THE WESTFIELD LEADER LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published blNTH YUAK—wo. 3Y Post Otttot, WutliU, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 Every Thursday. to Begin 259 Children to Participate in Local Stores, Offices Borough School Memorial Day To < W Monday Time Schedule Memorial Day • uonn Station Stores and local offices, includ- Census Data 8:30 A.M. Ring-ing of church Elementary School Choir Festival ing the Municipal Building and bells. Post Office, will be closed Monday 8:30 A.M. Parade assembly The elementary school Choir Festival will be held this evening in observation of Memorial Day. Due Next Fall at Ferris PI. end at 7:30 o'clock at Roosevelt Junior High School auditorium. Approx- As a legal holiday, parking meters Prospect St. Parade Monday Resident* Ask imately 250 children will take part in the singing and a group from will not be in operation. Barber- Education Board Lincoln .School will dance the Virginia Rael, accompanied by the choirs shops will be closed Monday but 9:00 A.M. Services at Mon- iK-il to Ponder singing "The Arkansas Traveler," Rhythm instruments will be added will be open on Wednesday. To Study Data ument. C«l. June* H. HoagTo~BeGrand Again* Bugs thth e MexicaMi n song-, "Fit"Fiesta," The Wett/itld Leader will also For Future Plans 9:15 A.M. Procession starts. Marshal at Annual May 30 Event nd will be played by a group from be closed all day Monday. Club Line of march will be from Mon- n the comstruction of a e Franklin School Choir: Sally correspondents and advertisers are A large number of Weetfteld organizations, including tfc Spring Flower illace, Iris Hann, Susan Hait- MOUNTAINSIDE — The boro ument out Broad king- lot on the north urged to co-operate by sending census being taken for the benefit talion from the National Guard Armory here, will maich in a ian, Wendy Holmes, Judy Hes copy in early, tomorrow if possi- St. to Elm St. Up | rial Day parade here Monday. The groups will form a line of ' j railroad at the station of the Board of Education, and Elm, through Or- Expected to begin within Show June 1 xk, June Krejcu, Betty Day, Geo. ble. sponsored by that group, will not at 8:30 a. in. at Ferris place and Prospect street, and will k* M bf uchanan, Lee Lindeman, Joe Oam- chard St. to Mt. Col. James 11. Hoag, VFW, as grand marshal. it was stated Monday be completed for some time, A. C. Ave., to the Revo- ing- the meeting of (he ia, Julie Windham, Nancy Mum- Patterson announced Thursday Services at the World Wir ad. - Masonic Temple ord, Nancy Grubb, Herbert night. On this basis, compilation lutionary Ceme- ument at the PUM at 9 a. m. «4M >neil, at which the con 150 Scouts, Dads tery. the work was awarded Scene of Event right, Shirley Douglas, Suzanne of all the facts will not be made be introduced by Commoditt % t, Fera Contracting Co. of erber, Claire Minnick, Betty Ann until sometime in the fall. At the U-.HO A.M. Services at Revo- Churches Plan Kain of the U. 8. C««*t OlMrt. Iger, Carol Schwartz, Ann Alex- i a low bid of f 18,787.70 The annual Spring Flower Show At Camp Weekend time, the board hopes by study of lutionary Ceme- Following the sounding of MtMt l»s considerably under the nder. the figures, tq determine the school- tevy. and "The Battle Hymn of MM RO of the Garden Club of Westfield, Other 'oik songs and reiigious Memorial Service Bthorized in-the ordinance. which is expected to be one of the loom requirements for the next 9:45 A.M. Procession moves public," to be played by UM W«*. ds, which ranfed to $25,- nd ait songs will be included in Cwiipfire, Craft live, 10, 15 or 20 years. to Fairvlew Cem- field Senior High School k*M, ftt. most outstanding in club history, lie program. Each school is also follows: C. H. Win- will be presented in the Masonic Contests Featured Patterson informed the board etery; Line of Council lo Sponsor Rev. Msgr. Henry J. , WslttlWi Etabeth, 120,568.32; D. presented by two ushers. that of the 10' groups participat- match: Mt. Ave. will give the invocation. Jack I. Temple from 3 until 9 p. in. on Miss Ruth Vincent, music duper- tract Co., Rahway, $22,- Wednesday. Westfield troops comprising Dia- ing in the census, under the super- to E. Broad St. Sunday Observance Camillo, commander of tha inans Contiacting Co., isor in the elementary schools, is rict 4, Boy Scouts of the Wat-vision of Malcolm Wi'ight, only to cemetery. ican Legion pout, will five Under the direction of Mrs. Har- h« director of the program, aBsist- 23,077.86) Anthony De- old Brooke, chairman, the show hung Area Council, held their un- four have not yet turned in re- Under the sponsorship of the ductory remarks prior, to til aeV il by the choir director of each 10:15 A.M. Exercises at Westneld Council of Churches, the ipUwood, $23,324.75; Di-will present to the "dirt gardener" nual Father-Son roundup Satin- ports. After these family figures Faii-view Ceme- dress by Mayor Charlet K Balltr. Ruffini, Railway, $24,- chool: Mrs. Alice Lehrnann, day and Sunday, at Camp Wat- have been obtained, reports are to traditional Memorial Sunday Eve- Representatives of patriotic, vaatr- > many classes of the newest in spec, ranklin School; Mrs. Margaret tery. 'errible Construction Co., imeiis while those interested in the hung, Glen Gardner, The pro-be taken from builders, planning ning Union Service will be held at aim and other organiiatielui wtl $25,309.75. Ivans, Wilson; Miss Marian Long, gram was in charge of Herbert A. joard members, and birth records 8 o'clock Sunday evening in the decorate the monument bafeva a art of flower arrangement may McKinley; Miss Pearl Simon, study entries from the tiny mi nil Halsey, camp chairman, and Alan n order to determine the growth Presbyterian Church of WeatflelO. volley is sounded by the NJMQ of Charles Giancurlo of rant; Mrs. Eleanore Bush, Lin- o date and the possible future Rev. Robert M, Skinner, minister firing aquad and "Tape" kjr taW of $4,013 was low ofture to the brilliant mass arrange, A. Burch, vice chairman of the Reception Honors oln and Mis. Helen Peck, Colum- camping committee. iducational requirements. of the host church, will preside and Senior High School band. Knitted -for paving and merit. For future gardeners, to. us. Mrs. Peck will also serve al day's "small fry," there are an Eighty-six Boy Scouts, 54 fathers, Rolfc Kiistiansen, president of conduct the service of worship and The parade will move to tka k on portions of Massa- iccompantat. Rev. A. Ray Petty the sermon of the evening will be Revolutionary Cemetery on IKI Maryland streets, and unusual number of entries, Par- 10 staff members and commission- he board, announced at Thurs- ticipants are reminded that they The program is open to the pub- ers attended. Troop 172 of the day's meeting, that all teachers' preached by Rev. A. Ray Petty, tain avenue where Horace I Warded the contract. Six ic. Children must be pan :ontracts for the 1949-50 session minister of the First Baptist. er, president of tht Wtat I ranged to a high of are restricted to one entry to » Benjamin Franklin School, West- Buptisl Minister class. led by adults. fleld, had the largest representa- have been signed and approved. Church. Mr, Petty is closing his chapter, Son* of the America* ••*• Attractive flower posters will be tion, which included 27 Scouts, two A new teacher for the additional j Ends Service Here ministry in Westfielri' this week ulution, will introduce • prtytt *• |ion signed by 133 resi- exhibited by the following mem leaders, 17 fathers and one guest, first grade has also been appoint- and on June 1 will leave for Chula be led by Rev. J. L. McCoriiM Jr.t * ni the Council to consid- bert of the Westfleld Senior High Case Wins Praise Giles Atwood of Troop 374, Chied- . The question of a new dass- A farewell reception was given Vista, Cal., to assume the pastor- the pledge to the flag and MMM fig as a mean: of killing School art classes under Miss Har- cago Council. 'oom is still under discussion; sev- last night In honor of Rev. andate there of The Community Con- Seaman, a student at WtttfcM mosquitoes as a possible riet Howard; Barbara Miller, Gail Scout craft contests were di- eral spaces being available. Mrs. A. Ray Petty, in the Sunday gregational Church. The subject High School, who will give aalwet against infantile pa- Green, Jane Anne Fischer, Mar- Of GOP Group rected by George Crosby and Fred School Clerk Donald Maxwell school rooms of the First Baptist of Mr. Petty'a sermon ig "God Sotalk. Miss Jane Cogswell at tfci It was understood the re. Menninger, neighborhood commis- was instructed to send a letter to Church. Mr. Petty has been min Loved the World That He Gave," Robert French Society orie Budell, Bob Savoye, Arline f h d Jich was- referred to th«Spindler, Frances Windham, Arol sioners, and Paul Wolfe, assistant Somerset Bus Co., commending the lister of this church for three and •te the grave of Aunt Betty VrtHM (Health, stemmed from a ih'iver of the school bus on his i a half years and recently accepted Other parts of the ncivice will and other memorial wreatlM will kt Tom-res, Elden Mereness, Mary K Committee Endorses Scoutmaster of Troop 75 of Gal', be taken by Rev.
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