Vol. xxxvii. No. 38. Hightstown, N. J., Thursday, DECEf/IBER 22d, 1881, Whole No. 1393

PfSO FI£'i^l(».\A lj C iKD.< 4. WATCHAMAf^rNO JOHNSON - PULLEN, j’^TTiuaN-Eas p. d i \^is , New York Tribune. Poetry. pUuT in Ilu; (inn. Uiirm ilic nuMcipiilnil n tire- I c h t o I nml sent tu ht.s fatliiT's l>rolliPr, where T R.C, JOHNSON in e n l n f . 2 il .Mece.lilh, vylu. w;ie known to die is iloins well, iim! Kllen lefl lief home amt » / I Mercer Et., Hightstown, TJ.J., CUHI.'j'l'.MAS IS CO.MINU. Suoci'BSorto JolinU.Jobuson, The'Loading American Newspaper.’ fiivor Ihe iM lcnii.in.l-Aiim ni: nil the ijeiks iinci ; caiiie here, hinhm; fur higher wiices' than sue I lii'U tstdvvii. X. -T. OuntlnucH lu ManulHciuie. I’HKAi' Koa C a h j i, w.irhnien in llie i;ti nl T.ieluiy,, lliere wins no ^ emilil enni in her own Imvn. I knowing all, OFCtCK ooa. STOOKTOX a s h POIIMAN STS. During Cu* year lS-'2 'I'liu T i u i u m ; linpi i to oni- L A D I E S ’ A aN D G E N T ’ S nv -MAIIY U. llltlN K . OtQoo U.»urB : 8 to Vi A . M ., 2 to 5 P . xM. , WATCH & CLOCK plfiy vtlrh hiiTi-i.'^m.' ^U‘'"«‘^s the w.irk iindihe one so Imn.lsonie ns W aller Unil,mill, imiic.^so aiivniiuea her iiilerest in every w ay.- Month me I hods ivtiiiui li.i vi- Won lor It .'lo lar,-i’ u ini-a'Uiro • *h rl? l111nR IR Coming !" the oiiiidren cry. ! i p r 3- l y r ol poimlar ap|)roviil. ii )i is ivUaiiied, ainl ini'an.s Iinieily.r, Ihieii in iimmier. none no after tiionili, lieii.viiig herself everything hut M A K E If, Fancy and Plain Boots and Shoes, Counting the wei-ks ih'it nro liurrylng by, n e ve r to Id.-rtu ih ,. h ig h .-'la n d a id o f siieen-s w liio h oiile witli all. HiR he hull gone Ihrongli'thir- llie iieee.s.eiiries ol life, she has sent her eiirn- ' near the Iron Bruise, GAITERS, SLIPPKUS. Ac. W;;B n 'liU 'il a t bv l!.« lo u u 'b r . t h e la i ” ost e lio u b i- Dear llclo otillilron. wh«i live al homfe. R. A. WILLIAMSON, tio’: luiiotiif the be.t people.. So- 1»tg-a »-iroal i .And ito not gues." wh.it D Is to roam ly yenrs of life,, fiiiey free, m ilil Kllen t'liur- m gs to wipe oR her hrulher's (lehl. W ilh the Best matcrlu 1b usotl, and satiBiiu-tloii guarautoed. lb'll and one So widolj .lislributed ov-r ilu'eiiCre I'hlll to tile picb't V. D'^ North Main Street, Hightstown territory or the N-itioii liasm v- r ta'Cii ac.iim"! by From morn till night, with ?to kingles.R leet I tent of the house uml wljiU alie saves here sho K lG lirM I'O W A X, It . J -, Walches, Glocks ami .Towelry neatly cleanetl A good aBBortiiient ol Keiuly-Mude UootB ami and Ollier iiew.apapnr in thernItO 'l Slates We Up an.I .town, through the ice ami sleet. T lu v re w usii.sCaomyjhiiiir !ao in thn noMo, refined La?. Ju b i in^ being ac- •unit repaired, iiml wiirninted to Kiv« Hatlnlactlon SIlOUB ■ ' ; on hii m l. aecapt iMs lael W^hoAerdiet ol the ai.-i i.-an p,-i>. OFUTGIS [N DV\VI 3:i’ B U t U D l X U . pie upon tlic eoiiilu'-l and eliarivi-lor •'( I’m Y.ti faee uf ihi*.* y-'iiDCgiily-'uncgiil lim t mifncUMlmirncUMl W aller ; kimivie(Ygi.Tikm>viiedgcd in li’SaltTror ^ o r I Imiuiwl to her yesler- • I solicit the patruii!igo ol ihr public, Bools Hiul Shoos repaired ul short notlen. -‘Chrlsttiins Ifl coming !'■ IhiiikM RtU Tim , apr IC-U' Foriuurly oi5Gupi>'d Ijy Dr. Duslilor. Apr M yr J . R. U. .TOUNSON, iifKL. The po.^irlon ir*T. en'lWs ooiiM le v r have Hut what can the C|iri- tinn« no lor Mm I U 'lih im n fr o m th e Ih-st,- 1'lm l 4tieie wim gome day. You cm umlersland why film cm ld nf)J Also .In.sticc ol the Peace. A call Irom my old friends and cuntoiiierH Is re- be.'ll gainoij.nor rei.lined imt by pie-r’iiliieiii mer- sin-elfuliy solicited. ajtr 1- l y l'.‘'as,i ii'-wap iper. IIS an.organ ot ^ a id npiuli,n, His home is a cellar, his 'daily bread lu nvy iroiiblc iTrnodinj; in Hie Sfidm-M Uf her j Uike c>ven a few dolhiis lo auliscrihe for u prea- tllld 111) tl'lvoi’ lie ol lu.sl im t'lie tnua.sH'e.:, I’liu crumb.-' t lut icmaln n loui the rlcli. arc fed. lu '•liiirt. I'liK 'I'liiiU’NK wlD. m* hot rti-tnre, pnn- great dark eve?' Ire nevei’ (jonldcd; I'Ul if,ever.. "'h* \vln/n I loll you the two years e.vpir- ])R. A. H. DEY, |R A YAGER, No mother to kDs him when >lu> Is gone'; tinui'to be the me.liiini-of the bOPl ...... a im puiiiy and goodimw were pielmed in limuan j ‘'>i Hie very day whi'n tin; ln.st hmulred dol- ^NTH O N Y COLEMAN, thevpleeol Ihel.est eoiis.’b'iice ol Co-time : will No place to bo glad lu iimbtr the sun. HIGHTSTOW N, N. .1 . HIGHTSTOWN, N. .1.. •keep iiL'east'ot Cu* Inehe.'i proufe-^-, I.ivor the Oiiiinlenanre, they v.ere in Kilens. Eioin h .H lais w h s received. X* j\ v . Wjiller, voii know tree.- dis'.'UssL-n, lii-ariitl siib s, app'diI aUva \ « tn O fFICE AT D. B DEV'S, N U lllil xMAIN ST. K\i That wondei ful iMlnw, oh! Santa (’IIIU.-I. L lleii’s senrcl, Wx\TCJI M AK AND .]E:\V EI.EK, CARPET WEAVER, Ilienmsi en lIp eiii'd itUclliuenei' and Uie purc-st I'atlier he leai'pt-d ininrh'>f ihe.nexvpiii.er, of Judge for yourself if she is a m y s -ly NVho never Is idle a moment, li. eiiiiso Watches, (Mock.s, Spec tar los. iio Pin teil Ware In mer.ility, luol ro(u..sUo iJalvHir.siilldL cliurcli, Mitia atroet, exleiulcd as oj'iioi lunit y may .serve. That the rlidi nnd poor nil over Cu* land O f her anleredi iilg, he knew onlV'Lliiit she HlifliLaLuwii, I^. J. B S H “Not lo-murrow,” said Mr. Rodman, amil- QLU- E. PIERSON, I hi vu o n i-ib -iir Fii t h er w ho w atydii's \n u , broiig'hl a iett'-r fn'inrthe eli/rjryiimii nf her ro jtli. o.’cini :Luil w it h o o .t p a i n , by tlio uaobi Y A I.U A U U ’: I’HKMU'MS. ii!kc “ Kllen went homo this afternoon, her Laui^Uinic (raa 0 H A A And gi-lrvos or smllos at Cm tblius you do. T m k T k 'HI'.n k has iu-v> f Ireon equ'ieilhy any Itarish, in it snmll u u m Y nf XcR- 'Y.orE Slnie. la.sk finislied. ()ut of Hu.’ sum I paid her for AUGIIITECT AND BUILDEK, And Rome ol M.s i-iii .iron arc i>ooi-.) ml sad, rsr. U. —riiJ auw pvlont Gum Hi.ao. so valuitblo 0 G T P other paper In t he periii.iueiil ami snb.-i.tiiiia'l vaf 1 hilt she was a woiiniii of cullnre niKl relijie- fo r its ooinl'orL itUAl olii;iullao.-»a, i.-i al.so ee ol its pi ei'iiuins. iind (lie e.xtr;tordin irv Ir.er.il- And some aro alwavs i erry ami glad, the last Week of lier toil here, slic begged iny appliod. Au u.'CiimluaLloa ia InvUyil. upr 1- l y inoilT.STOW N, N'. J., meiil (liey poiiid see fi.r IbeiMSeli^^’.- - ^ T E S ny >.| the lerms upon wht.-li it has oh- red itiom to . ac’ceptaiice of the copy of Longfellow upon jLlrblng [.roiiiptly Hllf.inli'il to. iiml HuiIdln,5S nut I he pub!I". We la Re ptea ol ii ll Inielliueut re i.leo Lo t he t'dbm 11 a olliTS : Food an I jdi'irty. IhU W aU.r liodnian. hy imime frank nml the lable Im.side vm , askini; me to believe alio R. W. B. E. MILLER, tr u e IH.IHS lu!.rlM „.,,-„,H iiii..u.u. lim nvlc,L.-,l-; wa;. Knacfiil lor nil u,y kurli,™ lo I r t . U ' t Shop on Mereer sirei t, above Dawes’ Hall, The Library of Universal Knowledge, ( ‘hrlsttmis to ■ioin 'thing at all, D A. J. ASHTON, aj) 1- l y r einlir-cing ('ha in her:-' Fm-y tnpiedi.i eonipkMo. 111 pliicu of hi'igh Llleii for it« (piccn. ,,vrr [l,,, cv-Mrut VEL'ERINAllY SURGEON, her lest a Iiirlc' -fi'oin Imr )on;{ strain of aelf- oiiiiliiiig otili Some ol the cut.-", with e-VVii-ivc tul- Poor tlulc 1 Im ti myslery in lier lile, \\ Idle in ’her eonversa- MalnSt.,opp. Baptist Church, .‘'aerihee and toil, W alter; nml then, if you KoBldonce 430 South 5th Street, (Jamdon, N. J.1 d ii loll.*' oy a n iild<- i t i ps (if n|(^i jyit i| c d j; ns irjt.il,- Vourblc'sStnRiTji; spa TIon "she'adv'iiticed imlji'- aniVtlm’mn^iii.s views lllC iH 'l'S iTO n ';\ nvg div-oin' 'iri.f'ijO' aiiiiiiTi'iial' tuples, iban.iiulilv I fii can win her love. I will gladly give her a (i rati u a-te-of• t htj ATtiet tcAn ‘ A'Q fh i‘Tfiary“G61Tego oT HVjj li 153 to w 1 1 , N . Aim-rlejinirlmr the enCrc w rk iiddlfm to H over The (’hrlRtmm her whole .‘.lyle of living wa.i i^eiyinioip^ lii an the IJnlver.sity-or New York. Dealerin all klmlfi of 2 .'\ iM * r < M 'U l. ol the la te s t, fre sh e s t an ' iiie.-'i viiL 'Hl.s 'il! ly rin g daiiithier’s plaec in my heart.’' u iMe ii*at(. r. the wtmle iimkmg l .’5 l a a m D o i n o The songThat I’Xlenl rai'<4 v s*‘en tn wometi"id In-rage, wlitm One of the Oatilo ItisimcLor of the State of New t be filo ’ \Vinfer had eoiVit^ and gi'mA, ahrl spring siin- Jersey. O eluvo VoIiiiiieM of « liv 1)L^ inehe.n n> si/,e, av. BOOTS ■•rayim n -n iiy buii p a u ' t o lie ' v o lu m e , pi iid i il in The Song that i4ith the lor> birth : living upon a miicli siuallttvsnlai'y Ihen she jlyloYyr fhine was making all nalure glad, when ono IRON FOUNDRY l ifg- type on good >trong eulundeied paper, and • P ofn'0. g one sun.-'criitcr. ilUM'ii.'4>ioii. I'in y ucH’ nil viuin;;, »i i i ; k ' [ u t I in v .iy ! r.m'li ll.uiip'lils, ...... Ll„sl,.|ul p,„-|ni-, N,.,’, ^ O A L 8 Y THE .GAR LOAD, AT WnOLESALE 111 ■ the window fioud a I' O l t - r . N T O W iV . iiK, l.in ii.u iv OF r 1 lis .u . Ly, lliniigh dmny wnre iil c)M>«ni jn,.| uulm- 1 hi‘ !l,w, Sufi ,,)h'r, Ii'yvrivs liniycl hy her luMliisnmr WKIImli, Prices,.such as Council Ridge, Buck Mountain, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, K Son*!' i;inj I : KKNs’.-h I (l''n '|,K T ): \\ftiu.K.s a-i li'ailiug a vim- 'Wi-r a ne(. ftn 18- t l' , N k w .In u s K v , ilotioy Biimk, Ac- i" m i- ln•.•*erii^.•d, •..ml i l l li.s h \] i . \ v T T 'I K l- coiiiiiu; ii lin.iy. One of itm.sr, wlm lu,,] a h;t''llu;il .siuiiu .-s,. i u:i VI . il'siK I, n n,ji of „ : r. D u N 1-. a ycai'i- to nm.i subiori'm t . •siring. 1 h r lace w 1,1 pjiiHv HVi'i ted ; iiinck (liaiu imii lu-mvIciH, .tunl a }ir..fii«!- J .SUIIANCK, aMILLGEAKING, I" " '''- ...... " ciiiii...h-.l 1; , „ I'mhl,. I Iml Ihc SI|„IIH,T c.iiM .s,.,. Ihiii .Ill'll,,, p,.n„r A good supply fur the Retail Tr,flde8onBt!intly I'O U ?Sli) —T u k LiJiiiAin' 'K IHivknsii, 8 on hand. U N-'WI.ICIXi;;. or D , ( | : k n .s'.S • ’i >m |»[,|..-i i : l\ » js in ii u f j (4 It iimiimirH-iip.m a rtmnp Hilk (! i-oh^ S"iil, Ilijil W iilui' lurj(„| llu-ciii-.... IIII'IIU ih.ss, I 1111,1 sA.Iiicss nf Ihc pnsi wcn-'p.i.,., muiITSTOW N, N, J , Those wishing to purchase in either Irirgi above ib-.-KTibi'il, uml ten eopics ul riU ; n El'.iv s|i(.kr vriv ('iii|i|i.'dit'ii!!y ’it is tlic ,siiny;if.M Hii' many >l.'rius liolr in the faeim v n| FUen'.s' M O W E R S Sl U K A F E H S , l A TlHLl Nhoncy diual I r|uantitioR, will Qud it to their in to rest to l. poll lhe giaei till lignre w;e- a dress of Mee. CJ O U ,X •< I? I, I. OJH .V T 1. \ W I'lTinriiim ; I evrr lirani of!" •Stingim-.ss, and km-w limt he ' h e r give me a call. F i2 S-T iik hinu.Miv op IM vns.w. ey imi.slin la-'lefnlly iiiade, and trim m eil w iih M A .s r EUAN D f): X \ ,M IX lO RIN G \l A N C I*: i< Y K MIWI.MICK, or D.( Kl Ns S < '(IM ri.I.'i K N*. 1 . n » “ W 1ml mV nil all s'l.r.xcilcil aliovit ?" askcil iuul never la-fore loved aiiy,|W oiimn. Also, PINE AND OAK KTNDUNG WOOD MEAT CIIOPPEBS, I1.I.()\ c ;ii and wrist, ami a lew i.Y Tn iiie NK om- 3 1'.ir. a iHTtly lillb; lili'iitic, cuiiiiiig in fuaii ti,,- Foil when Hie .diver lankard was presented a p i - t f . J a c o b e a r l y , Well eho.sen orim-nenls. Sinlileiily .some im nr SOCIETY HEHTINOS. 'Thu pos’agf) on .he Ulhniry ol rnlvcr.yl Kimwl lo o m -io o m . lo .Mr: Ih'idiim ii. am! i:i'en’.s name was iml itp- CIDER SCREWS, .* sense Heeined to te]i Idh n she was wnlehed. edge, il .-init l.y yuiil, ivlil be '.:i (.-«.-nis ji-r u.|uu,,-; “ Kllen ( 'iiiu'cliill!" "11 llie li.sl o l (-im frilm ie r s In H i , ci!i. Waller O. OF 0. F. D R. FORMAN, Ml i'ii-k( ii-.'s AVi.rKs 15 l•'•u^.■‘per Vidn in,’ii ■'’'In* turned, and .saw W allet Rodnmii, liHiUmg I DKALKIi IN the hUf .'i-rlbi-r « ill r -lint II u i.-lihig tln-m 111 IS M.|,i I k ‘Hi‘ iiii‘ 1 W lial lia.s nfic (join;; tinu'! <‘\[>eriei,eed a sharp imiig of di-apiiointinent, 1. WINDSOR LODGE, No. 59 PUMPS, In pai k.igc. b> n.NpruaB llicy can be h-ul mu'.-h eariirstlT. wi.sifnllv „t In-r. A ipdi-U flush .“licupcr. Yon art' always (li.-tcimsiiHr sn'iim di, m llul il.-nl lie knew Ih;it Ida falliM's 1 ( eoiiuM-ndali"M Alootaovor lIutelan.soii'B U.ill,on ruKsi>A.v Evis- F urniture, Agricultural Implemonts> and allklndsut swept across In-r einn k, am lhereves lighU d jifiNiu ofeach wook.-at V,i o’clock. o f J-UIi 'i i ’h . 1 hkr licr m ysrlf.’’ had gaiued F.IIeii her liisi place in Ihe faetoty. Carpenter's jiml Mavon’sTool: gladly as she came ha-ward h» ineel him . I)ogroe-< iouforred the last Tuesday Evcnlngln The Great Bible Concordarcs. And evi-iy arLic.Iu used liy lUiilders, W r a ll k n o w Ih a i. '' s a i'l llm fu-.s! Hml .she imd romid a Iri, ml in him. ami owed evoH montii. T. Al. SUUUGGV, x\. G. •i ll•.\l, “ M a y 1 1‘oiiic iiiF' lu; naked. oDcuing tlio Machinery Furnished & Repaired A N AI.S I IC .\ I, C o M 'U lt n A NCi; 'I (I •I'UK h i I I H, I S ip n ik o r; ••V '.u x vill lo .y lid i.g ; J.]!;, ,, h.T r,i|,ii! ...... M l lo hi-'Dll. (e.M -i..! ir, GH.AS H. OULh S o e’ y . m y 2S - t f liED-RooM S u it e s , F a u lo r Su it e s , U l.lM h id e g a te , M X -iMiiiaiai ai^ tini I ordi-r. arri:ii;;efl uml' r Us H.-tircu' ... d o r s ." ■ - llneiiee. .And yet .'•he leal h I'u-ed In r m ile (n DiNi.vu-Roost FruMi'uiiK In variety, Extension o'im iiiit, v.Dh the IlK'ral iiii-niiing i.j each nnd ns I am very glad lo wi'lconie you.” slie an- SCHOOLS. S l I A N G L E A S O N , “ J L it w in d lias .*;Iio dom -;-'" th e g ifi H )(ii t i-.-'i i lied I he g o o d ^ e li n g o f h e r 'yiiiLEa at lowest Itgures prominei iiloM : exliit.il ing at l.Oiiii iv[i-i (•iii-cs. U h .swered, and Iheii e.\(i-n,led tii-i hands as ho • iMlbeyoml (.’tm U 'ii; m arking bU.n-u vn rj.ius'i cii.’l. “ lliliiM 'd lo .'iign. Lliu siili.*;r.i-iption list for fellow W iilkeis ill | ! m ' fa e li.r v , loan Boll ud low ;is any one, and ask an [inspection I IlK lit R lo w n , N . J . sprang hglilly up Hie steps. pEDDIE dNSriTUTE, ol gouiU and [irlecB. !iig.i inlor imilloii on BI! Ileal (.!.••.gra|'h\ and Ant iiinil i.'.s tho laiikiud lo be prc.m-nicd to .Mr, |{od!i;aM," I'M lIur and son Imd long l»een eonfi-lenlial Also, large a.^soriment of Tnbio and Pocket Cut­ '■ti-.. Ole. B y K otjcrt Y. h i i i ;;, IHi, D , author id a' Il is no| fair to rc[ieal lovers' talk. Setllco imiirr.3T0 \v.N, n . j . lery; Floor (,)il Clotli, 6tc., itc. apr l-ly new Lilurjil TraiiwlallMj riu.*,: 'I’lie lilllr t.loiidc. Susy W liiiinu', hy inmu* hi-> d o iih ts a aks. .Mr. Kodiimu li.siened .ri-w (Ira immir, etc. wish ol Ilia heart; ami whe'i .summer roses Fall Term liegius SepteiuLer 1, 18SI. H. FEAST, TllKRKFORE [ looked i-.iltmr slagMi-rcd a( ||i(' m-w ucen.sidi'in i|o ie lly . Till.-gri-at work l.s eomprifled Inom* mindsoiiie Idooim-d. l-:ileii heeauie the bih’le of lhe junior Proptr-H Stulou'stor any Hillogo or lor Biisl •(iiarto volume, eoniainlng l.D'U Hire*-column agaiiisl her Irimid. ,Mr. linddian. iii)kna>;M ‘’Vet V'li love Fllen." In- -said. |iai‘tiiei of Merediili A' t'li., the new firm of nu.sa. Both tuuSolid and orna neulal Br.inidi l>ige.. ne.itl-3 ami siibm ami . ily n.'iind in c-l'.tb. lor .Mcrdii!i S,'n ((.r ncm-ly fifty vears, was Di.Rut once a roiicorda i e<-. a (Jn.-k, Hebrew <,'7 “ 1 love In-I." replied w Iil'er. “ Ini( I could () i.st p ir yo 1 r ia ,lU the Solid Branehes. KEED iXSUIUn)! Ihe faeloi'}' win re sin.- Imd w oi !u ti so f;uili- (/Ill Id roll 'Hiller Id yo irs, luider parjiitu 1 care, and English Lexicnii ot Bible wonis. ami a Scrip. nlimit. Jo retire on iieeoiiiii of the infiriniiii's o| never he !mp[i\- w |ili a misei ly wire/,'' Tiiitioii f.)r D.iy Sciiohir.'*, iio to $H.5u. per iiu.mor. Protect your Property by a Fire Policy ! I iiial ( hizet leer, nml will bo a.s \ alimide 11, m [1. l u lly . IIIO aTHTO WN. dents ol the Holy Word iia .111 riiahrnlged Diet Ion- ngU', and I lie persons eii^-iM'd in lhe omal “ pool ^.'l^‘n. Iiow liiHe .she desri-vi s lluif re tt*r- ipo.jlal terms by agree i.oiu. Send Tor Lat- Protect your Life and Fam ily and Estate liy a ary is to i he genera! r-fider. In laei. every home ali«gued to that ling a Hi bln in It Might a 1.so to Jiave I lil.- gn!,-i | faelory were (hillet.-linjr inuncy lo hiiv a }!iivi.-|- pi’o a i'lisa id .»lr. Ih'dman. -'J Khali vi,i!ale Life Policy ! Ol R .MGTllLIfS. R e v . E . .1. AVERY, A. At., Principal, Best, Largest and Olieapest b c l{i 10 Bible remlitig ami Rindy, It is ns wol.i tankard lo pre.s. iil lo him. lie was a kindiv a »-oMlideii(!e rep ,srd in nie. AN'nlier, wlien I a u g 15-ly » ^ '* • adapteii t o I be use id I lie coin in on reader as to tha t In the formali'in of our ehanteter, we owo Exercise Ofirc in tlic solccHon of (lompnnicR and ol t he sehplui'ly eieigymaii, "111 limn, anil alwavK n udy to lend a Imlpimr t(dl youdiow you uo.-jii'lgi-hi r, hut 1 i h iiik 1 Agunl'P, and satl.'«riictory ru.-ults will l(»l|ow. our im'ilierM more Ilian |o any oiln r human VVd (d je r b , in c i.n 'i'.et 101. with 'I'lii; Tmni-Ni: at Im irl to tile siimll ariny of woik-pcoph; uiidi-r can Iriisi vou." I w ill bo pleased lU all tlim a to give inYoriiiallon th'-_ loll .w h g i-M ii.irk a b ly loiv r a le - : :igem-y. for il is (heir ham,’' Hml first twiiin ^I^HE HOME SEMINARY ]] touc-hing Insiiraneo m atters geiuTii lly, local laci.'', F n i-w d H ie ( ’M ie o rd .in ee a n d oii<- I’opy o f 'I'lin hi.s eoidi'olFw) (Imi ihe pi-esfniution wa.s reallv “ 11 It 4 she (, ild V'Hi a secret ?■' W k i k i .^' lim n.M ', hveyeaitt, or live c'liiirs nii 5 the Iriidi Ms of onr lieart.s, guide our ffiot.sleps porfioiiui lautB, otlli'ial bicis I'o-dity is, ( o- ih o t o w year, to dilljn-eni. addre.s4i'.R. a iiifl of l.iVf. “ .No: I heard lhe sloiy rroiii a clergyman of FOR Y”OLrXa LADiFS. never eomcR. Now b the time to insure. Too lute aiiglil, lead ns in Hn- {lalli of virlue ami in tim TOW j^. alter the Hro. lielay.s are lijuigerouM. l-'o i'K Il 1 hd ('oneor'him-n nml one i-oiiy bf Tiii- Lilen ('linrrlnl] had eonm lo ihe threat fae. le-nwood, hei' native village, wlio wrote lo me AUVANT a G E S : Sl-.MI-WlCKKJ.V iKlUrMC flVO yoa I':-, or h vccoploR dark, dreary night of pain. Hieir watchful vi- Oareful culture 'H' the AIjnd. .Viroctions and T il Off. U. I■I•:AKC'K Agrni, "Uey.ar.or ten c>pies ol the W k i. k lv T iu iitM C lofy two year.s previous to Ihe date of ihc ii^ hi-foie she eame here. IJe is an old frietiil of C r r . B a p t i h t C u u i u 'h . I e b 7- t f "lu yeiir, to diltoruiii adilro'4Be8. gils keep lieslde Ihe f-oiieh of their dear ou(‘8. H eart : i'lior uigh lastructiuti in Euglish, lliglier dignalion nn'i-tin;; in tin. ante.room, uml had mine, and knew lie mwild emtide m me, [ Fur HoapuiiaililaaDicli uml Muliuvl-Uumiiimliai. ^ Ear $VO t ill- Ibuimunliumu ajul Iw^UiYimuiita ui ' ttlirf idrUAnniltal UralliJhTIs RlTnndudrTaoiniT^in ' j i ii i -2b -ly W JioSe but the ad seeing eve of .jehovah eati iVIa.44(j,: Piu -Haiit, Sale, t’liri.-^tiau Ituiiu*. free I'roiii T i i k W k i k i . v T u i iil '-n k one year, lu did', rent ad- ■fbirii lo the poaition nf lorr-ivoiirair iir'n^io' nf -wi-lito-ll yiui-..wlml lui u-)aiiy-|o-iH(‘;- -KtAe V'-ars fiifluHii llic deplToTiTnuixielV they fetd, wlm the pdrlls of congreg-Ued uumiors; Everything ““w h e r e TO HUY Ihe loom-rooniH. Shi: was a immisome girl of ago Klk-n’a moHier died, h iiving in her care a for the developiui.'nt of 'rmiii WoMavnoou. Six, ) U L K '10 LIM IT CREDITOUS. Tho p'oitnge on t!ie <'onoordanep is 40 I'c n ts . can tell of Hn; eeaseles.s prayers winch they teeiith year begins September 5Ui, 1881. wliieli the HiibM’rlber will rem it it wihl.lng jt.«oni. aliouL t\vi-idy_^wheii slie.upplird fop work, and sickly stcp-bi'otlier, llicn ch-ven year.s old. Rev. W, x\I. WELLS, A. M., • New Jersey ; MlibllcRe.x Uounty Surrogate's hynm li. l-;.\cepi lor stiori dl.stiuiees Uie mail will oll'.-r f,ir their stn-sirieken children? (H h ei). lie cheaper tiiaii the e.xpiesB. l>y every miioii ami work la Irayed lhe fad Il«-r own lather had lefl Kllen a preitv cotlage. HiouTdTOWN, N. J. Principal. YOUR CLOTHING! I heir infiueiice evt r shines with an tiiwul. , Up«n O'p application ..f Sninud H. rni.Hiiiw and that..she Ims.siepped from a life of. ri'Miieinent atid had ii .sniall j^'onie from 1 In* fruii abd WillUini Uroshaw, administrator.x ol (Hiarie.s I'ro J., AT I'vi» u n i:s ,—wg lo lhe drndgny of a fadory Imiid. Ili-r low, p o iillr y on H u - p > ff r . w h ile .-«!ie iiu n ic s n tlli-i,-(ii lied light vvhieli sofh iis and purifies the way­ Bhuw, late of llio said County of Middic.-ie.x. de- Coll lunii.sh iho m w revis.-d nml en. . i:ed edition JO H N H, FORD, ceused, I. W illiam Helloy, .Ir.. Siiriogalc of the o( Wvlh.er's or Woree.-'ler'.-* tiuaiio 1 naln-idged even lom- lu ii-avt d tjie lady in iu well-c host-ri living l,y Dacbi'ig mnsic and p!ayin,g the or- ward impulses o[ lhe yoiiHifui mind, and said (’minty ol AJiiMlcc-ox, do hereby order ami di Dii-ti.imiry and Tin; W i-.i k i ,\ 'I'niniM li\eyeaiH words; and lier slim, while hands hore no guides il onward in i:.-. e,-iiise tnwaril . SOLOMON SICKEL’S reel tliu-said aomini.str.-donj to gi-/e puldb! iioliec lor t l 2 ; or 'Inn M-nii-VV k k k i.v 'J'ltinr.M-: lor JI7. g a ti 111 llic clniirh. Win-n lier iiiollivi’ died, BLA.CKSMITH, lo tlic crcdllorK of the hhIi I dcccasoc, to bring in IH'lmniher llml tlii-so aie the atir ,iud l^hlUlorll trace of upon tin ir rinooih skin. She was leaving Stepli.-il Hiady. In-r Hlep.lirolln-r. an II'.w. Hien. eiui we pay Just Hiiuilcto our llii-ir dobta. iletnarula amt eluimf., undir oatlior ediUuiis of t he.-c grt ui work.H. Uus opened a shop near the Grist M ill, nllirmiitioii, ngiilnat thn rui'l eatiito within nine etmrleoit.s lo ail wlm eame into inlertamr.se with orpinm and penniless (for Hie .step lallier he- iiiol hers - with w lull ineas'.ifeHof gratItiide and STORE, moulha from the datcol ihlxoi-.D r, by .■'citing ui) a A ISE.M'TlKn, Gll'I'. alTet-iion slmll we nijniic them for llicir ina- II omiim owiv, copy ol tjio.prder. w il hin 1 wciity iluya alter Hie ht-r, hill iiiliiiiule witli mme. She Imd tmrsml fore liis (leiilli sipiandi-red all Imr mollier'.s lU- There m i; hi lo be In every bonu* ami very ofnee YUU CAN FIND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF dale liereof, in five ol llic moat i.ybllcplncea in said 1 Sn.sie \\liitin u Ihroiioh a long period of eoii- [In f.'iim ie), Klh'ii promised I" eare for ihe lei’iml e:ire> and is ready to do all kinds of (.'ounty lor the apaceni two inonihs.iiniliilsol.y In the bind good porin.iis ol .lam* - < ia 1 to id lulvuriising tho same lor the like spiicn ntMini’ In iiljd hiB lieu'ie \i||o. 'F., unat'le e»v oiie to layioiis.fever, vvimiiiig the ilevoiion of )i|. ho\'. Kememlu'i-, she was hot sj.\ie'en In-r.sdf, d’o those who have lo.^t llmir mothers in FALL and WINTER the Hightstown G a z k 'I t k , one of the new.'ii.iii.ei,-' MIJ-H iliem , every Siiiisciit.i l- to T j i i-. I i; 11.1 K w ho, early life, there is llie hallowed s[iot, .sacred to Blacksinithing & Horse-Shoeing. printed in lids .Stale. And If iiny eredilor s-tmll H ithliis .-mb.-i-rli'iion, w ill semi 1'1 . .\ eenis luldl Me iiihideii. and lhe iimimger Hoon put her into though early care had m aim ed lic-r far beyond neglect to eh ib it h 1 sor l.cr dcl.i, demand or ciatin tfoiinl to piiy for ]iiiidi ing mid jnisl.tge. will reeeivo p o s ilio iiH o l l|•li.'^t l i ll s h e lie e a iiie h o e w o tim ii. lici ai'liia! years. memory, wln-rc they reti<"'peel llic .|iasl--re- EDGE TOOLS A SPECIALTY. within Biild i.orlod of nine imihfbs alter piihlic 110- ns a .present Irnm T h k - I iititC N K an i e.; -n t life Uco given as aform-ahl. such ei edUor ^lNlll be lor- ilk” porU-.iU of uio late I'n-.videiil mise to li;*r may la; hlasled, ami our love fiir olUi'rs grow OVERALLS, Ac., Ac. ilbraiy or ulliec, ' ' C A P I T A L , 8 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . warrant a /.^ooil sTyle of living' ami dre.ssin^'. tnollier (o make every saerilh-e for Sh'jilien, eoiilil, yet every principle of gralllude and ev- 'lElI.MS OF TlIiUTinmTXE. In Ihe preal lioardini; house, w lure seveniy of iuni she failhfully liFd In lend him away-froni cry leelitig of virlnmiy sensiliilily reifiiires that A a s s e t s , 8 4 , 3 1 2 , 2 7 0 . 3 5 . HATS AND CAPS! '* (JVilhnvt f‘nmium^.) the i,dr!'s imd rooms, nlie could well alTord to the compnnion-: and evil iiilliienees that were we shuuld tiling to our moliiers and love them ALSO, A LAROK STOCK OF INTIK DUCFl) IN IN T i i K t k i i i i iv m pay for the best, lo <;ontriliute to the tuniiHt*- ruining liis life. Three yc-irs ago a friend of one ynii-j tj!f A. I.OUDON oNOWnEN, liiehl ofllie lioiise, ami dresa well. Instead of .M i s . Grady’s took Su-pliim into liia coiHitlng. five CupioK. oiu'ycnr, l..'^ < 'n c li P re s id e n t. Musical Instruments, 0 Tin: FlIlFSipL. Toil t'D iiif*, Olio yoiii-, 1 O O i’i K h fill this, she lived in the allic, poorly fiiriiiHli- lio iis e . 1 leri'he was lo learn the book-keen- JACOB H. LEX, xSderctary. NOTIOa S, j e w e l k y . ; MASON & HAMLIN And one extra eojiy wilh every ten names; or . C(i, with ii tiny Klovr, wlinri.* slio corikm] l!l(! ing, and for a time lie wfirked .^D aiiily. Then ^ » r 1 . 1 , r a n j jicrs -I) in a k in g uii a c lu b in a y ro l.i in ton he r 1 ...... , r r 1 11 i . .1 , . i A (;erDmi sort of (Inmestieitv deintrled from JOSHUA H. NOKTON,’Agent, con', o.i."!!, vouuavt'inii. 1 apt St of food. 1 ier dress was of llie coarse Hie him eompany UwL-h-itd filmed ns boyhood . v r 1 1 1 . ' ^ PERFUMERY AND TOYS, , , . , J ' " N.-w Luglaiul Imines when iip’in fire-places T IIK M i'HTii-iviuii.K rv TlciRU lVK discHptson, nmdb hy her owirlmml.s, nild iio agiun e.>;« rt(-d an evil inlliittnce, am i he learned : ^..0 .....i i,.»- . -ri *• -i . HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. , , , ! «nt and lurmicgs came in. lhe family and at Wholesalotand Ilotiiil, a tine assortment ol M n g i r 4'o]ty, one yenr, S-'MM) ' | ornament hiokc its severe simpliedy. She „ 1„. w„s but,, Inqulreal Nortoh’&Btoro. Hp 1-ly CABINET ERGANS! rOBACCO, CIGAUS, SNUFP AND \ plniM.re.seeking. ,„„l I.lk„, l„„ five ye,„'S okler,^ j K I C K ’S Aii'l one fret'in.iiv will! overv (i-n nnin<-5; or. the I i** *Biy oi Hie quiet merriment in „r Ills ,iecii,iiiilisli„„.„L« \viis.|l,oi-»w ,‘^ f,„ v (I,.,.,.k.f ,0 "Bif,„. ti,,.,,- ii||„,.s „n ,1 if i e ir CONFECTIONERY', An Iinpioved Bellow.s! llHi il"USe. liul ll,c CT„wni„!r ,„„-|„i|y W„s 0 of i„iil„iing lm,„hv,'ilinL', „mi liv lhe |ini'.s,i(,-Oiirs," l,,s.ves hi,lliis force wl„.,i o„c coiilcm - Tlic lirit’f ul THK DAH.'V TRIUT'NK. Inolu,!- tilf n'fs'iRftl to coi,l.',l),i((.'to 11„; silVCT tjlnkjird. 8i,,n of some , ,T he,ills he rni',ei ,l „ clieek of ihe inn,l,.rii fiiriiiice in n iliiili iiiid ilirly Illustrated Floral Guide, On Stockton Street, Hightstown. Inn U,u Suniliij K,lill„ii, If m pur y, nr, lor | Tlic cxcilcd croup ill the llllle-riKim di'-l)IT8- 01 1 A beautiful work ot 100 Pages, One Oolnrod Flow- An Iniiiroved Key Action!. tliiue iimioli*', $1,4(1 tor one monili.' Wittiour Iho i ” tw i, tliQiisimii ilolliirs mi 111,'firm I,,’ w.-is \yiUi. i eolliii-, wliiiili (ho'fire-leiiih r feels more fi-e. suiW:i-r---'t:(iTmiir,--ttfT"jTfn'-‘year. $-gbu for iiiroe M ’d for the day, w alking home in the iw ili*dit fir- Pld.tOfAibJ 5I1-:k (.|•«‘llll(•r e.lltlon M Tiik the firm , the foi'siTy \v„s ,lisenv,.ic,l iiml lr„c,.d I u„. fi„„r tli,-«,(;li uiiicl, rises in lry Iieiit nml n ContB for postage wifi buy the FutR-At tJuiua, TinaesK Hinit Iroe and puHlnac jmiil Lu nay am (Usenssion, lo Sleiilieii, Tlieii Ihe in iil, c . „e m il lhal hn • f„i„t ort.ir of ^lccnyil,,^- ve.i-etiiblea in the eellai-, The Fnowifu a n d V k o k t a iil k G A a n a i? , 175 the l.nitfrl Siritts whero wo have nut ono now., “ wliiit does she do with her monev? Sho Imtl giiln'jleil awny llie entire ,in,mint, nml tlic ; nor is a sti'nm im liiitor, ho-wever liiglily dec! Pages, Six Colored Plate?, an -1 many hundroil En­ Gralnrecelved at and bags senttoanydeDolo buinii IilnecR Bhoiibl be made by rciflytend b-tter, 1 , 1 , r gravings. For 5b cents In paper covere; il.oO In the United Ballroadsol N . J, Puet.omce.yi-der.or dnift on New 'York. AddruBB t»’vcr pills ftny In the factory eavinga batik; two liien wlio Imd urneil tlie crime nml pocket- muled, a vivilyine object for coiitcinplnlion. elegant cloth. In Gorman or Eiigllsli. JfOTICE CASH PRICES! THU TKlIiL'fHK, Vuik. she certainly spmU nolldiig on her dress. VlOK’fi iLUfH'rRATRI) lUONTIILV MAOA/.INK— 3‘2 eil Ihe inilni-y hud Ikii, leaving the lad to lieiir | The gride fire still coiitiiuit.s possihilityr- W hen-is il all tlieii?" Pages, a Colored Plate in every nntnhorund many W h it e C orn, Y ellow F lin t $ 32, $ 30, $ 01 . Five Octave, four sets llie coiiscqnenci'S. He wa.s iii rested. and re- tiKnigli not .so wel! appreciated ns it slioiitd be. lino Engravings. Price * 1.25 a yea r j F iv e C o p Ie s A.VNOUXCEMENTl Reeds, only $ 60 , ami oniiptuflO O , fur Parlor “ IVrlm ps she flup[)ortP her parents?” fo r ♦S.Oii. S n o c iin o n N um ber.^ s en t fo r 10 conlB ; 3 lieiiinnee came when lie saw llic loll conre-; Not f, be depeiiileil on iilono, Imt as a sort ot tria l copies for 25 cents. Adtiross, , A SriiOIALTY. ; Blyli'S, from that to $ 60U for others, The proprleiureoniifl “ Rotli'iire (lead; I have heard iie’rsay sii!” flciiCe of ills Hi ts. ! Hglit iisslshiiit to il,e heavy furnace which j n I 5-ly .lA.ME.S VU’K. Roclieslcr. N. Y. O. O. c. o., Oal ton or aildree. Sold alsf) for Easy Payments of $ 0.f)6 p v r “ W ell, I dare .say M r. Rodman won’t lliiiik -It was then Unit Ellen proved herself llie takes the cliill off, il iilToi-ils a moat cHlcient her such a paragon n.s he has done, when he nobie wonilin I helieve he,' to he. ^KIUIINKVILLE ACADKMY, quarter, or $ 5 per month nnd uptviml. 'ri-riit« ii Itii-iiicN M <'«IIcs'c, Slic WHS aiiilj cm iplele sysiein of ventiliiiiiin; and life JOHN OUTOAI.T, misses lieY m ine fi’otn the siihserifition list.” snffi riiig for lii r hrolhcr’a clinic, hiiving lost flaiil,. Ilni, eri'i'pa in nml out iinmtig the lilnck For (JalaloguoH or Information, call on or aUdresF. Would ri'fpc-tlully arinonn<-e that ac'-'initnoda- PEHRINKVJLLE, N. J„ til'll.-' will !>*• pr'ivldoi) oil Ilo -i-inb -r 1-1. lor 12 inM[ “ vVml ^Valter Ib'diim n will prohably resent '"’.O-tf Spottwooil, N. J tli-r it pupils, and llnUa’lcr Ho'so pi ic. s nr" Hll. lier pliici- as Oigiiiiisl, nml moU of her music or glowing coiils, ll„. Hick, ring shadows on A Select School for both Smes. GEU. E. SNEDEKEH, Ageul, ‘•'1 ...... pH.'iD wlH bo oDiiflifttl. ■-.xo-pf, t-< lill the insult lo his faihbr.” . ' pnirila liiiving lift lie,-. De.spiie all this, slie the wiill. Ilie'eli, ei fill glow limt pewnites till) V csn<-leB occurring fioui griiduailuii >ir oilier pupils prcp'riMl for (’ollcge or buRincRs. Fall j^NSTltUMFNrAL WUSiC ‘ D u tc h iN c ck , N . J i-auses. There w'as an exultation in the tone of the weld to llie linn mill pleiided for llie Iml. Her riiiiin, ollef n iiiost i-raeieiit iinlidoU' lo the Term i-ommence® Monday. Sept, 5th . 1881. nv24-Du A. J. HU KR, last reii'nrk, Init ill-concealed. W alti-r - E x jH )n .i-8 p-r yj^ar 4C00. Tuition p«r year $ 40. eloquence giiiiied liim aoineihing. Tlnyuefeed ^ liuneful Init iiliiiost univi rsni iendeney df ilio AT JA.ME.-iDIJltG. TiikxT'-n,N. j . Piliiolpn!. Fur eircuiar id 'ress HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! man. the only cliihl of the old immager, was not to Iiroseeiite.lini In allow the boy In leave - Americiin honai keeper (o siep down lo the post Bev. GEU. W. nioMU.LAN. MISS HATTIE P. POLLOCK Lidiusfiroto M ih s J. S. M ARTIN, wh'-re yo in lite comiling-lionse of the faelory. with Ihe town, nnd go lo nn imde who was willing nfflee In the evening. In fact, Hie flre-lenrier Princlp-ij. cun have iillklinlH of hair work tiiudo tu onici TWO HOUSES AND LOTS, j every prospect of soon hecoming n.pnrtnor. \ to give him anoHier trial in a Western cily, if of an open grate fire nmst spend his evenings at Will resume her classia.lop O o iiil/ln g B w o rk e d iiji in to bi iib le. e u n s , irl-zzvs ,-inn. AT UK ANBURY Sl’ATI(->N. : F A m a n d e e .s t i v a l d il l s jmlTe. or,(t.iB, curie ub

y.l Now AdveFti?cij cots. Mu. Koituu: In lookifjgover some gencal- ('OMdSK)N AT A CROSSING. THE LAST ARitVAL! Highlstovvn Gazelle nginal rccnriiH tliH’e vvaa I(nmgl)l lo my notice Matawan. Dec. 1 9 —d'wo iniiiis were A jBRAinriFri. OKfJAtV, the ‘ M()ZAKT.“ Bonn* l)i«toric factflliriit I tlionulit tiu'piihiio wreckcii Ibis nfternojn at ibe jioint near tliis /V N«W Style, .yo.'lStlOO. TT. Sr Sropp. It) full 8«W of . GoDJej] TonKiif* Rco In. 8..11.I Walnutl Hlulily Pol- the Frt«t at lltaliti'lnwn, an might be inlereflled in. Tlie pniriarch. .loiin village where tlie Freehold )md New ^ ork i lBhp<1 N'cw KtKl Viiluuliie linjirovenifiTitH olasii iiiaiivr. jiK't ii«M(*(l. Sttni). IJunk amt lUusic. and Ely, was born October Ut, 1707, nnd after­ traek crosses the track of the Unig Brandi di- FALL and WINTER (leHvered cm hoard oafR her.', pr^^e 0 :VBKTI*«lI^tl IIWICI every narticutiiror mouf-y refuiuh'd alter one yenr’R on the north of Asanniiiuk (*Teek aii’! etnUrae- Fre' li'ild mad, consisting of an engine aiid two G ( u'p. Idvory oil'' sold sells iii.other. It la a (?d a very fm-ljlc terrilory. lli: wan iiiarri<-il ciiis, ran into a train on its way from Ixmg MAY NOW'lJJJ l''OUNIT AT HOLIDAY GOODS! INO AnVRRTIBK.MiiNT. (IROKU AT NOTHU O Savki) nv t’ouKKSPoNDBNrK. My new fuctorj, tliree t’imwJ. fir.‘(t wife. Plietie Ali'.nx''n. Hranch to -New York. Two cars of the Lopg jiiat (‘oniplfiteil. papariiy 20ii0 Insiruini'nls every iDOh 2fi davR, very iati'St labor-aaviiqif wood-worklnii: U iDAi'tt I by w.h'Vn)«ht* find tcii children and from wliom Branch train were thrown from their trucks ALLEN^S STORE! inaolilnory. Vast (!ii|ilial <*miliU*s nxi to mannfnc- I I 76 2 76 - - - w turo better goods lor lo'^a money than ever. Ad- ‘iOt/1. S 60 6 «ft TJX) 8 6) 1‘2 60 lj( 26 ‘26 f] ;desoVmhTi llie ‘biriie In'iuieh of llie ]‘Iiy fnnilt- ! anil badly shntu*red. 'Pi e loeornotive of t:.e Notwitlistmidins the }rreat. ad­ MM drc8.*«, or ojill ution Ucol a 00 8 00 10 25 12 60 18 50-A 00 37.60 ias^dk'd Angnal ToVi. Uventy-Mi)X! days j Freehold train was bulled fr'mi the track and mm DANIHr.. F. BEATTY, 0<)1. 'lO O.) 14 CO I'J'il 2‘iOO ii UO (12 00. , vance! in the markets, I can .still ■dec 1&-4W Wnsliington, New Jersey. NdUo«» tnloo» I oolumnaT2 cenifc a Iljf« ■ iflj'rihe.tfhA'br .her yfioi'.LO st" t-l.fM, (b' rge | coii^pletely wrecked, wiUi the exception of liif "ivo you ijoods at old jirice.',. 'I'lie Tuos. n. Iri'/ ET, Wv.’itfi'l •W:i'k.liurit.', I ‘»;i Jhe lii'l ip liii'l hhk (mI». ' 26 and 28 EAST STATE STREET, TRENTON, N. J. MOLlER’g.HP.. -I’ir*' 1 .'-V j'r.'Uirid- ) .Inst hi fore, will be Ti1 tract ('ll in exam- Tl)i« fi0;yji.rg. Hfi« sliii^nj.-l (,,11 ’ tlie fireman (judlmjugbe Fieeliold train, sbouti-ri to i Hining H nrr in.v stock ol' New Ooods, COD-LIVER OH 'IjuII ofi rliy of Mic itru- diviili / tin- the epgiiieer, \N'illiain Mooney^ and jninped Superior to Chehpest HIGHTfU'OWN, DEO- :12'4', IfiS-l.. Just in. iS a c k ia o s , F i.annf. ls, all Boohs^ F ine Stationery^ any. Higheet wAf'.'ibe FJfTaWf.c :.m1 jj iritiiij rivci'.'J. lo Ibe ground. He wa.H run over and killed —— ------medical authorltlee 'Ilij :;i('Cond 'vifr .VS'.irf' sliade.s and prices; All shades (jf teatify to Its delicacy of I'llESH NOTES. :* ;■ , '.‘.'I'J -I[ 'nst SnUinlay, tlmt Mr. .Tulin J..,CVt(’^n, wHf DelJ^Hh iriunme). He died Ufoie his lliinl jumped from the cab window witlionl injury. •dc 15-lw hereafter be the publi.Mier of TjiJil .^t.'n '. lli^l that in.atcho.s all colors, .soinetlimg \fjfe was buried north »>f Ids Ilrxt two 'Flic papsrmger.s in both IraiiiH we re liurb d the paper will be cnlartted with' [h^.'-^vst iatine What Makes -the Ch'ldren Laugh 1 wives* l4ls4hinl wife Is hiippri-m-d 1iec*es, 1 (iely competition. 'I'lie ladies AL.‘iO A GHEAT VAUIETY OP The IT.\NI)S()AIKST ETne Art .rnvenilc Bonk, and his ability gimrantces llic (!Wt>iii>«i s(‘c-r‘ Up. At the head of, |he grave of the | „„,i p, of a small ravine with 60 Colurud IllHsinitiuns. 1 Vul. (-luarto. JVI.OO, COBS of the paper, one of the best, t>y liic -wiiy Inisliiuid-apd father, .I'lhn K!y, there stands a iljr other .sMe of the I^ong Branch roail. say it is tlie liest tlicy can get qHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR CARDS. WUKTHIN(5T()X, in the SUte. gray slab giving dale of death, Ac. I’atrick Devlin. I lie'signal man, wa.s thrown anywhere l(h\ and his tmuiy. dNiurhid. , was only 21 years of age. C'troner Cooiier l.adie.s’ and (.lliildren’.s Knit Goods liberal ofnny. Sirm in S t k k i, I ' e a ’i k PiiirruAiTB a n < l ^ s x i «i :;ih:x , xiti^isxoiv. Fiiicii!.' (nHllt .5{le. dc iri-4w friends in all parts of ilie slate will irjoif^e llml I fbui In looking over tin* record that fmm will endeavor lo asceilain who ^va.s respoiibi- in full a.s.sorlmeut. For proof of excclleiico. siutcoss of jim-iits nml he has Buecess.sully pas.sed the .iweniy.rive. AngTisi 2-l.'17p0, when I'ln'lfe I'ily died, lo hle. 1)15 terms address at once. IIUHBAKI) BHOS.. Pub- IN MEN’S GOODS! li.shers, I’liila. inile-posl on llie race of life in doidile Imniess. \ugusL24. 1H8)', just jai^t, is 127 years, or a File I'reeliolil li’.ain was lajiind lime pevi rid QKO. F. APPLEGATE, By the way now is till', time lo sul setibe c.enlfiry mid a quarter Bince tin* eKlablishnn nl ndiiiiles. Just hefrjie reitchiiig tlie Ceiili’ai’s my stock was never more oom- gXECUTORS’ SALE thn Daily HUUc fh u d k if yon. waiil t-' get the of Hu; Ely lairylng ground. .John, tlie palri- track it passes round a sharp ciirvi! whicli hides Heavy Boots, Shoes and pl'eie. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, OF full report of vvUul is done in/lVenfon dmiiig ardi, derided I he fariii dii wTih-h the'cfam-tery it fmm llio vievv-tif the JJugJJJ/tn. While llie RubberS^.i*l.t-alzeK warranted to . the aeasioii of ,Uie liegislalnre. We rely upon islociili'd lo his'xuu, Isy^ic. in l79‘b three years Cential Iriiin waswveral miles away the llag» C'oiirt lloii»e, . KEAT. P'.S'rATE. ' Hive satisikdion. Cassimors and TiiicNTorv. ly. J. " Tti(T Pu'RSe'rfTmrs,' eyfrp-nPnTP-of • tko lH'Pt wiU-u.n/l that journal for oiir Trenton news alwiys. hefon; his death, f)n May 21, Isaac Ely imin Rigrmifpfl it to come aiiead, uinl hu-.«bow- t(!stnitiani of BiirzlUai (iruver, dtfueaacd. will yell 'Vill he In Hi^lilstown Every Tlii}r.sday,_ Mr. R. M. Smlts, junior editor of the NnrA, heqneatheil one-lnitf anacie fur a burial place. lai (lie danger signal y said neceafcU, In bury, N. .1., wliere lie will l)egin ibe [.iiblint. was never more crowded w ith or­ PAlHKp AND WAlUtANte). ’ (tie t.iiwnnliip i>l Wool WindMir. Mi*reor enunty, N. left a legacy lo the yard. Tins lieipiiKl was lion of a nevvspdiier (in 1 lie f)lh ol Jiinuary curve. 'File tr.'iins oii the Freeli'old and Ivey- ders, that are con.stantly rushing TO 1U:N an d KiiKP COlUiKCT TIME.' - .1., (^tlio rnatl Jrnin Prinei*tnn .luivUon toOnin- lo he inve.sh'd and t.ie iiileresl imlv to he used poi'l Bailway are not provided with air brakes bury, ahmit U'.j mlle;4 froia the (onner place, the next,— Jiranch j\nc/<. in. than now. nrra.E PTlT',, T':.'lV li^nKrjVQ'i' ^ ■fnlinwitijr re».l And llml reminds ns that we are in reeei|ii in ki’i‘ping the groumls in Hiiilalile ennditioii. and Hie tlagman saw that the train was com­ Al.r, KIND.S (IF .IE\0..nRiV'^IKI’AIlUg!. No. 1.—'Fhe-llomesti’ad Farm, roninining 'Fills ntpiii'i'd aeluirter wliieh wa.s granted h\ ing at such speed liml it could jipl, he stopped While I thank the people for In nn nrtlstic iniiniier. so lUTcSi irhniil 'JO n'Tos nl wlilcli is wnotlhintl. The of a new piece of music, a song tlie title of cnm-isl of iilnruc ilwellitig house, which is ‘•Elb('ron’’ witli music by the junior llie Slate Begislatnre in IHl.'i, In IH3I Rich­ hiTore reiu'hing the Central (nick. He, there­ tlie liberal |)alronage they liave All work will be Ilnlplu*rt prfMiiptly nmi In the be?t b;irn,‘^;W mi.use, 'i w-nji/nn hnu.'^es aiifl nil nlher iietP ard Norton fmrclmsef! llu* rnrm on uhieli the in tinner only. cs^i.r.jgoiuLftildings, wi4h two wells of never-liilllng Mr. Rtults dedicated to llie men,ory of tic fore threw mil a signal for tlie (k-ntral tram to given n'le in the jiast, 1 do not PKHSONAF ATTK.N'TIOX (HVFN. wWt'er. eeiiictery i.s located "f Geoige .1. i'.ly, am! late President. Very few editors ('iiii claim slop. 'I'lie air brakes wr*n‘ iqiplied, bill, the hesitale to say m v stocl\ of goods qct KJ-ly ' ^ • No.-2.—A Dot of Farm Inrrd. eontaining 33 this triple ahilily lo compose (’(lually well in Ibiiocli ( 'lia'iiherlin. Irnslee. Bicliard Norton, dislanec v^as too short to allow them lo be .acres, nUjoinin:? hinds nl .)nsei>h TI. Grovttr anri A nd Can Frovc JVhat zue tJlcinu .loliii A'ami^'st. nhnul ‘if) acres of wtilch Is, Rond T^tm> nro Hnron n- 1, nr< .Is.sepli ,1. Fly and William NorlT»i) wen; chos­ u.'^eil in lime. 'Flic engine, baggage and smolv- M’as never more handsome, new literature, music and type. ^yANTED ! truck liiml. I'liliinoe inciiiluw land, with a.sinnll _Bf .♦V 8t7iyYd - Certainly, Major, certjiinly! Monmouth (il ever siii<*e. and llu* interest only need. F)V 'I'lie smoking ear was thrown from the traek. forn term "fyenrs t nr A HKI./lAnLK PAGTiVKH .^uli* lo ethinmeiKg^at )U o'clock A. I\I. OondiUonf, u, cilii!i iq)")) ti hii'niHvo bu>‘in(»'P I. ie;itiiin nml iiu'in'liNGkiniwn I ft* U It i.i w n utfsillc.bv11 sale .by ^ county i.s full of good’^iewpaper.^i, but we Irlivi- llieiasi will and Irslameiit of l-',lijah Dly, dcc’d, stock fresh and new, which is full 'Flu! I'liuine of ill'* Central Ir'iiii, willi the bag­ lull piirlluulnrs Kiyeil upon iienton .1 itpplinitlnn. OCl 26-2 tu.-. ’ V i)AVII) 1). (TROVEH, 'mAlaocuronn m for.'nsQ|jlJ’liI?iVi3fK).s;?, uiTLE im'fm proven*. CunsU- no lic.jitatimi in saying Ural we coiisider your the eeiiieterv received iinollier l.egac) on the gage anil siiii'king car. the lulter being ofT the worlliy ol' ymir attention and in­ .lOUN O^P^O\ KK, HKNHY STUI/rS. pntlon and I yspepst^i^^omoto X)'''c -tl-*'*', rcll; v3 ilcl-lm ’ Ximnbttry . N. J. J. TOxiKaa'. Auc. K.xenitors. journal one of the best. We wi.di every Dem­ same comniions. Hack, WT-iit on its way upon the liigli trestle dlstr-83 from too hearts oatln*’, correct Disorden terest in llie I'ldnre. of thoStoma.:h,P(tinuJr.fot'ro Liver, and ricrfuluto ocrat in the county was a .sii!»scribcr to it. Nov;. Ili'Te is more ho”l re<,dtd, [ have south of the station, Im titw as sto]T]ied when .10! IN K. A I.LEN . . the Bowels. Th ydo all this bylaklngjua^LcGO IVe liave never tnmh^ tin; pers >nal aefinain- owiictI the farm !^nee IK.Y7 and had direct half way over. 'I'he passenger c;ir which was little pniattidoie. They aro pcrolyycfrct-ii le,do Dot rrlpe or purco,and aro ns rear’''perfect. asl7 tance of tin. editor of the Red Bank S/ninhml snpervi.siTjii. 'Fiiere lias liet-ii expnssed to me s.rnek was hurled from liie liark, and Hie Is poa&iblo for a pill to l o. Prlcoiloconts, 5 for fl. but we know he i.s OIK* of Ihosi' good iratui'eil a desire to have the coiporale name ehangeil foreaio.si end hilf Imried in Hk; sand. A ijmn- FOR SIXTY DAYS! Our Winter Salutation is Sold by droF^i.sts everywhere or so t bym::i:, and genial genllemeii wlio alsMiy.s know how lo a mon; m’ndern oiii*, and tlieri-fore I wouhl ber of ]!,'is«eMgcis ill Ibis car were injured. CARTER MEDICINE CO,. NEW YORK. siigge.si that the (rnslees recem' Irotn any one 'Tlmt we have now ready, and open for I n s p e c t io n I)y tlie People, .J to say the’right lliing at the right, lime. In 'Fliey wen* .Mr.s, Crane, Misq Allison nml chi,Id. FBO.M X O V E.M D FU 2 d. who tliiiik some oilier name preferable, any \TT'D IT Don’t local 0* bi'fw.pft gmdPKoiip reply to our gentle reminder on lire subject of D. D, Withers, the noted liorse dealer; Capl V<-i-v :>ml t'lioici? Sto.-lt '<)I' j\ o -v v O o o < Ik ( o v ir w \J I i l *diiniCR lii\or Seiil«inoiii. lllug- jourimlisllc cnurlesy (Tur es'eemed contemi>or- name they may clioose to Mihmil in vvrilbig be­ Thomas Brown of Itei! Bmk, ami scvi*ra'l chil­ truted ibiliiluLUC- free.' ‘ ' ...... ’.T. BViVii..... UvCb. rc tu u’ill tic- niilnniUed Hie liniinl liy llt'j of fnim .ituUiered win OQLD, following: of mmiager.s. and a eoniminec ef two he aiid- dows. 'File tlagman imrl two of Ids riljs broken ***■*■ The article referred lo l>y tin ed hy llio.se inb'lT.'-red, f ir adiTplI'HI. lull was oliinrvvi.se unliurt. C SeianoeonafB C .[j O T H I N G or.Seh-Ib-G8ervaii

C Y T . S ^ K .V N BiCRY t ITE.MS.^P FARRr^BCUDDEI.L ' News from all round the world for one year for only‘DO cts. in the-Wt'ckly'rnhtine. riighlstown Gazette. The y. M. C-ftA. have inagurnted for the Two w('ddings m one day ‘ was almost too R M . EMii.Y. winter a series of free enterlninmcnls. 'Hie much for our hymeneal reporter hut he man­ THtJS. li. APPLPIOET. Knirnit akj) Pfrnnr^nuR"- cuij'iisted of music ami recUalioiis. O i next aged it yesterdav. The 1 ilest ’event cam** <4T ; Cliristmhs Goods of all kinds, at Blaekwell’s. ^ .Moiuhiy evchthg'Thc Stay'rTH w ilM w -.lecture. J l h o ; Si.lnu-. of Mn..How„r,l Sttulder, i.t j ,,y Tet'Kis< Sl.'5ntrii-’rtTfgTnT-*ons were hundred, at J. A\’. l-Jirfy’s.__ '! C asli in AilvanCC'.. t'ubjecl, “Somecontemptible chaiai.teristica.” Mr. Allison S. Farr.^^yminger s^ Miirv amt Gents’ Colored Bonleri-d llaiidkcicliief.s, A. Scudder. The cererpouy was performed L O C ^ L . Second church Sunday School will have at [irices to suit all, at Bhickwell's. AVe h a v e ju s t openoil th e Lai'j;;c.st a n d Fiiic.st S to c k o f H o lid a y G o o d s'tjv er offered in tow n. tln-ir Chrislinns tree on Tu(!sday evening, hC: lU six o'clock, li^'.lG’V, J, G. Symmes., D. D.. assi-sp'd. hy au uiu;ti''^or thb grtK)m,-Mrs. P. Iln ni>( fl'Uifr fp’iti slek lieaUileh a iinmienl Innu- Item s and. Com m ents. , cause of the loctur.c Monday evening. 01. it.is ii'il iioces-'jiry. fareir'.'* t-lllh- I.tvi’r B. istul'^ and'’Pfof. Bergen coiitrilmting tlie l-'lll.s will ei'n* you. Ihise. mic liMh- jiitl All SlolH'inian a^ rIsiss, JEnolisjili IfltijoGoi iMiil LaVa Cjioods, The Methodist Sunday School is to .begin, lilusic,. A ycr^-Harge company was pn-sent. drunirisls sell iheni. ‘I'- 1.T ‘Jw OUR HOLIDAY SUDDLLMKNT. tnuL bitE X ’.-; d i n x e k .-x n i ) t k .\ s u u v i q i -;.s . u o m .i-u c t e , i n u o x e .s . the new year with a iJflO library. and '(!^»ytjd-*UiciT!sldve^ until a very laic liour. Business is hnsiness. but Uu; fiimily imisi Hon. .1. !I. Goodwin has called on a large llhilTir'd. be remembered. Lookim; over Inst week’s number of his constituents recently. SALE^AiVXOl NCED. sH.\xin.K-\T,i;XA vnKit.—At ttu- rrr.-t.y French China Tea Sets, Plain & Faney, F^ogers’ Silver Ware. <.4'xzette we savv Lluil aljoiit fifty of our lorn! A new hoxitiilgfl maker is coming in town. RcHl^'Estalc of Cli^. . Danser, Wkidsor. tf-rifm ehumh. Hidliist.nni, ci.o, hy T in; « i;i,i;i*KATi;» oMAlA) business men and firms, and iKMiriy ns matii' Jammirrr H-, ‘’“-''is- •''“ ist-u i-y. K.-., ... ,\. k Santa .(/lau.s headquarters at the Post Olllce more from Trenton and other places were tes­ H ,w and <9 'H,. Mi,- v, u.- is- well siipj'lied with novelties. , ^ • .1itcr...... tbi1...,.1.4..-..I uglilcr ol t?..,.Hev .1. 1 U. Alc\;iii'lrr. V1ix\*in.l..r ..fol \\'.i!y Kr-v. •!.'} S\ii.iiio-. 11. : -StTk. ' . !y as a means of entertainment. This week, cn«sim> of tlie^jJ^ong lirunoh Division on .Mon­ Jan. 2ti. Bchj. Ri(‘C, Itons'c and Lot Highlslow'i. j 1>.. Mr. .\ A Si-u.Mrr. especially for the ladles and children, we jire- day, but escupedSvilh out hruisea. do ugtiliT ol .Mrs. llovv.ird iSviuliki. n 11 i»i ('r.i n- M e liiue u large .-:toi'k of Foivign ami Iloinesti.' I)i'\' Goods, and ui'e pi’Cjiared to offei’ mduceiuents sent a supplement containing earefuily select­ Jan. lOth. (’hfi.s. rroslmw’s lleir.s. a farm. j bury. ed Christmas rending of aJl kinds, and wish a SI I AN( 11 iE - ALE X A N DEI E Dec. 2b!h.David Applegate, stock, etc. HKIWKX—Sil.YNdLK. -Uo tlic NUilnd., at C. VV. McMURRAN & CO., ' ‘Merry Christmas to all.” As we announced la“l week our youmr Peter Dan.scr, will sell or rent a farm. tho rosidonco ol 5^ho brido’s lUliot. n< ai Doioh eois\o;» ititiCK( KsiTOltt;, ' HI«llTSiTO\V\, A. J. townsman Mr .lulm U. Sliangle, diil l ave Nook. l>y th" Itov. .\. L. ,V rm.-U roiu. Mr U.md |i. AdviTtise all .sah-s in the G.v/.KrrE a?id order ^ n ^ — r . mUUF ITEMS.: Ijorg. II lu .Siullo.lv, olilor d ilUilu-r ol Froil- town yesterday for a trip Soulh, bia as will lie your lulls at tld.s ntlice. ; oric Sh.anglo, Jlsq , nil ol Jlutoii N'-'«'h. Among the many useful and 'patented jirti- .seen by a notice in anoiher noluum, ,\ie cun- HAVE V()l) N()TI(ad> <:)UR FRICKS! cle.s of which Me.sais. Soring Sliangle & Son^ <-lmI(‘d not to go alone. Yeslenlay at one A now counterfeit silver dollar is in circu- are the manufacturers, one of the. best is llnr- \/cloek tile intener of the Pf'eshyterinn chiirch I'llion, wliicit is [ironounccd-hy the Mtli.'rrea.s. gin’s combing machine, forelenning old curled presented a beautiful aspect. In the first urer to he the best silver coin ever seen, ll is Si\ BTU' s t o c k ! hair and other substances used in umtiresses. place it wa.s hamlHomely ami tasliJulIy decor­ heaulilullv made, anil Im.s a sliglil ap[a‘araiu‘e Rohorl A sh iiioro. ii:;od 4 yon rs, ■\Vc were present at the trial of the tlrst •ma­ ated with evergreens, growing plants, ficiwer.s, of iron, which i.s often found in a genuine HOiiKV \oiir (‘lanbiiry. Hoc. Utli. .'Nliir.iiarol II not oall at o)iee, iuul'satisfy N'oui'selves that chine made by tlie firm, and saw it pick and etc., wliilc tlu^ lowercfi lamps shed a dim sub­ atamliird dollar. Tin' date upon it is 1S7S. Doory, aued tit years. clean the hair from a large mattress in about dued lu.stre ov(M-a very large audience com­ Does death lurk in Ihe eigarelle as well as in I' F.H K INK.-- N'oiir iMaiin’ai'a n. iM :ri ha For. riniu wilo ol I’oiorKonnii u I’orrino, i-r i 41 \ o.ir>. ten minutes. The inventor. xMr. .lolin U. posed of Ilightstown’s h(‘st men and most llic pot? One of tlie New York papers, in' JAS, H. PEARCE’S STO RE. llargin,-,is an upholster of Elizabeth, N. J. beautiful women. Our reporter was presinit Sjieaking of tlie lale Siro Delmonie.o, says: Dr. Joseph E. Salter, of Sallerville, N. J. ami secured au elevated po.dtion and precisely “ liesfrjliaii ten liays ago a medical man said 'lIlUilKK'S SALK. ( OKiVKK i:ic A\i» noKicisoN s t k i;i;t;s, iii<.;iitsto %vx, a. ,i., at one o’clock his eyes wen* (lell.gliled at the lias been spending a week with his relatives to liitiJ''^ ‘Siro,’ if you coniiniH'.smoking ciga- j s IS Til i; t'i..\civ TO i:r V sight of the triumplial pnu‘es.sion. As the Hv vlrl uo o! ii »M It ol Pi. Fa., I" 111' liirooiori. here. reties as you have fur soine time past ymi may I iS'ie J 0(11 ol t he I’ourtfil I'li-iioon .1 Now.h-r doors "f the church flew open ns if by magic '•tfxpeel to tlie soon and siiddmily ; if you hd u[i ; 0 rXpoSod !'■ .'» .0 a I J'lllL*>' \ > lu Ho-, Judge Scudder has informed an applicant for and Mrs. A. B. Emlicott struck up the wed­ ymi hiav live twenty years yet.’ He didn’t ' Oil Thursday, tin- Tu t-ni v-r^iMli u;iy ol .Jiui- 8>i V Cro(k1s, iJrcMs i'ioths, C jisIuikm ’cs, t iidoruca?", a' license that it is an imliclahle offence to keep ding mareh there fir.st entered a l)and of seven slop.” ’lie Binoked on iiild fiiuilly, on Sunday Iniry, 1HS2. a pool talile ami allow persons to play where night riiojipcd dcail at his house. lilth' mnidei.-*, in white rolies, hearing Im.^jkets At Ibo hour o|' two o’oiook M.. -d -iii.l d'lv, a| Hosiery, Skirts, Notions, Gloves, eSec. the loser is to pay for the drink.s. ihor’otiri II Miso. in 1 h" oify. >»l'Ti' ii;''ii. inilio of (lowi-rs. 'riiis was the Sunday School class oaiiiii y of .Moroor. nil i bill, oei lam Lu m •‘undo in BUSINESS IiOCALS. Uio lo'oll'hip ('t WalsiliHi;.! >*li. ill llm '• .iiiil \ o| [NL |-. and that I have Til!-: LARGEST .STtKJK L\ TOWN of A sportsman suggests that if llio.se who have of which the bride is the teacher. These were ■'w Mary. Da vis,,.Miss, Sadie N t{Ux)a3...I-Ju-Iy..U.t't‘c or.Sijow Flake, at •hib .S 'i,51 00.11, .^bul'Tio ('luinP'TV. il.u-.l Maroli' large hawks which are the. quidl’s worst, eue- •J.Vt. ivn.i,-amt roeordoil m ,iiiu «'Iom,'.- nttU'C of and Miss Fannie Appelget, who were suppi'il- ■de-22-tf J. iL 'P E -U iraJX ':'A‘l imot-f cuTmi y, viv 14-ok lii-iAl.. I.ieial.'.,]; ,'r-Hv ,‘S.r. -.. mi'*8. Hawks do not seem to fear a luTse and ed by the ushers, Dr. A. II. D'-y, Mr. Wiliic Ticm ii'd'o'd nod (Ti-VvrTL"d U' hiHtiwu. u. «tCr niji”' III a .■iia 1(0 o.-nior to I on id (i > d -n Sr ) la ml *\lj i,diiuu‘il (lu()ilM~\v:ii'raii(t‘(T firsli rOirl SitM nlTli' 'lnWi’MT‘'p rtw '< v 'a ^ t4 in » j« b -b ra u d .i. wagon, and nif^» be easily approached and Wilbur, Mr. Edward Spaulding, and Mr. S. Blauveir.s windnw is |o(\ small to permit m Uio 111 I'M h- o( 111- IL rdi-ii Uiwn .i n-i Sc,u i li Am. l/o V 1 urniiik" road a' ' ho ] niiol mii "l i h.- n - w r-oul shot from a vi liicle. The death of one hawk II. Dey. The escort separated riglil ami h-ft liim to show lii.s grinds. - Step inside, .-Ml 1 a-iU i-( thill iny uM Irit-tids will cunliiuir iln-ir palUMiat;'’. titni th;i! the public will slop in and try my guoils and prices. I am sure toa’dhu Io Ctuirb -' lUim o' and nitnilhg l:iom-t« I sliiDl ri'bijii timii ‘•ustum, means the life of several coveys. - - ♦ • (1 ).il"Ug -.lid luiiijiiM- agrooabU t-i iLi- i.ii iiu-r and the bride ami gromn took llif-ir pi'silinns ,T.v>iKK II. ri!RlSTM.\S PRIZES ! I'oai'Im: ol tlio" ooiiip i.-s I'n. t li. six' \ hrio- a ml ;i At a meeting of the PresbyLery of MtmmoiUh heneath l-lic wedding b(‘ll of heantiful tlnwers, iiuiriei di'g (’OS oasl. lnurloon oliiin- .uxi l uiy iiiiks-t*in. si.ilui-ooruor lo siilo (i"i-.i lu's : ijivio-• held at Matawan on Monday. Dec. lliih, the and 111 front of the olllcmting clergyimm. Rev. To tie drawn for at Z- lmder's llakery on (•J) iUoiiz Ids lino s’uitli. 1 hirtv-!*i.\ .III I I ll 1 1 d- Hightstown -Markets. ' juastoral relation between the Kev. J. .M. An­ J. 15. Davip, (if lliglilstown, and Rev, i\ |nik« '1 lllll■»d»}. i>i:r 1.1 one ainall.doll. .dlighe.si nuiubcr in (iv-e draw- toasloui :Uioii--o (4)Soiilli. bnll'iuh' digroi-s BLAUVELT’S GOODS was dis.qolved, also that lietwccn the Kev. bride. Miss Ah'Xamler won; a liamihoine ing.s lakes larg(‘ doll, 2 1 liigliesi the cake, and east. so\ oii chains and olalir\ -llvo lin|i-< [ii a d highest flic small doll. 50 draws at 15c. I .1 s mil-. Iilty I hi 00 ami a (|0.irli i ■ ogi< a i-i, A large portion of the ceiling iit the Downs with plush trimmings, with light plu.sh hat. each. oli-voii oliains ami .-d \.l y---'ovoii link»io:i >.i'nUo in Wlieiit l-’lnur. ht-s'. jMir liumlrcl...... Hfl 1110 al'oro^aid muT r-in • : Uu'uoo i'G) a i -i . i lo- iiii i rii oii.l, *■ ...... 8 K* & Finch factory fell on Tneaday, but fortu- Mr. Sliangle. was dresvsed pljdn without trim­ "C?onf(*rti'mmtT, at whole­ -ill' 111 (bo s.nilo iiorlli, • t luriy-.-rv' n • r- • s \vi st. F O R T H E HOLIDAYS! Kve " ■ •* ...... ,,.. :i nutidy no one was injured; mings ''and-’bur K'pbrt(*r Tlid-mM, sec-imy hMh.j' Hm-L'.vheiit Flii-ur, •' ...... 4 IK) sale uniLikd.mitral. ' dirT-2’“ guniiiiu, ooidaiuiiig t j f t i d i ‘’fY'H’t*^TT 'I’lii'y t>oth stood tli(‘ trying ordeal of tlurcere- hiimif. US o| an aoiv limro or loss. " • , i'-ini .Vli-ii 1...... 1 ,-n The UniversalisL Sunday Scimol will give UB ^ MlC i ktf S BMi '...4G - t ' " siljeii. •• ...... ■. .(tf 1 bi‘ mony well.-and when it was finished went fii- Fine line of Camp (liairs. Blacking Ca.se.^. ' /7lo .S'ct'iuul- /‘j'l/i'f—Hr'llig all tliU ",.| i j | ,,| an entertainment in lluldiinson’s Hail, to­ linid-ithI I'miil.'os o-iii v-y 0.1 lo .1. iui i (.> l'l■^•Ul.' HUJIN n.'clly to the station, and departed on (heir Brackets, ^Vall Poelofs, B-xjiict Tables, by di'od 11 oin K/.oku;l i r-ii don t ml « ii«- .) . li--| ,\ on I morrow, Friday evening, toconsisf of lalilcnux. ' Chests of Tools, Ilas.sacks, Ottomans, Rng.s, 1. IM'U. a mi record Oil in I ho (-|ork' - i looo > d ,\i .-i. W lu'ii t. t)cr husliel...... f ' i'l recitations, “Santa Claus House.” and musii! wedding tour neconipaiiied l»y showers of rice ChromoB, Oil Piiifitiiigs, \'elvet h'lames, Pic- i-i-r i-oiiniy. in iiornl Hook, vi'l. hi. [-i.;- :;s:i Hyc, ...... Hnc'k wliiiiit ■ ...... 1 1II amt shoes, and lie' best wishes of.a large circle ttii'c Frames. Plated ^\'al•c. New 1 lome and botimlod a ml ilos<-i iUi-i| ns loilows. L. it ; lJ--i.-iii by Goodwin’s orchestra. Admission 20 (‘enl.«. II ing ill a slake oo m-r i.. l, Ha rola > I’l-i iiiu’''- .o n Milfinery&Trimming Store |1'--11), • • ...... '..7. of friemlH. 'Pliey will visit Wa.sliinglon ami Doiiu'slic Sewing M icliincs. cr la ml, ti\ t lie ?jilo .d Uio Hordon ..mn n ini s..n n; Oats. " ...... •1,. Children 15 cents. Ret^erved seals at 25 cents To Ihoac desiring goods md. on hand will Ainlmy Tunipiko ruml. ,iml r;itiiim.i ir-m Ui.'iioo other phua'S of interest and journey as far I’Ki'i)! rv: KTt'. at Cunningham’s. Manager Wolfe always please give their ortli-rs early, ao they (mu lie a lonu 1 li'o sid(* 111 said road (I) imr. n : \ i \ inn r .u- OF HIGHTSTOWN ! south ns Wasliinglon College, Tennessee, oioo.s o.isl. ■•Igidoen Hi)i;n.' and -i .i\ ■ no links |.i ('I'llII KM 1- 1* MV (’ ,M .Nil! r.-'J gives good entertainments. filled. a slake l-ir a cm iioi in 1 ;i ijiili Follmi'- Ui;. ;‘i 1). n.-c where Mm. Slmnglc’a I'litlier now iT.^ides. The (’d) along siil-1 I’ulloii'-i 1 me soulli. i ici i y tl v<- and Hiith'r, pci iciiuid...... b . 1'-1 Mrs. Joanna Stults, widow oQlie late Wil­ AT VOORHEES’, IIUDTSTOWN. Will receive- froiii iliis liim- imlii alter New \ ear.-i a xcry nice line bu-1, ‘ ...... It Gazette will meet them there with ilsholiday a Inll iloyn'os nine oauihis and nvi’-niy oialil liam Stults, Esq., was buried fi'oni the resi­ 1111 .s to a St-iko plaiu- il l-'r a oormT iii iiio <-(lu:c <>1 H.iin-*. ■' ...... greetings. We learn llial the army of Iirea- Work Easkcls of every description at Black- II (llioli : ih'm'o (d) along ilu- oilm'ol .-aid dll. h of ii.-iel'ul jiresi'iit.--'(only ) Miitalile li)i' the I lohday'T rade, eon.-Ftiiig of Sli-iuliicr.«, '■ ...... 1 ! dence of her son, Mr. Cornelius li. Stults,- at silllti, siMy-tlino and :i hall doiro.-s (MSi.si.V enls received included valuable ones from the -wcll’s. Fggs per 1. T.i'ii...... ;?n oil i ins and sjxi y link.s ton stivkii : ilioiic.. (4) soni li l’(dalne.-=, per hii...... 1 od Ib’ospect Plains, on 'rue.srtiiy. Her death oc­ imyvrigiii iU'uroiM uo.«t, ilirtii oliiims ami forty Sniuiay t^cliool am! ClHireh in which both Mi-, No nicer pvcaenl can he given a lady than a Dolls, Baskets, Jewelry, Silk and Eancy Ilaiid' curred after a brief illness at the residence of Mid s 1,0 a si a Id' ; lliom-o i,.) snnt i,,. tin y sj.\ dogn-os STiTK . and Mrs. blianglc are ellective ami faithful 8ilk Dress. Go to Blauveli’s and you will and I hrc('ijUii nors wosi. tmir oli.uiis .n d lony (K)UURi tkii MV (U;o V W.inn Mr. George Stults in Bmuklyn. I in ks lo a nuiko ; i hence (li) soii th. .-iM y 'om- ji n a workers. liml what you want. i[iia rli'r degroos w.osi. I mr o liain.- .imf fon v lin I. - kercliiefs, Napkins, LaCe Tics, Collars, Hi'fvos p(>r pniiml...... ft K‘IS. 'I'he Board of Examiners were iwoSimt at lu II St.1 ke r.ii' It eoriior in ilo- line - I mid I orriiio'.' ('■lives • ...... R the examinations at IVddie Inslitule yester­ I’EEADIXG TITEE. Genuine Sweet Florida Oranges .at W. Ollier l-imt; lti'‘ncn (7) along sain JU-rr.iu-'.* llnr Kid Gloves, Cards, .•4ti(’i.p, pof hcild...... :fl 1no iiuiih, ihinyhvo and a hall Hogroo- w.-si, icu b.mib-^, p r p-iio.l ...... 0 day. Eaily’s. lie 15 2w (diiin.s.ind lift y 1 ^ 1 links lollm lo-o jninn:,., ,.,,n We heard a story recently wliich we consid­ tnmiiig sevoiilociiWoi i-s and niiioiy six linmlrodUis !’tiiv-keii-u per priind...... 12 We publish lo-day the first sale made by our er loo g/)od to kc(‘p. M’e do not vouch for i!.= of aII nor-- im-ro or U-s.s. And a General Line of Handsome and Useful il \V AND STK \ U; DON'T SUI5SCIUBE I'Jir Third ’/‘^u■^-Holng all ihiit oerl tin tot ni new sherilT, Mr. Amos Sickel. truth, hm the liicidcnl is so chnracteiistie of for any other book until you sec Major J. M. I'liul and preiiiisos omivoyo'l |o.|. Hnr-lay |u-r. l’(.|!iii:i' 1 1- M ill .1 A 'i \\ I.' II the principal actor that we believe it to be Bundy's “ Life oT President Garfield,” the rine. i-y il-otj li'r.in (‘!iiirh;s (L nlon, l•;/.l■K•|-I (i-ir FANCY GOODS! ■'rinmthv H.iy per inn...... GP bO Pont fail to notice the slight changes made jIoii iiml .ioi-1 Oordoit, ihiied .M.iroli ‘JTih, ImV.i, ami clieapest and mo.«t milheiiii(‘ liiogniphy of oiii- Fli.v.-r Hu V. •' ...... ),T 00 in the H. U. time labfe true, q'hc sloiy goias that General------, a record oil m llic i 'b-rU's (itlh-f' oT M roor (mniil y. in Mixed H;,y ' ...... tale President yet put»li>.li(;d. Bciuililully il- lioiik HI ol Iinotls. ji Igi- ...... itvo A.s o sn al, oui' pricu.soii these good.-t w ill lie tlie v e ry lowa-st. ... 1ft ()•) leading mcndier of the'Monmoiith bar, was one Hye .-^irnw. " ...... u I'll It did not take ^Ir, Pearce long to sell that lu.stiated. Only sl per copy. iraets. Tlu'(Irsi Ooginning ai a slake cnruo.r to day out with his gun, and not being very care­ Kzoki- 1 Uordnii's laud III s.ii 1 P.-i mu-.'s line, ami farm after he got bis advertisement in the E. II. Gkaves. Agent. miming tr-mi iliOiiLMi, along uiid"Viiirrlnri's lino (l i In addition to our Holiday' t.onds we have in stock, the liiiest lino of ful ns to his course, found himself at, last upon uorlo Mi.viy one iind n (|iiaii- r 'logrocs o ist. lour G azrttk. But he has mure on hand if you and ."-^tand Haslods at Blackwell’s, oluin- ami lorty links to a n.ike : Ili<-m'(* (-ji mu i ii !»i-css ■*«ilU'<. VeUetw. ["Iii-he.., Iti-oc.-ulew. IS:,-u'U want to buy. forbidden ground, the owner of which hided lifiy sl.Y dviiruus iiml lliroo'I'l iro-i-s o.ist, Imir The INDEPENDENT. tho General liefore Uu; nearest ’Squire on a i:iin ins ami I'ori y tin ks lo .i siuko : i lioiu'c (d) mu ( li. 4 .‘i.-liiilt-i'CN, uiiil rim - Ti-iimiiiEigs lu the case of Warwick and Danser the Holiday tioods of all di-scriplion, fi^ sail' ill Iilty-oiglil do-ireos oasl, tliroii ohains ami fori\ Thr ../'on'fifof/ rrlhii.iir:. /TfOM/'iT.i'/r n f Ihr f.’.iT/ctZ charge of irespa.ss. The nnfortunnti* spnrts- links (u a Slake ; Uiem.-o (-U imi ili, six' \ t lire.- an:] Omrt of p>rors and Appeals have coortued J. VV. Early’s, opp. napiisi churcli Hightstowii o f e v ery (k'.seri]i(ion w e h.'ivo e v e r ollt-i-ed to o u r tra d e at I'ciees that Slot'!. ■- Till-, Kl.X . .li-r kl II L'OCK. man admitted ihe facts as charged, hut claim- n hall dcgrio.- oiut si.v eluiins ami links lo ii the decree of The (Jiancellor which was ad­ stake lorn oiunor in t-.li,|ali I’n-lon’s iim* ? liionco ed that the properly was his own. This plea For useful Holiday I’resents go to Vooiiiees' (0) iilong snl'i I’lilU'ir- iim- - ii'li. ihiriy-live do will liear eoinpai'isoii with au\' uiaiket. (Uir cu.-loniers ti'll us ev.-ry E«t iMMiod In ISIS, n-iui u' ..-.'vo-ct unt - verse to Mr. Warwick. Main street, Ilighlsiown. urocp ami a ball east. so\ oii cli .ins »ml oigni s -f i.\ i v;iy Hiilift rreiriii-'ill rt-llgi ui nml ii'-lliu-h. I'liit of title of course ended (lu; jurisdiction of the links t«i a si i kc oovnor to .1. A i-j b-i on’s Im ; t h< no - day'that our stock is hcHer seldeteil and at low er jiriees Ihaii they 1'mk.i-i MiKXT 111 ()m-(-bt-.'u nil'II r'-noa bu--d p')\( or Remember that Saturday night is nirlst- Justice, and as the coinplainanl was too penu­ (l3)siHiih. liny lour nil I a ll • il dojrms \vosi, m-v- Iliii.iiglmiil Ihe i-MiuiDy. Ila lillimiMc lias '-L-r Why has Blauvell sold 85 Silk Di-csscs since ciiieoii elinimi.iiml oig Id y-l hni- Liikfl to a sliiu- I'.r >-im >- h(o-ii ..... gr n« log. ,\ - ii liu.x icnght mas eve, and that the children wish to see you ean liml anywhere in 'rrenloii or New liruuswiek. rious to go to the expense of ti ^ ig the matter last April? Compare liis prices. n i-orm r: I hem e (7) m>ri h. i bii ly live xml n linll , ugulii'I .“hm-rt nml fnr ct((-!| jM.ni so It h il 1 at the M. E. church on that occasion. Aveiy ili-groos est, 1)1 no cli» ins and so von I y lin k.s lo i li" , liubi aaiiiiiHt IM-iriboi.isiii. (or C|cil-Sm vii-o R(-- before the higher court, the General escapc'd boginmiu;', continning sixu-.-n a'-ro.-i nml .-ixto. ii SO SlI.K D iIKSSKS Sl.NCK li.lST Al'IUI,. ‘JO F iI.K D kKSSIvS in nVK WIU'KS, ' b-nii. amt'. I or I'U’il y lu pidiiirx, nml gom-ial u)(- nice programme has been prepared and (he the fine, altliougli he did not, own a foot of Before buying Toys for Christmas Presents, hundroilths o| mi loi-o im-ro or Ics.s. Tboscooml j rlglitm-a.-' In nil Ihuia's. I' ,eiii pin j .n iho hc>-i ell- Irnct beginning at n hIoiic (-i.rmr in said.I. Itir Jacob’s Ladiier is thrown in, all for ten cents. just sLeii in and c.xamiiic J. W. I-^ariy’s slocko ‘ 11 •rut 1 lu li’iil ;i nd >j.ui k.-; l(-.-i rl'•^‘ly i-n 11II aiibiccis. ground within ten miles of the premises. el,I y I'ori'lne's o| Imt la nil, a nd nini ing I i-om Uu-n -o W In' ha\e we been aide to sell this numhei' in so short a tiiu'e.?' F*ll ]iiy-*|'or (‘(H1I I'lbn li-il iiriii-h-s .lorlfnr r-lii.o-i-l (1) iiorlli. blly tbreo niul a fmIt doar.< es c.'ist. i rm-o , M Tvii-.-M limn- ihsiii dmil-Ic tin- umouiH jmld by atiy Christmas services will hf heiti in Trinity - ...... P IR JT O G R A PH K !------im*t -link* lo ni.akj; ln,tlmJiiu- -i-kuilpiU’C oiir ]iriees w ith ofhei's 'We liave in slo ck for the inspee,- ollmr W'-i'kly bi'w-'pupiT. , y iin ia ’ NOTES. III Uio nbovc il.'scribod (iii--i : ilii'nce ('i) s.uiiii. church ne.xl Sunday at 4 P. M. Sunday There, is no need now of anybody going to Iliirly-six dearees ami l hrei--<|uiirl«r8'ea-t. seven 1 It rnihllf'h-’s morn rrdigi'»n* di'''-u*sloni« than t)'« tuiii ol the elo.-est buyers, diress FilksTTingiiig Inim (i‘ite :4 o jijtJ.bO- '’>7-1 rg'i;he2TrvTEVnr,*rTTTiTn~nr-pTT5--?rrTTt~»T"U'trT"t hart 1 Im- School '3 P. M. All cordially invited. The coroner’s jury in the case of Conover, Trenton, New Yoik or Philadel|>liia’ to get oi)itin.s nnd six y-six lin ks lu a -loue curiier. (si i no iibnve ib-.-iTlbi.-d iract : ttu noi' CDsoQUi, iiH-y-Uirte pO|i.l!:.r Jliolilhlji-r, i(Jl>) k;IV ’- Ol'oro iIllnriU.l - ioii good photographs, for iliekeox is nmking pei' vai'd. Safins froui dOe.. to .SJ.OO pel' yard. Vh-lvets froiu T-ie. to 11.') I) ii n U Mlliri I rvrb'jiU'dlu TIk- Inlig i-nhl'-dlf'- who was killed In a railmad iieeidcnl nl Mid- tliem h(‘re a.s tiiU! as tin-y can be made any­ nniln hnir'tTt-'iireeS \V. s|, !elii i-luilb's nmlibiny- Among the large number of paintings which Ihroo links to a stone; Ihi-i)--*- (4) iiorlli, tony |r,(i(-lii « r-I nil ly imblLlM-l iF'-m 1 lo-gn-(I Alcili- awan, rendered a verdick that Morns CJapp, where, and lower in ['licc than the same work .isll.dO I’lu sh es IVoin § J oO lo.SS.OO'. Ilroe.ides froin O Jh :, to :JJ 00. o 11M (’nun'll in L'-mtoii -u r> a unnii li; lu-i r.* M' 1,1 "I Mr. C. M. Norton 1ms secured fur the lioliday oiirlK degrees wo.-'t. sovoii c-bnn.' ;iiid oighl \-live nlnii Till-; 1 Mii;i'FM>r ur r-i»ii.stnn 1 ly doing. A the engineer of the I/mg Brnneh train, and can be.oiitaiiH’dJiL 1 he cities. Special'alten- I nks lo mo beginniii'A, oou ai-diig iwo .it-roh .md black Cashiueies li'oiu -'lOo to SF ('ra|)0 s froin Ode. lo •S.'l do. The trade, we notice one, prominently displayed, Thtnj'night hundnalths o( an a.-i e ol laml im.ro or - I I'l >>l 1 hi- mo-d pr (Mil lieu I 1 i-h’^i-.-iM uml ]-h1 Im-oph- tion given to copying aiul enlarging old pic­ ; ie 1 1 wnl 1-1 r, pm-' s. ii iiU lucy m li 11 f In • he Ooilli • Patiic'k Devlin, tlu? iiian In charge of the .nig- less. price.s o f tlie’se ttood' w e d efy a n y one lo bent . Goinjiari.soii.-e a re which is so pathetic and withal truthful as to tures, framing, Ac. Call! The iib-ivo ik'-oribed liirni being tlicHaino r.)rni lr\ i- tlie UR, «>l Uk e.ii.U-rtuirora n( ‘I'ln* iNDtci’krc- ' Ml ST. H '-<1 b • I !"• ...... '■(■("u' id<- 1.11 1 bed- « • I nal station, caused the accident by neglecting i'onv»-yod to the s.iid Willimii i’iigiinn.'« .Siimt.iv Sch-nd. Ni-«,< i| tbn what you can Imy for five cents. Don't for- vol, ‘111. page -4711. iNiO. ! F-nifii’-, r-onm‘-r(‘i'. hmiir ) iiuu, .jSioi ii and bottles and kegs are seen thrmigli the N(;wauk, surrendca-ed himself yc-sierday, and get (he place., opp. Baptist cliurcli, Iltghtslown Seized )iKllui pi'opTty ol Willium ('ideimi n e( Iron) Jde. lo.$l. (limps Ironi ITc. to .$1 per yard. (li'iiaments from MX, Blnls,, and ln.k(in In ex.ciiimii iiL thosulLnl ' I’ur.rle-, ;i i.d A g ricu i i ure. 1 ,\i.. s 1 .s a u.. crack-in the door. At one side there is a win­ was imprisoned on Ids confession that he has ■U dcia 11. Fay, am! to ho s d I by lie,. to^l.'dO.’ biilton.s from le. to Sl.dO pel' do/, Our Fancy (Niods Holiday Goods for everybody at Blackwell’s. I 0U.H NEW TERMSrrOR 1882. dow, the blind of which is pulled down, but emliezzlcd about !frl25,()00of the city Itinds. A'diiu sb.'KKL, Slmrill, Jlewia.i. Hnn.. Soli ,-lior<. Slock is alwiiys full oftf'e l.atest Novelties. It is iiiiusiially altrae,- I Om* siit’J'-T’pt loll 1.111' \c;ir ...... s." Oil the reflection shows that several persons, “ Belter not believe all you hear.” That is Fine Fremrli ,>Iix(’(l Candy, 25 cis,. five ll)s. i’rs. fees, >iii;2 -.')U for!f!l, at J. \V. Early’s, opp. Baptist church, tivo now Our Ivid Glove- Stock i.s dO times large)' ih.'in last si-ason. Otif* »ithM-ripl biji l \vu j (, ,11',-...... f. (jij among them we may presume the master of a g(wd rule in Hightslow.n just now, and tlir One siilr.-eripiinn i\ith nm- m:vv mih-M-rlber. in the horse, are drinking and carousing. With Middlese;f Ln-nnd jury jirobaljly wish Urey had lliglilstown. dc 15-2L 0 (11' .sales are- in pi'ojiorli ni. 'I'hc best dOc. i.lovi-, the best ti-io. one I i-niil I a iiec...... 0 00 C atarrh Om-sub'C-riiii ion «itli 1 w o m.w .-‘nli-unlmrs, downcast head the home stands there unshel­ followed the rule. ( Silk Handkerchiefs less than wholesah; pri­ ^ ------z ^ - m C E E A M B A LM Glove ii.iid tlie best T-ie. Glo\'e to he fonml is nT I)I,a u v I''i,t ’s . '1 lie m one reiiHltim -e...... T 00 tered, as though weeping at the neglect, ami Ml- oiiiitlly plcmifio-'' Om- t«uiir('nidi'iii witb litree s I'.w.Mioseriliciv, Before you go nut shopping read the adver­ ces at Blauvell’s. t 111' mi Ml 1 l>ii .-‘s;i g. H ol hest !*'l {Rove in town, '(-T'ei'y' pair warraiited, is Ihe “ blauvell” In OIK- remit t alu-e...... 8 flO bis whole appearance is that of one ultefly tisement of—well, of every om; of the business ‘ '.■iiurrluil viru.-. c 'U-’- One--nil'.-cflpiion v\ilh Imir nE'.v ^iuli.-crilmr.'*, Glove. Wj(i-oiily n'sk yon lo try them. ()ur stock of Kmlcnvear, Ill oil'- reiniUniit'i'...... 10 00 helpless before the tempest of snow and wind. DOLLS ! DOLI.S ! DOLLS ! ii..; LOU Mhy .nii(riinc«-. Jliglitstown, or does the man who loafs the ciiniplolely ho.il.-j ilie price.s. TIh’.«('reiFm-eil )irii',-K (2 pi-r iinmim In rtii b? of Chrlstnms and New Years fall on Sunday, Blackwell’s. ' ilc 15 tf i night away at the tiivorn always lake care that son-s II nd rosloroi" i Im live 1 r mdre) an- vory mueli loiftr Oi.in any ol Ibo but rememlier tlmt the iiank will he closed ••cnsonl nmlMtioll .'tanijar'l religions wi cklU's. the more human brute of the two is housed Dcmbrest's'only ?<1.75. R. M. E auU', Agt. IJonelloitil rei*uli« are BLAUVLLT’S MiLUNEHY. ‘-^ithsf-ribe with yi'or friend.'* and got Ihc low rule. on Monday also. Notes go over. ro:ill'/,0(| by a |c)\ up. and fed in some comfortable stall? W(- (jHi-r no liri'lilTiHh'S, . Mr. George Y. Wood shipped 20,000 poiinclB plleiltlniiH, A thiin-Ui’li This fiir 111'* last 10 week-^ Ikh been I lie iiiosl siuici-s-fi ill a! tractive (li'jinrlment In oiir ^torr. WESTCOTTS MERCHANT .MILLS. ir‘‘.it!iiontwtll ourol'ii On aecouni of the beautiful stuck, uf 1 lats. Bonnets, l'’calher--', t\:c.. nfi'ija-d at. the very low(Kt (’I'litrary In the euatoni nl i» ll t he r< 1 igii'US news About five o’clock P. JI.. Dec. 0 ^ Christmas poultry (his week. pajiers, 'ITii-; I x di;i-k.s de;nt will lieioafier be .'•lup. KoKA'lSim.Y wycKOI-K’.'t. :iirlu Itiiy Fever, ^tc. came unknown, walking across th^rnilroad I 'iM-fpiii D-d lor o..i(U in prices our Irmlc ill tliiji iiiui has liceii ftir heyo'nd.nur cxpei'tiilions. \\ c never had a nicer a.s. inid at. the cml ul tlie iiino lor which paymt'nt la Farmers and iMerdiaiits can find the mill in I- nouil. Agrt-diiWo Mimic, bridge, over the Morris cniml, in .Bayonne PEUDIK INSTITUTE. h---- a y - f e v e . r t o; use. Aii|)ly hy (lie S'lrliiHMil lliiiii \v(' have now. MISS N'LllhT, to w.liuin the greater part of our sueeess is due. Sond card for free ppecimen copy wid. working dnlCr. Having tlie last two weeks City, was elruck by the fiidglit train. Dr.' bn lo fl gcr Inlo the no.-lril.'i. ' 'n ‘receipt ot-iiii i-ti*. will Hlifl have eliariit- uf ihi'i dcjiari iHeiit uni il alter the holiday", and will always give our ctis' jmlgi- liir yuur.'t'll. Address The entertainment given hy the music cImh.'i repaired the mill, w(; can do all work'with wilt mnii IV iiickiigo. SSohl hy IliiihiHlowii Drug- Salter was summoned to attend the'case, and Kie'tH. ■ ■' do‘-’•2-OOW.4W loiiK-rs'Uie lali-st New York Siyles-in trimmiiig. \V(* arc r(,*CL‘lviiig new j;oods in every line of Peddle InstiluU; last evening, under the di­ promptness; Flour, Feed uiul Brans on ham! ELY'S (qiFA.M HALM IhL. Owog.., y. THE INI)LIM:XDENT, found the man to be m a comatose plain from daily and ofTer llitim lo tlie Inspeeiioii of every (Joge hnytT. rection of Mrs. Willirtiiisoii was a decided sijc- at ail times. 'i.YI lti-oiid>vnf. IY<-n’ Vovli. compression of the brain, caused lyy licmor- ce.ss. The class occupied seats on the plat­ my 12-tf J. F. M'ESTCOrr. O ur’Storo is,just around the Goniur on Stockton Street. hage and depressed fracture the ^ull. He YALUA3LE FARM form, to whicli they mar(;he(I from the hall, died the next morniug. He was a n/husl man Ilome-mnile- Molasses Candy, and Candy YALUABLE PROPERTY after tho audience had assembled. The se­ and appeared to be about 35 or 40 years of Toys for Christmas, at J. \Y. Early's. ][01RSL AM ) LOT I PENNSYL VANIA KAILROAJ) IX ilUiUTsrowx, lections vvere choice, and all were rendered SALE or RENT. with credit to the scholars and to tlieir teach­ The finest ami cli(;’)ipest slock of goods "ever j Ta.Mi;-T,%JSLi;. Last night was a dark night. x'^B^cnllcmim Thcl'iirmof tho-.^ulxcrihorR Is oil.-red for siilo AT PRIVATE SALE. ers. The liarmony and grace with which tlie oflcred in town Is at Blauvelt’a. or rent, il In sItuiUed on tlio !MillHl,onn, nrt r Ia)- BGBEig SAUL ■who drove from the country five miles, says ciif-t I ‘ornor, nnd cnntuin.s nium' ino im-to.-'. It i<« -i Tlici .«ub«f'rlli(ir oflnrsnt Prirato S.alo nil thal afTair passed off, and the improvement made good lann uml po.-^ltlvcly will bo rtjnicitor .Hold iii ICXDO- niel Lot plU.t:'aiiUV?llUiiU-o<| room.-' I’oit I’Mii.Ani'.U’MlA.—At 7.37 I'lid HJ U7 A. M.. lor lln! hako ol suvIiik fiu clft., to' run Uio risk urnl ll ml li.i ll. ll 11 nai^Uu'l III tlii‘l)('!>t in.itiiioi. riiiint THAT YAU’-Ull.K burning for hours after the streets of Higlits- atolfiM* P, ,\L,, ,yia .Hordi-riiowu. Hurliiigum nnd excellent. The audience expressed their ap. do iiollilHK tor It. Wo know Iroia oxnorlumio Unit Isa largo (-c.-1lar iimlu W'''vO|l cxcelb-at wiiDt (il ( naulon. 7:4o A. Nl. uml :i!U P. At., via I’uiijbiT- Slitloh's Curo will ouru Yourcmuch. It nevor t)ili.''. J(X)R SA LL. Itif! dtior. Tho lot Is wi)K-..^Ai4e(i (i ml overj Ihlag 6 STORK AND DWELLING, towii were in darkness. Night and day the preciation of the programme, which held their This ixpliilnH wiiy more than a MjlMon HouIch ton and Alount Holly. in I ill-. Ijcflt la-palr. . .“UiuUO‘1 on tlm corner of Mererr himI .Morrl.'-on people are crowding our streets to buy the atlenliou for an hour and a lialf, liy continued wt'ro sold Uio pii.>«t yo'ir. U roliavtsH (b-oui> and I’t-V.-'tms wlHblu^ to parclinnc- will pU’a.T oitll on ■ Foil New York—At 7:nn amt tail) A. M. and Whooping Uougli at oiioo. IMothers, do imt he A Nice Fre.sh Young Cow. l:Tb iinit 81 fi’. M.. via iMonniu‘u!li .1 UTif tloii. strecls, Illghlstown. imw ocoupied tiy KdWtird Ale- goods advertised in the Gazette, and bur and hearty applause, encoring Mrs. William­ without ll. For Laihu Hack, Side, or Ohosi. uhu nvJ4ll .TOSKPII WOGI). (hie. Thip iR a good bustnwiss simicLund beside tbo To JiKma E M-rocK. store rnniKiiis 0 rooms, good cellar, hasemunt ami Common Council ought to give them good Shlloti'a Porous Plaalor. JSold by H.U, UuoainJ Foil L^so Huanch—AUtpl .V. M. luid 8:47 P. !U . son and Mrs. Perilne with consuleialile enthu­ 1). H. Uunnlngliiiiu. ^ H. H. M)R rtTM, spring wau-r. travelling and plenty of light. siasm. P'lMi Tukn'I'ON—At 7:87 and 10:07 A.Al.,iuul 6:44 Sale to oummeiioe at 2 o’clock. CondUions'at Near Hight.«town. PATENTS! P. AL Sale I'y Miss Lizzie Sharp, the evangelist, is nssKsl- Prof. Bonhriglit will to-morrow present his DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAIN I. A mixed jiaspcngcr and freight irnin ooTix-s- HENJAMIN HIDE. GEORGK K. LKMON. At t 'y ,\t L aav. I resignation as.teacher of elocuUon to the Board Is It nut worth the small prietf'orva.cents fndrcc I dayK, nuirsdiiys uml Saturdays ul 10:08 A. J. R. ROGERS. Au(^linnoer. d« 1&-U ing Rev. W. 8. McGowan ju an e.xtrs meeting yoursoir r»r every symptom of tlict'C nigi ro.‘'.‘‘ing CHEAP FARM WA.-'HlNaruN, 1). (L j M., tor Pouiborion at the M. E. church. Considemhle inten-sl of Trustees. Important engagements fniqnent- complaints. If you Uilnk eocill at our ■'tore mid .Momt -ki'ti'h (>r nmdel for ProMminary F.xandoa I RETURNING, jrct a holUe ofShlJoh's Vlb'llzor ev*‘ri hortle has CONTAINING 93 ACRES! I’uiCiF NA'IiUNAL BANK, ly calling liim l« Philadelphia and other cities, tion and (.>|iin|im iis to Putont iltHii Vi mr which no and good audiences characterize the meetings. a primed guarantee on it. uu- iicc'.rdliigly nn<1 it oh irgo Is in idc. It rcpuricd patemkbii’. no (ibnrgo !/ 'T4EAVK Philadki.vmi A—From Mnrkci Strco'. Fcr- and finding that they ^ierioiisly interfere with 'tons you no go >d ll will costyou nothing. Sold Uy Witlbopnhlto Ihts'first miunwho jnnkon applica­ lor Hi-rvkM:j« iinlef^s successful. Somt lor pamphlet /ry,;il 7:30 A. M., ‘itoO nnd 4:30 IL I\t.. via Hnrling- Hiohtstown. N. j Iieceniher Cth, DSl. Read the Christmas stories in our supple­ II. Ci. Huo and jj. H. Uunningliuin. tion and coinpllcs wtUi Uio.romlltloD.H, «hii.-li luio ol iuMruciloiiR. (tc 8-4w ' toll nna Hordentown: and 7:00 A. AI. und4.e(. .M.. his dulie.s at the InslUnlc, he has decided to OHPy. It Id Piiuatoii tnnr Imi.iyi^iown on the main via Mount Holly ami Pcm' oJ tun. The annua! meeting of Iho Siorkliob.erf of tho ment and you will feel like making somebody road. Tlicro iM a (I'vellHig nml out bailtltiUiK, und ESTARLiailEl) IN 188f.. Hank lor the olccMon ol iwelN-e IHrdelors, to serva leave the ..Jnititntc. dProf. Bonhriglit dcsircfl Wo hnvo a spoody rind poslllvo Oapa for-GtU-Hrrh - I^.AVK N BW YoaK—At 7rift A. AI. and 4:35 P. M lor the uiisuiiig year, will be held al the Kai kli.(^ happy. Send them the Gazette fur a year. xDiMr>n«D4Uth JiwrctJonr- to eK[>re83.'his regret at leaving Hlghtstown, IMphtherln, Ciinker mouth i»nd HendHOliP. in arty I" known hsTIic I.Iayi-s farm. Iwlllstll it FAIR a XI) rE.sTivAiVRiu;;?' House, on Tuesday, Januaiy lOlb,JLSftL Poilr.. SHILOH'S (JATAHHH KKMKllY. A misal In- very cheap. Call uml see mC al ouoo. Lravk Trenton—7:60 A. -M., 2:60 and 6:17 P. W. wiH open ut 10 o'uluek A. M.. and remain up«b on« Dr. 1. P. Davis, who has been confined to jooior fr('0 wll h end; hot le. Ubo H If you'lefllro hour. and eajiecially at parting with the many pleas­ TILOS,(\ PKAKHE. riONTBO I.N (JOOPSrYLIC, the house with aor6-lhroai, Is out again. health ami sweet .iro»ith. Prh-e 6tiois Sold i*y 1. S. HUUJ^KLBW, J(JS. H. .1GHNF8. ant acquaintances he has made while here. “tr. rj'. Ruo and D. H, CainnlngbiH«. »ug 4-ftm (Ic ^-3w * Ittfu! Es'utu Agent. AT THE’ G-l/^Ei'TE OFFICE. an 1 -lV RiU t. Aiiibox IHv dc s-9t t>8btn. Miscellaneous. D. Hart Cunningham T h e Sun for 1885J. IIU. NOBODY. OF AMFUiCA.” i w umc! m usic: m usw t Thk Sl'n lor 1R82 will mnko Its fiflocnlh annua rBVoluilon iiiMh r the present innriiiki iKCiit, f^hin Spy the' fuiiay lUiIe umti, InK- as atwiiyn, fur nil. i.(m,a.i llulo. mei.n ana As ^iiiet ns a iiVoiise, ST. mCHOLAS. SMCDEBBOKTO KniclDue. oyntciitcii up.} unlmi.j.j, i^enubllcan and ! ^leiiPMMHtlo,. .leprnve.i nmi viriu..u8,U1.U8, Intelllv-ntlntelllg>.-nt Who does the mistOilcf tliiit is done, nmj iipiufe. Is hi;;.a;;, iiiViVklud'VnUiiumkltui. .unU This IlluAtratoit tnaif:i7.lnfi fur young folk^ - • 1 * . " Wiiniiiiiklml, of...... every pnri ;— but .t>K<‘TiInlIt-vucnlnl warmth warmth In everybody’s house, now aUiiliiod H clr ui iiloii larg