Operation Sealion: 24 September, 1940

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Operation Sealion: 24 September, 1940 OPERATION SEALION: 24 SEPTEMBER, 1940. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Herr Hitler has decided, in light of the illogical Britischer refusal to come to peace terms, to proceed with the invasion of England. Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Runstedt has been appointed as Commander-in-Chief (CIC) of Heeresgruppe A , which is to land on the south-east coast of England, establish a bridgehead, capture at least two workable ports and airfields, eliminate all military opposition, and advance as far as the Second Operational Objective shown on the map below. The Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine will lend their support to the Army’s efforts… STRATEGIC MAP This is the overall picture of the general invasion area of Heeresgruppe A , consisting of 9 Armee & 16 Armee : In addition, you will be given more detailed maps (Ordnance Survey (OS) Series, 1 square = 1 kilometre) which are used to plan your deployments and attacks in more detail. ORDER OF BATTLE (see separate sheet for detailed orbats – all army units are elite , some are fanatics ): • 16.Armee — Generaloberst Ernst Busch (Demarcation Area East = Folkestone to Hastings) First Wave • XIII.Armee-Korps — General Heinrich-Gottfried von VietinghoffgenanntScheel . o 17.Infanterie-Division o 35.Infanterie-Division o Luftwaffe II./Flak-Regiment 14 • VII.Armee-Korps — Generaloberst Eugen Ritter von Schobert o 1.Gebirgs-Division o 7.Infanterie-Division o Luftwaffe I./Flak-Regiment 26 • Independent tank units: o Amphibious Tank Battalion A o Amphibious Tank Battalion B o Tank Detachment 100 (3 flammpanzer companies) o 4 StugIII panzerjaeger batteries o 4 Panzerjaeger I AT companies (1 per Division) o 1st Battalion Bau-Lehr-Regiment z.b.V. 800 Brandenburg (fanatics) Second Wave • V.Armee-Korps — General Richard Ruoff o 12.Infanterie-Division o 30.Infanterie-Division • XXXI.Armee-Korps — General der Panzertruppen Georg-Hans Reinhardt o 8.Panzer-Division o 10.Panzer-Division o 29.Infanterie-Division (mot.) o Infanterie-Regiment (mot.) Großdeutschland (fanatics) o Infanterie-Regiment Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (mot) (fanatics) Third Wave • IV. Armee-Korps — General Viktor von Schwedler o 24.Infanterie-Division o 58.Infanterie-Division • XXXII.Armee-Korps — General Walter Kuntze o 45.Infanterie-Division o 164.Infanterie-Division • 9.Armee — Generaloberst Adolf Strauss (Demarcation Area West = Hastings to Rottingdean) First Wave • XXVIII.Armee-Korps — General Erich von Manstein o 26.Infanterie-Division o 34.Infanterie-Division • VIII.Armee-Korps — General Walter Heitz o 6.Gebirgs-Division o 8.Infanterie-Division o 28.Infanterie-Division • Independent tank units: o Amphibious Tank Battalion C o Amphibious Tank Battalion D o 4 StugIII panzerjaeger companies o 5 Panzerjaeger I AT companies (1 per Division) o 3rd Battalion Bau-Lehr-Regiment z.b.V. 800 Brandenburg (fanatics) Second Wave • XV.Armee-Korps — Generaloberst Hermann Hoth o 4.Panzer-Division o 7.Panzer-Division o 20.Infanterie-Division (mot.) Third Wave • XXIV.Armee-Korps General Leo FreiherrGeyr von Schweppenburg o 15.Infanterie-Division o 78.Infanterie-Division In addition, the airborne troops of the 7 th Fliegerdivision are available to support the first wave landings: o 7.Flieger-Division (Major-General Kurt Student) Division HQ 1st Parachute Rifle Regiment 2nd Parachute Rifle Regiment 3rd Parachute/Glider Rifle Regiment Paratroop Machine Gun Battalion 7 Paratroop Artillery Detachment 7 Paratroop Engineer Battalion 7 (4 companies) Paratroop Anti-tank Detachment 7 o 22.Infanterie-Division (Luftlande) Infanterie-Regiment 16 Infanterie-Regiment 47 Infanterie-Regiment 65 Artillerie-Regiment 22 Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 22 (anti-tank) Aufklärungs-Abteilung 22 (reconnaissance) Pionier-Bataillon 22 7 Flieger-Division is dropped by parachute; there are also enough gliders available to land the fighting companies of one Parachute Regiment if preferred. 22 Division must be held over to land at an airfield (once captured). The Division HQ can be attached to any landing. AIR SUPPORT – LUFTWAFFE (Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring) The Luftwaffe was fully committed to the invasion, and was tasked with three strategic objectives: 1. Attack British ships, harbours and economic centres; 2. Neutralise the RAF, then destroy economic and communications centres; 3. Provide air cover and support for the invasion. The task of dealing with the first objective fell largely to Luftflotte 5 , as it was experienced in these types of operations. The other two objectives were to be achieved by Luftflotte 2 and 3 respectively; Luftflotte 2 was assigned to assist and protect 16 Armee , and Luftflotte 3 was assigned to assist and protect 9 Armee . In addition, the Luftwaffe also controlled the airborne forces assigned to the invasion. LUFTFLOTTE 2 (assisting 16 Armee) : JG3 (9), JG26 (9), JG51 (9), JG52 (6), JG54 (9): 42 x Me109E/F superior fighter squadrons (3 flights/squadron) ZG26 (9), ZG76 (6): 15 x Me110 fighter squadrons (3 flights/squadron) StG1 (6), StG2 (6), StG77 (9): 21 x Ju87 dive-bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) KG2 (9), KG3 (9): 18 x Do17 medium bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) KG4 (6), KG53 (9): 15 x He111 medium bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) KG4 (3), KG76 (3): 6 x Ju88 medium bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) 4 x reconnaissance squadrons (mixed aircraft) (3 flights/squadron), plus: Erprobungsgruppe 210 (3 x squadrons of ’special’ Me110’s armed with Seilbomben to be dropped on enemy power lines immediately before an invasion. These were designed to disrupt electricity power grids over South-east England, thereby sowing confusion and panic, and disrupting communications.) Seilbomben can be dropped on any daylight turn, or on turn 2 of a day if desired (in which case the Me110 is at risk of crashing (10 on a UD10) – it was a distinctly hazardous mission!): on 3+ on a UD6, communications into/from the area covered by the aircraft counter (7 x 7 squares) are disrupted for 24 hours. LUFTFLOTTE 3 (assisting 9 Armee) : JG2 (9), JG27 (9), JG53 (9): 27 x Me109E/F superior fighter squadrons (3 flights/squadron) ZG2 (9): 9 x Me110 fighter squadrons (3 flights/squadron) StG3 (6): 6 x Ju87 dive-bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) KG76 (6): 6 x Do17 medium bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) KG1 (9), KG27 (9), KG55 (9): 27 x He111 medium bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) KG51 (9), KG54 (6): 15 x Ju88 medium bomber squadrons (2 flights/squadron) 4 x reconnaissance squadrons (mixed aircraft) (3 flights/squadron) All Luftwaffe units (ground and air) are Regular troops for morale and combat purposes. GAME MECHANICS The game is played in two ways, which are interlinked using a top-down approach: The Strategic Game , played on the original OS maps with counters representing the units. Where contact is made between opposing forces, battles are resolved either using the Combat Results Tables (CRT) , or ... A Tactical Battle is fought on a wargames table with miniatures representing the units involved. The results are then fed back up to the relevant Commanders by the Umpire. Linking both of these methodologies together means that ultimate flexibility can be employed regarding where and how the battles/engagements are fought, ranging from PBEM (Play by e-mail) campaigns through to mega games between opposing teams cloistered away somewhere for the week...! The Umpire has a very active role, which is quite intentional, in order to simulate the historical and technical realities and limitations that existed at the time. It also means the Umpire should enjoy the game as much as the players do! THE STRATEGIC GAME INTRODUCTION The Strategic Game is played on copies of the original Ordnance Survey (OS) maps (New Popular Edition, published 1940 - 1947), using counters to represent the historical units involved (down to company level, or where necessary down to platoon level). Battles can be resolved using the Combat Results Tables (CRT) or by setting up a Tactical Battle on a wargames table with miniatures and an appropriate quick play rule set. We have a favourite set called Quick Fire (which we developed, of course!), which dovetails perfectly with the Strategic Game using 6mm figures. MAP SCALE / TIME FRAME: Each square on the OS maps is 1 kilometre square, and is equivalent to a 24” x 24” square on a wargames table. The map reference of each square is a 4 digit number; the first 2 digits refer to the line running to the left of the square, and the second 2 digits refer to the line running along the bottom of the square, e.g.: Dymchurch is in square 1029 of OS map 173 (East Kent). The invasion commences on 24 September 1940, with the option of the Luftwaffe conducting ‘softening up’ sorties from 21 September onwards. Each day is divided into Day Segments of approx. 3 hours each; each Day Segment = 1 Game Turn. There is a handy Game Turn Record at the end of these Strategic Game Rules. STRATEGIC GAME TURN SEQUENCE Each Day Segment follows this Sequence of Play. Most phases are intentionally simultaneous, except in cases where this is impossible (e.g. attack/defence battles): Command & • Players write orders for their units & submit them to the Umpire. Phase 1: Control • Umpire checks for random events that may affect play. • Umpire moves units as per players’ orders, resolves potential movement Phase 2: First Movement conflicts, and feeds back to the players observed enemy units and contact situations, as well as any random events that may affect them. • Players react to contact situations by issuing Withdraw, Hold or Attack orders, and perform any actions required by any random events. • Umpire resolves players’ reactions, feeds back the new unit positions and Phase 3: Reaction declares battles; players decide whether to fight Tactical Battles or resolve them as Map Battles using these Strategic Rules. • Players issue orders for Air Support , Smoke Screens , and fire orders for units that are ordered to Hold /not involved in any other attacks.
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