
science & technology

Paper packaging materials and safety

Ph. D. Janina Leks-Stepien

Packaging should be adjusted to the features of a specific product. Choosing relevant packaging ma- terials is a complex issue due to a huge variety of products, packaging materials and systems. Natural materials used for packaging production, such as and board, pose little risk to the environment or human health. However, operations requiring converting and functional properties, for example , may lead to contamination of packed products. The easiest and the only effective method to protect products against negative impacts resulting from the migration of substances from packaging is the use of properly selected materials.

Today packaging has become an integral part of fective method to protect the product against the product, on many occasions even more im- negative impacts resulting from migration of portant than the content. According to the def- substances from packaging is to use appropriate inition for the purpose of Directive 94/62/EC materials that are sensory neutral for printing. packaging means all products made of any ma- The use of just one element which does not meet terials of any nature to be used for the contain- neutrality requirements may endanger the pack- ment, protection, handling, delivery and presen- aging protection function. Printing substrates tation of goods, from raw materials to processed have to be sensory neutral both before and af- goods, and from the producer to the user or the ter being printed. This is why it is extremely im- consumer [1]. Paper and board have been used portant to test substances released from packag- as the most important packaging materials for ing prior to its usage. Since obligations for pack- years. The production of packaging paper and aging compliance with legal requirements lie Figure 1: Potential sources of migrating substances board grades in the European Union is around with packaging manufacturers and operators in- 30 million tons per year. It is estimated that half troducing the product to the market, expected of that volume comes into contact with food. and compliance can be guaranteed only amounts of heavy metals, constituents of print- packed product. The test results on migration of Awareness of possible risks as well as technolog- by strict supervision of the entire manufactur- ing inks, sizing agents and [2-19]. A mi- printing ink constituents show that rejection of ical progress contributed to the fact that quali- ing process and its components. Interactions be- gration ratio of the substances to the food de- the printed packaging material as a result of mi- ty requirements for food packaging have become tween packaging material and food do not in- pends significantly on paper grade, content gration does not have to be connected only with stricter. Consumer expectations for packaged volve only a group of chemical and/or physical in the food, chemical character and volatility of of migrating substances, it may result food include aspects such as health, safety, rea- reactions. An extremely important aspect is the migrating substances. For example, a consider- from changes in sensory properties of the prod- sonable price, convenience, extended effect of packaging surroundings, which in unfa- able migration level of organic contaminants is uct. In the of some constituents of printing and environmental friendliness. It is possible to vourable conditions may change its composition, observed in case of foodstuffs with high fat con- inks, particularly solvents such as alkylbenzene, meet those requirements only through the right quality or physical properties of the packed prod- tent. Additionally, the migration of contaminants oils, or adipate, only a small amount of packaging, that – apart from protection during uct or packaging itself. to food is tightly connected with testing condi- migrating substance may cause changes in the transport and storage – has to protect the prod- The results of safety tests carried out on pa- tions, i.e. and time [12,13]. product, noticeable for sensitive senses of smell uct against spoiling, transmit information to con- per products used as food packaging indicate Over 90% of all manufactured foodstuffs and and taste. sumers, and be easy to use as well as play an that made from virgin fibres are charac- stimulants are sold in printed packaging that of- In the case of UV inks for printing packaging advertising role. terized by low penetration of chemical substanc- ten is refined, varnished, embossed or laminat- intended to come into contact with food, par- Packaging has become a necessary element of es to the packed product, whereas in the case of ed. With regards to assessment of packaging ticular attention should be paid to photoinitia- the food production process. At different stag- recycled paper grades the contamination risk is safety, the role of printing inks is difficult to de- tors [20-22]. The most popular photoinitiator is es of converting, preparing and storing, chemical very high. To obtain required converting proper- fine due to a small number of substances identi- benzophenone. Numerous tests show its pres- substances may migrate to the food (Fig. 1). If ties, packaging made from virgin fibres is usu- fied in the tests for specific migration. The risk of ence in foodstuffs packed in printed packaging. packaging is made from wrong materials it may ally refined using various sizing, dyeing agents food contamination with constituents of printing It was found that if there is no direct contact be- pose a risk to the packed product, thus to human and varnishes. Those substances have less ef- inks from printed packaging can have two ori- tween food and packaging when a packed prod- health [2,3]. When the materials are discussed, fect on the packed product than the packaging gins: transfer through packaging material or oc- uct is stored at low , the migra- printing substrates, inks, varnishes and all the made from recovered fibres. The main contam- currence of invisible reflection. This means that tion rate of benzophenone to food is reduced auxiliaries used in the printing process have to inants from recovered fibres are aldehydes, al- components of printing inks migrate to the un- six times. Meeting both conditions at the same be taken into account. The easiest and only ef- kanes, ketones, phthalates, hydrocarbons, trace printed side of packaging that has contact with a time reduces the migration ratio forty times [5].

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