i "The mountain mother is in travail with edge of the crag and looked over. "It is into Concho's protuberant eye, opened his if ye'll git from'em the score I've got agin THE CAPITAL, it.1' . Concho, the imbecile," said Pedro, con- mouth and gazed at tho swollen tongue, 'em, darlint, I'll add a blessing to it." PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY " Are you i-ure that your comrades have temptuously. and then suddenly rose to his feet. There WHS a laugh at this from the by- THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, not taken possession of the mountain mo- "But if he should not be alone, or if he " Tear down those notices, boys, but koep standers, who, somehow, resented tho in- ther?" should waken ?" them. Put up yourown. Don't be alarmed, trusion of these strangers. 027 D street, Washington, D. C. "As how?" " I will watch and wait. Go you and aiiix you will not be interfered with, for here is " I fear you wil I find it no laughing mat- DONN PIATT, ...... EDITOR. " By claiming its disoovery under the the notification." ijiurder added to robbory." ter, gentlemen," said Dr. Guild, a little TERMS : Per year, (including postage,) $2.50; six mining laws, or by preemption ?" Wiles disappeared. Pedro began to creep " Murder!" stiffly, " when I tell you that a murder has months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—in advance. " They shall not." down the face of the rocky ledge, supporting "Yes," said the Doctor,excitedly, "I'll been committed, and the men I am seeking Single copies, 5 cents. " But how will you, single-handed, fight himself by chemisal and brush-weod. take my oath on any inquest that this man within an hour of that murder put up that CLUBS : Ten copies to one address, $20 In advance, the. four; for I doubt not your scientific The next moment Pedro stood beside the was strangled to death. He was surprised notice signed by their names," and Dr, with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 friend has a hand in it ?" unconscious man. Then he looked cau- while asleep. Look here." He pointed to Guild displayed the paper. in advance, with one copy free. " I will fight." tiously around. The figure of hiBoompanion therevolverstillin Concho's stiffening hand, There was a breathless silence among the "Yes, my Concho, but suppose I take the was lost in the shadow of the rocks above ; which the murdered man had instantly crowd aB they eagerly pressed around the fight off your hands. Now, here's a propo- only a slight crackle of brush betrayed his cocked, but could not use in the struggle. Doctor. Only Roscommon kept on wiping sition: I will get half a dozen Americanos whereabouts. Suddenly Pedro flung his "That's so," said the President, "no man his counter. The Story of a Mine. to go in with you. You will have to get serapi over the sleeper's head, and then goes to sleep with a cooked revolver. What's "You will observe, gentlemen, that the money to work the mine—you will noed threw his powerful frame and tremendous to be done ?" . name of Roscommon also appearson this funds. You, shall share half with them. weight full upon Concho's upturned face, "Everything," said the Doctor. "This paper as one of the original locators." They will take tho risk, raise the money while his strong arms clasped the blanket- deed was committed within the last two "And sure, darlint," said Roscommon, WRITTEN FOB THE CAPITAI, and protect you." pinioned limbs of his victim. There was a hours; the body is still warm. The mur- without looking up, "if ye've no better ivi- "I see," said Concho, nodding his head momentary upheaval, a spasm and a strug- derer did not come our way, or we should dince agin them boys then you have for- BY BRET HARTE. and winking his eyes rapidly. " Bueno."' gle ; but the tightly-rolled blanket clung to have met him on the trail. He is, if any- ninstme, it's home ye'd bother be riding to the unfortunate man like cerements. " I will return in ten minutes," said the where, between here and Tret Piuos. wanBt. For it'B meself as hasn't sturred fut [Copyright, 1877.] Doctor, taking his hat. There was no noise, no outcry, no sound " Gentlemen," said the President with a Out of the store the day and nolght—more He was as good as his word* In ten min- of struggle. There was nothing to be seen slight preparatory and half-judicial cough, betoken as tho boys I've sarved kin tes- utes lie returned with six original locaters, but the peuceful, prostrate figures Of the two " two of you will stay here and stick! The tify." a board of directors, a president, secretary men darkly outlined on the leage. They others will follow me to Tres Piuos. The "That's so, Ross' right," chorused the CHAPTER III. and u deed of incorporation of the " Blue might have been sleeping in each others law has been outraged. You understand crowd, " Wo've been running the olfl man WHO CLAIMED IT. Mass Quicksilver Mining Co." ThiB-latter arms. In the black silence the stealthy the Court !" all night." The fog bad already closed In on Mon- was a delicate oompliment to the Doctor, tread of Wiles in the bush above was dis- terey and was now rolling, a white, billowy By some odd influence the little group of "Then how comes your name on this pa- who was popular. The President added to tinctly audible. aea above, that soon shut out the blue half-cynical, half-trifling and wholly reck- per?" these necessary articles a revolver. Gradually the struggles grew fainter. breakers below. Once or twice in descond- less men had beoome suddenly sober, "O, inurdher! will ye listin to him, boys. Then a whisper from the crags: ing the mountain Concho had overhung the "Take it," he said, handing over the earnest citizens. They said, "Go on," AB if every felly that owed me a whisky bill cliff and look«d down upon the curving weapon to Concho, "take it; my horse is " I can't see you. What are you doing ?" nodded their heads and betook themselves didn't oome to me and say, 'Ah, Misther horse-shoe of a bay below him—distant yet Outside; take that, ride like h—1 and hang "Watching!" to their horses. Roscommon,' or *Molke,'as the case moight many miles. Earlier in the afternoon he on until we come!" "Sleeps he?" "Had W9 not better wait for the inquest be, sure it's in illlgant sthrike I've made had seen the gilt cross on the white-faced In another moment Concho was in the "He sleeps!" and sw^ar out a warrant?" said the Secre- this day, and it's meself that has put down Mission flare in the sunlight, but now all saddle. Then the mining director lapsed "Soundly?" tary, cautiously. your name as an original locater, and yer was gone. By the time he reached the high- into the physician. " Soundly." "How many men have we?" fortune's made, Mr. Roscommon, and will way of the town It was quite dark, and he "I hardly know," said Dr. Guild doubt- "After the manner of the dead?" " Five!" , yer fill me up another quart fbr the good plunged into the first Fonda at the way- fully, " if in your present condition you "After the fashibn of the dead!" "Then," said the President, summing luck betune you and me. Ah, but ask Jack side, and endeavored to forget his woes and ought to travel. You have just taken a The last tremor had ceased. Pedro rose up the Revised Statutes of the State of Cali- Brown over yan If it isn't siok that I am of his weariness in aguardiente. But Concho's powerful medicine," and the Doctor looked as Wiles descended. fornia in one strong Bentence; " then we his original locations." head ached, and his back ached, and hypocritically concerned. "All is ready," said Wiles; "you are a don't want no d d warrant." The laugh that followed this speech, and be was so generally distressed that "Ah — the devil!" laughed Concho, witness of my placing the notifications ?" Ha practical applications,convinced the party he bethought haua of a medico—an Ameri- "what is the quicksilver that is in to that "lama witness.". CHAPTER V. that they had blundered, that they could can doctor—lately-come into the town, who which is out t Hoopa la! Mula!" and with "But of this one?" pointing to Concho. •WHO HAD A LIEN ON IT. obtain no due to the real culpritB here, and had once treated Concho and his mule a clatter of hoofs and jingle of spurs, he was " Shall we leave him here?" It was high noon at Tres Piuos. The that any attempt by threats would meet vio- with apparently the same medicine, presently lost in the darkness. "A drunken imbecile—why not?" three pines from which it gained its name, lent opposition. Nevertheless the Doctor and after the same heroic fashion. Con- " You were none too soon, gentlemen," Wiles turned his left eye on the speaker. in the dusty road and hot air, seemed to was persistent! cho reasoned, mot illogicaily, that if he said the American Alcalde, as he drew up They chanced to be standing nearly in the smoke (com their balsamic spires. There "When did you see these men last?" were to be physicked at all he ought to get before the Doctor's door, "another company same attitude they had stood the preceding was a glare from the road, a glare from the "When did I see them is it? Bedad, the worth of his money. The grotesque ex- has just been incorporated for the same night. Pedro uttered a cry and an impreca- sky, a glare from the rocks, a glare from what with sarvin up the liquor and keep- travagance of life, of fruit and vegetable, in location, I reckon." tion, "Carrainba! Take your devil's eye the white canvas roofs of the few shanties ing me counters dry and swate I never see , was inconsistent with infinitesi- " Who are they?" from me! What see you? Eh—what?" and cabins which made up the village. them at all." mal doses. In Concho's previous illness the "Three Mexicans: Pedro, Manuel and "Nothing, good Pedro,", said Wiles, turn- There was even a glare from the unpainted "That's so, Ross!"chorused the orowd Doetor had gtvem him a dozen 4 gr. q'Uinine Miguel, headed by that d d cock-eyed ing his bland right cheek to Pedro, Tho red-wood boards of Roscommon's grocery again, to whom the whole proceeding was powders. The following day the grateful Sydney Duck, Wiles." infuriated and lialf-frightened ex-vaquero and tavern, and a tendency on the warp- delightfully farcical. Mexican walked ¡into the Doctor's office— "Are they here?" returned the long knife he had ha if drawn ing floor of the veranda to curl up beneath "Then I can tell you, gentlemen," said cured. The Doctor was gratified until, on " Manuel and Miguel, only. The others from its sheath, and growled surlily : the feet of the intruder. A few mules, the Doctor, stiffly, "that they were in Mon- examination,itap$>eared that to save trouble, are over at Tree Piuos lally-gagglng Roscom- " Go on then! But keep thou on that Bide near the watering trough, had shrunk terey last night, that they did not return on and because iiis «memory was poor, Concho mon and trying to rope him in to pay off and I will on this." And so, side by side within the scant shadow of the corral. that trail this morning, and that they must had taken all lite powders in one dose.. The their whisky bills at his grocery." listening, watching, distrustful of all things, The grocery business of Mr. Roscommon, have passed here at daybreak." Doctor shrugged his shoulders and—altered "If that's so we needn't start before sun- but mainly of each other, they stole bac k although adequate and Buffloient for the With these words, which the Doctor re- his practice. rise, for they're sure to get roaring drunk." and up into those shadows from which they village, was not exhausting nc/r overtaxing gretted as soon as delivered, the party rode might have been evoked. "Well," said Dr. Guild, as Concho sank And this legitimate successor of the grave to the proprietor; the refilling of the pork away. down exhausted!}- in one of the Doctor's two Mexican Alcaldes, having thus delivered A half hour passed, in which the East and flour barrel of the average miner was Mr- Roscommon resumed his service and chairs, " what now ? Have you been sleep- his impartial opinion, rode away. brightened, flashed and again melted into the work of a brief hour on Saturday nights,, counter-wiping. But late that night, when ing again in the Uile marshes, or are you Meanwhile, Conoho the redoubtable, gold. And then the sun came up haughtily,. but the daily replenishment of the average the bar was closed and the last loiterer sum- upset with commissary whisky? Come, Concho the fortunate, spared neither riat-a and a fog that had stolen across the summit miner with whisky was arduouB and inces- marily ejected, Mr. Roscommon, in the con- have it outs" nor spur. The way was dark, the trail ob- in the night arose and fled up the mountain sant. Roscommon spent more time behind jugal privacy of his chamber, produced a his bar than his grocer's counter. Add to But Concho declared that the devil was in scure and at times even dangerous, and side, tearing its white robes in its guilty legal-looking paper. " Read it Maggie, dar- this the fact that a long shed-like extension his stomach, that Judas Iscariot had pos- Concho, familiar as he was with these moun- haste, and leaving them fluttering from lint—for it's meself never had the larnin nor or Wing bore the legend, "Cosmopolitan sessed himself of hisspine, thatimps were in tain fastnesses, often regretted hie sure- tree and crag and -scar. A thousand tiny the parts." Hotel, Board or Lodging by the Day or his forehead, and that his feet had been footed "Francisquita,'' "Care not,0 Con- blades, nestling in the crevices of rocks, Mistress Roscommon took the paper: Week. M. Roscommon," and you got an scourged by Pontius Pilate. cho," he would say to himself, "'tisbutallt- nurtured in storms and rocked by the trade • " Shure, it's law papers, making over winds, stretched their wan and feeble arms idea of the variety of the proprietor's func- " That means ' blues mass,' " said the Doc- tle while, only a little while, and thou shalt some property to yis. O Moike! ye havn't towards Him; but Concho the strong, Conoho tions. The "hotel," however, was more tors And gave it to him—a bolus as large have another Francisquita to' bless thee. been spekilatlng!" the brave, Concho the light-hearted, spake directly under the charge of Mrs. Roscom- as a musket ball, and as heavy. Eh, skipjack, there was fine.music to thy "Whist! and fwhotz that durty gray not nor stirred. mon—a lady of thirty years, strong, trucu- Concho took it on the spot and turned to dancing. A dollar for an ounce—'tis as paper wid the sules and flourishes?" good as silver, and merrier." Yetfor all his lent and good-hearted. go- CHAPTER IV. "Faix, it bothers mo intoirely. Shure it good spirits he kept a sharp lookout at cer- ^Mr. Roscommon had early adopted the " I have no money, Sefior Medico." WHO TOOK IT. oin't in English." tain bends of the mountain trail; not for theory that roost of his customers were in- " Never mind. It's only a dollar, tho price There was persistent neighing on the sum- " Whist! Maggie—its a Spanish grant!" assassins or brigands, for Concho was physi- sane, and were to be alternately bullied or of the medicine." mit. Concho's horse wanted his break- "A Spanish grant? O Moiko, and what cally courageous, but for the Evil one, who, placated, as the case might be. Nothing Concho looked guilty at having gulped fast. did ye giv for it ?" in various forms, was said to lurk in the that occurred, ntfextravagance of speech nor down so much cash. Then he said timidly: Mr. Roscominon laid his finger beside his Santa Cruz Range, to the great discomfort This protestation reached the ears of a act, ever ruffled his equilibrium, which was " I have no money, but I have got here nose and said softly, "Whishky!" of all true Catholics. He recalled the inci- party ascending the mountain from its west- as dogged and stubborn as it was outwardly that which U fine and jolly. It is yours," [To be continued.] dentof Jgnacio, a muleteerofthe Franciscan ern face. To one of the party it was famil- calm. When not serving liquors, or in the and he handed over the contents of the Friars, who, stopping at the Angelus to re- iar. interval while it was being drank, he was precious tin can he had brought with him. peat the Credo, saw Luzbel plainly in the " Why, blank it all, that's Chiquita. That always wiping his counter with an exceed- [Communicated. J The Doctor took it, looked at the shiver- likeness of a monstrous grizzly bear, mock- d—d Mexican's lying drunk somewhere," ingly dirty towel—or, Indeed, anything that WASHINGTON, August 4,1877. ing volatile mass and said, "Why this is To the Editor of 'I'HK CAPITAL. ing him by sitting on his haunches and lift- said the President of the B. M. Co, came handy. Miners, noticing this purely quicksilver!" As tbe Sunday CAPITAL IS the only paper in this ing his paws,clasped together, as if In prayer. " I don't like the look of this at all," said perfunctory habit, occasionally supplied Concho laughed, ** Yes, very quick silver, city which advocates the right and exposes wronar,Ibeg Nevertheless, with one hand grasping his Dr. Guild, as they rode up beside the indig- him slyly with articles inconsistent with you a little space In your columns for a few brief re- sol" and he snapped -his fingers to show its reins and his rosary, and the other clutch- nant animal. " If it had been an Ameri- their service—fragments of their shirts and maras. On account of the lnoleinent weather a spe- sprightliness. ing his whisky flask and revolver, he fared can it might have been carelessness, but ho underclothing, flour sacking, tow, and once cial meeting of the Schuetzen Association was held at The Doctor's face grew earnest; " Where on so excellently that he reached the sum- Greaser ever forgets his beast. Drive ahead, with a flannel petticoat of his wife's, stolen their park on Thursday afternoon for the purpose of did you get this, Concho?" he finally asked. boys; we may be too late." from the line in the back yard. Roscom- having tiie festival prolonged; and after a short ad- mit as the earlier streaks of dawn were out- dress from the president of the association, resolutions " It ran from the pot in the mountains be- mon would continue his wiping without lining the far-off Sierran peaks. Tethering In half an hour they came in sight of the were adopted to have it continued for two more days yond." his horse on a strip of table land, he de- ledge below, the crumbled furnace and the looking up, but yet conscious of the presence next week. For tliese hard times such a course will The Doctor looked in credulous. Then scended cautiously afoot until he reached motionless figure of Concho, wrapped in a of each customer. "And it's not another undoubtedly meet the approval of our best oltiiens. Concho related the whole story. the bench, the wall of red rock and the blanket, lying prone in the sunlight. dhrop ye'll git, Jack Brown, until ye've It may be safely said that our Institutions are lree, "Could you find that spot again?" crumblod and dismantled furnace. It was " I told you so—drunk," said the Presi- wiped out the black score that stands agin and nothing could prevent the managers of that " Madre dc dios, yes—I have a mule there; as he had left It that morning; there was no dent, ye." " And it's there ye are, darlint, and it's Institution to have acted In a different manner; for may the devil fly away with her I" trace of recent human visitation. Revolver Tho Doctor looked grave, but did not here's the bottle that's been lukih' for ye the stockholders know how to fix things for their best " And you say your comrades saw this?" sins Saturday." "And fwhot hev ye done Interest. It Is positively known that the Income from In hand, Concho examined every cave, speak. They dismounted and picketed this source Is very large, by which none but stockhold- "Why not?" gully and recess, peered behind trees, pen- their horses. Then crept on all fours to the with the last I sent ye, ye divil of a McCor- ers are benefited. It would have been an act of charity • "And you say they afterwards left you— etrated copses of buckeye and Manzanita, ledge above tho furnace. There was a cry kle, and here's me back that's bruk entoirely to dispose the resolutions la favor of some benevolent deserted you?" and listened. There was no sound but the from Secretary Gibbs, " Look yer. Some wid dipping Intil the pork barl to give ye lnsUtutlon, which are numerous and destitute in this " They did, ingrates 1" faint soughing of the wind over the pines fellar has been jumping us, boys. See these the best sides—and ye spending yur last community. Such an action would have met the The Doctor arose and shut his office door. below him. For a while he paced back- notices." cint on a tare into Gllroy. Whist! and H blessing of many unfortunates and a large patronngo from the public. Respectfully, CHAUITV. "Hark ye, Concho," he said, "that bit of ward and forward, with a vague sense oi There were two notices on canvas affixed it's fer foighting ye are boys, there's an iliigant bit o' sod beyant the corral, and medicine I gave you just now was worth a being a sentinel, but his mercurial nature to the rock, claiming theground and signed ONE of tho pleasantest parties that ever dollar. It was worth a dollar because the soon rebelled against this monotony, and by Pedro, Manuel, Miguel, Wiles arfO Ros- it may be meself'11 come out wid a shtick left Washington was that of Saturday week, which material of which it was composed was soon the fatigues of the day began to tell common., and be sociable." j held the fort at Fortress Mpnroc. Among the happy made from the stuff you have in that can- upon him. Recourse to his whisky flask "This was done, Doctor, while your trust- association of buccancerB who tempted the salt sea quicksilver or mercury, it is one of the only made him the drowsier, until at last wave were Messrs. Ryland Huff* iJlek Evans, James worthy Greaser locater—d—n him—lay On this particular day, however, Master Walsh and Frank Kniney. Alt Join In expressing most valuable of metals, especially in a he was fain to lie down and roll himself up | there drunk. What's to be done now?'' Roscommon was not in his usual spirits, and the most earnest satisfaction with the incidents and gold mining country. My good fellow, if tightly in his blanket. The next moment But the Doctor was making his way to the when the clatter of horses' lioofB be- results of the trip. The only accident to mar tha you know where to find enough of it your he was sound asleep. unfortunate cause of their defeat lying fore the door announced the approach of smoothly-running course of tho affair was that of one fortune is made." of the gentlemen entering by mistake a lady's state- there quite mute to their reproaches. The strangers, he absolutely ceased wiping his room. The excitement that ensued was brief but em- Concho rose to his feet. His horse neighed twioe from the summit, others followed him. counter and looked up, as Dr. Guild, the hatlc, and was soon quieted—like one of those vivid "Tell me, was the rock you built your but Concho heard him not. Then the brush The Doctor knelt beside Concho, unrolled President and Secretary of the new Com- 8ashes or lightning that startle the sky and the world for a moment, and are over. furnace of, red ?" crackled on the ledge above him, a small him, placed his hand upon his waist, his pany, Btrode into the shop. "iSi 6'eltor." fragment of rock rolled nearhis feet, but he ear over his heart, and then said : "We are looking," said the President, MILLER

t) tho individual, and that wo can sep- nlan who manifested such a tender solicitude lor her For THE CAPITAL. PBOSPEOTUS. welfare. She did qot see, unsuspecting girl,, that this THE NEW LOVE. SUNDAY MEDITATIONS. arate from the human family, and earjh (NO. XVIII.) man had deep and dark designs that made it neces- After Christ, 300. one steal selfishly into . For such 44 "iHvo to every man that asketh of thoe; ami Of him sary for him to use her. On this account, although it And a youth of Ephetus, who was a heathen, greatly there is no heaven—for heaven means hap- greatly surprised and delighted her, she accepted that taketli away thy goods, lisk tjiem not again. loved the christian maiden, Vna. ' ; piness, and there is no happiness here or money from Mr. Podauger, who began giving her " Anil a« yo would that men should ab to you, (lo ye Shall my yearning be done ? Shall my lips caress her f bright little gold dollars, and indeed he reached the "THE CAPITAL" aldo to thom likewise . hereaiter for the mean and sordid. So long Shall I call her my own? Shall our deep love livo T height of presenting her and her young rain with two •• p ft yo love them which love you, what thank as the memory of Mount Calvary and its When my yearning is o'er, shall my anna possess her or orchestra chairs at the oponi. > have ye*' for sinnors also love those that love them. cross remain« to the human race, with their Mrs. Ddwn left in a carriage for three fashionable Until the wan sea all Its dead doth up give— " And if ye do good to them which do good to you, sublime example of Christ dying for hu- free lunches, called receptions. She had accepted the The waves give their dead with wild mourning and what thank .have ye? lor sinners also do even .the manity, the beauty, purity and virtue of services of another maid, so that her own might In laughter? same. FOR 1877. self-sacriftce will beam in eternal light of time reach the opera to enjoy the charming music and And shall we be parted in that which comes after. " And If ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, scenic effects of Faust. Mr. Podau^br, from his porch When all the world's dead ? what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, God before us. on high, again saw h6r depart. On this occasion, to receive as much again. We may well diffor as to tho sanity of old Can the gods be so cruel that my endeavor however, he did not soliloquize. He shut down the "But love yo your enemies, and do good, and lend, Ossawattomie Brown, and shudder at the To hold my love's dear heart may die of disdain ? sash and turned up his gas. Then he locked and hoping for nothing again: and your reward shall be 0 can it be true that, for ever and ever thought of the servile insurrection he bolted his door. After this a valise was opened and great, and yo shall be the ohildren of the Highest ; for My life may be blank and my longing in vain ? planned, and yet no one can contemplate some strange articles brought out, in the way of wear- Jio is kind unto the unthankful and to the ovil. No, no, Aphrodite, my whole lite is burning DONN PIATT Editor. that old man, who wrote the emancipa- ing apparel, that Mr. Podauger proceeded to put him- " Bo yo therefore merciful, as your Father also is Before her and to her my full heart is turning, self in. When he completed his strange toilet with merciful. tion proclamation upon the mountains of Like Cly tie's gold head a close-fitting cap he resembled a laborer who had "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged ; condemn Virginia long before Abraham Lincoln consulted both economy and security againstthe wear If I loved any love as these christians teach us— not, and ye shall not bo condemned; forgive, and ye dreamed of it, as he stood, a hero, man- and tear of rough work.' Having divested himself of Bowed low at a distance and called her my star! shall be forgiven. acled and hurt, amid his fierce enemies, and his boots—pulling on a pair of India rubbers—he then But 1 lovo her with thoughts thatscorchlngly reach us, « Ulve, and it shall be given unto yon ; good A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO not feel a thrill of admiration as he said so took from his valise what resembled a disjointed fish- From outxthat dim dwelling where Grecian gods measure, prcssod down and shaken together, and simply, and yet with such moving elo- ing , only the joints were of solid iron or steel, about are! running over, shall men give into your bosom. For an inch in diameter, and at the end, after being 1 love as bold Pan loved Daphne so slender with the saino measure that ye mete withal, It shall be quence, " Had I done this thing for own screwed together, appeared a hook. As he held this And fafr as the light; from the world I would send measured to you again. race you would have praised it as right, but in his hand he appeared a half shepherd and half % her, And ho spake a parable unto them. Can the blind being done for the negro, it is a crime." At coal-heaver, and not very attractive in either half. O queenlleSt rose! Polities', Literature, Societv lead the blind ? shall they not both lall Into the ditch ?" least he was bravo, sincere and self-sacriiic- Putting away carefully the clothes he had taken off And yet, christians tell us^ to pale dust and ashes Tlio selfishness of accepted religion is a ing. Are there other qualities necessary and rearranging the room, he proceeded to get out at Burns quickly a love that all passion doth know; strange fact, whon contrasted with the sacri- to lift a motive, however mistaken the the window on the adjoining rodfj the eave of which, And would you, O hot heart, that so fierce and rash is, fice of self, taught by our divine master. intent, into admiration? These few simple ending quite near the sill of his casemate, afforded That this love of yours should through her pure and News. Without the pronoun "I" religion were riot words, after all, struck the manacles from an easy footing. Mr. Podauger laid his rod along heart flow ? possiblo to thè great inassof civilized human- the limbs of four millions of slaves, and all the roof, so that the hook caught on the ridge 0 cold, white Diana, who lovest a shepherd, above, and then he gazed cautiously upon the ity. With such to save one's makes up that followed is vulgar ambition, of the Turn thy face towards me and drive forth lust's leop- the sum of all effort. Such christain egotists streets below. The night was dark, with a keen wind ard! Pi lli I SHED BY THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING (OJIP'Y. earth, earthy, in comparison. blowing from the northeast, and although but ten 'O soothe thou my woes! do not rofleet, that to have salvation accept- To love God we must love our fellow men. o'clock, the street was deserted. The gas upon the Let her love be like mine; this only, or dying able we must live in the hereafter with our To follow Christ into that heaven his death corners flitted in the wind and ft hack rattled by, identity tho same as on earth. There is Will I face the gray shades of old Hades blank. prepared for us, we. must be ready and will- while a street car rolled and jingled by in the dis- Hear, O ye satyrs, the voice of my crying, as little comfort as philosophy in the popu- ing to die for others. Good will to man on tance. Hear thou, O Prlapus! 'Mid pond-sedges raqk lar translation to passionless bodies, cold, earth precedes and makes possible the glory Satisfied with his scrutiny, our California; million- Thou'll answer, O Pan, to my heart fiercely beating; aire began curiously indeed, working himself hand white robes and everlasting harpings before tq God in the highest, and may the example Dead, are ye, O dryads ; my prayers are but cheating the throne of God. Who contemplates death over hand up.the slate root to the ridge. Gaining this of our Savior soften our hearts towards each The pangs of my pain. with eourago from whose heavy heart has he dropped the rod along the farther side, with the other as His great heart forgives us our hook again fastened as before; and slid down. Gain- The ruddiest light is when sunset is gloving; been takon tho hope of looking again on the transgressions. 1'" i>. r. ing the farther end, he found only an iron gutter, It passes away 'ere the coming of eve; dear face of one's mother or father, with all Instead ol the broad cornice of the front, and this The light lingers longest when reapers are mowing the homoly linos of the careworn but loving guttbr he tested, still holding to his rod, to find if the Just after tho hot noon doth silent fields leave : face? Or, who hopes for a heaven whore one SOCIAL GOSSIP. frail structure, put up to catch rain water and not to And so this white loving that christians would teach us could not clasp the lost little one or the lov- hold a Podauger, would bear his weight. May last even longer than red loves that reach us— ing wifo ? Where is the mother who would Our Boardingr-House. Satisfied with this.he transferred his rod from the ridge Aphrodite's train! not die to savo her child, or be damned to (No, 2.) and placed the hook over the end of the gutter, gradu- 1 will force from my face the pallor of passion insure it eternal felicity? This is religion— "I'm alter the wlddeii" ally lowering himself until he was hanging by his hands And turn my red heart to the white light of her's, over an abyss that appeared more terrible from the the religion that made our Christ suffer tor- This is what Mr. Podausjer blew with a very bad And when her serene eyes in maidenly fashion fact that no light from below measured the depth. ture and indignity that we might live. breath, and the noise of rushing waters, with a hot, Best quickly on mine, she may see that love stirs INDEPENDENT AND AGGRESSIVE tickling sensation, into the ear of Jones. Oar old He descended until he reached the end of the rod. Deep, deep in my heart ; not the love with Pan's vie- friend shuddered as if a mad dog had snapped at that Then, with his face to the wall, he reached around the Wlnit wore heaven to the selfish, or the iiig, part of his anatomy devoted to gathering sound. corner with his right leg until his foot touched the But a love that is higher and ever undying, ajiean and avaricious? u Mr. Podauger," said Jones, severely, "I beg you balustrade of a flat-roofed porch that adorned the rear Ah, yes, she shall see! "Oh ! my wife !" cried an onthusiast, "a will never honor me again with your confidence. You of Mrs. Teetum'8 first-class boarding-house. THIS JOURNAL CRITICISES PUBLIO million of years will pass in looking upon are more disagreeable, if possible, in a confidential re- On this he attempted to secure a foothold. 1 crush thee, as ripe grapes, O fieroe, wild desiring ; my loved Savior's face before I shall want lation than any other. Mr. Podauger, the poet has Some Ice gathered upon the rail caused him to slip I crush thee in blood, O thou sweet love that kills I 1 love her, 1 love her, but all my aspiring MEN, DISSECTS PUBLICMEASURES, PROBES to see yours, so much greater is my love of said that distance lends enchantment. Let us have a again and again without gaining his object. Shall enter with her when her light heaven fills. my Redeemer 'than, my lòvo of earthly distance. 1 would say, Mr. Podauger, a good deal of It was an exceedingly cold night, and yet Mr. Pod- auger broke into a profuse perspiration; I love as a christian—O perish Prlapus, PRIVATE CLAIMS, EXPOSES THE LOBBY things." distance." 44 All right, old man," responded Pod. 44 You shall This unusual opening of the pores, with the thei- The flames of thy fury no longer enwrap-us, And wo have heard tho above repeated, have what you want and I'm going to have what I mometer marking considerable below the freezing My red heart and me! AND ATTACKS THE RINOS. CRISP, LIVELY, by ministers of the gospel, In illustration of want, and my want is a blonde bonanza, which her point, illustrates the close connection that exists be- MAURICE F._ EGAST. what should be our devotion to God. Blind name is Mrs. Hamilton DaWn." tween the mental and physical being. SEAROHINU AND SEVERE, IT OIVES THE leaders of tho blind. The earthly love thus Jones was so amazed at this declaration of the Mr. Podauirer calculated mentally that he had DRY GOODS. about one minute In which to gain that footing, be- discarded in a feverish, unhealthy desire wealthy but vulgar Ualifornian that he found it neces- FULLEST, LATEST AND FAIREST cause, powerful as he was, the muscles of his big hands for the not only unattainable but the un- sary to get Mrs. Hamilton Dawn in another corn er from that occupied by Pod. and himself and tell her on the slender rod would relax, and Mr. -Podauger desi fable, is the very foundation of heaven JOHN H. KENNY, all about it. Jones justified this breach of confidence would descend with extreme rapidity to* the rear itself. Wo turn insanely from all that upon the ground that the widow, a lone, unprotected premises of some astonished fumily, and become Christ lived, taught, suffered and died for. ieihale, was in danger from a designing villain of thereby the object ot a coroner's inquest. Late Lace Buyer for A. T. Stewart & Co., N.T. There aro earthly ties that stretch from brutal instincts and vulgar manners. Mrs. Dawn Was It is the law of gravitation, however, that when a Accounts of Life and Affairs body vibrates to one side it swings back very nearly Invites the attention ol the Ladies to his "stock of life into eternity and hold us to a hope of at first quite indignant, but alter a time the huinor of the thing seemed to overcome her and she laughed as far to the other side, and In one of these vibrations a heaven that would not be heaven without merrily. Mrs. D. had regular, white teeth and bright the stout Californian caught his foot upon the inner at the National Capital. them. Wiio would leave evon this green, eyes, so that a laugh was extremely becoming. edge of the rail, and with a desperate effort pulled Laces, Embroideries. sunny earth for the cold, golden streets In consequence of this fact Mrs. Hamilton Dawn over and dropped. that Christ, speaking in parable to a money- had a cheerful disposition. We have known in A christian gentleman, under the circumstances, would have regarded this as a providential interfer- getting people, sought to picture as attrac- our time the disposition and character materially FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY THE (JREAT SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CEN- tive that which evo had not seen, nor ear afiected by these things. How many men, for ex- ence, and so regarding, would have fallen on his knees heard, nor the mind of man conceived. We ample, possessed of square heads, fat faces and promi- and returned thanks. Our friend, however. Very nent chins have been said to resemble the great Na- justly counted out Divine Providence, and instead of SUMMER SUITS, TER OF THE COUNTRY.t* long for that which God lias made so pre- poleon, who thereupon fell to imitating the Corslcan prayer he grew prof ane. He swore to himself some cious and Christ has promised us. soldier, and posed a great deal with iolded arms and terrible oaths, indicating thereby that he had pretty Said a homo missionary in the city of St. Helena in the dim distance of their Napoleonic correct knowledge of the whereabouts of his patron. Now York, " I ministered to a poor widow minds. The only disagreeable result was a. cultivated Apparently feeling better from this relief to his mind, woman who was dying inaterioment house, disposition to be laconic and dictatorial, sometimes he took down and disjointed hi s rod, put the pieces in LADIES' FINE UNDER-WEAR the pocket of his pea-jacket, and then selecting a win- of a disease that had long been regarded as quarrelsome, ending in the square Napoleonic head WHICH HE IS SELLIN» AT A SMAI.L. AD- getting punched. dow that looked from Mrs. Tectum's house, he pro- incurable. She had become known to the VANCE ON IMPORTERS' AND MAN- . We had a friend who resembled Edwin Booth. This ceeded to open the same with an ease that Indicated UFACTURERS' PRICES. police through her devotion to her evil resemblance was fatal to our friend, for he could not one practiced in suoh work. children. Scarcely a term of court separate Booth from Hamlet. This led to a study of The apartment thus entered was none other than 915 PENNSYLVANIA AVI., bet. 9th and 10th sts. passod that One or the other was not ar- Shakspeare. Now it requires a very strong mind to that of Mrs. Hamilton Dawn, and after the bold In- 0«t8-ly8 raigned l'or some grave offense. She was a ' study Shakspeare moderately. With a weak intel- truder had lit a gas jet he turned down the light and hard-working, honest woman, and her lect ¡Shakspeare is taken' in such excess that it is then proceeded to not only close the'blinds and drop the HEELER'S NEW METHOD clinging so faithfully to the miserable worse than bismuth or brandy or bad whisky. This curtains, but seizing two spreads from the bed, pro- fatal resemblance to Booth made our friend such, a ceeded to effectually prevent a ray from shining out OF FURNISH1NO family won lor lief the respect If not the ad- bore with his Shakspearean studies that his wife ap- upon the winter night. After this precaution he miration of the poilco. Therefore, whon plied for a divorce, his friends deserted him, and the lighted and turned on all tho gas ol' these charming, AMONG ITS CONTRIBUTORS ARE : she begged to seo her children before she last we heard of the unfortunate he was elected to cosey little rooms. Mrs. Dawn was not only a lady ot died I had one soil brought from the peni- Congress and went straight to the bad. taste, but of peculiar tastes, as the rooms indicated In FINE CUSTOM GARMENTS! BRET HARTE, tentiary—a hardened villain, he was Mrs. Hamilton Dawn laughed merrily when she the ornamentations added to the ill-assorted furniture sentenced to ten yedrs for burglary. The heard ot the infatuation of the vulgar but wealthy of Mrs. Teetum. Above the mantel, for example, was UNEXCELLED IN other .son wo brought in from tho gutter Ualifornian. She laughingly told the other ladies of an oil portrait of a young man—a kit-cat life size, and GEO. DOUGLAS (BEAXJBT,) not only admirably painted, but exquisitely framed. and the daughter from a worse locality. her conquest, and said she would not consent to have STYLE, FIT OR Q UALlTY, her admirer driven from the house. The resemblance to Mrs. Dawn was striking, and Mr. That dying scene was so pitiful that it made ALMONT BARNES, This fact did not, however, lead to an introduction. Podauger, although possessed of no artistic sense what- SAVES YOU FROM THIRTY TO FORTY PER the heart ache, There was the poverty- CENT. Thousands of samples lrom Baltimore and The nearest approach was to smile o^ Mr. Podauger ever, gazed long and earnestly, and then muttered to Washington Cities to select from. . stricken appearance of the apartmont, that when passing him upon the stairs or in the hall, when himself: MARIE LE BARON, is always the inoro obtrusive when an effort that ill-bred individual would stand to one side, and " That's him, sure eneugh." Cutting, Making nnd Trimming a Specialty. is made at cleanliness and order. The poor placing his broad, big hand upon that part of his Then this raider in a lady's .bed chamber wont on Pants, JH-50; other garments In proportion. Call or WILL STUART, woman looked from her pale, thin face and anatomy where the heart is supposed to be, would bow a voyage of discovery that ended in fetching from their send for Price List. hollow eyes upon these children who had with not much grace, but with an air of profound re- hidden recess a bottle of brandy and one of vermouth, SKILLED ARTIST CUTTERS employed only. spect. Malicious people—there were three or four and with theso hetnade^ttto himself a stiff cock-tall. A. C. BUELL, Riveli her so much pain, but love survived such In Jones' hotel—said one Unto the other that the W hile slpplng'thls the little French clock upon the all. She stretched out her skeleton arms widow was setting her cap for the old vulgarian. And mantel-piece struck In silvery tones the hpur of eleven. JOHN M. KEELER, JOHN JAMES PIATT and moaned piteously, liko a dying it is possible that Mrs. Dawn, although Well to 41 Got two hours good," he muttered,41 time enough." animal. X have known a cow to moan BOO» NO. I YKHNO.N K01V, do, evidently would not object to a millionaire even Alter emptying his glass and restoring the bottles to and others. that way after her young. She placed her were the possessor a man to make her blush. But their closet, he began work. With skeleten keys he Corner Tenth Street and Pennsylvania avenue. Brunch of No. 6 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md. thin hands upon their heads—011 the close widows are not very nice in such things, being gener- un locked and opened drawers, closets and bureaus. jeS-tll »haven head of the convict—as if she were ally cold, calculating creatures, fully aware of the He tumbled over an endless variety of mysterious blessing them. I prayed long and earnest- world's estimate of coin. female wearing apparel, some articles of jewelry and secured several packages of papers. These last—ad- MISS McCORMICK, ly for them all, and then I strove to admin- It was in the height of the season, and every night almost Mrs. Hamilton Dawn, wrapped in costly iurs, justing a pair of old-fashioned spectacles to his eyes- ister to her the consolations of religion. 1 was whirled away to entertainments, sometimes in her he carefully examined. They seemed to be disappoint- «33 NINTH STREET, told her that lior weary strife would soon be own coupe, rented for the season from Keyes & Co., ing, for he threw them back with an air of disgust, at an end, and her dear Savior would say, but generally in a hack hired by some one of her many and continued his search. At last, in a trunk hid In a (St. Cloud Building,) admirers, who, regarding the widow as wealthy, corner under the lady's bod, he found a small Iron box. Well done, thou good and faithful servant; invested in her to the extent of white kids, sometimes This seemed to please the marauder. Sitting down, HAS JUST RECEIVED FOR THE SPRING •enter into tho Kingdom prepared, for you.' a bouquet and at others a hack. Now, Mr. Podauger he first shook the casket and then attempted t o open AND SUMMER, it. His keys were of no avail, and then returning to Her dying eyes were on her children ; overy watched the departure of Mrs. Dawn on these occa- the trunk, he searched in vain for the little mysterious FRENCH BONNETS, HATS, gasp of breath was a pain and a moan. At sions with a devotion and a tinge of poetry really re- markable. His little room had a window that opened instrument that would give him access to the Interior. Terms : 25 cents per month ; $2.50 last she gasped, ' Don't ask my salvation—I out above tho front door. This window he would cau- Not contont, he again searched through every recess 11. U If Bit S, millions, SILKS, &e. don't want it—I don't want to bo parted tiously open, and putting out his homely countenance In hopes of finding that key. Falling, he took from Dressmaking Department under the supervision of from my ohildren—let me go with them. in the bitter cold and sometimes storms, watch his pocket a stout cord, and tying one end to the per year (Including postage,) invariably in

night audience was not only numerous, but brilliant, But there are sensible people who neither pity nor MEDICAL. MEDICAL. )M NEW YORK. and so lavish of applause as to call Mr. Parsloe for- condemn. • ward Twice. "Colonel Sellers" Raymond and Mrs. Did you ever see that entertaining French play—I believe one Of our adaptors has availed .himself of Sooth's Theater of Miss Anna Boyle— Raymond, Dion Boucicanlt, "Petroleum V. NasDy," rUOI'KIETAEY and many other people of no^e were among the specta- the leading Idea—where two detectives, who are sup- iragemcnt and Considerable Advice— tors, not forgetting Mark Twain, whose speech before posed to be working in lfarncss, are continually and Bret Harte's Play of Ah Sin—long the curtain, delivered in a drawling tone and with branching oil on their own peculiar and personal de- PILES. MEDICINES its and Sounds—A Cottage by the Sea— a peculiarly American humor, was not the least note- vices? It is a very amusing farce, and I think its OP worthy incident of the night. His long figure, at- motive oould be lbunded on fact within a stone's throw oncert in a Hotel Dinlng-Boom—Jay of Trinity church. • SAI-HIR. tired In a white suit, was such an apparition Sis a New DR. CHANDLER, F.R.S.A., ashing. Yorlc audience seldom sees under similar eifenm- K Correspond enoe of THE CAPITAL. ] stances during an enlr' acte. Frenchmen would have MEDICAL. Late Physician to St. George's and St. Bartholo- pronounced him "a type," and written home to Paris mew's Hospitals, London, Curator to HÏW YORK, Augusts. St. Elizabeth's, etc. that " the most successful dramatist of the New World 0 events in the artistic world this week THE ONLY KNOWN SURE Is tall, holds his head on one side, spçaks wtth a nasal Facts for the People. After years of the most laborious re- etropolis, curiously enough, second-hand twang and a drawl, and wears a full suit of white search and investigation, and, after the gton. You saw Miss Anna Boyle's practical application in treatment to thou- duck in the evening—the trousers crumpled at the hat "bud of love" withered before the sands of patients, Geo. Chandler, A.M., knees." When Mr. Twain had finished his oration, It is an undeniable fact that no article was ever M.J)., now presents to the American pub- idsummer lndtiterence in this city, and amid a salvo of applause, there were loud calls for placed beiore the public with so much undisputed lic the following remedies, his sole dis- ears were likewise gladdened with the evidence of its great medical vAlue as the covery and property, the efficacy of which " Harte," and these were so long reiterated that an CURE. ark Twain play long before it was pre- is attested in, the voluminous quantity of announcement had to be inad'e that that gentleman testimonials, the unsolicited offerings of • public at the Fifth Avenue Theater, YEGETINE. was in Washington. suffering and discouraged patients, who mething like the proverbial person who have not only received relief and benefit ) Newcastle, but I comfort myself with " Why, let the stricken Twain go speak, For every complaint for which VKGKTINK isrecom- from their continued use, but'have been The Harte ungailed play !" meuded, many testimonials of what it lias done 13 radically cured of ailments and chronic that you will be naturally interested in complaints, whieh have been adjudged by The reception of the piece secured it a succès d' es- furnished to the public at large, and no one should little Miss Boyle bore the burden and fail to observe that nearly all of the testimonials aTe the most eminent physicians as hopeless. it appearance in Booth's Theater, and, time, and it may even have a run—although, with from people right at home, where the VEGETINE is pre- of it, there can be no doubt of your wili- everybody out of town, continuous prosperity is not to paid, and as the streets and numbers are given there be rcjiod on. Going down to Long Branch in the can be no possible doubt about the matter. d an ear to the story of the reception of BOSTON, Dec. 17,1872. THE WONDERFUL lin drama at the hands of a keenly criti- boat the day after 1 met George Alfred Townsend, H. R. Stevens Esq.: Dear Sir.—May 1 ask the DR. CHANDLER'S e. Besides, if I do not tell you of Miss who told me he knew something about the plan, and favor of you to make ihy case public t related how Parsloe had said while in Baltimore that In 1861, while on picket duty in the army, I was EGYPTIAN BLOOD-PURIFIER. t now I never may, for her season has HEMAR. when some man or other knocked out his front tooth, taken with a Jit, whicn lasted all night. Was taken 1 stop, and instead of a lighted audi- into camp and dosed with whisky and quintne. After he had invoked a malediction upon the disturber of this had Jits every day, and was taken to Newborn This incomparable DEPURATIVE is ening there was nothing but darkness, his frontispiece, but that since he had felt himself or- Hospital, and there treated by the attending physi- a powerful ALTERATIVE, TONIC, DI- [eve a morning journal, there was also cians. 1 grew worse and was sent home. Remained URETIC, DIAPHORETIC, and APERI- dained, as It were, to Impersonate "The Heathen PILON. nashlng of teeth among the members of in poor health for four years, treating with many phy- ENT, combining virtues which render Chinee," he had regarded him with milder—even sicians and trying many remedies. Finally Scrofula it invaluable and never-failing, and by engaged to assist at the debuts of 11 the with grateful—feelings. On telling "Gath" that made its appearance on different parts of my body, its continued use will thoroughly eradi- let on the stage." But that is neither and my head was so diseased as td be frightful to look cate all diseases of the blood. Its ingre- there was an excellent situation at the end of the first re—1 hope the money may be, though; at, and painful beyond endurance. Alter trying the dients are of a purely harmless extrac- act—that where the Chinee, with a smile that Is bland, most eminent physicians, without improvement, a tion, the products gathered from remote Id Miss Anna Boyle acquit herself In a takes the jacket out of the portmanteau and say change of climate was advised. Egyptian Provinces, and where there is became her years, and if so, how many t the slightest taint of disease in the sys- " O, he forgot his jacket!" I grieve to state that that Have been to the Hot Springs In twice, s badinage. The fact Is, that there is each time giving their treatment a thorough trial. tem, it never falls in ejecting that disease knowing gentleman smiled and looked as though he through the medium of the shin, or ex- inherently absurd in the whole affair Finally came back to Boston discouraged, with no believed Mark Twain's joking avowal of plagiarism. hope of help. Life was a burden to one in my situa- pelling it through the many and various : I am to recognize Miss Boyle's great tion. My disease, and the cilect of so much powerful THOUSANDS OF CASES CURED EFFECT- channels of the body, thereby alloying, In fact, he said " Dickens"—not to put too fine a point and, indeed, forcing all the orpans into ore properly speaking, great promise- medicine, had so damaged my system that the action upon it—he looked towards Oliver Twist with his of my stomach was apparently destroyed, and my their proper normal and functional con- t a temptation to deal lightly with the mind's eye, and remarked "bharley Bates." head was covered with uloers which had in places UALLY BY THIS dition. A very brief space of time will s accomplishment. Miss Boyle is cer- eaten Into the skull bone. Convince any patient using it, of its un- beyond her years. Mingled with the The man who said that Long Branch was dull Is. The best physicians said my blood was so full of doubted reliability and wonderful cura- poison they could do no moife for me. About this time tive properties, it being, most unquestion- her " coaching," and in certain passages yes—a- fraud. The Sun should get fits picture and a friend who bad been an invalid told mo VEOETIKE ably, the very acme of medical triumphs, >ping it, is the intangible something— publish it a la President. Long Branch is not dull, bad restored him to perfect health, and through his and the greatest discovery of the present :o feel and to impart -that tells you that but he who pronounces it so must seek the remedy persuasion I commenced taking VKOETINE. At this age, in" the treatment of every disease time I was having Jits almost every day. I noticed the WONDERFUL REMEDY. where the blood itself is jtrinmrily the tually become an actress in the lull sense within himself. Nevertheless, there are days and first good effects of VEGETINK In my digestive organs. seat of the lesion or disorder, such as This was made apparent in the later days, and there are few places that keep up a con My food sat better and my stomach grew stronger. I SCROFULA and the thousand and one tragedy, where, although her voice and tinual racket. Unquestionably Saturday and Sunday began to feel encouraged, for I could see my health causes that lead to this terrible affliction, slowly and gradually Improving. With renewed hope of which all civilized communities are iression were quite overtaxed, she seemed are great days for the Branch as regards the numbers 1 continued taking the VEGKTINE, until It had com- cognizant, for Biblical Truth has assert- [-consciousness and to feel the emotions of visitors, but "life" at that watering place wears its pletely driven disease out of my body. It cured the ed that the " Sins of the fathers shall Jits, gave me good, pure blood and restored me to per- pet too much of a novice to adequately most enjoyable aspect on day» when only "the regu- visit even unto the third and fourth gen- fect health, which I have not enjoyed before for ten erations," and to BROKEN-DOWN AND m a nice-looking young girl, constrained lars" come down to the sea in a steamboat, after hav- years. Hundreds of people In the city of Boston can ENFEEBLED CONSTITUTIONS it is a ¿ward in movement, wearing her long ing gone up to town in the morning. Ten to one as vouch for the above facts. powerful rejuvenator, causing the wreck >ugh they encumbered her, and causing you drive from the station, especially If there is a VEGETINK has saved my life, and you are at liberty of man once more to assume the God-like to make such use of this statement as pleases you form of manhood. listress by her alacrity in acknowledging strong, sharp wind and the Bky is overcast, you will best, and I beg of you to make it known that other Eor C VTAN ISO US DISEA SES, URIN- 1 her positive gaucherie in the stately see but scant Bigns of animation about the hotels or sufferers may find relief with less trouble and expense PILES. HEMORRHOIDS. ARY DISORDERS, CONSTIPATION OR cottages—only one man sat on the piazza of the well- than I did. COSTIVENESS, LIVER AND KIDNET ball-room scene, this young girl grew to COMPLAINTS, GENERAL AND NERV- filled Brighton Hotel the other day, and the only It will afford me great pleasure to show the marks sured In step and bearing, and certainly of my. disease or give any further information rela- OUS DEBILITY, RHEUMATISM, a comprehension of the character which other persons visible were the members of the band tive to my case to all who desire it. PILON. GLANDULAR ENLARGEMENXS.EPI- )k to present. This was a far greater who sat shivering, one would say, In the pavilion—but I am, sir, very gratefully; JOHN PECK, THE LIO MA TO US CANCER, SCURVY, No. 50 Sawyer street, Boston, Mass. AFFECTIONS OF THE BONES, INDO- uture success than her fresh and girlish the hour of arrival is not a propitious one, being just LENT ULCERS, E EM ALE COM- the speeches on the balcony. It showed before dinner. Carriages sweep by, however. There Many causes tend, to produce this PLAINTS (and to the gentler sex it is « " stuff in her," but it also did not detract is Boucicault driving to the West End with his hand- boon long sought for by sensitive, suscep- Twenty-Seven Years Ago. tible, and delicate females, as it take» rom the conviction that her appearance some little son by his side; Mrs. Hoey, in a wonderful direct action upon their ailments) AND ; was altogether premature. dress of dark purple combined with pistache-color, H. R. Stevens, Esq.: Dear Sir—This is to certify painful and distressing state. The ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE that mv daughter was taken sick when she was three IN WHICH THE BLOOD IS THE SEAT 2 years of age—for, despite statements to half reclines in her barouche; W. R. Deutsch, the years old, and got so low that we were obliged to keep handsome and genial manager of the Florences, urges OF THE TROUBLE, It is invaluable. A I cannot believe Miss Boyle to be more— her on a pillow without moving to keep the little thing perseverance with this remedy will prove- together. She was attended by several physicians— blood is retarded in its return; the bo now occupies a foremost place on our an active horse swiftly forward, and in a neat dog a positive and permanent cure for- the regular attending one being old Dr. John Stevens. CHILLS and FEVERS and all MALA- Morris—began her career in the ballet of cart Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sewell, née Wallack They all pronounced her case Incurable. She had been Arthur Wallack and Mr. Montague, their guest, RIAL POISONS. theater. The history of her struggles sick about a year, when hearing of the great Blood too frequent use ot drastic purgatives Thousands of Testimonlale attest the sweep along the line. The wind blows fresh from the Remedy, VKGBTINE, I commenced giving her that, L would be a record of hard work, of con- and continued It regularly till she was about seven truth of these claims. )f unremitting toll by night and day ; and ocean, the waves break on the wreck or the Rusland, years old, when she was pronounced perfectly cured. Price, One Dollar, in large bottle, or six bottles, $6. ^^^^ f ClaraeMorrls is but one among that of on which an adventurous advertising agent has pasted During her sickness three pieces of Done were taken tends to produce congestion of the from her right arm above the elbow, one of them be- ;es who have been content to recognize a steamboat-line's poster, and the streamers on the hotels stand out straight in the stiff breezes. ing very long. Several small pieces were also taken ; there is no royal road to fame. This from her left leg. She is now twenty-seven years old, bowels, torpid action of the liver and DYSPEPSIA. Boyle, undoubtedly has the material to As we turn around the West End and up to Cedar and is enjoying good health, and has ever since she was seven years old, with no signs of Scrofula or any GASTRON. tress of far more than ordinary calibre, avenue, we find that the Hoeys have been making other blood disease. Her arm is a little crooked, but numerous other causes are the source GASTRON is a safe, speedy, and posi- illy certain that she has gone the wrong great improvements about their place. There are new she can use It almost as well as the other. Her legs tive cure for that most depressing of ail- ;, and the sooner her well-wishers place portals and a new lodge of a rococo stylo, and so bril are of equal length, and she Is not In the least lame. ments, and a brief course of treatment will Her case was Scrofula, inherited in the blood; and I ght traok, the better It will be lor them, liantly painted that it looks, despito Its dotted muslin restore the digestive organs to their pris- would recommend ail those having Scrofula Humoror of this complaint, and hitherto noth- tine strength, and promote the healthy lith whatever in these high-handed as- blinds, like a conceit of Japanese architecture. In any other blood disease, if they wish to have a per- action of the stomach and intestines. The me, save in the restricted sense of their the vicinity of the house, which is backed by a pleas fect cure, to try VEGETINE, the reliable blood remedy, nervous irritability of literary and alt which does not weaken the system like many other :ing clear the debutante's possession of ant plantation, great green-houses are being construc- ing effectual has been presented to the persons pursuing a sedentary life, is preparations recommended, but, on the contrary, it is speedily removed by this agent. The t will justify her in entering the theatrl- ted. Altogether it is as elaborate as the show place of nourishing and strengthening. My daughter's case will stomach is restored to health and the key- n at the lowest round of the ladder. And the Branch should be. fully testify this, for I never saw nor heard of a worse note of the system will once more respond form of Scrofula. HTJLDA SMITH, public which would rapidly alleviate the divine afflatus within them, it is ob- Theodore Moss' " cottage" is, however, more essen- In the performance of labor. 19 Monument street, Charlestown, Mass. Price, One Dollar, in large bottle, or ir to make known its fruits when they are tially a sea-side residence, since it fronts directly on MRS. SARAH M. JOKES, six bottles, $5. Anything else denotes an impatience that the ocean, and has the spirited panorama of the 69 Sullivan street, Charlestown, Mass. symptoms and ultimately prove an April 10,1870. ;at its end, and is certainly to be discarded water and (be sky always before It. At the same time 1 grasp the reward that only comes—I It is surrounded with all the shrubbery and ornate The above statement shows aperfect cure of Scrofula effective cure. In PILON we have a BRONCHITIS AND LUNG all reward—the substantial one of public landscape gardening that are deemed appropriate to in Its worst form, when pronounced, incurable, of a child four years of age, twenty-three years »go. The >nest admiration—by a mastering of a pro- a handsome villa—and this is a very handsome one. lady, now twenty-seven years old, enjoying perfect AFFECTIONS. the interior being frescoed and decorated throughout remedy which not only acts almost in its earliest beginnings, health. TRACHEON. actions are such as are inseparable from in a superior manner. Mr. Moss has been successful :ion of* however phenomenal precocity, in raising trees on the grounds, and they surround YEGETINE is Sold by all Druggists. A slight so-called cold will ofttlmes augS-< stantly, but will remove the largest lead to a serious cough, which, uncared is, I repeat, a gifted child. If she takes the really picturesque ice-house in the center of the for or badly treated, must have but one irse she will probably be an accomplished plot with the happiest effect. It is generally declared R. A. C. TRANSEAU, result—it must eventuate in a settled case at the present time her performance of the that trees will not grow along Ocean avenue, but this D tumors of the parts (Piles) by absorp of BRONCHITIS, or what is worse, the would seem to be a fiat contradiction* Mr. Moss has AiTER MORE THAN SO YEARS HOSPITAL deadly CONSUMPTION. To all suffering ag role In the range of juvenile tragedy AND PRIVATE PRACTICE, Mom harassing cough and expectoration, t from a dispassionate observer a more' a charming family—a very rosebud garden of girls— Treats Only Nervous and Skin Diseases, all Private tion, and many who have received TRACHEON offers a sound, reliable, and ive acknowledgement than the one I have the two eldest being acknowledged belles. permanent relief. It augments expecto- Diseases and Diseases of Women. ration, and enables the patient to expel i general performance was not very grate- Mine. Pappenheim is at the West End Hotel, as WELL DEFINED CASES TREATED BY LET- that terribly septio deposit, which, if left sense of artistic proprieties. Mr. Levlck fair and massive as a dramatic prima donna should TER. not only benefit, but have been radi- without judicious treatment, must com- igard Mercutio as a highly comic charac- be. 1 saw her the other day sitting in one of the pavil- Private offices No. 711 Seventh street northwest. municate Its poison to the vesicular sub- Hours, 10 a. m. and 1 and 8 p. m. ap8-ly stance of the lung, degenerating and de- he is not—and Mr. Walter Treville, al- ions on the shore, her light blonde hair contrasting cally cured, have been assured {prior stroying that most essential of organs, elivered the " fire-eyed fury" speech with 'with the rich chestnut brown ot her dress, and the and ultimates only in an early and un- I, was not by several degrees the ideal wish was father to a thought that it would be quite a THE PERFECT TEA STEEPER. timely death. TRACHEON has no equal, much less a superior, and its use wiU not 1th every respect for the young gentleman, sensation to hear her lift up her noble voice In that to using this treatment) by eminent only rejnove the deposit, thereby affording that such a tasteful costume of blue and aria from " Oberon," which she sings almost as well great relief, but heals the membrane and was worthy of better legs. I should have as did dead and gone Parepa,-" Ocean, thou Mighty leaves the patient in possession of healthy B aid of pads if I had had to go pluck the surgeons that the only relief they ever lung tissue. Monster!" Price, Fifty Cents per bottle, or six saw out the sawdust! His countenance, It Is not Improbable that she will give a concert— bottles, $2.SO. m Indian cast, or seemed to be under the most prima donnas do when they confront the present could expect in life would be by an ire of the footlights. When he stood alone temptation of a mass of peoplo who wantto be amused. xclalmed, "Young Joseph," and when in They have been singularly insensible to similar en- PILES. Hemorrhoids. scene he held the juvenile Juliet, all in tertainments at the Branch this year, preferring to operation, and removing it or them PIJLON. ite, in his blue satin arms, some one else sit on the piazza of à hotel and listen to Brignolf s Many causes tend to produce this pain- amendment, " No, the Savage and the clarion tones, whieh they oould hear perfectly well, to from the body by a procedure tOhich ful and distressing state. The blood is tting Bull and his Captive!" paying »1.50 a head for a seat inside. This to the retarded in its return; the too frequent use of drastic purgatives tends to produce now to fields more green, for Ah Sin Is by despair of De Vivo, who found himself overcome by congestion of the bowelsf torpid action of fourteen years old. Even the jokes are circumstancesoverwhichihe had no control. He could necessitated the knife. This remedy the liver, and numerous other causes are i that. You know how the play read and not " shoo " the guests of the hotel off the piazza. It, the source of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual has been presented to Washington—1 do not. Since then it has was worth a dollar and a half, %wever, to see Brlg- has been hailed with delight, and is the public, which would rapidly alleviate ling to Mark Twain, extensively cut, and noli silently disdain mounting a couple of soap boxes symptoms and ultimately prove an effect- from 'What he declares to have been its to ascend the stage im&de from a couple of tables. It ive cure. In PIJLON we nave a remedy ess for being performed a week or so, like now prescribed by many practising whhh not only acts almost instantly, but bore a piano, but the elephantine silvery-voiced This valuable improvement consists in the comblna- will remove the largest tumors of the parts ese drama pure and simple. Ah Sin, as seemed to signify tiiat it would not stand his heavy tlon of Lamp, Bofler, &c., with tho Teapot; the stea,m (Viles) by absorption, and many who s Fifth Avenue, struck me as being enter- weight. He samg straight from the floor. Brignoli passing around and through the center of the pot. physicians, who are cognizant of its have received not only benefit, but have contradif tinetion to being illustrative of steeping the tea without boiling, thus securing been radically cured, have been assured has a curious superstition, by the way. " A hunch- (prior to using this treatment) by emi- 1 capability on the part of ¡its authors to back !" he exclaimed suddenly the other night, and A PERFECT CUP OF TEA- nent surgeons that the only relief they Two such clever men eould scarcely went and touched the deformed creature's hump for merits, as the only known sure cure ever could expect in life, would be by an luce an Interesting combination, and the good luck. 1 can Imagine how iln iRlgoIetto Brignoli operation, and removing it or them from tfke body by a procedure which necessitat- [' their diverse talent are strew» abundantly must rub against ¡the ¡baritone who portrays the de- DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—Make the tea as usual for PILES.' ed the knife. This remedy has been hailed the play, instead of being confined to the with boiling water, and fill the boiler about half full of with delight, and is now prescribed by formed jester. hot water; set the pot on the boiler and let it stand on f the Chinese, which I need scarcely say many practising physicians, who are cog- In the corridor of the West End Hotel there is now the stove, and the water boiling in the boiler will steep nizant of its merits, as the only known i realizes to perfection. It is easy to trace the tea without boiling in the pot, it being a well a very excellent piotuie labeled, " Clara Morris and known fact among experts In tea-that Price, Fifty Cents per package, or sure cure for PILES. s hand in the limning of the character of her horse." The figure .of poor Theo Is exceptionally Price, Fifty Cents per package, or sixt for $2.50. ___ oempound of slyness, stolidity &nd a fac- well done, hut her mistress Is lesè happily treated. Tea Boiled Is Tea Spoiled. taUon to which he has done full justice, six for $2.50. However, the chief value-erf the .work doubtless lies in THE ABOVE REMEDIES ARE tiy commends the interest, though, Is ex* Its being a correct likeness of the actress' dead pet, For sale at wholesale by thorough in the eradication of the differ*- me plcturesquettess that was observable in and lor that It will be esteemed by ¡her admirers. The ent and various maladies denominatedy i scenes of The Two Men of Sandy Bar. As Sent by mail on receipt of price. and are the result of patient, searching,. photographers, by-the-way, are at the Branch en ELASTIC LAMP CO., laborious, and scientific investigationr icturec of the romantic out-door, unconven- nasse. Sarony chooses the Ocean Hotel lor his head- embracing a period of many years> in Europe and America. of the mining ciunps, portions of Ah Sin quarters, and Mora Is established at the West End. 58 Murray Street, New York Sold by all Druggists and Dealers If the specific directions are complied to fasetnate the spectator. At the same The Moras are dark, handsome men of the Spanish At retail all Crockery and House-Furnishing my20-tf8 with, thousands of patients will bear wit- iecc—or the co-laboration, as It Is best to type. They are sometimes confounded wlfctï Marra, Stores. in Medicine throughout the World. ness to their relative merits, and corrob- disconnected, occasionally coarse—Twain, the artist, a lively and agreeable Italian who has a orate every assertion. Where there are- [ should judge—and approaches no nearer many complications of - disease, and pa- studio on Union Square, and who is also now at the JOHN BARRY, tients so desire, DR. CHANDIER will :1 play than do dramatizations of Dickens' Brandi. He is, however, at the East End—a quiet Prepared solely by be pleased to give all information, and example. In this case Harte and Twain hotel esteemed by families. The Italian consul is so- PI amber, Gas & Steam Fitter treat by letter if necessary. ed their own writings for the stage—other Descriptive and Explanatory Circu- journing there at this moment. lar of the above remedies sent on receipt > done Dickens that questionable service, Returning to town from the Braneb, and being 1819 Seventh Street, bet. N and O N. W. of stamp. If the PROPRIETARY well acted by Mr. F. A. Anderson, Mr. liberally tempest-tossed In transit—for there was a MEDICINES ave not on sale at your it little he has to do,) Mr. Davldge, Miss «9-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. DR. CHANDLER, particular druggist's, send orders to heavy sea off the Hook—we find that there Is a sensation my6-tfii hwaite, Miss Edith Blande, Mrs. Gilbert on the street in Jay Gould's whipping by the vigorous :ary Wells. Miss Goldthwaite Is a pleas- DR. CHANDLER, Major Selover. J lm Keen himself was as far away as 1479 Broadway, New-York City. and a pretty woman ; Miss Edith Blande, the Branch while his lriend and advocate was holding W. N. ROWE, 1479 Broadway, New York, For Rule hv .T. W. Drew. 9th st. and Pa. ave. janT-ly from London and savors of burlesque, is Gould by the collar over an area-way. HEAL ESTATE BROKER, " loud " as a vulgar girl, one of whose re- The sentiment of the brokers is strongly against So. 512 F street .V. W., one square east of Post Office, ERY BEST PRICES PAID FOR &t she is " no gum-drop;" and Mrs. Gilbert Gould, who Is hold guilty of sharp practice in his Washington, D. C. Where Orders can be addressed. V steristically pungent work with a Mrs. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, Western Union transactions, which were ostensibly HOUSES, LOT.S, AND FARMS ON SALE. jome again. Oh! Immortal Sheridan, how FOR SALE BY J. W. DREW, COR. NINTH | BOOTS, SHOES, kc. In conjunction with the California operator, and his Houses Rented, ltents collected. Money Loaned AT JUSTH'S OLD STAND, cation has been drawn upon ( The first STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. possible aohes and pains elicit no sympathy whatever. and oorefully invested', nov26-Jy2 012 D street northwest. miu;18-ly3 Orders by mall promptly attended to. niftrtl-tl 4 THE CAPITAL.™ AUGUST P, 1877.

THE CAPITAL. stration was not that of a mob instigating a a banking system that is paid to use our riot—it was a revolution. credit in an amount that oughc to support MINOR NOTES. Too MUCH praise cannot be bestowed upon the distinguished Secretary of State fbr the care re- The iceberg that floats out from the Polar our national Government; with the payment PRESIDENT HAYES will be dead a hun- WASHINGTON CITY. search and wisdom displayed in his final choice of a seas holds the upright position in which it of bounties to pet interests until our foreign dred years, with his memory kept alive by an unfin- minister to Brazfl. When it is said that few who are was created so long as two thirds are sub- commerce is nearly destroyed—labor, that ished monument, before the politicians will learn that now living ever heard of Mr. Hflilard before, that S LNOAÏ MOBXIA'G AUGUST 5,1877. his policy is to be honestly the President of the United merged. Whin, however, the submerged pays all, is fairly crushed. Four millions of even the organs who commend the appointment con- States and not the President of a party. We have had tent themselves with the hasty biography penned by part disintegrates in tha warmer water of the men are actually Unemployed, the country is this as a theory for a hundred years,-and here is a man , THE REVOLUTIOS. the State Department In a single paragraph, and tropics, the iceberg suddenly turns over and covered with tramps, and our cities are who puts it to the test of practice. Of course this con- variously spell his name "Hillfard" and "Hillyard " It is no uncommon thing for ignorant and the parts are reversed. It is precisely the crowded with idlers, while they who find work fuses the corner.groceries, the sample-rooms and the some idea of the humanity and wisdom of the Prime hopeful people to mistake a lull in a storm caucus. So confusing is It that Republican leaders same with all civilized communities. When are fed at starvation wages. Minister may be gainod. The last few years have for the termination of the disturbance; This go about saying that it will be the death of the Repub- not been good for elderly gentlemen, who once sat the base, made up of our industrial classes," lican party. '1 hey cannot see the ludicrous result of -«lass predominates at the present writing, And so it is demonstrated that these heart- In Congress with Webster and Hayne, and then were separates from the capital that makes the less corporations do not appear in court with such statement, and the people who vote and don't returned to their obscure constituency to die and be and throughout the land we have congratu- want office—and in a population of forty-five millions it ¡jpex, there is a wild commotion attending clean hands, and ai-e barred the plea set up forgotten except in their own post-prandial gossip In lations over the supposed end of the strike. is amazing what a number of that sort there is—ana the era of universal good feeling (oft from the line of the reversal of positions. under tiie law of supply and demand. They are saying, "Well, if the Republican party means only And yet the palace ears of the comfortable the railroads) Mr. Evarts recognizes a certain mort- So long as we have a fair day's wages for a have aided in destroying the demand. the possession of office, and it cannot exist without main in these fieshless fingers stretching from forgot- ••officials roll by the hungry thousands; business that patronage, the sooner itflles the better." Under fair day's work there may be some discontent Labor, we are assured by these subsidized ten political graves, and still grasping at office is going from bad to worse, and every hour the circumstances the indorsement of any convention in the hearts of a few, but the great mass the army of unemployed millions augments. pens, cannot combine to protect itself. ia a matter of utter indifference to the President. But It may be questioned by a few discontented office- will hold themselves in harmony with capi- seekers if the fact that a man once represented a Hunger and privation are as- bitter and star- This grand privilege is reserved to capital as if to mark the admirable progress made in this tal. We may even starve a limited number; Labor is forbidden its international organiza- right direction, he has received the hearty indorse- State or a section in the Federal councils necessarily vation as threatening as when at Martins- fits him to represent an entire nation abroad; it may but when the distress becomes general the tion, because that pertains to capital, that net- ment of both parties in the late conventions of Ohio. burg the" laborers on the Baltimore and Ohio The novelty of a President not only showing utter be doubted by the narrow-minded whether a man who glittering peaks of the iceberg will suddenly railroad refused to work on the wages of works the trading world in its iron meshes. indilferecce, but telling his would-be retainers that' Is notoriously an a?s Is rendered more sufferable by find themselves submerged. And why? Be- The strike was a good thing. It lias made really he does not care, is so startling that said would- having a legal education superadded, and Mr . starvation. Evarts' theory that to have been an office-holder and cause the sufferers have the power, and while capital so insecure that capitalists themselves be retainers are nosing around to discover what they It is, however, only a lull in the storm, for the laws of trade are without appeal, the law believe is a hidden meaning. a lawyer Is prima facie evidence of qualification as a are lookingjabout for a remedy. Labor Could repr esentative American is yet to be proven. It may be the evil that caused the trouble has not been In this policy of looking to the entire country of self-preservation is imperative.. possible that the Secretary's experience has been large- have knocked in vain upon tiie bronze doors and holding himself the Chief Executive a na- removed—it has not been ameliorated even—. ly composed of this class, and that, like Plato, from his It may be a question as to whether the of Congress until it died from exhaustion. tion, the President stands head and shoulders above and labor, after what proved but à skirmish, ideal republic the man of letters (unless qualified by his Oabinet. This last is made up of the'old sort, and militia put down the mob or not, but there is The doors are broken down, and the startled approaching decadence) is to be banished. But we realizes its power in the helpless condition of are really the stumbling-blocks in his way. John Sher- no question but that the business of a million solons are hurriedly at work to mend, as far have since heard it stated that Mr. "Hillyard" or the oppressor. The men who orgahizçd the man, who holds the highest and most responsible post, a day was suspended for a week, and might as in them lies, their wrong-doing. " Hilliard " is a man of letters, and until we hear whose ignorance on financial subjects is only equaled by strike were averse to the destruction of prop- fiom Georgia as to the falsity of the statement we shall have been ruined forever, and that with the the audacity with which he presses his charlatanism erty. They thought it enough to arrest for This is well, if we expect to live as a re- dotibt that Mr. Evarts Is inaccessible outside of the same ease all the railroads of the country upon a suifering people, is holding the Treasury to the forty-eight hours the railroad business of the public. Neglected, wrongs make national law. old, dirty ruts of political usage, and says »penly that might have been destroyed. Nothing but calamities. ' There is scarcely an evil /rom From all we can learn the newMInister seems to b United States, as a hint to the monopolists of he will put into offioe none but good Republicans, and this thoughtful self-control of the strikers a gentleman, and we are thankful to Mr. Evarts and which humanity suffers but like a rill widens might have added the mental qualification, "and none what they could do—and they did it. The —Georgia. There is a certain fitness in his yesft-s and saved the property; and it would be well for but friends of mine." Mr. Evarts has announced the turning and killing were incidents not calcu- into a river, that might have been controlled his representation of the Past in our history. Dom the stockholders, bondholders and officers to same doctrine by the subUe qualification, which says, lated on. For forty-eight hours the business had it been taken in the beginning. The Pedro seems to be an energetic, bustling fellow of to- remember these facts and accept the lesson "all else being equal, Republicans will be preferred." •of the country was suspended. In twenty- negro could have "been liberated without day; and to some extent, in the fact that he wishes to offered them by their more conservative op- trouble when, as a farm hand, lie was found We believe that the man who has the brain to see see with his own eyes, hear with his own ears and four hours the entire railroad property could our wants, and courage to put that knowledge to use, ponent. to be worth less than free labor. We waited generally shies at ostentation, perhaps much more of have been destroyed had the railway striker will bring these subordinates to a better control or dis- a representative Young American than our accredited «0 determined. That they did not so determine THE REMEDY. until the cotton-gin and the spinning-jenny miss them from the places they do not dignify. No Minister. Doubtless, therefore, it is well that a cer- proves that they are more thoughtful and Relief is not to be found in the army, nor valued him at a thousand dollars gold per man knows better than the Presiderft that to lift his tain diplomatic conservatism should be opposed to the militia, nor in force of any sort. The head, and thirty millions sent desolation to high office from the degradation Into which it is fallen, him. Mr. Hilliard can converse with him fluently on kinder than their oppressors. -The railroad and set his successor an example the people will en- American laborer, skilled or unskilled, is not all tiie households of the land and beggared the Resolutions of '98, Burr's conspiracy, and the war •kings called unhesitatingly for. the military to force, he must ignore party lines altogether in ap- of 1812. When Dom Pedro speaks of Lincoln and the •«hoot down innocent and unoffending men, only intelligent, but educated. In him, for a nation in their attempt to hold their prop- pointing men to offices of mere routine. To keep by emancipation proclamation Mr. Hilliard can chip in •women and children, while the starving good or evil,rests the sovereignty of the nation. erty. Now it is proposed to substitute white and follow the party, lead and retain all these with general remarks on the United States Bank and There is no higher power. This is not only slave labor for black slave labor and create a places In Republican possession, is to make a dead the policy of Andrew Jackson. Should Dom Pedro be strikers refused even to destroy property. letter of Jiis reform—for the next President, if a Demo- the fact from the situation, but it is secured standing army of a million, if necesssary, to indiscreet enough to refer to the late Agassiz in That man is an infatuated fool, if a private crat, as he is likely to be, will drop into the old ruts science, Mr. Hilliard can crush 'him with Lyell and to him through the solemn compact of a Con keep such labor under control. We are yet and turn all the offices over to his followers. the "slide" near Millcdgeville. citizen, and a dangerous fool, if an official stitution. He made that Constitution, and upon the threshold, where we may reason Civil-service reform, to be successful, must be self- Nevertheless, we honestly submit that in diplo- .agent, who believes that we owe the preser- consented to abide by certain legal processes one with another, but one more step in the sacrificing. It was acheapphilanthropy that freed an- matic appointments we are having quite enough of the vation of this property intact to aught else under it. ' If the Constitution fails in its in- wrong direction, and we reach the point fore- other man's slave, and itis notonly a cheap rcforifi, but ex-congressman, ex-governor and too much 01°the ex- a failure, that attempts the reformation of another •than the forbearance of the strikers, j There tent, he can set it aside and mate another. tqld by Maeaulay, when we shall be at each lawyer. In his Tusculeum retirement at Windsor Mr. party. Evarts might develop a farmer for diplomatic service. lis no form of property that is so frail, helpless He is sovereign, for he is the majority, and we Should President Hayes carry into success the re- other's throats, demonstrating through armed Not one of your Aetnean herdsman, such as Theo- •and exposed as that of a railroad. We served know of no higher power in the land. And form he attempts, he will have removed the great critiS Sang of, for these be poets and have a general force the sovereignty of a new order of civili- for over a year, during the latè war, upon so far as this question'of unrequited toil is con- evil that attends a secend term, and we may safely re- suspicion of vagabondage and Bofiemianism about zation. turn to the practice of the fathers. Let him continue tiie line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad cerned, the laborers are the better organized. them, but a Green Mountaineer, who shall equally as he begins, and the people, regardless of party, as combine the essential qualities df ignorance of the and learned that a hundred thousand men EMIGRATION. he has shown himself, will insist upon the great re- What was the; North when it marched out to language, customs ahd people of the country to which -could not keep down a hundred miles of road Here is a matter of grave moment it is. form he inaugurated being left, through another inau- liberate the negroes of the South? The peo- he is accredited with that of the nation he represents. guration, in the hands of his »lends. They will be as •when its destruction: was determined oii by a ple rode over the Constitution to strike the well for the labor of the United States to con: regiment of guerrillas. This road, and ail sider. So long as the Government had lands eager to retain so able a statesman and patriot in shackles from the African slave—how much office as were our forefathers to retain Washington. A GOOD STORY is going the rounds of our •the o ther roads of the country, are in the more readily will the white slaves strike down to bestow and the emigrant could have a Washington saved us from an alien enemy. Ruther- city anent President Hayes; sense of humor, that hands of men whom greed and oppression their masters ? farm for the asking, emigration was a bless- ford 13. Hayes will have saved us from ourselves. We must not be-spoiled by the long-eared fellows who are have made deadly enemies. The fat officer, ing. It opened up the wilderness to cul- promise this brave man from Ohio the indorsement of attempting to tell it. It was about as follows: an honest election. who rolls along at the rate of thirty or forty Fortunately, the laborer in this case ,is a ture, and, in developing the resources of the We called on the Administration not long after the reasonable being, and can be advised witii country, co-operated with the scarcity of inauguration to solicit a returnof the knife stolen 'miles an hour in his private palace car, owes from us, that we might use it in the defense of "His -his safety to men whose families are starving and,controlled, when met, with justice and laborers in keeping up the wages of labor. IT GRIEVES US TO WRITE that the Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes Temperance Society is unhappy Excellency," and kill Benwade or Jlmblaine. "His treated witii kindness. They felt, what we Excellencj " said he would immediately take steps to -on the sixty, seventy and eighty cents a day This condition of affairs no longer exists. in its mind. Its mind, so to speak, is all tore up, as it have "Le Sabre de Mon Fere" returned to us. And ••allowed each laborer. How suddenly these] all know, that in the late strike they were in were, by a concatenation of complications ol' the most The lands have all been settled, or given then, in a moment of extreme gratitude, we asked tiie right. dislocating character. When the Mrs. Rutherford B. slender rails, light iron bridges and narrow away to speculators and corporations. Labor, "His Excellency " if he had any old clothes he would Hayes Temperance Society was first called into its tunnels would disappear if these poor men Since the late disturbances we have had like to have passed through a process that was good crowdad back from the West, where it finds oold-water-lemonade-tea-and-coffee existence it was two State conventions. These are sensitive against moths, mold and mildew, that was also water were as wicked as their masters 1 no foothold as of old, augments competition based entirely on the temperance principles of this repellant. The Administration paused for thought, bodies. They make the right and left arm of fair lady, whose honored name the society bears. It Of a like sort of infatuation is that which in manufacturing districts and great com- and then made answer that he feared the water re- the body, and offer a pulse which indicates mercial centers, while it lowers wages, to the was understood and so promulgated and made patent pellant would be offensive to Mrs. Hayes, as she was a appeals to a military force in emergencies of to an anxious world, that the excellent lady of the its,symptoms. Both sympathize with the injury of the laborer and to the benefit of great temperance advocate, but that there were a this sort. We have no military in tjiis coun strikers. Administration had protested against intoxicating great many old turn-coats in the ante-chamber monopolized capital. drinks to the Muscovy ducks, known as Imperial try, and it would be useless if we had it. The In the face of these facts there is a waste begging lor office, and he thought something that To continue draining Europe of its indus- ducks—we beg^pardon—dukes. And that thereupon would preserve them from mold and mildew would be militia is of the same element as that which is Mr. Evarts, a wicked wine-bibber, puton his shocking of good ink and white paper on the part of trial classes, under these circumstances, is to excellent We added, however, that the coats had been wont to strike, and a standing army to be used bad hat, that, when on, makes him resemble turned so often we feared the fabric scarcely worth tiie press, in arguing abstract questions of do a wrong to labor at home and abroad. It as a police would in itself be such aii offense supply and demand, capital and labor. No tallow dip surmounted by a lusty extinguisher, and preserving. to the American people that no politician may add to the value of lands held by cor- Hon. Carl Schurz, a depraved beer-guzzler, put some one, for instance, question^ the right of the porations and stolen from the people, and it pretzels in his pocket, and the trio, repairing to the Passing out, we counted fifty-two unfortunates, all would dare vote it an, appropriation. Such from Ohio, and the damp, iunky odor really justified employer to lower the wages or discharge certainly,|by increasing competition, lowers White House, did assail, assault, maltreat and abuse -organization would in itself be just cause for the employed. But tiie party making this the first lady in the land, and so circumvent, bam the anxiety of the Administration. Their presence wages. It is but a short time since hundreds aggravates the malaria from the Kidwell bottoms, and •civil war. Instead of preserving the peace, plea must come into court with clean hands. boozle and confuse the first gentleman—meanini such an army would be kept busy preserving of skilled laborers were shipped to Manches- thereby Rutherford B., President—that she was drives the Administration to the Soldiers' Home. And There must be no question as to their right ter,' England, to underbid the same class that overcome and intoxicating drinks were placed upon even at this rural retreat It is found necessary to itself. place a Gatlfng at each entrance, while the old to exercise this great privilege. If this, had struck for living- wages, and it has been the festive board. Now by this stirring accountof A government of the people, for the people however, is not the fact, the plea is not ten- fight for principle, certain good people met together guns in front of the Executive cottage are loaded to aud by the people, as Theodore Parker demonstrated that such labor is better paid, and said, "Lo, here, and lo, there; let us form our- the muzzle with opinions of Attorney General Devcns able. For example, one has a right to dis- a nd Secretary Thompson's book on Popery, they being -tersely expressed himself, and AbMham taking into consideration tiie cost of living, selves into am association of bran-bread-toe-snapping- charge his coachman. If, however, in doing cold-water advocates, and strengthen ,the backbone the most fatal projectiles yet produced. Iiineoln made popular by repeating, admits than with us. What is tije good, then, of lu- this, he him so that the man can get no ring poor fellows from their own homes, not and hold up the hands of our first lady of the land, Mrs. of no such agency as a standing army. It is employ elsewhere,the great American sense of Rutherford B. Hayes," and this was incontinently -based on good will, even-handed justice and only to starve here, but force us into starva- done, and the association organized and marched to the THERE WAS MUCH EXCITEMENT in Wash- fair play would justify the discharged in using ington when the news reached here of the new strike the mutual dependence of labor and cap- tion? It is the duty of every naturalized Executive Mansion, where addresses were made and considerable violence, supposing him to be too heard, and thereafter the Mrs. R. B. H. T. Ass. was in New York, In which one S cloven was striker and ital when fairly adjusted. The little affair .citizen in the United States to warn their poor to seek his remedy at' law. Reasoning friends and relatives at home, in Europe, treated to ice water and sponge cake until the Mrs Jay Gould the strlkee. This was followed by much dis. called an army already on hand is contrary to K. B. H. T. Ass. was severally and collectively at- appointment. That Jay Gould's neck escaped dlslo-" from the same standpoint, these corporations that they are better situated where they are oui traditions, a violation of our Constitution have not clean hands, for they have so de- tacked with the colic. It Is further related, although cation distressed Washington. What, with the labor and an offense to the people. So longas it is than they would be here. we do not vouch for the truth of the statement, that disturbance, the pursuit of Oh! Oh! Howard by old pressed the trade of the country, through the Mrs. R. B. H. T. Ass. was treated to Jamaica Joe and the release of Bell by Judge Humphreys, we kept fighting Indians or guarding our coast itis their own dishonesty and extravagance, that It is notorious that for years the owners of ginger until one and all were blind drunk from the were not prepared to hoar that Jay Gould had been barely to lerated, but attempts to use it as a po- the laborer turned away has no choice but to the Pennsylvania mines have imported from effects of .the medicine. The last, however, we con- pitched down an area and escaped with his life. The lice have created, as they must create, popular starve. Europe the lowest and most ignorant crea- sider a slander, although intoxicating liquor taken people of Washington are not of a bloodthirsty descrip tion, and probably would not toss the Wall street indignation. We want no gentlemen gradu- tures to work their mines, for that they could medicinally is as apt to intoxicate as when swallowed A. few facts will demonstrate the truth of as a beverage. devil down an area. We doubt whether they would ated into aristocrats, and, in command of not secure, the more intelligent- at home to even fasten him in the Washington Monument and this. We have four great trunk lines run- The Mrs. B. B. H. T. Ass. progressed smoothly, and foreign mercenaries, to interfere with our submit to their tyrannical abuse and low- then put some dynamite under one corner. But to no end of excellent people who never drank before ning from the Mississippi valley to the Atlan- have Jay Gould's head punched, and then body and 'domestic affairs north or south. rate of compensation. joined and swore solemnly they never—no, never, un- tic coast, the market for the agricultural pro- all tumbled into an area eight feet, and then that he der any circumstances—would drink intoxicating Daily journalists, who hav.e little time for The old cry of a home for the oppressed of recovered, and went out to buy short and long, bull ducts, upon which rests our commercial pros- fluids. As our friend Noyes—Hon. Noyes, Minister all lands lias come to be a superstition. All and bear, deal in calls, puts and straddles, filled the ¿Study ami less for thought, publish every perity. These are highways of traffic,' navi- to France—said to us: "Jamais, jamais, jamais.'" that results from emigration now is to in- national capital with grief: It Is no exaggeration to morning as a fact that the military sup- gable rivers, differing only in the fact that But, alas 1 yur German l'ellow-citizens had crease the value of lands owned by corpora- say that we had anguish In several localities, and a pressed the late riots. The regular army they are in the hands of and under the con- grand national iMernational Sohnetzenfest., We don't profound sadness over the entire city. Citizen met tions and speculators, lower our wages know what that means, but it is something jolly. never fired a gun, and the 'militia only ag- trol of a few men, instead of being free and oitizen, and said, "Did you hear the dreadful news? through hungry competition and strengthen They processed, they had toot-horns and artillery, and Jay Gould escaped with his neck after being pitched •gravated what it was called but to suppress. open as'-rivers and highways would be to monopolists, while it crowds labor down to a President, Secretary of the Interior and things. nto an area." We believe that were the irate but 'The fact is that no mob ever was suppressed trade. These men, thus possessed of a start- They sang songs singly and all together. They had lower level of suffering and degradation. clumsy and unfortunate Selover to appear in Wash- bv the military. The senseless, cruel thing ling monopoly, have shown an utter disre- toasts, speeches and also a bouquet. Of all lan- ington he would be mobbed, unless thejolly old jack guages the language of flowers has been held to be that roars itself out. It dies from sheer ex- gard of the great interests they were privi- There is no selfishness in this proposition. tar of the Wah-bash surrounded and protected him On tiie contrary, it is not only a duty to our- of the heart—and that bouquet came, alas! and alack! by the Marine band playing Wagner music. It was haustion. The infuriated crowd disappear leged to guard. They have so extended their with the oompliments of Mrs. Rutherlord B. Hayes. like rats before the artillery and musketry, to selves, but justice to the poor brought hoped at first that from the shock he had suffered roads, watered their stock and indulged in We ought to say something, we eught to make com- cardiac lesion, but a medical examination proving the break out in another quarter. We have seen extravagance of management, aS to create a here to swell the abundance of men already ment—describo the feelings of the Mrs. R. B. H. T. entire absence of that organ, disappointed the pub- and studied mobs at home and , abroad, and debt heavy enougli to rebuild and restock too powerful in the means an unjust Govern- Ass. but our facile pen fails us. Was it for this the lic. •we never knew one to be even arrested ment has legislated into their hands. cold water and the colic were rendered—was it ? Oh, their entire lines. To meet the interest on bother, we-cannot do the subject justice. "by the military. Armed interference has this enormous debt and save themselves from But It has been suggested that even that bouquet THE coal miner's convention of western the effect of aggravating the evil. The shoot- Pennsylvania met last week and passed a series of acknowledged bankruptcy, t>y thé payment of SAYS the Springfield (Mass.) Republican: was eloquent, sparkling and replete with cold-water resolutions which, Without graduating into a strike, ing down of one unarmed citizen drives rage dividends, they have taxed the produce they Anna Boyle, the 14-year-old actress, whom Grace significance. In the subtle language of flowers, the into wild, insane fury. Greenwood, Mary Clemmer and Donn Piatt have pitcher plant, the dew plant and the oyster plant evidence an independence ;of spirit, and perhaps of carry until railroads have eotne to be a curse been extolling to the world, acted Juliet with the sup- were represented, none of which, unlike the ordinary future action, that bears a kinship to that North port of an excellent company in Booth's theater Mon- American pleasantry. They, however, have decided The English, the wisest people in the way to the community they were created to day night, and apparently with a singular success. Teuton, require any extraneous watering, and in the '

/ AH SIN, the dramatic production of two SCIENTISTS tell us that frequent changes Fire. Coleman's LOCAL ITEMS. The best place in the city for a shave, hair outtlng of our most famous authors, Bret Harte and Mark of underclothing are fatal to health, as such changes STRAWS POINT, N. H., August 4.—A fire, which for a time threatened the destruction of the entire village or a bath Is at Coleman's, corner Eighth and D streets. T*ain, has met with a brilliant success in New jork. draw off the electricity from tbft-body. We would J. O. PARKER has removed to 819 Seventh street. This popular resort has been entirely renovated and and summer residences here, broke out at 2 p. m. in a repapered. The bathing rooms have been refitted dui readers will And an aooountof the same in the well wish to have a law forcing John Sherman: to Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. stable belonging to Dr. Tabbs of Manchester, and and refurnished, and our citizens will find Coleman's letter of our entertaining New York correspondent, change his drawers at least once a week. All trains running as p'er schedule of June 24, spread tohis cottage; and also the adjoining one of B. the best and most complete establishment in the city. "Will StuaTt—a dramatic critic himself, recognized, which see another column. We advise the public to call on Coleman. We do not feared and respected -at home. W glvefceloW what A. Kimball of Concord; New Hampshire," both of which hesitate to assert that Coleman was the only man who BRO"ÏVNING'S BITTERS will cure dyspepsia, Indiges- ever shaved THE CAPITAL, and tie did It In such a he omitted—the most »musing feature of the opening WE have reoeii'scl^tcfQdate for notiee in were consumed. Several other cottages were badly this issue, an LHiin ¡ruble plan projected by an emtnent scorched. Loss, 410,000; partially Insured.. Henry tion and constipation. For sale by the druggists, tt satisfactory manner that we have not a word of com- night—Mar& Twain's speech: plaint. gentleman connected with the Administration to give Groves of Concord,' (Visitor at one of. the cottages, THE ten cent lunch ot the season at Irving House, "This," said he,-" is a. verjr" remarkable play. I while assisting in removing furniture lrom Mr. Kim- corner Eighth and D streets. don't know asjou noticed it as it wont alone; but it is. work to the poor and unemployed of the District. No- TEN-CENT lunches at Joe Platz', 604 Pennsylvania ball's cottage, wns overpowered by smoke and burned avenue. The construction of ¿his play and the development of tice next week. THE "SOCIAL" New York fire-place heater is guar- the story are the result of great research and erudi- to death. His charred remains have been recovered anteed to be the best and most durable heating stove Fisher's. tion ana genius and invention, ahd plagiarism. When from the ruins. In the market. Hamilton, Y. M. C. A. building, has ithe authors wrote it they thought they would put in a It for sale. The rush of an excited populace to our friend A.' great lot of catastrophes and murders and such things; LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Fisher is unabated. The public have tried Fisher and because they always enliven an evening so; but we Railroad Economy—Cheap Labor. appreciate his ability, and therefore, while competi- wanted to have some disaster that wasn't hackneyed, THE attention of equestrians Is called to the adver- CLEVELAND, OHIO,. August 4.—About 7 o'clock this tors spring up like mushrooms, Fisher grows rioh and .and after a good deal of thought we hit upon the tisement In another column. competition ceases. If there is a man," woman or breaking down of a stage-coach. The worst of getting The Miners. morning a heavily loaded stock train standing at child who has never had a garment cleaned or dyed at a good original idea like that. Is the temptation to "WILKESBARRE, PA., August 4.—The miners held a THE German American Savings Bank, corner Fisher's we advise he or her to call at once at 908 G Conneaut station, Ohio, on the Lake Shore and Mich- Seventh and F streets, pays interest on deposits. Safe • overdo it; and in fact when the play was all done we large meeting In Dana's grove this afternoon. They street and give our friend a trial. If they are not sat- found that we had got that stage-coach breaking down igan Southern railway, was run into by another stock deposit boxes for rent. isfied with the result we will settle the bill. sent an invitation to Mayor Loomls and Sheriff Kirk- • seven times in the first act. It was to come right train, causing a bad wreck. The loss Is estimated at VICHT, Kissingen, Seltzer, Bethesda and all mineral along here every seven minutes or so, and spill all the en dall to oome and inform them why the military are from $8,000 to $10,000. waters at Koss' Pharmacy. ap29-tl' ATTENTION IS called to an advertisement of a lost passengers over on the musicians. "Well, you see, that here. The Mayor was present, and made a speech pocketbook, which appears in another column. wouldn't do; it made it monotonous for the musicians; counseling them to be peaceable. They adopted a res- Burglars Sentenced. Ladies' and it was too stagey; and we had to modify it; ana Steamer Mary Washington. olution asking that the military be taken out of the PATTERSON, N. J., August 4.—Edward N. Robin- Dresses of all kinds, wool, silk, satin, velvet, fitc., &c., there isn't anything left of the original plan now ex- The Sunday excursions of this popular steamer have . .cept one break-down of the coach, and one carriage valley. Part of them marched through the principal handsomely cieajhea without being ripped apart, and son and Michael Murphy, New "York burglars, who spots of grease, Ice cream, &c., effectually removed been the great success of the season, and we advise •break-down, and one pair of runaway horses. Maybe streets with a band of music. General Osborne's 3d those who desire a pleasant excursion free from the we might have spared even some of these; but you see were arrested here on Monday for robbing Phillips' without cleaning the whole. Superior kid glove division was to-day relieved and sent to their homes, dry goods store, were convicted to-day, and sentenced oleanslng, 12% cents per pair: kid gloves dyed, equal noise and turmoil of rowdies to take passage on the we had the horses, and we didn't like to waste them. Mary Washington. 14 their places being filled by military from other sec- to the State prison tor three years. to new, 30 cents per pair. All-wool dresses dyed with- 1 wish to say also that this play is didatic rather out being ripped apart. Crape veiis dyed, cleansed than anything else. It is intended rather for instruc- tions of the State. The Lehigh anfi Susquehanna and refinlshed equal to new. Feathers cleansed and THE Irving House ten cent lunch every day, corner tion than amusement. The Chinaman is getting to Attempt to Wreck a Train. Eighth and D streets. be a pretty frequent figure in the United States, and road will start trains on Monday. curled In a superior manner, and dyed black, brown, is going to be a great political problem, and we DOVER, N. H., AU gust 4.—An attempt was made to- blue, crimson, cardinal or any desired shade. HAZLETON, PA., August 4.—At a delegate meeting Office of" R. C. Douglas, under National Theater. |tf Welcker. thought it well for you to see him on the stage before day to throw from the track the boat train from Alton . you had to deal with that problem. Then, for the in- of the miners of the Hazleton region held to-day it The popular resort of bankers and brokers is at struction of the young we have introduced a game of was resolved to ask for an advance of twelve and a bay, near Poor-farm crossing, by placing two large A FINE assortment of perfumes j ust received at Koss' WBicker's! opposite the Treasury Department, where Pharmacy. ' ap29-ti poker. There are few things that are so unpardon- half per cent, from the 15th 'instant, the company to stones on the rails. The cowcatcher of the englno they can procure the finest liquors in the country, as ably neglected in our country as poker. The upper struck and toppled them aside, fortunately avoiding well as the best cold lunch in the city. We are in be given until the 10th instant to signify their acc ept J. C. PARKER has removed to 619 Seventh street. * favor of Weloker's, because everything is first class. • class know very little about It. Now and then you serious accident. find ambassadors who hare a sort of general knowl- ance. It is reported the delegations were pledged to • edge of the game, but the Ignorance of the people at make the above demands. The representation from THE public are patronizing the ten-cent lunch at Merchant's Luncb. Enibe zzlement. Joe Platz', 804 Pennsylvania avenue. large is fearful, why, I have known clergymen, good Beaver Meadow district was very full,while tho N orth We do not hesitate to assert that at the Merchant's men, kind-hearted, liberal, sincere and all that, who CoLraiBus, OHIO, August 4.—S. R. Mann, an Insur- Lunch one finds every luxury of the season as well as did not know the meaning of a 'flush.' It is enough Side, which includes Jeddo, Ebervale, Eokiey ance agent, is charged with embezzling three thou- "Washington Mattress Factory, 905 D the finest liquors In the city. We like this cosy re- to make one ashamed of one's species. When our play Drifton, Milnesville, Hollywood, Lattlmer and Upper sand dollars of the fufids ofhis company. His where- street. treat because one meets only gentlemen, and the pro- was finished, we found it was so' long, and so broad, prietor, W. H. Wllkenlng, Is one of the most genial and so deep—in places—that it would have taken a Lehigh, was but slightly represented. abouts is unknown. We would advise all who contemplate purchasing new mattresses, or having their old ones renova ted; to hosts we ever met. For any luxury that can be pro- week to play it. 1 thought that was all right; we The main object of tho meeting was said to have 1 call on our friend Lloyd, and receive entire S atisfac- cured In the market, call at the Merchant's Lunch, • could put To be continued' on the curtain and run it been to attempt a reorganization of the Working- Base Ball. tion. ' 309 Seventh street, and enjoy the luxury of eating and straight along. But the managers said no; it would men's Benevolent Association, but rtothing definite CINCINNATI, August 4.—St. Louis Browns, 5; Cin- drinking the same in the society of gentlemen. get us into trouble with the general public, because THE old-fashioned luxuries at the ten cent lunch, the Constitution forbids the inflictiorijOf cruel or un- Is known as to the result of the deliberations on this cinnati, 3, Irving House, corner Eighth and D streets. usUal punishment; so he cut out, and cut out, and the CORNS, Diseased Nails, etc. Dr. White, opposite point. LOUISVILLE, August 4.—Chicago, 9; Louisville, 15. Wlllard's. . janl4-tf more he cut out the better the play got. I never saw O'Brien's. a play that was so much improved by being out down; Miners who have heretofore been very active In or- PHILADELPHIA, August 4.—Boston, 5; Athletic, 4. The new hotel which, through the energy of Dan EVERYTHING necessary for a hearty meal at Joe and I believe it would have been one of the very best ganizing strikes have expressed themselves to-day Platz', 604 Pennsylvania avenue. plays in the world if his strength had held out so that The Weather To-Day. O'Brien, has been completed Is a great conven lence he could cut out the whole of it." "There were loiid .as opposed to a strike as long as Schuylkill county to the traveling public, and will undoubtedly'become call? for Bret Harte, but Mr. Clemens explained that continues to work. For the Middle States and New EnglaAl, station- the resort of hundreds who are visiting our city. Dan's - Teas. ary or rising barometer, northwest winds, cooler, clear The only place In the city to procure pure and genu- ihis fellow author was in Washington. The Hazelton and Conyngha.m military companies reputation as a caterer is unequalea, and. in the fu- weather. ture, as in the past, he will be the recipient of the ine teas is at Dowling's, oorner I and Seventh streets. returned from Wilkesbarre last evening, having been patronage ot the publlo who desire to receive the The largest assortment and the finest variety oan al- relieved by United States troops. finest liquors and the best accommodations. ways be found at the headquarters of all lovers of tea. THE TIME draws near at hand for the Former Passages of the Danube. We do not know anyone who deserves success as much nomination of the candidate for the governorship of ALL THE principal druggists have Hart's Roach as Dowllng. Ho not only understands his business, The Indians. fFrom the Pall Mall Gazette.] but sells the best articles at the lowest prices. Virginia. There stands a trinity of candidates In the Powder for sale. It Is the best in the world. SAN FRANCISCO^ August 4.—if press dispatch from Twenty times within the last one hundred years the palm of the State's hand for Its choice. From the Russian forces have crossed the Danube with hostile Lewiston, August 1, says: Yesterday Indian Joe and J. C. PARKER has removed to 619 Seventh street. DEPOT for Hart's Roach Powder, 612 Ninth street, most reliable prospective table of votes Mr. John W, intent. Three times the passage was affected at Tur- opposite Patent Office. his family, who have been with people at Slate creek tukai, three times at Hlrsova, and other three times Daniel Is still ahead, "William Mahone jj is second, THE finest lunch in the city at Joe Platz', 604 Penn- all through the Indian troubles and proved true and at Ismalla. Twice the river was crossed at Kladova, while Holliday, who but a brief time ago Was fterhaps twice at Galatz, twice at lbralla, while once only sylvania avenue. failhlulto the whites, returned from Kamiab, where the solid man in the certainty of first choice, completes were troops brought across at Gosobal, once at Tjerna- they had been sent to ascertain the movements of hos. voda. once at Sillstrla and once at Salunovo. In Its Hagerty. CITY ITEMS. ' the list by closing up the end. Mahone is, perhaps, the tiles. His squaw says the Indians at. Kamiali told last number the Militar- Woch.enbla.tt gives some de- We have tried the mixed concoctions of every pro- WEBER'S Cincinnati lager beer, Charles Mades, . shrewdest politician of the three; but' there and tails of these several enterprises. The first occasion fessor in the business. We have never found fault her they were going across the mountains by the Lolo Third street and Pennsylvania avenue. je3-tf therein lies pretty much all that may be «aid of him. on whioh the Russian forces crossed to the right hank with any, but If there is one who can cause a fellow to .trail with their stock and families, and when they got of the Danube was during the campaign of 1773. An forget the past and look hopefully to the future, ft Is He works the keys of the political battery with l^he ex- them in secure place they would return and fight the armistice had been arranged in 1771, but peace could Dave Hagerty, who Is the authority on all matter s re- perience and skill of a finished telegraph operator, not be concluded. Accordingly, by the express desire lating to fancy drinks, and who can be found at all AMUSEMENTS. soldiers. U>ut his wires are charged with unworthy fluid. Ma of the Empress Catherine, ft was determined to lead hours of the day at his place of business, corner of She also states that before leaving Kamiah they the Russian army across the river. The Turks had Seventh and E streets. hone is in favor of repudiation of the State indebted« THE SCHUETZENFEST went to lite friendly Indians' camp and drove oil all strongly garrisoned the fortresses ot Rustchuk, Sills- ness. Let him whip the devil about the siumpias1 trla and Shumla, had posted troops in observation at THE best ten- cent lunch at Irving House, corner the^'oung squaws, beat the in' with clubs fend forced Will be continued on -cleverly as he may,'the horns and tail end of the evil every point-of passage, and held strong reserves in Eighth and D streets. them along-like so many'battle. They alsa'cbme back readiness In the rear. Nevertheless, General Suvaroff ;spirit of the repudiator will be visible. and robbed them of everything they could find and all succeeded in transporting 700 men across the river at AT BROWN'S, 314 Eighth street northwest, you will MONDAY, THE 6TH, AND TUESDAY, THE 7TH OF. Strange as it may appear, the principal and Indeed Turtukai during the night between the 9th and 10th find alfklnds of seasonable dry goods, at prices much their.horses of any value. She further stated that the of May, 1773, defeating and putting to flight 4,000 ir- below market rates. If you want the best qualities AUGUST. the only assault upon Daifiel by his political antago- hostlles are to be reinforced by other Indians from the regular Turkish troops stationed there. On the 27th cheap, see his stock. "You. will find the salesmen nists, is that he is in favor of upholding the honor,of other side of the mountains when they return. of the same month Suvaroff was followed by General polite and attentive, tho ^ods new and desirable. Same Attractions as last Week. the Old Dominion and of keeping her to her promise Welsmann, while, at the same time, General Potem- No old stock to be sold at cost or heavy discount. In- It7 Her statements are considered reliable by those who kln succeeded In capturing Hlrsova and in establish- vestigate Brown and you will get more than your to pay her debts. Mahone's ideas are of the thin, have known her. This morning Lieutenant Wilmot, ing thpre a second passage across the river.. Screened money's worth. Go and see lor yourself. SUMMER THEATER OOMIUUE. mob-popular sort of attempting to lift the Stateiout of with thirty men, started to go across Salmon river to by these detachments the main Russian army, under • debt by refusing to pay its creditors. This is very General Kumanzoff, crossed over the Danube at Koss, at Seventh and Boundary streets, keeps the MONDAY, AUGUST 6—NIGHTLY AND "WED. ascertain if any hostlles remain there. Gosobal, about twenty miles below Sillstrla, and ad- much like the attempt of the darky to lift himself out best Soda Water and Root Beer. ap29-tl NESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. It has been reported for several days that few had vanced to the attack of this latter fortress. Every •of the mud by his shirt collar.". been seen in that direction, and the object is to hunt effort to take It was, however, In vain; and, dis- J. C. PARKER has removed to 619 Seventh street. 11 Engagement ot the refined German duo, If a politician with the plan and purpose of action heartened by his want of success, the Russian general REYNOLDS & "WALLING. them out and destroy all supplies. fell back again across thé river. In the autumn, •of Mahone be nominated 'By the people of Virginia it THE "PEERLESS" radiating shaking grate Is the And the accomplished vocalist and danseuse, It is now believed by old acquaintances of Joseph however, at the earnest instance of the Empress, he best thing ever invented. It is bound to supersede all MISS LIDA KENYON. will cause a blush of shame to crimson the face of that he will put away in safety his stores and extra recrossed to the right bank and penetrated into Bul- old style grates. It is made low down or half low The youngest character vocalist on tho American •«very iriend and admirer of the old State, and will garia as far as the Balkans. down, and is particularly recommended l'or be auty, horses and return to Comas prairie, returning |by Elk put a sign of dishonor above its face -that no years nor ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. durability and economy in consumptlonof coal. Ham- LITTLE NELLIE. City or Ptette trails, which are much more easily In the following year, 1774, the Danube was again ilton, Y. M. O. A. building, has the agency. Etzeltine Sisters, Alf. McDowell, tho great Mlaco Lany future time may ever obliterate. It will not only traveled that Lolo. This trip can, with a forced crossed by Russian forces, this time early In April by Combination, Harry Stanwood, Gray Sisters, Lillie •injure Virginia and her creditors, but will have a per- Howard, John Robinson and our mammoth company march, be made in about seven days. He has as- Kamienskl at Ismalla. During the same month Gen- ROMAN & Cox, 507 Seventh street, are offering their manent and positive ill-efiect upon pther States that eral Suvaroff effected a passage at Tjernavoda and stock of clothing and gent's furnishings at a great in a grand bill. serted his determl nation to burn the grain on Com as sacrifice, as they will move on August 30. Tickets can be secured at M. Goldstein's, 611 Penn- hang on the ragged .edge of repudiation, not'daring General Glaboff crossed over in the vicinity of Sills- prairie and then arrange his plans to go to Wlllowa, trla. The next attempt to carry Russian forces across sylvania avenue. its •to make the first move, but waiting for a precedent and the opinion is prevalent that he will attempt it. the Danube was made by Miloradovltch, who sought THE finest liquors and the cheapest lunch at Joe •thai, under its sickly shadow, they may follow suit. to capture Giurgevo by storm in March, 1809. The Platz', 604 Pennsylvania avenue. attack failed-, as did also a like enterprise undertaken ~~EXOUBSIONS7~ Cio vernor Hartranft Issnes a Congratula. by Prosorovskl against lbralla.' Still the Emperor BeAtley. y GENERAL REQUEST, AND IN ORDER THE GENIUS of the prize-fight lifts its tory Order to the Militia. Alexander insisted that the river should be crossed, Ladles and gentlemen should not fail to pay a visit and, and accordingly, General Isajeff passed over to TO ALLOW THOSE WHO WERE UNABLE bullet-head again and stretches its brawny arms, after PHILADELPHIA, August 4.—The following has just to the dining-rooms of that famous caterer, Matthew TBO SECURE TICKETS FOR THE LAST TO AC- the right bank at Kladova to assist the Servians. This DeAtley, and enjoy some of the luxuries whioh he •a brief sleep. Notwithstanding the' fact that those been received here : latter place was stormed. Again the assault was un- COMPANY THE PRESENT, THERE WILL BE A alone can produce, and which can only be found at REPETITION OF THE noble gladiators, Sam. Collyer, Joe Coburn and an HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL GUARD, successful, and again Russians were fain to fall back 1220 E street. If there is a perfect little parlor In tbe F KINGSTON, T'A., August 5,1877. to their own side oi the stream. In the meanwhile Army of their associates,rfire scattered throughout the city of Washington it Is DeAtley's dining-room on Special Order No. 33. Prosorovski had been susperseded in his command on E street. Soft crabs, as well as every other luxury, Excursion to Chesapeake penitentiaries of the land, zeroising their physical First. In relieving- the troops in the present emer- the Lower Danube by Prince Bagratlon, and this lat- can always be found at any hour of the day or even- prowess in the base mecha^al labor of chair and gency the oommandcr-ln-chloK extends his congratula- ter succeeded in August, 1809, in crossing the river ing. Bay and Piney Point tions. your prompt response made to the sudden near Galatz, and, the Turks offering no resistance, shoe-making, the manly spirit of .this noble sport still BY THE call lbr vigorous exécution of all directions; your possessed himselt of Isaktcha, Tultscha, Matchin TRY the ten cent lunch at the Irving House, corner asserts itself. In Brooklynlast week two crop-headed, cheerlul - obedience to all commands, and especially Hlrsova, and finally also of Ismaila. Sillstrla, on the Eighth and D streets. * low-browed heroes belted In each others ribs for glory; your gallant resistance to mob violence at Pittsburg, other hand, withstood every attempt to capture It Y. P. A., Fourth Presbyterian Church, with the lesson there taught by you to the law break- until, owing to the difficulty of providing subsistence and in Philadelphia, about the same time, in the pres- ers, are gqod evidences of your faithful efficiency. for the besieging forces, it became necessary, late in WE ARE in receipt of a sample Glace photograph Wednesday, August 15,1877. Tickets 91. ence of " a select assembly," a couple of other rivals the year, once mor® to withdraw the Russian army by Rice Bros., which in point of finish Is simply su- The good results which followed have not alone been The elegant steamer Lady of the Lake will hjave in the profession pugilistic erected illuminated maps confined to the locality of the occurrence, but all those across the Danube. perb. Mr. Rice tells us that for years he has been en- deavoring to perfeot the Glace process, and the result Sixth street wharf at 6 p. m. on Wednesday, arriving of "Over the Balkans," and the general war in the resisting lawful authority seem now to understand AT HIRSOVA AND TURTUKAI. at Point Lookout at daybreak on Thursday, remain- what must be expected if there be a continuance in At the opening of the campaign in the following is that finally he has suoceedeu in producing effects East, upon each other's physiognomies. The fights superior to anything yet attained In finishing photo- ing there for a genuine surf bath, and will then go to defying'the law. year, 1710, the new commander-in-chief of the Russian Plney Point, leaving the Point at 12 m. and reaching are well told in the newspapers, land the reporters en- Second. To the companions and relatives of Lieut. forces, Count Kamienskl II., conveyed his army of graphs. 25,000 men and seventy-two guns across the river at the city at 7:30 p. m. A view of the Potomac from its ter upon their description with a zest that a regiment J; Dorsey Ash of the Keystone battery and the en- mouth to the city by daylight. Catering by Freund listed men who were killed in the affray the com- Hlrsova between the 10th and 14th of May. On the THE finest the market affords at Platz' ten-cent of Moodys & Co. oould never inspire. When we are 25th of the same month General Sass crossed in boats lunch. at 60 cents per meal. mander-in-chief extends his condolence and sym- Tickets positively limited. For information relative told .that in the first round both men time to time pathy ; yet there is the sad consolation that they at- Turtukai and seized that town, and on the 30th Count Zukatto also passed over the river to the north to state rooms apply to the committee. Mattresses •beautiiully; that Patsey McBrlde "led off" with his died for the maintenance of the law's supremacy and The Musical Mosquito, of Widdin. In the two following years, 1811 and 1812, Many have been made glad within the past free and a sufficient number to accommodate all. to secure the permanency of our established Consti- R. J. Murray, 819 Four-and-a-Half street N. W; J. left, was "countered" by Golden witha "rattler" on tution. the Russian armies constantly crossed and recrossed twenty-four hours, the cause for the same being that the river. Hlrsova, strongly fortified and garrisoned S. Powell, 1118 Ninth street N. W; J. A. Darne, S. W. {his " scenter " that made the " claret" ebb and flow, By command of JOHN F. HARTRAOTT, Madame Mosquito and her troupe of midnight war- by the Russians, served them os a tete de pont on the blers were no longer at Flney Point to harass the ear corner Ninth and D streets; Miss Julia Powell, 208 •our interest is whetted. The interest grows intense as Commander-in-Chief. Turkish side of the river, and a bridge was also estab- New York avenue: J. S. Richardson, 1106 L street; JAMES W. LATTA, Adjutant General. with their horrible discord, which unfortunately caused we read further on that both men fought heavily, lished and maintained at Turtukai. At the outset of many- lovers of the refined to hastily leave the mad- W. S. Buckly, 912 Pennsylvania avenue; Free's book the oampaign of 1828-29 the Russians, crossing the ame's presence. This glorious news will cause hun- store, opposite Ebbltt House; E. T. Prltchard, 621 D -"slogging occasionally." Golden split openPatsey's Tbree Children Kidnapped. Pruth in three columns on the 7th of May, reached street. •cheek, "slugged and clinched, got his nose peeled," the Danube on the 8th of Juno. The third corps was dreds (not mosquitoes) to flock around the groaning NEW YORK, August 4.—Chief Of Police,'Hlckey of tables ot Sweetzer to enjoy the luxuries which are Eibner's celebrated brass band. aug5-2t3 but dropped his man; And when, at the end of twenty Jo cross the river at- Sasunovo, to the eastward of Chi cago telegraphed to Superintendent Walling this Isaktcha ; the seventh corps was to cross over at Ibraila; there placed before them. rounds, we find one with'-fcis hand knocked out'of afternoon that a lady had kidnapped three children while the sixth, traversing Wallachla, was to cross OUNG PEOPLES' EVENING EXCUR- ..joint, his head beaten in, throwing up the sponge; the Danube In the neighborhood of Turtukai. The Burdette., Y SIONS. there, and had come to this city with the intention of sixth corps arrived at the river without having en- Regular SUNDAY Excursions for Ladles and Child- while the other is "surrounded.and congratulated by We desire to call the attention of the public to the ren leave at 3:30 p. in. and return at 8 o'clock. taking them to Germany by to-day's steamer. The countere'dany serious opposition in its passage through advertisement of W.' W. Burdette fit Co., who are his enthusiastic friends, in a flght pronounced by con- Wallachia, but every effort made by it to effect a pas- TlOkets, 25 cents; children free. father being represented as a worthless man, made offering special Inducements to the public in the way • Freund caterer. noisseurs to be the longest they ever saw," our faces sage across the Danube at Turtukai was In vain. The of oarpetiugs, oilcloths, buntings, silks and dress goods,, cemplalnt to Chief of Police Hlckey, who telegraphed third corps was more successful at Satunovo, and on rflush with sympathetic pride at his noble triumph. as well as domestics. We advise the public to read The Barge COCKADE. CITY will give seleot Excur- as he did. Superintendent Walling, being satisfied the 8th of June a bridge was established there; while the advertisement carefully, and to examine their sions EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING during The prize, fifty dollars, was presented with a neat that there was something wrong, sent the party to the seventh oorps, having been delayed by the neces- stock closely before purchasing. the season, leaving her wharf at 7 o'clock p. m. sharp, speech to the victor, a lad-of eighteen. The van- sity of besieging and capturing lbralla, did not suc- returning at 11 o'clock ; remaining at Marshall Hall Jeff erson Market pplice court with a detective, whence ceed in crossing the river until after the capitulation squished, about the same age, is wheeled home, and 30 minutes eaoh trip. Music and Dancing. Tickets, they will probably be discharged from custody. of that place on the 17th of June. The history of the Hardware. 25 cents. jy29-tt2 ; the crowd disperse after a few Impromptu rows. passage of the Danube during the Russo-Turkish war We advise the public to call at the well-known store LATER. of 1853-55 is well known. On the 20th of March, 1854, of A. R. Williams, 829 Seventh street, and examine "With all respect due to this genteel profession and NEW YORK, August 4.—The woman and two child- 12,000 Russian troops were assembled at Ibraila, under his stock of hardware as well as his assortment of Ash- its followers, we still are compelled to advertise the ren arrested to-day', in accordance with orders from the command of Gortschakoif himself; 21,000 more ing tackle, which IS eonsldered by all lovers of the SUNDAY EXCURSION. were at Galatz, under Luders, and 14,00» were at piscatorial art as the most complete In the city. fact that there is room in our State penitentiaries for Chicago, on the charge of kidnapping, were ar- Ismalla under Utschakoff—all in readiness to cross The Steamer MATTANO (Captain Wm. H. Byles) will EVERY SUNDAY during the summer season these men and their mob of backers. raigned in court this aiternoon, and were remanded the river. On the 21st of March the last-named gene- Rawley Springs. ral succeeded, despite unfavorable weather, In cross- make a trip down the river, stopping at Marshall Hail to the police central office to await further particulars ing the Killa arm of the Danube in boats from Is- The second excursion has been arranged to take two hours, and returning at 9:30 p. m. to this city. place at these famous springs on the 20 th of August, un- THE HARD TIMES are pre,ssiDg. upon us from that city. malla.. On the 23d General Luders' troops were trans- The steamer leaves Sixth-street Whart at 3:30 p. m. ported to the right bank from Galatz, while Gortseha- der the same auspices as the first, which gave such uni- Fare, Round Trip, 25 cents. with such a deadly weight, and bid so positively to versal satisfaction. A grand ball will be given on the Temperance. kofl, having established a bridge of beats, moved his WM. H. K1LLMON, ..get worse, that our citizens are looking about for some force across on the 26th of March. twenty-third, which promises to be the most brilliant FAIR POINT, N. Y., August 4.—This aiternoon the affair of the season. ' jel7-3mos5 ' Agent .means of economizing, as it seems quite impossible to .Reform Council had a conference on the new temper- increase one's income through any business. There ance movement. An accountwas glyen of the Mur- New Books. are two heavy items on each house that excite particu- A Pilgrim. POINT LOOKOUT EXCURSIONS. phy work and its progress at Elmlra by Ecoles Robin- Seaside and Lakeside Library—new and popular lar attention. One Is ice and the other gas. The way He was weary and dusty, and had one arm in a novels. A new and fresh stock of ladies' box papers, son of Pittsburg, and Rev. Mr. Mead of Hornellsville •in which the people of "Washington are imposed on in sling and a black patch over his left eye when he new and tasteful designs. Fine stationery at low made a report ot the work In that city. Many thou- dropped Into the Chesapeake and told the bartender prices. Milans fit Wilk-ins, Seventh street, second The Spendid Iron Steamer " SUE," Captain W. both is something amazing. Take ice, for example. sands had signed the pledge, and the number of sa- that the strikers were defeated, and that all that saved door above F. C. Greoghegan, will resume her SATURDAY EVEN- This article has long ceased to be a luxury, since the them from the militia were their legs. He was em- ING TKIFS to Piney Point, Marshall's and Point loons had been reduced one third. F. Murphy of Invention of the refrigerator, especially the King re. phatlo as to tho justice of the strike and called for Mrs. M. J. Hint. Iiookout, on SATURDAY, June 16. Fare only Pittsburg delivered a lengthy address on "The Gos- whisky. As he measured it out lie remarked: "It's a round trip. All accommodations first class. Leave frigerator. Ice is a necessity to every household; long walk from Pittsburg to Washington; capital is The attention of eur readers Is called to the great pel Temperance, a leaf from real life," 4,OQO persons inducements which Mrs. Hunt offers to her patrons Stephenson's Wharf, foot of Seventh street, every and how are we treated We have three companies destroying labor; we need more greenbacks, and tbe Saturday at 8 p. m., and returning arrive in Wash- being present, and closed with a powerful appeal in poor man should have a chance. Give labor a sight, and the public generally. In order to make room for and one combination: The Great Palls, Indepen- her fall stock she is selling her goods at exceedingly ington Monday morning at 6 o'clock. For state-rooms behalf of the chris tian temperance work. boss," he added as he wiped his mouth with his shirt and further information apply to Stephenson & Bro., dent and Kennebec companies. Now the ice that costs sleeve, "and we will have peace and prosperity all over low prices. As many of her goods are desirable at all seasons of the year, we advise the public to call at 621 Seventh street wharf, or at office, 1218 Pennsylvania these companies and this one combination fifty cents the (and." While this enthusiastic gentleman from Eighty Cents a JDay. Pennsylvania was making these remarks, A1 Supplee D street. avenue. jel0-2ms2 STEPHENSOli & BRO., Agents. a ton, with twenty per cent, waste, is sold at eight, BAYONNE, N. J., August 4,—The coal heavers here became suspicious and quietly remarked, "Fifteen ten and twelve dollars a ton. We know of what we cents." "Would you take the last cent from a pilgrim Coal. are very much dissatisfied with the reduction of their from-Pifctsbun?," was the answer. "Yes, 1 would,' re- Those who desire to lay in their stock of winter coal write. We have a brother-in-law in the ice business; wages to eighty ce nts a day, or less than ten Cents a plied Al. "How have the mighty fallen," he ex- should read the advertisement of R. M. Mill er fitSon , SUNDAY EXCURSIONS. and he gives us the figures. Small wonder that these a ton. They say this amounts to one cent a barrow, claimed as he laid down a penny and vanished through which appears In another column. three companies are so wealthy, declaring to each the door. A&Supplea leaned on. the bar and gave ex- The new and COMMODIOUS STEAMER MARY and that it takes ten minutes at least to roll such. Se- pression to his feelings, the Y. M. C. A. closed their WASHINGTON will, until further notice, make some $40,000 a season dividends. And yet, were ice to windows and called for prayers. Improvements. rious trouble; growing out of the coal miners' strike is TWO EXCURSIONS EVERY SUNDAY TO oome down as other articles have come in the last apprehended. The cry of hard times falls to have effect on the three years, ice ought to be sold on the streets of Wash- energy and activity of our friend J. C. Parker, who MOUNT VERNON SPRINGS. Sailing Under False Colors. has leased thg new building 819 Seventh street, and ington at twenty-five cents a hundred, and this would Leaving her wharf, foot of Seventh street, at ten Military Dismissed. The party leaving this city on the 3d instant under has not only removed his stock from the old place of o'clock a. mi and return at 2:00 p. m. Leave again at make a fair profit for the companies. the name of " Innocents Abroad," as noticed by the business, but has increased the same from the Phila- NEW YORK, August 4.—The Fourth delphia and New York markets. The building is Im- 2:30 o'clock p. m. and return at 8:00 p. m. What wo want and must have for the next season is a Republican of yesterday, Was not the well known and regiment, Colonel Steel, leftPhilllpsburg, where they reputable Yachting Club known by that name. The mediately facing the Interior Department, and is Those going on the first trip oan remain at the new company, made up of citizens who won't sell out have been on duty for a week, at half past one this "Innocents Abroad" will not sail until late in one of the finest In the city. We congratulate our Springs and return on the second trip free of charge. friend upon having secured not only the finest loca- Fare, morning trip, 40 cents ; aiternoon 25 cents. No or combine. __ aiternoon on the Lehigh Valley road, reaching Jersey August, and It Is due to the gentlemanly members of the above-named club to make this correction. The tion but the most complete building in the city for his liquor on the boat or grounds ; coffee, sandwiches and City at half past five o'clock. The regiment was re- business, and feel assured his patrons, as well as the other refreshments at low prices. The boat will stop FEED. GBANT has lost his money by the " Innocents " desire®) be responsible only for their ceived in Exchange Place by Governor Bedle and own acts. public, will find It to their advantage to give him a at Alexandria going and returning. my27-5mos6 failure of his father-in-law, but; he retains his honore- call at 619 Seventh street. The well known reputa- staff, and dismissed at the armory shortly afterward. tion ot Mr. Parker is a sufficient guarantee that the Joke on honore—see It? Better—there is nothing else TAKE Hart's Roach Powder—the trade-mark is on ANTED—Prompt-paying Tenants to occupy of every package. You cannot make a mistake—it is not latest noveitles and styles in his Une of business can to see. always be found at his new establishment flee rooms over Markriter's new store, No. 826 E J.. O. PARKER has removed to 819 Seventh street. sold loose. streetW. Bent low. ap22-t!3 6 THE CAPITAL.™ AUGUST P, 1877.

For RUN CAITITAX. motion ends with the corporations. The excltemcn WE ABE GLAD to get for publication the PAPEBHANGINGS. AFTER MANY YEARS. was felt for many days with us here. following account of a few Southern women 00ESETS AND SHIETS. We meet again at last to-night.' We were three hundred strong—a band of brothers in New York, who, recognizing the logic of My hand within your hand has lain; sisters and minstrels, by which you will understand No thrilling of the old sweet joy, we fraternized and knew no North or South. Our events, have gone braVely to work. Taylor & Hirfty, No throbbing of the old tierce paini belleE—Belle Angel of New York is one of the sweet- À statesman in Ohio once said that " war 933 PENNSYLVANIA AVMNTJE, My eyes hare looked in yours to-night, est—ollvejeyed belles, are from all parts. We have legislates." We can add, it also developed. NEW STORE ! DEALERS IN Nor drooped the lids beneath your gaze. graceful "AVhite Fawns" from Washington, Balti- When the late civil strife came upon us the FERRIS' ADJUSTABLE, I stood and calmly heard you speak more, Richmond, Savannah, Louisiana, Vermont and South had nothing but its courage and blue The old name even, and my cheek Pennsylvania. Paled not, nor flushed as in thote days; blood. Without arms, ammunition or war The White Fawn synonym is a tradition of Bawley supplies of any sort, and no skilled tabor, Yea, had you even stooped to touch Among the anccstral records of ex-Senator Lewis o- Your lips to mine, all quivering Virginia, Miss Lynn, a young English girl, subse. that cojild create them, in l.ess than a year With the old fire, 1 scarce so much quently a Lewis, emigrating to the county with her it developed thè labor and brought for- NEW GOODS! As stone had felt their tender sting, father, settled upon this " grant." Of beauty and ward its supplies in a way to equal the high - So cold and calm am I to-night. culture, she fascinated the chief of an aboriginal tribe, Courage with which the battles were fought. who sought her in marriage. The rejection of his suit And yet I do recall one night And now that the old system of unrequited driving him to despair, he captured the heiress of toil is swept away, we 'And these people We two together stood not quite these broad acres and deposited her in a cave, from So passionless as now; our dead which she was rescued by the friendly interposition of turning to industries with an energy and Laid stark and cold before our sight; a squaw, and restored to her parents. These facts are enterprise worthy their American origin. J. MARKRITER, I eursed yon then, you said that tilght; substantiated by .the lady, but the particular cave is And we are glad to know that with slavery Ah ! blind and crnel not to know legendary. have gone the silly notions of a high aristo- Such curses might to kisses burn, Some think it the famous Weir, which is only sec- cratic descent and the degradation of honest And our pale dead to life return, DEALER IN ond to the Mammoth of Kentucky in beauty and bril- For love doth prove his living so! toil: liancy. Others affirm—and those are the relatives— You willed it not; we shed no tears ; that the Cave of the Woods, near our hotel, is the SOME OF THE SOUTHERN WORKING We only laid our dead away, identical spot. Major ChMsman, who owns the iron WOMEN OF NEW YORK. As It is met when soul leaves clay, PAPER-HANGINGS, ore region of the rocks and the cave, which is rich in When the war-clouds cleared away from the And walked apart through All the years, .anthracite coal, is my informant. His wife is the cel. Southern land one vast wreck lay exposed. Houses But burned into my heart that night! ebrated lady who conducted her farm, where troops and lands, stocks, furniture, all were gone, and Pov- Thompson's Glove-Fitting, I learned your lesson well that night! encamped throughout the war, in her husband's ab- erty, the grim king, ruled the South. Then it was PICTURE FRAMES, Four lesson mind to shed no tears sence, was assistant ("insistant") surgeon, as the that the Southern woman, throwing the traditions of Above one's dead. With jest or scorn negroes called her, and bound up wounds and broken the past behind them, arose to the dignity of work To put aside the lbve of years— limbs like an angel of charity, for friends and foes. and went forth with resoiufe hearts to meet their That was the lesson taught that night; She is a delicate woman, of charming conversational strange new destiny. Never were warriors on the WINDOW SHADES, Yea more: you struck God from the sky; talent, and as much admired as beloved in this local- battle field braver than these women who were now For " God is love " and " love can die " ity. Her anecdotes of the war are highly interesting. called upon to fight the great, hard battle of life. Un- You said. You shrunk to hear your creed; Thè mining prospects of Rockingham are so prolific daunted by distance, or the loneliness that they knew You shrank not then back lrom the deed! of prosperity to development that several capitalists must await them in strange cities, they scattered PICTURE CORDS and TASSELS, I learned my lesson well, how well have already offered to purchase the Coal-Black Sugar themselves over the United States, going wherever Hearts proud and lond as mine could tell; Plum at the Springs. The mineral waters, iron ore and they thought they could earn an honorable main PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Reproach me not, slain love and trust, ceal, are tempting to settlers. Major Warren of Har- tainance. While many sought employment In Wash- Back to your graves, ye are but dust; risonburg states that the products of the oounty have ington, a number wended their footsteps to the great 1 learned my lesson well that night. brought into it, at ordinary sale, over a million of city ot New York, and took up cheerfully whatever CHROMOS, Etc. dollars In the last six iionths. This looks like pros- work their hands found to do. Among those who are Ah well I long years ago that night. perity. A farmer tells me that the Baltimore and at work in Gotham we may mention the following : Slight cause has he to laud the wars Ohio railroad monopoly are robbing the valley by ex- Mrs.4 McNeil of South Carolina, a veneratile and No. 636 E STREET, Whom victory only crowns with scars; tortionate charges of transportation, fifty-five cents to lovely lady, has established herseli in a very success- Slight joy the slave, to know his chains the hundred—ruining to the producers; that the ful boarding-house. One door east of 7th St., (late 139 7th St.) But break through agonizing pains! Northern Central sends from Chicago, via New York, Mrs. Sadlier of South Carolina, a daughter of the My scars are hid from you to-night; to Washington, the same at twenty-eight cents. This Hon. George Buist of Charleston, keeps a popular My hand within your hand has lain is a source of wide dissatisfaction, 1 hear, of this freight boarding-house, well patronized by her Southern AND THE And trembled not; 1 shed no tears business. friends who summer in New York. HAVING REMOVED Above the graves of these dead years, Miss Florence de Trevllle, whose father was the And now we go our ways again. AMUSEMENTS. Miss Annie 1). Ware of Washington and Mr. G. W. Hon. Richard de Treville, once lieutenant-governor of But evermore bur dead shall lie South Carolina, also presides over a popular boarding- Shine, the handsome young actor so admired by the TO THE NEW'BUILDING, NO. 626 E STBEET, Between us, and with stern llpB cry . house. Forgetting that she was a petted society belle late Charlotte Cushman, who frequently performed ONE DOOR EAST OF SEVENTH STREET, Against your scorn of me ; lor ill In Charleston, her native city, with a courage and with her, gave us two first-class performances ot va- JUST AROUND THE FIRST CORNER Ur good I have but wrought your will! energy most admirable, she went heart and soul to riety and excellence. Comedy carried the house, but ABOVE MY FORMER LOCATION, Would God that I had died that night. work, and success crowned her efforts. Young, frail auditors well up in Shakspeare welcomed Mr. Shine's I HAVE OPENED IN MBS. H. A. M. in form, delicate in health, for years she fought a fòrte as tragedy. His Cardinal Woolsey was a tri- CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE BUSINESS A umph, and the rendition of the laughable farce all glorious fight—as glorious as any hero ever fought bn- A.ISO, other First-Class Styles- WATERING-PLACE GOSSIP. that could be desired. Mr. Honeyton's character suits the tented fields of battle, and she has cóme oif victor. my7-tt him, as well as Mrs. Honeyton, when she defied her Mrs.Edward White, the wife of Colonel White;of Eg 3 Autocrat at the Breakfast Table. If matrimony be not Charleston, South Carolina, presides over an educa- BAWLKjr STRINGS, YA., July ¡», 1877. •£¡»03 io With golden midsummer beaming and mountain ail caudal lectures its pith is somewhat misrepre- tional establishment for young ladles. For this hjer 9 H S Ol sented by this burlesque. accomplishments eminently fither , and her Murray M M 3 breezes fanning our chestnut-shaded piazzas you may So a H í» Hill home is the abode of refinement and culture. FREE ART GALLERY rr.a ® CS CFR^ H be sure the unanimous opinion of guests, daily arriv- Miss Ware is a fearless and admirable impersonator Madame le Grand Coulson, the genial and accom- i H i, ing, is but a repetition of my first exclamation, How of Irish and German humor ; a mobile actress, with a M% ig tri W: beautiful is Bawley! No watering-place in the coun- generous nature tha.0 serves her point Intuitively, plished wife of Dr. Bawley Coulson of Virginia, in- >• ci structs classes in the French language. 1 ^ "3t try is so unappreciated at a distance as this most making it "tell" with a thrilling effect on her audience. a g o A CORDIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TO té 5" 2Í a.- highly favored resort ot the South, and of late, I am In the pathetic she is as muchathome as in the comic. Mrs. Patton, the widow of Mr. Jappes Patton, a law- tt ï,te •-«r r* THE PUBLIC. a » Sgp« . m S- free to say, of the whole country, and this without Her show of native pearls, when an electric smile yer of Asheville, North Carolina, and daughter of the >t r =• » fH Rev. Dr. Chapman, is teaching in the school of the « h* prejudice. Some of our traveled gentlemen, with darts over her face, is worth the price of a ticket to CALL A.T THE NEW STORE n gouty or dyspeptic tendencies, or incipient stages of see. Sisterhood, established by the late Rev. Dr. Muhlen- fg 3 SI as Q I GC Bright's disease, declare that I may go further and berg. S^ g |5 CONCERTS. © h> E. ra o % 1-3 O- claim it to be "the best in the world"—the wide, wide Miss Alice Simmons, the gifted daughter of the late We have had several by the band, under the lead Of ^ world! By their authority I speak—through them Dr. Hume Simmons of Charleston, South Carolina, g Q » • » Professor Steubgen, a performer of more than ordinary O V** may be Interrogated. and great nieee of Washington Alston, the celebrated execution and study. His assistants, Messrs. Frank Returning my warm acknowledgments for past li ? w QG It is not that the sun shines less scorchlngly here— painter, teaches in one of the public schools of New favors. A continuance solicited at the new store. Clifford and George Beitner, youths of South Bend, York. This yonng lady also writes for the press. w SS though that is a feature to prize—or that we have not Indiana, have won much reputation in association ß « fcj S slumbered in the torrid season under a "blue"-bor- Reared amid the refinements and what may be termed with his gracefully drawn bow, though known favora- the exclusion of that proud city, Charleston, she came .dered blanket before, (all the F. F.s have these now,) bly elsewhere. Their duet on two clarionets was J. MARKRITER, CIGAES AND T0BA000, or that wo have not scaled mountain precipices »r to New York and, like the rest of her Southern sis- artistically given, and presages a " star" career for ters, plunged into the thickest of the fight, making wandered by "Dry rivers" and flowing streams glitter- both. The rest of the orchestra are good subjectively, No. 626 E Street, between Sixth and ing with jewelry the finest (tinniest) that everflashed her way with a resolution and energy which places especially the flutist. her Ih the foremost ranks of Indomitable women. Seventh Streets. W. S. ROOSE, from the aqua marine, or that we have not rambled On Saturday next will be given amateur theatri- ttrough windrows (when there was no path) of laugh- Among those who have entered the training school p cals. Songs from Miss Sheik a student of Leipsic and 1 Handsome Office Rooms For Rent ov - the Stora. for.nurses at Belle Vue hospital we may mention Miss ing grain that rejoleed the eyesoi the tourists as much Italy, of rich soprano organ and Jenny Llnd " trill," my20-tf7 Cigars & Tolbgcco.j ^ Wholesale- Luce of Atkfinsas, who has received her diploma, and as the farmers; but it is the union of fish, fowl and will be a conspicuous leatvre. She is a thorough " dealer in Im- Miss Laborde of South Carolina. ported an<± wild beast; rivers which periodically "dry up" and artiste. Her sister, Miss Mellor, is understood to be MIS0ELLANE0US. leave their stony beds exposed; the royal purple mists Mrs. Jordan, the widow of a physician of South manufacturer oi her peer in musical circles, but a non-periormer this the Cactus, La that swathe the mountain kings in robes fitfo r cas- Carolina, came to New York to better her broken summer from impaired health. Miss Alexander, who Manola, La Rooser fortunes. She established herself as a dressmaker, TÏÏB WORLD RENOWNED and Stockton Cigars. tles in the air; the moonlights that iirutoinate and has a magnificent contralto, will sing " The Day is PennnsylTaniÄ having a peculiar aptitude for the work. Her success Agent for the Ambro- shadow the sylvan ells that flit before otir enchanted Done," by Longfellow ; Mrs. D. Z. Jones, the canary has been most complete, and "Madam Jordan" is now HOW B sia Fine Out. The trade- gaze and ereate new dreams of worlds beyond; the bird of Washington, in airs from "Martha" and supplied direct from the one of the celebrated " glasses of fashion " in New Atenúe. balmy breath of spice trees; wooded knolls, where ar- Schubert's " Ave Maria." factory at the very lowest New tists paint their ideals in ecstatic wonder; lofty York. SEWING MACHINES ! York and Baltimore prices. Recitations follow ; and statuary by Mrs. Watt of heights, awful chasms, green-wood plateaux, mir- Miss Mary Cheesborough is a daughter of the late Richmond and the young ladles lrom everywhere. NEW! ELEGANT! rored lakes and startled deer—one was caught listen- Mr, John W. Cheesborough, a prominent shipping Mrs. W. is a matron of queenly air and style. Mrs. ing to our band and domesticated on this place—last merchant of Charleston, South Carolina., and sister of AND REDUCED IS PRICE. r íffl-RetaAÍ branches at Willard'?, Metro- Gail takes part, and two fairy children. toblitorr, ArtlSgttai ;ìrtìd'Imperiai Hotels. and foremost, bears and rocks that rival Elbow moun- Mr. John Cheesborough, for many years cashier of the f Mrs. Judge Humphreys, wife of the supreme court 'MHOOÏÔ Oitílílnr/ff no'Sítlül OCt8-tfl tain, in the Green mountain range, where bears sit Bank of Charleston. As an artist she has met with judge, and her pretty daughter, are making warm Black Walnut Table a/nd Ornamented Machine 4i30.00 down at picnics in the woods with city guests, and much success. B. W. Table, Panel Cover and Drawer....". 35.00 friends. Mrs. Van Meter and her beautiful niece and Slipfsí rocks that rival, nay, surpass, Catskill or the White Among the Southern women who havo entered the B. W. Table, Patent Tray Top, Locks, &c 40.00 daughter are among the notables. Captain Early of B. W. Table with Folding Cover 40,00 mountains. field of literature in New Yofk may be mentioned Charlottesville and his French wife are much admired. B. W. Table with Cover, Drop Leaf and Drawers..45.00 Miss Sallie Brock of Virginia, whose name appears in BOCKS. She is a distinguished golden-haired blonde. Mrs. "Southland Writers." Miss Brock was connected at Besides the flowing banks axe rocks, wild rocks John Pertains, widow of one of the firm of Appleton Office, él9 Seventh Street N. W. one time, perhaps still is, with one of Frank Leslie's simply, rocks steep, rocks rugged—a blockade of rocks, & Co., New York, is of the elite at the springs. Mrs. • je24-3mosg publications. She has also published two novels and gray rocks, blue rocks, red rocks, iron rocks, yellow Wilson of New York, a millionaire recently from contributes toman y of the leading periodicals. rocks, hot rocks and salt rocks, for rocks are the staple England, where her son, of the British army, and her Improved Farms Wanted. commodity of the county, and Rockingham Is its daughter, are at present adviceSj is at Rawley. Colo- Mesdames Sallie and Emily Battey of Georgia name. Rocked in th'o cradle of the deep-blue moun- nel and Mrs. Nichols of Florida are among the lead- wield most successful pens as reporters and iashiqn- - PARTIES DESIRING tains and our own fancies, we stand by the rocks en- ers of entertainments. She is a line-looking woman. writers. :. ' * tranced—sit upon them, scrutinize them, gather them Mrs. Judge Nichols of Georgia and her daughter Mrs, Sturgis, formerly Mies Upsfiur of Virginia Loans at a Low Valuation like shellB by the sea shore, clamber over them, won- known in-literary circles as " Fanny Fielding," is a W. N. WOOD, Agent, Kate are on a visit to Virginia. -Miss N. is a belle febl8-6m3 Cor, Ninth and F sts. northwest. der on their lichened sides, age-blackened with starv and a graduate of Belle Haven Institute, Alexandria. forcible and pleasant writer. She came to New York on Improved Farms ing russet leaves, clinging like Faith to their barrenl Mrs, Leymorn Lyman of New York is here with her to make her way with- her pen, and fell Into the ]FOH STKVJE DANIEL LOUGHKAN, ness—theorize and wonder at their awful majesty, then son, who performs in pantomimes. He is a genius, meshes of matrimony. She writes for various publica- stratify their years; and the time-mellowed mosses the age of little Harry-Shanon, now the star at Sara- tions ; her article on the Florida Murats, contributed Apply to J-OBBER OF kindle within us heroic endeavor to unravel the mystery toga. Miss Minnie Hale of New York Is a Titian- to the GfUoxy, was widely noticed. REAL ESTATE LOAN AND TRUST CO., so insolvible. Why have not these "riven rocks," the pink blonde—pretty—wears exquisite toilets. Mrs. Miss Carolina Adams is a daughter of the late Rev. No. 631 F street northwest, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, greatest curiosity in the valley, been catalogued by Stroud of New York and Mrs. Colonel Chew are very Jaspar Adams, an Episcopal clergyman, who was at jyl-ly5 Washington, D. C., P. O. Box 74. NO. 1408 PENNSYLVANIA AYENUE, OPPO- philosophers and geologists among the "Seven won- stylish. Mr. Hoadly -and several Englishmen, with one time president of the Charleston, S, C„ college. ders" of the United States? They are easily driven our Bremen friends, Messrs. Hernan Rauscherberg Full of energy and perseverance, she never faltered in J. F. ELLIS & CO., SITE WILLAHDS' HOTEL. to, ascending steeply by a passable road, but more and Captain Fred. Kirkhaff, contribute to the delight the task she had undertaken. With a resolute will SOLE AGENTS FOB mar25-ly8 picturesquely approached by horseback or on foot by of numerous dancers and musicians. Mr. Raus- she set to work to conquer fate, and has succeeded. hardy pedestrians. Blocks of granite from twenty-five cherberg has the head oi a poet and the face of an She is connected with Demorest's publications, and is THE CELEBRATED CHI0KEKING LIVEET STABLES. to thirty feet high and nearly the same in circumfer- Apollo. He plays the plano in Chopinish style, as if the fashion correspondent of several leading news- ence stand monumentally on North mountain, in Bight begetting his own dreams. Captain K., a highly- papers. .FAMOUS WEBER PIANOS A. B. KEYES. J. L. SMITH.. of the hotels, with a field-glass, I am informed, (which cultivated man of the German army, his cousin, says, Miss E. B. Cheesborough is a younger sister of the 1 never tested,) at a few feet apart, resembling in their "Your grand mountains remind me of the Black artist of the same name, and Is a native of Charleston, shape the wings of some feudal castle on the Rhine. SoUth Carolina. Her name appears in Buchanan Forest, but we are so densely populated with estates THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGANI K.EYES tfc CO. Betwixt and between these lime-stones blocks pro- and towns we see no such long stretches of isolated Read's "Female Poets of America," " Women of the miscuous lie, stand and wedge each other in profusion, woods without hamlets or human beings. It looks South Distinguished in Literature," published by Pianos and Organs Carefully Tuned and Repaired by skillful workmen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mif bowed by some mighty anvil at a stroke. Hun- lovely and strange to our eyes." These gentlemen Derby & Jackson oi New York, and in "Southland dreds of them, piles on piles, invite the observation of say " Rawley Is a perfect Eden," and so It Is—a Vir- Writers." For many years after the war she edited 937 PENJiSILVANIA AYESUE, NEAR TETTH STBEET COACHES, scientists and curiosity-seekers on the tip-top , ginia garden ef Eves, if not of Adams—they make the Darlington (S. C.) Southerner. She Is now the 2,700 feet above tide-water. for Massachusetts. proof-reader In the office of the Family Journal and POTOMAC PAPER MILL, The swallows build their nests 'here; the busy bees Pulpit of the Day, New York city, and contributes to OPEN BRETTS Our german was a success, led by graceful Miss1 swarm and hive, sometimes extracting the honey-dew these and other publications. GEORGETOWN, D. C. Koonz of Washington and Mr. J. Durant, the Judge's irom the coral Hps of sweet-faced women who climb to These, then, are a few of some of " the lazy South- son. Messrs. Stewart, Lewis, Blake, Kendall, Acker, LIGHT WAGONS, their altitude among the clouds and set down to rest. ern women " of whom we have often heard. Are they William Lorrenbach—a handsome youth and graceful It is a remembrance worth cherishing to have been in lazy '! Let their works speak for them. Theirs is a dancer—Gratton, Lurtz, Hamburger and Harris, (the GEORGE HILL, Jr., a bee-hive unstung. record of which they need not be ashamed. Born, as M. C.'s son,) with statuesque MJss Harris, charming SADDLE HORSES,. These riven rocks are the resort of the raven, and in most of them were, to luxury, when the God ot Bat- Manufacturer of and wholesale dealer in Miss Buckley, (daughter of the late Chancellor of the childhood of Major Chrisman, a director of the tles decided against them, they did not sit d^wn and Mississippi,) sparkling Miss Ward, lovely "Pet" New Rawley Springs Company, who gallantly ibid their hands in useless replnings ; but starting out, D O VBLE and, SINGLE B UG G IE8 Yancey, Misses Haas, Shacklithe, Marz, Warren, PAPER. escorted me to them on horseback at aix o'clock in the filled the workshops of America, and to-day stand side Cramer, Richmond, Wilkinson and the gallant Cap- grey dawn of a cool morning not long ago, (he is com- by side with their Northern sisters, not ashamed to be tain W. D. Lurtz—the district attorney appointed by Waretaonse, 43a Ninth Street Northwest. mitted to these gentle courtesies,) were known classed among the working-women of the land. and all other vehicles promptly furnished. General Grant—danced to a late hour various tasteful throughout the .county as "raven rooks." Could FBROHIA. sepl0-tf2 WASHINGTON, D. C. figures. The grand ball is to De on August 9, and a melancholy Edgar Foe have seen the lair of his bird crowd is expected from every city in the United of ill-omen, the turreted sentinel tower where they STEPHEN F. GILL, Orders left at the Arlington Hotel or at the States. H. LOUISE GATES. The Beetle. perch, croaking to the spirits of the mountain," never [From the London Morning Post, July 3.] Plain and ornamental Stable, day or night, will receive prompt attention. more," he would have written "something more." The Cologne Gazette states that from careful obser- vations and inquiries madg/since the burning of a Bally small parties steal away to visit the Sybil of Authors Without Descendants. potato field in the neighborflbod of Cologne, it is evi- PLASTERER, the mountain, who lodges in a log cabin at its foot in a The recent death of the grandson and last male dent that the object of that destructive process has Close Carriages for wedding calls and receptions. sort of Weird Gave, (twelve miles lrom the original,) relativeof the poet Schiller has led to the statement been completely attained. There is no further trace 408 Eighth street northwest, Washington, D. C, that there is not now living a single descendant in the visible either of Colorado beetles or oi larvae, neither to learn their fortunes. The spells she casts are Center-pieces, Caps, Brackets, Statuary, &c., always male line of Chauser, Shakspeare, Spencer, Milton, above the soil or in the same. There is reason to be- on hand. Bepairing and Calsomiming promptly ex- potent far those who will possess the estate of Rawley Cowley, Butler, Dryden, Pope, Oowper, Goldsmith, lieve that not one beetle h^^scaped. The Govern- ecuted. apr22-ti« In the near future. It is a noble grant to the man Scott, Byron, Moore, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Walter ment has given strict direc^phs to all who may find Raleigh, Drake, Cromwell, Hampden, Monk, Marl- beetles, larva), or parts of the same to give them up Boarding and Livery Stabler who puts down a hundred and fifty thousand silver borough, Peterborough, Nelson, Strafford, Ormond, without delay to the authorities. The Reichsanzieger± JOS T K PLANT bills, and makes them double in the next year, when Clarendon, Addison* Swift, Johnson, Walpole, Bo- in an official paragraph, states that it is not known lingbroke, Chatham, Pitt, Fox, Burke, Grattan, Can- by what means the beetle was first imported into Ger- the branch railroad from Harrisonburg to the Springs ning, Bacon, Locke,. Newton, Davy, Hume, Gibbon, UNITED STATES* COMMISSIONER, AT WILLARD'S HOTEL STABLES, many. The Swedish Government has, in consequence 915 F STREET NORTHWEST. (but eleven miles,) Is completed. It was interrupted Macaulay, Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, David Gar- of its appearance, prohibited the importation of pota- by the strike, but will go rapidly on so soon as com- rick or Edmund Kean. BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. toes from Western Geamany. jel7-tf Comer Fourteenth and D-streets* .Washington, D. Of- THE CAPITAL.--AUGUST 5, 1877. 7

to be loved and encouraged; but when used to pamper with prayer, and tbe open Bible upon our altar, which shining light among my pious friends, though much Immediately Joseph Olds of Pickaway county, an we recognize as the emblem of our Order and upon Indolence, to sustain false notions of pride, building 1 GOSSIP BY ROBERTS. depends on the definition of the word. Some people able man and a devoted Whig, called the honorable up oaste, creating extremes In social, religious and which ouir institution Is founded , and by It we are speaker to order, assigning his reasons why the speak- domestic society, it must not only be frowned upon, taught, "Come, and let us reason together," think they are pious when they are only bilious. P. M. ARTHUR, There is no city-in the Union that has so many of er was out of order. Mr. Spalding, with great appa- but must be met by well organized combinations of in- I knew little about "camp-meeting," only that it tellectual, enlightened labor. Thus the combinations ©rand! Chief Engineer B. of L. E the hnfortunato people who belong to what may be rent astonishment at being thus abruptly called to called—well, 1 was going to say "refined" poor, hut was a place where people went to get happy and re- of labor may, while not seeking to control capital, give ligion. I did not get either, but I got mad. Just as order, and with the greatest gravity, called upon the it better direction, and each will become mutually HOTELS AND BESTAUB ANTS. am : reminded that a correspondent has begged mindful of the other; the employer will respect the 1 took my seat a small-sized fiend I had with me, aged chair to determine whether the speaker of the house me not to use that word, so I will say first-class poor. was or was not in order. employee, while he in turn seeks to advantage his We have "first-clase" everything in Washington- four years, set up a howl for ice oream and lager beer, employer. having a vague idea it was the Scheutzen Park, much Without a moment's hesitation Mr. Jenkins de- The system of railway management and of paying NEW HOTEL. neighborhoods, niggers, fools, dead-beats, widows ; In railway employees has undergone a very radical to the horror of a solemn-looking old lady nearby. elded the case in the words following: tact, everything—things too numerous to mention, and 3 " It are the opinion ot the present occupier of the change within the past ten years, and to this change for particulars any one can see the small bills of life She asked me if 1 was the maternal parent of that cheer that whenever a member are attacted by a we ean attribute the present trouble. RICOS HOUSE, The finaclal embarrassments and bankruptcy of . conspicuous in all our thoroughfares. As 1 said be- child? On my answering in the affirmative, she in- synomymous publication ln.a newspaper that he have s0 the privilege of reltteratlug It back on the floor;an dman y of the trunk lines, to say nothing of the minor PKFNNAIEB « SPOFFOKD, fore, no city holds so many first class poor people- formed mel was not fitted for the responsibility,, and' the cheer sees no good reason lor Instituting any In' roads, have been occasloned.by the criminal misman- that a child who at that age would cry for such sinful agement of thoBe who were originally put Into office Proprietors. persons thrown here by circumstances, and forced, by dividuoua distinctions between the speaker and an- things was on the broad road to' destruction. I was by the stockholders, but who have finally, by means •the turn and overturn of the wheel of fortune, to work other member. This are the rule according to Jeffer- Fifteenth and G Streets, Washington, D. C. about to argue the question, when a series of perform- of the opportunity thus obtained, become themselves for a living. The departments are full of them. The son's Immanuel." the practical owners of the property. Originally em- OCt29-8 riches which have taken to themselves wings have not ances commenced that 1 don't want to see again until As soon as the decision was rendered Mr. Olds ployed at stated salaries, to give their exclusive at- my brain gets stronger and my temper more angelic. arose and appealed from the decision of the chair. tention to the details and general management of the taken with them the instincts of refinement and the stockholders' property, in simple right and justice EBBITT HOUSE, delicacy of feeling that is acutely alive to the stings I don't know who the exhorter was—one of the big The appeal was, however, of no avail. The decision they tiad no better right to engage In outside transac- and humiliations necessitated by the never-ending guns, I presume, by the noise. He danced around in was triumphantly sustained by both the Whigs and tions, even If such outside Interests did hot conflict a sort of " if ever I cease to love" style, and spread the Democrats. They lelt good over the decision, and with their employers' Interests, than the humblest HEADQUARTERS ARMY AND NAVY, wrestle with the almighty dollar. Washington is not employee upon the road; and had such railroad man- a city of rich people. We are not so apt to fall down himself in such a promiscuous manner that I began could not vote against it. The members generally agers given their time and attention exclusively to .over millionaires as in othUr cities. There area few to hope the buttons on bis clothes were sewed on with thought the decision original, earnest and authorita- the work they were to perform, not one of them to-day WASHINGTON, 1>. O. who may be called wealthy, but the majority are those good Methodist thread, and would stand the pressure tive, and thought it had better stand as the sense of from the legitimate income of his salary could hon- estly lay claim to more than a modest $100,000. But living on a salary, the most of which goes, whether throughout the sermon. My attention was here called the House, greatly to the mortification of Mr. Olds, what are the tacts ? These managers, known as pres- C. C. WILLARD, Proprietor. large or small, to keep up the style official position to my rear. An old man was punctuating the dis- who considered the action of the House as trifling idents, first, second, third and fourth vice presidents, •calls for. Yet with this fact comes another one equal- course with a series of "groans," "amens" and with legislation. general managers and assistant general managers, have taken advantage of their official and controlling ily obvious—that Washington is not adapted as a city glories," rocking himself to and fro, punching my The result was, Mr. Spalding had an opportunity to positions to divert revenues Justly belonging to their METROPOLITAN HOTEL, ito the needs of a majority of the population. back every time with his umbrella. My polite request make just such a speech as he desired. employers, the stockholders, into their own pockets. WASHINGTON, D. O.; that he would be a little careful was met—" Oh"! my Let them refund to the various railroad corporations Take the houses, for instance. For one to under- AN OLD OHIO WHIG. sister, I am BO happy ; rejoice with me." I told him these diverted revenues, and there will be no neces- •take to "keep house" and live respectably generally sity for taking ten and twenty per cent, off the poor CARROLLTON HOTEL if he was happy it was more than X was, and I did not employees to pay the interest on railway bonds In for- •ends in their rushing around hunting up a first-class BALTIMORE, MD., see anything to rejoice at by being poked in the back TUF. STRIKE. eign countries to keep them out of the sheriff's hands. ravine to die in. Rents are kept up at the same rates and my store clothes ruined. 'At this time the "man Furthermore, what haVe these same magnates done Both under the management of the undersigned. as %uring war times Pointed Exposition by the Chief of tbe with their millions of diverted railroadf revenues ? to the fore" became exhausted and stopped. Another They have manipulated the stocks of these enormous B. B. COLEMAN & CO. A walk around the city will show the turn the tide man, with a Ohinese-iiddle voice, started a tune, and Brotherhood of Engineers. corporations, whose interests they were originally em- nov26-8m8 CLEVELAND, OHIO, July 30, 1877. lias taken in the number of vacant houses on every was joined by other Chinese-addle- voices, and the ployed to protect, in such a manner as to make them- street—too large and too much rent for the average To the Editor of the Herald. selves absolute owners of the railroads. Where are way my friend. with- the umbrella howled in my ear I desire through the columns of your widely circu- ttie stockholders that can now oust the presidents and IMPERIAL HOTEL, private families, and not jumped at by those who and punched me on the back was enough to upset the lated paper to define the position of the Brotherhood minor officials from tbe management of one of the wish to "rent rooms," as prices have depreciated; so temper of any unregenerate sinner. ot Locomotive Engineers, and express my views on great trunk lines and their radiations, extending to WASHINGTON, D, C. that even if one is successiul enough to '-fill" the the recent strikes, and correct a statement that ap- every important business center of the country ? The peared in your issue of July 25, which places the or- minor stockholders of these roads have no more oon- house thé expenses are not met. Landlords say, "1 Atter that another exporter gottup and commenced FIRST-CLASS AND LOW RATES. BOARD shouting to the Almighty as if he thought he was anizatton in a false light before the public : ' trol or managing interests In the roadthan a penniless rwill let my house remain idle unless I get my price.". The Brotherhood was formed in the city of Detroit, switchman worlung for eighty cents per day. REDUCED to $40, $50 and $60 per month, according to location of rooms. TABLE BOARD $26 per month. The consequences are that he has a good chance to deaf. He squinted so It was hard *o tell which way Michigan, in August, 1863, under the name of the Grand National Division Brotherhood' of the Foot- A RAIIKOAD ARISTOCRACY. Transient rates $3 per day. ¡amuse himself in that line, and hia house remains he was looking, but 1 am positive he was glaring rightat me, wh^n, in a burst of eloquence, he qai(}, Board," and the following year, at the convention held Around us has grown un a purse-proud railroad je3-tfB JAS. S. PEIBCÉ, Prop'r. •empty for months, when just as the "season" com- in Indianapolis, was reorganized and called the aristocracy, who, having the technical, form of the mences some one will take it, and during a few Come to my arms, my erring sister, and be blessed.' "Grand International Division Brotherhood of Loco- law on their side, snap their fingers In the face of the He tookcd so^entreatingly that I was about to go, motive Engineers." 1'lie objects of the association general community and successfully defy all opposi- months, when everything is at high tide, he gets hia tion, come from what source it may. Well may these when I remembered 1 had seen his wife, and she was are the same now as they were when the institution IRVING HOUSE RESTAURANT. price, then the inmate either takes a flnancial^emetlc was formed. Our motto is "Sobriety, Truth, Justice original employes, but finally owners, of railroads and throws up the house, or neglects to come to tlipe larger than 1 was anjl given to making things liyelyf and Morality." Our rule, "Do unto others as ye would stand by and see a lew millions of property destroyed so I kept my seat,'and lost perhaps the only chance 1' they should do unto you, and so fulfill the law." or the interests of the entire community sacrificed 10 CENT LUNCHES. with the monthly installment. I don't believe there when they still have a reserve of millions. But how, shall have of being bWssod. I don't mean to make fun , In January, 1868, we oommencfed the publication of is a property-holder In the city who, if he takes his a monthly journal, to be devoted-exclusively to the may it be asked, have these railway managers di- BEST IN THE CITY. pencil and paper and figurfs ot^ his .profit and toss Uf It all; still, to have a man pitch and toss as though Interests of locomotive engineers, which tias at the verted the revenues of railroads, to say nothing of en- during the year, wUl not come to th^ eonclHSion that h«-•e -ha d» take n cucumbers "on" top of •"hi*s "•«"»«»«morning• bit-- present time a circulation of thirteen thousand. It aging In even an outside legitimate business? They Corner Eighth and D Streets N. W. §ave diverted them through the channels of "fast ters, and call it " religious enthusiasm," makes one contains a list-of the names of all those excelled and there would be more profit and less loss if he rented the cause therefor. Nopeison can become a member freight lines," and their designatories are legion—ex- febl8-ly BUTTS & BOSS, Proprietors. his house to good, steady tenants at less rent and havd smile. eicept he is twenty-one^ years of age, can read and press and sleeping car companies, railroad hotels and I remember going to an old-fashioned Methodist write, and is a man of good moral character, temper- eating houses, passenger insurance companies, tele- •his house occupied all the year round. His taxes graph companies^ &c.—and until these managing dipping." Among those to be washed was a maiden ate in his habits and a locomotive engineer in good have to be paid whether the house is vacant or not standing, and lias had experience as sych,one year. rings are broken up, and practical, competent, honest METROPOLITAN VINE BOOMS. men are substituted therefor we shall continue to The time has gone by when the landlord can sit of some thirty summery not,to speak of winters. She Every member has obligated himself to so conduct himself as to secure the confidence and esteem or his have trouble. 1 do nòt wish to be understood as down on a good tenant, who meekly suggests that the had a îork leg—and when 1 say leg I mean not claiming that all railway managers are dishonest, as Finest Liquors and Cigars limb.'!» She was rather sensitive regarding the pos- employers. If a member willfully or maliciously in- house be put in habitable order, by saying, "If you jures his employer's property, or defrauds any one, or 1 am personally acquainted with a number who are session of the cork appendage, and .in getting re- gentlemen in the truest sense ot the term, whose con- In the City. don't like it leave it; there are a dozen after it; glad engages In the traffic of intoxicating liquors, he is duct during the recent conflict was in marked con- subject to expulsion. to get it." That did at one time, but there are a ligion did not get rid of that désiré to look* her best, trast with that of Garrett, Scott and Vanderbilt. COBNEB SIXTH AND V NT BELTS H. W. implanted in the bresjatj of every wcl^-regulated fe- WHAT THE BUOTHERHOOD HA a DONE. JOHNNIE CLARK, Proprietor. dozen houses looking after one tenant now, and there In December, 1867, we formed an insurance asso- MR. VÀXDBRBILT CRITICIZED. male, ancl would not remove i t. t The result can ¡be my8-8mos3 are too many houses in good order vacant for people ciation, which pays to the widow or heirs of a de- Mr. Vanderbilt, in his statement published in the to be willing to' pay exhorbitant rents and put up imagined. I ftersojre when 1 think how I laughed. ceased member the sum of »3)000-, providing there are New York Herald, says : " Where we ran eighty WEHT END HOTEL, ' sufficient members to collect that amount at each, with every inconvenience. The high rents thai peo Every time she was ducked, up popped the leg, like' trains a day a year ago, we are running only thirty GEORGETOWN, D. O. , an exclamation. F inaliy they had to. give It up, and ¿ess three per cent, for collection. There has been a now; we stjll employ as, many men as before;" pie are forced to pay is a thing that tells on every slight decrease In the membership, owing to the con- which leaves the impression that he is paying a' large V. s If INN. Proprietor. that cork lfeg Is unregenerated to this day. other branch of trade in the city. People must hav duct of Frank Abbott, late General Secretary and force of men that he has no'work for, when the truth This hotel is conveniently located, being situated on The Treasury is to hâve a new architect.. Ohio is at Treasurer, in appropriating the fjinds of the associa- is It costs him no more to keep one hundred engineers the line of the Washington and Georgetown City Pas- a roof to cover them, and as almost all they earn goes tion for self-aggrandizement, instead of paying it to than it does fifty, and the same applies to all train for the rent of said roof, they have to economize in last to be recognized and allowed to hold an office; so senger Railroad, the cars of which, from the Railroad the wid'ôws and orphans, as the raws of the association men. "They receive ho pay unless they run, and there and Steamer Depots, pass the doorievery two or three every other channel. Old clothes are "made over the above appoin tee comes'from there. He is said, by direct, and he has attempted to justify himself by is no road ln the country Where so much dissatisfac- mlnntes. The guests of this house can reach any of Union tion exists among the employes as on the New York Instead of new ones being bought; fifty cents is spent one who knows him and Is qualified to judge, to be a stating in the Port Jervis that he agreed to the Fubllo Buildings if the National Capital, or any loan about eight thousand dollars of the funds Ot the Central, and Mr. Vanderbilt knows it. Complaint on food instead of a dollar ; one newspaper is sub- gentleman and a good artist. I have been gathering after complaint hàs béen made tò him, and the last place Of amusement, &c., by a pleasant ride of a lew association en bond and mortgage on property in Sul- minutes. Board per day, $2. By. the month at re- scribed for instead of two, or perhaps none—the up some facts regarding the "rings" in that office livan county, New York, expecting it to bp approved time a committee of engineers ^ent to see him he positively refused them anaudienoe, and two of them duced rates. sep26-tf8 seeker after news goes to a reading-room and gets it and the nice little way they have of jnanagingthings, by the directors, but they refusing to do so he was un- arole to return the money at once. The whole state-" on their return to West Albany were discharged. which will form a nice subject f«jr "gossip,?' andjlet free—and so on in a dozen different ways. Even, the ment is a fabrication. He never offered the associa- Within the past three years, G, H. Burrows,Superin- AMERICAN HOUSE, wealthier portion of those who live or spend the the new architect know how the "wheels go round" in tion any mortgages. He had no more right, to loan tendent of the Wèstern division, has discharged s greater portion of the year here have seen the folly of the office. the money of the association than tie had to enter a large number of good engineers without the least bank and abstract the contents 8f the safe. We paid Corner Pennsylvania Ave. and Seventh St»» J udge Humphreys, whose legal lore is only equaled provocation whatever, and when they would call to paying high rents. Consequently large, elegant turn a salarv of $1,300 a year to transact the business, see him tiewoul d gifcet them with a volley of oaths houses are standing idle, because people see that in by his capacity for the ardent, says he don't know and It was his duty to forward the money to .those to and turn them off the same as if they were dogs. I Assistant Postmaster Brady. Brady says It is the whom it was due as soon as he received it. I have do not claim that the men never did wrong, for,there stead of paying from two to three hundred dollars a digressed a little to make this statement and Correct are some who not only disgrace themselves, but their TABLE B0AKD, $20 PER MONTH. month for a house they can go to a hotel, and for a first complimenthe has received that he appreciates the misrepresentations made by'Mr. Abbott. We profession, end are not worthy of being retained in sinoe he entered into official life. trifle more cover every expense of living, and with no Wave paid nearly one million dollars to tjie insured, the servioe: but no officer is justified- In abusing men or Jones says the harder the;times get the more the amd disbursed to the needy out of our tiard earnings discharging them without a hearing, as a man's repu- my28-tfl SCHOFIKLD t PPFPY, Proprietors. responsibility or daily struggles with "first-class $50,000. W e have reclaimed ttie fallen, reformed ttie tation is at stake when dismissed, and he has a right average female expands and the more expensive her help." drunkard, and furnished the public and railroad com- to know what : It' is for. Ttie fact is, these men have 521 7th St. S. EARTH, 521 7lh St. tastes get. He is paying attention to a festive widow, panies with a better, more skilled and trustworthy very little regard fer worklngmen. Vanderbllt's What Washington needs are small, nicely built motto is, "Come what will, I must have my eight per who wants to be stuffed, not with sweet sayings, but class of engineers than they had previous to the In- WHOLESALE DEALER IN houses in respectable neighborhoods, that can be ception of the brotherhood. cent, dividend." Having spent twenty years of my with the good things of this life. Therefore he says he rented at fifteen, eighteen and twenty-five'dollars a I life on the New York Central road, I know something has to live on fltteen-oent lunches, or a glass of five-cent SETTLING DIFFERENCES. |of its management, and ever since Mr. Vanderbilt as- WINES AN» LIQTJOBS, month. Such houses wquld be filled the year through The only change made in our policy of adjusting sumed control of It ''curtail and redilce" has been the beer with lunch thrown in free, In order to save enough by good tenants, who, feeling that they were payin; differences between the companies and their en- order of the day. BOTTLED LIQUORS A'SPECIALTY. to give her chicken salad and champagne frapp0, and gineers during the past thirteen years is when the living price, would look upon the " roof" as something 1 remember a little Incident that occurred at West Liquors of all kinds by th^ gallon or barrel. thereby impress her with his great wealth. Grand Chief fails in his efforts to effect a settlement. • more than a mere temporary shelter, to be left as-soon Instead ot submitting the grievances to all the sub- Albany during the administration of the late Dean myl3-6mos3 Some one remarked to me the other day that 1 did Richmond, which demonstrates beyond a doubt that as one better can be obtained, but as a hpme, and con- divisions they are submitted to a committee composed not joke as 1 used to. Well, perhaps I don't. I found of thirteen members, who are elected annually, and kindness will accomplish more than brut» force. The sequently more care would be taken of the property, laborers were on a strike, and had driven the other COLUMBIA I consumed so much time explaining my jokes that I selected for their known ability and judgment, and m workmen from the shops. The master mechanic pro- and the landlord and tenant would be mutually ben- case of a dispute arising upon a road where a member gave it up until the Cave of the Winds meet. The cured a lot of muskets an

WE are reminded of the recent attempt of Another case in point; Some time ago Jtidge MISCELLANEOUS. THE CAPITAL the police authorities to increase their exchequer at the Hall, residing on E street near Eleventh, placed a TO TEAVELERS. expense of the Garrlck Club by prosecuting its presi- note Mr $120 for collection in the bands of Oba- dent on the ground of selling liquor without a license, diah Klmmell, justice cf the peace. Kimmell gave •gALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. SUXDAT MORNING AUGUST 5,1877 SEVENTH GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL which strikes us as a dry, small, improper transaction. judgment and issued an execution, which was served The great double track. The U arrlck Club is a private institution, and its inem- on the maker of the note by Constable Klmmell, who, SALE OF NATIONAL ROUWC AND SHORT LINE. bets are limited. It has been the custom in pretty levied on a piano, whereupon the debtor raised the TO THE Northwest, West and South. PERSONAL. much every club, from the old Washington down, to amount of the judgment and paid it pver to Obadiah JUNE 24, 1877. • sell liquors to members, and in no ca&e has it been Klmmell, and Judge Hall is whistling for his money —Kate Claxton willToonb e In the condition of the' thought necessary to obtain a license. The Garrick to this day. A.; M. Leave Washington: veritable orphan—or rather poor enough to combine 4:50 a. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. endeavored to obtain a license, if rendered in such a Still another case: A rule to show' cause why they DRY GOODS! 6:50 a, ui.,—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Station?. both of the Two Orphans. The little woman is un- way that it could be permitted to discriminate in the 7:50 a. m.—White Sulphur and Valley Springs Ex- lucky. Her household goods were sold at auction in should not be punished for contempt has been laid CAHPETINGS, sale; if It could be still kept private. Falling in this press. Make no stops between Wash tug ton and Har- New York Monday. They went at ruinous price's, in upon Justices of the Peace Kimmell, Webster, Walter OILCLOTHS, per's Berry. It determined to test the case, and the test case is be- no case bringing one-third of their value. Her piano, and Constable Wimsatt, in disobeying a writ of cer- t7:55 a. in.—St. Louis, Clnclunatf, Chicago and fore the courts. Public opinion is generally universal MATTINGS, &c. worth fairly $600, sold for $225. A Turkish chair, tiorari, which was served on them in the cased' Miller Pittsburg Express. Hav erstown, except Sunday. in its behalf. f8:00—Baltimore Express. nearly new,* which cost $175, brought $40, and her vs. Moore, to which reference was made in our last Our great sale, which was commenced July 30, for the purpose of reducing stock, proves to be a success. 8:10 a. m.—Piedmont, Strasburg, Winchester, library, oil paintings, engravings and ornaments did issue. The bill for an injunction, which accompanied Hagerstown, Point 01 Rocks and Way Stations. THE GENERAL-SERYICE CLERKS of the Our store is crowded daily. We will continue to Sell not sell for one-fifth of their value 'or coat price. The the application for a rule to be laid upon respondents, SILKS and DRESS GOODS for less than cost for 8:30 a. M.—NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON AND- War Department are having considerable difficulty in . BALTIMORE EXPRESS. question was agitated as to Miss Claxton's knowledge charges collusion and conspiracy to extort money from cash. negotiating the certificates which are to be given f9:0G—Baltimore and way stations; on Sunday con- of the sale, she being now in San Francisco. Mr. the defendant, Moore. The case will be heard by Jus- . DOMESTIC GOODS AS FOLLOWS: nects for Annapolis. • them in lieu of pay, because the officers having them Lyon, who managed the sale, is a brother of her hus- tice Wylie to-morrow and the facts laid bare. 6 cases of the best CALICOES at 6%e. 110:00 a. m.—Baltimore Express. in charge will not make the certificate in language 3 cases best ANDROSCOGGIN COTTON, 9c. P. M. band, Mr. Dore Lyon. It may be asked how it is that these licensed rob* that bankers will take them. But the officers are paid 2 cases FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 9Mc. 12:10 p. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis, Elliott City Ac- bers, the constables, can pursue their course with lm The best BUNTINGS, 26c. : , ,. commodation. —The Cincinnati Commercial mourns and Is.fro m the same appropriation, and the capitalists will punity. The answer is very simple. The law here We have an immense stock of staple and fancy dry ¡FL:30 p. m —NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA EX- " aweary" over the fact (its own property by right of advance money upon their accounts, which are not makes a distinction between a breach of trust and em- goods. PRESS. On Sunday to Baltimore auu Way stations, discovery) that the strikers have "killed business.*' worth more really than those of the general-service No profit will be asked on anything. only. Connects for Frederick. bezzlement, and the only remedy for the former is by 3:30—Baltimore and way stations. It states in melancholy language—rendered incom- clerks, for the simple reason that the certificates at- civil action. The bonds given by these constables as 4:30 p. m.—Baltimore alhd Laurel Express. prehensible at Intervals by its prolific téar-drops—that tached to their accounts are of a more definite char- security for their official conduct are nearly all worth- W. W. BURDETTE & CO., 4:35 p. m.—Frederick, Point ot Rocks, Hagerstown,. everything looked lovely >nd the goose of prosperity acter. This of course is not what it should be, for the Winchester ana Way stations. less, and the defrauded plaintiff, who seeks a remedy No. 928 Seventh Street Nôrtliwest, was just beginning to hang high in the prospects of enlisted men are entitled to as much consideration lt2 No. 706 K Street Northwest. t4:40—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations. by suing the bondsmen, finds to his sorrow that he not t6:30 p. in.—Philadelphia, Norfolk and Baltimore fall trade, when the strikers destroyed the view pros- as the officers. Something' should be done with this only loses the first amount, but subsequent lawyei's Express and Way Stations. PASSENQERS FOR NOR- pective. We had supposed that trouble, presentand matter to afford relief to the men. FOLK TAKEN IN THE CARS DIRECT TO BOAT. future, was due to our itiy-managed financial system. fees and costs.- LOOK! f5:45—CHICAGO AND COLUMBUS EXPRESS. Win- And so did the Commercial a few weeks ago, when it THE ancient cemetery is experiencing a The supreme court of the -District is- sure to take chester and Hagerstown. except Sunday. these thievish parties, the constables, in hand when it t7:30 p. in.—Baltimore Express howled for the " dollar of our daddies!" but then It i j resurrection of sentiment. It is actually awakening THE COLD FACTS ARE BEFORE YOU. t7:35^-Balttmore and way stations: too great a genius to be tied down to any one reason to a sense of its backwardness in coming forward in meets, and in the meantime the. District commission- f9:26—St. Louis, Cincinnati and Louisville Express. or individual rhyme. We are happy it has been able the enterprise and progress of the times, and its resur- ers should at once revoke the commissions of those 11°:00 p. in.—NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BAL- justices of the peace who employ constables to serve GREATEST BARGAINS YET. TIMORE EXPRESS, f Daily. to find the cause in another source. rection is not the result of Gabriel's trumpet, but of All other trains daily except Sunday. their executions, who are well known to be of bad —Burlington Hawkeye: The students of Harvard in the necessities of business and domestic conveniences. All trains stop at Relay Station. character. DOUGLASS. in their Springfield quarters this summer erected the The exhibition of this awakening is evidenoed in the For further information apply at Ticket Offices at:. —A good deal of guffawing was indulged in about Depot, corner New Jesey avenue and C streets, 486- emphatic notice, "Newspaper reporters and loafers energetic move on the part of the citizens of George- Extraordinary Inducements Offered to Close «01 and 803 Pennsylvania avenue, and 613 Fifteenth, not wanted here." The newspaper men took the town to obtain the establishment of the postal carrier the inns of court yesterday owing to the somewhat Out Odd Lots. street northwest, where tickets can be procured and hint and remained away, but the loafers continued system In their city. Already the circulars petition- ludicrous manner in which Justice Humphreys die- orders will be taken for baggage to be checked and re- posed of the habeas corpus case of C. S. Bell, who was Old Numbers of Corsets at One-half Price. ceived at any poiui in the city. there, trained regularly, and eventually defeated the ing for this important convenience are signed by about THOS. K. SHARP, Master of Transportation. gentlemen of Yale and the other colleges in the boat, one thousand of the best citizens in the town, and if arrested by the District marshal on papers alleged to Job Lot Shirt Waists at Less than One-half L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent. race. I F; I i II . 11 I the demand is kept up with sufficient emphasis it will be a requisition from the governor of Texas, at the Cost. febl-tl5 GEO, s. KOONTZ, General Agent. Instance of -an ex-detective named Cunningham. Blue Jeans Williams lias learned, since undertak- be granted. GREAT Judge Humphreys, after examining the papers criti- Collars and Cuffs, 10 Cents a Set. ing the business of governor, the truth of the maxim 1877. PENNSYLVANIA 1877. THE ARREST of George Mantz on a war- cally, cam$ to the conclusion that it was a put-up job ROUTE to the effect that the skull ornamented by a coronet Is Finest Handkerchiefs Yet Shown at $3 a TO THE NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. on Bell, and forthwith ordered his discharge from uneasy. Blue Jeans called on the Government lor rant sworn out by policeman Dunnigan, charging the Dozen, or 25 Cents Each. custody, but he did It in such good, set Humphreysian United States troops when Indiana was threatened a former with stealing his "nippers,", failed utterly and Double Track, Steel Ralls, Splendid" ignominiously to result In conviction. Mantz was style that the audience in the court-room were nearly Gents' Best 4-ply Cuffs at 25 Cents. Scenery, Magnllicent Equipment. week or so ago, and this the Democracy regard as a JULY 2,1877. fully acquitted of the charge brought, against him, choked in the effort to feEtrain their laughter. Some B icrllege. Moreover, Blue Jeans dresses now in fine All other goods marked in proportion. 1 rains leavo Washington, from Depot, Corner of of those who were present had the assurance to inti- broadcloth and wears kid gloves. We predict his and the small-minded insults offered the witnesses in Sixth and B streets, as follows: mate yesterday that his Honor was under spiritual Finest goods at lowest living prices, at For Pittsburg and the West, 10:10 a. m. dally, with downfall. his defense by the prosecution were all left in their power. influence, but, of course, that was a base slander. We Parlor Car to Pittsburg, and Sleeping Cars to Pitts- —líumaá; speaking df'a young man who bofildift burg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chicago: 7:40- suggested that it was' ice water and heating sub- write anything, biit obtained great Vogue by haunt? On the charge of carrying concealed weapons he DOUGLASS', p. in. daily, with Palace Car to Chicago. stances not mixed in the proper proportions. This BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. lng literary reunions and assiduously cultivating the was fined. It was proved that he was employed in the jyl5-4tl 1 Ninth and F streets, St. Qteud. idea was also scouted. One thing, however, is certain. For C'anandaigua, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara. society of artists, once said, f' He is 'a newspaper Theater Comlque, was accustomed to handle consid- Falls and the North. 5:26 a. in., dally, except Sun- The malice of Cunningham was patent, and the wrapper that thinks itself journalism." erable sums of money, and to preserve order in the day, 7:40 p. m. dally, except Saturday, with papers had a decidedly fishy appearance, so that the INDUCEMENTS Palace Car to Watkins. For W Uliamsport, —In this wild, ercited era of & national crisis it is a butlding. The ruling of the .police court was against decision of Justice Humphreys had-a decidedly good Lock Haven, Elmira and Watkins, 10:10 a. m. daily,, beautiful study to watch the christian faith that the defendant, however, and an appeal noted. except Sunday.. foundation. nerves the Courier-Journal man to write editorials on To Cash Buyers. For New York and the East, 9:55 p. m. daily, with WE WERE permitted a few days since to Palace Cars attached; Limited Express of Pulman' Mete'llus Macédonicus and the genus Macedoni. The balance of our Summer Stock MUST BE SOLD glance at a rather curious book, (curious in to much to make rootn tor Fall (roods, and great bargains are Parlor.Cars, 8:20 a. m. daily, except Sunday. —Henry Watterson proposes that Pearson's coffin Fbr.New York and the East, 5:25,a. m. and 1;30 p. m. that we do- not believe that there is another copy of ottered for GASH. ' . be placed Bide by side with that Ku-klux casket of SPORTING MATTERS. Many of the articles are desirable at all seasons of daily, except Sunday, with' Sleeping Cars lrom the work in Washington,) the "Amours, Secrets de Washington to Boston. Ben. Butler's, and the topography of the politico- the year, «.nd ladies are therefore enabled to make a Napoleon,'' translated from the French by-Professor Base Ball. considerable saving by purchasing at this time. For Philadelphia, 6:25 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. daily, ex- sectional landscape be equalized. cept Sunday, and 5:30 and 9:55 p. m. daily. H. Masson, and illustrated* The date mark fs New The last week has brought the Louisvilies to the —The grasshopper ha« departed, but the Bulgarian NEW HATS. Limited Express, 9:20 a. m. dally, except Sunday. York, 1849. Strange things must have come within front with a strong lead. We are still confident that the Accommodation for Baltimore, 6:60 a. m. and 4:20- nobles, vulgarly known as. tramps, take his place and Have just received an invoice of new Hats, to which the range of our old friend's observation during bis splendid practice games the Bostons have been playing we respectfully call attention. p. m. daily, except Sunday. infest the country. By the time the little controversy For Pope's Creek Line, 6:60 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. daily, life on our shores, to have furnished him with the mat- with the semi-professional clubs will enable them to MRS. H. J. HUNT, between Chief Joseph and OO. Howard is settled, we except Sunday. ter that will form his work, "A Life in Two Worlds." secure the championship pennant. The Western clubs octl-lys NOB. 621 and 683 I) Street. For Annapolis, 6:50 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. dally, except will find the Government offering rewards for tramps will have to play their decisive games on the grouhds Sunday. scalps. ALEXANDRIA AND FREDERICKSBURG 4 of the Boston Club. R. M. MILLER & SON, —Some of the people -of Massachusetts are gifted RAILWAY AND ALEXANDRIA AND WASH- AT THE CITY HALL. The following games were played since our last: INGTON RAILROAD. with a quickness of perception that finds its only DEALERS IN ANTHRACITE AND BITUMIN- For Alexandria,-«, 7, 8, 9:10, 10,11a.m.; 1, 3, 4:20, 5,. equal in their capacity for taking advantage of all the July 31, at Louleviller-Louisviile 7, St. Louis 0, OUS COAL. 6:00 and,7p. m.' On Sunday at »:10 a. in. andland7 PINE WOOD, »3.50 to $3. opportunities offered by the power. Such is the case —The equity court meets to-morrow at 10 a. nj. July 31, at Cincinnati—Cincinnati 9, Chicago 1. p. m. —The following suits were entered yesterday: August at Louisville—Louisville S, St.* Louis 1. OAK WOOD, $4 to $6. For the South via Richmond, 1:55 a. m. daily, and- of one young Blanchard of Savoy, Mass., who has. Branch office, 920 Pennsylvania avenue. •5:30 p. vi. daily, except Sunday. been paying attentions to the daughter of a Mr. Equity, Henry Holt vs. B. S. Wharton, for release, August 2, at Cincinnati—Chicago 15, Cincinnati 1. Office and wholesale depot and railroad yard, Four- Trains leave Alexandria for Washington, 6, 7,8:10,9:10, Stark, contrary to his wishes. Recently, while passing M. Thompson solicitor for complainant; Susan B. The following is the schedule of league games for and-a-halt street and Virginia avenue southwest, 10,11 a. m., 1,3,4:20, 5, 6:00 and 7 p. m. On Sunday at Allen vs. O. B. Church, for dower, M. Thompson, the championship: Washington, D. C. au5-3ml 8:10 and 10 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. from her house, Blanchard was fired at by some con- Tickets, Information, Sleeping and Parlor Oar ac- cealed party. He bided his time, met the elder Stark solicitor; S. B. Allen vs. George E. Kirk, fbr dower, commodations can be procured at the offices: North- - at churph, shot and killed htm, shot his brother, and M. Thompson, solicitor for complainant; Law, Chas. INTERESTING TO EQUESTRIANS! east corner Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania ave- T. Davis vs. Randolph Goldschmidt, replevin, Chas. . RT is nue, northeast eorner Sixth street and Pennsylvania was just about finishing the existence of a lady stand- G won. A gentleman, Intending to go on HORSEBACK to avenue, and at the Depot, where orders can be left for A. Elliott, attorney for plaintiff. N o ing near by, but ?lie escaped, He then jumped the "3 à the SHENANDOAH ALUM SPRINGS, near the checking ot baggage to destination from hotels, tCWiU • —There were ninety-six marriage licenses issued by A ORCKNEY SPRINGS, (via Warrenton and Luray and residences. Boston . Brooklyn .

Louisville . L. P. FARMER. Game s 5 Played . Chicago . s¡ 1 the clerk of the court during the month of July, and ! Valley,) and afterwards to the WARM SPRINGS, is Gen 1 Passenger Agent.. during the same period there were ten applications desiroui of FINDING A COMPANION FOR THIS 1, FRANK THOMPSON, for divorce filed, and twelve decrees of divorce were ! 7 20 35 TOUR. Gen'l Manaaer, RECORD OF THE WEEK. Brooklyn 3 4 4 3 3 17 85 granted by the equity court. 1 3 4 14 References exchanged. Address at once, 33 GOAL AWD WOOL'. —President Hayes and his- son Webb yesterday 1 1, 1, 29 lt-4* " EQ.UES." CAPITAL office. THE President drank seltzer, Carl Scliurz" 3 5 islted the office of the Secretary Vfthe Washington 4 fi 22 34 19 34 H. A. CLARKE. JOHN T. U-IVEN,. drank lager and Key absorbed alcohol at the Schuot- Monument Society at the City Hall for (.he purpose of Batcher's F1 j -Killer Kills Fllcs.| zen-Vereln. viewing the drawing of the design of Larkin G. Mead, 15 18 19 21 12 15 110 200 Every Sheet will Kill a Quart. the sculptor, for the completion of (lie inonument. The Coal and Wood. TOM YoyiiG's BENEFIT ;vvaâ à g ta iid succès». President volunteered no opinion as to the work, but Now is the time to use it. The house wàs crowded, the programme fully up to THE OLD Creighton Wefe reorganized during the past auz5-2t6 he is understood to favor the completion of the monu- the promised mark and the success unqualified. week, by tlie.election of the following officers: Presi- ment according to the original design if the founda- dent, William Shea; vice president, James Fagan; CLARICE & GIVEN, THURSDAY the board of police commis- tions will bear it. In the course of a half hour's con- secretary, J. J. Linney; treasurer, Charles M. Paxton, SARATOGA WATER, sioners decided to discharge Officer Moores, charged versation with 6r. John B. Blake, the secretary, the and the following board of directors; John Barr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN latter remarked that although altfe-lóng Democrat, he with cowardice in the Mantz affair. The charges John Kearney, j. Hadlie Doyle and Charles M. Pax- Only 15c. a Bottle, WOOD AND COAL. against Officer Duvall were dismissed. yet favored the policy of the President for the pacifi- ton. They have in anticipation a very strong nine, cation of the country; whereupon Mr. Hayes replied by which they intend to. uphold the supremacy of the FRO» THE CELEBRATED HATHOB.N SPRING THE breezy, murmuring melody of the jocosely, while placing his hands upon the Doctor's Creighton as of yore. Their application has been sent mosquito floats like vague immemorial music about W. S. THOMPSON, Pharmacist, Daily'arriving, cargoes ot solect ANTHRACITE; shoulders, "You belong to just that classof old sinners into the League, but it is certain now that by the ac- and BITUMINOUS COAL, for families, steam and.. the head of the .slumberer, and the insèct striker pre- my20-3m8 703 Fifteenth street. 1 have been trying to convert." tion of several of the leaders of the League high in manufacturing ufe. sents his bill to the tune of "blood, not bread." —Yesterday Mr. Meigs, the clerk of the stipreme office they will not be admitted. Too much confidence SUMMER RES0ETS. KIM>I.I.\(i AMI CORD WOOD. MR. W. M. MORTON, court of the District of Columbia, issued the following in the segretary of the League demonstrated this. But chief clerk of the COAL STANDARD—TON 2,241 lbs. Third Assistant Postmaster General, returned to marriage licenses; Edgar C. Herbert, Bridgeport, the old 'iCreights" were always independent, and by Washington on Friday. Mr. Morton visited New Conn., and Elizabeth E. Fowler, city; H. P. Ander- this action they will, nevertheless, pursue the same Best Quality, Fair Prices and.Fair Dealing. York to protect the interests of the department in re- son, Philadelphia, and Susie E. Thompson, olty; course. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR No. 424 TENTH STREET WEST, gard to the postal-card contract. Paul Finch and Mary J. Thecker; Ferdinand Pres- CONSIDERABLE interest is being manifested in the Between D and E streets north- lauer and Clara Gross; Samuel Triplett and Mary t game to take place Tuesday next between the Na- BRANCH YARD, cornor Twelfth and C streets- SOME of the friends of Mr. I. George Jane Young; Oliver Stone and Julia Fornshlll, Alex- SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. tional and Astoria Clubs, on the National grounds, it northwest. Combs, corner of Ninth and G streets, were under andria, Ya. being the first tfme these clubs have met In the dia- j Now open for visitors an,d terms reducefd to #40 per DEPOT at Potomao Bridge, corner Maryland ave- the impression yesterday that he had departed this —Yesterday Ellen S. Clark entered suit fora divorce month. Situated on the Mississippi &. Ohio Road, nue and Thirteen-and-a-half street. sep5t!3 mond field; and as the first step toward getting an life. Such was not the fact. The rumor arose from from John W. Clark, through her counsel, G. E. Ham- fourteen hours ride from Baltimore, thirteen from inclosed ground will be made by these clubs in the Washington. No change of cars from the lattér if the* announcement of the death of Mr. George H. ilton. The parties were married in September, 1853, Great Reduction in Price of Coke. way of a collection firom their friends and visitors, all sleeper is taken, and only one change at Lynchburg Coòmes, a prominent .citizen living in the eastern sec- In Lowell, Mass., and have been residents of the Dis- if day train is used. Excursion ticket« at reduced DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY: are invited to comb prepared to help the clubs along rates at these Springs—good for three months. Officers AT THE SAME RATE. tion of the city. trict since 1867. The plaintiff charges that she lived in their undertaking. of Springs Company meet all trains at Big Tunnel New Schedule—Full load of 40 bushels for $2.60. with defendant untfl 1873 as man and wife, but that station, and special attention given to ladies and chil- THE Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes Temper- The game played yesterday between the Nationals [Smaller loads, 5 cents per bushel; cartage, 60 cents.] * since that time, on account of his violence, she has dren and invalids. APPLY TO ance Society "resolved" that the Schuetzenfest and and Potomacs resulted in favor of the Nationals by a denied him her bed. She also alleges that his treat- No.stagim?. ,. NO, •vyatering place in the State posses- Office of Washington Gaslight Company, its arch across Seventh street was an Insult to thè sooreof 17 to 1. 413 Tenth, street northwest, 711 First street northwest,- ment of her has been brutal In the extreme, and she ses such advantages of easy access and facilities for christian and temperance sentiment of Washington^ amusement. iJallSj tournaments, driving, rowing, or to 110 Bridge street, Georgetown. • deems it unsafe for herself or children to live with him Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes presented a bouquet to fishing, croquet, tenpins, &c., and the, bathing facili- any longer, wherefore she prays a divorce and the SPEOIAL NOTICES. ties unsurpassed. haw and Patent Offices of the Schuetzenfest which passed in triumph under the The rooms large and airy. Extensive lawns, shaded custody of her children. arch. ART IiEfSSOUS.—LESSONS IN and in perfect order, making a delightful and safe O. IS- BUISTDY, —Some of our magistrates and constables seem to DRAWING and OIL PAINTINGgiven by playground for even the smallest child. A farm No. 456 La. Ave,, Washington, D. C., opp. City Hall. There is a discrepancy of inconsistency somewhere. REFERS BY PERMISSION TO : Hon. Rlch'd Wallaoh,. labor under the impression that the strictures which T. SEATON DONOHO,' at studio, No. 443,-corner of 2,000 acres and large gardens furnish an abund- Seventh and E streets, or residence? of pupils. Draw- ance of fresh vegetables, fruits,* milk;' eggs, butter, Bank of Washington, Mlddleton & Co., L. C. Camp- WE MET our friend Katzenstein on Thurs- have appeared in this column against certain of their ing, $3 ; Fainting, $5 per month. aug5-6mos6 chickens, &c. The tables supplied in the very best bell, W. B. Webb, Enoch Totten, Washington, D. C.;, day, and he was not only very warm, but greatly ex- number alfects the good name of all. We have never style with all the luxuries of- tne season. B. G. Jayne, Ithica, N. Y.; Hon. T. O. Howe,U. S. S., Wis.; ex-Gov. G. C. Walker, Rlch'd,Va.; Hon. H.O. cited. He was angry. He was disappointed. It denied that there are honest men and good officers The mineral waters of these Springs are most favor- jj^=miLB(IBS'S POLAR SODA ably known for their extraordinary hygienic proper- Burcbard. H. of R„ Ills.; Hon. Solomon Bundy, Ox- seems that Katzenstein had invited a yoting lady to among them, although, it is true, they are few and far ties. ford, N. Y.; M. H. Beach, Dubuque, Iowa; C. K. —AKD— Pier, Fond 8u Lac, Wis. my27-6m2* visit Mt. Vernon. Owing to the rush of customers to between. The majority are as wicked as the devil is The temperature is remarkably graduated. his popular clothing store he had to postpone his trip, said to be, and, once for all, we say that those whom The Montgomery White Sfulphur Springs are situa- ICE-COLD TEA, ted in the midst of the4 great Alleghany* Mountains, which accounts for our friend's excitement and annoy- the cap fits are welcome to wear it. Some of these THE BEST SUMMER DRINKS. 1,800 feet above sea level. GEO. A. BARR, ance. We advise him not to oiler so many bargains if gentry, too, whose names have been mentioned, 1429 Pennsylvania avenue. Annapolis Manne band play three times a day. he wishes to make flying trips to the country. chuckled exceedingly over the prospect of an aban- Post-office, telegraph and express offices located on CONGRESS WATER, Original and Genuine, 15c. the grounds. COLHOUN & CO., Carpenter and Builder, donment of the movement agaiust them owing to the a bottle. je3-t!8 jy!6-6 Proprietors. WE UNDERSTAND that Messrs. Herr and unfortunate death of the lawyer who had the papers Britton have resigned from tSe board of police com- in hand; but they were counting their chickens be- WANTED. PINEY POINT HOTEL, Shop 505 New Jersey Avenue. missioners. This leases a vacancy of two in the fore they were hatched, as anothhr member of the bar, Every one to know that mayl3-3mo board. The names of Messrs. William Dickson and has taken the papers and will press the matter home. ST. MARY'S COUNTY, MARYLAND. Since our last issue a number of cases of extortion and Peter Bacon are immediately' Shggested to our com- HARKRITER HAS BEMOVED WAITING'S rascality on the part of constables and magistrates This old and favorite summer resort Is now open for munity as the most worthy gentlemen for appoint- HIS the accommodation of guests, and by adding to its ment to this office. It has been always customary, in have been brought to our notice, and we mention a PAPERHANGING, WINDOW SHADE AND PIC- already large attractions I intend to make it one of STRAW HAT BLEACHERY,. deference to the political sentiments of the large ma- few, holding the remainder in reserve for the present. TURE FRAME ESTABLISHMENT the most desirable places of resort to be found in America. The 984 FX. NHS YX VA NX A AFMNTJE,- jority of our business men, to have the Democratic Constable T. J. Bicksler (who seems to be the old To No. 626 E street, just around the first corner above his former location. Free Art Gallery. ap22-tf party recognized in appointments to the police board, he-rascal of the crew) some time ago colleoted a billof LADY OF THE LAKE South Side, between Ninth and Tenth streetsi and the President would do well to continue the s ix dollars for this office and smilingly acknowledged dti) pr REWARD.—Lost on Friday, the 3d instant, touches the POINT to and from Washington every READY FOR REFINISHING ALL THE SPRING-• practicp. the fact, but never a centdld hepay over. At another f^U a red morrocco pocketbook containing about other day, which makes It a convenient resort for $150. Supposed to have been left on the desk In the Washlngtonians. nrar26-tf6 . STYLES. time he collected a.bill for us on a judgment. He paid hall at the entrance to Secretary McCormlck's office. The Hotel is delightfully located,- has spacious A NEW WAY TO COLLECT OLD DEBTS.— the principal over minus his commission, but coolly Treasury Department. The finder will reoeive the grounds, elegant lawn, superior salt-water bathing, WM. WURDEMANN, Last evening the neighborhood of Thirteenth street pocketed the costs. Again this same Bicksler, a short above reward by returning the same to No. 1013 Sec iishlng and boating. ond street northeast, and no question asked. It6* Table supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Mathematical and Philosophical Inatrumen ts, - and Pennsylvania avenue was enlivened and startled time ago, had a judgment for about eighty dollars Terms per day, (2.60; per week, $12 to $15; per 204 Delaware ave. n. e. Agent, Chas. F. Wurde- by the crash and smash t)f plate-glass windows. A against Turner & Co. put into his hands for collec- month, $10 to $50. Children and Servants half price. mann. Complete assortment of instruments con- crowd collected to watch thè peculiar speotaele of an tion. He went to Dr. Dexter, who was one of the de- Special rates for families. stantly on'hand. Repairing skillfully executed. R. F. HARVEY, jeS-tf excited man assaulting the handsome windows of the fendants, and offered to compromise the debt for forty AN»BEW J. SWEET8EB, jel7-2mS Proprietor. Republican office. He was armed with a club, and the dollars, although he had no such authority fromth e 1304 H STREET N. "VV. WINDOW CORNICES, WALNUT, OAK, GILT ' congregated assembly hung back in fear of an insane plaintiff. Dexter agreed, and paid twenty-one dollars jDAWLET SPRINGS, AND FANCY PICTURE FRAMES, man's rage if they interfered. Finally the assailant down. The plaintiff afterward vainly urged Bicksler PASSAPARTOUTS, VELVET, GILT 033 F Street NortHweet. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA. was seized by the police, but not until after some $500 to collect the judgment, but was always put off, until AND PAPER MATS. BRONZ- These famous Springs will be opened for the recep- ING AND REGILDING. ,1e8-ly worth of damage was effected. The a&ailant claims finally, out of patience, he reclaimed the papers and decl»-tfl • tion of Guests until October 1. tiatthe Republican owes him ¡a considerable sum of put them in the hands of another constable. What Owing to the present financial depression the follow- SHBURY G. APPLEMAN & MUMPER ing rates will be charged to suit the times: $2.00 per Brokers, office '1339 F street, 'opposite the Ebbitt money for editorial work, and falling to collect it, he was his surprise when Dexter produced a receipt for J. L. SMITHMEYER & CO. day, $12.50 per week, $35 to $50 per month, according, HouseA , have funds to loan on good collateral at reason- started for "revenge!" It seems to be a paraphrase twenty-one dollars from Bicksler as part payment on ARCHITECTS, to location of rooms. able rates. They anticipate Congressmen's and Sena- of the old idea to the effect that people in debt ought the judgment, although Bicksler had protested that NO. 70S FIFTEENTH STREET. BETWEEN G 1>R. W. D. HOPKINS, President. tor's pay, monthly or otherwise. Will discount good AND NEW YORK AVENUE. G. W. BUNKER, Superintendent. commercial notes da.ily. Good approved,'vouchers- not to live in glass houses. he could not collect a cent. feblR-tfB aug5-lm*& cashed.