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LIVE COOKING D MENU SELECTION MENU d LIVE COOKING d MENU SELECTION Canape TUNA SALAD BRUSCHETTA bruschetta salad ikan tuna MUSHROOM BRUSCHETTA bruschetta jamur BRUSCHETTA PRAWN THERMIDOR Bruschetta Udang CHICKEN MAYO COCKTAIL TART tart cocktail ayam mayo MARINATED PRAWN COCKTAIL TART tart cocktail udang CHICKEN DRUMSTICK paha ayam goreng MINI BEEF KEBAB kebab daging sapi mini BEEF CROQUETTE SALAD kroket daging sapi dengan saus thousand island PRAWN SALAD WITH MANGO SAUCE salad udang dengan saus mangga HOMEMADE BEANCURD ALA THAI tahu saus ala thai HOMEMADE BEANCURD WITH CURRY MAYO tahu saus kari mayo CRISPY FRIED VEGETABLES ROLL lumpia sayuran HONGKONG STYLE MINCED PRAWN lumpia udang CHICKEN CROQUETTE kroket daging ayam BBQ CHICKEN PIE char siu su BEEF CROQUETTE WITH MELTED CHEESE kroket sapi dengan keju BBQ CHICKEN SKEWER sate ayam bbq FRIED MINCED PRAWN CAKWE WITH MAYO cakwe udang mayo managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Canape WHITE LOTUS PIE lien yong su GREEN TEA ALMOND PIE pie green tea almond EGG TART tart telur panggang GOLDEN SWEET PUMPKIN GLUTINOUS RICE BALL onde – onde labu manis GREEN TEA GLUTINOUS RICE BALL onde – onde green tea BLACK SESAME GLUTINOUS RICE BALL onde – onde wijen hitam FRUIT TARTLET pie buah MINI CHEESY / STRAWBERRY / CHOCO SWISS ROLL mini bolu gulung keju/ strawberry / coklat MINI BLACK FOREST black forest mini MINI BROWNIES brownies mini VANILLA FRUIT SLICE CAKE cake vanilla buah CHOCOLATE / CHEESE SLICE CAKE cake coklat / keju MANGO PUDDING IN GLASS* puding mangga dalam gelas CHOCOLATE MOUSSE* mousse chocolate managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Dim Sum SHRIMP DUMPLING hakau SHARK'S FIN SIEW MAI siomay hisit CHICKEN SIEW MAI siomay ayam WASABI CHICKEN PRAWN DUMPLING pangsit ayam udang wasabi VEGETABLE CHIVES DUMPLING pangsit sayur kucai SEVEN OCEAN DUMPLING pangsit 7 rasa THREE TREASURES PRAWN DUMPLING pangsit 3 rasa PRAWN FEN KUO fen kuo udang STEAMED SZECHUAN WOTIE wotie szechuan STEAMED LOTUS PASTE GLUTINOUS RICE BALL ketan teratai wangi DUCK STEAMED BUN WITH HOISIN SAUCE bakpao bebek saus hoisin CHAR SIEW STEAMED BUN bakpao char siu THREE FLAVOURS CHINESE BUN bakpao 3 rasa MELTING GOLD STEAMED BUN bakpao melting gold BBQ CHICKEN PIE char siu su ayam WHITE LOTUS PIE lien yong su GREEN TEA ALMOND PIE pie green tea almond managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Dim Sum DEEP FRIED SEAFOOD ROLL lumpia seafood GARLIC PRAWN SPRING ROLL lumpia udang bawang SPECIAL CRISPY FRIED PRAWN udang goreng special CRISPY PRAWN SALAD salad udang CRISPY FRIED MINCED SHRIMP BALL udang rambutan PRAWN CRABSTICK BEANCURD SKIN ROLL crabstick udang kulit tahu CRISPY FRIED MINCED CALAMARI BALL cumi rambutan CHICKEN CRISPY WONTON wonton ayam crispy SHANGHAI STYLE DUMPLING pangsit shanghai CANTONESE WOTIE wotie canton RED BEAN PASTE PANCAKE pancake taosa TURNIP CAKE lobak kao MELTING GOLD GLUTINOUS RICE BALL onde – onde melting gold BLACK SESAME GLUTINOUS RICE BALL onde – onde wijen hitam THREE FLAVOURS GLUTINOUS RICE BALL onde - onde 3 rasa managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Finger Food KOREAN CHICKEN WINGS sayap ayam ala korea AMERICAN BUFFALO CHICKEN WINGS sayap ayam crispy CHICKEN QUESADILLA quesadilla daging ayam CHICKEN / BEEF KEBAB kebab daging ayam / sapi CRAB CAKE CURRY MAYO daging kepiting dengan saus kari mayo BEEF NACHOS nachos daging sapi CRISPY CORN TORTILLA STUFFED WITH CHILI CONCARNE tortila crispy dengan chili concarne PAN FRIED TURNIP CAKE WITH XO SAUCE lobak kao saus xo ORIENTAL FRIED FISH CAKE otak - otak tengiri Salad FRESH MARKET SALAD BAR WITH YOUR CHOICE OF DRESSING salad aneka sayuran segar dengan vinaigrette dressing / lemon garlic dressing / balsamic dressing / thousand island dressing managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Soup ITALIAN MINESTRONE SOUP sup sayuran ala italia WILD CREAMY MUSHROOM SOUP sup krim aneka jamur CREAMY TOMATO SOUP sup krim tomat FRENCH ONION SOUP sup bawang bombay ala perancis OCEANIA FISH CHOWDER sup krim ikan CREAMY BROCCOLI SOUP sup krim brokoli ZUPPA SOUP sup zuppa Noodles CHICKEN CHAR SIEW FRIED NOODLES mie goreng ayam char siew HOMEMADE NOODLES WITH MINCED CHICKEN, MUSHROOM & SEASONAL VEGETABLES bakmi ayam jamur dengan sayuran segar HOMEMADE NOODLES WITH CRISPY CHICKEN KATSU WITH VEGETABLES bakmie ayam katsu dengan sayuran segar TOMYUM SEAFOOD NOODLES SOUP bakmi kuah tom yam seafood SEAFOOD EE FU NOODLES IN CRISPY BASKET WITH VEGETABLES i fu mie seafood dengan sayuran segar BIRTHDAY FRIED NOODLES WITH QUAIL EGGS bakmi goreng ulang tahun Rice STEAMED/ ROASTED CHICKEN RICE nasi hainan ayam rebus / ayam panggang PEKING DUCK FRIED RICE nasi goreng bebek peking managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Local Food SOTO AYAM soto ayam dengan tempe goreng, perkedel & sate telur puyuh TAHU TELUR tahu telur dengan bumbu kacang & kerupuk GADO - GADO gado – gado bumbu kacang dengan kerupuk & emping LONTONG OPOR lontong opor ayam KAMBING GULING kambing guling Western Food PAN FRIED DORY / SALMON LEMON BUTTER SERVED WITH BUTTER RICE dory / salmon fillet saus lemon butter dengan nasi gurih ROSEMARY ROLL CHICKEN ayam gulung bumbu rosemary ITALIAN CHICKEN PARMIGIANA parmigiana ayam ala italia ROASTED CHICKEN TIKKA MASALA ayam panggang tikka masala BRUSCHETTA PRAWN THERMIDOR WITH NACHOS bruschetta udang dengan nachos OVEN BAKED MACARONI SCHOTEL macaroni schotel panggang CHICKEN WRAPPED SMOKED BACON WITH MUSHROOM CREAM SAUCE ayam gulung bacon asap saus krim jamur GRILLED BEEF TENDERLOIN WITH MASHED POTATO & GRILLED VEGETABLES IN MEDITERRANIAN / MUSHROOM SAUCE daging sapi dengan kentang dan sayuran saus mediteranian / jamur SALMON COLBIAC STYLE salmon dengan krim bayam ala colbiac BEEF FLAKES FOCACIA MINI BUN WITH COLESLAW & JALAPENO MAYO mini burger daging sapi dengan saus jalapeno mayo & coleslaw ITALIAN SPAGHETTI STATION WITH 2 CHOICES OF COOKING STYLE PASTA: FUSILLI/ PENNE/ SPAGHETTI SAUCES: MEATBALL / BOLOGNAISE / CREAMY MUSHROOM/ PESTO/ MILANESE SAUCE pasta ala italia dengan 2 pilihan saus managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Asian Food GRILLED MARINATED CHICKEN BREAST WITH SOMTAM ayam fillet bumbu dengan somtam TEMPURA PRAWN & VEGETABLES tempura udang dan sayuran THAI SWEET CHILI CHICKEN SATAY WITH SAUTEED POTATOES sate daging ayam saus manis pedas ala thai PEKING DUCK WITH MANTAU mantau daging bebek saus hoisin LAMB CURRY IN PASTRY PILLOW kari daging kambing dalam kulit pastry LEBANESE BEEF / LAMB KOFTA daging sapi / kambing ala lebanon ORIENTAL STYLE BEEF STEAK WITH ORIENTAL SAUCE/ MUSHROOM SAUCE bistik sapi dengan saus oriental/ saus jamur FRENCH STYLE BEEF TENDERLOIN WITH MASHED POTATO & GREEN GRAPES sapi perancis dengan kentang & anggur hijau MIX SEAFOOD TEPPANYAKI WITH MILD SPICED MAYO SAUCE teppanyaki aneka seafood dengan saus mayo special SHARK'S FIN CHICKEN DUMPLING SOUP sup pangsit hisit kuah ROASTED JUMBO KING PRAWN WITH SAUCE OF YOUR CHOICE SAUCE: CHAMPAGNE / MANDARIN ORANGE/ BECHAMEL SAUCE udang bago panggang dengan saus pilihan anda managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Dessert Canape POP CAKE MINI CHOCOLATE BROWNIES MACAROON GRAPE RITZ MINI BLACKFOREST MANGO PUDDING IN GLASS CHOCOLATE MOUSSE VANILLA FRUIT WHOLE CAKE RAINBOW WHOLE CAKE ASSORTED PUDDING CHOCOLATE FONDUE FRESH JELLY DESSERT WITH LONGAN & FRUIT GREEN TEA ALMOND PIE FRUIT TARTLET EGG TART managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia MENU SELECTION Dessert MANGO PUDDING WITH ICE CREAM puding mangga dengan es krim HOLLIDAY STYLE ROJAK rujak buah ala holliday FRESH FRUIT FONDUE buah segar dengan fondue HOT WAFFLE SERVED WITH ICE CREAM waffle dengan es krim HONEYDEW WITH SAGO COCONUT MILK puding melon sagu mutiara (sie mie lo) RAINBOW JELLY WITH CANNED LONGAN es puding pelangi CHILLED WATERMELON CRYSTAL es kristal buah semangka YANG TZE MANGO FLOW WITH SAGO & FRUIT COCKTAIL es puding mangga sagu mutiara dengan cocktail buah MOO YO YOGHURT* yogurt moo yo* Drink SOYA BEAN DRINK susu kedelai SOFT DRINKS fanta | coca cola | sprite JUICES orange juice | guava juice | apple juice | fruit punch FREE FLOW MINERAL WATER air mineral free flow managed by Holliday Group T +62 24 3545 900 HEAD OFFICE: F + 62 24 3542800 Jl. Pemuda No. 35 e. [email protected] Semarang 50139 Indonesia
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