Vol. xxxvii. No. 38. Hightstown, N. J., Thursday, DECEf/IBER 22d, 1881, Whole No. 1393 PfSO FI£'i^l(».\A lj C iKD.< 4. WATCHAMAf^rNO JOHNSON - PULLEN, j’^TTiuaN-Eas p. d i \^is , New York Tribune. Poetry. pUuT in Ilu; (inn. Uiirm ilic nuMcipiilnil n tire- I c h t o I nml sent tu ht.s fatliiT's l>rolliPr, where T R.C, JOHNSON in e n l n f . 2 il .Mece.lilh, vylu. w;ie known to die is iloins well, iim! Kllen lefl lief home amt » / I Mercer Et., Hightstown, TJ.J., CUHI.'j'l'.MAS IS CO.MINU. Suoci'BSorto JolinU.Jobuson, The'Loading American Newspaper.’ fiivor Ihe iM lcnii.in.l-Aiim ni: nil the ijeiks iinci ; caiiie here, hinhm; fur higher wiices' than sue I lii'U tstdvvii. X. -T. OuntlnucH lu ManulHciuie. I’HKAi' Koa C a h j i, w.irhnien in llie i;ti nl T.ieluiy,, lliere wins no ^ emilil enni in her own Imvn. I knowing all, OFCtCK ooa. STOOKTOX a s h POIIMAN STS. During Cu* year lS-'2 'I'liu T i u i u m ; linpi i to oni- L A D I E S ’ A aN D G E N T ’ S nv -MAIIY U. llltlN K . OtQoo U.»urB : 8 to Vi A . M ., 2 to 5 P . xM. , WATCH & CLOCK plfiy vtlrh hiiTi-i.'^m.' ^U‘'"«‘^s the w.irk iindihe one so Imn.lsonie ns W aller Unil,mill, imiic.^so aiivniiuea her iiilerest in every w ay.- Month me I hods ivtiiiui li.i vi- Won lor It .'lo lar,-i’ u ini-a'Uiro • *h rl? l111nR IR Coming !" the oiiiidren cry. ! i p r 3- l y r ol poimlar ap|)roviil. ii )i is ivUaiiied, ainl ini'an.s Iinieily.r, Ihieii in iimmier. none no after tiionili, lieii.viiig herself everything hut M A K E If, Fancy and Plain Boots and Shoes, Counting the wei-ks ih'it nro liurrylng by, n e ve r to Id.-rtu ih ,. h ig h .-'la n d a id o f siieen-s w liio h oiile witli all. HiR he hull gone Ihrongli'thir- llie iieee.s.eiiries ol life, she has sent her eiirn- ' near the Iron Bruise, GAITERS, SLIPPKUS. Ac. W;;B n 'liU 'il a t bv l!.« lo u u 'b r . t h e la i ” ost e lio u b i- Dear llclo otillilron. wh«i live al homfe. R. A. WILLIAMSON, tio’: luiiotiif the be.t people.. So- 1»tg-a »-iroal i .And ito not gues." wh.it D Is to roam ly yenrs of life,, fiiiey free, m ilil Kllen t'liur- m gs to wipe oR her hrulher's (lehl. W ilh the Best matcrlu 1b usotl, and satiBiiu-tloii guarautoed. lb'll and one So widolj .lislributed ov-r ilu'eiiCre I'hlll to tile picb't V. D'^ North Main Street, Hightstown territory or the N-itioii liasm v- r ta'Cii ac.iim"! by From morn till night, with ?to kingles.R leet I tent of the house uml wljiU alie saves here sho K lG lirM I'O W A X, It . J -, Walches, Glocks ami .Towelry neatly cleanetl A good aBBortiiient ol Keiuly-Mude UootB ami and Ollier iiew.apapnr in thernItO 'l Slates We Up an.I .town, through the ice ami sleet. T lu v re w usii.sCaomyjhiiiir !ao in thn noMo, refined La?. Ju b i in^ being ac- •unit repaired, iiml wiirninted to Kiv« Hatlnlactlon SIlOUB ■ ' ; on hii m l. aecapt iMs lael W^hoAerdiet ol the ai.-i i.-an p,-i>. OFUTGIS [N DV\VI 3:i’ B U t U D l X U . pie upon tlic eoiiilu'-l and eliarivi-lor •'( I’m Y.ti faee uf ihi*.* y-'iiDCgiily-'uncgiil lim t mifncUMlmirncUMl W aller ; kimivie(Ygi.Tikm>viiedgcd in li’SaltTror ^ o r I Imiuiwl to her yesler- • I solicit the patruii!igo ol ihr public, Bools Hiul Shoos repaired ul short notlen. -‘Chrlsttiins Ifl coming !'■ IhiiikM RtU Tim , apr IC-U' Foriuurly oi5Gupi>'d Ijy Dr. Duslilor. Apr M yr J . R. U. .TOUNSON, iifKL. The po.^irlon ir*T. en'lWs ooiiM le v r have Hut what can the C|iri- tinn« no lor Mm I U 'lih im n fr o m th e Ih-st,- 1'lm l 4tieie wim gome day. You cm umlersland why film cm ld nf)J Also .In.sticc ol the Peace. A call Irom my old friends and cuntoiiierH Is re- be.'ll gainoij.nor rei.lined imt by pie-r’iiliieiii mer- sin-elfuliy solicited. ajtr 1- l y l'.‘'as,i ii'-wap iper. IIS an.organ ot ^ a id npiuli,n, His home is a cellar, his 'daily bread lu nvy iroiiblc iTrnodinj; in Hie Sfidm-M Uf her j Uike c>ven a few dolhiis lo auliscrihe for u prea- tllld 111) tl'lvoi’ lie ol lu.sl im t'lie tnua.sH'e.:, I’liu crumb.-' t lut icmaln n loui the rlcli. arc fed. lu '•liiirt. I'liK 'I'liiiU’NK wlD. m* hot rti-tnre, pnn- great dark eve?' Ire nevei’ (jonldcd; I'Ul if,ever.. "'h* \vln/n I loll you the two years e.vpir- ])R. A. H. DEY, |R A YAGER, No mother to kDs him when >lu> Is gone'; tinui'to be the me.liiini-of the bOPl ......... a im puiiiy and goodimw were pielmed in limuan j ‘'>i Hie very day whi'n tin; ln.st hmulred dol- ^NTH O N Y COLEMAN, thevpleeol Ihel.est eoiis.’b'iice ol Co-time : will No place to bo glad lu iimbtr the sun. HIGHTSTOW N, N. .1 . HIGHTSTOWN, N. .1.. •keep iiL'east'ot Cu* Inehe.'i proufe-^-, I.ivor the Oiiiinlenanre, they v.ere in Kilens. Eioin h .H lais w h s received. X* j\ v . Wjiller, voii know tree.- dis'.'UssL-n, lii-ariitl siib s, app'diI aUva \ « tn O fFICE AT D. B DEV'S, N U lllil xMAIN ST. K\i That wondei ful iMlnw, oh! Santa (’IIIU.-I. L lleii’s senrcl, Wx\TCJI M AK AND .]E:\V EI.EK, CARPET WEAVER, Ilienmsi en lIp eiii'd itUclliuenei' and Uie purc-st I'atlier he leai'pt-d ininrh'>f ihe.nexvpiii.er, of Judge for yourself if she is a m y s -ly NVho never Is idle a moment, li. eiiiiso Watches, (Mock.s, Spec tar los. iio Pin teil Ware In mer.ility, luol ro(u.<e pcr'-iiipl'.rily ioeit,.|- ly Cie the qiiick illaptah^il^' ^li#; siniv, i (Yf,)!- ^\nl■k if^UiiM-r." variety. Ropulring In all Its branolies pniuiplly IIIO IITN TO WN, M J . tasti-M of I be viu or I he ]'r* iui'u ‘0 ••f I to- itiM i H ill. ID) I.R kept so busy with plUliy'lho to\H aiLeiided to and warranied. At the old stand, op. Tlit: Well known specia I b‘.iiuivs or''in. T,;i iir n k Into tlie «t"ckinu;.^ ofglrls mid.b.'ja, evidenl'iy new to l)i r, ef the ajniogt in.n*cnliiie, “Hhe is as noble and self-sacrificing as my R. A. DAWES, w ill lie c:i re u 'l\ m.i in! a h ie d . Its . \ a r i ' u t io i- 1| De posito the iJaptlat church. mr4 ly A I ante <iunntity of P a g i’Hrpet -m hund lor sale, No wonder he -lomef Iiuc.r lorgcis, you know brain that tllDd lier lo ......... [nkeVcditrol r.filie bearl alwaya told me slu; was. in spite of ap. J) a-* good ns can be piirehased In anv in;irkel al the parlmerif w ill remuin jis n is, il.e hilb sr aii'l i.esl lowcfli market priecB. ' ■“ I ti e lii'ii'vhobl ami ^ I'Ung Folks’ I'."-arinii'iii s. Into Urn lioiueH ol the poor to go I ' looni-Dnuu wliere over ii hm ulred gii !h w e re n l p e a r a iie i‘8?" said Walter. “To-niorrow I will SUIiaKON DF.NTIST, 1 lie lit e ra r y . seb'iil llic a ml re II.; ions l< at ,i-e,s, j he iMunnioutliSircDt. nniir iMaln. % \ork. ami munurioLuror of Incorruptlblo iJ-um Tueth. THE O L D STAND! a i u 2’'- i y r stamlani inaik.-t rci.nrts, will all bo lupi up ami But, doar littli' children, you umlorslfiml see if she cun ever return my love,” M II Mj c)u;j >.sUo iJalvHir.siilldL cliurcli, Mitia atroet, exleiulcd as oj'iioi lunit y may .serve. That the rlidi nnd poor nil over Cu* land O f her anleredi iilg, he knew onlV'Lliiit she HlifliLaLuwii, I^. J. B S H “Not lo-murrow,” said Mr. Rodman, amil- QLU- E. PIERSON, I hi vu o n i-ib -iir Fii t h er w ho w atydii's \n u , broiig'hl a iett'-r fn'inrthe eli/rjryiimii nf her ro jtli. o.’cini :Luil w it h o o .t p a i n , by tlio uaobi Y A I.U A U U ’: I’HKMU'MS. ii!kc “ Kllen went homo this afternoon, her Laui^Uinic (raa 0 H A A And gi-lrvos or smllos at Cm tblius you do. T m k T k 'HI'.n k has iu-v> f Ireon equ'ieilhy any Itarish, in it snmll u u m Y nf XcR- 'Y.orE Slnie.
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