E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2016 No. 176 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY have fittingly been renamed for Beau called to order by the President pro LEADER Biden in this legislation. I will have tempore (Mr. HATCH). The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. more to say about the Vice President PAUL). The majority leader is recog- when he joins us again this afternoon, f nized. but for now I look forward to passing the 21st Century Cures Act today. f PRAYER On another matter, we will have an- LEGISLATION BEFORE THE other important vote this afternoon. It The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- SENATE is a vote to move forward on the na- day’s opening prayer will be offered by Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the tional defense authorization conference Elder D. Todd Christofferson, a mem- continuing resolution was filed in the report. ber of the Quorum of the Twelve Apos- House yesterday. As we wait for the We all know the world the next ad- tles of The Church of Jesus Christ of House to take the next step, I encour- ministration will inherit is a difficult Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. age all Members to continue reviewing and dangerous one. There are many The guest Chaplain offered the fol- the legislative text, which has been threats. There are numerous national lowing prayer: available for some time. security challenges, and there is much Let us pray. The Water Resources Development to be done to better prepare our mili- Our Father who art in Heaven, we Act legislation has been filed in the tary and the next administration to bow before Thee this day, the 75th an- House as well. This is bipartisan legis- deal with them. That is what this bi- niversary of the attack on Pearl Har- lation that will strengthen our Na- partisan national defense legislation bor, and remember with soberness and tion’s infrastructure and commerce aims to do. It will help strengthen our humility the sacrifice of so many who while investing in the safety and reli- military posture. It will send clear have offered their lives to preserve our ability of our drinking water. As col- messages to both our allies and our ad- liberty. We pray that Thou wilt bless leagues know, it includes, let me re- versaries, and it will provide more of their descendants and sustain the vital peat, aid for families in Flint. the tools our servicemembers need to institutions of our government that As we wait for final passage in the be successful. It makes clear that we this precious liberty may be preserved House, I encourage Senators to keep must also pass the continuing resolu- through the generations to come. doing our part to ensure that we can tion that includes funding for the war We ask Thy blessing upon the U.S. bring WRDA and its assistance for against ISIL and for our forces in Af- Senate and each of its individual Mem- Flint over the finish line as soon as ghanistan. bers this day and in the days and possible. We have already seen the con- months ahead. Grant them the wisdom On another matter, I am pleased the sequences of failing to take the nec- and judgment they seek in the disposi- 21st Century Cures Act bill will pass essary steps to confront our national tion of all matters that come before this afternoon with significant support security challenges. It is another rea- them. Honor their desire to contribute from both sides of the aisle. This med- son we need to move forward and pass to the well-being of the people of this ical innovation bill will help foster so- this defense legislation so we can take Nation and indeed those of all nations lutions when it comes to heartbreaking forward-looking steps now to help take who may be influenced for good by illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, opioid on these challenges and support our their decisions. addiction, mental health disorders, and men and women in uniform. We thank Thee for Thy abundant cancer—heartbreaking illnesses that f mercy and constant blessings upon us. affect our families, friends, and con- In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. stituents. This is one of the most 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE meaningful bills we will pass this year, ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR f and it would not have been possible Mr. MCCONNELL. Of course, Mr. without the hard work of colleagues President, it is fitting that we are talk- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE such as Chairman ALEXANDER, Sen- ing about the bravery of our service- The President pro tempore led the ators CORNYN, HATCH and CASSIDY, and members on December 7. Today marks Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: of course along with Ranking Member the 75th anniversary of the attack on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the MURRAY. Pearl Harbor, a date that FDR rightly United States of America, and to the Repub- Let us also again recognize Vice predicted ‘‘will live in infamy.’’ It is a lic for which it stands, one nation under God, President BIDEN for his work on the time when we reflect on the meaning of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Cancer Moonshot initiatives, which this day for our country and for our ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6765 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.000 S07DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 2016 military, a time when we remember all finance, and she worked to strengthen ily—with her husband Joe and their those who sacrificed on our behalf, and manufacturing and support job train- two children, 9-year-old Jake and 12- a time when we recognize the men and ing. year-old Kate. They have always been women in uniform currently serving to Senator AYOTTE has helped make a her biggest fans. They are a constant keep our country safer. difference as a leader on combating source of comfort and support. Some- Through the years, one of my great- opioid abuse. As a former prosecutor times they like to jump in on the ac- est experiences has been the oppor- who has been among the loudest voices tion themselves. tunity I have had to meet with distin- drawing attention to this horrible epi- In fact, Kate recently made a guished Kentucky veterans as they demic, she knows how devastating it cameo—alongside her mother—in an ad visit Washington through the Honor has been in her State and across the featuring the two shooting hoops and Flight Program. I know many of our country. She worked with first re- practicing layups. From what I hear, colleagues do the same thing when vet- sponders and families to figure out how Kate may even have her sights on a fu- erans from their States come to town. to address this heartbreaking chal- ture in politics. She once advised her Today I ask our colleagues to join me lenge. She sponsored and helped pass mom not to run for President. in remembering all those who served comprehensive legislation that will Senator AYOTTE was taken aback. and sacrificed so much and in thanking help us tackle it. Now, in no small part She said she wasn’t planning on it but our men and women in uniform who because of her efforts, we will pass crit- wondered why she would ask in the are stationed around the world this ical funding this very week that will first place. Well, Kate replied: ‘‘Be- holiday season. help our communities begin to heal. cause I want to be the first woman f Like New Hampshire, my home State President.’’ of Kentucky has been among the hard- I guess it is true what they say, the TRIBUTE TO KELLY AYOTTE est hit by this epidemic. It has been a apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, privilege working with my friend to is not surprising when you consider the ‘‘God gave us two ears so we would lis- help do something about it. example KELLY AYOTTE has set, not ten more than talk.’’ Senator AYOTTE has helped make a just for Kate but for so many others as It is a simple phrase that many of us difference as an expert on national se- well. If anyone can do it all, it is KELLY have likely heard before, but to Sen- curity issues too. This military spouse AYOTTE. From sports practices and ator KELLY AYOTTE, it is the best piece didn’t need someone to tell her what it Lego competitions to 5Ks and trips to of advice she says she ever received, means to serve nor what it means for the largest lake in New Hampshire, the and it is a proverb she has lived by dur- veterans and their families. She mas- time with her kids is what truly brings ing her time in the Senate. In fact, it tered the issue almost overnight. She KELLY joy. is how she got her start here in the fought for language in the VA reform As all of you know, this job can make first place.
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