Compilation of Sandia Laboratories Technical

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Compilation of Sandia Laboratories Technical COMPILATION OF SANDIA LABORATORIES TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES wm iiT ei D' Sana s Li&crarar ei Ericn docur-3-t •" Tn ; c^ -; «e loo Tier-I prosifiv S"; 3'C.VKSeti. X\ NOTICE itw United SUlvs Government Nentipf im* UmiL-il Stiilci f*Q* lb*> Uniiird Stales Ene*gv Research and Deielniimeftf Aiirmni jtraTion, no* any ol their emp'oyec^ no* a*iy of ther eiwrac ID.-*, tubconiractOfs, or their umpJovew makes any waiijru¥L e*Fxe*5 or impJi-rtF or ai^mes iny leqji liamhiy 01 reipon&iLHity fr>T Ihp accuracy, coTnoletrfip^ 0r usptulrv?« ol any inlnrmaiim. apparalus pfoduci or process tJiiclotcd. O- r up'Kent I lhar li uii* would nol mFnngp p-ivaloly owned " »qhii T and Oewkfunrn' Aii-mi-^iittm L|f»iHr C'"»"' K AT '?*> \> >H3 Sandia Laboratories Technical Capabilities Kltft Wtiit'^ L TECHNICAL CAPAKIL IT H 1 m "iAMHA I A"l.-"A" V«*T'*>i If ill i"* \ \ \ I - • |ll»ir llllll 111 it HUl HI,] [J \iinUnl MjfhriruiK * Mjlnul* mil lpr• • • --- • lints* ifiur. '• \ \ l • '. UiMMirrtm-ui ^ I ii.l [ nHUHll jMnn S\ 'If Til' MM' . J'll 4 Mi.*l ^ U • 1 L • |- jIllli'JlfH'll - \\ ' V +-,tt in- • MM' • •»* \lnili \rl i!v 'P- t\ph»*nr\ l,lrvtriK-l»c-nu*m |-:ri. JIIJ Kin inmicihjniMin s i\l . '. f miripnrm iil.J H» , i r -• 1 Kii(;i;ic*fii^ \iul>u» -* \ \ h liklw nul inn S* -- - . •. • ^\ i \ii • ' • • SAND74 0091 Summary of Sandia Laboratories Technical Capabilities ^ - 4 #• SAN D/d 0091 Jiili^itt^iJ R rjy SUMMARY OF SANDIA LABORATORIES TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES ABSTRACT Th* technical ujuthl'Mi'* ol iiiiilu Ldboxjirj'm .in.1 tfcfatl'-'J in a icttQ*. of companion reports- In 1h<s *umm,-|'v thi? uw of the capobilmi-s m technical programs is auilifii'd and tht! capabilities arc? summan/ed. CONTENTS i-it'.^ijr^j-. 0»^ J*T=^ jl S*" iS'T -••• Anjlyvi -JH*1 'r^: B*i Fjtklili^V Bu-lq-jljry Info'T^jiiori SUMMARY INTRODUCTION L In I li:s tuiiiTtiJi t Tin Ii . IIMK .il v ,i fulfill I s •»! Yijwl).' I .jU-i.iliii;i's rpnJ I In : JJ'#*! f. JWH;I "-' :uli'-,i J M^ ur:U i'iu'1^^ i'«l HI]|I; ; K.UT fl pfnu'.i'iis Mi- I'Mi-:;. \ ^. r •'•-.! 1 do: -ij\i- lill I. - if : I Ik Kl^k "* It'lllll I. ,ilHS i-ril!l!l.vT Hit* il is. ipliJlV" -JIIJ '»'* '.I- ih iL'll> v :. TT; '.( K III ..M' M il V.H ,, . *' ..i.iii*i w- 1 :w\ .i'v .k- liHiU is.M uuU l"»K- - <W. volw ^ lhi;t^k .nu'. ueir^vrme ; "• •' K -in- fill I" * • p*ii I iii 1 K-^MK h di-wlopnK :-,l if si in;:. .di,l e\ ilii.!:..ii: - >'- JI!\,I: - eJ *\ -leTi--* r [ .. : r .[-•• l-if Ji'»t I?' ^".' 1 IIL'M' le, , .I|M**I!I1 u-\ i\ *.•> I Yd l liks . ri;i • ^ :'»» »rL- el I i . -L 'ill'. If. mell« [•< I v.d i j/MM \W*' ||UJ"»t jfi'.c ""I iMdoll.ll i,ti!i,.i'Ml - 11,11 IOU.LI *I\ LI IT \ jliO 'H'r.'t I I,L' H'[»i*f I* -ISM 'H. l.ih'J >\ ltil lhls MillUiMt • *' rii Pt .in in\ u" 1111 'i\ oj resnuri i-% EI :_• i w\\\ ,tilou <j\erj|| prm'JMMi |> III !!-£-- Ml fl'Lli In Mjll'UU1 I'T-'I'll/IIK * \ imnrni.iUiin ik-eded h> S.mdi,i ni.iii.iyement U. i ,.e |TI'|L»1 IVllIlllL-llliTiK IV lilt lOkhnii. -A v ,IJ\lH\lULvS. * S ipph JII .iddihi'iul '\I<.K lo; ,.11*1111 u;iu,i1ior: .i:i:ofi^ ledekd ,ii\:kks. Jvur.dojiev ii:i^ei»i:ies, IIIII-JSHK'-I .iikl the I jhorjt' owr. <j'.l. * l'ni\ iJe Mima- i M.I Urn I I • * • ii'pMt^ propo-ndv ions, .ilk! :ivri-ili!!L* pnrpos, v \ f'rv.ifcrinttii *•! (he tii-UMjierul .nid K'JJMKJI ...iiMhilitiC1* • «. iriven on I tie loflomiii: jMjie-. OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE I hr L\ link jl L.i]\ii^]hiiis ul tin. se LihoMtoni •* .ire If KM it'll in Juik ortMTii/.ihon-t -It'll, ili'.I h> disciplines ,n)d let JiiioJit^iev J{r>pmiMJtihn j<*r III<JIHJUMI prt>re* fs i-» -ivsiLikJ to ivoti'vl OTIMSIIAILIOTIS 'Ahivh tel> i!|Mii Ihe r\nutuMkil 4ir<j,in:/.ili<in\ lur sunvirl. fhe pioie^i IMIKIIIMMI rerjiMn^hip ^ .kh.iiil.i^oi;!> SKVJL:^ re"P^n^ih|!ii\ lor j proie.i i\ - -is\iijiu*ti :n .i single ni.di.i^'. ! .nu! his st.iu. .iiid eontinuiis of ^iHilru! mer I lie hissij!iK-xl sysiem IN .I%MIK-J I his ti>nln»l is i Lvess,ir\ li* JSMIU' the IIIIVUT.IIion ol *Miiiple\ ili'xiiiiis I .IMII^ xinnuriil m u^inii'jiieiiis tor poTioniii^iie ir\ui^ihv> . s.ii:\>. >m*t 'n -rt^\\\\ . l*iv u^iVu'-ri^'ii^ ^Ko ixni^K ileMid'.I ii-Ji il due,.iion ii* 'h,i IOIK-L*:I1MUFLE AY the K'Vi'l allele printJTV -ompeU'Tke evisH I lie u^e iif Ihe niosl reeeni seieMlifie .nu1 enymeerinji .iJi:niees on ilie \:iriou^> pnyev(s i^ *i^uieiJ ihrou^h Hie iiiler,n.rion ol Ihe M.ifTwiUi ihe i!ihnei,il tcehnk1:*! oommuiuiy. ] h(^ inler.klion iiielndes puMiLiition in UY'IIIIKMJ jourii:iK pjrlicipahon in in'' jniil iinil iiUi'r- eli.illenpe <>l inimMiiii! .tiul iniportarM pmhleiiiv Jiul I lie resulting loiig-torm a)iiurHnly .>]' peiMMini'! pun ide'* vLihihiy i»l llie rsseiilMl leehiik.d sl:iir I he ^i\tt\' is nidi/ed In lhc projeei m;ni;ii;ers in the iiuior nirejs HiTviinty. eneruy. ;iiitl work for oilier Tedekil pfi^rjinv. J SUMMARY MANAGERIAL CAPAeiUllES - 1_ * r- JL* At • I* 4U^Hi%( I P/ ** p H*" J *1. TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES SCIENCE AfJD ENGINEERING PKViiCAL SCIENCES MATERIALS AfJDPHOClSSES AEHDS£IE\CE^ F*H »jT^ H - -' F • ' I ^ • Li - - •h * '>! P t< "-• Ph • ** \ PLI h"h >k1 -I , b- r H.|+ T—-l|>^ ih . ' • ia ^ r' r pT •H v pfp-Li--* A-*PUfD MATHEMATICS (AUTH soi^CES SA(( :i A*yU rt< (rAWit Cfv A%1UUA\Tl \ -w- -.*. *i Hi *• ! i - J _n *,-r*. ,- " " *" .1 f- • p • EXPLOSIVES. ELECTROCHtMlSTQV. AND ELEClROUptCHANTSMS ELtCTRONICS .F DIOSCIP MTIS • I • i ' r • f •• "-*". p P - -.i i S * • • t r- "• T-_ • BJ- ANALYSIS AND TESTING i£ ANALYSIS "* th *i*v -~ii V , . T P" •! -I.-' TfSriwc; INSTRUMENTATION AND DAT*- SYSTEMS H j J.jL J.FIILF-I I -1. i -i ••• r J i-t • Anrij i\ j[pl ^M J i'Fii -_ I -r • i T r pn Jj HKI\ " -1 •• ^ +1 I I I iMlMfc j'li i j|p HJT >L T*H .- j. -- j .H>I • . • i- • • Jpj.jr i• pi HK-UHJ^MIT .j rtINC ANALYSIS • "i/ IH *-Vi r. p-iii -. '. - Mn^Jirl- .1"H Tr i- -Jp-.Fl.dTj,- l"iT ^-l+.iM n'.iir- M i -Ji j. • J SEH-CPJI l^flfufTpe'lljtpUrt ,i"'-v. *VJ-*- *^ "'• ^ % • Si .T ^ -• '• - • v t M * T n-1 * i-1 i_a F f n'Ni 1 . *mi pJL^ulrhrFH-+rT Cjiiuilr pi A +w.<r • r in-1 p^Lp h1 | -HJirii-*'M*nj 1 h ff.HJLiTHh" A'ul*y\ Wi fi p n A n.|l, M , L P- |.j. I- ^ f n . -. I [J i< P H^li.i THOTP S,st*-Miv E MVLHjjjpiiiir'il An.dl ^h h M'.r I p^- -r. n> ^ .riHj, M.rijriT-r.l T •• - {^ijr ip .4 I" |--^in + r -^j t t'hH "F ll ' E "I|HH "^ " h| i)l*u iiO-pti -F r *4ur |P-rir f "HJ | UP rii f ir S HP> ^f -V•- pivLb SUPPORT FUNCTIONS -Ot^JO^ DE^NiUQh ANOFABniCAriGN CD«?UTA1I0NSVSTEMS s^A^on^^ifjT STA^OA^DS •-I "l .3 3* "' • *_- • - ::•—•• ii i_-. •*-!•• -^s Vl-f -"• l-H t- .d i H n Hi. F - - f Iff f. [n E 'L''JJIC . W|| pfrl W-'* P \ "l*u t ENVIROfcUE-jTAt H[ \LTH .INFOnMATtON SCIEIVCE h"jftn frw?p"j" D't?"1 reflet'* pV ifih^'i 1_ ^ *i ^ E lf .i ^ "»J • P'-rP 2 APPLICATIONS OF CAPABILITIES NATIONAL SECUHITY PROJECTS I hr rvjiii'itihililic* nl [!K- I ,-\uj(A\nt\\\ in ?Mlh>n-il icurjly f T J I •• ^ I - J I I ^, 4fc in dcM-'Jop i I.I I nit?', mi, liar I'riln.itu *r t*i »<JIIJIK 1 IV • < -u h tll.rl w ill ^^ricrjlr ritu \* I'apun M^ivi-nh I- • .IrMpn -IIKJ Ji*\rlnp n LK \\\i\ 'fUJn.iiUi- ill orijiuit hi if) Willi ufliur IUIJ-HIII Liluirjioni'-s I-ni-nl) M-.rl ihi' wiMpm \Un k|ij|f ii*r; •* .1 ticUiHc Jeter rail lIiMudi ^i.iim-jl .II-('^!IH P 11 <f! --jU't\ -HUl ti'Ii.l^lIlK In m'»JlI\ \VL\IJioil-. ,h JJC, L"%S.lIi l<> IIICCI llt'W [OHUKUK MK .tJitl i*» ih-wli»p Atw\ ii|^pK .nU,r.Jn^ li'ttii:i>ti»):iL-<t K< UK- pii»K'*li"b *>1 riii. k-.if :ii..I<ri,ik Udjii 11it-I I ll I^ i*|HfM !*U»L' r rtp tn* 11 *JJ| ho HIJ! Un* Ic IIUU .if •.»t|\tSj)ihf* -iiV *.im*cill.'Jlal.
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