1.1/ ECONOMIC IMPACT OF LANGUAGES ...... 16 1.2/ PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS OF BASQUE LANGUAGE ...... 16 1.3/ DEFINITION OF SECTORS LINKED TO BASQUE LANGUAGE ...... 16 1.3.1/ General considerations ...... 16 1.3.2/ Criteria to classify sectors ...... 17 1.3.3/ General description of sectors and subsectors ...... 18 1.3.4/ Difficulties to assess the economic activity of the Basque language sectors ...... 20




2.5/ RESULTS OF THE PROCEDURE TO CALCULATE EMPLOYMENT CORRESPONDING TO THE SCOPE OF STUDY AND TO BASQUE LANGUAGE ...... 27 2.5.1/ Language industry ...... 28 2.5.2/ Industry of culture and the media ...... 36 2.5.3/ Activities in the area of education and universities ...... 52 2.5.4/ Public administration ...... 64 2.5.5/ TOTAL employment generated by Basque language sectors ...... 70




4.1/ METHODOLOGICAL CLARIFICATIONS ...... 82 4.2/ DIRECT AND INDIRECT ECONOMIC IMPACT ...... 87 4.2.1/ Output Value ...... 87 4.2.2/ Gross Value Added ...... 90 4.2.3/ Employment ...... 92 4.3/ INDUCED IMPACT ...... 94 4.3.1/ Methodological procedure ...... 94 4.3.2/ Induced impact ...... 95 4.4/ TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF BASQUE LANGUAGE ...... 95 4.4.1/ Value of production ……...... 95 4.4.2/ Gross Value Added ...... 98 4.4.3/ Employment ...... 101


5.1/ PROCEDURE TO CALCULATE THE GDP OF BASQUE ...... 105 5.1.1/ Regarding the usefulness of GDP ...... 105 5.1.2/ Procedure used to calculate the GDP of Basque ...... 105 5.2/ IMPORTANCE OF BASQUE LANGUAGE IN THE BASQUE ECONOMY ...... 106





This general report corresponds to the study carried out by the Siadeco Research Society for the Basque Government Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture.

This first section of the report consists of a short presentation of the whole study, in which aspects of the methodological procedure, as well as the main results obtained are described.

0.1/ Objective

Objective: measure the dimension and the economic impact of Basque language.

The objective of the study has consisted of recognizing the contribution made by Basque language to the economy of the Basque Autonomous Community, measure the economic wealth generated and quantify the dimension and economic value of Basque language sectors. Many studies have been made on Basque language from the perspectives of sociology and philology; however, there are very few studies carried out from the point of view of the economic sciences, to analyse the market that moves around Basque in the economic context of the BAC and measure its impact. After recognizing the initiatives and voluntary work by social agents, who are vital in the process of the normalization of Basque, this study clearly shows that Basque language is another activity sector in the Basque economy. In addition to public activity led by public administrations, Basque accounts for an ever growing market, as well as its own industry, and these private market activities, which are closely linked to the Basque language, constitute activity sectors that generate employment in the Basque economy. The most common macroeconomic variables used to measure the importance of a determined sector in the economy of a country are employment, Gross Value Added (GVA), Production Value (PV) and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP); therefore, the final result of this study will consist of applying these variables to the Basque language sectors language and their comparison with general data of the BAC.


0.2/ Sectors in the scope of the study

Four main activity sectors in the study: language industry; industry of culture and the media in Basque; education in Basque; and public administration services to promote Basque language and Basque culture.

When quantifying the importance of Basque language as an economic sector, besides the structures and services belonging to the public administrations to promote Basque and Basque culture, we have to also bear in mind the employment and value added generated by Basque language sector activities belonging to the private economic sector. When carrying out this economic study, four main sectors linked to language were distinguished; two of them may be considered as belonging to the private economy (the language industry, and the industry of culture and media in Basque), a third is linked to the public administration (promotion of Basque language and culture) and the fourth is mixed, i.e. it includes both public and private institutions (education and university):

- Language industry: this first sector includes the teaching of Basque language, translation and interpreting, language consultancy, the production and dissemination of the corpus of

- Basque, and language technology activity sectors. In all of these activities language constitutes the object of the activity, and the sector is made up of companies, associations and organizations that offer products and services aimed at developing, teaching, using or disseminating Basque.

- Industry of culture and media: culture sectors that have Basque language as an indispensable element or resource; specifically the books and music industry in Basque and the audio-visual industry in Basque, the performing arts, bertsolaritza (ad-lib poetry- singing), media in Basque, Basque language associations, and other agents from the sphere of communications, culture and social activities.

- Activities related to education and universities: language being an indispensable resource to develop teaching, while also being aware of the great importance that the education system has in the transmission and use of a language, and bearing in mind the effort carried out by the public administration to make the education system of the BAC Basque speaking, employment and other economic variables associated with education imparted in Basque have been calculated, from infant and primary education to the stage of university studies.

- Public Administration: given the importance of culture in Basque with regard to the volume of the cultural industry in the BAC in general, in this fourth sector, in addition to the structure and employment of services to promote the Basque language, part of the employment in the cultural area of the public administrations has also been taken into account.


0.3/ Criteria used to define activities in the Basque language sector

This study does not measure the economic impact of services and activities developed in Basque, but the economic impact of activity sectors closely linked to language.

Taking into account the four language sectors previously mentioned, while including other economic sectors in addition to those directly linked to the promotion and use of language, two criteria have been taken into account in order to define which activities make up the Basque language sector and which do not. On the one hand, they must be services or products closely linked to language, and on the other, language must be an indispensable element of the activity or the product, the language used must be Basque.

0.4/ Direct, indirect and induced impact Economic impact: direct, indirect and induced.

In economic studies in order to measure the economic impact or influence of a sector in the economy of a country, direct, indirect and induced impacts are taken into account, which are also considered in this study relating to Basque language sectors. Firstly, the personnel employed in the Basque language activity sectors has been quantified. As Basque language sectors are supplied by companies from other sectors located in the BAC, the production of Basque language sectors also influences the production of these sectors, creating an indirect economic impact. Finally, part of the family income, which corresponds to direct and indirect employment generated by Basque language, is used for internal consumption, and therefore to calculate the induced impact of Basque, the impact that this internal consumption has on the productive economy of the BAC has been measured.


0.5/ Methodological Phases

Working methodology: the magnitudes of the economic impact of this study have been calculated by crossing the results of direct information collected by Siadeco with Eustat economic data. Here is the methodology used to carry out this economic study and the main phases of the process:

Phase 1: Definition of language sectors and subsectors. 4 general sectors and 20 subsectors.



I.1. Teaching Basque II.1. Book industry III.1. Infant and Primary IV.1. Resources of the Education Basque public I.2. Translation II.2. Music industry administrations III.2. Secondary Education I.3. Language services and II.3. Self-employed creators IV.2. Resources of public consultancy of culture III.3. University Education administration in

I.4. Preparation and II.4. Industry of the audio- III.4. Other education culture and their dissemination of a visual media activities autonomous bodies corpus of Basque II.5. Stage arts

UBSECTORES S I.5. Development and II.6. Bersolarismo (ad-lib spread of language poetry-singing) technologies II.7. Media

II.8. Basque Associations

II.9. Other associations and

companies in the area of communications, culture and society


Phase 2: Definition of the area of work; complete a directory of companies, associations and organizations from each sector and subsector.

Based on the Directory of Economic Activities in 2014 by EUSTAT, a list of businesses that belong to area of this study was created, which includes 10,195 businesses. After completing the list, several different sources of information were used and 309 businesses were added, which had not been included previously. Thus, the database generated for this study has 10,504 registers altogether.

Phase 3: Classification of activity branches according to employment attributable to Basque language.

While the employment of some activity branches is totally linked to Basque, such as the case of the euskaltegis (Basque language centres), in other activity branches only part of the employment has been attributed to Basque, as occurs in the case of the Official Language Schools or companies and self-employed workers in the translation sector.

Phase 4: Analysis by data sectors of different studies and sources of information.

Using different studies and sources of information according to subsectors and activity branches, the greatest amount of data possible was collected to obtain information that makes it possible to estimate employment attributable to the Basque language.

Phase 5: Direct collection of data and surveys carried out in companies, in order to find out the employment and production value relating to the Basque language.

In companies from sectors in which the necessary data for the estimation of employment attributable to Basque has not been obtained, a survey was carried out. A survey was specifically developed and directed at a strategic sample of 336 businesses altogether.

Phase 6: Calculation of the Basque language coefficients applicable to employment in each activity branch. The Basque language coefficients to apply to each activity branch were calculated using, on the one hand, the results of surveys carried out in companies, and on the other hand, economic data by sectors collected previously, as well as the data on the level of production in Basque. The Basque language coefficient indicates the percentage corresponding to Basque language with regard to the total employment in each activity branch.

Phase 7: Calculation of employment corresponding to Basque. Employment related directly to Basque language was calculated, multiplying the figure in realtion to total employment of the companies, associations and organizations in each branch of activity by the previously calculated Basque language coefficient.

Phase 8: Calculation of the economic macro magnitudes of the economic value of Basque. Once employment directly related to Basque is known and using the ratios of the economic data from the Survey on Services obtained through EUSTAT, the variables that indicate the economic value and dimension of Basque language were calculated: employment corresponding to Basque sectors, personnel costs, Gross Value Added and turnover volume. 9.

Phase 9: Measuring the indirect economic impact of Basque language sectors. Expenditure and investment that companies of these activity branches carry out in the same sector or in other sectors were calculated, applying the technical coefficients of Eustat Input/Output tables on a BAC level. This expenditure and investment was considered to be the indirect economic impact of the Basque sectors.

Phase 10: Calculation of induced impact. In order to calculate the induced impact, the Leontief coefficients of the Input-Output tables were used. The induced impact depends on the impact of the income generated by employment directly and indirectly related to Basque language and to the consumption derived from this income with an impact on the final demand of BAC economic sectors.

Phase 11: Calculation of the importance of Basque, as an economic sector, on the Gross Domestic Product of the BAC. After adding net taxes on products to the total Gross Value Added of the direct, indirect and induced impact of Basque sectors, the part corresponding to Basque sectors within the whole Gross Domestic Product of the BAC was calculated. In order to calculate the amount of net taxes on products, first the amount levied by the Gross Value Added tax was calculated (depending on the type of VAT corresponding to each product or type of service), and then, the amount of subsidies for the promotion of Basque and culture in Basque awarded by public administrations was subtracted.


Image: Diagram of the procedure used to calculate the direct, indirect and induced impact of Basque language on the Basque economy


0.6/ Final Results

As the results about the economic value and the dimension of the Basque language show, the contribution made to the Basque economy by the Basque language sectors is significant. 6.3% of employment is generated by the BAC economy and 4.5 % of Gross Value Added is linked to Basque language. As an economic sector, 4.2 % of the Gross Domestic Product of the Autonomous Community corresponds to Basque, close to the importance of the tourism sector in the Basque economy (5.8 % of the GDP).

Ñ Language industry

If we observe direct employment among companies and organizations in the area of language industries, the activities of this first Basque language sector generate employment for 2,500 jobs altogether, most being employed in euskaltegis (Basque language schools) (1,316) and as translators (485). The volume of annual turnover of jobs and services linked to Basque within the language industry is slightly more than 136 million per year producing a Gross Value Added of 107 million. We must bear in mind that these economic data do not correspond to the whole of language industry, but to economic activities linked to Basque language.

Ñ Culture industry and the media

Direct employment related to Basque language within the area of cultural production and the media comes to 4,550 jobs altogether. This second sector of Basque moves around 407 million euros a year. These activities are related to Basque language and generate greater employment: associations and companies providing cultural, leisure and social services (764 jobs); companies from the area of communications and advertising (627 jobs); self-employed creators (616 jobs). The area of culture and the media in Basque generates a Gross Value Added of 227 million a year.

Ñ Activities in the area of education and universities

Economic variables associated with the education system in Basque, as well as university activity and other education activities in Basque show very high figures; in formal pre-university education, the employment estimated at all levels of education, from Infant Education to the end of Baccalaureate or

Technical Training, is 31,000 jobs. To this figure we have to add employment linked to credits in which are offered at university, and represent another 3,000 jobs. The system education in Basque gives employment to a total of 34,000 persons; around 20,000 persons in Infant and Primary Education, 11,000 in Secondary Education (including Baccalaureate and Technical Training) and another 3,000 in university studies.


Ñ Public administration

According to data from the study by the Vice-Ministry for Language Policy of the Basque Government on human resources available at public administrations and the economic resources awarded for the promotion of Basque, the number of persons from the administration employed in different services and areas of Basque is 716. In addition, based on the study of the Basque Culture Observatory of the Basque Government, part of the employees of the public administration who work in the area of culture generated or disseminated in Basque was included in this study. It is estimated that employment attributable to Basque from the area of public administration culture is 795 jobs. Therefore, Basque generates 1,511 jobs altogether in the public administration.

Ñ Economic dimension of Basque language

The sum of the economic data calculated for the four Basque language sectors included in this study shows the magnitude of the value and economic dimension of Basque. The Basque language sectors generate almost 43,000 jobs altogether (direct jobs) and almost 1,900 million Gross Value Added a year.

The economy of the Basque Autonomous Community generates a total of 894,000 jobs and, bearing in mind that direct employment generated by Basque language activity sectors accounts for 42,700 jobs, employment linked to Basque represents 4.78% of the total employment in the BAC. Almost 80% of direct employment corresponds to the education sector, around 10% corresponds to the culture and media sector, 6% to the language industry and the remaining 4% corresponds to public administration employment.

Annual Gross Value Added of the BAC economy is around 61,000 million euros. The annual GVA of the Basque economy is 1,900 million, by which Basque constitutes 3.07% of BAC Gross Value Added (taking into consideration only the direct impact).

Ñ Indirect impact and induced impact

Based on employment generated directly by the Basque sectors and on the Gross Value Added data, and applying the technical coefficients of the Eustat BAC Input-Output tables and the Leontief coefficients, the indirect impact and the economic data of the induced impact of Basque were calculated.

It is estimated that the economic activities of the Basque language sectors generate, indirectly, 3,478 jobs in other sectors. In addition, the induced economic effect by consumption and demand generated from income corresponding to direct employment (42,724) and indirect employment (3,478) from the Basque sector generate another 9,670 jobs in the productive economy of the BAC (induced employment).


233 million euros a year of Gross Value Added from other activity sectors correspond to economic transactions of Basque language sectors (indirect impact); by which the GVA of the induced impact would be almost 651 million euros.

Ñ Contribution of Basque language to the Basque economy

These are the final macroeconomic results of the direct, indirect and induced impact of the Basque language sectors:

• Employment: 6.28 % of the total employment of the Basque economy is generated by Basque language sectors; total employment in the BAC is 893,952 jobs and the figure for the Basque sector is 56,142 jobs, taking into consideration direct, indirect and induced employment. From this figure, almost 43,000 jobs are generated directly by activities related to Basque, almost 4,000 are indirect and another 10,000 are induced.

• Gross Value Added : 4.5% of Gross Value Added of the BAC economy is related to economic activities linked to Basque. Total GVA of the BAC is almost 61,000 million euros and the figure corresponding to the Basque sectors is over 2,751 million euros.

• Gross Domestic Product: 4.19% of the Gross Domestic Product of the BAC corresponds to economic sectors directly or indirectly linked to Basque. The total GDP of the BAC is 66,775,970,000 euros (in 2012) and the figure corresponding to Basque is 2,800,634,000 euros.

Given the above macro-economic variables, we may conclude that the data for the economy generated by Basque language, both directly and indirectly, are significant, and that Basque has a great value in economics terms. In addition to jobs and resources linked to the administration, the economic sectors that work in relation to Basque generate a lot of employment and a great value added.

In order to compare the economic importance of the Basque language sector with that of other activity sectors, and taking Eustat data into consideration, we should point out that the contribution of 4.19% of this sector to the GDP is higher than the figure corresponding to total expenditure on R&D&i in the BAC (2.12% of GDP) and slightly below that corresponding to the tourism sector (5.8% of the GDP).




1.1/ Economic Impact of languages Language is used in every economic activity, as it is an indispensable means of communication; in every production process, promotion, distribution and commercialization one or more languages are used to organize the work, create, offer and exchange goods and services. From this point of view, language is necessary in all relations and communications between persons, companies and organizations, and without it no economic activity is possible at all. However, this study was not carried out from this perspective, but with the aim to quantify the value of Basque language in economic terms and know its contribution to the economic activity of the BAC; the aim was to measure the economic wealth that Basque generates, as a productive sector, as well as its impact on the Basque economy.

1.2/ Particular characteristics of Basque language

When carrying out a study to measure the economic impact of Basque language, you have to take into account certain particularities that this language presents compared with other stronger and standard languages such as Spanish and others of a transnational character. When assessing the importance and weight of Basque in the economy of the BAC, it is not correct to limit ourselves to the sectors in which the language itself is part of the product. It is also necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the effort made by public administrations to normalize Basque, and on the other, the increase that has occurred over recent years in the market of products and services linked to Basque; the increase in products in Basque generated in the area of the media and culture. In addition, we should also highlight the effort to spread the use of Basque throughout the education system. Therefore, when quantifying the impact of Basque on the economy of the BAC, besides the sector linked to the language industry, we have also taken into account the sector of the culture and media industry; the education system; and resources earmarked for the area of Basque language and culture in Basque by the public administrations.

I.3/ Definition of sectors linked to Basque language

1.3.1/ General considerations

The first task was to clearly define conceptually, which economic activities are directly linked to language. At one extreme, as already indicated, is the view that every economic activity and every commercialized product or service needs language in order to communicate and for other phases in the commercialization chain.


The other extreme consists of limiting ourselves solely to the language industry, i.e. consider only economic activities linked to producing and developing a corpus of Basque (language services, language teaching, language technologies, publishing, etc.).

The point of view adopted to develop this study is in an intermediate position between the two approaches indicated. Applying this point of view, we have identified the products and services linked to language, i.e. sectors where language constitutes the object of the activity or is an indispensable element of the activity.

However, to define the degree of link between products and services and language and to thus define the object of the study, would give rise to difficulties, as different criteria may be used which could lead to an endless debate.

1.3.2/ Criteria to classify sectors Activity linked to Basque language may be classified according to the function that language itself fulfils in the activity and according to the public or private character of the promoter of the activity.

► According to the functions of language: A first classification depends on the function that language fulfils in the public or private company, association and organization activity.

♦ Language as an object of the activity: we are speaking of activities and services whose objective is the development and dissemination of language itself; they are economic activities closely linked to language and we consider that they constitute the language industry: we refer to the teaching of Basque, translation and interpreting, language services and consultancies, the development and dissemination of a corpus of Basque and the development of language technologies. ♦ Language as an indispensable element or resource of the activity: we are speaking of activity sectors where language is an indispensable input or resource in the product or service offered; mainly products/services generated and produced which refer to the use of language: we refer to the book and music industry, audio-visual media, the performing arts, bertsolaritza (ad-lib poetry-singing), the media, activities in the area of communications and advertising, etc. This group, besides activities associated with the culture sector, also includes activity associated with the area of education.

► According to the public or private character of the promoter: ♦ Activities of public administrations: language, education and culture resources corresponding to BAC public institutions. ♦ Activities of social organizations: mainly carried out by non-profit making social organizations in the area of Basque language, culture and leisure. ♦ Company activities: mainly companies with economic activity linked to language, education and culture sectors.


1.3.3/ General Description of sectors and subsectors

In this section we indicate, on the one hand, the activity branches that are taken into consideration and, on the other, how they were classified when measuring the economic dimension of Basque language and carrying out calculations of the economic impact. The classification used is divided in four general sectors with their corresponding subsectors. In any case, to be able to compare the macroeconomic data corresponding to Basque language sectors with general macroeconomic data corresponding to the economy of the BAC, and thus know its importance with regard to total employment or for the total Gross Domestic Product, it is necessary to use data from activity sectors and branches of official statistics. Therefore, when calculating the final results of the economic impact of Basque language, we have to compare the classification of sectors and subsectors created especially for this study with the classification of activity sectors and branches used in general statistics that reflect the economic magnitudes of the BAC.

Let us now look at which sectors and subsectors are defined for this study:

♦ First sector – Language industry:

This first sector includes all the activity sectors whose aim is to work and extend the corpus or linguistic aspects of the language. We are referring to design, production and commercialization activities for products and services linked to teaching, the use and the treatment of the language. Within this first sector we can distinguish the following subsectors:

I.1. Teaching Basque (outside the education system): Euskaltegis, Official Schools of Languages and language academies. I.2. Translation and interpreting work: service companies and self-employed workers. I.3. Language services and consulting: consultancy services for the design and implementation of Basque plans. I.4. Development and dissemination of a corpus of Basque: area of the regulation of the language, lexicography and the terminology. I.5. Language technologies: electronic dictionaries, language processors, language correctors, translation software, learning applications and the use of language, web technologies, etc.

♦ Second sector – Industry of culture and the media:

With regard to the activities in this second group, we consider that language has a direct link with the generation of the product or service; language is not the main object, as in the first sector, but is indispensable for the activity. A clear example is books and other similar


products, where products are created from the works of words, language. The subsectors of this second sector are:

II.1. Book industry: publishing houses, book shops and library services. II.2. Music industry: record labels, record shops, music promoters and programmers. II.3. Self-employed creators of culture: writers, musicians and other creators of art and culture. II.4. Industry of audio-visual media: on the one hand, film, documentary, advertising, TV programme producers, radio programmers and other producers, and on the other hand, cinemas. II.5. Performance arts: companies and of theatre and dance producers. II.6. Bertsolaritza (ad-lib poetry-singing): associations and organizations related to bertsolaritza. II.7. Media: newspapers, magazines, radios and radio services, television, internet and new agencies. II.8. Basque Language Associations. II.9. Other associations and companies related to culture and social communication: associations and companies from culture, leisure and social areas; communications and advertising companies; internet services; and documentation centres and other non-university research centres.

♦ Third sector – Activities from the area of education and universities:

The education system is the main pillar of learning and transmitting Basque in the Basque Autonomous Community. The degree of the relationship of education and university activities with Basque varies according to the level or stage and the branch of studies. Bearing in mind these and other criteria, the importance corresponding to Basque was estimated for this third sector. The subsectors included are:

III.1. Infant and Primary Education: employment corresponding to the teaching in Basque in Infant and Primary Education was estimated. III.2. Secondary Education: employment corresponding to the teaching in Basque in Compulsory Secondary Education was estimated, Baccalaureate, Technical Training and Early Professional Qualification Programmes. III.3. University Education: employment corresponding to studies in Basque at the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto and Mondragon University was calculated. III.4. Other education activities: employment corresponding to studies in Basque in other education activities and centres was estimated, applying different coefficients of Basque according to the type of education activity and the degree of relationship with Basque. 19.

♦ Fourth sector – Public Administration:

In the three previous sectors and especially in the Basque language industry, the importance of the public administration is great. This fourth sector includes employment in services and structures to promote Basque and, in addition, part of the employment in cultural areas is

managed by public administrations, calculated according to the importance of culture in Basque with regard to all the cultural activities developed by the administrations. Thus, we can differentiate between two subsectors:

IV.1. Resources earmarked for the promotion of Basque by public administrations. IV.2. Cultural resources of public administrations and their dependent autonomous bodies.

1.3.4/ Difficulties to assess the economic activity of the Basque language sectors

Once the object of study has been defined as to measure and assess in economic terms, and once the limits of the economic reality linked to Basque have been established, statistics and other sources of official information that include macroeconomic data for these activity sectors were consulted. However, obtaining economic data for Basque language sectors and calculating the economic dimension entails certain difficulties:

♦ Firstly, there is not a standard classification that defines the products and activity branches that are linked to language; the definition of the area of work is, therefore, ethereal, as the degree of the link between language and the economic sectors may lead to very differing interpretations; therefore, criteria had to be defined to select the economic sectors and products which were the object of study.

♦ Secondly, the degree of the link between the products and services and language is also variable; thus, throughout the process of developing a specific product, language can be an indispensable element (for example, when writing a book), on the other hand, for other products, even while a certain link exists, the importance of language in economic terms is lesser (for example in the music industry).

♦ Thirdly, there are no official statistics which come close to assessing the economic reality of products and activities linked to language; faced with this situation, we have had to consult different sources of information and develop specific field work for this study.

♦ Fourthly, in activities linked to language, we have had to assess the importance of Basque with regard to other languages, for which the coefficient that corresponds to Basque was calculated.




2.1/ Directory of BAC Economic Activities (Eustat 2014)

The starting point to obtain economic information corresponding to activity sectors linked to language was the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities (DIRAE), which shows economic data for companies in the BAC. This directory is a census of all the businesses in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, which is updated annually, and includes data from the public administrations and other statistical operations. The data used in this study correspond to the Eustat Directory for 2014.

Data from the Directory of Economic Activities is structured according to the epigraphs of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE). Altogether, 629 branches of activity are defined (with 4 digit codes), of which 51 have been selected as activities linked to language. Even so, we have to take into account that the Directory of Economic Activities does not include some of the activities in the scope of this study, and that they are mainly related to the promotion of Basque (for example, the euskalgintza social organizations). Economic data corresponding to these activities was calculated using other indirect sources of information.

In addition, we should also bear in mind that a business, although it markets different products or services, appears in a sole CNAE epigraph in the Directory: corresponding to the main activity of the business. Thus, although a business may develop products located in different activity epigraphs, it is only assigned to one.

2.2/ Definition of the scope of study: configuration of the database of companies, associations and organizations

A great effort was made to develop the most complete list possible of companies, associations and organizations of the 4 general sectors considered and of the corresponding subsectors. One by one, businesses have been identified corresponding to each subsector by consulting different sources of information and taking the following steps to complete the directory or basis of initial data:

- Firstly, each of the businesses in the Directory of Economic Activities obtained by Eustat (16,519 businesses altogether), has been located in a sector and subsector defined for this study; thus, the businesses with activities linked to language are located in their corresponding subsector, and those that have no link are left to one side; once this operation has been carried out, the number of businesses decreases from 16,519 to 10,195.


- Secondly, the Directory of Economic Activities is completed with information on companies that do not appear in the census but that belong to the sectors of activity that are the object of this study: 309 companies, associations or organizations altogether have been added. Faced with a lack of economic data and information for both the initial Directory of Economic Activities and some Basque subsectors, we contacted different associations and organizations, and thanks to working in collaboration, we managed to estimate economic data for these subsectors.

In many studies with a similar goal to this, a methodology limited to statistical sources is used that manages national accounting data and general economic magnitudes, i.e. the direct impact in terms of employment and turnover is calculated, but without identifying and listing the companies that make up this sector. The database of businesses and companies that we have generated for this study has its defects, but the study, from a methodology point of view, has a solid basis given that when we refer to the economic data of each subsector, we can know what type of economic activity it corresponds to and the specific companies that have been included in each of them.

2.3/ Comparison between the official classification of economic activities (CNAE) and the language sectors

We then analysed in which epigraph of the CNAE activities corresponding to the 4 sectors and 20 subsectors considered in this study are located. Once the businesses located in each CNAE epigraph from the initial Directory of Economic Activities are analysed, we can observe that:

1.- The classification of sectors and subsectors created for this study does not coincide with the classification of the CNAE epigraphs.

2.- Businesses located in the same subsector are located in more than one CNAE epigraph of the Directory of Economic Activities.

3.- Businesses belonging to the same CNAE epigraph belong to different language subsectors.

4.- Not all businesses, organizations and associations considered in this study figure in the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities; therefore, as we have commented before, we have gone to other sources of information to complete and update the original DIRAE.


2.4/ Procedure to calculate the Basque language coefficient to apply to each branch of activity

Some branches of activity taken into account in this study are completely linked to Basque language: this is the case of the euskaltegis, bertsolaritza, resources aimed at the public administration promotion of Basque, etc. In many other branches, the activity, in addition to being linked to Basque language, is also linked to other languages: translation, the book and music industry, the world of education, etc. Consequently, in those cases in which the whole of the activity cannot be linked to Basque, a calculation has been made of the part of the economic activity and employment that is attributable to Basque. In order to do this, data from sources of indirect information were used to carry out estimates based on a degree of presence of Basque language in the activity sector; in addition, Siadeco has carried out field work to obtain the necessary information directly. In this field work, the companies, associations and organizations consulted were requested to contribute data that made it possible to estimate what part of total employment could be assigned to Basque.

► Sources of indirect information The main sources to obtain and analyse sectorial information were the following:

- University of Deusto, Basque and Multilingualism Office, year 2014-2015

- Group EITB – activity reports, 2015

- Publishers Association of the Basque Country, 2012 (publications in Basque of the BAC)

- Association of Friends of Bertsolaritza of Euskal Herria, 2015 (economic calculations on bertsolaritza carried out for this study)

- University of the Basque Country, Vice Chancellor for Basque Language, year 2014-2015

- University of the Basque Country, Elebilab programme, 2015

- University of the Basque Country, Institute of Basque, 2015

- Basque Government – Statistics on public libraries in the BAC, 2002

- Basque Government – Database of infrastructures of Basque, 2015

- Basque Government – Distribution contact hours in Basque and rest in the education system, year 2012-2013

- Basque Government – Data Official Language Academies, year 2013-2014

- Basque Government – Vice Ministry for Language Policy (data on persons benefitting from subsidy awards), from 2000 to 2014

- Basque Government - Vice Ministry for Language Policy – Statistics on budgets and public resources corresponding to Basque, 2012


- Basque Government – Basque Culture Observatory– Statistics on arts and cultural industries in the BAC, 2011

- Basque Government – Basque Culture Observatory – Statistics on expenditure and funding in culture, 2012

- Eustat, 2014 (Directory of Economic Activities)

- Eustat, 2014 (Education statistics)

- Eustat, 2012 (Survey of services and economic data produced by Eustat for this study)

- HABE (Employment at public and private euskaltegis, year 2013-2014)

- Langune, 2014

- Mondragon University, year 2014-2015

- Topagunea – Federation of Basque Language Associations, 2007 (employment and budgets of Basque associations)

► Collecting direct information

The activity sectors that had to be consulted to calculate the Basque language coefficient, through strategic samples integrated by large associations or companies in each activity sector, were the following:


Table 1: Sample from the survey carried out in companies, according to the activity sector Weight (%) of No. of the sample on Sector Subsector Type of activity businesses total consulted employment of activity type Non -formal teaching of Language academies 23 19.6 I. Basque Industry of Translation service Translation 26 65.8 language companies De velopment and di ssemination of language 9 98.4 technologies Music Promoters and Music 15 78,0 programmers Producers of films , Industry of documentaries, audio-visual advertising, radio and 26 14,3 media television programmes, ITC and video Public ation of newspapers and II. magazines, radio and Media 97 86,4 Industry of the television services, culture and of internet and news the media agencies Other associa tions and Other companies from culture, 72 62,9 associations and leisure and social areas. companies from Communications and communications, 26 15,2 advertising services culture and social areas Internet services 15 49,0

IV. Activities from the area of Other education activities 27 2,0 education and the Universities TOTAL 336 24,3

Source: Siadeco, 2015.


2.5/ Results of the procedure to calculate employment corresponding to the scope of the study and to Basque language

Below you can see different tables which include the results of the data calculated using the methodology described above. We have used different sources of information according to subsectors and types of activity, and there are also variations in the procedure employed in different sectors to estimate employment corresponding to the Basque language. The most complete information possible was obtained for each activity sector and, based on this, criteria was established to estimate employment associated with Basque; taking into account the characteristics of each sector and the information obtained was adapted to the criteria as well as the procedure to calculate for each subsector and branch of activity.

Las tables that appear below show, for each sector and subsector, the following information:

♦ The source of information consulted in order to estimate the employment data for each subsector:

• In general, the data comes from the Directory of Economic Activities, relating to the number of businesses and employment. With regard to employment, we have assigned the following values to the employment intervals of the Directory:

- 1 (employment interval 0-2): 1.5 jobs - 2 (interval 3-5): 4 jobs - 3 (interval 6-9): 7.5 jobs - 4 (interval 10-14): 12 jobs - 5 (interval 15-19): 17 jobs - 6 (interval 20-49): 34.5 jobs - 7 (interval 50-99): 74.5 jobs - 8 (interval 100-249): 174.5 jobs - 9 (interval 250-499): 374.5 jobs - 10 (>= 500): 750 jobs

• Number of businesses added in each branch activity to the initial Eustat Directory in which they were not included.

• Other sources of sectorial information used to obtain economic data for each branch of activity.

• Information used to calculate employment to attribute to Basque language, i.e. the Basque language coefficient: both indirect and direct information obtained through field work carried out by Siadeco.


• Reference employment, i.e. the number of jobs that may be attributed to Basque for each branch of activity; this would be direct employment for Basque.

2.5.1/ Language industry

This sector encompasses the following 5 subsectors:

• Teaching Basque (outside the education system): Euskaltegis, Official Language Schools and language academies.

• Translation and interpreting work: companies and self-employed workers.

• Language services and consultancies: advisory services for the design and implementation of Basque language plans.

• Development and dissemination of the corpus of Basque: areas relating to the regulation of the language, lexicography and terminology.

• Technologies of language: electronic dictionaries, language processors, correctors, translation software, applications to learn and use language, web technologies, etc.

We then present the procedure used to calculate the coefficients of Basque and the employment for the Basque for each subsector and branch of activity.

Ñ I.1. Teaching Basque (outside the education system ): euskaltegis, Official Language Schools and language academies .


126 euskaltegis are registered in the Directory (32 public and 94 private) and they are estimated to provide a total of 1,368 jobs.

According to data provided by HABE over the academic year 2013-2014, altogether 1,559 persons were working, 451 in public and 1,108 in private euskaltegis. 81.5% is teaching staff and the remaining 18.5% were non-teaching staff (employment in offices, coordination work, etc.). 64.9% of the teachers work full time, 22.3% work half day and the remaining 12.8% work a third of a full day. Extrapolating these figures to full time, we estimate 1,316 jobs for euskaltegis in the BAC during the academic year 2013-2014. In addition, expenditure on personnel came to 46.3 million euros (20.2 million euros corresponding to public and 26.1 million euros to the private euskaltegis).


Table 2: Employment and expenditure for person ne l belonging to euskaltegis , according to inform ation obt ai ned from the Eustat Directory and HABE

Sources of inform ation Directory of Economic HABE (year 2013-2014) Sub- Activities (Eustat,2012) Reference Activity type Type of institution No. sector No of Employm Expenditure on Employment Epigraph Employm employees business ent (full personnel (million CNAE ent (teaching and -es time) €) non-teaching) 8552 Public Euskaltegis 32 - 451 387 20,2 - 8559 Euskaltegis 8532 Private Euskaltegis 8552 94 - 1.108 929 26,1 - 8559

I.1.- TeachingI.1.- Basque Total 126 1.368 1.559 1.316 46,3 1.316

Source: Eustat, 2012; HABE, year 2013-2014

Official Language Schools In the Eustat DIRAE directory there is no data for any of the official language schools. Nevertheless, having consulted information sources of the Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture, we learnt of the existence of 14 centres of this type in the BAC, and we also know that 30,228 persons were enrolled, 6,640 were learning Basque throughout the academic year 2013-2014 (22% of the enrolment). Applying the ratio of teachers per pupil of public euskaltegis, we estimate that employment linked to Basque comes to 262 persons working full time (219 of which are teaching staff and 43 non- teaching).

Table 3: Sources of inform ation to estima te employment corresponding t o Basque at the Official Language Schools and reference employment Sources of inform ation Basque Government (Dpt . of Education, Language Policy and Criteria to estimate employment Culture) Sub- Ratio Reference Type of activity sector Basque teacher/ Other staff Employ employment Course employed at No. of Students pupil at ment enrolment public euskaltegis, centres (2013- public applying 22% to (full 2013-2014 2014) euskaltegis ratio of time) teacher/pupil

6,640 Official 30,228 pupils Language 14 0.0329 43 262 262 pupils (22% of Schools enrolment) I.1.- TeachingI.1.- of Basque Language Source: Basque Government- Education, academic year 2013-2014; developed by Siadeco, 2015


Language Academies

With regard to language academies, there are 392 businesses registered in the DIRAE, with 1,613 jobs.

In order to be able to estimate the jobs related to Basque language in this type of activity a survey was carried out in the 23 businesses with the greatest number of employees. Among them were the following: British Council, Elduaien Hizkuntza Eskola, Bai & By, Komalingua, Welcom & Willkommen and Mondragón Lingua.

The people in charge of the academies were asked to estimate the proportion of Basque pupils in relation to the total, taking the year 2014 as a reference. Thus, the average percentage of Basque pupils was 5.4%, which gives an estimate of employment attributable to Basque as 87 jobs.

Table 4: Dat a from the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities , resu lt s of the surv ey on the Basque language coefficient and language academy reference employment Sources of inform ation Directory of Economic Activities SURVEY on Basque language coefficient (Eustat, 2012) (Siadeco,2015) Sub- Type of activity Basque Reference sector Coefficient employment Epigraph No. of Employmen Strategic Weight of the (weighted CNAE businesses t sample sample according to employment)

23 large language 5.4% of Language 8552 academies 19.6% of 392 1,613 clients who 87 Academies 8559 (greater no. employment study Basque of persons employed) I.1.- TeachingI.1.- Basque Source: Eustat, 2012; Siadeco, 2015

Ñ I.2. Translation and interpreting work: companies and self-employed persons,

In the Eustat directory 90 companies and 494 self-employed workers are registered who work in the area of translation, corrections and interpreting. To this initial list we have added another two companies detected from the Langune database, and altogether there are estimated to be 845 jobs for this type of activity.


In order to calculate the Basque language coefficient for this group Siadeco carried out field work to collect direct information on the largest companies; among which are Mabranchra, Urrats Euskara Zerbitzuak, Lanser Language, Tisa and I.C. Formation. The people in charge of these businesses were asked to estimate the proportion of translation work related to Basque (translations to and from Basque) in relation to their total work, taking the year 2014 as a reference.

The Basque language coefficient calculated from the 25 businesses with the greatest number of employees (representing 65.8% of total employment in companies that offer translation services) is 57.4%. In addition, this coefficient was applied to self-employed workers, and as a result we found 485 jobs associated to Basque in this activity group.

Table 5. Dat a from the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities , resu lt s of the survey on the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of companies and self-employed workers in the area of translation Sources of inform ation Directory of Economic ENCUESTA on Basque language Langune Activities (Eustat, coefficient (Siadeco, 2015) Sub- Type of Type of 2012) Total Reference Employment sector activity organization employ Basque language No ment Weight coefficient Epigraph Companies Strategic business of the (weighted CNAE added sample -es sample according to employment) % of translation 65.8% 7430 25 larger work carried Translation of the Translation 8552 90 2 348 companie out from or 200 Companies employ Companies 8559 s into Basque: ment and self- 57.4% employed Same % applied persons Self-employed 7430 494 - 497 - - to companies: 285

I.2.- Translation I.2.- translators 57.4%

Total 584 2 845 - - 485

Source: Eustat, 2012; Siadeco, 2015


Ñ I.3. Language services and consultancy: consultancy services for the design and implementation of Basque language plans.

14 businesses are registered in the Directory whose main work consists of offering language consultancy services, and based on the Basque Government “infrastructures of Basque language” database, we added 3 more. It is important to point out that although the main activity of these companies was language consultancy services, they also offer other types of services. The following are the 14 companies considered, sorted from greater to smaller, according to the number of employees: Elhuyar Fundazioa, Emun, Artez Euskara Zerbitzua, Elhuyar Aholkularitza, Ahize-AEK, Siadeco, Soziolinguistika Klusterra, Hori-Hori, Ekilore Euskara Planak, Artez Formakuntza Eskola and Meblis Método and Educación al Bilingüismo.

In relation to the criteria used for to estimate the Basque language coefficient, we should point out that in the case of 11 businesses, 100% of employment was attributed to Basque. Taking into account all the businesses, the Basque language coefficient stood at 87.3%; as a result, employment associated to Basque language for this group of activity stands at around 247 jobs.

Table 6: Data from the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities , criteri a to estim at e the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of language consultancy service companies Sources of inform ation BG infrastructure Criteria to estimate the Directory of Economic of Basque Basque language coefficient Activities (Eustat, 2012) language (Siadeco, 2015) Sub- Database Total Reference Type of activity sector employmen No. of Employment t businesses Basque

No. of Companies with 100% language Epigraph coefficient businesses added employment CNAE (weighted attributed to according to Basque employment)

7022 Companies that 7220 mainly offer 7430 language 14 3 283 11 87.3% 247 7490 consultancy 8552 services I.3.- ServicesI.3.- and 8559 language consultancy Source: Eustat, 2012; Siadeco, 2015


Ñ I.4. Development and dissemination of the corpus of Basque: areas of language regulation, lexicography and the terminology.

4 business premises are registered in the Directory whose main activity consists of developing and disseminating a corpus of Basque. Three of the premises correspond to Euskaltzaindia and one corresponds to UZEI Centre of Terminology and Lexicography.

We have added the Basque Language Institute of the University of the Basque Country, and we estimate a total of 44 reference jobs for this group of activity. In this case, the Basque language coefficient is 100%, 44 are reference jobs in relation to this study.

Tab le 7: Number of organizations and reference employment in the area of the development and di ssemination of the corpus of Basque Sources of inform ation University of Criteria to estimate the Basque Directory of Economic the Basque language coefficient (Siadeco, Activities (Eustat, 2012) Country 2015) Sub- Total Reference Type of activity No. of businesses sector employme Basque language Employment No of with 100% Epigraph Companies nt coefficient business employment CNAE added (weighted premises attributed to according to Basque employment)

Organizations in the area of the 7220 language regulation , 4 1 44 5 100% 44 7430 lexicography and terminology.

I.4.- CorpusI.4.- of Basque

Source: Eustat, 2012; University of the Basque Country, 2015; Siadeco, 2015

Ñ I.5. Language technologies: electronic dictionaries, language processors, correctors, translation software, applications for learning and using languages, web technologies, etc.

In addition to I-ametza Interaktiboa registered in the Directory, we identified another 11 businesses from the Langune study; Vicomtech-IK4, BCBL-Basque Centre of Cognition-Brain and Language, Komaberri Bi, Didaktiker, Ametzagaña, Eleka Ingeniaritza Linguistikoa, Natural Vox, Plazagunea, Anboto Europe and Eratuz Kooperatiba Elkartea.

In this case field work was also developed to estimate the Basque language coefficient; taking the year 2014 as a reference, the people in charge of these businesses were asked to estimate the approximate proportion corresponding to Basque language in their activity.


Applying the Basque language coefficient at 39.2% obtained from the field work on the 256 job estimate, around 100 jobs were considered to be attributable to Basque.

Table 8: Sources of inform ation and reference employment of the language technologies sector Sources of inform ation Directory of Economic Survey on Basque language Activities (Eustat, 2012) Langune coefficient (Siadeco, 2015)

Sub- Employment Type of activity Total Basque sector of reference employment language Epigraph No. of Companies Weight of the coefficient CNAE businesses added sample (weighted according to employment)

Area of technologies and IT 98.4% sciences applied to 1812 1 10 256 39.2% 100 employment treat and process technologies I.5.- LanguageI.5.- language

Source: Eustat, 2012; Langune, 2014; Siadeco, 2015

Ñ I.6. TOTAL industry of language

The sum of employment for Basque language in the 5 subsectors analysed so far is 2,541. Most of them (66%) are located in the area of teaching Basque language, and specifically in euskaltegis: with around 1,316 jobs. Employment for the translation sector represents 485 jobs, the figure is 247 for language consultancy companies, another 44 correspond to organizations from the area of the corpus and terminology and another 100 are correspond to the area that is made up of new technologies and language.


Chart1. Employment realting to Basque corresponding to the sector "language industry", according to subsectors (absolute numbersutos and %)

44 100 1.7% 3.9%

247 1. Teaching Basque 9.7%

2. Translation 485 1,665 19.1% 65.5% 3. Language Consultancy Services

4. Development & dissemination of corpus of Basque

Source: data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

Table 9. Total reference e mployment for language indus try and distribution by sub sectors Reference e mployment Sector Subsector Abs . %

I.1.- Teaching Basque 1,665 65.5

I.2.- Translation 485 19.1 I.- Industry of the I.3.- Language services and consultancy 247 9.7 language I.4. - Development & di ssemination of corpus of 44 1.7 Basque I.5.- Language technologies 100 3.9

TOTAL 2,541 100 .0

Source: data produced by Siadeco, 2015


2.5.2/ Industry of culture and the media

The sector corresponding to culture and the media encompasses the following 9 subsectors:

• Book industry: publishing houses, bookshops and library services.

• Music industry: record labels, record shops, music promoters and programmers.

• Self-employed creators of culture: writers, musicians and other creators of art and culture.

• Audio-visual media industry: film producers, documentary, advertising, television programmes, radio programmes and other producers on the one hand, and cinemas on the other.

• Performing arts: theatre companies and promoters.

• Bertsolaritza: associations and organizations from the world of bertsolaritza.

• Media: newspapers, magazines, radios and radio services, television and other television services, internet and news agencies.

• Basque Language Associations.

• Other associations and companies from the world of communications, culture and social affairs: associations and companies for culture, leisure and social interests; communications and advertising companies; internet services; documentation centres and other non-university research centres.

Ñ II.1. Book industry: publishing houses, bookshops and library services .

Publishing Houses The Eustat Directory includes 184 businesses belonging to the publish houses subsector. This is a significant number, but there are only 19 businesses with over 10 employees; the rest are small companies or self-employed persons. We have added to the initial Eustat list another three businesses identified in the Langune database. In this subsector, we refer, among others, to the following companies: Ediciones Deusto S.A., Elkarlanean S.L., Erein S.A., Txinpartetan S.L., Zubia Editoriala, etc.

Altogether, we estimate around 594 jobs, and for the calculation of the Basque language coefficient, data from the study “publications in Basque in the BAC” by the Association of Publishers of the Basque Country and corresponding to 2012 was taken into account; this study indicates that the turnover from the sale of titles in Basque was 31.9 million euros,


50% of the total turnover (63.7 million euros). Applying this percentage, the number of jobs attributable to Basque comes to 297. According to the report by the Association of Publishers of the Basque Country, 89% of the turnover corresponding to titles in Basque is carried out in the BAC itself and the average retail sale price of each title is 15 euros.

Table 10 . Sources of inform ation for the estim ation of employment , criteri a to estimate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment for publishing houses Sources of inform ation Association of Publishers of Directory of Economic the Basque Country Langune Activities (Eustat, 2012) (Publications in Basque in Reference Sub- Type of activity Total the BAC, 2012) Employme sector employment Annual Weight of the nt Epigraph No. of Companies turnover of turnover of CNAE businesses added publications publications in Basque in Basque

5811 Publishing houses 182 3 594 32.0 million € 50% 297 5819 II.1.- Book Industry II.1.- Book Source: Eustat 2012; Basque Government-HPS; Gremio of Editores of Euskadi 2012, data produced by Siadeco, 2015


828 jobs correspond to the 411 retail book selling businesses registered in the Eustat DIRAE.

According to the study by the Association of Publishers of the Basque Country corresponding to 2012, mentioned in the previous section, 18.6 million euros were invoiced through independent bookshops and distribution chains; in addition, according to Eustat data, we know that the total turnover of these retail businesses is around 102 million euros. Thus, the Basque language coefficient estimated for this subsector is 18.2%, and as a result 151 jobs are attributable to Basque.


Table 11. Sources of information to estimate employment, criteria for the estimation of the Basque language coefficient and reference employment for bookshops Sources of inform ation Basque Government- Directory of Economic Activities (Eustat, Association of Publishers of the Vice-ministry of 2012) Basque Country (Publications in Reference Sub- Language Policy Type of activity Basque for the BAC, 2012) Employme sector (different subsidy grants ) nt

No. of Volume of Sale of titles in Weight of titles in Epigraph Employm Companies businesse annual Basque through Basque in volume CNAE ent added s turnover bookshops of annual turnover

102 Bookshops 4761 411 828 1 186 million € 18.2% 151 million € II.1.- Book Industry II.1.- Book Source: Eustat 2012; Basque Government-HPS; Gremio of Editores of Euskadi 2012, data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Private library services

18 businesses were registered as private library services in the Eustat Directory, with approximately 125 jobs.

Basque Government data for public library statistics corresponding to 2002 were used to the estimate the Basque language coefficient. According to these statistics, the proportion of library collections in Basque in public libraries in the BAC is 31.7%. As a result, employment associated with Basque language in this area accounts for 40 jobs.

Table 12 . Dat a from the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities , criteria to estimate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment for private library services Sources of inform ation Directory of Economic Activities (Eustat, Basque Government (Statistics on Sub- Reference Type of activity 2012) public libraries in the BAC, 2002) sector Employment Epigraph No. of Employme Percenta ge of library collections in CNAE businesses nt Basque

Private library 9105 18 125 31,7% 40 services II.1.- Book industry II.1.- Book Source: Eustat 2012; Basque Government 2002, data produced by Siadeco, 2015


Ñ II.2. Music industry: record labels, record shops, music promoters and programmers .

Record labels

We found a total of 23 businesses; 8 of them are registered in the Eustat Directory and another 15 were identified by consulting different sources of information (mainly data from Musika Industriaren Elkartea). Total estimated employment in these businesses came to 55 jobs.

According to the study carried out by the Basque Culture Observatory on Arts and Cultural Industry Statistics in the BAC in 2011, 53.6% of the discs produced by the recording studios were in Basque; applying the coefficient, it is estimated that employment associated with Basque comes to 29 persons.

Record shops

In the case of record shops, although an important effort was made to obtain direct data, it was not possible to obtain significant information about employment associated with

Basque. Faced with this lack of data, we applied the same Basque language coefficient to record shops as for bookshops: 18.2%; thus, we estimated that 9 jobs are linked to Basque language.

Music promoters and programmers

Finally, we applied a Basque language coefficient of 11.7% to the group of music promoters and programmers, the result of field work carried out by Siadeco. Applying this coefficient, is 19 persons are estimated to be associated with Basque language. Total

57 jobs in total are estimated to be linked to Basque language in the music industry,


Table 13 . Sources of inform ation to estimate employment , criteri a to estim at e the Basque language coefficient and reference employment for the music industry

Sources of inform ation Directory of Musika Basque Government Economic Industria- (Statistics on arts and ENCUESTA on Basque Activities (Eustat, ren culture industries BAC, language coefficient 2012) Elkartea 2011) (Siadeco, 2015) Reference Sub- Coefficients used to Type of activity Employm Basque Employme sector estimate use of Basque in ent language nt No. of Annual Data the music industry Epigraph Compani Weight of coefficient businesse income according CNAE es added the sample (weighted s (thou €) to language according to employment)

Discs For recording studios, Recording released in 53.6% of Statistics on arts 29 8 15 55 2,148 studios Basque: and culture industries 1820 53.6% BAC, 2011 4761 4763 For music stores, 18.2% of Record stores 5920 9 48 sales of titles in Basque of 9 9001 the bookshops 9002 Music promoters 78% of For promoters and music II.2.- II.2.- Music industry and 18 9 167 employme programmers 11.7% of the 19 11.7% programmers nt survey

GUZTIRA 59 270 57

Source: Eustat 2012; Basque Government 2011; survey by Siadeco 2015; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Ñ II.3. Self-employed creators of culture: writers, musicians and other creators from the world of art and culture.

The Eustat DIRAE includes 1,047 businesses registered in the activity of writers, musicians and other producers from the world of culture. Most, specifically 964, are self-employed, and altogether 1,151 persons are employed approximately.

In order to be able to estimate employment associated with Basque and determine the coefficient to apply, we applied the same percentage as that corresponding to publishing houses to this group: 50%. For musicians, as for recording studios, we applied 53.6%, and 49% for producers of performing arts (in fact, in Arts and Culture Industry Statistics 2011, we can see 33.7% of theatre production was in Basque and 30.6% in Basque and Spanish.

According to data weighted according to the turnover and Basque language coefficient for each group of creators, the resulting Basque language coefficient for this area was 49.8%, and employment associated with Basque was 616 persons.


Table 14 . Data of the Eustat Directory of Activities , criteri a for the estim ation of the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of self-employed creators of culture Sources of inform ation Association of Basque Publishers of Government Directory of Economic Activities the Basque (Statistics on (Eustat, 2012) Country arts and Percentage Referenc Sub- (Publications culture applied to e Type of activity sector in Basque industries estimate use Employ BAC, 2012) BAC, 2011) of Basque ment Weight Produ ction in No. of Epigrap Self-employed Employm turnover Basque of businesse creators of h CNAE ent publications in performing s culture Basque arts

33.7% in 5915 Writers, musicians, and Basque 9001 other producers from 1,058 964 1,238 50% 49.8% 616 9002 the world of culture 30.6% of of culture 9003 bilingual II.3.- Self-employed creators II.3.- Self-employed Source : Eustat 2012; Association of Publishers of the Basque Country , 2012; Basque Government 2011; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Ñ II.4. Industry of audio-visual media: producers of films, documentaries, advertising, television programmes, radio programmes and other producers, on the one hand, and cinemas on the other.

We differentiate between two subgroups in this area, audio-visual producers and cinemas. The coefficients of Basque applied to each vary significantly.

Audio-visual producers

When analysing the activity corresponding to producers of films, documentaries, advertising, television programmes and radio and others, the Eustat Directory includes 383 businesses, to which we have added another 25 identified from the list of applicants for IT and Communications subsidies. Altogether, we estimate around 1,341 jobs.

The Basque language coefficient to apply is 40%. This coefficient was calculated from a sample that includes the largest 23 businesses (which represent 24.6% of total employment). Among them are, for example, Pausoka Entertainment, Irusoin, Kursaal Producciones Audiovisuales, Baleuko, Orio Produkzioak, Bainet Televisión, Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española, Rec Estudio Grabaketa, etc.


The other source of information used for to calculate the Basque language coefficient was the Statistics on Arts and Cultural Industries 2011, where audio-visual industry production only in Basque and/or in Basque and Spanish is indicated and represents around 40%. This data coincides completely with that obtained by Siadeco through field work carried out.

Consequently, 536 jobs are attributable to Basque in the area of audio-visual production.


51cinemas are registered in the Eustat Directory, with 377 jobs.

In the study carried out by the Basque Culture Observatory in 2010 with regard to private and public cinemas in the BAC, of the 189,774 shows projected, 5,785 were in Basque. Thus, with a Basque language coefficient of 3.04%, estimated employment comes to 11 jobs.

Table 15 . Sources of inform ation for the estim ation of use of Basque , criteri a to ca lcul ate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of the audio-visual media industry Sources of inform ation Basque Directory of Basque Government Economic Government- (Statistics on Vice-ministry SURVEY on Basque language Activities (Eustat, Arts and of Language coefficient (Siadeco, 2015) 2012) Policy Culture Referenc (ITC subsidies) Industries Sub- BAC, 2011) e Type of activity Employm sector Basque Employ ent language ment Indices Weight coefficient Indices on Epigraph No. of Companies (weighted on us e of of the use of CNAE businesses added according Basque sample Basque to employmen t) 4741 5821 Producers of film, 5915 Audio-visual 23 largest 24.6% of media documentaries, 5916 40%, establish- employme produced advertising, television 7022 383 25 1,341 production 536 ments nt only in Basque programmes, radio and 7311 in Basque or bilingual: other producers 6010 40.0% 9001 9002 Percentage of projections of Cinemas 5914 51 - 377 - - - films in 11

II.4.- II.4.- Industry media of audio-visual Basque: 3.04% TOTAL 434 25 1,718 547

Source : Eustat 2012; Basque Government (HPS and OVC ); survey by Siadeco 2015; data produced by Siadeco , 2015 .


Ñ II.5. Performing arts: theatre companies and programmers.

In this subsector we have also differentiated between producers and programmers.

Theatre companies

The DIRAE includes 84 businesses whose main activity is focused on the production of theatre plays and dance productions, with 239 jobs. In addition, according to the results of the Statistics on Arts and Culture Industries 2011, employment corresponding to theatre and dance companies in 2011 came to 186.4 full days, production in Basque represented 33.7% and in Basque and Spanish 30.6%. These are the data we have used for our estimates; and applying a 49% Basque language coefficient, around 91 jobs are estimated to be associated with Basque language.

Theatre and dance programmers

In the group of programmers of theatre and dance performances, 26 are businesses registered in the Eustat Directory with approximately 124 jobs. On the other hand, according to the results of Statistics on Arts and Culture Industries 2011, employment corresponding to theatre performance programmers is 217.7 and the percentage of peformances in Basque comes to 34.2%. As a result, 71 jobs are attributable to Basque.

Table 16 . Dat a on employment from the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities , criteri a to calcul ate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of the performing arts Sources of inform ation Basque Government (Statistics on Referenc Directory of Economic Activities Percentage Sub- arts and culture industries BAC, e Type of activity (Eustat, 2012) applied to sector 2011) Employ estimate use Epigraph No. of Employme References of the ment Employment of Basque CNAE businesses nt presence of Basque

Production in Basque 9001 in performing arts: Theatre companies 84 239 186,4 49% 91 9002 - 33,7% in Basque - 30,6% bilingual

Performances in Theatre and dance 9004 26 124 217,7 Basque in theatres: 34% 74 II.5.- II.5.- Performing arts programmers 34.2%

TOTAL 110 363 404 165

Source: Eustat 2012; Basque Government-OVC; data produced by Siadeco, 2015


Ñ II.6. Bertsolaritza: associations and organizations from the world of bertsolaritza.

There are 8 associations and organizations from the area of bertsolaritza located in the BAC; 4 of them are registered in the DIRAE with 55 jobs. The organizations that operate in this subsector are the Associations of Friends of Bertsolaritza (Bertsozale Elkarteak) of Bizkaia, , Álava and Euskal Herria; the service companies Lanku; Librean Kooperatiba Elkarte Txikia; the Mintzola Foundation and the Algorta School of Bertsolaris. We should point out that it was not possible to obtain data on employment at schools for bertsolaris and, therefore, data were not taken into account for employment estimations this subsector.

In addition, based on data from the Association of Friends of Bertsolaritza around 80 jobs were estimated for this subsector (without taking into account the activity of bertsolari schools), which is the data used for this study.

The accumulate budget of the associations of friends of bertsolaritza at a BAC level is 3 million euros approximately (2015 budgets) and slightly over 1 million euros corresponding to service companies and the development of projects related to bertsolaritza.

Table 17 . Sources of inform ation to estim at e employment , criteria to calculate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of bertsolaritza Sources of inform ation As soc. of

Directory of Economic Friends of Assoc. of Friends of Reference Sub- Activities (Eustat, 2012) Bertsolaritza(20 Type of activity Bertsolaritza(2015) Employm sector 15) ent Nº Epigraph Employme Companie Companie Budgets businesse Employment CNAE nt s added s added s

Associa tions of Budget of In associa tions bertsolaritza of the associations in the in the BAC and BAC (from the BAC and Euskal Euskal Herria: 7220 three provinces Herria in 2014: 3.2 58 8559 million € and those of 4 55 4 25 Lanku and 80 9001 Lanku and Mintzola: Euskal Herria), Mintzola: 22 9003 1.1 million € service companies (including sessions

II.6.- II.6.- Bertsolaritza (including sessions of and foundations bertsolaritza) of bertsolaritza) Total: 4.3 million € Total: 80 Source: Eustat 2012; Association of Friends of Bertsolaritza of Euskal Herria, 2015; data produced by Siadeco, 2015


Ñ II.7. Media: publication of newspapers, publication of magazines, radio and radio services, television and television services, internet and news agencies.


The Eustat Directory includes 42 businesses whose main activity is publishing newspapers. Another was added from the list of beneficiaries of Basque Government grants for the media. The Basque language coefficient is estimated to be 27.1%, calculated from a sample with the largest 24 businesses in terms of jobs in this subsector (they represented 98.3% of total employment in this subsector). Among them are, for example, El Diario Vasco, Berria, Deia, Euskal Herriko Egunkaria-Gara and Noticias de Gipuzkoa. Total employment for this branch of activity is 867, 235 jobs are estimated to be attributable to Basque language, as a result of applying the Basque language coefficient.

General and specialized magazines

77 businesses who publish magazines are registered in the Eustat Directory; and we have added another 2, from the list of beneficiaries of Basque Government grants for the media. 11 of them only publish contents in Basque, and employ 64 persons, which is the data we used as reference employment. These 11 businesses, arranged in order of greater to lesser size, are: Argia, Herri Komunikabideak Kooperatiba Elkartea, 11 barri.info, Jakin, Xangorin, Uztartzen Euskara Elkartea, Hilero Zornotzan, Bertsozaleak, Totoan Txorierriko Euskara Elkarteen Federazioa, Euskal Birusa Elkarte Kulturala Ermua and Mendebalde Euskal Kultur Elkartea. On a BAC level there are more associations that publish magazines in Basque, but we placed them in a different subsector because they mainly carry out a different kind of activity besides the publication of magazines.

In addition, employment corresponding to local magazines managed by different Basque language and culture associations is not included in this subsector but in the sector corresponding to Basque language associations and culture associations.

Radio and radio services

There are 57 businesses registered in the Eustat Directory which are linked to radio and other radio services, with 718 jobs. The Basque language coefficient is 37.8%; calculated with a sample of the 29 businesses with the highest number of employees in the subsector (which represent 91% of total employment); among them are, Euskadi Irratia, Radio Popular de , Radio Bilbao Cadena Ser, Bizkaia Irratia, Arrate Irratia, etc. 271 jobs are attributed to Basque language in this branch of activity.


TV channels and other television services

This branch of activity includes staff who work in television and other services linked to television; according to Eustat Directory data, there are 20 businesses with a total of 708 jobs. A survey was carried out on a sample of 10 companies, and an index of 37.8% presence of Basque was obtained. Thus, employment associated with Basque was estimated to be 311 persons.

The Internet

Mainly media that broadcast digitally have been taken into account, specifically 8 media businesses; the total estimated employment is 58 persons and the Basque language coefficient is 39.0%; obtaining direct information in the 5 businesses with the highest number of jobs has made it possible to define this coefficient (among them, Eitbnet, El Correo Digital and Deia Digital). 23 jobs are attributable to the Basque language in this branch of activity.

News agencies

Finally, in this subsector of media, we have analysed news agencies. 73 are registered in the Eustat Directory; 151 jobs. The survey was carried out on a sample of 13 businesses (which represent 44% of total employment), and the presence of Basque index is 10.6%. Thus employment associated to Basque in this branch of activity is estimated to be 16 persons.

Total media

After adding reference employment in the aforementioned subgroups, total employment linked to Basque language in the media subsector amounts to 920 persons.


Table 18 . Sources of inform ation to estim at e employment , criteria to calculate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of the media Sources of inform ation Basque Directory of Government- Economic Vice-ministry of SURVEY on Basque language coefficient Activities (Eustat, Language Policy (Siadeco, 2015) Referenc Sub- e Type of activity 2012) (grants for Employm sector Employ media) ent Basque language ment No. of coefficient Epigraph Companies Weight of businesse Strategic sample (weighted CNAE added the sample s according to employment)

24 larger sized Level of average 5813 98.3% of Newspapers 42 1 867 businesses presence of 235 7490 employment Basque: 27.1%

11 associations of magazines 25.5% of Magazines 5814 77 2 248 published only in 100.0% 64 employment Basque taken into account

Level of average Radios and radio 29 larger sized 91% of 6010 57 - 718 presence of 271 services businesses employment Basque: 37.8%

II.7.- II.7.- Media Television and Level of average 10 larger sized 97% of other television 6020 20 - 708 presence of 311 businesses employment services Basque: 37.8%

5813 5 Level of average Media via the 91% of 6312 5 3 58 larger sized presence of 23 Internet employment 7022 businesses Basque: 39.0%

News a genci es Level of average 13 larger sized 44% of and self-employed 6391 73 - 151 presence of 16 businesses employment journalists Basque: 10.6% TOTAL 274 6 2.750 92 % 86 .4 920 Source : Eustat 2012; Basque Government -HPS; Survey by Siadeco 2015; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Ñ II.8. Basque language Associations.

68 Basque language associations were identified from the list of applicants for subsidies in relation to the Basque Government subsidy awards related to euskalgintza (Basque Cultural Activity) over recent years.

On the one hand, the Federation of Basque language Associations Topagunea supplied us with a series of data corresponding to 2007:


• At that time 84 associations were federated in Topagunea. • The following economic data was obtained corresponding to 55 Basque language Associations: total budget of 8.6 million euros: 55% corresponds to media activity. If we extrapolate these amounts to the 84 associations, the total budget comes to 13.2 million euros. • Analysing the distribution by type of budget cost, salaries represent 54.6% with 7.2 million euros destined to this effect. Applying the ratio of 35,000 euros cost per employee, we estimate a total of 206 jobs.

Table 19 . Sources of inform ation to estim at e employment , criteria to calculate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of Basque language associations Sources of inform ation Basque Vice - ministry of Language Policy Topagunea – Federation of Basque Language Associations (2007) Reference Sub- Type of activity (grants for Employme sector euskalgintza) nt No. of Budget (extrapola te d No. of Estimated federated to all federated Total jobs associations employment associations associations)

Activities of Basque Total: Language 13.2 million € Associations, Media: 68 84 504 206 206 including the 7.3 million €

Associations Associations publication of local Salaries: means. 7.2 million € II.8.- II.8.- Basque Language

Source: Eustat 2012; Basque Government-HPS; Topagunea, 2007; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Ñ II.9. Other associations and companies from the world of the media, culture and social interests: associations and companies related to culture, leisure and social affairs; communication and advertising companies; Internet services; and documentation centres and other non-university research centres.

Cultural, leisure and social associations

225 businesses were identified altogether who act in the area of culture, leisure and social affiars. 91 were obtained from the Eustat Directory, and another 134 were identified from the list of applicants for different Basque Government subsidies over recent years.


Field work to collect direct information spread in this case to 72 companies and associations, and the average Basque language coefficient was 70.1%. These organizations represent 63% of total employment in this area. This group encompasses associations with very different activities and characteristics; there are, among others, Asociación Sociocultural Ziba, Asociación de Tiempo Libre Suspergintza, Asociación Zubietxe against social exclusion, Eusko Ikaskuntza, Elkargi, Azaro Fundazioa, Harribide Fundazioa, Federación de Grupos de Tiempo Libre Amarauna, Galtzagorri, Servicios Kultur Kabia…

Altogether 1,090 persons are employed and 764 jobs are estimated to be attributable to Basque language.

Communications and advertising services

With regard to companies that offer communications and advertising services, 1,394 businesses were identified altogether (1,391 from the Eustat Directory and another 3) and 3,995 persons were employed in this branch of activity. A survey was carried out to estimate the Basque language coefficient and the result obtained was 15.7%; data was directly obtained from 26 communications and advertising companies, which represented 15% of total employment in this area. Thus, employment attributable to Basque language is 627 persons in this branch of activity.

Internet services

This group is made up of 35 businesses altogether, 29 are registered in the Eustat Directory and another 6 were added by consulting other sources of information; with 318 jobs. Following direct data collection in the 14 largest businesses (representing 49% of total employment), a Basque language coefficient of 22.1% was calculated. Some of the largest are: Hispavista Compañías, Codesyntax, Adimedia, etc. 70 jobs were estimated to be attributable to Basque language in this branch of activity.

Documentation and research centres

And finally, with regard to the activity of documentation and research centres, 10 businesses are registered in the Eustat Directory (for example, Documentation and Studies Centre of Siis and Lazkaoko Beneditarren Fundazioa), with 32 jobs generated. Applying the same Basque language coefficient as for private library services (31.7%), we estimate 10 jobs linked to Basque language.

Total associations from the area of the media, culture and social affairs

The sum of reference employment for the four branches of activity mentioned, 1,471 jobs were linked to Basque language in this subsector.


Table 20 . Sources of inform ation to estim at e employment , criteria to calculate the Basque language coefficient and reference employment of other associations and companies from the area of communications, culture and society Sources of inform ation Basque Directory of Government- Economic Vice-ministry of SURVEY on Basque language coefficient Referen Sub- Activities (Eustat, Language Policy (Siadeco, 2015) ce Type of activity Employm sector 2012) (grants for Employ subsidies) ent ment Basque language No. of Epigraph Companies Strategic Weight of coefficient (weighted businesse CNAE added sample sample according to s employment) 5811 5912 Other 6399 associations and 7022 72 associations Level average 63% of companies from 7220 or larger sized presence of Basque: 91 134 1,090 employm 764 the area of 7490 companies 70.1% ent culture, leisure 9001 and society 9002 9105 9106

Communications 26 associations 15% of Level average 7021 or larger sized employm presence of Basque: ea of communications, eaculture of communications, and society and advertising 7311 1,391 3 3,995 627 services companies ent 15.7% 7490

14 6312 Level average Internet services associations or 49% of 7430 29 6 318 presence of 70 larger sized employm 7490 Basque: 22.1% companies ent

Same Basque Documentation language coefficient 9105 and research 10 32 - - as private library 10 9106 centres services (31.7%)

TOTAL 1,521 143 5,435 1,471 II.9.- II.9.- Other and companies associations from ar the

Source: Eustat 2012; Basque Government-HPS; survey by Siadeco 2015; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Ñ II.10. TOTAL industry of culture and the media

This second sector belonging to the industry of culture and media employs 4,550 persons linked directly to Basque, distributed in 9 subsectors which were analysed; the two most important, on the one hand those made up of companies and organizations from the area communications, culture and social (1,471 jobs) and on the other, media companies (920 jobs). After them come: self-employed creators of culture (616 jobs), audio-visual media industry (547 jobs), book industry (488 jobs), Basque language associations (206 jobs), performing arts (165 jobs), bertsolaritza (80 jobs) and the music industry (57 jobs). 50.

Figure 2. Use of Basque in the sector "industry of culture and the media", according to subsectores (absolute numbers and %)

57 488 1.3% 10.7% 1,471 32.3% 616 13,5%

547 1.Book industry 12.0% 2. Music industry 206 920 % 4,5 3. Self employed culture creators % 20,2 4. Media industry 165 80 3.6% 5. Performing arts % 1.8 6. Bersolarismo 7. Media 8. Basque language associations 9. Other communications, culture and society associations & companies

Source: Data produced by Siadeco.

Table 21 . Employment of reference total of the indus try of the culture and the media and distribution by sub sectors Reference Employment Sector Subsector Abs. %

II.1.- Book industry 488 10,7

II.2.- Music industry 57 1,3

II.3.- Self-employed creators of culture 616 13,5

II.4.- Audio-visual media industry 547 12,0

II. Industry of culture and II.5.- Performing arts 165 3,6 the media II.6.- Bertsolaritza 80 1,8

II.7.- Media 920 20,2

II.8.- Basque Language Associations 206 4,5 II.9. - Other associa tions and companies in the 1.471 32,3 areas of the media, culture and society TOTAL 4.550 100,0


2.5.3/ Activities in the area of education and Universities

The third language sector defined for the study corresponds to the area of education and Universities; employment and other economic data linked to education imparted in Basque was calculated. The main criteria used was to estimate the weight of the subjects imparted in Basque in relation to the total of subjects for each stage and education model, and this was the coefficient used, after being applied to total employment, to calculate employment linked the Basque language. Four subsectors were differentiated within the third sector:

• Infant and Primary Education.

• Secondary Education (ESO; Baccalaureate and Technical Training; Programmes of Job Start Up Qualification).

• University.

• Other associations and organizations in the area of education.

Ñ III.1 Infant and Primary Education

Basque language coefficients

The information provided by the Department of Education of the Basque Government was greatly used to be able to calculate the total contact hours and those in Basque in the case of Infant and Primary Education and Secondary Education; corresponding to year 2012- 2013.

Based on this information, the coefficients of Basque calculated for each model (A, B or D) and each education stage (Infant and Primary Education and Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Technical Training) are the following:

- Model A: contact hours in Basque correspond only to the subject Basque, by which the coefficients of Basque for each stage are the following: 14.4% in Infant and Primary Education, 11,0% in ESO and 7.9% in Baccalaureate and Technical Training.

- Model B: contact hours in Basque correspond to the subject of Basque plus half the remaining subjects, by which the coefficients of Basque for each stage are the following: 58.75% in Infant and Primary Education, 56,2% in ESO and 53.25% in Baccalaureate and Technical Training.

- Model D: contact hours in Basque are for all subjects except those corresponding to Spanish in primary, and to Spanish and English in ESO, Baccalaureate and FP; the estimated Basque language coefficients, are as follows: 85.60% in Infant and Primary Education; 78.00% in ESO and 84.20% in Baccalaureate and Technical Training.


Table 22 . Basque language c oefficient s applied to each stage and education model and indic ations to this regard

Coefficients of Basque applied

Job Start up Model Indications Infant and Primary Secondary Qualification Baccalaureate and Education Education Programmes Technical Training

Contact hours in Basque, only the A subject Basque language 14.40% 11.00% 7.90% 0,00%

Contact hours in Basque, subject 17.3% + (82.7%/2) 12.4% + (87.6%/2) 6.5% + (93.5%/2) B Basque language plus half = 58.65% = 56.2% = 53.25% remaining subjects

Contact hours in Basque , all subjects except Spanish in (100.0% – 14.4%) (100% – 11.0%*2) (100% - 7.9%*2) D primary, and Spanish and English = 85.60% = 78.00% = 84.20% in ESO, Baccalaureate and FP

X No contact hours in Basque 0.0% 0.0% 0,0%

Source: Basque Government, Department of Education, year 2012-2013; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Teaching staff

Using Eustat data, firstly we proceeded with the distribution of the teaching staff according to education models, based on the proportion of pupils according to each model.

18,266 teachers work in Infant and Primary Education altogether; to calculate this data the following criteria was applied: a teacher who works both in infant and primary education is counted only once, there are no duplicates.

Secondary Education teaching staff amount to 15,402 teachers; in the following Table the sum of all the stages of secondary education reflect a result of 19,479, as a teacher may figure in more than one stage. The following table shows the estimation of the number of teachers for each model and education stage:


Table 23. Estimation of the number of teachers for each education stage and model, according to the distribution of pupils

Pupils Teachers Model Stage Abs. % Abs. % Infant and Primary Education ...... 12 ,110 5.6 1,018 5.6 ESO ...... 10 ,155 14 .0 1,407 14 .0 A Baccalaureate and FP ...... 34 ,922 59 .1 4,956 59 .1 PCPI ...... 4,404 100 .0 748 100 .0 Total Infant and Primary Education ...... 53 ,616 24 .7 4,507 24 .7 ESO ...... 20 ,010 27 .7 2,773 27 .7 B Baccalaureate and FP ...... 1,159 2.0 171 2.0 PCPI ...... - - - - Total 74 ,785 21 .2 7,451 19 .7 Infant and Primary Education ...... 150 ,278 69 .2 12 ,631 69 .2 ESO ...... 41 ,690 57 .6 5,778 57 .6 D Baccalaureate and FP ...... 22 ,787 38 .6 3,540 38 .6 PCPI ...... - - - - Total 214 ,755 60 .8 21 ,949 58 .2 Infant and Primary Education ...... 1,310 0.6 110 0.6 ESO ...... 510 0.7 71 0.7 X Baccalaureate and FP ...... 206 0.3 35 0.3 PCPI ...... - - - - Total Infant and Primary Education ...... 217 ,314 61 .5 18 ,266 100 .0 ESO ...... 72 ,365 20 .5 10 ,029 100 .0 TO- Baccalaureate and FP ...... 59 ,074 16 .7 8,702 100 .0 TAL PCPI ...... 4,404 1.2 748 100 .0 Total 353 ,157 100 .0 37 ,745 100 .0

Source: Basque Government-Department of Education, year 2012-2013; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Altogether 33,668 teachers work in Infant and Primary Education and Secondary Education (once duplicate amounts have been subtracted), after applying the corrective coefficients to eliminate the incidence of the duplicate personnel and the coefficients of Basque for each education model and stage, 21,258 teachers are attributable to Basque language in this subsector. More detailed data can be seen in the following two Tables.


Table 24 . Estim ation of the initial number of teachers for subject s in Basque , once the Basque language coefficients have been applied for each education stage and model

Initial estimation of teachers for subjects in Model Stage Basque for each education stage and model Coefficient (%) No. of teacher s Infant and Primary Education ...... 14 .4 147 ESO ...... 11 .0 155 A Baccalaureate and FP ...... 7.9 392 PCPI ...... - - Total 693 Infant and Primary Education ...... 58 .65 2,643 ESO ...... 56 .2 1,558 B Baccalaureate and FP ...... 53 .25 91 PCPI ...... - - Total 4,293 Infant and Primary Education ...... 85 .6 10 ,812 ESO ...... 78 4,507 D Baccalaureate and FP ...... 84 .2 2,981 PCPI ...... - - Total 18 ,300 Infant and Primary Education ...... - - ESO ...... - - X Baccalaureate and FP ...... - - PCPI ...... - - Total - Infant and Primary Education ...... 13 ,602 ESO ...... 6,220 TO- Baccalaureate and FP ...... 3,463 TAL PCPI ...... - Total 23 ,285

Source : Data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Table 25 . Estimation of the definitive number of teachers , once the coefficient corrector has been applied

Coefficient corrector Definitive e stim ation Initial estimation of to calculate of the no. of teachers of subjects teachers of subjects in of teachers (%) in Basque for each Basque for each stage stage Infant and Primary Education ...... 13 ,602 100 .00 13 ,602 ESO ...... 6,220 79 .07 4,918 Baccalaureate and FP ...... 3,463 79 .07 2,738 PCPI ...... - - - TOTAL 21.258

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015


Non-teaching staff

According to data of the Basque Government Department of Education, 15,380 jobs correspond to non-teaching staff in infant, primary and secondary education. Thus, the ratio of non-teaching personnel in relation to teaching staff is 45.68%.

Table 26 . Estim ation of the reference employment , once non -teaching staff is added to teaching staff

Non -teaching Coefficient of non - Teaching staff staff teaching staff on

teaching staff (%)

Infant and Primary Education ...... 18,266

Secondary Education ...... 15,402

TOTAL 33 ,668 15 ,380 45 .681

Source: Basque Government-Department of Education, year 2012-2013; data produced by Siadeco, 2015

Use of Basque in Primary-Infant Education and Secondary Education

Adding teaching staff and non-teaching staff reference jobs we reached 30,696 jobs for Infant-Primary and Secondary education stages.

Table 27 . Use of reference Basque in Infant -Primar y Education and Secondary Education

Estimation of use of

reference Basque

Teachers ...... 21,258

Non-teaching staff ...... 9,711

TOTAL 30 ,969

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

In this subsector, employment attributable to Basque was calculated also based on the criteria of considering only the subject Basque, and not subjects imparted in Basque. With this hypothesis, the coefficients of Basque to apply to each education model and stage are significantly reduced, by which the reference employment would stand at around 7,360 persons (taking into account both the teaching and non-teaching staff).


Ñ III.2- University Education

In order to calculate employment linked to credits imparted in Basque in the university stage we have worked with the information supplied by the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto and Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Below we show the offer of the three Universities indicated. Based on the number of credits offered in the year 2014-2015, the proportion of the credits was calculated in Basque in relation to the total and this coefficient was applied to employed staff, or more specifically, to full working days, in order to be able to estimate the employment linked to Basque.

University of the Basque Country

Data corresponding to the campuses of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa supplied by the Vice- Chancellors of Basque Language of the University of the Basque Country; 41,369 credits were offered to different degrees in the three provinces altogether, 21,180 of which were imparted in Basque; thus, the Basque language coefficient for the degrees of the University of the Basque Country is 48.8%.

Table 28 . Offer of cr edits in degree s at the University of the Basque Country according to language and estimated Basque language coefficient

Cre dits in degree s Basque language Province Credits in Spanish Credits in Basque Total cr edits coefficient (%)

Campus of Bizkaia 10,295 9,662,5 19,957.5 48.42

Campus of Gipuzkoa 5,285,5 5,814,5 11,100 52.38

Campus of Álava 5,599 4,713 10,311 45.71

TOTAL 21 ,180 20 ,190 41 ,369 48 .81 Source : University of the Basque Country – Vice -Chancellor of Basque , year 2014 -2015

The Basque language coefficient calculated with the same criteria for postgraduates and masters offered is significantly lower, 10.02% to be exact.


Table 29 : Of fer of credits of post gr aduat e and masters studies at the University of the Basque Country according to language and estimated Basque language coefficient

Credits of post gr aduat e and masters studies Basque language

Credits in Spanish Credits in Basque Total credits coefficient (%)

University of the Basque 6.138,65 683,94 6.822,59 10,02 Country

Source: University of the Basque Country - Vice-Chancellor of Basque language, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

Taking into account all the education models (i.e. degrees, postgraduates and masters) of the UPV, the average Basque language coefficient stands at around 43.31%.

3,832 persons work (full time) as lecturers and researchers in the UPV and another 1,878 work for the general administration. Applying the 43.31% coefficient, we estimate employment for 2,473 persons linked to Basque language at the University of the Basque Country.

Table 30 : Total e mployment of the University of the Basque Country (full time ) and estimated use of Basque

Average Basque Employment (full language coefficient Use of Basque time) (%) Teachers and researchers 3.832,58

General administration 1.878

TOTAL 5.710,58 43,31 2.473,25

Source: University of the Basque Country- Vice-Chancellor of Basque, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

University of Deusto

At the University of Deusto, the data required for this study was provided by the Basque Language and Multilingualism Office with data from the campuses of Bilbao and San Sebastián. the Basque language coefficient was calculated for each area, and we obtained an average of 38% for all the credits in the different degrees.


Table 31 . Of fer of credits in degree s at the University of Deusto according to language and estimated Basque language coefficient Credits in degree s Basque Area Credits in Credits in language Total credits Spanish Basque coefficient (%)

Social sciences 1,419 861 2,280 38,00

Psychology and Education 256 644 900 72,00

Law 180 348 528 66,00

Engineering 900 240 1,140 21,00 Business Studies and Economic 420 168 588 29,00 Sciences Joint degrees 1,302 498 1,800 28,00

TOTAL 4,477 2,759 7,236 38,00

Source: University of Deusto- Basque and Multilingualism Office, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

In contrast, the Basque language coefficient in credits for postgraduates and masters is 6.39%.

Table 32 : Offer of credits for post graduat es and masters of the University of Deusto according to language and estimated Basque language coefficient Credits of postgraduates and masters Basque language coefficient Credits in Spanish Credits in Basque Total credits (%)

University of Deusto 3,353 229 3.582 6.39

Source: University of Deusto- Basque and Multilingualism Office, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

Thus, the average coefficient calculated by the University of Deusto is 27.62%, which when applied to total employment results in 276 persons attributable to Basque.


Table 33 : Total e mployment of the University of Deust o and estimated Basque language coefficient Average Basque Full time language coefficient Use of Basque (%)

Teachers-researchers 394,61

General Administration 452,69

Researchers 153,75

Total 1.001,05 27,62 276,50

Source: University of Deusto- Basque and Multilingualism Office, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

The University School for Teacher Training Begoñako Andra Mari (BAM) attached to the University of Deusto were also taken into account. We know the data for total employment, 46 jobs; and we estimate that the presence of Basque language stands at around 50%. Thus, 23 jobs are associated to Basque language in this centre.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea

The Secretary of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has provided us with the following data on the offer of credits and total employment. Taking into account all the faculties of the University, the average Basque language coefficient for the credits in degrees is 54.6%.

Table 34 . Of fer of credits of degree s from Mondragon Uni bertsitatea according to language and estimated Basque language coefficient Credits in degree s Basque Faculty Credits in Credits in language Total credits Spanish Basque coefficient (%)

Higher Polytechnic School 1,318.76 841.24 2,160 38.95

Faculty of Business Sciences 323 157 480 32.71

Faculty of Humani ti es and Educ ation - 1,265 1,265 100.00 Sciences Faculty of Gastron omic Sciences - 240 - 240 0.00 Basque Culinary Centre

TOTAL 1,881.76 2,263.24 4,145 54.60

Source: Mondragon Unibertsitatea, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

In contrast, the Basque language coefficient of credits for postgraduates and master is 18.43%.


Table 35 . Of fer of credits of post graduat es and masters of Mondrago n Unibertsitatea according to language and estimated Basque language coefficient Credits of post gr aduat es and masters Basque Credits in Credits in language Total credits Spanish Basque coefficient (%)

Mondragon Unibertsitatea 1,027 232 1,259 18.43

Source: Mondragon Unibertsitatea, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

Thus, the average coefficient calculated for Mondragon Unibertsitatea is 46.17%, which when applied to total employment at 491 (full time), gives 226 jobs attributable to Basque language.

Table 36 : Total e mployment of Mondrag on Unibertsitatea and estimated use of the Basque Average Basque Full time language coefficient Use of Basque (%)

Teachers 305.31

General administration 185.32 Total 490.63 46.17 226.52

Source: Mondragon Unibertsitatea, year 2014-2015. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

Total use of Basque at Universities

According to the calculations and estimations carried out by the three Universities, employment directly linked to Basque language will be around 3 thousand persons.

Table 37 : Estimated e mployment of Basque in BAC Universit ies

University Use of Basque (full time)

University of the Basque Country 2,473.25

University of Deusto (BAM included) 299.50

Mondragon Unibertsitatea 226.52

Total 2,999.27

Source: data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


If for the calculation of the Basque language coefficient instead of credits imparted in Basque, we were to use degrees, postgraduates and masters linked directly to Basque, the estimated employment would be 115 jobs. We reach this figure considering employment linked to Basque Studies and postgraduate studies of Linguistics and Basque Philology at the University of the Basque Country and the degree of Basque Philology and Culture at the University of Deusto.

Ñ III.3- Other education associations and organizations

This fourth group is composed of associations and organizations registered in Epigraphs corresponding to the area of education in the Eustat Directory. 3,185 businesses altogether employ an estimated 9,193 persons. However, once the complete list of organizations has been analysed, only 27 were taken into account, precisely the largest and the closest linked to Basque language. Among others are the Escuela de Educadores de Tiempo Libre Urtxintxa, the University of the Basque Country Fundación Cursos de Verano and other companies and associations that offer education services in the area of culture.

We have added the Laboratorio de Psicolingüística Elebilab of the University of the Basque Country, and altogether the estimated reference employment to be 154 jobs.

Table 38 . Dat a from the Eustat Directory of Economic Activities and sources of inform ation to estim at e reference employment of other education associations and organizations Sources of information Directory Economic Activities UPV - Sub- (Eustat, 2012) Elebilab Reference Total sector Employment employment Epigraph No. of employment Employment of added CNAE businesses organizations


8551 (employment 8552 3185 9,193 corresponding to 34 154 0.8% of 8559 businesses organizations

associationsand registered in the

IV.4.-Other education Directory)

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


Ñ III.4- Total activities in the area of education and Universities.

Of the four sectors defined for this study, this third sector corresponds to education and Universities and is the most important. The presence of Basque in education activities of all kinds of organizations in the BAC is important, insofar as Basque language is an indispensable means of communication in education imparted in this language; education in Basque in the BAC accounted for 34,000 persons, starting from infant education to university stages. Around 20,000 persons use Basque in Infant-Primary Education, 11,000 in Secondary Education (including ESO, Baccalaureate and Technical Training) and 3,000 in university stages.

Table 39. Reference employment of activities in the area of education and Universities and distribution by subsectors Reference employment in Basque Sector Subsector

III.1.- Infant and Primary Education 19,816 58.1

III. Activities in III.2.- Secondary Education 11,153 32.7 education and III.3.- University Education 2,999 8.8 Universities III.4.- Other education activities 154 0.4

34,122 100.0 TOTAL

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


Figure 3. Employment associated with Basque from the sector "education and universities", according to stages/type of education (absolute numbers and %)

11,153 32.7% 1. Infant & Primary Education

2. Secondary Education 2,999 19,816 8.8% 3. University Education 58.1%

4. Other education associations 154 & organizations 0.4%

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

2.5.4/ Public administration

In addition to employment corresponding to structures and services for the promotion of Basque in the public administrations, employment in public administration culture was taken into account, according to the presence of Basque language in the BAC cultural industry.

Direct Employment of public administrations for the promotion of the Basque

The first subgroup of this fourth sector corresponds to BAC public administration structures to promote Basque language. According to the latest study carried out by the Basque Government Vice-ministry of Language Policy corresponding to 2012, 716 persons were employed to promote Basque in Basque Government department services and/or areas, 3 provincial councils and municipal councils of over 5000 inhabitants, capitals included.


Table 40 . Reference employment of public administration areas of Basque

Subsidies and Sub- Employment Type of activity Total global budget agreements (cap. sector (full time) IV. and VII.)

Basque language services of municipal councils with over 39,094,699 € 14,481,951 € 214 5000 inhabitants and capitals

Basque language offices of 17,507,814 € 10,286,547 € 55 Provincial Councils

Basque language services of Basque Government 309 departments 93,070,112 € 52,236,331 € administrationareas Dependent Bodies of the Basque 138 Government

IV.1.-Resources of Basque language public TOTAL 149,672,625 € 77,004,829 € 716

Source: Basque Government – Vice-ministry of Language Policy, 2012

Graph 4. Direct employment of the areas of Basque in public administrations of the BAC, according to type of organization (absolute numbers and %)

138 Town counciles with over 5000 19.3% 214 inhabitants and capitals 29.9% Basque aeas in Provincial Councils

55 Basque services in Basque Government 309 7.7% departments 43.1% Autonomous bodies reporting to the Basque Government

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


Estimation of employment attributable to Basque in the promotion of the culture developed by the public administrations

In the second sector defined for this study, the use of Basque language in companies, organizations and associations that operate in the industry of culture and the media was estimated. On the other hand, the estimation carried out for the second group of this fourth sector corresponds to employment associated to Basque language in areas of public administration culture; i.e. insofar as they are actions carried out by administrations to promote culture in Basque, associated employment is considered to correspond to Basque language. In order to do so, the data of the study that the Basque Government Basque Culture Observatory carries out every two years was used; this study includes the number of persons employed in each of the cultural sectors on a public administrations level. In addition, in order to estimate employment to attribute to Basque we know the Basque language coefficient for each of these areas (calculated in the second sector, for culture and media industry). Using and crossing such Data, employment associated to Basque among public administration personnel that work in the area of culture was estimated.

Direct employment in the area public administration culture and bodies depending on the BAC comes to 1,770 persons, according to data from 2012 supplied by the Basque Government Basque Culture Obervatory. According to the Basque language coefficients defined for each type of cultural activity, the estimated data for jobs attachable to Basque is 795.


Table 41 . Reference e mployment for the area of public administration culture and their dependent bodies

Sources of information Basque Government – Vice -ministry of Language Pol icy Referenc (Statistics on budgets and public resources for Basque, 2012) Sub- Sector e Type of activity Rest of costs sector cultural Subsidies and Personnel Contracting and Basque employm agreements Budget costs services investment Employment language ent (chap. IV. and (chap. I.) (chap. II.) (chap. III. VI, coefficient VII.) VIII and IX.)

Heritage and 18,197,393 4,120,822 3,557,865 3,589,641 6.929.065 56 0.0% - archaeology

Cultural Libraries 35,233,842 19,291,771 12,735,032 53,249 3.153.790 261 31.7% 83 heritage Archives 13,419,286 5,805,512 2,821,638 1,094,491 3.697.645 79 31.7% 25

Museums 44,505,444 10,556,419 17,968,550 11,568,856 4.411.619 143 5.0% 7

Theatre and 30,636,221 7,405,860 14,886,209 7,638,370 725.782 100 49.0% 49 dance

Music 93,185,966 48,738,235 23,065,752 10,111,160 11.270.819 660 61.3% 405

ons and their bodies dependent Visual arts 7,769,941 1,516,287 3,627,442 2,380,083 246.129 21 0.0% -

Cinema and 21,952,479 2,610,682 9,088,918 4,327,216 5.925.663 35 40.0% 14 Indus try of audio-visual art and culture Literature 3,109,336 312,583 670,323 2,114,421 12.009 4 50.0% 2

Culture Centres and 60,077,986 10,936,761 26,536,616 12,608,911 9.995.698 148 50.0% 74 cultural activity

Bertsolaritza 655,571 25,464 230,913 398,757 437 - 100.0% -

Media 10,065,319 676,185 1,515,680 7,864,939 8.515 9 100.0% 9

IV.2- IV.2- Cultural public Resourcesadministrati of the Fiestas and popular culture 34,287,928 1,985,587 25,811,075 6,423,786 67,480 27 50.0% 13

General cultural services 26,256,678 16,740,827 8,423,944 157,727 934,180 227 50.0% 113

TOTAL 399,353,390 130,722,995 150,939,957 70,331,607 47,378,831 1,770 795

Source : Basque Government - Basque Culture Observatory , 2012. Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


Figure 5. Employment of Basque in the areas of public administration culture, according to cultural sector (absolute numbers and %)

27 1.5% 227 12.8% 539 Cultural heritage 30.5% Art & culture industry

Fiestas & popular culture 977 55.2% General cultural services

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.

Total employment associated with Basque in the public administration of the BAC

If we consider as a whole both the promotion of Basque and the promotion of culture in Basque, employment linked to Basque in the public administrations of the BAC is estimated to be around 1,511 jobs.

Table 42 . Reference e mployment of public administr ations and their distribu tio n by sub sectors

Reference employment Sector Subsector Abs. %

IV.1.- Resources of public administration 716 47.4 areas of Basque IV. Public administration IV.2.- Resources of public administration areas of culture and their dependent 795 52.6 bodies

TOTAL 1.511 100.0


Graph 6: Employment associated with Basque language, according to subsectors 65.5 Basque language teaching (1,665) Translation 19.1 (485)

Language advisory and services 9.7 (247)

Basque language corpus 1.7 (44 )

Language technologies 3.9 (100)

Book industry 10.7 (488)

Music industry 1.3 (57)

Creators of culture 13.5 (616)

Audiovisual industry 12.0 (547)

Performing arts 3.6 (165)

Bertsolaritza 1.8 (80)

Media 20.2 (920)

Basque language associations 4.5 (206) Other associations and organizations in the media, culture 32.3 (1.471) and society

Infant and Primary Education 58.1 (19,816)

Secondary Education 32.7 (11,153)

University Education 8.8 (2,999)

Other associations and organizations in education 0.4 (154)

Basque language resources of the public administrations 47.4 (716) Culture area resources of the public administrations and 52.6 (795) their autonomous organizations 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


2.5.5/ TOTAL employment generated by Basque language sectors Table 43. Data corresponding to employment of Basque, according to Basque language sectors

Employment associa te d with Basque


Subsector On total On Basque Abs. employment language Accumulated related to sector Basque I.1. Teaching Basque 1,665 65.5 3.9 3.9

I.2. Tra nslat ion 485 19.1 1.1 5.0

I.3. Language s ervices and consultancy 247 9.7 0.6 5.6

I.4. Corpus of Basque 44 1.7 0.1 5.7

I.5. Language t ec hnolog ie s 100 3.9 0.2 5.9

I.- LanguageI.- industry Total indus try of language 2,541 100.0 5.9 5.9

II.1. Book i ndus try 488 10.7 1.1 7.0

II.2. Music i ndus try 57 1.3 0.1 7.1

II.3. Self -employed c rea tors of cultur e 616 13.5 1.4 8.5

II.4. Indus try of the audio -visual media 547 12.0 1.3 9.8

II.5. Performing arts 165 3.6 0.4 10.2

II.6. Bertsolaritza 80 1.8 0.2 10.4

II.7. Media 920 20.2 2.2 12.6

II.8. Basque Language Associa tions 206 4.5 0.5 13.1

II.9. Associa tions and organizations in the area of

II.- II.- Industrymedia of culture and 1,471 32.3 3.4 16.5 media, culture and society

Total indus try of cultur e and media 4,550 100.0 10.6 16.5

III.1. Infant and Primary Educ ation 19 ,816 58.1 46.4 62.9

III.2. Secondary Educ ation 11 ,153 32.7 26.1 89.0

III.3. University Educ ation 2,999 8.8 7.0 96.0

III.4. Other education activities 154 0.4 0.4 96.4 Universities Universities

III.- III.- Education and Total educ ation and University 34 ,122 100.0 79.9 96.4

IV.1. Re so ur ce s in the area of public administr ation 716 47.4 1.7 98.1 Basque

IV.2. Reso ur ce s in area of public administration and 795 52.6 1.8 100.0 their dependent bodies culture IV.- IV.- Public

Administration Total -public administr ation 1,511 100.0 3.5 100.0

TOTAL employment related to 42,724 100.0 Basque

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015. 70.



In this third part of the report we have calculated another series of variables related to the direct economic impact of the Basque language on the Basque Autonomous Community, based upon the calculation of direct employment generated by the Basque language sector. Eustat carries out surveys to gather economic information in the BAC, and by matching the estimated data for direct employment with the activity data for the sectors and subsectors defined for this study, we are able to calculate the salary costs, Gross Value Added and total turnover. In the following methodological section we outline the way in which these estimations were made.

3.1/ Methodology

Quantification of the economic dimensions of Basque language sectors is based upon the use of the average economic ratios of each branch of activity and other calculations made by Eustat.

♦ The economic data was obtained from Eustat corresponding to the activity classifications pertinent to this study (according to the National Classification of Economic Activities); this information has been produced by Eustat from the 2012 Service Survey. We began with the following economic data from each activity classification: number of businesses, employment, salary costs (salaries and social security contributions), turnover and Gross Value Added.

♦ Depending on the type of employment, the following ratios were calculated for each activity classification: • Salary payment (thousand €) for each job. • Turnover (thousand €) for each job. • Gross Value Added (thousand €) for each job.

♦ Once businesses and activity branches linked to Basque language were classified accordingly, and bearing in mind employment corresponding to the Basque language, the economic ratio were applied according to each job in every activity classification, and economic figures were calculated for the Basque language subsector as a whole, i.e. employment, salary payments, Gross Value Added and turnover.

♦ The economic data of the fourth language sector, corresponding to the areas of Basque language and culture belonging to the various public administrations of the BAC, were obtained from studies carried out by Siadeco for the Basque Government; these statistics are based on the 2012 public administration budgets: both statistics for Basque language public resources (from the Vice-Ministry of Language Policy of the Basque Government) and statistics from public resources culture (from the Basque Government Basque Culture Observatory).


3.2/ Gross Value Added and Gross Domestic Product

If, when working out an output we include the corresponding expenditure on products or intermediate services, we would be double counting the economic resources of the country, as the output from certain sectors would be included in others. By way of example, more than one sector intervene in the productive chain of a book (author, printing, publishing, distribution, sales…), and each link in the chain invoices the previous one, both for its own work and for work that has already been paid for; thus if we add all the invoicing from all these sectors, the economic valuation of the certain tasks will be accounted for more than once.

Gross Value Added, represents the value of a product or a service which is added during the production process; therefore, Gross Value Added which corresponds to a specific economic sector does not include either the economic transactions carried out in another sector or intermediate consumption. The two most suitable variables for quantifying the economic impact of a specific sector in the economy of a country are Gross Value Added and Gross Domestic Product. Gross Domestic Product is calculated by adding net taxes on products to the Gross Value Added.

3.3/ Economic data of Basque language sectors

Ñ Language Industry

The volume of annual turnover for companies and entities belonging to the language industry is 136 million, generating 107 million in Gross Value Added, 79 million euros of which are earmarked for salary payments; activity from this first sector generates 2,500 jobs. The most relevant activity in this sector are the euskaltegis (Basque language schools) and companies which provide translation services. The specific results of each subsector are as follows:

I.1.- Basque language teaching (Euskaltegis, Official Public Language Schools and language academies): around 1,665 jobs, 58 million € in salary payments, GVA of 69 million € and 82 million € total turnover. I.2.- Translation sector : around 485 jobs (including self-employed), 8 million € in salary payments, GVA 17 million € and 25 million € total turnover. 1.3.- Language Consulting Services: around 250 jobs, 7 million € in salary payments, GVA of 11 million € and 14 million € total turnover. 1.4.- Basque Language Corpus : around 44 jobs, 1 million € in salary payments, GVA total turnover of 1.8 million €. 1.5.- Language Technologies : around 100 jobs, 4 million € in salary payments, GVA of 7 million € and almost 13 million € total turnover.


Table 44: Economic data for activity sectors in the language industry

Economic data for activities linked to Basque language Nª Subsector Type of activity Salary Gross Value businesses Turnover Employment payments Added (thousand €) (thousand €) (thousand €) Euskaltegis 126 1,316 I.1- Basque language Official language schools 14 262 teaching Private language academies 392 87 Total 532 1,665 58,529.97 69,033.71 82,176.85 Translation companies 92 200 I.2- Translation Self -employed translators 494 285 Total 586 485 8,062.74 17,719.67 25,437.09

I.3- Language Consulting Services 16 247 7,333.79 11,016.01 14,346.60

I.4- Basque language Corpus 5 44 1,103.33 1,806.70 1,796.45

I.5- Language technologies 12 100 4,247.92 7,674.57 12,760.64

TOTAL- Language Industry 1,151 2,541 79,277.75 107,250.68 136,517.63

Information sources: - University of the Basque Country- Basque language Institute, 2015 - Basque Government(data from the Official Language Schools, 2013-2014) - Eustat, 2014 (Directory Economic Activities) - Eustat, 2012 (Survey of Services and data produced by Eustat for this study) - HABE (employment in public and private Basque language schools, 2013-2014) - Langune, 2014 - Siadeco, 2015 (survey to measure the output for the Basque language in different subsectors) - Siadeco, 2015 (calculation carried out by Siadeco using various sources of information)

Ñ Culture and the media industry

The culture and media industry generate 407 million euros annually, the most powerful subsectors being: communications, culture and society (137 million euros), the media (79 million euros), the book industry (62 million euros), audio-visual industry (44 million euros) and self-employed cultural activity creators (41 million euros).

Economic data corresponding to the nine subsectors which make up this second sector are as follows: II.1.- The book industry (publishing houses, bookshops and private library services): around 500 jobs, 15 million € in salary payments, GVA of 20 million € and 62 million € turnover in total. II.2.- Music industry (record labels, record shops, and promoters and music programmers): around 57 jobs, 1.7 million € in salary payments, GVA 2 million € and 5 million € turnover in total. II.3.- Self-employed artists and entertainers : around 600 jobs, 11 million € in salary payments, GVA 23 million € and 41 million € turnover in total. II.4.- Audio-visual media industry (producers of film, documentaries, advertising, television programmes, radio programmes and others; cinemas): around 459 jobs, 20 million € in salary payments, GVA 30 million € and 44 million € turnover in total.


II.5.- Performing Arts (theatre and dance and programmers): around 165 jobs, 5 million € in salary payments, GVA 8 million € and 11 million € turnover in total. II.6.- Bertsolaritza : around 80 jobs, 2 million € in salary payments, GVA 3 million € and almost 6 million € turnover in total. II.7.- Media (newspapers, magazines, radio and telephone services, television and other televised services, internet and news agencies and freelance journalist): around 920 jobs, 44 million € in salary payments, GVA 59 million € and 79 million € turnover in total. II.8.- Basque language associations : around 206 jobs, 8 million € in salary payments, GVA 12 million € and 21 million € in invoicing. II.9.- Other associations and companies in the field of communication, culture and society (cultural associations and companies, leisure and social area; communication and advertising companies; internet services; and archive and research services): around 1,471 jobs, 48 million € in salary payments, GVA de 70 million € and 137 million € turnover in total.


Table 45: Economic data for subsectors belonging to the culture and media industry

Nº Economic data for activities linked to the Basque language Salary Gross Value Subsector Type of activity businesse Total turnover Employment payments Added s (thousand €) (thousand €) (thousand €) Publishing 185 297

II.1. Book Industry Bookshops 411 151 Private library services 18 40 Total 617 488 15,222.82 19,944.95 61,733.96 Record labels 28 Record shops 9 II.2. Music Industry 59 Promoters and music 20 programmers Total 59 57 1,676.85 2,221.30 5,159.45 II.3. Self-employed artists and entertainers 1,058 616 10,984.87 23,175.09 40,968.01 Film producers, documentaries, advertising, TV and radio 408 536 II.4. Audio-visual programmes, and other producers media industry Cinemas 51 11

Total 459 547 20,389.19 29,983.13 44,190.04 Theatre and Dance companies 84 91 II.5. Performing Theatre producers and arts 26 74 programmers

Total 110 165 5,567.84 7,812.85 11,239.18 II.6.- Bertsolaritza 8 80 2,265.81 3,554.66 5,822.98 Newspaper publication 43 235 Magazine publication 79 64 Radios and radio services 57 271 Televisions and other televised 20 311 II.7.- Media services Internet media 8 23 News agencies and freelance 73 16 journalists Total 280 920 43,737.73 58,732.26 79.277.93 II.8.- Basque language associations 84 206 8,078.99 12,132.58 21,625.96 Cultural and leisure associations 225 764 II.9.- Other and companies associations and companies Media and advertising companies 1,394 627 in the field of Internet services 35 70 communication , culture and Archive and research centres 10 10 social affairs Total 1,521 1,471 48,264.53 69,912.27 136.659.85 TOTAL- Culture and media industry 4,196 4,550 156,188.63 227,469.09 406,677.36


Information sources: - EITB Group–activity memorandum, 2015 - Editors Guild Euskadi, 2012 (Basque language publications in the BAC) - Friends of Bertsolaritza association, 2015 (economic calculation for bertsolaritza for this study) - Basque Government– Basque Culture Observatory, 2011 (Statistics of Art and Culture Industries of the BAC) - Basque Government- Vice-Ministry of Language Policy (data re beneficiaries of subsidy tenders) - Basque Government – Public Library statistics in the BAC, 2002 - Eustat, 2014 (Directory Economic Activities) - Eustat, 2012 (Survey of Services and data produced by Eustat for this study) - Langune, 2014 - Music Industry Elkartea, 2015 - Topagunea – Federation of Basque language Associations, 2007 (employment and budgets of Basque language Associations) - Siadeco, 2015 (survey to measure the output for the Basque language in different subsectors) - Siadeco, 2015 (calculation carried out by Siadeco using various sources of information)

Ñ Activities in the areas of education and universities

The economic variables corresponding to activities in the areas of education and universities reflect very high figures; employment linked to the Basque language, from infant education to baccalaureate and professional training, accounts for 31,000 jobs. To which must be added a further 3,000 jobs linked to credit subjects taught in Basque at university.

The macroeconomic variables of this third sector, reflected for each subsector are as follows:

III.1.- Infant-Primary Education (Infant-Primary Education and Special Education): around 20,000 jobs (13,602 teaching staff and 6,214 non-teaching staff), almost 700 million € in salary payments, GVA of 821 million € and 978 million € turnover in total. III.2.- Secondary Education (ESO, job start up qualification programmes, Baccalaureate and Technical Training): around 11,000 jobs (7,656 teaching staff and 3.497 non- teaching staff), almost 392 million € in salary payments, GVA of 462 million € and 550 million € turnover in total. III.3.- University Education : around 3.000 jobs, 105 million € in salary payments, GVA of 124 million € and 148 million € turnover in total. III.4.- Other associations and companies in the field of education : around 154 jobs, 5 million € in salary payments, GVA of 6 million € and 7 million € turnover in total.


Table 46: Economic data for the subsectors in the area of education, according to the employment linked to contact hours given in the Basque language

Nº Economic data of the activity linked to the Basque language education Employment Gross Value Subsector Type of activity centres Salary payments Invoicing Added (Eustat) Teachers Others (thousand €) (thousand €) (thousand €) Infant Education 862 5.762 - III.1.- Infant- Primary Education 536 5.870 - Primary Education Special Education 46 135 - Total 882 13,602 6,214 696,647.27 821.666.87 978.101.11 Secondary Obligatory 329 4,152 - Education Professional start - 68 - - III.2.- Secondary up qualifications Education Baccalaureate 200 1,634 - Technical Training 448 311 - Total 477 7,656 3,497 392,092.60 462.457.14 550.502.71

III.3.- University Education 2,999 105,432.23 124,353.00 148,028.12 III.4. - Other associations and bodies in 154 5,413.99 6,385.58 7,601.31 the area of education TOTAL- Education 1,391 34,122 1,199,586.09 1,414,862.59 1,684,233.25

Information sources: - University of Deusto- Basque and Multilingual Office, 2014-2015 - University of the Basque Country- Elebilab Program, 2015 - University of the Basque Country- Vice-rector Basque language, 2014-2015 - Eustat, 2014 (Directory of Economic Activities) - Eustat, 2014 (education statistics) - Department of Education of the Basque Government, 2012-2013 (distribution of teaching hours in the Basque language in the education system) - Mondragon University, 2014-2015 - Siadeco, 2015 (calculation made by Siadeco from various information services)

Ñ Public Administration

The total annual BAC public administration budget for the Basque language is 317 million. The Gross Value Added for the sector reaches almost 118 million euros, of which 104 million is for salary payments for 1,500 employees.

The macroeconomic variables corresponding to the two subsectors of the public administration area as follows:

IV.1.- Public administration resources in the area of Basque language : around 716 jobs, almost 46 million € in salary payments, GVA of 51 million € and 146 million € in invoicing. IV.2.- Resources in the area of culture corresponding to public administration and autonomous bodies : around 795 jobs, almost 59 million € in salary payments, GVA of 66 million € and 171 million € in invoicing.


Table 47: Economic data for the public administration subsector Economic data for activity linked to Basque Total Budget (thousand €) and employment language

Gross Salary Subsector Value Budget Employme payments Added (thousand nt (thousand

Budget (thousand €) (Cap. II.) (Cap.

(Chap. I.) €) agreements agreements Employment

Subsidies and €) Expenditure on Personnel costs Other and costs investment (chap. (chap. and IV. VII.) III. VI, VIII and IX.) III. VIII VI, and IX.) goods and servicesgoods

IV.1.-Public administration resources in the 146,250 45,861 26,254 75,722 1,834 716 716 45,861.62 51,640.15 146,250 area of Basque language

IV.2.- Resources in the area of culture corresponding to the public 399,353 130,723 150,940 70,332 47,379 1,770 795 58,722.87 66,122.16 171,150 administration and autonomous bodies

545,6 176,5 177,1 146,0 49,21 104,58 117,76 317,40 TOTAL- Public 2,486 1,511 Administration 03 84 94 54 3 4.49 2.31 0

Information sources: - Basque Government- Vice-ministry of Language Policy (Statistics on Basque language budgets and public resources, BAC, 2012) - Basque Government-Basque Culture Observatory (Expenditure and Finance statistics, BAC, 2012)

3.4/ Economic dimension of the Basque language

Below we measure the proportional contribution and economic magnitude of the Basque language sectors as they have been defined in the study, making a comparison with the overall data for BAC employment and Gross Value Added.


According to Eustat a total of 894,000 jobs are generated by the economy of the BAC, 42,700 of which are linked to the Basque language, representing 4.78% of total employment in the BAC.

80% of direct employment corresponds to the education sector, with 34,100 jobs; the sector corresponding to the culture and media industry represents around 10%, language industry 6% and the remaining 4% corresponds to the public administration.


Gross Value Added

Annual Gross Value Added for the BAC economy is 61,000 million euros; with GVA corresponding to the Basque language reaching almost 1,900 million euros, the Basque language represents 3.07% of the Gross Value Added of the BAC.

With regard to data from the four Language sectors, the share corresponding to the education sector for GVA (75%) is somewhat lower than it is for employment; the culture and media industry represents around 12.2% of the total GVA of Basque language sectors (slightly lower than for employment); the public administration represents around 6.3% of the GVA and the language industry represents 5.7%.

Table 48: Total economic dimension of Basque language sectors

Significance of Basque language on economic activity in the BAC Sector Gross Value Added Employment (base price) (thousand €) Basque language 2,541 107,250.68 Language Industry Sector % of total BAC 0.28 0.18 Basque language 4,550 227,469.09 Culture and media industry sectors % of total BAC 0.51 0.37 Basque language 34,122 1,414,862.59 Education Sectors % of total BAC 3.82 2.32 Basque language 1,511 117,762.31 Public Administration sectors % of total BAC 0.17 0.19 Basque language 42,724 1,867,344.67 sectors TOTAL Total BAC 893,952 60,875,938

% of total BAC 4.78 3.07

Source: Eustat, 2012; data produced by Siadeco, 2015.




4.1/ Methodological clarifications

Ñ The economic impact: direct, indirect and induced

When it comes to quantifying the economic impact of the Basque language, every kind of expenditure and investment made by branches and sectors involved, both those within the language sector itself and other sectors of the productive economy of the BAC, have to be taken into consideration, as they affect both employment and income. Thus, both the direct and the indirect impact have to be taken into account when calculating the economic impact.

The methodology used to calculate the indirect economic impact is based on input-output modelling or intersectoral transaction tables. This methodology enables the quantification of the impact that an increase in final demand in one sector produces on other sectors due to, for example, an increase in purchases on the part of suppliers (indirect economic impact). Input-output methodology also enables the quantification of the multiplier effect derived from family consumption (induced impact); the expenditure and investment carried out in direct and indirect sectors generate work and income; and in turn this family income brings about further demand for products and services, which also has an influence on the aggregate market demand.

Thus, when it comes to quantifying the total economic impact of Basque, we have to take into account both the direct and the induced impact.

Ñ Economic evaluation of goods and products:

The evaluation of a product can be made from two perspectives, that of the purchaser and that of the producer of the product. The difference between these values is explained by the following factors:

- The work of intermediaries, who generate commercial and transport costs when bringing the manufactured product to the consumer. - Taxes and subsidies; on the one hand, purchasers of products have to pay tax (Value Added Tax) and on the other, products may also be subsidized and put on sale at lower prices.

Therefore, when evaluating goods, we differentiate between market prices (the price to be paid by the buyer) and the basic price (from the point of view of the producer). The evaluation from the point of view of basic prices depends on production costs, so the costs of primary input (personnel and capital costs) is added to the intermediate input or consumption. If we add to the basic prices both the costs borne by the intermediaries to bring the product to the final consumer, as well as taxes and then we deduct the subsidies, we obtain the market price.


When it is the value of the product which is to be economically quantified, basic prices have to be taken into account; on the other hand when the aim is to quantify the product cost for the purchaser, it is the market price which should be taken into consideration. In accounting figures which are usually published, the data referring to the total demand for a product is based on market prices, and those referring to supply are based on basic prices.

Ñ Input-Output Statistics Tables

To be able to quantify the importance of the Basque language in the BAC economy, calculations were made based, on one hand, on Gross Value Added, and on the other hand, using Input Output tables which reflect the interdependence between the different economic sectors of the BAC. These tables are based on the economic model developed by the Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Wassily Leontief.

The system of Input-Output tables is the most popular for measuring the impact of a particular sector on the GDP of a country or a region. Input-Output tables are statistical tools which provide information regarding the output of a country; they show the distribution by sectors of the total production of the region, and also for which sectors the production of each sector is destined. With the data from the Input-Output tables it is also possible to find out how much of the production of a particular sector is designated for final consumption and which proportion is for intermediate consumption by other sectors. Economic data is included in Input-Output tables regarding the relation between products and different branches of activity, and moreover, by making use of the corresponding Gross Value Added data, the problem of double accounting is resolved.

The main information tables of the Input/Output model or economic system are as follows: “origin table”, “destination table” and “symmetric table”.

- Input/output table of origin: this reflects the total supply of goods and services in an economy, differentiating between local and imported production. - Input/output destination table: reflects the total demand of goods and services in an economy, differentiating between the uses made of each kind of product, that is, the quantity earmarked for intermediate consumption and the quantity earmarked for final consumption. The totals of the “origin” and “destination” tables are identical, if the system is balanced. The destination table also provides information about value added (i.e. regarding the return obtained from primary factors like work and capital, during the production process) from each branch of activity. This information is placed in columns. Then the total of each column, the result of adding intermediate input consumption and primary input income, reflects the value of the production for each branch of activity.


- The “symmetric” table: this is a table made from the previous tables and is largely the result of processes of reproduction of the origin/destination subsystem; generally, the statistical system does not directly provide the necessary information with which to draw up this table. Its structure is similar to the destination table, but with two important differences: • A theoretical Input/Output table is drawn up in which the products and branches of activity are homogenous; i.e. one branch of activity produces a unique product and a single product is produced by one branch of activity. • Also reflected is the data corresponding to the importation of products, thus, as well as offering a production value (at basic prices) of the product in question, it also reflects the total value of demand at basic prices (in accounting terms, the value of the used resources).

In effect, it is the symmetric table which, by including (in the columns) the production function (costs) according to each product, enables the coefficient matrix to be drawn up which is used most when it comes to quantifying the economic impact of an activity. In the symmetric table drawn up by Eustat for the BAC, the quantity of intermediate consumption carried out in the BAC itself, in Spain and outside either of these is specified. The technical coefficients and the Leontief matrix used to calculate the indirect impact are based on the symmetric table, and as far as intermediate consumption in other sectors is concerned, only the expenditure carried out in the area itself is taken into account; for this study, these coefficients have been calculated according to the level of consumption within the BAC.

Ñ Procedure to calculate the direct or indirect impact

Using the BAC Input-Output tables drawn up by Eustat, the following procedure has been used to estimate the direct impact, indirect impact and induced impact of the Basque language:

1.- The economic data of associations, companies and organizations from sectors and subsectors related to the Basque language (Gross Value Added and employment) were put into the activity branches of the Input-Output table (according to the CNAE- National Classification of Economic Activities). There are 85 branches of activity for Input-Output 85, but for the purposes of this study to calculate the direct impact of Basque, the organizations taken into account were placed among the 13 branches listed below:

• Graphic Arts and reproduction (code: 15). • Retail trade (code: 50). • Publishing (code: 59). • Audio-visual, cinema, radio and TV (code: 60). • Information Technology (code: 62). • Legal activities and accountancy (code: 67). • Research and development (code: 69). • Advertising and market studies (code: 70). • Other professional activities (code: 71). • Public administration (code: 76).


• Education (code: 77). • Cultural activities; gambling (code: 80). • Association activities (code: 82).

2.- Depending on the Gross Value Added (GVA) for the Basque language sectors of each branch of the Input-Output table (IO Table), i.e. using the GVA of the direct impact, the data for the direct impact were calculated in terms of production and employment values linked to Basque for each IO branch; to do this, by applying the relation coefficient between the GVA and the production value of each IO branch, the production value of the direct impact corresponding to the Basque language for each IO branch was estimated. Next, starting with the direct production value linked to Basque of each IO branch, direct employment was estimated, applying the coefficient of the relation between the value of production and employment for each branch. In this way, the direct impact of Basque was calculated, in terms of the three main variables: production, Gross value added and employment.

3.- To measure the indirect impact the intermediate consumption acquired by agents and entities connected to Basque either from within the same sector or from other sectors have been taken into account. The operation was carried out using the technical coefficients of the IO symmetrical table; these technical coefficients indicate the relation between the production value and the intermediate consumption of each IO branch; the technical coefficients are used to calculate the economic impact generated by the intermediate consumption required by a branch of the activity to carry out production, in this way the indirect economic impact is calculated. By applying technical coefficient multipliers, the impact which spreads throughout all the activity branches supplying each other is calculated. Consequently, although the figures are fairly low, it can be seen that the indirect impact of the Basque language reaches most activity branches within the IO table.

4.- Once the direct and indirect economic impact of Basque had been calculated with regard to the 85 activity branches, by way of simplification, we grouped the 85 activity branches into 14 broader groups.


Table 49: Activity branches of the Input-Output tables, by economic sectors

Source: Eustat, 2012. Data provide by Siadeco, 2015.


4.2/ Direct and Indirect economic impact

4.2.1/ Output Value

The output value of an economic activity is calculated by adding intermediate consumption to Gross Value Added. There may be differences between the output value and total sales, as not all the output may be sold or some subsidized products may be sold at a lower price than the output cost.

The annual output value of the direct and indirect impact of Basque language sectors is almost 3,000 million euros (2,949 million euros); 84.7% of the output value corresponds to direct impact (2,497 million euros) and the remaining 15.3% to indirect impact (451 million euros). The total value of output of the sectors of the BAC amounts to 135,000 million (135,277 million euros), the output value of the impact and indirect impact of the Basque language is 2.18%.

Analysing the direct impact of the Basque language by sectors, it should be pointed out that the biggest is the Education sector (1,762 million euros), accounting for 70.6% of the total output value linked to Basque; it must not be overlooked that this calculation is based on employment generated by the teaching of Basque throughout the different stages of education.

Following Education, and accounting for 8-9%, come Information and Communication activities (240 million euros) and Public Administration (208 million euros). Then, representing 5-6%, are Cultural, Sports and Leisure Services (157 million euros) and Professional Services (124 million euros).

However, as we have mentioned previously, the indirect impact of the Basque language, extends to a greater or lesser extent, to all the economic sectors; the agents of the Basque sector, to be able to produce their products and carry out their services, generate a certain level of output in other sectors. In total, indirectly, the Basque language generates an output value of 451,857,000 euros.

In order to correctly interpret the data from the indirect and indirect impact output value table below, the following aspects should be taken into consideration:

- The figures for the output value which appear in the indirect impact column no not correspond only to this economic sector; in fact, one sector can have an effect on many other sectors. For example, in Economic Sector III (manufacturing industries), the output value of the direct impact is one million euros, and the indirect impact is 55 million euros. In this case, the indirect impact comes to a large extent from Sectors VII (mainly activity branch 59, Publishing), XI (Public Administration) and XII (Education), as the suppliers who need these activity branches are in Economic Sector III, in IO branches 14 and 15 (Paper and Graphic Arts Industry and Printing).


- It is also striking that, with a direct impact output value of 208 million euros, the public administrations do not generate any indirect impact. The explanation is that the figure corresponding to the output value generated indirectly is reflected in the output linked to intermediate demand for the working of the public administration, which is accounted for in the corresponding IO branch; but as an economic sector, the public administration does not appear in the IO table as a supplier of any other sector (the entire output of this sector is for final demand), and therefore, the direct economic impact of the Basque language does not affect its output.

Thus, the sector with the largest influence on the indirect impact of the Basque language are Information and Communication activities (86 million euros – 19.1%) and the Trade, Catering and Transport sector (75 million euros – 16.5%).

In total, taking into account the direct and indirect impacts, the annual output value of the Basque language reaches almost 3,000 million euros (2,949 million euros); the Education sector is responsible for the largest proportion (1,768 million euros, 60.0%). This is followed, but at a great distance, by Information and Communication activities (11%), Public Administration (7%), Cultural, Sports and Leisure Services (6%) and Professional Activities (6%). 2.7% of the direct output value of the Basque language corresponds to Trade, Catering and Transport and less than 2% to the remaining sectors.

Thus, the output value of the direct and indirect impact of the Basque language represents 2.18% of the total of the BAC. This proportion is not distributed equally among the Input-Output branches, and there are sectors with an output value closely linked to the Basque language: for example, 50.4% of the output value of the branch corresponding to education is generated –directly or indirectly- by Basque; 44.1% of the total output for the branch represented by audio-visuals, cinema, radio and TV is generated by the Basque language, as well as 28% of the total publishing branch output.

In the following activity branches, the output value linked to the Basque language varies between 11-15%: Professional Activities (15%), Cultural Activities and Gambling (13%), Association Activities (12%), Advertising and Market Studies (11%). In the remaining IO branches the contribution of the Basque language is considerably lower.


Table 50: Direct and indirect impact of the Basque language on the economic sectors of the BAC, according to the value of output Output Value (thousand €) Direct Impact Indirect Impact TOTAL Input-Output Economic Sector % % Activity Branches % Abs. horizo Abs. horizon- Abs. % of BAC vertical n-tal tal I. - Agriculture, livestock, 01, 02, 03 - 0.00 449 100.00 449 0,02 0,04 forestry and fishing II. - Mining Industries 04 0.00 1 100.00 1 0,00 0,00 15. Graphic arts and printing 1,050 7.40 13,140 92.60 14,190 0.48 2.81 III.- Manufacturing Industries Remaining I/O branches: - 0.00 42,141 100.00 42,141 1.43 0.09 between 05 and 42, except 15 Total sector III 1,050 1.86 55,281 98.14 56,331 1.91 0.12 IV. - Energy, gas and water 43,44,45,46 - 0.00 37,575 100.00 37,575 1.27 0.48 storage V. - Construction 47 - 0.00 39,223 100.00 39,223 1.33 0.30 49. Wholesale trade 0.00 7,523 100.00 7,523 0.26 0.15 50. Retail trade 4,794 52.06 4,415 47.94 9,209 0.31 0.23 VI.- Trade, catering and transport 58. Catering 0.00 31,243 100.00 31,243 1.06 0.54 Remaining I/O branches: from - 0.00 31,698 100.00 31,698 1.07 0.40 48-58, except 49,50 and 58 Total sector VI 4.794 6.02 74,879 93.98 79,673 2.70 0.35 59. Publishing 85,483 87.47 12,244 12.53 97,728 3.31 27.98 60. Audio -visual , cinema, radio VII.- Communication and 145,795 86.65 22,468 13.35 168,263 5.70 44.08 information activities and TV. 61. Telecommunications 0.00 29,960 100.00 29,960 1.02 1.69 62. Information Technology 9,440 30.26 21,756 69.74 31,195 1.06 2.64 Total sector VII 240,718 73.58 86,428 26.42 327,146 11.09 8.87 VIII. - Financial services and real 63,64,65 y 66 - 0.00 47,833 100.00 47,833 1.62 0.38 estate activities 67. Legal and accounting 29,388 67.15 14,376 32.85 43,764 1.48 1.63 activities 68. Architecture and 0.00 3,578 100.00 3,578 0.12 0.15 engineering Services. IX.- Professional Activities 69. Research and development 7,353 97.15 215 2.85 7,568 0.26 1.45

70. Advertising and market 49,535 85.15 8,639 14.85 58,174 1.97 11.44 studies 71. Other professional activts . 37,438 70.52 15,654 29.48 53,092 1.80 14.96 Total sector IX 123,713 74.45 42,464 25.55 166,177 5.63 2.59 X. - Renting, travel agencies 72,73,74 and 75 - 0.00 38,035 100.00 38,035 1.29 1.32 and auxiliary activities 100.0 XI.- Public Administration 76 207,532 - 0.00 207,532 7.04 4.08 0 1,768,12 XII.- Education 77 1,762,939 99.71 5,188 0.29 59.95 50.35 7 XIII. - Health and Social 78 y 79 - 0.00 6,193 100.00 6,193 0.21 0.12 Services 80. Cultural activities; gambling 98,452 93.68 6,638 6.32 105,091 3.56 12.89 81. Sports and recreation 0.00 3,316 100.00 3,316 0.11 0.53 XIV.- Cultural services, sports activities and leisure 82. Association activities 58,420 96.90 1,866 3.10 60,286 2.04 12.41

Other I/O branches: 83,84 and - 0.00 6,488 100.00 6,488 0.22 0.47 85 Total sector XIV 156,872 89.55 18,308 10.45 175,180 5.94 5.31 TOTAL 2,497,618 84,68 451,857 15.32 2.949.475 100,00 2.18 Source: Eustat, 2012; Data produced by Siadeco, 2015


4.2.2/ Gross Value Added

The indirect and direct gross value added of Basque is 2,100 million euros annually. Generally representing 3.45% of the total Gross Value Added of the BAC (60,875 million euros); 88.9% of this corresponds to direct impact (1.867 million euros), and the remaining 11.1% to indirect impact (233 million euros).

GVA of impact direct

80% of the total GVA of the four sectors of the Basque language corresponds to the formal education sector, universities and other educational activities, 1,488 million euros (79.7%).

Next, but by a considerable margin, representing 6%, are the public administrations (118 million euros), and information and communications activities (114 million euros); and with 4%, cultural, sports and leisure services (76 million euros) and professional activities (68 million euros).

However, as with the output value, the indirect impact of the Basque language on Gross Value Added extends, to a greater or lesser extent, to all the economic sectors; we are referring to the Gross Value Added of output which the agents of the Basque language sector generate in other sectors to produce products or services. In total, indirectly, the Basque language generates Gross Value Added of 233 million euros.

GVA of indirect impact

The sectors in which the indirect impact of the Basque language has the greatest effect on GVA are communications and information activities (43,605,000€ -18.7%), the trade, catering and transport sector (39,762,000€ -17.1%) and the financial services and real estate activities sector (37,697,000€ -16.2%).

GVA of direct and indirect impact

In total, taking into account the direct and indirect impact, the education sector has the biggest effect (71.1%), and next, at a great distance, are the information and communications activities, (7.5%), public administration (5.6%), cultural, sports and leisure services (4.1%) and professional activities (4.3%). 2.1% of the direct and indirect output value of the Basque language corresponds to the trade, catering and transport sectors, and less than 2% to the remaining sectors.

Thus, the Gross Value Added corresponding to the direct and indirect impact of the Basque language on the whole of the BAC is 3.45%. This proportion is not distributed equally over all the Input-Output branches, and there are sectors with a GVA which is much more closely linked to the Basque language: in particular 50.6% of the output value of the education branch is generated –directly or indirectly- by Basque; in the audio-visual branch, cinema, radio and TV some 42.4% of the total output is generated by the Basque language, as well as 26.5% of the total output of the publishing branch. 90.

In the following activity branches, the Gross Value Added linked to the Basque language is between 11-14%: other professional activities (14.3%), cultural activities and gambling (12.1%), association activities (12%), and advertising and market studies (11.9%). In the remaining IO branches the contribution of the Basque language to Gross Value Added is considerably lower. Table 51: Direct and indirect impact of the Basque language on the economic sectors of the BAC, in terms of Gross Value Added Gross Value Added ( 000 €) Input-Output activity Economic Sector branches Impact direct Impact indirect TOTAL % % % Abs. Abs. Abs. % of BAC horizontal horizontal vertical I. - Agriculture, livestock, 01, 02, 03 - 0.00 227 100.00 227 0.01 0.04 forestry and fishing II. - Mining Industries 04 0.00 1 100.00 1 0.00 0.00 15. Graphic Arts and 457 7.40 5,722 92.60 6,180 0.29 3.07 III.- Manufacturing reproduction Industries Other I/O branches: between - 0.00 14,106 100.00 14,106 0.67 0.12 05 and 42, except 15 Total sector III 457 2.25 19,829 97.75 20,286 0.97 0.16 IV. - Energy, gas and water 43,44,45,46 - 0.00 12,443 100.00 12,443 0.59 0.55 storage V. - Construction 47 0.00 11,623 100.00 11,623 0.55 0.27 49. Wholesale trade 0.00 4,965 100.00 4,965 0.24 0.15 50. Retail Trade 3,224 52.06 2,969 47.94 6,193 0.29 0.22 VI.- Trade, catering and 58. Catering 0.00 14,639 100.00 14,639 0.70 0.54 transport Other I/O branches: between - 0.00 17,188 100.00 17,188 0.82 0.49 48-58, except 49,50 and 58 Total sector VI 3,224 7.50 39,762 92.50 42,985 2.05 0.35 59. Editorial 45,010 87.47 6,447 12.53 51,457 2.45 26.52 VII.- Information and 60. Audio -visual , cinema, 63,270 86.65 9,750 13.35 73,020 3.48 42.38 communication radio and TV. activities 61. Telecommunications 0.00 15,362 100.00 15,362 0.73 1.59 62. Information technology 5,226 30.26 12,045 69.74 17,271 0.82 2.45 Total sector VII 113,506 72.25 43,605 27.75 157,111 7.48 7.70 VIII. - Financial services and 63,64,65 and 66 - 0.00 37,697 100.00 37,697 1.79 0.38 real estate activities 67. Legal and accounting 17,037 67.15 8,334 32.85 25,371 1.21 1.63 activts. 68. Architecture and 0.00 1,768 100.00 1,768 0.08 0.14 engineering IX.- Professional activities 69. R & D 5,972 97.15 175 2.85 6,146 0.29 2.01

70. Advertising and market 23,086 85.15 4,026 14.85 27,112 1.29 11.90 studies 71. Other professional activ. 21,720 70.52 9,082 29.48 30,802 1.47 14.29 Total sector IX 67,814 74.36 23,386 25.64 91,200 4.34 2.56 X. - Renting Activities, travel agencies and 72,73,74 and 75 - 0.00 25,240 100.00 25,240 1.20 1.50 auxiliary activities XI. - Public Administration 76 117,762 100.00 - 0.00 117,762 5.61 3.85 XII. - Education 77 1,488,332 99.71 4,380 0.29 1,492,712 71.07 50.60 XIII. - Health and social 78 and 79 - 0.00 4,722 100.00 4,722 0.22 0.12 services 80. Cultural Activities; 49,186 93.68 3,316 6.32 52,503 2.50 12.08 gambling 81. Sports and recreation XIV.- Cultural, sports and 0.00 1,835 100.00 1,835 0.09 0.50 leisure services activ 82. Association activities 27,063 96.90 865 3.10 27,927 1.33 12.00 Other I/O branches: 83. 84 - 0.00 4,069 100.00 4,069 0.19 0.36 and 85 Total sector XIV 76,249 88.32 10,085 11.68 86,334 4.11 4.00 TOTAL 1,867,344 88.91 232,999 11.09 2,100,43 100.00 3.45 Source: Eustat, 2012; data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


4.2.3/ Employment

After adding indirect employment to direct employment calculated previously, it can be seen that the Basque language generates 46,472 jobs in the economy of the BAC; in other words, 5.20% of total employment of the BAC (893,952 jobs) corresponds to employment generated directly or indirectly by the Basque language.

Direct Employment

84% of direct employment generated by the Basque language is linked to the field of education, with 35,894 jobs.

In absolute terms, this is followed by communications activities (1,907 jobs), culture, sports and leisure services (1,712 jobs), professional activities (1,527 jobs) and public administration (1,511 jobs).

Indirect Employment

However, just as with GVA, the indirect impact of the Basque language on employment extends, to a greater or lesser extent, to all economic sectors; here we refer to employment generated by Basque language agents in other sectors to provide their products or services. In total, indirectly, the Basque language generates 3,748 jobs.

Total direct and indirect employment

In total, bearing in mind the direct and indirect impact, the education sector represents the biggest share of employment (35,982 jobs – 77.4%), followed, but a long way off, by media activity sectors (2,466 jobs), professional activities (2,017 jobs), cultural, sports and leisure services (1,952 jobs) and the public administration (1,511 jobs).

Thus, 5.2% of total employment in the BAC corresponds to the direct and indirect impact of the Basque language. This is not equally distributed over all Input-Output branches; in education, 57% of employment is directly linked to the Basque language. Other sectors do not contribute so much, although in some cases the proportion is noteworthy. For example, 40% of employment in the audio-visual, cinema, radio and TV branch is generated -directly or indirectly- by Basque; and in the publishing branch 33%; the cultural activities branch accounts for 22% of employment, other professional activities for 16% and the advertising and market studies branch for 13%. Thus, it can be stated that the proportion of employment linked to the Basque language in some branches of activity is considerable.


Table 52: Direct and indirect impact of the Basque language on the economic sectors of the BAC, in terms of Employment Employment (jobs ) Input-Output activity Branches Economic Sector Direct i mpact Indirect i mpact TOTAL

% % Abs. % horizontal Abs. Abs. % on BAC horizontal vertical I. - Agriculture, livestock, 01, 02, 03 0 0.00 8 100.00 8 0.02 0,06 forestry and fishing II. - Mining Industries 04 0.00 0 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 15. Graphic Arts and 11 7.66 133 92.34 144 0.31 3.34 III.- Manufacturing reproduction Other I/O branches: between 05 industries 0 0.00 262 100.00 262 0.56 0.14 and 42, except 15 Total sector III 11 2.71 395 97.29 406 0.87 0.22 IV. - Energy, gas and water 43,44,45,46 0 0.00 43 100.00 43 0.09 0.53 storage V. - Construction 47 0.00 185 100.00 185 0.40 0.28 49. Wholesale Trade 0.00 67 100.00 67 0.14 0.15 50. Retail Trade 162 66.85 80 33.15 242 0.52 0.34 VI.- Trade, catering and transport 58. Catering 0.00 277 100.00 277 0.60 0. 56 Other I/O branches: between 48 - 0 0.00 279 100.00 279 0.60 0.53 58, except 49,50 and 58 Total sector VI 162 18.71 704 81.29 866 1.86 0,40 59. Publishing 687 89.61 80 10.39 767 1.65 32.90 60. Audio -visual , cinema, radio 1,121 84.07 212 15.93 1,333 2.87 39.99 and TV. VII.- Media activities 61. Telecommunications 0.00 49 100.00 49 0.11 1.77 62. Information Technology 99 31.24 218 68.76 317 0.68 2.62 Total sector VII 1,907 77.32 559 22.68 2,466 5.31 12,00 VIII. - Services financial and 63,64,65 and 66 0 0.00 133 100.00 133 0.29 0.53 real estate activities 67. Legal and accounting activities 230 63.05 135 36.95 365 0.78 1.56 68. Architecture and engineering 0.00 28 100.00 28 0.06 0.16 services IX.- Professional activities 69. Research and development 135 98.06 3 1.94 138 0.30 2.03 70. Advertising and market 563 86.60 87 13.40 650 1.40 12.79 studies 71. Other professional activities 599 71.59 238 28.41 837 1.80 15.55 Total sector IX 1,527 75.70 490 24.30 2,017 4.34 3.50 X. - Renting activities, travel agencies and 72,73,74 and 75 0 0.00 838 100.00 838 1.80 1.65 auxiliary activities XI. - Public administration 76 1,511 100.00 0 0.00 1,511 3.25 2.69 XII. - Education 77 35,894 99.75 88 0.25 35,982 77.43 57.43 XIII. - Health and social 78 y 79 0 0.00 65 100.00 65 0.14 0.10 Services 80. Cultural activities; gambling 1,163 95.84 50 4.16 1,213 2.61 21.88 81. Sports and recreation XIV.- Cultural, sports and 0.00 35 100.00 35 0.08 0.53 activities leisure services 82. Association Activities 549 95.52 26 4.48 575 1.24 8.60 Other I/O branches: 83,84 and 85 0 0.00 129 100.00 129 0.28 0.29 Total sector XIV 1,712 87.70 240 12.30 1,952 4.20 3.06 TOTAL 42,724 91.93 3,748 8.07 46,472 100.00 5.20 Source: Eustat, 2012; data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


4.3/ Induced impact

4.3.1/ Methodological Procedure

Induced impact arises from private consumption proceeding from family income generated directly or indirectly by the economic activity of the Basque language sectors; therefore, the multiplier effect, which the indirect and direct impact of Basque generates on the BAC community, has been calculated.

To estimate the induced impact, the procedure was as follows:

- Using the direct and indirect output value estimated for each branch of IO activity and applying the salary coefficient/output value, total salaries paid out which correspond to direct and indirect employment was calculated, minus social security contributions. - From the total gross income received by people on a payroll, we deduct the average Personal Income Tax and social security contribution for employees (4.70%), and we calculate the available funds for savings and family spending. The average Personal Income Tax was calculated from payments made to the Inland Revenue Department, bearing in mind the income and tax allowances available depending on the personal situation of tax payers. This percentage is 16.67% in Spain (Source: Spanish Government; Tributary Administration Memorandum, 2012). - The main part of this income is earmarked for spending and a smaller portion towards savings. By subtracting savings from disposable income we can calculate how much is dedicated to consumption or spending. According to the 2013 Economic Bulletin of the Bank of Spain, the savings rate for Spanish families was 8.2% at the end of 2012. Thus, 91.8% was used for family spending. - Using data from the symmetric IO table and bearing in mind the part of the output from each branch of activity value which is destined for final consumption, the figure for total family consumption calculated in the previous point was distributed according to the branches of the symmetric IO table. - The output value dedicated by families for final consumption in each IO branch, is calculated at basic prices; but, the payment of indirect taxes has to be borne by the amount used by families for final consumption. Therefore, the amount distributed among IO branches is what remains from what families have earmarked for consumption once tax on products or output has been deducted. To calculate these taxes, we have applied the levied taxes corresponding to the products made in each IO branch (4%, 10% and 21%).

- Once consumption emanating from the income generated by the direct and indirect impact of the Basque language sectors is known for each IO branch, and the corresponding Leontief coefficients have been applied to each branch (on GVA/output value and on employment/output value), then the total data for the induced impact is obtained (output value, GVA and Employment).


4.3.2/ Induced Impact

Table 53: Income arising from the direct and indirect impact of the Basque language, final family expenditure demand and the multiplier effect or induced impact of this demand on the economy of the BAC (in terms of Output, Gross Value Added and Employment)

Type of impact Concept Value

Output value 2,949,475 000€ Total direct and indirect Gross Value Added 2,100,343 000€ impact Employment 46,472

Income and Consumption Salary payments – Gross salaries 1,342,362 000€ from direct and indirect Net salaries 1,055,499 000€ employment Expenditure earmarked for consumption 968,948 000€

Output value 1,152,994 000€

Induced Impact Gross Value Added 650,750 000€

Employment 9,670

Source: Data produced by Siadeco, 2015

4.4/ Total Economic Impact of the Basque language

4.4.1/ Value of production

The total output value generated by the Basque language (either directly, indirectly or induced) is 4,102 million euros which represents 3.03% of the total output of the BAC (135,277 million euros).

72% of this output value corresponds to the direct and indirect output value (seen previously), and 28% to induced impact, 1,153,994,000 euros.

The branches/sectors which contribute most from the induced output value column are: Services financial and real estate activities (268,960,000 euros –23.3%), catering (145,664,000 euros –12.6%), Retail trade (112,256,000 euros –9.7%) and manufacturing industries (115,630,000 euros –10.0%).

Even so, just as we have pointed out, it is the education sector (1,793,946,000 euros, 43.7%) which contributes most to the output value of the Basque language (directly, indirectly and induced); this is followed, but with a considerable distance, by the trade, catering and transport sector (470,434,000 euros –11.5%), the information and communications activities sector (368,991,000 euros -9.0%) and the financial and real estate activities (316,793,000 euros –7.7%).

Bearing in mind the importance of the output value of Basque with respect to the total output value of the branch or sector, it is worth pointing out the figure for the education sector (in which 51.1% of the output value is linked to the Basque language); in the publishing branch 29.2% corresponds to


Basque; and the following four branches are between 12-16%: other professional activities, cultural activities and gambling; association activities and advertising, and market studies.

Figure 7. Direct. indirect. induced impact of Basqie language on the economic sectors of the BAC, according to production value (000€) de la CAE, según valor de producción (000€) 25.819 2.000.000 1.762.939 5.188 1.800.000 Induced impact 1.600.000 Indirect impact 1.400.000 Direct Impact 1.200.000


800.000 390.761 41.845 74.879 600.000 4.794 86.428 240.718 268.960 79.215 115.630 31.180 18.308 400.000 47.833 55.281 42.464 156.872 44.162 123.713 207.532 1.050 61.016 41.628 43.177 200.000 370 39.223 9.231 37.575 38.035 6.193 449 1 0 XII. Education XII. V. Construction V. II. Mining industries II. Mining IX. Professional activities Professional IX. XI. Public Administration Public XI. III. Manufacturing industries Manufacturing III. activities IV. Energy, gas & water supply water & gas Energy, IV. XIII. Health and social services social and Health XIII. VI. Trade, catering & transport catering Trade, VI. XIV. Cultural, sports and leisure services and leisure sports Cultural, XIV. I. Agriculture, livestock, forestry & fisheries & forestry livestock, Agriculture, I. VIII. Financial services & real estate activities estate real & services Financial VIII. VII. Information and communication activities communication and Information VII. X. Renting activities, travel agencies & auxiliary agencies travel activities, Renting X.

Source : data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


Table 54: Output value (thousand euros) generated directly, indirectly or induced by the Basque language, and its IO branch output share (%) Output value (thousand euros) Input-Output Direct and indirect Induced TOTAL Economic Sector Activity Branches % % % Abs. horizonta Abs. Abs. % of BAC horizontal vertical l I. - Agriculture, livestock, 01, 02, 03 449 4.64 9,231 95.36 9,680 0.24 0.93 forestry and fishing II. - Mining Industries 04 1 0.33 370 99.67 372 0.01 0.18 15. Graphic Arts and 14,190 83.89 2,726 16.11 16,916 0.41 3.35 reproduction III.- Manufacturing Industries other I/O branches: between 42,141 27.18 112,905 72.82 155,045 3.78 0.33 05 and 42, except 15 Total sector III 56,331 32.76 115,630 67.24 171,961 4.19 0.36 IV. - Energy, gas and water 43,44,45,46 37,575 38.11 61,016 61.89 98,591 2.40 1.25 storage V. - Construction 47 39,223 47.04 44,162 52.96 83,385 2.03 0.63 49. Wholesale Trade 7,523 13.72 47,306 86.28 54,829 1.34 1.09 50. Retail Trade 9,209 7.58 112,256 92.42 121,465 2.96 3.01 VI.- Trade, catering and transport 58. Catering 31,243 17.66 145,664 82.34 176,907 4.31 3.03 Other I/O branches: between 31,698 27.04 85,535 72.96 117,233 2.86 1.49 48 -58, except 49,50 and 58 Total sector VI 79,673 16.94 390,761 83.06 470,434 11.47 2.07 59. Publishing 97,728 95.75 4,335 4.25 102,063 2.49 29.22 60. Audio -visual , cinema, radio VII.- information and 168,263 99.17 1,414 0.83 169,677 4.14 44.45 communications activities and TV. 61. Telecommunications 29,960 50.39 29,494 49.61 59,454 1.45 3.35 62. Information Technology 31,195 82.54 6,601 17.46 37,796 0.92 3.20 Total sector VII 327,146 88.66 41,845 11.34 368,991 8.99 10.00 VIII. - Services financial and 63,64,65 y 66 47,833 15.10 268,960 84.90 316,793 7.72 2.52 activities de real estate 67 legal activ. accounting 43,764 75.16 14,467 24.84 58,231 1.42 2.17 68 architecture and 3,578 39.72 5,430 60.28 9,009 0.22 0.38 engineering services IX.- Activities professional 69. Research and development 7,568 100.00 - 0.00 7,568 0.18 1.45 70. Advertising and market 58,174 90.95 5,786 9.05 63,960 1.56 12.58 studies 71. Other professional activ. 53,092 90.62 5,497 9.38 58,589 1.43 16.51 Total sector IX 166,177 84.20 31,180 15.80 197,357 4.81 3.07 X. - Renting activities, travel agencies and auxiliary 72,73,74 and 75 38,035 47.74 41,628 52.26 79,663 1.94 2.77 activities

XI.- Public Administration 76 100.00 - 0.00 207,532 5.06 4.08 207,532 XII. - Education 77 1,768,127 98.56 25,819 1.44 1,793,946 43.73 51.09 XIII. - health and social services 78 and 79 6,193 12.54 43,177 87.46 49,371 1.20 0.92 80. Cultural activities; 105,091 83.29 21,085 16.71 126,176 3.08 15.47 gambling XIV.- Cultural, sports and 81. Sports and recreation activ 3,316 23.24 10,949 76.76 14,264 0.35 2.27 leisure services 82. Association Activities 60,286 86.06 9,762 13.94 70,048 1.71 14.42

Other I/O branches: 83,84 and 6,488 14.78 37,419 85.22 43,907 1.07 3.20 85 Total sector XIV 175,180 68.86 79,215 31.14 254,395 6.20 7.70 TOTAL 2,949,475 71.90 1,152,994 28.10 4,102,469 100.00 3.03

Source: Eustat, 2012; Data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


4.4.2/ Gross Value Added

The total Gross Value Added generated by the Basque language (directly, indirectly or induced) is 2,751,093,000 euros, 4.52% of the total GVA of the BAC (60,875,938,000 euros).

76.4% of total GVA total corresponds the direct and indirect output value (see above), and 23.6% to the induced impact, some 650,750,000 euros.

The branches/sectors which contribute the most to the induced GVA column are: financial services and real estate activities (206,672,000 euros – 31.8%), retail trade (75,489,000 euros - %11.6) and catering (68,249,000 euros – 10.5%).

Even so, as has already been pointed out, it is the education sector (1,514,510,000 euros, 55.1%) which has contributed most to GVA of the Basque language (directly, indirectly and induced); followed at a considerable distance by the trade, catering and transport sectors (257,879,000 euros – 9.4%), financial services and real estate activities (244,370,000 euros – 8.9%) and the sector for information and communication activities (178,785,000 euros – 6.5%).

Bearing in mind the contribution of the GVA of the Basque language to the total GVA of the branch or sector, the figure for Education should be highlighted (for which 51.3% of the GVA is linked to the Basque language); in the audio-visual branch the GVA of the Basque language represents 42.7%; in publishing it is 27.7%; and the following four branches account for 13-15%: other professional activities, cultural and gambling activities; association activities and advertising and market studies.


Figure 8. Direct, indirect and induced impact of Basque in the economic sectores of the BAC, by Gross Value Added (thousand €)

21.797 4.380 1.600.000 1.488.332

1.400.000 Induced impact Indirect impact 1.200.000 Direct impact 1.000.000


600.000 214.894 400.000 39.762 21.675 206.672 51.036 3.224 43.605 37.697 16.956 31.331 23.386 10.085 113.506 76.249 200.000 19.829 19.641 13.086 67.814 18.100 117.762 30.859 4.549 154 457 12.443 11.623 25.240 4.722 227 1 0

XII. Education XII. V. Construction

II. Mining industries Mining II. activities

administration Public XI. IX. Professional activities Professional IX. III. Manufacturing industries Manufacturing III.

activities auxiliary XIII. Health & social services social & Health XIII. VI. Trade, catering & transport & catering Trade, VI. supply water & gas Energy, IV.

VIII. Financial services & real estate real & services Financial VIII.

& agencies travel activities, X. Renting services leisure & sports Cultural, XIV.

I. Agriculture, livestock, forestry & fisheries & forestry livestock, I. Agriculture, activities communications & Information VII.

Source : data produced by Siadeco, 2015.


Table 55: Gross Value Added (thousand euros) generated by the Basque language directly, indirectly and induced, and their percentage of GVA of the IO branch (%) Employment Economic Sector Branches de activity Direct e indirect Induced TOTAL Input-Output % hori - % hori - % Abs. Abs. Abs. % of BAC zontal zontal vertical I. - Agriculture, livestock, 01, 02, 03 227 4.75 4,549 95.25 4,776 0.17 0.92 forestry and fishing II. - Mining Industries 04 1 0.33 154 99.67 154 0.01 0.24 15. Graphic Arts and 6,180 83.89 1,187 16.11 7,367 0.27 3.66 reproduction III.- Manufacturing Industries Other I/O branches: between 05 and 42, except 14,106 31.88 30,144 68.12 44,250 1.61 0.36 15 Total sector III 20,286 39.30 31,331 60.70 51,617 1.88 0.42 IV. - Energy, gas and water 43,44,45,46 12,443 38.78 19,641 61.22 32,084 1.17 1.41 storage V. - Construction 47 11,623 47.04 13,086 52.96 24,709 0.90 0.58 49. Wholesale Trade 4,965 13.72 31,226 86.28 36,191 1.32 1.10 50. Retail Trade 6,193 7.58 75,489 92.42 81,681 2.97 2.96 VI.- Trade, catering and 58. Catering 14,639 17.66 68,249 82.34 82,888 3.01 3.06 transport Other I/O branches: between 48-58, except 49,50 17,188 30.09 39,930 69.91 57,119 2.08 1.63 and 58 Total sector VI 42,985 16.67 214,894 83.33 257,879 9.37 2.10 59. Publishing 51,457 95.75 2,283 4.25 53,739 1.95 27.70 VII.- Information and 60. Audio -visual cinema, 73,020 99.17 614 0.83 73,634 2.68 42.74 communications radio and TV. activities 61. Telecommunications 15,362 50.39 15,124 49.61 30,486 1.11 3.15

62. Information Technology 17,271 82.54 3,655 17.46 20,926 0.76 2.97 Total sector VII 157,111 87.88 21,675 12.12 178,785 6.50 8.76 VIII. - Financial services and 63,64,65 and 66 37,697 15.43 206,672 84.57 244,370 8.88 2.49 real estate activities 67. Legal activ and 25,371 75.16 8,387 24.84 33,758 1.23 2.17 accounting 68. Architecture services and 1,768 39.72 2,683 60.28 4,452 0.16 0.36 engineering IX.- Professional Activities 69. R&D 6,146 100.00 - 0.00 6,146 0.22 2.01 70. Advertising and market 27,112 90.95 2,697 9.05 29,809 1.08 13.09 studies 71. Other professional activ 30,802 90.62 3,189 9.38 33,991 1.24 15.77 Total sector IX 91,200 84.32 16,956 15.68 108,156 3.93 3.04 X. - Renting activities, travel agencies and activities 72,73,74 and 75 25,240 58.24 18,100 41.76 43,339 1.58 2.57 auxiliary XI. - Public Administration 76 117,762 100.00 - 0.00 117,762 4.28 3.85 XII, - Education 77 1,492,712 98.56 21,797 1.44 1,514,510 55.05 51.34 XIII, - Health and social 78 and 79 4,722 13.27 30,859 86.73 35,582 1.29 0.93 services 80, Cultural activities; 52,503 83.29 10,534 16.71 63,037 2.29 14.50 gambling 81, Sports and recreation XIV,- Cultural services, sports 1,835 23.24 6,060 76.76 7,896 0.29 2.13 and leisure Activ 82, Association activities 27,927 86.06 4,522 13.94 32,449 1.18 13.95 Other I/O branches: 83,84 4,069 11.97 29,920 88.03 33,989 1.24 3.03 and 85 Total sector XIV 86,334 62.85 51,036 37.15 137,370 4.99 6.36 TOTAL 2,100,343 76.35 650,750 23.65 2,751,093 100.00 4.52 Source: Eustat, 2012; Data produced by Siadeco, 2015


4.4.3/ Employment

Total employment generated by the Basque language (directly, indirectly and induced) stands at 56,142 jobs, representing 6.28% of the total employment in the BAC (893,952 jobs),

82.8% (46,472 jobs) are generated either directly or indirectly (as seen above), and 17.2% (9,670 jobs) are induced.

The branches/sectors which contribute most to induced employment are: retail trade (2,043 jobs- 21.1%), cultural services, sports and leisure (1,686 jobs – 17.4%) and catering (1,294 jobs – 13.4%),

Nevertheless, once again, it is the education sector (36,422 jobs, 64.9%) which contributes most to employment linked to the Basque language; following at a considerable distance, but generating more than 1,000 jobs, are the following branches: retail trade (2,285 jobs), catering (1,571 jobs), public administration (1,511 jobs), cultural activities and gambling (1,374 jobs), renting activities (1,360 jobs), audio-visual branch (1,347 jobs) and other cultural, sports and leisure services (1,404 jobs),

Considering the proportion of Employment arising from the Basque language in relation to the total employment of the branch or sector, the figure for the Education sector stands out (in which 64.9% of employment is linked to the Basque language); in the audio-visual branch, employment associated with Basque accounts for 44% of total employment; in publishing 34.1%; 24.8% is contributed by cultural activities and gambling; 17.1% by other professional activities; 13.9% from advertising and market studies and 10.6% from association activities


Figure 9. Direct, indirect and induced impact of Basque on the econommic sectors of the BAC, according to employment (number of

persons) 439 40.000 88 35.894 Induced Impact 35.000 Indirect Impact Direct Impact 30.000




10.000 4.443 704 156 1.686 162 320 240 573 559 490 5.000 523 1.712 395 1.907 1.527 558 169 1 80 208 516 838 1.511 8 0 11 43 185 133 65 0

Education XII. V. Construction II. Mining industries Mining II. activities fisheries activities

Administration Public XI. IX. Professional activities Professional IX. III. Manufacturing Industries Manufacturing III.

activities auxiliary

servicies social and Health XIII. IV. Energy, gas and water supply water and gas Energy, IV. VII. Information and communication and Information VII.

I. Agriculture, livestock, forestry and forestry livestock, I. Agriculture, VIII. Financial services and property and services Financial VIII.

X. Rental activities, travel agencies and agencies travel activities, X. Rental VI. Trade, hotel and catering & transport & catering and hotel Trade, VI. Source : data produced by Siadeco, 2015. services leisure and sports Cultural, XIV.


Table 56: Employment generated directly, indirectly and induced by the Basque language (jobs), and proportion of employment in the IO branch (%) Employment Direct and Economic Sector Activity Branches Induced TOTAL indirect Input-Output % hori - % hori - % Abs, Abs, Abs, % of BAC zontal zontal vertical I, - Agriculture, livestock, 01, 02, 03 8 4.80 169 95.20 177 0.32 1.31 forestry and fishing II, - Mining Industries 04 0 0.33 1 99.67 1 0.00 0.20 15. Graphic Arts and 144 83.92 28 16.08 171 0.30 3.98 reproduction III,- Industries manufacturing Other I/O branches: between 05 and 42, except 262 32.47 545 67.53 807 1.44 0.44 15 Total sector III 406 41.47 573 58.53 978 1.74 0.53 IV, - Energy, gas and water 43,44,45,46 43 35.24 80 64.76 123 0.22 1.51 storage V, - Construction 47 185 47.04 208 52.96 393 0.70 0.60 49. Wholesale trade 67 13.72 419 86.28 485 0.86 1.12 50, Retail trade 242 10.61 2,043 89.39 2,285 4.07 3.18 VI,- Trade, catering and 58. Catering 277 17.66 1,294 82.34 1,571 2.80 3.15 transport Other I/O branches: between 48-58, except 49,50 279 28.90 687 71.10 967 1.72 1.84 and 58 Total sector VI 866 16.31 4,443 83.69 5,308 9.46 2.44 59. Publishing 767 96.45 28 3.55 795 1.42 34.11 VII,- Information and 60. Audio -visual , cinema, 1,333 99.01 13 0.99 1,347 2.40 40.40 communications radio and TV, activities 61. Telecommunications 49 50.39 49 49.61 98 0.17 3.51

62, Information Technology 317 82.74 66 17.26 383 0.68 3.16 Total sector VII 2,466 94.04 156 5.96 2,622 4.67 12.76 VIII, - Financial services and 63,64,65 and 66 133 20.47 516 79.53 648 1.15 2.59 real estate activities 67. Legal and accounting 365 72.90 136 27.10 500 0.89 2.14 68. Architecture and 28 39.72 42 60.28 70 0.13 0.41 engineering 69. R&D 138 100.00 - 0.00 138 0.25 2.03 IX,- Professional activities 70, Advertising and market 650 91.76 58 8.24 708 1.26 13.94 studies 71. Other professional 837 90.93 83 9.07 920 1.64 17.10 activities Total sector IX 2,017 86.32 320 13.68 2,337 4.16 4.06 X, - Renting activities, travel agencies and auxiliary 72,73,74 and 75 838 61.59 523 38.41 1,360 2.42 2.68 activities XI, - Public Administration 76 1,511 100.00 - 0.00 1,511 2.69 2.69 XII, - Education 77 35,982 98.79 439 1.21 36,422 64.87 58.13 XIII, - Health and social 78 and 79 65 10.40 558 89.60 623 1.11 0.93 services 80. Cultural activities; 1,213 88.33 160 11.67 1,374 2.45 24.77 gambling XIV,- Cultural, sports and 8. Sports and recreation 35 23.24 115 76.76 150 0.27 2.29 leisure services 82, Association Activities 575 81.03 135 18.97 709 1.26 10.61

Other I/O branches: 83,84 129 9.18 1,275 90.82 1,404 2.50 3.12 and 85 Total sector XIV 1,952 53.66 1,686 46.34 3,638 6.48 5.69 TOTAL 46,472 82.78 9,670 17.22 56,142 100.00 6.28 Source: Eustat, 2012; Data produced by Siadeco, 2015,




5,1/ Procedure to calculate the GDP of the Basque language

5,1,1/ Regarding the usefulness of GDP

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the most common economic statistic used to measure the wealth of a country and changes in its economy, and it expresses the total amount of economic activity of a country throughout a year. The calculation, both annual and quarterly of the GDP of the Basque Autonomous Community is carried out by Eustat. An inter-annual increase in GDP reflects an upswing in the economy; a fall in GDP on the other hand, depicts an economy in recession. GDP is also used to compare the situation of different countries, and to obtain economic indicators such as debt, deficit or the expenditure on R&D.

Bearing in mind that the objective of this study is to measure the contribution of the Basque language to the Basque economy, the amount of GDP linked to Basque as a proportion of the total GDP of the BAC provides a measure in monetary terms of the importance of the Basque language to the economy of the BAC, and enables us to make a comparison with the contribution of other sectors.

Based on the information made available by Eustat, we know the following data regarding the relative weight of the GDP for various sectors within the total for the BAC:

- Expenditure on R&D&i: 2.1% of GDP (2012) - Expenditure on tourism: 5.8% of GDP (2013) - Expenditure on education: 5.5% of GDP (2011) - Expenditure on health: 8.8% of GDP (2012)

5,1,2/ Procedure used to calculate the GDP of the Basque language

Gross Domestic Product is obtained by adding the net taxes on output to the Gross Value Added. In order to calculate the amount of net taxes, the difference between the income obtained by public administrations from taxes on output and subsidies awarded. To calculate net taxes corresponding to the Basque language, first, the income obtained by Inland Revenue from VAT on the invoicing of Basque language sectors is estimated; and from this figure the subsidies awarded to promote the Basque language and Basque culture are subtracted.

VAT generated by the Basque language sectors

To calculate the Gross Value Added of the direct, indirect and induced impact of Basque, we take the values of each Input-Output activity branch and apply the corresponding rate of VAT for each one (4%, 10% or 21%), thereby calculating the VAT generated by the Basque language for each IO branch.


According to these calculations, it is estimated that VAT generated by the Basque language sectors amounts to 157 million euros annually, precisely 156,933 000euros.

Subsidies for the promotion of the Basque language and culture awarded by the BAC administration

As we have mentioned previously, to estimate the net tax on output generated by Basque, VAT in the section above, we subtract the subsidies awarded by the BAC administrations to promote Basque language and culture.

Examination of data from the Public Budget Statistics regarding the Basque language reveal that the public administrations of the BAC provide 77 million euros in annual subsidies related to the Basque language (total from the economic chapters IV. and VII. 77,004,829 euros, year 2012). With regard to Basque culture, the total amount of subsidies has not been used in the calculation, but rather the amounts resulting from applying the estimated Basque language coefficients for each culture subsector. The data is from the 2012 Public Finance and Expenditure Statistics for Culture published by the Basque Culture Observatory. In total, a figure of 30,388,000 euros was calculated for subsidies earmarked for cultural activities.

Net taxes on output

In total, government subsidies intended for the promotion of the Basque language and those earmarked for cultural activities Basque language reached a sum of 107 million euros, which was subtracted from the VAT generated by activities linked to the Basque language (157 million euros), with the result that the net taxes on output were estimated to be 50 million euros.

GDP of the Basque language

Adding the sum of 49 million euros for net taxes on output to the Gross Value Added of the total impact (direct, indirect and induced) of the Basque language on the Basque economy, which is 2,751 million euros, the Gross Domestic Product accounted for by the Basque language reaches 2,800 million euros.

5.2/ Importance of Basque Language in the Basque economy

Gross Domestic Product expresses the value of the total economic activity of a country during the year, and so calculating the proportion represented by the Basque language in the GDP of the BAC will provide us with the contribution of the Basque language to the Basque economy.


The Gross Domestic Product of the Basque economy has fluctuated, in the last five years, between 66-68 thousand million euros. Data from Eustat for 2012 has been used to calculate the economic variables of the Basque language, so the figure for GDP for the BAC also corresponds to that year.

The GDP of the BAC in 2012 was 66,775,970,000 euros and the amount corresponding to the Basque language sectors was 2,800,634,000 euros, so it can be seen that the share of the GDP of the BAC generated by the Basque language is 4.19%.

With the calculation of the data concerning the relative importance of Basque in relation to the GDP, the final economic picture regarding the contribution of the Basque language is as follows:

- Employment: 6.28 % of total employment within the Basque economy is generated by Basque language sectors; total employment of the BAC stands at 893,952 and the Basque language sector employs 56,142 people, including direct, indirect and induced employment. From this figure, almost 43,000 jobs are generated directly by activities related to the Basque language, almost 4,000 correspond to indirect impact and a further 10,000 come from the induced impact. - Gross Value Added: 4.5% of the Gross Value Added of the economy of the BAC is related to economic activities linked to the Basque language. The total GVA of the BAC is almost 61,000 million euros, of which more than 2,751 million euros correspond to Basque language sectors. - Gross Domestic Product : 4.19% of the Gross Domestic Product of the BAC corresponds to economic sectors which are directly or indirectly linked to the Basque language. The total GDP of the BAC is 66,775,970,000 euros (year 2012) and the figure corresponding to the Basque language is 2,800,634,000 euros.

Considering the aforementioned macroeconomic variables, it can be concluded that the importance of the Basque language in the economy, both direct and indirect, is significant, and that the Basque language has considerable value in economic terms. Moreover, with regard to employment and resources connected to the public administration, it is clear that the economic sectors working in the Basque language field generate a great number of jobs and produce significant value added to the economy.

According to Eustat data, the contribution of the Basque language to the GDP of the BAC (4.19%) is higher than that of R&D&i (2.12%) and just below that registered by the tourism sector (5.8%).


Figure 10: Final results of the economic impact of the Basque language

Source: Eustat, 2012; Data produced by Siadeco, 2015


Table 57: Aggregate figures for the economic value of the Basque language and its impact on the economy of the Basque Autonomous Community

Data for the Basque language Data for the BAC % of BAC

135,277,209 2,497,618 Output value (thousand 1.85 (thousand euros) euros)

60,875,938 Direct impact 1,867,344 Gross Value Added (thousand 3.07 (thousand euros) euros) Employment 42,724 893,952 4.78 135,277,209 451,857 Output value (thousand 0.33 (thousand euros) euros) 60,875,938 232,999 Indirect impact Gross Value Added (thousand 0.38 (thousand euros) euros)

Employment 3,748 893,952 0.42

135,277,209 1,152,994 Output value (thousand 0.85 (thousand euros) euros) 60,875,938 650,750 Induced impact Gross Value Added (thousand 1.07 (thousand euros) euros)

Employment 9,670 893,952 1.08

135,277,209 4,102,469 Output value (thousand 3.03 (thousand euros) euros) TOTAL 60,875,938 2,751,093 impact Gross Value Added (thousand 4.52 (thousand euros) euros)

Employment 56,142 893,952 6.28

Value Added 156,933 - - Tax(VAT) (thousand euros)

Net taxes on 107,392 Subsidies - - output (thousand euros)

5,900,032 49,541 Total (thousand 0.84 (thousand euros) euros) Gross Domestic Product 2,800,634 66,775,970 4.19 of the Basque language (thousand euros) (thousand euros)

Source: Eustat, 2012; Data produced by Siadeco, 2015
