THE WESTFIELD LEADER LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published blNTH YUAK—wo. 3Y Post Otttot, WutliU, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 Every Thursday. to Begin 259 Children to Participate in Local Stores, Offices Borough School Memorial Day To < W Monday Time Schedule Memorial Day • uonn Station Stores and local offices, includ- Census Data 8:30 A.M. Ring-ing of church Elementary School Choir Festival ing the Municipal Building and bells. Post Office, will be closed Monday 8:30 A.M. Parade assembly The elementary school Choir Festival will be held this evening in observation of Memorial Day. Due Next Fall at Ferris PI. end at 7:30 o'clock at Roosevelt Junior High School auditorium. Approx- As a legal holiday, parking meters Prospect St. Parade Monday Resident* Ask imately 250 children will take part in the singing and a group from will not be in operation. Barber- Education Board Lincoln .School will dance the Virginia Rael, accompanied by the choirs shops will be closed Monday but 9:00 A.M. Services at Mon- iK-il to Ponder singing "The Arkansas Traveler," Rhythm instruments will be added will be open on Wednesday. To Study Data ument. C«l. June* H. HoagTo~BeGrand Again* Bugs thth e MMexicai n song-, "Fit"Fiesta," The Wett/itld Leader will also For Future Plans 9:15 A.M. Procession starts. Marshal at Annual May 30 Event nd will be played by a group from be closed all day Monday. Club Line of march will be from Mon- n the comstruction of a e Franklin School Choir: Sally correspondents and advertisers are A large number of Weetfteld organizations, including tfc Spring Flower illace, Iris Hann, Susan Hait- MOUNTAINSIDE — The boro ument out Broad king- lot on the north urged to co-operate by sending census being taken for the benefit talion from the National Guard Armory here, will maich in a ian, Wendy Holmes, Judy Hes copy in early, tomorrow if possi- St. to Elm St. Up | rial Day parade here Monday. The groups will form a line of ' j railroad at the station of the Board of Education, and Elm, through Or- Expected to begin within Show June 1 xk, June Krejcu, Betty Day, Geo. ble. sponsored by that group, will not at 8:30 a. in. at Ferris place and Prospect street, and will k* M bf uchanan, Lee Lindeman, Joe Oam- chard St. to Mt. Col. James 11. Hoag, VFW, as grand marshal. it was stated Monday be completed for some time, A. C. Ave., to the Revo- ing- the meeting of (he ia, Julie Windham, Nancy Mum- Patterson announced Thursday Services at the World Wir ad. - Masonic Temple ord, Nancy Grubb, Herbert night. On this basis, compilation lutionary Ceme- ument at the PUM at 9 a. m. «4M >neil, at which the con 150 Scouts, Dads tery. the work was awarded Scene of Event right, Shirley Douglas, Suzanne of all the facts will not be made be introduced by Commoditt % t, Fera Contracting Co. of erber, Claire Minnick, Betty Ann until sometime in the fall. At the U-.HO A.M. Services at Revo- Churches Plan Kain of the U. 8. C««*t OlMrt. Iger, Carol Schwartz, Ann Alex- i a low bid of f 18,787.70 The annual Spring Flower Show At Camp Weekend time, the board hopes by study of lutionary Ceme- Following the sounding of MtMt l»s considerably under the nder. the figures, tq determine the school- tevy. and "The Battle Hymn of MM RO of the Garden Club of Westfield, Other 'oik songs and reiigious Memorial Service Bthorized in-the ordinance. which is expected to be one of the loom requirements for the next 9:45 A.M. Procession moves public," to be played by UM W«*. ds, which ranfed to $25,- nd ait songs will be included in Cwiipfire, Craft live, 10, 15 or 20 years. to Fairvlew Cem- field Senior High School k*M, ftt. most outstanding in club history, lie program. Each school is also follows: C. H. Win- will be presented in the Masonic Contests Featured Patterson informed the board etery; Line of Council lo Sponsor Rev. Msgr. Henry J. , WslttlWi Etabeth, 120,568.32; D. presented by two ushers. that of the 10' groups participat- match: Mt. Ave. will give the invocation. Jack I. Temple from 3 until 9 p. in. on Miss Ruth Vincent, music duper- tract Co., Rahway, $22,- Wednesday. Westfield troops comprising Dia- ing in the census, under the super- to E. Broad St. Sunday Observance Camillo, commander of tha inans Contiacting Co., isor in the elementary schools, is rict 4, Boy Scouts of the Wat-vision of Malcolm Wi'ight, only to cemetery. ican Legion pout, will five Under the direction of Mrs. Har- h« director of the program, aBsist- 23,077.86) Anthony De- old Brooke, chairman, the show hung Area Council, held their un- four have not yet turned in re- Under the sponsorship of the ductory remarks prior, to til aeV il by the choir director of each 10:15 A.M. Exercises at Westneld Council of Churches, the ipUwood, $23,324.75; Di-will present to the "dirt gardener" nual Father-Son roundup Satin- ports. After these family figures Faii-view Ceme- dress by Mayor Charlet K Balltr. Ruffini, Railway, $24,- chool: Mrs. Alice Lehrnann, day and Sunday, at Camp Wat- have been obtained, reports are to traditional Memorial Sunday Eve- Representatives of patriotic, vaatr- > many classes of the newest in spec, ranklin School; Mrs. Margaret tery. 'errible Construction Co., imeiis while those interested in the hung, Glen Gardner, The pro-be taken from builders, planning ning Union Service will be held at aim and other organiiatielui wtl $25,309.75. Ivans, Wilson; Miss Marian Long, gram was in charge of Herbert A. joard members, and birth records 8 o'clock Sunday evening in the decorate the monument bafeva a art of flower arrangement may McKinley; Miss Pearl Simon, study entries from the tiny mi nil Halsey, camp chairman, and Alan n order to determine the growth Presbyterian Church of WeatflelO. volley is sounded by the NJMQ of Charles Giancurlo of rant; Mrs. Eleanore Bush, Lin- o date and the possible future Rev. Robert M, Skinner, minister firing aquad and "Tape" kjr taW of $4,013 was low ofture to the brilliant mass arrange, A. Burch, vice chairman of the Reception Honors oln and Mis. Helen Peck, Colum- camping committee. iducational requirements. of the host church, will preside and Senior High School band. Knitted -for paving and merit. For future gardeners, to. us. Mrs. Peck will also serve al day's "small fry," there are an Eighty-six Boy Scouts, 54 fathers, Rolfc Kiistiansen, president of conduct the service of worship and The parade will move to tka k on portions of Massa- iccompantat. Rev. A. Petty the sermon of the evening will be Revolutionary Cemetery on IKI Maryland streets, and unusual number of entries, Par- 10 staff members and commission- he board, announced at Thurs- ticipants are reminded that they The program is open to the pub- ers attended. Troop 172 of the day's meeting, that all teachers' preached by Rev. A. Ray Petty, tain avenue where Horace I Warded the contract. Six ic. Children must be pan :ontracts for the 1949-50 session minister of the First Baptist. er, president of tht Wtat I ranged to a high of are restricted to one entry to » Benjamin Franklin School, West- Buptisl Minister class. led by adults. fleld, had the largest representa- have been signed and approved. Church. Mr, Petty is closing his chapter, Son* of the America* ••*• Attractive flower posters will be tion, which included 27 Scouts, two A new teacher for the additional j Ends Service Here ministry in Westfielri' this week ulution, will introduce • prtytt *• |ion signed by 133 resi- exhibited by the following mem leaders, 17 fathers and one guest, first grade has also been appoint- and on June 1 will leave for Chula be led by Rev. J. L. McCoriiM Jr.t * ni the Council to consid- bert of the Westfleld Senior High Case Wins Praise Giles Atwood of Troop 374, Chied- . The question of a new dass- A farewell reception was given Vista, Cal., to assume the pastor- the pledge to the flag and MMM fig as a mean: of killing School art classes under Miss Har- cago Council. 'oom is still under discussion; sev- last night In honor of Rev. andate there of The Community Con- Seaman, a student at WtttfcM mosquitoes as a possible riet Howard; Barbara Miller, Gail Scout craft contests were di- eral spaces being available. Mrs. A. Ray Petty, in the Sunday gregational Church. The subject High School, who will give aalwet against infantile pa- Green, Jane Anne Fischer, Mar- Of GOP Group rected by George Crosby and Fred School Clerk Donald Maxwell school rooms of the First Baptist of Mr. Petty'a sermon ig "God Sotalk. Miss Jane Cogswell at tfci It was understood the re. Menninger, neighborhood commis- was instructed to send a letter to Church. Mr. Petty has been min Loved the World That He Gave," Robert French Society orie Budell, Bob Savoye, Arline f h d Jich was- referred to th«Spindler, Frances Windham, Arol sioners, and Paul Wolfe, assistant Somerset Bus Co., commending the lister of this church for three and •te the grave of Aunt Betty VrtHM (Health, stemmed from a ih'iver of the school bus on his i a half years and recently accepted Other parts of the ncivice will and other memorial wreatlM will kt Tom-res, Elden Mereness, Mary K Committee Endorses Scoutmaster of Troop 75 of Gal', be taken by Rev. Thomas K. Black- of polio at a Lincoln Dolan, Barbara Scider and Robert wood. alertness when a motorist failed a calnl «..'in,.to Th,e n.,.,,,,,,,.,!»Communit„y nvmru. placed by Misses Marjoria Wood Bill Stand mon, minister of St. Luke's AME and Doiia Krauscr o' king, but was not insti- Grant. Awards were as follows: Com- to stop when the bus was unload- gutional) Chinch of Chula Vista, Ziuii Church, who will lead the fthat organization, pass, Gilbert Hildebrandt, Troop ing recently. The bus driver seized Cal, He will preach hia farewell Junior High School and by Mrs. Aubrey Schliess und Mrs. The Westfield Republican Towi Scripture lesson and Rev. 3. L. patriotic and vetaram organlaa- prdinance containing reg- 78; Leitjhton Miller, Troop 172 and a child and pulled her into the bussermon here Sunday morning and McCoviaon, BTD, DD, minister ol Charles Tice will place attractive Committee is sending Clifford P, will take up his new duties in Cal- | tlons. _ iverning operation of arrangements in the two entrance Edward llockenbeig of Troop 171. In time to avoid being struck by the First" Congregational Church, Hag introduced on first Case, U. S. Representative fron the can ifornia in July. Volleys and Tapa will be niches nt the temple while local Union County, a letter commend Measuring: Donald Coweleyn, who will offer the pastoral pvayer. ith hearing set for June Troop 76; Norman Burr, Troop Maxwell was also instructed to The plans and arrangements ed before the assembly raovea ea florists will each send a apecia ng his stand on the Wood Bill, i The music for this service will are set at 35 cents a exhibit. 78; Ivan Clark, Troop 78. write the Union County Pui'k the reception were in charge of to Fairview Cemetery, where Or. hin town limits during vas learned from Robert L. Evans First aid, second class, first Commission, calling attention to a the board of deacons and deacon bo under the direction of William Sidney R. Winett of the Clark- at 50 cents between hairman. Mr. Case's views or place, Troop 172, David Turner, covered manhole in the rear of theC93es. Hobart S. Jessee, president Francis Vollmer, organist and min- Hyglip Post, VFW, will intmM* 1:30 a. m. Operator he bill are printed on page 28 o: Richard Frank, William Brown, school property in a wooded area of the board of deacons, was mas-j ister of music of the Pretbyterian the program. Muilc *UI b« afcjf. uired to carry insur- WHS Wednesday today's Leader. Hugh Williams; second place, owned by the commission. When ter of ceremonies and general Church. Miss Everdeen Ntlton, so- ed by the high aeKea4 bM4 »t4 to f65,000 for pub- The Westfield group took its ac-T»wp 171, Stewart Horn, David there is, a heavy rain, the cover chairman for the evening. Mrs, prano, and Mrs. Elizabeth Wetiel, Rev. Robert M. 8kta»er *M lawl Mnd of, $5,000 foi- prop- p Ion at th«ir Monday night inaet- thtdjjwford, Biuc« Stewart, Daniel of the manhole is forced off by thui. C. Brownell wan program chair- contralto, will sins "O Lovely the .aMemUae* In pray*. Ige. Inspection of cabs Sports Resulta ht« at Town Hall after pressure of the water, thus cam- man and Mfs. F; M. Van Deventer, Peace," a duet ai'MlUfewftt ftort Haiti Rl McNeeley ofWtfiliP Joe department it «uthor- revealed substantial agreemeni (Continued on Pagt 4) ing a hazard to the children. social chairman. "JudaJd s MaccnbeusMb " by Handel. The Spanish War Veterans will refit* \Ve«tfteM High's athletic team with the points made by Mr. Case quartet will sing "Hallelujah, 8t a year, as a enjoyed a perfect day yesterday a< Plans were di&cuased and bids The program, which preceded tho Mnt |ke GAR and a prtMoij>al ad- asure. Fees are let at in a communication' he sent all will be advertised' for work in re- social hour, wna introduced by Mr.Amen," ulso from this oratorio. dress will be delivered ay H. »>aik they swept through to three victor members of the committee. Jessee and included brief talks by The anthem, "In the Utovi at Out- ahs and'$2 for drivers ies in baseball, tennis and track Scores Income painting the school auditorium ami Pettit, local attorney, Thf AnterU are revocable for in- Preceding the appointment ol stairways; for replacing overhead Mrs. M. R. Hoener, president of God We Will Set Up Our Ban-can Legion, United Spanlah War The diamond squad lipped Novtl committees for the year, and the the New Jersey Baptist Conven- ners" by Healcy WUlan, will be of the regulations, Platnficld 9-3 at Canuck, Field, thi lights in the auditorium, and thu Veterans and Veteran* of Forelf* ! required to be of "good decision to commend Case, whici Tax System installation of a fence along the tion; Kev, J. Bernard Waller, min- sung by a mixed chorus of 50 Wars will decorate the monument. netsters shut out East Orange 6-C up most of the evening, Flor ister of the Bethel Baptist Church, voices. ju'acter" and will be re-at the East Orange Tennis Club front of thu playground adjoining All gathering place* will ha I wear badges while oper- ence L. Decker, vice chairman o the school. and Rev. J. L. McCoiison Jr., STD, Mrs. H. Frank Pettit, chairman equipped with loud speakers aatl and the cindei'men took Union the committee, presented Ethel Republican Women DD, minister of the First Congre- chairs will be provided at Fairriew pi- vehicles. 63 % to 53 V4 at the local Recrea- of the committee for the patriotic Shay, former member, with a pin gational Church and president of societies, assisted in arranging the Cemetery for older persons and •nine; establishments, op- tion Field'. glass vase in token of the group's Hear Miss Kellems the Westfield Council of Churches. invalids attending the cetemonita. With nine men sharing in a 1 detuils of the service. This an- i the business lone would pp'i'eciation of her services. Mrs. To List Names of In the absence of the church school nual community memorial service In case of rain, all events, except to use non-combustible hit barrage the local nine won itsShay has served five consecutive "We're taxed and taxed an superintendent, Fred W. Banes, his 11th game in 12 starts. Ed Clarl taxed and the government spends will be uttended by the. American [ decoration of graves and monu* ; adhere to certain other terms on the committee and acted assistant, Richard K. Gustiifson, Legion, American Legion Auxil-| nients, conducted in' tha and Dick Smith share pitching: dut as co-chairman of the local cam- and spends and spends," Miss Viv- Tax Delinquents spoke in behalf of the church g, (ulations, under the terms ian Kellems, woman manufacturer iaryi , DaughterDh s of thhe AmericaAi n auditoriu-• • m of- Roosevel- t Junior ordinance on which ies for the Blue Devils. Smith re paign last year before moving to school, J. Stewart Slocum, presi-| , Sons of the American lieved Clark in the fourth when who defied the government by re- High School, Clark street and TuU rill also be held June 13. Scotch Plains early this >year. fusing to collect withholding taxes Wants Puymcnts dent of the board of trustees, spoke Revolution, Veterans of Foreign tlc parkway, beginning at 0 a. m. contract with Ray O. line drive hit the starter's pitch The group also voted its appre- for the men of tho church and pre- ing hand. Frank Piscopo rappe( from her employees, told members Wins, VFW Auxiliary, Gold Star The order of procession will bit •hitect, for the prepara- ciation of the job Edgar E. Kuni- and guests of the Westfield Wom- Before June 13 sented Mr. Petty with u purse Mothers and representatives of oth- Police escort; Grand Marshal Col; foi- a new municipal out three hits in five times at ba ple and his committee turned in , , , ... . . i from the church. Mrs. Hurry M. to pace WHS. Smith got crcdi en's Republican Club yesterday. er patriotic and veterans organ- James H. Hoag; aides; band; May- and library, was author on the testimonial banquet for theThe occasion was the annual spring Amimberof c.tenSparcfa.'mjBowscl. dl]lh.|mm ()f tho Jr|gb izations. or and Town Council; Gold Star was explained that the for the win and he is now four an Town Council last month. • Mr, arrears in payment zero. luncheon of the organization, held culling committee, spoke for the Mothers; Gold Star flags; Disabled contract included consult- Kumplc was co-chairman with at the Becchwood Hotel, Summit. property taxes, despite written und women ami presented Mrs. Petty Spunisli-Anierican and World Ware to be done by a New North Plainfield managed onl; Franklin Windfcldt, of the Busi- personal notices of their dclin- with a radio. Mr. Petty acknowl- Sclvig Boy'n I and II veterans; 50th • Recon- hi of architects, who hadfive singles, three by first sackc ness Men's Association, and us a Miss Kellems declared that she 1 for tile Town edged both gifts and' expressed his does not believe in income taxes, Condition Good naissance Battalion, NJNG; United Jowe Kandazzo. The Blue Devili Council revealed totluy. Thu pleasure in tho friendships made m. Under the terms of|", "",""".'""" ;"7 .—---••; •further, reward, was appointed to but added that if it is necessary Spanish War Veterans; Veteran* lead a new committee to lay plans amounts, he said, are relatively while in Westfield. of Foreign Wars' und Auxiliary; one"..-, Mrm... Pecn_,.,k. ...:will„ secur„. e j clinched the contest in the fifti the present progressive income tax small and do not justify lvgal ac- The condition of Robert Sclvig tecs of consulting ai'chi- frame when they tallied tlue for next year's dinner. Serving should be eliminated and an income Committees in charge of ar- Jr., five-year-old son of Mr. andAmerican Legion und Auxiliary; ivith him will be Wallace W. Col- tion which the law authorizes, and laiiKements included: Decorating, Catholic War Veterans) WeatfltU' 'ccs of $5000 remains the times to make it 6-3. They ud'dei tax based on the same percentage the delinquents do not own real Mrs, Sclvig of 1410 Boulevard is t was understood that the by, Paul E. Davis, Florence L. for each individual be adopted. Mrs. Dorothy Cregar und Mrs. Rob- good, according to his parents. The Senior Il'igh School Bund. , • another in the sixth and two mor Decker, Lydia M. Bowles, George estate in town on which a lien ert T. Messier; refreshments, Mrs. rk firm withdrew when it in the seventh. The Canucks wer The speaker called the present could be placed. boy suffered injuries to the head, Also Junior Essex Troop; Bey Ic known that construction Wallace Uuckert, Mis. Agnes H. Arthur T. Coding and Mrs. F. E. right leg und right arm and shock Scouts; American Red Cross and able to manage only one carnO' income tax system "communistic" "Tho council is," the spokesman Drumniond; floaters, Mrs. Harry t proceed immediately. Rossbachcr and John W. Cilendcn- in theory, adding that the Consti- when he was injured In an acci- nnibuhince; Children of the Amer- run. ing Jr. declared, "left with only one prac- M. liowser and girls from her Sun- of Antonio Appczzato to tution states that taxation must dent on Elm street last week. Ac- ican Revolution; Duughtera of the The tennis squad swept th'roug The constitution and by-laws pre- tical way to force payment and day school class, the Misses Bar- American Revolution; Sona of the lots at 935 and 941 Co-65 games to East Orange's 28 an be delegated to the House of Rep-that is to pulilis'i the names of cording to eye witnesses, thu boy pared by a committee headed by bara Wimlfuldt, Nancy Handel, was thrown to the ground when \ American Revolution; Westfteld |avenuc for $1,530 and oflost only one set in their romp resentatives. This has not been who arc in UITCHI'H. They Loin Wilks und Dorothy Van De- 1 Mrs. Irene Griffin, were referred done in recent tax increases, she persons he was in collision with un auto | Education; Mountainiide Colapietro to purchase The Devils now boast a 7-1 mar " will thus be exposed to their fol- Dl m llml 040 Columbus avenue for Don Wight, Paul Torgesensingle ai:: to a new constitutional committee said. "By collecting income and low citizens who must bear the I venter""•••"""-•. • driven by Miss NancV'c." McCuc! '« Fife Corps; school chll- Charles Patterson won guests at Uor llrcn re accepted. headed by Mis. Decker, for further inheritance taxes the government of 7,')5 Austin street. Although i ; f»"»tornul und other organ- matches and the Jim-Cassi'ly-Pet study and revision. Serving: with extra load these delinquent.-! re nil the W< 1 Atkinson and Dick Harrison-Bo' insults us," Miss Kellcnm sai'l. j J"'", '""" ,"i the car paused over the child, spec- izutions; Westfield Fire Depart-' ouneil approved, the plans Mrs. Decker are Mr. Glendcning, 1 ters and their wives., the Rev. and Ycnzer combos took the doubles. "It's like saying 'You're smart t...... i stated that "no- tators declared, the boy was in ment. "Ivans Building Co. for u John V. Bloys, Mrs. Martha Blown, 1 Ihc Mrs. Curllon Wiutlnch of Phila- apartment at 200 Walnut The Blue and White took si enough to earn the money but not body likes to pay taxes, but it is such a position as to escape injury Sirs. Jiossbacher, Mrs. Jessie W. delphia, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S from the wheels of the vehicle. The property was bought firsts in knocking off Union i: to spend it.'" plain to most people that they i-un- Cirunt und Rablii Jordan I. Tnxnn Cmu'er p iMacMillan and' Alan A. Burch. Miss Kellems urged a woman's Reports from other source:* last E town subject to approval track and field. The win bvough Mr. Davis will head a commit, not have the essential services of of Temple Ilcth-KI in Cninfoi'd. party "lo keep the pence," and de-the town without paying for them. 1 week varied from the eye witness- Exceeds K--A memorial 1 the U. S. Weather Bureau— the Community Audit, the Com-live couches. In This Issue -1 Boy Seoul District Coin- Senior Send-Off anil Moiiu Parker will pluy uutno service will be ln'ld before the lion mit nily Relations Committee, and IJU held June -1 ut the Considerable cloudiness with a Dance June 4 selections. The good citizenship or Roll in front of the Uoi'uiigli fur two years served us executive About Town With Sally .... 9 few scattered showers today winners ami those uwnvded home- Classified fl, t, 24 and highest in upper liO's. Hull, Monday murniui; al 11 secretary of Uic WcsU'ield Coun- Wins Awurri al niters urn] their wives, The Junior Auxiliary of t maker prizes will be honor RIICHIH. o'clock by members uf llhii: HUH' cil of Cliui'ulioi, Mr. Kliicuin imid Church News 28, 27 hg Cuh Den mothers und Children's Country Home will gi Fair, lowest tonight ranging Mrs, D. A, Norman, reception Flower Show Kditoriuls „ IB 'from M to J8 degrees. Most- Post, UMli, American Legion, mul Mr. Petty will lie grently missed, muds have been invited its annual Senior Send-Off dunce (•haiiinaii, will he Hsuistpil by past their Auxiliary IJlue Stm- Unit, mil only by tho church but through- Fi.mvood, S. Plitinn 32, 34;;., M this iinnuul alfuir. ut the Masonic Temple June 4 ly sunny "nil rather cool Fri- H'go.ut Mrs. Robert Manila und day. Outlook for weekend: !S8G, out thu whole community.. MIH. O. ,1. '/oilier of South Eu- Obiluui'los §•'.' fts may be obtained from all from 8:.'1O until 12:30. This is Mi's. George A. Karniinl. Both thi! Pout and Unit will havi clid avenue, won uu honorable muii- Social, Club Newt 0-13 , "it leaders, Fair and somewhat warmer vu: uii.i, MI; or.;\ Mmim-im inu, the lusit dunce of the year to which their oilkoi-K rend nivmuviiil si'iv 11 II. in. In !> p. III. Fur li'<> t'ri'itin. tioti in a llowcr anangcnient class Sports 80, 81 Satui'diiy; rutner cloudy with IIIIIOVHII'1 N III-: < IIDA'I niihi in Una li-r I'ri-iihi, III the I'IIISN of I!M!) in especially in- sciittci'cd showers likely Sun- Muni ."V't ii i|inli-(, hy UII* KiiHfln, til iccH mul all borough residents arc iiniilf mul MIIHIMII'IICH. WI'HIIII'1,1 nt Llio iVfic Yurie Tillicit Fluwcr Theulro I'ago fl Niiulh vited. 1'iocecdn will no to the ' Nuutll Illlll WVHMICIII AVCM. M*ri'l NIIII|I|II*, UMI i;nnl llriinil Mir., '"" Hold ul day. &-3D-U invital t» ullcml. Wl-Mllrlil, 'IIIICIIII- \\|;. iI-IJ7.~,ri. Show, T WlUi thu Culluglani. „„„...,. U !'»ui,irt .v,cJ., ,,,r »».»>;,„,„'children'.. Country Homo. THE WESTFIELD !***•• TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1949 Beer, Uartmttmt oi Sail Present* PupMa The weight of deer reflects the In Song Program condition of the country they live OBITUARIES Social For Members in, weight records of 10,000 deer Miss Helen E. Winberg present- collected by the Wisconsin con- Fare»ts of Regional HiKh School saw. A social for prospective mem- ed two of her voice pupils, Esper- servation department during toe students are invited to a program' R. Frank Blanchard Edwin H. Alexander bers was held by the Bi-Y Club last decade show. The records show at 8:15 p. m. this evening n, the Funeral services for K. Frank EJwm It. Alexander uf 7 At- eiuta Beaosa and Barbara Cum]), Tuesday at the YWCA. Miss in a program of Bongs in her home that deer average lighter in %veight school auditorium. The program Rlanchard, 58, of i)09 Carlpton lantic avenue, Spring Lake, for- Laura De Francesco, president, In central than in northern Wiscon- will feature election of officers for road, were held yesterday after- mt'vly of Westfield, died Tuesday addressed the group of 3fi girls, at 315 Hyslip avenue, Saturday. sin, believed to reflect the poorer the coming year in addition to the ; noon in St. Paul's Episcopal in Fitkin Memorial Hospital, Nep- discussing the aims and activities The selections included composi- soil conditions of central Wistonsm. following program: j fov tions by Handel, Gioidani, Schu- of the organization, Average deer weights show a grad- Music by the ensemble; fashion I i Entertainment was provided by mann, Ciriejr, Puccini, Valei'de, Fer- ual decrease over the last 10 years nandez and Ronald. Two duets in show by home economics course en- i j member*: of the club under chair- on ranges characterized as poor rollee»; male quintet; modern danc.i canon form by Maraiais ended the while on ranges listed ss good, deer ' manship oi' Miss Shirley Montagne. ing; and e one act play r«« Hnpm Miss Audrey Kumpie sang "Pass- program. weights do not show the downward Jmou*H. ing- Ijy" and "Little Damsel" as- Mareia Yocum, a piano pupil of trend. In all caies the deer were ies.s. Funeral services will be held to- sisted by Miss Betty Landry at the Mary Elizabeth Bonnell, assisted weighed after being dressed o*. After the program, PTA inem-j Associated with Western Union morrow at .'i'.JiO |i. m. from Cray's piano. Miss Annette Checcio en- by playing two movements from The department listed the deer ac- bers may visit the shops, home eeo-; for 34 years, Mv. Blanchard had Funeral Home with Rev, Horace tertained the club with a bullet the works of Beethoven. cording to the type of range they nomics and art rooms to see the came from and it was found iiiat projects of the students!. Refresh-1 dance with Miss Winifred Debbie Miss Besosa ii a soprano soloist 1 te'n active in the development of Oank'ls olticiatiiiiT. ments will be served in the cafe- the modern method of speeding Mr. Alexander is also survived at the piano. ^Miss Landiy also in the choir of the Centenary Meth- deer from the good ranges out- played "Koinance" and "Liebes- odist Church, Newark. She will weighed the deer from th« poo* teria. telegrams through cities without I.i.v two sons, Kobeii K. and Harold ranges. manual re-transmission. He was M. Alexander, a daughter, Mrs. traum." Group singing was held. also be soloist at the DeMolay cere- a joint holder of patents on this Eleanor Chiffin, and six grandchil- Guests introduced themselves to mony at the Masonic Temple here nieVjod. dren. the club. Hostesses were Miss Bet- Tuesday. •attar '< we've lerveti ard Jr., of Hampton, Va. until 10 p. m. The family re- can prevent the return ot "Dint Pennsylvania, the Library company Wttrt quests that flowers be omitted. Bowl" condition! in the High Plains. of Philadelphia, Yale college, and Mrs. Mary E. Morrison With • single portable "blower" unit the Universities of Glasgow and St. Alfred P. Simonsen Lieutenant Jones' body has been —a Ian driven by a gaioline eniiiw— . m\ . Funeral services for Mrs. Mary returned from Belgium. Born in Andrews; and he devised • plan for profttiionat funeraFuneral services jufor Alfrertiueud Pi v-, Morrison., . , 80, mother of Mrs. the inveatigator* can work either in- increasing am) Improving the li- tet VigRo Simonsen, 66, 540 First f; JI°™. ««. '""ther of Mrs. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 29, 1924, Lieu- doors with a built-in wind tunnel of brary of Harvard college, himself tenant Jones attended Elizabeth worriers streetItwt,, will b.....e hel.d tommrow at 2 cresAlexandet avenuer McMichae, hell odf Saturda660 H.lly- plywood and glau, oi outdoor! with contributing • substantial (urn to p. m, from Gray's Funeral Home grade schools and was graduated an aluminum duct that can be the fund. Ll.MANNlNG&SON from her home in Philadelphia. rom Westfield! High School in v.ith Dr. William K. McKinney, Interment was in the North Cedar moved readily from place to place. EitabligHed 1811 pastor-emeritus of the Presbyteri- -942. He entered Virginia Mili- In the field they will be able to itudjr an Church, officiating. Interment Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. :ary Institutitute and uupop n leaching the action ot controlled and meas- STANi.r.Y niMNrn, o«»i Mrs. Morrison died suddenly on WESLEY R. will be at the convenience of the he off 1818 , wennt intinto active ured "blowi" on toil in it* natural 408 WEST FRONT STREET Friday morning of u heart attack service as an aviatioi n cadetd . On itat«, and compare, tor example a The Mohammedan calendar dates air.'Bimonten died on Tuesday'i" the McMiehael home here where R-raduation as a pilot he received clean-plowed lection of a fltld with PLAINFIELD turning in Huhlenberg Hospital she, waB t0 be a fuwt unt.l Sun- his commission April, 1044, and another that U "stubble mulched." (rom July 16, (22, the day of the c Heglra. It consists of 12 lunar after an illness of several months. I J,' . •,..,,,.. •» ' w went to the European theatre the Tel. Plainfwld 6-0708 • Bovn In Copenhagen, Denmark,! . Bol'.n !" Phl!as°' als, o survive• jd •.by anohr tilated. Moisture given on by the Ciated for 13 years with P. G. ence Mansell Jones, and his father, #.;„»„.! <•„.. 11 „„„ °. ,,,«ik or. I Shrlete iIs alsJI oSS surviveEsthei d Morn by anothen fr John Kessler Jones Sr., now of birds makes the house damp or wet, Wmdfeldt, Broad street grocer. *V{Ph.ladelph.a\ I \1 ', a son ;James |?Morn °. - and egg laying (alls oft. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. West Orange, formerly of the ne 18 survived Dy nis, «"»• BOson oof f HaverfordHaverford, , Pa.Pa., , sisixx prandprand-- Boulevard. He was the son of the W M. Simonsen, a son, Aage A. hj,, d great-grandchild, late Marie Wales Jones. Simonsen of Massachusetts; a daughter, Mrs. Philip Van Twis- tern of Staten Island, one grand- Miss Elizabeth H. Norton Harry L. Garst LEADER STORE child and three sisters. Miss Elizabeth H, Norton, 56, Funeral services were held Tues- died Sunday at Bonnie Burn San- day in the Memorial Funeral SEE PAGE 25. Joseph F. Fitzgerald Sr. atorium after a four-year illness. Home, Plainfteld, for Harry L. Funeral services for Joseph F. Sliss Norton taught school in War- Garst of 1126 South avenue, Plain- Fitzgerald Sr., 53, of 118 Hazel ren County for 20 years. She was field, formerly of WestfielU. Mr. BIG SALE avenue, were held Monday morning a. member of the Presbytcriar Gavst, 89, died Saturday after a from the Dooley Funeral Home,,|?Clrarch here. _ long illnesB. He was a pianist i ' Cranford, and from Holy Trinity Funeral services were held yes at one "--- f~'-' Ji*'**~;f ICWfiVw. EVENT Church, where a high mass of re- teerday at the MeFadden Funeral His only survivors are his par- quiem was offered. Interment was Home, Belvidere, with Rev. Merle ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry D NOW in St. Gertrude's Cemetery, Wood- S; Irwin, associate minister of the Garst of the South avenue address bridge, I Presbyteriai-resuyieri n Church of Westfield ON Mr. Fitzgerald died Saturday inj officiating. LEADER WANT ADS PAY Beth Isreal Hospital, Newark, aft-1 «•Mis- s »Norton'T s parents precede or a brief illness. Born in New her in death. York City, he had lived here six .yearn. lie had been employed aa assistant personnel manager of the Phelps Dodge Corp. in ElizuBeth. A veteran of World War I, he was a communicant of Holy Trinity DERMOGEN Church. He is survived by his daughter, ODDS and ENDS Mrs. Rolf E. Christoffersen of, Iiosedale, L. I.j two sons, Joseph | POISON IVY drapes so well F. Fitzgerald Jr., of West Hart-, DEHMOCEN — Aa inprand ford, Conn., and Pvt. Richard E. noa-ttamiaff (reaMlua lotion, Fitzgerald who is with the occu- hcl|M to relim itching aid pation forces in Japan; two grand- weepiag irritatioa caused by and His so cool! Poi.on Ivy. DERMOGEN i> a children; a sister, Mrs. K. Ray. valuable addition la the Firit moml of New York City, and two , Aid Kit. brothers, William P. of New York | GoodoU City antl Edward P. Fitzgerald of : Richfield, Conn. He was the hus-' Land of the late Irene A. Fitz- Sold at JARVIS FAMOUS BRANDS gerald. Short Sleeve »Him Springs* CONSTRUCTOR CO. SPORT We're glad to be able to offer these fini feather-light Palm Springs Tropic*** • • i Building and Contracting SHIRTS made specially to keep you cool and let Service Stations, Garages, Etc. Regularly to 94.95 you look smart on summer's hottest days. Homes Built to Specifications Fabric ia loomed ftom Aogora mohair yarn 1 CARPENTRY . MASONRY . REPAIRS Won $2.65 and two top-quality rayon*... wp*" ' Concrete Sidewalks, Footing*, Etc. 3 lor S7.S0 tailored too, by Goodall, famous suumet clothing specialists. Joseph G, Greslin Muss-resistant, shape-retaining'- • •palm 242 EDGEWOOD AVE. Springs Suits dry dean or launder perfect1?' Westfield Tel. WE. 2-097O-J are bears for long wear. You'll w$* *luit" two when you've seen them, felt th»«r luxurious smoothness, tested their amaiiog lightness. Come in,today for best select of handsome new colors. 29.75 Palm Beach r27.S0 Sunfrost . . 38.7S Sprtngweave 45.00 'Kcgbtcnd John franks John franks Branches: WESTFIELD PLAINFIELD — RIDGEWOOD Funeral Directors Branches: Open Monday, Friday Evenings 'Til 9 Plninfield — Ridge wood Westfield \ Cranford OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 318 E. Broad St. 12 Springfield Ave. Ulwest. 2-0143 tel. cr. 6-0092 ECORATION

Charge Purchases Will Be Billed July 1.





Cool Butcher-Rayon la The Mat Bar

2.»5-3.»5 As Always "Weathervanes" Are First! \ : < Our Wonder-Fitting Open crown butcher-rayon cartwheel in uihitt, America's FIRST warm-weather suit . . . rayon by Ccla- natural, nuvy, dark • grctn, yellow or black. nese that won't miis$ or tvilt . . . magically tailored by Butcher-rayon cloches in it'Kitc, natural, navy, Lastcx Swim Suit Handmacher and Outs Alone in PlainfieUI. Many dif- coffee, yellow, dark green or black. ferent versions are available in addition to the three Third Floor sketched here. All in pretty pastels, dressy darks or Is Only white. Third Floor

19.95 You'll adore it for the flattering way it hat with your figure, for its easy "give" when you swim, Designed along classic line* in sleek Satin Lastex, available in one or two* piece versions. Blnck, white, shrimp pints, •••5 blue water, canary, teafoam, apricot, tur- quoise, smoky grey and hunter green. 32-30.

Suiim Shop-Third Floor •

For Every Occasion Top Top Casuals, Spectators Fashion Quality Button-Up Handbag French Adaptations At The Right Price 14.95 17.93 14.95 Madnguscar Straw With ^]aUa Butcher-Rayon Slip Cover Plunging neckline emjiAusfaei shirt- Tlco-pieca clwmbrny costumo vacn. Two-tttece corded rayon-aml-cotton waist look PI this cotton broud- lions its pbtlu'Cntomd sunbnek costume; sunbttck dress with self, ilress with scl/covareil zipper biulc covered back tipper, flaring skirt clalh. Smart thirred lullnen from cloning, Ihrinn skirl. Goes la ioim back yoke, jutting pockets and coU with mulching nluitl redingotc, sal/, and smart bolero jacket with but- Dusking, debqnuir, the shoes with the beauti- for, jminly cti/Js. Navy, brawn, bull, sliiiul collar. Green, lomt, ton tabs to hold leather bell. 5.0® Plus Tax Mies 10-111, Champagne. Sites 12 to 20. ful jit . . . your fashion mates for every occa- gray, green. Sites 14-20. Builgct Shall—Third floor sion from now through the Summer and well Reversible, Kathttble butcher-rayon slipcover into the Fall. At 10.05, your brown and buttons on and off this Madagascar straw bag. ivhite or blue and white high or medium Two-lone covers: white on onti side, maize, heel Spcctutor. At 9.95, your open loo pump copen, pink, wheat, green, red, navy, tan, brown in while buck with Cuban hceh. At 7.V5, or black on the other. Tito bug has top zipper your casual sandal in white, groan, red W, and braidad straw handle. huturul. PlAINFIEfcD, N. J. TttB WESTttELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1949 Rotariaw Hear three places were taken by Troop ersRe-cleet J5I Scouts 172 as follows;: First, Kichacd Hay Truck Fire 1 in. E. Haskell Menninger, William Hagx'iibaumer; P second, William Frank, Kobert Louis V. Wilcox note of optimism was sounded utory (Continued from page I) Mumford; and third, Robert Hag- Damage Extensive at a luncheon meeting of the \Vest M Seeley; third place, Troop 78, Gil-enbaumei- and Harry Tenney. field Rotary Club-Tuesday by'Wil! bert Hildebrandt, Norman Burr, A csmpfire Saturday night \¥6S MOUNTAINSIDE—An undeter- Receive Honorable liam E. Haakell, assistant to the Charles Bode. Hitaald Ntttteship. trtder the direction of Fit-Id Kxecu- mined amount of damage wa.s done First aiti. first class, first place, Mention fn Tourney president of the- Herahl-T,•;)„,„<:, C'hairmaji Earl to properly owned by Hall & Funs lng Troop 75, S. Wright, Thomas iet i, on behalf to Public S.'i'v- Speaking on the topic, "Wlru'-- Wolfe, Donald Cuweleyn, Jack Couis V. Wilcox was re-elected a, >* ;u ; Going: On," Mr. Haskell spoke' of special Powell; second place, Troop 78, president at the Community Play- thcrs, the Scouts and Sc-outcrs. eciuipmi'iit, when a buy truck driv- the peat potentialities of the At Ivan (.'lark, Norman Burr, Chiis. .ers at the annual meeting in the 9%e 10 ft-oeps represented at (heen by Cem-pp H. Siedel of Maxa- lantic Pact and' discussed the w Buck, Hoiiali! Neltlexhip; third j roundup were: Troops 71, 72, 74,tawn'y, lierl;.< County, Pa., crashed ! Masonic Temple Friday evening. cessity for the power of the veto in plac*, Troop 172, David Turner,' 75, 77, 78, 171, 172, 173 and 277int. o a pule in front of the Whit* i New directors chosen by the organ- the Security Council of the United Lewis Parks, Calvin Kothrock, and I iiation include Edwin 1). Kyle Jr., All meats served in the mess hal! (ruck distributors' Monday morn- Nations. holiin. Robeit Burch. were tinder the joint direction of ing, about 5:45. Mrs. William B. Sawers, Mt'3. Bet- ty (Jallahan and Frank S. Blifford. Knot tying was won by Troop James E. Hulsizer, neighborhood : Firemen were unable to extin- Mr. Haskell declared that con- Vice presidents in charge of pro- 172 as follows: First place, Wil-- commissioner, and Glen Harvey, ! guish the fire until emergency fusion of the public is caused by I duction and business, together with littm and Richard Frank; second committeeman of Troop 72, assist- crews of Public Service had come some newscasters, particularly place, Judson Gould" and Richard ed by six sea Scouts from Ship; r,. j,;ii Mh to cut the power other officers, will be elected at an mentioning three "who set them- Dnrint om za organization meeting of the new Lambert; third place, Thomas 77: Bill Lainp, Edward Field, Leo;Imeg wni[.n had fanen acrosg the Mr. mid Mr«.i. (iporMe K> Kl-fBalcr are now llvi In tkim m*w h«»M* selves up as oracles . . . when ROCHJ Armantrout and William Scaif. Ecknmn, Edward Bodkin, Louis - rc\vn bales of hay. "I »)l llurrfl In_* St.. nfclch thvf- 4nrrfcitN<>t( front T. Aliwrl tkroaiLk board of directors. they have no positive information 111 truck ami 5t l'«-ur»!ill * KrHHk^Hknfk. Inc. melodrama, The first two places in fire build Fisher uii Peter Tatro. j Fire Chief William VanNest es- An old fashioned to base their predictions upon." Curse You, Jack Dalion, was a ing by flint and steel were won • timated about 25 bales destroyed, feature of the entertainment at the William Garbe presided at the] by Troop 172. First place was though firemen managed to pull annual meeting. Directed by Mat- meeting. Carolus Clark led the •von by Robeit Burch and Richard • .some out of the way while work- Tour of Boro PT Meeting Holds Scores Income thew Glass, the cast included Flor- singing, accompanied by Henry Lambert in three minutes 32 sec- i ing. Several small signs were de- Rost. Guests included Art Wil- onds. Second place was won by ence Stuhler, Dorothy Blown, J. from pwe U •stroyed at Hall and Fuhs. The liams of Eoselle, Stan Clary and' Harry Tenney and Judson Gould. J firemen flushed the highway to Gardens Sunday Tea For Mother* Wallace Hall, Jean Hall, H. D. chapter of Isaiah, She said she Brown, Temple Newell, and Jack Robert Crane Jr., of Cranford and' — Third place was won by Troop 75 cl»o«e that part of the text because; clean the debris so that traffic Edward Gablemann of Kenilworth. til L represented by Jackie Powell and MOUNTAINSIDE —No admis- MOUNTAINSIDE — The final Reiily. The production crew in- it sin and sh- e fel-t . - pass. Power was off in sev- Donald Coweleyn. will be charged, and the pub- meeting of the Parent-Education cluded: stage manager, Kenneth sins of 'government were on eral parts of the borough for only The Scout dads also staged a fire a minute, but repairs will be nee- is cordially invited to the gar-' group, held Tuesday night in theThompson; properties^ Dorothy Ap- the heads of the Republicans as essury fur some time. Telephones den tour being staged Sunday aft- school auditorium, was in the form gar; design and paintinC, Frank lighting contest. First place was well as the Democrats, She add- y p won by L. L. Armantrout, troop 1 by members of the Blue of a get acquainted tea for parenta BlifTord; construction, Fred Mab- ed that she thought "more was ex-went on temporary hookups and it batt, Si.; lighting, H. A. Rack; NOW it the Time It) _ committee chairman, and Dr. King, will take several days for the j S,tal> Garde* Club of Mountain-!of children entering kindergarten pected from the Republicans," make-up, Ann Bred'lau; sound, Gould, committeeman.i of Tronnj l»hone company to complete all re-side. .next fall. Dr J, L. McCorison Jr., min-l Harry Inskeep; costumes, Sondit 172; second place ma •*«• fcg as both tv es of lini B weIe The informal show, being held Speakers included the school ister of the First Congregational i l'a'™. P * Winfeld-Hansen. Troop 75 of Garwood, represents Church, gave the invocation. Mrs. I burned out for some distance. Fire- between the hours of 2 to 6 p. in.nurse, Mrs. Jane Sears, principal PERMANENT MIVElj by Paul Wolfe, assistant Scoutmaa- Announcement was made thai Earle MacMillan, president of the I men were called out early Tues- will include visits to six local gar- Charles Wadas and Board' of ter and Frank Staffers, troop com the the Players' entry in the Dra- club, presided. Also seated at the' dayy morninmorning iin answeanswer tto ththe siresiren dens. On display will be the Health registrar M'«- Maxine niitteeman. Third place was won ma Tournament sponsored by the speaker's table were Mrs. Bette which had been tripped off by a grounds of Mrs. Walter Koster, BuckBk . MrsM . SSear s tlktalkedd on"T"Thhe by Alan Ebersole and Ernest Flainfield Recreation Commission Schaffer, luncheon chairman; Mrs. repair crew in error. Mrs. Harry Lake and Mrs. H. E. Duties of a School Nurse ; Mr. Woods, Scoutmaster and assistant was awarded an honorable mention Wm A. William B. Freeman, first vice Kochheim of Orchard road; Mrs. Wadas on "State Health Regulag - Scoutmaster, respectively of Troop in competition with nine Little president; .Mrs. George Bull, pub- Frank E. Urner of New Providence tions in Regard to the School"; Contractor Theatre groups. • The play was 172. licity chairman and Mrs. Harvey Wales Hums With N«w UU roadj Mis. R. V. Whetsel of Part- and Mrs. Buck on the subject of Soroyan's Hello Out Thetie, direct- nmift wttTriELD MTU . p. o. a In the signaling contest, the first Daycock, a Member of the advisory The valleyi of Walei an throb- ridge run and Mrs. E. Alder Ow- "Work of the Board of Health In ed by Walter Clemens and coached board. blag once more with the noiae of ens of Tanager way. Refreshments Mountainside," by Mrs. Thomas R. Jones. Tho A reception for Miss Kellemj induitry. Pithead^ rollinf milli will be served at the Owens' home. Mrs. Harry Lake, Board of Edu- cast for the competition, included and Mrs. Florence Dwyer, Assem- and furnacei, lilent In the inter-war No particular garden has been cation member, introduced Robert yean of dump and unemployment, Virginia Kekey, Burke Dougherty, bly candidate, followed the pro- stressed as the starting point, but H. Hose, who pressed the point of now hum to a feverish round-the- Paul Heuck, Walter Clemens, Har- gram. most residents planning to attend the parents' responsibility in ta« M 1HI TOUCH Ol : clock achedule. The Welah, who will probably plan to start at thewhole scheme of things. He stated ry Insktep, «nd Florence) Barker. were hard-hit by the flump ol the AMYM Hammond wan in charge the farmtri of Vermont Orchard road displays and go on that the school and Board of Edu- >OUR GARAGi inter-war yean are now butler than up the mountain. cation cannot accomplish anything ..tting *nd Vene feinehart. tcr* iiktd to name their uiual ever, and building the meant for an KMUcei at iiricuHurtl Information, alone, but must have the patents' AUTOMATICAL^ even more protperoui future. Heart assistance. W per cent mentianed paperi and of thit vast industrial rebirth it at Record Spring Mf Crap Following the meeting, refresh- l.K»OT« t from nafaiinei. Other loureei of in- Margam on the South Walei coait. Urgtd to l*osi SuppliM ments.were in charge of Mrs. Har- formation 'were: itate extension Here, from a deiolate wilderneu of old' Bitwise and Mrs. Harold En- Mrvtet, 14 par cent; friends and •and dune and manh land, a iteel Agriculture department ii urging S. Unladn «nW ea»M er dam and locki nalghbori, II per cent; worked out giant ii ipringing to life, Mirgam farmen to produce the largest gleman, assisted by Mrs. Paul any •tane'ara' tys* (wag* door. Information for themielvei, 11 per as today the lite of the biggest «in- peacetime ipring pig crop on rec- Rottstock and Mrs. Rolfe Kvistian- WELCH'S cent; radio, 0 per e«nt; and from gle ateel project in the world. ord in order, to boost the meat 'sup- sen. Table decorations and flower Paint and Wallpaper fovtroment program! 4 per cent. ply. arrangements weve by Mrs. E. Al- The 1949 spring pig goal calls der Owens of the Blue Star Gar- for 60,000,000 pigs—an increase of den Club. 17 per cent or nearly 9,000,000 more OFFER than the 1941 spring crop. This will CeaaunpUra at Fertlllaer Unexcelled Service require an increase of about 21, per cent in sows farrowing if litters are Consumption of nitrogen fertilizer Unbeatable Prices of average size. In the United States Is now more jnLOIZEAUXlLUMBER! Goal aims to help provide aver- than twice the prewar level and if Unwual Colon Fellourf expected to continue riling over the UIMIIR • MIUW0PK- MASO^ MATEWUiH age meat consumption of 150 s Uniform Quality MISOUINAVE. pounds per person in late 1949 and next few years. There is a brisk Occasion* 1950? when tKe 1949 spring plgt will demand for nitrogen In the United Unlimited Stock be ready for market. This will ex- States and if commercial produc- tion should increase It would prob- Without any obligation on my part, please sendntefctiWai ceed average consumption of 149 • .•* ably be taken bythe TarnHer»« the m»gic ROBOT AVTOMATIC OARAGE D0MC— ~tl|^4>.fTnrrtrrl this year and will 214 CAST BROAD St. be much above prewar average j country. Only small quantjjj Intake of 126. pounds. 1 commercial products wouM-jfl Tel. WE. 2.4021 | tor-export unless a set-ailde pro- A hog-feed price relationship gram weretnstltuted^ favoring hog production is expected ' to continue next year with average crop-producing weather in 1849,

Facts About Insulating Ceilings of the top floor of al- most any house are usually easy to insulate, keep in mind two simple rules for the job: Try to keep the insulation as close as possible to the heated part of the house. Pro- vide a vapor barrier between the insulation and the, as OF 6006 K*F0*MAtK£ ttf well as a ventilation space above the insulation. The vapor barrier is a membrane which keeps moisture from reaching the insulation. Walls ol older houses are often ditlicult to Insulate properly. Solid masonry houses are especially ditlicult ana WESTFIEM) RADIO costly to treat. Frame or brick ve- neer houses can be insulated by & APPLIANCE, blowing mineral wool into the emrj- M last Brouil "M. This ty space between the wall studs. Zephyr LEADER WANT ADB PAT Cool Is Your Cellar Floor Wet ? throngh «w VACATION CLUB Mf walerpraofinc pvtcau h aliMlvtaly (tiaranUed to five yo» a dry cellar floor I N« char(* nntil jab hai proven etttir»ly Ah, what a grand and glorious feeling... vacationi -, latlifactorjr. care in the world! No worry about money, either... it's New Luxury Fabric Eitiaiaiei eliMrfatly »(T«n . . . CALL CLIPPEE for in our Vacation'Club, with small suras you never LEO GARBER • S0» weekly glv« .you $25* • »3 weekly gi>e« Jitcm Jffeacn*$Uit$ ELIZABETH 2-1181 • ll weekly give, you »SO» 15 weekly give' )">»», GRAFT •mo*Hi«r fhw color* 8-YEAK GUARANTEE • $t weekly gives you $«»• • $10 weekly gives y«» HIM* ItiKurloui lighter weight MASON, PLASTER, tlLE, BRICK AND MARBLE REPAIRS


hami from A*P win pniw on holiday* (and amr «n«r • time you ime 'em). Von raiy have either half, lull cut wJtk all (he center tliew

/ ->% *<•.,

ROASTING CHICKENS fl»/r. .11 DM, tans* S-w. 4H ft Si,. :^i-::\ S fc..

Cooked Pot Roast Chaek Roast or Steak IWWB Top Sirloia Roast Chopped Beef »nrtbMl-frMMy frond B\4ft Plate and Navel Beef frMh-for Mtin« PAGE Boneless Brisket Beef rmti.rc.rM*) Salad DreM.Bg , i*25e Boneless Veal Roast Mv«lar«l ... tot i« lie Sliced Bacon Stmnyfie'*-lugareur^ 2k»rfIb *•!*.Sja Kelckap . Fresh Ducklings long lilamf i Rneet fc.35* Smoked Tongues . s R>. 55e Smoked Shoulders

Smoked Butts ion«t«t ib.75e Frankfurters CoMCmt* Mild and mallow coffe. 11b. 4#C 2 Ibi. 70C Boiled Him Boiled Lobsters . h.69t Cirelm «*» »* luii-berjw eotrW nb.44c 2n»H7e Liverwurst sliced Frc* C«d Steak ,* %S9i Cmtfmm Vlgorow ind Wlnty lib. 47*f 2tt».f)3e Sliced Bologna . . *, 55« Fresh Flonnder Fillet »• 5fe iweet Mixed Pickles Colonial or ling'. %l.|af25rC Cooked Salami . . fc69c Fresh Whiting . . Pickle Stix tend 1201 can 15c ituffed Olives Julian., :ozi.>19c 5*ozi«41e l'Olives Sultan* 4%ot|ai29c 10oj|ar49e FRESH FRUITS ench's Mustard . • . . * . . . . «oi|«14c VEGETABLES raft's Mayonnaise . * • . «oz.|.r25c PU«43« >nn Page Mayonnaise . . . 8oz.|arl9c pt.iar33e Enjoy fruits and vegetablei from AiFs Produce Department, where everything if Vitos ,. . . 4 01. pkfl 19c Chee-tos . 4ivoz.'P«g.25o full of down-on-the-farm flavor becauM iitZ Crackers Nablica Vt Ib. pkg 19c I Ib pkg. 32c it's harvested fresh, delivered fresh and sold fresh. 'rcmium Crackers Nabisco 7 01 pkg. 15c 1lb.pkg.25c •8 Tomato Catsup ,.....*.. Moz.boi.2Jc Direct Fnii FlarMa tmn Omato Juice Campbell'i 13Mozcan)Oc 46 or. can 27c WATERMELON Campbell's Tomato Soup ..... «h»« can 10c 7 They're red ripe and sugar sweet « get one for a weekend treat! 'rated Tuna Fish Chicken of iheSea . b.B 55« oncless & Skinless Sardines roriugun. J%or.iin29« With a 3-day week-end coming up, you'll want to stock up on dairy-fresh foods. And there's no better place to do it than Spinach Home grown 2 *•• 19* 'ned Chicken mchardtonansbbim «oic«n79o in the Dairy Center of your A&P Super Market. All the good things in its refrigerated cases are at flavor peak and thrift- Rhubarb Horn, grown bunch 6< ormel's Spam or Armour's Treet • » izoz.tin39c priced all week. Radishes Horn* grow*" bunch4« orrell's Liver Loaf ... . • • • iioican29« ScalllOnS Horn, grown bunch 5* 'Orncd Beef Armour or libby 12 or. can 45c WtH MM ftrfiM linn or tons Flaked Fish ... . a • • 7 or «n 23c Sharp Cheddar Cheese VegetableSbortening Ann •orton's Kippered Herring . • . • n-m. oval w 33« roadcost Pigs Feet .... 9OI.|M25C Moi.iw35« Fresh Cggs WUM»--G* Spry Preserves Farmer Cheese ., . <«21c Tor cakes piei, frying elc. itchen Charm Waxed Paper . • • • «5(I.TOII21« Blue Cheese .... R>65c Raipbtrry Stnwbtrry Cream Cheese . Cottage Cheese FoocWt 12 °«19c Heavy Cream . a pint sent. 31c Libby's Whole Apricots i"»»w so oz. can 31o Whipped Butter 8 01. cup 38c Htfular ql. con>. 18c Fruit Cocktail UbbyorDelMonl* 16 ox can 2 lc 30oi.can35o Fresh Milk BESTlCEUTEAFORMEf Vellow Cling Peaches ubby or Dei Mont* 3001.cai29c Yet Mum* Wh»Pr*lerA»l* IWM Del Monte Bartlett Pears . • • • . 30 oi. can 41c S WE IIP TO 15'»N A Crispo Sugar Wafers .....•> 6 oz. pig. 17" Our Own Tea 14 n>. pi9.47« Assorted Gum Drops worihmore 11b. pk0.23c Our Own Tea Bags ... pkg.oM«39<: Borden's Instant Coffee • . 2<«.|ar41e 5 oi. jar 97c Nectar Tea ...... Hib.pkg.49i! Plain or Chocolal* meci ilzecan39c large lize 73" Cigarettes Popular Brandi cln. of 10 pkgi. 1.87 Nectar Tea Bags .... pkg.oMs41« I Prices EffkclWft In Suptr Morksti and Canada Dry or Hoffman Beverages Ptm oV 7«. boi. 6 for 29" 'Based on National Survey Avengu. Luncheon Meat College Inn Swift's Meats Liptoti's Soup Mix Libby's White House Swift's Prcm Whole Chicken Strained For boblei 2 cam 35c Tomato Vcg. pkg o! 3 ,'{5« Corned Beef Hash Baby Foods Evaporated Milk Hamburger lib. QQ Slrninod and 1 A 3lb.2oz. Diced for lunlorr :an26c Noodle Soii|» pkfl. o( 3 32< '^39e can 1.89 homogenized 1U 12 1 C E N/T R A L AVENU E WESTFIELD, N, THE WE6TFIELD LEADER, THUHSDAY, MAY ^6, 1949 REAL ESTATE—4ALE • UAL UTATt-JALE BCAL UTATt~lAU # EEAL UTATE—SAIX R£AL EJTATT—*Ali WEAL ESTATE—BALE DIETZ * SMITH, ALBUtT J. tM IA1U: EDWIN O. CDWAKDS, $10,710 T. H. Ji BIGGEST VALUE IN TO- T» AGENCY PEA13ALL l SIMMIOat MKSTAL — A beautifully MKHK II * PURITY •!-WCAI.OW DAY'S MARKET furnished. three-bed room t vro- on a beautifully shrubbed corner KKH CIMTOH «l II.T HI !M;*IOW biith house in Wyt-hwood. Avail- In CrustwooO. Five nice ulaed M$*$mum Ckatgt 50c Iriabtr of Ik* .r> fdoiii-s lih'd bath, plaster walls able until after Ltibor Day. moms, tiled kitchen and bath. anU ct- i I tug's, hardwood floors, oil Thin home is especially desirable e l.l*n»G aldTGM ftri?ci hot water heat, recessed *, • DOWK, but a fur a family vvlio enjoys outdoor railintors, copper plutnbinic.' Larg'y new owner's hand can make a living. $14,(100 ID the anking price, me 1I.V lofkliis fur in nttrai'llvc inud- txjnintii'ii altlc with t*u dormers, hue home of this exceptionally but the owner Haya "get me an •EALTORS ern ViuiiMHiuW wHSt u f*;u'fd-ui VVIUTH two bedrooms and bath well located property 2 blocks offer". *"l5^ 2-4TO0 yajd for jour ioun^^Lci'.' T!ii.« may he fin is lied. Kully weather- from town. It'« the usual type St., fully Innulaled, pre-wur, well kept stripped and insulated. Nicely built about 40 years ago with 4 waMDsart'l. UtCArlOM (or a N. VW Ut UMUK for a 8um. e iiome will kii'l> your overhead situutt-d on in good lo- bedrooms. Only f 10,500. y. commuter. Kive minutes walk mer *n« winter homi We hive '» ut-2!,tT' to the station, yet In a very rood just the JmnnUow you arl i"ok- a Iwnne 1« mm exvrllnl tthowl .«• cution. in« for —ourchaaer enjoya nrw KQ roOLI*\ TIH.H*. are good <;. I. residential »ectlon. Six well pro- portioned rooms, powder room ana llese of mln« awlmmlnj pool piu, aeealMHwrfc hmt the »rftc*. lar« [,4>CAT1O%. This tinund, older home BOULEVARD REALTY homes, $800 down, $78 monthly. tiled bttth. Pre-war. 116,800.00. other features. Thus bungalow In UAL UTATE—SALE lot **4 rimm !•.*•• miikr ft » New 4^. looms, oil, a.1] improve- » huuiti'i IMIMK rww, 4lalaV tion. Gat* lieat, #ara$e. |11,SOQ. k«>l»< rink 4 m0-io-4mtr iu rvrr; rtMMH, iillfhrii and vv-mter •»*!, lteallstlcaliy priced at 116,800. t L lil 4hu fruni »u4 back aoiH*fc«M.—4 Iwd- NKaK Art immt T«. of the good tlYNOLDS ft FUTZ fl.'.,MM» - till.*** — TWO < MAHMI\Hal •mwlle furnaces. You win be amcizeu at living room 26 x 13 with fire- rooms on the second floor. And WMlliH 1-1M«, r*«M HHtf t Ilrrf bU t • OH *i>r «H1I <.00I> HI I IN the eldvr place, full dining room, delight- your party guests will gravitate so much value. to the beautiful »pacl»u« kitchen WHKTHHM IOC Arc R«>W - fl, oil •«••*. Yrrj .. IOIHI or #\r for your comfort. Gas heat, low like bees to a pot of honey! Many ftHllttC. we want to merit you k HM« < laa- .5t« CASH Will Bmr this strictly stall shower, too! room. We be- THB ONKKH OF THIS V1%K C«l - hiMirti stv-riMiai hmw, H«wlr«H modern 5-rooni bungalow. Excel- lieve »lli,800 Is a fair price. have you HO well satisfied will with 4 beilrooms and 2 modern K W. A»»»la»« flu, . our eervices that each sut'ceasiv HONK tvHH.N mvtl««. Call bjillis. modern kitchen, enjoyable HUHUM Gianni, ntl fceat, artoKve lent Mountainside location. A I iumpvvt t); another School property before October 1PH fmmt k, |i I ft.* T TO MOTH Pfiroch.n. . \ >I:M>:H TVPK N-MOOM . . . Six and Public School, we will yhmv fully lit^t. Each i» priced to at- heat. Jxit with 182' frontage. A I, SO AT «!£,.•*•• Wr Hn«r a very HOlftl-; !••('• k«« l«« interior vmm ti'iict" an immediate buyer. large roomy, tiled bath, 25-foot AKking 118,500. BDwa SM, m Huel in, you a home that will appenl tn living room with log-burning fire- desirable home with tlwree twin you as being very sound from the a>l?f*lr anil arafeiMloiiallr 4ei-u — both to |15,«00.00. CUS- raird. I<«m««ry, 3 larse «pdro«iMi place, tiled kitchen with cheerful siied bed room H and two tiled TOM BUILT. Six rooma, attached moment you step into its spacious — IIV HK4ITIFIL WVCH- breakfast nook. Oil heat; deep A HONK, **.* 4m*t A H»m. As baths, plus H panelled library nnd vestibule. The living1 room Is 11 HOOII, this brick and white shin- conifortHble and convenient as Sara»e, atone front, permanent V.W I'uUmial Umiie offers «ub»ta«- yard. two-car attached garHge. jt'u rlveway: decorate to aultj In- K 18, with a fireplace, pretty sun- V THF WII.JKOK M4 HOOI, URniV can be. Only 8 blocks to High room, dlninr room IT feet Kijuare, hial HviiiK. There avu 4 hedrooms. School, Junior Hlfrh, 49 BUN. In modern, well planned and well •jMctlon lavltef. tkrrr '• • aauiclwns 4-kedlr«i«iM it- 2 tittMl baths, and a study on th« 9I2.MNMW — HAMHI.IA'f 8 built. compact kitchen. Upstairs there katk k**Mt> now kvlaa; rrdrcumlrd excellent condition, has 3 bed- Broken Protected. arffc 8 bedrooms, and bath with sefonrt floor. There i« abso a pow- MOON IU(iAMI«, only 7 yeuro rooms (Master bedroom 13 x 24 »J.B,MW.— Will- HI'V one of the lM«fa> aH4 *••«• Hraw«ir«llr iMrdl der room, open porch, and game old, on a well landscaped lot 60 x shower over tub. Thare are some kltrkrw. kreakfaat M«ok, pttndfr with den adjoining), tiled bath, very best built homes in Went- MIVUTTA #form windows and there are room. 1UU in si choice wooded locution. panelled game room. Oil, double Held. It in »n example <>f thought- r«H»ai, m*4 aafka. Flrntj «f I'luavl Open yereened porch, steam hea.t, WB. T complete screens. Oarage. Taxes •Mi r — SlN.Stftt. fa rage, ful planning:, carerul simervision i-i-tt AHK BO I Ml T« Ilk* nttitched tjarage. Kent value; low and quality materials. The matstei1 this* iniijit attractive Colonial home taxeH. MANX HKII «IX«;AI,OW— on an bedrootu is very large and has its i,K\ K,V - VIUH - OlJf, HHII K on a very lovely street. Its stone own bath and sleeping porch. T)u> roll •!*,>•% Cnmm, T» Tfcr ••• IKOM < OTOMAI. Hllk tw** 9i4,nm.m — %>;» HTOVK FHO.NT acre of land out a bit over the for Newark, is a quaint littie cot. wrrea) parckra, dwiiklr al*ai'fcr4 front and buy window, will invite Town Hue. Keally larire tnaster large recreation room is delight* you to inspect lt« perfect interior. COI'O.VIAI,. Kxcelh-nt urnhig fire- bedroom with hath; two other the first floor, and ample expan- r«ttwa, two lovrly tllrrf k««ka. 4 bedrooms and 2 tiled baths are liedrooma and hath. Many un- sion space above. THe owner tmy« very well arranged; there is a place, twin-sized bed room w, open AHOIM» THK (OHNKH IN a per- RMltar Tilni kldkcM MM4 Mundrr ro«M scree net. porch iind large break- porch, oil heat, well inHulated, usual feature*. Automatic heat; AVHMII it takes about 5 tons of coal to Mhh nMHrlli-d Im for tkat telr- 1 «\»en porch. SEE THE PiOTUKE * fectly maintained Home and built in heat H. The trarage is attached. fast overlooking the land- attached savage. On quiet shady 1937. Four very nice bedrooms M* NMITMMM , AVHMIII.WW B %lal«a art. Air roarfllloHfrf km I, street near tirade school and IN OUJt WINDOW. |21p5O0. Malllpto Mutaf Taxes barely 1200. MMivr avftrNrr aarf rrrrrallwM scaped rear lawn; a powder room and two tiled baths each with u aMM IWW and a game room. The house town. «ti\ll Bhowev. " The large oueu rwuih. Tall trrra, vowmrr l«t «•' gleams with new paint. AT IIS.TM We Wtlf ftfcww V*« your klMc akatlvra eumairle tke »If- nn a broad lot. Center hall, porch, KcreVned porch looks out over a money's worth (as you'll agree, aftSeax n.vwm.mt4iNtvr smoor DEC. library. 3 bedrooniH, 2 butho, pow- lovely shrubbed mid wooded plot, w#» think). It'8 a very nice «• IXI.KW.IV K\tt0, ivnd In our opinion, well MONTAUIK *VK., *k rtalH room homo with a sun porch, 3 AKT A HHMf Wb> m»\e *al WOOII there Is a home that Is attractive location. Many umisui.l (,iij,(!.jn. worth it. Garly American '-room homes, at extremely pleai-mnt bedrooms and •r raaat* vf frlmda aad Wrat- completely Individual. High on a features: KpaetoiiH livitiK room 24 tached carafe, open .porch, bay rt MIMM a tiled tmth with a shower. On A»M*a «tt«vval*Mi*eaf H> ka»r a blulY, its view Is ever pleasing. x 13 with open fireplace, tirst- T. H. Judfton Jr., RMUOT windows, aclence kitchen, tile 1 bleck f a quiet street off Route No. 29, l*v*l|r rvaja^rllrai fnar-'krtfrMtm There are 3 baths with the 4 flnor lavatory, large breakfiiHt DIETZ ft SMITH. bath, A. C. oil tni heal, fireplace. mftkinff it most convenient for ktMr an lw*> kraiiilfullr lawnrrf bedrooms, each bedroom designed room. Oil heat, uttaohed Kara BO. l«l ELM IT. WK. !!-l»r« mt 2-24M Bpacioua landscaped plots. Price call you if you drive to Newark. a«4 ihrabM acrva wHkt* «kr«« for privacy. The combination of Near town. AU C, V, Ivteft, W*. S-MAT. •nBOft. For complete Information •MIIM ml the •«••!••. Kchmtl kn wide living room twid wonderful 111 AVM. R. r. LMfili, F««. S-ltM. 'phone WB. J-4I18-J; Henry A. Tnucnu^ 1.' tor WA\T T*« Sftrmt, clean- r«MM Hakl •» I* Ike avrtk. |'wn screened porch is perfect; the cir- .«.,nwv.nP_... TIIK WATCH HII.I- 1M West, Builder. r,-r,-lf cular breakfast nook i« ideal for HHIIOV of MuuntainHide. Four H. B. D*xt*r, n. 4-S4U. nlmed room; ii,« , cut, ftnlck-And-spaneat houtie of •re»t««ea, wlcav* Mtrkva. autar *r, WMtlrll H**r4 tlon; retmicu f all, we have It for 114,500. Not rktra fratam. Tfce nal(l«4>r Srr- serving the midnight Knack. lilg, bedrouniH, 2 tiled l).it)it>; ftrHt-floor t Wtlll H*4 •! panelled if a me room with fire- powder room; beautiful r«jcr?ft- »l*t.UH» "A II01.1IIA V 8FKCIAI,"— Maltlpl* Ltotln« *r*i*m. WenllleU Ave farce, but oh no nice! l I tt. M«al f«r Decora ting" wit) make this older O •tfr* place, first-floor powder room. t Ion room. LarKO Plot 100 x 135 • SEASHORE FOR SALE roil •uuanTi aa> faialr ll four-bedroom house a perfect fKBHAFt V«« Have B**a Think I •• hi picturesque netttnjc. Attached home. The lot IK extremely deep c ean nicclgr tmSiS that you'd like to own a home • little kit aff Ifcf kvatra — WOHIIfl ARK INAI.K- 2-car Kiii'^Me. The low taxea will MOUNTAINSIDE closet mid wlntmH surprise you, and it IM located In the lien that .you could convert Into a 2- K\Ti:R MALI. 1OI.OMAI, la tine <|IATK to describe the .interior Franklin School section. Inspect SHORE ACRES accommoattloni nii fnmily. In the proper tone we «r WnllrM'i MMt brant KM I of this truly handsome Wych- thIK property thl» week-end and Hl'IKT OK I'llHUK-m AHTKH A .IT. tlon; J. mlnutei tola will show you such a residence, wood home. It hut* every defcir- L'N.«MH(.(Mt — HF.AI I'IKI ^ HHICK be convinced. •a BARNECAT BAY 1 k4 FF«a r lar»l t krd -\\l» KHAMK home in Wyclnvoml; tutrrountied by beautiful trtien mid fiicllltlM, 3 mM . and It * in Immaculate condition, rtv«m», ««« «llv« katkk, «•»•> wltk atate feature. We will he pleased, shrubs, this lovely ri^-room NCHII- Vaak* Of Th* J*rMy Skm* 607 WenHriii Ave. nnd nan always been beautifully to discuss all Its details with you. 11 yearn old. Three bedroom*, 2 lniim*ali>w ])<>rcli, 2-cur KaraK^. maintained. 5 rooms (tiled kit- •tall ak«*«vrr. Wrll plaaard Nral tiled bfith.s, stall slunver on Kec- VOI'll, KIKIft Thla Wbllr t Mmmr larladlair laval«r>, krrakfart uud floni- bedroom mid bath on t«t*nirr very complete. It honstu hot ^^•l^tel• heat; taxes |18."i. Ask- M5W WATKMPROKT CaTTA«K«. X I.AIGE IM« u. chen), lavatory with space for Next to bath: i ;_ tub, all on the first floor. 3 more rum, avr*c«r4 »«Vfk wifh »l»w«> EDWIN O. EDWARDS, third Hour. First door lias colored n living room, larsre science kit- ing ¥16,000. !7«00. LotH, 1600 up. FurnlHhed ef »ri%at-r. •l-vmr attacked a:araa:r. tilt* powder room and it clieii, two bedroom* mid bRtfi on liOHales, 151)00 up. KENTAI.8, bUHlncii women; « L with tiled bath and shower, as ' II* Kl.m BTREET Hefer«nce« rwiuttd Ha well a* magnificent closets and «4I keat* rcvreallaa rmtm. 937,^*0. WE. 3-MM room. Open screened porch over- the first floor, with a ; larKe H'n- A 1IHKAM HOMK containing 6 Tern\s; Free Booklet. Open 1 bpace lor a kitchenette upstairs. looking: attractively landscaped iKlied room ou the second floor, ruuniK, extra jiowder room, lui'K'i days weekly. 351 Myrtle Avi, f yai-d. Larg-e pttnulled recrea11"» iieautiful front yard. Low taxeH. Hcrconpd-ln porch, gai-ane, nlr- Oil heat. Cellar well finished, PEAKSALL M. T. Cuafeld WE. 2-*33 — l\ THE <-AMIlK>«. A for the thrifty home owner who niodern, very comfortable four- ii n d Mcret!ii win do \v», la rffe lot, IneRH people onlr. Call j FRANKENBACH, tuxCH $200. AHktug $1.S,;,(M). SHORE ACRES, at ill Wntttli An wanta 'to live on one door and t —1\ THF. Wt bedroom two-bath home. Fairly rent the other. 916,01)0. ALLEN W. VLIET priced. I\'M. a ilnc lu-ick nnd frame NEW JERSEY 1 MK(iK MI'IU I Elm St, Wartfidd 24700 dwelling which was custom-built K\ri,rMI\K TVPR Cuatttm Built 8- I.>UKHWHITER .„..,.„ ...,VI-:i.V, (t«M«k«rn C'tilUHliil rooiu home on large l»l*>t. 2 batli- H1VKH—linncli house liuth on <1 Bus lilt. 1 AT 9lHOm There 1« a' particularly Vc An M*iak*n Of Thr for tlie present owner. This is rooniH, wtall yhower, powder room, town nnd Ktatlon. ill I good choice for your coiinidera- MULTIPLE LI1TI9TU KVSTEJt. reflect «d in the excellent con- renter ball home. Screened porch, tyiie Hummer cottane'on excpllent- pliiH patio and powder room. ree'reatlon room in bunement, air ly HhHdcd Hlcable property direct- cull WEnt. !-tl(l-J. tion. One Is on Lincoln ltd., and S. A. SAUNDERS struction, the well planned rooms, t;oni\ltio»lUK hy BUS, 2-car gara^u, very desirable. Some are new* ami the 'number nnd \jmimm\ «Ue Two-cur attached savage. Three ly.on river; ttecluded: large living HKII-LIVOU IMI-Aid REALTOR bedrooms, two bathH in an ex- large screened-in porch; tuxes room, alcove dining, two bed- WE. 2-419* of the closetK. The living rXmin 1232. Asking $25,000. a pernon who ffint l\ THK 4.AHUKNft there Is an ex- •n Laalw B. J*kBM> , WE. 2-S245 is 27 feet long-. There IH a rlrst- clusive section. rooms, Meeping porch, large liv- Phone WB. !•»<;. cellent 4-bedroom 2-lmth home IIAHMIMi Thre'-l.rvH lluwr in Inir porch, lavatory, pine Inter- WB. I-1SH1 choice location- Keven wpaciouH ttoni* den in .utnUion to a nun for $21,000. We aon'l need to HUIK uprch und an open yorcli; also, SCOTCH PLAINS ior throughout, lnrRe Heat-o-lator CHKFMTn H JIT I rorinjs, two tiled baths. Unusually ai) K1EP * BASS, Htune fireplace; garage: IniineiiHe the praxes* of Uiin location-*-.! 8 ' a,,1!liJed k'tehen rt breakfast i- -•' - llnnr, near talk; I npeaks for Itself. nttractive grounds, well l«nfl room. The Kticovtfl floor has 4 bed- C. K. GARRETSON, '" picture window glvlhg unob- ELLA J. McCORMACK, Ncapetl. *2.". .000. lOVHI-V A-HOOM BIMiALOU. lot structed view picturesque upper pri»f«rred; near aU I rooms, n sewing room and 3 tiled R«altora i" I 30 x 175, $2,01)0 cash needed. Price H8 Ceitnl A.w _ There la Xm Fl««r nan Rmiltor baths. All (loors are quartered river; t NportKman'H rendezvous, that is more popular than the X CHANFOHD. MVIHC Huiini, kit- oak. Larffe recreation room nnd 41 KLM STREET $10,000. bunting, hunting:, flBhlni?; "• niln- chen with dinette, three l)ed- PbMf WK. 3-1BM I,AB(iE XMf 1 _ Colonial with a center entrance. bUHarti room In basement. Two- 4%-HOOM Bl M-AI.OW, garnere, ulew golf club, stables; 10 min- one or t*o builn(8«l Just 9 years ag-o a leading We«t- tA..VM>—TW-O.fAMII.r-Five rooms, roomK, two baths. Deep.lot, two- WB. 2-4M* utes beach; electric, gas, nhone, foilth, first floor; 3% roomn. bath, ear Karage, steam heat with oil. en r garage. Very large lot, at- large lot; ready for decoration. bus and slaUon. Held contractor built such a home traqtively shrubbed. PA. 2-TU8 electric wnter pump; can include 0898-W. on a plot 74 x 185 on one of the .second floor. Steam. Large lot. 111,100. WB. 3-314* Price |11,900. funilelilnun; tlO.SOO. Howaril N, beat and moat convenient sites he Excellent location. WE ARK MEMflKBd of The Wea«- FiilU & Son. agents, State High- OMPI.GTEI.Y Mmlrrn All Hrl.k A I. TYPtt C«Hi«trt Byllt, r>- could find. Near Ben Franklin •cU Bwird of Hmltwra* Ma.tlpl* room bungalow, garage, eticioBed way 35, at Hirer View Dr., Brlelle, keeping. ««•»•! nnd also near Junior H.ffh Schools. ColttHlMl. Four bedrooms, two tiled N. J. Y6u are sure to like it* 6 larre insulated four-room bungalow. baths. Open porch, two-ear K'a- LIstlMC SratcM tmrch, one-quarter acre. Priced peonle only. «*•*« room*, recreation room 11.6x20.6, Tile bath. Attached Mrarage. Kx- rage. Built to owner's specifica- at $13,300. Tel. WE. 8-8*. tile kitchen, screened porch, 2 panslon attic. Oil heat. Combina- tions. Outstanding value. ^10,300. ALAN JOHNSTON. ONCE IN A BLUE MOON you can tion screen.* und Mtorm sash. EXCEPTION.*IXY Well Coii«tvd tiled baths, first-floor lav., and Its Ut;t a buy like thin one. 6 rooms, O1 • SUMMER RENTALS economical (as heat, Ne^d we "Make Offer." ITOXE FK«M' BIM;«I,(I« In Hno Realtor tile bath, fireplace, powder room, 6-room home, garage, ready $ * Private Nay more? 922,500. locution, Large llvlns room with 108 CENTRAL AVB. first floor; steam oil heat; screen- decoration. Only $14,000. SIMMER COTTAGE — Koar-Haow station; .. I4.7M * OWNER'S TKAXMPER !H fireplace, white tiled kitchen with WwtfcKI, N. J. cottage at Lavalette. All modern 5018 after 101» WB 2M*M ed open porch; garage; Lincoln IVK OFTE!* HEAR C«m««Merm Mali 3'our good fortune. Pre-war six- hreakfawt aleuve. Two good BiEed School section, fine neighborhood. AKi: IT A Ml ST TO utilltieB, large front screened room house. Perfect condition. WE. 2-1KM-W (Rill.) this unusual fine offering—ton- porch. Fine modern kitchen. luO und say they'd love ft bung-alow, bedi'ooniH, tiled bath. May be rooms, prlvae r but-because they need 4 bedrooms First-floor laundry. Fireplace. seen by appointment. Jlti.DOO. Open iMdiri l-5ta« P. M. slHtlnjf of 6 roomM, gurane, com- ft. from ocean. For rent In I they suppose it can only be* a Screened porch. Three large bed- bination aluminum stnrni and week periods. Telephone WEst "»"•"• $l^*H beautiful dream. N*o, It can be a rooms. Tile bath. Attached ga- K.KTFIKI.IJ edroom», ."» rooms, tile bath, expansion 'at- Ella. Only $15,000. liAVALETTE — Exceedingly attrac- le bath on the first floor, and 2 more £7,.VMfc—TH E LA ST WOK II in a two tiled baths. In perfect con- kVKIJ< COXSTRl'CTKIt HOMK oil tic with dormers, fireplace, at- tive apartment. Living-dinette Hltll Prl>» , with bath upstairs. Each has a perfect Htone front, tslatc roof dition. |23,r>00. lai'tfe coniKi* plot, very convenient tached garage, automatic heat, WESTFIELD combination, ultra modern kit- lovely lat'Ke lot. One is in West- home. Excellent in every detail. to railroad, stoves, ntui lens thnn tlno young grove, excellent neigh- chen and bath, large bedroom tield, one la just over the line not Four spiiciouH bedrooms. tVo tile block from Lincoln Schocil, IH borhood, not a development. with twin beds, completely and far from a delectable little brook. baths, powder room. .Hecreation S. A. SAUNDERS, offered for .^ale by owner at at- TIIV TO MATCH THIX fur only newly furniahed niul equlinwa: Lender Office The prices are $19,000 and VJ1.500 room. Two-car attached garage. « ELM STREET. trndive price for Immediate rtls- $U,'it)0, conniHtinK of 0 rooin.s, un- utilities Included. Season or part respectively. konrai WK. U-OO21 or WE. I-ltllil pnsal. Ijfirge clieorful living room, closed .sun parloi', 2-t'ar garage, thereof. Call WeHtneld». ^ !HA\V M*(TI.N«.N in the $14,000 to Mpmbrra ot diniiif? room, modernized kitchen, line nelyhborliood. open and closed porch en, t\i*Mt- GRANT SCHOOL SECTION, In a IS IM* One Of Oar Wmtfieldera '$23,000 bracket. For details con- Tar MuKlBlc LUtlnK Hirnr* neighborhood of more expoiiMlvo "ISP tact floor lavatory. Second llooi* has WALTER KOSTER ' ,1-IIOOM COTTAUB Al nn>«ll(irr, built a 3-level homo that he and IO,UOO.(IO . TIUM IS A BIV—Older three K«>od sized bed rooms and hoiiHea. 6 roon.H, tile bath, tile lila wife thought would bo a life- 4-\3edroom house wlt\i hot water one smaller room. Beautiful tllo kitchen and nook, IIUKO living Realtor •N. J.. on Jliirnegnt lfty. «» '•<"'- time residence. Now, unfortunate- ELLA J. McCORMACK. and linoleum bath with shower. roam with large Ilreplace, first- venlences; quiet, shady, ncai ly, bUHinesa takes them elsewhere. heat, lar&fe lot, excellent location, floor powder room, automat io 1440 Urukara Ha.. MnualnlnnlUr, N. J. beach; by week, |,">3, or month of M PROSPECT ST. . WB. 2-4*48 needs decorating. Excellent .steam heating system u This is not a large house, but it id BMIT WlMffaaa . Rea. We. 2-S4A2-J with oil burner and outside 1000- lwnt, t\.t(act\^d garage, nicely WtatlleM 2-3M1I June. WEst. 2-4406-M: if « us nearly perfect as you could hope - - - • stabler . Rea. PL. ' " BUllon fuel tank. Kecreallon hindBcapcd. 202 answer, call WE. 2-2483-J. to make it if you designed and I4,:ioe.oo . HI;HK is ANOTHI-.II. but in excellent condition, 4 bed- nifini. 2-car ^JiniKe with over- built It yourwelf. To begin with, head doors and permanent drive- t'OlTAflK—Bu>«*»d. X. .». June the crounds ire spacioun without C. C. GORDON rooms, large kitchen, pantry, open porch, automatic hot wate,r way. liromulN cxccptlnnully well and July. Host locution. (a" being u burden to maintain, the HEAL uri'ATF, . IVSIIIAMK kopt, iipprnvi mutely t>,~> x 1 TiO. ONI3 OV THE OLDKU HOUSES MANY WEst. 2-4329. ."i-2H-2t planting; is most attractive, there 2 heat, 2-car garage, dandy lot. Flowers and vegetable garden. mudernized. Center hull, u.l Inrpo is a Illy pool where the gold Huh 1'ilce $l.'!,d00. rooniK, modern kitchen, huKc liv- ATTRACTIVE POIKT P1.KASAST—XlfcHM* {••• »"° nre already sunn hip themselves. 1IOLNKN WAKTKII «IK, BUS An Older two-fam- ing room with fireplace. 4 bed- The exterior of the house IH of ily liousc that i« most convenient OFFERINGS Boston Avc. Now buiiBiilow, ' "(i.' i. LIST DIRECT FOR dLIC'K SALI3 rooms, 2 Ule modern baths, au- rooms. 2 bllthsblh, 4 rooms nnd nilin prol'lo- lmud hewn shingles. The floor anil If you want u more modern of hoiiim and iwiitrrtlrH In WrMl- 0 111 Office- 1 HAROLD GORDON. tomatic heat, lot 100 x 125. Klow- furnlsheill l fof r ncanon oorr I"I" "" !! header jilan con sis la of: en trance hit II ONStl.'l \H FOK Illi: KOI.LOW. one let us show you u nice one cra palorc; l!-car gurage; vn one HCIII, >. .1, and vlilnlO. I'rlicd with large guest closet, living for ill,508.00. REALTOR friim *N,r,IH> to COS.UOO. Inspet't over weekend. I.Nfi PROPHRTIKS AVAIIiAHLU of our fincat strccta. Wagner, 43S South Ave. COTT.UiK room H x 23, lire-place, din ing FOR IMMi:Ul\IK OC€LPA.\CV. room 11 x ll!i, screened and mvn- •ir,,tno.m> . woonnow WII.SON CHARLES C. BAXKE, "(•mill nuja All Will'1 i n (fed terra cc, e ff it1 i on t kitchen, Hehmil district, a comfortal)le 4- 9^8,000 Cull WEssi p f 17,500 — M:\VI,v DKCOHATKU. ASSOCIATE laundry, lavatory, plenty of cup- HpaciouH lfvlnR- room, with tlru- bedroom houne, insulated, oil heat, # LOTS FOR SALE hoard apace. Only six wtepw up 2-ear garuge, spacious lot. 102 KI.M *•!:. WP.STKIKI.I), N. J. WYCIIWOOD — Brick and frame, WALTER M. CRANE, arc - spacious bedrooms and tiled placc. HUH porch, dining room, Wrallleld 2-1MI-1M3 center hall. Colonial, !» years old; break fast room, kitchen, I! be'J- 2-car garage attached. 7 rooniH, Realtor COIINKH LOT. TIM Wnt •roBd,,!!n' bath, HIKU a Mall nhower. Dp t> rooma, 2 tile btithn. Ull—steam. • IU.1HHMH> . WF.HTK1W.I) (i\Ill)l',NS HE A I, ESTATK . INSURANCE more utepn 1M another bedroom —six-rooni iunise ^— di'll nn Hist ;t hatliH, gmne room, flr«t-lluor tllo iiNCi; . Moiirci 50 x 113: all Improvements: »!>•>»• 12 x 21, with npiK-c for still au- lloor, open porch, heat, 2-car Realtor powder mom; jtutomatiu heat; 66 Elm Street 9ns i nt bur. Plpinjr for additional bath. IIN..%4M>—4 iir.r.nri i. UOHR in WH- luxurlouHly landscaped. Call Now Urunswluk -• "5.-, .it «on School dlKtrict. Four huuu Kartit?*'. lovely landscaped lot with WM. S. WELCH & SON, Inc. I'ltiliiliinl II-;H Air conUltioned heat with gas. -- vegetable yarilon nil planted. r i«r ihr car attached giiruKu. bedrooniH, two tllo baths, modern COXHt'1/r vm Vov other Executive U^rolMi LOT I'Nir ««lr. ij"1 x.J'°. kitchen, oll-Klcum heat. Attached K.KW.m . AD.IDIVIM: rii,nni|iK'> Peter A. Dughi, President und Junior Executive HOIHCM. ft., corner llarllcld and ';'""„ l»iirli—Cape Cod witli 5 rooms and Usttit first floor, 2 bedrooms and mvnor. \Vvt\is U"x 302. emu ""• >ow IK ior M:I:II a :i-

!"'•.'••.•'••'' Have plenty of fun thit Decoration Day weekend More with a new Kodak at Wash*Day new low prices — ju$t Problems" announced. YEAR AFTER YEAR Formerly NOW MORE GRADS CHOOSE Six 20 Kodak Tourist — Kodet lens, Flaih Kodon shutter . . . $29.00 $24.50 Six 20 Kodak Tourist — F8.8 lem, Fla»h Diomatic shutter 1 ... 42.25 38.50 Six 20 Kodak Touriit — Vr • or* planted but ml at all wr- F6.3 lens, Flash Diomatic yriwd Hiat ifi many oraduotM prf shutter .... 53.75 47.S0

hr Hamilton-Amtrlco'i *M watch Kodak Flash Bantam — coated F4.5 lens . . 57.75 49.50 A.'ton* tioo.oo R, HAYMN W MOVIE CAMERAS T IFE is one sweet song for Cine Kodak Eight 25 — I. MOCK 1102.00 I IMIIIY Mill the- woman who avoids Eniniit u» with your coated F2.5 lens . . $71.75 $51.95 the worries and troubles of Cine Kodak Magazine C 1YNN 171.10 P. DWMHT I3M0 wash day. Move time for line linens and lingerie. Ther,', no n..d fun . . . more time to Icccp Our modern process li 16mm, coated F1.9 lens 186.67 139.50 Inexpensive and given Many Other Models Reduced In Price , youthful... if you let us do I'rlc IncliiilIle lni il l ttnxm. your laundry by our guar- beautiful result*, anteed methods. A Grand Camera ! CONVINItHf HIM * Drive-In Service * Never a Parking Problem KODAK DUAFLEX Stored * Laundering * Dry Cleaning * Rug Cleaning Till Oet Integrity—Quality $13.49 WESTFIELD BRANCH: Good Taste VanD Phone WE. 2-4381 Jlaund/ut M 608-630 North Avenue, E. Weetfield, N. J. M. E. NEWBURGH Westfield 2*1200 Westfield Studios Cor. South and Lelnnd ^ „, JEWELER Portrait «nd Commcrlnl Fhstoirapheri (< "Our Modern Services Malta Happier Hornet" 1'l.unr., -«"l(l - '"''",.„, CoM 254 EAST BROAD ST. RIALTO THEATRE BLDG. 232 EAST BROAD ST. . WESTFIELD 2-0239 Clonnel-., Dy»- Rug " ._, f£i THE WESTFIELD LEADOt. THURSDAY, MAY 2«, 1949

Mrs. CharlM Maync of Harding Sloan of Cranford wan Md •***?,«» 4 street entertained her sewing with regret. Capt. (.loan U devot- Crmff, BridfEUct group last Wednesday evening. Wilson Students Ladies Guests ing his time to radio machanki and electronics and vill to uaaWc to Miss Edna PhflTips of Prospect ncheon will be given at Echo attend further meetings. ountry Club tomorrow for I street is visiting Mrs. T. F. Hylan Hold May Day Of Old Guard Director Hall read' a abort varac irrbara Preston Graff by i of Babylon, L. 1. UMMa »*»! AM 1 entitled "Retired Men" and a hum. arles St«pp of 406 Wych-1 The annual Msy Day program j W. S. Bowea to Carol Byeri will be down from of Wood row Wilson School was orous poem. Former Director Al- Hartford, Conn., tomorrow evening fred Platz reported the Old Guard; Graff, daughter of Mrs.' held Monday afternoon en the AtMrvw Group Today for the long weekend. school grounds under direction of has a membership of ZO'i persons. M. Graff of 603 Carleton The death of Carl E. Nelson of nd the late Mr. Graff, will, Miss Lillis Hull, # supervisor of t Thursdayy morningg the A personal shower was given Summit avenue, a member of the the bride of Robert Dan-| physical education of elementary members of the Old Guard ob- recently in honor of Miss Marylou chapterchap , was announced and Mr. pner, ton of Mrs. Paul schools. served Ladies Day at a meeting in Alton by Misses Ann Linden and Hall read a prayer as und the late Mr. Graup- The program included: "How Do the YMCA building. Peggy Fischer at the letter's 1 Jersey City, on June 12. You Do, My Partner," Mrs, How- Director John L. Hall welcomed I home. Guests included Mrs. M. John Wallace led the group ging- | wedding will take place in ard B. Morse's afternoon kinder- the officers of the Woman's C'lub of j Alton, Mrs. W. F. Lanning, Miss with William K. Hunting-tun at IMtt. Presbyterian Church. 1 garten; "Gustave Skol," Miss Westfield HS well as the wives and Nadine Smith of Metuchen, Miss Writ* Im Charles Stapp will be matron Grace Dickson's second grade; lends of the membe'ns. Mrs. Wal- Ann Hanley of Tappan, N. Y., or, Mrs. Theodore Neumann Newcomb Ball," Mrs. John R. Following the business meeting and Westfield friends. r L. Day, president of the Wom- MKtTV rriman, N. Y., bridesmaid, Kolhnar'g fourth grade; "Loopey film Unfini»h,td Raimtuwt was Miss Alton plans to be married I'B Club, spoke briefly in behalf ••rally anne Greaves, junior brides- 1 Lou," Mrs. Morse's morning kin- shown by Raymond S. Grunt, YM late in August to John W. Lan- if the club and commended the Old | Greaves flower' dergarten; "Captain Jinks," Miss This movie depict- ning. uard' on its fine organization and MARTINIVIUJ, M. I Carrie Herring's third grade; he good wqrk it is doing in fur-ed the discovery of aluminum and '.Sonita Hill," Miss Cupitt's fifth the many uses to which it has been _ Gralf will be given in mar- .hering good fellowship among its Jule Wllte A surprise miscellaneous phow- grade; "Turn Around Me" and It was loaned the chapter by her brother, Wesley, and MRS. HENRY NEUBAUER nembers. MRS. ELIZA J. FREEMAN er was given in honor of Miss •Jolly Is the Miller,' 'Miss Eliza- by the Aluminum Co. of America. ward Greaves and Charles Members returned after abatnees Lynne Thiede of Tfemont avenue beth Davis' and Mrs. William F. Vice Director Walter M. gamp- pp will usher, ncluded Charles Hiilf, Roscoe L. by Mrs, D. Hauenstein of 866 Win- Fisher's first grade classes; "Vir- son announced W. S. Bowen of Hotel Dorn Bride Whitman and Louis SchniuU. Her- IHrt. Freeman Marka >ah avenue and Mrs. B. W. Gra ginia Reel," Mrs. H. Johnson's Highland avenue will be the speak >ert L. Martin, who had moved to ham of 424 Tremont avenue at theOf Henry Neubauer; fourth grade. for today and will show colored action 81 ft Birthday .heater, Md., attended with Mrs. home of Mrs. Hauenstein Thurs- AIGO "I See You," Mrs. Bess Trip to the Hawaiian To Live on L. I. Martin, who favored the Old Guard day. Guests were from Bayonne Helmondollar's second grade; On June ?, the Amer- add rets of Miss Marilyn Mrs. Eliza J. Freeman was guest t'ith a solo and led the ii Elizabeth and Westfield. 'Wearing of the Green," Mrs. Wil- ican Air Lines will show the chap- ler, daughter of Mr. andof honor at a surprise birthday Miss Hazel L. Dorn, daughter if a special number by the ladiea. Miss Thiede will be married in liam Frank's fifth grade; an,orig- ter- a colored movie Wit* Over Clifford L. Chandler, was er-party (riven in honor of her 81et of Mrs. Joseph Dorn of 622 Kim- Director Hall read the names of July to William Taylor of Bing- inal dance, the Star Fish dance, iS in last week's issue of thebirthday at the home of Mrs. Ben- ball avenue, and "Henry L. Neu- who are "shut ins." They hamton, N. Y, Miss Elizabeth Swan's third grade; r. The correct address of amin F. Ellenbcrger last Tuesday, b»uer of Flushing, L. [., were mar- are Charles Apg'ai1, AUK Clifford, stunts by boys from Mrs. Teswyn ride-el«t, who will be mar-May 17. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bunn and ried Tuesday, May 17 a*S:30 p. in William Connor, George Dough- Evang' and Mrs. Vincent P. Fish's YWtARenew« Year'* line 11 to Ned' A. Kamp ia Among those present were Mrs. their two children of Ohio, are re n the home ceremony performed erty, Charles Griffiths, William G. sixth grades and the May Pole mielon road. Freeman's sisters, Mrs. William turning to Westfield for a visii by Rev. Fred E. Miles, minister Hoffman, James Lee, Jainea Mum- Peraonnel Contracts dance by girls from the same SUucrnagel, Mrs. John Jar vis and with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. G:ubb of of the First Methodist Church. A ford, Bertram 81ack, Frank Ter- classes. her husband, Mr. Jarvis; Mrs. E.230 East Dudley avenue. Mrs. home reception followed. ill of Rahway, Winthrop White The final board meeting of the Ice cream wae served to the chll- B. Mayo and Mrs. Freeman's broth- Bunn's mother, Mrs, A. E. Keller, Given in marriage by her eldest and Walter Pierson. Truman J. executive board of the YWCA lait SALLY dreu, at the close of the program. week was followed by a lunchton lontinuad fram Pact 9) er and sister-in-law, Mr. ami Mrs.formerly of East Dudley avenue brother, Joseph C. Dorn of Blue Savage of the Boulevard wus pro- 0. H. Alberts. is returning' with them and will Point, L. I., the bride wore a white iosed as a new member by George attended by the member! in the Park Hotel, Pialnfteld. stay at Lake Owasso. Mrs. William Blank, Mrs. Harry be the guest of the R. A. Fail'' organdy gown with a short illu Lincoln Singers End Mann. At the meeting, contracts for the Wright, Mrs. Clifford Moritz and bairns of Kimball avenue. sion veil. She carried a bouquet It was announced that planned and Mrs•. John Smith of coming year were renewed with Mrs. Howard Uhry also attended of white carnations and daisies ii Season With Supper picnics will be held In Tainaques Cumberland street announce Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Simmon Miss Winifred Debbie, executive the affair to offer birthday greet- a cascade arrangement. 'ark beginning May III, when mem- irth of a son, John Henry, of Sarnsota, Fla., formerly o director; Miss Patricia Allen, di ings. Mrs. A. E. Melhose of West- The Lincoln Singers held the bers will take box lunchea ami «y 12, Mrs. Smith is the Westfield, are visiting Mr. am health education: and field was her sister's attendant final meeting of the season at thecoffee will be made und sewed by r'Harriet Kluge. Mrs. A. J. Rieger of Grandview Eric Dorn of Westfield was best home of Mrs. C. Van Benchoten of Nisi Dorothy Ilricgs, Y-Teen di- •venue. a committee. dale. They have another little man. ' 1801 Willow Grove road Monday Williami"?!*Chiild of Shad- Historian Kowlund Mather vead| boy, Dickie, who is 21 months. Following an extended motor evening. A pot luck supper was n drive is entertaining her Mrs. A. E- Melhose of Glen ave- the birthdays for the current week Mrs. Dimmig- is the former Betty trip to California and Canada, the served after which Mrs, Richard club at luncheon this after- nue recently entertained at a lunch which included those of Elisha G. Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. couple will live in Flushing, L. I.Kiipp, president of organization eon in honor of her .sister, Mrs Warfield, Don J. Drew, Robert M. Alva Walker of Fairhiil road. presented the director, Mrs. Quen- June 3 mid 4 Henry L, Ncubauer, the forme Howe, G. W. Randall and John N. Har.el L. Dow of Westfield. Sev tin Tieilje, with a train-cane from r« Walker Jr., son of Mr. Mrs. H. It. Bickett of Lawnside Complete Ash Trays Two of the ladies present The elementary school children eral friends of the May 17 bridi the singers in appreciation of her His. A. Walker of Fnirhill place entertained at luncheon and also observed birthdays and were will hold n sidewalk art show at were present. For Lyons Hospital work the past year. is arriving this, weekend for brid yegterda aftcI.noon. greeted with the singing of "Hup- Mimlowaskin Park Friday, June 3, it of several days with his The wood working classes of py Birthday." He is associated with the Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Uliich of Mr. anu MM. Carl Marsh of W Wcstfleld High School have com- Resident's Plane The resignation of Cupt. ur Leather Co. in Sheboygan, Shackamaxon drive left Tuesday. Dudley avenut »pent the weekend for a six-weeks trip to California, with Lieut, and Mrs. Kenneth pleted their quota of 180 ash trays Damaged by Winds While they are gone their son and Murray at th« Naval Academy a for the wounded veterans ut Lyons Hospital, according to John Thomp- LAST 3 DAYS . E. Warren Bowden of Fair- daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Annapolis., Md. An Aeronca owned' by Richard son, manual arts instructor at favenue wan honored at a des-George L. Hoobler, will occupy Vniconis of Gallows Hill road and 20% OFF SALE WHS. riiip;e last Friday at the home their home. Mr». James E. Dederick, Mrs Stanley 11. Kloc ot Plainfleld was Also finished arc two large tables Gifts . Gadgets . Houacwaret V. Wellman of 8G4 Hill- •+. Ban on W. Schroder and Mr. an damaged by winds of gale intensity for uae in the school playgrounds avenue. Mrs. T. D. Jonca Mr. and Mrs. Harry Obermeyer Mrs. Henry Wohlers have just re Sunday evening at Hadley Airport, by the young children this sum- Made In America Store )-hostess. The Bowdens are of Minneapolis, formerly of West- turned from Lak^Mohonk, N. Y. South Phiinfleld, Both wings wen mer. These were »!so made by the 231 E. Broad St., We.tfield r soon to make their home in field, have been visiting in town collapsed. Another Aeronca used r, and Mrs. najry Loeb of th< high school CIIISFCS. with Mr. and Mrs. Norman by the Wcstfleld CAP Squadron S. Boulevard have aa their house- MOMOMAMMI0 Mott of Longfellow avenue. suffered the loss o! one wing. Air- I and Mrs. Harry Wahl of _ __ i guests Mrs. Loeb's three sistei Sings Over WNJR held installations were also dam- uith, avenue are the par- ... ., ."" „, , f ri i and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs aged. OLASSWAM son born Friday, May 20 Miss Mary Anne Clark of Clark c A gt k of ' Berkley, Cal. street and Mrs. George S. La.rd,M c T p, bon f VuBaubc Doris Johnston, u member of klenberg Hospital. Mrs. fc Sr., of Central avenue recently re-IFU d MJ u, „ dl oj the junior class of Holy Trinity /the former Violet Kree. tiivnn/l fi>nm Kilvm. Rni'impki Mn ' .... -, STOP turned from .Silver Springs, Md., ,??Hi School rang over Station _ nd Mrs. HMMrd. Xante, where they met after Miss Clark WNJR Saturday. i'Her selections (tfmpleted a Visit wittPMrs. Her. IWWotd "A Heart" That's Free" |ef Prospect sti-ttt will leave Miss Ruth Gnrabrarit" of ''Ellr the «kend for a visit with Mr. inai n Doeleman of Baltimore, and street and Miss Jean Schrop i-'Ave Maria." Irs. Lloyd Farwell of Green- Mrs. Laird completed a visit with Scotch Plains avenue spent : Mass. They will be gone her son, William. weekend in New York State. Needs Wheel Chair DAMAGE! Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mahler o: Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. John- The loan closet of the District Harding street and daughter, Nan L. Jackson R. Schonberg ofj son Jr., of Clark sh'Cet were hosts Nursing Association is in urgent Sun l cy, aie leaving June 1 to attenc | LET US TREAT YOUR WOOLi U ° then; bridge club at dinner last need of a folding or small wheel and avenue was hostess to their daughter Marorie's graduu GARMENTS, BLANKETS weckend. chair. If any resident has one ^wing group on Tuesday aft- tion Juno 5 from Valpariaso Un -•- to donate, he is asked to call the AND FURS WITH I. versity, Valpariaso, Ind. Follow Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rice of Sun- DNA during office hours. BERLOU MOTH SPRAY. and Mrs. H. Warren Dim- bury, Pa., were weekend visitors ing commencement activities, thi come from of Lansdale, Pa., announce in Westfield at the home of Dr. Mahler family will visit their soi BERLOU Service Irth of their son, Dennis Av- and. Mrs. M. K. Harkrader of Donald and his family in San Ai it guaranteed 5 yean. piniing, on May 18 in Lans- Benson place, tonio, Tex., and will return t Westfield the end of June. WESTFIELD'S SUNDAY Our Sun GlotMt Arc | CoiU to little you can'l afford j O,)N. aedtw thm Optically-Corrtct to really I not to have it dona. Protect I I your property NOW. ! Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Riter o protect your eyes. Come, Phon. WE. 2.1538. 45 Woodland avenue have move: DRUGSTORE SCHEDULE lee the new 1949 itylei. to Millburn Court, Millburn. umttt LAMPSHADES CREATED If you normally wear pr«* AM MOT SN0WW icrlption glasses, we can MAYFAIR Sbarce ot UyesluBs OPEN THIS SUNDAY duplicate your correction TO SUIT YOUR BASE Kermes, secured from the dried in SUN GLASSES! CLEANERS bodies of female kermes Insects, is WHELAN'S Urlivrrn (hr Tkrutrr imil Ike l,ll>r.,r/ RECOVERED AND RESTYLED one of the most ancient riyestuffi 111 Quimby Street, Ml:, i-lltji —ALL HAND SEWN. on record. t A. M. l» • P. M. Mem. Una 'ft. Till V P. T C**ttauoi» S«rric« Westfield', N. J. WE MOUNT YOUR CUT GLASS KM'.VMJ.S VASES AND FIGURINES. TUTTLE HARDWARE CLOSED THIS SUNDAY 206 Broad 3t,~ DAHM'S GIFT SHOP LINOLEUM Baron'i .:. Jarvis iVe»tfi«ld, N. J. MOULLHAVE/X KOUTE 29 . WE. 2-1860 . MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. SOUTH AVENUE BcU'i WESTFIELD 2-6700


*** In Fact No Resistance at All Play clothes to start you off right ... When you turn your wash over to and take you thru the summer. IVORY LAUNDRY —your washday is SHORTS . . . SLACKS . . . PEDAL PUSHERS . . . Although we are 50 years old (we were founded over — but that isn't all. You get • Denim und Gabardine. Denim, ti:ilini'il!iic, Curiluruy Denim, Curduruj-. GIRLS from $1.50 (URLS from JZ.75 (!IUL.S- f.-om $2.30 in 1899) we have kept up on the new ideas in all the benefits of professional laun- TKKNS from 1.9S TURNS from 2.95 MISSES frum 2.35 dering that returns your wash spot- MISSES from 2.25 WISHES from 2.B5 our interesting business. We've seen styles change SUNIJACKS lessly clean —and beautifully ironed. POLO SHIRTS TAILORKD SIIMTS . . . With CuviM'- many times in bridal bouquets, corsages, arrange- Solids anil Stripes. llnlil Plaids und H'lliils. GIRLS from $3.95 ments — and always we have been among the first OIIILS ffrom $1.65 (IIKLS from $1.05 TKKNS from 5,95 -DAY REGULAR 6-HOUR MISSKS from 1.9S WIKSKS from 2.95 MISSES from 8.95 to offer them. When an occasion calls for flowers, SPECIAL CASH & CARRY BATHING SUITS by Calalina—Tuen A«c—Junior Housu- LAUNDRY AnnLs . we invite you to come in and discuss your plans LAUNDRY for GIRLS . from $3.00 TKENS . from $6.00 MISSES from $6.00 3 SERVICE SERVICE with us. TERRY CLOTH Shorty Jackets lor Hunch or Hath Sizes at $6.95 P. S. It's neaiing Graduation time. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ( Terry Cloth Hunch Coats for Girls from $3.95 IVORY DRY CLEANING WUAPAUONG—Thu Turry Clolh Siirony for Uiilh ur Beach .-Missus S-M-L al ?3.!)S DOERRER'S FLOWERS t LAUNDRY* k . • 1*4. Next To Tlio Library 167 ELM STREET WESTFIELD WE. 2.U31 Tel. WE. 2-2400 16 PRO5PKT $T>WE5TFIELD 2-5020 OI'H.\ MOMIAV AMI IMIIDW MVIlMMiS I'NTII. » AMI riiMiri IOMOII _ mioi< i,\ ;>-y^ ftinti TtfPiflbAf. UATt It. t»4»

receiving her diploma from Steph- I On May 14 she was co-chairman ens following: her discharge from of Kepfia Delta sorority's activ- YMSumr service. She is now associated ities foriannual Freshman Day, an • KM, 1 Gerry has 'also been appointed ical department activities will be-- ner lor of arts degree Monday at Wells Marie is circulation manager of j illustration at the *iacie.ii.> to the cabinet of the Westminister gin officially Monday, June 27, ac-! * cording to a recent announcement' College, Aurora, N. Y. She has Lrgrnda, senior yearbook and fl| Arts, Newark. t . Foundation, Presbyterian group, been assistant editor of Cardinal, member of Alpha Kappa Chi, semi-! Three girls from Westfield have as personnel "chairman, and is a from the YMCA physical deport- the college year book; assistant academic society whose interest is' been fleeted to positions at Mount ment committee, Chairman Frank member of the Kifle Club and Kid- A. Ketcham. A skeleton program business manager of the Chnntkle, the classics. Last year she was a!jjo]yO)(e Collepe for the coming ing' Club. a student literary publication; sec- Village Junior, acting: in an ad--: ' Elizabeth Williams of Eliv will b« continued until the com- 5eag 01L • • • mencement of the summer sched- rotary of her class her sophomore visory capacity to one of the fresh- st,cet nas been elected to the col Arei'ding to the Amhcret Stu- year and wan included on the cred- man houses off campus. She is a ; i il as a representative of ule with informal men's gymnas- oge tourc dent, undergraduate newspaper at ium and swimming periods, and a ;?•> it list for high academic standing, member of the business board of (he class of 1952. She has also Amherst College, John S. Lan- Carolyn's sister was graduated Barnswallows, student d;a;nstic as- (, | cted as vice president of complete schedule of boys' gym and een e e caster of Westfield was one of 17 swim sessions as conducted during from W<-'lls in 1941. ' , sociation and is a zoology major. the Rj(|inK dub. She served thi men chosen from the class of 1951 •u-,1- !>*,-. *J * ^ r nac Marjory, a music major, is a . ., . ice president of her the winter and early spring seiu ast veal as v for membership in Sphinx, junior sons. •Hilliam, B. Gundrum Jr., of 266 membel. of the Dance Group and; .lasB *and also received an award honorary society. West Dudley is a candidate for of the Newman Club. She iiss alsalso i Hdintf. for * • • The men's division organized in- ^ graduation at The Citadel June g member of feu Alpha, semi-aca- > * 4. He will be awarded tne de- dernic society devoted to the study. of Alden avenue Robert Delia Russo, a student at struction classes came to an end gree of bachelor of science in civil j . dVams, and has former-; hasBarbar been aelecte Fishd secretary of the Newark State Teachers College, in April, and will be resumed again of mo el n has been elected president of the engineering. Gundrum entered the ]y been actjve in tne c|,oir and in! Athletic Association while Eliza- next October when the regular fall college as a cadet in September, Baniswa]]ows junior class for the 1949-50 term. and winter season becomes effec- 1942, but left in March, 1943, to ' "» , tive. The adult co-ed swim period •liter the army, serving with the Gerry Dysart of Manford place! Holyoke representative to the In- Jamet Scott Win» on Wednesday evenings will con- Infantry in American and Euro- who js ,,nr*0]ie(j jn the Northwest-j tercollegiate Outing Club Associa- Rutgen Scholanhip tinue throughout the spring and pean theatres and participating in e,.n University School of Speech,; tion. Barbara was one of the two summer for Y 'members and their the battles of the Rhineland and nag j^,, B^lected for membership ji'reshmen elected to the Athletic James L. Scott of 133 Archbold guests. Men's swimming instruc- Northern Fiance. He was award- jn Alpha Lambda Delta, national Association board this past year. place has been award a war memo- tion classes also will be continued «d the Bronie Star and was sep- gcholastic honorary. Elizabeth, a junior, served as house rial scholarship to Rutgers Uni- on Monday and Wednesday eve- •rated' from active duty Jan. 17,, • • • president of one of the freshman versity, it was announced today by nings. 1»4C. j Margaret Ann Conlin of 141 dormitories this year. the university scholarship commit- During his last year at college. South Euclid avenue is c&inplet- All boys' gymnasium and swim- Robert A. Williams, 364 Spring- tee. ming classes will remain as sched- Jl Cundrum has been active in the jng her first year of college at intramural athletic program and Southern Seminary and will re- field avenue, will'receive a music The scholarships were establish- uled for the 'remainder of the the Citldel chapter of ths Anieri- turn to Westfield late this Month. key for recognition of his activ- ed in memory of the 210 Rutgers spring term with junior and senior can 8ociety of Civil Engineers. j • • • ities in the Glee Club at Champlain alumni who died in World War II. high school boys attending g They are based on the qualities of » • • _ . I Louise DeiU of 551 Bradford College. NOT WOM* mn fna-Mn. CoMtaaea MackMff po«r» William M. Lowell, 716 Donan , a f . manhood, force of character and road wilt venue ig a c ndidate or the de Virginia Koog hag received a leadership, scholastic ability and hcntU an wrfy wwirim cup of cdha •tWt all-night wiit to yea«dr wilcertificatl h« a candidate from e Champlaifor a twon- of baehei01. of arts this June varsity letter for hockey at Rollins attainment, and physical vigor, hang Iwr pirturga la tpM-ajr palatial dlaplty it tin Victoria at Smith Collegel . At SmithSh , LouL - College »t convocation exercises to- ise majored in philosophy. After College, Winter Park, Fla. The scholarship covers full tui- lima—Jnntnt GardtN in FUR STORAGE morrow. she graduates, she plans to teach • » * • tion and registration fees, room, A. J. Stockslager will be among board and other essential expemes Holla»«Uri*in(, Mwis H. Wade of 715 Standish English in Istanbul Woman's Col- some 115 midshipmen' from the was the top artist in a large field lege, Istanbul, Turkey. for four academic years. The achol- Betty Zeitlehack of high school students from the Re-Strling •venue was graduated from tie Naval ROTC unit at Duke Uni- aiiship is one of the finest award- New York State Institute of Agri- # • • versity who will participate in Wins Art Contort surrounding area. Jeanne Dens of West Dudley ed by the university. SERVICING YOUR FURS culture and Home Economics at cruises and special maneuvers this Scott will be graduated next Cobtakill Sunday with a major avenue, who completed her aca- summer. . Betty Zeitlehack, Weitfleld High it an •kclnaiv* apccialty demic requirements in February month from Westfield High School in dairy industry. Lewis took Ml ' s • » where he is captain of the school sophomore, won first priae, u $10$ MilMCI1N ART •CNOOI. active part in the Bod and Gun at the American University in Nancy Petitt of 149 Bauth Eu- scholarship to the School Washington, D. C, is returning1 football team and a two-year mem- •r ••NTCXMR D. DRYSON 4 SON Club u Its president. clid avenue and Joanne Richard- ber of the Student Council. He ii of Art, in,New Y#rk City, in a • • • • there this weekend to graduate son of 732 Dorian road are com- contest for high ichool artist!. fttm Central Av. and Broad St. with her class and receive her B.S. also an outstanding baikctbill ind Bob Lambert has joined PI Kap- pleting their first year at South- btBeball player and il a member Barbara GiireU, another WHS TWO.TKAR rlXI-TIWr COCIMK Saite • degree in aocial sciences and gov- ern Seminary and are 'expected sophomore, alio received a prize MKciaTr* NOW WEtlCeM 2-I07* pa Phi fraternity at Drexel In- ernment. Jeanne attended Steph- of the Wcitfleld Schools' Athletic iMtwae Catalans* A»HII»»I» utitut* of Technology. home later this month. for her efforts. ClliI l'm»m Gratntlra Siace 1*12 ana College, Columbia, Ho., for one • * • Council and the National Athletic • » • year, completing the summer avia- Scholarship Society. The scholarship wilt be good tu^. t-iau . Three students from Westfield Gerry Dysart has been initiated throughout the summer, and was tion course offered and receiving into Alpha Lambda Delta, wom- will be candidates for bachelor of her private pilot's license. Joining the featured priie of the contest, arts degrees at Bucknell Univer- en's national freshman honorary jrea which consisted of tests it the the Waves immediately following, RMeirch carried out la MeitiM nity's 39 annual commencement ex- she was honored by appointment society at Northwestern Univer- Phoenix School and exhibiting ercises, Sunday afternoon, June 5. sity. Recently she was one of five Indicate! that lome calvei may bt as an instructor in Control Tower feorn with natural immunity to foot-pieces of art work don* during the Nancy A. Barker of 639 Shadow- School in Pensacola, Fla. freshmen from the School of Speech year at the high school. Betty . liwn drive, has been active, while and School of Music to be chosen and-mouth •diteaif. • atttdent at Bucknell in many ac- Jeanne transferred to the Amer- for Phi Beta, national speech and tivities. These include: phi Mu ican University as a junior after music honorary. y; staff membe rof the Buck- nellian, student newspaper; Mixed Chrotu; Cap and Dagger; Univer- sity thespian group; Radio Work- ship; Mu Phi Epsilon, musical so- ittrity and Sigma Tau Delta, Eng- For ilsh fraternity. . Pitricii L. Owens, oi 107 Effintc- 1 It IK II! iim place, has been active in Al. t>ha Chi Omega sorority; the Wonv \ en's Glee Club; Cap and Dagger; HAIRDRESSER rot CUM Radio Workshop; treasurer of the Sociology Club and staff member Beautiful Large ,' of l/'Agetida, university yearbook. ASK John G. Walter of 1001 Irving 1 and Small avenue has been active in the In- FIEMir ternational Relations Club, central makat a fin* gift at committee; and Pi Sigma Alpha, GERANIUMS political science fraternity. any time, for any occaaion. • • • and Other Flowering 403 Weitfield Ave., Among the candidates for the Plant.. degree of bachelor of arts at Weitfield Wellnlcy College June 13 are Ma- I rie Meigs of Elm street and Mar- For the Planting of Your WedMidaya Garden and Window Boxes Open Mon. and •r. paul allenn< Previously Primrose Beauty Salon WANT THE We Hare a Large Variety of Evenings Until 8. I 135 e broad u* • 1ST? ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL PUNTS Wertfield 2-1781 Moit of our plants are grown in Vita Bands — Try them. HARDY ROSES. on, Low TOMATO PUNTS IN BLOSSOM Hair Shaping—Styling formerly with tlw uloni of Rates Permanent WaVing tfahne A Co., Newark R. J. Goerke h. Co., Elix. MOUNTAIN FLORISTS MATTHEW FUC1IS, Pr»|l. STILL THE 657 MOUNTAIN AVE., SPRINGFIELD, N. J. OUR, ENTIRE FIRST FLOOR BEST! Tel. Millburn 6-0398 IS NOW DELIGHTFULLY

Beneath it all. . . Mad* with th« untiring attention that crtxrtM true and endur- 5VS0 .irtl?ortailt to ch°°se the right Slips or Petticont to enhance the beauty of your lovely new summer sheers . . . choose from ing classics.

Sheer Batiite, Val lace trim in White Buck uiiih white and pastel, full length or Tan, Blnck or half-slips . . from $4.95 Blue Trim. Nylon Full Length Slip and trim- . 914.9S Five new CHRYSLER-AIRTEMP air- med in Nylon lace in white. $5.95 conditioning unit* now provide summer, Boned Slip—Strapless with eye- cooling and conditioned air throughout let trim .... $3.95 SHOP THURSDAYS the main floor — dining room, Pd"1 Fine Combed Cotton full length 'Til 91 slip—eyelet trim . . $1.95 Jerrace and lobby . . . another invest- Petticoata galore in cotton—eye- ment in the comfort of PARK hotel let trimmed and crepe with self ruffle. White and pnstel .... White Buck with guests! from $1.95 Tan Trim Nylon Briefi in white and blue »14.95 'it $1.69 FOR TEENS f> JUNIO1IS , MISSUS PARK HOTEL VAN ARSDALE'S (Elant 137 W. FRONT ST. * PLAINFIELD 9 7th STREET at ARLINGTON AVENUE • WESTFIELD "'" ••."•"»'»* Good Footwear Sim* 1887 —- OI'KN MONIMY ANII KIIIIIAV KVHNINI1M 1NTII. II d'lfco "if Alll COIVIHl'IONMIt — NIIOI- IN <<>Mll>HT CLOSED MONDAYS • PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY MATti. Ittf ities fireside Council Try Both Types To Install Slate Of Ironer§ the past four years the i Officers foV the term ending in Are you interested in an ironev? > i Home Economics Asio- ] May, 1950, will be installed at a ias carried on a project, regular meetm* of Fireside Coun- There are on the market two types of iron?r«—lajU'r or rotary, fhe Consumer Spealis." cil, 715, Roy Arcanum, tonittht in B plan by which groups the Elk's Club rooms. Supervising type ami the press or flat plats' nici's discu.^ed, analyzed : Deputy Grand Recent Tom Mas- type. The ru3er type automatical- ] M OIVIM0 d voluntarily for those I Bey, assisted by tiraud Treasurer iy changes the position of the ai ti- de being Ironed. With the fU;t press YPICTUW istii's which they thought Charles R. Barnes will art as in- 1 1 cMiiial in iTitain items of stalling officers. ironer each part of the articli li- adjusted by hand on the nonius FATHER'S OA jjooris. New officials are: Regent, Fred surface bfjfore pressure is applied.; sample, over 16,000 women;' K. Winter; vice regent, Chester C. Try botir types before you at'-i (st to coast have expressed • Baake; orator, Al Comer; sitting lect an ironer, suggests Mrs. Doris I shes for house dresses. As past regent, Arthur Kanski Jr.; AiideJsoa, extension specialist in be expected, these women chaplain, John P. Loeffler; guide, home management at Rutgers Uni- ayree on sit items, says Leonard Giles; collector, Burton D. versity. Bonier, extension special- Settle; treasurer, A. J. Kenney; othing at Rutgers Univer- secretary, Ralph C. Bates; trustee, You will find that there sue the er, here are a ifew Frank G. Justh; warden, 1. B. Sur- fingertip start and stop controls all of the women felt or knee >nct pedal controls to op-; «M Ml*. N •. Mlllrr. r hoff; gentry, Kobert Goettel; alter- Iferllr kMM «l f«a WIIUw (ir«i riicularly important, re- nate 'representative to the Supreme erate the machine. Most ironer*' O. Hl«Hli« ItrMiH-fc N iss LaBossier: Council, Charleston H. F. Smith. can be held to press heavy seams or pleats and many features of of all,- theae women want Mr. Kanski will be • representa- a reliable manufacturer from a|tajfe will vary between 1200 and the operation vary with the model. rials which go into the tive to the 66th annual convention dealer who will (rive service to the (1800 watts according to the size lilresss—fabrici , trimmings, of the Royal Arcanum in the Hotel A rotary ironer may have a j upkeep of the ironer. The motor | of the shoe or the hruting ele- stenings (especially but- Montery, Asbury Park, June 18. roller with two open ends. Some j and lord should bear the stamp of merit, wi findings-—to b« of good are open only at one end. Thei the Underwriter's Laboratory, l quality. They have found ] site of the roll will vary. Kor sen-! For safety's sake and for satis- Lack al alai>HHa ience that a failure of) Fireinm to Hold kpene factory operation, plug your iron- Some 1,200 counties in the United if these in use or in laun-j has proved Memorial Service St,te., or about «0 percent <4 Dad will km ptctitM* •ill ruin the entire, gar Some ironera have two dials, «ne'ev into a drcuH with baby takfa in aw aMie, for each half of the ironer so that pacity to carry the lot* Wnt- j eotfnjxed hospital*. MOUNTAINSIDE—A memorial Became htc Mtuitl datia) , they want good design when small pieces like towel?, service will be held Monday eve- and iwtetacH an cipxnl iphasis on fit and comfort, handkerchiefs and doilies arc iron- ning at 8 p. m, in the fire house, imtantly and Imtut, CM want some attention ed only one part of the iron shoe by members of the Volunteer Fire him picturti hi can Ommmj styling but not at the ex- needs to be heated and used. Department, During the service, in b« oAct, hem*, fit and comfort. Flat press ironers have a shoe they want good workman- to which borough residents have DOLL SHOP AND CLINIC that presses down on the Hat pad- rATHULtDAY A |all of its aspects. been invited, the name of Walter Byers, department member who ded «ironing surface. The shoe 71ft FAIRACRE5 AVENUE consumers tended to be pressure is automatic or is hand- i nding of low-priced dress- died two years ago, will be added Weatftcld, New Jersey A Iwrelr • B 10 to the memorial plaque' in the controlled, rortrait eeiljr... those in the medium or PHYLLIS M. HEATLY . WE. 2-3301-J »3 iced brackets, points out fire house. If space is at a premium in your Members of the department, as home, you may want u small com- e University specialist. Hand Knitted EitMnibles No nnpolntmrnt riewled. dardization of sizes and well a: Boy Scouts of Troop 70, NBUCAN MODKLS-Landlnf at UGuardi. Field, H.Y., are pact portable ironer. Such an Proofs Ktiowu. tness were desired in wilt march Monday afternoon in Henrietta Xtllo, left, and Ten! Hello, modeli from Mexico. They ironer can be stored in a closet Clothes Portrait Stuaio"*** Fifth M«5r of all price ranges. Col- the Morris Plains firemen's pa- cam* to Mtw York to b« in a fashion ahow that wai put on u and can be set up on a kitchen, Accenorie* is was asked for in tha rade, vvhich precedes the town's part ol • Mtxican Hesta. card, or typewriter table. mdinga and trimminfs as yearly Memorial Pay athletic Be sure to buy a model made by in the fabric. events. The Boy Scouts will also take part in Westfleld'a Memo-rial Wealfleld quartet, were guests, imer Speaks" voters ex- Day parade in the morning, and Quartet fins They are Lymati Loveland, Hank ;hemselves strongly on the Merenes.% Dick Berry and Paul are expected to attend the Anier- if shrinkage, The major- Smith. ica£ Legion memorial services at for fabrics which will the honor roll at 11 a. in. Plfd. Contest original size and shapt Cattle la Inata nst 60 per cent of those The Tone Tinkers, • member of India has nearly 200 million cat- mted shrinkage no great- the WestfieW Chapter, SPEBSQSA tle (cows, bullocks and buftalotl) per cent Table tennii orif inated about 1M0. Inc., won first place in the third which are generally kept in the vil- According to one legend It wai In- the quality of the mnte- annual Barbershop Quartet Con- la pes. dented by of British army than the fabric, the test sponsored by the Junior Cham- anted: afflcen stationed In India. Fret- ting because the rainy weather kept ber at Commerce of Plainfield Sat- iple trimmings. them from enjoying their regular urday night. The quartet includ- Ill Rklll » u /loo/ Itons that are •washable, tennii, these offlceri—id the itory ed George F. Cogswell, Karl V. able, non-flammable and foes—piled some books acrois the Wheeler Jr., Sidney T. Swallow ;li to go through a vring- center of a large table, fashioned and William A. Long. Wearing tome balls out of cotton bitting and brown suits nnd red ties, the West- proceeded to adapt their favorite are are durable, non- field men sans "In the Evening Prepare now for a preferred pastime to table-top condition!. The by the Moonlight," "Floatin1 Down •ecrctarial poiition. Berkeley- Opening ! and rust proof. name table tennis became more or to Cotton Town" and "GoodWye, trained Kcretariea are ano- dings, such as facings, in- :o with a wide variety of bmi- lest official in 10H with the organ- My Coney Island Baby." new erganijtationa. Couriei for i and bindings, of as good ization of the International Table high ulinol graduate! and colleee I the dress. Tennis federation. Roberta Quinlan, star •omen. DiKinRuiihet faculty. Monday j June 6th and one of the judges, invited the Effective I'lacemnit Service. Cal- », have preferences when •lof ue. Write for Bulletin. mr house dresses. Your qunrtet to appear on her show, „ mportant and H need not bKA»JSft*AD8 PAY The Chord Cutter*?* ahothdr N»» Urm bi|iaa Jama IT. cd in any organized plan has been discussed, notes iBossier. ; i just express your desires buy, you can help to .Heart] the market the kind of dise you want.

EADER ADS PAY UBa.lt14)U> •••*•« Average Bundle s $2.47 (15 tba. including 5 ahirti) Add'l It.. 13c. Add'l ahirta 10c. PICKUP MONDAY ClUS AND COTTAOIS DELIVER A aorewxu wwnnli and lake raoit opmtfi m a yrint* dak, toopriiin, 1,000 tarn hMMtiu $M WEDNESDAY count with am Vet adoora'door, Sandy buhiibuhiiww tact, SAME WEEK ^^ l ill lU . ridinaridi and allll aturtaatta. Elm & Quimby Sts., Westfield ...• Hill M-SMTP return • . «WK mUnui aHHiK hWd H«hf, km, HERE'S WHAT HELLO! YOU GET— We're looking; forward to opening our store in- Westfield next week. We sin- cerely hope to become an integral part of this community and to earn your faith ititifiii ifowtiy and confidence. That we shall endeavor to do by offering you true values and Larfc piecea irontd complete satisfaction in all of your dealings with us. Those of you who have Spectators —aheela, table lln- visited our Cranford store know of our reputation for fair dealing, courteous ena, pillow caaes, service and outstanding values in nationally-known merchandise . . . this shall be true here in Westfield alao. ' iowela, etc.—all flat work ironed. CREDIT AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Wearing a p p a rel For your greater shopping convenience, we shall provide several types of pay- •ir - dried, fluffed ment plans. AmonK these will be cash; 30-duy charge accounts; budget ac- and folded (•lightly counts which will allow for weekly or monthly payments over an extended more ironed). period of time; and lay-away accounts which insure that the gift you require for some future event will be set aside for you. There is no extra charge for credit at Martin Jewelers!

Turkiah T o w e 1 a fluffed and foldud. FREE GIFT! To celebrate the opening of our new store, we will present a beautiful gift to Five ahirta ironed every person who visits us on Monday, June Oth, There is absolutely no obliga- al no etxra charge tion. Come in, browse around and give us an opportunity to say "hello" to you. We want you to see our beautiful new store which has been designed entirely •t all timea. Nothing as sure of itself for your shopping pleasure. We'll be looking for you. ' I* the Mademoiselle Spectator, tried and true forever

making little of • pretty foot. •YOU* fERSONAl JEWELER1 Whitest suede with brown calf trim. Now Inc. Higli or medium heels in our collection. ' corner Madi.on Ave. and West Fifth Street AIII CONIHTIOffKIJ PLAINFIELD 6-4667

UVID BRUCE, Ltd. Present thia "AD" to our driver with soiled ELM AND QUIMBY STS. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSE/ FINE FOOTWEAR and ACCESSORIES bundle for $1 discount on trial bundle. 137 PARK AVENUI • PLAINFIEID, N. J. Thia offer good for 10 days aftor date— U STORE ALSO IN CRANFORD TELEPHONE PlAINFIttD 6-75H May 26, 1949 Watch and Jewelry Repairing THE WESTMBLD LEAD** THUifP^Yi y * Friti I Remember that is isn't necessary Meat Supply to buy the most expensive cuts of Realtors Report Report Home Satet meat. The food value of all cuts, AUCTION except variety meats, is the same. Vis Million in Sales Reynolds « Frits, realtors, re- Increase Seen Variety meats—liver, heart and port the sale of the following West- kidneys—furnish as much protein field residences: Alan Johnston, vice president of 6€3 Highland avenue sold by Saturday, May ZJft, |jj( By MARY W. ARMSTRONG and more vitamins and minerals Shan do other meats. Liver is es- the Wealfield Board of «ealtors Miss Lucia N. Wood to Mr. and Union County Home Agent pecially rich in vitamin A, ribo- and chairman of the multiple list- Mrs. Herbert E. Stevenson; 326 flavin and iron. There's as much ing committee, states that since Wjrchwood road sold by Benjamin More meat will be available to protein and iron in a pound of Jan. 1, the board has sold over a Steinberg, builder, to Mr. and Mrs. 6SacVB«Hsn consumers this year than laat, ex- lean meat of the shank as their is half million dollors worth of prop- Henry ¥. Freiherr; 139 West Dud- perts predict. And lower meat in the lean meat of the T-bone. erties through the multiple listing ley avenue sold by Mrs, Robert T. prices combined with good supply So consider some new dishes us- system. Northetrtt to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bridles, Saddles taj jrobably means more will be eat- .Farber; 753 Willow Grove road m. We won't be able to have all ing less expensive cuts. A bulletin "Meat for Thrifty Meals" is avail- "It is not hard to understand aid by Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. dnds of meat at low cost—tome able ori request, from the Home Eco- this activity," Mr. Jkhnston said, Sloan to Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. kinds will be more plentiful than nomics Etxension Service, Court "for there are 22 member offices Miller; 628 Sherwood parkway sold FRICKES' STAHct others—and the bottom isn't like- House, Elizabeth. with a personnel of over 60 real- by Mr. and Mrs. Emile R.-Filli to ly to drop out of meat prices, tors and their salesmen, all of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hananj 544 NEW PROVIDENCE RD - - ^^ either. . whom are working whole-heartedly Lenox avenue sold by Mr. and Mrs. Marketings of pork from the in on multiple listings. Joseph G. Brearley to Mr. and Mrs. creased fall pig crop, reaching its District Court "Property owners," he added, Dan f. Sweet. seasonal high at this time of the "have been quick to recognise the year, are still advancing. More advantages of the multiple listing pork will be available during the Ceiling Raised system and, as a result, their ac- -LEADH WANT AM PAT- fall months, too, vften the large ceptance and endorsement of the current spring pig crop will be Union County District Court, system have far exceeded the ex- marketed. PHOTOGRAPHntJJ] where prompt and informal ju- pectations of the board. It is expected that there will be dicial service has been available "Members note a good demand about as much beef on the mar- for claims from $1 to $500, is pre- from out of towners, who have kets aa last year. The supply of paring for an avalanche of busi- heard the advantages of Westfield I DERMOGEN NEW STYLES AND m* better grades of beef have been ness, Friday, Gov. Alfred E. Diis extolled by friends and business larger thu spring; more cattle were coll signed a bill increasing their associates." MODERATELY nutt* fed out because of the large feed jurisdiction on all suits up to $1,- crops of last year. 000. POISON IVY Veal and lamb will continue to Last year 8,160 cases were filed Marble Tournament be less readily available than oth- in the five branches of the District er meats and the present high Court when the top limit on claims Saturday, June 4 11 tees will continue. Veal produc- was |500. According to lawyers tion this winter and spring was and judges, the $1,000 maximum The 19th annual Union County SWAIN'S ART will just about double the number marble tournament will be held on well below last year but has been AHbtSnyplis. increasing toward a seasonal high of cases. Saturday, June 4, at 10 a. m. on baseball diamond No. 1, Wijrinan- Mirtor late this spring. Unlike veal, this A conference to discuss the new ' «M Ala rtf#, h*l* • toytt Jit WEST FRONT ST, is the low point of the year for law is being arranged by President co Park, Eliiabeth and Roselle, W. CABUB OIRLf- J. McNaught, second assistant su- •ad Is 4rt#*4 wltk wt tihbwi EslaUitU IN, lamb production. The general trend Judge John L. Hughes of Summit, •TmlMlU •< IMT CfcalM a* toward fewer sheep in the United with his colleagues, Milton A. Fel- Hollywood "actress Lucille perintendent of recreation, has an- States, and the smaller spring ler of Elizabeth; John E. Burger Ball modtU this totttt grttn nounced. The tournament is spon- lamb crop (and expected reduction of Rahway; Ervin S. Fulop of Un- •uit with four-gored Bind sored by the Union County Park in the crop of fall lambs) means ion and Cavi'oll W. Hopkins, of •kirt for tin working girt. Commission and the medals are that lamb and mutton will be less Plainfield. supplied by the Lions Clubs of made a clean •weep of all prim plentiful and will be expensive. It is expected the law will reduce Union County, in 'test yeart Wurnahient, Mr. Mc- ipaco each Thursd But you can hive plenty of meat the number of suits filed in the was exhibited at the annual meet- Players, to be eligible, must be Naught said. , •' • ' ' v'thout the buying more expensive civil branch of the County Court ing. 14 years or younger and' be certi- cuts.* I ' and the law division of Superior fied as first or second place' win- Court The calendars in these neres in local tournaments con- Some Sirmwberry courts have been increasing stead- CaltUnla'a beraaae ducted by boards of education or ily since the advent of the new California's incrtau In popula- recreation organizations. Awards Mrs. F. 'Brebatfek of 824 Grant state court, <• tion since 1M0 raeatdi th« total pop- will be made to the winner, run- avenge, Is producing record sin Prescriptions ulation of any on* of U itatei al ner-up, and semi-finalists in the strawberries in her patch tills year. tht nation — haying grown 41 par boy's division, and to first and sec- Two, shown the Leader, measure Merenese Heads Ben cant ond place winners in the girl's divi- two inches by two inches. Anyone SKILLFULLY sion. Plainfield's 'representatives got any larger? .-... PREPARED Franklin IT A Ovw 2S Year* «f For the-first time in the history Pracriptie* Background. of the Benjamin Franklin Parent- "TOP O' THE HILLS" SUPER VALUES Teacher Association, a man, Hen- Mortgages . Life and General Insure*** la ic«»lc aortlKatUrn Varaeat ry M. Merness, was elected presi- pay off the. mortgage on your dent. Election of a slate of officers WILL YOU live to . BARON'S I took place by ballot at a meeting Cvmfortafclr, xlrri, aroml f««4. home? 1 out of 4 home owners aged .40 won't. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS last week of the association, O»*a oamrr. St-au . Am*'. I offer a mortgage which iiptid up if owMrdUi «laa. Omurlnr al«*-o««r •• IOUI1 •RMDRR, Other officers are: First vice Interest 4% . * •••Mm* MaraaeM •• Chars* Qatftwe

SEND YOUR BOY ON A REAL MAINE FISHING VACATION Outstanding Buys at the Horn Cooking, Supervised Recreation. References Furnuhed. SUE-SAN SHOP 860 MOUNTAIN AYE. WESTFIELD 2-3589 Boy* Age* 12-16. Rate. $22.50 per Week. IN NURSERY FURNITURE IN CHILDREN'S CLOTHES far CoapUU Information Write . . . Mothers tell us Sue-San clothe* are the A itmrdy, attractive cutest they've seen in ages. They're from WILDERNESS LODGE manufacturers who have the "know how" P. O. TOPSF1ELD, WHITNEY BUT, they are priced to save you money. MAINE Here are some extra special* you won't Mr. & Mra. M. J. Finan, want to miss. Baby KIN'S SUSINISS 0 Jr. GABARDINE JACKETS, Sue 1-6 . .... $2.49 FIR STOKAM GABARDINE SHIRTS fA* Crib OVERALLS . . . . 2.49 IEAUTIFUUY LAUNDERED " W»'» WHITE GABARDINE FtATWORK SPECIAL ckoote from blonit SUSPENDER SHORTS, Mll.liHWS Sites 3 to 6x .... 2.98 or maple CUTIE-PANTJ SUNSUJTS, cyrrvc MU0W plastic lined 1.98 SHEETS .„„ CASCS STORED a grand value at Zo CUTIE^PANTIES, IAUNDERED AND FINISHED lace trimmed . . . . . 1.39* Mattress . $8.95 . CUTIE-PANTIES, BLANKETS • CURTAINS tailored . . . . . 1.19 Every Piece gives you Quality and Value INFANT DRESSES . . . 1.49 DRAPES * SLIPCOVERS INFANT SLIPS .79 WHITNEY STROLLER 24.95 CLEANED ft FINISHED WHITNEY CARRIAGE 29.50 SUNDRESSES, BOODLE BUGGY CARRIAGE . . . 29.50 sizes 2 to 6 .... 1.98-3.98 STOK SIEBERT CARRIAGE 37.50 DENIM SHORTS, 4 HOUR SIRVICI .. WHITNEY CARRIAGE 39.95 sizes 3 to 12 . . . 1.79-1.98 ON 0«Y CltANINO « SHUT IAUNDISING \ TEETER BABE 5.65 GRIPPER CROTCH Whtn a>aw(M in Mm «»»n (aUy »»•»« tatwaay KIDDIE BATH (wood) 12.95 •Qf CRAWLERS, KIDDIE BATH (alum.) 19.95 sizes 1 to 4 1.79 AT NO IXTKA CNAROI SPRING SCALES . 6.75 BAR SCALES . 9.85 PASTEL POLOS, 12 mo. to 18 mo. . . . .98 CLEANED LULLABYE YOUTH BED (blonde) . 32.95 KLEINERT'S SOFTEX PANTS ...... 79 m w YOUTH BED MATTRESS 19.95 GLAZED NAZARETH KNIT PANTIES, sues 2 to 6 . .49 MAPLE TABLE AND CHAIRS . . . 13.95 3-pc. PAJAMAS, sizes 2 to 4 . . . .1.98 ROLL-TOP DESK AND CHAIR . . 15.95 1-Pc. PAJAMAS, sizes 4 to 8 .... 1.69 OI III II HI-CHAIR (wood, two-way) .... 14.95 HI-CHAIR (uph., two-way) .... 20.95 RAYON PANTIES, Pastels, sizes 6 to 12 . .49 SPECIALS FROM THURSDAY SI OKI PIQUE BONNETS ...... 1.49


,i 1 •- p r t n f j f i c I d NO DRAFT PLAY PEN MATS . . . $3.45 NO BANGS CRIB BUMPERS . . . 1.98 OPEN EVENINGS 7:30 to 9:30 AT MO BASKET PADS, quilted plastic . . . 1.98 Except Wed, and Sat. IN Dilley, m member of the phomtre Hi-Y chapter, Jed the HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME ON MR JOE n-nssion on the topic of operat- r a small business, and told of ices as a summer and ter-school employee of a local j ict'1-n. The meeting was held I week at the home of Juhn dy on E»mapo way and the de- 4 iens were lerl by Donald Smith.

New BaHnial BaNaater A mechanically operated, power ack ballaster has been developed TO BE GIVEN AWAY BY railroad use. It it capable of vering up to one mile a day, corn- MISTER JOF TO PURCHASERS OF red with 1,900 feet a day by UM H. conventional power hand tamp- g and a double crew. The bal- otf* KIRSCH SODA BEVERAGES der is self-propelled. A gaso- e motor lifts • cra^s-head mem- •EXCLUSIVE AT KINGS SUPER MARKETS which >pan« the length of rail- ad tie »nd carries 32 lamping oes. These shots are dropped on ballast with a pile-drlvtr action, the tarn* time working the bal- t under the tiei. YMD Kir Affjst* IkaliVal IfH WM ftf VMM i Children afflicted with stomaefe (orders such as diarrhea hsvt en cured with raw apples or ap f 100 t powder, Apples — mellow ap- ps-are peeled, cored, and grated invite ywt H> HUH KfettVi.. to apple pulp. It takes thrt* to MIIM Wt(n wfRK fHM VMNW apples el medium site dally. Ap- \H* pulp, plus wtak tea, Is given • iw wWy Vv vRv IT V%W|V mM^Hft tnlnaVFlv Sill two days, is much as the chili AsttcHf ItV 4* fA MIRW AMI s II take. Testa were mads at the >«•?-' est Virginia agricultural emperi- tnt stttion.

fie txrili«>£«jvfi wtfeKtiw — KIIVM WIU. BE CIMSKB AIL BAY NtNMY, MAV BAY Celebrmt* at mmmm with n Cmlemmte the KINGS sffalMatf Binner mn4 4*nH INcnte «ntf M A H K I! T IKY* GULDEN'S in wonnMi CRISCO ARMOUR'S FRUIT 33«:.* 9it TREET COCKTAIL MUSTARD DOIS IVHYTHINO

DUI 12-ef. JO-oz. Jar can 28c can

Far A trillinnt few Whitamn If y»u lovt picnics, you'll levt shopping in Kings. It's |u|l as OXYDOL much fun. tte «nls, «Uh«r. Just lots of good fowl to oat, nic* **>** 28t— pooelt to moot., Iring your picnic list in this wookond. Mister WELCH'S IIUY'S Uaves N* top Film OraaiJuiet -39c STUFFED OLIVES '•«• i- ih WHITE ROSE SUPER-PACK HAND SWEET DREFT Apilt Met * b°« 29* MIXED PICKLES - <> i«2N PICK-PACK NO NEEP TO WOMOER WHAT TO SERVE HEAIT'S DELIGHT PEACH or DILL PICKLES • • • " '- tU AtrlMt NNtir '•;;;• 10e B# praparod . . , Flan a gala Fcwr-Day-AWmi *< 28c KRAFT'S KITCHCN-FRESH p FUEL'S RICH MB MAYONNAISE - • • ». i. 4lt th«M time and money saving meat valuat. YouU No Riming—No Wiping TOMATO JUICE -( tnjoy a happy holiday wttk-ond with Kings' VAN CAMP'S Great big cons of SPIC & SPAN PORK AND BEANS faction-guaranteed" meats. HEINI ED SALMON KETCHUP • - • • Fancy T«nder Hlh fr*m Alatkan SWIFT'S PREMIUM •*• 23c SWANSON DEL MONTE, LIIBY'S, HEADT'S DELIGHT HA L X ». - 63c SKINLESS 99 44/100% Pore YELLOW CLINO PEACHES S L"ID°" "•-" 29o WHOLE CHICKEN HEADT'S OELICHT WHOLE • D«l Monto • libby's • Frost King IVORY FLAKES UNPEELEO APRICOTS ::»,,„„2Je FRANKFURTERS HANDY TAKE.HOM6 CAIITON 'Iw OtaoiU can T COCACOU • 6bo..i..»t Mb. 28C What's a picnic without ., , . WISE CIIISPY In riu femtvi IwrniMit Ckkkm O«vy, ) pkg. Ib. miaa wMi ml buNtr. Thty ait r»*y it tint and MT*T0 CHIM •>'<"><•• «• 53' wrvs-any itylt—bnllinf, rMiiwf f frlMtMt, Instant Suds In Cool Water BACHMAN'S OVEN-FKESH HAMBURGERS»- 59c PRETZELS '" b" t«« Claridge Brand SONEIESS IVORY SNOW GEORGE INN b COOKIE ASSORTMENT • • ib°°«3tt CHUCK POT ROAST 63e * SELECTED QUALITY Hamburger Rolls.;. 15c CAMPFIRE n* u mt rooa lb FANCY FRESH KILLED HORMEL 6V4 Baked by Fischer MARSHMALLQWS "»' H« Of McCAU'S MAOAZINi 10 IN A PACKAGE HAMS - •- «>" •6.95 Many Doctor* Advil* HUDSON NAPKINS in- 2t« Rooting CHICKENS 46c Harmel C«nn*rf Hami «r« nrtfully ttltctW hr CONWAY'S CREAMY !, summer meals, Uf •»« fin. (lavw. D,lk«t«lr curt* ma M FOU HOT OK COLO DDINKS (U» I* S M""<>) POTATO SALAD - W-oi. |ar2U stuffed frankfurters — what a •at* —U4 In Hit <•* an« CMM. : Ik* r>h IVORY SOAP DIXIE CUPS «*• 10« Mvwt •'• ntaimA S«niUii, tUiiltH,* rl h IF WELCH'S MOMEIL'S n\Dt DONALD DUCK hippr combination! And to <• «»« m« M« nM,'n Ity M MW Iw llwt sMh 8RAPE JELLY • • Ib. |ar 23( DfllNKINO STRAWS <*> 10« 2 ••• «*•• 29c good cooked indoors or out. SLICED BAOON : 4»c MUlTCKtST PUDE FIUIT BANQUET STRAWBERRY PRESERVES • • Ib. iar 290 PAPER PLATES ">•« -' • |5« Cut frankfurters' lengthwise, IT HOATS KINGS FRESH MEATS OF THE SEA SKIFfV—CREAMY OR CHUNKY TIDY HOUSE WAXED stuff with Cheddar cheese and M FRESH CAUGHT FRISH DEEP SEA raisH PEANUT BUTTER ib. * 39c SANDWICH BAGS <"' •>' 9e dill pickles then wrap with a IVORY SOAP PLASTIC SPANISH PICNIC SPOONS p'' 1M slice of bacon. Broil until MMKEREl Hilibit Steaks SCALLOPS SHRIMP mod. cakes QUEEN OLIVES -.-...•.... *.t*m KITCHEN CHAIM bacon is crisp and cheese melts. WAXED PAPER • w.r.n21« * 25* b FOR THAT "IVORY LOOK" FRESH-FROM-THE-FARM PRODUCE Kingi datum aniy Farm-Frnh Produti. Miittr in mi hit MUELLER'S IVORY SOAP buyin ••• to if thai you g«t your fr«ih fruits and vagitaliltl ANOTHER BLOW BY MR. JOE •i (at) oi paulbli. Evtty day carload lolt, by train and !• rcd«cC the price •( Pars, raka truck, from all of naturt'i gardin ipalt, pour Into your ntl|h- MACAROHI • SPAGHETTI 6c borrwed K/nBt 5up»r MarWt . . . wli«ri Mr. Jo. prlcli llrtm low. Provt If to yourulf and it« how Klngl Farm-Frllh THIN SPAGHETTI Claanar—Gentle Amazing Produn will MAKE your lummir faladi. FRESH GREEN ILBOW MACARONI FRESH MILK LAVA SOAP U. S. NO. I FANCr NEW NEW LOW PRICES IN KINGS! CUCUMBERS TFC nomogenlzeti 4 bar POTATOES CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE I LARGE JUICY FLORIDA NATUHAl COLOR SOFTER—SMOOTHER CAMAY SOAP medium ORANGES size JUICY SEEDLESS FLOBIDA tokM 5-21 GRAPEFRUIT 3 25c COME OUT AND ROOT FW FROZEN FOODS AT MR, JOE LOW PRtCES YOUU HOME-TOWN TIDE'S IN—DIRT'S OUT HA8ERALL TKAM SNOW CROP Hlrils Eye Ford Hook MIIVNOH'N French Fried WBSTPIELD "HAWKS" TIDE GRAPE JUICE LIMA BEANS POTATOES . . . the KlNGSmen . . , v. Pkg. 28c 6-oz. can 223 NORTH AVE AR7HIM COPHtEr and MR. JOE «ndon» WESTFIELD UPTON Noodle Soup Mix pk8- of 3 «nvt, fHE WBBTFTBLD LEADER. THU«8BAY, JiA¥ U. Ittf The Mo$t Enjoyable- The, Fine$t QUALITY FOODS ^QR PICNIC BACKYARD OR HOME MEALS. AT GREAT SAVINGS! -Buy Plenty for an " Extra Long Week-end WE WILL We Specialize k al Those Novel Essentials far Parties, Picnics aa4 Bvftt Sappers--- Pitted Cocktail Cherries with Stem . . . ALL DAY MONDAY, mi\ Ce

LIBBY'S or tall Pineapple Juice DOLE can ALLEN'S

FOR PICNICS or DINNERS "CAKE Spam 12-os. can BOX" Brownie Bars • SERVE YOURSELF THE FINEST MEATS! Chocolate 12 Layer Cake ... 36c Frankfurter Rolls |ik|(. « IOC % NATIONALLY FAMOUFAMOUS BRANDS Wise Potato Chips £19c Hamburger Rolls Hot pltM'. « IOC Nut Bread •o.f 45c Ready-To-Eat Cold Date and Nut Bread 35c 10-16 tb. Average ... 63c WHOLE or SHANK HALF ft/55c Dole Pineapple Plain Batter Layer Cake „...,« 30c HAMS lge. can I CRUSHED SWIFTS "PREMIU»«^---ARM6UR'S "STAR" HelkWs Mayonnaise _. -"43c Short Cut Ripe Olive. WMOOSIZE; ..IL.« Rib O'Beef >b 55c Staled Olivet ctANDEE Z»ni"' Maraschino Cherries 2 >•* •»'•• 2Sc NATION ALLY FAMOUS BRANDS—SMOKED PICNIC SIZE Gulden's Mustard 2 '"' 9c FRESH GOODY—DAISY Ib. Heinz India Relish L s TENDERLOINS 71 Sweet Pickle Strips ict k»» jar * FRUITS • COMBINATION ASSORTED JeU-0 Desserts 3 •*••• 22c AND OEves Spread WHITE *OSE THA fiAHIIKX EC. VEGETABLES Sweet Pickled Watermelon mr 39C Cold Cuts Fornan's Piccalilli As SWIFrs " "—HYGRADE'S ALL BE EF White Meat Tuna WHITE ROSE Lu$cious Deviled Crab HARRIS reg. can a* When cello, wrapped C 33c PRICES Fordhook Limas >kB. 41c Maine Sardines 2 "n* 25c • IIIHDs ti?fc Del Monte Sardines 'N TOMATO SAUCE >•«.«.» 25C Frying Chickens „,. 79c Cocktail Frankfurters WHITE ROSE 6-«. «i... J5C • x.vow-clitii* Swift's Hamburgers io-,...» 43,. SLICED mm Pepsi-Cola PI« D*»Mlt. 6boU - 29c GREEN STR1NGLESS Fritoz C0RN CHIPS b"f 19c Peaditt •"£ 1/C Ideal Perfection Tooth Picks l>k( 8c YOUNG and TENDER PEAS 2 .,,.49c 3Sev Beans P Tidy House Sandwich Bags >• "" ''" 25c • I.. I.IHHV I ri'iich I'tlrJ Dixie Food Packs WITH LlDS pV' 15c O> GOLDEN YELLOW Onion Rings 4.,.,. „•.«. 29c DAIRY PRODUCTS Hudson Paper Napkins *«• •"• He 1 (i« voin cm- • PHILADELPHIA Aristocrat Luncheon Plates »k"••• 10c Bananas 6avis Horse Meat »,. 22c 8 !«ll«ltliilllJ]»!!«™illM!llllliiltlilll1li;ll««illllltlli(IIWIIIIIIi«ll» Southerland Handi-Handle Cups "•" ' 15c CALIFORNIA ICEBERG Cream 0 •: Southerland Picnic Kit Forki *Spoon i pUfM 10c olll8 TOILETRIES Scot Towels ' ° 15c Cheese "•' 3U Lettuce Unguentine tu),c 57c fV Borden's Wej-Cuts,,.. "67c #) LARGE CALIFORNIA Pepto-Bismol •,»<. 57c Vitalis 11 \ in ciiuKMi lint. 47c Butter HivKiiHiuH •»» RIPE and SWEET Johnson's Baby Oil ,„.,. 49c Cottage Cheese »!«" Cherries ib. Johnson's Baby Lotion Pippin' Roll Illll. • FRESH GREEN Johnson's Baby Powder Limburger 23c l e II'4 '"• can Pabst-ett Cheese 2 I" Cucumbers ll for Johnson' Baby Soap 19c Flcischmann's Dry Yeast Western Arrid j.r 39c Stayman Wineiaps 2 .b8 29c d # SCHMALZ Band-Aim Id „„< 10c S1 d cello. 1 C III''!' Cole Slaw " HOMOGENIZED Regul» New Green Cabbage bag 1«JC Bandage . ,

Summer Time living .*

In Cool Chambraysi

Yen, you can LIVE in our criip, fine comb*! cotton Kay DunhilU... our answer

to your hour-in, hour-out summer freihneti! Tailored far trimneM on lh«

hottest diyi . .. yet fashioned with feminine '49 features. Tub

tnein wheai iteceMary, they love Itt Sired for boto

misses and women. 10.95 •Ml 12.95

A. Chnmbny itith controlling boiic* inutt. Gny/pink; tan/oqum; tqiu/mahf. Sitet 12-11,' 10.95

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C. Kay Dunhill chtmbray "Gol/tr," cut /or action. Button-front lictni, Tt», blu; pink, aqua, orchid, Si,*iUf40., 1945

D. D-M-p, roUti V-ntdt chtmbny itiifc Open ifiMU in $kirU Aqut, p»y. orchid, Ian. 12-10. 12.95 Thursday EVERY DRESS Night, 'til 9 E. Kay Dunhill chumbray with corded, jull ikirl, aid* IS collar. Blut, tan, pink, Sim 10-20. 12.95


I] lor your convenience use « Ch«rg«-Pl«t« when you shop her* a I ELIZAIETH THE WESTFIELD LEADER. THUP.SDAY, MAY 26, 1949 dent Nuree Days." On Saturday piness in (serving the need and New Jersey Taxpayers Association thai LETTERS TO THE and Sunday, medical and hospital comfort of pick or helpless people THE WESTFIELD LEADER the state's share of the $3 billion sav- authorities leJed in saintsaltit-- is certain to findfind a life work full in» the (traduatinif classes of our of warm satisfaction and sense ol ings would be more than $97 million. EDITOR * suhools of nursing throughout the accomplishment as a professional The state's share of the President's pro- Letters to the editor from United States. nurse, ,. posed "minimum" budget of about ?42 readers -must be kept short and As the president of the Ameri- can Medical Association remarked Eaur.4 st til* futt OCic* at W««M«M, **. J . billion (for the next fiscal year, 1940- should be o« topics of com' u I«GOB4 Claw H*U«r. munity interest. They must recently, "The progress made in To Head State PulrtUiie* Thur«d«r« at WMtMM, Naw imn, 50) is approximately $1,300,000,000. American medicine in the past 100 *» T1i« WentlUlil Leader Printing nn« PutUihUs be received in the Leader office Companj. An Independent New«psp«r. Thus if the Hoover Commission pro- by 5 p. '«• Monday for in- years could hardly have iieen Jr-\ .Xltclal Paper tor the Town of We»t««l«. clusion in that week's issue. achieved without the doctor's faith- Health Post posals were put into effect this year, ful helper—the graduate nurse. It Subscription r&ta* 12.60 • raar In »*v»»o». a New Jersey taxpayer could save ap- Letters vnizt be signed, but names will l>e withheld from is a tribute to the foresight of Dv. Geoffrey W. Esty of 629 America's educators, both past and OCIc*: N Cla Mrwt. WaMlaU. N. I. proximately $1 for every $11 he now publication upon request. East Broad street has been ap- present, that schools of ,-nursing pointed director of the new Bu- T.L W«. I-MH-Vl. S-MM. pays in taxes to the federal government. have sealed their curricula to meet Supposes he ordinarily pays $500 in reau of Constructive Health in the fUtTIONAt IBIfOtlAl Thank* Residents the ever-increasing* demands made New Jersey Department of Health, federal taxes (which is below average). upon the nurse by doctors, who, to- Dr. Daniei Bergsma, health com- Editor, Leader: day, are facing greater responsi- missioner, has announced. If the Hoover Commission were put into bilities than ever before in the The members of Clark-Hyslip Dr. Esty, a graduate of Harvard effect, approximately $36 could be clip- Post, G45, Veterans of Foreign health of this nation ... No other uiiwr:—wuailty • M«IMS of M. 4. Medical School and a fellew of the ped off his overall tax biH. Wars, and their auxiliary wish to ging.le profession far women is so American Academy of Pediatrics, What is being do?>e to have the thank the public for their most valuable to a nation in peace or joined the State Department of •—rtrir generous response in the recent war." Health in 1941 with the Division of Hoover Commission proposals enacted Buddy Poppy sale. In recent fears, when so many Maternal and Child Health. Later THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 into law? Realizing some months ago AL ff 1SMAN, attractive employment opportun- that year he entered the Army that the proposals would benefit all citi- Chairman ities have been available to young Medical ^Corps, in which he iserved' DOROTHY SKRBA, women in industry and elsewhere, as a major until 1945. zens—both in dollar savings and im- Chairlaily M th« way to "Fir Ui, Ike Living" enrollment of student nurses has As director of'the new bureau, Shall we look to the future or recall proved service—citizens from all over suffered. At the game time, de- Dr. Esty will have control of five the past on Monday, Memorial Day? the country began to organize. Asks Obedience mands for nursing personnel have departments, public health nurs- Now there is a national organization tremendously increased in the ing, maternal health, child health, We can do neither without the other, To Authority fields of industrial nursing, public adult and industrial healh and men- but it would, it seems, be more of a —the Citizens Committee for Reorgani- health nursing and for Veterans tal health. memorial to the slain of this country's zation of the Executive Branch of Gov- ' If the letter of Jack Mullen, pub- Administration services. lished in The Leader Thursday, These two tendencies—a dimin- He has lived in, Westfield more wars, to look ahead. It is a difficult ernment—led by Dr. Robert L. Johnson, May 19, in connection with the ac- ishing supply of new graduate than 10 years. task, and must be faced with courage, president of Temple University. Includ- tion taken hy the Senior High nurses and an augmented demand THE N&TIONALBih. determination and level heads. ed on the committee are representatives School principal is representative for their services outside of hos- Summoned For of the student reaction to his exer- pitals—have combined to bring: WES No tears or lamentations will brins from all national elements—business, la- cise of authority, I would appre- about a serious shortage of nurs- Jary Duty bor, women's groups, taxpayers, the ciate the opportunity to respond ing personnel to serve the sick at back the dead; but great strength is publicly. needed at this time to prevent the addi- press, and others. Similar committees the bedside in hospitals and pri- Several residents of this area are being organized in the states and in I should like (o remind the stu- vate homes. have been notified to report for tion of more soldiers' graves. The na- dents, for certainly the youth of Union County petit jury duty be- the counties and towns. American Student Nurse Days tion, the world, faces a great crisis. today is intelligent enough to have are important, therefore, in fo- ginning Tuesday. They will serve Only through a mass effort—the sup- once realized it, that Mr. Foose cusing attention not only upon the through Friday, June 10. . . . "It is for us, the living . . ." represents their parents and, in need of more nurses but the unique port of all citizens — will the Hoover such a position, is acting for the From Westfield, they are: Edgar Lincoln's Gettysburg address in 1863, attraction of nursing as an occu- E. Rumple, 954 Carleton road; Commission proposals be enacted. The children's benefit, not auainst their pation for women. Young women is as much true now* 86 years later. interests. Voi it is the rftitj) of Walton S. Robinson, 1 Cherry lane; cash saving to the individual taxpayer is who graduate from schools of nurs- Mrs. Ruth D. Goodrith, 164 Har- "It is for us, the living," he said, parents to guide youth through ing not only are prepared for a direct. For this reason the effort de- adolescence, to show them what is rison avenue; and Marion R. "rather to be dedicated here to the un- career with a future, but arc given Ritchie, 722 Coleman place. serves all the support he can give it— right until they are matur.e enough basic training in principles and finished work which they who fought s to choose for themselves, even as Scotch Plains, Mrs. Helen C. now. 1 practices which they may later ap- Mackenzie, 2084 Jersey avenue; here have thus far so nobly advanced. otu parents did' tSr us. ply in their own homes and com- i ' I* M M In the days of Lincoln, when ed- Mrs. Anna Weidner, 2122 Jersey It is rather for us to be here dedicated munities as wives, mothers and avenue; Edward P. Matthiaek, ucation of children was the direct' citizens. In times of national to the great task remaining before us— responsibility of parents and when 2093 Lyde place; Charles J. Per- Another Birthday emergency, women who,have ap- rette, 62!) Hunter avenue and Mel- that from these honored dead we take the adult community did not as- plied for a nursing career are in- The Westfield Newcomers will mark Bume tremendous debt to provide vin C. Ulrich, 222 Katherine street, increased devotion to the cause for valuable—at home, in Ideal hospi- Fanwood, Mrs. Nancy A. Pers- another birthday — their fifth — at a buildings and teachers for all chil- tals, elsewhere in the community, which they gave the last full measure dren, many went without learning son, 22 Paterson road' and Mrs. luncheon meeting Wednesday. or in one of the national nursing Harriet E. Ritter, 105 Lindy ave- of devotion—that we .here highly re- when it was an impossibility for services. This group, which now numbers al- parents to provide it. nue. solve that these dead shall not have most 200 members, is a grea't asset to The professional nurse, too, oc- Mountainside, Charles LaRocca, died in vain—that this Nation, under cupies a high place of esteem in Partridge run. the town. The organization befriends pen. Parents have been relieved the community and she need never God, shall have a new birth of freedom of a tremendous responsibility and, Garwood, Emil G. Peterson, 69 new residents of Westfield, makes them i'ear the possibility of not being Second avenue and Mrs. Agnes M. inturn, educators have assumed the able to find employment. —and the government of the people, responsibility for them. At first it Hughes, 309 Walnut street. feel at home in our community, answers In the hospital, the professional by the people and for the people shall their questions about the town services, was 'readily conceded that if we not perish from the earth." shifted our responsibility, we also nurse provides assistance and re- Dteiel liwMnstivea and even provides a list of baby sitters! delegated our authority. This as- assurance to the doctor who places Steel account* for 70 to 80 per Substitute the word "World" for Within recent months, the club was sured the teacher of the possibil- the patient in her care. She is cent of the weight of modern Diesel ity of success in spite of the lack also a teacher' and supervisor to "Nation" in Lincoln's address . . . it's^ duplicated in Cranford, where its great the practical nurse and non-profes- locomotiv* unit*. what we're working for now at peace' oi de f^_on the part of many to WATCH service was recognized, and the organi- take auvantage of education, freely sional worker. To the patient, the parleys in Europe, at the United Nations nurse represents sympathetic un- zation was also publicly commended on jjiven. • i derstanding, humanitariahism"lalh|l TUTTLE HARDWARE As mighty oak* from STORES faf /^y\ whereby members may receive or donate on obedience to authority in the Time To Buy Bonds' Again form of teachers or principal. In - AT WHELANS Between the middle of May and the plants, flowers, shrubs, etc., in the this case, they will assure Mr. proper season. Foose that they appreciate his SALE SPECIALS end of June, the people of the United sense of responsibility* States will be asked to purchase not less The Newcomers meetings, the first ANNE MACFADYEN LAST 3 DAYS COAST TO than $1,000,000,000 worth of savings Wednesday in the month at the YWCA, . (Mi's. J. S.) bonds, with the assurance that such an feature luncheon and a program, fol- 8C0 N. Avenue West. MOVERS MOTH BALLS PARADICHLOR. investment will provide security for the lowed by bridge. Child care is'provided Asks Care in purchasers and add to that of their for members with children from two BENZENE country. years to five years old. Driving Here FLAKES NUGGETS Some three million volunteer workers This organization deserves hearty Editor, Leader: • HENRY P. TOWNSEND, are expected to participate in the Na- congratulations on its fifth birthday. It's Numerous complaints concerning 2 for 25c pound 23c helping Westfield maintain its reputa- the safety of our pedestrian and AIMED VAJT «»;jcJ5ii MU* tional Savings Bond program and they bicycling school children have been rmnoor tion as "a friendly town." voiced by the parents and residents « ftommmM CM* «*jfi| will be assisted by thousands of news- AMMOCAL. Hrt••TIMATBM g OIVBW boys who are expected to carry the mes- in this community to the executive CHOCOLATE POLAROID board of the Lincoln School Par- SUN GLASSES AMMONIA sage into millions of American homes. entTcacher Association. THIN TOOTH State and country quotas will be assign- Other Papers Say: This board appeals to all motor- POWDER ed and every effort will be made to com- ists, and to all taxicab, bus, de- MINTS only '1.00 51/2 oz. livery truck and other motor vehi- plete the sales job. Lower Feet Are In Order s cle operators to proceed with great- Citing the Port of New York Author- pound OCULENS DAY 59c During the war, wnen the United er care on all Westfield streets ity's, annual report which showed a,n at all times, and especially while AND NIGHT States was fighting for its life, there was operating profit of nearly $20,000,000 children are going to and ifrom GLASSES AMMIDENT a general appreciation of the necessity school. 3 oz. last year, the Automobile Club of New $ of buying bonds to support the activities MRS. MARK L. MOUNT, 49c York has urged Governor Dewey to com- Lincoln PTA Sec. 1.95 of the government. Today, while not pel the authority to slash rrtotor vehicle 59c engaged in aptual warfare, the nation tolls on tunnels and bridges linking New is assuming extraordinary expenses $1.00 GOLLIWOG York City with New Jersey. Health Hints 97c ANGELUS closely associated with the security of TOILET WATER CAKE MAKE-UP the nation and the preservation of indi- Recently we received the 134-page This column is contributed as a report of the Port Authority, but careful public se.reice by the Medical So- vidual liberty in the world. ciety of New Jersey and the Union cut to 59c cut to 19c perusal revealed that the authority, County Medical Society. QKCO- Under the circumstances, the people which operates the George Washington, tions should be addressed to the 25c RAYVE of West/ield will, we believe, make an Outerbridge, • Bayonne and Goethal Medical Society of New Jersey at 25c PEPSODENT effort to reach the quota assigned to 315 West Stutc street, Trenton 8, CREME SHAMPOO bridges and the Lincoln and Holland New JcrHcy, TOOTH PASTE them, Doing so, they will be expressing tunnels, fails to make any proposal or not only their loyalty to their country, suggestion for a toll reduction in tho 2 (or 33c 2 for 33c but also the wisdom that persuades in- American Student \\'J^ face of an operation profit of almost INuree Days dividuals to save now for a rainy day. $20,000,000 for the year. And yet, the PHOTO SPECIAL authority derives more than 83 per cent The weekend of May 1!i, M nnd 5x7 ENLARGEMENT only 14c Cash Savings To Taxpayers of its iinntial operating income from tho 15 was observed as "American Stu- Much publicity has been given to the motoring public. Quantities Limited $3 billion annual savings which could Just how long will motorists be com- come to taxpayers if recommendations pelled to carry an excessive tax burden LARGEST SELECTION OF PIPES IN WESTFIELD of the Hoover Commission on reorgani- to underwrite the giant program of ex- zation of the federal government are pansion by the authority? Motorists are put into cSl'cct., now paying the freight of the bridges But John Q. Taxpayer in Now Jersey and tunnels, but are HIJSO to bo called has two questions: How much does it upon to pay for sueli costs an truck ter- mean to me? And, is anything being minals, waterfront development and air- D. LASS, Ph.G. S. WEINTRAUB, Ph. G. dono about tho Hoover Commission pro- port projects, It's time to call a halt Filling Prescriptions Is the Most Important Part poaals? and give the motorist a break in lower of Our Buiinest. Hflru aru the answers: bridge and tunnel feim. — Montclair MESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED JL It him already been slated by the Times. —PHONE WE. a-2MJ THE WESTTTELD LEADQ, THU1SDAY, MAY 2«, 1949

j proven finesses »g»inst the j»ck- WEST EAST ten. ; the rebuilding fund of the Foot-!tig E. Warren, Wyo., according t<. hill Playhouse. Invitations may. an announcement by Col. John C. 2. Play small toward the ten! •J 10 8 7 5 VJ96 I be secured through Mr, Hoick or B. Elliott, commanding officer. spot. If West follows small, play • K 6 5 • J 10 8 2 by calling Plainfield 5-9334. the ten. If East wins, your ' • 10 6 4 «> 7 p 3 . WXANDSR C. SPENCEB will drop the other diamond. If SOUTH Enlarge Store* you are gluttonous you will play t K 10 6 Graduates Front the king at trick two, trying to • K 4 2 jgt is your best play to Army Course The depth of four Mountain ave- drop a doubleton queen-jack; but • Q 9 43 be sjmde tricks with this i nue stores is being increased 25 if East should show out on the * A Q 9 | Pfc. Michael L. BiVona, son of feet, it has been announced. Work jtion? (You have entries second round, West's queen-nine With North-South vul the bid- fcand.) | Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bivona of 1 ia now being done on Margie's would take two tricks. The same ding went: Cake Box, Mountainside Meat Mar- NOKTH 1692 Terrace place, has graduated safety play shoujd be made Sf West North East South West ket, Daniel Ryan's Tailoring Shop * Q 8 7 6 from the clerk-typist course at the drop an honor on the first round. 1 at pass 2 N.T. pass USAF Technical School Ft. Fraii- and Mountainside Drug Co. SOUTH East can win the second round 7N.T. pass pass pass * AK 952 when you play to the ten spot, Wast opened the five of hearts onds are trumps. You (assuming West shows out) but and South could count 12 tricks. er and your trump hold- then you have a proven finesse Generally, with 12 top tricks, the against his nine spot. 13th can be found with • squeeze, NORTH 3. Pour clubs. Ordinarily, after either genuine or pBeudo; but no STEPHENVILLE HOMES * 10 7 6 opening with a two bid, you should true squacte could be executed be- its WESTFIELD SOUTH be in no rush us you know partner cause the only missing high cards * A K85 2 is bound to keep the bidding open were all in diamonds and there is •KIT BUY IH aT»Tr. — iMMKOMTe rossr.tsi«H no such thing as a squeue in only h the ace and East drops till game is reached; but here you 4% TII—ii wltt aicawataa •««••• far In aMMIaaal raaau. aata- What is your best play have opened with a distributional one suit. So the only chance eeem. •aatle a« Swat. Txaaaat !•• In Mtrkca, lar«* tmmmn wall MM- . i ave South and hold ner know the nature of your hand the better. After hearing the four Accordingly declarer won the first A 6 4 Price IIOJOO ONLY A DOLUUI club bid he knows the suit is long trick with the king of hearts and A 9 3 and solid and will be in a better immediately laid down the queen To Have Lead »la A MONTH CAHaVI<«(2 4- none < position to help you choose the of diamonds. Weat played small, ••An, iNtWN riiMK»r ro« (•'. i.'n * A K Q J 8 (1 5 final contract. Incidentally, the the queen held the trick and the IWl'UI, AMAIIGBIiKNTI KOat < IVII.U^l Ridding has gone: In Plfd. Play pros now favor distributional two contract was safe. That's the Chi- West North East •ca MMid FaratoliM HWH bids wiifi as little as four and a nese Finesse—leading the queen pass 2 + pass half honor tricks. , A coupU of without the jack, hoping second Waldion Hoick will represent LOCMTCU O* M«NI.B«NO «•« »!«., HHKIFIKI.II ( rail do you make? hand won't cover. years ago they would have been Wcstfield in th« mt of the forth- Tara *• «a < ralral Ave. urn Marlkara at., fallow UleyaeavUla ANSWERS ashamed to open a two bid with- Strange enough, West's refusal coming "Showcase" production of Ntam •%•• to cover was the correct play, since have no problem unless out a fistful of honor tricks. Sort The Importance of Being Earnest aVKITFIF.LU 3-5TI* , M«y SO, 1IW M.wrkl D»F his king was safe from capture onent holds all four spades of a "New Look" in bridge, per- lo be presented tomorrow, Satur- LEGAL HOLIDAY with only two diamonds in dum- | you. If Weit holds them haps. day and Sunday at the Hibernian W* will U —m TimdUr E-wbg, my, and he couldn't tell that South Club, 210 West Fourth Street, May Sf, IM», fnm • to • »V«i*-* is no way you can avoid • Did you ever hear of the "Chi-needed only two diamond tricks. infield, in it style which hus nc trick; but if East is the nese Finesse?" Declarer used it South was smart in taking the been mushrooming all over the me you can finesse against nicely in this hand to make his Chinese Finesse early, before the country in such well-known little fc-ten twice so long as the contract. opponent's discard, could furnish PEOPLES BANK ft TKUST COHPAUT | king remain "over" East's theatres as the Penthouse Thea- Television ft Radio Repairs NORTH defensive information, Therefore you should first • AQJ98 tre in Seattle, Margo Jones' Dal- Clever, these Chinese, ls playhouse, "Theatre '49," and Collin. AiHli* PratliKta •far* ctmyltic facililtet queen. If each opponent »AQ3 for all typm of niim «n4 telavulMi t*p*ir.. Work your troubles are over; • A7 ' the Pasadenu PlayhouBe, This is wumcLo, NIW shows out, you take two • KJ8 the technique known as central- •MM accuralolf ut4 quickljr in our plant on Route Edward Smith Named gine, in which the audience at, MowntaiaMMOi Now Jonox. Wood Product* Officer completely surrounds the play- ing area. "The Showcase," di- Only tho tVita.t c—•—Ota rnn mod and your aat> | Edward H. Smith of 585 High rected by Mr. and Mrs. James F. ••faction ia (uarantaod. • land avenue, » resident of West- Hurley of Plainfield, is the first Lat ua, •• manufachirtrt of firit Una radio •quip- VISION BEACH field for more than 20 years, has organization to present this style in the vicinity. mant, apply our knowlodga to your banafit in lK« been made vice president and as repair and maintounco of your radio and talo- CLUB COMMUNITY slstant treasurer of Watchung Mr. Hoick will play the lending Wood Products Co. in North Plain role of "John Worthing," his 25th vuion »at. Aeld. He is also tecreUry-treai characterization in the non-profes- {OVERLOOKING ATLANTIC OCEAN urer of Gilbert S. Bischoff, Inc., sional theatre. He haa portrayed whose new showroom has just been leads in Fighting LittleH, Arsenic TELEVISION SET OWNERS! 1 share opened to display the Cox kitchen and Old Lace, Ya and No, The in steel, together with the custom Rivals, Dear Until and Coquette, He If ydur year's aorvieo contract ii about to enpiro, cabinets in wood made by Wat recently appear in The Bo;/n( Fam- or you are desirous of a compr«hen»ive maintenance or 100? chunfj Wood Products Cof ily with the Theatre Guild of the A preview of the oiienlni; wa Jioselles nml Varieties of '40 at and servico plan for your television receiver, wa held at which representatives 0 the Barbizon Plnza Theatre in •uffgan you call or visit our plant. various organizations were union) New Yorli all last weelt and has ,^w the guests. Visitors were shown been cast in several plays to We aho install F. M. and Television Antennas. •JM Sjdtttt*. ol «K WawYoA around the woodwork shop, which presented at the Foothall Play- CALL WESTFIELD 2-4390 revealed the fine craftsmanship house this summer when they open Cloth* «rt *• few KMwhtliti All-Y«« Hmm. in their products, which includi their annual summer season in FOR INFORMATION AND SERVICE. tompbrary'Heailqiiarters at the Mid- AMRAMM ol Your Own Privs* loach. Soo thoml custom designed and built kitchens, • Ma*. s» liapoctMt part olt home and commercial interiors, in- dlebrook Country Club, Bourn I Diicrlminoting buyon have pur- wlyeWfM«l,I,«) |«l»»d mart el th. oll-ywr- dustrial displays and exhibits, ami Brook. . . \ M *- wltfc ».« •-.J many other varieties of special or. Collins Mi tniwts flmfni ho. Iimnd UiMt •» Vblea U*M, il wwnwm Wim WrVrN The Importance of Being Earn Im ol Ntw Jtrw/i melt boa*- fwMcn. brick tnjktm and ders in wood. cut is to be presented on an invita. ROUTE 29 . MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J., f tiki OCMR (rent club commie Htatilatan. Urine neat If I tion basis only, and a voluntary JaMti. OR tk AKflnfh OctM I*'. Meihr Mcowa, Ztf Isaa, donation is being solicited to help Oaan SaUr^yt Ualil Nm Far Yoar CuniiMti f rtt *j caawto iMtVrsy *». Oeseral BMtrh UMMM, km ChesB Set Needed .ti*» York Six* E.tckaM« ~""HM5 . MOUEHATa^b^hlH MOWl NbVH to Stock K«»M« MODGt, HULSK SOW OI'K.\ At Lyons Hospital ExcUnf -Will BiiiM lo Suit Club M.mb«rs A set of chess is needed in th< recreation room of Lyons Veter- ans Hospital, according to the lo- The cacklaih that bloom in the F. P. RISTINE A CO. cal Red Cross. Anyone who ha Spring, tru-la, taste simply 4* M I a set which is no longer Used is If you care for a , wonderful if you plant in 'cm that V ft v Its BrtMid Street, Ellzufcetl. asked to leave it at headquarters, superb whiskey.,. Carstairs 37 Elm street. I 41 O,H.t Soackjofwto* Itnmltttt m»i StatMs drink mild as May White Seal. Mill IMHHV STRt'.VCK, ItramrHlMlve -LEADER WANT ADS PAY— •raarh Office—»• Iferlk Avm., W., WcsafMsl f WCalfleM IIIH

and you care for Wfaal'a more, your budget will reap economics, too, will) tho in real value loday Perfectly Balanced Blend. For it's the popular priced whiskey or Tiiu REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIERS with tho premium (irked flavor. STOCKS AND BONDS AT REST IN THIS CEMETERY BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED Illnl Bird i JYoull be care-ful to^say: JAI'KKS. ,H)»1-.1>11 1NM iu:iriKi.i>, ANimr.w ltt'24 lllAKICII, IIAMI',1, 1*14 IIKTFIKI.U, I1AMKI, IM:I I IIAKDIt, HHNIIV 1T*I IIIOTKIKMI, MOMKN 1HM Listed or Unlitt«d. IHAKKII, ,M>V\TII\\ ISM IIKTI'IKII), /.OHIIKH IMS [ I I.IKK. .t/,,tl(|.«JI 1WIS IIHMIHK.'KS, INA.tC I7HM I.AMHKII'I', JA.MKS IMS 1.1 r It'll., ISA At ^CARSTAIRS \Vhite Seal [ ri.AIIK, < IIAIIM:* II 111.I M, .lAtllB , l:i>H AKI) Inqilirias inviUd. ICIMHOU >IAK»II, I IIAIIl.HS , ( l,M||i, .1 At Oil MAIINII, F.I'IIHAIM t IT Mil.. MAIISII. .mslllA GEORGE W. CUNNINGHAM ,II:H>»I: MII.I.K.II. ABNKH ISAAC MATTHIAS BROKER AND DEALER IN SECURITIES f» I'.AIIK'. MilONKV, M( IIOI.AS W1M.IAM IMlKI), HUH SSS BAIT BROAD STREET, fllBV. , KI' m <.'HAXK IIHN.IAMIV. Sr. PIUIISON. SILVAMS lfUO WBITriELD. W. i. CllAM-. >1K>.1\>11N. Jr. riKMSON, WII.IIAM i«r. KAVHKN. JMTTHMJI 11*2 JOIIW W37 SI I IIKKfl. KPIIIl.tlM f "AVIS, JACOB 17NN Weitfield 2-6322 S< IllllF.H, .ItlUN 17J7 JOHN. ;ir

These heroes of the American Revo- the year of settlement, 1720, when it ition wore officers, soldiers of the was first used. The oldest atone marks WOtK,TlMI,FUIL-On THI MOST FORYOUft no and minute men in the Army who the grave of Noah, non of William and erved throughout the yeara of active Hannah Miller, who died in 1730. arfare. Some of them served under William Miller owned this land and eneral Greene at Springfield, some sold the Presbyterians the original I the militia under Maxwell at Eliza- plot of 40 acres for the sum of twenty eth-Town, some with Washington's pounds sterling. WHIN YOU GIT AUTOMATIC OIL MAT rmy at headquarters at Morriatown Buried here, also, ave nine of the nd Middlebrook; some defended the OINIRAL MOTORS' "know pioneers or their sons, who donated kow" ncaat lt*i Mil tight. illsigc from attack by Tory raiders. the parish land, in 1802—John Crane, Tout facton-tnltif d Dik»-Hn» II of them were sons of the pioneers William Miller, Jonathan Marsh, John Blended uilli Care for Men who Care. Thai's why Carslairs Jtaltr'i "kobw how" awaw if I ho founded The Olde Towne. Scudder, and ("it is supposed") is made to your taste. Rich-flavored yet light-bodied. ImitilM tight. (o Tou'tt donUj urn of «V- The old burial ground on Pour Rod James Badgley, John Davis, Isaac Mild yet authoritative. A smoother, mellower, fincr-tasling drink. Frazce, Joseph Mills and Daniel Ross. fJh ptrfamana and *+ oad (Mountain Avenue) dates from As a Man who Cares, ask for it by name at your umlt»ltpir*lhit with iblt con- net Dtlco-Hcit l favorite bar or package store today! Oil Burner that brings your Sating lyitem up M dati. T;HE;WESTFIELD TRUST COMPANY The Man who Cares says 'CARSTAIRS' »2.26 Fifty Seven Years Of PINT 1892 •:•"•""•" '„—,-." 1949 Progressive Bankins CARSTAIRS ASK US To Survey Your Hetttmg System 1 The Oid«it Banking Institution In We»»fi«ld White Seal —No Obligation. Broad and Elm Sts, Westfield, N. J. , • BLENDED WIJJSKEY OIL HEAT SERVICE 225 E. BROAD ST. . TEL. WE. 2-3213 Meaifctr Fia«r«l llepoalt lu.raaec Coiforallaa —-CABSTAIRS BROS. DISTIUINQ CO., INC, BALTIMORE, MD. BLENDED WHISKEY, 86,8 PROOF, tyi GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS— _*-







hold a regular morning drill, | of the Women's Tuesday Nifht ficerg n«m




Our hundreds of regular day-in and customers will ttll you that it pays to shop at Wmdfeldt's

T^lrUow.hadwofDi/P.nrTortlM III ikh. Ml colon-of lowly pon«li— la go wHfc your illpcovtn, curtalnl, wall- lllll \>I-OF.A-IH Y AT 169 HERE'S WHY- ^ pttm. Tok» yew chole* from many colon! A iwl* o» toap ond wal« with a Kttib Wi will kMP IIWM On* thadM Here's a value that pointedly proves how Kooi Bros, tremendoua buying power saves you money Prices are low to start with. Then you get addi- fradi and mw-looklna y«« oh« y»of. Wmhlni qeWolly prolong »h»h W«l ... BIG money! It's truly handsome! Handeomo swirl mahogany vencert, liandsome quality tional savings because our high quality foods mean Thty'H IMIH cracking, (raying, «MIIH«, tliroughout, handsome size, handsome saving to you! When we say you're pocketing $100 we're ripping and pinholing. And ttradM of less waste. Then there's the convenience of a "Tontlno" hi men dayliflhl In ,.. y«l being conservative! This is the sort of suite you've seen tagged $300 and more! (Even our ht^> rit* Min'i alar* autl free delivery service (particularly welcome on hot salesmen couldn't believe their eyes when they spotted the $169 price!) Come in tonight or tomorrow . . • ruli yotir liundd over the beautifully polished surfaces. Pull open a drawer . , • or stormy days). And there's the advantage of a Bring In your »M folltn for trtdill. Wil cuilsm inaka n«w »KoJ

Aicnts for Columbia Holland Sluulct ami Venetian lllinth

SO10 BY ST, GEORGES AVE, ^—"" RAHWAY 7-3700 WINDFELDT'S MARKET PLAINFIELD SHADE CO. I WEN EVENINGS 'TIL «:UO 23S EAST BROAD ST. . TEL. WE. 2-0402 ^ 234 W. Second St., Cor. Madison rHONEi ?l 4-7617 Founded In 1900 — An Old Store With Youngf Ideas "Your Architect Knmet //<•«(" OVOU Tliur>, Evo. Tilt B|4I LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 T»t«tf-Tw> Pack 173 Hold* | len Fi-aser, wolf gold arrow*'Allen The survey, Osman said, was' crops in succession, with the re- Walker, wolf badge; Charles Reul made during November and De-'sult that total planted acreage of CornLead§ a Meeting at Field !Hon badge; Peter Cunningham' ceraber, 1948, ami covered all farms' " vegetables came to approxi- : wolf silver arrow; Robert Love'i on which any vegetables or pota- ™te 900 acres-an average of Cubs of Pack 173 held it* May!David Haworth, Billy Flamnieri County Produce toes were harvested in 1948 for "bout one and a quarter acres of 1 cr meeting at the Lincoln School atb-; and Jpmes Coffey, silver arrow- sale. Interviewing was under the °PS Per acres of land. ktic field' Saturday afternoon, j James Love, bear badge, gold ai-1' Sweet corn was the leading crop direction of K. P. Handy and Ir%'in The principal market for 25 of | Kites made by the boys were flown, j row. j Holmes, agricultural statistician the 59 growers ,n 1948 was at theu , of Union County's vegetable A committee of Cnb dads judging growers in 1948. This was reveal- for the Bureau of Agricultural ' own farm. Eighteen.growersnamed | on originality, workmanship and ed by a survey of local market Economics. In addition to Union the Farmers' Market in Newark ( flight ability gave first place to i ^ egetable supplies conducted by the County, the survey covered Essex. ** their principal market, while, Den 3 with Dens 4 and 7 as run- i Beigen, Passaic and Hudson coun- most of the other growers inter- ners-ups. Tryouts for the track U. S. Department of Agriculture, ties in New Jersey; and Kings,; viewed sold largely to retailers. Fred D. Osman, Union County ag- team followed. Finalists will com- Making a New Nassau, Queens. Richmond and ricultural agent, announced today. pete against other cub teams at a PEAT MOSS Of 56 kinds of vegetables har- Suffolk counties in New York. meet June 4 at the Lincoln School; vested1 in 1948 from approximately For all vegetables grown in Un-Wage Rate Order athletic field. > HO-S FERTILIZER A den recently organized was G80 acres, sweet corn led with 190 ion County, the survey found that M. J. N*. 1 LAWN SEED harvested acres on which were pro- slightly over 900 acres were plant- Effective June 6 welcomed into the pack. The fol- duced a little more than a million ed of which about 11)1 were lost lowing received awards: Jack Bow- from such natural causes as weath- ser, bear badge, gold and silver •*4G*t It-. tan of corn. Spinach ranked sec- Commissioner of Labor and In- ond With 87 acres and a total pro- er, disease and insects. About 32 arrows; Wendall Horn, wolf gold: acres were abandoned because of dustry, Harry C. Harper, has re- arrow, denner stripes; Jack Vanj duction of 21,044 bushels. Toma- quested the press to co-operate toes were third with 57 acres and market or labor conditions. \ Benschoten, wolf silver arrow, i ,. „ ri - witn Hlhi hiunimt iJJnI I'isniMmaking knowfw«*/n nit tow a total yield of 10,686 bushels. Cab- service star, denner stripes; Rob- BARTtu A little more than ,00 acres of ;business establishments engaged in ert Crickenberger, lion gold and bage, fourth in harvested acres, land were used for vegetables and! retaj) trade jnth e gute of CENTRAL AVE. yield almost 360 tons on about 45 potatoes. About a fourth of the TIM *i..b« •« 2381 Mill Ui., CrrntWMHh Slot.* PlanM, »•• renatlr silver arrow; David Wuerthele, ersey the fact that the minimum r>ri'ku*4 fcr Mr. null Mr.. Clurrme A. 4n««< «ro» »r. ••* in. wolf silver arrow, service star; Al-j land was planted to two or I wage order establishing minimum Howard <•. tAuu. IIIcK * KMlth, Etale B«-U., ••»€•,.»««• (he fenfcera wage rates for women and minors !• tfee IraHMlclluli. employed in this industry becomes j effective on June (5, 1949. Inas- Carolue Clark much as the law requires all em-Elect Residents ! plovers to post a copy of the wage NACA Officials Fraternity Treat. IS AH order it is important that all per-) 'sons employing women and minor Newark Chapter National Asso- Carolus T. Clark has been re- Protect (M j in Retail Trade Occupations have ciation of Cost Accountants held elected treasurer of the Alpha Pi USTS a copy of this aider, which copy the annual election of officers and (Rutgers University) Chapter ofj LOWEST can be secured by writing to the directors Thursday night at the Phi Delta Kappa, professional ed-' Department of Labor and Indus- Robert Treat Hotel. M. P. Cass, ucation fraternity. The chapter try, Wage and Hour Bureau, Wai Charles F. Rittenhouse & Co., ivas recently sponsored the publication TBE GUiLD Ilach Building, Trenton 8. In the elected president for the 1949-40 of the bulletin, "Facilities Needed Tk$ Cttti, ttUw IHIIHI U iUfUyti tbvvt, U «• impartial | past when wage orders have been chapter year. Other officers elect- for Higher Education," compiled by Dean Clarence E. Partch, School MfcMi ftttninl UUkfity wilh *«4f iurferi *l JV«w York No. I, promulgated, governing employ' ed were: Vice presidents, E. S. ment in various types of trade or of' Education, Rutgers, which has H. 7. nMcfc it mdmmi hy, imi »pM- miv Ik, scrutiny »f • Bradbury, Curtiss Wright Corp.; industry, it has been the policy of E. A. Carlson, Johnson & Johnson; received a wide distribution to uni- IH7YEAtS fftirrrmirr AM-ry CtmcU ampriui •/ Uadtn numt out- the Department of Labor to mai treasurer, E. J. Reid; Breeie Corp.; versities and leading educational •rjtMMtiaiu. women's clubs and horn, «c« copies of these orders to each em- agencies throughout the United FOB A secretary, J. F. Guthlein, Weston States. ployer, but due to the large num- Electrical Instrument Corp. Nine bers of retail trade outlets in- directors were also elected, among volved, most of whom the depart- B.F.G» whom was G. H. Meriey of 856 ment has no name or addle* for, 1O-WAI OVBHMBAD TV!1* it is essential for these establish Boulevard, director of meetings. ONE OF merits to write to the department Mr. Carlson, vice president, resides asking that a copy of the order be at 708 Shadowlawn drive. NEW JERSEr$ Among those present were the *•«!• •*•• EUetrtc Oomtan SIJJEITOIS Sg.48 sent to them. Employers covered by this order following from Westfleld: Harold J. W. SHUSTER LARGEST J. Savage, 322 Elm street snd Al- PLAINFIELD MMI CUSTOM CHANS include all those "businesses sell- s ing or offering for sale any type fred A. Speth, 626 Boulevard. •OWE MAMjrACTtWmq CO. too YOUR **\2 of merchandise, wares, goods, ar- RANTS DOMISTK RUO ticles or commodities to • the con- sumer." , LIGHT WHERE YOU WEED IT! 0TIII SIZES AT 12 Dr. Vaughn*Eaine8 with EISEMAIVS IIS SAVINSS TOO ONE or Honored at NYU NEW JERSEY'S Ptr Mo, Dr. Lenore Vaughn-Eames of t tlllty Bridge Lamp 'US A Will 54 Mountainside is one of six alumni SAFEST who have earned the New York REPEATED AT OIVES SAFE INSURED University alumni meritorious MJO STORAGE RUO STOHAOE service award for 1949 for "dis- POPULAR RIQI tinguished' service to the univer- in ovory I. P. Goodrich Tiro RANTS fOR ANY 9*11 RUO sity," and who were honored at •rhf. Thm marl wl for ovory pvrpos* the annual medallion dinnev Tues- day at the Faculty Club. Dr. w4 Oray, Vaughn-Enmes, professor of Eng- NEW B.f.€OO»tlC« DEFIANCE PROTECT YOVR RVGS THIS SUMMER . . . VSE lish at Newark State Teachers Col- lege, is one of the first women since OUR FIFE-POINT SERVICE SYSTEM AT 1944 to be so honored. • iaktxl ••Miml finish NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOV ' Vice president and a director of the Alumni Federation, Dr. • 3-Wiy lisjhftnfl •jrRugi picked up and relayed Vaughn-Eames headed the School • Shirdy cwwlraciitm 4 good quility tlrt- of Educational Alumni Association oot a "lecood" or • t* if Rugs are custom cleaned by rug experts in 194G-47. She has been chair- * nwtal • Min IMM • Mm CMM • tte.d. Wide, fuU-ilJ* man of Education Alumni Day DOS-skid trod. it Rug* are demothed and Mealed in paper committees several times and was • I«y H ctan if Rugs an inspected for repairs organizer of the education commit- tee for the medical campaign. She if Rugs art insured from pick-up to delivery wag chairman of the. second an- ROSELLE PARK TIRE CO. nual School of Education Alumni LOCUST AND WESTFIELD AVES., HAMUHEMEUQ* CO., he. Association Conference last month. ROSELLE PARK, N. J. Succettors to Ilamrah Bros. Permit Granted EISEMAtf'S 332 LELAND AVENUE, PLAlNFIEfcD, N. J. A permit has been granted for 31 YEARS IN PLAINFIELD Telephone: Plainfield 6-i466 the erection of a garage apart- LIGHTING FIXTURES, IAMPS AND GIFTS BFGoodric Out of Town Vse WX-8383—Xo Toll ment to be built on Sherwood park- way. Robert Maxwell, owner, de- CM tht Right Ilamrah ... 333 PARK AVE. PLAINFIELD 6-4181 FIRST IN RUBBER clared that ground will be broken OIT.X THURSDAY 'Til, B P. M. (M <*« Hamnh-Emerson Co.—successors to Hamrah Bros., tnt, this week. ONE Of NEIT JERSEY'S LARGEST CLEANERS LEADfcK WANT ADS PAY FREE! FREE! MR. C. F. SCOTT of SWIFT & COMPANY WILL BE, AT OUR STORE SATURDAY, MAY 28th , from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. TO TEST SOIL AND GIVE GARDENING ADVICE FREE. 11 Keep Your Garden Beautiful and Productive! THE 'ROCKET IS RUGGED AND REUAiU Juit a lew quick ttrokn of Ik* patented End a P«t dint flun give you control of chewing insecb, ludcing inttcli, ami 1 many fungus diseates that may ruin yow garden, No mix- ing, no muni End o Pesl conws itady lo use! UM ii %yitb confidence on your tdibU fnliU and vegetables m wall a* THE POWER SENSATION OF THE YEAB flowers and shrubs.

01 ,

Goodfriend Hardware 12J QUIMBY STREET Praclical-powcrful-proto/.' That's OldsuioliuVg revululionary new "Itocket" Engine! Westfield riiomamls of test-drivinR mil-s on the world's toughest proving ground have shown lira , Jiocket to bo lnDclmnically right, structurally ri(,M And Oldsmohilc'a rcputntiou fot dependability stands liehind every "llockct" jiroduced. You can he »ure thut its Futurainio ictiou will last! You II enjoy thin true AigA-coniyireuiari jmyvcr so long as you owna ncw Kockct Engine OIIIMIIOIIIIC. You'll know your car has performance to inntcli those * iiturnmie lines. 1 oti'll murvcl at tlic teamwork of tbe "Kockct" and Uyilra-M atic Drive SERVICF And you'll discover the "New Thrill" of "Jtocket" suioolliucss-silcncc-am! sensationai IETERFO FUEL. OIL responsB—a I over again every day you drive! So see your OMsinoliile ilrnlcr. Drive either OK luxurious "BB" ()r the ipWtcd 'W-lowai.priccd "Jivcket" Engine carl I MY mm BURNERS mum 2-9030 WILLIAMS OIL o MATIC J.S.mVING- CO. OLDSMOBILE At CENTRAL AVE OLDSMOBILR DIAlER WESTFIELD N J N O R R I S JCJHJE Vo R O JLET, INC. AND »TOKER S£RV1CB :•>'. North and Central Avea.. Wegtf ield. N. .1. °U OWN 1OWN Tel We. 2-Q22O, , MAIf M, I«4« coucratied, bat sb* isnH as Iv life Today And her faelinf of eonfidenc FrotMl its mark within the child. pox; I reuwp*; 3 swarlet Sometimes we wish that oar clul-1 MilkPririaft bite* and 1 rabid Xe T» » Alike Lp to tt» pth of dnen were more alike "Whv Amt j - . _ —___ — Mrs you gtt your arithmetic like'Juno- ; Hwsew.trw in »rtte» rases w< y s s sui B»fk, repisii-av, has. rfc?n you have identical twins ior does?" dad a*s ««. an ' fT « « f P»««««s m all tocy have the *arae environ- lhe Iy r * i TlMPPp ««"W M<>ialkf>*« ••*'* KIIIK* Super Maricfts to Ml% Barlt that how can they Be so differ- Mountainside fw ih* *>•* For 9-rear-cld Jiiarai* therf is; • ,. ^ , WUTTB iV,rotesl a possible revival of %he month of April bringing the ;-••'- '"wontls- V *Ve" *" S°me **'"* '"' ^ • Bildnrr, compsnv ijrwtiAM. feds to lioi- no two children hav« kwmnfr amhinetic. But he rfoeso'tj Durmg the h.,«wss m«,,;r.c of:confident that "rtesi. petition* will 1 of German mMdm: « ,nnottm^. The wu ,)BW 1h<, turn, environinent. for ex- know why he's not a vvhk like: .*? jecent annual meeting of the-forestall anj- idm* the politkian« ofclmke.«)v«;SolM-a.k.tfeve ; , , njr alon- the street, Jimmtc j situations1 pareni 1 n ih ks )fe a Junior and Jimm,e we«. Juniorn SBc. h oft- 1 Gardethe homn eCJu ofb Mis of . WestfieldJ. .1. Jliillipai. he-id, oaft reUiinav l havprice-fixine in returnin? law."g to the old ' d"jt fciifs. H hf" toisi nisia to vatcn nn elet-tm- tram j timts are responsible fm- ma SS5 woodland avenue, three ^.\ KinRS Sllp(,r Mal.k«*>• "MR. 1ELVIDUE , g , jfIWKes iinn ououl.l chiWr«n U «i«cuH fullowiiig n»w officers were named j Conrl«v<> seeminrly minor incidents,; t GOES TO COM.KGB" ' KIRK DOUCLAl'*LMUIMt BAY, whell one mpr serw lor 1949-50: President, I LEADEK WANT AM PAt o,1 which, fortunately, are le»g| of our dreami and the otheo r cap- KCENAN WVNN l e Mra. T. Arthur Bush: first vice Dr. Cliestrv ». I.osiv of 212 Pros- » * ' ! tures moat of what w« think is un- Dr. Rachel Davis;; corc - pect street, aueuiled thv> 4Srit an- a'Te also heard parents ex- j desirabl* responding secretary, Mrs. Rov R. Winkl l cl imal convention of the Virginia N*M AllmliM— wonder when children of dif- \yith motivation and opportun-i »P * i; treasurer, Mrs. c'has. Society of (MeoiX'thie Ph "MY DEAR SECRETARY" t apes in their family vary so. ] jjj, (,ildren can achieve O'Connor "an " *d i«.i»w..i_i.»,. TAICE ME OUT TO p y raost of our c ami Surgeons. THE BALL CAME" lA!nl —# li £\^L •• A ^11 rk^K i till A^fcM 41\ \ * _ _•*.»._ Mra. Oafood Rogers. llainly y it cant all be traced g^j, oof f whiewhiehh y^ p,r«iU and LICERTV The conclave was held in the l ity,y," one mother exclaimed, j c fcndren e»n be proud Ml*. Edward Coffey, chairman Lodite, Willinmsbui'B, Va., May 10 e have treated the children: WhiWhi)e ) }}emng timi yj)l,Bt»teri Mt of horticulture, presented an unus- and I'l. Ai'roi-iiinc to Dr. K. A, the sanw," she continued. [tkeir own pace of developmenp t we ual program, "The Adopted Plow- Oedney. protram chiiirinan, Kich- this iS«rue, this mother prob- pwid|! chBncM for era of Our States," assisted by the this iS«rue , this mother probp11 wn pwid|id! chBnch M fof r tm;tm ltiotidi Vit,, the agenda was one of followiag members of her commit- is one in. ten million. She, ,nd incentives which aeive to itim- the most outstanding in the history MON. — C«tMiira«M fnmUm think she has treated the chil-! i intellectual and social growth, tee: Mcsdames W. \V. Lowe, S. V. of the Virginia Oslcopathic soci- u ite Stewart, Charles O'Connor, Ches- the same, but actually, haslkeepinK in ,, , . ,. ety. keep nK in min thit th{ re gi e No ter Wallace, M. E. Lowell unit Carl- For instanceinstance , tew mothers I j wo AlikeAlik." Prominent ostcopiUhic physi WIMUW, L lAttYNOtT sure of themselves in han-| ' ton Robinson. • ciahs, isui'tveoiis itnd other s|>ecial- SLIGHTLY FkCNCH' Mrs. Lloyd Oiieal, president of jists from Virginia aiul ont-of- . of Mr nd Mrs Barmond W 8r I I.AIHH TUKVOH. •MOWK *• aiaa family or the second—but rett of Wegtfi<.ld) iB p,rticipatirK *M»V iX TUUOAY ONLY — HAY 1U isn't quite so afraid rf her , y.kima, Wa»h., hTlieUidcr in mtntwm t "STAGECOACH" ,1 baby. She may be just as ttom jj,y 20 to June 4, MclNTYRE'S Alwijn He ia assigned to H Co. of the 23rd Infantry Regiment, which will Uwi Mtwcr Sk«f — and liHKAT TMWH.I K« — participate with other units of the E HARDWARE 2nd Division during Uieae maneuv- few r«m u4 HM ers to give all personnel practice CRANFORD training regarding military Ufa in Ibwm N Stfck Hik rimia, IHtrln IMt the field. P»w«r aMl tUmi Mmm»n THUKS., FRI., SAT. m iiliio t ti in vni'Mia TH AVENUE Kaywtl* faarreawl — M»» art, xr. I! WESTFIELD 2-4700 WaMiat. J**ki>g. "I,A»T OV 1'H*! -LEADEft WANT AD8 PAYi- "MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN «ll,ll IIOHKKK" 'KMM WEatfc»ia 2-2828 SUBMARINE lor.Clli till M.. \IIII ,IOM\>II\ Jaa. Klllann, .Irnn- >'r»k»» Tltril. & l-Mtl., S:t7; Mnr» Htl* llu«kr> Ca*. Mtlatrr*. Jr., Prep. riAT., I!;-.:. M.v- 1ll: "Itirllii* HOMIAV \:\f.. MAV At tU N. El«»r »«., WittttM r IIIIII THIII.1IMI, .MM,' 2 "TA«ZAN S~MAGlC llli'hnril WMwnrk FOUNTAIN" I.I-. HAHKIOII., •IIOAIl HOI inK" TIU'llS. ,K- I'ltl., 1:IV' S::.O ll.nv lirnhlr HAT., !•: to —!> :00 OXFORD Strata-Dome* StrwamliMr D M I:II-HI\I:" Satarday at 1:00 P. M, Nun., M«j 1!», MlilKlakl All, riil,OHI:li NIUIW THE YOUNG FOLKS' H«tli Mimnrtl ri'H hy llti> «'rit«fIIIII( Km Trlriihuii)- REG ENT

BALTIMORE ft OHIO RAILROAD I n\Mj i:s i iii;n HI\AIII« »II.I.I»«N UMI.I.V » IMux • "TAKE ME OUT I,.nil IIOIIVi;, Illhrl WA'I'KHN TO THE BALL GAME" A "HIGHWAY 13" Nlrpln I'I'/l'Cllir * MIIIIJ Olhi-rH George Chonf'• MOMIMV—urn UIIIIIII; snow NI'.A'I'.M CI — lt'$ itut m JVIiw m«« t» m N*m TftrtH lllilK <'IK>XII1, II hull,III I l.lvMIM BY RAY DeVALLEE and HIS ORCHESTRA Available on Columbia In IN fine fMHI Hnrk Tonln'ii Featuring ALLEN PAUL, Vocaliat Recordi ... <«A VOXSKi'VU-VV UlillllH" HAN NOW TO OIVI THI FAMILY A HAL TRIAT ttili l iWfclltt rod TMI HOLIDAY EVERY NITE EXCEPT MONDAY NITE both Standard and LP. — ami IIIK •'•->• < ••>-.• — From 8:30 P. M. to 1:30 A. M. At "Till] I, A Ml' 111 Mil I" • In Ik* mt , • . l«kt • i ffiv wiwy MWitf Mlfi to ! S-COURSE LUNCHEON from .75 fill M#W iii Vvrws ni#nvt . • . 8-COURSE DINNER from $1.26 PLAINFIELD OPEN EVERY DAY INCLUDING MONDAY rOR THI FROM 12 NOON UNTIL Z A. M. ULTIMATE IN DANCING Special Attention CI'TCB TO RaMrntim Far Party 1 27 ELM STREET THE STRAND Weitfield 2-1448 A Walter Reade Theatre VISIT THI TELEPHONE WESTFIELD 2-3873, 2-01S3 Why Not Start _ ('nmpUltly Alr-Conilillmtd Order* Put Uj^JTo Tak* Oat "We Specialixe In Recordi" STARTS THURS., JUNE 2nd, FOR 1 WEEK oft the W«k by FAR HILLS INN Trying Our Somtnm'i Flnett Rttlaurant For Laiting Gifts ROUT! 31 SOMIRVIUI FOR THE 5-COURSE Llrtm to "MMMUT Mmlo" We feature, for your approval" M»«lon WOTO Dallr, II US lu II iM GRADUATES llnni'lnu I'.IITI miinriiii) Nit.Ill 'I'II Hull HIIITIIIIH IKIII Itlo VISIT CLUB BREAKFAST a. low as . 45c GREGORY'S BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH . . 85c Complete Line of Muaical InatrumenU COMPLETE DINNERS as low as . 85c and Recordi

All Mu.ic.1 InstrUinenti A FULL SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE. Rep aired on Prcmiiea (it Historic Moderate Priori liy F«c(ory 1NGRID Trained MecRnnic BERGMAN Inn TOP'S GREGORY'S IS NEVER CLOSED MUSIC CENTER —- Anri/r* 71<-, fitiMHii:\ M0'- Luncheon F.vory TJiy "'.. 71b ROUTE 29 . MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. UO WCST FRONT ST, 1. HIT, « MIA. — AIM MM HI.Uli, I llll,|llll.\ Vi IICKETS.^OW ON SAl.t; SCOTCH 9um*M&. .I'I.AIif'tni i-iiw...

» M v», .•»!. .11 — AKRON • CHICAOO HI. . IAT. "MY DREAM IS YOURS" (nil KTKWAHT T..,'li,il.-..l..r ir.umric itmn roNTAINR .Inrk, POOL OPEN |)nrl« IIW, l.rv IIOU'MAS COLORED SCREEN "YOU GOTTA Kl'X. * JIIIN. (I'ulil.) •TAX H :i:(m—ili.'l.'i—IIIMII JAMBOREE . Monday BITE! MI'Ml.tV, M.«V Smh. 111.10 P. M. Di«el-«lectric,"Sl».PyHoDo»r"B«lJnint tea aim Bit TI'KHUAV ""ir Seata-r. Ukn 'Hospitality and Good Food' StarU Wednoday, June Ut Del Mars •'•AMauil- "LITTLE WOMEN" . Miss Connie Sherer' I*. iKiahMk ...... 11.11 Ma - neo. .!«««• AI.I.VSOV. I'rlrr I.AWI'OHII Silver Condors Iv. PtamatM ...... 11.11 Mi "CANOM C1TI" "HOMICIDE" Ac. MNtfcMflk .\. iit-irn "T. Ar. Akn* (IMM Ita.) ..... 1.50 AM E. Kmix • H. WIIMH Ar. CRlcut Mr. CMI. SMJ . . . A JO AM I.IM»A BE OUOU" RESTAURANT 433 PARK AVI<;*ri'<, e-t-teu «r PLAINFIELD llppoiilr ,\n» 'i'rlmbiiue lllilyr. Dine nriiwth.CliMrn.wri* REGENT BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD !• rtMtk * l Deluxe ". I'llIN • "TAKE ME OUT I.I'IHI IIIIIIM:. llhrl WA'I'I.IIS TO THE BALL GAME" MHIilu llOI'CIHr * Mini, (llhrr» * "HIGHWAY 13" Georie Choag'a MOMIAV—»I«KIIIIHB SHOW Al.l, MI'.A'I'S Illh', I'llv Iiir. SIMW of the Year— ('l'li'krl» Vim »n Xnlr) Chi-Am Chateau Album of the Year— THE OXFORD ROUTE 29, MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. "SOUTH PACIFIC"- . . . A Hulli'r llrmlp Thrnlrp with the original Broad- I'rinn SI. rl.AIM'lll.l) cl-iir.lMI BE ALLURED TO DANCE way cut— — .NOW HIKMVIV If* imU a JVIee Ritfe im m Idem TfcrlU BY RAY DeVALLEE and HIS ORCHESTRA Available on Columbia |llnK CHONIIV, Ilk Ill IN ntM F««l Featuring ALLEN PAUL, Vocaliit Record* .... VAMIKB PIAN NOW TO OIVE THE FAMILY A RIAL TRIAT both SUndard and LP. (In Twfciih'<»li»i*) FOR THI HOLIOAr EVERY NITE EXCEPT MONDAY NITE — Vital IIlit I'Vllliirr — From 8:30 P. M. to 1:30 A. M. At "THK I.AHV 1IAMIIT" wiii Mt • »h«aM p w ivrcry r^witj nnra 19 w nvy 5-COURSE LUNCHEON from .78 MMI • . , rmthd msntrt . . . cttfffww ' 8-COURSE DINNER from $1.25 PLAINFIELD RISMVATtONS ' OPEN EVERY DAY INCLUDING MONDAY tOU THI »H0NI i FROM 12 NOON UNTIL 2 A. M. 27 ELM STREET THE STRAND ULTIMATE IN DANCING Special Attention CiVen To R«wrratf*M For P«rtr B«n«u«l. $OM. I-11M 1 Wettfield 2-1448 VISIT THE TELEPHONE WESTFIELD 2-3873, 2-01 S3 A Walter Reade Theatre Why Not Start % Complexly Air-Condilionti : Ord.r. Put UATo Take Out "We Specialize In Records" STARTS THURS., JUNE 2nd, FOR 1 WEEK Oft the Week by FAR HILLS INN lor • WIBMNM Trying Our Som*rsel'j Finctt Reitaurnnt For Lasting Gifts ROUTE 31 SOMERVIILE FOR THE 5-COURSE Utm lo "KWiI»r ai feature, for your approval' Ktllos W0T0 Belly, U >15 to UiM GRADUATES llllni'lHK Mvi^r)' Hn- Mitltf To llul, Hitrrllnu mill IIIM VISIT CLUB BREAKFAST at low at . 45c GREGORY'S BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH . .85c Complete Line of Musical Instruments COMPLETE DINNERS as low as . 85c and Records

All Mutical Instrument! A FULL SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE. BOB YECK Repaired on Prcmines at ., „„ II '"'"« '"K Historic Moderate Prices by Factory ING RID I. l' »'• •|l" l'"""" Trained MecKnnic BERGMAN ;oll'H vmi'iiffir, i s.c

fi!jucvi by WALTER WANGEIt TOP'S GREGORY'S mMb« VICTOR FLEMING IS NEVER CLOSED MUSIC CENTER 1IA'I'IM0I:M — ADI I,IS 71,', I llll,lllli:\ Mir Luncheon FVnr* T»-»y . 78c 310 WEST FRONT ST. iS, H\T, A HI V — AIHl.Ts »l.ll«, « II 11,1111 UN Mir ROUTE 29 . MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. TICKETS.I'NOW ON SALE —Freeholder Herllch for Fin i |.|K.Me Pudle.r. KiK- \ County to approve the plans snfl : a tmtribute towards name, vas re- •i.nce Comniittee, approving eiichr A ^_^ IP I *" flu "ft' tlawa to become Kenny LfGAL BridfeJ!, Drainage and personnel fi-ctions of various dfuaW . Donates Pamphlets rol commute*. ment.% was on roll caJl imanimouBly , A-DpCJIlS a OF technicians. The training for HUTS i HOTICK OF Mewnmrnmnr. . \ 14, JUS adopted To Local Library ,1 ihi ineiT.hei Supt. of Public Work", advising •/- n* • es will include a course in physical i.pies j si.-U leave Kranted to four em- i4) — Freeholder King f<(1 Fur- ThaNOTICt the Eaccoun IS tHEREB of the YKubse.ri GIVKNb . | desks. chafing <*omiiiittee, lunhoi-izh as ExiHUtor of lile l&fct Will iind j : pluj PPS, with pay. RCnnV lrSlllfCS therapy at the Mayo Clink, Ko- Rti-ojrnizin;; tlit' widespread pub. Res,. i,,M Hull all'K uiipruvei I Following monthly reports were piMchaMe t»f H 3l*4H Pontiac f Tesitmnent of Theodore S. Clasv. mis adopted. Dejit. of Weights and Me / J Chester, Minn., loading to certifica- iir intoivst in consumer credit. The t,<, orm d piiiO. 'received and ordered fllod:—County tbf- deeeii^eii, and as Tiusu-e of thv inmit-ations wer from Mason Motors, Iue (tf New Jersey I'onsLiiiier Finance As- Trust under the Sixth Paragraph of Folk. : Treasurer; Purchasing Committee: side, al their bid of Ju&g lull i tion as physical therapists. The _..j iMiK-L-ii lileii — jSupt. of Weights xnd Measures; ami said Will. will be audited mi.! re iiK-!udts u- trade-in uf H i'.u.. ,,,. The demand for Kenny trained i period for training- will be ;>u s-x-iation luf donated a cullwtic. n . Ktateil by the Km rugate, and re- ( AssH. Agriculture! A^rent. 1 mouth, was yn roll call unanimuu-. technicians to administer the uf.-j months for nurses and IS months of ram]..h]fts a:ui bonks n tilt SUO-1 ported for .setllemetit to the Union ' ,.* ndiiiK inviliitli'ii u. tt-ttelld 1 ft- U>—Freeholder Bauer for lioiid ]y adopted. ' " ; County Court, Probate Division, on [ ...jn. ut their office at ii !>! • »>•. . ject lo the We.-itfidd Library. , ra referred So Committee, approving work of con- (j> — Freeholder Bauer f>, v>^ modified Kenny treatment to polio I for physical therapists. Secure and i Thursday, tht lCtTi day of Jffne, jd0y Aprip l 2i2,, 1»4». structing drainage {structure and v Wh Public Property, Grounds and Buit'd* patients yiows greater each day | continuous employment is assured.' John E. Pitctier. manager of the cuiiimitiaa of the grading on Diamond Hill Koad, ings Committee, accepting offer of r-ouulT Clerk, e of Twp. of New Providence, and %'ith the use cf the Kenny treat-1 Vacations range froni two weeks' Friendly Finance Co.,"who present- WestSeld. K. J. John FiramoBca and Harold Yooi iiulh of Offic.e o_f MiUfiiA. FeMer (tthorismVuri*inge "pVymeni'"opayment off "final bill 6y for renting their premise*: cm Snuii^ ment by medical men in combatting', sft«r one year to four weeks after; ^ on behalf of the as-jsNEVlLV & ELY. Attorney's. JudKe of the District Court, anditjayg after the acceptance thereof, Union St., for additional Park ins Westflcld. N. J. UVaUi uf Office of <*harUas E. Ayvrs j \\ n ununimously ad^iit- the disease, it has been announced.! three years of service. j sedation, stated that there is a de- vv;is on ri! Cii ffpacen, both fur a term yf fivP ytars jas (Njmn.lNnioner uf Juries. , ! ed. jit a mouUily rental of $7r. on and - The nued for enrolling more stu-j Kiysical therapists and rejrister- sire on the part of teachers, stu- FurchaKing Department, advising i .{o}—Freeholder Bailor for Koad $10.00 respectively, was on roll tall- dentsto learn the treatment haSje() nurses under 40 years of age, j dents, business men, public lead- OF SCI l,id, received for Koad Oils for in* j ConimHu-e. authorlxinK County unanimously adopted. j OP BTATK Jiuad JJepartim-nt and also for j Koad Supr. to sell old scrap nwUU keen m bottleneck in many instances j male ol- female, who would like toj eis and others to know more about OrtlaValc «,r UkHlalta rruflicd Slont, w«e referred to the j at,d obsolete equipment and mater- (6) — Freeholder Herlich moved for some time. nnH the committees i take advantage of the opportunity' the history, background and sig- TO ALL. TO WHOM THESE PKES- ' Kuud I'uininltlec 1 lals as ticrap at ham price obtam- that the Board take up for fm-thi-r I Twp t>f rnion, culliii(r attention i able, not less than $7.00 per gross cojuqOtralkin the bond resolution cf the Sister Elizabeth Ktnny to wield a blow at mankind's No.} nificence of consumer credit. It ENTS MAY COME. GREETING: WHEREAS, it appears to my sat- to danReroUf- traffit- hituiilion al j ton fvr t3he* metal, and to report providinfl" for the issuance of JTO . Foundation are very desirous ofji crippler, are urged to contact I has been estimated, he pointed out isfaction, by duly authenticated rec- intyim-ctk'n ot Uurnol Ave.. Edward ba\e thereof at the »est meet in 000 Road Improvement Bund,** of ord of the proceeding-)* for the vol- Terrace and Stanley Terrace, was of (lie Committee, wag on roll the County, introduced and mUxeil enlisting the best possible candi-jthe committee at the Sister Kenny j that one out of every seven fami- referred t" Road Comniittee. unanimously adopted. on first reading at the meeting uf C|US. dates for the work. | Foundation at 507 Fifth avenue, j lies in the State of New Jersey | unanimous consent of allYhe stock- Mrs. Mary F. Brupliy, expressing sincere appreelatlun fur the tribute The Kenny Foundation is offer-] New York City 17. The phone uses the services provided by the i holders, deposited iu my office, that paid her late husband, Joseph A. C C injr registered nurses and physical | number is Murray Hill 7-2040. Rex' state licensed loan companies op-j^ COrporatlon''Vf thls st'at<;" whoiie iirouhy. , therapists a limited number of'G. Williams is the eastern director erating under the banking laws of' principal office Is situated at Xo. Supt of Public "Works, granting 224 Kant Broad Street, in the Town on« employee nick Stave with pay. scholarships for courses designed at the above address. j the state. of Westiieltl. County of I'nion, State Twp of Sprinjtfietd, regarding the of New Jerney, tWalter C. ijangre, pipe culvert under Henrhaw Ave., hein^ the aaent therein nnd in WHS referred to Hoad Committee. eharpe thereof, upon whom process Purchasing \_'on^mUtee, advising mav he served), has complied with bid received for furnltdilntf 23 loose the* requirements of Title 14. Cor- leaf volumes "Index to Grantees," porations, General, of Revised Stat- aw per spec-flealions s»id recom- ute* of New Jersey, preliminary to niending award of bid to Brown, the issuing of this Certificate of IJCIU & P«'tt, inc.. lowest bidder at |« SERVICES YOU NEED >2*i7ii., was referred to Finance ',VOW 'THEREFORE, I. the Sec- Committee. retary of State of the State of New Joseph Jinl'Haeo, a^kinj? for- a Jersey, Do Hereby Certify that the meeting with this Hoard to discuss —Tax i-cpnrif, monthly audite. Flattering Contractor LUGGAGE REPAIRING said corporation did, on the Twelfth lend ins official election machines to Cellars. hrit-k and ei'tiient. A! Tlil'.N'KS — niBHRhLAS day of May, 1949, file in my office the school for the conduct of stu- FORD TRUCKS and writ sups it f pociulty. Other account intr services avallablti- work K in rant c-eil. We curry w< SUITCASES — I,Af>IKg HANDBAGS a duly executed and attested con- dent election*, was referred to 1^e«- Iieasoiuibltj r«tes. Mc-lvin Pipor, inan'.s i I'lnptnsotiiMi. So joh t(H sent in writing to the diucoHition i«lation and Public Affair* Commit- 1143 East Jeicey St., Eliaabeth pnmll < I1 loo Irtrg-c. litn j;t inin RUSKIN'S of said corporation, executed by ail tee. 5-36."»ti. 5-26-21 Heed. M uson and Plustering t im- I5M Vorlfc A.r.. PLAIKMELU 4-NM the utockholders thereof, which said Home Demonstration Agent, ad- tract ur. WEat. 2-tJH'S. lll l> consent and the record of the pro- viKinar of the resfirnatlon of Mr*. Tito, roof .1 - 2 f i -Mt 5-19-tf ceedings aforesaid are now on tile Phyllis Clark and the appointment «r» *n4 tU in my said office as provided by of Mt*>» Mary Kin&n in her place, r«»«*r*44. W. MIHI.IX.Htr'HIM.. effective April Z2n&- WE REPAIR .Mailinj; ami Typii llea- a*N TBSTIMONV WHEREOF, I County Clerk, encloefnu copy of lTTEM CI.CAWED, Bcvalr^ and Oriees for a prof, ioual have hereto set my hand and affixed Oath of Office of F. Edward• _„ - replaced. Hoofs repaired- Geneial SEWING joh. Ni joh loo small. Why not iny official Heal, at Trenton, the tuempfel as a member of the Tax carpentry. Alterations. J. Leigh. iiiiiuiri-. Twelfth day of May. A. p., one Board. WBBt 2-6<66 5-.">lf MACHINES thousand nine hundred and forty. Boro of Mounta1nsid«, enclosing heavyweight dw Vtt a BINGEB upert lun*-up nine. copy of revolution adopted by thu U-* MIOVVIXH A K-t HOC. KHOP, jroar icwfnjr machina. Reaaonable LLOYD H. MARSH. Common Council, wherein the J chars**. Eattmataa furnUhaf iu PKflAUST in lawn development, (Seal) Secretary of State. .Mayor and Council op>Pl>u*| e the pay- «68 Somerfel St., North l lainlicld, Fees 117.60 V. .1. Phone i'L. 4-815.). Expert al^it expcit inainttMiance. Tho 5-19-3t inent of MOO.OOO ann«ie»< Wark UW.V MOWKNI aMANPEWKU and tuidernlgned, as Executor of the es- UegtKter, advising Ella M. Cot- clottieft made. Mary Handolph, •IrM * aavrlalfr. repaired. Lawn rollers for rent. tate nf said deceased, notice in here- trell terminable her leave of ab- rail WEst. 2-22."i3. S-r.-lf Glazing. Locksmith. General Job- .-ence witli uuy on April 27th, and A. J. STAKNIS 4k SON bing and repairing. Welding. De- by Riven to the creditors of naiil 114 SOI I'M UK. I'AVWOOI), X. t. deseased to elhibit to the subscriber Is now taking- her three weeks va- KKNtl. mi'I'KIKG. faasi, •••.», livery aervlce. George McTntJTe, under oath or affirmation their cation. m FA. -i-mmn 235 N. Elmer St., WEtt. I-J5IS. ravel, clndein, till dirt, top soil. 5-12-tf claims and demands against the es- State way Dept., advising JIbert 1'rlKUletto. Sim Lafayette Established 1920. 5-J-lf tate of said deceased within six approvtu awurda c> Ht, liuliwaj 7-OO41-J. YKSKTIA* II.I.1PI, Caslaai Made, months foom the date, of said orner, contracts to A. L. Handolph and 5da>kali l>rtvf<••»•. con- Super speed service. Hours: 1 p. in- ~-But of workmanaalp. SOTICK or SBTTLKJIKXT thai the Commissioner approved to • p. m. Closed Wednesdays and making payment to Union County crete itidewHlks, curby and i>teps. •uBda'i. XOTICK IS HKHKBV (ilVEN. THat Htone. top soil, grading, seeding. ROY RONEY Ihe final awount of the subscriber, in amount of $96,fcO(!.o«, was re- Slid yewer work. William C. V. MIUaMU Executor of the lact Will and Test- ferred to the Hoad Committee. Ifartinan. 352 Hickory St.. Oar- <3.,f Kxecutor JOTS Central Ave.. Clark Township, MMM . FRANK O. YOUNG PBOTOITa.T«< Dated May 9th. 194». was referred to HoaO Committee. WAI NMB IACNQ- Dl lOUlO A Dl IOBIO Lecal documanu and 3WT COMTKACroMS pap«ra. 14-hour acrvtc*. Waat- 744 Broad St., Newark. N. J. ing this Board to restore the shoul- tnt Atan NK SM. • t J*. 5-o-U KIWU «f rvawat »«rk. fl«M Studio,, til East Broad Bt 5-12-U Fees I" ders to their original widths for Cho/ce of toMS-M's.Chtto.'Maftf 5-5-tfi the entire lengths of Mountain Ave. Beyle Tr«»« Surgery Co. Wntlril X-4111 ar WE. :-4Il»-J. nnd ptalnfleld Ave., was referred to 1 **5?*^ ' •• GHIOH. COVRT OP Hoad Committee. MIT. Ble. Uf CKITRAL AVE. WE9TPWUI Karat* V-SorSik/ »Wr Cam*C.r * *r •ouae palntlas, roofinc ruttara HEW itmswsv Following monthly reports were WCI5-TV Mwu f fXC ; ; and leader*, window caulking, received nnd ordered filed:—Audi- IHn. J'At' niYlfllOVi tors (Wright, Long & Co.): Home Pboac Eli.. 2-4124 rEatTILIir. and protect your plants f**«ral r«»alra. WE. t-1101. t K1OX COINTV -r.-tf! and flower b«di< now by covering 3-3-tf Pemonstratiou Agent; Purchasing W YOW Nil NALOt W IMIT iOIVnY! UOTNKT SO. M 1T5.V4S Committee, and Agricultural Agent. with manure. We have it spread TO E TII.K for «11 purpoKa. Following resolutions were intro- PIANO TUNING utone and cinders for driveways. Eatimates cJadly {riven. By virtue of an order of the Chan- duced anil moved for adoption:-— * REPAIRING. Cellars and attics cleaned—rub- CEORGR W. WILKIMSOX cery DiviKion of the Superior Court (i)—Freeholder Bauer for lloart bieh removed. Let tis clean up 741 t'KKTRAl, ME. of New Jersey made on the date Committee, accepting low bid o? WARREN W. GROFF. your place. WestSeld 2-0fc;,?. hereof, in a certain cause wherein Henry Lohse Co., Inc., of Newark, ymbutbd to USED CAW JOHN MONIGAX, Is plaintiff and •Par a r#a» i-5-tf Cu WE 2 mm for furnishing one new road sweep- you are defendant, you are re- er and their low bid of $6,i»yo.oO, quired to appear, plead or answer wan on roll cali unanimously Ut WalMt St. WE. t-t3U MIMEOGRAPHING, NOTICE plain tiff's complaint on or before adopted. Addressing, Mail Advertising, Pub. Hoon Rtfaitlwtj, the 6th day of July next, or in de- (2) — Freeholder Bauer for the Westfield Motor Sales Ca,f ' mi**m M. *. tmm. «t W— Twsa5-:-tf. lic-5teno.. Telephone Answering. old Boon fault thereof, such Judgment will be Koad Committee, authorizing Com- mad» Hka new br electric ma- taken against you as the Court shall mittee to prepare plans and speci- Ki \iol \ coi'irrBVBKArr , cblne; moderate pricea. R. E think equitable and jiiBt. fications for u new buikling at the 319 WORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD V*L RADIO E. Breaal II. . VbL 2-1«t4 Ooddard. J5J Prospect 8U 'pnone 1 The object or said suit IN to ob- County Koad Yard Dept., in order AXO WK. ;-;S46. -,-r.-tr " tain a judgment of divorce disgolv- to livotect equipment and road ma- i ing the marriage between you and chinery, IVIIN on jo 31 call unani- APPUANCE kADIO SERVICi:— If Y*«r Trw«fcle ] the said plaintiff. mously adopted. SERVICE. is elertronlc, call WEst. $-4€e0. Dated: May 4. 1949. (8> — Freeholder liaufi* for tne REFRIGERATION STATION RADIO A TELEVISION, WILLIAM M. O0U>\VKHKU, Koad Committee, authorizing the Attorney for Plaintiff. Efa» Radio 4 Electric Co, alrtaw AU *ak«a. j 333 9»«lk AIN Westlcf«, A. J. Committee to advortist for, receive UtELarr. CHr.Araw) VCMHI r^-r.-tr j 2932 Boulevard, Joraoy City, N. J. and open bids for the paving of 5-i-tfj O-U-41 FCC *13 Diamond Hill K"»rl in the Tup. and BENDIX ! GEOHGE S. WOODS. Uoro of New Providwict, and report CELLARS. ATTIC« CLKANKU. rub- j WA5HING MACHINES \ Home Maintenance < oinr or ,\KW Mich bldw at a subsequent meeting bvsh, junk carted away, etc. Truck JKRHHV. thereof, was on roll call unani- hired with driver, reasonable- Call ALL WOKK G rA*aLA NXCCOu > Gl'TTKRfl . HOOFING ckmnvrry fllilalon, mously adopted. Westfield S-0S5S or WE. S-4TS8. REDRCORATIXG . CARPCKTRY **. «U CHA*TE*S. i Repair* •! Amy Katare. TO: KUWJN IMBMIIKOW, (O-—Freeholder Her lien for Fin- 717 I-Viurth Htrcct, ance Committee, accepting bid of WE. 24130 ! ItT Elm St*. Westflrld. WE, S-ltiT-J VKIIOJO. Cnllfornin, Urown, J^ent & Pt-tt. Inc.*., for fur- GIVE, to conquer :-:-u i 5-r.-tf Uy vrlttif! of uu order uf iho ntailing: -3 louse leaf volumes "In- WATERPROOFING I Superior Cmirt vt Now Jersey, dex to OnuiU-eH" for Individuals, ' AMI riAMP-PHOOKIVO | (Thaiit'ery iJli'lnlnjc, mude on tIIR 2nd as per spuciflcatiaris, fur the R*-c- •A. HASOVHV WALLS. MAGER j DRESSMAKING Jif»dln and Shin Ciillara Turnrili day «f Sliiy, HU!', In a emme vher**- Itttcr'tt Office at a t-.vm of I2S75., .*. J. ST.\KMS « >iO> 1 K in l>or.H K. Suttuii Duncrkow IM was on roll culJ "unannmjusly adopt-' 14 Snutk Air., lauwoud. II. :- R«frifwatton Serrke j reasonably. Allrrutions. Mrs, iK'tltionoi1 iind you arc (Irfcmiaiit, t>mm**tir — C«ww«rvi«I i Ruth West on. ii29 Ilootscvclt St. »M#talftsl.BC la rrteWalr**. WK, 2-.332-W. :•-."»-If CALL rLAWFIELD «-ri»,V I O. VILLAAB—Ueaerai i*aatraella« %'RW AXO l«*i:i> , W#rk. Estimates given free on Royal falcy representative. Kx- new houses. Special price* civen pcrt repairs on Adders, Calcula- on nil alter Uiel work. WEst tor*. Typewriters. Cull us today. ;077!> ::f PIANO TUNING, THO.MPBO.V T*HEWHITKII, Inr. r REPAIRING. M7 7Vorla Avr. PlalnllFltl •-(H14I wild pl.ilntin Hinl you. County to finance tbc t .-^rr: at a nit-ct- *. MprM(H, DON MAXWELL, Sl'l'KIUOIt Cl'l'llT OK NEW JKK- inK to be held or, !!„>• i;. |!MS. sit to forced filtered air system. Ilol- SKY, I'lmut'cry Division, I'nlun 1:3ft p. m.. wai* on roll t-all unani-' UAItAGCS larid Furnace Co., *ptmne PU 6- We.tfield 2-0226 I'ounty, Docket X«. r 0J4 (S. llc- inonsly adopted. j Cl-STOM lll'U.T to aa'.fh IHS; nisbts. PL 1-K»i9. ivvi'i'ii Knlrvlcw l.'enH*tcf.v. II . cor- hotnr, at ;i r«asnnnb't jiricf. luiriitiiin. iilnlntilT, unil KUzalicth t*. Thorc heinc no fu/sh-r l.tifineKi' : anil upon motii-n <>f Vr*t h'>iiler iU'r- \ puyuu-nts. l^tf^^!\d. .b'.e y'<--i\ J\i l , lfl d i; Hi'li, dujy Netnnd^d «r.^ r^rri^l. ibi1 tlon «-..., Il'i Liberty ~; p i lion for of prcm- lUlivtnr dc-1-l.ircd If.-c i;.,ard a'J- II. 1.1. l'l. «-<](.•. -„ TAILORING PAIVUNC; A.MJ IMPI^IIIM:. jmirno.l. No\( r^^:*'-r r,'-(>, ^t I;.:'! TKLKVIMOX «KBVirK—.1. ; -s i:«llniMlrr. C'hrrrfnllr Glvra. urit uf Kxciuliun ti> im' illrivti'il 1 chilli oxpuM' for ^rtli' \%y iwi\iHe p. m. ANTHONY REGG, vendut, in thr Dihli'lit ('ourl Itnotn, CIIA.-' K £xpcrt work ma n sh i p—i-ha rff ON mi - i»v«ooi> S ITI the T(,urt House. In llK1 litv »if •:.<. V.'jitri. pic, 1'ii E.^iiab!c Kbtiinatcs cheerfully r.-r-if I Ulliitbcth, N. J.: .in Su-wnTt Kiven. I WKIWKSMAV. itrRular m< r x i r- i KLKI THK sth IiAV HK.II'XI:, A. !>. I'M!', t'niinty Hoard >>t * Soalk A>», ink. JnduMriHl rt- MAYFAIR TAILORS, I'.ill ! Bt !«„ i-'cUivK (I'uyllnltl SIIVIPB .l: if i .I'TCtllvcr,, ^\•K^t. I Tlim-) In Hii- aflrnuxiii of unl'l ilny: Kli/ilbV-tlu X. J.. ••ii' T:.;rVo,;- ill «Hlwnv yr. . \VK»I. S-IKIS A 1 1 lnul 12. lIMlt. Hi ):?•» f rn " •.'-•'JVt I " " " '"' l'»icl »f liiml IMrr.-fr MvMnr c iT*-.*i^»i-tr i HIHI jTcniisos, )uTcinuftrr parlltMi- f i I"IA>O TI'VU fill! nhmvc'l ripht W-.L-ini-' • t j Storm Sa^h, %£ C*rj.6iter P»I\TIM; ]>aciin l;ir!,v ill htrn,cil, jiimatr, lylnjr nil,I atxl ntio ativ-m. ui an msa*. | Uf. Jlillfrcti Id Vat- lii'iK In tl>o Town of WrKtllolil, In AKKANC.K NOW fur nj | "it-rly win, y and M.utitr.H of m* ttiKir * "* > Suninur «t-rk a: w Aeolian i ""* Cimmy of Tnlon, nml smtu «f l!>tl», ivcrc .ippr-'VvfJ at- l"-r j I.UrtJ, Z23 C pi'i •" • Telephone W 2-0:-J. N** Tlmf i,a>intr.l>. Cull ;.-'.-tf' BKGIN'.NING nt a utiiUp" in th(^ 110 I.ihrnv St.. riamfuid. l'U • southwesterly line of Kim street, lU-solutlon !hat it 11 hillv H)>] haid stake brint> thr imrthrrly cor- lie tinlrrcd imid. twif ;• do pled iK np.lrliMrChair can. 1 in*-, i ufhins, relinishlngr. A. Miller, ner of formerly NrliimUh iMinhum .-* KullowiUK" tf'ntnsvii! i'-ii! I'.'hh THORBURN'S It: Ni.untaln A»e.. (Vestfield !-] i' i; uu ncc M>uf h l»" \V(•.•>( i wn him- rvcrlvfd Mtid urd<-t t <1 i;)i(i;, - dr.d and Jhirty-ouc (J31 > fert to Supi. *-f Wt-itthij. i:t.() .M« FURNITURE MART »'or dtlails rail Wli 2-tiS.i:^ MIKIN of formerly William T. IVcU, ad vi^illK HIIHUMH f'.-ru «;' il^fj i- UI.H.OWK wx Mo«Eii ; thcin'f North 4*' West HIOIIR huiiis SP1-C1A1.1Z1N>~ in UT Hf,ttr Oni •ir t ii • •f to'-nicrly Mini I'M K uiic liunrircl f..r M|l) i (lnni fr.-t to u flnkr In line <>t 111. l!<':i.iliV' ruJii. IIA ' iMi I'IIWKI! MU\Vi;i;.S LICENSED ELECTRICIAN ^I>. net! nud irl>;iii f il. [ lands loriiurly of JUIIHIH II. Town- .hill ilmirri. Htti find ALL i Ivy: the in- N'r.r (h if KsiH HIK! MH.V ;', 1!'t! Give end keep 9iving A1.1. Tvn:« OF u KIM'S UK HAWS K||.i;ll \ I'intHnc nil said f crnii-rlv Juim^ tl. T«p. -..f t- m:i IMMUM. A iti:i'AiitiN<; Imlumrlnl Wlrlne «.f tlf Kindx. r|.(M\Ml:i J. Ill HI H\. HIHM:II ur M:«- AMI | Tow nicy's line vf hnnl two ImndrfMl ty nnmt-i f ; ;inii i fur ty-ciM' c;:l : rt-ct in ttir «• rurl. *'D 143 CKNTIHl. AVliMK T. Ilurli^idr A» 401 so. i:i,tii:u sr.. tlt\M Wrnllirlil jiif'Ttr-iiM line vf Klin Stt*-»t; lln-tu'i- I imirihif! "ii iti»- )!•!•• ..( |<;im MH-Ircm-it !*•• 1^ (\r»t to quality Marltrt) 1-knnr wi:. :-r.Tsr-M Oprn I nlll T I". It. ' S'MHh ^' l--iif t 'i! SI., educational program WATCHES REPAIRED, KITClirv rVBIVRTs. ' ' Vw Mfii'ld. N. J. : 1111 HUVIIO\ t •a.l.tUN recognize Canter« CLOCKS REPAIRED AM. 1 \ Pi; SI it T:H» »iv)^ti\ifi TOPS ni:i'4ini.Ti KOTHROCK, \V|;,|. •!•;:..!: > IIOOI'IM.. :-i! I A • l i i I Moiisi >1VMI. tit. AVI-'lt.' henn i WM. CRASING, A - ;• their lives lo Altrratt'ini,. n(ldut^n,»i oxstltta in- ! (•rttrrnl RatUlttM; < oniratt» DOLBIER & CO.. fcMllotl: unythjnp eli',-trKl,il ro- MKY DOLLAR I Iinh"*Hl. Mciihiniiiblf prlcrfe for all! :oo <«HOVI: ST,. i:\sr Hi;. ^.:.K>I> pf of tf ll|n^ WI'!. 3-Mi 14, rcinlilciu't |H SLACKS '2.95 Sim* S., M., L. R.,. $2.95 Value BOYS WEAR Corduroy Coat* V. Sanforised Specialising in Clothing '• Cool Summer Wear R«g. $3.95 Value ARMY DRILL ftj-% StpM SUPER SPECIAL forth* >29-36 $ "Rough and Tumble Jr»." UNIFORM WORK CLOTHES TAN PANTS 2.95 Men's Sanforised Age* S-16 Dungaree* DIAL . . . $ Sanforiied . Siict 29-42 Reg. M.00 Western Wear ! Blue Sanforised SHIRTS TO MATCH 12.59 NationauV Advertised 1.98 CAMPING SUPPLIES SPORTS WEAR . IIM DUNGAREES GENUINE STEERHIDE PAJAMAS v i28-42 Reg. $2.19 Valui Army Surplus Sweater* — Tie* \ $2.95 each SIZES — 10 to 16 . . $1.79 LEATHER BELTS Blanket* — Cot* Swim Trunk* >, Weitern Style* Included $ • V "*• Men* and Boy* Sue* 2for 5.00 $ Reg. $1.50-12. Value. M TRUNKS 2.95 Reg. $4 Value We Feature Nationally Advertised Brands Highland Sizes B, C, D at Prices You Can Afford to Pay Site* S., M., L. Reg. $4.00 Value GABARDINE $ LEADER STORE, SLACKS 7.95 WESTFIELD Size* 29-42 iQUE SHIRTS 6 Colors to Choose From Value* to $10.00 Fancy Stripes Reg. $1.25 Value LEADER STORE NAVY GREY . CHINO PANTS 13.95 Pretentt BUILDING H.IMNG COTS *3.9S Sixes 29-42 Reg. $5.00 Maine Wood Reg. $5.95 Value SHIRTS TO MATCH . $3.50 BEST WISHES it CONGRATULATIONS youpf •dvntuM. You'll to the LEADER STORE all t» UeUnf up On Four Newly Remodeled Streamlined Store hMbsa l Uriel «Y»PP«»' ~ *a» BTsrybody dwl Westfield, N. J. Drop in snd.WU, We extend our Best Wishes to the NEW LEADER STORE * prowitl on their 26th anniversary in Union County and their sec- [ the grand opening of their newly enlarged modern store featuring wearing apparel ond year in Westfield. for MEN and BOYS General Contractor Architect BROOKS CONSTRUCTION CO. JULIAN W. COUZENS Highland Milk Welgrume IRVINGTON, N. J. WESTFIELD, N. J. Philadelphia Sportswear — Sweater* Sweaters and Swim Trunk* New York DOMINIC CIUFO ELIZABETH PLATE GLASS CO, , Excavation Work Mirror* . Store Front* Sampslax Trenton Shirt Co. PLAINFIELD, N. J. ELIZABETH, N. J. , Fine Slacks Supplying The Leader Store for Over 20 Years For Men and Boy* with Uniform Shirts ' WM.'GRASING NEWARK LADDER CO. Trenton, N. J. Cabinet Work . Carpentry Ladder* Otis Underwear WESTFIELD, N. J. NEWARK, N. J. .%' Hane» Products Wearwell Products Nationally Advertised Underwear Boys', Girls' and Men's Sizes and Sportswear Uniform Pant* In Stock / ERNEST HEGI •EMERSON SIGN SERVICE Distributed by Scranton, Pa. .„„_ At ... Painting . Decorating ELIZABETH, N. J, , , J. H. Semel & Co., New York a THE LEADER STORE FANWOOD, N. J. 4 Globetrotter Dunham Bros. FEATURE LINES M. DIETZ & SONS, Inc. Shoes — Loafers — Moccasins At DAVID TALBOT Luggage of Distinction Furniture Brattleboro, Vt. THE LEADER STORE: Electrician New York NJWARK, N. J. PARIS BELTS ./' WESTFIELD, N. J. LEV1S Neptune Raincoats Campus Sportswear ADLER HOSE GARWOOD HEATING & A. N. LAGGREN CANVAS CO, Jackets — Leisure Clothes SAMSONITE For Men and Boys AIR CONDITIONING CO. Flag Decorator* — Awning* v Cleveland, Ohio R1PON HOSE New York GARWOOD, N. J. __ PLAINFIELD, N. J. ._ HOLEPROOF m TRU-VAL Clifford Clothes Hutch Sporting Goods FRUIT OF LOOM * W. R. DOLBIER WHITE ELECTRIC CO. Sports Jackets — Clothing DiMribuled by National, HOOD RUBBER FOOTWEAR Linoleum . Asphalt and Tile ' Air Cooling Fans New York New York LEE WORK CLOTHES WESTFIELD, N. J. LINDEN, N. J- THE Wt&VFBSLD THURSDAY. MAY .26. 1949_ Pay Tweaty-Sirf i_niii|rMMJU-iLMmJ]lMr^MMir"TTir"^ T '^ =£•>—...... « JT '' M-Baeta^s^'^——^^^^z"'" Activities In The Churches of Westfield Cong'L Women Annual Strawberry Grace Church to 1st Communicants Festival Wednesday Sermon of the Week To Reorganize One of the most colorful ,,d Hear Pulpit Guests A RULE FOR GREATNESS At Holy Trinity a popular events of the seas.m ^ By Guest preachers are scheduled Rev. A. R»jr Petty, The following children took first Plan United for Grace Church, Orthodox Pres- | Minister, First Baptist Church communion at Holy Trinity Chuivh bylcrian, nt both the 11 a. m. and j Sunday: Organization S p. m. .services on June 5 and 32.1 Arthur Albanesp, Patricia An- Under the leadership or Mrs. H. I 'lual Strawberry Festival. The- at'. On June 5 (he preacher will be 77,; ,,.,7/ ;, f), /„„/ opportunity I will hare to write a trrniov ia *?2 R r r derson, James Annunziata, Patri- A. Voorhees as temporary chair-j >';> which is open to 1h Rev. Prof. Cornelius Van Til, Th. ,-,„. ,/„, HYsf/,>/,/ Ltadtr... 1 take this opporfnvitii to prcfac? mil sermon cia Anthony, Robert Aschenbrcn- M., Ph. D., professor of Apologetics :„,//, the following remarks of apprecitit urn: 1 would like to thank |,, -, David Kabcock, Dolores Bar- man, a meeting of all women of the will be held on' the "chiii'vh""!,!™ el parish of the First Congregational and will run from G to 8 p al Westminster Theological Si-m- ! \y,,n,-r j, J,arise, Kicliard Barchi, Patricia Church has been called at 1 p. in. Strawberry shortcake and coffee Before his inary in Philadelphia and author 1 . . f f/ . Sernwn nf the Week. This in (H r lir l( Thursday, June 2, to effect a sin- will bo served. Since this year f. Prior to), of several book* including The -, |))l( ,-,,'„, veirspajirrs. lunrerer, it has proven itself to be worihvhile • Jjoyil, .lames Boyle, Robert Bren- the tni New Modernism, an appraisal1 o"f' ' ant! helpful. Sincere appreciation is extended to Mr. Lee for affording j Dorothy Brisson, Marion Brit- gle and inclusive woman's organ- church celebrates its l100tO h aimi- »ughont tt n;XTIi versary, it is planned to Barthianism. On June 12 the ?is this opportunity to send out further the power nf the Christian M01)> Joseph llritton, Rosalie Bruno, ization for the church. The meet- . sevlt U|uJp J1](() ing will be held in the parish house, | tbtablel s on thhe llawn, with each table preacher will be Rev. Frederick faith. ' '"Mar y Burficld»—«»i'<, Judythi.^,,fi,eo BurnsF!,,™, Gracey, pastor of the First Bap- Each of us at some time or other j Anne Butler, Joseph Butler. 125 Elmer street, and' includes the j representing a decade in the life o tist Church, Cork, Ireland, and re- j rt annual luncheon served by a com- the Westfield, Methodist Church has asked this question—What are Frances Caprnassola, Rosalie Cal- Tables are to be labeled "!84'|" cently the president of the flaptist the rules for greatness anj how mittee composed of Mrs. Hark Heb- churches of north and south Ire- derone, Eileen Carson, Eileen "1859," "18G9," etc. to brirg out can I apply them to my life to pro- Cerillo, Thomas bert, chairman; Mrs. William Arm- land. He will ha%'e just returned j Casey, Shirley strong, Mrs. Meredith 11. O'llara the centennial theme. duce in it the qualities of jrreat- Clements, John Coanis, Edward from a visit to the west coast. The Thip Hesire is deeply embed- and Miss Mabel Sturgis. Tickets for the festival are be- minister of the chiych, Eev. Don- Collins, Maureen Conway, Joyce REV. ROBERT M. SKINNEU The guest speaker of the after- ing sold by the young people, and ald C. Graham, will preach at both dml in each of us, for whether wo'cory, Alice Creter, Walter Creter, noon is Mrs. Ellis L. Hemingway will also be available at the af- services this coming Sunday. admit it or not we all aspireio live!Thomas Crilly, Francis Cristello, of Verona, president of the Wom- fair Wednesday evening. Heading 1 greatly. Our answers to this ques- Barbara Cui'uel, Mary Darken, plans for the event are Mr. and, Mi '. Graham will be absent frorh tion will be conditioned by the en's Association of the Middle At- his pulpit during the following two Barbara DeCillis, Marion Del Nero, Skinner to Gain lantic Conference of Congrega-. Mrs. Richard R. Alford, councilors I sphere in which our interests lie. Savernio De Marco, Diane De Milt, weeks in order to fill engagements A conscientious admirer of the Red tional Christian Churches. Mrs. ] °f the fellowships. with his musical sermon ministry Carol Denizo, James Devine, Val- A. H. Hoppock will introduce Mrs. Sox's baseball team would hardly erie Duniais, Donald Ehrman, Doctor's Degree in the midwest. His schedule: June be led to acclaim Beethoven as his Hemingway. Lutheran Address 1, Bethany Reformed Church, Chi- Maryann Fahey, David Fletcher, At the business meeting plans cago, 111.; June 2, Immanuel Re- idea! of greatness, but would cast John Foster, Eugene Frekko, John Rev. Robert M. Skinner, pastor his vote for slugger Ted Williams, of the First Presbyterian Church for the new organization will be To Be Broadcast formed Church, Grand Rapids, Fucbs. presented including reports of the Wist, carill Mich.; June 3, Union Service un- for a baseball fan's rule for great- Wilfred, Gerlach, Francis Gieg- will receive the honorary degree of Liaison" of ness lies in one's ability to hit ami | ., Michael Gil- Doctor of Divinity at Hamiltor committee on by-laws by Mrs. J. The Columbia Church of the Air- der auspices of a committee of the el ch Bmcp Gilles ie L. McCorison Jr., chairman, and Sunday at 10:30 a. m., will fea- d Reformed and Christian Reformed to run. Then again, if one were to . Joan Gimb Alme Glennon College's 139th commencement ir Clinton, N. Y., June 12 . nominations of officers for the year ture an address by the noted Luth- churches of Grand Rapids, held at ask an ardent movie fan what his Francis Glyn Jospeh WHiiara vows sines f l rule for greatness would be, he Mr. Skinner, a Hamilton alum- 1949-50 by Mrs. Lawrence E. Hum- eran leader, Rev. Edward T. Bern- orfc Franklin Street Christian Reform Goetz, Martin Grille, Albert Hanke phrey. Members of the by-laws thai,. pasto. ...r of Epiphan,.., y „„„„..,,,Luthera„n «« services, 1 ed Church of Grand Rapids; June would not turn to Einstein but to nus in the class of 1924, will be in- J Jr., Joseph -Harrington, Robert committee include Mrs. Russell A. ChurcChhh of DetroitDi . During the 6, First Baptist Church, Bay City, Van Johnson or Hecly Lr.marr and Hirbour, Dennis Hoffman, Janet cluded in a group of degree re- ing th Mich.; June 7, address at young say that greatness depends upon a cipients among who are Genera' Cordrey, Mrs. J. L. McCorison Jr., war *Dr~ . Bernthal'served as liaison Hutton, John Iovino, Frank Isoldi Mrs. Charles L. Meserve and Mrs. people's banquet, Cedar Grove, good voice and pleasant features. Jr., Barry Ives, William Jones, Omar N. Bradley, A,nny Chief of official between the Lutheran Staff; Edward M. Forster, Eng- Joseph S. Thomas. Mrs. Harry D. Church—Missouri Synod and the Wis.; June 9, First Christian Re Our basic rule for greatness will vary, but it seems to follow in almost Margaret Mary Keating, Timothy V Egbert and Mrs. L. E. Humphrey government agencies which had (5 " ~ «KIW formed Church, Sheboygan, Wis.; every instance that greatness is dependent on some physical or mentall Kempson, Ellen Koss, Ra n d i lish author, and William P. Welsh, ability. If this be true, then the wrestler Angelface, the modern Pasadena, Cal., another Hamilton are co-chairmen of the committee charge of chaplains, the exemp- Elect Offkffg June 10, Orthodox Presbyterian Jeanne Kristiansen and' Dolores on nominations which includes Mrs. tion of the clergy, theological stu- Church, Cedar Grove, Wis.; June Neanderthal man, would be the essence of greatness because of his Kroncke. alumnus and former president of physical prowess; or, Neichie with his brilliant mind concocting the the National Association of Insur- Edward G, Conrad, fllrs. Burton dents and parish school teachers At the meeting o(|y 12, First-Central Baptist Church, Carolyn Labenski, Edward La- W. Kellogg and Mrs. Bruce E. from military service, and the prob- Club of the First (W Gary, Ind.; June 14, First United philosophy of the super race, such as was practiced recently! in Ger- ance Agents. Hamilton's largest many, would be a great man. However, in either case I cannot find benski, Richard Lally, Anita Lat- graduating class—157 men — wil Kimball. lems of conscientious objectors. Church held in the ^ •Presbyterian Church, Mansfield, 0. tanzio, Kathleen Legat, Virgil Le- With the Detroit leader as spokes- 15 Elmer street, Satafci He will conduct the midweek serv- the rule for greatness for the physical and the mental, both of which receive bachelor's degrees at the Plans for the unified organiza- gat, Frank Lotano, Mary Macaluso, man the Lutheran Church will take Mr. ami Sirs. PaB| m ice in his own church here on June are important, do not necessarily develop a great person. To me, there •ceremony. tion provide for a nutnber of ac- is something deeper upon which greatness depends, a foundation that Marie Macaluso, Thomas Maloney, tivity groups to implement and her turn among the other denomi- were elected pmitoitIf • 15. Dolores Mannino, James Mannino, A native of Gouvcrneur, N. Y.; once laid is impervious to all outside influence and stands as an Mr. Skinner was graduated from carry on the various interests of nations of this country in express- 1949-50. The other " Lucille Marvaso, Donald McClem- ignated at this nisti impregnable fortress—to me the basis of greatness is HUMILITY. high school there in 1920, and at- the women of the church. Pro- ing her religious viewpoint over First Methodist Church Let us seek to understand what humility is and then see how- it leads ent, Robert McKee, Kathleen Mc- grams for afternoon and evening the stations of the Columbia 1J road- and Mrs. Thomas U Kay, Harold McMillan, Timothy tended Hamilton for one year. He president; Mr. md Sri to greatness. completed his undergraduate course groups, reading and project groups casting Co. Rev. Fred E. Miles, minister, We have tossed this word around so much that it has almost Meeker, Camille Minnicino, Mar- arc being considered. The organ- Birdsons:, treasurer ul garet Moffett, Elinor Moran, Cor- at Princeton University in 1925 Mrs. William P, Km will speak on "Lessons From the lost its identity. One popular conception of humility has been depicted and was employed by the Firestone ization seeks to be as inclusive in St. Paul's Church Notes Temple" at the morning worship nelia Morris, Carole Nutter, Jen- dynamic interests as in member- tary. Mr. and Sirs. in the caricature of Mr. Milktoast, found' in our funny-papers. He is Tiro and Rubber Co. until V.Vil Elcorae Jr., presided. service this Sunday at IV o'clock. a man willing to be trodden under the foot of anybody, anxious to be nifer Pace, Anne Painter, Laura •ship. All women interested in Pompeo, Edward Roche, Geraldine when he entered Princeton Theo- Tomorrow the church school The Sanctuary choir, directed by] thought of as a worm in the eyes of mankind and is continually pros- logical Seminary. He was gradu- the church are urged to attend choir will meet at 4 p. m.j the Boy On Saturday evening Ruerup, Lorettn Ryan. • the group will meet U1. Richard R. Alford, will sing "Souls trating himself in some act of self-debasement. But this is not humil- ated from the Seminary in 1934 this important meeting. Scouts at 8 p. m. of the Righteous" (Noble), and ity. This is timidity and idiocy. Humility, as Jesus taught his disci- James Santo Salvo, Lawrence At 11:30 Thursday, June 2, the yard for a picnic nip and served pastorates at the On Sunday, there will be a cele- hers of the committee i Edith Andrus, soprano, will sing ples so often, is that attitude in the make-up of mankind that compels Scanlon, James Seiler, William Georgetown Presbyterian Church annual meeting of the Women's bration of the holy communion at "0 Lord Be Merciful" (Bartlett). him to see that there is a power greater than himself upon which he are Mr, and Mrs, Jib I Sherman, Doreen Smith, Grace Washington, D. C, from 1934 to Fellowship will also be convened 8 n. m'. The church school service SOUR, Mr. and Mrs, H«rjj Gladys Crosby Gould will be at the is dependent and makes him willing to stake his life on that belief. Smith, Frederick Smith, Francis 19,'!8 and at the First Presbyterian in the parish house, with Mrs. Paul at 9:30 a. in. will be followed by ( organ. During the service the ley, Mr. and Mrs, Hih Which of us has not stood on the. mountain slopes at the close of Smullen, Susan Soules, Richard Church, Pottsville, Pa., from 1958 H. Pierce, presiding. classes nursery through high and Mrs. Elcome. Christian Citizenship Forum will day and watched the sun slowly making its way down below the hori- Sullivan, Patricia Sulzinsky, Con- until he cifme to Westfield in 1942 school. The 11 a. ni. service will conduct an opinion poll of the con- zon, there to feel the strengtg h and poisp e of thee pinpn e and the oaoak trees stance Van Gorder, John Warren, be morning prayer and a sermon gregation in regai-j to the North Mtside. Union Chapel as theth y stantdd aboubt t us liklik e sentineltil s in tthh e nighih t andd leaninl g upon Joan Waybright.-- =—, Willia— m Weikel, by the 'rector, Rev. Frederick W. Baptist fomnk] Atlantic Pact. Ballots will be their strength to look down into the valley below and watch the colors \ Jean Wells, Joseph Wheatley, Hel- Christian Science Blatz. St. Paul's Youth Fellow- handed to each person present so chancre from yellow to orange and then to a deeper hue until darkness en Wilcox, Joan Winkler, Margaret Highway 29, Mountainside ship will meet at 5:30 p. m. The Hold Picnic J» that each may express his opinion Sunday: sets in, leaving only the outline of the. mountains and the flickering' of Wirth, Joseph Yacka Jr., Stephen Sunday services: 11 a. m." a Young People's Fellowship wjll go as to whether or not the United a thousand lights in the valley, then to raise our eyes upward to the 9:45 a. m., Bible school; 11 a. m., The Woman's As Zuowski. p. in.; Sunday school, 11 atij to the Medford conference. States Senate should ratify • the majesty of the heavens and see the stars arrayed in their brilliance morning worship; 7:45 p. in. eve- First Buffet Ctaiti treaty. The results of the poll will Wednesday evening testimonial ning service'. Rev. Milton P. Achey On Monday, Memorial Day, there dancing across the firmament. Who has not seen such a sight and has meetings, 8:15 p. m. will be a celebration of the holy picnic on Th be transmitted to the responsible not felt like the poet when he said: First Congregational will speak at both of these services. farm of Mrs. officials and elected representatives "Ancient and Modern Necro- Wednesday, June 1, prayer and communion at 8:30 a. m. On Tues- I need not shout my faith. Thrice eloquent mancy, Alias Mesmerism'ami Hyp- day the Girl Scouts will hold their Bit. Pleasant. 31**1 in Washington and to officials of Are quiet trees and the green listening soil. The annual spring flower show Bible study. in coinp: artnrfdWJ2 the Methodist Church. ' notism, Denounced" is the subject Friday, June 3, 7:30 p. m, young last meeting of the season at 2:45 Hushed are the stars, whose power is never spent of the garden department of the for Sunday. p. m. There will be a celebration circle -leaders *S" The departments of the church The hills are mute: yet how they speak of God. Woman's Club is being held this people's meeting; 8 p. m., recrea- o-f the holy communion at 9:30 Guild of the eJiJi"1 school meet Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Golden text: "The Lord' God will tional hour. 1 1 As we see it all we can feel pushing in upon us the deep conviction afternoon and evening in the par- help me; therefore shall I not be a. in. on Wednesday. The parish to attend nmlai* " with classes for all age groups. that we are in the presence of God and we are humble, A new feeling ish house at 126 Elmer street.-The asked to contriW*4 There are second sessions of the confounded: therefore have I set bazaar, St. Paul's Spring Festival, surges through ns which drives us to the conviction that we of our- public is invited. Tickets are avail- my face like a Hint, and I know will be held on Friday, June Ii Horn. nursery and kindergarten depart- selves can do nothing: but in all our great acts there pulsates the spirit able at the door. Your Classified Adv. ments at 11 a. m. The Christian that I shall not be ashamed-." (Isa starting at 11 a. m. and continuing of God. As Jesus said, "It is not I that worketh but the Father that Troop 74, Boy Scouts, will "meet 50:7). Alwayi Bring* Results through the day and evening. LEADER WAJlSM Citizenship meets at 9:45 a. m. in worketh through me." the parish house; and the Open with Grovcr J. Baldwin, Scoutmas- Sermon: Passages from the King As we humbly present ourselves to God we find our ideas and ter, at the YMCA Friday at 6:15 James version of the Bible in- Roor Class meets in the sanctuary attitudes toward life change. There comes to us a new confidence in at the same hour. p. m. for a swimming session. Mem- clude: our work, for as we labor for the good of others we know that we bers of the troop and Scouters are "This I say then, Walk in the The junior high fellowship will labor not alone but in the presence of God. We lose all feeling of meet at the church at 5 p. m. Sun- requested to note change of tima Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the arrogance or of self-sufficiency for we are now co-workers with God. and place of meeting. There will lust of the flesh. For the flesh •day. All 7th, 8th and 9th grade John Ruskin says in his "Modern Painters" that the true test of a young people are invited to attend. be no regular troop meeting at the lusteth ngainst the Spirit, and the . great man is humility. He goes on to speak of this characteristic parish house this week. Spirit against the flesh: and these Christian Science At 7 p. m. Sunday the Senior, jn reference to some of the great men of history such as Albert are contrary th%one to the other: Youtvit.h FellowshiFollnwohinp meet»p*s in •*»the ' Duerer, Arnolfo, and Sir Isaac Newton, and then he closes with this Dr. McCorison is" preaching at MYF room of the parish house and the Memorial Sunday service at so that ye cannot do the things high school young people arc in- statement, "They have a curious undersense of powerlessness, feel- 10:50 a. m. Sunday on "This New that ye would." (Gal. 5:10, 17) ing that the power is not in them, but through them, that they could Birth of Freedom." Miss Joan Correlative passages from "Sci- vited to attend. not be or do anything else than God intended of them and they see The Young Adult Fellowship Derbyshire will be the soloist. ence and Health with Key to the Can something divine and God-made in everyother man they meet, and are Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy will meet at 4 p. 111. Sunday at the endlessly, foolishly, incredibly merciful." . At 9:30 a. m. the junior church home of Wesley C. Peiser, 2456 Hill will meet in the Chapel of the include: As we gain this confidence we become increasingly aware of our Holy Spirit with Harold VerBerk- "There is but one real attrac- road. deficiencies. How small we really are yet how tig we can become. This church will participate in moes conducting the service. The tion, that of Spirit. The pointing We begin to thirst after righteousness and there emanates from us church school will meet in the par- of the needle to the pole symbolizes Meet Your Needs the Community Memorial Service a new energy that scorns to transform our work from meniality to work at the Presbyterian Church at 8 ish house.. Preparations for Chil- this all-embracing power or the at- of vital importance. In the attitude of humility we begin to dren's Day are being made lor the p. m. Sunday. Rev. A. Ray Petty, live greatly. traction of God, divine Mind." (p, minister of the Baptist Church, observance on Sunday, June 12. 102). Attend a free lecture entitled will be the speaker, and delegations When humility takes hold of us we are cognizant of the fact that The nursery school meets in the we are not the masters of mankind bu£ the servants of mankind. Ws from various patriotic groups will parish house at 10:45 a{ in. Mrs. forget to look for what we can receive from others but instead seek Anthony Paone has charge of the Garwood Presbyterian attend. The service is held under for places in which we can give. How aptly Jesus phrased this thought the sponsorship of the Westfieltl session this Sunday morning. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: when he said, "Behold, men ol the first shall be last,' and the last shall The regular meeting of the Jun- Rev. Eric Tougher, Minister Council of Churches. be first. . . Whosoever exalt himself shall be humbled and whosoever, Sunday. 9:45 a. in., Sunday The following activities are shall humble himself shall be exalted." I can never forget the story ior-Hi Fellowship will be held at 5 p. m. Sunday in the parish school. 11 n. m., morning wor- HOW IT CAN scheduled at the church 'for the about Jesus when he was with his disciples in the upper room. There, ship; sermon, "The Feeding of the week beginning today: .seated about him, were men who were willing to give all they had for house. The meeting of the Pilgrim M Fellowship Is scheduled at 7 p. m. 6000." 7 p. in., Christian Endeav- At 8 p. in. tonight there will be him. He was, in their eyes, their master. Yet, Jesus girded himself or. 8 p. m., evening service; the HELP YOU i>. meeting of leaders of the various about with a towel and, through humility, washed the feet of his The traditional Memorial Day exercises are scheduled for Mon- study in Galatiaiis will be coir church departments and organiza- disciples. He performed the task' of- the humblest servant. Nothing United. tions to plan the calendar for the was too small for him to do, for he was the servant of mankind. day morning at the Plazn, the Rev- by 1IMU-50 church year. The meeting olutionary Wu'r burying ground Tuesday, 8:15 p. in., all-church will be held in the pnrish house. Yet, too often in our daily work we hear statements like these: and at the monument in Fairview family party arranged under the Friday at 8 p. 111. the Sanctuary if you don't push yourself forward no one else will; or, if you don't toot Cemetery. Participation is urged. auspices of the church session. ARCHIBALD CAREY, C. S. B. your own horn it will go unheard; or still again, Christianity is a The annual meeting of the Wom- Everyone is invited. choir will rehearse at the church. wonderful and fine way of life, in fact, there is nothing quite like it, The picnic for members of the en's Fellowship has been culled for Wednesday, 2 p. in., Women's Detroit, Michigan but don't bring it to work for this is no place for it. We seem to be Bible class at the manse. Carol, Crusiulcr, Wesley Buys Club suffering from nn overdose of "pushitis." Thursday, June 2, 11:30 a. 111. in •, Member of the Board of Lectureship o nnd C'lmpel choirs, which WHS post- the parish house, Mis. Paul II. Thursday, 1 p. m., Women's Mis- The last thing I would have us think about humility is paradox- sionary Society Friendship lunch- The Mother Church, The First Church of , poned l'roni lust week, will be held Pierce, president of the fjroup, wi c(m> A|, this Saturday. The groups are te ical. The more you know you arc humble the less humble you are, preside. At 1 .p . in,..._. luncheo. n wi 1 con.thei r Alfrile women of the church and in Boston, Massachusetts for humility knowcth not itself. Uriah Heep, one of Dickens ehn'r- be served, to be followed by an ad- their friends are invited. The film, meet at the church nt lli'JO u. in. ncters, was always ringing his hands saying, "I'm a humble man, a to go to Echo Lake Park. dress by Mrs, Ellis L. Hemingway Gateway to the Americas will be humble man," yet his life wns all hut humble anil it is apparent, shown. 8 p. 111., choir rehearsal On Wednesday the Mulhoilist as wo read the .story, that he never knew what humility meant. Uriah of Verona and the organization of p Youth Fellowship will sponsor th. : • not n fictitious character but a living ptiTsomficntiou of tho? a unified women's society. nt tlio church. unmiul strawberry festival on the is noi u uciiiious cnaracter hut a living personification of those who The Westfield Community Cen- church lawn. Strawberry short- think they are humble. We must be more like the saint who lived such ter will present IJolford V. Law- TUESDAY, MAY 31 cuke ami i-ottVe will be served from 11 godly and beautiful life that the angelis came to investigate his son Jr., of Washington, 1). (;., us 0 to K p. m. Tickets may bu pur- secret of puwcr. They summoned him and siiid that they would give guest speaker at 11 Rooster's Rally chased in advance, hut will nlsn be'. to him the gift of performing miracles so that by the touch of hi; Sunday, June 12, at.'! p. in. at the Roosevelt Junior High School. The 8:30 p. m. in prdHTiini includes IIICIIIIICIH by the Community Center Choral groups an4 also solo numbers by Miss ROOSEVELT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Fannie Jones, vocalist, mid Miss HEARING AIDS IVnolope Johnson, violinist. Pro- AcMsvament of AUDITORIUM ceeds will ho lidded to the Com- MU TELEPHONE lABORATOMttl munity Center building fund. UTIRI ffomi oi Offlc* Dimtmit'olloa angels decreed that wherever the shadow of Ibis saint fell where he, FAHS-MATTHEWSJnc.1 himself, could not nee it, the shadow should cure disease and heal First Uiiitariun Society First Church/Of Christ, Scientist, Madison Ave. Chapel broken henrts and wipe away tears. 1139 E. JERSEY ST. ( And so with us, true humility tnkes possession of UH without Sunday: IO: a. in., olmrch I tUZAIETH, N, J. - EL. 3-AJH of Westfield, N. J. 10 a, in., Sunday Kcboot. Hi'liiinl scMsion ill tilt! pnriiili IKUIHC, , 11:40 u. 111,, worship nervicc, Rev, our knowing il, and we bring help to those whn are in need. .Cptn Tliurt. Evanlnai Until I P. M, For us to have the qualities of greatness we must build our lives II a. in., Hurvico i'f worship, with Henry 1,.-Jacobs will pi'uuth th around the Imsic rule of humility unii [fiv« our livuM to the iitunonwil Mormon by Mr, dewier, iSvi'nmn - BATTI5HIIW FOR All Are Cordially Invited . with God. topic ;"Tlint They Smill Not llavu ALC. IHMRINO Died In Viiin." _TSE WESWIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 Smith, Colson meeting the matter of policies end [dditional Church News Tucker Addresses general methods uf operating busi- to l«ctive Cam CUk to Co-Op Delegate* nesses in this area will be dis- p»oc«M. cussed. Hlgimt DeMoby Honor Mwt f anight to Hear Redeemer Lutheran Rutgers School At a recent meeting of the board Ralph Kefvil, pant master coun- Carl Sanchez, one of the leading ent of Russia of directors of the Westfield Con- Presby. Nursery cilor of Sir Galahad chapter, Or- speakers on photographic subjects Sunday at. 10:45 a. m., the di- NEWARK—Totalitarianism nnd - timers, Inc., the annual meeting der tvf DeMolay, and a member of! Ttmu he present system of hiirhly pro- School Skit Tonight Atlas Lodge, will receive the high-i in the metropolitan area, will be Kiger, a student at Rut- vine service will be conducted by of Eastern Co-operatives, Inc., was Pastor Walter Reuninj, who will gressive incomes taxes in the Unit- discussed and K. D. Smith and E. est DeMolay «w»rd, the Legion of jguest at » mealing of the West- nivn'sity studying for his : preach on the Bible Book of the ed States were described las! week A. Colston were named as delegates, The Presbyterian week-day nurs-- honor, ot » public investiture Tues- field Camera Club tonight at 8:16 ASPHALT ; dt'iriee in Russian history, by Dr. Hufus S. Tucker oi Hill, et'y school will present a skit en-1 day at 8:30 p. m. in the Masonic the guest speaker of the Month. His subject has been an- with John Birdsong and James O. in the Westfield Tennis Club. He SOUTH AVENUE nounced as "The Book of Jonah side avenue, economist .for Cenera] Jaffee as alternates. This meeting titled "Mother Goose's Garden! Temple. ! Sunday niglit. His topic Motors Corp., as having the same Party" this evening at 7 p. >n. Al] | will speak on the Mcdiobrom pro-' "I'oiiniiunism ami the Chris- and Its Message.'* will be held May 28 and 21* at the The New Jersey State deputy of • The Sunday school meets «t 9:30 effect of operating as restraints those interested in tho school are' DeMolay, Rev. Bra. Kovack, SS de-: fchmvli." New School uf Social Science in invited tit attend. ; a. m. in three departments, Bern- on progress. New York and will be attended by gree Mason and past grand master y of the Spires went on tliej hoidt Mahler, superintendent. New Dr. Tucker, speaking at a lunch- The school will close June 10 and of Masons of the State of New PIANO TUNING PIANO f.u Mai-ili'WiHid to the Prospect/ delegates from some 200 in-oper- re^*:-,strations are How being taken enrollments received at the main eon 'conference of the Rutgers ative societies in the northeastern Jersey, will conduct the public in- Per ntrtt ««ifc rail:— Pri'sbyli'i'ian Church Sat-1 door. The Adult Bible class meets School of Business Administration [for fall enrollment. If interested, vestiture, assisted by a team of 18 (ami Sunday nights. About! wholesale organization which residents are asked to contact the in the chancel, after opening devo- at the Robert Treat*Hotel in New-serves and is controlled by ail local Legionnaires from various p«rts c. [ires attended the carnival on ark said, "Totalitarianism, in ad- nursery school as soon as possible i tions. Current study is Matthew co-opei alive societies. At this of t lie state. Seven of these are ay niifht, when the Pros- dition to its other features 'lit We. 2-1)570 or We. 2-2382. former members of Sir (iuluhad tillrMrll PaflBralx On HfMlr W»rk Urtmitm**' presented, among" other chapter 3. Tuesday at 8 p. m,, meeting of tends to reduce the standard of chapter, [ 240 N*rth Aw., W., CRAWFORD T*l. Cr. 0.1SIM* an old-fashioned melodra- living of most of its victims. The On Sunday night, J. R. Pop-the teaching staff. Bible study— chapter 13 of Revelation. income taxes in America reduce • executive of radio station the number of wealthy persons, spoke to the groups, Wednesday at 8 p. m., meeting o# the Church Council, with 're- the amount they can invest, and aie still working on the ports of all committees. the incentive for them to invest o Indian project. This week,; in socially-desirable risky invest- more large packages of cloth-{ ments. Kit' shipped to two of the mis-Grace Church "Unless this process is halted LOST fcics in the fields for the ln- and even partly reversed," said l)v. fin Arizona. Tucker, "our system of private en- TIME CAN NEVER BE REGAINED . . . r post high-school young peo- Westfield avenue and Dorian 1'oad The minister, Iiev. Donald C. terprise will find increasing difficul- wplcome to join the Spires ty in continuing to raise the Amer. C'mon In, Gals! Graham, will preach on the sub- ,,,• nights in a period of ttevo- ican standard of living as it has ect, "The Witnessing Church" at A COMPARATIVE SHOPPING TEST HAS nhich ii followed by a social the 11 o'clock service this Sun- done so effectively in the last hun- day. His subject at the 8 o'clock dred years." PROVEN THAT YOU SAVE TIME WHEN service will be "The Problem of a Baptist Church Troubled World." This is another Robert Johnston YOU in the series on "Life's Problems" Get in the i will be Rev. A. Ray Pelty's and will be particularly appropriate Wins Actor's Award iy in Westfield, for he to Memorial Day. j June 1 for a brief vacation Sunday school meets at 9:30 a. Robert S. Johnston, a 'graduate fcw Hampshire before motor- m. with classes for all ages. H. of Holy Trinity High School, and SHOP CO-OP Jest to take up his new pas-M. Partingtoti is superintendent. author of two original radio plays, swim in a The Community Church The adult class meets at 10 o'clock has received' an award for the best Hila Vista, Cal. At the morn- with J, E. Faw leading the discus- actor in a statewide drama comjie- MAKE YOUR OWN TEST AND irvicu of worship this coming sion. tio nat Hasbrouck Heights, The y Mr, Petty will preach on The midweek prayer and Bible play, Submerged by Cottman and SHARE IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST. .pic, "In the Image of God." hour will be held on Wednesday Shaw, was presented by the'CYO (sin will take place during the evening at 8 o'clock. Players. ami the choir will render 1 jntheni, "liecessional" by De- YOU MAY WIN: "Christ in Flanders" by ^Stephens will be suns by Holy Trinity Church irt 1. Schall, tenor soloist. I be Mr. Schall's last Sun- Sunday masses at (!, 7, 8, 9, 10, A $325.00 TELEVISION SET ,j minister of music. J. Lea- 11 and 12. Sensational In th» turf or on tht beach, pbcrlson, who has been organ- Daily masses, 8 and 8:30 a. m. Model 810, with Daylight 10-in. picture tube First Friday, G:I30 aiid 7:"0 a. ffi, and! FREE IruUllation you'll look your bt«t in lh«M r several months, will take Sacred Heart Devotions after the ntw tun ttylti by Carolina. the duties of organist and 7:.'IO mass. A VACUUM CLEANER director, Novena to Our Lady of the Mi- Specifically dmianid to re is a nursery class for raculous Mddal and Novena to St. with all attachment* , makt the most of your flo- I children during the church Juile every Tuesday evening at 8. A BICYCLE — A PRESSURE COOKER ur*, spirited California ita- departments of the church An Automatic ELECTRIC IRON lid* printi and cxcluilv* will meet in their regular Christian Science fabrics,., mad* for fun IDIIS at 9:!50 a. m. There are Program Sunday for all age groups and the WEEKLY PRIZE WINNERS FOR MAY 21tt in th* tun all tummir long. i Bible class is taught by Mr. The Columbia Network "Church Mn. A. W. Pf.ff, 525 Fir.t St. Print from 6.00 to 11.00 I'Union Memorial Sunday eve- of the Air" series will, carry a $S.0O Buket of Groceriei Christian Science program on Sun- .ervicc will be held Sunday Mrs. William Elcher, 636 Hort St. at 8 o'clock al the Pies. day morning, from 10 to IOI $2.50 Me.t Order Jin Church, with Kev. A. Ray The subject of the address will be broaching on "Got! So Loved "For Cod So Loved the World." Mrt. Wm. E. Burbank, 41S Everton Pi. Iforld That He Gave." AH Tune in to Station WCBS, New 1 Pound Co-Op Coffee societies tintl veterans or- York. jtions in the community will Ufa Catalina't Wild Duck d» Ipate. AH ave welcome. Mrs. Montgomery Heads JUNt IN STATION tlgn on a convertible Ctlanett i of the Baptist Youth »uh that can b* worn with or 'ship are UVKCII to nttciid the Parenthood Committee CffilH IIMIfHITHIi Memorial service at the WJZ without ttrapt for activ* swim- JU'i-i;m Church instead of. Mrs, Harry Montgomery was re- «) WESTFIELB, lie. ming or sunning. their usual meeting in the elected chairman of the Planned at 6:45 P. M. s study, Parenthood Committee of West- 15*00 iday at 3:30 p. m., meeting field at an annual luncheon meet- •FOMtOMOtVYOUR Scouts. ing held at her home Monday. 433 SOUTH AVENUE Inescday at 7:30 p. m., meet- Other officers are: Vice chair- (Eatt of Traffic Circle; near Wettfield Ave.) 1 Roy Scouts. man, Mrs, John Mavsh; treasurer, riiursdny, June 2, the Worn- Mrs. James MacLean; recording Association wlil hold a picnic farm of Mrs. Herbert C. in Mt. Pleasant. All those |ng to go are asked to eon- peir circle leaders. Members Friendship Guild' are also You ought to be null they are urged to get fch with Mrs. Frank \V. Horn. driving a [Thursday, June 2, the mis- ' committee will meet at the at 8 o'clock in the evening, day, 7:.'i() p. m., senior choir irsal. "'day, 9:4B a, in., junior choir •nl. tlren's Day will be observed rhurch on Sunday, June the regular 11 o'clock serv-

iniiinc .Time 5, the interim will be Dr. A. LeGrand, G5 avenue, Orange. (Bbyterian Church

a. ni., Bible school, with de- icnts from nursery to adult. i Norton Bible class for Mrs. Robert C. Taylor, ir; Men's Triangle Bible class, it C. Iiartell, leader, and 11 a. m., worship serv- Itev. Mei-le S. Irwin will 'h the morning sermon on the "The Transforming Power Right: A woven lastex suit list." with convertible bra, half a. in., church-hour nursery. skirt, fagotted side and bra '0 l). m., Junior High Young *HyUH Hotly by HHIIIT I'H haiiiliMiinely upholstered ami appiiiuted. It ntriotic societies and veterans offers the nmnziiif! tlriving ease of (jM Ilyilrn-Malic Drive.* Anil it carries IN PLAINFIELD IT'S liziitions in the community the well-known I'ontiuc promise of long life and fine, dependable perform- In-i'ii invited. mice over the yeiirs. loir practice schedule: Tiies- We honestly lielieve that no other car carries such definite, assurance of '10 p. m., junior lioys choir; WORLD'S IWHTIf T IKGINII really enjoyable performance lit so low a cost. We invite you to come ill mill 'day, !1:,'!(! p. m,, junior girls Ynii rcnlly IIIMI'I know wllul loiilli^lit |«'rforiiiiuirc in until take the wheel yourself. We're sure you'll be very plraiuntly Hiirprised. Thursilny, -1 p. m., Chnpel ynii'vr ilrivrn hiiliiiitl llto ^rral 1 onlim? vw-jw.. h* pourr, il» "i ]i. ni., (|uurlet; S p. in., (|uiel NinooliinrK^ firnl lift cconouiy uro n revrlation—und will A Vrwlxui (>/ General Motors lie for inili-b nnd luilcu! /ycaenoa PHONE PL. 6-5900 low Grove Chapel p a. in., Ilibli. school. RAWSON MOTORS SALES, Inc. •'" ii. in., woi'rfliip Fcrvice, PONTIAC SALES AND SERVICE ! "eiiry L. Jucoba will Jireacll 433-457 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J.PHONE WESTFIELD 2-370O leiniun. THE WESTFIELP LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949

"I doubt," she said, "if anything j our urban dwellers has increased The groups. Neither dictatorship nor! Home Owiietehip else in human life yields the same in the past decade from 40. to 61,4 I the weak and shifting coalition of. County Pools ) Congressman Case Explains Position 'splinter groups is acceptable to us. Week Cdebratecl measure of satisfaction and com-and in New Jersey the average is j We must make our system work. ] fort as the security provided by substantially above the national. Nancy Reynold:;, president of the home ownership. It's a grand In Voting Against Wood Bill j Up to the present we have nifiilf Open Saturday West field Hoard of Realtors, stated lour system work, except on uiie feeling." that Home Ownership Week, now Congressman Clifford P. Cane, hi i cause it actually inviteil a viola- occasion. Because we have suc- Swimming pools in Wheeler Governor Driacoll said in pro- being observed throughout the! tbc following letter to the Leadvrlixon uf its own prohibition against Kileedci,v. l in this, tine iiarly fan fol-Park, Linden, an-,1 Ualuvay Kivei claioiinji thia week as Home Own- /explains his jjoKition on the > ecctit! the closed shop. (In the face ol \ow unoth.'j" in power without rev Park, Kahwny. will open for ll.e state, is spoil'ored by the Now Jcr-1ership Week that the percentag-e tebctr bill. (that invitation, an employer would oly lion (he people of the country ihst time this season at 1'i uoou sey Association of Heal Estate | "f home owners nationally among know tlmt neither party is a Why did I vote aw-inst the Wood be placed in an impossible posi- on Saturday, (ieor.-e K. Clou, as- I lini-iN and has the official endorse-I Bili and to recommit the matter to tion— he would be under almost ii -,'throat t I he \itiil i nil-rest? of anysistant suueiintendciil of vtvren- 'ticuiar uroup. Th< ' will iiient of Dov. Alfred E. Drist'o Committee for further cotii-idera-! resistible pressure from the union ! pui'ticul Civil Wa'';tioii, has announced. The ] «he added that the annual observ- LAST 3 DAYS tion? to hire only union members, yet,!\ya - the result of our Miiide fail-1 also open at noon on Sundaj in the past. ance of Home Ownership Week has I shall try to make my position if he did so, he would be liable un on Memorial Day, Sir. ('run for its purpose the dramatizing of 20% OFF SALE dear. 1 hope, for two reasons, for a violation o'' the law.) -Ami; We must continue to make our(TJurit\£ the ! [lowing week they 'one of the basic concepts of our Gift* . Gadgett. Houtewarei that 1 can succeed. this provision of the Wood liiil j ..ystcm work. Within each jiai'ty | w.jl] open at 2 i. in. except * " ' A ..luvi.u, n \>:n: of life tile IJU'ht In the Jirst place, everyone has would not have satisfied those who:, and the responsibility of the Re- urday" when they will open at 101' privileg waev of every family to Made la Aaerica Store the light to know. In the second believe that the dosed shop '••*; puMican party rests on all of u»ia# „,' its own living quarters. place, 1 believe deeply that the po-proper in certain eiivum>tumes| who ure Republicans -we nust suc- Children under H years 231 E. Broad St., We.tfceld sition I took was vitally important and with reasonable safeguards, ceed in arriving at solutions for swim free at park pools •i the to the continued existence of oui because it made absolutely no at- our basic problems "which are rea-morning on sveekdays. At other SAFE! tree institutions and of our free tempt to deal with any of the abus- j sonably acceptable to all the ma- j times, weekday rates for children •conomic system. es which can arise under the closed jor interest groups within the .re 14c and adults 25c Weekend That sounds extravagant. But I shop. country. and holiday rates are 25c for chil- mean every word of it soberly and I was certain that lew, if any, There are those who say in to- dren and 50c for adults. Quali- Fanwood Stone Crushing literally, This is a deadly serious of my constituents would have fav- day's problems of labor-industry fied lifeguards are on duty at all lave Rnkei Gits matter. ored that provision of the Wood relations, this course is impossi- times, and safety and sanitation It has been suggested that I Bill. I was equally certain they ble—that labor will accept no solu- are given foremost consideration, and Quarry Company ran out on my side in a political would have agreed Hint many of tion which falls short of meeting Mr. Cron said. light. But this matter is far too its other provisions were unsatis- its extreme demands, regardleaf The pools have been repaired important to be dealt with on a factory also. I of the effect on the legitimate in- Iand repainted and will be in good CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK partisan political basis. The inv Most of the people who felt that tcrests of any other group. condition on opening day, Jarvis portant t thinhi g was nott tto the Wood Bill should be supported If this is so, then there is no IE. Badglcy, superintendent of con- for RM«ia. Walk*, tkbm, «*c political battle, but to find solu- did so, I am sure, not because of hope for the survival of our free ! struction and maintenance, said. placed tion to one of the most difficult its actual provisions, but, rather, institutions, of our free competi- The pools measure 75 feet by about •nd perplexing problems of our because they had been given the tive economy, or, indeed, for our 150 feet, and are graduated from time. This problem of the rela- imp'ression that the only altei*na-n,continue1M.illuK;,d, existenc^A,OvC,1Let ta.os «a ..»nationk.v.... I. one to nine feet in depth. There AUTO PAINTING tions between labor and manage- tive was a return to the original do not believe it is so. The Wood is an adjacent sand beach, bath- ment affects the functioning of our Wagner Act. Bill was not the solution. That's house and refreshment stand. i OFFICEi TELEPHONE!! whole economy, the lives and well- I was convinced that it would be why I voted to send it back to com- RIALTO BUILDING, OFFICEi WErtMl *JM4 being of all of us. I and the oth-possible to work out and pass a mittee. Bui' I believe a solution WE9TFIELO, N. i. QUARRY i rAmwmi MM* JAMES AUTO PAINTDK er Republicans who joined me in bill which cured the legitimate ob- can be found and that we Repub- gpanltn Seaport City 1015 SOUTH AVE. Nr. voting against the Wood Bill felt jection* to the Taft-Hartley law, licans can find it. Mobile, Alabama's only seaport that it was not a sound solution to which was fair to both manage- was a Spanish city until 1813. the problem. If, despite that feel- ment and labor, and which ade- ing, we had voted for it as a mat-quately safeguarded the public in- Plfd., Local Co-Op ter of party loyalty, we should terest. The Wood Bill, despite Boards Convene liave been guilty of the grossest changes made on the floor in a breach of faith. number of its provisions, includ- Members of the board of direc- It has been suggested also that ing those mentioned, did not meet tors of the Co-operative Consumers I opposed the Wood Bill because I these objectives. Accordingly, 1 of Westfield and Plainfield held a voted against the bill and support- was seeking labor votes fotor myj joint meeting in Westfield on May own political advantage. But any- ed the motion to recommit the mat-17 to exchange ideas on the meth- one who knows anything about ter to the Committee on Education ods, policies and general handling Union County knows that this and Labor for further considera- of co-operative businesses in this could not be the case. In our dis-tion. The motion was adopted. area. The meeting was attended trict the "safe" and, from the The action gives the committee by the majority of the members of j •tandjoiiit of narrow political ad- another opportunity to develop a the two boards and is the second vantage, the politic course, would sound bill. In the meantime, the meeting of this sort (for which a BRINGS YOU NIW .have been for me to vote for the Taft-Hartley law remains in ef- series has been arranged. The Wood Bill. 1 understood very well fect. meeting was chaired by C. U. Pitt- that this was so. Not only were certain provisions man, the president of the Westfield Why, then, did I vote against of the Wood Bill unsatisfactory in society. the Wood Bill? 1 did so, in the themselves. The bill, as a whole, first place, because it did not ade-failed to meet the further test of Wilson I' IV Board quately correct a number of the acceptability to one of the groups provisions of existing law which whose interests it most directly nf- To Meet June 2 require correction. fected. All labor organizations, I voted for the Taft-Hartley Act, and every individual with any The 11)49-50 executive board of • two years ago, because I recognized | claim to leadership in the labor the Wilson School Parent-Teacher that revision of the legislation in!movement, were united in opposi Association will meet Thursday, this field was necessary. The Was tion to the Wood Bill. There were June 2, at !):15 a. m. at the school. •. ner Act, largely because of the no exceptions whatever. Plans for the coining year will be manner of its administration, had This was so for two reasons, In discussed. .come to be regarded by industry the first place, the bill did not in as unfair to its legitimate inter. fact meet the honest objections eats. The public generally regard- which organized labor had to a ed it as responsible for a good (leal number of the provisions of, the TUTTLE HARDWARE of industrial strife. Taft-Hartley Act. In the second . • When we passed the Taft-Hart- place, organized labor distrusted • ley Act, we believed it was a good deeply (though without basis in PICNiCGRfLLS •law. But all of us also agreed the case of many individuals) the SOUTH AVENUE • that if experience should prove it coalition of Southern Democrats deficient in any respect, such de- and old-line Republicans which WESTFIELD 2-6700 /leiency should be cured by amend* sponsored the bill. I know it is said that only the • There is now almost'unanimous labor leaders took this view, that agreement that a number of the the rank and file workers, includ- ; provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act union members, do not share •re actually or potentially harm- I know too about the poll ful to the legitimate interests of which appear to show that a ma- TERMITES organized labor (and, hence, to thejority of union members favor most are flying again. Watch for entiri c economy) and that the Act [of the provisions of the Taft-Hart- should be amended to eliminate ley Act, though they oppose the "Swtrmt" of "Flying Anl»" these defects. Senator Taft him- law as a whole. But none of us which come with Spring, self shares this view. places as much confidence as we shed their wingi, then dis- In our recent effort to deal with did in the reliability of polls. And appear. Theie wood de»troy- this problem, the House began by, it is almost impossible to frame ing insects cause much dam- considering'the so-called Lesinskijquestions which will accurately age to property. Buildings Bill. This bill would, in substance, I measure opinions on matters as not protected during con- repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and .complicated as all matters in this struction usually require it re-enact the Wagner Act. Imnie-! field are. later. diatcly, Representative .Wood of It is my own conclusion, based Georgia offered another bill as ajon a sreat many talks with rank substitute for the Lesinski Bill, and file workers as well as with We Specialize Exclu- The Wood Bill, in substance, would union leaders, that most members | sively in protection of re-enact the Taft-Hartley Act with of the old-line unions understand I property against TER- lelatively few changes. the issues quite well and agree i Many people felt that the Wood completely with their leadership. I MITES and other Wood Bill should be supported. But I And I am sure also that the over- Destroying Insects, am quite sure that very few peo- whelming majority of . all union using dependable engineer- ple had the opportunity to know members, whether or not they what the exact provisions of the themselves understand the issues, ing methods. We are not Wood Bill really were. will accept the attitude of their simple exterminators. Every Let me give you just one illus- leadership on them. job is supervised by an ex- tratio, n on that point. Some people have said to me: perienced, technically train- 1 am quite sure that almost no i"0rgani«;d labor is not a cunUoll- ed, licensed engineer. in compact/ beautiful cabinet one outside Congress knew, or if he j,,g factor in this district. W hy We are a New Jersey or- had known would have approved. should you consider their views as the way the Wood Bill, as offered, ganization, employing New - important?" The answer lies dealt wit' h' •the problem of the the simple truth that no govern- Jersey residents, and we EASY TERMS AofA sh°l'' ment, except a totalitarian dicta- have served New Jersey The closed shop undoubtedly ! torshin, can function which is un- property owners successfully makes possible severe abuses and [able to adjust the conflicting inter- for 17 years. Our reputa- legislative action to prevent such csts of all the major groups of the tion in this field is unsur- abuses is entirely justified. But people in a way which is reason- passed. many unions have legitimately de- ably satisfactory to a majority of AMIRICA'S veloped under the closed shop over those in each group. And, regard- Thousands of references are 2 YEARS TO PAY many Kcnprntions, and in ti num-less of the pressures operating on available in New Jersey— ber of industries it has been the me as an individual, I cannot sliirk not in some distant State. TOP TIM accepted and •jcnerully satisfactory Think of it! Big-Really Big pictures on a J my share of the responsibility lo Our work is GUARANTEED basis of labor-industry relations - i...... ,,„„» with make that adjustment in this or FOR 5 YEARS without ad- screen! So clear.-cut, steady and easy to view you for yctir.s. In these situations, the I any other matter, t0 complete outlawing of the closed j ,\ special word to my ditional charge—• one-year Big 10-Inch tub*, ported to the scene of action, t You« 'Y . fellow Re- guarantee is worthless. shop meanl the destruction -of u••••-publicans• . We, as » party, can- glorious, full-rangt FM radio reception-w» pntlcrn which many hundreds of not avoid our share of the respon- For Information or Free In- Full-Rang* FM radio thousands ol" ^ood American citi- sibility for that task. If we fail, spection and Advice—CALL tional new CROSLEY 9-407M Spectator television zens have soberly and lawfully con- we shall bring down not only our ducted their lives for as Ions; as combination. Stop in, see and hear it >.act» , party, but with it our two-party EASY TERMS finest television, the finest in FM radio they could remember. system, nnd with that our free nearby CROSLEV dealer 1 The Taft-Hnrtlcy luw absolute- competitive economy and our free $ 00 reception. Both in a top-quality, richly ly prohibited the closed shop in all institutions. TERMITE 2 per week finished mahogany veneer or blonde cabi- circumstances. It did this by mak- The essence of our two-party net. Low priced! Immtdiaf Delivry... hurry i* j^ ing it unlawful for an employer [system is not that we have only to discriminate in favor of union two major political parties. The members when he is hiring new CONTROL essence of our system is that, tin- employees. adjustments which must be made The "Wood Kill the der it, the accommodations and Tafl-Hartlcy prohibition of the between the conflicting interests of BUREAU closed shop. But it went on to say | different economic, ;,noial, s.ectional that an employer might, notify a [inci oilier groups in any nation, if 2 Locust Street, union whenever he had a job to hat nation is lo remain free, are ROSELLE PARK, N. J. till. Thai, 1 suggest, would him: made not between the parlies, but been dishorn.1.'t in fact, though not tvilhin the parlies. in intent., untj completely unsatis- CENTRAL APPLIANCE and PHO10 There are only two alternatives Telephones! factory to everyone, lo our system: u dictatorship, or 601 CENTRAL AVENUE 11. would not have Kilislied Ihoi.e multiple, special interest parly ROsello 4-1402 (Soulh Side) WESTFIELD, N. J« who believe in the closed tshop, be- like thiil of Krancc. There the cause it, continued to make the adjustments lire not made within or rimed shop unlawful. It would Open Unlil « P. M. Every Evening tho ]iarties themselves, but thoai ELIxabeth 2-2765 not hnvu RtttiHlU'd thu.-io who object of different interests break awiij lo the elused nhop on principle, he- into small special interest, spllnte. RADIO WASHERS • TELEVISION RANGES THE WESTEmp USADER, THUESDAY, MAY 26, 1949 zales, G«*ry Gotlsoc, Prentiss Heck, Dick Crane, Peter Carberry, RussUane Thompson, David Atkinson,| Ninth (trade honorable mention: Barbara Koyce, Gerald Wright, Honor Mary Benedict, Martha Ellis, Nan- Chenoweth, Alfred Hallau, Rob-1 Stuart Horn, Mary Lancaster, Al-i Thomas Bohrer, William Howard, Gregory Hovenden, Marilyn Mum- cy Sears, Sally Thomas, James evt Riker, Lloyd Wiiliami, Sonyajbert Holtzwoith, Barbara Bauer, I Natalie Somers, Astrid Frolic-h, ford, Dawson List, Donald Large, at RJHS Carlisle, Elna Portenbauirh, Elsie Shakotko, Joan Sprague, Perry Julia Baldwin, Jean Crickenberg-1 Ruth Read, Richard Schmal, Julie j Barbara Habley, Pauline LuttrintJ- ark at religit* •a Kelme, Mary Loa Dowel), Robert Philip, William Wise, Bill Husk, cri Blaine Thomas, Tqny Bavosa,IAnne Bonnett, Dorothy HarastyJhaus, Kendon Smith, Sue Bode, Joan Thompson, Bernice Allen, in Newark. , , , , t ' Hagerbaumer, Jack Wilev. iary Buhan, Sally Meitness, Rich-iJoy HorT, Susan Whaley, iLuise Klingelhuffer, Jack Carter,! Margaret Gentles, Jean Nilson. -LEADER WAMT AIM »AT- Mowing students have at- * aid Stavey, Bob Mumford, Marilyn] ====^_s___^ " „ „ , u „„,. I Eighth grade honor roll: pick Jaffte. Howard Cox, Jackie Vandc; " Kam;i, Margant Armstrong, Irene' he honor roll and h««o»-| MenninKer, Charles Krauser, Pam- ition at Roosevelt Junior j \a Clark, Jim Keen, Peter Tatro, Skardos, Dave Frost. e Ninth grade honor roll: Lee' 100I for the fifth marking; Virginia Kinney, Coralee Nolle, Smith, Nancy Arnold, Kay Kings- BarbaranieI a Sampson, Roland Enuelke, ley, Anne Canfield, Barbara Ging- h grade honor roll: Carol j £ ReuninK> Phyllis Bedell, „ i> L Helen kyrioglou, Alan Mikeska, rich, Carol Drummet, Vesting Min- . RoberRuth t LMarika Due, Joh, Barbarn Eita- eRickn Lungerv Smith, i BettJo A]y mBohannon Knecht| ,He] Bo.b nicks, Bill Stuartf Sally Gerhart, lirandt, Elizabeth Rugh, Sweeney, Charles Blower, Tommy teiger, Sharon Kaufman, Lenox, Julia Augustadt, Ruth ne Hogan, Carolyn Rowe, Longstreet, Ann Valentine, Ann LAST 3 DAYS focum, Diane Johnson, Au- Wiley, Eugene Lockfeld, William eason, Kathryn Wellman, Walstead, Rogelia Diaz, Gordon 20% OFF SALE larhart, Dick Wade, Mar- Hollingswovth, James Moffett, Lew- Gift* . Gadget* . Houtewajrcs int. is Sank, Bill Schumacker, h grade honorable nien- Hewitt. Made In Aaerica Stare 231 E. Broad St., We.tfield mcy Stewart, Serge Gon- Eighth grade honorable mention: OUR Replace Your Water Heater % ' '•ew Years DOUBLE GUARANTEE OF FUR COAT PROTECTION WATIR HIATIRS CMKOT RUST OR COMODEI The unk of • BtrmsgUs Water Hcaicr i« gliu-fuMd-nx Mcel. And bcciuw glass won't raw, jom will atrcr agaia be troubled with tank rust that miaf your laundry, or corroaion dirt thai discolors both water and fiimras. You'll hava abundant hoi wttcr;:: all you atcd for mn the newest automatic laundry or dishwasher... that's always hot and alumjt cltmsl ' PemufUl Water Heatcri ate completely automatic, with the molt modern convenience feature* ever devel- oped for hot-water amice. In more than a dntn wayt, they auure you a dependable supply of automatic hot water:;. economical, too.

Water ... Sparkling CUanl MITHway -.-% Automatic at«r H«at«r< GEORGE NOLTE Plumbing and Heating NEW YORK AND SOUTH AVES. IMW U $1.25 We.tfield 2-2334

Are You Looking for JANTZEN or Every year we store ihou$amdi upon KfiiNMHal* tit,

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SPORT SHIRTS for Men and Boys Kresge * Newark stands behind its promise to keep your furs looking more beauti- UNDERWEAR for every member of the ful longer ... through cold pressurized storage and Hollanderiiing. family CALL MI 2-8000 PALM BEACH SUITS for Boys, sizes 6 to 22 and a bonded meuenger will pick up your coat, or brb| it to our. Fur Storage Department You'll Find Them Here rotmn FIVQM because you know that you can always We Ah« tltptdr mm* Hc- find what you are looking for at the fftff* your coal, and you uilt find it coil* surprisingly tittle. Lei us glut you an eitimatt now. Economy Dry Goods Store 147 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD

We guarantee to Weitlicld Shoppcra that our pricci are *> low or lower, If any article can bo bought for leu eliewhorc, we will refund the difference. THE LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY U. 1»4§ Hawks Have Two Home Games On Tap For Saturday and Ralmay Falls High School Near End of Schedule Traclwen Beat Golf Tea« Makes Blue Devils Place Fourth in " w» % saw* f. £• £V_«* L<- Westfield High's five spring; Linden 42-54 It Six Straight County Conference Track Meet 3-0 as Devils WHS Sports Calendar sports teams near the end of their season this week with eight con- Westfield High's track and field and Bill Hinterleitner a 2:0? „„, Today—Gnlf: Westfielf'-S. Plains, tests scheduled. The baseball team, For Fourth Win j BeatingTlains team placed fourth behind Jeffer- Get 10th Win th.cour«, which was !5 feet short home. still hopeful of a post-season tour- son, Plainfield and Cranford in the Friday—Baseball: Westfield-PIain- nament Lid, finishes out its regu- Coach Noel Taylor's West field j Westfield High's track team reg-1 Coach W. Eugene Johnson's-- High 16th annual lnterscholastic Union in the cane of the quarter-mile iii'M, away. la !• season w ith Plainfield and Ko- istered its fourth dual meet vie-' School golf team won its sixth meet Cgunty Conference meet Monday event. Hijch baseball nine added anothdi Jayvee baseball: Westfield-Plaii selle Park. The diamond junior Monday afternoon in ghut- afternoon at Plainfield'g High scalp to its collection Tuesday when i field, away. toiy of the season against one de-1 Weiland and Eibelheuser picked varsity squad ends its campaign fea't last week, defeating Linden ting out Scotch Plains 12-0. The School Field. The Blue Devils beat it defeated Rahway .''-0 behind; Tennis: WesttioM -Plainfield, up tour points for WHS in the tomorrow when it faces Plainfield. /4 C The Blue Devils j victory brought th^, Westfielders' out fifth place Edison by one-half Sam Mitchell's four hit piu-hin'.;' home. 62 1/6-54 5'C. field events with (fourths in the After this week's action the golf, won seven first places in taking! marl; ffo r thhe season to 7 andd 2. of a point as the squad totaled javelin and shot put, respectively at Railway Park. It brought the. Saturday—Tennis: fnion Count tennis, and track teams will have I Thursday the linksmen defeated «"*• Blue Devils' record to 10 victories: ty C'hampiuni-hip.s Plainfield. the meet. 13%. Weiland threw 145 feet, 2% ^h only one meet left for each sport. in the'Millburn 20-23 in a one-hole play eff01 and one defeat. ! Monday Baseball: Westfield-Ko WHS took a 45-18 lead Two Westfitdd boys won medals. Sf^" '*"* * this sea60n. The spotlight is centered on the running events, but the Tigers off after a . Buddy Redd took „ sity contest brought his consecutive into camp. second in Tennis Club Bows Bill Mueller was a double victor ond low man of the day. Btu Hulse Ms 220 yard low hurdle heat and scoreless inninjr total to Hi. He Westfield has a tough road to The local cfndermen were never for Westpeld. With Kick McGin-j took three more markers for West- in the running for the team tro- Bob Savoye was third in his 120 ?•* ii tossed a five-hiltcr against Koselle travel, however. Plainfield, des- field when he shot an 88. Hulse in his last outing. To Berkeley 5-0 ley out of action because of a bad phy. Jefferson took an early lead yard high' hurdle heat. pite a .500 record, is still a good leg, he won the 100 yard dash and shut out Bill Sailer of the Scotch WHS picked up a'single tally in in the field events and although Robert L. Duncan, WestfieW club and anything can happen in 220 yard run. Mueller's time in Plains crew. the third and added two more in U pressed by Plainfield throughout Higrh director of athletics, was the w. I traditional rivalry like West- the 100 n-as 10.4 and in the 220 Gil Dietrich had little trouble the sixth. Dave Anderson led off . 21 the meet, were not in danger. The meet's referee. Walter Garde", 1 field's and Plainfield's. with Bruce Bauer as he shot an in the third with a single to left, it was 23.6. Teejayg, who boast one of the local resident, was the clerk of The Roselle Park-Devil clash Walt Clarkson won the mile in 88 to take three mole points for th« lie went to second as Dick Johns- Is I'llll, 11 scholastic teams in the course and Joseph Freeman, WHS Mi i-:ii (•(• .s will pit the two best catchers in 4:51.8 and BiTl Hinterleitner took the Devils. Hruda carded two ton walked and scored as Jai-k 7,;l lit- 1 East, came through with 61 points. football mentor, was one of the 1 ll T&l'l' n the county against one another, birdies and Hermann came thru Van Hart singled to right. In the iio iitel:i ill- AC '. i." the hslf-iniie run in 2:11. Don The Cardinal) had 44 Vi and third timers. oiiil ('(' .... (> u Dave Townley of WHS and Bob Dilley copped the quarter in 54. with one over the west nine of the sixth Mitchell lei', off with a triple itiHt- Id (V 1 in place Cranford had 37. Team acorinc; Jeffer.on, 1 MM i; 18 Shriner of Park. Shrin'er has Buddy Redd and Bob Savoye tied Plainfield Country Club. The two to deep center. He scored as Dave Ini 1,'IV Plainfleld 44 H;; Cranfordford,, 37 J W.slli.-ld made most of the season's Ell-con- clubs will meet again today at Edward* lost his 440 crown, g «!, Townley binided him home. Wayne for first in the 220 yard low hur- Weitfleld, 18 H; Edisoni , 18; Scotch ference teams, for which Weetfield dles for WHS, running the event Echo Lake. which he had won in 1948, to Don •»» witli, y, 3 Hansen walked and Eddie Lewis The West field Tennis Club senior Plains, 12; Union, 11; Regional, ilayers are not eligible, since the in 28.5. WHS 23—Millburn 20 Wooley of Cranford. The YtlJow Brother John ij singled to load the bases and drive, team journey?' to East Orange >n 3; Hillside, Linden, Roselle 0. starting: RHhway pitcher, (,eorjze club is not a member of the league. Alan Washburn, Savoye, Jay The Devils topped the Millers Jacket wqi timed in 60.1 i>r the tole Saturday afternoon only to take ! race, which was 15 yards shorter Klarmann, a previously undefeat- Townley, however, is rated far Eibelheuser, Dick Welch, Ken Thursday 20-23 in a on* hola play- mt 11 a 5-0 pasting at the hands of the ed lefty, out of the frame. Diek tetter than the Panther by all of Welch, George Edwards and Buddy' off after the score at the end of than the proposed 440. Edwards Cubmoblle Race tet. Ruddy took his place and walked strung Berkeley Tennis Club team, he coaches who have seen both Weiland took seconds for the Blue the regulation period had been tied did • 0.5. Musano did a 51.6 to Frank Piscopo to make the score 1943 champions of the New Jersey he boys play. They even go as an3 White and Savoye, Jim Wiant, ,at 6-6. : tie for fifth place with Jeff's Bob Saturday, June 11 for the dty, p Tennis League, and outstanding Gilleapie, ife 3-0. 'ar as saying that he ranks among Alec Wanamaker and Lou Wilcox In the extra hole, which was Kloby. He had taken third in hit choice to cop honors again this Mitchell pitched no-hit ball for he best in the state. played on Echo Lake's first, Dick heat. Edwards won his heat ai ,Th« annual Cubmobile Race of times on tfcn, ( year. took thirds. The Plainfield contest will be Leroy , Walt Kozak, Hruda led the Westtielders by coin- did Don Dilley, WHS sophomore, District 4 will be staged on the ifl the final four innings. He Westfield proved no match for eld at the Cardinals' High School who was timed in 82.9. All three I Callow*. Hill "Speedway" in West- . Caruso only in trouble in the first and Whitey Chickwa, John Malinchak, ins; through with a par four. Gil the Berkeley netmen. The league ield, and the Roselle Park game Weitfield boys jumped out to quick field the morning of Saturday, stole ncon4,tj«, second. Norm Davis worked him Art Vitarius and LeRoy Grant took Dietrich had a one over par five champions won all singles and t Tamaques Park here. lead* and Edwards and Dilley held June 11. George Hewson will again Pitch Ui cum K, for a walk to start the yame and firsts for Linden. on the hole as he sank a chip shot loubles encounters in straight sets. The tennis squad has three meets theira until they broke the tape. be in charge of the event and an- ier k«t M t«i he went to second on a single by 120-yd. high hurdles (1«.S) — 1, from 20 feet out to help West- The heduled match with East his week. They face Plainfield flaml, I-; 2, Savoye, W: 3, Wlleox, Muwno yielded to Wooley in the nouncer that the usual qualifica- three Mtld hid Nate Smith. However, Mitch bore W. field come up with its winning Oran e at the local club courts on omorrow at the Westfield Tennis last 100 yards and then dropped tions prevail. The car must be down, setting George Lewis to pop 100-yfl. uasli (10.4) — 1, Mueller, margin. In etMrpm^t Sunday was called off due to rain. seeking revenge ifor their W; 2, WaHhburn, W; 3, Malinchok, back to third. built by the cub, but he may enlist up and striking out John Honiar Hruda, took medal honors with ed Plainfield : Plainfield is slated to play at >n!y defeat this season. The Card- the supervision and' help of his and Joe DaPrile, the Indians' One-mile run (4:7)1.8)—1, Clark- a 78. He won three points from Ctarkaon ran his beit time 61 Westfield Saturday afternoon and nals topped WHS in the previous son, W; 2, Humeke, L; 3, Wana- dad- The car should have brak- fourth and fifth batters. In the Millburn's Pete Davenport in the the year in, taking third in the belt Koaellt im the local netmen meet the strong neeting 3-2 at Plainfield when the maker, W. ing and iteering mechanisms and second with one out, Charley Ama- 440-yA. 4)— 1, DIUcy, Wj number one match. Gene Hermann mile. The lanky junior was beat Elizabeth Town and Country ag- ocals were without the services of 2, Ed wards, W: :i, (.rant. L. Cranford . sio tagged Sam for a triple to carded an 86 to take three from en by' Bob Ewvert and Tim Kett the overall width of the axles must EUmlxth i, gregation Sunday afternoon at Jonnie Wight, their number one 220-yil. low hurdles (2S..1)—1, tie, Hniiwas-IndL..,,, i ight. Itcdd alul Savoye, W: 3, l-lsc-like, 1* the Millers' Charley Wade. Don of Cranford and Plainfleld, respec- not exceed 20 inches. It is expect- Eliza bet'.i. nan. He will be back for tomor- WeslBdil Hub,, 880-yd. run (2:11)—1, Hinterleit- Peterson and Bob Miele took three tively, after having- held the lead ed thia year's entry list will be the Hoeelle Stan ,,rt The fielding gem of the year was Results of the match on Satur- ner, \V; 2, I.ischkp, I(; 3. Wlant, W. row's contest. each from Westfielders Stu Hulse for the first three quarters. Clark- largest in history with interest evi- Homllt Park pulled off in the fifth. Klarmann day : 220->'rt. dash (23.0)—1, jfucller, W; Qn«llm Jlsiii „ Paul Torgesen will team with 2, Mnilnchok, L: 3, Alllston, Ij. and Dietrich to tie up the match son set the pace for the first two denced by many members of each tagged off on Mitch for a liner to Frank Dowden, n. defeated Wnrry Shot put <44 ft., 3 in.)—1, Kozak, Elliabelh Mtt left-center. However, Van Hart V;uiUeiistu'Uu'r, W, C-2, li-t; Cephas Wight* Saturday morning to par- I,; 2, Kibelheuser, W; 3, Bade. L, and send it into the 19th hole. quarters and then battled with of the packs in Westfield, Moun- Moimeit, H. elefenled Gordon Booth, icipate in the doubles division of Pole vault (10 ft., 0 in.) — 1, Frevert for the top spot in the tainside and Garwood. came over and made a diving catch ti-1, C-l); Harold Sclu'in, I!, defeated Chlekwn. 1*: 2, tie, It. Welch mid The win sent the locals record to his left. He sommei'saulted Jolm Kraft, -t, G-l: (U'di-tfe McC'nll he .Union County .championship^, 1). Welcli, W., and Modrak, h. up to 6-2. They had previously third lap. The Yellow Jacket, an BEAD THE I twice, but still hnnjjr on to the ball. mill Al I'lnpter, I'., rlefpnted Joe hich Westfield has entered along Discus (IO.'I ft., 11 In.)—1, 1'rUNS, lost to Millburn 7H-4V4. Hruda's ex-resident of Westfield, took the LEADER ADS PAY AULOCALI ...siVstt Jinand Louu MethfesKel, 0-060,, 64G-4; W: 2. Kotak, )..; 3, Putz. U Devil at the start of the final ith Cranford, Jefferson and Plain- Droad Jump (19 ft., HHi III.)—1. 78 tied' best score, made in the Piscopo also made a terrific catch Bill Ausiln anil liuvciay Kinsman, ield. Charles Patterson will be Malinchok, I-.; 2, Edward*, W; 3, opening- meet. quarter and went on to win in in the inning as he went behind '-'Dunne• '«••'«"-•, 0-2!, 1!11-0»!. Tucker and Charlie Schiller, li.m 4;42.2. Clarkson's time was 4:- ntered in the singles for the Blue Javelin (141 ft., 1 in.)—1, Vitarius, the Rahway stands to catch a foul ind White. The netsters have an- L: 2, Wellaml, W; 3, Ynnnle, L. 44.6. pop-up. High juiifl) (6 ft., 4 In.)—1, Orant, Mixed Doubles at ither dual meet following the L; 2, Aulston, L.; 3, tie, bavoye, W, McGinley, the favorite in the The first Blue Devil to be chased Bonnettis Roll hampionship, with Jefferson Tues- and Herdetfan, L. Tennis Club Monday, century, took fourth as his bad from a ball game this season was lay. leg gave out .on him. The football I; >i / Dick Smith. The sophomore pitch. The golf squad has two meets star won'the first heat in 10.5, but er failed to agree with the umpires In State The Westfield Tennis Club' Will :his week. Against S»ot«h Plains hold its first club tournament of then went up to 10,8 in tho finals Spindler Takes and Clahford'a Bill Lee took in- (Continued on Page 31) Bonnetti Bros. Painters bowling today and with Jefferson Tuesday. the 1949 season Monday when the Both meets are scheduled for the Mixed Progressive Doubles event dividual honors. McGinley's leg team wojjnd up a successful season just permitted him to finish the Saturday nt the State Tournament local Echo Lake course. Echo Tournament will be run off at the club courts. The tournament will get underway 220 in his heat when he took sec- at Hopatcong, which ends June 5. ond in 23.6. Bill- Mueller took Boys Entering The local pinners scored 2864*net Henry Spindler captured the at 2 o'clock. ' • Ramsey, Cudone first of the big tournaments of the Chairman Harold Morgan ex- third in his heat in the 100 and and 2945 gross in the five man second in the 220. event, and were well in the money new season at Echo Lake Satur- pects a record turnout for this Soap Box Derby Westfield's three half - milers at the time of their rolling. Hal day, winning the May tournament event, which is in the nature of a turned in good times, but none of Shineel in his second and third Pair Win Tourney by defeating K. B. Hopkins 4 and get-to-gether for all club members The Union County Chevrolet the trio placed. Capt. Norm Mott games had strings of seven and 3 in the finals. Spindler, who was and one of the most popular tour- Soap Box Derby July 9 promises did a 2:03.7, Skip Engen a 2:05, six strikes. Mrs. H. C. Ramsey of Baltusrol medalist, shot a 98. Hopkins post- naments on the schedule. to be one of the greatest sporting The team bowled 2770 at Atlan- md Mrs. Philip. Cudone of The ed a, 99. Wes Stanger Jr., won events of the year with bovs rep- .. „.. „„,,. ...,,• ^ {noil won the Women's New Jer- tlc Clty 274 C the the second flight title by defeating resenting every community'of the ' , '" Un'o,, County iey Gollf Association's Four Ball Charles Koos 4 and 3. The third county who are out to "win the! Vurn5y " ™ '" th° lwnd- Tournament at the Echo Lake American. flight final, which was to have chamnionshin honors of their town. Country Club Thursday with a Scores at matched Rem Merry and Wally The Derby is open to any boy >est-ball score of 37-38—75. Suffern, was rained' out Sunday. TtuWistOldCmir residing in Union County between Dave stil 211 147 Mrs. Davis P. Kelly and Mrs. Top scores in Saturday's Class Jtrry Hi 9—r,27 the ages of 11 and 15. Boys living u™ ITS E. B. Bradshaw, both of Essex A sweepstakes were: R. M. Dean, in Westfield can register at Nun-is Totals 10111 County, won low net with 84-14— 76-7—69; Wesley A. Stanger Jr., Chevrolet, Inc., North and Central 68. Second place went to the Som- 81-10—71; Rem Merry, 83-12—71; avenue. r.ranii Total . rset Hills duo of Mrs. Joseph nisi William Grander,, 77-5—72;; and Uitn only six weeks to go, boys Ij.rtiis (illisi.iln n .. 1S2 IT::—-)7f» 'Velinghuyseni and Mrs. DeWitt Tl 92 H "IT'SfltRCT K. It. Taylor, 81-9—72. Hans who wish to net in the race to com-1 •'"'"' H""»''itl 1:1:1—;,4r, ilexander with 82-12—70. Heer's 89-19—70 led Class B pete for the host of prizes still . Totals Mrs. Harry Irwin of Glen Ridge sweepstakes, followed by H. R. An-1 have time to build a cart. Chev-I ilami and Mrs. John Warren of Essex derscn, 1C! 30—71 and It. M. rolot dealers in nine communities I fjraml Total 1 UST Fells had 80-15—71 for third place, George, 90-1B—72. are enrollment stations for the Shtncel HI is:, ir,-—-ins Mrs. Harold M. Higgins of Forest event and will supply each entrant Al SlriiiiU'll ITii Hills and Mrs. Gordon Park of with rule book, easy to read con- Total 11H3 den Ridge finished fourth with 34- struction booklet with large size 38—72 and Mrs. John Farrell and Women's Eastern scale model racer and detailed (illisiin ... K:i 2(1.1 2IU—.-,82 24—(100 .Slranli'li .. 221 l'U2 171—.'.91 "—.194 Mrs. John McAuliffe of Baltusrol drawings, plus a special driver's J'y liunn'ti llt.'l 1»:l 18(1—r.lili 27—.193 had 87-15—72 for' fifth place. • . i Golf This Weekend license. The committee has looked L'1 .. INS 20:1 1 TU—.170 ir,—.iH.i Three teams were tied for third over many sites in the county for .... 1.1'J 1S2—300 2)—.121 inui'tl 1.11 lii3 17.'1—177 3(1—013 place with 73, with the draw going The 54-hole women's Eastern the race and will announce the iTiiteh to the Baltusrol team of Mrs, Wil- championship, to be held location scon. I'lvr Mini Slin It'll 17.1 231 W—C0.1 liam Black and Mrs. Edgar Mur- at the Essex Fells Country Club It lias just been announced that Stile•s 114 ir,i v.t-i—:,'M phree. They had 35-38—73. Mrs. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, will the value of the four-year college -l.ilintl llimiK-ltl .. 15(1 li'il 202—.",31 Clifford Armjtage and Mrs. Ed give the nation's leading women .Ic •y ilnnnGttl . 173 1 so ISO—.133 scholarship which is the national ici-1 13(1 M1 211—CIS Brown of Baltusrol had 36-37—73 professional golfers their first championship prize, has been in- and Mrs. R. B. Ballcnger of Rock chance to show their amazing links creased to $5,000. Tolnls . . . SIU mil !IS!I—28114 HnmlW'sip k. SI Spring and Mrs. Daniel Peletier of ability in the East. The winner of the county 'race Grand Total . . 2945 Baltusrol had 35-38—73. Mildred (Babe) Didrickson Za- wjll receive in addition to the tro- All K\cii<» harias, regarded as the nation's phy, an all-expense paid plane trip Klriin irii 17-lf, High School Sixth foremost women's athlete, who can to Akron where he will compete Shlnei'l . 1714 .Irrry Finlineal 1H2S out poke nine-tenths of the men for the national championship in .Inlm Hun npttl In Stute Golf golfers, will be the feature attrac- the finals and receive a Bulova KlIU'H .. tion. wrist watch at the champion's ban- Westfield High's golf team placet! With the exception of Mrs. Wil- quet. WHS Invited to sixth in the New Jersey State In- liam Hockenjos Jr., of Baltusrol, WHEEL Second prize is a 1049 Chevrolet terscholastic link meet Tuesday New Jersey champion who is Intel sedan to the runner-up and five Newark Tourney afternoon at Neptune in South up with bursitis, all the leading valuable merchandise awards to Jersey. The winner of the event New Jersey amateurs will compete. other place winners. Tu drivers Westfield High's baseball team was North Plainfield, which hug They include Maureen Orcutt, Mrs. of cars with best brakes and other has been invited to the Greater lost only to the locals. Philip Cudone, Mrs. Catherine Fox ALIGNMENT outstanding construction features, Newark Diamond Tournament, the Dick Hrudn paced the Westfield- Park, Mrs. T. U. Lyinan and Mrs. there are many more prize awards scholastic "world series" for Now cifl with u 94-83—177 for tho 3G H, C. Ramsey. for boys who build sound, safe Jersey which is sponsored by the hole event. Gene Hermann card- Newark liivniuu A'cicw, for the carts. ed 87-91—17S and Stu Huise 89- * *«flott (MMr «f front whteli A new prize to the long list this first time in the history of the (10—170. Gil Dietrich shot 103- Club Juniors Blank year is a handsome, gold ring for 1)0—19B. The team total was 73,'!. Rncqiiets Club 3-O, * AdhMt cmMr of front whceli the national victor. The ring is Koliert L. Dimeim, \\\v,\\ school Hermann came through with the. * A4|mt H>».ln of from whatto 'similar in design tu that which is director, of athletics, announced shot of the day. He (jot an onuli The Westfield Tennis Club jun- * Impact Una »ln Inclination awarded to the winner of the 50U- on the par 6 13th hole. After twi ior team got off to un auspicious that he believes Westfteld will ac- * Check wh** If for balanca mlle at Indianapolis speedway. cept, but he adtled thut tho deci- woods he. used an 8 iron for his start jn the New Jersuy Tennis sion is up to the. Athletic Coun- third shot ural the bull went vitflrt League Saturday morning by * AdhiM itaarinp nrachonlim in the cup, never touching blanking the Kncdiiots Club of Wins Cup in cil of the Hoard of Education, * ln.p.ct brak.. for drag Westfield waiiild Clash with Cald- u;reeM. Short Hills 3-0 in their initial en- Row| H,f ,„, Citadel Hcfial well in the first round, Their op- counter. ponent is undefeated and seeded Softball Schedule Jim Cassidy of Westfield defeat- Harold William Johnson of M2 seventh in the tourney. ed Chris Steigel of Short Hills (l-.'i, fa* only 6.95 Fairmoni t avenue, now ;i member y of the tourney that four Monday—K. of C. vs. Legion Kuss Cole of Westfield liiH'ciitod Union County tennis hnve been in- Wildcats vs. North Stars Don I'owei'H and Steven lluukul of .Mr. .lohn.-oii is 11 !,on of Mr. and vited. MI-B. Harry R Johnson. He has Tuesday—No. Stars v«. rSnuholors the Riu'qtiFts CltihiO-,'!, (i-.'l. Keniitors VH. K. of (.:, 112 Elm Street, to'-n a veteran student, tit The-t'lf- •READ THIO l.KAUKH FOR Irwin (Jnmddy is captain of Wwtfield •111.* nilcl since Sept. ,'10, ]!M(i, Wedneralny—Senators vs. Tiijers junior teiini ami will supervise alt ALL LOCAL NEWS Field Club Vs. Glonvlcw mutches In tho N, J.'Leugito, •'• OPKN MONDAV THE WEBTffELP LEADER, THUESDAY, MAY 26, 1948

r#»trm IHU Stolen base: towhley. k Huut WM kit Unbeaten Packs Kiele.v 187 at Double: Fincouo. Big FWd Stranieh Tops Oil Heat Spreads Miss Simo I3S 144 Trli>]fs: Mitchell, Aumxlu. by • pitchad bail and N«uer Uuk Mrs. Luu 14(1 US 101 Double pUy- Stassel lu CorUctl first on MI error. Three atrtiffet Stiilkntctat 149 1»1 147 to Lewie. singles by Bill Mastrian, Mark' interest in th« annual Play Saturday Stiles 138 21G 158 Hits and runfi: oS Klarmaun, ? Ree Averages Pin Loop Lead and 3 In 5 2-3; Ruddy, t) und 0 in Scarkos and Bob Hvlmei k:pt tbc Hew York Outboard mara- Total* 733 S20 3-3; Anii'sia. 1 ami 0 in 1. ) be run Just 12 down the! What looms ai one of the sea- Struck out: by Mitchell 6. Klur- bases loaded and three June rroes- River, indicates, that the! , It's no surprise that the report Oil Heat, who has led the sum- nmmi 3, Huddy 1. ed ties plate. Walks to Ralph Jones son's outstanding games in the Cub of the final averages in the Recre- Wlnnlni pitcber: Mitchell (5-0). TUTTU | record of 181 starters for Scout Baseball League will be mer bowling league from the start, 1-OKinif bitchfi1: KUirluami. and Sominei', his wcond of th; r of stock boat race may be played Saturday when the unde- ation Bowling League shows the spread its lead Monday night by Railway Falls Umpires: Co«te. Shello. iniiiBg, drove two more over. heavy hitting Al Stranieh in the sweeping V»n Appliances. Hani- this year. feated Pack 75 at Garwood and lead with 196-21 for 90 games. After Kcgionai uunv tiruugh prediction was made today 171 of Wilson clash at Garwood. rah, in the other sweep of the (Continued from Pag« 30) with Its second run in the fourth, UN0HM Last Saturday 171, behind the I Dave Stiles finished in second place night, shut out Golden Dawn and SOUTH AVl nas Smith, of Smith Mo- with 186-89 for 90 games £nd H. moved into second place. Mullery on a call and was thumbed off the JV Nine Breab WHS bounced back with four more |15 New street. Dealers in two-hit pitching of Keverdy John- bench. tallies to put. the game on ice. son defeated 170 of Grant 14-2. Durmer third with 186-14 for 84 posted 214'.for the winners. Bon- {equipment, the firm is a games. nettis won two from Stevens and The team's batting average drop- of the Albany-New York 174 of Columbus, sparked by the Losing Streak Carnevale - Diai fielding combina- Stiles and John De Paola shared went into a tie with them for ped three points during the game Association, sponsors of honors for high single game, each third.; John Franks won a pair to .305. Townley leads the squad tion which cut off several impor- with .441, Mitchell is second at Westfield High's JV nine broke tant rallies, scored two runs in its having- posted a 268. High indi- from Marys and the two are even its four-game losing streak Satur- ; the stock boat racing en- extra inning battle with 73 of vidual three-games honor went to for fourth. Hopkins was high for .368, Piscopo is third with .363, Mike Kovack, whose 682 was tops. Flanks with 222 and Logcst had Van H«rt fourth with .359, Cor-day, defeating; Regional 10-2 behind ffom this area planning Holy Trinity to win 8-6. 173 of the two-hit hurling ot Red Huasc. this classic of the mara- Lincoln rolled up the year's high- Vanderbilt Clothiers got the nod 214. Central Appliance moved » bett fifth with .324, atyi Rudy Stan- for high series with 2891, with notch out of the cellar by winning zel sixth with. 314. Regional got only two unearned ort are Mr. Smith himself erf score in its win over 79 of runs off Keil H««se, who struck out „ i obtain a boat in time and Mountainside 38-4. Westfield Auto Seat Covers runner a pair from Glenview, Stiles hit- The Blue Devil junior varsity MEMORIAL DAY eight men. He whiffed the side in' Feigeson of Eliiabeth and up with 2868. Team high single ting 216. lost to the Indians despite the fact Saturday's stars were: Grote- game was won by Knickerbocker the Bulldog fourth. Westfield bang- liohawk. h, that Red Haase pitched • three fend of 173 who homered twica Garage with 1047 with Vennrrj nil Hcnt Service . ..• II) ed two vlBiting twirlerg for theit art is at 9 a. m. and any- 2 hit ball game. Railway took a 1-0 10 runs on eijrht hits. Six walks, while his team mate, Sandqutat, Construction Co. close behind with 3 S!I3 AB. li. II. O. A. Ei tied in the second as they put to- Otrmen * Mich'U 4!l SS2 2S<7 oopn, 31, (Saturday 174 at Washington field and 70 vs.VtuuterblltK 4S 902 Vim'a A»«I!U I 1 0 Q gether a hit liutBinim, an evrov, and 2SII7 Hai'illm.lli ]B» m 1.13 VnnHart, If, t-t II 1 0 II 73 at Roosevelt field. At 10, 1713 Htjuizt'l. HH . , .. one of thrir hits. Wostfield, how- White Plush 40 S76 Mrs, Kulsur .... nil ion 1 tin I) 0 1 2 0 TH PLAINFIELD — Thavs. 75 at Garwood and at 10:30, 27119 •MI-K. WuiUke .... u7 III!! t 1 II 0 ever, sewedi «p the contest in the FIRESTONE Hn^ers Texaco .. 36 1:17 170 vs. 172 at Roosevelt field. s.-.r. 27:iri J'ri'd 146 1711 Town ley, {• , 2 S 0 0 [New York Black Yankees, Tut lies 35 2 S 4 ."> 1 r. s I'urbi'it. Zb last of that inning when five men John Fraiika .... 30 875 uie 184 176 1117 1 2 4 II j from • highly-auccesaful Team standings: 27J0 Amifrfon, rf, If^ 1 0 0 0 came across. W TutalK 721 Johnstun, "uf . . .* i) II 2 II (I the South, will make their 171 I*

ON ALL CASH PURCHASES THRU JUNE 4th. Select Your Color From Our 1500 Stock Shades. SMITH MOTORS 115 NEW STREET Welch's Paint & Wallpaper Store (at South & Central Avei.) 214 EAST BROAD STREET Weatfield 2-5034 Westfield 2-4021 Weekday. To 8 P. M. LAING MOTOR CAR COMPANY 119-121 Eait Fifth Street PUinfield, N. J. Mr*. *. D. Gr«en! Marian Macaulay of Scotch Plains; wtth Mrs. John H witk Mrs, Charles A. Sttttb, Mrs. EdLongk- y Jr., of Clinton Higgins of Plainfield. Mr avenue, | lie plans were discussed for a jun- ward Fogler, Mrs. Uhro Wain, Plainfield, for luncheon. en and Mrs. Tuimeson, sisters oil ior membership which were ap- Miss Janice Jensen, Miss Lucille the prooni-oleet, assisted Mrs. Spen-.j Mr tad ttu. Jagtus Agnoli of USSf Fanwood-Scotch Plains News proved by the club. It was decided Webster, Mrs. Sue Maloof, Mrs. Belvidere avenue will have as week- [to open the membership to add'i- Roy Mills, Mrs. Harold Collin, Mrs. end guests Mr. Agnoli's brother '[ tional instrumentalist*. Richard Boyd, lira. A. h. Har- and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William c' bough, Mrs. Floyd Kerfoot, Mrs. Agnoli of New York, and will *C 65 Pupils Visit H. Everett Peters, Mrs. Emil tertain on Saturday evening cal member of 'the local club to hold a \ f}f\ Hfory JohtlfititH Briefs Jeiinek, Mrs, E. W. Warren Mrs. gappwr ^^ tm the Q Woman's Club M Leesome Fann J. E. MacDonaW and Mrs. Ernest d.y Ml,_ ,nd Mrs ACToli wiii £ T \ •, „ • • >JJ. Spencer To Wed ! Clegg. f ho»ti «t • picnic in their garden Mrs. Justus Agnoli, Mrs. Har- j The decorations were in pink and It was decided to increase the About 65 pupils -'rom the Seth Hears Mrs. O'Hara membership from 100 to 125 and d ith old MilKvater and Mrs. Beechefi white color scheme featuring a l h d " rge decorated umbrella which At the meeting of the Fanwood held the gifts. Mrs. Clekk and Woman's Club on Wednesday, May Mrs. Jeiinek poured at the tea tabl«. 18, Mrs. Paul O'Hara of Plain- i The Fanwood Sunshine Club met field, a member of the Monday Aft ernoon Club and of the State Fed eration Literary Advisory Board LAST S DAYS spoke on "New Books and Thei \\ versity which will be conducted in; Church "t 52nd and Baltimore ave 10% OFF SALE Authors." The meeting was he! June. Philadelphia. The pastor, the Gift*. G*4|«to. ) mies, Wai lie Steele, Mrs. Carl Starbuck in the Presbyterian Church hall. As a memorial to the late Mrs iRev. Max W. Morgan, assisted by program Mrs. O'Hara stressed the effort be- Walte'-"-r- "-•—Hotae, -a charte-•-—•- r membe~«—r• ltne Rev William L. Johnston, a give urban children an opportun Midt U Amrkt Store dondn,, Mrs. Abe Belson, Mrs. Ben- ing made through the schools ti donation was voted to the Amer- brother of the bride, will officiate ity to observe typical frams and ff h f Wtftld Mi 231 E. Bra** St., W«tfi*M interest all children in reading. Sh ican Cancer fund. Discussion was! at the double ring ceremony and their operations in the production jamin Buff ham of Westfteld; Miss 1 suggested that the local club spon- held on a book and author luncheon j the bride-elect will be given in of food and clothing . Several oth- to be in the fall, in conjunction j marriage by her father. Dr. Spen sor a creative writing contest and er school groups have participated with the Fanwood College Worn-jeer is the son of Mrs. H. Newton in this program. listed the benefits children could ail's Club. An invitation was read i Spencer of Plainfield. After showing the sheep and derive from the project. from Post 209, American Legion,] Ml,'Si William L. Johnston, a sis young lambs to the children, Mrs. Mr*. Harold Christopher, pres- to participate in the Memorial Day ter-in-iaw of the bi^de-elect, wil Thomas L. King, who operates the ident and Mrs. Gaylon McGowan exercises. A profit of 178,47 was be the matron of honor. Dr. John farm with her husband, showed vice president, reported on the re-reported b y Mrs. Arthuh r IIsaacson, ston has asked Mrs. Stanley Tonne- them some of the products derived cent state convention /in Atlantic as proceeds from a recent break- son of North Pla infield, a sister of from sheep, including baled shorn City. A letter wa» rea'd from Mrs. fast and sale. ! the groom-elect, Miss Marjori Beeces, wool batting, blankets, raw Wilbur Colville, expressing appre- Mrs. Lester Gross announced 14! Dackehnan of Elking Park, Pa. and tanned pelts, knitting yarn, ciation for having had her name new members in the Junior Worn Miss Phyllis Fox of Chestnut Hill knitted clothing-, meat, tallow and placed on the honor roll of the an'a Club, and that $100 had been Pa. and Mrs. Frank Olds of Phila soap, all products of the Leesome State Federation. Mrs. Colville mad* on a recent dance, and tha delphia to be her bridesmaids. flock. served as treasurer of the federa three members had attended the Rev. David E. Baker, former Commenting on the occasion, tion from 1946 to 1949. She wasstate convention. Mrs. Gross is co pastor of the Fanwood Presbyte- Mrs. Kink said,/"Of course, we ' recently named chairman of the adviser of the Junior Club. An- rian Church, will be best man forare happy to show the sheep to finance and advisory committees of nouncement was made of plans for the federation, and is the first Dr. Spencer. Ushers will be Dr children, they enjoy them so much, a picnic on June 6, at the home William Kidman of Germantown, but more than that we are appre- of Mrs. Sumner Haberle on Chet- Pa., and Dr. James Pass of Phila- ciative of the opportunity to as- wood terrace. delphia. sist in this program for bringing " TUTTLE HARDWARE Mrg. William Egan] retiring Dr. Johnston is a graduate of to the urban children a greater president and Mrs. Seymour Tal- the University of Pennsylvania •waTeness of the source* of their bot presided at the tea table. Hos- Medical College and is now intern- food and clothing and some of th* "I'll have Light Fixtures tesses were Mrs. Ivan Hill, Mrs. ing at the Chestnut Hill Hospital. arm operations whicihh producd t Robert Kearney, Mrs. James Be- She is » member of Delta Delta Mr. Peterson the Paint Preserves SOOTH AVENUE .hemhem. M. P WINDOWS atty, MM. Ernest Clegg, Mrs. Geo.Delta and Phi Beta Kappa, an hon- highest commendation for his ef- WESTFIELO 34700 •nd Mrs. John Cowan. orary scholastic Boiority. forts in making possible this im- Dr. Spencep r ia a graduate of portant addition to the education M wtl w kMtifa. That', why K'i an the Scotch Plains High School, at if the children who ale deprived air tended the Princeton Theological if the many advantages of farm INVESTMENT — ntt an EXPENSE - to Mak« your ha PIANO INFLATION 7 College and graduated from David- ife." «|ai son College, and is now finishing at Wwm In winter. Y««r mm*i W. Haw S*lr*J It the University of Pennsylvania keep MtaMe and ntid* WM4 eomtd Medical School. He is a member Osgood Rogers Plays IHtTlLL MW ... MO Nil I H«w Md UM4 MUM of Beta Theta Pi, a social frater- For Fanwood Group with Kcyitmw qMlfty paint. We have it. nity, also of Phi Chi, a medical MVEMIER...THEIMMITM1IIIJ At Bit society and Omicron Delta Kappa, At the meeting of the Fanwood an honorary leadership fraternity. Musical Society on Tuesday eve- CALL PL He is the nephew ot Mr. and Mrs. iing Mrs. Mignon Barrie present- Eugene P. Spencer of Prospect ed a program of flute solos by Os- CRANFORD PIANO CO. avenue, Scotch Plains, with whom good S. Rogers who was accom- he made his home. THERMOSEAl mnied by Mrs. Richard P. Hat- nmm mm & uuHAie n. S NORTH AVENUE.. B. Cr. ••1710 CRANFORD, N. J. Mrs. Eugene Spencer entertain- field; a soprano soloist, Mrs. Deane PRODUCTS CO. Statin Plan ed on Saturday evening for theDonnelley in a group of songs; and 233 NORTH AVE. . TEL. WE, 2-3000 Sll prospective bride, including mem- Miss Carol Burgess oi Plainfield WEST FROYT ST. bers of the family and a few close in a group of songs accompanied K MOOUCT Of 1HI F. C. IUSU CO. friends of the couple. Among the Miss Sara Lee, president of the guests were Mrs. Gladys Spencer, club. Miss Doris Johnston of West- R. M. BLACK Mrs. Stanley Tonneaon, Mrs. Jas.field also sang two numbers and Whalen, Mrs. William Dermody of Miss Lee played for her. 3 m Roselle, Mrs. William Dermody of ik*'* LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Irvington, Mrs. Thomas Deter and Annual reports and an election Sp«culi*iiit In Mrs. Tad Deter of Sea Girt; Mrs. were among the routine matters during the busines meeting which S Opnng... it seems everybody's fancy is turning to LAWN DEVELOPMENT Alex G. Spencer, Mrs. William R. Mathews, Mrs. Charles Thatcher, followed the program. Mrs. Justus EXPERT MAINTENANCE Mrs. George Goudy, Mrs. Arthur Agnoli was elected' vice president EVERGREENS — SHRUBS if the club, Miss Margaret Lowe LAWNWEED ERADICATION Home, Mi's. Donald Spencer, Mrs. K. Dudley Green, Miss Ruth Ann if Plainfield was re-elected treas- Cranford 64M3 Green of Fanwood; Mrs. Frank urer. The following reports were Baum, Miss Marjorie Green of submitted, secretarial, Mrs. Roger IS DOERING WAY CRANFORD Scotch Plains; Miss Elizabeth M. Cockburn; corresponding secretary, Force of North Plainfield; Mrs. Mrs. Albert I. Nicholls; hospital- ity, Mrs. Agnoli; publicity, Mrs. Wickfield Rice; program, Mrs. Barrie; membership, Mrs. Cock- burh; auditions, Mis. King Gould; :reasurei''s, Miss Lowe. Miss Lee LIBERTY eviewed the club activities during FOOD STORE MIRRORS SUPERETTE FOR FIREPLACES A DOORS Mirror* R«(iKer«4 Picture Framei--Made to Order Clan Topi For Furniture AUTO SAFETY CLASS Key* Duplic.tcd While You Wait. Delicious - MEATS - Tender CRANFORD GLASS & KEY SHOP LEGS OF DAIRY PRODUCTS- 1 South A»e., W. CRANFORD 60803 SPRING LAMB » 69cHELLMAN'S J1 MAYONNAISE pt. *HC PRIME SHARP CHEDDAR RIB ROAST *61c CHEESE fin, SPREAD ft. DJC Prescriptions ...attdtAt reason is, .. IMPORTED Danuh OA COTTAGE HAM ». 69c BLUE CJHEESE lb. O«f€ DELIVERED itgtves so mucA and costs so /itt/e to operate andmaintm* SMOKED Swift'* PROMPTLY * BROOKFIELD ££• No Hour* of Waiting iW HNOT B4MNIHIM BVT fOf BUTTER roll O0C After Doctor Phones. »*• mcH BMRKJM BUY ferThrif t md 1Mb TONGUES ;;; 43c Slymg ' , An your Mends will »ay. "mat • Yes, so great is the demand for new Chevrolets this GROCERIES FRUITS - VEGETABLES BARON'S btudg; what a buyr For thit car hu spring that it seems everybody's fancy is turning to • Body by Fiiher—exclusiv* to this most beautiful buy of all! SHEFFIELD'S PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ChwroJrt and hifhw-prioed cart. LARGE SIMPSON Over :.-, V«r> ••( Prescription LETTUCE nlm4 All America is thrilling to the fleet, flashing lines 10c and colors of Chevrolet's Bodies by Fisher . . i to EVAPORATED MILK - 10c FRESH 243 EAST BROAD ST. Th* mod Uautiful BUY for STRING O Driving ond KidinQ EBM the sparkling and spirited performance of ita Valve- OppoiiU RUIto Theatre BEANS .... L |bt. 25c Chevrolet's new Center-Point Design in-Head Engine ... and to the extraordinary new GREEN GIANT PEAS 2,, 35c Phoii. WE. 2-6SS0 . 2-6681 —including Center-Point Steering. driving and riding results imparted by its famous HUNT'S FULL PODDED SWEET O Center-Point Seating, Lower Center rf Grarity without IOM of road clear* Center-Point Design. And all America is agreeing PEAS L PRUNE PLUMS 30. 18c lbi. 25c r.ncc, and Center-Point Rear Sus- that Chevrolet is the only car that offers all these NEW M i>r pension—gives tntirely tiew driving advantages of highest-priced cars and costs so little Glut ud riding CM*. POTATOES Ht tt>s.£OC Wel-Don to buv. onerate and maintain I FACIAL TISSUES 2WSh»,.10c LARGE JUICY LUX FLAKES 28c Concrete B B ORANGES .... doz. FRESH JERSEY C LIFEBUOY ~ s iV '..:..'2 bJifc BEETS bunclOC Corporation RINSO ; Z8c iJJ TRANSIT MIXED SILVER DUST reg. »iie 29c FROZEN FOODS CONCRETE SILVER DUST giant." 57c Sunfilled for Roadi, W.Ik., Drives, HIRES ROOT BEER (plu.dep.) G for 29c Foundation!, Etc. LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE—Sliced 20oz. 31c ORANGE JUICE 21c IIMT tO% QUA1ITY AT LOWEST COST /CHEVROLET j^ AMIMCA'S CHOICI FRENCH CUT BEANS 26c LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz. 39c OFFICEi HEART'S DELIGHT APRICOT NECTAR 2 for 23c CHOPPED SPINACH 26c RIALTO BUILDING, SHREDDED WHEAT 16c DAVIS HORSE MEAT 23c WESTFIELD, N. J. RITZ CRACKERS 32c TELEPHONES) NORRIS CHEVROLET 522 CENTRAL AVENUE FREE DELIVERY WESTFIELD 2-1294 OFHCEt WEit6.ld 2-4444 Authorized DtaUr for Your Home Touin QUARRYt Fanwood 2-824* .. Member of Twin County Grocera Association North and Central Ave»., Westfield, N. J. kV, MAY H, Hit*. Clone, Betty J«n Smith, Mary Crow and Joan Kraft o( Company j ter, Thelma Sowier and Doris Tnap 173 Hat Bernard WftUar, Hany WWhwr,) Amf htf «O» Mai tin, Betty SUP Johnson, Joan! 3. j White. Guy Cmenoa, Walter 9r*tUvH, **_Mr Jrf* *fe Cortett, Marilyn Mackie, Gsetch«n'1 Riyht guides for the day in-1 Pegjry Savoye acted as the liai- Oversight Hike Robert Endeile, Georg* Hukwattk, US son. The honor guard consisted I Locwh Mid J»ne Heitkair.p. Frank chidied: Barbara Hefley, Nancy \ Denny Martin, Mavuhal Th«baux, 7:M at Liaetia of Alice Berastepui, Barbara Bow- Troop ITSj uiidei the leadership i Kttrfeam, Bomber 6f the Board of : Norman, ffancy Randel, Betty Jepn den, Cheryl Clark, Judy Griswold, of William Gravenjan and Albert Tommy Clements and John Hab. I Education, e«i'ved as umpire. ; Smith, Flora Van Hecke, Carolyn j Marcia Sank and Dorothy Staub. Holzwarth went on *n overnight Company commanders w ere• Wellman and Betty Joan Wiant. I hike to Gamp Lion recently. Most Maishal Thebaux paswd his ten. Maiiatin* Carlson, Virginia Va«- Squad leaders were: Joanne Jrs. to Get Rings of the boys rode their bicycles to devfnot requirements Friday ni^ht., Dtrwerkfo and Marilyn Sturges. Bean, Carol Bonnell, Patricia | rh* site, where they slept in four Some of the boys and their fa.'Gift* Guidon bearers were Joan Corbett, Boyle, Elsie Buist, Gloria Dabney, The juniors of the Holy Trinity them will participate in the an-1 Gretchen Loesch and Barbara Luanne Campbell, Haiel Devers, nttal father and non overnight hik f High School will be measured for Other participants of the hikej "«»J father and »on overnight hike] i«df»l*t. Platoon leaders were Dianna Duncan, Patricia Ely, Joyce I at Camp Watetumit. 1 class ]inps tomorrow. The rings were Devon Hall, Jack Sehnible, Marilyn Maekie, Ann Scalzadona, 'Gould, Joan Gray, Gail Green, are oval with a blue stone and an both ofCompany 1; Virginia Cross, | Mary Hall, Barbara Hallam, Betsy insignia commemorating arts, sci- ••tty 9e Johnson, Ttrry Caceni. ! Husk, Nancy McClure, June Mont.; ence and religion. The year 1950 one, all of Company 2 and Janice goniery, Shirley Sanferd, Joan Sla-1 will be imprinted on the side. LeUiFollow through... «4M«. (wwtl, .f WMMI, at m «MaMl rl.. »>.

than 300 girls, student* at Period 6 were: Gail Green, Danella THIS Id Senior High School, took Hewitt, Marcia Snell, Bunny Can- for miles of Happy driving i the fourth aaMMtl Kagi- ftatd, Derig Green, Bunny Bunce Review Saturday afternoon JMR E»«ig, Margery Bedell, Nan- ihington Field whttc Mvcrtt cy Carter, Diane Hunter, Jeanne NEW It'i site the time for • cwpUta ckeciiY«ar father - daughter Softball aim, Gloria Dabney, June Arnold •ummer driving. Pcrhaea your ce^bureJer aeedt ve the girls a 16-15 Helen Jeane Bai tlett, ThelrnA Bil- daJ». ly, Maribel Tucker, Patricia Mur- MODERN Your brakca, (if tits and winddifeld wiper eMMild IM checked. ing an address of greeting phy, Florence Colyer, Florence it L, Foot*, principal, a Freeman, Dorothy Petosky, Janet •ring your car in and our Service DaaartaMnt m9\ gladly cheek Gumbert and Nancy Randel. ition of gymnasium class it ever f«r yen and receamttnd only necoaeory repair*. was held, with students Judges and escorts for the in' WAY in marching competition bt- ipection were Mrs, Robert L. F«ose, White offlmi and train- Mm. Clinton Turner, Mist Helena Our mechankt are trained BMn who know yew car. Ow Parts) the Blue team. Tht high N. Km, MA. Water Savoye, Mi». MkUt k *» of rm botlc I McaasMet. bn't H lemJbleto Ofde f band, diitcud by Antkoay 8. N. f wan Jr., Mra. H. C. Smith, De|Mrlnaent haadlet only f«nuine factory buih now part*. ,m, ptoytd (or drill* IM Mrs. T. H. Wight Jr., Mrs. V. E. WeUman, Mrs, R, H. Rittcrbush, •ait hto fttutar muMy pgymwiti Hh» you do r>wt and ttoctrklfytly «rs were as follows: Mrs. P, B, Russel, Mrs. J. T. Mock- arranging for your y.or'i supply of D 4 H Anthracite in advane* this •ction, judged for grooming rish and Miss Deris Acker, Judg e, ftriod I, with Marilyn ing the marching were Miss Ann way, you have N» comfort of knowing you're Mem agaimt tho coldi I as leader. Aberntthy,' Miu Hdma Conrad can arrana* for dtlivcrim at your convenience. More and more people INDEPENDENT GARACUi MUs KMS, Mis* Evelyn Crowej rs' Drill, Judftfl (or p«rfce (tabulator), Miss Jane Drager and or* buying Mi modem way every day. Let us give you detailil execution, White team of Misa Dorothy Simpson, Mrs, WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE I and train***. Foose, Mrs. Mockrish and Mrs, landing company, Company Wight judged individuals. • —LIBERAL TRADE DISCOUNT. listing of Periods 7 and 8, PIH ANTHRACITI parianna Carlson ai corn- The program was directed by Ann Scaliadona wai pla-Mrs. Gertrude Swift Rogers, su- IASY PAYMENT PLAN _der of Company 7 and pervisor of physical education fo i Mackie was platoon lead- girls, assisted by MUs Doris M. tmpany 8. Acker. Mi»s Bonnie Bunting, landing Period Platoon was chairman of the gills interc |6 from Company 2, led by athletic committee, wits student di- we Johnson. rector. .-.3 landing individuals were: Fathers participating in the soft- NOR R IS CHEVROLET, INC. y commander, Ijlarianna ball game included Clarence SJRVIN& COMPANY of Company 1; guidon Mackie, Ralph Van Derwerker, [Gretchen Loesch of Com-Charles Snell, Frank Martin, Rob- NORTH AND CENTRAL AVENUES iright guide, Nancy Randel, crt L. Duncan, J. Arthur Corbetl NORTH AT CCMTRAL AVE. WCSTPIELD, NEW Jt»«tY > 1 of Period 6; and Pla-Louis Cross and Samuel Bunting. jitr, Betty Sue Johnson Daughters taking part were WESTFIELD *-O2ftO Jany 2, Period «. Nancy Randel, Virginia VanDer- COAL — COKE — FUEL OIL — BUILDING HEADQUARTERS flni? platoon individuals in weiker, Barbara Gaskill, Virgini STOKER AND OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE WESTFIELD BOARD OF REALTORS report MULTIPLE LISTING SALES over ONE HALF MILLION DOLLARS - v i since January 1, 1949 Is your properly listed in the Multiple Listing System? This new cooperative effort on the part of members of the Westfield Board of Realtors is producing gratifying results. Where listed properties have been priced at current market levels, the percentage of sales to lutings has been high. Any of the following brokers will gladly tell you about the Multiple Listing System and how it can help you sell yoir property.

Realtor Members of The Multiple Listing System: A. J. Benninger Agency Harold Gordon Minna A. Mercner Edward A. Camillo G. E. Howland Pearsall & Frankenbacb, Inc. Cooper & Sperry Alan Johnston Reynolds & Fritz . Walter M. Crane Thomas H Judson, Jr. g A ^^ Kiep & Bass Dietz & Smith, Inc. •i .1 i* v'< KathryJ n l. Sheud Elsie Betz, Associate Martha H. Kopp Edwin 0. Edwards Ella I McCormack William S. Welch & Son H. Clay Friedrichs Harry H. Mallett Thomas 0. Young THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 ••9mm ' master and group «ngin« was led: p»st several months. Among the dolls have been purchased Donald McKay sold soda. Judith man Philip Cobb are co-chairmen, wiU be drewad by member*. Also assisted by Post Commander Frank bv "Russell Scott. A toast to "the j projects mentioned to raise the Couiens made posters and helped dads bv a lad" was given by Eu-1 amount were permanent waves, stuffed dolls •will be made for th« Scotch Plain* - Fanwood at the white elephant counter. Peg- Kavanaujrh, Sheriff Alex Campbell, fair sale. Mr. Bassill, Frank Under, Samuel ucne Hall and a "toast to the lads I hair cutting, sale of bulbs,, (Continued from Page 32) gy Smith, Lorinda McCrea, Colleen bv a dad" was (riven by Arthur j sewing, kJnittinjr, parties, sale of Mrs. Bice announced that Lewis Gallaway and Janet Bazin also Gore, Henry Evans and Raymond Angle. All area organizations have •Hall Sport movies were shown J ceramics, nursing. A tea was giv-Armerding, formerly of Fanwood cial liberty recuperating at his helped with white elephant sales. now of the Mwumley Water Street Louise Vail, Lynn Vance and Mary received invitations to participate after a period of games and con-1 t>n yesterday afternoon by Mrs. home. tests in which fathers and sons i Clifford Kiraeoffe and Mrs. Kobert Mission in New York, would speak Chestnut Farms K. Jackson distributed leaflets in the exercises. on "Saving Souls Through Mis Miss Mimi Waterman, daug'hter throughout the area. teamed together. Acknowledge-; Clostermann, at the latter's home nients were made of numerous mer-1 on Marlboro road, Crestwood, with sions" tonight »t the service in the of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Waterman John H. McCorraick of Longfel- church. Fair Nets $21* low avenue donated ice cream to Confirms Class chants who contributed to the sue- i the proceeds being added to the is expected home from Vassar Col- cuss of the dinner. Also assisting talent fund. Hostesses we're Mrs. John j tog* early in June at the comple- the children. At All Saints Jacob., MM. Malcolm Hazel, Mrs! The third annual ifair of the Remaining1 articles were sold at the committees were Mrs. War- jjrg. ivwi Hill reported progress tion of her junior year. She will ien Hill, Mrs. John Poulson, Mrs. I jt(, the merchandise club; Mrs. Chestnut Farms Service Club re- auction later in the afternoon with Rt. Rev. Alfred L. Banyard, w be associated this summer in the William Harris, Mrs. Paul ATch- \ j. B. Day reported on the blanket centjy netted a total of $216 for'Fred Bishop of Channing avenue Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese bold and Mrs. George Vene*o. Mem-] l b. Mrs. Wickfield Ric«aco-chair- psychology department of Rutgers club projects. Fifty per cent will as auctioneer. of New Jersey, visited All Saints c u (Continued on Page 35) University. ,She is a psychology be given to the American Friends Chairmen of the affair included: bers of the Tri-Hi Y Clubs were man with Mrs. E. E. Kreider of Church Sunday afternoon to ton hostesses. the doll booth to be placed in the major at Vsssar. Miss Sali Wil- Service Committee and the remain- Mrs. Fred Bishop, food; Mrs. Al-firm the following: Dsniel Boone, church fair in the fall, reported 60 son of Pala Alto, Cal., a classmate der to local charities. Mrs. Frank vin Bender, plants and flowers; Richard Ronald Boyd, William Smullen was fair chairman. Mis. Thomas Manahan, used cloth- Frederick Hahm, Tucker Nason, cf Miss Waterman, will be her ing; Mrs. Henry Callahan, white $185 Gained Thru guest at her home in June. Several children assisted club James Edgar Salisbury, William members. Alfred Paas sold bal- elephant; Mrs. Herbert Lookup, Thompson Salisbury, Patricia Jean Talent Project* LAST S DAYS loons and Donald Jackson, "Wim-atmosphere and decorations; Mrs. Abbot, Diane Eunice Schaeffer, NEEDBEtt? UUOKM WAITT ADI FAT py" Buckard, Billy Kingsbury and Wilson Vail, new articles; Mm. Joan Martin Lenbach, Marjorie M>% OFF SALE [Harry Rekemeir, refreshments; The report of the talent projects, Anne Lenbach, Doris Patricia Hol- made at the meeting last Thurs-> Gift*. Cadgate. Hauaewai** Mrs. Robert Reeder, fortune telling lingsworth; also twp candidates and Mrs. E. Z. Smith, publicity. day night of the Presbyterian Sun- MEED SODA? were presented by the rector of day School Auxiliary, showed an Malt b JUstrica Store All Saints Episcopal Churih in amount of $185 earned during the til E. •reed St.. Weotiald Highland Park. J. & M. Super Market Legion Poet Honors WHY CARRY IT? IM MOUNTAIN AVE. NR. SHERWOOD PKWY. Mrs. Lehllwdi 100 Attend YM WEE AMD EASY PARKING — NO METERS TO PAY Mrs. Clarence Lehlbach of Com- Boys' Program OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TILL f P. M. munity Poet, 209, American Legion, WESTFIELD MASTER A Rael Meat She* ud Market To Snap and one of two women members Approximately 100 fathers and CdIWe.Hl4| Meato Cut to OwUr . Gn-Veg Self Service of the organization who' nerved as song and committee members at- a nurse during World War 1, wastended the annual program on Sat- BARBER'S ASST* 1 i GENUINE Prime Juice at. 2Sc given a 30-year Legion member- urday night in the YMCA given ship certificate and pin at the under the supervision of the boys ClaaaUaaa* ami SaalUlian ara tba basic PETERSON'S LEG LAMB ».79c Old Faih'ed Peaches 4»c meeting of the post on Thursday work committee, headed by Oram Red Raspberries 49c f undaaMntalt af all aw •*•»•. Wa iarito PRIME night. Routine business was con-Davies, with Frank Fernandez as your vatraaaga. RIM BEEF ».59c Chunk Pineapple .... 49c ducted by Commander Frank Kav- Chairman. Philip Ahiens, execu- HOME BEVERA FRJESH Bin* Cherries 55c naugh. tive secretary of the Plainneld YM Hmira S a. aa. to 7 p. m. FOWL tfc. 49c Fruit Cocktail If. 39c It -was reported that in keeping CA, gave the invocation. Harold Ml Catfnl An. . «tfd| Grapefruit Section! .. 19c with the custom the post will pre- Dilker, executive secretary of the Clatad Maaday, MaaMrial Day, apan Dole's Pineapple Juice sent medals to the outstanding boy local Y, explained many points of ROAST ft. 69c and girl in the junior high school the Y program. aaat waak FUE DEUVEKT MET REEF large can 39c at exercises in the school on June Edward Fleischman was toast- TONGUE ft. 49c Rock Lobster 59c 15. Com. Kavanaugh announced SPARE Maine Lobster 89c that (31 had been realixed on the RIRS ft. 53c Tall Salmon ... 59c recent movie benefit. Roy Kurre Frankfurter* ft Me Miracloth 69e reported on plans for a play to be given in October. CroM Rib Roait ft 7»c GUss Wax 59c Veal Cutlet* ft. 99c Sank* Coffee 59c The nominating committee ap- pointments were read si follows: CITIES SERVICE INTRODUCES THE Urn Vaal Chops ft. Me Aluminum Foil 43c Samuel Gore, William Ferguson, Fryers, Breilera ft. 49c Pie Apples 23c Thomas Kearni, George Maculiy Memll'* E-Z Cut Rice Dinners 29c and Charles Lehlbach. HAMS ft. •ailed rlaau. i/tft.«3c Frozen Peas ...2 for 49c •elena Vtft. 29c Yellow Squash 25c Plan Memorial Nu-MaidOUa 29c Strawberries 39c Day Service* Craaai Ch**M Cat. 31c Horse Meat 23c Haavy Craaai 29c Blueberries 39c Memorial Day services, to be CatUf• Cheate sponsored by Post 209, American , 12 as. 25c CHICKEN Legion, will begin at the Honor BREAST ft. Roll in the Fanwood station park, FOUR BUTCHERS VI continue with a parade through Ready To Senra You CHICKEN Martine avenue to Park avenue, —NO WAITING LIVERS 69c Scotch Plains, and memorial serv- So* Your Moat COOKED ices in the Baptist Cemetery, and Cat To Order SHRIMP close with an appropriate program 85c at the Soldier's Monument at the corner of Front street and Park HOLIDAY SPECIAL avenue. HIRES bottles Rev. Edward E. Peterson will be ROOT BEER 19c th.e principal speaker, with other participants to be Mias Carol Brun- GASOLENE -PETE'S DELIVERY SERVICE Now Serving ner, a high school senior; Rev. Wil- liam F. Basaill, Rev. Noel Calhoun Our Market — 2 DELIVERIES DAILY Jr., and Rev. Robert Gentile. Phone WE. 2-5686 Mayor Donald F. Riblet of Fan- wood and Town Committee Chair-


Reg. SPECIAL DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGE . $139.95 $69.95 BENDIX IRONERS— Floor Sample 199.95 139.95 BENDIX GYROMATIC—Demonstrator 319.95 229 95 NEW EASY SPINNER (with old wa.her) 139.95 •a


&2&^yftjs^KTiy'*sii&*si2: Reg. SPECIAL • BUIONIO FOi THI NIW HIOH COMMISIIOM Ml» W«* FADA RADIO—Floor Sample $27.95 $15.00

PROCTOR ROASTER—Floor Sample ^5 95 2S 00


WHILE THEY LAST ! 00 Heating Pads . . *1 This great new Cities Service Premium Gasolene w»»cu»t«m engineered in the huge modern refineries of Citiw S«v to meet the exacting requirements of the lateit high com- WE HAVE A FEW BRAND NEW pression ratio engines of today and tomorrow. 1948 MODEL REFRIGERATORS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE All engines-regardless of age or model-can B«* 30% TO 50% OFF ON 1948 MODEL VACUUM CLEANERS sponsiveness...extra power and pep...and w OLYMPIC TELEVISION 10", Floor Sample, Reg. $299.95, Now $199. knock performance with this remarkable new motor ue. Try a tankful in your car today. You'll feel the .urp'l»ml TELETONE TELEVISION 7", Floor Sample, Reg. $169.95, Now $85.00 tiew power irwtantly. AUTOMATIC TOASTERS . . $5.00 up Sftf&MC VAN'S APPLIANCE CO. CITIES @ SERVICE COR. CENTRAL & NORTH AVES. . . WESTFIELD 2-3726

Opposite Norris Chevrolet HEW PREMIUM GASOLEM THE WESTfffiLD LEADBt, THURSDAY. MAY 2i, 1S49 Chest The appointment was mad* M»Jf Ml, at the round-up session, a n *1 f" Chopin. \TCH PLAINS by Chest President R«ber H. M«Me, record number of pupils is antici- Brrkrl rlipilpilSs GivViVCe Those pupils who received FANWOOD of Pla,infield and is considered • pated for the fall term in School literary Club tribute to the support th*t Fan- Four, The round-up was conduct- — ~ ] certificates for technical advajice- The MiMMH Club of Holy frta- < Continued -from Page 34) ! ment and who had each played a wood h«s given the chest drives in ed by the PTA, with Dr. William Spring Recital The Literary Club of Wtstfidd ity Hi«h Bohool hw «do»M »n- the past. Mr. Hatfield is »• for- J. McGinn fur the physical exam- program of VI pieces from memory othcr baby, im% Thrrmt. €olle§e mer chest trustee, is retiring pres- inations and Hr, Theodore (Well, \ ^ ' the previous week were Joanna Hitrh School heard C. Graham I Bei'kel, history teacher, speak up. pv«viou«ly &d b^ Ml ft. ident of the Watchung Council, assisted by Mrs. Natalie Thomas : Pupils of Raymond Young, con-jBuun, BevnadeVte Cocchia, Alice Stephen JT lit nt Supper Boy Scouts of America and hasfor the dental examinations. Miss I cert pianist and teacher, and Kuth Farley and Barbara Nicholson. I on the topic of "American Poetry, long been identified in various com- Florence Ginzelmann. whuol nurse, ., Young, of 121 North Eu- Pupils who won awards from the! Fact and Fancy" at their last vs. Edgar Turner, president of munity and welfare activities. He vise assisted. Over 100 kindergar- clid avenue, (rave their spring re- Grjffith Music Foundation were Ju-' meeting1 of the year, held at the p'anwood Woman's College holds exceptional qualifications for teners ure expected, witli 90 al-cital at the home of Mr, and Mrs, dith Shelton, Joanna Bunn, Mary) dose of Marilyn Sturgen, 0 Stan- entertained members of thethe office of general campaign ready having registered for thj Jamee s E. Hurley of 828 Shadow- i Gail Mallard, Alice Farley, Rich- oval, yesterday. utivf board at a buffet supper chairman. Mr. Hatfield is ]Ji*si- September opening of the school. I lawn drive. j ard Lachenauer «n d Richard Why Pty More far ;>• evening in her home itant of the Spacaib Essex Inc., of I Participantg included C a rol; Thurn. Mat* Mitt 'ark-y avenue. In the business Maplewood. iWeisleder, Sheila Oldford, Susan j ______pasturts^M wUs ntr which followed it was rec- School One i Youn^, Judith Shelton, James Pal-1 lars to th* milk ch«ck. mlt'd that a cash donation be LEADER HA*!' TA1 You Ned for Y«r Exhibit Tonight mer, Margaret Hurley, Barbara! to Camp Endeavor, Scotch All Saint* Church Pease, John Stiles McMartin Jr., j DLCOIUTION DAY VfOAL ns. It wfls also decided to en- I fiernadette Cocchia, Joanne Bunn, i ain eight new members at anFair June 4 The annual School One exhibit ALL MLIAL LAWN ARM CHAW— will be tonjsrht in the school, open- ] Maijjuret Johnson, James Moffett IUf. 97.10 ling party on June 1 in the i Jr., Lucinda Bid, Mary Gail Mal- ie of Mrs. Robert H. Wood at June 4 is the date set for the an- ing at 7 p. m. and continuing un- til 9 p. m. Pupils' works of vari- lrd. Jack Wade, Alice Farley, Rich- lelen street. I'lans for the an- nual auction at All Saints Church ard Lachenauer, Richard Thurn, picnic were made with Mrs. which wiy be conducted this year ous kinds will bo displayed in each NATlOfUU Y KNOWN IWlPTf MM •s Ifogrefe as chairman. The in the unfinished parish house, un- lie will be held at the home of der the supervision of Mrs. Anna several students who are eagerly! "' i. John Snyder on Lamberts Armstrong. Proceeds will be for Youn clo8e the iUNI MUM GIFTl — All road, Scotch Plains. ABsist- anticipating showing the Kuests| *"'• «f <' program the building fund of the parish wlth the Ballad MWliaMM MM |M Mrs. ,Hogrefe will be Mrshouse. . The committee will accept the work accomplished throughout j " e in A flat" by xl, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Frank- any housefurnishings, dishes, bric- the year. fLAC* rot MtMOIUAL DAT L. Williams, Mrs. Griffith Wil- a-brac, ornaments, pictures, toys, The display of art work will be :, Mrs. Arthur W. Warner, and antique articles and will ar- outstanding, but is a by-product rUU LINE «f %APOUN PAINW Stewart Truitt and Miss range to call for them if contacted. rather than an objective of the ,- A. Gait. Mrs. Lloyd Han- Articles may also be left at theclasses. Students will point out CHAM SEED MIXTUMI ivas appointed chairman of anrectory on PaTk avenue. Arthur the research ami learning process- itinp committee, G. Bennington will be the auction- es 'that have taken place in devel- H»w J»wy N*. 1 •S«9>4 eer. Members of the Church School oping the charts, maps, pictures, Auxiliary will «erve refreshments etc on display. Members of the AOtlCO- VNMMtO — •OVUNO - ifielil Named on the sale day. community who do not have chil- — LIMESTONE dren in the school are especially Chairman urged to visit the exhibit and view Record Enrollment the work of the school which they khiird P. Hatfleld of 87 Forest help in supporting. YOUNCJTOWN KITCHEN SINK! , Fainvood, has been appointed Set at School 4 ral campaign chairman of the PORCH CUDEJU . LAWN CHAIRfl- nlield, North Plair.neld and Judging by the number of newCancer Drive PORCH CHAISC LOUNOEI svooil area of the Community enrollees registered on Tunday, ON ALL WlLYWVaUND HOWLS! Reaches 1500 QAROEN TARUf **4 UMiWttLAJ p rVLL UNE OP CHAM PAM PO« Paul C. Smith, chairman of the American Cancer Drive for Scotch LAWN AND PORCH FURNITURE ,.} DR. M. UPTON Plains, has announced a total of 'Jeep' 6 Station Wagon JUST RECEIVED — ^. . $500 in contributions, of a quota A SHIPMENT OP RIRD iATHJ • of .1750. An the drive will con- OPTOMETRIST tinue throughout the month dona- PICNIC TARLES ut* GRILLS EYES EXAMINED tions may be sent to J. Horace •75.24 CHARCOAL Mi ALL ACCESSORIES Hatfleld at the Scotch Plains l« WEST MONT ST. H. ••Mil PLAINFIILD. H. I. branch of the Westfield Trust Co. MOTH SACS . ODORA CHESTS IIOUHUI Dallr, • A. M, ta • P. M.—Tk«raa*r. • A. U. «• t P. M. SPRAY GUNS tad PREVENTIVEt Barber»hopper§ POWER AND HAND LAWN MOWERS Elect Cogswell Iwayt GARDEN TOOLS In Stock Hare. WE DELIVER . PHONE WESTFIELD S4SM. Bulldoze* Work- George Cogswell was elected Open Every Sunday president of the Westfield chapter, SPEBSQSA, Inc., at its last meet-, /10 A. M. » 1 P. M. Permanent ins:. Other officers, whose terms 3 P. M. •• g P. M. will begin July 1, are: Vice pres- ident, Bill Long; secretaries, Ed Driveways ci M TtMdval-purpoM 'Jttp'Station Wagon with 4-tytiiWw TAYLOR' Hamilton and Lynn Cogswell; U*'M19 ITE. 2-4M5 . . IIS PARK STREET


SPRAYING WHOLESALE • HET/III. EVERGREENS SHRUBS LOOK! DISTRIBUTORS • CAR WASHING TREES COLDWELL • SIMONIZING BUY • LET US PREPARE ORNAMENTAL ROSES ONE STEARNS YOUR CAR FOR FRUIT SUMMER DRIVING TODAY! use one (1) Insecticide to PROTECT your HOMKO :EES — EVERGREENS — SHRUBS — ROSES M and ORNAMENTALS from the ravages of LEAF HEWING and SUCKING INSECTS and FUNGUS DEALERS FOR AMOCO SERVICE STATION •isease*. REO TRINALAWN A. HUTIRA, Prop. CENTRAL it QU1MBY Complete Coverage — Go«d Control AND REO ROYALE NO UNSIGHTLY RESIDUE. Spray NOW for the Control of Elm Leaf Beetle (currier of the Dutch Elm Disease) RUMSEV ELECTRIC Pin Oak Saw Fly POWER MOWERS EVERGREENS (Damage appears late August—early Sept.) Apple Scab—Codling Moth MAKERS •S5T 99-M (Fruit destroying insect and fungi) TO Beautiful Stock — Reasonably Priced Birch Leaf Miner—Willow Beetle OF THE (Leaves turn brown—curl—then drop) Cankerworm—Tent Caterpillar* "RIGHT Wfille They Luitl (Inch worm) lO^off Fungus Diseases Rosus (black spots), Lilacs (mildew) CLIPPER" CREDIT AFTER JUNE lit Leaf Diseaiei of the Beech—Tulip—Hor»echest- nut—Oak and Maple Trees IS" and 20 (LenveH wilt—curl—brown—drop) SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN Pines—Rhododendron!—Spruce One •! th« Latent ami TOOLS. WE CARRY "NA-CHURS" (Loaf and stem innectH) Landscaping That's DUtennt Meat Modem Power LIQUID FERTILIZER PEDIGREED Also 24 Year* Experience In Beautifying the Groundi COMPLETE TREE AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE Maweri of This Age GRASS SEEDS. Trimming — Feeding — Cabling Removal — Planting — Transplanting AUTHORIZED SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR OPEN THURSDAY TIM. « FOR BRI005 k 1TRA110N PARTS l'L «>7«21 ohn K. Meeker FLOWER SHOP WOODLAND AVE., CORNER SOUTH CERTIFIED TREE EXPERT RIGHT LAWN MOWER SHOP New Jer»«y Certificate No. 19 FOUMIWY W 1327 EAST SICONO STRUT C. II. IFlllTi:, (Prop.) PLAINFIELD 6-7829 PHONE WE. 2-3109 . WESTFIELD, N. J. NOW LOCATED AT M WATCHUNO AVE. £S1 NORTH PLAINFIELD Opttn Evening* nnd Sundayi • Insurance Coverage THE LEADER. THURSDAY. MAY 26, 1»48 serving girls •• vou may select." ] This examination is open to res-! supervision of his commanding of- I Jr. Women Vote Mix Debbie declared that the YW Jill v 11 Set For jidents of Union County, which com-j fleer, wherever he m*y be sta- LWV Elects ISumForYWCA ca "is grateful for the gift as will j prises the Sixth Congressional Dis- ! tioned. be the girls who -will receive it Academy Exaas I trict of New Jtrsey. All persons desiring io take the A donation of $30 has been made after careful consideration has i „, . . examination .should communicate New Officers to the YVVC'A by the Junior Wom- been given to their selection." I The examination wiB be givenj . Representative Case ^ Rep. Clifford P. Case (R. N J.) dh ect)y with an's Club of Westfield, it was an- FREE! ii" Elizabeth. However, for the!at Room 2a», House Office Build- Will Study Local nounced by Miss Winifred Debbie • k**s announced that July 11 has convenienc—e of applicants, it may ing', ( Washington, l>. C. Assessment Practices today. In donating the sum, the LAST 3 DAYS been selected for the designation ]»]™_ te K^61^/11 val^us._,oth«,h r Candidates lot- the Military \ places, pursuant ito special ar-j Academy must be not less than 17 executive board of the Junior Wom- 20% Of F SALE examination to be given boy *»thee jj j.,ngem

LEHIGH COAL & SUPPLY CO. tf ( IIAM'Ollll Til. I'll. (1-1717

1. TMWIDOI...tiltith«h«el ben* (oMaleii) and helps point BELLOWS the tots straight ahead I , PRIVATE STOCK 2. THI MOt...lce*p lh» wedge-tilt conttant by resisting Consult your doctor if BOURBON wear I your child has either foot A light bodied straight Bourbon whiskey distilled 3. 1HI COUNTIR SACK STAY or posture trouble. in Illinois. Clean tasting and mellow. Try it. You'll like it. i... hold* the back heel bone (Achilles Tendon)! BUY YOUR ^.,c Our 30 yours o{ experi- AT BARON'S £ 4.04 '$. 5.00 I Come In today and let us show you how this remark* ence is your assurance of mrHt...tkii ntnti able new shoe holds your baby's foot gently, yet accuracy and understand- WE ARE SOLE Setlast beautifies canvas- keeps it "ulivc" and pliable, firmly in the correct walking position., ing of your Doctor's pre- LOUIS protects and prolongs the ICE CUBES FREE life of the canvug. 7t re- scription. stores that braml-new look and makes old W» JIUCM'C