Natural Problem Definition for Computer-Aided Mechanical Design

Hyunmin Cheong Alex Tessier Abstract Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Eng. Autodesk Research This paper presents our research approach and University of Toronto 210 King St. East challenges in designing natural language interaction for 5 King’s College Road Toronto ON M5A 1J7, Canada a mechanical computer-aided design (CAD) system. We Toronto ON M5S 3G8, Canada [email protected] intend to use natural language input, ideally speech, as [email protected] one method for capturing design problem definition Erin Bradner from designers. Based on the problem definition, a new Wei Li Autodesk Research type of CAD system could explore a set of geometries Autodesk Research The Landmark @ One Market, that solves the problem. Our approach involves solving 210 King St. East Suite 200 a natural language understanding problem: translating Toronto ON M5A 1J7, Canada San Francisco, CA 94105 problem definition statements into a formal language [email protected] [email protected] that can be used for our exploration procedures.

L. H. Shu Francesco Iorio Author Keywords Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Eng. Autodesk Research Natural language interaction, natural language University of Toronto 210 King St. East understanding, CAD, design problem definition 5 King’s College Road Toronto ON M5A 1J7, Canada Toronto ON M5S 3G8, Canada [email protected] ACM Classification Keywords [email protected] H.5.2. User Interfaces: Natural language. [email protected]

Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). Introduction Computer-aided design (CAD) offers a wide of functions that facilitate a design process. Traditional CAD systems primarily support modeling and analysis of conceptual solutions. However, these systems rely on users to interpret their design problems and create conceptual solutions on their own. The systems do not actually explore and provide solutions for users.

We envision a new design workflow that starts with a virtual environment [4-6]. Recently, Kou et al. applied Definition: What the design must do, i.e., user specifying the design problem at hand, and the natural language processing techniques to handle the purpose of the system provides a set of geometries that solves the variations of similar voice commands [5]. design Function problem. The system would also have the ability to Example: “The provide not just valid, but optimal solutions. To enable Some design researchers developed formal design must support the weight of the this workflow, the system must translate the design such as the Functional Basis [7] to support more shelf.” problem definition specified by the user into a consistent and explicit problem definition. Modeling Definition: Measures constrained optimization problem. design problems with the Functional Basis has enabled used to judge how automation of conceptual design synthesis [8]. well the design solves Problem definition in design However, functional modeling alone cannot capture Objective the problem. Example: “The Designers mostly use natural language to describe requirements such as objectives and constraints, which weight of the design design problems at the early stage of design [3]. are necessary for formulating optimization problems. must be minimized.” Problem definition statements are usually recorded in Designers must learn a new modeling language as well. Definition: The product proposal or requirements documents that are limits that the design used as reference for subsequent design processes. Instead of asking users to learn and use a formal should not violate. Constraint language, techniques could be developed to translate Example: “The bracket cannot be The most important aspect of the problem definition natural language input into formal representations [9]. wider than 3cm.” process involves identifying functional requirements Specific to mechanical design, Chen et al. worked on [2]. Functional requirements can include functions, translating descriptions of product requirements into a Table 1. Definitions and examples of functional requirements for a new objectives and constraints of the design [1]. Table 1 formal structure diagram [10]. The authors used bracket shows examples of problem definition statements for lexical, syntactic, and structural analysis to process designing a bracket. natural language descriptions in complete sentences.

Defining functional requirements often requires Another approach could be to use a controlled natural describing how the design interacts with other objects language (CNL). A CNL is a precisely defined subset of in the environment. For example, a bracket’s function a natural language that restricts the and of supporting a structure is related to the density and lexicons to reduce and complexities in the volume of the structure. Hence, we consider language. A CNL can be translated automatically into a descriptions about environment objects and their formal target language and then be used for automated relations to the design as part of the problem definition. reasoning. Early examples of CNL include Cleopatra [11], an interface introduced for CAD command input. Related work CNL has also gained much as a high-level Most research on natural language input for CAD has interface to knowledge-based systems [12]. In focused on improving existing graphical user interfaces. addition, a CNL has been used to control software Improvements involved using a predefined set of voice requirement specifications that can be automatically commands to augment other input modes or work in a translated into Unified Modeling Language [13].

“The design must support the Our research approach design domain implies that the weight of one object is weight of the shelf.” Our approach is to use a CNL to limit the complexity of transferred to another, and the two objects are in natural language input, while applying some natural contact with each other. Such inferred information must Lexical analysis language understanding techniques to translate be captured in our formal language. Creating an designer’s problem definition into a formal language. adequate knowledge base for a mechanical design Object (design), Function (support), MechanicalProperty (weight), The formal language should be formulated into problem is beyond our current scope and almost a Object (shelf) constrained optimization procedures. separate research topic on its own.

Syntactic analysis We have developed a CNL that can define simple static After processing user input, we provide immediate mechanics problems. We created a and a set feedback to designers. To visualize relationships  Problem definition type: Function o Object 1: design of lexicons that designers can use to describe their between the design and environment objects, we o Object 2: shelf design problems in different semantic categories: e.g., create an object-relationship graph diagram (Figure 2). o Relation: support-weight functions, objectives, and constraints of the design. We also list constraints and properties associated with With a CNL as input, designers only need to learn the each object. Effective feedback is essential in creating predefined syntax and lexicons, instead of an entirely positive user experience in natural language Figure 1. Syntactic/lexical analysis of a problem definition statement new language. Our CNL is designed to achieve a interaction. balance between its expressiveness and complexity. Preliminary user study To process user input, we first tokenize problem We conducted a user study with 18 graduate definition statements based on our lexicons, such as mechanical engineering students to evaluate the effect object/function names and mechanical properties. We of using a CNL to create problem definition statements. also use part-of-speech tags generated from an off-the- We found that using a CNL increases the (- shelf tagger to remove ambiguities in the used. rated) quality of problem definition statements For example, “support” is identified as either an object compared to statements written in natural language name or a function name based on whether it was used (Figure 3). However, using a CNL restricted the breadth as a noun or a verb. We then use a parser, designed of problem definition considered by designers, indicated based on our grammar, to classify statements into by the fact that many natural language statements corresponding problem definition categories. Figure 1 could not be translated into CNL statements (Figure 4). shows an example of input analysis. Future work Figure 2. Visualization of We also need some semantic knowledge about the Our future work will involve expanding our CNL to relationships between objects lexicons of our CNL to translate them into a formal increase its expressiveness. Much of our work will focus language. For example, we need to know the on creating a mechanical design knowledge-base. The of “support” to interpret the statement, “The design knowledge base must formally define various functions, must support the shelf,” in terms of mechanical and object shapes, and spatial relations to interpret spatial relationships. “Support” in the mechanical problem definition statements. In addition, we need a

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