helped me get elect- move away from here, I know you are with dignity. That is probably more ed, but they helped me govern—people going to realize how you have impacted important than anything, not only in who, again, volunteered their own the people where you live and in your the U.S. Senate but in our country. time. I had a wonderful service acad- home State, but just kind of multiply I thank KELLY as a mentor. She was emy board that helped me pick the best that all over the Nation. We have a a great role model not only for me but and the brightest to serve in our mili- huge debt of gratitude to you and your all of the 13 Members of the class of tary academies—people with distin- family for being here for 6 years, but as 2014. I know she will be serving her guished careers in either the military I have told you repeatedly since the country and her State in a lot more or in education. I had a judicial ap- election, this is not the last time we ways. I look forward to watching that pointment advisory board that made are going to hear from KELLY AYOTTE and continuing to call her my good sure I helped nominate the best people or about KELLY AYOTTE. To me, that is friend. to serve in the Federal judiciary. Also, a very strengthening thing when I talk I yield the floor. I had a veterans advisory group that about my friend. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- brought to me what was really hap- I am not going to say goodbye be- LIVAN). The Senator from Maryland. pening to the veterans, not what was in cause I don’t think we will be saying FAREWELL TO THE SENATE the press releases from the Veterans’ goodbye. I am going to say Godspeed, Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise Administration. Of course, I had a fab- good luck. You will land on your feet to take the floor for what I call my ulous strategy group that functioned because you always do. Keep running, I summing-up speech. It is not my fare- as a kitchen cabinet. It was a kitchen will keep running, and maybe I can well speech because I have the honor cabinet. We spent a lot of time cooking keep running and improve my time so and privilege of being the ranking things up to try to make our country I can at least see the backs of your feet member and former chairman of the and our communities better places. So as you are running past me. Appropriations Committee. I will I thank them all for what they did. It has been a real privilege to serve speak later on this week when we move But, when we come here to try to with you. It has been great to be your the continuing resolution. serve the people who sent us here, we friend, and I look forward to keeping It is the practice and the tradition of cannot do it alone. So we have a fabu- our relationship very viable and alive the Senate that when a Senator is de- lous staff, both that serves us in Wash- as the time moves on. parting the Senate, they give what ington and serves us in our State. I Thanks, KELLY. I yield the floor. they call their farewell address. Well, wish to thank my current staff: my The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. mine is not going to be as memorable chief of staff, Shannon Kula; my dep- CAPITO). The Senator from Alaska. as when George Washington resigned uty chief of staff, Rachel MacKnight; Mr. SULLIVAN. Madam President, his commission or other memorable my State director, Nichelle Schoultz; like my friends on both sides of the speeches, but I do want to say words my legislative director, Brigid Houton; aisle, I, too, come to the floor to say a about how I feel today about having my communications director, Matt few words about my friend and mentor, the great opportunity to serve in the Jorgenson; my scheduling director, Senator KELLY AYOTTE. I use the word Congress. Catie Finley; my office manager, Josh ‘‘mentor’’ in actually an official capac- I have spent 30 years in the Senate, 10 Yearsley; my appropriations staff di- ity. When you come to the Senate—and years in the House of Representatives, rector, Chuck Kieffer; and my appro- like you, Madam President, I am part and, yes, 5 years in the Baltimore City priations deputy staff director, Jean of the new class of 2014. When you come Council. I have served in elected public Toal Eisen; and of course, all of my to the Senate, you are assigned a men- office for 45 years. More than half of staff in my State office who helped me. tor. I think the idea is that you come my life has been in elected public serv- There is also the support staff who in, you are clueless, you don’t really ice but, at the same time, all of my life made sure that the phones got an- know what is going on, and so you have has been focused on service. swered. You didn’t get one of those somebody who is smart and experi- I rise today to thank the people of ‘‘call 1, call 2, press 7, press 184,’’ et enced to mentor you. Everybody gets a Maryland. I rise to thank them for cetera. Also, there are the people who mentor. their vote of confidence. When people answer the mail, whether it was snail I was very fortunate to have KELLY vote for you, it is not only that they mail, which so much of it was when I AYOTTE as my mentor. I certainly are sending you to Washington or send- came, or email, because we really be- learned a lot from her. She took the ing you to city hall. They are giving lieved that we needed to be here for the time to help me understand how this you a vote of confidence that you will people. important body works. We talked be their voice, that you will be their I called their names, but there are about things like work life balance— vote, that you will be at their side and also others who filled those jobs with somebody such as KELLY who has on their side, and that is what I want throughout my time in public office. kids. to be able to talk about today. They worked very hard to make sure It wasn’t just those kinds of issues. I The people of Baltimore gave me my that we could represent the people of had the great opportunity to serve on a first shot at running for the Baltimore Maryland and to be on their side. couple of very important committees City Council. When I beat the political After 45 years, though, it is time for with Senator AYOTTE—on the Armed bosses, when running for political of- me to say goodbye to elected office, but Services Committee, on the Commerce fice as a woman was considered a nov- not to service. Committee—and like my colleague elty, they said: You don’t look the I have the high privilege of being the from Missouri, I really learned a lot part. But I said: This is what the part longest serving woman in congres- watching her in action. She was always looks like, and this is what the part is sional history. But I say it is not how prepared, always engaged, and always going to be like. Along the way, so long you serve but how well you serve. tenacious when it came to certain wit- many people helped me. Behind ‘‘me’’ For those who know me and have been nesses. Of course, like a lot of us, we is a whole lot of ‘‘we.’’ to rallies and so on, they know that I shared certain passions for our coun- I got started in public life because of say: ‘‘I am here to work on the macro try—certainly a strong national de- volunteers and activists who, on their issues and I am here to work on the fense. own time and on their own dime, vol- macaroni and cheese issues’’—to work My State, like a lot of States such as unteered themselves to not only help on the big picture, to make sure that New Hampshire, is suffering from the me get elected but to be involved in the people’s day-to-day needs were con- opioid crisis. Watching her and Senator their communities, to be civically en- verted into public policy or, while we PORTMAN literally lead the country on gaged, to make their community and are working on public policy, to try to this issue was so important. their country a better place. These are help our communities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.009 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 We also have to remember in our own lieved in it in my community. When right. Though I was all by myself, I was States that we have constituent serv- my great grandmother came to this never alone. When I came, there was ice issues. One of the things I am really country from Poland in 1886, she had only one other woman here—the won- proud of is my constituent service little money in her pocket, but she had derful and distinguished colleague from staff, where if you were a veteran and big dreams in her heart. Women didn’t Kansas, Senator Nancy Kassebaum, a you needed help or you had a Social Se- even have the right to vote. One hun- wonderful colleague. When I say I was curity or problem, you could dred years to the year that she landed by myself as the only woman in the call Senator BARB and you didn’t feel in this country, I landed in the Senate. Democratic caucus, I say I was never that you had to go to a $100 fundraiser That is what opportunity means in the alone because of the great men that we or know somebody who had connec- United States of America. could work with in the Senate. tions. The only connection you needed I never thought I would come into Now, I have had the privilege to work was a phone. You didn’t even need Wi- politics. Growing up in Baltimore, my with two of the best men in America. Fi. You could just call me. Summer, family wasn’t involved in politics. My Senator Paul Sarbanes, who was my winter, spring, or fall, they had Sen- family was involved more in church senior Senator when I came and who ator BARB. I tried to be of service be- work, philanthropy, doing good works certainly was my champion, helped me cause service was in my DNA. I was in the way they did their business. In to get on the right committees and raised to think about service. Baltimore in those days, there were po- convinced everybody that my name My mother and father ran a small litical bosses—guys with pot bellies was BARB MIKULSKI and not Bella neighborhood grocery store in one of who smoked cigars and did deals, et Abzug. But I was a little bit of both. As Baltimore’s famous row house neigh- cetera—and that wasn’t going to be to Senator Sarbanes and now, of borhoods. Every day they would get up, me. I thought I would go into the field course, Senator , who also and they would open that grocery store of social work. has been at my side, we have worked and say to their customers: Good But I got involved because they together on issues related to Maryland morning. Can I help you? wanted to put a 16-lane highway both large and small. Now, in running that business, they through the European ethnic neighbor- But there were others who taught also wanted to be sure that they were hoods of Baltimore and not even give me, like Senator Byrd, Senator Ken- connected to the community. We the people relocation benefits, and they nedy, and others. What it was all about weren’t a big-box shop. We were a shop were going to smash and bulldoze the was being able to work for jobs and for for the little people. If anybody was in first African-American home-owner- justice. difficulty, my father was happy to ex- ship neighborhood in Baltimore, in a Though I was the first Democratic tend credit. It was called: We will write community called Rosemont. woman, I wanted to be the first of your name down in a book. Pay us I said: Look, we can fight this. We many. I wanted to help women get when you can. Don’t worry that you just have to give ourselves a militant elected to the Senate and do what I got laid off at Bethlehem Steel. We name. could to be able to help them to do know that your wife had a difficult I helped put together a group called that. It has been just wonderful to see childbirth and needs this extra stuff. SCAR, or the Southeast Council that now there are 20 women who are We are here to help. Against the Road. Our African-Amer- currently serving in the Senate. One of My father would say: BARBARA, de- ican neighbors were on the other side the great joys has been to work to help liver those groceries. Take it down in of town, and they had a group called empower them so that they can be a that little red wagon I got for you. RAM, or Relocation Action Movement. powerhouse. That is why we have those With my little red wagon, I would Then the citywide coalition had a power workshops that struck fear into maybe take orange juice down to a group called MAD, or Movement the hearts of the guys—not to worry shut-in, but my father would say: Don’t Against Destruction. So you see, I have about us but to keep an eye on us. take a tip. But the tip he gave me was always had a certain flair about these I have been proud of what I have to always be of service and to treat things. learned, taking the values that I had people fair and square. So we did take on city hall. But the growing up and trying to put them in The other place where I learned so more I knocked on doors—and our com- the Federal lawbooks, because, for me, much about service was from the nuns munity did—we weren’t heard. So I de- no issue was too small to take up, and who taught me. I had the great fortune cided: the heck with it. If I knocked on no cause was too big for me to not take to go to Catholic schools. I was taught a door and I wasn’t going to be heard, on. by the Sisters of Notre Dame and the I was going to knock on the door to get I firmly believe that the best ideas Sisters of Mercy. These wonderful elected, and that is what I did—knock- come from the people. That is where women, who led the consecrated life, ing on doors, putting together a coali- some of my greatest accomplishments taught us not only about reading, writ- tion, defying the odds, defying what came from. One of the things I loved ing, and arithmetic, but they taught us people said: You can’t win. No woman the most was being in Maryland, mov- religion and emphasized the Beati- can win in an ethnic, hard-hat neigh- ing around the State, going to all of tudes. If anybody reads the Scripture, borhood. No woman can win who isn’t the counties in the State. I loved my if you go to Matthew 5 and you go to part of the political machine. And no Mondays in Maryland, where I could the Beatitudes, you know what has woman could win who had been active meet and go into unannounced places shaped us. One of them is this: Blessed in the civil rights movement. I said: like diners. A lot of people like to do are those who are meek at heart. I had Guess what. We defied the odds, and we townhalls, and they are terrific, but I to really work at that one—really, denied the odds, and that is how I came like to show up at a diner, go from really work at that one. At the same into public office—a champion on be- table to table to table and not only time, there were those who said: those half of the people. eyeball the french fries but listen to who hunger and thirst after justice. I wanted to come to be an advocate what the people have to say. That is what motivated me. It was fo- for people to have better lives, to have The other thing that I really liked cusing on the values of faith, like love better livelihoods and better neighbor- was roundtables—absolutely those your neighbor, care for the sick, and hoods, to be able to save jobs and to do roundtables—where you could engage worry about the poor. what I could to be able to help them. I in conversation with people and listen I was also inspired by a motto from knew that to do that I had to show up, to them, not show off how smart or something called the Christopher stand up, and speak up for my con- cool you were. I really loved doing Movement, where you would help carry stituents, staying close enough to the that. Out of it came some of my first the burden. It said: ‘‘It is better to people so they wouldn’t fall between big accomplishments. light one candle than to curse the the cracks and meeting their day-to- When I came to the U.S. Senate, my darkness.’’ That is what was moti- day needs and the long-range needs of father was quite ill with Alzheimer’s. vating me to service. the Nation. My father was a wonderful man. He You see, we really believed in Amer- When I came to the Senate, I was the worked hard for my sisters and me so ica in my family, and we really be- very first woman elected in her own that we would have an education. He

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.011 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6779 saw his role as a protector and pro- voucher to pay down their student put in only $500. What Senator vider, and by providing us an edu- loans. Hutchison wanted to do was to make it cation, we could always take care of Then there was a roundtable where I have parity—that old word, ‘‘parity.’’ I ourselves. met with parents of special needs chil- said yes. Our staffs told us not to work When he became so ill and went into dren, and a mother asked me to change with each other, but we were going to a nursing home, I listened to other the law from ‘‘retardation’’ to ‘‘intel- forge ahead. families who would come to visit peo- lectual disability’’ because she was We went out to dinner to talk over ple in long-term care. We saw that the being bullied. Well, I came back here strategy, but we talked together about very cruel rules of our own government and drafted legislation. Again, on the our lives, how she got her start, obsta- were forcing people to spend down their other side of the aisle was MIKE ENZI, cles she faced. We had such a good time entire life savings and put in their fam- who worked with me to pass that. that we said: Let’s invite other women. ily home or their family farm as an Rosa now is a member of the Special Well, that became the famous dinners— asset base. Well, listening to them, Olympics. She wins medals. She was the famous dinners that the women of BARBARA MIKULSKI said this: Family Person of the Week on TV. That is the Senate have. We knew we would responsibility—yes, you need to take what Mondays in Maryland means. It is never be a caucus because we were not responsibility for your family, but the worth everything to do things like uniform in our views or the way we cruel rules of government should never that. voted, but what we wanted to be was, push a family into family bankruptcy. In Maryland, we worked along with No. 1, a zone of civility where we would So I crafted something called the Senators Sarbanes and Hardin to clean treat each other with respect, our de- spousal anti-impoverishment rules that up the bay. We worked to make sure bates would be observed with intellec- enable elderly couples to keep their as- our port was viable. We worked not tual rigor, and when the day was over, sets and keep their home. AARP tells only on our Port of Baltimore for ships the day would be over. Those dinners me that since that legislation passed of commerce, but also we worked on have now stood the test of time, and I over 20 years ago, we have helped 1 mil- the space community at Goddard. I am am so proud of them. lion seniors not lose their homes or so proud of the fact that I worked very I have been so proud to work with my their family farms because one be- hard to save the Hubble Space Tele- colleague, the senior Senator from comes too ill because of that dreaded scope. That Hubble Space Telescope Maine, Ms. COLLINS, who has been such A-word or Parkinson’s or others. That turned out to be the richest contact a friend and such an ally. Though we is what I mean about the best ideas lens in world history. But again, with are not a caucus, we are a force when coming from the people. astronaut Senators Jake Garn and we can come together. We have made Then I also listened to women who working together, we did change, and we have made a difference. worked hard every single day yet it, and it ensured America’s premier That doesn’t go down in the roll books, weren’t getting equal pay for equal leadership in astronomy and in space but I think it certainly should go down work. Of course we heard it from Lilly for years and for several decades. in the history books. Ledbetter, but we heard it from lots of Over the years, though, I could go So as I get ready to leave the Senate, Lillies, and we heard it from lots of through accomplishment after accom- what will I miss? Well, I will never Roses and lots of Marys and lots of plishment, but one of the things I have have another job as consequential as Otanias and lots of Marias. That is why learned as my lesson in life is that the this. This is pretty consequential. The we worked hard to pass the equal pay best ship you could sail on in life is fate of this country, and maybe even for equal work act. something called friendship. It is the world, lies in the hands of the Con- Working together with Senator friendship that makes life worth living. gress of the U.S. Senate. Nancy Kassebaum, Olympia Snowe, our It enables life to have the value of giv- I will miss the people in the Senate friends over in the House, Connie ing. That is what friendship is. When I the wonderful professional staff, but I Morella, Pat Schroeder, we also found think about the friends along the way am also going to miss the doorkeepers, that women were being excluded from whom I have met both in my home- the elevator operators, the cafeteria the protocols of NIH. The famous study town and my State, there are also workers, the police officers who say: In to take an aspirin and keep a heart at- those who are here, people who on both helping the one, we help the many. We tack away was done on 10,000 male sides of the aisle are absolutely so im- learn so much from them; I have medical students, not one woman. So portant to me—and the fact that we learned so much from them. Olympia, Connie, Pat, BARB showed up have worked on both sides of the aisle. I learned a lot from the elevator op- at NIH and pounded the table and said: I spoke about Senator CARDIN and erators. One was a lady of very modest Let’s start practicing good science in- Senator Sarbanes. But also on the Sen- means who every day would say to me stead of bad stereotypes and make sure ate Appropriations Committee, it was and to all of us, ‘‘Have a blessed day.’’ we are included where we should be in Senator SHELBY and Senator Kit Bond; What a great gift she gave us: ‘‘Have a a legitimate, scientific way. Out of we could actually work together. We blessed day.’’ that came the appointment of put our heads together to try to come Another elevator operator, who him- Bernadine Healy as the head of NIH; up with real solutions for real prob- self has recovered from very chal- out of that came the Office of Research lems, and we could do that. lenging health issues, always cheerful, on Women’s Health at NIH; and out of The other is not to judge one another asks, ‘‘How is your day?’’ The last that came the famous hormone re- because we have a party label. I am so thing you could do is to not return a placement study that Dr. Healy cham- darned sick of that. In the year of the smile. Those are the kinds of people pioned. Then Tom Harkin and Arlen women, so many came—like BARBARA whom I will always remember, all Specter helped us get money in the BOXER and and DIANNE those helping hands. Federal checkbook. FEINSTEIN, also Senator Kay Bailey So I say to my colleagues now that I One study changed medical practice Hutchison, who came from Texas. I got will never, ever forget you. Helen Kel- and lowered breast cancer rates in this a call from Senator Hutchison one day, ler, though she was blind, was a great country by 15 percent. Wow. That is and my staff said: Ew, she wants to visionary, and she said that all that what working together does—to try to work with you on something. Ew, ew. you deeply love you never lose. And all save lives a million at a time. That was She is a conservative from Texas and whom I have ever met have become a on women’s health. she wants to do something for women. part of me; each and every one of you Then we saw growing concerns about I said: How about if we listen? Could have become a part of me. Everybody I the issue of the high cost of college. we start with listening? Could we start met along the way, whether it was at The first mortgage many of our kids with just listening? roundtables or the elevator operators, are facing is their student loans. Work- Senator Hutchison had a fabulous have become a part of me. You shaped ing together with the other side of the idea on IRA contributions. In those me, and you have helped me become a aisle, we created AmeriCorps, making days, if you were in the marketplace, better person. sure we enabled people to be able to be you could put in $2,000, but if you So when I wrap up and people say of service to our country and earn a worked full-time at home, you could ‘‘Well, what do you think you are going

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.022 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 to do, Barb,’’ I will say my plan is not the Senate comes to a close. As the Two years ago, I was honored to a job description but a life description. longest serving woman in the history stand alongside Senator BARB to accept Every day I am going to learn some- of the —30 years Allegheny College Prize for Civility in thing new. Every day I am going to in this Chamber, in addition to 10 years Public Life. We were representing all of give something back. Every day I am in the House—she has earned the grati- the women of the Senate for our lead- going to do something where I keep an tude of the people of her beloved Mary- ership in bringing an end to the dev- old friend or make a new one. I want to land and of the entire Nation. That astating government shutdown of 2013 thank God that I live in the United gratitude is based on much more than and working together on so many other States of America, which enabled me simple arithmetic, much more than issues. to do this. just how many years she has served With our dean setting the example, In conclusion, George Bernard here, impressive though that is. In re- we have always rejected the idea of a Shaw—I don’t know how he would have flecting on her service, it is difficult to women’s caucus because we, like the felt about me, but he wrote this, and I decide where to begin—her accomplish- men in the Senate, span the ideological think it is pretty good. He said this: ments, her vision, or her complete spectrum. Who would expect other- I am [of the opinion] that my life belongs dedication to the people she serves, the wise? We have worked together across to the [whole] community, and as long as I dedication that began in that neighbor- party lines to serve all Americans. As live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever hood in Baltimore that she describes so Senator MIKULSKI puts it ‘‘It’s not I can. passionately today. No matter where about gender, it’s about the agenda.’’ For the harder I work, the more I live. I we begin, we end up in the same place— will rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no In fact, all of us have our favorite it is all about her character. sayings that the Senator from Mary- ‘‘brief candle’’ to me. It is a sort of splendid Perhaps the best way to describe torch which I have got hold of for the mo- land has taught us, and we will miss Senator MIKULSKI’s character is by ment, and I want to make it burn as brightly her way with words so much. noting that she is not only officially as possible before handing it on to future When Senator MIKULSKI reached her generations. the longest serving woman in the his- Senate longevity milestone 5 years tory of the Congress, but she is also un- God bless the , ago, she surpassed my personal role officially the dean of the women in the and God bless the United States of model in public service, the legendary Senate. That title perfectly dem- America. Senator from Maine, Margaret Chase onstrates the trust and respect she has (Applause, Senators rising.) Smith. Just as the great lady from earned her from her colleagues. As a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Maine inspired me and countless other brandnew Senator in 1997, I was one of ator from Maryland. young women of my generation to those tutored by this accomplished and TRIBUTES TO BARBARA MIKULSKI serve, the great lady from Maryland in- experienced dean. At that time, Sen- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, yester- spires the young women of today, al- ator MIKULSKI had already been in the day I had an opportunity on the floor ways encouraging them to go for it. House and the Senate for a combined 20 to talk about Senator MIKULSKI, but I Throughout her life in public service, years. She didn’t know me from just want to take 1 minute—because I she has lived by one guiding principle: Adam—or perhaps I should say from to help our people meet the needs of know a lot of my colleagues want to Eve—yet, despite the difference in our today as she helps our Nation prepare speak—to thank her on behalf of the seniority, our States, and our parties, people of Maryland. she took me under her wing. She was for the challenges of tomorrow. Yesterday I was with Senator MIKUL- What an honor it has been to serve one of the first people who called me SKI at the inauguration of Catherine alongside Senator BARBARA MIKULSKI. I after I was sworn in as a new Senator. Pugh, our new mayor of Baltimore. As have learned so much from her. I will I was so grateful for her kindness and is the tradition on programs, the senior her wisdom. She invited me to a power never forget the day she told me I had Senator speaks and then the junior workshop in her office, along with the soul of an appropriator, which I Senator speaks, so I had the oppor- , the other woman who knew was the highest compliment she tunity to speak after the dynamic re- was elected that year. She taught me could give me. And she was right. We marks of Senator MIKULSKI. That has the ropes of the appropriations process have worked on that committee to get been a burden that I have had now for and instituted regular bipartisan din- so much done. 10 years. As I pointed out to the people ners for the women of the Senate. I wish her many more years of of Maryland, we are losing one of the In the years since then, I have come health, happiness, and, most of all, great giants and advocates for our to know her as a fighter, a trailblazer, that most important ‘‘ship,’’ friend- State, and that is going to be a great and a person of such integrity. ship. loss. The only benefit I can see is that Maybe it is all those years with the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I will not have to follow Senator MI- nuns that taught you that. ator from California. KULSKI on the program in the future. It has been a privilege to work with Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, be- We are living part of a legacy, and we her on such vital issues as home health fore Senator COLLINS leaves the floor, I know that. We know that what we do care, maritime issues, higher edu- want to thank Senator COLLINS for her here in the U.S. Senate one day will be cation, pay equality, and an issue near beautiful remarks about BARBARA MI- recorded in the history of our country. and dear to both of us, Alzheimer’s re- KULSKI. As I leave here, I have said I know that Senator MIKULSKI will be search. Serving with her on the Appro- publicly—the press has asked: What is mentioned frequently for her incredible priations Committee, I have witnessed your hope? accomplishments here in the U.S. Sen- firsthand what an extraordinary leader I often say: My hope is with the Sen- ate. she is—fair, openminded, yet with firm ator from Maine, Senator COLLINS, to On a personal basis, I just wanted to expectations and a clear sense of direc- bridge some of the partisan divides. express that my life in the U.S. Senate tion. It has been an honor to serve with has been special. For all of us, being in Senator MIKULSKI is, above all, a you. I know you have a lot on your the Senate is special, but my enjoy- hard worker. Growing up in East Balti- shoulders as we move forward. ment, productivity, and life in the Sen- more, she learned the value of hard Senator MIKULSKI, I want to take a ate has been made so much greater be- work in her family’s grocery store, as few minutes to talk about you. Some cause of my seatmate and friend, Sen- we have heard today. Her commitment Senators have focus and drive. Some ator BARBARA MIKULSKI. to making a difference in her neighbor- have compassion. Some have empathy. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. hood led her to become a social worker, Some have sharp negotiating skills. ERNST). The Senator from Maine. helping at-risk children and our sen- Some have a quick wit. Some are great Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, it is iors. The statement she made sums up students of history. Some are cham- with deep affection, admiration, and her approach to serving in Congress: ‘‘I pions for the least among us. Senator appreciation that I rise today to offer was a social worker for Baltimore fam- BARBARA MIKULSKI, you are all of these my heartfelt congratulations to our ilies. Now I’m a social worker building things. You are everything a Senator colleague and my dear friend, Senator opportunities for families throughout should be and more. As my mentor, as BARBARA MIKULSKI, as her service in America.’’ my treasured friend, you have been a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.023 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6781 major influence in my career. Hon- In the years since, as you have heard, There are many words to describe you, estly, I can say I would not be here as she has hosted regular dinners for all such as outspoken, feisty, and all of a United States Senator without your the women in the Senate—Democratic that, but I would say the word that de- guidance. and Republican alike. We reach across scribes you best is ‘‘authenticity.’’ You One of my favorite things about BAR- party lines and come together because are who you are. The people of Cali- BARA is her wonderful sense of humor. of her. We talk about our work, our fornia have loved you for it and sent It is legendary. She is hilarious when families. We share our struggles and you to the Congress. she wants to be. our triumphs. What is said there stays We started out together basically in When I was in the House of Rep- there. city council roles, sometimes called resentatives, I was fighting to inte- Senator MIKULSKI has led us by ex- the pothole parliament. It has been a grate the all-male House gym. The ample, showing us how to build coali- pleasure to serve with the Senator room to which they had assigned the tions, how to bridge the partisan di- from California. I have watched you women was about 6 by 6, and it had vide, which includes strong partnership stand up for your beliefs, and along the showers and hair dryers. You know the with our male colleagues, whom she way, as you stood up for your beliefs, big hair dryers that come over your calls ‘‘Sir Galahads.’’ She has also you made believers of us all. head like that? It had no exercise shown us how to stand up and make Godspeed to you, BARBARA. We are equipment. It had no space. It was the our voices heard. As she says, go friends forever. size of a shoebox. We women decided we ‘‘earring to earring’’ with our oppo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- needed some exercise, so we packed nents and ‘‘put on our lipstick, square ator from Michigan. into the tiny room. our shoulders, suit up and fight.’’ Leg- TRIBUTE TO DEPARTING SENATORS There was then-Congresswoman MI- endary Mikulski words. Ms. STABENOW. Madam President, I KULSKI, Congresswoman Ferraro, Con- To me, Senator MIKULSKI is the wish to speak about Senator MIKULSKI gresswoman Schroeder, Barbara Ken- whole package—a skilled, intelligent and then also Senator BOXER, the two nelly, Olympia Snowe, who looked like negotiator, a Senator who fights for great Senator BARBARAs who have been she had just stepped out of Vogue mag- the people, and a woman who helps such giants in the Senate. We are so azine. I was in my sweat suit, and so other women. She is our cherished grateful to both of them. was BARB. The teacher was leading us leader, and that is why she will always BARBARA MIKULSKI in an aerobics class, and she said: Put be known as the dean of the Senate Madam President, I do have to say your hands above your head. We did it. women. that among the many things with She said: Put your hands out on the which I have been honored and have ap- side. We did it. Then she said: Put your When BARBARA announced she would preciated was when Senator MIKULSKI hands on your hips and bend at the be leaving the Senate, I wrote her a rhyme. I love to write rhymes and accepted my offer to stay at the Stabe- waist. And with that, BARBARA yelled: now bed and breakfast after long ses- ‘‘Look, if I had a waist, I wouldn’t be lyrics. I wrote her the following rhyme: Before Mikulski won the day, sion nights and days when the Appro- here.’’ That is my BARB. She can use priations Committee was negotiating laughter to defuse any situation. I will A guy would have to pass away, and doing the incredible work that had always love her for it. And then his wife would take his place. Finally, a woman in a Senate space. to be done. I had the honor of being When I started thinking about my But Barb she got there in her own right. able to put up a plaque in my home own long shot bid for the Senate—and First Democratic gal to win that fight. it was worse than a long shot—the first that says: Senator BARB slept here. I She won the race and joined the misters. will always be honored to have had person I went to after my family was But finally NOW she has nineteen sisters! that opportunity on top of all of the BARB. It was a few years after she had BARBARA, next year, because of what made history by becoming the first other ways we have worked together. you started, because of the people you It really is an honor to stand here. I Democratic woman ever elected in her encouraged, there will be 21 women in can’t imagine the Senate without Sen- own right to the U.S. Senate. She got the Senate—a record. Sitting here in ator MIKULSKI and Senator BOXER. I right to the point: ‘‘How old are you, my chair, my seat, will be an incredible can’t imagine the Senate without the Babs?’’—using the nickname she calls woman. me to this day. I told her I was almost incredible service of my dear friend and Senator MIKULSKI, BARB, my treas- colleague, who is our dean in every 50. ured mentor, my dear friend, thank God, that sounds so young, BARBARA. sense of the word—the senior Senator I told her I was almost 50. I explained you for everything. We have been from the State of Maryland. For over it was going to be a tough fight. I was through battles together. I am forever 30 years she has worked tireless. We up against two powerful male oppo- grateful to you, and I will always know that. We hear it every day. We nents in the Democratic primary, and I treasure our friendship. know what the people in Baltimore, was an asterisk in the polls. What was I yield the floor. the Chesapeake Bay area, and all of her response? She looked at me and she The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Maryland care about. She has been said: ‘‘Go for it. It’s worth the fight ator from Maryland. fighting and standing up for them you’ll have to wage to get here. And it Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, I every single moment of every single will be a fight.’’ And it was. thank the gentlelady from California. day. I so admire that, and I am so In 1992, four new women came to the Mrs. BOXER. I like ‘‘gentlelady.’’ grateful. She has been a wonderful in- Senate, and who was waiting for us Ms. MIKULSKI. That is the way we spiration and mentor to me. We have with open arms? Senator MIKULSKI. talk here. I thank the gentlelady from all heard about our dinners and the And this is what she said: ‘‘Some California for her kind words. We have power briefings on appropriations. She women stare out the window waiting been together through thick, thin, and has been a continual source of inspira- for Prince Charming. I stared out the the attempt to get thin, and that story tion and a mentor to me. window waiting for more women Sen- about bending at the waist is a true She reached out to me, as she does to ators—and it is finally happening!’’ one. all of our colleagues, when I was first That is who BARBARA is. She never set I am not the person with the best elected. She welcomed me and showed out to make a name for herself. She hairdo or sleek or chic, but one of the me what it meant to be a good Senator wanted to blaze a trail that was wide things I have so admired about my representing my State of Michigan and enough for all of us to follow. friend is her authenticity. We first got how to get things done. Senator MIKUL- Just days after I won that first Sen- to know each other in the House, and SKI has always been willing to lend a ate race, she sent all the new women then I encouraged you to come to the helping hand and has never given up Senators a guidebook she herself had Senate, which certainly was the right when it comes to fighting for the peo- written about how to get started in the thing to do. You are yourself. You are ple she represents and being a trail- Senate, how to get on committees. She true to yourself, you are true to your blazer. invited us to her office for lessons on beliefs. You are true to your constitu- I came into the Senate with a mas- Senate procedure and how to set up our ents, and you are true to the Constitu- ter’s degree in social work. Senator MI- offices. She had covered everything. tion. You are such a true, blue person. KULSKI has often said that we are the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.025 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 two official do-gooders in the Senate. therefore build the Nation. The Sen- country can be safer and more secure We have taken our interest from help- ator from Michigan’s championship in in their own neighborhood. ing people individually to another level that area has been amazing to me. She has been an incredible supporter by becoming policymakers, thereby I am so glad my friend from Michigan of transportation, extending the high- giving us the opportunity to touch is here in the Senate, whether she is way trust fund, helping protect over 1 more lives by using our skills and our standing up for the people in Flint, MI, million jobs. Or her Mat Map–21 Trans- background in education as well. so they have safe drinking water, or portation Bill, which modernized Fed- We all know—but I think it is impor- standing up for those who need help in eral highway, highway safety, and tant to remind ourselves—that she was the area of food and nutrition so there transportation programs. only 26 when Senator MIKULSKI talked aren’t food deserts in communities. And she has fought for children and about the highway proposal that would That is one of the biggest public health families, her work in the Fostering have destroyed a neighborhood full of initiatives. If you are a diabetic, you Connections to Success and Increasing working people. She spoke up. She was can’t comply if all you can get is fast Adoptions Act—providing extra serv- noticed, and she wasn’t afraid to say food and french fries. If you are a child, ices for young adults under 21 and help- exactly what she was thinking. She you need good food and good nutrition. ing some of America’s young people was and is absolutely fearless in every My friend knows more than anybody who need it most. good sense of that word. She brought that you need to feed the body, the On a personal note, I have greatly en- that fearlessness to the Senate. That mind, and the spirit, and she has cer- joyed sharing a love of music with my fearlessness made her the first woman tainly done that. It has been great friend, BARBARA. Her creativity and to serve as chair of the Appropriations being your pal and partner. passion for song has been a special part Committee of the Senate. It doesn’t get Many people don’t know this, but of who she is. more important than that in setting Senator CARDIN and I commute every Her retirement, while well earned, policy and having an impact on peo- day. When those appropriation cycles will be a loss for all of us. ple’s lives in our country by got pretty late, after midnight, the Thank you so much for your service. prioritizing the interests of the Amer- gentlelady from Michigan offered her The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ican people in every funding decision. home to me. We had a saying: Stop ator from . That fearlessness was on display when whining and have a glass of wine. TRIBUTE TO BARBARA MIKULSKI she helped bring us closer to the Lilly There was nothing like being able to Mr. COONS. Madam President, I wish Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, making talk about your day with a colleague to offer a few brief comments, if I it closer to having equal pay for equal who will offer inspiration and encour- might, so I may thank and congratu- work than it has ever been before. agement at the end of the day. My late Senator MIKULSKI for her tireless Senator MIKULSKI fought for health friend offered her home, but she has contributions to the State of Maryland care. I was proud to join her in making really fought for so many people to and the whole country. sure that women could receive preven- have a home and a community in order As many know, she is a passionate, tive care without a copay. She made to have what they need so they can capable, effective champion for people sure that women were truly rep- learn and prosper in this country. of all backgrounds, and she got her resented and that our needs were met I just wish you so much and wish you start in local government. One of the in health care reform, and that will all the best. things we have in common is that I, continue to impact all of the lives of Thank you very much. too, started in a very humble office as women across the country. BARBARA BOXER a county council member in my home When she turned her eyes to the Ms. STABENOW. Madam President, community of New Castle County, DE. stars, wondering what was up there, as her name suggests, Senator BOXER The way I first met BARBARA MIKUL- she made sure that the Goddard Space has always been a fighter, a champion SKI and first saw her toughness, grit, Flight Center was a leader in exploring for the people of California, and a good passion, and determination was in a the unknown. Like the supernova friend. fight over a program she helped give named after her, she has absolutely as- Though Senator BOXER began her life life to, the national service program tonished us with her brilliance, and in Brooklyn, California has always known as AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps is a nothing will be quite the same after been her home. fantastic national program that part- she leaves here. It is where she got elected to the ners with the Federal Government, Her work in the Senate has made it Marin County Board of Supervisors, be- State, and local governments, the pri- possible for so many women and girls coming the first woman to hold the vate sector, and nonprofit volunteers. across America to put their hat in the board’s presidency. She has been a tireless champion for ring and say: I want to run for office, It is where she first got elected to the AmeriCorps over many years and has and I can do it. House of Representatives, where she made a lasting difference in its areas of Senator MIKULSKI said it best—there quickly rose and became a leader we focus and work. are so many wonderful quotes I will al- could all aspire to be. During my short 6 years here, she has ways use—when she said: Put your lip- And as Senator, she has worked tire- been a great friend and a mentor to me stick on, square your shoulders, and lessly for families, children, con- and to so many others on both sides of suit up. Go into the fight and get sumers, everyone in the State of Cali- the aisle. , our Vice Presi- things done. That has become a mantra fornia and Americans everywhere. dent, has often said: Show me your for us in working together. Senator BOXER has always been a budget, and I will show you your val- I thank Senator BARB. You will be wonderful mentor to me, and she has ues. As leader of the Senate Appropria- greatly missed, but I know you have so been relentless on moving forward on tions Committee, Senator MIKULSKI much more to give. I know you will al- some of the most critically important helped to lift up our values and helped ways make a difference in people’s issues of our time. to make sure we invested in effective lives in every single thing you do every As the first woman to chair the Envi- programs that made sure we fed the single day, and we will be forever ronment and Public Works Committee, hungry, housed the homeless, fought grateful. she has provided the support that has for manufacturing, and ensured that Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, kept America’s air and water safe and Federal workers who lived in Maryland again, I thank the gentlelady from to fight climate change. She defended and Federal agencies that were rooted, Michigan. We both have master’s de- mercury and lead standards and in- not just in Maryland but around the grees in social work. I joke, but I am stalled choking warnings on packages. country, had the resources, support, actually serious when I say we are cer- I will personally always be grateful and capacity to make a lasting dif- tified do-gooders. When people hear for her tireless advocacy and support ference here in our region and for the about social work, they sometimes for the 100,000 Flint citizens who have entire country. think it is about giving money away, been poisoned by lead in their water. I just wanted to add my voice to col- but it is really about trying to help We have her to thank when we know leagues who stood here on the floor and people build lives, build families, and that children and families all over the said: We are so grateful to Senator

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.026 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6783 BARBARA MIKULSKI for her decades of stand what is really going on there. On Just as the pipeline company must service to Baltimore, to Maryland, and Saturday, the Obama administration follow the law, the protesters them- to our country and for all she has done announced its refusal to issue the final selves need to follow the law as well. to lift us up together. easement for the Dakota Access Pipe- By continuing to remain in the camp, Thank you. line to cross a narrow section deep un- the protesters are defying Federal and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- derneath the Missouri River. State orders to leave. They are sub- ator from Iowa. This easement is required to finish jecting residents in the area to addi- 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SENATE JUDICIARY the 1,172-mile-long pipeline which is al- tional weeks of disruption and hard- COMMITTEE ready 98 percent complete in North Da- ship. They also require our law enforce- Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, kota—98 percent complete in North Da- ment to continue their around-the- this Saturday, December 10, marks the kota—and 86 percent complete overall. clock presence, 24 hours a day, 7 days a 200th anniversary of the establishment As I have indicated before on the floor, week. of the Committee on the Judiciary of it runs from the Bakken oilfields in The protesters need to follow the the Senate. I am very proud to be the North Dakota, moving North Dakota law, just like everyone else. I repeat, it chairman of that committee—the first light sweet crude all the way to Pato- is time—past time—to leave this ille- chairman who is not a lawyer, I might ka, IL, so oil can go into all of the re- gal camp. I would like to address the add—and I will be submitting a resolu- fineries along the eastern part of the dedication of our State and local law tion, along with some other committee country and the eastern seaboard. enforcement officers—the professionals members, to commemorate this 200th In fact, our light sweet crude oil who make up the North Dakota High- anniversary. competes with OPEC. If they are not way Patrol, our sheriffs, and our depu- Madam President, 200 years ago, the using our light sweet crude, they are ties around the State and from other Senate established 11 original standing bringing in oil from places like Saudi States who have come in to assist us. committees. Today, although there are Arabia for these eastern refineries. So Members of the North Dakota Na- many committees, the Senate Judici- very important in terms of energy tional Guard and other first responders ary Committee is one of four original independence for our country, but as I have acted with professionalism and committees that still meet today. Dur- said, this pipeline is 98 percent com- diligence to maintain peace and order ing the past two centuries, some of the plete in our State. Now, again, the under very difficult circumstances. most vital and important questions Obama administration is delaying it. They continue to protect the public, Unfortunately, this latest Obama ad- facing the Nation have come before the especially now with the onset of chal- ministration decision fails to follow committee. For example, during the lenging winter conditions. In my 10 the rule of law, it fails to resolve the Civil War, the committee ensured that years as of North Dakota, I issue, and it perpetuates an extremely President Lincoln had the emergency spent a lot of time working with our difficult situation for North Dakotans. powers he needed to pursue the Civil Furthermore, it is estimated that over law enforcement officers to prepare for War effort, and in 1864, the committee 5,000 protesters are still unlawfully weather emergencies. I know the prep- took a critical step in ending slavery in gathered on Federal or Corps of Engi- arations these situations require. Even today, our law enforcement and the United States when it reported the neers land in our State. They are there State Department of Transportation 13th Amendment of the Constitution. in direct violation of the Army Corps’ The committee has jurisdiction over crews are working to keep evacuation December 5 eviction notice, as well as routes open, rescuing people stranded issues that directly impact American an evacuation order from North Dako- lives and is on the forefront of deciding ta’s Governor. on the highways and providing assist- important policy issues, including im- However, now that the Obama admin- ance to many from outside North Da- migration, civil liberties, criminal laws istration has made its decision, pro- kota who are unprepared to deal with and the protection for victims, and, of testers should move from their unlaw- the recent blizzard we had in North Da- course, civil rights. In addition, the ful site on the Army Corp of Engineers’ kota. committee examines those nominated land. Even Standing Rock Chairman The men and women in law enforce- for lifetime appointments to the Fed- David Archambault has finally said ment are doing their best to protect ev- eral bench. that protesters need to leave and re- eryone, including the protesters. We Over the years, the committee has turn home. Let me repeat that. Even owe our law enforcement a debt of reported legislation that has been vital Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David gratitude for their diligence, for their to the safety and protection of the Archambault has finally said pro- dedication, and for their profes- American people. I don’t have time testers need to leave and return home. sionalism, but North Dakota’s law en- today to discuss all the committee has He is the tribal chairman. The Obama forcement resources are severely accomplished over the last 200 years, administration needs to do the same. strained. I have repeatedly called on but I do want to take a minute to rec- The administration needs to call on the the U.S. Department of Justice to pro- ognize this important anniversary. I protesters to leave this illegal site as vide additional funding and law en- am very proud of the committee’s sto- well. forcement officers to ensure public ried history. Today, I celebrate these As I said, the Dakota Access Pipeline safety. accomplishments and will follow that issue has been difficult for the people Our State has requested Federal as- up with the submission of a resolution. of North Dakota. In recent months, sistance and was assured—was as- I am truly humbled today to be its protesters have trespassed on private sured—by the Attorney General that chairman. property, they have blocked state high- we would be given expedited consider- I yield the floor and suggest the ab- ways and damaged bridges, they have ation, but that has not been the case. sence of a quorum. committed acts of vandalism to con- Our Byrne grant application for Fed- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The struction equipment by cutting hy- eral assistance has still not been ap- clerk will call the roll. draulic hoses, breaking windows, filling proved by the Attorney General. I will The senior assistant legislative clerk gas tanks with gravel, and setting continue to call on the U.S. Depart- proceeded to call the roll. equipment on fire. ment of Justice, the U.S. Department Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I Protesters have blocked intersections of the Interior, and the Corps to pro- ask unanimous consent that the order in Bismarck and Mandan. They have vide additional Federal resources, in- for the quorum call be rescinded. disrupted area businesses, and farmers cluding funding and law enforcement The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and ranchers in the area have reported personnel to assist our State and local objection, it is so ordered. instances of trespassing and butchered law enforcement officers and ensure DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE livestock. The rule of law matters in public safety. Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I this country, but by committing acts As I have said before, everyone has a rise again to speak about the Dakota of lawlessness at this construction site right to be heard, but it must be done Access Pipeline issue in North Dakota. as a proxy for changing broader envi- lawfully and peacefully, whether that Again, I want to emphasize that we ronmental policies, the rule of law is is during the permitting process, with need to focus on the facts and under- undermined. its opportunities for public comment,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.027 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 or through the court system. I empha- Corps’ Omaha district commander, the Dakota Access Pipeline—we need size through the court system. That is John Henderson, convened representa- to focus on ways to improve the per- the established method in our country tives from the pipeline company, the mitting process. We need to improve for dispute resolution. So it is time—it Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and Army the process so we can make sure all is past time—for the protesters to Corps officials. They met in Bismarck people’s voices are heard and provide stand down and to recognize that the for 5 hours. The meeting included trib- regulatory certainty to companies will- courts and the next administration will al staff and the company’s engineering ing to invest in large infrastructure resolve this issue. and technical experts who came to- projects. This should be done prospec- It is also important to recognize that gether for the sole purpose of reviewing tively, not retroactively—looking for this pipeline is not unique or unusual Standing Rock’s 19 specific safety and ways to better streamline procedures, as an infrastructure project. There are environmental concerns raised in the reduce duplicative hurdles, and im- more than 38,000 crude oil pipeline tribe’s October 2016 letter to the Corps. prove methods for public input. river and water body crossings in the In this meeting, the pipeline com- This pipeline can be built safely and United States—more than 38,000—and pany, tribe, and Army Corps discussed include necessary protections for both more than 1,000 in my State of North all 19 concerns raised by the Standing the tribe and everyone else down- Dakota alone. This is one more. These Rock, and they considered 36 potential stream. The fact is that our country crossings range from rivers, streams, terms and conditions that could fur- needs energy, and we cannot have it and lakes to ponds, canals, and ditches. ther reduce the risk of a spill or pipe- without energy infrastructure—pipe- Also, it is important to understand the line rupture. Again, let me repeat that. lines, transmission lines, roads, rail, oil is already being transported across In order to directly address the river and bridges—to move both traditional a river on rail and across bridges. crossing concerns raised by the tribe and renewable energy from where it is Once again, I just want to show—this and the protesters, the pipeline com- produced to where it is consumed. is the network of oil pipelines in the pany was willing to consider more than Move it both safely and efficiently. country. They cross many bodies of 36 additional safeguards for this cross- Let’s all work together to make that water. We are doing it one more time ing. happen. with the latest, greatest technology. Friday’s meeting actually resulted in With that, Madam President, I yield The pipeline does not go in the river in a revised proposed easement, which the floor. any way, shape or form. It is about 100 was presented to the Assistant Sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- feet underneath the river. So even if retary of the Army, Jo-Ellen Darcy, ator from Hawaii. the next day, on Saturday, December there was a leak, somehow that oil 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ATTACK ON PEARL would have to come up through bed- 3—last Saturday. However, the fol- HARBOR rock to even get into the area. lowing day, on Sunday, December 4, Mr. SCHATZ. Madam President, I In other words, it is the latest, great- Assistant Secretary Darcy promptly rise to commemorate the 75th anniver- est technology. This oil is already mov- rejected the revised easement and in- sary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. ing to market. It is already crossing stead required more ‘‘broad public For the people of Hawaii, it started the river on rail and on truck. If we input and analysis.’’ as an ordinary sunny Sunday morning Clearly, the Obama administration is don’t build this, we are relying on the in December. Families were getting not interested in finding a way forward old infrastructure, which is less safe ready for church; others were preparing based on the merits of the project, even and less environmentally sound, in- breakfast. It was quiet. It was peaceful. in light of two Federal court rulings stead of building the new, latest, great- Just before 8 a.m., the first wave of upholding the Army Corps’ reviews and est infrastructure with the tech- Japanese warplanes started their co- even with subsequent attempts by the nologies that will be more efficient, ordinated surprise attack on the island company to specifically address the more safe, more environmentally of Oahu. Bombers attacked aircraft tribe’s remaining environmental con- sound. That is what makes sense. clustered wing tip to wing tip at cerns. Wheeler and Hickham Airfields, mak- Again, it is not unique. In recent days, I have met directly ing it too easy for Japanese pilots to Additionally, the pipeline company with President-Elect Trump’s transi- destroy their targets. By the end of the has modified its route on its own 140 tion team and conveyed the impor- attack, Japanese forces sunk four of times in North Dakota to avoid any tance of bringing this situation to a important or cultural resources. So resolution. I have also spoken directly the eight at Ford Island. they have modified the route to avoid on the matter to Vice President-Elect Another intentionally ran any cultural resources 140 times just in and to the next Attorney aground in the harbor to avoid block- ing the channel. Three and our State. General, JEFF SESSIONS. In July 2016, the Army Corps issued President-Elect Trump has now pub- seven other ships were sunk or severely its final environmental assessment, licly communicated his support for the damaged. It was the worst disaster in which concluded with the finding of project, as well as for providing Fed- U.S. naval history. There were 2,403 ‘‘no significant environmental impact’’ eral assistance, including additional servicemembers killed or mortally and ‘‘no historic properties affected.’’ resources and law enforcement per- wounded, and 1,247 servicemembers These determinations have been upheld sonnel. This project should be decided were injured. Fifty-seven civilians were not once but twice by the Federal on the merits and in accordance with killed. courts, including a judge appointed by the law. Failure to do so will cast new Across Oahu, people watched as the Obama administration—a Federal uncertainty on all future infrastruc- smoke and fire blackened the sky over district court judge here in Wash- ture projects, from pipelines that carry Pearl Harbor. Among those were two ington, DC. oil and gas and other liquids to trans- 17-year-olds, Daniel K. Inouye and Dan- As for the way forward for this dif- mission lines carrying both traditional iel K. Akaka. Like many others that ficult issue, we need to look at the and renewable energy. day, they were called to duty. Senator facts at hand. In the midst of the ongo- If companies and individuals cannot Daniel Akaka, then an ROTC student ing news coverage, it can seem that rely on a system that follows the rule at the Kamehameha School for Boys, heated rhetoric leaves little room for of law, nobody will risk making future grabbed a rifle and guarded the hills good-faith efforts to find common investments in our country’s vital in- above the school from potential Japa- ground, but I want to highlight that frastructure. That will make our Na- nese paratroopers. Senator Inouye, there continues to be attempts at find- tion less safe, less secure, and less com- then a volunteer medical aid, reported ing consensus among the stakeholders, petitive. As I said a minute ago, think to Lunalilo Elementary School, where even as recently as last Friday. about it. If we can’t build new infra- for a week he tended to the wounded. To that point, in a meeting I had yes- structure, then we will continue to use In the weeks that followed, the ship- terday with the Army Corps’ North- the old infrastructure, which is less yard was back to work repairing ves- western Division Commander, BG safe and less environmentally secure. sels raised from the harbor. Incredibly, Scott Spellman, he stated that last To avoid this situation in the fu- all but two ships returned to service in Friday, on December 2, the Army ture—the kind of standoff we have with just 2 years. The Nevada went on to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.029 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6785 support the invasion of Normandy. TRIBUTE TO BARBARA MIKULSKI by the Department and reorganizing Five other ships damaged at Pearl Har- Mr. COCHRAN. Madam President, I the Office of Acquisition, Technology bor later met Japanese forces in the rise to compliment and congratulate and Logistics to ensure that the Pen- Philippines. That ‘‘Day of Infamy’’ and my good friend and colleague, the sen- tagon emphasizes research and innova- the events that followed would ulti- ior Senator from Maryland, BARBARA tion in support of our warfighters. mately galvanize more than 12 million MIKULSKI, on her decision to retire In particular, one of the most impor- Americans to serve in uniform during from the U.S. Senate. We are going to tant reform efforts included in the the Second World War. We remember miss her very much. She has been a final conference agreement is a Senate the men and women who left their very effective Senator in speaking not provision that would create cross-func- homes to fight an enemy they did not only as a representative for the State tional teams. This is a new tool for the know in places they had never heard of. of Maryland but also for the entire Secretary of Defense to manage the They said goodbye to their families to country on so many different issues formation and implementation of poli- protect their neighbors—foreclosed the and Federal responsibilities of our gov- cies and solutions for complex prob- promise of their own dreams to protect ernment. She has been very successful lems that inherently cut across the our freedom. We know well the stories in every way—serving as chair of the many stovepiped functional organiza- of courage and devotion: the Tuskegee committee on Appropriations, where it tions in the Department of Defense. Airmen, the 442nd Infantry Regiment. has been my pleasure to work closely The private sector has pioneered and We remember the ingenuity and her- with her as the vice chair when the Re- mastered this highly effective integra- oism of Doolittle’s Raiders, the Navajo publicans were in the minority, and tion mechanism for a generation, and code-talkers, and Nisei translators. then coming to chair the committee, business schools and business The war in the Pacific lasted 2,194 with her as the ranking Democratic consultancies have championed its use days. When American occupation member during other periods. for decades. I consider this provision to forces landed 4 years later at the end of It has been a distinct honor to serve be one of the most important reform the war, Japan was in ruins. But in- with her on the Appropriations Com- initiatives in this bill. None of this stead of turning our backs on the peo- mittee. In 2012, she became the first would have happened without the lead- ple of Japan, we extended a hand. We woman to chair the committee. She ership, guidance, and constant urging chose to turn an enemy into an ally. has also served as vice chairwoman for of the chairman, Senator MCCAIN. Once American occupiers immediately set the past 2 years. I am pleased that we again, I commend him for his extraor- out to transform Japan into a peaceful have been able to work together to re- dinary efforts. democracy, implementing land and port bills that reflect our shared com- As these reforms are introduced, it is economic reforms, improving working mitment to national security, sci- imperative that we continue to col- conditions, and granting women the entific research, education, and eco- laborate with the Department of De- right to vote. The United States sent nomic development. Senator MIKULSKI fense to ensure that these reforms con- billions of dollars in economic aid to has been a very valuable partner tribute to our national security and do rebuild Japan. Most of that assistance throughout. Her approach to funding not create unnecessary and detri- was delivered as food, for even several decisions as chairwoman and vice- mental consequences. This will be a years after the surrender, there was chairwoman highlights the importance partnership going forward to ensure widespread starvation in Japan. It is of the constitutional role of Congress that these reforms are adequate, appro- hard to forget someone who sends you to be good stewards of taxpayer money. priate, and work for the benefit of the milk for hungry children, as Prime I congratulate BARBARA MIKULSKI on men and women in uniform, and that is Minister Abe recently told Congress. her distinguished career representing a process in which we will all be en- The attack on Pearl Harbor set in the people of Maryland which reflects motion a chain of events with painful gaged. great credit on our U.S. Senate. Best With respect to the budget, the con- consequences for our two countries, wishes to her. ference agreement we are considering but the decision we made to partner I yield the floor. today authorizes a total of $619 billion, with, rather than punish, Japan helped The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- which includes $543.4 billion in base to forge between our two countries ator from Rhode Island. budget funding for the Department of what Senator Mike Mansfield described NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION BILL Defense and certain security activities as ‘‘the most important bilateral rela- Mr. REED. Madam President, I rise of the Department of Energy and $67.8 tionship in the world, bar none.’’ Today, Japan is a leader in the West- to discuss the National Defense Au- billion in overseas contingency oper- ern world. We cooperate as partners to thorization Act. After several months ations, or OCO, funding. maintain regional peace. Our countries of debate and negotiation, the House This OCO amount includes $5.8 bil- work together to stop the flow of extre- and Senate Armed Services Commit- lion in supplemental funding requested mism and arms in the Indian Ocean. tees have arrived at a completed con- by President Obama for operations in We work side by side in humanitarian ference agreement. This will be the Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, as well as relief missions and to defend against 55th consecutive time that we pass a an additional $3.2 billion above Presi- ballistic missile threats. Our relation- National Defense Authorization Act, dent Obama’s budget request for base ship has never been stronger. President which sets national security policy and budget requirements primarily devoted Obama’s trip in May to Hiroshima and provides important authorities to the to increased end strength. I have seri- President Abe’s trip to Pearl Harbor Department of Defense. ous concerns about increasing OCO demonstrate the endurance of this I want to begin by thanking Chair- funding above the President’s budget friendship and the importance of rec- man MCCAIN for his leadership during request without a corresponding in- onciliation. the course of this year. At his direc- crease in domestic spending. While the So as we commemorate the 75th an- tion, the Senate Armed Services Com- OCO account is exempt from budget niversary of the attack on Pearl Har- mittee undertook a robust review of caps, the purpose of the Budget Control bor, we remember the service and sac- how the Department develops strategic Act was to establish proportionately rifice of the men and women who lost guidance and executes their business equal caps on defense and nondefense their lives on that day in December. In processes to help the Department oper- discretionary spending to force a bipar- remembering them and the service of ate more effectively and efficiently. I tisan compromise on the budget. those who fought, we know that their commend the chairman for making During consideration of the NDAA, sacrifices were not in vain. America this effort a priority for the com- the House and Senate had different ap- and Japan are forever joined in history. mittee, and I appreciate his willingness proaches on how best to fund these We move forward together, in the to work in a bipartisan fashion on this base budget requirements and ongoing memory of those who sacrificed for a important endeavor. military operations. However, after a better world and for peace. The conference report we are consid- robust debate, we reached an agree- Madam President, I yield the floor. ering today includes many Senate re- ment on a modest increase in OCO to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. forms, including efforts to improve the fund increased end strength and to re- CAPITO). The Senator from Mississippi. defense strategy documents produced plenish depleted munitions inventories.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.030 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 With respect to Afghanistan, the con- that we are continuing two-per-year practices modeled on private sector ference agreement supports our mili- construction of the Virginia-class sub- best practices, including the use of big tary operations. Specifically, the bill marine. It also supports additional re- data to improve Pentagon business authorizes approximately 8,400 troops quests for advance procurement to processes. I believe that refining Pen- in Afghanistan in 2017, including fully keep this production on track. Fur- tagon management practices will re- funding the Afghan Security Forces thermore, it authorizes $1.9 billion for sult in cost savings and efficiencies, Fund at $4.26 billion to continue sup- the Ohio-class replacement, including freeing up funds for other critical port to the Afghan National Defense the first strategic nuclear submarine needs. and Security Forces. Likewise, the bill procurement funds, to begin the proc- I note that the conferees did not in- contains $814 million to enhance the ess of reinvigorating and rebuilding our clude several provisions regarding the capabilities of the Afghan Air Force underwater nuclear deterrence through application of Obama administration and begin a transition from Mi-17 to the Ohio-class replacement. Executive orders related to labor, safe the UH–60 helicopters. In addition to modernization of our workplace, and LGBT issues. Many of Also—and this is an issue that I sup- underwater forces, we are also looking these are very problematic. I hope we port very strongly after a recent trip at modernizing our triad of air, sea, continue to work to ensure the Depart- to Afghanistan—it accelerates the Af- and ground delivery platforms for stra- ment engages with fiscally and socially ghan Aviation Initiative, which is de- tegic deterrence. This is the beginning responsible and effective contractors to signed to build greater rotary wing ca- of a multi-decade effort involving three the best benefit of warfighters and tax- pability and fixed-wing capabilities in major acquisition programs: our bal- payers alike. the Afghan Air Force. This is a critical listic missile submarines—as I have Of course, one of the key issues for battlefield advantage that the Afghan mentioned, the Ohio-class replace- the committee was the readiness of forces will have over the Taliban. ment—long-range penetrating bombers, troops. I am pleased the conference re- With respect to Europe, we have fully and also the land-based interconti- port includes significant resources for funded the President’s request of $3.4 nental ballistic missiles. Most impor- the military services’ unfunded re- billion for the European Reassurance tantly, we will be modernizing their quirements, with the goal of restoring Initiative. This funding will support command and control systems to en- full-spectrum readiness as soon as pos- critical investments that will increase sure that our President always has sible. For example, the bill includes ad- rotational U.S. military presence in positive control of these forces. As I ditional funding for Army units to con- Europe, improve key infrastructure, have stated many times, modernization duct additional home station training and enhance allied and partner mili- is critical in light of the increasingly in order to prepare them for future tary capabilities to respond to external belligerent actions by Russia, which combat training center rotations, as aggression and preserve regional sta- conducted a nuclear exercise imme- well as additional flight training for bility. The agreement also includes an diately after invading Crimea as a form the other services. authorization of $350 million for the of nuclear intimidation. We have also included significant re- Ukraine training assistance initiative, In the area of technology and acqui- sources in order to provide additional to continue and expand security assist- sition, I am pleased the conference re- depot maintenance to repair our mili- ance and intelligence support to the port takes a number of important steps tary aircraft, ships, and combat vehi- Ukrainian security forces to protect to help DOD maintain its technological cles. There is also additional funding to their sovereignty and encourage a con- superiority. We continue to build on better sustain our military installa- tinued focus on robust defense reform past work on acquisition reform under- tions, specifically in the facilities res- efforts. taken by the committee, as well as the toration and modernization accounts. With regard to our special operations successes of Defense Secretary Carter In the area of military personnel, the forces, they are at the forefront of our and his colleagues, including Under conference agreement accomplishes fight against ISIL, Al Qaeda, and other Secretary Kendall, in controlling the much on behalf of our servicemembers terrorist groups. The bill also includes costs of major weapons systems pro- and the Department of Defense because important reforms designed to improve curement programs. we owe them much. It authorizes a 2.1 the oversight and advocacy for their The agreement includes a number of percent pay raise for all servicemem- important efforts by enhancing the steps to improve defense acquisition bers, supports requested increases in role of the Assistant Secretary of De- processes, including strengthening the the housing benefit, and reauthorizes a fense for Special Operations and Low acquisition workforce, simplifying and number of expiring bonus and special Intensity Conflict. I think those re- streamlining regulatory and bureau- pay authorities to encourage enlist- forms will be something we watch and cratic burdens on the government and ment, reenlistment, and continued encourage. industry, making it easier for DOD to service by Active-Duty and Reserve With respect to other aspects of our work with innovative small businesses component military personnel. security programs, the conference and commercial companies, and pro- Unfortunately, the bill does not in- agreement includes a comprehensive moting the use of prototyping and clude the provision in the Senate- reform of Defense Department security rapid fielding to speed the development passed bill that would have required cooperation programs. This is the first and deployment of advanced new sys- women to register for the draft to the time such a reform has been under- tems. same extent men are required. I con- taken, and it is an effort to ensure In the area of technological innova- tinue to believe this is the right policy there is unity of effort across our gov- tion, I hope that reconstituting the po- for the Nation and the military. If we ernment in the security assistance sition of Under Secretary of Research are going to have a draft, women must arena. and Engineering will help promote con- share equally the burden and privilege Likewise, the conference agreement nections with innovators both inside of service. We must be able to take ad- includes a provision that would en- and outside of the government and en- vantage of their extraordinary talents hance the scope and authority of the sure that the policies and practices because without those talents our mili- Global Engagement Center. For too governing our R&D programs, our de- tary today could not function as it long we have been losing the informa- fense labs, and our engagements with does. tion space to our adversaries—both universities and industry are optimized However, the bill does establish an state and nonstate actors. It is my to promote the most efficient and ef- independent national commission on hope that by providing this critical fective development of new systems military, national, and public service center at the State Department with a and technologies. to study the need for a military selec- powerful mandate, we can begin to im- Finally, I think the conference report tive service process, including whether prove our efforts in the information includes important provisions designed the Nation continues to need a mecha- space. to streamline and modernize Pentagon nism designed to draft large numbers The bill also supports modernization management processes. The bill sup- of replacement combat troops; whether efforts of many different weapons plat- ports efforts to develop and execute the women should be required to partici- forms. I am particularly pleased to see modern management techniques and pate equally in the process; the means

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.031 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6787 by which to foster a greater attitude National Defense Authorization Act. main a stronghold for our military and ethos of service among the United Yesterday I was here talking about the training and power. States’ young men and women, includ- Cures Act, and I know that is the busi- As we head into the holidays, I am ing an increased propensity for mili- ness of the day, but I also want to rec- pleased that servicemembers and their tary service; and how to obtain mili- ognize the importance of the NDAA families will receive, with the cer- tary, national, and public service indi- and its assumed or hoped-for passage tainty of the passage of this bill, bene- viduals with skills for which the Na- today or this week. I appreciate Sen- fits which they have earned and that tion has a critical need. This commis- ator MCCAIN working with me and sup- they deserve, which includes a 2.1-per- sion could provide valuable insight on porting my amendment to remove lan- cent pay increase, which is the largest how we should proceed, particularly in guage that would allow the administra- increase in 5 years. a state of national emergency, in pull- tion to expend taxpayer dollars on 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ATTACK ON PEARL ing together the best of our young peo- plans to close Guantanamo Bay deten- HARBOR ple to serve the Nation. tion facility. As we pass this defense legislation to With respect to health care, the bill As in previous years, the NDAA con- support our military men and women, contains a robust package of health tinues to prohibit the closure of Gitmo those who serve our Nation, we must care reforms that will bring the mili- and the transfer of detainees to U.S. take a moment to also reflect upon the tary health care program in line with soil. Fort Leavenworth, in my home significance of this day—December 7, the best practices in the civilian health State of Kansas, has been a site under 1941—that horrific attack on Pearl Har- care industry. This is something we this administration’s consideration. bor 75 years ago. That day forever have to continue to emphasize—the This administration and foreign coun- changed our Nation and our national ability to care and treat all of our per- tries have lost track of numerous de- defense. We should never forget those sonnel and retirees with respect to tainees, which escalates the risk for who perished in that attack, as they their health care. military men and women if the de- made that ultimate sacrifice: 2,008 I think we have done a lot of impor- tainee is returned to the battlefield. naval men, 109 Marines, 218 Army men, tant work in this legislation. With the total reengagement rate at and 68 civilians. Let me conclude, as I began, by Gitmo detainees returning to that bat- Shortly after I was elected to the thanking Chairman MCCAIN and my tlefield at more than 30 percent, this U.S. Senate on December 7, 2010, I had Senate colleagues on the committee provision is a life-and-death matter. the distinct opportunity to present for their thoughtful contributions to This Defense authorization also halts service medals to Kansans who had this process. I also thank my col- troop reduction and increases end served and survived the attack on leagues on the House Armed Services strength across our Active, National Pearl Harbor. It took us 69 years after Committee, Chairman MAC THORN- Guard, and Reserve Forces. In every they survived that attack, but I was BERRY and Ranking Member ADAM Senate Appropriations Defense Sub- honored to bestow U.S. Navy veterans SMITH. They did a superb job, along committee hearing this past year with Arthur Dunn and Paul Aschbrenner with their staffs. This was truly a Department of Defense officials, from with their much deserved commenda- thoughtful, bipartisan process that re- service chiefs to the Chairman of the tions. It was a special moment I will sulted in a bill that I believe will re- Joint Chiefs, I received answers that not forget. ceive overwhelming support on the concluded our Armed Services would VETERANS HEALTH CARE AND BENEFITS floor of the Senate, as it did in the welcome more forces, not less. LEGISLATION House. I introduced the POSTURE Act, S. To honor those who perished that day Finally, of course, this agreement 2563, with my colleagues Senator as well as those who survived, like Ar- would not have been possible without BLUNT and Senator PERDUE, to reverse thur and Paul, we must care for the the extraordinary work of the staff. I these force reductions, increase end 21.8 million veterans who live among us thank so many, but I particularly strength in the Active Duty, National today and who deserve the best our Na- thank Chris Brose, Steve Barney, and Guard and Reserve, and specifically in- tion can offer. We have an opportunity all the majority committee staff for crease levels for our ground forces in to better care for our veterans with the their hard work. the Army and Marine Corps. I am passage of H.R. 6416, the Jeff Miller and On the Democratic side, I thank my pleased this defense legislation—the Veterans Health staff director, Elizabeth King. I also one we are considering this week—re- Care and Benefits Improvement Act of thank Gary Leeling, Creighton Greene, flects the objectives of the POSTURE 2016, which has passed the House and is Carolyn Chuhta, Maggie McNamara, Act by stopping force reductions and coming to the Senate. Jonathan Clark, Jonathan Epstein, increasing end-strength levels across This legislation includes 76 bipar- Ozge Guzelsu, Jody Bennett, Mike the Armed Services. tisan provisions to improve VA health Kuiken, Kirk McConnell, Mike Noblet, There are many unknowns around care, streamline disability compensa- John Quirk, Arun Seraphin, and Jon the world, and to reduce the size of our tion, and address other benefits and Green. defense force would be a mistake. We services that must be reformed to bet- I deeply appreciate all of their ef- have been impacted already by budget ter serve our veterans. I thank the forts. They have made this bill pos- decisions rather than based upon what chairman of my committee, the Sen- sible. our Armed Forces need to defend ator from Georgia, for his leadership in With that, I yield the floor. America. Readiness is paramount, and this regard. I suggest the absence of a quorum. this NDAA allows for increased funding I am particularly pleased that this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to make certain we are training, equip- legislation includes legislation that I, clerk will call the roll. ping, and readying our forces as chal- along with Senator BLUMENTHAL, have The senior assistant legislative clerk lenges around the world unfold. As diligently worked on for over the last proceeded to call the roll. Chief of Staff of the Army GEN Mark several years. It is sponsored by 48 of Mr. MORAN. Madam President, I ask Milley has repeatedly said, ‘‘Readiness our Senate colleagues. It is the Toxic unanimous consent that the order for wins wars.’’ Exposure Research Act. This legisla- the quorum call be rescinded. The Big Red One—the Army’s 1st In- tion takes a significant step toward re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without fantry Division located at Fort Riley searching the potential health effects objection, it is so ordered. in , KS, near Junction City, of toxic exposure to veterans and their Mr. MORAN. Madam President, I ask KS, has deployed its headquarters to descendants. To send a strong message unanimous consent to speak as in Iraq for a second time in less than 2 to our veterans, we must pass this leg- morning business. years. That kind of turnaround re- islation. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without quires the highest levels of readiness. I often meet with World War II vet- objection, it is so ordered. This bill also authorizes critical mili- erans at the memorial that was built in Mr. MORAN. Madam President, I tary construction funding for Fort their honor on the . The come to the Senate floor to thank Riley, Fort Leavenworth, and McCon- message I try to convey is one that I Chairman MCCAIN for his efforts on the nell Air Force Base, helping Kansas re- also shared with my dad upon my first

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.033 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 visit to the memorial. I stepped away looked at me and they said he couldn’t tions they have never had before. These and called my dad at home in Plain- have had these operations had it not are important provisions. ville, KS, and I said: Dad, I should have been for the Affordable Care Act. Had There has been discussion that I have said this a long time ago, but I thank it not been for the Affordable Care Act, been reading and following that what you for your service, I respect you, and he now would have exceeded his life- some want to do is just repeal the Af- I love you. That, we do again today. On time limit of any policy he could ever fordable Care Act, with a vague prom- this significant day in our Nation’s his- get, and he also would have a pre- ise that something will happen down tory, with the passage of veterans leg- existing condition because of his heart the line. Of course, those who want to islation, with the passage of NDAA, we condition that would render him un- repeal the Affordable Care Act who certainly can tell our service men and able to get insurance for the rest of his voted against it in March of 2010 have women and our veterans, those who life. They looked at me, and—the fa- had 6 or now nearly 7 years to come up served our country so diligently and so ther especially is a pretty big guy—and with what they think would be better, faithfully, that we thank you for your they asked: Will you do all you can— and there has been no consensus about service, we respect you, and we love will you do all you can to make sure what they think would be better. So you. that this act is not repealed? You can the notion of we are going to repeal it Madam President, I yield the floor. strengthen it, you can improve it, but and don’t worry, we will come up with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- will you do all you can to make sure it a better alternative, rings pretty hol- ator from Virginia. is not repealed? I looked at them and I low to a family like Jude’s parents and grandparents who have a three-and-a- AFFORDABLE CARE ACT said—because I believed this even be- half-year-old-boy who needs open heart Mr. KAINE. Madam President, I rise fore they asked me the question: I will surgery. The notion that don’t worry, to talk about the ongoing discussions do anything to my last breath to make we will find a replacement, we will find about the repeal of the Affordable Care sure that we improve this but that we a fix—I think we could forgive some- Act. I basically want to make the case don’t get rid of it. That is why I stand that this repeal, without a replacement body like Jude’s family for not having on the floor today. a lot of confidence in that. being known, would be malpractice for Since the Affordable Care Act was If, in fact, we are serious about find- the health care of millions of Ameri- passed in March of 2010, 20 million ing a fix, why don’t we go to work find- cans as well as malpractice for the Americans have health insurance and ing a fix before we pass legislation to American economy. Before I talk about many of them for the first time in repeal the law. why, I just want to tell two stories. their life. That is, I think, the com- I have said I think it is health mal- On Monday of this week, I visited bined population of about 14 or 15 practice and economic malpractice. Neighborhood Health, which is a com- States, having health insurance for the Let me start with the economic mal- munity health center in Northern Vir- first time in their lives. practice. The worst thing Congress can ginia that serves 14,000 patients. It is Now, when you have health insur- do for the economy is to inject uncer- not a walk-in clinic; they are sort of a ance, it is not only that you can get tainty into it. I have been a mayor and medical home for 14,000 low-income care for an illness or an accident, even I have been a Governor and I am a cer- Northern Virginians, mostly working when you are healthy, you can go to tainty fanatic. What I have learned people. Community health centers in bed at night with the knowledge that if about the economy is that our strong Virginia, West Virginia, and in every something happens to my wife tomor- and resilient business sector—if you State are a critical part of the health row, if something happens to me to- give them certainty, they can plan. care safety net. In Virginia, they serve morrow, if something happens to my They may not like a policy, they might about 300,000 patients and millions na- child tomorrow, they will be able to re- not like a budget number, but if you tionally. ceive care. tell them this is the way it is going to They are medicine with a mission. The percentage in the Nation of peo- be, the ingenuity of our private sector They don’t deny anybody primary ple who were uninsured when the Af- is significant. They are going to be able health care services because of inabil- fordable Care Act was passed was 16 to plan, they are going to be able to ity to pay, and residents have equal ac- percent. One in six Americans was un- make the best of it, they are going to cess regardless of where they live, their insured. Now it is down to 8.6 percent. be able to figure it out, but if you pro- culture, their gender, their race, or re- That is the lowest level of uninsured vide uncertainty and don’t tell people sources. we have had probably since we have what you are going to do, that is very Many centers, including the one I measured it. In Virginia, the drop has devastating. visited just 20 minutes from here, were been from 13 percent—we were a little I am on the Budget Committee. I centers that were able to build or ex- better than the national average—and came into the Budget Committee in pand because of the Affordable Care we have dropped down to 9.1 percent the Senate, and I told me colleagues on Act. Facilities have gotten better in uninsured. We are a little higher than both sides of the aisle: I am a certainty communities across the country be- the national average now because my fanatic. We should be doing a budget. cause of the Affordable Care Act. That State does not accept Medicaid expan- We shouldn’t be doing a continuing res- visit made powerfully clear to me how sion, but the difference in 6 years is olution right now. We should be doing much every ZIP Code in this country 327,000 more Virginians have health in- appropriations bills because when we has been affected by the Affordable surance in 2015 than had it in 2010. That tell both our own planners in our own Care Act because of these centers and is a powerful thing. departments and also the private econ- other services that are provided. In addition to having health insur- omy: This is what it is going to be for The second story is a story from my ance, families are protected because the next year, they can figure it out, recently completed, 105-day, unsuccess- they can’t get turned away because of they can adjust, and they can do well. ful venture as part of a national ticket. preexisting conditions, they can’t get When we instead deliver a message I was at the Iowa State Fair. A grand- turned away because they have reached that we don’t know what we are going father was carrying a little boy who lifetime limits in terms of their med- to do—oh, there will be a fix, but it will looked to be about 31⁄2 years old. I said: ical care, as Jude would have reached be a few years from now, we can’t tell Tell me this youngster’s name. The by age 31⁄2. Children can stay on family you what it is going to be now, and grandfather said: This is Jude. Of policies until age 26. Women cannot be really we can’t even promise we will do course, I said: Hey, Jude, and I said: charged different health care premiums it since we haven’t done it in 6 years— Tell me about Jude. The grandfather than men. Insurance companies are re- you inject uncertainty into the econ- and now the father walked over and quired to rebate excess premium pay- omy, and that is the worst thing we started to talk to me, and what they ments back to consumers if they over- can do. said is this: Jude is 31⁄2 years old and he charge. I have made the argument that the has already had five open heart oper- It is not just about the millions who recovery we have been on economi- ations at the Omaha Children’s Hos- have health insurance who have never cally—which is not a robust recovery, pital, which is just across the river had it before, there are also millions but it is a steady recovery—the prin- from Western Iowa, in Nebraska. They and millions more to receive protec- cipal reason it has been steady but not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.034 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6789 robust is because of uncertainty, and health insurance on the open market. I I fear the rush is for one reason: a de- the principal generator of uncertainty didn’t have an employer who could sire to do something before this Presi- in the United States is this body, Con- cover it. Two insurers turned me down dent leaves office that can be a little gress. Congress’s inability to do budget because they said: We can’t write a pol- bit of a poke in his eye, but it is a poke in regular order, Congress’s inability to icy for your whole family because of a in his eye politically in a way that tackle priorities, Congress’s inability preexisting condition. One insurer takes families like Jude’s family or the to work on big picture fiscal issues turned me down because of something families I saw at the neighborhood generates uncertainty. about me, and one insurer turned me health center in Alexandria and puts So now we are talking about a repeal down because of something about one deep fear and uncertainty in their lives of the Affordable Care Act, the single of my children. Again, we are the and also puts uncertainty into one- largest sector in the American econ- healthiest family there is. sixth of the American economy. omy. One-sixth of the GDP of this We were able to say: Wait a minute. I know we will be having this discus- country is health care. If you tell the The Affordable Care Act just passed. sion in earnest, I suspect a little bit entire American economy we are going You are not legally allowed to do that over the next couple of days but more to go into the largest sector in the now. You have to write a policy for the when the year begins, just as we are economy, we are going to repeal it, and whole family. going to be having discussions about don’t worry, we will get to something The insurance agent who dealt with Medicare and Medicaid, with 1.3 mil- down the road as a replacement, you us on the phone said: Let me talk to lion Medicare enrollees in Virginia as will inject uncertainty into an econ- my supervisor, and then called back of 2015. The CHIP and Medicaid Pro- omy in a degree that has never been and said: You know, what. You are grams in Virginia have an additional done by this body that I think will right. We have to write you a policy. 970,000 enrollees. I read dramatic dis- have catastrophic economic con- This is a law that not only provides cussions about these programs as well, sequences even beyond health care. health insurance to 20 million people these basic safety net programs. It is also malpractice in the health who never had it before but for even I will conclude and say there is no lives of Americans. The Urban Insti- healthy families like mine provides reason we shouldn’t be able to sit down tute has come out with a study today, benefits to protect against some of the around the table and talk about im- an update of a study they did a year worst and most predacious behaviors of provements. What I might call a re- ago. There was a proposal a year ago to insurance companies. If the act is re- form somebody else could call a re- repeal the Affordable Care Act that pealed, this all goes away. placement. I don’t care about the label, President Obama vetoed. They did a Americans agree, repeal is not the but what I do care about is repealing a study about what would repeal mean. answer. A Kaiser Foundation poll that law that provides millions of people the This is what repeal means to the Amer- was done in the last 2 weeks showed confidence that they have health care for the first time in their lives, doing it ican public as we get ready to celebrate that only 26 percent of Americans sup- and having the discussion during the the holidays, a time when we are mind- port a repeal of the Affordable Care holiday season, doing it in a way that ful of the needs of others: Act. Of the other 75 percent, some The number of uninsured people in think it should stay the same, some will hurt working people, will hurt the United States, if the ACA is re- think it should be tweaked backward a working people who don’t have high pealed, would rise from its current 28.9 little bit, some think it should be ad- school degrees, doing it in a way that million to 58.7 million, an increase of vanced, but only one in four Americans will hurt people who are already sick, 29.8 million uninsured in this country. believe we should repeal this law. Over- who are already dealing with illnesses in their families. The share of nonelderly people without whelmingly, what the American public I am a student of this body. I am not insurance would increase from 11 per- is telling us is, we should improve the a historian. I am a student of this law. That is what we should be about in cent to 21 percent. body, but my prediction would be this: Of the 29.8 million newly uninsured this body. If this body goes down the path of re- as a result of the repeal, 22.5 will be- When I was the , pealing this important law that pro- come uninsured as a result of elimi- I noticed at the end of every legislative vides important protections to millions nating premium tax credits, Medicaid session there would be 1,100 bills on my with no idea about what the replace- expansion, and the individual mandate, desk for me to review, sign, veto, or ment is, I think it will be a day we will and the additional 7.3 million would be- amend. Of the 1,100 bills, pretty much look back on and those who care about come uninsured because of the near every year 200 or 300 would be new, but this body will look back on, probably 800 would be improvements to existing collapse of the nongroup insurance in the not-too-distant future, and will law. The job of a legislature is more market, and 82 percent of the new 29 say this will be one of the low moments about taking existing laws and reform- million who will become uninsured are in the history of the United States ing and improving it than repealing or working families, 82 percent; 38 percent Senate. There is no need for it because doing something brand new. That is would be ages 18 to 34; 56 percent would there are people of good will in this what puzzles me. Why aren’t we doing be non-Hispanic Whites; 80 percent of body who are willing to sit down and that? Clearly, there is no rush. There is adults becoming uninsured are adults find solutions and find improvements no rush because the discussions are, we who do not have college degrees. There and find reforms, but nobody seems will be 12.9 million fewer people with would repeal the Affordable Care Act willing to have that discussion. Let’s Medicaid or CHIP coverage in 2019 if with a promise we will find a replace- have that discussion rather than the the Affordable Care Act is repealed, ment in 2 or 3 years. So if the notion is repeal discussion, and we will serve our and nearly 9.5 million people who have we are going to work for 2 or 3 years to constituents better. received tax credits to help them pur- find a replacement, there is no rush, Madam President, I yield the floor. chase private nongroup health cov- and if there is no rush, why aren’t we Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, erage in 2019 will no longer receive that sitting down right now? Instead of re- today, the Senate will vote on signifi- assistance. This is catastrophic to tens pealing the law, why aren’t we sitting cant legislation—a bill that aims to of millions of Americans. down right now? Let’s sit down around make it easier for innovative medical I will tell a third story that is a story the table, let’s talk about what we treatments to be approved, while in- about me. I have to have the healthiest don’t like, let’s talk about what we do vesting over $6 billion in medical re- family in the United States, my wife like, let’s talk about what it means to search and combating the opioid crisis. and I and our three children. The only have 20 million people in this country The bill also takes an important step hospitalizations we have ever had, with health insurance, many for the toward improving our mental health until my wife recently broke a bone, first time in their lives, and what they system, specifically by strengthening was for three child births. Our kids are might think. Let’s get the perspectives our parity laws to ensure mental 27, 24, and 21. We are the healthiest of hospitals. Let’s get the perspectives health treatments are covered by in- family in the United States. I was re- of insurers, of doctors, and other med- surance companies. quired once to go out right after the ical professionals. That is what we Medical research holds tremendous Affordable Care Act passed to buy should be doing. What is the rush? promise, but our commitment to this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.036 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6790 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 funding has not kept pace with what is We all want to ensure that patients First, I would like to highlight divi- needed to make more breakthroughs have access to medications, but we sion B of this legislation, the Mental with diseases like cancer and Alz- must also be sure those treatments are Health Reform Act. The Mental Health heimer’s. In recent years, Congress has both safe and effective. I have concerns Reform Act represents years of work in supported increased funds for medical that this bill may weaken the stand- Congress across party lines to improve research, but these increases have ards by which the FDA can review cer- the quality of and access to mental come at the expense of other important tain medications, for example, by al- health and substance abuse treatment, domestic programs. We can and should lowing the agency to use existing data such as training more behavioral do more. from different drug trials to prove the health workers and strengthening par- In October, Vice President BIDEN safety of new medications that include ity for mental health and substance joined me in Vermont to discuss the fu- similar drug compounds. abuse treatment. This bill also includes ture of cancer treatment. We learned Furthermore, while the bill makes it my legislation, the Garrett Lee Smith that we are on the cusp of so many de- easier in many cases to get drugs ap- Memorial Reauthorization Act, which velopments in fighting the disease, but proved, it does nothing to address the supports youth suicide prevention that more research is needed to get unreasonable price hikes we have seen grants for schools—elementary schools there. This bill contains $1.8 billion in some prescription drugs. I filed an through college where children and dedicated to Vice President BIDEN’s amendment with Senators GRASSLEY, young adults spend most of their cancer moonshot and another $1.4 bil- KLOBUCHAR, and LEE that would ad- time—to be able to reach at-risk lion in precision medicine to help tar- dress some of the anticompetitive be- youth. I am especially pleased that, for get treatments to individual patients. havior many drug companies are en- the first time, this bill will allow fund- It also includes $1.5 billion for Presi- gaging in to help drive up the cost of ing to be used for mental health treat- dent Obama’s BRAIN Initiative, to ex- their drugs. For example, in order to ment on college campuses, the most ef- pand brain mapping technologies that delay approval of generic drugs enter- fective way to prevent suicide. I have help scientists understand brain dis- ing the market, some drug companies worked with advocates across the men- orders and diseases affecting the cen- withhold drug samples or refuse to tal health community for the better tral nervous system. Since the BRAIN enter into shared safety agreements part of the last decade on this effort, so Initiative was established in 2013, it with generic manufacturers—both of I am pleased to see this come to fru- has already made significant advances which are necessary for FDA approval. ition. This legislation also includes an infu- in medical knowledge, including im- Our amendment, which mirrors our sion of funding for National Institutes proving artificial limb technologies CREATES Act, would close this loop- hole and help generic drugs come to of Health and the Food and Drug Ad- and discovering more links between ministration—$4.8 billion over the next brain chemical functions and depres- the market faster. Unfortunately, the Senate will not 10 years, including $1 billion to be con- sion. have the opportunity to consider this centrated over the next 3 years for the I am also pleased that this bill fi- improvement to the bill or any others Cancer Moonshot initiative. I com- nally fulfills our commitment to fund before we vote on the bill’s passage. I mend Vice President BIDEN for his efforts to combat the opioid crisis. This am frustrated that a bill of this enor- work to spearhead the Cancer Moon- is especially critical since Congress mity—that has never been considered shot initiative over the last year, and I failed to include necessary funding re- by the full Senate—is being placed on think it was a fitting tribute that the sources when the Comprehensive Ad- the calendar at the end of a session Senate agreed unanimously to rename diction and Recovery Act passed ear- with no opportunity for amendments. I this title of the bill after his son, Beau lier this year. This bill contains $1 bil- hope the Senate leadership will Biden, who tragically lost his life to lion to combat the opioid crisis, with promptly schedule floor debates on this cancer last year. The remaining fund- the first half of the funding to be dedi- and other improvements to this pack- ing will be used to support key efforts cated this fiscal year. Each day, 129 age early next year. at the NIH, such as the Precision Medi- people die from drug overdoses in this Nevertheless, improvements were cine Initiative, the BRAIN Initiative, country. Vermont and many other pre- made to this bill before it was consid- and regenerative medicine using adult dominately rural States have been hit ered by the House last week. For exam- stem cells. In addition, the bill con- particularly hard by this epidemic. I ple, the bill no longer includes a provi- tains $1 billion in funding for States to suspect that almost every Vermonter sion that would weaken the disclosure respond to the ongoing opioid epi- knows someone who has been impacted requirements for physicians receiving demic. Earlier this year, passage of the by addiction. It is something I hear gifts. The bill also now clearly directs Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- about regularly when I am home in opioid funding to States that have been ery Act was an important first step in Vermont. This is not the future we hit hardest by the crisis. Lastly, more addressing this crisis, but my col- want for our children, for our grand- of the funding for medical research is leagues on the other side of the aisle children, or for our communities. I am set to go out this fiscal year, which voted against efforts to fund the legis- hopeful that the funding included in will have an immediate impact on im- lation and provide access to treatment this bill will help States move people proving the important work of the NIH in our communities. I am pleased that into treatment to eventually stop the and our overall medical research com- we will finally have real funding going tragic cycle of abuse. munity. to communities this year to provide While I strongly support this fund- On balance, this is an important this treatment. ing, in addition to the bill’s expansion piece of legislation that offers a great However, I am disappointed that this of medical research and mental health promise to move the bar forward on bill does not make this funding manda- parity, this bill is far from perfect. medical research, while also providing tory. We will still have to rely on ap- Whereas the bill contains $6.3 billion in critical relief to families suffering from propriations in the future to ensure upfront cuts to offset funding for its opioid addiction. I believe these strong that this funding goes out as intended. many efforts, these funds are not in investments will benefit us for genera- I am also concerned about the cuts in fact guaranteed each year. Rather, the tions to come, and I will support the this bill, which many of my colleagues Appropriations Committee must act passage of this bill. have spoken about at length during each year to ‘‘unlock’’ the funding. Re- Mr. REED. Madam President, I am consideration of the bill, and I would publican leaders assure us that this pleased to support the 21st Century like to echo those comments. For ex- funding will go out the door, and as the Cures Act, which includes a number of ample, this legislation cuts the Preven- incoming vice chairman of the Appro- critical mental health provisions, tion and Public Health Fund by $3.5 priations Committee, I intend to hold much needed funding for medical re- billion, to the detriment of worthy and them to that promise. search and innovation at the National vital efforts such as youth suicide pre- I am also concerned that the bill in- Institutes of Health and the Food and vention, immunizations, and lead poi- cludes provisions to fast-track pre- Drug Administration, as well as fund- soning prevention. scription drug approval through the ing to help combat the opioid crisis in While I have these reservations, I am Food and Drug Administration, FDA. our country. pleased that the Congress is able to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.062 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6791 support bipartisan reforms to our men- ticularly Senator BENNET, Senator tent that, if the results by trained and tal health system, as well as funding HATCH, and Senator WARREN, for their untrained users are comparable, a test for medical research and the opioid re- work on the Advancing Targeted is considered to be accurate for CLIA sponse. I hope that we will be able to Therapies for Rare Diseases Act. Devel- waiver purposes. If we are going to en- work on a bipartisan basis to ensure oping drugs for rare diseases is particu- sure devices are able to reach Ameri- that these efforts continue to be funded larly difficult, but as our genetic un- cans in as timely a manner as possible, over the next several years. derstanding of rare diseases increases, we need to focus on what is necessary Mr. BURR. Madam President, I am there will be new opportunities to pur- to know to meet FDA’s gold standard pleased to rise to talk about the 21st sue treatments for Duchenne muscular for approval. What might be nice to Century Cures bill we have before us dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and certain know is not necessarily central to what today. , and these provisions will help FDA needs to know to make regulatory At the beginning of this Congress, to pave the way for these therapies to decisions. These provisions will help my good friend Senator ALEXANDER reach patients sooner. With these op- provide needed regulatory certainty and I issued a report entitled Innova- portunities will come renewed hope for and focus when it comes to FDA’s re- tion for Healthier Americans in which the children, adults, and families bat- view of medical devices. we asked a simple, but critical, ques- tling these conditions. As we worked on the Cures bill this tion: how can we do it better? Chair- I am particularly pleased that the Congress, we have been reminded of the man ALEXANDER and I asked this ques- final Cures bill also includes the Ad- need to be prepared for the full range of tion because we must do it better for vancing Breakthrough Devices for Pa- public health threats that may present our constituents and their loved ones tients Act. This legislation builds on themselves, whether naturally occur- who are battling devastating diseases— the Advancing Breakthrough Therapies ring, like the Zika virus, or the result diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and for Patients Act, which was enacted 4 of a deliberate attack. I want to thank rare pediatric conditions—for which we years ago and has been very effective Senator CASEY for his partnership in have no treatments today, but hope in helping to bring forward break- making sure we are as prepared as pos- that we will in time to help the coura- through therapies for patients. I want sible for these threats. The final Cures geous individuals with these diseases to thank Senator BENNET and Senator bill includes provisions from our bipar- to win their fight. I commend Chair- HATCH for their collaboration and part- tisan bill, the Medical Counter- man ALEXANDER for his resolute focus nership on these breakthrough bills. measures , which will on this critical work and for his leader- Like our 2012 bill, these provisions will encourage the development of the med- ship in bringing forward the bill we ensure an all-hands-on-deck approach, ical products needed to protect the have before us today. this time for devices, with the goal of American people in the event of a glob- For decades, our Nation has led the expediting the development and review al pandemic or biological weapons at- world in medical innovation, but the of breakthrough technologies. These tack. Cochairs of the Blue Ribbon challenges to maintaining this global provisions are appropriately focused on Study Panel on Biodefense, Joe Lieber- edge have never been greater. We rec- what these technologies will mean for man and Tom Ridge, wrote that this ognized that our Nation’s biomedical patients. In order to qualify for FDA legislation would further strengthen discovery and development must work designation as a breakthrough device, the underpinnings of biological pre- as well as possible to ensure that a device must provide more effective paredness by creating new incentives Americans are able to benefit from the treatment or diagnosis of life-threat- for public-private partnerships; clari- most cutting-edge medical innovations ening or irreversibly debilitating dis- fying and streamlining contracting in as timely a manner as possible. We eases or conditions. These devices must processes at the Biomedical Advanced are at a tremendously exciting era in represent breakthrough technologies, Research and Development Authority; medicine that will be defined by inno- have no approved alternatives, offer and ensuring that our Nation’s health vation. Innovation holds great poten- significant advantages over existing care providers have the guidance they tial. Our ability to respond to public approved alternatives, or their avail- need to use medical countermeasures health threats, including those that ability must be in the best interest of in an emergency. The Alliance for Bio- pose a direct threat to our national se- patients. These devices might be the security has said that the medical curity, will in large part be defined by next technology that better prepares countermeasure priority review vouch- whether or not we embrace innovation. us to respond to needs in a disaster or er provided for in our legislation, and In other words, the stakes could not be life-threatening situation or the inno- the final Cures bill, would be a game greater and innovation will be the key vation that improves the manner and changer for investment in biodefense. to our success in these endeavors. quality of an individual’s episode of Researching, developing, and getting a The bill before us today reflects a care. In other words, bringing forward medical countermeasure across the ap- tremendous amount of bipartisan work these breakthrough devices will im- proval finish line to market is a long, and covers many areas of health care. I prove health care. difficult, costly, and very risky but want to take just a few moments to The timely and predictable review of necessary endeavor. The priority re- highlight a handful of provisions on medical products is key to promoting view voucher for medical counter- which I have partnered with my col- and protecting the public health. The measures will help to invigorate part- leagues and that I believe answer the FDA Modernization Act I authored in nerships to ensure we have the medical question of how we can do it better. 1997 sought to modernize the agency in countermeasures we need against the I am pleased that the final Cures bill a way that supported regulating in the most serious identified threats— includes the Advancing Targeted least burdensome manner, while ensur- threats that have been found to affect Therapies for Rare Diseases Act, legis- ing that innovative products would our national security. We have heard lation that will help advance the devel- reach patients in as timely a manner that this program will benefit not only opment of targeted drugs for patients as possible. The FDA Device Account- our civilian needs, but those of our Na- with serious or life threatening rare ge- ability Act’s bipartisan provisions in- tion’s warfighters, and, in doing so, netic diseases. Each of us has met con- cluded in the final Cures bill build on better protect the American people. I stituents facing a difficult diagnosis, these efforts. I want to thank Senator look forward to continuing to work and these cases are particularly dev- FRANKEN for his collaboration on this with my colleagues to ensure we fully astating when the patient is a young legislation, which will ensure that FDA leverage this provision, including en- child who should have a lifetime ahead eliminates unnecessary burdens when suring that partners and innovators in of them, but for which we have no reviewing devices. It will also permit this space have the certainty of know- treatment to offer them. These are the more efficient device clinical trials. In ing the Federal Government is com- patients who move us to bring an addition, the bill will require FDA to mitted to seeing this work through and unapologetic urgency to our work on update guidance on certain tests per- not undercutting it by stopping our these issues. The choice between noth- formed in doctors’ offices to ensure work on these fronts before we are ing and nothing is not a choice. And so that the guidance on this matter aligns fully prepared to protect the American I want to thank my colleagues, par- with the FDA Modernization Act’s in- people from these serious threats.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.063 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6792 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 I also want to take this opportunity The House of Representatives added the bill last December that President to thank Senator CASEY for working to the bill a Mental Health Reform Obama called a Christmas miracle with me in our annual efforts to advo- Act—actually three separate bills that when we fixed No Child Left Behind cate for the National Institutes of Senator MURPHY, Senator CORNYN, and and came forward with a piece of legis- Health having the robust resources it Senator CASSIDY worked on especially lation about which there was a con- needs to advance its lifesaving work. In here, which is the most important re- sensus not just to fix it but on how to addition to the funding increases the form of many mental health programs fix it, a consensus supported by Gov- NIH has been provided through the ap- in more than a decade. It is very im- ernors as well as teachers unions, propriations process, this legislation portant to one out of five adult Ameri- classroom teachers as well as school will give NIH a meaningful booster cans who have a mental illness. boards. On that bill, there will not be a shot in dedicated funding to enhance It caused me to think this: This is movement in Congress to repeal it be- its work in promising areas. Pearl Harbor Day. Pearl Harbor Day is cause everybody voted for it. So those While passage and enactment of this a day when we remember the terrifying who are teaching in our classrooms in legislation is a significant step, it is by attacks on the American military that our 100,000 public schools and those no means the last. I will continue to killed more than 2,000 and launched us who are working in State departments hold the NIH and FDA accountable for into World War II. We also remember it of education and the parents will know their work on behalf of America’s pa- as a day that began to create and de- that for the foreseeable future, there is tients, and I look forward to con- fine what we now refer to as the a consensus and stability about ele- tinuing to partner with my colleagues ‘‘greatest generation’’—the generation mentary and secondary education. on these important issues. As I have distinguished by the men and women of We hear every day that we have a said before, the day-to-day actions— that era, the era of Bob Dole, George fractured country, that we have so and, in many cases, inaction—at the H.W. Bush, and men and women now in many differences of opinion, we can’t FDA has a profound effect on our Na- their nineties and late eighties. They operate. Well, there is one institution tion’s patients. It also directly impacts were defined by being willing to work in the country that is an institution our economy, as FDA-regulated prod- hard on behalf of the entire country, that is capable of leading the country ucts account for about 25 cents of every put their differences aside and work for toward consensus on important issues, dollar spent by American consumers the greater good; to recognize that our and it is the U.S. Senate. Sometimes each year. The importance of holding diversity is important, but what is we are able to do that. We were able to the agency accountable for its actions more important is the fact that we are do it last year. As the President said— and inactions—all the way from front- all Americans. he called it a Christmas miracle. We line reviewers to the Commissioner— There have been some other times in fixed No Child Left Behind. We are able has never been more important. our recent history when we have been to do it today on mental health legisla- The former FDA Commissioner, Dr. reminded of that, and 9/11 is the most tion, which had to navigate its way Andy von Eschenbach, once wrote that important of those. I remember how I through gun issues, funding issues, and government policy can either inhibit or felt after 9/11. I watched President a whole variety of other issues. We are accelerate the next revolution in George W. Bush speak, and I thought doing it on 21st Century Cures, which, science and technology. We must con- he spoke eloquently, as did Al Gore at as I and the majority leader have said, tinue to advance and see through poli- that time, about the principles that is the most important piece of legisla- cies that spur, foster, and support the unite us a country. tion we will act on. innovation and regulatory pathways Celebrating our diversity is a good It is pretty rare that we have legisla- necessary to realize cutting-edge treat- thing. Celebrating our oneness is more tion that the President of the United ments. Like the FDA Modernization important, and it is harder work. What States says is an opportunity we just Act in 1997, the bill before us today rep- we are doing today is a more modest— can’t miss and the Vice President of resents a remarkable opportunity—the much more modest—example of the the United States is telephoning Sen- opportunity to embrace innovation for same sort of spirit. I do not want to ators before they go into their caucus healthier Americans. The director of suggest that passing a bill in Congress meetings to urge them to support it. the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer equals going to war or running into a At the same time, the Speaker of the Institute at the University of North burning building in House, a Republican, is saying: This is Carolina at Chapel Hill summed it up after it has been attacked, but it is the part of my agenda for the future of our well when he wrote to me and said that same spirit. I don’t have any apology country. And the majority leader is passage of this legislation will not only for suggesting that. It is a spirit of fac- saying it is the most important bill we touch lives, it has the potential to save ing up to a big issue, a complex issue will act on. them. Therefore, it is my strong hope that affects lots of people, about which It still wasn’t easy to pass because that the tools provided by this legisla- there are lots of legitimate differences, we are dealing with a lot of life-and- tion will be leveraged and the medical and working hard to resolve those dif- death issues: How rapidly can we move products our constituents are counting ferences so that we are not celebrating treatments and cures through the Food on accelerated. This will be good for those differences, we are celebrating and Drug Administration and make America’s innovators, North Caro- the fact that we came together and—as sure they are still safe or how slowly linians, and our Nation. we did in the House of Representatives can we do it and run up the cost so Mr. KAINE. I suggest the absence of last week 392 to 26 and as we did on high that nobody can afford these a quorum. Monday in the Senate with 85 votes in treatments? How long can we take so The PRESIDING OFFICER. The favor of 21st Century Cures—we moved that everybody is dead by the time the clerk will call the roll. toward a solution that we all can sup- medicine is ready? We don’t want that The legislative clerk proceeded to port. to happen. Those were the issues we call the roll. Sometimes we govern by Executive had. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I order in Washington, and Executive or- What kind of incentives can we give ask unanimous consent that the order ders can be repealed by any new admin- to drug companies so they can tackle for the quorum call be rescinded. istration. Sometimes we have partisan rare diseases in children like the ones The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. exercises, as we did with Obamacare 6 at St. Jude whom we see from Mis- WICKER). Without objection, it is so or- years ago, and we have been like the sissippi, Tennessee, and across the dered. Hatfields and McCoys ever since, shoot- country? They have rare cancers and Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam President, ing each other until we forget what we other diseases. Nobody is making medi- at 2 p.m., the Senate will move to a are arguing about. We actually remem- cines for those diseases because there final passage vote on legislation we ber, but it makes it much more dif- is no incentive in the marketplace for call 21st Century Cures. It has been ficult than to come together and get a it, so we give some incentive in the called by the majority leader the most consensus. marketplace for such things. important piece of legislation the Con- Other examples are the civil rights Electronic medical records have been gress is likely to act on this year. bill of the 1960s, the Medicare bill, and a real burden to doctors. We spent 30

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.025 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6793 billion taxpayer dollars, and they were both Senator MURRAY’s staff and my Brandt, Jennifer Kuskowski, Erin in a ditch. This legislation moves it staff. Dempsey, Brett Baker, Chris Campbell, out of the ditch. On Senator MURRAY’s staff, John and Jay Khosla. , the distinguished Righter, Nick Bath, Andi Fristedt, I would also like to thank much of head of the National Institutes of Wade Ackerman, Remy Brim, Colin the hard-working staff from the White Health, says that in the next 10 years, Goldfinch, Madeleine Pannell, Julia House and Department of Health and we will be able hopefully to prevent Tierney, Kalah Auchincloss—I thank Human Services who provided great Alzheimer’s or to identify it before them very much for their passion for help in getting this bill completed. symptoms, an artificial pancreas for the issue and their willingness to work From the White House, I would like diabetes, a vaccine for HIV/AIDS, a toward a result. to thank Chief of Staff Denis vaccine for Zika and a universal vac- On our staff, in addition to David, I McDonough and Kate Mevis. cine for flu, which killed 30,000 last thank Mary-Sumpter Lapinski, From the U.S. Department of Health year. According to the Mayo Clinic, re- Lindsey Seidman, and Grace Stuntz, and Human Services, I would like to generative medicine is a game chang- who did an enormous amount of work, thank Secretary Sylvia Burwell, NIH er—using our own stem cells to restore as did Laura Pence. I thank Brett Director Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Kathy eyesight or to restore our damaged Meeks, Kara Townsend, Melissa Pfaff, Hudson, FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert hearts. There are provisions in this leg- Liz Wroe, Margaret Coulter, Curtis Califf, Dr. Janet Woodcock, Dr. Jeffrey islation to move that ahead. There is Vann, Kathryn Bell, Andrew Burnett, Shuren, Dr. Karen Desalvo, Acting $4.8 billion in funding for the National Bobby McMillin, Lowell Schiller, Jim SAMHSA Administrator Kana Institutes of Health. The bill includes Jeffries, Liz Wolgemuth, Margaret At- Enomoto, Sara Singleton, Jill the EUREKA Act, sponsored by the kinson, Taylor Haulsee, Alicia Hennie, Adleburg, Dayle Cristinzio, Jennifer Senator from Mississippi, which is so and Jamie Garden. Tomasello, Rachel Stauffer, Maren We have had an unusual opportunity important. The funding includes money McBride, Karson Mahler, Lauren Hig- in this to work across the aisle with for the President’s Precision Medicine gins, Adrienne Hallett, Laura Berkson, Chairman UPTON, Representative PAL- Initiative, for the Vice President’s Can- Ned Culhane, Patricia Brandt- LONE, Representative DEGETTE, and cer Moonshot, and for the BRAIN Ini- Hansberger, Dena Morris, Miranda others in the House of Representatives tiative. There is an additional $500 mil- Katsoyannis, Brian Payne, Brian Alt- and their staffs. I want to especially lion for the FDA and $1 billion for man, and Peggie Rice. thank Speaker RYAN and Senator State grants over the next 2 years to We always rely on the experts at the MCCONNELL. Speaker RYAN did a triple Congressional Research Service to give fight opioid abuse. somersault to try to find a funding As the President says, this is an op- us good information in a timely man- mechanism that would satisfy both ner, so I extend my thanks to Andrew portunity we cannot miss. It is an op- Democrats and Republicans, and Sen- portunity we cannot miss and we are Nolan, Maeve Carey, and Wendy ator MCCONNELL made time on the Ginsberg. not going to miss. We are going to have floor for it. Not everyone is satisfied The Senate and House legislative this bill down to the President very with the funding mechanism, but we counsel staff worked long hours on the shortly, and he will have an oppor- are all voting for it because this is such many drafts of this bill, so I would like tunity to be presented with another an important bill. to extend my thanks to Bill Baird, Jes- Christmas miracle. On Chairman UPTON’s staff, I would I ask unanimous consent to have like to thank Gary Andres, Paul sica Shapiro, Kim Tamber, Katie printed in the RECORD following my re- Edattel, John Stone, Carly Grendon, Warren Burke, and Margaret marks today’s editorial from the Wall McWilliams, Adrianna Simonelli, Katie Bomba. Street Journal, which says: Novaria, James Paluskiewicz, Josh From the Congressional Budget Of- Cures is a stride toward a more rational Trent, and Clay Alspach. fice, I would like to thank Chad and humane drug development system, and On Ranking Member PALLONE’s staff, Chirico, Holly Harvey, and Ellen legislation is about compromise. The bill I would like to thank Tiffany Werble. could become a useful precedent for success- Guarascio, Kimberlee Trzeciak, Megan On Senator MCCONNELL’s staff, I ful progress as the 115th Congress starts to would like to thank Scott Raab. take shape next year. Velez, Waverly Gordon, and Arielle Woronoff. On Speaker RYAN’s staff, I would like On Pearl Harbor Day when we cele- I would like to thank the hard-work- to thank Matt Hoffman. brate the ‘‘greatest generation’’ and ing staff of our Senate HELP Com- Finally, I would like to thank all the the contributions they made by re- mittee members, who played important patients, doctors, researchers, membering that while diversity is im- roles in reaching this agreement, in- innovators, thought leaders, and ex- portant, our oneness is more impor- cluding Liz Schwartz with Senator perts who dedicated time and expertise tant, this is a much more modest ex- ENZI, Anna Abram and Angela Wiles to helping us come up with this legisla- ample but a very important one of the with Senator BURR, Jordan Bartolomeo tion. same spirit, one that affects virtually with Senator ISAKSON, Natalie I see my colleague, the Senator from every family in America. Burkhalter with Senator PAUL, Olivia Washington, on the floor. I once again I would like to extend my deep Kurtz and Amanda Lincoln with Sen- thank her for her strong leadership in thanks and sincere appreciation to the ator COLLINS, Chelsea Holt with Sen- helping create the environment where dedicated staff who worked on the bill. ator MURKOWSKI, Cade Clurman and 21st Century Cures and the mental We talk about that a lot here, but Andrew Vogt with Senator KIRK, Claire health legislation can succeed. every one of us who is a Senator knows Brandewie with Senator SCOTT, Mat- There being no objection, the mate- how crucial that is. We have worked thew Richardson and Stuart Portman rial was ordered to be printed in the for 2 years on the bill, numerous hear- with Senator HATCH, Emily Mueller RECORD, as follows: ings, numerous discussions. It passed with Senator ROBERTS, Robb Walton [From , Dec. 6, 2016] the House of Representatives twice. It and Brenda Destro with Senator CAS- CONGRESS’S CURES BREAKTHROUGH came through our committee, the Sen- SIDY, Jean Doyle with Senator MIKUL- Medicine moves faster than government, ate HELP Committee, in the form of 19 SKI, Sophie Kasimow with Senator thank goodness, but every now and again different bipartisan bills. Every one of SANDERS, Sarah Mabry with Senator government tries to catch up. After years of those bills, by the time it passed, 2 was CASEY, Beth Wickler with Senator thoughtful bipartisan work, Congress is now the largest number of recorded votes FRANKEN, Rohini Kosoglu with Senator poised to pass the 21st Century Cures Act, a against each one of those 19 bills. BENNET, Jennifer DeAngelis with Sen- bill designed to accelerate the development of new medicines and modernize a malfunc- The staff did a tremendous job on ator WHITEHOUSE, Kathleen Laird with that. I want to especially thank David tioning corner of the regulatory state. Senator BALDWIN, and Joe Dunn with The sweeping measure cleared a Senate Cleary, who is my chief of staff, and Senator MURPHY, and Beth Pearson procedural vote 85–13 on Monday night and Evan Schatz, Senator MURRAY’s chief with Senator WARREN. passed the House 392–96. These margins are on these issues, for the remarkable way From the Senate Finance Com- testimony to renewed self-confidence in U.S. they are able to work together with mittee, I would like to thank Kim innovation and health-care progress, not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.038 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6794 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 much expressed in Washington until re- aisle who put in very long hours and Laird and Jasmine Badreddine; from cently. A few dead-enders like Bernie Sand- weekends and more to get this legisla- Senator CASEY’s staff, Sara Mabry and ers and are denouncing tion finished. Doug Hartman; from Senator Cures for its lack of pharmaceutical price As a result of a lot of strong bipar- FRANKEN’s staff, Beth Wilder and Ra- controls, which might have become a reality had Hillary Clinton won on Nov. 8. tisan work, we are now sending a bill chel Cumberbatch; from Senator BEN- Cures includes a $4.8 billion infusion for to the President’s desk that will invest NET’s staff, Rohini Kosoglu and Rina the National Institutes of Health for basic in tackling our hardest-to-treat dis- Shah; from Senator MIKULSKI’s staff, research. The bill funds the NIH’s neuro- eases, put real dollars behind the fight Jean Doyle, Jessica McNiece, and logical program on diseases like Alzheimer’s, against the opioid epidemic, and make Amanda Shelton; from Leader REID’s Joe Biden’s ‘‘cancer moonshot’’ and rare dis- badly needed changes to mental health staff, Kate Leone and McKenzie Ben- eases, while one encouraging is for care in our country. I am particularly net; from Senator SCHUMER’s staff, ‘‘high risk, high reward’’ studies that might thankful for the strong bipartisan Veronica Duron; from Leader PELOSI’s not be financed by the private economy. By the way, these new dollars are roughly work of Senator MURPHY and Senator office, Wendell Primus; from Rep- offset with budget cuts elsewhere, which ex- CASSIDY, as well as Congressman MUR- resentative HOYER’s office, Charlene poses the liberal claims of crisis if every pro- PHY. MacDonald. gram doesn’t last forever. Congress is sup- I am confident that I am not alone in Thank you to the tireless staff of the posed to set priorities. saying that I have heard from so many Senate legislative counsel: Kim Perhaps the most promising component of people in my home State about each Tamber, Bill Baird, and Katie Grendon; Cures is a new regulatory model for Food and every one of these challenges. and Holly Harvey, Ellen Werble and and Drug Administration approvals. The Julia Christensen of the Congressional FDA remains fused to an outdated clinical There are patients and families waiting and hoping for new cures and treat- Budget Office. model that is too slow, costly and arbitrary. At the White House, let me thank The FDA was not designed to govern an era ments, people from every walk of life of genomics, biomarkers, systems biology, who make clear that the opioid epi- Amy Rosebaum, , Car- artificial intelligence and other advances, demic has cost too many lives and torn ole Johnson, and Kate Mevis. Each of not that its own inadequacy has prevented it too many families apart, and families the agency heads played a crucial role from trying. who have struggled to get loved ones in pushing this bill forward: Secretary Thus Cures encourages the FDA to supple- the mental health care they need, and of Health and Human Services Sylvia ment classical randomized clinical trials Mathews Burwell, National Institutes with more information, such as adaptive our broken mental health care system got in their way, rather than helping. of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins, trial designs that target patient sub-groups Food and Drug Administration Com- who are more likely to benefit. This would I listened to these stories in my allow research to succeed or fail faster at home State of Washington. I brought missioner Dr. Robert Califf, Principal some fraction of the current expense. The them back and told them here on the Deputy Administrator for the Sub- agency is also ordered to consider ‘‘real- Senate floor, and now I am very proud stance Abuse and Mental Health Serv- world evidence’’ in approvals outside of to be taking bipartisan steps to help ices Administration Kana Enomoto, trials. give patients, families, and commu- and National Coordinator for Health What the FDA calls ‘‘RWE’’ is controver- nities the relief they need in response Information Technology Dr. Vindell sial because the agency is preoccupied with Washington and his predecessor Dr. ‘‘proving’’ how a medicine will perform. But to some of the biggest challenges in health care of our time. Karen DeSalvo. The staff of each of modern trials are so tightly controlled that these agencies did invaluable work the results are often artificial, or irrelevant Thank you again to all of the Sen- to how a medicine will be used and refined in ators who worked on this and all of our over a long period of time: Andrea actual medical practice. In any case, debates colleagues in the House for this bipar- Palm, Jim Esquea, Sara Singleton, Jer- about drug approval are never about ‘‘proof,’’ tisan effort. emy Sharp, Dayle Cristinzio, Rachel but how to interpret evidence of benefits and I want to thank the Congressional Sher, Sara Walinsky, Adrienne Hallett, risks. staff from both Houses and both parties Laura Berkson, Lauren Higgins, Alex The main limitation of Cures is that the Khalife, Rachel Stauffer, Maren problems at FDA aren’t due to a shortage of who worked so hard over the last 2 years on this legislation. McBride, Steven Posnack, Karson laws. They flow from the agency’s institu- Mahler, Tom Coderre, Brian Altman, tional culture of control, delay and abuse of From my staff, Wade Ackerman, regulatory discretion. Cures requires the Kalah Auchincloss, Nick Bath, Jane Brian Payne, Peggie Rice, and Jon FDA merely ‘‘to evaluate the use of real- Bigham, Remy Brim, Andi Fristedt, White. I thank Senator ALEXANDER, who has world evidence,’’ and this wouldn’t be the Colin Goldfinch, Megan Howard, Mad- worked diligently across the aisle to first political instruction that the bureauc- eleine Pannell, Melanie Rainer, Julie racy has defied. get this done. Still, Cures is a stride toward a more ra- Tierney, Elizabeth Wagner, Eli My sincere thanks to you today. tional and humane drug development sys- Zupnick, Helen Hare, Evan Schatz, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tem, and legislation is about compromise. John Righter, Aravind Sreenath, Nat- ator from Tennessee. The bill could become a useful precedent for alie Kirilichin, and Kate Blizinsky. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, the successful progress as the 115th Congress From Chairman ALEXANDER’s staff Senator from Washington knows how starts to take shape next year. David Cleary, Margaret Coulter, much I appreciate her leadership and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- MarySumpter Lapinski, Brett Meeks, enjoy working with her, and I think we ator from Washington. Laura Pence, Melissa Pfaff, Kara all respect the fact that she enjoys get- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I Townshend, Curtis Vann, Lindsey ting results that help the American would like to express my heartfelt Seidman and Elizabeth Wroe. people. thanks to all of our colleagues in the From Representative PALLONE’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under House and the Senate who worked so staff, Eric Flamm, Waverley Gordon, the previous order, all postcloture time hard to make this bill the best it could Tiffany Guarascio, Rachel Pryor, Kim has expired. be for the patients and families we Trzeciak, Arielle Woronoff, and Megan VOTE ON MOTION TO CONCUR WITH AMENDMENT serve. In particular, I want to express Velez. NO. 5117 my appreciation to Vice President From Chairman UPTON’s staff, Paul Mr. ALEXANDER. I move to table BIDEN for his leadership, vision, and de- Edattel, Adrianna Simonelli, John the motion to concur with the amend- termination. I especially want to Stone, Carly McWilliams, JP ment. thank the chairman of the HELP Com- Paluskiewicz, Adam Buckalew, Jay The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mittee, Senator ALEXANDER, for his Gulshen and Josh Trent. question is on agreeing to the motion work and his leadership on this bill, as Thank you to the staff from all our to table. well as Energy and Commerce Chair- committee Democrats who worked so The motion was agreed to. man FRED UPTON, Ranking Member hard on the package: from Senator VOTE ON MOTION TO CONCUR FRANK PALLONE, and Congresswoman MURPHY’s staff, David Bonine and Joe The PRESIDING OFFICER. The DIANA DEGETTE. Dunn; from Senator WHITEHOUSE’s question is on agreeing to the motion I would like to reiterate my grati- staff, Jen DeAngelis and Anna Esten; to concur in the House amendment to tude to our staff on both sides of the from Senator BALDWIN’s staff, Kathleen the Senate Amendment to H.R. 34.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.006 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6795 Mr. ALEXANDER. I ask for the yeas report accompanying S. 2943, an origi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and nays. nal bill to authorize appropriations for ator from Delaware. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a fiscal year 2017 for military activities Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I suggest sufficient second? of the Department of Defense, for mili- the absence of a quorum. There appears to be a sufficient sec- tary construction, and for defense ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ond. tivities of the Department of Energy, TOOMEY). The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. to prescribe military personnel The senior assistant legislative clerk Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator strengths for such fiscal year, and for proceeded to call the roll. is necessarily absent: the Senator from other purposes, shall be brought to a Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask Arkansas (Mr. COTTON). close? unanimous consent that the order for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there The yeas and nays are mandatory the quorum call be rescinded. any other Senators in the Chamber de- under the rule. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- siring to vote? The clerk will call the roll. jection, it is so ordered. The result was announced—yeas 94, The senior assistant legislative clerk Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask nays 5, as follows: called the roll. unanimous consent that the following [Rollcall Vote No. 157 Leg.] Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator Senators who wish to speak in honor of the Presiding Officer be recognized in YEAS—94 is necessarily absent: the Senator from Arkansas (Mr. COTTON). the following order for up to 4 minutes Alexander Fischer Murray each: me, the majority leader Senator Ayotte Flake Nelson The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Baldwin Franken Paul CRUZ). Are there any other Senators in MCCONNELL, the minority leader Sen- Barrasso Gardner Perdue the Chamber desiring to vote? ator REID, Senator SCHUMER, Senator Bennet Gillibrand Peters HATCH, Senator LEAHY, Senator Blumenthal Graham The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 92, Portman MCCAIN, Senator DURBIN, Senator ISAK- Blunt Grassley Reed nays 7, as follows: SON URRAY EIN Booker Hatch Reid [Rollcall Vote No. 158 Leg.] , Senator M , Senator F - Boozman Heinrich Risch STEIN, Senator COLLINS, Senator MI- Boxer Heitkamp YEAS—92 Roberts KULSKI, and Senator CARPER. Brown Heller Rounds Alexander Feinstein Murray Burr Hirono Ayotte Fischer The VICE PRESIDENT. The Demo- Rubio Nelson Cantwell Hoeven Baldwin Flake cratic leader. Sasse Perdue Capito Inhofe Barrasso Franken Peters Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- Schatz Cardin Isakson Bennet Gardner Portman Schumer imous consent that the Senator from Carper Johnson Blumenthal Graham Reed Casey Kaine Scott Delaware amend his request so that Blunt Grassley Reid Cassidy King Sessions Booker Hatch Risch Senator MCCONNELL and I will use our Coats Kirk Shaheen Boozman Heinrich Roberts leader time. That will not count Cochran Klobuchar Shelby Boxer Heitkamp Rounds against his hour. Collins Lankford Stabenow Brown Heller Rubio Coons Leahy Sullivan Burr Hirono The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob- Sasse Corker Manchin Tester Cantwell Hoeven jection? Schatz Cornyn Markey Thune Capito Inhofe Schumer Without objection, it is so ordered. Crapo McCain Tillis Cardin Isakson Scott The Senator from Delaware. Cruz McCaskill Toomey Carper Johnson Daines Sessions McConnell Udall Casey Kaine TRIBUTES TO VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN Donnelly Menendez Shaheen Vitter Cassidy King Mr. COONS. Mr. President—and it Durbin Mikulski Shelby Warner Coats Kirk Enzi Moran Cochran Stabenow does bring me some joy to call you Mr. Whitehouse Klobuchar Ernst Murkowski Collins Lankford Sullivan President. I am honored to be here Wicker Feinstein Murphy Coons Leahy Tester today with so many of our colleagues, Thune NAYS—5 Corker Manchin and I am grateful to Majority Leader Cornyn McCain Tillis Lee Sanders Wyden Crapo McCaskill Toomey MCCONNELL and Leader REID for their Merkley Warren Cruz McConnell Udall enthusiasm in pulling together this bi- Daines Menendez Vitter NOT VOTING—1 partisan tribute. I am honored to be Donnelly Mikulski Warner joined by my senior Senator from Dela- Cotton Durbin Moran Warren Enzi Murkowski Whitehouse ware, , who will make clos- The motion was agreed to. Ernst Murphy Wicker ing remarks this afternoon. f NAYS—7 Before I begin, I would like to remind my colleagues that there will be a re- CLOTURE MOTION Gillibrand Merkley Wyden Lee Paul ception for the Vice President in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Markey Sanders Mansfield Room, after we conclude to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the NOT VOTING—1 here, beginning sometime after 4. We Senate the pending cloture motion, have many Senators who wish to speak Cotton which the clerk will state. so we will move quickly through the The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this order. I encourage my colleagues to read as follows: vote, the yeas are 92, the nays are 7. submit their remarks for the RECORD, CLOTURE MOTION Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- those who are not able to speak in the sen and sworn having voted in the af- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- next hour. Their remarks will be com- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the firmative, the motion is agreed to. bined with all the other remarks given Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby f on the floor, and the resulting speeches move to bring to a close debate on the con- NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- printed, bound, and presented to the ference report to accompany S. 2943, Na- Presiding Officer. tional Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017—CONFERENCE REPORT Mr. President, in a place known these Year 2017. days for some disagreements, my col- Mitch McConnell, , Thom The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Tillis, Daniel Coats, James M. Inhofe, leagues—our colleagues, Republicans, clerk will report the conference report. Democrats, and Independents—are all , Cory Gardner, Orrin G. The senior assistant legislative clerk Hatch, Mark Kirk, , John here today because we agree on one Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Mike read as follows: powerful and simple thing: our deep Rounds, , Dan Sul- Conference report to accompany S. 2943, a gratitude for the difference you have livan, John McCain. bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal made in your decades in public service. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- year 2017 for military activities of the De- The greatest honor of my life is to partment of Defense, for military construc- imous consent, the mandatory quorum tion, and for defense activities of the Depart- serve in the seat that you held for 36 call has been waived. ment of Energy, to prescribe military per- years—and not just literally this seat The question is, Is it the sense of the sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for in the Senate but also a seat on the 7:15 Senate that debate on the conference other purposes. train down from Wilmington

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.041 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 every morning. You logged over 2 mil- which we passed finally just an hour like Burma—and regarding the vote we lion miles on Amtrak and millions ago, would not have happened without just took a few moments ago—21st Cen- more traveling around the world fight- your leadership. tury Cures, and the Cancer Moonshot. ing for our country, and as long as I Now, let me close with a line you We have also negotiated in good faith have the privilege of representing our know all too well, a line you shared when the country needed bipartisan State in the Senate, I will be humbled countless times in this Chamber, some- leadership. We got results that would by the challenge of living up to your times from this very desk. As the Irish not have been possible without a nego- legacy of fighting for and making a poet Seamus Heaney once wrote, ‘‘His- tiating partner like JOE BIDEN. Obvi- real difference for the people of our tory says, don’t hope on this side of the ously, I don’t always agree with him, shared home. grave. But then, once in a lifetime, the but I do trust him implicitly. He Like so many Americans, I have long longed-for tidal wave of justice can rise doesn’t break his word. He doesn’t been inspired by your loyalty to your up, and hope and history rhyme.’’ waste time telling me why I am wrong. family, and I am so glad to see so many No one, sir, no one has done more to He gets down to brass tacks, and he familiar faces in the Gallery today. make hope and history rhyme than keeps in sight the stakes. There is a This job requires a strong partner and you. Thank you, Mr. President, for reason ‘‘Get JOE on the phone’’ is teammate, and to Dr. Biden, Jill, your your service, your counsel, your ad- shorthand for ‘‘time to get serious’’ in unwavering support for your family, vice, your friendship, and your leader- my office. for Delaware, and your country is ship. The Vice President is a likeable guy something for which we are all deeply It is now my pleasure to yield to the too. He has a well-developed sense of grateful. majority leader, Senator MCCONNELL of humor. He doesn’t take himself too se- As a son of Delaware, and of Cath- Kentucky, who has been so generous riously either. When The Onion ran a erine Eugenia and Joe Senior, you have with floor time and support this after- mock photo of him washing a Trans- never forgotten from where you came noon. Am in the White House driveway, The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority or for whom you are fighting. Even as shirtless, Americans embraced it, and leader. Vice President, our fellow Delawareans so did he. ‘‘I think it’s hilarious,’’ he Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, it is have the blessing of a surprise visit great to see the Presiding Officer back said, but ‘‘by the way, I have a Cor- week in and week out, to see you at the in the Senate. It is good news for ev- vette—’67 Corvette—not a Trans-Am.’’ Columbus Day breakfast or Return Day eryone he is in the chair. Good news for So you see what I mean. or St. Anthony’s Procession. JOE BIDEN may exist in the popular him because, as Senator COONS said, Whether meeting personally with the rest of us have to call him ‘‘Mr. imagination aboard an Amtrak, but world leaders you have known for dec- President.’’ Good news for the rest of this son of a used car salesman will al- ades, whether chairing the Judiciary or us because he has to let everyone else ways be a muscle guy at heart. Foreign Relations Committees or just And what a road he has traveled, talk. stopping by a Claymont diner, there is The amazing thing is, the man we from New Castle to the Naval Observ- universal agreement about what you honor today wasn’t always a talker. He atory, from Scranton to the Senate. have brought to this work—your pas- suffered from a debilitating stutter for His journey in this body began by the sion, your heart, your character, and most of his childhood. He was teased side of those who loved him; hand on your integrity. That is because you for it, but he was determined to over- the Bible, heart in a knot, swearing the genuinely listen to people, you ask come it, and so he did—with hard work, same oath he now administers to oth- them questions, and then you lift them with determination, with the support ers. It is a journey that ends now by up. We know that when you give us the side of those who care about him of his family. It is classic JOE BIDEN. your word as a BIDEN, you mean it, and He has never stopped talking since. still—those like his wife Jill, who un- you will keep it. He cites overcoming that stutter as derstands the full life he has lived. Your service as a Senator stands as a one of the most important lessons in Here is a man who has known great model for all of our colleagues and for his life. It led him down a path few joy, who has been read his last rites, me. Through challenging times, you al- might have foreseen: winning election and who has never lost himself along ways worked across the aisle, through to the county council, securing an im- the way. eight Presidents. You were willing to probable victory for the U.S. Senate, ‘‘Champ,’’ his father used to say, reach across to anyone willing to roll becoming our Nation’s 47th Vice Presi- ‘‘the measure of a man is not how often up their sleeves and get to work for the dent. he is knocked down, but how quickly American people. Now, the Presiding Officer would be he gets up.’’ That is JOE BIDEN right So many families across Delaware the first to tell you that he has been there—unbowed, unbroken, and unable and this country and I, myself, as we blessed in many ways. He has also been to stop talking. have struggled with loss—maybe the tested, knocked down, pushed to the It is my privilege to convey the Sen- loss of a job or loss of hope or the im- edge of what anyone could be expected ate’s warm wishes to the Vice Presi- pending loss of a loved one—have expe- to bear, but from the grip of unknow- dent on this Delaware Day as the next rienced the incredible personal comfort able despair came a new man—a better steps of his long journey come into and power of a call from you. When it man: stronger and more compas- view. There are many here who feel comes to providing advice and inspira- sionate, grateful for every moment, ap- this way in both parties. tion that touches our hearts and makes preciative of what really matters. I am reminded of something the Pre- a real difference, no one—no one—is Here in the Senate he heeded the ad- siding Officer said when he addressed better than you. We know you will vice of Mike Mansfield. Here is what the University of Louisville several share our challenges, you will give us Senator Mansfield had to say: years ago. It was one of the McConnell meaningful comfort and encourage us, Your job here is to find the good things in Center’s most popular lectures ever. and you will fight for us. your colleagues. And, Joe, never attack an- And as I sat beside him, he offered his As we look ahead to next year and other man’s motive, because you don’t know theory as to why that might be: I think beyond, I know you and Jill have so his motive. you’re all here today—remember, these much more great and good work to do, Look for the good. Don’t attack mo- are young people, students. He said: I starting with the fight to cure cancer tives. It is the basis of a simple philos- think you are all here today because through the Cancer Moonshot. This ophy and a very powerful one. ‘‘you want to see whether or not a Re- next chapter will be every bit as excit- Vice President BIDEN says he views publican and Democrat really like each ing and meaningful as the life of serv- his competitors as competitors, not en- other,’’ he said. ‘‘Well,’’ he continued, ice you have led for 44 years. What an emies, and he has been able to cul- flashing a smile, ‘‘I’m here to tell you honor to see you in that chair earlier tivate many unlikely friendships we do.’’ It was true then, and it is true this week as the majority leader led across the aisle—with Jesse Helms, today. the Senate in a unanimous vote to re- with Strom Thurmond, with me. I hope the Presiding Officer won’t name a title of the 21st Century Cures Over the years, we have worked to- mind if I conclude with some words di- cancer initiative after Beau. That bill, gether on issues of mutual interest, rected to the Chair.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.047 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6797 Mr. President, you have been a real , he enrolled in for me. It was a big deal to get this friend, you have been a trusted part- law school in Syracuse to be closer to senior Senator to come to Nevada. He ner, and it has been an honor to serve her. came. Every place he traveled, he had with you. We are all going to miss you. The story of his and Neilia’s relation- one of his boys with him. Godspeed. ship is stunning. I repeat, it was some- With the support of his sister and The VICE PRESIDENT. The minor- thing that movies are made of. Without other members of his family, JOE em- ity leader. being too personal, I will say it the barked on a long, storied, 36-year ca- Mr. REID. Mr. President, to everyone way it is because it is a wonderful reer that was productive and unsur- listening, JOE BIDEN’s life has been the story, and I can identify with it so well passed in the history of the Senate. material of which movies are made. because of Landra and me. There came That was not the end of JOE’s dif- JOE was born in Scranton, PA, to Joe a time when her father came to her and ficulties. JOE is, as you can see now, a and Jean Biden, the first of four chil- said: You know, he is not that much. very well-conditioned man. He always dren. As a young man, as we have He comes from a family that is not like has been. As a Senator, he suffered a heard about today—once in a while, ours. And she said: Dad, stop. If you massive bleed on the brain, and he was though not very often, Senator BIDEN make me choose between you and JOE, hospitalized for a long time. He didn’t talks about his stammering. He didn’t I am going to choose JOE. come to the Senate for a long time. get any professional help, no therapy. So that was that relationship. I re- When I got hurt, one of the first people He did it on his own, long hours of peat, Landra and I understand that to call me was JOE. He said: Look, the reading, mostly poetry. He would stand story quite well. They were married a fact you are going to be missing a little in front of a mirror and recite poetry short time later. They had three chil- time in the Senate doesn’t mean you time after time after time, watching dren, Beau, Hunter, and Naomi. can’t be a good Senator. That was the himself to make sure he didn’t contort After starting his law practice and example that JOE BIDEN set. his face when he stammered or stut- serving as city councilman in New Cas- He recovered, and he became chair- tered. This wasn’t easy for a young tle, DE, JOE stunned and embarrassed a man of the Senate Judiciary Com- man. People made fun of him, but he few of his friends and relatives by say- mittee, the Foreign Relations chair, knew he could do it on his own. He felt ing he was going to run for the Senate. author of many pieces of legislation— that, and he did it. He worked hard. He You will run for the Senate against a Violence Against Women—too numer- developed a rhythm and a cadence of two-term incumbent, Caleb Boggs? ous to mention. speaking that helped him overcome his I think I can do it. In a love story unsurpassed, he also stammer to become one of the United I am sure he said to himself: A lot of met a woman who has been by his side States Senate’s all-time great orators, people said I couldn’t overcome certain for 40 years, Jill Biden. It is an incred- without any qualification. things, and I did, and I am going to do ible love story. JOE says it was love at JOE was an outstanding high school my best to overcome this race I am in. first sight. It was the same for his running back and wide receiver. His I am starting way behind. boys. JOE remembers the day that Beau coach said he had never seen anyone JOE and his family went at this as and Hunter came to him with the rec- with such hands. His coach saw in JOE hard as they could. They canvassed the ommendation: ‘‘Daddy, we were talk- what we all see, a hard worker who re- entire State. They pulled off an incred- ing and we think we should marry fuses to fail. His coach said: ible upset. JOE Biden was elected to the Jill,’’ not he should marry Jill. ‘‘We Joe was a skinny kid. But he was one of U.S. Senate. In every respect, JOE’s life should marry Jill,’’ a direct quote. the best pass receivers I had in 16 years as a has been unique. It has been special. JOE and Jill were married, and before coach. His election to the Senate was no dif- long, Beau and Hunter had a new sis- In college, JOE continued to display ferent. ter, Ashley, and a new mom. There is his athletic prowess, playing football The great Constitution that leads not a family that I know of who is any for the University of Delaware. this Nation stipulates that the person closer, more tight-knit than the This is quite a story. During spring must be 30 years old to be elected to Bidens. JOE BIDEN loves his family break, his junior year—JOE and I were the Senate. JOE was 29 on election day. above all else. He is a good Senator, a traveling from Indianapolis to Reno, He turned 30 2 weeks after the election. terrific Vice President, but he is a fam- NV, and he talked to me about this, Just a few weeks later, tragedy struck ily man. just the two of us. I will never forget and struck really hard. Neilia and their For the last 8 years as Vice Presi- that conversation. He and one of his three children were in a terrible car ac- dent, he has traveled the world, meet- college buddies had gotten a tax re- cident just days before Christmas. He ing with dignitaries in trouble spots on turn, and they were going to take a lit- had not been sworn in as a Senator yet. behalf of this country, oftentimes at tle vacation away from the cold of His wife was killed, their baby girl the direction of President Obama. He Delaware. They went to Florida. was killed, and Beau and Hunter were has done it with dignity—more than a Frankly, they didn’t like it. They had grievously injured—hospitalized, of million miles. a few dollars left over from their tax course. To say JOE was grief-stricken is As we have heard from the junior returns, and I believe they went to the an understatement. How can you de- Senator from Delaware, that pales in Bahamas. They got an inexpensive scribe how he felt? I am sure, as I have comparison to the miles he has trav- hotel. I was going to say ‘‘cheap,’’ but heard, he didn’t know what to do. He eled on Amtrak. He has traveled more I will say ‘‘inexpensive’’ hotel. had two boys to raise. He wasn’t a man than 2 million miles on Amtrak. He Right next to them was an exclusive of great means. He strongly considered: took the train home every night to hotel, and they noticed when the peo- I shouldn’t be sworn in to the Senate; Delaware. If we worked late, he would ple came out of the fancy hotel off that I can’t do this. go to a hotel here. If it had been nec- private beach, many times they would He had friends, people who didn’t essary, he would have gone more than lay their towels on the fence. JOE and know him who were Senators, who 2 million miles to take care of his boys his pal said: Well, those towels aren’t treated him as fathers. Without the and to be with Jill. even wet. They went down to that pri- help of Valerie, his sister, JOE BIDEN’s Vice President BIDEN’s time serving vate beach, and it was there that he life may have been completely dif- at President Obama’s side has been his- met a young woman by the name of ferent because with the support he got toric. He has been the President’s rock, Neilia, Neilia Hunter. I am sure that, from her, the encouragement he got his confidant, and his friend. I have just like Jill, she must have been a from Democratic and Republican Sen- been told that not by JOE BIDEN but by knockout to look at. She went to the ators, and the fact that she moved in, the President. JOE has had a stellar ca- University of Syracuse. She was on the took care of Beau and Hunter to re- reer as Vice President of our great dean’s list. She had been homecoming place their mom—she was there for 4 country. He has used his skills and his queen. years helping with those boys. experience to help shape American di- That was the beginning of the rela- JOE is a remarkable man. When I was plomacy. tionship that they had. JOE had been in the House of Representatives, he Vice President BIDEN is helping lead smitten. After graduating from the agreed to come to the house in Nevada the quest for a cure for cancer. His

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.048 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 Moonshot initiative is the most ambi- were considered in many ways lesser Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, it is an tious plan ever to accelerate cancer re- crimes—crimes in which the victim honor for me to rise and talk about our search. I say, through the Chair, to my was as much at fault as the perpe- friendship and what you have done for friend , that this trator. It was disgraceful. If you were this country. would not have happened but for the beaten, abused, sexually assaulted, you I rise today to pay tribute to a dedi- good man from Tennessee. faced a hostile, skeptical criminal jus- cated public servant, distinguished We know that JOE and Jill know tice system. That got at JOE BIDEN and leader, and dear friend, Vice President firsthand the pain and heartache his sense of justice, so he exploded the JOE BIDEN. caused by cancer and the toll it takes myths behind domestic violence. For more than three decades, I had on families. Tragically, just last year, I remember hearing the speeches the distinct privilege of serving along- Beau was diagnosed with terminal can- against sexual abuse and put together side JOE in the U.S. Senate. As anyone cer, which took his life. He was some- the strongest ever violence against who worked closely with JOE can tell body I knew well. He was an Iraq vet- women law on the books. Not only did you, he was no ordinary Senator. He eran. He didn’t have to go to Iraq, but the law make women safer; it made had boundless energy and undeniable he did. He was attorney general of the men better. It moved our society for- charm. He paired an unmatched work State of Delaware. ward. ethic with a disarming smile that Beau was a light to everyone who Our work on these issues is not near- dared you not to smile back. JOE’s in- knew him but especially to his family. ly over, but I am certain there are lit- nate ability to befriend anyone—and I Beau’s passing broke JOE’s, Hunter’s, erally millions of women who have mean anyone, including his fiercest po- and Jill’s hearts and, of course, their avoided pain and suffering—both phys- litical opponents—was critical to his sister’s. As with all the other heart- ical and mental—because of the cour- success as a legislator. His genuine sin- breaking challenges and setbacks, JOE age, the steadfastness, and the legisla- cerity endeared him to all, and his gre- BIDEN continues his life’s work. He is tive brilliance of the then-senior Sen- gariousness transcended partisan still the same kid that his coach ator from the great State of Delaware. boundaries. praised. His No. 1 asset is that he I could go on and on and almost write Even in the most polarizing debates, works hard; he does the best he can. a book on accomplishments like that JOE never let politics stand in the way JOE BIDEN continues to serve his where JOE almost singlehandedly of friendship. One minute JOE could be country, and he will continue after changed the world. He was also a great scolding you from the Senate floor, and January 20. He continues to do what is friend and leader to so many of us. the next minute he could be hugging right. And above all, he continues to I will conclude with one little story. you in the hallway, cracking jokes and love and take care of his family. I was elected to the Senate after 18 asking about your grandkids. I am, of I have been gratified to call Senator years in the House, and an issue I course, speaking from plenty of per- BIDEN a man of the Senate, Senator wanted to get going on was college af- sonal experience. It is no secret that BIDEN, Vice President BIDEN, JOE. He is fordability. I had run for the Senate on JOE and I often found ourselves on op- an awe-inspiring man, so Steven the promise of making college tuition posite sides of almost every major Spielberg, Hollywood, you should be tax deductible. So I get to the Senate, issue—that is not quite true. We agreed listening. JOE BIDEN’s life is that which introduce my bill, make my speech, on a lot of things. In countless legisla- movies are made of. and get ready to lead the way on what tive battles, JOE proved himself to be a I yield the floor. I thought was my issue. We have all ex- worthy political opponent and an able The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator perienced this. A call comes into my sparring partner. Whether on the Sen- from New York. office from JOE’s chief of staff. Of ate floor or in the Judiciary Com- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, it is course I spoke to him. ‘‘Mr. Biden has mittee hearing room, JOE and I locked such a pleasure and honor to rise to been working on this issue for 10 years. horns on a number of occasions, some- recognize a great son of Scranton—sit- Go work on something else.’’ That was times on a daily basis. Indeed, we were ting next to me, another son of Scran- the nice version. Naturally, me and my at odds about as often as we were on C– ton—a grandson of Ireland—sitting in brandnew office were in a panic. I was SPAN. this Chamber are many grandchildren chastened. I didn’t know what to do. I At the end of the day, I couldn’t help of Ireland—and a Syracuse University am sitting on the floor and feeling real- but admire the man. You see, JOE graduate. How many others in the ly forlorn. Why did I even come here? I BIDEN was beloved by everyone in this room can say that? More importantly was a senior Member of the House. I Chamber, even those he drove crazy than any of those, he is one of the most feel an arm on my shoulder, and I look from time to time, and I count myself dedicated public servants, one of the up. There is the revered and exalted among that group. Through his ability most successful public servants I have Senator JOE BIDEN. He says to me: I to forge friendship even amid conflict, ever had the pleasure to serve with understand you have your college tui- he embodies the ethos of a noble gen- during my time in Washington. tion tax deduction bill. Go ahead, take eration of legislators—a generation Everyone knows JOE is proud of his the issue. I know what it is like for that embraced the virtues of comity ancestry. His ancestors came from Ire- new Senators to carve their own path. and compromise above all else. I be- land, as many millions have. He is How many times can any freshman lieve this body—indeed, this Nation— deeply proud of being an Irish-Amer- say any senior Senator has said that to could learn from JOE’s example of ican. Like so many others from the them? They can’t because he is unique. kindness, courtesy, and compassion. Emerald Isle, our Vice President inher- Not only is he a towering figure and su- For 17 years, then-Senator BIDEN ited the gift of gab, and thank God for perb man, but he has a good heart and served as chairman and ranking mem- that because he has used his booming looks out for the Members of this body. ber of the Judiciary Committee, over- voice to speak out on so many issues. He always has, does to this day, and al- seeing some of the most significant We have only a little time today. I ways will because I know in JOE’s court appointments of our time. know my colleagues are eager to speak, heart, with all of his accomplishments, Chairing the Senate Judiciary Com- so I will just focus on one of the issues he is still a Senator—our Senator. mittee is no easy task. I know because that Senator BIDEN led the charge on Mr. President, I say to Mr. Vice I have been there. The committee and changed America. I worked with President, thank you. Thank you for boasts some of the biggest egos on this him on the Assault Weapons Ban and your heart and passion, thank you for side of the Potomac—or this side of the the Brady law when he was a Senator bringing every ounce of yourself to Milky Way, for that matter. It takes a and I was Congressman and we were public service, and thank you for that certain kind of political genius to navi- each head of the crime committees. lesson of humility and leadership you gate the assertive personalties and But maybe the thing he was proudest taught me when I first came to this lofty ambitions of its members, but of was the Violence Against Women Chamber. JOE was more than up to the task. As Act. It sounds like a different world, I yield the floor. both chairman and ranking member, he but a few years ago, a few decades ago, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator was tough and tenacious but also de- rape and domestic violence and abuse from Utah. cent and fair. Through his trademark

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.050 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6799 work ethic, he won the respect of every a Member of this body, a body that can for that. I must admit, I learned some- member of that committee. be, and on some occasions has been, the thing else on the Judiciary Committee. JOE also served admirably as the conscience of the Nation. You have I learned the Amtrak schedule because, chairman and ranking member of the served longer in this body than any if we had a meeting that was going on Foreign Relations Committee. In this other member here. The fact is you a little bit long, we were reminded capacity, he played an indispensable came here 2 years before I did, so as the what time the train was going to Dela- role in shaping American foreign pol- other longest serving member, I look ware. I know you kept in good shape icy. When President Obama tapped JOE at you as my senior Senator, and I am because you could run to the station in to be his Vice President, the Senate delighted to be your junior. 3 minutes and get on the train, where lost a seasoned statesman, but our Na- I think back to some of the things we you would go home to Beau and Hunter tion gained a wise and capable leader did together, Mr. President. I remem- and, later, Jill and Ashley—because with unparalleled experience in public ber when I was running for the Senate even though you were a leader in the affairs. in Vermont in 1974, and people told me United States Senate, and later Vice JOE was the administration’s bridge I was far too young to get elected to President, you were, first and fore- to Congress, often serving as an inter- the Senate at 34 years old. My prede- most, a father and a husband. mediary between the President and leg- cessor was somebody who had been You and I and Marcelle talked about islators. On more than one occasion, elected here when I was born and that this summer, when you came to his close relationship with lawmakers served there until I arrived. You put Vermont for the Cancer Moonshot. I and his deft negotiating skills helped your arm around me and you said, it told you what an important part of our our Nation to overcome some of its would be nice to have an older person lives you have been. You have gone greatest obstacles. He was the Presi- that I could look up to. I believe you through tragedy and glory, but you dent’s trusted emissary and an invalu- were 32, and I was 34. But that helped. have remained yourself throughout all able asset in helping Congress resolve Of course, little did I know until I of it. the fiscal cliff dilemma in late 2012— came here how closely we would work something I wasn’t sure we could re- And the memories of those evenings together. We served on the Judiciary when you let this Irish-Italian boy solve. He was also a brilliant ambas- Committee throughout that time. We sador for our country, leveraging his come in and sit as a member of the worked on such duties as Supreme Irish—we would speak of our values, we foreign policy expertise in meetings Court nominations, civil rights, and with leaders across the world. would speak of America, we would the criminal justice system. Then, speak of friendship. That is why I ad- I am deeply grateful for my friend when you were chairman of the For- JOE BIDEN. I have long admired his de- mire you, Mr. President, and I am glad eign Relations Committee, and bring- to be here on the floor with you. votion to his family, as well as his ing the rest of the world American val- grace amid suffering, and he did suffer, Mr. President, I yield the floor. ues—which happened to be JOE BIDEN The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator and I know it. I was here. Having expe- values—how I enjoyed traveling with from Arizona. rienced tremendous loss in his family you. life, he draws from a rich reservoir of I think of the time, Mr. President, Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I join empathy to connect with everyday when you and I, and our wives, Jill and my colleagues today in addressing a Americans. Ask anyone Vice President Marcelle traveled together. We had few thoughts directly to the occupant BIDEN has served: When you speak, JOE been good friends throughout all of of the chair, to commend his long and listens. He loves, and he cares. He is that time. I will take the liberty of honorable service to the United States perhaps the most personable public fig- telling one story. When the four of us and to thank him for his friendship. ure in American politics today. were in Paris, we had gone out to din- Mr. President—I know how much you In the nearly 8 years he has served as ner. It was a cold, winter night. We enjoy my calling you Mr. President— Vice President, JOE BIDEN has become were coming back. I think Marcelle you and I have served together in this a fixture of American public life. mentioned that the Eiffel Tower lights body for three decades. We have been Today, I wish to join my colleagues in up on the hour. You and Jill stood on friends for almost 40 years, since I was thanking Vice President JOE BIDEN for the Navy Senate liaison and used to his dedication to the American people. a bench and were hugging each other, the Eiffel Tower behind you. I snapped carry your bags on overseas trips. Although his tenure as Vice President I joked recently that I resented it is drawing to a close, I am confident a picture. Now, we had a close friend- ship. We never lied to each other, but ever since. But that was part of my job that his service to our Nation will only description—escorting and handling lo- continue. This is said by a Republican that was one time I lied to you because you asked me, ‘‘Where is the picture?’’ gistics for Senate codels, including who loves JOE BIDEN and believes he is making certain everyone’s luggage ar- one of the truly great people who I said, I think I lost it. I apologize. We were conspiring to print out that pic- rived at our destinations. Back then, served here in this body. some Senators, unlike the 100 egali- I just want JOE BIDEN to know that ture, and I know your wonderful wife gave it to you for a wedding anniver- tarians who occupy the Senate today, we all respect him, and I think most all could be a little haughty and high- of us love him. Those of us who have sary present with words to the effect that you ‘‘light up her life.’’ handed. A few held an exalted opinion worked with him really appreciated of themselves that exceeded the esteem how he would from time to time put Well, you lit up many, many lives. I think of our Irish bond of friendship, with which their colleagues and con- his arm around us, put politics aside, stituents held them in. If they paid any and speak the truth. stories I can’t tell. Some of those closed-door sessions with other Irish- attention to staff, it was only because JOE BIDEN is a wonderful man. I wish we had annoyed them somehow. him the absolute best as we go into the Americans, such as Pat Moynihan, But not my friend JOE BIDEN—he was future, and I will be there to help if he Chris Dodd, and , when we fair and courteous to everyone, even needs it. would have some holy water together. people who did not always deserve it. God bless JOE BIDEN. Somehow it came from Ireland. It was I yield the floor. usually at least 12 years old. And we He is always an example of how a pow- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator would tell Irish stories. And after 42 erful person with character and class from Vermont. years here, I know the rules well treats anyone in a subordinate posi- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I enjoy enough, I can’t repeat any of those sto- tion. He treats them with humility, as calling you by that title. I hope you do, ries here. But they were good ones be- God’s children, with dignity equal to too—because you know that you could cause it was a friendship and we his own. easily hold that title as President of worked together. We learned how to In the book ‘‘The Nightingale’s this body or President of the United bring in others from both parties. Song,’’ the late journalist Bob Timberg States—you have shown your qualifica- And, Mr. President, I remember you wrote about one military liaison offi- tions for either one. and others showing all of us how to cer, escorting a codel to Athens, who But let me speak about your role as find common ground, and we did things joined some of the Members in a tavern President of the Senate. It makes you together. And I respect you so much for a little after-hours merriment and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.052 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6800 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 was later observed dancing on a table- to remain the same good guy that you President have made a difference in top with Senator BIDEN’s lovely wife, were when you first got here. Thank America to millions of lives. Whether Jill. you, most of all, for your friendship. we are talking about coming out of a I don’t recall witnessing such an My life and the lives of many have been recession where we were losing 800,000 event myself, and I can’t testify to it enriched by it. jobs a month, making sure that Wall having actually happened. Neither can Thank you, Mr. President. Street didn’t make the same mistakes I imagine the temerity of that rascal, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator again at the expense of businesses and whoever he was. He was lucky the Sen- from Illinois. families across America, or making ator whose spouse he made endure Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, there is sure that some father did not face the awkward moves he euphemistically a story about an Irishman walking heartbreak of a sick child with no called ‘‘dancing’’ was JOE BIDEN. Few down the street. He passes two guys health insurance. You made a dif- other Senators would have seen the who are fighting. He asks them: Is this ference in their lives. humor in it. a private fight or can anybody get into Just this week, there is the Cancer Many years have passed since we it? Moonshot. Who knows, Mr. Vice Presi- shared those adventures, and many Well, you know a little bit about dent, what will happen as a result of events have transpired, personal and that; don’t you, Mr. Vice President? that investment in your son’s name. public, that enriched our lives with the For 40 years or more, you have always But I sense that something good is rewards and disappointments, blessings been ready to fight for those who need- going to happen for a lot of people and challenges. We were still young ed a champion and never walked away around this country. I am glad that the when we came to the Senate. We are from a good fight for a good cause. BIDEN name is closely associated with old men now. Although you can’t tell Your public career has been marked by it. from looking at us, the Vice President so many amazing victories but also by Mr. President, there is an old story— is actually a little younger than me, unbearable losses and sorrows. You a joke—about the Pope. The story goes though we both passed the Biblical have had joys and passions, determina- that the day came when he said to his threescore and ten. tions and immense accomplishments. driver: You know, I haven’t had a This place, the Senate, has been cen- The list of your legislative achieve- chance to drive the car in a long time. tral to both of our lives. Here we work ments has been recounted on the floor Why don’t you sit in the back and I’ll together on our country’s challenges. today. One of them I am sure you are drive. Here we fought and argued over the most proud of is the Violence Against The story goes that the Pope started country’s direction. Here we com- Women Act. You made a big difference driving the car and started speeding promised and joined forces to serve the in the lives of so many people whom and got pulled over. This policeman public interest. Here we watched his- you will never meet, in protecting looked inside the car, then looked out tory made and made our small con- them and giving them hope in a hope- again, and looked back and said: Ex- tributions to it. Neither of us is the shy less circumstance. cuse me. He got on his cell phone and and retiring type. We both have been Between 1993, when your bill was he called the police station. He said: I known to hold a strong opinion or two. passed, and 2010, the rate of violence have an extraordinary circumstance When circumstances warrant, we would against intimate partners—almost all here. I have just pulled over a car with rather make our points emphatically women—declined by 67 percent in the someone very important in it. then elliptically. I know that JOE ap- United States. We often wonder here, They said: Well, who is it? preciates the adage that I have tried to when bills we take to law are passed He said: I don’t know who he is, but follow in my public life: a fight not and signed by the President, whether he has the Pope for a driver. joined is a fight not enjoyed. they can make a difference. We know The reason I remember that story is When we have had differences of that your unsparing effort when it that one time I was on Air Force Two opinions over the years, we have man- came to violence against women made with Vice President JOE BIDEN. We flew aged to make our positions crystal a significant difference. you home to Delaware. I was going to clear to each other, perhaps in the per- I had that in mind 9 years ago when catch an Amtrak train at Wilmington, sistent triumph of hope over experi- I was riding around Florida in a rec- and I asked you to drop me off. ence. We both still cling to the expec- reational vehicle. It was with my fel- You said: No, I’m going to take you tation that we can persuade the other low Senator from Illinois by the name up to the train. that he is mistaken. I think deep down of Barack Obama. He was running for So we get up to the train, and the we probably know better. President, and we were in the back of train is pulling in the station. You In addition to being regularly mis- this RV as he was cruising through look at what I have for a ticket and taken, here is what I have also known Florida. We were talking about poten- you said: That ticket is not good. You about my friend and occasionally spar- tial running mates, someone who could need a real ticket. I will get it for you. ring partner. He is a good and decent be his Vice President. You grabbed it and took off running, man, God-fearing and kind, a devoted We went through a short list. We with the Secret Service trailing behind father and husband, a genuine patriot came to your name, and I said to the you as the train pulled into the sta- who puts our country before himself. I soon-to-be President, then Senator and tion. I am thinking: Am I going to know, too, that it has been a great my colleague: You couldn’t pick a bet- make this train? Is he going to make it privilege to call him my friend. ter choice than JOE BIDEN. I know him back? You came running up the steps Mr. President, if I haven’t made clear as a person. I know him as a fellow with the Secret Service trailing behind to you over these many years how Senator. I know his heart. You would you while the train was stopped. All of much I appreciated your friendship and be blessed to have him on your team. these passengers were looking as the have admired you, I beg your forgive- He made that choice, even though at Vice President of the United States ran ness. We both have been privileged to the beginning, I am sure both of you up to me, handed me a ticket, and said: know Members of this body who were wondered: Is this going to work? It did. Go ahead and get on the train. legends in their own time and are re- It did for your purpose and for his and Now, the people on the train had no membered as important historical fig- for America’s. I am reminded of that idea who I was, but they knew if the ures. But I haven’t known one who was famous poet Seamus Heaney. He wrote: Vice President was carrying my ticket, a better man than you. You are an ex- History says, Don’t hope I must be somebody important. emplary public servant, a credit to On this side of the grave, Let me say one personal word. You your family, to the Senate, and to the But then, once in a lifetime and your wife Jill really embody what country. The longed-for tidal wave I consider to be the best of public life— On behalf of the country and the Sen- Justice can rise up, not only your commitment to people ate, thank you for your lifetime service And hope and history rhyme. who are less fortunate around the to America. Thank you for your exam- Obama-Biden—hope and history cer- world but your genuine sense of caring ple of how to represent your constitu- tainly did rhyme. The things that you and your good heart, both of you. I re- ents with honor and humility and how have been able to achieve with this call when my colleague Marty Russo of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.054 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6801 Illinois had a son who was sick with President of the United States and tion, and JOE picked himself up and cancer. There was one person who said: JOHNNY, I have got the mayor of was sworn in to his first term in the called every day to make sure that he Baltimore and the mayor of Philadel- U.S. Senate from his son’s hospital was doing well. phia going with me to City room. Well, that is the way you not only next week to look at the deepening of Maybe they saw it last year when build a friendship but you build a rep- the Panama Canal. I know Savannah’s JOE’s son Beau, following in his fa- utation as not just a glad-handing poli- port is important to you. I know you ther’s footsteps to be an extraordinary tician but someone who really, really have been fighting with us to get the public servant and, more importantly, cares. I have been honored to count authorization you need to deepen the a wonderful father, lost a long and you as a friend. I am honored that the Port of Savannah. How about flying hard-fought battle with cancer. I know President whom I love chose you as his with me down there and let’s take a as a mother and grandmother myself Vice President. I am honored that we look at it and let’s do a press con- that I will never understand what JOE have served in the Senate together and ference together. And I did and he did went through. that I can tell my kids and grandkids. and we did, and today the Port of Sa- Mr. President, again, JOE picked I wish you the best whatever life brings vannah is being deepened to 47 feet. himself up and continued to serve our you next. Panamax ships will be sailing through country as a strong, dedicated Vice The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator it in 4 more years. I am convinced it President in the midst of a raucous from Georgia. would not have happened at the level of election season when Americans need- Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I rise the administration had it not been for ed him the most. JOE BIDEN’s commit- to pay tribute to a person who has had JOE BIDEN, the Vice President of the ment to his family, his struggles, and a tremendous impact on my life and United States but more importantly his service encompass what it means to my career in the Senate and also a tre- my friend. be not just Vice President and a bril- mendous impact on my country, the JOE, I don’t have the words to ade- liant husband and father but an Amer- United States of America. I still re- quately tell you how much I appreciate ican. member to this day the date and time you as a person and as a leader, but JOE grew up in a middle-class family MITCH MCCONNELL called me in 2007 there is a little poem I know that says who worked hard for everything they and said: Hey, we have an opening for a more about what you really are than had. He was just 29 years old when he Republican on Foreign Relations and anything I could say. ran for a seat in the United States Sen- nobody will take it. Will you take it? I’d rather see a sermon ate. I did not know if that was a benefit— Mr. President, you might have been a perk or whoever—but I said: Anytime Than hear one any day; I’d rather one should walk with me young, but you already saw what di- you are offered a gift, don’t look a gift Than merely tell the way. vided people in Delaware. horse in the face. So I did it. The eye’s a better pupil He also knew that people across the Two days later, JOE BIDEN saw me at And more willing than the ear, State also held the same hopes for the committee and said: I am glad you Fine counsel is confusing themselves and their families, and he joined our committee. I am glad to But example’s always clear; believed he could work through those have you. I have an opening on the Af- And the best of all preachers disparities. In an upset victory, he won rica Subcommittee. I can’t get a Re- Are the men who live their creeds, a seat in the Senate in November of publican to take it. Will you do it? For to see good put in action 1972. I said: Mr. BIDEN, I have never been Is what everybody needs. Since his swearing in, JOE has to Africa. I soon can learn to do it He said: Well, you will soon. How If you’ll let me see it done; worked every day on behalf of families I can watch your hands in action, about taking it? in Delaware and for the entire country, But your tongue too fast may run. especially the last 8 years. I did. I have been to Africa 12 times And the lecture you deliver since. It has become a passion in my When JOE lost his son to cancer, he May be very wise and true, launched a Moonshot for this genera- career, and I give Vice President BIDEN But I’d rather get my lessons a lot of credit for the influence he had By observing what you do; tion to end cancer as we know it today. on that. I also remember the day when For I might misunderstand you He is now working on behalf of every the mock swearing-in took place down And the high advice you give, family whoever lost a loved one to can- on the second floor, and I had my nine But there’s no misunderstanding cer to push forward on medical innova- How you act and how you live. grandchildren here to watch me being tions and discoveries. I am so proud sworn into the Senate. JOE, you have lived the life of a pa- JOE’s Moonshot is included in the final At the mock signing ceremony, JOE triot and you act like a gentleman. Cures bill we just voted on this after- stood there, and we all raised our hand, You are my friend, and may God bless noon and even more so that the Senate and we repeated the ceremony that we you and your family and thank you for renamed the provisions to support can- had done on the floor. Then JOE greet- your service to the country and your cer research in that bill to honor Beau ed each one of my grandchildren one by friendship to me. in calling it the Beau Biden Cancer one as they walked by. When little I yield back. Moonshot. We will now use those in- Jack, who was then 7 years old, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator vestments to fight to cure cancer so we stopped, JOE BIDEN said: Jack, what do from Washington. can look forward to a world where no you like about the Capitol? Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President—and it family has to go through what the Jack said: Well, Mr. Vice President, is a pleasure to say that. Some may Bidens did and the devastation that there is no Lego store. know him as ‘‘the guy in the aviators’’ millions of other Americans have expe- JOE BIDEN said: The next time you deboarding Air Force Two or the man rienced after being touched by cancer. come here, there will be one. in the 1967 Corvette in the viral Inter- Mr. President, back when I was serv- I want to tell the Vice President that net video, gleeful, as he had the rare ing with the Presiding Officer, JOE, my he is coming on January 2 to see me opportunity to drive himself around in friend, in the Senate in 1994, I had the sworn in again. I have already bought his favorite car. pleasure of working with him to pass the Lego box. It is on the desk in my Mr. President, it is so clear that the the Violence Against Women Act, hideaway, and I am going to tell him American public has embraced this VAWA, as we know it. It was a land- that Vice President JOE made sure he grinning, approachable, unstoppable mark piece of legislation that changed had Legos when he came back to the life force known as Vice President JOE the way our country responded to do- Capitol. You know the real character BIDEN, but little do many Americans mestic violence and sexual assault. JOE of a man and the real credit to a man know of the heart of our Vice Presi- has come out as a strong advocate for is what influence he has on children. I dent. They have caught glimpses of it ending violence against women can tell you from that story, it is just in 1972, when his wife and daughter through his campaign, ‘‘1is2Many,’’ one of many that JOE BIDEN has had. were killed in a terrible car accident spreading awareness and working to On me, personally, I will never forget and his two sons severely injured. It is help reduce dating violence and sexual the day JOE BIDEN called me as Vice hard to imagine that kind of devasta- assaults among students, teens, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.055 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 young adults. And his ‘‘It’s On Us’’ ultimately led him to the second high- not only that I know you as my friend campaign has been a wake-up call to est office in the land. With his Cancer JOE, the people of Delaware know you the epidemic of campus sexual assaults Moonshot Initiative, JOE BIDEN once as ‘‘my friend Joe.’’ The fact is, your across the country. Women are safer again has turned personal tragedy into colleagues, both present and past, here today in America than they were 20 a public cause that undoubtedly will feel the same way about you and so do years ago due in part to JOE’s fearless save lives. the American people. leadership on these issues that affect To know JOE BIDEN is to admire him, You have a unique ability to make a too many in our Nation. his warmth, his devotion to friends and visceral connection to people. You ac- Despite everything he has been family, his commitment to all things tually connect to them, not only on through or maybe because of every- Delaware, and his fierce loyalty to his the abstraction of big ideas, of which thing he has been through, he gets party that somehow never alienated you were more than capable, but I back up and he fights on and he fights those of us on the other side of the think your connection was hand to on behalf of every family in our coun- aisle. Perhaps that is due to the many hand, heart to heart. I think when you try, and that is heart. That is heart, thoughtful gestures the Vice President talk with people, that is why you have the way he always wants to make peo- demonstrates every day. this visceral connection. ple happy, no matter what the cir- How well I remember bringing my Sure, you can debate the great ideas, cumstance. younger brother to the White House whether it is national security or eco- Last time he was in Seattle, he holiday party one year and running nomic growth, but it is that heart con- brought a little stuffed animal—a little into the Vice President just as he was nection you are able to make that I dog—to give to my granddaughter. leaving after a long day of work. He in- think has been one of your great, great Now, she is very shy, but the second he stantly stopped and asked if we would signatures. smiled and handed her that little dog, like for him to give us a personal tour We in Maryland know you as a neigh- she became his best friend ever, and of the West Wing of the White House. bor, the Delmarva gang from Delaware, she keeps it by her side, JOE. That is For the next 45 minutes, instead of Maryland, and Virginia. We also know why he is going to be missed, by his being driven home, the Vice President you as ‘‘Amtrak Joe.’’ I think that is colleagues and by the entire country, of the United States took my brother so fitting because not only have you because of his humanity. That is the and me on the best tour of the White been a champion of Amtrak and ridden JOE BIDEN I know and I want everyone House that anyone could ever have. I the train so faithfully—which has now else to know that too. still remember the shocked look on the become the stories of fact and fiction— It has been an honor to call JOE a fel- face of the marine at the situation but also Amtrak JOE is right because, low Senator, Mr. Vice President, but room when we arrived there. really, in the way you have lived your mostly a great friend. Another wonderful memory that I life, conducted yourself in public serv- I want to thank JOE for what he has have was of the time JOE BIDEN and I ice, you have kept America on track taught me and all of our colleagues were named Irish Americans of the and going in the right direction be- through his service and thank him for Year by the American Ireland Fund. I cause you knew what your destinations his extraordinary and inspiring leader- thought it was so telling that both of were. I salute you for that. You have ship throughout his life in the best of us brought our family members to the done a great job in everything you times and in the worst. JOE—and his celebratory dinner, and both of us have undertaken. aviators—will be sorely missed. talked about our Irish mothers. Now, I I know you because while others just Mr. President, I yield the floor. do remember that JOE’s speech was go for the pomp and they love the pol- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator considerably better than mine, but icy—if I hear one more ‘‘I’m going to from Maine. mine was much, much shorter. dive deep in policy,’’ I am going to Ms. COLLINS. Thank you, Mr. Presi- In a time of almost suffocating par- shake my head. dent. tisanship, JOE BIDEN is a breath of bi- I am like you. I believe that we do In 1974, a freshman Senator from partisan fresh air. People may disagree need policies that help people, keep our Delaware named JOE BIDEN was identi- with JOE on 1 or 2 or even 10 issues, but Nation strong and safe, help our people fied as one of Time magazine’s ‘‘200 nobody finds him disagreeable. It is be able to help themselves, and make Faces for the Future.’’ That prescient often said that if you don’t love JOE sure there is an opportunity structure prediction anticipated the more than BIDEN, it is time for some serious here. But we are here to be champions four decades of contributions and ac- introspection. You may have a serious of the people. That is what you have complishments that followed. JOE problem. been, a champion of the people, and BIDEN served six terms in the U.S. Sen- No one can say with certainty what you have been a steady friend. ate and became Vice President of the lies ahead for Vice President JOE When I arrived in the Senate, I was United States, but he is exactly the BIDEN, but this much is certain: He will the only Democratic woman. I have same person today as he was when face the future with unbridled enthu- often said that, though I was all by more than 40 years ago he took that siasm, extraordinary energy, and an myself, I was never alone. I was sur- first train trip from Wilmington to unwavering commitment to his family, rounded by the good men in the Sen- Washington to be sworn in as a United his friends, and his country. ate, and particularly the Democrats States Senator. He is everybody’s I thank the Vice President for his reached out their hands and helped me. friend—but nobody’s fool. And while outstanding service to our country, but Of course, my very good friend Paul JOE BIDEN changed Washington, Wash- most of all I thank him for his extraor- Sarbanes, who is here today, was my ington never changed him. dinary friendship to me. I wish the senior Senator when I came and was It is an article of faith among those Vice President and his wonderful fam- my colleague and my champion, but of us who know and love JOE BIDEN ily all the best. you were right up at the top of the list that nothing is more important to him Thank you, Mr. President. too. I call the men who were so incred- than family. It is, therefore, a cruel The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator ibly helpful to me, Galahads. You help irony that this good and decent man from Maryland. me in every way you can. has faced so many family tragedies Ms. MIKULSKI. Thank you very In my time in the Senate, when I during his long and fruitful career in much, Mr. President and Vice Presi- reached out to you, you were always public service. dent. there. When I reached out to fight for Although he has been sorely tested Well, Mr. President, we all take women to be included in the NIH proto- by several wrenching losses, Vice pleasure in calling you that. Mr. Vice cols, you were there to help me. When President BIDEN’s irrepressible spirit President, Senator, foreign policy I reached out to fight against the has never been broken. He is as opti- guru, the Senator who was tough on skimpy and spartan money for breast mistic about his country today as he crime but a soft touch when it came to cancer research, you were there to help was in 1972, when as a county council- compelling human need, a longtime me. When we organized the women of man he defeated a long-serving Senate colleague, but most of all, I know you the Senate, the Democratic women, to incumbent and began the journey that as my friend JOE. My friend JOE. It is fight then-Bush on the privatizing of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.056 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6803 Social Security, when we said we was feisty. She was a delight. If there of thing that doesn’t happen enough these shouldn’t rely on the bull of political is anything spunkier, feistier, or more days in Washington, in politics, or in the in- promises while we fear the bear mar- delightful than an Irish mother, it is a stitution which Joe reveres, the U.S. Senate. ket, you joined right there with us, Polish mother. I wish you could have I first heard the name ‘‘Joe Biden’’ about 38 years ago. 1972—The first year Joe and I side by side, shoulder to shoulder. met mine. Those two would have been ran for national office. We shared a set of Whether it was equal pay for equal kindred spirits. friends and political teammates in progres- work or so many issues, you were al- Do you remember when the Pope sive politics, friends Joe and I have shared to ways there when we called upon you. came to Baltimore? The Pope was com- this day—and they shuttled between Wil- You were always such tremendous ing to Baltimore, and I told my mother mington, Delaware and Lowell, Massachu- help. I wanted to greet the Pope in Polish. setts, trying to help both us to victory. In I was also there to try to help you. I My mother’s response was: Oh, my God. that improbable year, I lost and Joe won— remember a day in the mid-1990s when I grew up in a family that before and weeks later tragedy intervened and I got a call from you. Maybe you re- World War II was bilingual. I was bilin- changed the trajectory of Joe’s life not as a Senator, but as a father and a person. I won’t member that, but I remember it. You gual as a child, but during World War forget reading his words back then: ‘‘Dela- said you really wanted to stop violence II we stopped speaking all foreign lan- ware can find another Senator, but my boys against women. You knew of my social guage, so my pronunciation is really can’t find another father.’’ We are all grate- work background, my advocacy for awkward. My mother made me practice ful that Joe was persuaded not to give up on what was then called battered women. Polish words, how to say hello to the public service, but to be sworn in, and to You said: Can you help me kind of go Pope and how to say goodbye to the rely—as the Bidens do in their remarkable over this legislation to make sure that Pope. way—on the closeness of family—of Val and the money goes to people who will help You and I were at the Baltimore- Jimmy in particular—to help him be both a remarkable father and a remarkable public those women and not to people who Washington airport. There goes the servant. just want to get grants? Pope in his popemobile. He is heading Twelve years as Joe was elected, I finally So we worked together. We talked up, he is getting on ‘‘Shepherd Two,’’ arrived in Washington—a junior Senator, about the need for shelters. We talked and you are saying goodbye: Goodbye second to last in seniority—and one of the about the reform of police, courts, and Your Holiness. first people to pull me aside and offer him- so on. Then you came up with that fab- I say: No, say it in Polish. You have self up not as a generational rival, but as a ulous, fabulous idea to have a hotline. a large Polish community. slightly older big brother ready to show me So it didn’t matter whether you lived I taught you how to say one simple the ropes was the then, senior Senator from in Delaware or in Des Moines or in San phrase, ‘‘sto lat.’’ In the tongue of my Delaware—two years older than me, Senator Joe Biden. Diego, there was always help on the ethnic heritage, when you say ‘‘sto lat’’ I loved serving with Joe—and I don’t just other side of that line. to someone, you say may they live 100 mean we served contemporaneously; we were I was so happy to work with you and years. friends and partners in so many efforts—en- to support you as you led that battle So, JOE, sto lat. vironment, civil rights, the empowerment of through—as only a good man could—to The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator women, foreign policy—and always—always stand for women who were being bat- from Delaware. with Joe Biden, whether you agreed or dis- tered in their own homes and facing Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I wish to agreed with him, no matter where you were danger. recognize the presence in the Chamber from in the country or where you stood ideo- Lately I checked on the statistics on logically, you knew exactly what you could of five former Senators—Senators expect: a person of conviction, a person of that hotline. JOE BIDEN, since that hot- Bayh, Harkin, Kaufman, Salazar, and character, a person who studied the issues line legislation passed, over 1.5 million Sarbanes—and to thank many Senators and never cut corners—and a Senator in the have called that hotline. Many of them who have asked that their comments best tradition whose word was his bond. were in lethal danger—lethal danger. be placed in the RECORD. For Joe, that’s a quality that’s deeply per- Because of you, JOE BIDEN, there are Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sonal. The Vice President lives by a very old- thousands, if not tens of thousands, of sent to have printed in the RECORD, fashioned code of loyalty: You always tell women and children alive today be- given the lateness of the hour, the the truth, you never forget where you came cause you had the foresight and the lengthy and moving remarks that from, and your word is your bond. And I fortitude to create this legislation. can’t tell you how many times in the Senate former Senator and now Secretary of when I was listening to Joe negotiate or we That in and of itself would have been State Kerry has provided. were working on something he would say, ‘‘I enough for a career. But, oh, you did so There being no objection, the mate- give you my word as a Biden.’’And you knew many other things. rial was ordered to be printed in the you had a very special commitment that Now we know you are advocating the RECORD, as follows: would not be broken. That never changed when he became Vice President. national Cancer Moonshot, but you SECRETARY OF STATE have been a champion on finding the That code also guided his approach as a STATEMENT ON JOE BIDEN cure for cancer for a long time, wheth- legislator—not just in how he worked with DECEMBER 7, 2016 er it was for women with breast cancer his colleagues, but to how he approached the or others. I am so pleased that in that Mr. President: Almost four years ago this issues. I’d been a prosecutor back in the days winter, after almost 29 years serving in the when some people still argued that violence cloture vote we are going to include Senate from , and after five against women wasn’t crime—but it was Joe $352 million for that. So on issue after times the people of Massachusetts voted to Biden who was far, far ahead of the curve in issue, we were there. send me to Washington—my Senate col- the Senate—throughout the 1980’s and I know you have been a great leader, leagues were kind enough to vote to send me 1990’s—beating the drum on the Judiciary but I also know that behind great men away, but not far away, just up the street to Committee to pass a Violence Against there are also very terrific women. I the State Department. Women Act because there was no crime com- think we owe a salute to Jill. She is a So, as a prodigal United States Senator, I parable, as he saw it, in robbing a human wonderful woman, a leader in her own am especially grateful to Senator Coons for being of two things to which everyone is en- the privilege to share some thoughts about titled, two words Joe talks about often: dig- right, with a belief in higher education, my colleague of a quarter century in the nity and respect. a belief in working at the community Senate, and my colleague of the last four That is why he was so outspoken about the college level so people who had big years in the Obama Administration—the horrors happening in Bosnia and Kosovo— dreams in their hearts but not a lot of Vice President of the United States, Joe thousands of miles from our shores—and why money in their pockets could be able to Biden. That Senator Coons—who sits in the as one of those most powerful voices on the go on to college. What a champion she Senate seat which Joe held for almost thirty Senate Foreign Relations Committee he has been there and also what a cham- seven years—organized this remarkable trib- stood up to Slobodan Milosevic, looked him pion for our veterans and for our ute says something about Delaware—a small in the eye, and called him a war criminal. state where politics is personal, where cour- That’s Joe Biden—on issues of moral clarity, wounded warriors. Wow, she is just ter- tesy is still the currency—but it says much you know exactly where he stands. It is no rific. I know she has been at your side. more about the kind of friend and mentor surprise to me then that long before he There are so many stories I could Joe has been to Chris, and to so many of us served in Iraq, his beloved son Beau volun- tell, but I want to wrap up with one. I who have known the Vice President. It is, teered to go to Kosovo and do legal work met your mother. She was spunky. She simply, the right thing to do—but the kind helping victims find justice, helping victims

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.069 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6804 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 reclaim dignity through the judicial system. After I came to the Senate in 1992— ica, they had the right to be free from For the Bidens, this was an article of faith. known as ‘‘the Year of the Woman’’— violence and free from fear. Over the years, I had the privilege of trav- then-Senator JOE BIDEN invited me to JOE’s legacy as chair of the Judiciary eling with Joe overseas—often with Chuck Hagel and Lindsey Graham. I saw firsthand lunch at his office in the Russell Sen- is matched by his time leading the For- that when Senator Biden traveled overseas, ate Office Building. We sat at small eign Relations Committee. From atop it wasn’t government tourism, whether the table in his elegant office and discussed the committee, he was a forceful advo- Administration was Democratic or Repub- the importance of having a woman on cate for peace and stability around the lican, Joe always traveled with a construc- the Judiciary Committee, of which he world. He called for strategic arms lim- tive purpose in mind: To learn first-hand was chairman at the time. itations with the , helped about foreign leaders and other perspec- This was in the wake of the Anita secure peace in the Balkans, helped tives—to forge relationships—and to advance America’s cause. In long flights and long Hill hearings, and there were no women bring former Soviet bloc states into meetings headed into places like Afghani- on the committee. It was a real honor NATO, called for U.S. action to end the stan and Pakistan, again and again I saw when JOE BIDEN asked me to join. He genocide in Darfur, and spoke out someone who leads by listening, who leads then asked Senator Carol Moseley against failed policies in Iraq. by learning, and who speaks with convic- Braun to join, giving the committee He was also a critic of the CIA’s de- tion—wherever the place, whatever the lan- two women for the first time. tention and interrogation program and guage. Serving on the committee with him, backed our efforts to release the tor- Joe’s leadership as Vice President has been a terrific asset on domestic issues, and his I noticed immediately that he had a ture report. During heated debate, JOE fluency in the ways of the Senate a special commanding presence. As I watched made the argument simple and easy to tool called upon at many key moments by him chair the committee, I was im- understand: America will be stronger Leaders McConnell and Reid. But as Sec- pressed by the passion he displayed by saying the following: ‘‘This was a retary of State I’ve been particularly grate- while working to slow the drug trade, mistake, we should not have done what ful for the role he has played on foreign pol- protect women from domestic violence, we’ve done and we will not do it icy. Joe believes to his core that American and help advocate for a ban on assault again.’’ diplomacy isn’t about admiring problems— weapons. These were issues that I, He was right, and our Nation is it’s about solving them. When thousands of unaccompanied children showed up on our along with millions of other Ameri- stronger for having the courage to southwestern border, Joe Biden worked with cans, felt strongly about, and we had a admit that. Congress to provide funding to help Central champion in JOE BIDEN. JOE BIDEN’s willingness to speak the America’s leaders make the difficult reforms During discussions about a proposed truth is one of the many reasons Presi- and investments required to address the re- crime bill in 1993, I told JOE I was dent Obama tapped him to be his run- gion’s multifaceted challenges—because he working on an assault weapons ban. ning mate. The President knew JOE knew the security and prosperity of Central This was in the wake of a mass shoot- would discuss every issue with the America are inextricably linked with our own. As the conflict in Ukraine has pressed ing in San Francisco that shocked me. same frank honesty—whether he was on, Joe has worked hard—not only to keep I told JOE we had at least 48 votes and offering counsel in the or the Minsk deal in place, but to encourage I wanted to introduce it as an amend- chatting with someone on the train and help the government of Ukraine take on ment to the crime bill. He laughed—a ride back home. corruption and make necessary economic re- big raucous laugh—and said, ‘‘Well, President Obama relied on his Vice forms that will help Ukraine flourish and you’re just a freshman. Wait till the President to oversee the recovery after thrive in the years to come. And again and gunners get to you.’’ the worst economic recession since the again, in our breakfasts at the Naval Observ- He may have had his doubts, but he Great Depression. He was tasked with atory and in phone calls from far flung places, he always encouraged me to keep was a staunch supporter of the amend- implementing the American Recovery pressing—to speak up and speak out, and to ment, and with the help of President and Reinvestment Act, the Ready to fight—even inside the Administration—for Clinton and in the Work Initiative and to chair the Mid- the policies I believed in, even when he House, we were able to secure bipar- dle Class Task Force. didn’t agree. That’s Joe Biden. tisan support and pass the amendment. JOE BIDEN was the perfect choice for We still joke about a trip that we took It was a proud day for me when it was the job. He is the product of his Catho- with Chuck Hagel to Afghanistan back in lic faith and the values instilled in him 2008. We went up to a forward operating base signed into law. up in Kunar province. And our helicopter, on JOE was right about the gunners, growing up in Scranton. Those same the way back, got caught in a snow squall in though. The gun lobby did come after values that he carried throughout his the mountains. And our pilot found himself us, and they continue to oppose com- career in Delaware and into the Vice effectively snow blind, and suddenly we were monsense gun laws today. Presidency. banking and heading down and braced for an During that debate and in every fight He is a tough individual who has emergency landing on this snow-covered since then, JOE BIDEN has been faced adversity that would knock a road high in the mountains near Bagram staunch, impassioned, and a committed lesser man down; yet through it all, Airbase. And Joe Biden turned to Hagel and me and he offered an alternative. He said, partner. JOE never wavered from his commit- ‘‘Maybe we could keep the helicopter aloft if That crime bill was a monumental ment to serving others. the three of us just started to give a speech.’’ piece of legislation. In addition to our To those of us who have had the But laughter aside, on that frozen mountain- assault weapons ban, it put 100,000 pleasure of working with him and to top, as we waited to be rescued, you learn more cops on the street, protected chil- millions of Americans, JOE BIDEN is a the measure of a person. And throughout dren from dangerous predators and in- good and honest man who simply wants that time, what Joe kept coming back to cluded a very important piece of legis- to make the world a better place. was the gift of family, and the privilege of lation: the Violence Against Women After 44 years in this Chamber, the public service. America has known Vice President Biden Act. last 8 as the President of the Senate, in moments of great triumph and also on oc- It has been two decades since JOE in- JOE can leave knowing he has accom- casions of immeasurable pain. We revere the troduced the Violence Against Women plished just that. The world is a better dignity with which he carries himself Act. In that time, domestic violence place thanks to you, and it is grateful through all of it. We admire him. We love rates have decreased by 64 percent, for your service, JOE BIDEN. him. And above all, we thank him—a great conviction rates for abusers increased, Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, for more Vice President, a ‘‘Senate man’’ still to the and 3.4 million women and men have than 30 years, Vice President JOE core, and someone I know I can call on and count on as a friend long after we both leave been helped by the National Domestic BIDEN has held a big place in my heart. office on January 20th. Thank you, Sen- Violence Hotline. Through thick and thin, he trusted me ator—Mr. Vice President—‘‘Joe’’—and I Beyond the numbers, JOE changed to be his partner in so many fights, and know you will carry on in contribution to the debate around domestic violence I will be forever grateful to him. the cause of country. with enactment of this bill. States and JOE first impressed me after he took Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, localities changed outdated laws. Vic- a stand against the Reagan administra- today I wish to honor JOE BIDEN, the tims were given courage to speak out tion’s support of when it 47th Vice President of the United and seek help, and millions of women was still in the depths of apartheid. So States. felt empowered knowing that in Amer- when he asked me to help organize

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.026 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6805 women for his 1988 Presidential cam- Who could ever forget his long his- then as the Vice President of the paign, I was all in. tory of fighting for community polic- United States, to save the auto indus- While that race wasn’t meant to be, I ing and to strengthen the bonds be- try back in 2008. fell in love with JOE’s vision of ‘‘re- tween police officers and their commu- You know that the only way we suc- claiming the idea of America as a com- nities? ceed is if we do everything we can to munity’’ and his beautiful, persistent No one has fought harder for the support and grow America’s middle optimism and hope—qualities we all things he believes in than JOE BIDEN— class, which you have done your entire still love him for today. no one—and there is nothing that he career. I cherished our time serving in Con- will not do for the country he so deeply There are countless instances over gress together, and I was so honored loves. your 40 years of service when you were that he asked me to carry the Violence Love of country is second only to the on the right side of history: when you against Women Act in the House. JOE love JOE has for his beautiful family. led the passage of the Violence Against was determined to put the spotlight on When he talks about his incredible Women Act; in your work as the chair this quiet epidemic—and he has been wife, children, and grandchildren, you of the Judiciary and Foreign Relations doing just that ever since. know they are his guiding star. Committee; through your wise counsel I took 5 years, but President Bill It is because of this love that we have as Vice President and your ability to work with us to get so much done over Clinton finally signed VAWA into law all come to know and adore JOE, and in 1994. It was one of JOE’s many monu- for that same reason, it is why our the last 8 years; with Dr. Biden, who is here today, for your work supporting mental achievements. hearts broke for him over the profound, By then, I had won election to the Michigan’s military families and com- unspeakable loss of his son, Beau. All U.S. Senate where JOE played a major munity colleges; and now in your effort of America mourned with JOE. role in one of my own biggest personal to cure cancer through the Cancer He had every right to stay down, but accomplishments: the Dolphin-Safe Moonshot. JOE is as resilient as they come. He tuna label law. Well, if I am being hon- Early on in your career, you said likes to tell the advice that his father est, it was his then 8-year-old daugh- that the work that we do here allows gave him as a child: ‘‘Champ, when you ter, Ashley, who got him involved. us to ‘‘literally have the chance to Schoolchildren across the country get knocked down get up. Get up.’’ shape the future—to put our own stamp were boycotting their tuna fish sand- Well, JOE always gets up. He gets up on the face and character of America, wiches after learning that dolphins again and again and again. to bend history just a little bit.’’ I could be killed as tuna was caught, and And we are all so fortunate that he would believe, as every one of my col- Ashley was begging her father to take does because, from the U.S. Senate to leagues does, that you have done more action. the Office of the Vice President, JOE than bend the future of America ‘‘just I was so proud that JOE chose to has never stopped fighting for the a little bit.’’ partner with me on a bill that required things he believes in—for civil rights, You have changed this Nation and companies that sell dolphin-safe tuna women’s rights, worker’s rights, eco- you have changed this Senate for the to prove that dolphins were not hurt in nomic fairness, a world-class education better. the fishing process. Like any good fa- for our kids, health care for all, and a There is a great quote from a poet I ther, JOE wanted to show Ashley that safe and peaceful world. know that you admire very much, Wil- he would come through for her—and he JOE has taught me so much, and I am liam Butler Yeats. did. so proud to call him my forever friend. It is a piece of advice that he gave Our bill became law in 1992, and it is Many of you know that I love to re- out frequently to young writers. It estimated that it saves tens of thou- write song lyrics. goes: ‘‘Think like a wise man but com- sands of dolphins every year. This is what I wrote for JOE: municate in the language of the peo- JOE also served as an extraordinary Joe is a many splendored thing. ple.’’ chairman on the Foreign Relations He is tough and smart and strong and wise. Yeats—like you Mr. President—un- Committee, where I am a member. He Winter, fall and spring. derstood that the best way to reach was gracious and respectful, listening He’s for kids and health and child care. people is by appealing to their heart, to every viewpoint, but he also wasn’t Our Joe will always be there. meeting them where they are. A smile, a glow, And I think, moving forward, we afraid to speak up and take charge. I It’s not for show, it’s true. have to remember that we all have to thought he was very courageous to Joe worked with us for years and years, reach people’s hearts and strive to point out a better way to solve the And there is no sleep for our busy Veep. serve as well as you have. civil war in Iraq, and I was so proud to He has hope not fears. Thank you for your service to this stand with him. Whether guy or gal, Senate and to the American people. For all of these reasons, and so many Joe is our pal. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, it And this we know is true, more, it is no surprise that President is fitting that JOE BIDEN ascended from Barack Obama chose JOE BIDEN to Joe Biden, colleagues, All love you. Senator to Vice President—or as the serve as his Vice President. office is known around here, President Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I And it is no surprise that JOE will go of the Senate. down as one of the most effective Vice join my colleagues today in honoring JOE was elected to the Senate as a Presidents in history because of his you and thanking you for the incred- very young man. We have heard JOE warm, open relationship with President ible devotion you have shown to the talk about how hard it was after losing Obama. They have spent a great deal of United States Senate and to express his wife, Neilia, and baby daughter, time together, exchanging thoughts my deep respect for you—respect that I Naomi, in an automobile accident, just and ideas, and JOE was one of the key know the people of Michigan share. weeks before he was to be sworn in, to advisors who influenced President You have been a longtime friend to come to Washington and assume his Obama as he successfully confronted me and to the people of my home duties. He credits his older colleagues horrific challenges, such as: two wars; State. One thing we have always had in like Mike Mansfield, Ted Kennedy, the worst recession since the Great De- common: our parents were both in the Danny Inouye, Hubert Humphrey, Fritz pression; and rising violence in our automobile industry. As of course you Hollings, and Rhode Island’s Claiborne communities. know, your dad was a car salesman, Pell, who opened his Washington home Who could ever forget JOE BIDEN’s and my father owned an Oldsmobile to the young Senator, with convincing immense respect and gratitude for our dealership. him to stick it out, just for a few men and women in uniform and their So we have both known, from the months. families and his determined fight to very beginning, how critically impor- Well, he did more than stick it out. bring them home safely? tant American manufacturing is for so He dove in. The Senate saved his life, Who could ever forget how he shep- many people in Michigan and across he has said, in that time of grief. And herded the Recovery Act through Con- the country. in return, he gave his life to the Sen- gress—a near impossible feat in this We worked together, both when you ate, serving the people of Delaware for polarized political climate? were the Senator from Delaware and more than three decades.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.027 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6806 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 JOE BIDEN presided over Supreme I thank him for his faithful service Obama’s foreign relations trouble- Court nomination hearings as chair- and for his enduring example. And I shooter. man of the Judiciary Committee. He wish him and Jill great happiness in From my service on the Foreign Re- shepherded the assault weapons ban the adventures to come. lations Committee, I have a keen ap- and the Violence Against Women Act. Mr. UDALL. Mr. President, I wish to preciation for the complexity of for- He served also as the chairman of the pay tribute to Vice President JOE eign policy matters in today’s world. Foreign Relations Committee, facing BIDEN, a man who has dedicated his life JOE’s foreign policy is at once prag- down dictators and championing nu- to serving our country, working across matic and sophisticated. He has stal- clear nonproliferation. the aisle whenever he can, and always wartly promoted peace and non- He is, of course, recognized in Senate doing his best to get things done for proliferation. But he understands the lore as a particularly strong speaker the American people. need for military force when national and debater. From his familiar perch in I am proud to have known and ad- interests are at stake, diplomacy is not the back row of the Chamber, JOE mired JOE a long time. I first met JOE an option, and such action will bear in- would hold forth on the merits of legis- toward the end of his first campaign tended results. lative proposals and the positions of for the Senate, in the fall of 1972. My JOE recently summed up what can be his colleagues. If the Chamber was father, Stewart Udall, had been called called the Biden Doctrine in Foreign empty of Senators, he would even turn to Delaware to help the young Demo- Affairs. He identifies the broad themes and deliver his speeches to the captive cratic candidate with environmental of Obama foreign policy strategy and audience in the staff gallery behind issues. I tagged along with my dad and advises the next administration. The him. spent a day on the campaign trail with essay should be required reading for But JOE can always be counted on for a man who would come to spend 36 dis- anyone serious about foreign policy, telling it like it is. Not long ago, he tinguished years in the Senate and be- and I hope the new administration was in my home State of Rhode Island come our 47th Vice President. takes his advice to heart. to tout needed infrastructure projects. The following summer, I worked as a While JOE’s legislative accomplish- Now, Rhode Island has one of the high- staffer in his Senate office—writing ments are too many to list, I would est rates of structurally deficient constituent letters, researching policy like to underscore one achievement bridges in the Nation, and my senior issues, preparing press materials. That that has made a difference in my home Senator, JACK REED, and I have worked was my first job in the Senate. State of —The Violence hard to bring Federal resources to bear In so many ways, JOE Biden is the Against Women Act. in addressing that need. But JOE put it same person now as then—caring, pas- As chair of the Senate Judiciary no uncertain terms. Standing under sionate, energetic, tenacious, and Committee, JOE drafted VAWA and led the East Shore Expressway Bridge on ready and able to get things done. the charge for enactment. Passed in Warren Avenue in East Providence, the JOE gave me my first Senate job, and 1994, VAWA reordered how the Federal Vice President cried, ‘‘For 10 years this January—44 years later—he swore criminal justice system handled rape, you’ve had Lincoln logs holding the me in for the 114th Congress. damn thing up! No, I mean go look at sexual assault, and domestic violence I note that Senators from across our it. The press went and looked at it. If cases. VAWA gave victims needed pro- country—from both parties—have lined everybody in Rhode Island watched the tections and strengthened prosecutors’ up to speak to JOE’s character and ac- news tonight and saw that, they’d try tools. complishments. We respect him as a to go around the damn bridge!’’ I was attorney general of New Mexico Whatever his style or accomplish- colleague, and we love him for his pas- in 1994. In the wake of VAWA’s passage, sion and commitment to public service. ments, JOE will always pin his success I formed the Violence Against Women in the Senate on the personal relation- JOE has never forgotten his blue col- Task Force. We got strengthened ships he forged so deeply and so sin- lar roots. He has never forgotten our antistalking laws passed in the New cerely, with ideological allies and country’s working class. JOE has Mexico Legislature in 1997. strange bedfellows alike. ‘‘Every good fought all his life to make sure the While VAWA was easily reauthorized thing I have seen happen here, every working class gets a fair shake. He and strengthened during the 2000s, re- bold step taken in the 36-plus years I sounded the clarion call in the last authorization became difficult in 2012. have been here, came not from the ap- months and weeks of the Presidential As Vice President, JOE was instru- plication of pressure by interest campaign—that we not forget working mental in breaking impasses. groups, but through the maturation of families and, more broadly, America’s VAWA represented a sea change for personal relationships,’’ he said in his middle class. how our society addresses violent 2009 farewell speech. ‘‘Pressure groups In his words, ‘‘The middle class is not crime against women. can and are strong and important advo- a number; it’s a value set. It’s being The law was reauthorized and cates. But they’re not often vehicles able to own your house and not have to strengthened in 2013, and now extends for compromise. A personal relation- rent it; it’s being able to send your kid protections to gay and transgender per- ship is what allows you to go after to the local park and know they’ll sons, immigrant women, and on-res- someone hammer and tong on one issue come home safely. It’s about being able ervation Native Americans. and still find common ground on the to send your kid to the local high Like JOE, I am a husband and father next.’’ school and if they do well they can get of a daughter. I am proud to have voted That is why JOE BIDEN was uniquely to college, and if they get to college, in favor of reauthorization. well suited for the one job in this coun- you can figure out how to [pay to] get We all know that JOE has faced deep, try with one constitutional foot in the them there, and when your mom or dad personal tragedies. But he has con- executive branch and the other in the passes away, you can take care of the fronted tragedy with courage and love legislative. He was at the center of a other who is in need and hope your for his family and with an unimagi- number of high-stakes compromises be- kids never have to take care of you. nable determination to keep working tween the White House, Congress, and That’s JOE BIDEN’s definition of the for the American people—turning his the two parties. And every once in a middle class, and the middle class has own losses into ways to help others. while, he still got to vote. been clobbered.’’ JOE and his equally capable, deter- ‘‘Except for the title ‘father,’ ’’ he JOE championing the working and mined, and indefatigable wife Jill have said, ‘‘there is no title, including ‘vice middle class helps my State of New brought new energy and urgency to the president,’ that I am more proud to Mexico, helps all of our States. fight to cure cancer. The Cancer Moon- wear than that of United States sen- His policy expertise is broad and deep shot has already had many successes. ator.’’ JOE BIDEN is a great father to but maybe in no area as much as for- JOE turned the premature death of his Hunter and Ashley, and to Beau, whose eign policy. He has spent decades work- son into actions to help others with passing last year was felt by the entire ing on international matters—as a cancer. Senate family. He served honorably as member of the Senate Foreign Rela- This week, the Senate that JOE gave Vice President. But he will always be tions Committee, as the committee’s so much to gave something back, send- the pride of the Senate. chair or ranking member, as President ing the 21st Century Cures Act to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.068 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6807 President Obama for signature. The Vice President BIDEN is as honest and acter. Through all this, he has contin- $1.8 billion cancer initiatives in that authentic a person as you will find, ued to serve the American people with bill are the direct result of Vice Presi- providing a welcome dose of humanity the utmost integrity and authenticity, dent BIDEN’s Cancer Moonshot initia- and authenticity to the business of which have undoubtedly contributed to tive. governing. And he has served with his successful career in public service. It is fitting that we named the cancer great honor and humility. The Vice President has also consist- initiatives in the Cures Act after Beau I recall a dinner the Vice President ently advocated for the leadership role Biden. attended at my home where, before he the United States plays in the world. JOE BIDEN leaves the Vice Presi- greeted a single guest, he made sure to Over the years, Vice President BIDEN dency, but he will never leave the fight spend time with my children—greeting has lent his diplomatic hand to U.S. for all Americans—Black, Brown, them and engaging them in a real con- engagement in development and secu- White, poor, working class, middle versation. They have never forgotten rity in places like Eastern Europe and class, gay, straight, Muslim, Chris- that. the Northern Triangle countries of tian—everyone—fighting for what is And, as the meal was ending, the Central America. He has worked tire- right, fighting to make sure we all Vice President said he wanted to hear lessly to strengthen our partnerships have a fair shot. from each of our guests. Now, this may across the globe, in places like Asia, JOE’s heart is as big as they come. I come as no surprise to those of you Europe, and the Middle East, in an ef- honor his decades of work, commit- who know JOE BIDEN, but he actually fort to further U.S. interests and the ment, and accomplishments, and I look spoke at some considerable length values upon which our Nation has forward to JOE continuing being JOE— about how important he thought it was thrived. the same guy I met in 1972—working to hear from everybody who was there. When he was in Denver this past Sep- hard every day to make a difference in Two and a half hours into a dinner tember to speak at the Korbel School, the lives of all Americans. scheduled to last just 90 minutes, I the Vice President warned against Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, today I think one guest got to ask the Vice ‘‘turning inward.’’ JOE has no capacity wish to honor the contributions and President a question. to turn inward in any walk of life. His the long and colorful career of Vice I know Vice President BIDEN and his career is characterized by reaching President JOE BIDEN—the pride of exceptional partner, Jill, will continue outward to the American people and to Scranton, PA—and of Wilmington, to be engaged in the life of our Nation, the world, working to listen, collabo- DE—and the pride of the entire United so I will simply thank him today for rate, heal, and serve. We can all learn States. four decades of public service—and a lot from that open and inclusive ap- JOE BIDEN lived, learned, and grew up pledge my continued respect for his proach. among hard-working Americans in the many contributions to this great Na- We are grateful for the Vice Presi- 1950s and 1960s, when everything in tion which he loves so completely. dent’s leadership and example. I thank America seemed possible—and it was. Thank you, Mr. Vice President. him and his incredible family for their Remarkably, this gifted orator grew up Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I want service to our Nation. with a crippling stutter—a challenge to join in honoring Vice President Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I which he overcame through determina- BIDEN’s lifetime of service and sacrifice would like to pay tribute to an incred- tion and perseverance. He displayed to our country. ible leader, public servant, mentor, and that same uncommon strength after he Throughout his career, Vice Presi- friend. lost his wife and daughter in a horrific dent BIDEN has carried out his work It seems impossible to place a period car accident just weeks after being with a sense of humility, integrity, and on the public service career of JOSEPH first elected to the United States Sen- authenticity that often seems missing ROBINETTE BIDEN, Jr. ate. in today’s politics. So perhaps this is just an ellipsis. Vice President BIDEN considered giv- He served as either chairman or For 36 years, JOE BIDEN was a tow- ing up his seat to tend to his injured ranking member of the Senate Judici- ering presence in this body. As a mem- children. It is one of this country’s ary Committee for 17 years. In this ca- ber, ranking member, and chairman of great fortunes that JOE BIDEN decided pacity, he crafted the Violence Against the Foreign Relations Committee, he against that. Scarred by the tragedy Women Act, which provided critical dove headfirst into the most chal- and by a close brush with death himself new protections to victims of domestic lenging issues in a volatile world, shap- and more recently by the loss of his violence and sexual assault. The land- ing a generation of U.S. foreign policy. son Beau, the Vice President has shown mark bill also supported local law en- He tackled arms control issues, stood us the power of and the comfort de- forcement to help increase prosecu- up directly to Slobodan Milosevic, rived from a deep personal faith. tions and convictions of abusers. He fought against apartheid in South Afri- When he was first elected to the has continued this legacy by serving as ca, and strongly advocated for NATO United States Senate in 1972, he was the White House Adviser on Violence bombing of in the 1990s. He once only 29 years old. And in a Senate ca- Against Women. called his contribution to ending the reer spanning 36 years, Senator BIDEN Most recently, he led the White Yugoslav wars one of the ‘‘proudest left behind a legacy as chairman of the House’s efforts on the Cancer Moonshot moments’’ of his political career. For Senate Foreign Relations Committee. initiative, which seeks to hasten our years, he worked to shape our policy in Perhaps his greatest achievement was advances in cancer research, preven- Iraq and the Middle East. He did so not his tireless advocacy for civil rights, tion, and treatment. Earlier today, the just from his Washington office, but especially the protection of women and Senate passed a bill to help make the through regular visits to warzones, children from domestic violence. The Cancer Moonshot initiative a reality, where he met face to face with military passage of the Violence Against Women which is a further testament to the leaders and enlisted men and women, Act in 1994 is an enduring Biden legacy Vice President’s leadership and char- alike. This is JOE BIDEN’s legacy. which we will continue to build upon acter. As a member and chairman of the Ju- for years to come. The Vice President’s involvement in diciary Committee, Senator BIDEN And now, even as he is about to retire the Cancer Moonshot initiative was spearheaded the Federal assault weap- from political life, Vice President born out of the death of his son, Beau, ons ban, presided over Supreme Court BIDEN has taken on a new cause: to find who lost his battle with brain cancer confirmations, and—in perhaps his a cure for the disease which has last year. The Vice President also grap- most significant legislative triumph— claimed too many millions of Ameri- pled with tragedy at a young age when authored the Violence Against Women cans, including his beloved son, Beau. his first wife and his 13-month-old Act. The Cancer Moonshot has refocused daughter were killed in a car accident. For generations, violence against and reinvigorated our Nation’s efforts The poise, dignity, and humility that women was a private matter—a trag- to eradicate this devastating disease, the Vice President has been able to edy suffered over and over by women and I was proud to support renaming maintain in the face of these tragedies with no recourse against abusive part- the legislation to honor Beau Biden. speaks to his strength and his char- ners. VAWA brought this scourge out

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.066 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 of the shadows and into the open, af- meeting so he could take the call. The Whether it was passing the Violence firming that domestic violence sur- same rule extended to staff. He never Against Women Act, leading the con- vivors would NOT also be victimized by wanted to hear that someone had gressional opposition to apartheid the system that was supposed to pro- stayed at work instead of making it to South Africa, or advocating for Am- tect them. Because of VAWA, which a graduation, Little League game, or trak, JOE honored the Senate with his Senator BIDEN helped reauthorize three school play. service. times, 3.4 million women and men have That, laid bare, is JOE BIDEN. He This year, after the loss of his be- called the National Domestic Violence came to Washington on the shoulders loved son Beau, JOE harnessed his grief Hotline and gotten the support they of his family, which fanned out across to spearhead a new Cancer Moonshot need. From 1994, when VAWA became Delaware and knocked on doors until initiative to accelerate finding cures law, until 2010, the rate of domestic vi- there were no more doors to knock. for cancer. olence in the United States has fallen When tragedy struck—between his im- This past Monday night, with JOE by 64 percent. These are real accom- probable election victory and his presiding, we named this initiative in plishments and real people—not just swearing in—and he suffered the un- memory of Beau. statistics. This is JOE BIDEN’s legacy. imaginable loss of his wife and infant After Monday’s vote, JOE said that it And, as everyone knows, he did it all daughter, his family pulled him closer. made him realize all of the support he commuting daily from and to his be- He stayed by the hospital beds of his has had since Beau’s passing. loved Delaware. two sons, Beau and Hunter, and nursed In the face of his own loss, JOE has Then he got a job that included ac- them back to health, questioning all supported countless other families in commodation in Washington, DC. along whether he would ever serve in similar situations. JOE BIDEN has transformed the job of the Senate. I will remember JOE for this incred- Vice President. A key liaison to Con- But this body—this Senate—pulled ible empathy. gress because of his years of relation- him closer, too. Senators Inouye, This year we lost our colleague and ships on , JOE BIDEN stood Mansfield, Humphrey, Hollings, and friend Congressman Mark Takai of Ha- shoulder to shoulder with President Kennedy all pleaded with him to give waii. Obama and brought our economy back the Senate a chance: ‘‘Just six months, I affectionately called Mark my from the brink. Vice President BIDEN JOE. Just stay six months.’’ younger brother, and his passing was a was tasked with implementing and He stayed 36 years. And he learned shock to many of us. overseeing the American Recovery and lessons about character and motives— JOE joined us to honor Mark at a me- Reinvestment Act, which laid the foun- lessons we are all still learning today. morial service here in the Capitol. dation for a sustainable economic fu- He learned from Mike Mansfield never Reflecting on his own life, JOE spoke ture we are experiencing today. to question another man’s motive— directly to Mark’s wife, Sami, and his He also tackled longer term eco- question his judgment but never his children, Matthew and Kaila: nomic challenges, traveling the coun- motive. It was a lesson that bridged di- I promise you that the day will come when try in support of American manufac- vides that too often keep us apart. The Mark’s memory brings a smile to your lips turing jobs and working tirelessly to lesson made for lasting friendships before it brings a tear to your eye. rein in the exorbitant cost of college with Jesse Helms and Strom Thur- My prayer for you and your family is that and spiraling student loan debt. JOE mond—whose eulogy he delivered. they come sooner rather than later. But I promise you. I promise you it will come. BIDEN believes in his bones that all JOE BIDEN arrived in the Senate after Americans deserve a fair shot. a 1972 campaign heavy on civil rights. Like so many times in his life, JOE’s That is why he was an early advocate Years later, the centerpiece in his Sen- words spoke to our hearts. for marriage equality. He accelerated ate office was a large table that had be- From his own experience, he com- change, forcing a conversation that, at longed to Senator John Stennis, forted the Takais and so many of us its heart, was about love and the sim- around which Senator Richard Russell who knew Mark. ple premise of all men and women and Southern segregationists had That is who JOE is—a man of empa- being equal. planned the demise of the civil rights thy and soul, who always had a kind His belief in a fair shot for all is why movement. In 2009, JOE BIDEN became word, and who will leave a legacy of Vice President BIDEN devoted incred- Vice President to our first African- commitment to doing the right thing, ible energy after the Sandy Hook American President. and a legacy of hope. shooting to sparing other families the The arc of the moral universe is long, JOE, you will be missed. heartbreak felt by too many in New- but it does indeed bend toward justice. Mahalo for your service. town. Some of the most challenging We have not seen the end of JOE Mr. KING. Mr. President, today I days of the Obama administration were BIDEN. Just this week, he presided over would like to join with my colleagues days of mass shootings. this body as we took an important step to honor Vice President JOSEPH R. Aurora, San Bernardino, Orlando, toward realizing the dream of the Can- BIDEN. Fort Hood, Charleston, Tucson, and of cer Moonshot—an ambitious project to Though I did not have the privilege course Newtown—to anyone who has end cancer as we know it. to serve with Vice President BIDEN been active in the push for common- It is another effort that has profound while he was a Member of the Senate, sense gun safety measures—as I have— personal meaning to the Vice Presi- I have long admired JOE and his sincere the Vice President’s steady hand, com- dent, who lost his son Beau to this hor- commitment to the people of this mitment, and leadership in this space rible disease. It is also a place where country and especially to those in his have been obvious. Along with the JOE BIDEN’s work will have lasting, in- beloved home State of Delaware. President, he has comforted families, delible effect on Americans—indeed all The details of JOE’s early years are devoted countless hours to healing, and of humanity—if he is successful. well known to this body and to the Na- contributed energy and ideas to a And that is JOE BIDEN’s legacy. tion, but because they are so central to years-long push that will eventually af- He brought people together. He tack- his character, they bear repeating. fect real change and keep the most le- led the impossible. He overcame obsta- After an upset win of a U.S. Senate thal weapons out of the hands of the cles. He bridged divides. Tireless and seat at just 29 years old, JOE experi- most dangerous people. fierce, JOE BIDEN put family and coun- enced a tragedy that most of us cannot And that will be JOE BIDEN’s legacy. try first. We cannot ask for more than even begin to fathom—the death of his Vice President JOE BIDEN was taught that. wife, Neilia, and his young daughter, early on by his parents that hard work Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, I rise to Naomi, in a car accident just weeks be- mattered, that how you treat others join my colleagues to pay tribute to fore he was set to take office. A now- matters, and above all else that family Vice President JOE BIDEN. iconic photograph shows a young JOE matters most. Throughout his career, JOE has made countless contributions being sworn into office at his sons’ hos- he had a rule in his office: if one of his to our country throughout his more pital bedside. children, his wife Jill, or a sibling than 40 years in public service and six A tragedy of that magnitude, so called, staff was to pull him out of a terms in the U.S. Senate. early in JOE’s career, would have been

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.059 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6809 reason for most to put on hold—or even ciated more with political rancor than briefly: Senator ALEXANDER, Senator end—a promising future in public serv- authenticity, JOE has long been a CARDIN, Senator CASEY, and Senator ice. Indeed, no one would have faulted breath of fresh air, an homage to a KAINE. My senior Senator, TOM CARPER JOE had he decided that the demands of more amicable past. His ability to get of Delaware, will conclude this session the work he was set to undertake were things done while making steadfast today. not worth pursuing after the unimagi- friends on both sides of the aisle is a I yield the floor to the Senator from nable loss he had just experienced. But, model for all of us and an inspiration Tennessee. from the depths of his sorrow, JOE sum- to me. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator moned the courage to press forward, I wish JOE and his wife, Jill, nothing from Tennessee. committing himself to his two sons and but the best as they move onto their Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, to his work fighting for Delaware in next adventure. I know in times of knowing there is a reception coming, I the U.S. Senate. Committed to caring trial, I will look to JOE’s leadership will try to set a good example. After for his young family in the wake of and example for the wisdom to make hearing a speech, my late friend Alex such loss, JOE would take the train the right decision. Haley, the author of ‘‘Roots,’’ said: from Wilmington to Washington each Mr. Vice President, on behalf of the May I make a suggestion? day the Senate was in session. people of Maine, I thank you for your I said: Well, yes. During his 36 years as a member of service to our country. He said: If, when you make a speech, this body, JOE distinguished himself as Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, today I you would say ‘‘Instead of making a a thoughtful, principled leader on a join my colleagues in celebrating the speech, let me tell you a story,’’ some- number of critical issues. JOE’s leader- many contributions of Vice President one might actually listen to what you ship on the Senate Judiciary Com- JOE BIDEN, a man who has spent his ca- have to say. mittee put him at the center of some of reer fighting for working families. I have always remembered that, so the most consequential debates in re- For more than four decades, Vice let me tell one short story about a Vice cent years, from passage of the 1994 President BIDEN has tirelessly served President who knows how to get things Crime Law to the enactment of the Vi- the people of Delaware and the United done. olence Against Women Act. In his role States. As many of my colleagues have Nearly 2 years ago, you and Presi- on the Senate Foreign Relations Com- already noted, he has been on the dent Obama invited Senator CORKER mittee, JOE garnered the respect of frontlines of some of our Nation’s and me to go with you to Knoxville lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as toughest battles—from steering the when the President announced his com- he helped to shape U.S. foreign policy. Foreign Relations and Judiciary Com- munity college program. Before that, His leadership in both of these areas, as mittees, to introducing the Violence we had lunch privately, and we talked well as the respect of his colleagues in Against Women Act and championing about many things, but the President Congress, made JOE a natural pick to efforts to reduce gun violence in our talked about his interest in precision join then-Senator Obama as his run- communities. He takes on every fight medicine. ning mate in 2008. with restless energy and relentless op- I said: Mr. President, we are working As Vice President, JOE has been a timism. on something we call 21st Century trusted adviser to President Obama I first met then-Senator BIDEN back Cures. Why don’t we fold that into your and has been tasked with overseeing in the 1990s when I was a law professor precision medicine interest, and we significant initiatives within the ad- with no experience in the ways of will do it together. ministration. From his work on the Washington. We tangled over an issue, At the State of the Union address a economic stimulus package in 2009 to each of us laying into the fight with year later, the President talked about his continued leadership in the fight determination. Senator BIDEN won, and the Cancer Moonshot and announced against sexual assault and domestic vi- I lost. Years later, when I next saw Vice President JOE BIDEN would be in olence, JOE has brought to the White him, he held out his arms and shouted charge of that. So I talked to you and House his characteristic dedication and from halfway across the room, ‘‘Pro- said: Well, we will just fold that in as charisma. It has been a pleasure to ob- fessor! Come here and give me a hug!’’ well. serve the real friendship that the Vice He had not forgotten our earlier bat- It wasn’t moving along as fast as I President has forged with President tle, but he made it clear that he con- would like because, as you know and as Obama, one grounded in mutual re- tinued to think and rethink issues most people here know, it is full of dif- spect and admiration for one another. about working families and that, even ficult issues—FDA, safety, moving We saw again last year JOE’s when we disagreed, we could respect— things though, drug companies’ incen- strength in the face of adversity when and even like—each other. And when I tives, and then the funding issue on cancer claimed the life of his son, was later sworn into the United States both sides of the aisle. Beau. Like his father, Beau Biden was Senate, I thought about the example he So I called you and I said: JOE, we are a gifted communicator, and the Nation set to fight hard, but to treat each not moving as we should. mourned alongside JOE at the news of other with respect. You said: Well, let me see what I can his passing. In the aftermath of Beau’s The Vice President has faced down do. death, JOE accepted the President’s hardship with exceptional grace and And you held a meeting of the Demo- charge to lead the Cancer Moonshot courage, and he continues to wake up crats and Republicans in the House— initiative to accelerate cancer re- every day with a steadfast commit- Senator MURRAY and me—and you search—yet another shining example of ment to ensuring that the voices of or- moved us along pretty well and off we JOE channeling his experience with loss dinary Americans are heard here in would go. You didn’t take credit for into advancement for the public good. Washington. And for me personally, he that; nobody knew much about it. You It is a fitting testament to JOE’s lead- has provided encouragement, wisdom, were the key to that. ership that the cancer provisions in the and good counsel, time and again—and Then it got stuck again. So I called bill currently under consideration in for that, I am truly grateful. you again. I said: JOE, I have the preci- the Senate, the 21st Century Cures Act, So, Vice President BIDEN: those of us sion medicine, I have the Cancer Moon- were renamed in honor of Beau. I know here in the Senate are fortunate to shot, we have the BRAIN Initiative, we of few people who have endured the have had the opportunity to work have the opioids money, but I can’t get magnitude of loss that JOE has over the alongside you. And I know I speak for a response. I feel like the butler stand- course of his life, and the fact that he millions of Americans when I say that ing with a silver platter outside the carries on every day with a full heart we all are enormously grateful for your Oval Office, and no one will take the and renewed dedication to fighting for many years of service to this country. order. the American people is an inspiration. Thank you, and I wish you the very You said: If you want to feel like a Beyond his accomplishments—which best as you begin the next chapter of butler, try being Vice President. are many—JOE is perhaps best known your life and career. Well, the fact was, you went to work for his good humor and genuine ability Mr. COONS. We have five Senators again. The President called; he went to to connect with people. In a city asso- remaining who have asked to speak work. Speaker RYAN went to work,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:40 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.061 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 Senator MCCONNELL went to work, and very difficult issues, your openness, resentatives. JOE’s sister Valerie ran today that legislation on which you your willingness to listen, and your the campaign; most of the other worked so hard passed the Senate with ability to find a way to go forward ‘‘staff’’ were other family members. He 94 votes. That is an example of a man were incredibly helpful. I think it al- demonstrated his extraordinary ability who understands the issues, who knows lowed the Senate to do the right thing to connect with voters and won the how to get things done, and who has on that issue—as well as the oversight. election by 3,162 votes and became the the respect of everyone in this body. I thank you very much. sixth-youngest Senator in U.S. history. This is Pearl Harbor Day. Pearl Har- That wasn’t your only opportunity to Just a few weeks after the election, bor Day reminds us of the greatest gen- help us resolve issues. You have heard JOE’s wife and their infant daughter eration of men and women who cared Members talk about the Violence Naomi were killed in a traffic accident; about the country, didn’t care about Against Women Act and how important their two young sons, Hunter and Beau, the credit, resolved their differences, that was. The Cancer Moonshot is were seriously injured. JOE was sworn and realized that diversity is impor- going to be incredibly valuable. Each in to the U.S. Senate next to his sons’ tant but turning that diversity into one of our families has been affected by hospital beds and steadfastly began one America is even more important. cancer. Through your efforts, we know commuting to Washington from Wil- You are not of that generation, but you we are going to find the answer to this mington every day by train, a practice show the same spirit as that genera- dread disease. You have done this in so he maintained throughout his career in tion did. Your work on 21st Century many different areas, law enforce- the Senate. Cures and the fact that the Cancer ment—the list goes on and on. In 1977, Vice President BIDEN married Moonshot section is not only some- Last year I was in Central America. I Jill Jacobs. Jill has a Ph.D. in edu- thing that is your initiative—is named think there you could easily run for of- cation and is a lifelong educator. To- for your son—is important not just to fice and have no problems at all. They gether, JOE and Jill had daughter, Ash- you but to all of us. know what you have done to give them ley, who is a social worker. You are a friend of every single one a hope, to give them a future. You take JOE’s affinity for the people of Dela- of us. We honor you today. We are de- an interest in an area and find a way to ware was reciprocal: he was re-elected lighted you came down to let us tell a be helpful that I think has made our to the Senate six times, including in few stories about your effectiveness as country stronger. You have given hope 2008 when he was also elected Vice Vice President of the United States. to people all over the world. President. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator You have a love for people. You hear In February of 1988, JOE was admit- from Maryland. that. You hear that often. It was Will Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I also Rogers who famously said he never met ted to Walter Reed Army Medical Cen- wish to join in thanking you for your a man he didn’t like. That is true of ter. He had an intracranial aneurysm that had begun leaking. The situation incredible service. Senator MIKULSKI JOE BIDEN. It is incredible. talked about a lot of things you have I remember when I was being sworn was dire, a priest had actually adminis- done. The two of us represent the State in, in the ceremony in the Old Senate tered last rites at the hospital. The of Maryland. Other than the two of us, Chamber, you not only talked to Mem- surgery was successful but he suffered there is no other Senator who has bers of the Senate, you talked to every a pulmonary embolism and had to un- spent more time in Maryland than the member of our families. I don’t know if dergo another operation, which was Vice President. you had the best staff work or not, but successful, in May 1988. Two brain op- Admittedly, most of that time was you knew every Member’s family. To erations might slow down most people, spent on an Amtrak train, but we con- this day my grandchildren talk about but not JOE. Two years after he nearly sider you to be a resident of Maryland. the conversation they had with you died, he won re-election to a fourth We have tried to find a way to tax you, during that swearing-in ceremony. You Senate term. but we will let you get by. We very really care about people, and that real- JOE’s Senate career wasn’t just long; much appreciate your interest in our ly shows. This is a family here, and you it was distinguished. He became the entire region and in our entire country. have truly shown that to us. Myrna Ranking Member of the Judiciary When I was elected to the Senate in and I look at you and Jill as people Committee in 1981. Three years later, 2007, I talked to Senator Sarbanes—the who are part of our family. he helped to steer the Comprehensive person whom I was replacing in the I think you are, perhaps, the most Crime Control Act to passage. It was Senate—about committee assignments, ebullient politician in America. Hor- the first of many major legislative ac- and we talked about the Senate For- rific family tragedies and life-threat- complishments which included the Vio- eign Relations Committee. He said: Get ening cranial aneurysms severely test- lent Crime Control & Law Enforcement on the committee. JOE BIDEN is an in- ed, but ultimately didn’t diminish, Act of 1994. That bill contained the as- credible leader. Any time you can your faith in God or your love for the sault weapon ban and the Violence spend with him is going to be time well ‘‘retail’’ aspect of politics—meeting Against Women Act, and it established spent. and greeting people, making those the Community Oriented Policing I talked to Senator MIKULSKI, and human connections. Services (COPS) program. she told me the same thing. I was hon- Mr. President, for those who may not JOE’s accomplishments on the domes- ored to be able to serve on the Senate know your story, I would like to tell tic policy side are impressive, but he Foreign Relations Committee and saw them part of it. JOE BIDEN was born in also became a foreign policy expert. firsthand your extraordinary leader- Scranton and raised there before his When Congress refused to ratify the ship on behalf of our country. But parents moved the family to Delaware. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks bringing us together in that com- He was the first member of his family (SALT) II Treaty Soviet leader Leonid mittee, you didn’t know who the to attend college. He earned his B.A. Brezhnev and President Jimmy Carter Democrats and who the Republicans from the University of Delaware and signed in 1979, JOE met with Soviet were. We worked together in a unit in then went to law school at Syracuse Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. He the best interests of our country. That University, during which time he mar- was able to secure changes to the Trea- really was a model for all of us in the ried his college sweetheart, Neilia Hun- ty to overcome the Senate Foreign Re- service of the Senate and service on be- ter. They had three children—two sons lations Committee’s objections. He has half of our people. and a daughter. played a pivotal role in shaping U.S. A little over 8 years later, I became a In 1972, just four years after JOE foreign policy ever since. I was honored ranking member of the Senate Foreign graduated from law school and when he to serve on the Foreign Relations Com- Relations Committee, and we had some was just 29 years old—he ran a bare mittee for the last 2 years JOE served extremely challenging issues that bones, longshot campaign for the U.S. as Chairman. I have been honored to could have divided us. You helped me Senate against the incumbent, Caleb work with him in his current capacity through that period. I really wish to ‘‘Cale’’ Boggs, who had previously been as Vice President to expand the North thank you for that. Your extraordinary Delaware’s Governor and had served Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, leadership in helping us resolve some three terms in the U.S. House of Rep- to include the former Warsaw Pact

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:40 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.070 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6811 countries of Eastern and Central Eu- means to be able to stand on the floor justice. His whole public life could be rope and support a sovereign, demo- and talk about his record, his life, his summarized in that word and the com- cratic Ukraine. He is a champion of achievements, but mostly to talk mitment he has had to justice. We and has been one of the principal about who he is. could quote from the Bible: ‘‘Blessed architects of administration’s rebal- When I consider what he has contrib- are they who hunger and thirst for jus- ance to the Asia-Pacific. He has devel- uted to our country, to his State, and tice, for they shall be satisfied.’’ I am oped deep relationships with the world to the world, it is difficult to encap- not sure JOE BIDEN has ever been satis- leaders by excelling at face-to-face di- sulate it. I tried to jot down a few fied yet with justice. He is always pur- plomacy. notes to remind myself of how best to suing it, always trying to bring justice Mr. President, we were all devastated encapsulate that life. to a problem or to a situation or to the when your beloved son Beau lost his I guess I would start with the word life of a fellow citizen. battle with brain cancer last year. ‘‘integrity.’’ It may be a word that we We think of what Saint Augustine Beau was just 46. It was a poignant mo- take for granted, but it is a word that said about justice a long time ago, but ment on Monday when you were in the has to be part of the life of a public of- it still bears repeating: ‘‘Without jus- Chair, presiding over the Senate as we ficial. I would say in the case of JOE tice, what are kingdoms but great voted to invoke cloture on the motion BIDEN, he has the kind of integrity that bands of robbers?’’ That is what Saint to concur in the House message to ac- is uncommon—uncommon not because Augustine said hundreds of years ago. company H.R. 34, the 21st Century it is a rare trait but uncommon be- JOE BIDEN has lived his life as a public Cures Act. The bill contains provisions cause it is so much a part of his whole official and as a man, as a citizen, with to implement the administration’s life. He was a public official with integ- that same burning desire to bring jus- ‘‘Cancer Moonshot’’—yet another one rity, and we hope he is again when he tice into the dark corners of our world. of your sparking accomplishments. I might consider public office again. But And he knows that without that jus- want to commend Senator MCCONNELL he is also a person of great integrity tice, someone is, in fact, robbed of so and the majority for renaming that when it comes to the fights he has had much—robbed of their dignity, robbed title of the bill the ‘‘Beau Biden Cancer to wage on behalf of people without of their safety, robbed of a full life. Moonshot and National Institutes of power, the work he has had to do as a But I think I would say that maybe Health (NIH) Innovation Projects’’. I public official infused with that kind of the best line, with all due respect to know it means a lot to you and your integrity and, at the same time, the the Scriptures and to Saint Augustine, family. same kind of integrity we expect from was one my father said. He wrote it I have made my lifetime serving in a family member and a friend. So I down years ago, but he probably gave public life. You have made that profes- would start with that word. maybe the best description of what a sion an honorable profession through Certainly the word ‘‘compassion’’ public official should be about. I am the manner in which you have con- comes to mind. Every one of us can tell not sure I have ever attributed this to ducted yourself, your integrity, who a story. I was hearing stories just yes- anyone else but him. He said the most you are, and the way that you bring terday from a colleague about a phone important qualities a public official people together. I am proud to have call the Vice President made over the can bring to their work are two things: served with you in this body. last couple of years to someone who No. 1, a passion for justice—which, of Mr. President, you have been an ex- was grieving, who was in the depths of course, JOE BIDEN has in abundance— traordinary public servant for nearly the darkness of grief, and the phone and a sense of outrage in the face of in- half a century. You have also been a call he made to that person. justice; that if you have both of those, dedicated family man and a good I have heard stories over the years on most days, you are going to get it friend. I said at the beginning of my re- about not just phone calls but visits right. And his life as a U.S. Senator for marks that you never met a man you with people, stopping into a funeral 36 years, as Vice President for 8 years, didn’t like. I don’t think anyone who home for a long lost friend who had and as a citizen for all of those years has ever met you didn’t like you, too. lost a loved one, letters he has written. and more, has been about that passion Congratulations. I know a personal friend who lost his for justice and a sense of outrage in the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator wife and his sons had lost their mom face of injustice. from Pennsylvania. and what the Vice President wrote to We all know his record; we don’t have Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, it is an them just this summer. Over and over to recite all of it. From the Violence honor to be here today. I was thinking again, he has demonstrated that kind Against Women Act, which we know is about what I would say today and mak- of compassion. an acronym—VAWA—but it doesn’t do ing it as brief and as personal as I I can remember my own case in a justice to the name of what that could. I have to say that on a day like very personal way. It was only an elec- meant. So many today have talked today it is difficult. We all have the tion loss. I ran for Governor of Penn- about how he saved the lives of women privilege of being able to go to this sylvania in a primary. As many of my and families because of that legisla- floor on a regular basis to talk about colleagues know, primaries are par- tion. So from VAWA to ARRA, as we issues, to talk about our country, and ticularly difficult. I lost badly. No one call it—the American Recovery and Re- to talk about the world, but we also called on Wednesday after Tuesday. investment Act, the act that helped dig have one of the great privileges to talk One reporter showed up at my door, this economy out of the ditch it was in about those with whom we have served and I opened the door and I really and rescued this country and improved and for whom we have great respect. couldn’t say much to this reporter, but the lives of so many people—he not This is one of those moments. It is of I was grateful she was there. But I got only worked to get it passed, but then great significance for me that I am one phone call on Wednesday—maybe a he made sure it was implemented. It able to stand on the floor of the Senate couple of family members; I come from might be the most popular piece of leg- as a native of and as a resident of the a family of eight. I think my wife was islation 25 years from now when people city of Scranton in Lackawanna Coun- talking to me, but other than that, the really appreciate what happened with ty to talk about a son of Scranton. only person who called me was JOE the Recovery Act. I know this is a pretty big day for BIDEN. He made some kind of grand From diplomacy, to law enforcement, Delaware—Delaware’s No. 1 citizen and prediction—I thought he was just being to not just supporting our troops, not on this historic day for Delaware. But nice—that I would somehow come just working on legislation and sup- I have to say I am so grateful to be back. But he was right. And he made porting them not only when his son able to say on behalf of the people of me feel much better that day. He may was a member of our Armed Forces but Scranton and Lackawanna County in not remember it, but I will remember long before that, to what he did very Northeastern Pennsylvania how proud that for the rest of my life. specifically to protect our troops—we we are today to be able to pay tribute I think certainly when we think know the scourge of IEDs, which was to Vice President JOE BIDEN. about the Vice President, we could cen- the No. 1 killer of our troops in Iraq There is so much to say about that ter on another one word: ‘‘justice’’—an and in Afghanistan. A lot of those history, so much to say about what it abiding and enduring commitment to troops’ lives were saved because of JOE

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:16 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.029 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 BIDEN up-armoring vehicles and doing preciated. That, of course, is why he is State that day when Senator JOE BIDEN all the work he did to protect our such a big fan of the Nelson household, was running for Vice President with troops. not only of Grace and Nan Ellen but our President, Barack Obama. So whether it was national security also of Bill Junior. He always treats I received a call in the middle of the or security on our streets, whether it our children with respect and goes out morning: There was going to be a sur- was protecting women who would be of his way. prise visit to a polling place in Rich- the subject of abuse or helping children In Florida, fortunately we had the mond. After having voted in Wil- or improving our economy—on and good fortune of seeing him a lot in his mington, Senator BIDEN was going to on—we could talk about that record. two campaigns as Vice President and make a stop in Richmond and wanted But just as you can’t just list achieve- then the campaign for the ticket in to meet some voters before he headed ments in a record and encapsulate this last campaign. I can remember to Chicago to await the election re- what it means, so the same is true of a those days. It was so cold in a horse sults. We gave him the address of an el- 36-year career in the U.S. Senate and pasture west of Ocala. And I can re- ementary school polling place that was then 8 years as Vice President. member recently just absolutely cook- very near the Richmond Airport, and I Lincoln probably said it best. Lincoln ing in North Palm Beach on the stage raced there with my security detail to said, ‘‘It is not the years in your life in the hot sun, and JOE was always get there a few minutes before he ar- that matters, in the end, it is the life there making the case for whoever it rived for a surprise visit with voters in those years.’’ And that is, I think, was he was standing up for. who were going to love having the true of JOE BIDEN as well. Of course, he always made you feel chance to meet the soon-to-be Vice Two more points. One of the best that you were welcome. I remember President. I got there a few minutes be- qualities of the Vice President as a one time we got off an airplane, and he fore Senator BIDEN arrived, and I saw a man especially but also as a public offi- was going to his limousine and I am friend who had come to vote. I asked cial is his sense of gratitude. If you going back to the guest van in the how he was doing. He said: I am doing knew him for half an hour or for your back. He motions, I am to come with great. I am really excited about voting whole life, you know that almost al- him. I said, ‘‘Mr. Vice President, I today. And it is also a special day be- ways he is speaking about people in his never presumed that I should come cause I have a nephew with sickle cell life who made him who he is today, here.’’ He says, ‘‘I always want you anemia and he is casting his first vote, whether it is his mother and father or here with me when we are traveling to- but he is so sick, he can’t even get out whether it is his whole family, includ- gether.’’ That is what makes him so of the vehicle. ing brothers and sisters and his sons special. I watched the election officials at the and daughters and, of course, Jill. It is Finally, I want to comment about polling place take a voting machine a reminder of how grateful we should Moonshot. Why is the effort at cancer from inside the school into the car so be. In so many ways, when you hear research called the Moonshot? It is be- that his 18-year-old nephew could cast JOE BIDEN speak, his speeches tend to cause we achieved what was almost the the first vote of his life. I saw this be, on many occasions, a hymn to grat- impossible when the President said we young man, the nephew of my friend, itude, and that comes through all the are going to the moon and return safe- and he was very ill. time. ly within the decade, and America mar- I said to my friend and his nephew: We know how much he suffered with shaled the will and in fact did that in- Can you wait here for 5 minutes? Be- all of the losses he has sustained. I was credible accomplishment. That is why cause I think we can do something talking to him recently at an event in we are going to have the Moonshot for really exciting. Scranton about his son Beau and his cancer. What? life and what a patriot Beau Biden was. We have already made so much Well, just wait. I think today we can say the following progress; but now, with the former And they said they would. about the Vice President: This is a man Vice President of the United States Within 5 minutes, Senator BIDEN who was a great, great Vice President. heading up all the efforts where we can came up to meet voters and shook the This is a man who was a committed keep the attention on NIH, so it hands of those in line. I said: Senator, and very effective U.S. Senator, but doesn’t go from a level rocking along there is a young man here, and just as maybe most important, he has been a about $24 billion, $25 billion a year, and this day is very important to you, be- faithful son, a loving and proud hus- the stimulus shoots it in the first 2 cause I think you are about to be elect- band and father, and a patriot. years of the Vice President’s office up ed Vice President of the United States, Thank you, sir, and God bless you. to $30 billion a year, then it drops down for this young African-American male, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator to $24 billion, $25 billion, and Dr. who is very ill but extremely excited from Florida. Francis Collins has to cancel 700 of the even in his illness to get out of his Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, these medical research grants that he has al- house to come here and cast his vote to speeches were just supposed to go on ready issued. Because we have the elect the first African-American Presi- for 1 hour, and we are already at the 2- Moonshot headed by JOE BIDEN, we are dent—he is sitting there in that vehi- hour mark, but perhaps, since we are going to find the cure for all those cle. Will you go and visit with him? honoring you, this is most appropriate. kinds of cancer. That is the great leg- I didn’t even have to finish the sen- I would say to our colleagues and our acy that the Vice President of the tence and put the question mark at the guests, you say the name among us of United States will have. end before Senator BIDEN shot across JOE BIDEN, and a smile automatically Mr. President, I yield the floor. the parking lot and went up to the ve- comes to our lips, and that is because The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator hicle. The press corps was following the Vice President is a lover of people. from Virginia. him. The young man was sitting in the That is true. We know it is true. And Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I rise in back seat. JOE just jumped in the front that is why today we have this genuine honor of your service. seat, closed the door, rolled up the win- affection being expressed. I just want to tell my favorite JOE dow so nobody could hear the conversa- Since the hour is late, my remarks BIDEN story. This is a story the Vice tion, and the press corps gathered are going to be very short, but I just President has heard me tell, but I want around all four sides of the vehicle want to highlight that it is very true it on the Record because everyone with their cameras taking pictures of and it is very characteristic. I can even should know this story. It is the story Senator BIDEN in an extremely ani- tell all of the stories of the Biden fam- of an interaction between our Vice mated and somewhat lengthy conversa- ily because I have heard them so much. President on one of the most important tion with the 18-year-old who had just It is also very true that if you are days of his life and a young man from cast his vote. To me, that will always talking to JOE and suddenly your wife Richmond, VA, my hometown, on one be the quintessential JOE BIDEN story. comes up or your daughter comes up, of the most important days of his life. JOE BIDEN is the Irish poet of Amer- all of a sudden, JOE is not focusing on It was election day 2008, and I was ican politicians. He and I share a pas- you, he is giving his total attention to Governor of Virginia. I was responsible sion for the Irish poet William Butler the ladies present, and that is most ap- for the running of the elections in my Yeats. Yeats, like our Vice President,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:17 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.075 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6813 was not just a poet. He was a man of his dad is of him, his pride in his dad is better public servant in American his- the public. He was a public official. an example that all of us as parents tory. All my best. People asked him to weigh in on polit- hope our children have for us. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator ical matters all the time. I am proud to be in this Chamber and from Indiana. Once, in the middle of the First to have been sworn in to this Chamber Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, on World War, somebody asked Yeats to by you, Mr. Vice President. I hope our behalf of all the people in our great write a war poem. He wrote a war paths will continue to cross, as I know State—and our dear colleague Senator poem, and the poem was titled ‘‘On they will, with so many of us in this Bayh is here because of his love as Being Asked for a War Poem.’’ The Chamber and in this country. Thank well—we want to tell you how grateful poem says this: you for your service. we are for your services, for the ex- I [often] think it better that in times like I yield the floor. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator traordinary job you have done as Vice these President for President Obama. A poet’s mouth be silent, for in truth . . . from Missouri. He has had enough of meddling who can Mrs. MCCASKILL. Mr. President, me Everybody is telling stories. As you please too. know, I had the privilege of having you A young girl in the indolence of her youth, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator put your arm around me, and when ev- Or an old man upon a winter’s night. from Massachusetts. erybody said there was no chance I The meaning of the poem is this: I Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, in 1972 could ever win, you said: You and I are may be a public figure. I may have a I was a young man in my last year at a lot alike and you can do this and you public job to do. I may be asked to do Boston College Law School, and I de- can win. a public job and to claim upon matters cided to run for State representative. I I came back, and they said: What ad- of public importance. But sometimes had a cousin who worked at NASA, an vice did Vice President BIDEN give you? even more than the matter of public older cousin, the smart one, the physi- I said: He told me that I could win. importance is the ability to please a cist. He said: Well, there is a young They said: Well, he is right a lot; I young girl or an old man—or an ill man in Delaware who is running for don’t know about that one. young man casting a first vote, an im- the Senate. You turned out to be right. So what is his name? portant vote. Then we were blessed that your sons, The fact that you took your time on JOE BIDEN. From that moment on, I was fol- Hunter and Beau, often came to Indi- that day of importance to you to shed lowing the career of this Irishman, this ana during the summers. You would some light and offer some joy to some- latter-day descendent of Hubert Hum- then come out as well. I will never for- one who was struggling—that is the phrey, a happy warrior, the man who get going to the coffee shop one Sun- JOE BIDEN who has us here for 2 hours stands up for the common man and day morning. The lady at the coffee offering these tributes. shop said to me: This has been an unbe- I yield the floor. woman in our country. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator In 1972 you had this great campaign lievable day because the Vice President from . team led by John Marttila—the great came in with all his grandchildren; Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I John—who captured your spirit, your and, by the way, JOE, he bought ice never had the privilege of serving with soul, what you represented now in this cream for everybody in the store, and you in this Chamber, but, like many of half century of American politics. you have never done that. my colleagues, I have come to know In 1976, when I ran for Congress, just I said how sorry I was that I never you as a friend and public servant and 4 years later—the same as you, age 29— did that. a model and a mentor. I have barely saying ‘‘I think I can run,’’ I walked She also said: This is one of the enough time to say a few words of trib- into the office of this man, John greatest days of my life, to meet some- ute here, but I will add more to my re- Marttila, in Boston, and it looked like body who has always looked out for marks on the RECORD. a museum to JOE BIDEN with all the working families, who has always What I want to say very simply is JOE BIDEN literature and messages on looked out for us. that you have inspired so many of us, his wall. So from that moment on, That is how we see you back home. beyond this Chamber, beyond the peo- from John Marttila, through Larry You have always looked out for us. You ple whom you have known directly, Rasky, through —through all have always cared about us. As a sec- and beyond the people with whom you of these people who worked for me and ond-generation Irish immigrant, you have worked. Countless young people worked for you, I have been privileged have always been an example to all of are involved in this noble profession to be able to chronicle your journey of us that we can accomplish anything we because of your example. work and inspiration for our country. dream of. I think it is just perfect that you are At a time when public officials and God bless you and Jill and your politics are often held in little repute the commander in chief of this rocket ship to the Moon to find the cure for whole family. We are so lucky to have and often challenged in their integrity, been touched by you. you have given us a good name, you cancer because that is a mission that The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator have given politics a good name, and has the right man who is going to be from Minnesota. you have enabled so many of us to leading it. I think that each and every serve with pride in a profession that is one of us out here knows that one of Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Vice President so vital to the continuance of our de- the reasons this bill is receiving such BIDEN, earlier Hubert Humphrey’s mocracy. Beyond pieces of legislation, an overwhelming vote today is because name was mentioned. You know the whether it is the Violence Against of you, Mr. President. It is because of great love the people of Minnesota Women Act or the assault weapon ban the respect we have for you. It is the have for you. Vice President Humphrey or criminal justice—the list goes on—is knowledge that when you were negoti- was your mentor when you first got to that model of public service. ating this bill, at the end of the day, the Senate, where you didn’t even I want to close by saying that as long you were going to put the American know if you were going to last a few as I have known JOE BIDEN, I really people first, you were going to make months here, and he was there for you. came to know him through the eyes of sure that bill reflected the highest as- You have extended that kindness to so his son. I had the honor of working and piration of every American. many since then. serving with Beau Biden when he was So I want to speak briefly because Vice President Mondale, another attorney general of the State of Dela- there is a reception after this, and Minnesotan, has great affection and ware and I was attorney general of my many people are still waiting to say love for you, and I will report back to State of Connecticut. My ambition in hello to you. I think every Member him tonight that I was here with you life is to have my four children talk wanted to come out here, and you in- today. about me with the sense of admiration spired them to speak a lot longer than When I first got elected to the Senate and love and pride that Beau Biden they may have intended on speaking, and made one of my first speeches talked about his dad. but it is because of the incredible re- about police funding to a completely I am very proud and grateful that we spect and admiration they have for empty Chamber—and I thought even had the opportunity to vote today on a you. My best to you. My wife Susan’s my mom wasn’t watching on C–SPAN— law that bears his name. As proud as best to you. There has never been a I walked out of this place and I got a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.076 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 phone call on my cell phone and it was valued education and made sure you In the case of Jill Biden, she helped JOE BIDEN, then a Senator, saying got a good one, along with his brother to mend one. As much as anybody, Val ‘‘that was a really great speech.’’ and sister. Val is up there somewhere. and your family are hugely supportive When you came to my State and one I want to say hi to Val. They valued and helped you get through a terribly of my best friends suddenly lost her education and people of faith. I am tough time, but I think Jill perhaps husband and you heard about it, you Protestant, and JOE and his family are made you whole. She got her did not know who she was, you just Catholic, but he doesn’t wear it on his undergrad, I believe, from the Univer- heard the story, and in 2 weeks, on her sleeve. I will tell you this, nobody be- sity of Delaware. She has two master’s first day back at work, she was driving lieves in the Golden Rule of treating degrees—a Ph.D. focused on how to in- home and she got a call from you. You other people the way you want to be crease retention in community colleges talked to her for 20 minutes. When you treated any more than JOE BIDEN. around the country. She got those ad- were done and had given her all this Nobody adheres to Matthew 25, the vanced degrees while working and rais- wonderful advice, you said: We are not ‘‘Least of These,’’ any more than JOE ing a family, three kids that any of us done; I want you to write down my BIDEN. Nobody does a better reading of would be proud to claim as our own. phone number. James 2: ‘‘Show me your faith by your Last week, I happened to be in a She said: I am driving, Mr. Vice words, and I will show you my faith by classroom in a school where the Vice President; I can’t do that. my deeds.’’ He doesn’t just talk a good President probably has been before, You said: Pull over. game. He doesn’t talk a whole lot Mount Pleasant Elementary School, She wrote your phone number on her about his faith, but he sure lives it. right down the road from the high hand. You did that for her, Mr. Vice From his family—from his mom and school. I was in a classroom of a President, and you have done that for dad—he learned the importance of fam- woman by the name of Wendy Turner, so many Americans. On behalf of our ily and the importance of loyalty to his who is the Delaware Teacher of the entire State of Minnesota that has family and, frankly, to his friends—his Year. I had a chance to be with her and loved you forever, thank you. multitude of friends. He learned there her grade school kids. We all gathered I yield the floor. is a difference between right and wrong The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator and figure out what it is and do right. around together, and I sat on a stool. from Delaware. Do it all the time. They gathered around me. There were Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, a few He learned a little bit about common about 20, 25 kids. I said: Why is she minutes ago, I sent up a note to you sense. My dad used to say to my sister such a great teacher? Talking about that I handwrote that said: ‘‘Flattery and me when we did some boneheaded Wendy Turner, Teacher of the Year. won’t hurt you if you don’t inhale, so stuff, just use some common sense. I They said: She loves kids. She loves don’t breathe too deeply up there.’’ think your dad said that to you once or us. They said: She knows her stuff. She I also recall walking into a hearing twice as well. One of the things your really knows what she is talking to us with EPA Administrator Gina McCar- mom used to say to you was, if you are about. She knows how to make clear thy not too long ago in the House of knocked down, get up—the idea you why it is important, like when we leave Representatives, a joint House-Senate just never give up. You know you are school, and why it is important we hearing. A lot of people had been there right, never give up. That is JOE BIDEN. learn these things. She believes every- asking questions, and she was in the People say to us in this Chamber I body can learn—everybody can learn. seat for 4 hours. It finally became my am sure every day that they wouldn’t I thought about her, and I think turn to ask a question, and I said to want our job. I wouldn’t want your job. about Jill Biden today. She is that her: Is there any question, Adminis- I know you heard that a lot of times. I kind of educator as well, continues to trator McCarthy, that you have not think we are fortunate to have these be that kind of educator as well. been asked today? She said: I wish jobs and responsibilities to serve. An A lot has been said today of the Can- somebody had asked me if I needed a even tougher job is to be married to cer Moonshot that JOE has been lead- bathroom break. one of us. Several people talked about ing with great skill and success here, There are 30 more Senators in the Jill and your bride—for how many especially today. Before there was Can- cloakroom who want to come out and years? Almost 40 years. Is that pos- cer Moonshot, there was JOE BIDEN’s speak. If you need one, let us know and sible? I first saw Jill Biden when I was breast health initiative, which helped one of the pages or somebody will take a graduate student when I was just out thousands of young women to learn your spot up there. of the Navy. I was a graduate student about the importance of early detec- It has been a joy to sit here and lis- at the University of Delaware. I hap- tion for breast cancer. ten to all these stories. , pened to see her on campus. I thought Beau went into the military, Dela- our Congressman, Governor-elect, has then, and I would say now, one of the ware National Guard, deployed to Iraq. been here and come and gone. He has two loveliest people I think I have ever Some people would send cookies and gone back to the House to go into ses- seen. The other being Martha Carper. packages to their kids and maybe write sion. He used to work for you, and you Not only is she lovely—as JOE knows— emails or Skype with them. Jill de- are one of his great mentors. He wants on the outside, really lovely on the in- cided she was going to take that expe- you to know he was here, in case you side. She is a person with deep caring, rience and create something with Dela- didn’t. a person with incredible warmth and ware Boots on the Ground to look out I want to say to , who compassion. She is a terrific educator. for families. Later on, as Second Lady, put this all together, making possible a She taught in our State in public working with Michelle Obama, she cre- wonderful tribute, this is the Senate at schools. She taught in a hospital for ated something they called Joining its best. It is wonderful to see some of folks with special needs. She taught at Forces, which focuses on education for our still young colleagues who have Delaware Technical Community Col- military families—education, employ- come back to visit us and to be with us lege when it was selected as the best ment opportunities, access to wellness on this special, special day. technical community college in the services. Over the years, people have asked me Nation during the time that she was on She even managed to write a book. why I have had some success in my life, the faculty there. She wrote a book from a child’s point and I say that my sister and I picked She continued as Second Lady to of view of having a loved one in their the right parents. My sister and I continue to critique, but she started off family deployed overseas in the mili- picked the right parents. JOE BIDEN in a place called Willow Grove, PA. tary. As I said earlier, she helped raise and his brother and sister picked the There is a naval air station there three terrific kids. right parents. I have had the privilege where I used to fly P–3 aircraft—mis- Sometimes I like to quote Maya of knowing them both. When your dad sion commander—out of there. I retired Angelou, who sang at the second inau- was sick and in the hospital, I visited as a Navy captain in 1991. She was just guration of Barack Obama and JOE and spent time with him, just the two down the road, growing up with her BIDEN, and she passed away not long of us. four sisters, Jill Jacobs and the Jacobs ago. Maya Angelou said something JOE, I want to say for those who girls. I am sure they broke a lot of that I think is appropriate for all of us maybe didn’t know your parents, they hearts. today when she said: People may not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.078 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6815 remember what you said, people may State of New Hampshire. KELLY’s de- signed because of our investigation. I not remember what you do, but they parture from the Senate is a great loss take no pride in anyone leaving the will remember how you made them for all of us. I remember the day KELLY Senate because of the actions of the feel. One of the threads through every- AYOTTE became a rising star, not only committee, but I take great pride in thing that has been said here today on the horizon of Republican politics the fact that no one in 9 years has really reminds me of what Maya but more importantly on the horizon of questioned the integrity of the Senate Angelou said because people may not the Senate. Ethics Committee, the job it has done, remember what we said. They may not During her campaign 6 years ago, we or the final decision it has made, and I remember what we do, but there are would get phone calls asking: Have you give most of the credit for that to BAR- not just thousands, not just tens of heard about KELLY? Everybody knew BARA BOXER. She is a liberal Democrat, thousands, not just hundreds of thou- who KELLY was. She was the attorney and I am a conservative Republican, sands, but there are millions of people general of the State of New Hampshire, but when it comes to calling balls and in this country who will remember how running for the U.S. Senate, and she strikes in terms of ethics, we call them you and Jill made them feel—cared for, was catching fire. She did catch fire down the middle. That is a credit to important, loved. and won in convincing fashion. She is a the institution, a credit to her, and a I know our Vice President likes great lady with a great family and has credit to the Ethics Committee. music, and as a Boomer he later on done a phenomenal job. At this moment, I want to pause and liked a British group. I forget what Our U.S. Armed Forces are better say to my retiring friend BARBARA their Fab Four was called. I think it today because of her efforts and hard BOXER: Thank you for your service to might have been the Beatles, and work. We passed the agreement to go the country, thank you for what you maybe the best rock ’n’ roll album to the final passage on the authoriza- have meant to the State of California, ever, ‘‘Abbey Road,’’ ends with these tion of the military appropriations and thank you for what you have lyrics—the last part of Abbey Road, today, and in large measure, KELLY meant to the institution of the Senate and the commitment to ethical behav- side two, was largely written by Paul AYOTTE was behind that. When we were McCartney. The last words on ‘‘Abbey debating our policy on interrogation ior by our Members. Thank you for making it a standard that you and I Road’’ were these words: ‘‘The love you and torture, KELLY AYOTTE was on top take is equal to the love you make.’’ of that. Every significant decision we stood for. It was a pleasure for me to You are going to take a lot of love have made in the last 6 months, wheth- serve with you and be called one of the with you, and Jill as well, far from er it was our military, policies, or proc- members of the odd couple. ISAKSON and BOXER, the two Senate chairs that here and for the rest of your lives. God ess, she has been at the forefront of love our country, are committed to bless you. those decisions and has done a phe- ethics and will always try to do what is Mr. President—I have always wanted nomenal job. to call you Mr. President. With that, I wish her the very best in her career exactly right. God bless you, BARBARA. Best of luck Mr. President, I suggest the absence of and future, and I thank her for the a quorum. to you. service she has given to our country. I yield the floor. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk As a son of the South, in Georgia we HURRICANE MATTHEW RECOVERY will call the roll. love New Hampshirites anytime we can The legislative clerk proceeded to Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, about a get one, and KELLY is the best. They call the roll. month and a half ago, I came into this have the best lobsters, the best clams, Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask Chamber to talk about the damage and the best attorney general and Sen- unanimous consent that the order for that occurred in the aftermath of Hur- ator in KELLY AYOTTE. the quorum call be rescinded. ricane Matthew. It was actually 2 God bless you, KELLY, and best of The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- months ago to the day that Hurricane luck to you. jection, it is so ordered. Matthew hit eastern North Carolina, Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I would BARBARA BOXER and I don’t think that many people, like to invite all of my colleagues to At this point, I wish to pause and pay unless you have been down there—even join us in a reception in honor of the attention to BARBARA BOXER from Cali- in the State, it is hard to really con- Vice President. I remind any col- fornia. A lot of my colleagues will say: ceive of the extent of damage that Mat- leagues who wish to speak who did not Wait a minute. Why are you talking thew caused, even for people in my part have the opportunity to submit their about BARBARA BOXER? You are a Re- of the State, the middle part of the comments for the RECORD, and I very publican. She is an icon in the Demo- State, Charlotte, so I know it is dif- much look forward to our jointly pre- cratic Party. She is a liberal, and you ficult for those who may be in other senting a bound copy to the Vice Presi- are a conservative. States and did not see the local news dent. She is a great Senator, and I will tell coverage. Matthew took 28 lives. It dis- Thank you for your service, and we you why. BARBARA and I served on the placed tens of thousands of people in look forward to hearing from you at Ethics Committee for the last 9 years. the near term, and now thousands of the reception. When I was asked to go on the com- people are still without homes. It dam- With that, I suggest the absence of a mittee, she was the chairman. Later aged businesses and infrastructure. quorum. on, I succeeded her as the chairman. I Miles of Interstate 95 were underwater. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk am the chairman today, and she is still Bridges have been washed out. We have will call the roll. a member until she retires. a lot of damage we have to recover The legislative clerk proceeded to The Ethics Committee is the one as- from. call the roll. signment nobody wants to get. But We have one community that was Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I ask when you get it, you want to have washed away by Hurricane Floyd and unanimous consent that the order for somebody who will do what is right. was washed away again just about 17 the quorum call be rescinded. Regardless of their party, you need years later with Hurricane Matthew, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). somebody who will do what is right for neighborhoods completely underwater. Without objection, it is so ordered. the Member, the institution, and will I was in Fayetteville. There was a TRIBUTE TO DEPARTING SENATORS carry out their responsibilities under Habitat for Humanity neighborhood Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, this is the Constitution, which all of us are that had 90 homes. Six of the houses one of those weeks where, every 6 years obligated to do in the Senate. are uninhabitable now. They were in or 4 years or 2 years, we pause and pay In the last 9 years, I worked with areas that were not flood plains. tribute to those who have been elected BARBARA BOXER on any number of com- This was a 1,000-year rain event, a to the Senate and have served with us plaints, allegations, and cases against 500-year flood event. In other words, and will be retiring or were possibly de- Members of the Senate for unethical this is not likely to happen again in feated in the last election. conduct or conduct unbecoming of a our lifetime, maybe not even in the KELLY AYOTTE Senator. We have admonished some, pages’ lifetimes. The first Senator I wish to talk cleared some, and recommended the ex- It was an incredible event that is about is KELLY AYOTTE, from the great pulsion of some, and some have re- going to take a lot of time and effort to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.080 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 recover from and a lot of resources to cleared out so that we can get the students in his high school, in his col- rebuild. We are still trying to tally the ninth largest agriculture State in the lege, and now in his graduate program. human and economic toll. It is going to Nation ready to produce crops next When I met him last Friday—he is a take probably decades to fully recover year. very quiet fellow—I said: What do you from this disaster, as we are seeing I know we will do it. I know we will want to do, Luke? with Floyd, but we will recover because do it because we have the support of He said: I want to teach. That is what that is what North Carolinians do. this body, and we are going to be able I would like to do, research and teach- That is what Americans do. to start sending that money and that ing. To begin the long rebuilding process, desperately needed support to North Well, here is the problem: He is un- though, we need Federal assistance. Carolina. But in the coming weeks and documented. He is not legally in the That is why Gov. Pat McCrory for- months, we will also spend time fig- United States of America. His family mally requested a disaster assistance uring out what more we can do. In the brought him here. They did not file the package and why we very quickly got a meantime, I want to let everybody in papers, or if they could have, they did team together—my staff, who led the North Carolina know that if they need not file the papers. Whatever the case, effort, working with Congressman help, they should contact my office. this young man grew up here in the PRICE, members of the delegation, Sen- They can reach me online at United States, took advantage of the ator BURR—to try to figure out what tillis.senate.gov. We will do everything best schools in New Jersey, and now is we need to do to provide assistance to we can to help them recover and to get going to one of the best universities in North Carolina so that they can begin back to their daily lives. the United States and is destined to do their recovery. Over the past weeks, we Again, I thank the Members of this great things in his life. Maybe he will have worked very closely with the Ap- body who have supported our efforts to teach. Maybe he will start a company. propriations Committee. provide this much-needed aid. Maybe he will just come up with some I want to particularly thank the I yield the floor. breakthrough achievement in chem- leadership of the Appropriations Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- istry that will change the lives of mittee. They have done an extraor- ator from Illinois. many people. dinary job of working with us, advising DACA What are we going to do with Luke us on what we need to do to make our Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I want Hwang? Well, there are 744,000 people requests clear, to make it more likely to introduce the Senate to a young just like him. These are young people that we would be able to get some re- man I met last Friday. His name is who are undocumented, whom Presi- sources for North Carolina. Luke Hwang. Luke was born in Korea. dent Obama gave a chance to stay here I specifically want to thank two of His parents brought him to the United in the United States after they went my staff who have worked very hard. States when he was in the fifth grade. through a criminal background check, They were literally working on the dis- They took him to New Jersey. Luckily after they paid their filing fee. aster plan after the rains fell and be- he had taken some classes in Korea and He said: You can stay and study in fore the rivers started cresting. I want was able to speak English. He grew up the United States of America. We to thank Towers Mingledorff and Kayla in Palisades Park. won’t deport you. You can travel to an- Dolan from my office. They did ex- He said: other country and come back without traordinary work. I am proud of the It didn’t take me long to adjust and as- being arrested. You can work in this work they have done on our behalf and similate because my elementary school of- country if you wish. You have a work on behalf of North Carolinians. At the fered bilingual classes. . . . This is the kind permit. end of the day, we now have a con- of America I have known and experienced— There are 744,000 of them under what tinuing resolution as a result of their not just mundanely accepting diversity but is called the DACA Program. Well, the hard work and cooperation with the going above and beyond to serve the unique new President says he is going to needs of a diverse community. Appropriations Committee. We have a eliminate that program and eliminate provision in the continuing resolution This is an amazing young man. He the only thing that is keeping Luke to allocate some $300 million to North started off with a passion for science. Hwang in the United States; that is, Carolina for immediate needs to assist He was accepted into the math and the DACA Program protection against in recovery efforts. This is a beginning. science magnet school called Bergen deportation. We can’t let that happen. We will continue to work with the Fed- County Academies, ranked by News- Why would we do that to this young eral agencies which that money will be week as one of the top five public high man who was brought here as a fifth directed to and then ultimately down schools in the United States. At Bergen grader? Why would we walk away from to the State so that we can find out County Academies, Luke won several his talents? Why would we say: Despite what additional needs are there. awards at regional science fairs. He all that you have achieved with the I think it is extraordinary that 8 volunteered as an emergency medical highest grade point average in chem- weeks to the day, we were able to work technician in the local ambulance istry, America does not need you, together, get the support of the Mem- corps as a high school kid. Luke. Of course we need him and many bers of this body, and get the support Because of his academic achieve- more just like him. of the Appropriations Committee to at ments, Luke was accepted as a univer- I am trying to find a way to give peo- least begin the process. We have to sity scholar in the Macaulay Honors ple like him a chance to stay in the help these North Carolinians get back College at the City College of New United States without being deported, to their normal lives. We have to put York. In 2013 Luke graduated summa to continue their education in medical people back in their homes. We have to cum laude with a bachelor’s of science school, in law school, in graduate pro- allow businesses to recover and bring in chemistry. He received an award for grams, and in so many other different people back in and let them go back to the highest grade point average of any fields. Well, there was a breath of hope their daily lives and working. We are chemistry major in the school. today. The President-elect was inter- going to do it. This brilliant young man is currently viewed for Time magazine. Here is We also need to help the farmers. a Ph.D. candidate in chemistry at the what he said about DREAMers and peo- There are thousands of acres of land University of Chicago. He works as a ple like Luke: that were affected by the floods. In researcher at the university. In his spare time, he volunteers for the Chi- We’re going to work something out that’s some cases, the flooding was so exten- going to make people happy and proud. They sive that these farms—many of them cago Korean American Resource and got brought here at a very young age, were already ready for next year’s Cultural Center, an organization that they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school crops. Some of them still have crops in tries to help poor people in that com- here. Some were good students. Some have the field, covered by sand and sedi- munity. wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never ment. They will need to be cleared. Here is the kicker: Luke is undocu- land because they don’t know what’s going In other cases, there are washed-out mented. He was brought to the United to happen. bridges, and there are ditches and States in the fifth grade and turned out That statement by the President- drainage areas that will all have to be to be one of the smartest chemistry elect gives me some hope that I can

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.082 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6817 give Luke some hope and others just Federal regulations imposed by Wash- A 2014 report from the Government like him. ington bureaucrats who think they Accountability Office found that on We can straighten out this immigra- know what is best for American fami- multiple occasions and with major tion system in this country, but let’s lies, States, local governments, and costly regulations, the EPA did not not do it at the expense of these young businesses. provide the public with an explanation people. Let’s do our job, but in the According to the American Action of the economic information behind its meantime, let’s us protect them. Let’s Forum, since 2009 this administration decisionmaking, despite its obligations let them continue their education. has finalized 2,973 regulations at a cost to do so. Let’s let them achieve what they want of $862.7 billion dollars as of today, De- The U.S. Supreme Court recently to achieve for themselves and for cember 7. issued the Michigan v. EPA decision, America. We will be a better nation for Of these, 179 regulations have come finding that the EPA unreasonably it. from the Environmental Protection failed to consider costs when deciding Senator LINDSEY GRAHAM and I are Agency, costing American taxpayers to regulate mercury emissions from working on a bill. Whether you are for $342.5 billion. powerplants. This impacts the ability immigration reform or against immi- Since writing this speech—or begin- of our businesses to conduct business gration reform, join us in the basic ning to write it, about 1 week ago—10 on a daily basis, to compete in a com- proposition that we need to protect more regulations have been finalized, petitive global marketplace, and to young people like this while we debate with 5 of those coming from the EPA. employ Americans in steady, well-pay- this important issue. I think that is EPA regulations alone make up nearly ing jobs. Notably, small businesses the right to do. It is certainly the right half of the cost of all the regulations fi- make up 99.7 percent of U.S. employer thing to do for this young man. Some nalized in the last 7 years. firms. day, he is going to do something very As chairman of the EPW Sub- Federal agencies are required by law committee on Superfund, Waste Man- important in this world. I would like to to examine the impact of their regula- agement, and Regulatory Oversight, it have it happen in the United States. tions and what it will have on small has become clear to me that EPA is I yield the floor. businesses. Throughout our oversight one of the most egregious government I suggest the absence of a quorum. process, we found that the U.S. Small agencies in imposing burdensome Fed- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Business Administration Office of Ad- eral regulations on citizens, States, clerk will call the roll. vocacy submitted comments to the and businesses. We have found a failure The legislative clerk proceeded to EPA expressing concerns over a num- to review the most current and impor- call the roll. ber of recent rulemakings, such as the tant science the Agency supposedly Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask waters of the United States rule and unanimous consent that the order for bases its regulations on. We have found that the sue-and-set- the EPA’s greenhouse gas regulations. the quorum call be rescinded. However, the EPA moved forward The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tle process utilized by special interest groups leads to a rushed and reckless with these regulations with little to no TILLIS). Without objection, it is so or- regard for their impact on U.S. small dered. rulemaking process that does not fol- low the proper regulatory process or businesses. They are the backbone of REGULATORY REFORM allow for adequate public participation the U.S. economy. Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I rise from those these rules will impact the As a result, rather than creating jobs today to speak on the need for regu- most. and focusing on growing their business, latory reform and also on the work Further, the EPA regularly fails to U.S. small businesses are forced to use that we have been doing and are doing take into account how their regula- limited resources to comply with a in the Environment and Public Works tions will impact States and shows lit- myriad of costly and burdensome regu- Subcommittee on Superfund, Waste tle regard for how the States will use lations. Management, and Regulatory Over- their limited resources to comply with This year alone, the Sixth Circuit sight, of which I have had the great these regulations, thereby issuing rules Court of Appeals imposed a nationwide privilege to chair in the 114th Congress. that impose Federal unfunded man- injunction on the waters of the United I would be remiss if I did not also rec- dates on States and local and tribal States rule, and the Supreme Court im- ognize our ranking member from Mas- governments. posed a nationwide stay on the Clean sachusetts, Senator MARKEY, for his From 2009 to 2015, the EPA issued a Power Plan. While I applaud these deci- contributions to our oversight efforts. total of 19 rules that contained costly, sions, we should not be forced to rely As chairman, one of our main goals unfunded mandates on State govern- on the courts to prevent such regula- has been to conduct a thorough and ments. tions from taking effect. systemic review of the regulatory proc- The Office of Management and Budg- I am also deeply troubled by the re- ess, focusing on the impacts of these et’s 2015 report to Congress estimated ports that the EPA and the Army regulations on citizens, businesses, that Federal regulations and unfunded Corps are illegally continuing to imple- and—most importantly—solutions to mandates cost States, cities, and the ment the Waters of the United States these problems. We have sought to general public between $57 billion and rule despite the court’s nationwide make certain that Federal regulations $85 billion every single year. State and stay. are promulgated in a transparent, open local governments are then required to During our subcommittee field hear- process with adequate public participa- enforce these misguided regulations ings in Rapid City, SD, earlier this tion. Our subcommittee has held hear- that have been promulgated by Wash- year, we heard from several witnesses ings conducting oversight on various ington bureaucrats who lack any un- about the difficulty and confusion aspects of the rulemaking process. This derstanding of the real-world con- landowners are facing with regard to includes the adequacy of the science sequences of their regulations or the the waters of the United States. I am the agencies rely on when promul- unique characteristics of the various concerned that, if this continues, it gating regulations, the increasing States. may get to the point where the prop- number of unfunded mandates agencies Alarmingly, we have also found that erty that is the subject of these bur- impose on State and local govern- the EPA regularly fails to conduct a densome regulations loses its value. ments, the impact of lawsuits on the thorough and accurate economic anal- Make no mistake. I understand that rulemaking process, and the impact ysis, which should provide an accurate rules and regulations have a place in these regulations have on small busi- representation of the cost their regula- society. We all want clean air, clean nesses, State and local governments, tions will impose on taxpayers and water, and safe chemicals, but there is and landowners. businesses. a better way to achieve this without Since I began working in the Senate This leads to grossly inaccurate eco- imposing burdensome regulations. nearly 2 years ago, it has become in- nomic analysis of regulations that af- These flaws in the EPA’s rulemaking creasingly clear that economic growth, fect huge swathes of the U.S. economy process have prevented agencies from American innovation, and job creation and thousands of U.S. businesses and making well-informed decisions. Even are being smothered by heavy-handed American jobs. more troubling, the public, State and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.083 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 local governments, and American busi- get home and they get complaints we all want to make sure we have a nesses are prevented from under- about overregulation, what this is cost- clean America but also an America standing the need, basis for, and the ing them, they then say: Well, that is that can get back to business again real impact of regulations. not the case now because I had nothing employing people, putting them back This regulatory quagmire did not to do with it. That was the regulation. to work. Then we can begin building happen overnight. It comes from dec- That is what we are in the midst of the economy so we can afford to actu- ades of increased Federal bureaucracy, right now. ally provide for the next generation so out-of-control spending, and Federal I have a friend who is the head of the they don’t have the problems we see agencies not being held accountable for Oklahoma Farm Bureau who came to right now with family income down their actions. Similarly, we will not me and he said: Have you seen this doc- over 6 percent in just the last 9 years. come to a solution overnight. It will ument that we have? This is true in So this is a part of it. It is a signifi- take a serious bipartisan effort to South Dakota as well as Oklahoma, cant part not just in the cost but in the move the ball forward to address this that the major problem with the farm- impact on our economy as well. problem. Throughout this Congress, ers in America today is not anything I thank the Chair, and I yield the the goal of our subcommittee has been that is found in the agriculture bill, it floor. to unify and lead an effort to advance is overregulation, primarily by the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- meaningful regulatory reform in Con- EPA. The Senator from South Dakota ator from . gress. struck a nerve when he spoke about Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I ask We must make certain the regulatory the waters bill, the Waters of the unanimous consent to speak as in process reflects transparency and United States. My State is an arid morning business, and I ask unanimous sound science and is based on a real- State, but they know full well if the consent that our distinguished col- istic economic foundation and mean- Federal Government can take away league from Colorado, Senator BENNET, ingful public participation that con- from States that jurisdiction of regu- follow my remarks. siders the multitude of facets of the lating water, what will happen in my The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there U.S. economy. State of Oklahoma? objection? With an ally in the White House next So I would ask my friend—I think a Without objection, it is so ordered. year who has committed to reducing lot of what happened on November 8 FAMILY FIRST LEGISLATION burdensome regulations, I plan to con- has to do with overregulation, and I Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, right tinue this effort throughout the next think we have devoted a lot of time to now, this evening, hundreds of thou- Congress and beyond. The success of that. I would suspect the same thing is sands of vulnerable youngsters across the U.S. economy and the creation of true in South Dakota. America are living in foster care, sepa- American jobs depends on Congress Mr. ROUNDS. I thank the Senator rated from family and growing up in a making a concerted effort to take back for the question. The answer is, yes, we constant struggle instead of in a loving their authority and rein in the rule- have spent a lot of time not only be- home. For years, this body has worked making process. cause it is critically a very important on a bipartisan basis to come up with I thank you, and I yield the floor. item to address—because in the United an alternative—we call it the Family Mr. INHOFE. Will the Senator yield? States today we spend over $1.9 trillion First legislation—in order to give new The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- a year responding to the Federal regu- hope to our youngsters. ator from Oklahoma. latory morass that we have. That is I am particularly grateful to Senator Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, if the one-half of a trillion dollars more than BENNET because he and I have teamed Senator from South Dakota would re- what we pay in personal income taxes up on this with our colleagues on the scind his request to yield the floor, I on April 15. other side of the aisle, including Chair- would like to share one thought. For people who are producers and man HATCH, KEVIN BRADY—the chair- First of all, I am honored to chair the have to respond not only in terms of man of the Ways and Means Com- committee of which you are a sub- the cost of the regulations but in terms mittee—and Congressman BUCHANAN. committee chairman, and what a God- of requesting from a Federal agency We have had a bipartisan team working send the Senator from South Dakota the ability simply to mow the ditches, for this. Now, in the waning moments has been, I have to say to my friend. I seems to me to be overreach that most of this Congress, after the legislation was concerned, with this last election people with common sense and the rest passed the House unanimously, after coming along, with what might be hap- of America simply don’t think is nec- there were a number of hearings in the pening. I think people are aware of essary. Finance Committee, and after objec- what has happened to our military. Mr. INHOFE. And, too, I would say tions were raised when we used the They are aware of what is happening the wisdom of the statements brought process in the Senate called the hotline with the debt going all the way up out that if we stop and think about it, to see if Senators had problems with from $10.6 trillion to $20 trillion, the over half of the States had a lawsuit this legislation and three indicated largest increase of all the Presidents, against the . That is they had concerns, and we resolved all from George Washington, Bush 1, and 29 States. Of course, I am sure that had of them—yet it looks like this Senate Bush 2. a lot to do with the U.S. Supreme is going to go home and end up con- My concern was that people wouldn’t Court putting a stay on this, and now tinuing a policy that causes so much realize what an impairment the over- of course we will have a different ad- pain to vulnerable children and their regulation has been to our businesses ministration, but I guess maybe we families. in how we are no longer competitive. I missed the boat on that one. What our bipartisan bill would do is think the Senator really struck the Overregulation has been the problem. to say that for the first time, foster note here that it had a lot to do with People have not been as aware of that care dollars could be used to keep fami- the awareness of the public. as they are of other problems. I think lies together instead of ripping them The Senator knows how many hear- that had a lot to do with what hap- apart. For example, if in a family a ings we had on the Clean Power Plan in pened on November 8 and what is going parent has bumped up against sub- our committee, and the Senator’s sub- to happen in the future, particularly in stance abuse challenges or mental committee. We actually had 10 hear- your subcommittee and my committee. health services and a grandparent or an ings and we had three oversight re- Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I appre- uncle would like to help out, that is ex- ports. ciate those comments, and I appreciate actly what could be done under our I have to say the liberals really like the facts that the Senator is bringing proposal. overregulation. Does the Senator know out here. This is something that can- Now, over Thanksgiving—and I trun- why? This is the question I want to ask not be done overnight; it has to be done cated the description of what happened the Senator because, generally, if you in a businesslike manner. into just a couple of sentences—over are of a liberal philosophy, you want to The real challenge is to listen to the Thanksgiving, the Family First Act have as much control centered here in individuals who are impacted and to was included in the 21st Century Cures Washington, DC. However, when you make reasonable regulations because package. The legislation passed earlier

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.084 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6819 today. And all of us—Senator BENNET, face the prospect of growing up in the weighed in on this and said we should Chairman BRADY—all of us said to- kinds of struggling circumstances I have this legislation passed. We have gether that it sure looks like we are on have described. There would be stand- had testimony in the Finance Com- our way. ards guided by the States and laid out mittee from people who were foster After having months to come forward to protect the kids. They would raise children who came to the Congress to to work out concerns—and I will say to the bar for group homes and make sure testify about what had gone wrong in the distinguished Presiding Officer who the kids aren’t sent away and forgot- their lives as a result of the system we has been kind enough to talk to me ten. In effect, the bill turns the system have in place today, who still made the about this, we basically said that if a on its head. I think I shared that time to come here to advocate on be- State is having problems meeting these thought with the distinguished Pre- half of children all over the country kinds of opportunities—perhaps there siding Officer. Instead of paying a dol- who are situated in the same way they aren’t enough families—well, we just lar for families to be split up, the bill once were. give them more time. In effect, we says let’s find a way to use that dollar Now, because of a disagreement in would say: OK. You have made a good- to help the families stay together. the Senate, this bipartisan bill that faith effort, we will give you a bit more Let’s see if the dollar can keep a passed the House unanimously, that time. But still, at the last moment, youngster safe at home or with kin, has almost 30 cosponsors in the U.S. there was opposition that swooped in— where he or she is most likely to be Senate, a bill that was supported uni- opposition that really hadn’t registered healthy and happy and succeed in versally by the testimony we had in any specific concerns during those school. the Finance Committee, somehow can’t years and months in which we worked The bill has 28 bipartisan cosponsors get done before we leave for the holi- on this legislation. At the eleventh in the Senate. days. That would be a terrible shame, a hour, the Family First Act was I also want to thank Chairman terrible stain on this Senate. stripped out of the Cures package. That GRASSLEY because he has been in our Tonight there are 50,000 children in is why I voted no. corner, along with Senator BENNET and Colorado who are in foster care. There By dropping Families First, the Sen- Chairman HATCH, month after month are over 650,000 children in the United ate basically is sending a message after month. I hope we can work this States of America. What we have heard today to the most vulnerable, ne- out overnight so Families First can from them, what we have heard from glected children in America that it is pass; if not tonight, in the morning. It their advocates, what we have heard just fine with us if they just wait a lit- is the right policy for vulnerable kids. from people who serve them—Repub- tle bit longer. They probably are say- It is the right policy for families, the licans and Democrats alike—is that the ing: Well, where else do we look for right policy for taxpayers. What we are institutional settings that too many of help? By the way, there aren’t a lot of doing today isn’t helping vulnerable them are consigned to because of the places because Chairman BRADY, Chair- kids and families the way it ought to. way the law is written today is not the man BUCHANAN, Congressman LEVIN, Five hundred organizations, led by best thing for foster children; that fam- the other part of the Capitol, did a ter- the pediatricians, nurse practitioners, ilies who can support them and who rific job coming together. So when the Catholic bishops, and the Chil- can nurture them, when they get the those families who have been neglected dren’s Defense Fund, all agree with our benefit of some help, are a far better go looking for somebody else to help, basic premise: try to find ways to keep place for foster children to be than when the House has done its job and families together and only look for these institutions. When it comes to the administration is with you, there is something else where you have those drug addiction, when it comes to grad- only the U.S. Senate. I am curious extraordinary circumstances where uation rates from high school, when it whether anybody is going to come here you need another kind of care. The sta- comes to attending college—all of tonight and say they are not on the tus quo is not working, and it seems to these things are affected by the way side of the neglected youngsters and me we have a choice. We have a choice the current law exists. families whom Senator BENNET and I tonight and in the morning, with the The Presiding Officer may know that want to stand up for. 114th Congress wrapping up, closing the half of the cases of foster children in So I am going to just make a couple books, packing up, heading home for the United States are related, one way of additional comments and then turn the holiday season—let’s make sure be- or another, to the scourge of opium ad- this over to Senator BENNET. fore that wrap-up is finished that we diction that is happening in the United The Family First Act reaches out to haven’t forgotten vulnerable children States. This bill allows us to recognize the families who are struggling with and families. that. It allows the people who serve the addiction to opioids or other sub- With that, I yield the floor. children and the families best to be stances, it helps with programs that I note by virtue of unanimous con- able to intervene in a way that can fight child abuse and neglect, and it sent that Senator BENNET has recogni- keep the families together longer. also makes it a special priority to set tion. He has been an invaluable col- What we know from the testimony in basic standards for foster care facili- league, a terrific member of the Fi- the hearings is that is the best thing ties and group homes. I want to empha- nance Committee, and I appreciate his for foster kids, it is the best thing for size that point just for a moment. leadership. our States, and it is the best thing for Some troubled or abused youngsters The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the country. have been through such severe trauma ator from Colorado. So I join my colleague from Oregon that they need the kind of help you can Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I will be in saying we should not go home with only get in a temporary, high-quality brief. this unresolved. We should not go treatment facility. They are kids who I want to thank Mr. WYDEN, the Sen- home, with the kind of momentum are struggling with mental illnesses ator from Oregon and the ranking that exists for this bill inside the Con- and behavioral problems, young people member of the Finance Committee, for gress and, much more important than suffering from addiction, victims of sex his leadership on this bill. I thank, as that, outside the Congress, without trafficking. The support they need is he did, Senator HATCH for his leader- having addressed this vulnerable popu- unique and they need access to reliable ship on this bill and Senator GRASSLEY lation of people who live in the United care in a safe place. for his leadership on this bill. States. But these kinds of placements As the Senator from Oregon indi- It is my fervent hope that we in the shouldn’t be a destination; they should cated, this bill passed unanimously in Senate will find a way to come to our really be an intervention. And when- the House of Representatives. This bill senses and do our job, just as the peo- ever we can, we need to make it pos- passed with 500 groups supporting the ple who came here to testify did their sible for the kids to have the oppor- bill from every geographic area in the job, expecting that the U.S. Congress tunity to reunite with kin or join a fos- United States. There are groups from would respond to their description of ter or adoptive family. Oregon. There are groups from Colo- their life experience, and what went For the first time, our bill laid down rado. There are groups from the Pre- wrong in a foster care setting has been a roadmap so youngsters don’t have to siding Officer’s State that have established by the U.S. Congress. It is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.086 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6820 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 up to us to fix it, and that is what we North American headquarters in Plano reate, Liu Xiaobo, into prison, con- can do tonight or tomorrow morning, I this year and creating some 4,000 new structed 3,000 acres of weaponized arti- hope, at the very latest. jobs, all in Texas. Also this year, the ficial islands in the middle of one of With that, Mr. President, I thank my Lockheed Martin plant in Fort Worth the world’s busiest shipping lanes, and colleague from Oregon for his leader- has started to produce the F–35s that utterly failed to contain North Korea, ship on this bill. I thank, once again, Japan is purchasing to bolster its de- while dismantling the last vestiges of the thoughtful chairman of the Fi- fenses against increasing regional ag- freedom in Hong Kong. Even so, I don’t nance Committee, from gression from China and North Korea. think our President-elect needs to Utah, for his leadership on this bill, So against all odds, the attack on clear his phone calls with Beijing. The and I hope over the next 12 or 24 hours Pearl Harbor has been transformed, phone call between President Tsai and we find a way to get this through the and as we face great challenges around the new American President was, in Senate. the world, and particularly in Asia, we fact, an acknowledgement of a simple Mr. President, I yield the floor. can be grateful today to have our Japa- truth: that Taiwan has become an im- I suggest the absence of a quorum. nese friends standing by our side, portant friend to the United States, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The which is yet another lesson from the even after Jimmy Carter downgraded clerk will call the roll. post-World War II era to be on the them in 1979 in acknowledgement of The senior assistant legislative clerk lookout not just for challenges and the ‘‘One China’’ policy the elites are proceeded to call the roll. dangers but for unexpected opportuni- so eager to perpetuate. Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, I ask unan- ties. We might be forgiven as we con- That is another thing. Just because a imous consent that the order for the tend with hostile nations with nuclear policy is old doesn’t make it sac- quorum call be rescinded. capability or intent—nations such as rosanct. I don’t think anyone here can The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without North Korea or Iran—to see a glass half honestly say our relations with the objection, it is so ordered. empty and become consumed with fears PRC is so fantastic that we shouldn’t PEARL HARBOR DAY AND FOREIGN POLICY of another Pearl Harbor-like attack po- do anything to rock the boat. I don’t Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, on this tentially so much more catastrophic think the Carter-era foreign policy was Pearl Harbor Day, we should learn the and deadly than the one in 1941. such a success that we should unques- lessons of the past and seize new oppor- That would be a mistake. As with tionably continue it. tunities for America and Asia and be- some of the fortitude our parents and I hope the President-elect continues yond. The great lesson of Pearl Har- grandparents showed, we can now to make clear that while he under- bor—and more broadly World War II— count new allies as our partners, not stands the importance of China and was America’s commitment to utterly just Japan but also—and equally stun- looks forward to a positive relationship defeat our enemies by whatever means ningly—. The list does not end with Beijing, he is not going to ignore necessary and then, when victory was there. We have Israel, which had yet to our friends in the region. secure, to bring them back into the be born in 1941, not to mention the The call between President Tsai and community of civilized nations. eastern and central European countries the President-elect reminded me of an- It was an extraordinary achievement. that languished so long under Soviet other phone call which took place in To think that if, on December 7, 1941, I domination but now are helping build September of 2013. At the end of that were to tell you that Japan would be, enduring democracies, many of which year’s General Assem- on December 7, 2016, a staunchly demo- have joined NATO. bly in New York, while driving to the cratic ally, a vital security and eco- That is simply amazing. If I had told airport, the new President of the Is- nomic partner to the United States, you even 30 years ago that there would lamic Republic of Iran, Hasan Ruhani, you would have said that I was barking be a Czech Republic or a Republic of took out his cell phone and called mad. Poland that would be key NATO allies, President Obama. The Obama adminis- Here we are, three-quarters of a cen- I would have again been met with well- tration was in a tizzy of excitement tury later, and the day of infamy has founded skepticism. But they are, and over Mr. Ruhani’s election, as they be- become a day of remembrance, reflec- as we look forward to a new American lieved him to be a ‘‘moderate’’ who tion, and above all gratitude—grati- administration, it is my hope that we would be a good-faith partner in their tude for that greatest of generations can get off on a much better foot than planned and hoped-for negotiations who answered the call to service after the last one did in the region when over Iran’s nuclear program. Even at Pearl Harbor, who stood staunchly they canceled the missile defense in- this early day, the signs were not with our allies, looked the evil of the stallations intended for those coun- promising. Despite Mr. Obama’s offers, axis squarely in the eyes, and saved the tries, squandering an opportunity to President Ruhani had refused to have a free world. They are leaving us now, link them more closely to us. face-to-face meeting at the United Na- making it all the more important that I have to say I am encouraged in this tions, opting for a call instead. There we assure each and every one of them department by the activities of the were no preconditions placed on this of our boundless thanks while we still President-elect, particularly in terms first direct exchange between an Ira- can. Indeed, I would encourage each of the congratulatory phone call he re- nian and American leader since 1979, and every one of us to thank every vet- ceived last week from the President of such as, say, demanding that the Ira- eran we know, every veteran we en- the Republic of China, Tsai Ing-wen. nians release their American hostages counter, every man and woman serving The liberal foreign policy elites were, and acknowledging Israel’s right to this country who risks their lives to of course, shocked and appalled. How, exist—steps that would have indicated keep us safe. they wonder, could the President-elect a fundamental shift in Iran’s virulent We can also find much to be thankful have committed such an appalling hostility to the United States and our for today as what had seemed unthink- gaff? Wasn’t he aware we had degraded allies and suggested we were truly on a able has come to pass. A nation that our relationship with Taiwan for more new path. brutally attacked us 75 years ago today than 35 years and no longer recognized We all know what has happened over can now be a great and good friend. It this friendly, prosperous, and demo- the last 3 years as the Obama adminis- is a tribute to both the Japanese and cratic country as a nation state? tration made concession after conces- the American people that we have been Compounding their consternation was sion to get a deal—any deal—with able to not ignore or whitewash the the concern that the People’s Republic Tehran. Even as Iranian belligerence past but to learn from it and come to of China might not like it. Quelle and hostility had grown, as they have the understanding that we are so much horreur. The Chinese might not like it. tested ballistic missiles, violated the stronger as allies than as adversaries. Now, to be fair, given the flaming Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, As a Texan, I am personally appre- train wreck that is the Obama foreign detained our citizens, and repeatedly ciative of the fruits of this alliance. We policy writ large, our relationship with threatened to wipe Israel off the map, host a range of Japanese companies the PRC is, by comparison, a bright Mr. Obama has over and over again who have invested in our State, with spot. All they have done is throw Mr. proffered his hand in friendship, even Toyota, for example, building its new Obama’s successor as Nobel Peace lau- sending them $1.7 billion in cash as a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.087 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6821 sweetener, all of which may well re- ster, again, keeping the family to- to group facilities and group homes in sult, as I said earlier, in a terrible gether. his State. threat to the United States that could Sometimes foster care is lifesaving. I I said: Look, if there is a problem in dwarf Pearl Harbor. think all of us have said that from the North Carolina in terms of trying to In closing, I want to leave you with a beginning. But it should not be the meet these measures, we said we will message of hope. Our friendship with only option. That is what kids who give States more time. We will give Japan, as well as Germany, Israel, the have been in the foster care system them more flexibility. I would just like Czech Republic, and Poland, makes me came to the Senate this week to tell to point out that there seems to be hopeful. There is a discrete reason us. It is our job as policymakers to pro- enormous support across North Caro- these nations are now aligned allies: tect the most vulnerable. Those kids lina with respect to this bill because in the persistence and resolve of Amer- don’t have a powerful lobby. They North Carolina they seem to be saying ican leadership—leadership to discern don’t have deep pockets. that they understand that what this moral from immoral, freedom from It just seems to me, as we wrap up legislation is all about—what Family tyranny, right from wrong, life from this session and everyone here goes First is all about—is just getting high- death, and then to fight for the right. back to their families and their holi- quality care for these youngsters. Such leadership has been sorely lack- days, that it is not in good conscience All of the providers would be eligible. ing in the past 8 years. Yet the past to turn our backs on the foster kids It does not speak to the type of pro- vider. It is all the providers. So I am month affords ample reason for hope. and allow this important bipartisan Quite frankly, I think talking to legislation to wither and to die in the just going to wrap up by a few quotes that came into the Finance Committee President Tsai and not to President last days of the 114th Congress. over the course of this legislation. Ruhani was a material improvement So in a moment I will make this From the North Carolina Association for the national security interests of unanimous consent request. I ask that of County Directors of Social Services, the United States, and it demonstrates our colleagues end this standing in the which, as I understand, is the associa- renewed resolve to once more assume way of providing a new measure of tion of entities that administer child hope for vulnerable kids and their fam- the mantle of leadership. That is welfare programs in the State of North enough to make all of us hopeful. ilies and that we help lift the weight of Carolina supports the legislation, we With that, I suggest the absence of a this broken status quo—this broken have a letter that reads: ‘‘We go on quorum. status quo that falls heaviest on the record as supporting the act and re- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- hundreds of thousands of foster kids spectfully request your support in pass- LIVAN). The clerk will call the roll. living in a quiet struggle every single ing this important legislation.’’ The senior assistant legislative clerk day. The North Carolina Association of proceeded to call the roll. So at this time, I ask unanimous con- Social Workers supports the bill. They Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I ask sent that the Senate proceed to the im- wrote: ‘‘The legislation would unanimous consent that the order for mediate consideration of Calendar No. strengthen families so that more chil- the quorum call be rescinded. 527, H.R. 5456; that the Wyden sub- dren could remain safely with their The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without stitute amendment at the desk be parents and family caregivers and objection, it is so ordered. agreed to; that the bill, as amended, be avoid the need for foster care.’’ For the UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 5456 read a third time and passed; and that overwhelming majority of children, Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, in a mo- the motion to reconsider be considered this North Carolina group says: This ment, I am going to ask unanimous made and laid upon the table with no legislation could be a lifesaver. consent to pass the bipartisan Family interviewing action or debate. The North Carolina Pediatric Society First Act, to help the hundreds of thou- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there writes: sands of vulnerable children and their objection? The bill is a pivotal opportunity for a parents stay together and make the The Senator from North Carolina. major Federal policy shift away from placing biggest improvement in child welfare Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, reserving children in out-of-home care and toward policy in decades and decades in Amer- the right to object, I was wondering if keeping families together. Congregate care ica. I could direct a question through the remains one of the options on the con- tinuum, and the bill doesn’t impose time Right now, Federal policy says tax- Chair to the Senator from West Vir- limits or restrictions on the use of these set- payer money can be used to split fami- ginia. I was curious as to whether or tings for children who need them. But the lies apart and uproot the family home. not the good Senator, my friend and focus is on keeping families together. The With Families First, our bipartisan colleague, intends to object to this only changes this bill makes for congregate bill, terrific work has been done by so measure. care providers is raising the standards for many Members on both sides of the Mr. MANCHIN. To this measure? No, quality so that all children-needs settings benefit from the therapeutic value of the aisle. Senator BENNET was here and sir. best providers, of which we have several in gave an eloquent address about how Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I actually North Carolina. important this is. With Chairman think Senator WYDEN has done some So the Children’s Home Society of HATCH, Chairman GRASSLEY, and Chair- good work on this measure. I hope that North Carolina, Children’s Hope Alli- man BRADY, this has been a bipartisan we can get to a point where we can ance, the Exchange Family Center, effort for months for a number of Mem- bridge the gap and address some con- Family Preservation Community Serv- bers for close to 3 years. cerns that some of the Members have ices, and FIRST North Carolina—a With our reform, the Family First in States that are concerned with unin- number of groups, all based there and bill, families will finally see that they tended consequences. But at this time, serving in North Carolina citizens— will get some assistance to stay to- and for reasons unrelated to this meas- have come out for this. gether and stay together when it is ure but to our inability to get other So I recognize that there has been an safe to do so. If a parent can get a leg unanimous consents through, I am objection. It is my intention to keep up with some help if they face a drug going to have to object. working through the night, through addiction or a mental health problem, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the early part of tomorrow. I appre- everybody wins because the family tion is heard. ciate that this Senator from North stays together. The Senator from Oregon. Carolina has kept an open mind on A grandparent can step in. One of the Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I will be this. He has indicated in our conversa- things I am proudest of is that I wrote very brief. As I have indicated to our tions that he understands that there is the kinship care law as part of welfare colleague from North Carolina—and he a lot of good in this bill, and for the reform when I was a new Member of is new to the Senate—he really brings reasons he has stated, he cannot sup- this body. So we know that there are a refreshing openness to these debates. port it tonight and I gather reasons un- hundreds of thousands of grandparents I know this was a new topic for him. He related to the bill. out there who could step in in those has not had a chance to hear a lot I look forward to working with him. situations, or an uncle, and they could about it over the last few years. He was He has come to the Senate fairly re- get a little bit of help raising a young- concerned about what this would mean cently, but I have found him open and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.089 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 accessible. That is all you can ask of a motion to reconsider be considered We are going to have fun with our colleague. made and laid upon the table. families. These widows, these retired With that I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there miners, well, it is not so much fun with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- objection? their families because they don’t know ator from North Carolina. The Senator from Ohio. when their health insurance is going to Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I appre- Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, reserving run out. ciate the comments of the Senator the right to object, we have heard a lot Mr. President, we need to do this. We from Oregon. I may be new to the Sen- of talk during the election, since the need to do it right. We need to do it ate, but I am not new to North Caro- election about communities like my today or tomorrow. We have no busi- lina. I was speaker of the house for 4 hometown of Mansfield, OH, not far ness going home before that. For these years, and I worked with a lot of the from where the Presiding Officer grew reasons, I object. agencies that the Senator from Oregon up—communities that have been ig- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- referenced. But the fact of the matter nored by their representatives in Wash- tion is heard. is that the first time I heard that these ington. The Senator from North Carolina. agencies supported the bill was about A lot of politicians responded during Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I appre- 90 seconds ago. the election, since the election. They ciate the comments of the Senator This has not been fully vetted in the pledged to do better. This is our chance from Ohio. I believe, if I have the facts Senate. It sounds like it has a lot of to actually show that we mean it—with correct, that it was the majority leader merit, but even having said that, this the work that Senator MANCHIN has who pushed for the patch into the CR. is not why I am objecting to the bill. I done, and Senator CASEY, Senator I am not quite sure I agree with some am objecting at this time, in large WARNER, Senator PORTMAN in my of the specifics that were put forth by part, because of a number of other ob- State, a Republican, and Senator DON- the distinguished Senator from Ohio, jections we are receiving that are not NELLY of Indiana—simply to take care but I would like to move on. allowing things that would otherwise of these mine workers. UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 2763 move through unanimous consent. Senator MANCHIN has been on this Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 2912 floor, as I have—but he has been on unanimous consent that the Senate Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, on that this floor even more times—talking proceed to the immediate consider- note, I ask unanimous consent that the about taking care of those mine work- ation of Calendar No. 654, S. 2763, the Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- ers, living up to the promise that Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery sions Committee be discharged from Harry Truman made, extending their Act of 2016, with a committee-reported further consideration of S. 2912, the health insurance. substitute amendment. I further ask Trickett Wendler Right to Try Act of Instead, the only offer we have had that the committee-reported substitute 2016, and the Senate proceed to its im- from the majority leader, the one per- amendment be agreed to, the bill, as mediate consideration. I ask unani- son—Senator TILLIS is not standing in amended, be considered read a third mous consent that the bill be read a the way. Senator SULLIVAN is not time and passed, and the motion to re- third time and passed and the motion standing in the way. It is one Senator— consider be considered made and laid to reconsider be considered made and the majority leader. For whatever rea- upon the table. laid upon the table. son he does not like the United Mine The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Workers union. I don’t really care objection? objection? about what he thinks about the union. The Senator from Indiana. The Senator from West Virginia. I support the union. Mr. DONNELLY. Reserving the right Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, reserv- But I care about these workers. What to object, Mr. President, I rise today to ing the right to object, I will continue they proposed is a 4-month extension, discuss a crisis facing 16,000 retired to object to any unanimous consent on which means these workers, these wid- coal miners and widows across the legislation until the CR includes a per- ows, these retired workers got a notice country. We made promises. Roughly manent long-term solution for our back in the last couple of weeks saying 1,000 of these people are in my State. miners’ health care, as included in the they were going to lose their health These retirees will lose their health in- Miners Protection Act, S. 3470. care. We do 4 months, and they will get surance at the end of this year unless So this is something that we have another notice—Senator MANCHIN, Congress acts. been talking about and working on for right?—in January. My colleagues, Senators MANCHIN, 2 years. That is all we have asked: Ful- We are going to make these retired BROWN, CASEY, and WARNER have spo- fill our promises as those representa- mine workers, these widows who saw ken on this topic, and together, along tive of people who have given every- their husbands die from an accident in with a larger bipartisan group, we thing. So I will have to object for these a mine or died from black lung disease pushed for months for the passage of reasons. or died from heart diseases every 3 the Miners Protection Act to guar- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- months get another notice and then antee pension and health benefits to tion is heard. say: Well, we will extend it for 4 hundreds of thousands of retirees. The Senator from North Carolina. months. No, we have to make sure that We have a responsibility to enact Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I appre- we provide them—this is not giving this legislation to ensure that the Fed- ciate that, but the reason I directed them—the health insurance they have eral Government makes good on its the question about the objection to the earned. promise—its promise to the miners. It motion of the Senator from Oregon is It is the right thing to do. It is the wasn’t a suggestion. It was a promise that there seems to be maybe selective moral thing to do. For one Senator, to these people who risked their lives application of a strategy that the Sen- who happens to be from Kentucky, of to help our country meet our energy ator from West Virginia is trying to do all places, who happens to also be the needs. In fact, many of us stood here to get a measure passed. majority leader, to stand in the way— together in June calling for action be- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 3084 Senator WYDEN is on my committee fore it was too late. Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, if I may and Senator HATCH, Senator PORTMAN, Well, now it is almost too late. While move on. I ask unanimous consent that Senator TOOMEY. Congress is in a rush to get out of the Senate proceed to the immediate We passed 18-to-8 a bipartisan bill to town, those 16,000 retirees are des- consideration of Calendar No. 695, S. move forward on this and do this right. perate for help. Their health needs are 3084, the American Innovation and Senator MCCONNELL asked to go not dependent on our schedule. Their Competitiveness Act. I further ask that through regular order. We have to do desire to be able to stay alive shouldn’t the committee-reported substitute this right. Yet we are going to go home be subject to our desire to leave town. amendment be withdrawn, the Gardner for Christmas. We are going to go home They are praying this legislation is en- substitute amendment be agreed to, for the holidays. Whether you celebrate acted so the health insurance is still the bill, as amended, be considered Christmas or not, we are going home there next month when they still need read a third time and passed, and the for the holidays. it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.098 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6823 It is inexcusable. It is beyond dis- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 3364 weeks ago we were told, and I have had appointing to learn that the bill we are Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask good, honest, upfront negotiations with set to consider to keep the Federal unanimous consent that the Com- the majority leader. He said: I just Government running includes only a mittee on Veterans’ Affairs be dis- don’t think the pension is going to fly scaled-down provision for our miners. charged from further consideration of this year. I said: I understand it. I am Rather than guarantee the promised S. 3364, a bill to authorize the Sec- still going to work my tail off for this benefits, leadership chose only to in- retary of Veterans Affairs to carry out thing. clude the bear minimum of a 4-month a pilot program to accept the donation I had to tell all the widows and all extension of health coverage through of facilities and related improvements the people whom we represent—16,300 April without addressing the pension for use by the Department of Veterans who were notified in October. They concerns. Affairs, and the Senate proceed to its have to give a 90-day notification that I have seen leadership. That is not it. immediate consideration; further, that you are going to lose your health care I will repeat once again: 16,000 mining the bill be considered read a third time benefits. They gave that notification in retirees, 1,000 from Indiana, will lose and passed and the motion to recon- October for December 31. That hap- their health coverage in 3 weeks unless sider be considered made and laid upon pened. I had to tell them now that we Congress acts. For the health and the the table. are not going to get the pension this financial security of thousands of fami- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there year. We are doing everything we can, lies, immediate attention is required. objection? but I am almost positive we are going Kicking the can down the road for 4 The Senator from West Virginia. to get the health care because I was months has never been a solution. En- Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, reserv- told we were going to get the health rollment periods for other health plans ing the right to object, I would like to care. Not until 2 days ago did I have end this week and next. These retirees explain why we are here and what is any inkling that now, all of a sudden— are watching us closely and are already really happening, so people have a good I am not blaming my colleagues here— in the process of making painful and grasp of things. the House said: Oh, I am sorry. We are costly decisions. First of all, the Miners Protection only going to do an extension for the This is about life and death for thou- Act—this protection act basically goes CR—the same extension for the health sands of retirees across the country back to a commitment, a promise, and care. right now. They are praying that we a transaction that we have done in I know that my colleagues would will stand up and keep our word. We Congress in 1946, under President Harry agree with this. Let’s say it was your made a promise. The United States Truman. It is the Krug act. Basically, aunt or your grandmother or a retired made a promise to our citizens, to our it was said that from that day forward, person basically being paid those bene- coal miners. The provision in the we are basically taking certain fits. They were told in October. Now we spending bill does not come close to amounts of money from all the coal are supposed to accept this CR coming meeting that promise that was made. that is mined. This is not public funds. over with this language that says: Ok, I urge the Senate to act immediately We are not asking for public funds. If now let’s tell Mrs. Smith again. We are to consider a stronger measure that ad- we had done what we were supposed to basically going to say: OK, we gave you dresses this crisis facing thousands of do, we would have taken that money a 4-month extension, but we are going retirees in my State and in so many and put that money in the funds for the to notify you again in January that other States across the country. These miners’ protection of their health and you are going to lose it again in April. are not just numbers. These are our their pension. They had nothing before They don’t even have time to work citizens. These are the people we rep- that. They are the ones who basically with the deductibles to get any insur- resent. These are the people who dug gave us the energy that we had to win ance—nothing. the coal to keep the lights on in this two world wars and become the super Let me tell you how they were going building. Their ancestors dug the coal power of the West. All they asked for to pay for it. This is what came from that helped win the war in World War was that. It wasn’t guaranteed by tax- the House—not my colleagues here but II. We made a promise, and here we payers going to pay it. It was going to from the House. The House says: OK, stand making a decision whether it come from the coal that was mined. we are going to take $47 million from will be kept or whether it will not. Now this same Congress comes back the VEVA transfers. VEVA was money This is about who we are as a country 20, 30 years later, and we changed the that was set aside for other bank- and who we are as Senators. Do we bankruptcy laws to allow companies ruptcies. These were bankruptcies that honor the word of the people before us? Do we honor the coal miners with now to declare bankruptcy and to shed were basically going to give people who black lung, with broken kneecaps, with their legacy costs. They don’t have to were retired under those bankruptcies broken shoulders, with widows who are pay it no more. So we are caught. at least health care coverage until wondering if they are going to be able Every promise we made now is this: June. Those same people are going to to make it alone? Oh, I am sorry; we can’t pay you. lose theirs because it is going to take I will continue to object to any unan- So we did step in. We stepped in a their money and they are going to lose imous consent request or legislation couple of times—in 1993, in 2006. Con- theirs also. It is almost incomprehen- until the CR includes a permanent gress has basically a history with this sible that they would give us some- long-term solution for our miners’ piece of legislation. So we are working thing like this and think it is some- health care as included in the Miners now to shore it up. thing we could do. Protection Act, S. 3470. Therefore, Mr. AML means abandoned mine lands. We got a bipartisan agreement here President, for these reasons, I object. That is money that goes from every on this side, and we can’t get just a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- kind of coal into a reclamation fund consideration from our colleagues over tion is heard. that takes care of any reclamation in the House. So I just can’t explain it. The Senator from North Carolina. that is needed from the mining process. I can’t go home and explain this. We Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, let me di- As you are putting the mines back or are walking out of here, trying to get rect a question through the Chair to putting the environment back and tak- out this weekend because everybody the Senator from Indiana. ing the environment and putting the wants to go home. That is wonderful. I don’t believe the Senator was in at land back, that money would be used The only thing we have this time cer- the time that the Senator from Oregon for that. If there was not much rec- tain is December 31. They know they offered his motion. Would the Senator lamation or if that money accumu- are going to lose everything—their have objected to that motion—Senator lated, then we have a surplus. We have health care benefits. It is in doubt that WYDEN’s motion? only asked for the surplus. they will have their pensions taken Mr. DONNELLY. I was not here to So we were all on the same page, and care of, and we won’t stay here because listen to what he said. I was elsewhere. we have been negotiating back and it is too much of an inconvenience. So I cannot answer the question be- forth. This is 2 years ago and up until That is why we are prepared. We are cause I didn’t hear what the Senator present. We have been negotiating back going to stay. If they want to stay had to say. and forth, up to 2 weeks ago. Two through Christmas, fine—through the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.100 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 New Year, fine. I think that they ing this when, No. 1, he wouldn’t do it, tomorrow, we are going to be here the think: I know everybody wants to go he wouldn’t do it, he wouldn’t do it, he next day. If we don’t do it at the end of home; so I am sure everybody will fold wouldn’t do it. Senator MANCHIN has this week, we are going to be here next their hands and leave. asked him for weeks and months and week because we are not leaving. We I want to thank all of you and all of months to take care of the pension and are going to stay here as long as we my colleagues for jumping up here be- the health insurance, and the majority need to, even if it means a session on cause you all have been helping us. leader refused month after month after Christmas Day, in order to get these They just have to get the message that month. retirees and their widows the pensions we are sincere about helping these peo- The majority leader said: I need you and the health care that they earned, ple. to do several things. We need you to not a little 4-month bump. Everybody is standing for the work- follow regular order. We did. We went Mr. President, I object. ing person. Every campaign ad I saw through the Finance Committee, 18 to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- this year said: We are all for the work- 8. Senator HATCH, the chairman, helped tion is heard. ing man and the working woman. Well, us. Senator WYDEN, the ranking mem- The Senator from North Carolina. you got a chance to prove it right now. ber, was one of the strongest sup- Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, earlier You got a chance to show that I am for porters, joined by Senators CASEY and the distinguished Senator from Oregon you, that I respect what you did, what WARNER, Finance Committee members said he recognizes that I am new to the your husband did, what your family who represent a lot of mine workers. Senate and there may be something has done for the country, and I am try- The Senate majority leader then different between what we would call a ing to help you. said: You have to find a way to pay for blanket position in the North Carolina What we are asking for is to give us it. We did it. We found a way to pay for House and a blanket position here. a permanent long-term solution for the it. It comes from the abandoned mine Mr. President, I want to ask a ques- miners, included in the Miners Protec- fund. There are no tax dollars involved tion of the distinguished Senator from tion Act that we have been working on in this. The majority leader still Ohio. I might add that I appreciate the for so long, S. 3470. Reluctantly, there- wouldn’t do anything. kind comments that I think you were fore, for these reasons, I have to object. So finally, Senator MANCHIN comes recently reported as saying. We are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- to the floor, I come to the floor, Sen- working together on veterans issues, tion is heard. ator CASEY comes to the floor, and and I look forward to continuing to Mr. TILLIS. Objection? Senator WARNER comes to the floor work for you. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- over and over, and we say we are not Mr. President, I would ask the Sen- tion is heard. going to agree to anything until you ator from Ohio, if he was in the Cham- The Senator from North Carolina. take care of these pensioners, until you ber at the time of the motion offered Mr. TILLIS. Thank you, Mr. Presi- take care of these miners’ widows. by Senator WYDEN, would he have been dent. Then, out of the goodness of the major- prepared to object to that motion being The Senator from West Virginia, I ity leader’s heart, he gives these min- consistent with the position that they believe, is trying to make a compelling ers—these retired miners and widows— are having blanket objections to all argument. I understand that he feels 4 months. What does 4 months mean? motions? very strongly about this. We feel very It means that these widows and min- Mr. BROWN. Mr. President—Senator strongly about a number of these mo- ers—these retired miners and widows TILLIS, I heard the tail end of it. I was tions I am going to continue to make got a notice in the last couple of weeks in the cloakroom trying to find out ex- and hopefully not get objection. saying their insurance will expire De- actly what the parliamentary proce- Mr. President, I do want to remind cember 31. If we agree to the majority dure was going be on this. I would be the Senator from West Virginia that it leader’s bountiful offer, then they will willing to say yes to a lot of these once was the majority leader who worked to get another notice in January or Feb- we take care of the mine workers. This at least get the patch in the CR, and ruary saying: Oh, it is going to run out is a wide-open forum. Let’s take care of like so many things around here, we again in 4 months. the mine workers, and then we can wish we were working on longer hori- What is really interesting around consider each of these other bills. But zons, but that seems to be the chal- here is, I hear Republican Senators day none of these bills has the immediacy lenge we have to deal with and that we after day after day—whether it is the of thousands of mine workers, retirees, will have to deal with in the waning Affordable Care Act, whether it is and their widows in West Virginia, days of this session. Dodd-Frank—say: All we want is pre- Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, and Indi- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 1831 dictability. We want to be able to plan. ana. None of them have the immediacy Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Businesses can’t produce jobs, can’t of these mine workers’ health care sent that the Committee on the Judici- create jobs, unless we have a path for- being cut off December 31. ary be discharged from further consid- ward, unless we can predict what will These are important public initia- eration of S. 1831, the Preventing Ani- happen, unless we can have some cer- tives. I can’t think of anything that we mal Cruelty and Torture Act, and the tainty. are considering—I mean, I really want Senate proceed to its immediate con- That is all right for corporate Amer- to get ‘‘Buy American’’ in the WRDA sideration; further, that the Toomey ica. They want certainty. Corporate bill. We had it in the Senate bill. It was substitute amendment be agreed to, America wants to be able to plan. But bipartisan. the bill, as amended, be considered it is not all right for mine workers’ Speaker RYAN—even though we read a third time and passed, and the widows? It is OK to jack them around— tweeted the President-elect of the motion to reconsider be considered pardon my language—it is OK for them United States asking him to weigh in made and laid upon the table. to stumble around every 4 months and on ‘‘Buy American,’’ saving thousands The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. we renew their pensions, we renew of dollars in Coshocton, OH, in Wheel- GARDNER). Is there objection? their health care? Really. ing, and in other places all over this The Senator from Ohio. This is so easy. Give us a year, and country, we couldn’t get any response Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, reserving then we will be back next year and we to that. I want to see us do that. I the right to object, I am a bit incred- will work on this. But, as Senator would like to stay and do that, but the ulous. I like the Senator from North MANCHIN said, for us to go home for immediate question is, How do we pro- Carolina. We sit across from each other Christmas—whether or not you cele- tect these miners and retirees and how in the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. We brate Christmas—and be with our fami- do we protect these widows and wid- have done at least 2 or 3 bills that lies, which I really want to do—I have owers, for that matter, make sure their reached the President’s desk and were five grandchildren. I can’t wait to get health care is protected? That is the signed into law together. to spend time with them in the next 3 fundamental question. I am willing to But I think my Republican friends weeks. But we have to do our job. If we do a whole lot of other things. Do this are kind of missing the point here—to don’t do it tonight, then we are going first, and then the floor is open to do give the majority leader credit for fix- to be here tomorrow. If we don’t do it other things.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.101 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6825 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- by June. Now they are going to lose it saying to these widows and mine work- ator from North Carolina. by April, by this provision that has ers and retired mine workers that I UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 3286 been passed by the House. And on top guess you don’t matter very much be- Mr. TILLIS. In a moment, I will be of that, they will have $2 million in cause we are going to have our Christ- making another unanimous consent re- surplus. mas vacation and you are going to quest. I will give a classic example of I had a lady call me today. She said: have to worry about your health care. the kinds of things I wish we could get You know, Senator MANCHIN, where I Their health care runs out December done before we leave here. come from, they call that theft. They 31. Senator MCCONNELL, finally, after The unanimous consent request I am call that theft. And why would you all great pressure from constituents and about to make would encourage effec- let them do that? If they don’t do any- mine workers and us, finally said he tive, voluntary private sector invest- thing, some of our miners are, till would give us 4 months. You can’t run ments to recruit, employ, and retain June—16,000 of us lose. We don’t want your life not knowing your health in- men and women who have served in the to punish them, but now you are pun- surance is going to run out in 4 months U.S. military, with annual Presidential ishing them. You are punishing them or 8 months or 3 months. awards to private sector employers rec- an extra 3 months. Why would you all So we shouldn’t keep repeating our- ognizing such efforts for their pur- do that? selves, but Senator TILLIS keeps bring- poses. I am not sure they really realize it on ing up one issue after another. We are This is an example of something that the other side. going to keep saying no until we get in right now, today, without objection, we Like I said, I am not at our col- this bill much more time for this can get through. leagues here, my friends and Repub- health care for these retired mine Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- lican colleagues I have here, but why workers and their families and their sent that the Senate proceed to the im- would the House send that to you, and widows. mediate consideration of H.R. 3286, a why would you all accept it? Mr. President, I object. bill to encourage effective, voluntary That is all we are asking for. We can The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- private sector investments to recruit, all gather forces here and send a large tion is heard. Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I just employ, and retain men and women message to them that we are not going want to be clear that my friend from who have served in the U.S. military, to do this until they come to their West Virginia, whom I actually con- with annual Presidential awards to pri- senses and take care of the miners’ sider to be one of my favorites, to be vate sector employers recognizing such health care benefits. honest with you, since I have been You know what. We can come back. efforts, which was received from the here—I have loved serving with him on We can let all of this—all of our UCs House. I further ask consent that the committees, and I serve with him on that have been worked on and that I bill be considered read a third time and the Senate Armed Services Committee think are so needed can go right passed and the motion to reconsider be and Veterans’ Affairs. I asked the Sen- through, we can all go home, and hope- considered made and laid upon the ator from West Virginia if he would table. fully our miners know they have have objected to the motion set forth The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there health care, we know we have done a by the Senator from Oregon, Mr. objection? lot of good for a lot of people, and WYDEN, and the answer was no. So we The Senator from West Virginia. hopefully everyone will have a better have an inconsistency here. Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, reserv- Christmas. So all I am asking for— ing the right to object, first, I say to UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—SENATE until the CR includes that permanent, RESOLUTION my good friend from North Carolina, long term, I am going to have to ob- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Mr. TILLIS, I have been in the Senate ject. sent that the Senate proceed to the for 6 years, so I have never used this The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- consideration of a Senate resolution at procedure—never believed it, never tion is heard. the desk honoring the individuals who thought I would have to, never thought The Senator from North Carolina. lost their lives in the tragic fire in anything would be so direly needed UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—SENATE Oakland, California, on December 2, that I would even have to stand here RESOLUTION 2016, submitted earlier today. I ask and object to all the good things we Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the resolution both have worked on. I have so many unanimous consent that the Senate be agreed to, the preamble be agreed good things on my side that I am not proceed to the immediate consider- to, and the motions to reconsider be moving right now, and you have so ation of a Senate resolution at the considered made and laid upon the many great things on your side that I desk designating December 17, 2016, as table with no intervening action or de- would love to help you with. ‘‘Wreaths Across America Day,’’ sub- bate. But, sir, if you were in my position— mitted earlier today. I ask unanimous The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there let me go a little bit further because I consent that the resolution be agreed objection? don’t think maybe I made it. If you to, the preamble be agreed to, and the The Senator from West Virginia. want to add insult to injury to what motions to reconsider be considered Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, reserv- has happened to our retired miners and made and laid upon the table with no ing the right to object, I would like to all the people dependent on their intervening action or debate. explain to my good friend, the Senator health care benefits, the $47 million The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there from North Carolina, that I have been that I told you they transferred—that objection? deferring to you the pleasure of object- is what they are going the pay for from The Senator from Ohio. ing, and that is the reason I didn’t ob- the House, the VEBA—basically takes Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I reserve ject to the Senator from Oregon. As it from other bankrupt funds that were the right to object. We can keep doing you said, we can stay here. I think we set aside. They are going to do that, this. I think it is very clear what Sen- all have a lot of appreciation for the and when all is said and done—and it ator MANCHIN and I are asking for. We situation. has even been scored that Medicaid and are not asking for anything unusual; With that being said, we have come Medicare would save so much because we are asking for the Senate to honor to an impasse that if we cannot get the now they are paying for it out of the the pledge made by President Truman House, with the help of our Senate col- miners health care fund, and they are more or less seven decades ago to take leagues on both sides, to agree to a per- not going to have to. But on top of care of the health care that mine work- manent, long-term fix and a solution that, from the $47 million they took, ers earned. for the miners’ health care—and I they are going to make $2 million prof- Don’t ever forget, we all work around would say to the Senator, we took off it returned back to the Treasury. They here. We wear coats and ties, and our the pension; you heard me say that. We are going to take $2 million from work might be stressful, sort of, but we took the pensions off of that. We money set aside to pay—that the bank- are not likely risking our lives, we are thought that might provide us a way to ruptcy courts put aside to pay miners not likely picking up occupational dis- move forward. We thought we had a because they will lose their health care eases from the work we do. But we are way to move forward.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.104 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 With that being said, we stand here tions that don’t mean anything except ment at the desk be agreed to; the bill, today objecting to things that we they are nice. I am for these resolu- as amended, be read a third time and would all like to move forward on. It tions. I love to support anything we do passed, and the motion to reconsider be pains all of us to be in this position. to say something nice and pat some- made and laid upon the table with no Hopefully, you all can help us, talking body on the back. But we have these intervening action or debate. to the House and basically asking them two resolutions saying aren’t they The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there to come to their senses and, hopefully, nice, aren’t we nice, compared to tak- objection? take care of this. ing care of widows who are going to see Mr. BROWN. I object. So for that reason, until we have a their health care expire on December The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- long-term solution for our miners’ 31. I don’t understand the equivalency. tion is heard. health care as included in the Miners I suppose we could go all night if The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Protection Act, S. 3470, I object. Senator MCCONNELL were perhaps in ator from West Virginia. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- his office or perhaps out to dinner or Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, reserv- tion is heard. perhaps he went home. But it is order- ing the right to object— Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I would ing or asking or however we do things The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- like to direct another question through around here—Senators come to the tion has been heard. the Chair to the Senator from West floor and delay and delay and delay and The Senator from North Carolina is Virginia. I just want to be clear that, try to change the subject so that peo- recognized. hypothetically, if the Senator from Or- ple forget about these mine workers. Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I am egon were to come back to the Cham- Well, we are not going to let the Pre- happy to yield the floor to the Senator ber and offer that motion, would the siding Officer or Senator TILLIS or Sen- from West Virginia. Senator from West Virginia actually ator MCCONNELL or Senator CORNYN or The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- object to that motion? anybody else—we are not going to let ator from North Carolina yields the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there you forget the mine workers. We are floor to the Senator from West Vir- objection to the Senator posing a ques- going to keep talking about this. ginia. tion? I don’t mind working late tonight. I Mr. MANCHIN. I just want to clarify. Mr. BROWN. I object. don’t mind working late tomorrow. I I think there is some confusion. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- would rather not work until December seems like everybody is in a hustle tion is heard. 24, but Senator MANCHIN said he will, right now. I think they think we are Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, we may and I will. My wife is not thrilled about being selective. I want to make it very have that opportunity. it, and my children and my grandkids clear. I have been very clear to every- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—SENATE aren’t thrilled about it. But these are body. I have had to object on every- RESOLUTION thousands of people who are going to thing. I have had to object on my own Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- lose their health insurance on Decem- pieces of legislation to stop everything. sent that the Senate proceed to the ber 31, and all that Senator MCCONNELL With that being said, I think I was consideration of a Senate resolution at can do, after huge pressure from mine asked about Senator WYDEN’s request, the desk recognizing the 75th anniver- workers around the country and his and I said, no, I wouldn’t at that time, sary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and constituents in Kentucky and from and then I think at that time Senator the lasting significance of National us—all Senator MCCONNELL can do is TILLIS objected. For that you were Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day sub- say, well, we can give you maybe 4 asked did I object, and I said no. mitted earlier today. I ask unanimous months, and that is supposed to satisfy With that being said, I would have consent that the resolution be agreed us. It doesn’t matter if it satisfies us; objected to everything, and I think ev- to, the preamble be agreed to, and the it matters that we take care of these erybody knew where I stood in this motions to reconsider be considered retired mine workers and their widows. body that I will and have to reluc- made and laid upon the table with no For all of those reasons, I object. tantly—I don’t want to be in this posi- intervening action or debate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- tion. I am so committed to fulfilling The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there tion is heard. the promise and commitment we have objection? Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, the dis- made. That is all. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, reserving tinguished Senator from Ohio did men- I am sorry if there has been confu- the right to object, I was incredulous tion a couple of resolutions, but I sion. I have to, for the position we have at the beginning of the night, not quite would add there was also the American taken. I think the good fight that we believing that Senator MCCONNELL—I Innovation and Competitiveness Act have here—and, basically, what the don’t know what he is doing now—was that we worked very hard on to provide House has done to us is not humane to sending his people to the floor and find- much needed resources for a number of the people we represent. That is all I ing ways to push back against the mine States, including Ohio. There are a said. I am sorry for that. workers in West Virginia and Ohio and number of other items, including I So if there is a motion on the table, Pennsylvania and Indiana and Vir- think hiring vets, providing programs I object to that too. ginia, not willing to help those pen- or providing preferences and trying to f sioners and widows. Now we have this do everything we can to get our vet- incredible coincidence that the last erans hired; preventing animal cruelty MORNING BUSINESS two resolutions—we are talking about and torture I think is a worthwhile Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask mine workers—retired mine workers’ cause, and a number of other things. unanimous consent that the Senate be health care; we are talking about wid- But, again, the point here is that we in a period of morning business, with ows of mine workers who have either are trying to move things that we gen- Senators permitted to speak therein died on the job or died perhaps from an erally have consent on, and for one rea- for up to 10 minutes each. illness that mine workers so often son or another—and I don’t question The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- have—brown lung or some kind of the motives of the Senator from West ator from Ohio. heart disease. Instead, my friend from Virginia—they are being held up. We Mr. BROWN. Reserving the right to North Carolina has offered two resolu- kind of have a double standard in that object, but I withdraw my reservation. tions, one to honor people who died in some of these things do not rise to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without a fire—a tragedy—and one to mark the same level as the unanimous consent objection, it is so ordered. 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, both request made by Senator WYDEN ear- f reasonable things. But they are not lier. resolutions to provide college to the UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 5456 TRIBUTE TO BARBARA BOXER children of the people who died in the So I ask unanimous consent that the Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, in 1922, fire, and they are not to increase bene- Senate proceed to the immediate con- Rebecca Latimer Felton was the first fits for the grandchildren of people who sideration of Calendar No. 527, H.R. woman to sit in the U.S. Senate. She died in Pearl Harbor; they are resolu- 5456; that the Wyden substitute amend- served in this body for only 1 day, but

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.105 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6827 during those 24 hours she made a bold class town of Brooklyn. Or maybe it is Because we have let another year and prediction for her time about the fu- because her parents and Jewish grand- holiday season come and go without ture role women would play in the Sen- parents, who immigrated to this coun- closing the online sales tax loophole, ate. She said: ‘‘When the women of the try from Russia instilled in her a deep States missed out on millions of dol- country come in and sit with you . . . love for America’s Constitution and lars in sales tax revenue owed to them you will get ability, you will get integ- freedoms—a sense of obligation to give from online purchases. And Main rity of purpose, you will get exalted pa- something back and a determination to Street retailers continued to lose busi- triotism, and you will get unstinted fight for underdogs, truth and justice. ness. usefulness.’’ I will second that. She has sponsored or cosponsored However, this was not without try- BARBARA and I served together in the more than 1,200 pieces of legislation ing. House—and we have served together in and helped lead the fight on issues Around this time last year, Senators ranging from women’s rights to the Senate for 20 years. And let me tell ENZI, ALEXANDER, HEITKAMP, and my- you, no one embodies Senator FELTON’S healthcare to protecting California’s self opposed the air dropping of legisla- natural wonders to keeping lead and prediction better than BARBARA BOXER. tion in the customs conference report other potentially lethal hazards out of Throughout the years, I have loved that would have taken away a State’s getting to know BARBARA as a col- children’s toys. The vote that sealed our spiritual right to collect taxes on accessing the league, but more importantly as a internet unless we gave States the abil- friend. Loretta and I joined BARBARA kinship took place in October 2002 when she and I voted against the Iraq ity to collect taxes on internet sales and her husband, Stu, on official trips, that were already owed, and we leveled personal vacations and countless din- war resolution. One of our dear friends, Paul Wellstone, also voted against the the playing field for brick and mortar ners. We have eaten, drank, joked, and businesses. bonded. And as her career in the Sen- resolution. Paul was in a tough reelec- Despite our opposition, the customs ate comes to an end, keeping those tion fight that year. A reporter asked bill passed, and Majority Leader bonds of friendship strong as she heads him if it was a hard choice to vote MCCONNELL promised to give us a vote west is one my life goals. against the war. Paul said it was a later this year on the Marketplace BARBARA made quite an impact on risk, but not a choice. His conscience the Senate Chamber before she even wouldn’t let him vote any other way. It Fairness Act or similar e-fairness legis- entered this body. On October 9, 1991, seems to me that is how BARBARA lation. the Senate Judiciary Committee was BOXER approaches every one of her This would give House Republicans set to vote on the nomination of Jus- votes in Congress: It might be a risk, the opportunity to go through regular tice Clarence Thomas to serve a life- but it is not a choice. She listens to her order, a process they said was nec- time appointment on the U.S. Supreme conscience, and the people of California essary to address the issue. Court, without listening to Professor respect her for it. But let me be clear: Yet, unfortunately, here we are, at Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual har- that doesn’t mean she will not work the end of the Congress, and House Re- assment. At the time, there were two hard to find a compromise. publicans have still refused to act. She proved that in recent years when women in the Senate, BARBARA MIKUL- The Marketplace Fairness Act levels she and JIM INHOFE—the unlikeliest of SKI and Nancy Landon Kassebaum. the playing field for retailers by allow- Now, while this was going on in the odd couples—worked together to pass ing States to treat brick and mortar Senate, the women of the House tried important legislation updating regula- retailers the same as remote retailers speaking out in that body. They were tions on toxic chemicals and shep- in the collection of State and local herding through a surface transpor- censured. And they had enough. So sales and use taxes. tation bill that no one thought could they marched out of the House and Internet retailers benefit under our be done. over to the Senate—29 women House current system with a 5–10 percent I will close with this. Early in BAR- Members, led by Congresswoman Pat price advantage over their Main Street BARA’S political career, people used to Schroeder from Colorado and BARBARA come up to her and say: How did you competitors. BOXER from California. American poli- get so strong, how did you get so This is because customers visit local tics has never been the same. tough? BARBARA would humbly re- retailers, browse goods, use their phone The following year, a number of es- spond: Oh, not tough. I am just an ordi- to take a picture of it, and go online to teemed women were elected to the U.S. nary person, and I do what I think is purchase the item tax-free. Senate. Several reporters deemed 1992: right. I agree with most of that, but let Products sold online seem cheaper ‘‘the Year of the Woman.’’ Senator MI- me tell you—BARBARA is as tough as when sales taxes are not collected at KULSKI, the dean of women, as she is they come. She can’t be bullied or in- the point of sale. But they are not be- often referred to, said: ‘‘Calling 1992 timidated, and she never loses her cause the tax is still owed, though not the Year of the Woman makes it sound courage. I want to thank BARBARA for paid, by the customer. like the Year of the Caribou or the sacrificing so much time with her own This is not fair, and it is not right. Year of the Asparagus. We’re not a fad, family to make the families of America Thousands of Main Street businesses fancy or a year.’’ She was right. But safer, healthier, and more hopeful. For have worked hard to grow their busi- California made history. For the first that and a thousand other reasons, I nesses, but have become showrooms be- time, one State sent two women to rep- will miss her in the Senate. But I know cause of this price advantage, making resent them in the Senate: DIANNE I can count on her to keep pushing it difficult, and, in some cases, impos- FEINSTEIN and BARBARA BOXER. those of us who remain to listen to our sible for them to compete. BARBARA often reminds me of the consciences—to fight for change and do I have come to this floor in the past line from Shakespeare’s—A Mid- the right thing. summer Night’s Dream: ‘‘Though she to share the stories of Main Street be but little, she is fierce.’’ In 1994, f businesses, such as Play It Again when Republicans took control of Con- MARKETPLACE FAIRNESS BILL Sports in Naperville and Soccer Plus in Palatine, that have gone out of busi- gress, one of the first things they did Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, this past ness due, in large part, to the unfair was go after environmental regula- Thanksgiving marked the beginning of advantage of their online competitors. tions, including rules to limit the the holiday shopping season. amount of arsenic in the drinking In an effort to find deeply discounted Since then, Sports Authority has met water. BARBARA immediately launched electronics, toys, and other Christmas that same fate, and many department a good, old-fashioned, 3-day ‘‘Ms. gifts for family and friends, bargain- stores and big-box retailers have closed Smith Goes to Washington’’ filibuster. hunting shoppers searched for Black a number of stores because of the in- And like most of the fights she takes Friday and Cyber Monday deals. crease in online shopping. on, she won. While these deals provided great sav- These are local jobs and community BARBARA is a call-it-as-you-see-it ings for shoppers, Main Street retailers anchors that no longer exist. kind of person. Maybe it is because she and States did not reap the same bene- There is nothing we can do now for grew up in the no-nonsense, working- fits. these shuttered retailers. But we can,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.033 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 and should, still help thousands of re- States collect sales tax without con- took power in a coup, with troubling tailers avoid the same fate by leveling gressional action. arrests and disappearances of journal- the playing field for Main Street retail- This week, a Federal court in South ists, activists, and opposition members. ers. Dakota will begin hearing oral argu- I and several of my Senate colleagues For the first time in history, con- ments on a South Dakota law that re- raised a number of these cases over the sumers said they made more of their quires remote retailers to collect and years, most notably the 2007 disappear- purchases online than in stores. remit sales tax. ance of journalist Ebrima Manneh—for This trend is evidenced by an in- And we may know, as early as next which I now hope there will finally be crease in online retail spending, which week, if the Supreme Court will grant a fair and healing accounting. grew 14.6 percent last year, to $341 bil- review of a law Colorado recently en- And yet, last Thursday night, the lion, and is projected to reach $523 bil- acted that imposes reporting and noti- people of , voting with col- lion in 2020. fication requirements on remote retail- ored marbles placed in different con- During the weekend following ers. tainers to make it easier for illiterate Thanksgiving—the biggest shopping Let me be clear. This is not the ap- voters, chose a new leader in a peaceful weekend of the year—online retail proach I prefer. I would rather Con- and democratic process. spending was over $9.3 billion, a 16.4 gress do its job to pass a uniform, com- And outgoing President Yahya percent increase from 2015. prehensive Federal solution instead of Jammeh honorably conceded the elec- As online sales increase, the poten- the States moving forward individually tion and agreed to a peaceful transfer tial sales tax revenue that States lose so we don’t have a patch work of laws of power. increases. that small businesses have to navigate. He offered to help President-Elect The longer we delay in closing this But I understand that, in the absence Adama Barrow. loophole, the longer we perpetuate an of Congressional action, the States While we have had our differences, I uneven playing field between local and have no other options. They must ei- want to acknowledge this important online retailers that erodes the reve- ther raise taxes or cut vital public act of leadership and love of country by nues needed by State and local govern- services if Congress continues to sit on outgoing President Jammeh. ments to fund essential public services. the sidelines. And not only has there been this no- Despite the looming budget deficits As you can see, the States are no table peaceful transfer of power, but in State and local governments are facing longer waiting for Congress to get its just the few short days since the elec- and the competitive disadvantage expe- act together. tion, at least 18 political prisoners have But there is still time for us address rienced by brick and mortar busi- been released from jail, including a key nesses, House Republicans have refused this issue. And I hope my colleagues in the opposition figure. to address the issue for more than a So to the Gambian people, let me say decade. House will work with me to do that be- fore it is too late. congratulations on your important This year is no different. demonstration of democracy—a model Numerous requests to the chairman f for the African continent and the of the House Judiciary Committee to ELECT AND FREEING OF POLIT- world. markup e-fairness legislation from the ICAL PRISONERS IN THE GAMBIA I look forward to significantly im- ranking member and other bipartisan Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, in re- proved relations between our two na- members on committee, Main Street cent years, we have seen a troubling tions and working together on a host of retailers, State and local governments, trend of democratic backsliding in sev- shared concerns. labor, and the sponsors of the Market- eral parts of the world, including Rus- f place Fairness Act remain unanswered. sia, Thailand, Uganda, Turkey, and Instead, Chairman GOODLATTE draft- Venezuela. TRIBUTE TO BARBARA MIKULSKI ed his own proposal that created more Even some parts of Europe and the Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, history is problems than it solved. United States have seen long estab- dotted with the stories of trailblazers. I didn’t support the chairman’s pro- lished democratic norms challenged in People who shape the public discourse posal, but I supported the process and deeply upsetting ways. at a pivotal moment in time or change his calls for regular order and encour- So imagine my great surprise late the direction of the debate. One of aged him to work with his colleagues last week when the people of The Gam- those trailblazers is BARBARA MIKUL- in the House to send us a bill so that bia peacefully voted for a new demo- SKIm, the longest serving woman in we can resolve our differences. cratic government. We are still waiting. Many probably don’t know much Senate history, the first woman to rep- The chairman has continued to about The Gambia—a small West Afri- resent Maryland in the U.S. Senate, refuse to work with us on reasonable can nation whose uniquely odd colonial and the first woman to chair the Sen- compromise legislation that didn’t borders have it straddling the mean- ate’s Appropriations Committee. She is turn 100 years of sales and use tax law dering Gambia River almost com- tough. She is direct. She is dedicated. on its head, even though he doesn’t pletely surrounded by Senegal. She is a fighter. She is a leader. have the support of the majority of the Gambia is English speaking—Senegal BARBARA MIKULSKI has always fought House Republican Caucus on his ap- speaks French—with several local lan- for our families and our children. From proach. guages shared between the unusual her roots as a social worker and com- It is apparent that these calls for borders. munity activist to the levels of leader- compromise and regular order are Some of you may remember The ship in the Senate, she has held firm to nothing more than veiled attempts to Gambia was the ancestral home in the her adage that she is not just the Sen- delay and obstruct, which have so far novel and then-television miniseries ator from Maryland, she is the Senator been successful. ‘‘Roots.’’ for Maryland. From her first years in If Congress continues to ignore this Because of its strong ties to the U.S. the Senate until now, she has promoted issue and fails to act, the courts will. and geographic location, for some time education, nutrition, healthcare, and Because States are missing out on an The Gambia also had a unique distinc- gender equality in the Senate. estimated $23 billion a year in poten- tion of being an emergency landing She led our historic efforts to pass tial sales tax revenue, they are looking spot for the Space Shuttle should one the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act— to the courts for a solution, heeding need to abort its mission early in the shouting from the rooftops the simple the call from Supreme Court Justice launch phase. principle that women deserve equal pay Kennedy to reexamine the Court’s And until 1994, it had the proud dis- for equal work. She continued that leg- precedent on the issue. tinction of being the longest acy with the . This year alone, 16 States have intro- postcolonial democracy on the African Wouldn’t it be a fitting tribute if the duced over 40 sales tax bills, and others continent. Senate considered and approved that have enacted legislation that have trig- You see, for the last 22 years, The commonsense legislation before she re- gered legal challenges that would help Gambia was ruled by a regime that tires?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.032 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6829 Like others in this Chamber, she was DEFENSE SECURITY POLICY JUSTIFICATION a vocal and steadfast supporter of Vio- COOPERATION AGENCY, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—CH–47F Chinook lence Against Women Act and our most Arlington, VA. Cargo Helicopters recent efforts to reauthorized and ex- Hon. BOB CORKER, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has re- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, pand those lifesaving programs. She led quested a possible sale of: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. Major Defense Equipment (MDE): the efforts to ensure that the Afford- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- Forty-eight (48) CH–47F Chinook Cargo able Care Act made clear that no one porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of Helicopters. should be discriminated against in pre- the Arms , as amended, One hundred twelve (112) T55–GA–714A En- ventive care. Who can forget her fierce we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. gines (ninety-six (96) installed, sixteen (16) advocacy to make the letter of the law 16–31, concerning the Department of the spares). clear that being a woman is not a pre- Army’s proposed Letter(s) of Offer and Ac- One hundred sixteen (116) Embedded Global existing condition? ceptance for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Positioning System (GPS) Inertial Naviga- for defense articles and services estimated to tion Systems (EGI (ninety-six (96) installed, And when BARBARA assumed the cost $3.51 billion. After this letter is deliv- twenty (20) spares)). mantle chairing the Appropriations ered to your office, we plan to issue a news Fifty-eight (58) AN/AAR–57 Common Mis- Committee, she brought with her the release to notify the public of this proposed sile Warning Systems (CMWS) (forty-eight tough but fair grit that has been her sale. (48) installed, ten (10) spares). hallmark in the Senate. When asked Sincerely, Forty-eight (48) M240H 7.62mm Machine about earmarks, her retort was simple: JAMES WORM, Acting Deputy Director, Guns with spare parts. ‘‘I’ve told senators that if you’re op- (For J. W. Rixey, Vice Admiral, USN, Non-MDE: This request also includes the following Non-MDE: M134D Mini-Guns or posed to earmarks, I’ll honor that and Director). Enclosures. equivalent type guns with support equip- won’t include any for your state.’’ You ment and training; Aircraft Survivability TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–31 always know where you stand with Equipment (AN/APR–39A(V)1/4, AN/AVR–2B, BARBARA MIKULSKI. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of AN/ARC–231, AN/ARC–201D, AN/APX–123A, Thirty years ago, when she first Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the ARN–147 VOR/1LS, ARN–153 TACAN, APN– came to the Senate, women filled just Arms Export Control Act, as amended 209, IDM–401 Improved Data Modem, and AN/ two seats in this body. When the Sen- (i) Prospective Purchaser: The Kingdom of ARC–220); Infrared Signature Suppression ate convenes next year, there will be Saudi Arabia. System (IRSS); Fast Rope Insertion Extrac- (ii) Total Estimated Value: tion System (FRIES); Extended Range Fuel 21. I hope it won’t be another 30 years Major Defense Equipment* $2.60 billion. System (ERPS); Ballistic Armor Protection for the Senate to be truly representa- Other $ .91 billion. System; facilities; air worthiness support; tive of the country we serve. Total $3.51 billion. spares and repair parts; communications A lifelong Baltimore resident, ‘‘Sen- (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- equipment; personnel training and training ator Barb’’ has never forgotten her tities of Articles or Services under consider- equipment; site surveys; tool and test equip- roots, probably because she never left. ation for Purchase: ment; Ground Support Equipment (GSE); re- She remains a Marylander through and Maior Defense Equipment (MDE): pair and return; publications and technical through, dedicated to her State and Forty-eight (48) CH–47F Chinook Cargo documentation; Quality Assurance Team (QAT); U.S. Government and contractor en- never forgetting that listening to your Helicopters. One hundred twelve (112) T55–GA–714A En- gineering, technical and logistics support constituents is the most important job gines (ninety-six (96) installed, sixteen (16) services; and other related elements of logis- of all. When Senator MIKULSKI an- spares). tics and program support. The total overall nounced her retirement, she told her One hundred sixteen (116) Embedded Global estimated value is $3.51 billion. constituents that the question came Positioning System (GPS) Inertial Naviga- This proposed sale will contribute to the down to whether she wanted to spend tion Systems (EGI) (ninety-six (96) installed, foreign policy and national security of the her time ‘‘raising money or raising hell twenty (20) spares). United States by helping to improve the se- curity of a strategic partner which has been to meet your day-to-day needs?’’ That Fifty-eight (58) AN/AAR–57 Common Mis- sile Warning Systems (CMWS) (forty-eight and continues to be a leading contributor of is BARBARA. This rang through in her political stability and economic progress in farewell speech today to the Senate. (48) installed, ten (10) spares). Forty-eight (48) M240H 7.62mm Machine the Middle East. This sale will increase the We often talk of the lions of the Sen- Guns with spare parts. Royal Saudi Land Forces Aviation Com- ate. BARBARA MIKULSKI ranks among Non-MDE: This request also includes the mand’s (RSLFAC) interoperability with U.S. them. I will miss her fierce advocacy, following Non-MDE: M134D Mini-Guns or forces and convey U.S. commitment to Saudi her counsel, her commitment, her te- equivalent type guns with support equip- Arabia’s security and armed forces mod- nacity, and her grit. I value her friend- ment and training; Aircraft Survivability ernization. The proposed sale of this equipment and ship, and we will miss her. Equipment (AN/APR–39A(V) 1/4, AN/AVR–2B, AN/ARC–231, AN/ARC–201D, AN/APX–123A, support will not alter the basic military bal- ARN–147 VOR/ILS, ARN–153 TACAN, APN– ance in the region. f The proposed sale of the CH–47F aircraft 209, IDM–401 Improved Data Modem, and AN/ will improve Saudi Arabia’s heavy lift capa- ARC–220); Infrared Signature Suppression bility. Saudi Arabia will use this enhanced ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION System (IRSS); Fast Rope Insertion Extrac- capability to strengthen its homeland de- tion System (FRIES); Extended Range Fuel Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, section fense and deter regional threats. Saudi Ara- System (ERPS); Ballistic Armor Protection bia will have no difficulty absorbing these 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act System; facilities; air worthiness support; aircraft into its armed forces. requires that Congress receive prior no- spares and repair parts; communications The prime contractors will be The Boeing tification of certain proposed arms equipment; personnel training and training Military Aircraft Company, Ridley Park, sales as defined by that statute. Upon equipment; site surveys; tool and test equip- Pennsylvania, and Honeywell Aerospace ment; Ground Support Equipment (GSE); re- such notification, the Congress has 30 Company, Phoenix, Arizona. There are no pair and return; publications and technical calendar days during which the sale known offset agreements in connection with documentation; Quality Assurance Team may be reviewed. The provision stipu- this potential sale. lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- (QAT); U.S. Government and contractor en- Implementation of this sale will require up gineering, technical and logistics support tion of proposed sales shall be sent to to sixty (60) U.S. Government and contractor services; and other related elements of logis- representatives to travel to Saudi Arabia for the chairman of the Senate Foreign tics and program support. Relations Committee. up to sixty (60) months for equipment de- (iv) Military Department: Army (SR–B– processing, fielding, system checkout, train- In keeping with the committee’s in- ZAG). ing, and technical logistics support. tention to see that relevant informa- (v) Sales Commission. Fee, etc., Paid, Of- There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- tion is available to the full Senate, I fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. fense readiness as a result of this proposed ask unanimous consent to have printed (vi) Sensitivity of Technology Contained in sale. the Defense Article or Defense Services Pro- in the RECORD the notifications which TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–31 have been received. If the cover letter posed to be Sold: See Annex attached. (vii) Prior Related Case, if any: None. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of references a classified annex, then such (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the annex is available to all Senators in December 7, 2016. Arms Export Control Act the office of the Foreign Relations * as defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms Ex- Annex Item No. vii Committee, room SD–423. port Control Act. (vii) Sensitivity of Technology:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.095 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 1. The CH–47F Chinook Cargo Helicopter is fense articles and services estimated to cost The prime contractor will be the Boeing a medium-lift helicopter equipped with the $700 million. After this letter is delivered to Corporation of Chicago, Illinois. The U.S. Common Avionics Architecture System your office, we plan to issue a news release Government is not aware of any known off- (CAAS) cockpit, which provides aircraft sys- to notify the public of this proposed sale. sets associated with this sale. Any offset tem, flight, mission, and communication Sincerely, agreement will be defined in negotiations be- management systems, five multifunction JAMES WORM, Acting Deputy Director tween the purchaser and the contractor. displays, two general purpose processor (For J.W. Rixey, Vice Admiral, USN, Implementation of this sale will require units, two control display units and two data Director). the assignment of approximately five addi- concentrator units. The navigation system Enclosures. tional U.S. Government and approximately will have two Embedded Global Positioning TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–62 50 contractor representatives to Qatar. There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- System/Inertial Navigation System (GPS/ Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of INS), two Digital Advanced Flight Control fense readiness, as a result of this proposed Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Systems (DAFCS), one ARN–149 Automatic sale. Arms Export Control Act, as amended Direction Finder, one ARN–147 Very High TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–62 (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of Frequency Omnidirectional Range/Instru- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Qatar. ment Landing System (VOR/ILS) marker Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the beacon system, one ARN–153 Tactical Air- (ii) Total Estimated Value: Major Defense Equipment (MDE)* $ 0 mil- Arms Export Control Act borne Navigation (TACAN) system, two air Annex A Item No. vii data computers, and one Radar Altimeter lion. Other $700 million, (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: system. The aircraft survivability equipment Total $700 million. 1. This sale will involve the release of sen- includes the AN/APR–39A(V)1/4 Radar Signal (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- sitive technology to Qatar in the perform- Detecting Set, and the AN/AAR–57 Common tities of Articles or Services under Consider- ance of services to sustain eight (8) Qatar C– Missile Warning System. ation for Purchase: 17 aircraft. While much of the below equip- The Embedded Global Positioning System/ Major Defense Equipment (MDE): None. ment supporting the C–17 is not new to the Inertial Navigation System (GPS/INS) is SE- Non-MDE includes: Follow-on support for country, there will be replenishment spares CRET. The AN/AAR–57 Common Missile eight (8) C–17 aircraft, to include contract of the below sensitive technologies pur- Warning System (CMWS) is CONFIDEN- labor for sustainment engineering, on-site chased to support the fleet. TIAL. Releasable technical manuals for op- COMSEC support, Quality Assurance, sup- 2. The Force 524D is a 24-channel SAASM eration and maintenance are SECRET. The port equipment repair, supply chain manage- based Global Positioning System (GPS) re- AN/APR–39A(V)1/4 Series Radar Detecting ment, spares replenishment, maintenance, ceiver, with precise positioning service Set (RDS) is SECRET. The AN/AVR–2B, back shop support, and centralized mainte- (PPS) capability built upon Trimble’s next Laser Warning Set is CONFIDENTIAL. Re- nance support/associated services. Required generation OPS technology. The Force 524D leasable technical manuals for operation and upgrades will include fixed installation sat- retains backward compatibility with the maintenance are SECRET. The AN/ARC–231 ellite antenna, Mode 5+ installation and proven Force 5GS, while adding new (V)(C) is UNCLASSIFIED. The AN/ARC–201D sustainment, Automatic Dependent Surveil- functionality to interface with digital an- Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio lance-Broadcast Out, and two special oper- tenna electronics, to significantly improve System (SINCGARS), performance capabili- ations loading ramps. anti-jam (AJ) performance. The host plat- ties, Electronic Countermeasures/Electronic (iv) Military Department: Air Force (QAI). form can select the radio frequency (RF) or Counter Counter-Measures (ECM/ECCM) (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: QA–D–QAB. digital antenna electronics (DAE) interface. specifications and Engineering Change Or- (vi) Sales Commission. Fee. etc., Paid, Of- In the digital mode, the Force 524D is capa- ders (ECOs) are SECRET. The AN/APX–123A, fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. ble of controlling up to 16 independent Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Trans- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained beams. The hardware and software associ- ponder is UNCLASSIFIED. The AN/ARN–147, in the Defense Article or Defense Services ated with the 524D receiver card is UNCLAS- Very High Frequency Omni Ranging/Instru- Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. SIFIED. ment Landing System (VOR/ILS) receiver is (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: 3. The C–17 aircraft will be equipped with UNCLASSIFIED. The AN/ARC–220 is UN- December 7, 2016. the GAS–1, which is comprised of the Con- CLASSIFIED. The KN–77 is UNCLASSIFIED. * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms trolled Reception Pattern Antennas (CRPA), The AN/PYQ–10 (C) Simple Key Loader (SKL) Export Control Act. with the associated wiring harness and the is UNCLASSIFIED. The TSEC KY–58 voice POLICY JUSTIFICATION Antenna Electronics (AE)–1, to provide AJ secure equipment is CONFIDENTIAL if soft- capability. The hardware is UNCLASSIFIED. Qatar—Continuation of Logistics Support ware fill is installed. The TSEC KY–100 voice 4. The KIV–77 is the crypto applique for Services and Equipment secure equipment is used with the FM Com- Mode V Identification Friend of Foe (IFF). mand Radio to provide secure two-way com- The Government of Qatar has requested a The hardware is UNCLASSIFIED and munication. It is Communications Security possible sale of continued logistics support COMSEC controlled. (COMSEC) Equipment and is classified SE- for eight (8) C–17 aircraft which will include 5. Software, hardware, and other data/in- CRET if software fill is installed. The AN/ contract labor for sustainment engineering, formation, which is classified or sensitive, is AVS–6/7(V)1 is UNCLASSIFIED. on-site COMSEC support, Quality Assurance, reviewed prior to release to protect system 2. If a technologically advanced adversary support equipment repair, supply chain man- vulnerabilities, design data, and performance were to obtain knowledge of the specific agement, spares replenishment, mainte- parameters. Some end-item hardware, soft- hardware and software elements, the infor- nance, back shop support, and centralized ware, and other data identified above are mation could be used to develop counter- maintenance support/associated services. Re- classified at the CONFIDENTIAL and SE- measures or equivalent systems which might quired upgrades will include fixed installa- CRET level. Potential compromise of these reduce weapon system effectiveness. tion satellite antenna, Mode 5+ installation systems is controlled through management 3. A determination has been made that and sustainment, Automatic Dependent Sur- of the basic software programs, of highly Saudi Arabia can provide the same degree of veillance-Broadcast Out, and two special op- sensitive systems and software-controlled protection for the sensitive technology being erations loading ramps. The estimated total weapon systems, on a case-by-case basis. released as the U.S. Government. This sale is cost is $700 million. 6. Qatar is both willing and able to protect necessary in furtherance of the U.S. foreign The proposed sale contributes to the for- United States classified military informa- policy and national security objectives out- eign policy and national security of the U.S. tion. Qatari physical and document security lined in the Policy Justification. by helping to improve the security of an im- standards are equivalent to U.S. standards. 4. All defense articles and services listed in portant regional ally. Qatar is a vital part- Qatar has demonstrated its willingness and this transmittal have been authorized for re- ner for political stability and economic capability to protect sensitive military tech- lease and export to the Kingdom of Saudi progress in the Middle East. The C–17 pro- nology and information released to its mili- Arabia. vides a heavy airlift capability and com- tary in the past. plements the normal, day-to-day operations 7. If a technologically advanced adversary DEFENSE SECURITY of the Government of Qatar’s C–130J fleet. were to obtain knowledge of the specific COOPERATION AGENCY, Qatar will have no difficulty absorbing this hardware or software source code in this pro- Arlington, VA. equipment into its armed forces. posed sale, the information could be used to Hon. BOB CORKER, The proposed sale will enhance Qatar’s develop countermeasures, which might re- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, ability to operate and maintain its C–17s, duce weapon system effectiveness or be used U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. supporting its capability to provide humani- in the development of systems with similar DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- tarian aid in the Middle East and Africa re- or advanced capabilities. The benefits to be porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of gion and support its troops in coalition oper- derived from this sale in the furtherance of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, ations. Qatar’s current contract supporting the U.S. foreign policy and national security we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. its C–17 fleet will expire in September of 2017. objectives, as outlined in the Policy Jus- 16–62, concerning the Department of the Air The proposed sale of this equipment and tification, outweigh the potential damage Force’s proposed Letter(s) of Offer and Ac- support will not alter the basic military bal- that could result if the sensitive technology, ceptance to the Government of Qatar for de- ance in the region. where revealed to unauthorized persons.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:00 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.044 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6831 8. All defense articles and services listed in The prime contractor will be the Boeing (1,200) TOW 2A, Radio Frequency (RF) Mis- this transmittal are authorized for release Corporation of Chicago, Illinois. The U.S. siles (BGM–71–413–RF) and fourteen (14) TOW and export to the Government of Qatar. Government is not aware of any known off- 2A, Radio Frequency (RF) Missiles (Fly-to- sets associated with this sale. Any offset Buy Lot Acceptance Missiles). Also included DEFENSE SECURITY agreement will be defined in negotiations be- with this request is U.S. Government and COOPERATION AGENCY, tween the purchaser and the contractor. contractor engineering, technical and logis- Arlington, VA. Implementation of this proposed sale will tics support services; and other related ele- Hon. BOB CORKER, not alter current assignment of additional ments of logistics and program support. The Chairman, Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Government or contractor representa- estimated MDE sale is $101 million. The total U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. tives to Qatar. The number of U.S. Govern- estimated value is $108 million. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- ment and contractor representatives re- This proposed sale will contribute to the porting requirements of Section 36(b)(I) of quired in Qatar to support the program will foreign policy and national security of the the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, be determined in joint negotiations as the United States by helping to improve the se- we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. program proceeds through the development, curity of a Major Non-NATO Ally that con- 16–61, concerning the Department of the Air production and equipment installation tinues to be an important force for the polit- Force’s proposed Letter(s) of Offer and Ac- phases. ical stability and economic progress in North ceptance to the Government of Qatar for de- There is no adverse impact on U.S. defense Africa. This proposed sale directly supports fense articles and services estimated to cost readiness as a result of this proposed sale. Morocco and serves the interests of the Mo- $81 million. After this letter is delivered to All defense articles and services listed in roccan people and the United States. your office, we plan to issue a news release this transmittal are authorized for release The proposed sale of TOW 2A Missiles and to notify the public of this proposed sale. and export to the Government of Qatar. technical support will advance Morocco’s ef- Sincerely, forts to develop an integrated ground defense capability. Morocco will have no difficulty JAMES WORM, Acting Deputy Director DEFENSE SECURITY absorbing this equipment into its armed (For J.W. Rixey, Vice Admiral, USN, COOPERATION AGENCY, forces. Director). Arlington, VA. Enclosures. The proposed sale of this equipment and Hon. BOB CORKER, support will not alter the basic military bal- TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–61 Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, ance in the region. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. The principal contractors involved in this Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- program are: Raytheon Missile Systems, Arms Export Control Act, as amended porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of Tucson, Arizona. There are no known offset (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, agreements proposed in connection with this Qatar. we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. potential sale. (ii) Total Estimated Value: 16–52, concerning the Department of the Implementation of this proposed sale will Major Defense Equipment (MDE) * $51 mil- Army’s proposed Letter(s) of Offer and Ac- require the U.S. Government or contractor lion. ceptance to the Kingdom of Morocco for de- representatives to travel to Morocco. Other $30 million. fense articles and services estimated to cost There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- Total $81 million. $108 million. After this letter is delivered to fense readiness as a result of this proposed (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- your office, we plan to issue a news release sale. tities of Articles or Services under Consider- to notify the public of this proposed sale. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–52 ation for Purchase: Sincerely, Major Defense Equipment (MDE): Four (4) Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of JAMES WORM, Acting Deputy Director Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the F117–PW–100 C17 Engines (spares). (For J.W. Rixey, Vice Admiral, USN, Non-MDE includes: Quick Engine Change Arms Export Control Act, as amended Director). Annex Item No. vii (QEC) Kits, Engine Transport Trailers, En- Enclosures. gine Platforms, Engine Trailers, and other (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: various support. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–52 1. The Radio Frequency (RF) TOW 2A Mis- (iv) Military Department: Air Force (LAC). Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of sile (BGM–71E–4B–RF) is designed to defeat (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: QA–D–QAB. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(I) of the armored vehicles, reinforced urban struc- (vi) Sales Commission, Fee. etc., Paid, Of- Arms Export Control Act, as amended tures, field fortifications and other such tar- fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. (i) Prospective Purchaser. Kingdom of Mo- gets. TOW missiles are fired from a variety (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained rocco. of TOW launchers in the U .S. Army, USMC, in the Defense Article or Defense Services (ii) Total Estimated Value: and FMS customer forces. The TOW 2A RF Proposed to be Sold: None. Major Defense Equipment* $101 million. missile can be launched from the same (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: Other: $7 million. launcher platforms as the existing wire-guid- December 7, 2016. Total: $108 million. ed TOW 2A missile without modification to * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms the launcher. The TOW 2A missile (both wire Export Control Act. (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- tities of Articles or Services under Consider- & RF) contains two trackers for the launcher POLICY JUSTIFICATION ation for Purchase: to track and guide the missile in flight. Qatar—Spare C–17 Engines and Equipment Major Defense Equipment (MDE): Guidance commands from the launcher are The Government of Qatar has requested a One thousand two-hundred (1,200) TOW 2A, provided to the missile by a RF link con- possible sale of the following in support of Radio Frequency (RF) Missiles (BGM–71–4B– tained within the missile case. The hard- its eight (8) C–17 Globemaster III aircraft RF) ware, software, and technical publications procured under a Direct Commercial Sale Fourteen (14) TOW 2A, Radio Frequency provided with the sale thereof are UNCLAS- (DCS): four (4) spare F117–PW–100 engines, (RF) Missiles (Fly-to-Buy Lot Acceptance SIFIED. However, the system itself contains Quick Engine Change (QEC) Kits, Engine Missiles) sensitive technology that instructs the sys- Transport Trailers, Engine Platforms, En- Non-MDE includes: U.S. Government and tem on how to operate in the presence of gine Trailers, and other various support. The contractor engineering; technical and logis- countermeasures. estimated total program cost is $81 million. tics support services; and other related ele- 2. The highest level of classified informa- The proposed sale would contribute to the ments of logistics and program support. tion that must be disclosed in training to use foreign policy and national security of the (iv) Military Department: Army (VTG). the end item is UNCLASSIFIED. The highest U.S. by helping to improve the security of an (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: MO-B-USZ level of classified information that must be important regional ally. Qatar is a vital for $137,034.913 signed on 4 May 2016. disclosed in maintenance of the end item is partner for political stability and economic (vi) Sales Commission, Fee. etc., Paid, Of- UNCLASSIFIED. The highest level of classi- progress in the Middle East. The C–17 pro- fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. fied information that could be disclosed by vides a heavy airlift capability and com- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained sale of the end item is SECRET. The highest plements the normal, day-to-day operations in the Defense Article or Defense Services level of classified information that could be of Qatar’s C–130J fleet. Qatar will have no Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. revealed by testing the end item is SECRET. difficulty absorbing this equipment into its (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: The highest level of classified information armed forces. December 7, 2016. that could be revealed by reverse engineer- The proposed sale would enhance Qatar’s * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms ing of the end item is SECRET. ability to operate and maintain its C–17s, Export Control Act. 3. If a technologically advanced adversary supporting its capability to provide humani- were to obtain knowledge of the specific POLICY JUSTIFICATION tarian aid in the Middle East and Africa re- hardware and software elements, the infor- gion and support its troops in coalition oper- Government of Morocco—Radio Frequency mation could be used to develop counter- ations. (RF) TOW 2A, Radio Frequency (RF) Mis- measures that might reduce weapon system The proposed sale of this equipment and sile (BGM–71–4B–RF and Support) effectiveness or be used in the development support will not alter the basic military bal- The Government of Morocco has requested of a system with similar or advanced capa- ance in the region. a possible sale of one thousand two-hundred bilities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:00 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.046 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 4. All defense articles and services listed in (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: cept, millimeter-wave radar, combined with this transmittal have been authorized for re- December 7, 2016. a passive AN/APR–48B Modernized Radar lease and export to the Government of Mo- * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms Frequency Interferometer (M–RFI) mounted rocco. Export Control Act. on top of the helicopter mast. The FCR POLICY JUSTIFICATION Ground Targeting Mode detects, locates, DEFENSE SECURITY —Apache AH–64E classifies and prioritizes stationary or mov- COOPERATION AGENCY, Helicopters and Services ing armored vehicles, tanks and mobile air defense systems as well as hovering heli- Arlington, VA. The Government of the United Arab Emir- copters, helicopters, and fixed wing aircraft Hon. BOB CORKER, ates (UAE) has requested a possible sale of Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, in normal flight if desired, the radar data twenty-eight (28) AH–64E Remanufactured can be used to refer targets to the regular U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. Apache Attack Helicopters; nine (9) new AH– DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- electro-optical Modernized Target Acquisi- 64E Apache Attack Helicopters; Seventy-six tion and Designation Sight (MTADS). This porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of (76) T700–GE–701D Engines (56 remanufac- the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, information is provided in a form that can- tured, 18 new, 2 spares); thirty-nine (39) AN/ not be extracted by the foreign user. The we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. ASQ–170 Modernized Target Acquisition and 16–15, concerning the Department of the content of these items is classified SECRET. Designation Sight/AN/AAR–11 Modernized User Data Module (UDM) on the RFI proc- Army’s proposed Letter(s) of Offer and Ac- Pilot Night Vision Sensors (28 remanufac- ceptance to the Government of the United essor, contains the Radio Frequency threat tured, 9 new, 2 spares); thirty-two (32) re- library. The UDM, which is a hardware as- Arab Emirates for defense articles and serv- manufactured AN/APR–48B Modernized— ices estimated to cost $3.5 billion. After this semblage, is classified CONFIDENTIAL when Radar Frequency Interferometers forty-six programmed with threat parameters, threat letter is delivered to your office, we plan to (46) AAR–57 Common Missile Warning Sys- issue a news release to notify the public of priorities and/or techniques derived from tems (31 remanufactured, 9 new, 6 spares); U.S. intelligence information. this proposed sale. eighty-eight (88) Embedded Global Posi- Sincerely, b. The AN/ASQ–170 Modernized Target Ac- tioning Systems with Inertial Navigation (72 quisition and Designation Sight/AN/AAQ–11 J. W. RIXEY, new, 16 spares); forty-four (44) Manned-Un- Pilot Night Vision Sensor (MTADS/PNVS) Vice Admiral, USN, Director. manned Teaming-International (MUMTi) Enclosures. provides day, night, and limited adverse systems (28 remanufactured, 9 new, 7 spares); weather target information, as well as night TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–15 and fifteen (15) new MUMTi System Upper navigation capabilities. The PNVS provides Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Receivers. This request also includes train- thermal imaging that permits nap-of-the- Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the ing devices, helmets, simulators, generators, earth flight to, from, and within the battle Arms Export Control Act, as amended transportation, wheeled vehicles and organi- area, while TADS provides the co-pilot gun- Prospective Purchaser: United Arab Emir- zation equipment, spare and repair parts, ner with search, detection, recognition, and ates. support equipment, tools and test equip- designation by means of Direct View Optics (ii) Total Estimated Value: ment, technical data and publications, per- (DVO), EI2television, and Forward Looking Major Defense Equipment* $1.68 billion sonnel training and training equipment, U.S. Infrared (FLIR) sighting systems that may Other $1.82 billion government and contractor engineering, be used singularly or in combinations. Hard- Total $3.50 billion technical, and logistics support services, and ware is UNCLASSIFIED. Technical manuals (iii) Description and Ouantity or Quan- other related elements of logistics support. for authorized maintenance levels are UN- tities of Articles or Services under Consider- Total estimated program cost is $3.5 billion. CLASSIFIED. Reverse engineering is not a ation for Purchase: This proposed sale will enhance the foreign major concern. Major Defense Equipment (MDE): policy and national security of the U.S. by c. The AN/APR–48B Modernized Radar Fre- Twenty-eight (28) AH–64E Remanufactured helping to improve the security of a friendly quency Interferometer (M–RFI) is an updated Apache Attack Helicopters. country that has been and continues to be an version of the passive radar detection and di- Nine (9) new AH–64E Apache Attack Heli- important force for political stability and rection finding system. It utilizes a detach- copters. economic progress in the Middle East. able UDM on the M–RFI processor, which Seventy-six (76) T700–GE–701D Engines (56 The proposed sale will improve the UAE’s contains the Radar Frequency (RF) threat li- remanufactured, 18 new, 2 spares). capability to meet current and future brary. The UDM, which is a hardware assem- Thirty-nine (39) AN/ASQ–170 Modernized threats and provide greater security for its blage item is classified CONFIDENTIAL Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/ critical infrastructure. The UAE will use the when programmed. Hardware becomes CLAS- AN/AAR–11 Modernized Pilot Night Vision enhanced capability to strengthen its home- SIFIED when populated with threat para- Sensors (28 remanufactured, 9 new, 2 spares). land defense. The UAE will have no difficulty metric data. Releasable technical manuals Thirty-two (32) remanufactured AN/APR– absorbing these Apache aircraft into its are Unclassified/restricted distribution. 48B Modernized—Radar Frequency armed forces. d. The AAR–57 Common Missile Warning Interferometers. The proposed sale of this equipment and System (CMWS) detects energy emitted by Forty-six (46) AAR–57 Common Missile support will not alter the basic military bal- threat missiles in-flight, evaluates potential Warning Systems (31 remanufactured, 9 new, ance in the region. false alarm emitters in the environment, de- 6 spares). The prime contractor will be Boeing in clares validity of threat and selects appro- Eighty-eight (88) Embedded Global Posi- Mesa, AZ and Lockheed Martin in Orlando, priate countermeasures. The CMWS consists tioning Systems with Inertial Navigation (72 FL. Offsets are a requirement of doing busi- of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), Electro- new, 16 spares). ness in UAE; however offsets are negotiated Optic Missile Sensors (EOMSs), and Se- Forty-four (44) Manned-Unmanned directly between the Original Equipment quencer and Improved Countermeasures Dis- Teaming-International (MUMTi) Systems (28 Manufactures or other vendors and the UAE penser (ICMD). The ECU hardware is classi- remanufactured, 9 new, 7 spares). government and details are not known at fied CONFIDENTIAL; releasable technical Fifteen (15) new MUMTi System Upper Re- this time. manuals for operation and maintenance are ceivers. Implementation of this proposed sale will classified SECRET. Non-MDE: Training devices, helmets, sim- not require the assignment of contractor e. The AN/APR–39 Radar Signal Detecting ulators, generators, transportation, wheeled representatives to the UAE. Set is a system that provides warnings of vehicles and organization equipment, spare There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- radar-directed air defense threats and allows and repair parts, support equipment, tools fense readiness as a result of this proposed appropriate countermeasures. This is the and test equipment, technical data and pub- sale. 1553 databus-compatible configuration. The lications, personnel training and training TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–15 hardware is classified CONFIDENTIAL when equipment, U.S. government and contractor programmed with U.S. threat data; releas- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of engineering, technical, and logistics support able technical manuals for operation and Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the services, and other related elements of logis- maintenance are classified CONFIDENTIAL; Arms Export Control Act tics support. releasable technical data (technical perform- (iv) Military Department: Army (AE–B– Annex Item No. vii ance) is classified SECRET. The system can GUA). (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: be programmed with threat data provided by (v) Prior Related Cases. if any: FMS case: 1. The AH–64E Apache Attack Helicopter the purchasing country. AE–B–JAH–02 Jan 92–$617M, FMS case: AE– weapon system contains communications f. The AN/AVR–2B Laser Warning Set is a B–UDE–06 Jan 00–$195M, FMS case: AE–B– and target identification equipment, naviga- passive laser warning system that receives, UDN–28 Nov 05–$755M, FMS case: AE–B-ZUL– tion equipment, aircraft survivability equip- processes, and displays threat information 21 Oct 09–$252M, FMS case: AE–B–ZUF–22 Dec ment, displays, and sensors. The airframe resulting from aircraft illumination by la- 08–$174M itself does not contain sensitive technology; sers on the multi-functional display. The (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- however, the pertinent equipment listed hardware is classified CONFIDENTIAL; re- fered. or Agreed to be Paid: None. below will be either installed on the aircraft leasable technical manuals for operation and (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained or included in the sale: maintenance are classified SECRET. in the Defense Article or Defense Services a. The AN/APG–78 Fire Control Radar g. The Embedded Global Positioning Sys- Proposed to be Sold: See Annex Attached. (FCR) is an active, low-probability of inter- tem/Inertial Navigation System plus

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:00 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.052 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6833 MultiMode Receiver (EGI+MMR). The air- from Harris to satisfy its requirement for an was in the process of securing all the craft has two EGIs which use internal Airborne and Maritime/Fixed Station (AMF) necessary requirements for the renova- accelerometers, rate gyro measurements, Small Airborne Link 16 Terminal (SALT). tions of these facilities when the new and external sensor measurements to esti- The SIT is the latest generation of small, law was passed on November 2, 2015. mate the aircraft state, provides aircraft two-channel, Link 16 and VHF/UHF radio flight and position data to aircraft systems. terminals. While in flight, the SIT provides The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid The EGI is a velocity-aided, strap down, ring simultaneous communication, voice or data, Services, CMS, clearly agreed when laser gyro based inertial unit. The EGI unit on two key waveforms. they issued provider numbers to all houses a GPS receiver. The receiver is capa- 2. If a technologically advanced adversary four new outpatient departments in ble of operating in either non-encrypted or were to obtain knowledge of the specific September and October 2015. For hos- encrypted. When keyed, the GPS receiver hardware and software elements, the infor- pitals like Jackson, the subsequent will automatically use anti-spoof/jam capa- mation could be used to develop counter- change in the law essentially changed bilities when they are in use. The EGI will measures which might reduce weapon system the rules in the middle of the game. I retain the key through power on/off/on cy- effectiveness or be used in the development cles. Because of safeguards built into the of a system with similar or advanced capa- urge CMS to work with all hospitals in EGI, it is not considered classified when bilities. similar situations. keyed. Integrated within the EGI is an Iner- 3. A determination has been made that the I am very pleased that the 21st Cen- tial Measurement Unit (IMU) for processing recipient country can provide the same de- tury Cures Act will provide relief to functions. Each EGI also houses a Multi- gree of protection for the sensitive tech- the Jackson Health System and hos- Mode Receiver (MMR). The MMR is incor- nology being released as the U.S. Govern- pitals like it that had made these in- porated to provide for reception of ground ment. This sale is necessary in furtherance vestments in future outpatient based NAVAID signals for instrument aided of the U.S. foreign policy and national secu- flight. Provides IMC I IFR integration and rity objectives outlined in the Policy Jus- healthcare departments prior to the Bi- certification of improved Embedded Global tification. partisan Budget Act of 2015. Positioning System and Inertial (EGI) unit, 4. All defense articles and services listed in There being no objection, the mate- with attached MMR, with specific cockpit this transmittal have been authorized for re- rial was ordered to be printed in the instrumentation allows Apaches to operate lease and export to the Government of the RECORD, as follows: within the worldwide IFR route structure. United Arab Emirates. Also includes integration of the Common f f Army Aviation Map (CAAM), Area Naviga- FEDERAL RULE OF CRIMINAL tion (RNAV), Digital Aeronautical Flight In- 21ST CENTURY CURES BILL PROCEDURE 41 formation File (DAFIF) and Global Air Traf- fic Management (GATM) compliance. Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I am Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask h. Manned-Unmanned Teaming-Inter- pleased to see that the 21st Century unanimous consent that the following national (MUMT–I) provides Manned-Un- Cures Act will fix one of the issues as- letters from law enforcement groups be manned Teaming with Unmanned Aerial sociated with payments for hospital printed in the RECORD in support of the Systems (UASs), other Apaches and other outpatient departments that arose interoperable aircraft and land platforms. recent changes to Federal Rule of from the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. Criminal Procedure 41 that was the Provides ability to display real-time UAS You will recall that section 603 of that sensor information to aircraft and transmit subject of debate on the floor of the MTADS video. Capability to receive video act changed the way these departments Senate on November 30, 2016: a Decem- and metadata from Interoperability Profile will be reimbursed by Medicare in the ber 6, 2016, letter signed by the Associa- compliant (IOP) as well as legacy systems. It future. Hospital outpatient depart- tion of State Criminal Investigative is a data link for the AH–64E that provides a ments that were billing Medicare prior Agencies, the International Associa- fully integrated multiband, interoperable ca- to November 2, 2015, however, were ex- pability that allows pilots to receive off- tion of Chiefs of Police, the Major Cit- empted from these reduced payments. ies Chiefs Association, the National board sensor video streaming from different We have heard from a number of hos- platforms in non-Tactical Common Data District Attorneys Association, the Na- Link (TCDL) bands. The MUMT–I data link pitals in Florida that were in the mid- tional Sheriffs’ Association, and the can retransmit Unmanned Aerial System dle of developing hospital outpatient Sergeant’s Benevolent Association (UAS) or Apache Modernized Target Acquisi- departments when the new law went NYPD; a December 5, 2016, letter signed tion Designation Sight full-motion sensor into effect. They had made substantial by the Federal Law Enforcement Offi- video and metadata to another MUMT–I- investments in these new departments cers Association; a December 5, 2016, equipped Apache. It can also transmit to under the assumption that Medicare ground forces equipped with the One Station letter signed by the Federal Bureau of would pay them just as it had been Investigation Agents Association; a Remote Video Terminal. It provides Apache doing for years. I am pleased to see aircrews with increased situational aware- December 5, 2016, letter signed by the ness and net-centric interoperability while that the 21st Century Cures Act will National Fraternal Order of Police; significantly reducing sensor-to-shooter permit hospitals that were in the proc- and, a December 5, 2016, letter signed timelines. This combination results in in- ess of developing outpatient depart- by the National Association to Protect creased survivability of Apache aircrews and ments to be reimbursed under the pre- Children. ground forces by decreasing their exposure vious payment system. to hostile fire. In my State, Jackson Health System, DECEMBER 6, 2016. Re: Rule 41 Changes. i. Link 16 is a military tactical data ex- a large public hospital which is known change network. Its specification is part of throughout the world for its high-qual- Hon. , the family of Tactical Data Links. Link 16 Chairman provides aircrews with enhanced situational ity healthcare and its value as a public Hon. , awareness and the ability to exchange target hospital in our community, was in the Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary, information to Command and Control (C2) process of building four new outpatient U.S. Senate Washington, DC. assets via Tactical Digital Information departments for patients in the Miami- DEAR CHAIRMAN GRASSLEY AND RANKING Link-Joint (TADIL–J). Link 16 can provide a Dade County area when the new law MEMBER LEAHY: We write in support of range of combat information in near-real was passed. They had executed binding changes to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of time to U.S. and allies’ combat aircraft and leases on three of the departments, Criminal Procedure that improve the ability C2 centers. This will contribute to the inte- constructed facilities, and finalized of law enforcement to obtain evidence de- grated control of fighters by either ground- spite efforts by criminals to hide behind based or airborne controllers and will great- contracts for architectural and engi- technology. The changes encourage judicial ly increase the fighters’ situational aware- neering reviews on several of the facili- oversight of complex online investigations ness and ability either to engage targets des- ties. They had gone through a long and give investigators a clear roadmap to ignated by controllers or to avoid threats, process of getting the necessary ap- seek authorization for their techniques. thereby increasing mission effectiveness and provals and financing from the county Rule 41 improvements help solve a simple reducing fratricide and attrition. The Link and State governments. conundrum for law enforcement: if you don’t 16 enables the Apache to receive information It is obvious that all four of Jack- know where a computer is located that is from the command-and-control platforms son’s outpatient facilities meet the being used to commit a crime, how do you and enables it to share this data with all the know which court to ask for a search war- other services, making it more efficient at ‘‘mid-build’’ exception contained in rant to find the computer? Investigators locating and prosecuting targets. The mate- section 16001 of the 21st Century Cures sought these common-sense changes because rial solution for the AH–64E is currently the Act. The actual construction of these they needed court oversight and authoriza- Small Tactical Terminal (SIT) KOR–24A facilities was complete, and Jackson tion to identify criminals hiding behind

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:17 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.055 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016

technological barriers, not because they tions, but the previous version of Rule 41 NATIONAL FRATERNAL wanted to avoid oversight. only allowed magistrate judges to issue war- ORDER OF POLICE, Rule 41 only governs cases where investiga- rants for evidence within their jurisdictions. Washington, DC, December 5, 2016. tors are seeking a search warrant issued by This situation created ambiguity and signifi- Hon. CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, a neutral magistrate based upon probable cant burdens for investigators allowing Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, cause, particularly describing the place to be transnational sexual predators and cyber U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. searched and the persons or things to be criminals anonymity. Hon. PATRICK J. LEAHY, seized. If these changes are not made, then The Rule 41 amendments resolve the uncer- Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary, criminals could hide behind anonymizing tainty surrounding the warrant process by U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. services with impunity, knowing that law establishing a court-supervised framework DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN AND SENATOR LEAHY, I enforcement could never lawfully figure out for conducting investigations that will pro- am writing on behalf of the members of the which court had jurisdiction over them. tect the privacy interests of the public. Fraternal Order of Police to advise you of The stated goal of several legislative re- FLEOA believes these changes, which took our strong and continued support for the forms addressing law enforcement access to effect on December 1, 2016 are reasonable and changes to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of digital evidence is to modernize the law to necessary. Criminal Procedure made by the U.S. De- accommodate changing technology, pre- Respectively, partment of Justice. serving law enforcement access while pro- NATHAN CATURA, The FOP supports these changes and we tecting privacy. Ensuring that law enforce- FLEOA National President. believe they will benefit law enforcement of- ment can access evidence it needs with ap- ficers conducting online investigations. These changes will ensure that Federal propriate judicial oversight is precisely what FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION agents know which judge to go to in order to these Rule 41 changes will do. AGENTS ASSOCIATION, apply for a warrant when the cybercriminals Sincerely, Alexandria, VA, December 5, 2016. they are investigating have hidden their lo- ASSOCIATION OF STATE Re: Rule 41 Amendments. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE cation through anonymizing technology. Hon. MITCH MCCONNELL, AGENCIES, This search warrant will help law enforce- Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. INTERNATIONAL ment discover where these criminals are lo- Hon. CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS cated and end their illicit activity. Chairman, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, OF POLICE, Law enforcement officers are now able to U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. MAJOR CITIES CHIEFS obtain warrants from a single judge instead Hon. HARRY REID, ASSOCIATION, of multiple applications in many jurisdic- Minority Leader, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. MAJOR COUNTY SHERIFFS’ tions to obtain the same information. This Hon. PATRICK J. LEAHY, ASSOCIATION, will help speed up investigations into crimes Ranking Member, Senate Committee on the Ju- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF like computer hacking, where offenders un- diciary, POLICE ORGANIZATIONS, lawfully access computers remotely and U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. NATIONAL DISTRICT cross jurisdictional boundaries. On behalf of the more than 330,000 members ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION DEAR SENATORS: On behalf of the FBI of the Fraternal Order of Police, I want to NATIONAL SHERIFFS’ Agents Association (‘‘FBIAA’’), a voluntary thank you for your consistent strong support ASSOCIATION, professional association currently rep- for the men and women of law enforcement NATIONAL SHERIFFS’ resenting over 13,000 active duty and retired throughout this country. I look forward to ASSOCIATION, FBI Special Agents, I write to express our working with you and your staff on this SERGEANT’S BENEVOLENT support for the recently implemented issue. If I can be of any additional help in ASSOCIATION NYPD. amendments to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (‘‘Rule 41’’). These this matter, please do not hesitate to con- tact me or Executive Director Jim Pasco in FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT amendments will enhance the ability for law my Washington office. OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, enforcement officials to investigate and Washington, DC, December 5, 2016. prosecute criminals, such as terrorists and Sincerely, Re: Rule 41 Amendments. child pornographers, who use computer net- CHUCK CANTERBURY, works to disguise their physical location. National President. Hon. MITCH MCCONNELL, The FBIAA shares the opinion of FBI Di- Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, U.S. Capitol, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION TO Washington, DC, rector Comey and the Department of Justice that the narrow changes included in the Rule PROTECT CHILDREN, Hon. CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, 41 amendments are necessary to address in- Knoxville, TN, December 5, 2016. Chairman, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Hon. : U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. vestigative obstacles that result from the difficulty of identifying the specific location U.S. Senate, Majority Whip, Chair, Judiciary Hon. HARRY REID, of a computer when seeking a warrant. Subcommittee on The Constitution, Wash- Minority Leader, U.S. Senate, ington, DC. Washington, DC. Criminals frequently use complex computer networks spread across the country and the DEAR SENATOR CORNYN, We are writing you Hon. PATRICK J. LEAHY, world to anonymize their communications, in support of the amendment to the Federal Ranking Member, Senate Committee on the Ju- Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 41. It has diciary, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. but the previous version of Rule 41 only al- lowed magistrate judges to issue warrants been with great concern over the last decade DEAR SENATORS: On behalf of the Federal for evidence within their jurisdictions. This that we have watched as child sexual preda- Law Enforcement Officers Association tors take advantage of new technologies, in- (FLEOA)—the nation’s largest professional, situation created uncertainty and significant administrative burdens for investigators, cluding ways to hide their exploitation of non-profit association representing over children through the use of proxies, 26,000 federal law enforcement officers from and as Director Comey noted earlier this year, the previous iteration of Rule 41 cre- anonymizers and encryption. 65 agencies—I am writing to express our The internet was not created to give tech- ated problems ‘‘for some of our most impor- strong support for the recently implemented nologically savvy offenders an advantage in tant investigations.’’ amendments to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules obfuscating their crimes, and offenders who of Criminal Procedure. These amendments The Rule 41 amendments resolve the uncer- participate in the global demand for the rape will enhance and improve the ability for law tainty surrounding the warrant process by and torture of children should not be re- enforcement officials to investigate and establishing a court-supervised framework warded for being good at hiding. prosecute terrorists, transnational child por- for conducting investigations that will pro- Make no mistake, the offenders who take nographers, and cyber criminals who use tect the privacy interests of the public. The advantage of the ‘‘dark web’’ are some of the computer networks to conceal their physical FBIAA believes these changes, which took most dangerous offenders that exist. For location. effect on December 1, 2016, are reasonable proof of this one need look no further than FLEOA shares the same opinion of the and necessary. one of the most notorious ICE cases in his- Federal Bureau of Investigation Agent’s As- The FBIAA is pleased that the Senate did tory, the recent ‘‘Operation Delego’’. This sociation (FBIAA), the National Association not interfere with the implementation of the transnational child exploitation case in- of Assistant United States Attorneys Rule 41 amendments, and we look forward to volved between 600–900 of the worst offenders (NAAUSA) and the National Association to continuing our work with Congress on these ICE has seen. It led to 72 indictments (of Protect Children. We all agree that the Rule important issues. which 15 are for ‘‘John Doe’’ warrants) and 57 41 amendments are necessary to address in- If you have any questions, please contact arrests. This investigation uncovered a pri- vestigative hindrances that result from the me, FBIAA General Counsel Dee Martin, vate bulletin board where hands on offenders difficulty of identifying the exact location of [email protected], and Joshua produced hardcore child rape imagery and a computer when seeking a warrant. Terror- Zive, [email protected]. shared it by utilizing sophisticated proxies ists and criminals frequently use complex Sincerely, and encryption methods. The members were computer networks, spread across the coun- THOMAS O’CONNOR, segregated into groups, including a ‘‘Super try and the world to anonymize communica- President. VIP’’ section and according to the ‘‘Hawkeye

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:00 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.047 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6835 Indictment’’ provided by the US Department I would also like to speak to three of The day BARBARA was sworn in was of Justice, ‘‘The rules controlling what could my closest colleagues on our side of the historic; it was the first time two be posted in that section were as follows: aisle. women represented their State to- ‘‘Keep the girls under 13, in fact, I really Over the past 24 years, I have had the gether in the Senate. That is an honor need to see 12 or younger to know your (sic) a brother’’. pleasure of serving in the Senate with I am grateful to have shared with my and: HARRY REID, BARBARA MIKULSKI, and good friend. ‘‘It’s very young kids, getting (expletive), BARBARA BOXER, and I am grateful not From the Marin County Board of Su- and preteens in distress and or crying, just for our working relationships but pervisors, to the House of Representa- etc. . . Getting hit hard on the ass, with a for the close friendships I have formed tives, to the United States Senate— belt and so on . . . I can’t believe some of with each of them. Senator BOXER has been a champion for you guys can’t work it out for yourselves? HARRY REID families, children, consumers, and the And ‘‘pretend’’ bondage, ‘‘pretend light whip- Mr. President, Senator REID has environment. ping’’ is not super hardcore. If the girl looks She rose to become the chair and now total (sic) comfortable, she’s not in distress, served in Congress since 1983, and he it does NOT belong I (sic) this section has been our party’s leader for the past ranking member of the Environment (smiley face icon)’’. decade. Despite more than three dec- and Public Works Committee. I have In another transnational child exploitation ades in Washington, Senator REID still great respect for Senator BOXER’s pas- case investigated by ICE dubbed ‘‘Operation retains the values instilled in him sion, dedication, and enthusiasm for Round Table’’, Jonathon Johnson, a 27 year while growing up in Searchlight, NV. protecting the environment. No one old predator from , operated a does it better. 27,000 member hidden service site on TOR for Often described as a tough fighter, he has respect from both sides of the aisle She led an effort to protect Califor- the production and dissemination of child nia’s coast from offshore drilling. She sexual abuse images. Johnson created a for being a consensus builder who is ‘‘honeypot’’ site by stealing a young wom- willing to constantly work to find a authored the California Missions Pres- an’s identity and pretending to be her. Not deal. ervation Act to restore and protect the only did he persuade over 251 child victims to One issue on which Senator REID and 21 historic missions in California. She provide him with sexually explicit images I share a passion is Lake Tahoe, the helped create Pinnacles National Park, and video but he was successful in con- High Sierra lake that straddles the Fort Ord National Monument, and Cae- vincing some of his victims to sexually as- sar Chavez National Monument. And sault their younger relatives on camera for California-Nevada border. Twenty years ago, HARRY invited she led the effort to expand the Gulf of him, some of whom were under the age of 3. Farallones and Cordell Bank National We applaud Congress and the US Supreme President to announce a Court for providing this amendment to rule major commitment to restoring the Marine Sanctuaries. 41, which can only be described as long over- health of Lake Tahoe. That first sum- In California, there are now more due. mit launched a public-private partner- than 1 million acres of protected wil- The internet has provided vexing chal- ship that has now invested $1.2 billion derness thanks to Senator BOXER. lenges to today’s law enforcement efforts to in conservation and restoration But she was more than just a cham- protect children and for their sake govern- projects around the lake. pion for our environment. ment must keep pace. In the Senate, BARBARA was a With much gratitude, This year, Senator REID told me he wanted to turn the annual summit into staunch advocate for issues related to CAMILLE COOPER, children. Director, Government a celebration by inviting President Affairs, The Na- Obama to speak. The event was a huge She pushed to protect children from tional Association to success, with more than 7,000 people at- dangerous toys by removing lead or PROTECT Children tending. other dangerous chemicals and requir- & PROTECT. ing cautionary warnings on children’s I will miss HARRY’s passion and lead- f ership, but if anyone deserves a break, products sold over the Internet. She it is him. fought to remove arsenic from drinking TRIBUTE TO DEPARTING water to protect children. As chair of BARBARA MIKULSKI SENATORS the After School Caucus, she wrote leg- Mr. President, BARBARA MIKULSKI is Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, islation to secure Federal funding for another fearless leader whom I admire. today I wish to honor our colleagues afterschool programs. Thanks to Sen- When I first came to the Senate in who are leaving us at the end of this ator BOXER, 1.6 million children now November of 1992, there were only Congress, six individuals who have have a safe place to go after school. three female Senators: Jocelyn Bur- done a lot to shape how the Senate op- She fought for our servicemembers. dick of North Dakota, who retired a erates today. She founded the Military Families month later; Nancy Kassebaum of Kan- First I would like to thank my three Caucus to provide support for the fami- sas; and, of course, Senator BARB. Republican colleagues who are depart- lies of servicemembers. She helped es- Senator MIKULSKI often quips, ‘‘I ing. Thank you not only for their serv- tablish the West Coast Combat Care may be short, but I won’t be over- ice to our country but your willingness Center in San Diego, so that southern looked.’’ History certainly will not to work with me and other members of California veterans with traumatic overlook the contributions she has my party on a number of issues. wounds would have access to quality made. DAN COATS care. Rising to become the first woman to And Senator BOXER fought for con- Mr. President, Senator COATS and I chair the Senate Appropriations Com- sumers. served on the Intelligence Committee mittee, Senator MIKULSKI is often de- She authored a bipartisan measure to together. He was a supporter of many scribed as a trailblazer. To the women prevent a conflict of interest with of our efforts, including our encryption in the Senate, she is a mentor, the banks acting as real estate brokers. bill to require all companies to abide dean of the Senate women. After the housing crisis, she wrote by lawful court orders. From three women in 1992 to 20 measures to protect homeowners whose MARK KIRK women senators today—and 21 in the mortgage is transferred or sold. And Mr. President, Senator MARK KIRK next Congress, much of that progress she pushed for legislation to help took a brave stance on gun violence can be attributed to the leadership of homeowners refinance with lower issues, bucking his party by cospon- the longest serving woman in Congress, rates—thanks to that effort, 1 million our amendment to close the ter- Senator MIKULSKI. borrowers were able to save thousands rorist loophole. BARBARA BOXER of dollars in interest payments each KELLY AYOTTE Mr. President, finally, I would like to year. Mr. President, Senator AYOTTE and I talk about my partner from California, And finally, BARBARA was a staunch have worked very closely to improve BARBARA BOXER. defender of women’s rights. breast cancer detection. I am hopeful Senator BOXER and I were elected to She led the floor fight to pass the that together we can pass our bill be- the Senate on the same day in 1992, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances fore the end of this Congress. ‘‘Year of the Woman.’’ Act and pushed back against repeated

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.049 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 attacks on women’s health and a wom- protect women from violence, in our lope Valley community with pride. an’s right to privacy. Her efforts led to country and around the world. Well known for his courage as well as the passage of the Violence Against In her first campaign for Congress in kindness, Sergeant Owen received a Women Act that protects women from 1982, she ran under the slogan, ‘‘Bar- Meritorious Conduct Medal in 2014 domestic and sexual abuse. bara Boxer Gives a Damn.’’ She always after safely rescuing a hostage held at She worked closely with then-Sen- has and always will. It is a pleasure to gunpoint, devising plan and ator JOE BIDEN to pass that landmark thank Senator BARBARA BOXER for her ensuring that his deputies were kept bill. After she announced her retire- years of service and to wish her and her out of harm’s way. ment, the Vice President said: ‘‘You al- husband, Stewart, many more years of Colleagues fondly remembered Ser- ways knew in the Senate if you had good health and great happiness. geant Owen’s tireless work ethic, self- BARBARA on your side, you didn’t need f less nature, and deep commitment to much more.’’ the community he served. ‘‘Sergeant Well, I have been lucky to have BAR- TRIBUTE TO KELLY AYOTTE Owen had the qualities of a religious BARA by my side for the past 24 years. Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, Maine man—maybe a priest, a minister or a She has been a strong advocate for and New Hampshire share a border, a rabbi, or someone who took vows to the people of California, and I am history, and an invigorating climate. serve mankind,’’ said Los Angeles grateful to have served with her. When KELLY AYOTTE came to the Sen- County Sheriff Jim McDonnell. ‘‘He fed I am also grateful for the friendship ate 6 years ago, I immediately saw in the hungry, he clothed those who need- we have shared over the years. her those traits shared by the people of ed it, and Steve Owen comforted the BARBARA and her husband, Stewart, our two States: a strong work ethic, a traumatized.’’ are two of the kindest, most caring respect for tradition balanced by a Outside of work, Sergeant Owen people I have had the pleasure of know- spirit of innovation, and fiscal pru- spent most of his time volunteering, ing. Their marriage of more than 50 dence always tempered by compassion. coaching youth football, and men- years has brought them considerable During those years, I came to know toring young students. He also taught joy. Together they raised two wonder- Senator AYOTTE as a diligent, ener- landlords and businessowners how to ful children and are now blessed with getic, and committed public servant. reduce crime on their properties. A four grandchildren. She brought with her to the Senate a skilled water-skier and equestrian, I am sure she is looking forward to remarkable record of public service. As Sergeant Owen also enjoyed camping spending more time with them. her State’s attorney general, she While she may be retiring from the and gardening in his free time. fought hard to protect the people of Above all else, Sergeant Owen was Senate, the passion BARBARA displayed New Hampshire and the environment devoted to his family and his faith. On for public service will not end. I know she will continue to advocate that is so crucial to their way of life. behalf of the people of California, It has been rewarding to work with and remain a powerful voice for the whom Sergeant Owen served so brave- her on such bipartisan efforts as the causes she championed here in the ly, I extended my gratitude and deepest Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act, the United States Senate. sympathies to his wife, Tania; children, I look forward to seeing what she is Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, and Branden, Chadd, and Shannon; and his able to accomplish in the next phase of addressing the opioid addiction crisis entire extended family. her life and offer her best wishes in a confronting our States. From her sup- f well-deserved retirement. port for land conservation to advancing biomass energy, she has been a strong HONORING OFFICER LESLEY f leader in the wise use of natural re- ZEREBNY TRIBUTE TO BARBARA BOXER sources and their role in growing the Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask my Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today I economy. colleagues to join me in honoring to wish to pay tribute to Senator BAR- Coming from a military family, she the life of Police Officer Lesley BARA BOXER, who has served her State has demonstrated her respect for our Zerebny, a beloved wife, devoted moth- and country with boundless energy, en- men and women in uniform as a mem- er, and esteemed colleague who was thusiasm, and exuberance. ber of the Armed Services Committee tragically killed in the line of duty on Senator BOXER’s 24 years in the Sen- and is recognized as a leading voice on October 8, 2016. ate are only part of her legacy of lead- national security issues and the well- Officer Zerebny was born in Hemet, ership and accomplishments. Pre- being of our veterans. We have joined CA, to David and Luanne Kling. She viously, she served for 10 years in the together on many occasions to advo- was raised in a law enforcement family House of Representatives for Califor- cate for the Portsmouth Naval Ship- and expressed a desire to become a po- nia’s Sixth Congressional District and yard that is so important to our Na- lice officer from a young age. In 2014, before that as the first woman presi- tion’s defense and to the dedicated men Officer Zerebny joined the Palm dent of the Marin County Board of Su- and women of our two States who work Springs Police Department as a police pervisors. there. officer trainee and was promoted to po- That remarkable record of service in- It has been an honor to serve with lice officer after graduating from the cludes another record. In her reelection KELLY AYOTTE in the United States Riverside County Sheriff’s Academy. in 2004, Senator BOXER received nearly Senate, and the American people are Her positive attitude and commit- 7 million votes, the most in Senate his- better off for her service. I wish KELLY ment to the job helped Officer Zerebny tory until that time and a mark that and her wonderful family all the best stand out at the Palm Springs Police stood for 8 years. in the years to come. Department. She consistently accepted During her service in the Senate, f additional assignments and always of- Senator BOXER has established herself fered a helping hand to her colleagues. as a champion of the environment, in- HONORING SERGEANT STEVEN C. She was described as ‘‘small in stature, frastructure, and medical research. OWEN but fearless’’ and ‘‘fiery, creative, full Along with Senator INHOFE, she au- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I of life and tough as nails.’’ Hard-work- thored a 5-year transportation bill that ask my colleagues to join me in hon- ing, dedicated, and compassionate, Of- many thought was an impossible task oring the life of Sergeant Steven C. ficer Zerebny courageously served her in a gridlocked Senate. But she worked Owen, a beloved husband and father community with distinction. across the aisle and did it. The United who tragically lost his life in the line Officer Zerebny took enormous pride States-Israel Enhanced Security Co- of duty on October 5, 2016. in everything she set out to do—espe- operation Act she authored in 2012 re- Sergeant Owen was born in Encino, cially in her service as a police offi- affirmed the special relationship be- CA, and proudly joined the Los Angeles cer—but her proudest accomplishment tween our two countries and is another County Sheriff’s department almost was her family. On behalf of the people of Senator BOXER’s accomplishments. three decades ago. He spent most of his of California whom Officer Zerebny It has been especially rewarding to career at the Lancaster Sheriff’s sta- served so bravely, I extend my heart- work with her on legislation to better tion, patrolling the streets of his Ante- felt condolences to her husband, Zach;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:11 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.094 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6837 daughter, Cora; and her parents, David Men’s Golf Club, and he was an active Leroy Smith honorably served with and Luanne. member of Pearl Harbor Survivors, life the U.S. Army Air Corps and the U.S. f member of VFW and American Legion, Air Force for more than 25 years, in- and member of the Anacortes Elks cluding further combat tours in Korea REMEMBERING HAROLD JOHN Lodge. and Vietnam. He retired in 1968 as a SHIMER Mr. Shimer is survived by his wife, master sergeant. Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, Carolyn; daughters Patricia Arm- Leroy Mazell Smith passed away on today marks the 75th anniversary of strong, Terrie Hughes, and step-daugh- December 1, 2016. He will be laid to rest the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. ter Brenda Eissenstat; grandchildren on December 9, wearing an Air Force It was during that fateful event that Toni Gill and Clayton Hughes and step- uniform complete with the medals he more than 2,400 American lives were grandsons Ethan and Daniel earned during his service, a recent re- lost and another 1,100 were wounded. Eissenstat; great-grandchildren Mitch- quest that the nonprofit veterans’ sup- While that day took a tragic toll, he- ell, Jamie, and Katelin Gill and Hayley port group Team Red, White and Blue roes were made of those who rushed to and Brynn Hughes; step-sister Gale helped fulfill. action. I wish to honor the life and Angelostro; sister-in-law Blanche Smith is an American hero whose ad- memory of one such Pearl Harbor hero Shimer; and numerous nieces and neph- mirable service is recognized and ap- who went on to serve his country for an ews. preciated by all Arkansans. I extend additional 20 years after that day. That Please join me in extending our my sincere condolences to his family man is Harold John Shimer, who warmest gratitude to Mr. Shimer and and friends, and I hope that they take passed away on October 30, 2016, at the his family for the years of dedicated comfort in the wonderful legacy that age of 97 in Anacortes, WA. service to his country and for being an he leaves behind. Mr. Shimer was born on February 12, upstanding and active member of the f 1919, in Wurstboro, NY, the son of Har- Anacortes community. His stories, old and Irma Shimer. He attended which were described as no less than TRIBUTE TO JOE AND LOUISE schools in Wurstboro and Middleton, ‘‘amazing’’, will be missed, but they HEAD NY, and enjoyed working with his fa- will also live on in the memories of Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today ther on their 640-acre dairy farm. After family and friends that knew him well. I wish to recognize Joe and Louise graduating high school, Mr. Shimer f Head, recipients of the Greater Cin- joined the U.S. Navy. cinnati Foundation’s 2016 Jacob E. Mr. Shimer had begun his naval ca- REMEMBERING LEROY MAZELL Davis Volunteer Leadership Award, reer as a storekeeper third class aboard SMITH which is presented annually to honor the newly commissioned USS Helena, Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, today citizens who have made significant where the ship’s first assignment was I wish to honor Leroy Mazell Smith, an contributions to the greater Cincinnati as neutrality patrol in South America, aviation mechanic from Fordyce, AR, community. protecting Uruguay and Argentina who was part of the illustrious Recognized for their generosity as prior to the United States’ entrance Tuskegee Airmen and served his coun- philanthropic and civic leaders, Joe into World War II. Mr. Shimer had the try with honor and distinction. and Louise have volunteered their very unique and rare account of watch- Born in 1927, Smith loved to tell the time, talents, and treasure to countless ing the famous German Graf Spee war- story of his birth with wry humor and ship and its captain, which had sunk community endeavors to make the fondness. A midwife helped his mother nine merchant ships, scuttle itself greater Cincinnati community a better deliver him while on a bridge where after being pursued by English war- place to live. some had taken refuge from the great ships. They have both been very active vol- The USS Helena was assigned to the Mississippi River flood of that year. unteers to many local organizations in- Pacific, where it was at Pearl Harbor They remained there for 4 days before cluding Xavier University, Seven Hills on December 7, 1941. It was hit by a his birth was documented. The result School, the Metropolitan Growth Alli- Japanese torpedo and lost 23 men. Mr. was that his birth certificate indicated ance, and the Cincinnati Nature Cen- Shimer and the other surviving crew- a different date of birth, 4 days after ter. Joe and Louise have also provided members immediately fired back his actual birthday. significant leadership by serving as against the attackers. He passed am- From that unusual beginning, he trustees and board members to many munition for the new guns that had went on to lead a remarkable life. He civic and charitable organizations. just been installed that summer. He re- credited his Baptist grandfather with Louise is a former governing board called, ‘‘In a superhuman effort we having a large influence on him grow- chair of the Greater Cincinnati Foun- emptied the ammunition locker in less ing up, including teaching him the dation, and Joe is a former chair of the than two hours.’’ Mr. Shimer and his value of hard work. He graduated from Christ Hospital Health Network board team were credited with saving the high school at age 16 and took preflight of directors. No couple is more commu- USS Pennsylvania, the flagship of the aeronautical classes. After graduation, nity-minded, and the people of greater fleet in a drydock just forward of the Smith joined the U.S. Army Air Corps Cincinnati have been the beneficiaries. Helena. Following repairs, the Helena and became a mechanic. I would like to congratulate Joe and went on to win fame for sinking a num- He completed basic training in Texas Louise Head on this award. ber of Japanese ships before being sunk and was stationed at Chanute Field in f Illinois. Later, during World War II, he herself by a submarine in 1943. NASHVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT’S Mr. Shimer returned to the States was sent to Europe where he was as- CENTENNIAL before being reassigned to establish a signed to the Tuskegee Airmen Red submarine depot in Fremantle, Aus- Tail squadron. He remembered being Mr. BURR. Mr. President, today I tralia, and was promoted to chief war- scared during his time in theater but wish to recognize the Nashville Fire rant officer. In 1947, he was assigned to always relayed his sense of pride in the Department in North Carolina. On De- the Bureau of Naval Personnel in work he did and the fact that the cember 17, 2016, the men and women of Washington, DC, then to Japan Naval Tuskegee unit never lost a bomber. the department will celebrate their Supply Depot, Yokosuka, Japan, and Smith also helped break social and 100th anniversary. finally Naval Depot, Seattle, WA. Mr. racial barriers in the military. As part The Nashville Fire Department has a Shimer had served aboard the USS of the group of African Americans who tremendous history of dedicated serv- Philippine Sea, USS Mount McKinley, served in the Armed Forces in the mid- ice to its community. On December 17, and USS Constellation. He retired from 20th century, he was among many serv- 1916, it was outfitted with their first Naval Station Seattle in June 1961, icemembers who confronted segrega- hose and reel to replace the previous after 22 years of patriotic service to his tion within the barracks and beyond. bucket brigades. As the oldest fire de- country. Even so, he recalled his time in the partment in Nash County, NC, its vol- Mr. Shimer’s great pleasure was golf- Army Air Corps as ‘‘one of his best unteers and employees continue, to ing with all his friends in the Similk memories.’’ this day, risking their lives to protect

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.039 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 the welfare of their citizens. I am so I want to congratulate the city of Young has always placed his commu- proud of their dedication to keeping us Santa Barbara for its dedicated efforts nity and country first. We are all safe in the Tar Heel State. to preserve our precious natural re- grateful for his dedicated service which The mission of the Nashville Fire De- sources. Santa Barbara’s leadership will long be remembered. On behalf of partment is to ‘‘protect lives, property, will continue to make a profound dif- the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the environment by providing ference for generations to come.∑ and a grateful Nation, I would like to skillful and cost effective fire and life f once again extend my congratulations safety services.’’ The Nashville Fire TRIBUTE TO BRYON J. YOUNG to Mr. Young on his retirement and Department goes above and beyond ac- thank him for his decades of public ∑ complishing this by answering approxi- Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, today I service. I wish him all the best in the mately 1,700 calls for service yearly for wish to honor the career of Mr. Bryon years ahead.∑ either fire protection, EMS response, J. Young, executive director of the or vehicle extrication. Additionally, Army Contracting Command—Aber- f this department specializes in trench deen Proving Ground (ACC–APG). Mr. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Young will be retiring after 40 years of rescue—one of the most challenging A message from the President of the rescue events that emergency respond- distinguished service to the country. Throughout his career, Mr. Young has United States was communicated to ers can face. the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- I salute the brave men and women of proven himself a true public servant retaries. the Nashville Fire Department for 100 and his leadership will be truly missed. years of protective service to the peo- I would like to take this time to send f my congratulations to Mr. Young on ple of Nashville, NC. Through their ef- EXECUTIVE MESSAGE REFERRED forts, they make their community a his retirement and reflect upon his better, safer place. long career, exemplified by his hard As in executive session the Presiding Officer laid before the Senate a mes- f work, dedication, and passion. Mr. Young dedicated his career to the sage from the President of the United ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS defense and service of his Nation and States submitting a nomination which his fellow citizens. A graduate of the was referred to the Committee on Com- merce, Science, and Transportation. RECOGNIZING THE CITY OF SANTA University of Delaware and Boston University in the 1970s, Mr. Young (The message received today is print- BARBARA went on to complete degrees at the De- ed at the end of the Senate pro- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask my fense Systems Management College ceedings.) colleagues to join me in recognizing Program manager’s course and execu- f the tremendous accomplishments of tive program manager’s course, as well the city of Santa Barbara, a commu- as the U.S. Army War College and the MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE nity that has pioneered efforts in sus- U.S. Army Command and General Staff tainability and environmental preser- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED College. At 9:33 a.m., a message from the vation for many years. Prior to his time with the Army Con- House of Representatives, delivered by For over four decades, the city of tracting Command, Mr. Young served Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- Santa Barbara has been a leader in pro- for 27 years as an air defense officer in nounced that the Speaker has signed tecting and enhancing the local envi- the Army with the 101st Airborne Divi- the following enrolled bills: ronment. In 1969, a devastating oil spill sion and as an ROTC instructor at released an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 Princeton University. Throughout his S. 1555. An act to award a Congressional barrels of oil into the Santa Barbara Gold Medal, collectively, to the Filipino vet- career, Mr. Young has displayed a com- erans of World War II, in recognition of the Channel, resulting in public outcry mitment to excellence, and his numer- over the significant damage to the dedicated service of the veterans during ous commands over the years are a tes- World War II. ocean waters and wildlife. Local resi- tament to his work ethic and dedica- S. 2234. An act to award the Congressional dents and civic leaders immediately tion. Among his many commands, Mr. Gold Medal, collectively, to the members of began advocating for environmental re- Young has served as director of the the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in rec- forms, and a few months later, Con- U.S. Army Research Development and ognition of their superior service and major gress passed the National Environ- Engineering Command Contracting contributions during World War II. mental Policy Act, one of the first laws Center, director of the U.S. Army Con- The enrolled bills were subsequently to establish a national framework for tracting Agency in Falls Church, Vir- signed by the President pro tempore protecting our environment. Soon ginia, chief of staff to the Army Con- (Mr. HATCH). after, the California Coastal Commis- tracting Agency, commander of the De- sion was created in 1972 as an inde- fense Contract Management Agency At 1:47 p.m., a message from the pendent State agency committed to Raytheon, and procurement team chief House of Representatives, delivered by preserving California’s beautiful coast- of U.S. Army Missile Command. Mr. Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- line. Young’s years of service and experience nounced that the House has passed the As the Santa Barbara community have benefited not only those around following bills, without amendment: grew and the effects of global climate him, but the Nation as a whole. In his S. 817. An act to provide for the addition of change became more apparent, local most recent role as executive director certain real property to the reservation of leaders developed innovative initia- of the Army Contracting Command— the Siletz Tribe in the State of Oregon. tives to reduce waste, decrease emis- Aberdeen Proving Ground, Mr. Young S. 818. An act to amend the Grand Ronde sions, and conserve natural resources. managed a geographically dispersed Reservation Act to make technical correc- Specifically, the city imposed tions, and for other purposes. contracting center responsible for exe- S. 2873. An act to require studies and re- stormwater requirements for develop- cuting more than 35,000 contracting ac- ment projects to prevent runoff and ports examining the use of, and opportuni- tions valued at $11 billion. ties to use, technology-enabled collaborative implemented a shared-use vehicle pro- Mr. Young’s dedication to the Armed learning and capacity building models to im- gram to reduce fuel costs and the num- Services and our country are evident prove programs of the Department of Health ber of vehicles in the city’s fleet. These not only from his four decades of serv- and Human Services, and for other purposes. efforts helped cut water consumption ice and leadership, but also from his S. 3076. An act to amend title 38, United by 15 to 20 percent and reduce emis- numerous decorations, which include States Code, to authorize the Secretary of sions by 10 percent, respectively. Next the Defense Superior Service Medal, Veterans Affairs to furnish caskets and urns year, Santa Barbara will begin using a Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious for burial in cemeteries of States and tribal state-of-the-art water desalination fa- organizations of veterans without next of Service Medal, Meritorious Service kin or sufficient resources to provide for cas- cility that will reduce electrical de- Medal, Army Commendation Medal, kets or urns, and for other purposes. mand and environmental impacts while and the Army Achievement Medal. S. 3492. An act to designate the Traverse supplying roughly 30 percent of the Throughout his long and distin- City VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic city’s water. guished career in public service, Mr. of the Department of Veterans Affairs in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07DE6.091 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6839 Traverse City, Michigan, as the ‘‘Colonel Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- S. Con. Res. 30. A concurrent resolution ex- Demas T. Craw VA Clinic. nounced that the House has passed the pressing concern over the disappearance of The message also announced that the following bill, in which it requests the David Sneddon, and for other purposes. House has passed the following bills, in concurrence of the Senate: H. Con. Res. 40. A concurrent resolution encouraging reunions of divided Korean which it requests the concurrence of H.R. 5790. An act to provide adequate pro- American families. the Senate: tections for whistleblowers at the Federal S. Con. Res. 57. A concurrent resolution H.R. 756. An act to amend the Energy Pol- Bureau of Investigation. honoring in praise and remembrance the ex- icy and Conservation Act to provide for the f traordinary life, steady leadership, and re- dissemination of information regarding markable, 70-year reign of King Bhumibol available Federal programs relating to en- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME Adulyadej of Thailand. ergy efficiency projects for schools, and for By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on other purposes. The following bill was read the first time: Foreign Relations, with an amendment in H.R. 875. An act to provide for alternative the nature of a substitute and with an financing arrangements for the provision of S. 3516. A bill to authorize the Secretary of amended preamble: certain services and the construction and Veterans Affairs to conduct a best-practices S. Res. 535. A resolution expressing the maintenance of infrastructure at land border peer review of each medical center of the De- sense of the Senate regarding the trafficking ports of entry, and for other purposes. partment of Veterans Affairs to evaluate the of illicit fentanyl into the United States H.R. 3381. An act to maximize discovery, efficacy of health care delivered at each such from Mexico and China. and accelerate development and availability, medical center. By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on of promising childhood cancer treatments, f Foreign Relations, with an amendment in and for other purposes. the nature of a substitute and an amendment H.R. 4150. An act to amend title 38, United ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED to the title and with an amended preamble: States Code, to allow the Secretary of Vet- The Secretary of the Senate reported S. Res. 537. A resolution expressing pro- erans Affairs to modify the hours of employ- found concern about the ongoing political, ment of physicians employed on a full-time that on today, December 7, 2016, she economic, social and humanitarian crisis in basis by the Department of Veterans Affairs. had presented to the President of the Venezuela, urging the release of political H.R. 4352. An act to direct the Secretary of United States the following enrolled prisoners, and calling for respect of constitu- Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot pro- bills: tional and democratic processes. gram establishing a patient self-scheduling By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on appointment system, and for other purposes. S. 795. An act to enhance whistleblower Foreign Relations, with an amendment in H.R. 4680. An act to prepare the National protection for contractor and grantee em- the nature of a substitute: Park Service for its Centennial in 2016 and ployees. H.R. 1150. A bill to amend the Inter- for a second century of promoting and pro- S. 1555. An act to award a Congressional national Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to tecting the natural, historic, and cultural re- Gold Medal, collectively, to the Filipino vet- improve the ability of the United States to sources of our National Parks for the enjoy- erans of World War II, in recognition of the advance religious freedom globally through ment of present and future generations, and dedicated service of the veterans during enhanced diplomacy, training, counterter- for other purposes. World War II. H.R. 5399. An act to amend title 38, United S. 2234. An act to award the Congressional rorism, and foreign assistance efforts, and States Code, to ensure that physicians of the Gold Medal, collectively, to the members of through stronger and more flexible political Department of Veterans Affairs fulfill the the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in rec- responses to religious freedom violations and ethical duty to report to State licensing au- ognition of their superior service and major violent extremism worldwide, and for other thorities impaired, incompetent, and uneth- contributions during World War II. purposes. ical health care activities. S. 2577. An act to protect crime victims’ By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on H.R. 6375. An act to provide for consider- rights, to eliminate the substantial backlog Commerce, Science, and Transportation, ation of the extension under the Energy Pol- of DNA and other forensic evidence samples without amendment: icy and Conservation Act of nonapplication to improve and expand the forensic science S. 1182. A bill to exempt application of JSA of No-Load Mode energy efficiency standards testing capacity of Federal, State, and local attribution rule in case of existing agree- to certain security or life safety alarms or crime laboratories, to increase research and ments. surveillance systems. development of new testing technologies, to By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on H.R. 6394. An act to require the Federal develop new training programs regarding the Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Communications Commission to submit to collection and use of forensic evidence, to with an amendment in the nature of a sub- Congress a report on promoting broadband provide post-conviction testing of DNA evi- stitute: Internet access service for veterans. dence to exonerate the innocent, to support S. 2658. A bill to amend title 49, United H.R. 6401. An act to amend Public Law 94– accreditation efforts of forensic science lab- States Code, to authorize appropriations for 241 with respect to the Northern Mariana Is- oratories and medical examiner officers, to the Federal Aviation Administration for fis- lands. address training and equipment needs, to im- cal years 2016 through 2017, and for other H.R. 6416. An act to amend title 38, United prove the performance of counsel in State purposes. States Code, to make certain improvements capital cases, and for other purposes. By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on in the laws administered by the Secretary of S. 3395. An act to require limitations on Foreign Relations, with an amendment: Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. prescribed burns. H.R. 2845. A bill to promote access to bene- H.R. 6438. An act to extend the waiver of fits under the African Growth and Oppor- limitations with respect to excluding from f tunity Act, and for other purposes. gross income amounts received by wrong- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on fully incarcerated individuals. Foreign Relations, with an amendment in The message further announced that The following reports of committees the nature of a substitute: the House agreed to the amendment of were submitted: H.R. 4481. A bill to amend the Foreign As- By Mr. ISAKSON, from the Committee on sistance Act of 1961 to provide assistance for the Senate to the resolution (H. Con. developing countries to promote quality Res. 174) directing the Clerk of the Veterans’ Affairs, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and an amendment to basic education and to establish the goal of House of Representatives to make a the title: all children in school and learning as an ob- correction in the enrollment of H.R. 34. S. 425. A bill to amend title 38, United jective of the United States foreign assist- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED States Code, to provide for a five-year exten- ance policy, and for other purposes. The message also announced that the sion to the homeless veterans reintegration H.R. 4939. A bill to increase engagement Speaker has signed the following en- programs and to provide clarification regard- with the governments of the Caribbean re- gion, the Caribbean diaspora community in rolled bills: ing eligibility for services under such pro- grams (Rept. No. 114–395). the United States, and the private sector and S. 795. An act to enhance whistleblower By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on civil society in both the United States and protection for contractor and grantee em- Foreign Relations, without amendment: the Caribbean, and for other purposes. ployees. S. 3395. An act to require limitations on S. 8. A bill to provide for the approval of f prescribed burns. the Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America EXECUTIVE REPORT OF The enrolled bills were subsequently and the Government of the Kingdom of Nor- COMMITTEE signed by the President pro tempore way Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear En- (Mr. HATCH). ergy. The following executive report of a By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on nomination was submitted: At 5:46 p.m., a message from the Foreign Relations, without amendment and By Mr. THUNE for the Committee on Com- House of Representatives, delivered by with a preamble: merce, Science, and Transportation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.012 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 *Ann Begeman, of South Dakota, to be a sion, would threaten the stability of Europe overall percentage share of the United States Member of the Surface Transportation Board and jeopardize United States national secu- in the common budgets of NATO. for a term expiring December 31, 2020. rity interests; (B) The inclusion of Montenegro in NATO *Nomination was reported with rec- (C) Montenegro, having established a does not detract from the ability of the United States to meet or to fund its military ommendation that it be confirmed sub- democratic government and having dem- onstrated a willingness to meet the require- requirements outside the North Atlantic ject to the nominee’s commitment to ments of membership, including those nec- area. respond to requests to appear and tes- essary to contribute to the defense of all (2) Annual Report on NATO Member De- tify before any duly constituted com- NATO members, is in a position to further fense Spending.—Not later than December 1 mittee of the Senate. the principles of the North Atlantic Treaty of each year during the 8-year period fol- lowing the date of entry into force of the f and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area; and Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 EXECUTIVE REPORT OF (D) extending NATO membership to Monte- on the Accession of Montenegro, the Presi- COMMITTEE—TREATY negro will strengthen NATO, enhance sta- dent shall submit to the appropriate congres- sional committees a report, which shall be The following executive report of bility in Southeast Europe, and advance the interests of the United States and its NATO submitted in an unclassified form, but may be accompanied by a classified annex, and committee was submitted: allies. By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on (3) Support for NATO’s Open Door Pol- which shall contain the following informa- tion: Foreign Relations: icy.—The policy of the United States is to (A) The amount each NATO member spent Treaty Doc. 114–12: Protocol to the North support NATO’s Open Door Policy that al- on its national defense in each of the pre- Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of lows any European country to express its de- vious 5 years. Montenegro with 2 conditions and 7 declara- sire to join NATO and demonstrate its abil- (B) The percentage of GDP for each of the tions (Ex. Rept. 114–16) ity to meet the obligations of NATO mem- previous 5 years that each NATO member The text of the committee-rec- bership. spent on its national defense. ommended resolution of advice and (4) Future Consideration Of Candidates For (C) The percentage of national defense Membership In NATO.— consent to ratification is as follows: spending for each of the previous 5 years (A) Senate Finding.—The Senate finds that that each NATO member spent on major As reported by the Committee on Foreign the United States will not support the acces- equipment, including research and develop- Relations: sion to the North Atlantic Treaty of, or the ment. Resolved, (two-thirds of the Senators present invitation to begin accession talks with, any (D) Details on the actions a NATO member concurring therein), European state (other than Montenegro), un- has taken in the most recent year reported Section 1. Senate Advice and Consent Sub- less— to move closer towards the NATO guideline ject to Declarations and Conditions. (i) the President consults with the Senate outlined in the 2014 Wales Summit Declara- The Senate advises and consents to the consistent with Article II, section 2, clause 2 tion to spend a minimum of 2 percent of its ratification of the Protocol to the North At- of the Constitution of the United States (re- GDP on national defense and 20 percent of its lantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of lating to the advice and consent of the Sen- national defense budget on major equipment, Montenegro, which was opened for signature ate to the making of treaties); and including research and development, if a in Brussels on May 19, 2016, and signed on be- (ii) the prospective NATO member can ful- NATO member is below either guideline for half of the United States of America (the fill all of the obligations and responsibilities the most recent year reported. ‘‘Protocol’’) (Treaty Doc. 114–12), subject to of membership, and the inclusion of such Sec. 4. Definitions. the declarations of section 2 and the condi- state in NATO would serve the overall polit- In this resolution: tions of section 3. ical and strategic interests of NATO and the (1) Appropriate Congressional Commit- Sec. 2. Declarations. United States. tees.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional The advice and consent of the Senate (B) Requirement for Consensus and Ratifi- committees’’ means the Committee on For- under section 1 is subject to the following cation.—The Senate declares that no action eign Relations and the Committee on Armed declarations: or agreement other than a consensus deci- Services of the Senate and the Committee on (1) Reaffirmation that United States Mem- sion by the full membership of NATO, ap- Foreign Affairs and the Committee on bership in NATO Remains a Vital National proved by the national procedures of each Armed Services of the House of Representa- Security Interest of The United States.—The NATO member, including, in the case of the tives. Senate declares that— United States, the requirements of Article (2) NATO Members.—The term ‘‘NATO members’’ means all countries that are par- (A) for more than 60 years the North Atlan- II, section 2, clause 2 of the Constitution of ties to the North Atlantic Treaty. tic Treaty Organization (NATO) has served the United States (relating to the advice and as the preeminent organization to defend the (3) Non-NATO Members.—The term ‘‘non- consent of the Senate to the making of trea- NATO members’’ means all countries that countries in the North Atlantic area against ties), will constitute a commitment to col- all external threats; are not parties to the North Atlantic Treaty. lective defense and consultations pursuant (4) North Atlantic Area.—The term ‘‘North (B) through common action, the estab- to Articles 4 and 5 of the North Atlantic Atlantic area’’ means the area covered by lished democracies of North America and Eu- Treaty. Article 6 of the North Atlantic Treaty, as ap- rope that were joined in NATO persevered (5) Influence Of Non-NATO Members On plied by the North Atlantic Council. and prevailed in the task of ensuring the sur- NATO Decisions.—The Senate declares that (5) North Atlantic Treaty.—The term vival of democratic government in Europe any country that is not a member of NATO ‘‘North Atlantic Treaty’’ means the North and North America throughout the Cold shall have no impact on decisions related to Atlantic Treaty, signed at Washington April War; NATO enlargement. 4, 1949 (63 Stat. 2241; TIAS 1964), as amended. (C) NATO enhances the security of the (6) Support for 2014 Wales Summit Defense (6) United States Instrument of Ratifica- United States by embedding European states Spending Benchmark.—The Senate declares tion.—The term ‘‘United States instrument in a process of cooperative security planning that all NATO members should continue to of ratification’’ means the instrument of and by ensuring an ongoing and direct lead- move towards the guideline outlined in the ratification of the United States of the Pro- ership role for the United States in European 2014 Wales Summit Declaration to spend a tocol to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on security affairs; minimum of 2 percent of their Gross Domes- the Accession of Montenegro. (D) the responsibility and financial burden tic Product (GDP) on defense and 20 percent f of defending the democracies of Europe and of their defense budgets on major equipment, North America can be more equitably shared including research and development, by 2024. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND through an alliance in which specific obliga- (7) Support for Montenegro’s Democratic JOINT RESOLUTIONS tions and force goals are met by its mem- Reform Process.—Montenegro has made dif- The following bills and joint resolu- bers; ficult reforms and taken steps to address (E) the security and prosperity of the corruption. The United States and other tions were introduced, read the first United States is enhanced by NATO’s collec- NATO member states should not consider and second times by unanimous con- tive defense against aggression that may this important process complete and should sent, and referred as indicated: threaten the security of NATO members; and continue to urge additional reforms. By Ms. WARREN: (F) United States membership in NATO re- Sec. 3. Conditions. S. 3511. A bill to require the Secretary of mains a vital national security interest of The advice and consent of the Senate Defense to expand the Secretarial Designee the United States. under section 1 is subject to the following Program of the Department of Defense to in- (2) Strategic Rationale For NATO Enlarge- conditions: clude victims of acts of terror; to the Com- ment.—The Senate finds that— (1) Presidential Certification.—Prior to the mittee on Armed Services. (A) the United States and its NATO allies deposit of the instrument of ratification, the By Mr. GRAHAM: face continued threats to their stability and President shall certify to the Senate as fol- S. 3512. A bill to reauthorize the Histori- territorial integrity; lows: cally Black Colleges and Universities His- (B) an attack against Montenegro, or its (A) The inclusion of Montenegro in NATO toric Preservation Program; to the Com- destabilization arising from external subver- will not have the effect of increasing the mittee on Energy and Natural Resources.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.016 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6841 By Mr. FLAKE: to use military force, a declaration of S. 2878 S. 3513. A bill to amend the Homeland Se- war, or any similar authority shall not At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the curity Act of 2002 to facilitate communica- authorize the detention without charge name of the Senator from Oklahoma tion between U.S. Customs and Border Pro- or trial of a citizen or lawful perma- (Mr. LANKFORD) was added as a cospon- tection and border ranchers in Arizona and nent resident of the United States. sor of S. 2878, a bill to amend the Inter- other border States and for other purposes; national Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to the Committee on Homeland Security and S. 299 Governmental Affairs. At the request of Mr. NELSON, his to improve the ability of the United By Mrs. BOXER: name was added as a cosponsor of S. States to advance religious freedom S. 3514. A bill to adjust the boundary of the 299, a bill to allow travel between the globally through enhanced diplomacy, Santa Monica Mountains National Recre- United States and Cuba. training, counterterrorism, and foreign ation Area to include the Rim of the Valley assistance efforts, and through strong- Corridor, and for other purposes; to the Com- S. 1148 er and more flexible political responses mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. At the request of Mr. NELSON, the to religious freedom violations and vio- By Mr. DONNELLY (for himself and name of the Senator from Minnesota lent extremism worldwide, and for Mr. GRAHAM): (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- other purposes. S. 3515. A bill to authorize previously ap- sponsor of S. 1148, a bill to amend title propriated resources for communities to ad- S. 2895 XVIII of the to At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the dress persistent or historical crime through provide for the distribution of addi- collaborative cross-sector partnerships; to name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr. the Committee on the Judiciary. tional residency positions, and for FLAKE) was added as a cosponsor of S. By Mr. MCCAIN: other purposes. 2895, a bill to extend the civil statute of S. 3516. A bill to authorize the Secretary of S. 1524 limitations for victims of Federal sex Veterans Affairs to conduct a best-practices At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the offenses. peer review of each medical center of the De- name of the Senator from Michigan S. 2957 partment of Veterans Affairs to evaluate the (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- efficacy of health care delivered at each such At the request of Mr. NELSON, the medical center; read the first time. sor of S. 1524, a bill to enable concrete names of the Senator from Minnesota By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Ms. masonry products manufacturers to es- (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator from STABENOW, and Mr. BROWN): tablish, finance, and carry out a co- Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS), the Senator S. 3517. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- ordinated program of research, edu- from Connecticut (Mr. MURPHY), the enue Code of 1986 to provide appropriate cation, and promotion to improve, Senator from West Virginia (Mrs. CAP- rules for the application of the deduction for maintain, and develop markets for con- ITO), the Senator from Idaho (Mr. income attributable to domestic production crete masonry products. RISCH), the Senator from Rhode Island activities with respect to certain contract manufacturing or production arrangements; S. 1911 (Mr. REED), the Senator from Indiana to the Committee on Finance. At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the (Mr. DONNELLY), the Senator from New By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. KIRK, names of the Senator from Montana York (Mr. SCHUMER), the Senator from Ms. AYOTTE, and Mr. CORNYN): (Mr. TESTER), the Senator from Con- Wyoming (Mr. ENZI), the Senator from S. 3518. A bill to impose nonnuclear sanc- necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) and the Montana (Mr. DAINES), the Senator tions with respect to Iran, and for other pur- Senator from South Dakota (Mr. from Maryland (Ms. MIKULSKI), the poses; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- THUNE) were added as cosponsors of S. Senator from West Virginia (Mr. ing, and Urban Affairs. MANCHIN), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. By Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself, Mr. 1911, a bill to implement policies to end BROWN), the Senator from Washington DURBIN, and Mr. FRANKEN): preventable maternal, newborn, and S. 3519. A bill to address the psychological, child deaths globally. (Mrs. MURRAY), the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. HOEVEN), the Sen- social, and emotional needs of children, S. 2595 ator from Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN), the youth, and families who have experienced At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. trauma, and for other purposes; to the Com- names of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and TILLIS), the Senator from Illinois (Mr. MURKOWSKI) and the Senator from Pensions. KIRK), the Senator from Indiana (Mr. Alaska (Mr. SULLIVAN) were added as COATS), the Senator from South Caro- f cosponsors of S. 2595, a bill to amend lina (Mr. GRAHAM), the Senator from SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the Senator SENATE RESOLUTIONS permanently extend the railroad track from Nevada (Mr. HELLER), the Senator maintenance credit. The following concurrent resolutions from New Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ), the and Senate resolutions were read, and S. 2712 Senator from Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), referred (or acted upon), as indicated: At the request of Mr. INHOFE, his the Senator from Alabama (Mr. SES- By Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. name was added as a cosponsor of S. SIONS), the Senator from North Dakota MERKLEY, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. SCHATZ, 2712, a bill to restore amounts improp- (Ms. HEITKAMP), the Senator from Con- Mr. SANDERS, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. erly withheld for tax purposes from necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL), the Sen- FRANKEN, and Ms. WARREN): severance payments to individuals who ator from Missouri (Mrs. MCCASKILL), S. Res. 632. A resolution supporting a tran- retired or separated from service in the the Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) sition to 100 percent clean, renewable energy Armed Forces for combat-related inju- to help consumers, support the economy and and the Senator from Virginia (Mr. national security of the United States, and ries, and for other purposes. WARNER) were added as cosponsors of avoid the worst impacts of climate change; S. 2748 S. 2957, a bill to require the Secretary to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the of the Treasury to mint commemora- sources. names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. tive coins in recognition of the 50th an- By Mr. BOOKER: MORAN) and the Senator from North niversary of the first manned landing S. Con. Res. 58. A concurrent resolution ex- Dakota (Ms. HEITKAMP) were added as on the Moon. pressing the sense of Congress that rates for S. 2989 inmate calling service should not exceed the cosponsors of S. 2748, a bill to amend affordable modified rate caps adopted by the the Public Health Service Act to in- At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the Federal Communications Commission; to the crease the number of permanent fac- names of the Senator from Delaware Committee on Commerce, Science, and ulty in palliative care at accredited (Mr. COONS), the Senator from New Jer- Transportation. allopathic and osteopathic medical sey (Mr. BOOKER), the Senator from f schools, nursing schools, social work New Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) and the schools, and other programs, including Senator from Hawaii (Mr. SCHATZ) were ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS physician assistant education pro- added as cosponsors of S. 2989, a bill to S. 24 grams, to promote education and re- award a Congressional Gold Medal, col- At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the search in palliative care and hospice, lectively, to the United States mer- name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. and to support the development of fac- chant mariners of World War II, in rec- CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. 24, ulty careers in academic palliative ognition of their dedicated and vital a bill to clarify that an authorization medicine. service during World War II.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Mar 17, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD16\DEC2016\S07DE6.REC S07DE6 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 S. 3188 SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS (A) create jobs for all individuals, espe- At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the cially in communities with high rates of un- name of the Senator from New Mexico employment or underemployment, and build (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor SENATE RESOLUTION 632—SUP- a sustainable economy; and of S. 3188, a bill to amend the Internal PORTING A TRANSITION TO 100 (B) ensure universal access to clean energy for all homes and businesses in the United Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the in- PERCENT CLEAN, RENEWABLE ENERGY TO HELP CONSUMERS, States, including for moderate- and low-in- centives for biodiesel. come families. S. 3256 SUPPORT THE ECONOMY AND At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE f UNITED STATES, AND AVOID name of the Senator from New York SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- THE WORST IMPACTS OF CLI- MATE CHANGE TION 58—EXPRESSING THE sponsor of S. 3256, a bill to amend the SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to pro- Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. RATES FOR INMATE CALLING vide assistance for developing coun- MERKLEY, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. SERVICE SHOULD NOT EXCEED tries to promote quality basic edu- SANDERS, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. FRANKEN, THE AFFORDABLE MODIFIED cation and to establish the goal of all and Ms. WARREN) submitted the fol- RATE CAPS ADOPTED BY THE children in school and learning as an lowing resolution; which was referred FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS objective of the United States foreign to the Committee on Energy and Nat- COMMISSION assistance policy, and for other pur- ural Resources: poses. S. RES. 632 Mr. BOOKER submitted the following S. 3284 Whereas, in December 2016, nearly 200 na- concurrent resolution; which was re- At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the name tions that are parties to the United Nations ferred to the Committee on Commerce, of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Framework Convention on Climate Change Science, and Transportation: PERDUE) was added as a cosponsor of S. adopted an historic international agreement S. CON. RES. 58 3284, a bill to oppose loans at inter- to undertake ambitious efforts to combat Whereas an estimated 5,000,000 United national financial institutions for the climate change; States children have, or have had, a parent Government of Nicaragua unless the Whereas transitioning to clean energy will in prison or jail; help reduce carbon pollution in the United Government of Nicaragua is taking ef- Whereas phone calls make it easier for States, and combat climate change; families of incarcerated individuals to main- fective steps to hold free, fair, and Whereas transitioning to clean energy will transparent elections, and for other tain positive relationships with their loved help the United States meet its inter- ones who are incarcerated; purposes. national commitments to reduce greenhouse Whereas phone calls help to reduce recidi- S. 3364 gas emissions; vism and promote the well-being of children; At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the Whereas transitioning to a clean energy Whereas a reduction in recidivism rates by name of the Senator from Minnesota economy will create millions of well-paying just 1 percent would save United States tax- jobs in the United States, save consumers in (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- payers $250,000,000 per year in correctional the United States money, and boost eco- sponsor of S. 3364, a bill to authorize costs; nomic growth; Whereas families of incarcerated individ- the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Whereas low-income communities, commu- carry out a pilot program to accept the uals frequently experience financial hardship nities of color, and indigenous people in the because of the loss of a key wage earner; donation of facilities and related im- United States are inordinately exposed to Whereas the cost of maintaining contact provements for use by the Department pollution from fossil fuels; with incarcerated loved ones through in-per- of Veterans Affairs. Whereas distributed renewable energy and son visits can be prohibitive; S. 3478 energy efficiency can provide access to local Whereas written correspondence, espe- jobs in cities in the United States while At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the cially with small children and disabled indi- cleaning up neighborhoods; name of the Senator from Colorado viduals, can be an inadequate way of main- Whereas, in 2005, the United States had taining communication; and (Mr. GARDNER) was added as a cospon- fewer than 10,000 megawatts of installed sor of S. 3478, a bill to require contin- Whereas the Federal Communications wind and solar electric generating capacity; Commission has been steadfast in its efforts, ued and enhanced annual reporting to Whereas, in 2016, the United States has in accordance with its authority under the Congress in the Annual Report on more than 100,000 megawatts of installed Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et International Religious Freedom on wind and solar electric generating capacity; seq.)— anti-Semitic incidents in Europe, the Whereas, in 2016, the United States is pro- (1) to bring about a compromise on inmate safety and security of European Jewish jected to add more electric generating capac- calling service rate caps; and communities, and the efforts of the ity from solar and wind than from any other (2) to ensure that those rates are just and source; reasonable: Now, therefore, be it United States to partner with Euro- Whereas, by the end of 2016, there are pro- pean governments, the European Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- jected to be— resentatives concurring), That it is the sense Union, and civil society groups, to (1) 310,000 individuals in the United States of Congress that— employed in the solar industry; and combat anti-Semitism, and for other (1) rates for inmate calling service should purposes. (2) 88,000 individuals in the United States employed in the wind industry; not exceed the affordable modified rate caps S. 3504 Whereas, by 2020, there are projected to be adopted by the Federal Communications At the request of Mr. HATCH, the nearly 600,000 individuals in the United Commission as of the date of the adoption of name of the Senator from Colorado States employed in the wind and solar indus- this resolution; and (Mr. BENNET) was added as a cosponsor tries; (2) reduced inmate calling service rates should be implemented swiftly because of of S. 3504, a bill to amend title XVIII of Whereas more than 1⁄2 of all new electricity the Social Security Act to implement capacity added in the world in 2015 was re- the importance of inmate calling service as a rehabilitative means of communication. Medicare payment policies designed to newable; and improve management of chronic dis- Whereas according to the National Renew- f ease, streamline care coordination, and able Energy Laboratory, the United States improve quality outcomes without add- has the technical potential to generate more AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO than 100 times the quantity of electricity it MEET ing to the deficit. consumes each year as of 2016 solely from S.J. RES. 40 wind, solar, and other renewable resources: Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, I have At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the Now, therefore, be it five requests for committees to meet name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Resolved, That the Senate— during today’s session of the Senate. PERDUE) was added as a cosponsor of (1) supports a national goal of phasing out They have the approval of the Majority S.J. Res. 40, a joint resolution approv- fossil fuel emissions and, by 2050, generating and Minority leaders. ing the location of a memorial to com- 100 percent of the electricity consumed in Pursuant to Rule XXVI, paragraph the United States from clean energy re- memorate and honor the members of sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- the Armed Forces that served on active other renewable resources; and ate, the following committees are au- duty in support of Operation Desert (2) supports policies to achieve that goal thorized to meet during today’s session Storm or Operation Desert Shield. that will— of the Senate:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.021 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6843

COMMITTE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND To be major general To be major general TRANSPORTATION Brig. Gen. Robert N. Polumbo Brig. Gen. David M. McMinn The Committee on Commerce, The following named officer for appoint- Brig. Gen. Ronald E. Paul Science, and Transportation is author- ment in the to the The following named officer for appoint- ized to meet during the session of the grade indicated while assigned to a position ment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the Senate on December 7, 2016, at 2 p.m., of importance and responsibility under title grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section in room S–216 to the Capitol Building. 10, U.S.C., section 601: 12203: COMMITTE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND To be lieutenant general To be brigadier general TRANSPORTATION Maj. Gen. Jerry D. Harris, Jr. Col. William E. Dickens, Jr. The Committee on Commerce, The following named officer for appoint- The following named officers for appoint- Science, and Transportation is author- ment in the United States Air Force to the ment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the ized to meet during the session of the grade indicated while assigned to a position grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section Senate on December 7, 2016, at 2:30 of importance and responsibility under title 12203: p.m., in room SR–253 of the Russell 10, U.S.C., section 601: To be brigadier general Senate Office Building to conduct a To be general Col. Brian K. Borgen Subcommittee hearing entitled ‘‘As- Lt. Gen. James M. Holmes Col. Jeffrey S. Hinrichs Col. Jay D. Jensen sessing the Security of our Critical IN THE NAVY Col. Bret C. Larson Surface Transportation Infrastruc- The following named officer for appoint- ture.’’ Col. Todd J. McCubbin ment in the to the grade Col. Patrice A. Melancon COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS indicated while assigned to a position of im- Col. Ellen M. Moore The Committee on Indian Affairs is portance and responsibility under title 10, Col. Boyd C. L. Parker, IV authorized to meet during the session U.S.C., section 601: Col. Steven B. Parker of the Senate on December 7, 2016, in To be vice admiral Col. Bryan P. Radliff room SD–628 of the Dirksen Senate Of- Rear Adm. William K. Lescher Col. Scott A. Sauter fice Building, at 2:15 p.m., to conduct a The following named officer for appoint- Col. Constance M. Von Hoffman hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the De- ment in the United States Navy to the grade The following of the partment of the Interior’s Land Buy- indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: United States officer for appointment in the To be rear admiral (lower half) Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- Back Program for Tribal Nations, Four cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 Years Later.’’ Capt. Kelly A. Aeschbach and 12212: SUBCOMMITTEE ON ANTITRUST, COMPETITION The following named officer for appoint- To be major general POLICY, AND CONSUMER RIGHTS ment in the United States Navy to the grade Brig. Gen. Randolph J. Staudenraus The Committee on Judiciary, Sub- indicated while assigned to a position of im- committee on Antitrust, Competition portance and responsibility under title 10, The following named officers for appoint- ment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the Policy and Consumer Rights is author- U.S.C., section 601: To be vice admiral grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section ized to meet during the session of the 12203: Vice Adm. Dixon R. Smith Senate on December 7, 2016, at 10 a.m., To be major general in room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate IN THE AIR FORCE Brig. Gen. Craig L. LaFave Office Building to conduct a hearing The following Air National Guard of the Brig. Gen. Pamela J. Lincoln entitled ‘‘Examining the Competitive United States officers for appointment in the Brig. Gen. Donald R. Lindberg Impact of the AT&T-Time Warner Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- Brig. Gen. Randall A. Ogden Transaction.’’ cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 Brig. Gen. James P. Scanlan SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE and 12212: Brig. Gen. Patrick M. Wade The Select Committee on Intel- To be brigadier general The following Air National Guard of the ligence is authorized to meet during Col. Joel E. DeGroot United States officer for appointment in the the session of the Senate on December Col. Christopher M. Faux Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- 7, 2016, from 3 p.m. in room SH–219 of Col. Robert J. Gregory, III cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 Col. Henry U. Harder, Jr. and 12212: the Hart Senate Office Building. Col. Eric W. Lind To be brigadier general f Col. David D. Zwart Col. Stephen C. Melton The following Air National Guard of the EXECUTIVE SESSION IN THE ARMY United States officers for appointment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- The following named officer for appoint- ment in the United States Army to the grade EXECUTIVE CALENDAR cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 and 12212: indicated while assigned to a position of im- Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask portance and responsibility under title 10, To be major general unanimous consent that the Senate U.S.C., section 601: Brig. Gen. David P. Baczewski proceed to executive session for the To be lieutenant general Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Cathcart consideration of Calendar Nos. 742 Brig. Gen. Brian T. Dravis Maj. Gen. Paul E. Funk, II through 765 and all nominations on the Brig. Gen. James O. Eifert The following named officer for appoint- Secretary’s desk; that the nominations Brig. Gen. Richard W. Kelly ment in the United States Army to the grade be confirmed en bloc, the motions to Brig. Gen. Christopher J. Knapp indicated while assigned to a position of im- reconsider be considered made and laid Brig. Gen. Jon K. Mott portance and responsibility under title 10, upon the table with no intervening ac- Brig. Gen. Clayton W. Moushon U.S.C., section 601: tion or debate; that no further motions Brig. Gen. Kerry L. Muehlenbeck To be lieutenant general Brig. Gen. Howard P. Purcell be in order; that any statements re- Maj. Gen. Gary J. Volesky Brig. Gen. David P. San Clemente lated to the nominations be printed in Brig. Gen. Michael R. Taheri The following named officer for appoint- the RECORD; that the President be im- Brig. Gen. Roger E. Williams, Jr. ment in the United States Army to the grade indicated while assigned to a position of im- mediately notified of the Senate’s ac- The following Air National Guard of the portance and responsibility under title 10, tion, and the Senate then resume legis- United States officer for appointment in the U.S.C., section 601: lative session. Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 To be lieutenant general objection, it is so ordered. and 12212: Maj. Gen. James H. Dickinson The nominations considered and con- To be major general The following Army National Guard of the firmed en bloc are as follows: Brig. Gen. Jesse T. Simmons, Jr. United States officer for appointment in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indicated IN THE AIR FORCE The following Air National Guard of the under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 and The following named officer for appoint- United States officers for appointment in the 12211: ment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 To be major general 12203: and 12212: Brig. Gen. Patrick M. Hamilton

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.031 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 The following Army National Guard of the Col. Moses Kaoiwi, Jr. PN1689 ARMY nomination of Clifford D. United States officers for appointment in the Col. Eric K. Little Johnston, which was received by the Senate Reserve of the Army to the grade indicated Col. Zachary E. Maner and appeared in the Congressional Record of under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 and Col. James R. Mathews September 6, 2016. 12211: Col. Mark A. Merlino PN1692 ARMY nomination of Reinaldo To be major general Col. Douglas R. Messner Gonzalez, II, which was received by the Sen- ate and appeared in the Congressional Brig. Gen. Benjamin F Adams, III Col. David J. Mikolaities Col. Charles W. Moore Record of September 6, 2016. Brig. Gen. Wayne L. Black PN1712 ARMY nomination of Graham F. Brig. Gen. Christopher M. Burns Col. Leah M. Moore Col. Michel A. Natali Inman which was received by the Senate and Brig. Gen. Kurt S. Crytzer appeared in the Congressional Record of Sep- Brig. Gen. Ivan E. Denton Col. Reginald G.A. Neal Col. John M. Oberkirsch tember 8, 2016. Brig. Gen. James C. Ernst PN1839 ARMY nomination of Eileen K. Brig. Gen. Kevin R. Griese Col. Stephen E. Osborn Col. Rodney B. Painting Jenkins, which was received by the Senate Brig. Gen. Mark G. Malanka and appeared in the Congressional Record of Brig. Gen. Roy V. McCarty Col. Chad J. Parker Col. Roger A. Presley, Jr. November 15, 2016. Brig. Gen. Blake C. Ortner PN1840 ARMY nomination of Jeffrey M. Brig. Gen. Christopher J. Petty Col. Jose J. Reyes Col. Frank M. Rice Farris, which was received by the Senate and Brig. Gen. Jessie R. Robinson appeared in the Congressional Record of No- Brig. Gen. Steven T. Scott Col. Timothy L. Rieger Col. James W. Ring vember 15, 2016. Brig. Gen. Raymond F. Shields, Jr. PN1841 ARMY nomination of Matthew T. Col. John W. Rueger Brig. Gen. Bryan E. Suntheimer Bell, which was received by the Senate and Col. Adam R. Silvers Brig. Gen. Kirk E. Vanpelt appeared in the Congressional Record of No- Col. Jeffrey D. Smiley Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Wojtecki vember 15, 2016. Col. Michael E. Spraggins Brig. Gen. Michael R. Zerbonia PN1842 ARMY nomination of Melissa B. Col. Steven E. Stivers Reister, which was received by the Senate The following Army National Guard of the Col. Mechelle M. Tuttle and appeared in the Congressional Record of United States officer for appointment in the Col. Jeffrey P. Van Reserve of the Army to the grade indicated November 15, 2016. Col. Thomas M. Vickers, Jr. PN1843 ARMY nomination of Charles M. under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 and Col. Louis W. Wilham 12211: Causey, which was received by the Senate To be brigadier general IN THE NAVY and appeared in the Congressional Record of The following named officer for appoint- November 15, 2016. Col. Mark A. Piterski ment in the United States Navy to the grade PN1844 ARMY nominations (2) beginning The following Army National Guard of the indicated while assigned to a position of im- STEPHEN A. LABATE, and ending RAY- United States officer for appointment in the portance and responsibility under title 10, MOND J. ORR, which nominations were re- Reserve of the Army to the grade indicated U.S.C., section 601: ceived by the Senate and appeared in the under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 and Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. To be vice admiral 12211: PN1845 ARMY nomination of Roxanne E. To be brigadier general Rear Adm. (1h) Mary M. Jackson Wallace, which was received by the Senate NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S Col. Ellis F. Hopkins III and appeared in the Congressional Record of DESK November 15, 2016. The following Army National Guard of the IN THE AIR FORCE PN1846 ARMY nomination of Eric A. United States officers for appointment in the Mitchell, which was received by the Senate Reserve of the Army to the grade indicated PN1553 AIR FORCE nominations (15) begin- ning DANIEL J. BESSMER, and ending and appeared in the Congressional Record of under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 and November 15, 2016. 12211: CHRISTIE BARTON WALTON, which nomi- nations were received by the Senate and ap- PN1847 ARMY nomination of Jonathan J. To be brigadier general peared in the Congressional Record of June Vannatta, which was received by the Senate Col. Michael A. Abell 16, 2016. and appeared in the Congressional Record of Col. Joseph L. Biehler PN1832 AIR FORCE nominations (28) begin- November 15, 2016. Col. Janeen L. Birckhead ning KIP T. AVERETT, and ending DANIEL PN1848 ARMY nomination of Dennis D. Col. Marti J. Bissell S. WALKER, which nominations were re- Calloway, which was received by the Senate Col. Scott J. Boespflug ceived by the Senate and appeared in the and appeared in the Congressional Record of Col. Raymond D. Bossert, Jr. Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. November 15, 2016. Col. Patrick R. Bossetta PN1833 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- PN1849 ARMY nominations (3) beginning Col. Thomas R. Bouchard ning SHAWN M. GARCIA, and ending MOR- KENNETH L. ALFORD, and ending BRUCE Col. Robert A. Boyette GAN H. LAIRD, which nominations were re- T. SIDEBOTHAM, which nominations were Col. Kenneth E. Brandt ceived by the Senate and appeared in the received by the Senate and appeared in the Col. Stanley E. Budraitis Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. PN1850 ARMY nomination of Henry Spring, Col. Anthony R. Camacho PN1834 AIR FORCE nominations (1903) be- Jr., which was received by the Senate and Col. Mike A. Canzoneri ginning DANIEL C. ABELL, and ending appeared in the Congressional Record of No- Col. Rita B. Casey PETER ZWART, which nominations were re- vember 15, 2016. Col. Gregory P. Chaney ceived by the Senate and appeared in the PN1851 ARMY nomination of Craig A. Col. Paul B. Chauncey, III Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. Yunker, which was received by the Senate Col. Bobby L. Christine PN1835 AIR FORCE nomination of Gary A. and appeared in the Congressional Record of Col. Edward J. Chrystal, Jr. Fairchild, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. Col. William E. Crane PN1852 ARMY nomination of Cornelius J. Col. Darrell W. Daniels November 15, 2016. PN1836 AIR FORCE nomination of Megan Pope, which was received by the Senate and Col. Gregory T. Day appeared in the Congressional Record of No- Col. Henry S. Dixon M. Luka, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of vember 15, 2016. Col. Scott A. Doust PN1853 ARMY nomination of Anthony K. Col. Dwaine E. Drummond November 15, 2016. PN1837 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- McConnell, which was received by the Senate Col. Diane L. Dunn and appeared in the Congressional Record of Col. Robert A. Dwan ning BRANDON D. CLINT, and ending ED- MUND J. RUTHERFORD, which nomina- November 15, 2016. Col. Leonard H. Dyer, Jr. PN1854 ARMY nomination of Jennifer L. tions were received by the Senate and ap- Col. Steve D. Elliott Cummings, which was received by the Senate peared in the Congressional Record of No- Col. Francis J. Evon, Jr. and appeared in the Congressional Record of Col. Kelly A. Fisher vember 15, 2016. PN1838 AIR FORCE nominations (90) begin- November 15, 2016. Col. Robert C. Frick PN1855 ARMY nominations (2) beginning ning ISAMETTIN A. ARAL, and ending LES- Col. Robert B. Gaston DONALD J. ERPENBACH, and ending TIM- LIE ANN ZYZDA-MARTIN, which nomina- Col. Andrew L. Gibson OTHY A. FANTER, which nominations were tions were received by the Senate and ap- Col. Kerry W. Goodman received by the Senate and appeared in the peared in the Congressional Record of No- Col. William D. Griswold Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. Col. Dennis J. Humphrey vember 15, 2016. PN1857 ARMY nomination of Carl I. Shaia, Col. Robert W. Intress IN THE ARMY which was received by the Senate and ap- Col. Richard F. Johnson PN1557 ARMY nomination of Brian C. peared in the Congressional Record of No- Col. Jeffrey A. Jones Garver, which was received by the Senate vember 15, 2016. Col. Eric T. Judkins and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1858 ARMY nomination of Lisa M. Col. Kipling V. Kahler June 16, 2016. Barden, which was received by the Senate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:24 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.041 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6845 and appeared in the Congressional Record of B. TURLINGTON, which nominations were PN1885 NAVY nominations (2) beginning November 15, 2016. received by the Senate and appeared in the MARY K. ARBUTHNOT, and ending JOHN K. PN1859 ARMY nomination of Roger D. Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. WERNER, JR., which nominations were re- Lyles, which was received by the Senate and PN1900 ARMY nomination of Andrew J. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the appeared in the Congressional Record of No- Wade, which was received by the Senate and Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. vember 15, 2016. appeared in the Congressional Record of No- PN1886 NAVY nomination of Stephen W. PN1860 ARMY nomination of Clara A. vember 16, 2016. Hedrick, which was received by the Senate Bieganek, which was received by the Senate PN1902 ARMY nomination of Christopher and appeared in the Congressional Record of and appeared in the Congressional Record of S. Besser, which was received by the Senate November 15, 2016. November 15, 2016. and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1887 NAVY nomination of Vincent M. J. PN1861 ARMY nomination of Isaiah M. November 29, 2016. Ambrosino, which was received by the Sen- Garfias which was received by the Senate PN1903 ARMY nomination of Chad C. ate and appeared in the Congressional and appeared in the Congressional Record of Black, which was received by the Senate and Record of November 15, 2016. November 15, 2016. appeared in the Congressional Record of No- PN1888 NAVY nomination of Neal P. Ridge, PN1862 ARMY nomination of Louis E. Her- vember 29, 2016. which was received by the Senate and ap- rera, which was received by the Senate and PN1904 ARMY nomination of Thomas D. peared in the Congressional Record of No- appeared in the Congressional Record of No- Starkey, which was received by the Senate vember 15, 2016. vember 15, 2016. and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1891 NAVY nomination of Abdeslam PN1863 ARMY nomination of Schnicka L. November 29, 2016. Bousalham, which was received by the Sen- Singleton, which was received by the Senate IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE ate and appeared in the Congressional and appeared in the Congressional Record of Record of November 15, 2016. November 15, 2016. * PN1808 FOREIGN SERVICE nominations (2) beginning Marva Michelle Butler, and PN1892 NAVY nomination of Scott M. PN1864 ARMY nomination of John R. Morey, which was received by the Senate and Burchfield, which was received by the Senate ending Adonis Mariano Matos de Mello, which nominations were received by the Sen- appeared in the Congressional Record of No- and appeared in the Congressional Record of vember 15, 2016. November 15, 2016. ate and appeared in the Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. PN1893 NAVY nomination of Christian R. PN1865 ARMY nomination of Elizabeth S. Foschi, which was received by the Senate Eatonferenzi, which was received by the Sen- * PN1907 FOREIGN SERVICE nominations (2) beginning Stephen Donald Mull, and end- and appeared in the Congressional Record of ate and appeared in the Congressional November 15, 2016. Record of November 15, 2016. ing Victoria Jane Nuland, which nomina- PN1866 ARMY nomination of Richard D. tions were received by the Senate and ap- f peared in the Congressional Record of No- Mina, which was received by the Senate and LEGISLATIVE SESSION appeared in the Congressional Record of No- vember 29, 2016. vember 15, 2016. * PN1908 FOREIGN SERVICE nominations The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- PN1867 ARMY nominations (44) beginning (181) beginning Robert L. Adams, and ending ate will now resume legislative session. Laura Ann Griesmer, which nominations TEMIDAYO L. ANDERSON, and ending f D0127914, which nominations were received were received by the Senate and appeared in by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- the Congressional Record of November 29, MEASURE READ THE FIRST sional Record of November 15, 2016. 2016. TIME—S. 3516 PN1869 ARMY nomination of Richard A. * PN1909 FOREIGN SERVICE nominations Gautier, Jr., which was received by the Sen- (5) beginning Robert Stephen Beecroft, and Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I under- ate and appeared in the Congressional ending Marie L. Yovanovitch, which nomina- stand there is a bill at the desk and I Record of November 15, 2016. tions were received by the Senate and ap- ask for its first reading. PN1870 ARMY nomination of Joseph A. peared in the Congressional Record of No- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Papenfus, which was received by the Senate vember 29, 2016. clerk will read the bill by title for the and appeared in the Congressional Record of * PN1910 FOREIGN SERVICE nominations first time. (42) beginning Tristan J. Allen, and ending November 15, 2016. The legislative clerk read as follows: PN1871 ARMY nominations (9) beginning William F. Zeman which nominations were STUART G. BAKER, and ending WALTER D. received by the Senate and appeared in the A bill (S. 3516) to authorize the Secretary VENNEMAN, which nominations were re- Congressional Record of November 29, 2016. of Veterans Affairs to conduct a best-prac- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the * PN1911 FOREIGN SERVICE nominations tices peer review of each medical center of Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. (180) beginning Anthony Abba, and ending the Department of Veterans Affairs to evalu- PN1872 ARMY nomination of David S. Michael David Zgoda, which nominations ate the efficacy of health care delivered at Yuen, which was received by the Senate and were received by the Senate and appeared in each such medical center. appeared in the Congressional Record of No- the Congressional Record of November 29, Mr. TILLIS. I now ask for a second vember 15, 2016. 2016. reading and, in order to place the bill PN1873 ARMY nomination of Donta A. IN THE MARINE CORPS on the calendar under the provisions of White, which was received by the Senate and PN1905 MARINE CORPS nomination of rule XIV, I object to my own request. appeared in the Congressional Record of No- Joshua D. Fitzgarrald, which was received by vember 15, 2016. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the Senate and appeared in the Congres- tion having been heard, the bill will be PN1874 ARMY nomination of Tony A. sional Record of November 29, 2016. Hampton, which was received by the Senate PN1906 MARINE CORPS nomination of An- read for the second time on the next and appeared in the Congressional Record of thony C. Lyons, which was received by the legislative day. November 15, 2016. Senate and appeared in the Congressional f PN1875 ARMY nominations (18) beginning Record of November 29, 2016. CHARLES C. ANDERSON, and ending ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, IN THE NAVY JAMES D. WILLSON, which nominations DECEMBER 8, 2016 were received by the Senate and appeared in PN1633 NAVY nomination of Suzanne L. the Congressional Record of November 15, Hopkins, which was received by the Senate Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask 2016. and appeared in the Congressional Record of unanimous consent that when the Sen- PN1876 ARMY nomination of David A. July 13, 2016. ate completes its business today, it ad- Yasenchock, which was received by the Sen- PN1881 NAVY nominations (46) beginning journ until 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Decem- ate and appeared in the Congressional JAFAR A. ALI, and ending ANTHONY K. ber 8; that following the prayer and Record of November 15, 2016. WOLVERTON, which nominations were re- pledge, the morning hour be deemed PN1877 ARMY nomination of Aaron C. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Ramiro, which was received by the Senate Congressional Record of November 15, 2016. expired, the Journal of proceedings be and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1882 NAVY nomination of Meryl A. approved to date, and the time for the November 15, 2016. Severson, III, which was received by the Sen- two leaders be reserved for their use PN1878 ARMY nomination of Richard M. ate and appeared in the Congressional later in the day; further, that following Strong, which was received by the Senate Record of November 15, 2016. leader remarks, the Senate resume and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1883 NAVY nomination of Ashley R. consideration of the conference report November 15, 2016. Bjorklund, which was received by the Senate to accompany S. 2943 postcloture; fi- PN1879 ARMY nomination of Brendon S. and appeared in the Congressional Record of nally, that all postcloture time on the Baker, which was received by the Senate and November 15, 2016. appeared in the Congressional Record of No- PN1884 NAVY nomination of Adeleke 0. conference report to accompany S. 2943 vember 15, 2016. Mowobi, which was received by the Senate expire at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow. PN1880 ARMY nominations (19) beginning and appeared in the Congressional Record of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without LANNY J. ACOSTA, JR., and ending LANCE November 15, 2016. objection, it is so ordered.


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