Training Session on the Prevention and Fight Against the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property in Libya (Cyrenaica and Fezzan Regions)

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Training Session on the Prevention and Fight Against the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property in Libya (Cyrenaica and Fezzan Regions) Training session on the prevention and fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property in Libya (Cyrenaica and Fezzan regions) Cyrene World Heritage Site, 19-26 November 2013 RECOMMENDATIONS The participants expressed serious concern about the alarming situation in and around Cyrene, particularly with regard to the condition of the archaeological and monuments and the widespread and increasing illegal development, including quarrying, which is now impacting heavily on the World Heritage Site. The difficult and sometimes dangerous environment and administrative office conditions in which the Controller and staff of the Shahat Department of Archaeology (DoA) Office have to perform their duties was acknowledged by all. The participants agreed on the following recommendations: 1. Law enforcement UNESCO to organize a working group with judicial authorities, magistrates and law experts, to support a review of existing cultural heritage laws in light of the drafting of the new Libyan Constitution. UNESCO and Ministry of Culture to call upon neighboring countries, especially Egypt, to cooperate with Libyan customs, police and DoA in stopping the smuggling of Libyan cultural property at the border, starting with, among other cases, the theft of the Benghazi treasure and the on-going looting of the ancient cemetery site of Ain Melfa near Jaghbub. The Ministry of Culture to call upon the Interior and Finance Ministries to provide, as a matter of urgency, the appropriate means to prevent and fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property. The Ministry of Finance/Custom Administration Office to accommodate international standards set by the UNESCO 1970 Convention and the provisions of Libyan Law n. 3/1424 in customs regulations and to establish heavier bespoke administrative sanctions and judicial penalties, up to and including custodial sentences, for the trafficking of cultural property. 2. Dedicated units The Ministry of Culture and UNESCO to call upon the Ministries of Interior and Tourism to establish a dedicated heritage Police Unit and to start specific training as early as possible, incorporating procedures, training kits and manuals for operational purposes. 1/3 DoA, Police and Customs to invite the Libyan Coast Guard and Navy to cooperate in reinforcing the prevention and fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property and benefit from future programmes. 3. Documentation The DoA to develop a GIS-based National Sites and Monuments Record Database linked to an Object Database (museum/archive management database), in close cooperation with Universities and Missions. The DoA to unify the databases already in use, leading towards the development of a national system, based on international standards. The DoA, UNESCO and University specialists to assist police authorities in initiating a Stolen Object Database to be managed by the Heritage Police, and in compiling a list of national and international experts to be called upon for the identification of missing and stolen property. The DoA to adopt a certification system of Cultural Goods for Export and to create a database of these documents, with description, measurements and photographs of objects, to be shared with the Customs. 4. Training The Ministry of Culture to advocate vis-à-vis Government and any other relevant public institution to provide the means for the DoA to become a fit-for-purpose cultural resource manager and custodian of Libyan heritage (including underwater) through the funding of training, capacity building programmes and skills-transfer of staff, as well as providing the necessary equipment and infrastructure. UNESCO and DoA to foster tailored training courses for site guards, customs, police officers and other relevant stakeholders, with a view to introduce in operational bodies’ curricula specific training modules to prevent illicit trafficking in cultural property. Local authorities to adopt employment strategies that involve local communities to protect cultural property, prevent illicit trafficking and contribute to the regular maintenance and safeguarding of archaeological sites, associated landscapes and biodiversity. 5. Awareness raising and educational outreach Use all means available, but especially radio, TV and ‘outreach’ in schools and in the community, to increase heritage awareness, in local populations and in decisions makers. Produce publications for school children that explain the history of the home towns and cities, to foster a shared pride of place and civic awareness. The Ministry of Tourism to inform travelers in airport, ports and at land borders with notices and other devises, stating that it is against the law to export cultural goods. Tourism companies in and outside Libya to adopt the same strategy. 6. Museums Advocate the setting-up of museums with appropriate storage facilities, interpretation and education centres (including biodiversity), linked to the national education system (including centres of higher learning), as part of an essential Libyan educational resource and way to secure heritage assets for coming generations. 2/3 7. Cyrene / Illegal development From a national perspective: All parties to request that Government enacts the Urban Development Plan to ensure that new development of all kinds, including quarrying, can only occur outside archaeological areas. Develop longer-term high level management training in planning control for Local Authorities and the DoA, nationwide. For Cyrene and its environs: Devise and implement an urgent plan to protect the World Heritage Site, suburbs and setting, starting from new fencing, monitoring cameras, communication & security devices, in addition to safe and environmentally controlled storage for archaeological artifacts and the repair and renovation of guard posts and DoA offices that are now a health hazard. In line with the provisions contained in the Libyan Law n. 3/1424 (Articles 6, 7 and 16), start the process of halting illegal development in and around Cyrene World Heritage Site. The DoA to request that judicial authorities stop any new construction that will impact on heritage assets, until an assessment has been made of the development site by DoA staff. Clarify with the Property Registration Office the ownership of land in greatest threat of development in and around the World Heritage Site. For nationally important assets, the Government to consider the compulsorary purchase of these assets and the payment of compensation to owners. The urgent need to establish a World Heritage Site Management Plan for Cyrene (Shahat) as a framework for all other medium and long-term planning strategies. Encourage the setting-up of a ‘Friends of Cyrene’ to act as a pressure group to inform and mobilize support from the local population and elected representatives, to put pressure on decision makers to take action to protect the Cyrene World Heritage Site. Establish volunteer groups in modern Shahat to work with the Local Council to protect surviving archaeological remains by creating archaeological gardens maintained in partnership, long term, by local people Use the strategic framework devised for Cyrene, as the model for other Libyan World Heritage sites, and for other important archaeological sites nationwide, to prevent illicit trade in cultural goods, and illegal development of all kinds. To develop the strategy further to include important landscapes containing multiple archaeological sites, interesting geology, topography and biodiversity, and to develop them as National Protected Areas and Parks. The next step: To consolidate the recommendations arising from the three workshops (Tripoli 27-30 April, Sabratha 15-26 September, Cyrene 19-26 November 2013), to form a strategic framework for the implementation of measures to prevent the illicit trafficking in cultural property in Libya and in particular the protection of national heritage assets. 3/3 .
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