ŠTUDIJSKI PROGRAM STUDY PROGRAMME Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta20 za arhitekturo University03-04 of Faculty of Architecture


Ljubljana 2003 2003-04 4 uvod introduction autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta Ivan Vurnik. Vurnik was an ardent supporter of technical understanding of the discipline, aligned to the Parisian was established, or rather the year 1920, when the first department for architecture was established under the leadership of education in Ljubljana reach to the year 1919, when the Austro-Hungarian monarchy collapsed The and Faculty the has University vital in and Ljubljana rich ties to the best Central European cultural tradition. The foundations for organised architectura tural endeavours – from graphic design, scenography, interior design, architectural and urban design to physical planning. profiled knowledge and systematic project approach enabling successful employment in various fields of artistic and architec- In the year 2000 the 3000th student graduated from the Faculty. Our graduates are known for their general and professionally employees. Enrolment in the Faculty entails an entrance exam. Each year 120 regular and 45 part-time students are accepted. There are almost 700 students enrolled in the graduate course while the teaching and associate staff includes some 50 and abroad, as well as its high quality teaching staff effectively covering most contemporary issues of architectural creativit Confirmation of its quality comes from numerous successful students and graduates, often achieving enviable results domesticall The Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana is generally considered one of the best Central European schools of architecture. FOREWORD DEANS THE autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana arhitekturo, za Fakulteta The first master ateliers of prof. Vurnik and prof. Pleènik confronted the problem of teaching space. The temporary Technical and teaching staff. gained their prowess at foreign universities. Every year two visiting professors from abroad join the fifty employed professors successful artists from the teaching staff we also employ many professors oriented towards theoretical subjects, who have the younger generation. The basis for qualifying of teachers to the Faculty is artistic and scientific merit. Alongside the num professionals from Slovenian practice to the teaching staff, that can translate their rich practical and theoretical experience nourish the tradition of intertwining education with practice. For this purpose we have successfully co-opted several leading into an independent Faculty of architecture. We have however maintained tight academic ties to the former joint In faculty and 1995 the Department of architecture, until then part of the Faculty of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, transfor practical projects in which they also involved their students. significantly contributed to the countries reconstruction and development. Their pedagogical work was closely tied to large sca faculties. Similar to Vurnik and Pleènik, even Mihevc and Ravnikar were active in varied fields of professional involvement and geodesy, except for a short period between 1950-1954 when it was independent within the framework of the Technical the post-war period the Department of architecture was for many years part of the Faculty of architecture, civil engineering an younger generation of architects, led by Edo Mihevc and Edo Ravnikar, both arguing for modern architectural approaches. In After Vurnik and Pleènik had so significantly marked the period between the two wars, they were appropriately replaced by a since been a constant feature of the faculties study course. for the later balance in programme and ideas. The stated duality between technical and artistic aspects of the discipline has Thus the entry of Jože Pleènik, with the studio approach and artistic tradition of Otto Wagners’ school was extremely important autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Architecture, of Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty Les Beaux Arts erous l s to y. med . d le y DEKANOV NAGOVOR

Ljubljanska Fakulteta za arhitekturo velja po splošnem preprièanju za eno boljših srednjeevropskih arhitekturnih šol. Njen kvalitetni nivo potrjujejo številni uspešni študenti in diplomanti, ki dosegajo zavidljive rezultate, tako doma kot v tujini, prav tako kvaliteten pedagoški kader, ki uèinkovito pokriva veèino sodobnih vidikov arhitekturnega ustvarjanja. Na fakulteti je vpisanih okoli 700 študentov ter zaposlenih okoli 50 uèiteljev in sodelavcev. Za vpis na fakulteto je potrebno opraviti preizkus sposobnosti za študij arhitekture. Vsako leto se na novo vpiše 120 rednih in 45 izrednih študentov. Leta 2000 je na fakulteti diplomiral tritisoèi diplomant. Naše diplomante odlikujejo široka in dobra strokovna podkovanost ter sistematièen projektni pristop, kar omogoèa njihovo uspešno zaposlovanje na najrazliènih poljih likovnega in arhitekturnega ustvarjanja - od grafiènega oblikovanja, scenografije, notranje opreme, preko arhitekturnega in urbanistiènega oblikovanja do prostorskega planiranja.

Fakulteta ima živ stik in žlahtno povezavo z najboljšo srednjeevropsko kulturno tradicijo. Zaèetki organiziranega študija arhitekture v Ljubljani segajo v leto 1919, ko je bila po zlomu avstroogrske monarhije ustanovljena ljubljanska univerza, oziroma v leto 1920, ko je bil pod vodstvom arhitekta Ivana Vurnika organiziran prvi oddelek za arhitekturo na takratni tehniški fakulteti. Ivan Vurnik je bil izrazit zastopnik tehniškega pojmovanja stroke, po vzoru pariške Ecole des Beaux Arts, zato je za kasnejše programsko in idejno ravnotežje šole nadvse pomemben prihod arhitekta Jožeta Pleènika, ki je uvedel ateljejski naèin dela in umetniško tradicijo Wagnerjeve šole. Omenjena razpetost med tehniškim in umetniškim vidikom obravnave stroke je od takrat naprej stalnica študija arhitekture v Ljubljani.

Potem, ko sta Ivan Vurnik in Jože Pleènik s svojim ustvarjalnim in pedagoškim delom usodno zaznamovala obdobje med obema vojnama, ju je po vojni dostojno zamenjala mlajša generacija arhitektov na èelu z Edom Mihevcem in Edom Ravnikarjem, ki sta zagovarjala modernejši pogled na arhitekturo. V povojnem obdobju je bil oddelek za arhitekturo dolga leta sestavni del Fakultete za arhitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo, razen med leti 1950 do 1954, ko je pridobil kratkotrajno samostojnost v okviru TVŠ. Podobno kot prej Vurnik in Pleènik sta bila tudi Ravnikar in Mihevc prisotna na najštevilnejših podroèjih strokovnega dela in sta pomembno prispevala k obnovi in izgradnji domovine. Njuno pedagoško delo je bilo nenehno tesno povezano z velikimi praktiènimi nalogami, v katere sta vkljuèevala tudi študente.

Leta 1995 se je oddelek za arhitekturo na takratni FAGG preoblikoval v samostojno Fakulteto za arhitekturo. Z nekdanjo skupno fakulteto smo ohranili še naprej tesne akademske vezi, negujemo pa tudi tradicionalno povezovanje šole s prakso. V ta namen smo uspeli pritegniti k delu na fakulteti nekaj uglednih predstavnikov slovenske stroke, ki uspešno prenašajo svoje bogate praktiène izkušnje in teoretièna znanja na najmlajšo generacijo.Uèitelji na fakulteti se habilitirajo na osnovi umetniških ali znanstvenih kriterijev. Ob številnih uspešnih umetniških ustvarjalcih je na šoli tudi vrsta pedagogov, ki so usmerjeni v teoretiène predmete in so pridobili svoja znanja na tujih univerzah. Veè kot petdesetim redno zaposlenim univerzitetnim uèiteljem in sodelavcem se vsako leto pridružita vsako tudi dva gostujoèa predavatelja iz tujine.

Že prvi mojstrski šoli Ivana Vurnika in Jožeta Pleènika sta se kaj kmalu sooèili s prostorskimi problemi. Takrat provizorna

5 6 uvod introduction autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta management, the artistic expression is inherent to architects, trained for the purpose. Similar to experiencing other fields of artistic components intertwine. While the first can be the subject of numerous other professions participating in building and serious misunderstanding of architectural work and our societal mission. Architecture is a discipline where functional-technica professions have already adopted the right to our title, while many technical disciplines are trying to gain it. The Wequestion about arethe pertinence witness of the discipline and protection of the title architect are being raised ever more often. Man new theoretical models for understanding, monitoring and directing these processes. about by modern tele-communication means, increased individuation in modern society, new ecological sensibility and needs for programme to new conditions. Hereby numerous new issues dealing with technological possibilities have emerged, brought all principles of ensuring competitiveness for our graduates on the European level, we are gradually adapting our course Based on internationally comparable programme guidelines, foreign teaching experiences and European standards, and above ing intensive international exchange of students on the graduate and post-graduate levels. present in European integration processes through various programmes (Socrates, Tempus, Ceepus, etc.). We arein ongoing also Europeanintroduc- inter-university and inter-faculty programmes. We are developing various kinds of co-operation and are European university standards, above all to enable easier transition on accession to the European Union and easier integration and teaching assignments. Thus we are ensuring synchronisation of the faculty course programme and method of teaching with faculties with ties between the best foreign universities, to increase or maintain the high level of domestic excellence in res physical location of a University centre is losing in relevance. At the Faculty we are pursuing increased co-operation between The Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana is already today part of the international university and research network in which th engagements in numerous domestic and international workshops and Summer schools. course and a four-year PhD course. Alongside the regular course, the Faculty is also involved with research work and facultativ granted the title university diploma of engineer of architecture. The Faculty also provides a two-year specialist and master’s independently. The graduate course is completed with a diploma thesis with specified content and volume. Graduates are subject is organised as a tutored seminar, with students from various years working together. They choose their tutor (mentor) examples. The Studio is led by a teacher with publicly acknowledged work and experience in the field of artistic creativity. Th programme is the Studio, in which students test knowledge gained from theoretical and methodological subjects on practical fourth year and ninth semester are oriented into in-depth knowledge in architecture, urbanism and design. The backbone of the course are intended for education on general professional knowledge and skills needed by a practising architect, while the The graduate course lasts nine semesters. A student has to pass some 40 exams before graduation. The first three years of the tion of the Western extension we will round up our spatial possibilities and needs. equipment, conditioned the construction of the Eastern extension with the library and lecture theatre. With the imminent constr researchers numbers, dilapidation of the existing building and lack of workshops, laboratories, computers and other high-tech The demand that every student has allocated work space at the Faculty, the real increase of students, teachers and junior enlarged the available space tenfold. After WWII cabinets were added and later the attic was adapted for drawing studios. allocated the use of a former primary school on Zoisova Street to the Faculty. After improvements to the building, the Faculty faculty on Aškerèeva Street offered very modest possibilities. Almost thirty years later, in 1948, the Municipality of Ljubljan autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana arhitekturo, za Fakulteta autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Architecture, of Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty artistic a earch e urban to l and uc- y e e fakulteta ob Aškerèevi cesti je nudila le skromne prostore. Šele trideset let kasneje, leta 1948, je ljubljanska obèina omogoèila oddelku za arhitekturo uporabo stavbe liceja ob Cojzovi cesti. Po delni adaptaciji je šola pridobila skoraj desetkrat veèjo površino. Šoli so bili po vojni dozidani potrebni kabineti, kasneje pa je bilo za potrebe risalnic preurejeno tudi podstrešje. Zahteva, da ima vsak študent na fakulteti zagotovljen stalni delovni prostor, realno poveèanje števila študentov, pedagogov in novih raziskovalcev, dotrajanost obstojeèih prostorov ter pomanjkanje prostorov za delavnice, laboratorije in raèunalniško opremo so pogojevali izgradnjo novega vzhodnega prizidka, v katerem sta knjižnica in velika amfiteaterska predavalnica. S predvideno gradnjo naèrtovanega zahodnega prizidka bomo zaokrožili svoje prostorske možnosti in potrebe.

Študij arhitekture traja devet semestrov. Do diplome mora študent opraviti okoli 40 izpitov. Prva tri leta študija so namenjena uèenju splošnih strokovnih znanj in vešèin, ki jih potrebuje arhitekt projektant pri svojem delu, èetrti letnik in deveti semester pa usmerjenim in poglobljenim znanjem s podroèja arhitekture, urbanizma in oblikovanja. Hrbtenico študijskega programa predstavlja predmet projektiranje in kompozicija, v okviru katerega študentje na praktiènih primerih preizkusijo teoretska in metodološka znanja, ki so jih pridobili pri teoretiènih in strokovnih predmetih. Predmet projektiranje in kompozicija vodijo uèitelji, ki imajo javno priznana dela in izkušnje na podroèju umetniškega ustvarjanja. Predmet je organiziran v obliki mentorskega seminarja, v okviru katerega delajo soèasno študentje razliènih letnikov, ki si po lastni presoji izberejo svojega mentorja. Študij arhitekture se zakljuèi z diplomsko nalogo predpisane vsebine in obsega. Diplomanti dobijo naziv univerzitetni diplomirani inženir arhitekture. V okviru fakultete je organiziran dvoletni specialistièni in magistrski študij oziroma štiriletni doktorski študij. Ob rednem študijskem programu poteka na fakulteti tudi raziskovalno delo ter obštudijsko delo v obliki številnih domaèih in mednarodnih delavnic in poletnih šol.

Ljubljanska Fakulteta za arhitekturo je že danes del mednarodnega univerzitetnega in raziskovalnega omrežja, v katerem je fizièna lokacija univerzitetnega središèa vse manj pomembna.. Na Fakulteti se zavzemamo za poveèan obseg medfakultetnega sodelovanja in povezovanja z najkvalitetnejšimi tujimi univerzitetnimi središèi z namenom, da bi razvili oziroma ohranili vrhunski nivo domaèega znanja v podroèju raziskovalnega in pedagoškega dela. Na ta naèin zagotavljamo sinhronizacijo fakultetnega uènega programa in oblik izvajanja le-tega z evropskimi univerzitetnimi standardi, predvsem zaradi lažjega prehoda pri vstopu v Evropsko skupnost oziroma lažjega vkljuèevanja v tekoèe evropske meduniverzitetne in medfakultetne programe. Razvijamo številne oblike sodelovanja in smo prisotni v evropskih integracijskih procesih skozi razliène programe (Socrates, Tempus, Ceepus, itd.) ter uvajamo intezivno mednarodno izmenjavo študentov na dodiplomski in podiplomski stopnji.

Na podlagi novih mednarodno primerljivih programskih izhodišè stroke ter tujih pedagoških izkušenj in evropskih standardov ter predvsem na podlagi naèela zagotavljanja evropske konkurenènosti naših diplomantov sprotno prilagajamo študijski program novim razmeram. Ob tem se odpirajo številna nova vprašanja, povezana s tehnološkimi možnostmi, ki jih prinašajo sodobna telekomunikacijska sredstva, vprašanja, povezana s poveèano individualizacijo sodobnega èloveka, z novo ekološko senzibilnostjo in potreba po novih teoretiènih modelih za razumevanje, spremljanje in usmerjanje teh procesov.

Vedno pogosteje se odpirajo tudi vprašanja o matiènosti stroke in zašèiti naziva arhitekt. Mnoge stroke so si že prilastile pravico do našega naziva, dodatno pa jo zahtevajo tudi nekatere tehniène vede. Prièa smo globokemu nerazumevanju arhitektovega dela in njegovega družbenega poslanstva. Arhitektura je dejavnost, v kateri se prepletata funkcionalno-tehnièna in umetniška komponenta ustvarjanja. Medtem ko je prva sicer lahko predmet dela številnih strok, ki sodeljujejo v procesu graditve objektov

7 8 uvod introduction autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta work of the EU. the of work stated conditions and that there are no obstacles for the recognition of our diploma or professional licensing within the frame We have the pleasure to conclude that the programme of Knowledge the about Faculty of regulation Architectureand procedures in in Ljubljana physical is fully planning harmonised and with building the legislature. 11. Adequate knowledge in the field of design that ensure the realisation of user demands within the framework of costs 10. Knowledge of building physics, technology and utility, with the purpose of creating buildings that are comfortable and Knowledge of construction plans, as well as construction and technical problems tied to the planning of buildings. Knowledge of research 9. methods and the project approach to create idea proposals. 8. 7. Understanding the profession and societal role of architects, especially in the preparation of idea proposals, that have to Understanding the relation between buildings and their environments and the relation of people to the built environment. 6. 5. Adequate knowledge in the fields of urban planning and design and necessary knowledge needed in the planning Extensive knowledge about fine arts and their effect on architectural design. 4. Adequate knowledge of architectural history and theory and theory of related arts, social sciences and technology. 3. Capability and knowledge to produce architectural projects, fulfilling aesthetic and technical professional demands. 2. 1. have the following skills and knowledge: accession to the EU these conditions will apply to as well. As stated in article 3 of the directive an architect shoul issued a directive in which 11 conditions were stated that an individual, wishing to practice the Because professionof the should mentioned comply misunderstandings to. and protection of the title »architect«, as early as 1985 the European Council higher social efficiency. adds to the creation of high quality and purposeful spaces, higher creativity of the social environment and indirectly stimulat content, thus satisfying special and general cultural needs of the people. Architecture as an art form has its rationale, after architectural expression and means to create conditions for specific emotional experiences, pertaining to the buildings or spat creativity where we relive the authors experience as our own, thus achieving personal enrichment, we the architects use autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana arhitekturo, za Fakulteta autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta and construction regulations. protected from external influences. abide to a wide array of social factors. process. aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Architecture, of Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè, architect Dean of the Faculty of Architecture all it d es On - ial in urejanja naselij, je umetniška izpoved lastna predvsem delu arhitektov, ki so v ta namen usmerjeno šolani. Podobno kot podoživljamo na podroèju drugih zvrsti umetniškega ustvarjanja avtorjevo izkušnjo kot lastno izkustvo in se s tem osebnostno bogatimo, ustvarjamo arhitekti skozi medij arhitekture pogoje za posebna, glede na program objektov ali prostorov razlièna emocialna doživetja, s katerimi zadovoljujemo posebne in splošne kulturne potrebe ljudi. Arhitektura kot umetnost ima svoje racionalno opravièilo, saj prispeva z oblikovanjem kvalitetnega in namenu primerno oblikovanega okolja k veèji ustvarjalnosti družbenega okolja in s tem posredno vzpodbuja njegovo veèjo družbeno uèinkovitost.

Zaradi omenjenih nesporazumov in zaradi zašèite naziva »arhitekt« je Svet evropskih skupnosti izdal že leta 1985 direktivo, v okviru katere je navedel 11 pogojev, ki jih mora izpolnjevati oseba, ki želi opravljati ta poklic, in, ki bodo zavezovali tudi našo državo ob njenem vstopu v EU. Arhitekt mora imeti v skladu s tretjim èlenom omenjene direktive naslednje sposobnosti in znanja:

1. Sposobnost in znanje za izdelavo arhitekturnih projektov, ki izpolnjujejo estetske in tehniène zahteve stroke. 2. Ustrezno znanje s podroèja zgodovine arhitekture in arhitekturne teorije ter teorije sorodnih umetnosti, družbenih ved in tehnike. 3. Širše poznavanje upodabljajoèih umetnosti ter njihovega vpliva na arhitekturno oblikovanje. 4. Ustrezna znanja s podroèja urbanistiènega naèrtovanja in projektiranja ter znanja, ki so potrebna v postopku naèrtovanja. 5. Razumevanje odnosov med objekti in njihovim okoljem ter odnosov med ljudmi in grajenim okoljem. 6. Razumevanje poklica in družbene vloge arhitekta zlasti pri pripravi idejnih projektov, ki morajo upoštevati najširše družbene dejavnike. 7. Poznavanje raziskovalnih metod ter projektnega pristopa za izdelavo idejnih projektov. 8. Poznavanje gradbenih naèrtov ter konstrukcijskih in tehniènih problemov, povezanih z naèrtovanjem objektov 9. Poznavanje gradbene fizike, tehnologije in namembnosti objektov, z namenom, da bi naèrtovali udobne in pred zunanjimi vplivi uèinkovito zašèitene objekte. 10. Potrebno znanje s podroèja projektiranja, ki zagotavlja uresnièitev zahtev uporabnikov objektov v okviru stroškovnih omejitev in gradbenih predpisov. 11. Poznavanje predpisov in postopkov iz prostorske in gradbene zakonodaje.

Z zadovoljstvom ugotavljamo, da je program ljubljanske fakultete v celoti skladen z zgoraj opisanimi pogoji, tako da v tem smislu ne prièakujemo nikakršnih ovir za priznanje naših diplom oziroma strokovnih licenc v okviru EU.

dekan Fakultete za arhitekturo prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

9 10 kazalo contents F F F F F klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta klea a ar za akulteta klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, F F F F F cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Architecture, of aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty KAZALO CONTENTS INFO INFO INFO 12 INFO 12 KATEDRE 13 LIST OF CATHEDRAS 13 SEZNAM UÈITELJEV IN SODELAVCEV 16 LIST OF ACCADEMIC STAFF AND ASSOCIATES 16 DODIPLOMSKI ŠTUDIJ 19 GRADUATE COURSE 19 VPIS, OSNOVNI PODATKI 21 ENROLMENT, GENERAL INFORMATIONS 20 POGOJI ZA PREHOD V VIŠJI LETNIK 25 CONDITIONS TO PROMOTION TO HIGHER YEAR 24 PREDMETNIK 1. letnik 27 COURSE SYLLABUS Year 1 26 2. letnik 27 Year 2 26 3. letnik 29 Year 3 28 4. letnik: smer arhitektura 31 Year 4:oriented prog.: archit. 30 smer urbanizem 33 oriented prog.: urbanism 32 smer oblikovanje 35 oriented prog.: design 34 9. semester 37 9. Semester 36


SEZNAM IN OPIS 1. letnik 41 LIST AND Year 1 40 PREDMETOV 2. letnik 51 DESCRIPTION OF Year 2 50 3. letnik: obvezni 61 SUBJECTS Year 3 compulsory 60 izbirni 70 elective 70 4. letnik: obvezni 77, 80 Year 4:compulsory 76, 80 izbirni - splošni 79, 94 elective - general 78, 94 izbirni - s podroèja 79,101 elective - oriented 78,101 PODIPLOMSKI ŠTUDIJ 109 POSTGRADUATE COURSE 109 INFO INFO A. magistrski študij arhitekture 111 A. masters course in architecture 110 B. specialistièni študij arhitekture 111 B. specialist course in achitecture 110 C. specialistièni študij urb. naèrtovanja 115 C. specialist course in urban planning 114 D. doktorat znanosti 121 D. doctorate dissertation 120 PREDMETNIKI COURSE SYLLABUS A. magistrski študij arhitekture 123 A. masters course in architecture 122 B. specialistièni študij arhitekture 125 B. specialist course in achitecture 124 C. specialistièni študij urb.naèrtovanja 127 C. specialist course in urban planning 126 D. doktorat znanosti 129 D. doctorate dissertation 128

11 12 info info F F F Prodekan zapodroèjemeduniverzitetnegasodelovanja dr. JANEZ KRESAL, izr. prof. Prodekan za podroèje finanènih zadev dr. ALEŠ VODOPIVEC, izr. prof. Prodekan za študijske zadeve mag. PETER GABRIJELÈIÈ, red. prof. Dekan ARHITEKTURO FAKULTETAZA dr. TADEJA ZUPANÈIÈ STROJAN, doc. podroèje znanstveno-raziskovalno za Prodekanja JANEZ KOŽELJ, red. prof. F F klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta klea a ar za akulteta klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta Dean ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo,

Deputy dean for study affairs F F F F F cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Architecture, of aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty Deputy dean for financial affairs Deputy dean for research for dean Deputy FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE OF FACULTY telefon: +386 (0)1 200 07 51 Knjižnica telefon: +386 (0)1 200 07 11 Študentski referat telefon: +386 (0)1 200 07 21 VILIBALD OGRIZEK, univ. dipl. iur. Tajnik telefaks:+386 (0)1 425 74 14 telefon: +386 (0)1 426 43 19 Tajništvo www.arh.uni-lj.si www.arh.uni-lj.si www.arh.uni-lj.si E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +386 (0)1 425 74 14 Tel.: +386 (0)1 426 43 19 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Zoisova 12 www.arh.uni-lj.si www.arh.uni-lj.si Deputy deanforinternationalcoopera Secretary +386 (0)1 200 07 23 +386 (0)1 200 07 62 Library Secretariat Students office tion Aleš V V Aleš Aleš stavbe stavbe stanovanjske stanovanjske za za Katedra Katedra V V stavbe stavbe družbene družbene za za Katedra Katedra grSla visokošol. a sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture vis visokošol. sodelavec za podroèji arhitekture in oblikovanja Tomaž Krušec visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Igor Seljak Anja Planišèek Mario Perossa Peter Marolt Vladimir Brezar Aleš V Aleš visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture a stavbe stanovanjske za Katedra visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture Viktor Žigon visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture Primož Hoèevar Mitja Zorc visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Maruša Zorec Stantiè Mira visokošol. uèitelj visokošol. za uèitelj podroèje za arhitekture podroèje Andrej arhitekture Kavèiè visokošol. uèitelj Martina za Zbašnik-Senegaènik podroèje arhitekture Boris Leskovec Janez Kresal Miloš Florijanèiè Miloš Bonèa V stavbe družbene za Katedra KATEDRE Aleš V V Aleš Aleš stavbe stavbe stanovanjske stanovanjske za za Katedra Katedra V V stavbe stavbe družbene družbene za za Katedra Katedra o o o o o th Ra Ra jteh jteh th Ra jteh th Ra Ra jteh jteh odopiv odopiv odopiv odopiv odopiv vnik vnik vnik vnik vnik LIST OF CATHEDRAS OF LIST ec ec ec ec ec ar ar ar ar ar predstojnik katedre/Head ot cathedra cathedra ot ot katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik predstojnik katedre/Head ot cathedra cathedra ot ot katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture cathedra ot katedre/Head predstojnik višji strokovni sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture cathedra ot katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik katedre/Head ot cathedra cathedra ot ot katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik predstojnik katedre/Head ot cathedra cathedra ot ot katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik sistent stažist – asistent za podroèje arhitekture sistent stažist – asistent za podroèje arhitekture okošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitektura Cathedra for public buildings buildings public public for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for public buildings public for Cathedra Cathedra for public buildings buildings public public for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for housing housing for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for housing for Cathedra Cathedra for housing housing for for Cathedra Cathedra info

katedre list of cathedras 14 info info F F P P urbanizem urbanizem za za Katedra Katedra Jože Kušar Kušar Jože Jože konstrukcije konstrukcije za za Katedra Katedra Suhadolc Suhadolc Janez Janez oblikovanje oblikovanje za za Katedra Katedra F P urbanizem za Katedra rèoVauavisokošol. sodelavec za podroèji masivnih in lesenih konstrukcij visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture Edo Wallner Sreèko visokošol. Vratuša sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture Tomaž visokošol. Slak višji uèitelj strokovni za sodelavec podroèje za gradbenih podroèji konstrukcij mehanike za in arhitekte konstrukcij Lara Slivnik Josip Konstantinoviæ Eva Križaj Mladen Bratoviæ Blaž Vogelnik Vojko Kilar visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Kušar Jože konstrukcije za visokošol. uèitelj Katedra za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Domen Kušar Lojze Muhiè Èrtomir Mihelj Marjan Ocvirk Jurij mladi Kobe raziskovalec Suhadolc Janez oblikovanje za Katedra visokošol. sodelavec za podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma visokošol. uèitelj za podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma vi Gregor Èok Tadej Glažar Ilka Èerpes AlenkaFikfak France Rihtar Janez Koželj F F P P urbanizem urbanizem za za Katedra Katedra Jože Kušar Kušar Jože Jože konstrukcije konstrukcije za za Katedra Katedra Suhadolc Suhadolc Janez Janez oblikovanje oblikovanje za za Katedra Katedra klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta klea a ar za akulteta klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta e e e e e ter Gabri Gabri ter ter ter Gabri ter ter Gabri Gabri ter ter jelèiè jelèiè jelèiè jelèiè jelèiè ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, Cathedra for urbanism urbanism for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for urbanism for Cathedra Cathedra for urbanism urbanism for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for design design for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for design for Cathedra Cathedra for design design for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for structures structures for for Cathedra Cathedra Cathedra for structures for Cathedra Cathedra for structures structures for for Cathedra Cathedra predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje dimenzion. in konstruir. ter konstruk. sistemov visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture – gradb.konstr. visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitektnih konstrukcij visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture cathedra of katedre/Head predstojnik visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje oblikovanja cathedra of katedre/Head predstojnik visokošol. sodelavec za podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma visokošol. sodelavec za podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma visokošol. uèitelj za podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma cathedra of katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik sokošol. uèitelj za podroèje urbanizma F F F F F cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Architecture, of aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty P P Inš Inš P P arhitekture arhitekture teorijo teorijo za za Katedra Katedra Košir Košir Fedja Fedja K K P ak ia visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje umetnost. zgodovine 1/3 Inš visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Darko Likar Ljubo Lah visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Živa Deu Peter Kreèiè Leon Debevec Jože Marinko Borut Juvanec mladi raziskovalec visokošol. P sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture arhitekture teorijo za Katedra Iztok Kovaèiè Rupert Gole Vesna Petrešin visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Sonja Ifko visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture Tomaž Novljan Primož Jeza visokošol. uèitelj za podroèji arhitekture in Lucija urbanizma Ažman Momirski Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan Igor Kalèiè Jaka Bonèa Košir Fedja K P P Inš Inš P P arhitekture arhitekture teorijo teorijo za za Katedra Katedra Košir Košir Fedja Fedja K K e e e e e e e e e e atedr atedr atedr atedr atedr ter Fis Fis ter ter ter Fis Fis ter ter ter Fis ter ter Fis ter ter Fis Fis ter ter ter Fis Fis ter ter titut za ar ar za za titut titut titut za ar za titut titut za ar ar za za titut titut a za r r za za a a a za r za a a za r r za za a a ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter hitektur hitektur hitektur hitektur hitektur azv azv azv azv azv o o o o o j r r j j j r j j r r j j o o o o o aèunalniš aèunalniš aèunalniš aèunalniš aèunalniš Ins Ins Ins Ins Ins pr pr predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik visokošolski uèitelj za podroèji arhitekture in prenove arhitekture pr visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. uèitelj za podroèje arhitekture mladi raziskovalec visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. sodelavec za podroèje arhitekture visokošol. sodelavec za podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma visokošol. uèitelj za podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma cathedra of katedre/Head predstojnik visokošol. uèitelj za podroèji razvoja arhitekture in prenove arhitekture cathedra of katedre/Head predstojnik pr pr predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra cathedra of of katedre/Head katedre/Head predstojnik predstojnik titute of ar ar of of titute titute titute of ar of titute titute of ar ar of of titute titute eds eds eds eds eds k k k k k ega pr pr ega ega ega pr ega ega pr pr ega ega t tt tt Cathedra for architectural theory theory architectural architectural for for Cathedra Cathedra o o Cathedra for architectural theory architectural for Cathedra o Cathedra for architectural theory theory architectural architectural for for Cathedra Cathedra o o jnik inš inš jnik jnik jnik inš jnik jnik inš inš jnik jnik chitectur chitectur chitectur chitectur chitectur o o o o o jektir jektir jektir jektir jektir titut titut titut titut titut a/Head of Ins Ins of of a/Head a/Head a/Head of Ins of a/Head a/Head of Ins Ins of of a/Head a/Head an an an an an e e e e e ja ja ja ja ja Cathedr Cathedr Cathedr Cathedr Cathedr a f f a a a f a a f f a a titute titute titute titute titute or com com or or or com or or com com or or puter puter puter puter puter -aided design design -aided -aided -aided design -aided -aided design design -aided -aided 15 15 15 15 15 katedre list of cathedras 16 info info 3. Docenti Docenti 3. 3. profesorji profesorji Izredni Izredni 2. 2. F F 1 1 dr. Vojko KILAR, univ. dipl. inž. gradb. dr. Živa DEU, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Leon DEBEVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Jaka BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Docenti 3. Vojteh RAVNIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Mario PEROSSA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Jože MARINKO, univ. dipl. arh. inž. dr. Jože KUŠAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Janez KRESAL, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Igor KALÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Borut JUVANEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Miloš FLORIJANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. profesorji Izredni 2. dr. Blaž VOGELNIK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Aleš VODOPIVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Janez SUHADOLC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. France RIHTAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Marjan OCVIRK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Peter KREÈIÈ, um. zgod. Janez KOŽELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Fedja KOŠIR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Peter GABRIJELÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Peter FISTER, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Vladimir BREZAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Miloš BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. LIST OF ACADEMIC STAFF AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF ACADEMIC OF LIST SODELAVCEV IN UÈITELJEV SEZNAM F 1 3. Docenti Docenti 3. 3. profesorji profesorji Izredni Izredni 2. 2. F F 1 1 klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta klea a ar za akulteta klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta . R R . . . R . . R R . . edni pr pr edni edni edni pr edni edni pr pr edni edni of of of of of Assistant professors professors Assistant Assistant Assistant professors Assistant Assistant professors professors Assistant Assistant esorji esorji esorji esorji esorji ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, F F F F F ull pr pr ull ull ull pr ull ull pr pr ull ull Associate professors professors Associate Associate Associate professors Associate Associate professors professors Associate Associate of of of of of essor essor essor essor essor F F F F F s s s s s cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Architecture, of aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty 4. Asistenti Asistenti 4. 4. dr. Sreèko VRATUŠA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Mira STANTIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Lara SLIVNIK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Tomaž SLAK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Igor SELJAK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Anja PLANIŠÈEK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Vesna PETREŠIN, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Peter MAROLT, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Darko LIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Ljubo LAH, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Domen KUŠAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Tomaž KRUŠEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Eva KRIŽAJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Josip KONSTANTINOVIÆ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Andrej KAVÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Primož JEZA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Sonja IFKO, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Tadej GLAŽAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Alenka FIKFAK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Ilka ÈERPES, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Lucija AŽMAN MOMIRSKI, univ. dipl. inž. arh. 4. Asistenti 4. dr. Tadeja ZUPANÈIÈ STROJAN, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Martina ZBAŠNIK-SENEGAÈNIK, dr. Tomaž NOVLJAN, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Alojz MUHIÈ, univ. dipl.inž.arh. Èrtomir MIHELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. dr. Boris LESKOVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Jurij KOBE, univ. dipl. inž. arh 4. Asistenti Asistenti 4. 4. Assistants Assistants Assistants Assistants Assistants univ. dipl. inž. arh. 8. Mladi raziskovalci raziskovalci Mladi Mladi 8. 8. 2003/04 2003/04 year year academic academic in in professors professors Visiting Visiting 7 7 associates associates research research Senior Senior sodelavca sodelavca strokovna strokovna 6.Višja 6.Višja assistants assistants Research Research stažisti stažisti - - 5.Asistenti 5.Asistenti mag. Domen ZUPANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Iztok KOVAÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Nika GRABAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Rupert GOLE, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Gregor ÈOK, univ, dipl. inž. arh. Jaka PEŽAN, univ, dipl. inž. arh. raziskovalci Mladi 8. two lecturers dva predavatelja 2003/04 year academic in professors Visiting 7 mag. Viktor ŽIGON, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Mladen BRATOVIÆ, univ. dipl. inž. gradb. associates research Senior sodelavca strokovna 6.Višja Primož HOÈEVAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. assistants Research stažisti - 5.Asistenti Maruša ZOREC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Mitja ZORC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. mag. Edo WALLNER, univ. dipl. inž. gradb. 8. Mladi raziskovalci raziskovalci Mladi Mladi 8. 8. 2003/04 2003/04 year year academic academic in in professors professors Visiting Visiting 7 7 associates associates research research Senior Senior sodelavca sodelavca strokovna strokovna 6.Višja 6.Višja assistants assistants Research Research stažisti stažisti - - 5.Asistenti 5.Asistenti . Gos Gos . . . Gos . . Gos Gos . . tujoèa pr pr tujoèa tujoèa tujoèa pr tujoèa tujoèa pr pr tujoèa tujoèa of of of of of esorja v šols šols v v esorja esorja esorja v šols v esorja esorja v šols šols v v esorja esorja Junior researchers researchers Junior Junior Junior researchers Junior Junior researchers researchers Junior Junior k k k k k em le le em em em le em em le le em em tu 2003/0 2003/0 tu tu tu 2003/0 tu tu 2003/0 2003/0 tu tu 4 4 4 4 4 faculties of the University of Ljubljana Ljubljana of of University University the the of of faculties faculties Academic staff and associates from other other from from associates associates and and staff staff Academic Academic Ljubljani Ljubljani 9. Uèitelji in sodelavci drugih fakultet Univerze v v Univerze Univerze fakultet fakultet drugih drugih sodelavci sodelavci in in Uèitelji Uèitelji 9. 9. dr. Aleš ZALOŽNIK, docent, FGG Vera VETRIH, uèiteljica jezika, VŠT dr. Žiga TURK, izredni profesor, FGG dr. Cvetka TOTH, redni profesor, FF mag. Marjeta ŠKAPIN-RUGELJ, asistent, FGG dr. Marko POLIÈ, redni profesor, FF dr. Andrej POGAÈNIK, redni profesor, FGG Jasna MOÈILNIK-KOS, pred. tuj. jezika dr.Sašo MEDVED, docent, FS dr. Mitja LAKNER, VP, FGG mag. Bojan KUZMA, asistent, FGG dr. Ana KUÈAN, docent, BF Aleš GOLJA, uèitelj športa, FGG dr. Davorin GAZVODA, docent, BF mag. Ciril ARKAR, asistent, FS Ljubljana of University the of faculties Academic staff and associates from other from associates and staff Academic Ljubljani 9. Uèitelji in sodelavci drugih fakultet Univerze v Univerze fakultet drugih sodelavci in Uèitelji 9. VŠT - Višja šola za turizem za šola Višja - VŠT strojništvo za Fakulteta - FS geodezijo in gradbeništvo za Fakulteta - FGG fakulteta Filozofska - FF fakulteta Biotehniška - BF faculties of the University of Ljubljana Ljubljana of of University University the the of of faculties faculties Academic staff and associates from other other from from associates associates and and staff staff Academic Academic Ljubljani Ljubljani 9. Uèitelji in sodelavci drugih fakultet Univerze v v Univerze Univerze fakultet fakultet drugih drugih sodelavci sodelavci in in Uèitelji Uèitelji 9. 9.

17 uèitelji in sodelavci academic staff and associates dodiplomski graduate course študij 20 osnovni podatki general information F F F F F Slo Slo time time sense for artistic perception and expression, spatial perception and expression and architectural issues are tested. All The capability test is organised in the first half of points obtained. have to accomplish the capability test positively (at least 212 points), than then the more first five are not selected according accepts to Faculty The specially for them by the University in Ljubljana. The last date for applications should be observed! Important: there is a special a is there Important: the first six are selected according to points obtained. by Slo taken be can course full-time the in posts available the of 5% to Up The case a second application is possible. The enrolment according to obtained points. The capability test is test capability The points. obtained to according successfully accomplished capability test (at least 21 points). In the part-time course the first 45 candidates are selected method of selecting candidates. In the full-time course the first 120 candidates are selected according to merit and time course and 45 posts on the on posts 45 and course time The Faculty of architecture invites applicants to enrol in a enrolin to applicants architectureof invites Faculty The must be observed. naire are specified on the first page. However it However page. first the on specified are naire can be found in the Notice. It can be obtained in all stationeries and bookshops. Details for posting the filled in question- certificate - matriculation (graduation from high school), professional graduation certificate or final examination. Details the With respective faculty publishes its own specific requirements. The faculties are arranged according to the alphabet. next academic year. The first part contains general conditions about enrolment applying to all candidates, while each Every year in Every INFORMATIONS GENERAL ENROLMENT Slo Slo time time klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta klea a ar za akulteta klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta v v v v v Open da Open da enian citiz enian citiz Open da enian citiz Open da Open da enian citiz enian citiz first application application first first first application, a candidate applies for enrolment. Requirements from Requirements enrolment. for applies candidate a application, first first application application first first y y Januar Januar y is always in mid February. See NOTICE. Januar y y Januar Januar enship enship enship (5-6 candidates). They have to accomplish the capability test positively (at least 21least (at positively test then points), capability the accomplish to They have candidates). (5-6 enship enship enship results results results are posted in the last week of July. At the same time possible vacancies are announced. In the latter results results ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, y y y, the Ministry y, of the education, Ministry science and publishes sports a NOTICE concerning enrolment in the y y brochure brochure brochure for foreigners, available for all candidates during candidates all for available foreigners, for brochure brochure brochure part-time part-time part-time course. Their contents are the same; differences apply to payment and payment to apply differences same; the are contents Their course. part-time part-time part-time F F F F F cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Architecture, of aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty candidates candidates candidates candidates candidates candidates July July July. July. It consists of three drawing tests and an interview, whereby July July shouldn’t be sent to the faculty itself itself faculty faculty the the to to sent sent be be shouldn’t shouldn’t shouldn’t be sent to the faculty itself. The final date for submission for date final The itself. faculty the to sent be shouldn’t shouldn’t be sent to the faculty itself itself faculty faculty the the to to sent sent be be shouldn’t shouldn’t com com com com com from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana Ljubljana of of University University the the of of faculties faculties other other from from from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana. They Ljubljana. of University the of faculties other from from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana Ljubljana of of University University the the of of faculties faculties other other from from pulsor pulsor pulsor pulsor pulsor univ univ univ univ univ er er er er er y y y. y y sit sit sit sit sit y y y study programme. areTherestudy 120the y on posts y y foreigners and Slovenians without without Slovenians Slovenians and and foreigners foreigners foreigners and Slovenians without Slovenians and foreigners foreigners and Slovenians without without Slovenians Slovenians and and foreigners foreigners high school school high high high school school high high school school high high Open day day Open Open Open day organised day Open Open day day Open Open education education education: graduation education: education education full- full- full- full- full- VPIS OSNOVNI PODATKI

Vsako leto v januarju izda Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport objavo RAZPIS Univerze v Ljubljani za vpis v naslednje šolsko leto. V splošnem delu so navedeni splošni pogoji vpisa, ki veljajo za vse, ki kandidirajo za vpis, vsaka fakulteta posebej pa objavi še svoje pogoje. Fakultete so razporejene po abecedi.

S prvo prijavo se kandidat prijavi za vpis. Možnost srednješolske izobrazbeazbe: matura, poklicna matura, zakljuèni izpit. Podrobnosti je mogoèe najti v RAZPISU. Kupi se jo v papirnicah in knjigarnah. Izpolnjeno pošljete, kot je navedeno na prvi strani. Nikakor ne fakultetiti. Paziti je potrebno na zadnji možni datum oddaje prijave.

Fakulteta za arhitekturo razpisuje univerzitetni študijski program. Mest za redni študij je 120, za izredni študijjj pa 45. Po vsebini sta enaka, razlika je v plaèilu in v naèinu izbora kandidatov. Pri rednem je izbranih prvih 120 kandidatov glede na uspeh, pozitivno (vsaj 21 toèk) pa morajo opraviti tudi preizkus sposobnosti. Pri izrednem študiju se izbere prvih 45 kandidatov, glede na število toèk. Preizkus sposobnosti je obvezenen.

Rezultati za vpis so znani zadnji teden v juliju, hkrati pa so objavljena tudi morebitna prosta mesta. V tem primeru je možna druga prijava. Prijavi se lahko, kdor je oddal prvo prijavo.

Informativni dan je vedno sredi meseca februarja. Glej RAZPIS.

Fakulteta sprejme tudi do 5 % razpisanega števila študijskih mest za redni študij na posameznem programu tujcev in enrolment Slovencev brez slovenskega državljanstva (od 5 do 6 kandidatov). Preizkus morajo opraviti pozitivno (vsaj 21 toèk), nato pa se izbere prvih šest, glede na število toèk. Važno: za tujce obstaja posebna brošuraa, ki jo dobijo

vsi kandidati na informativnem dnevu. Tega organizira posebej zanje Univerza v Ljubljani. Paziti je potrebno na vpis zadnji rok prijav!

Fakulteta razpisuje tudi vzporedni študij. Sprejme najveè 2 kandidata, ki že študirata na kateri od fakultettt Univerze v Ljubljani. Kandidat mora poslati prijavo in soglasje matiène fakultete na Fakulteto za arhitekturo. Pred vpisom prinese še potrdilo o vpisu v naslednji letnik na matièni fakulteti. Pozitivno mora opraviti preizkus sposobnosti (vsaj 21 toèk), nato se izbere prvih pet, glede na število toèk. Na enak naèin se lahko vpišejo tudi 3 diplomanti univerzitetnega študija. Kandidat mora opraviti preizkus in predložiti kopijo diplome.

Preizkus sposobnosti je v prvi polovici julijaja. Obsega tri risbe in razgovor, pri èemer se preverja posluh za likovno dojemanje in izražanje, za prostorsko dojemanje in izražanje ter za problematiko arhitekture. Vsak element se toèkuje.

21 22 osnovni podatki general information DET DET Enrolment Enrolment points points of of calculation calculation and and procedure procedure application application The The F F E-mail: Eva [email protected] Tel.: + 386 (0)1 478 53 90, Fax: +386 (0)1 478 56 69 Ministry of education, science and sports, Zupanèièeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana Nostrifications of the high-school graduation certificate: e-mail: [email protected] Fax: + 386 (0)1 241 86 71 Tel.: + 386 (0)1 241 85 04, + 386 (0)1241 85 08 Higher education application and information office of the University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12, p.p. 524, 1001 Ljubljana Details for foreigners: E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: + 386 (0)1 426 57 53 Office for international cooperation of the University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana [email protected] www.vpis.uni-lj.si E-mail: [email protected] www.arh.uni-lj.si www.uni-lj.si DET once), cannot enrol in the 1st year of any faculty of the University of Ljubljana. Whoever enrolled in the 1st year of studies already address. Enrolment in the 1st year courses occurs in the first half of September. Candidates receive information at their home course, never otherwise. obtained. According to the submitted data, the year of studies is determined. Enrolment is always for the autumn the University with the Office for international cooperation of the University of Ljubljana. A special questionnaire can be The Faculty accepts candidates that wish to application- education Higher the information Office by of the conducted University of are Ljubljana. Candidates points receive information of at their calculation home address. and procedure application The elements are graded. The highest grade is 10. F DET DET Enrolment Enrolment points points of of calculation calculation and and procedure procedure application application The The F F klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta klea a ar za akulteta klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta AILS: AILS: AILS: AILS: AILS: ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, F F F F F cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Architecture, of aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty change change change change from related faculties in other countries. The procedure begins at change change twice twice twice twice (enrolled twice or enrolled once and repeated 1st year twice twice Najvišje število toèk je 10. Posttt opek prijave in izraèunavanje toèk vodi Visokošolska prijavno-informacijska služba Univerze v Ljubljani. Obvestilo prejmejo kandidati na dom.

Fakulteta sprejme tudi kandidate, ki presttt opajo s sorodnih fakultet v drugih državah. Postopek se priène na Univerzi, pri službi za mednarodno sodelovanje Univerze v Ljubljani. Obstaja poseben obrazec. Glede na predloženo gradivo se doloèi letnik vpisa. Vpisuje se vedno v jesenskem roku, ne med letom.

Vpis v 1. letnik poteka v prvi polovici septembra. Obvestilo prejmejo kandidati na dom. Kdor je bil že dvakrat v prvem letniku (dvakrat vpisan ali enkrat vpisan in enkrat ponavljal), se ne more veè vpisati v prvi letnik fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.

PODROBNOSTI www.uni-lj.si www.arh.uni-lj.si e-naslov: [email protected]

www.vpis.uni-lj.si enrolment [email protected]

Služba za mednarodno sodelovanje Univerze v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana vpis Tel.: + 386 (0)1 426 57 53 e-naslov: [email protected]

Podrobnosti za tujcetujce: Visokošolska prijavno-informacijska služba Univerze v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12, p.p. 524, 1001 Ljubljana Tel.: + 386 (0)1 241 85 04, + 386 (0)1 241 85 08 Faks: + 386 (0)1 241 86 71

Nostrifikacije srednješolskih sprièeval: Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport, Oddelek za priznavanja, Zupanèièeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: + 386 (0)1 478 53 90, Fax: +386 (0)1 478 56 69 E-mail: Eva [email protected]


A student must have both semesters of the lower year tested, meaning all frequencies from lectures and exercises. Frequency for exercises is granted to all students whose exercises have been marked.

All study obligations stated as compulsory have to be accomplished: Promotion from first to second year: * all exams and exercises, except one * performed internship on a building site lasting one month and submitted practice diary * compulsory positively graded first year programme for the subject Design studio and passing grade in Basics of technical mechanic Promotion from second to third year: * all exams and exercises from first and second year, except three * compulsory positively graded programme for the second year subject Design studio, Structural and dimensional design, Elements of design and composition Promotion from third to fourth year: * all exams and exercises from first, second and third year, except three from second and third year * compulsory positively graded programme for the third year subject design studio Promotion from fourth to fifth year and ninth semester: * all exams and exercises from first, second, third and fourth year, except three from third and fourth year * compulsory positively graded programme for the previous years subject Design studio

A student can repeat a study year only if part of the study programme has been accomplished. In the nine semester course a year can be repeated only once. Conditions for repetition: at least 4 passed subjects from the current year, as stipulated in articles 147-149 in the Statute of the University of Ljubljana. The duration of the graduate status is conditions for promotion to a higher year higher a to promotion for conditions proscribed in the Statute of the University in Ljubljana (Official bulletin, No. 64/2001, from 3.8.2001).

When a student has passed all exams, exercises and performed the one month internship after 4. year, one can apply for a diploma thesis. The study committee according to the Ordinance on diplomas approves the diploma topics.

TITLE A student who has successfully completed all his/her obligations of the course programme stated in previous points, will be granted professional title: “univerzitetni diplomirani inženir arhitekture” (University graduate engineer of architecture)

24 Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana NASL NASL arhitekture. arhitekture. Za pr pr Za Za Za pr pr Za Za letnik: letnik: tretji tretji v v drugega drugega iz iz prehod prehod Za Za letnik: letnik: drugi drugi v v prvega prvega iz iz prehod prehod Za Za NASL naloge. Temo odobri komisija za študijske zadeve po Pravilniku o diplomah. Ko študent opravi vse izpite in vaje ter enomeseèno prakso v projektivi po 4. letniku, lahko zaprosi za temo diplomske Ljubljani. Trajanje absolventskega statusa je urejeno z doloèili statuta Univerze v Ljubljani (Ur.l. 64/2001 z dne 3. 8. Pogoji2001) za ponavljanje: vsaj 4 opravljeni predmeti iz tekoèega letnika v skladu z doloèili 147.Študent sme – ponavljati letnik 149.le tedaj, èlena èeStatuta Univerze ima v del študijskih obveznosti že izpolnjen. Med študijem lahko ponavlja samo enkrat. * obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program èetrtega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in * izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razen pri treh predmetih, izbranih iz 3. in 4. letnika arhitekture. naslova strokovnega do pravico ima obveznosti, predpisane vse opravi ki Študent, Za pr Za * obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program tretjega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in kompozicija * izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razen pri treh predmetih, izbranih iz 2. in 3. letnika Za pr Za ter opravljena predmeta Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje in Elementi oblikovanja in kompozicije * obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program drugega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in kompozicija * izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razenletnik: pri tretji treh predmetih,v izbranih drugega iz 1.iz in prehod 2. letnika Za in * obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program prvega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in kompozicija * opravljena enomeseèna praksa na gradbišèu z oddanim dnevnikom te prakse * izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razen letnik: pri enem drugi predmetu v prvega iz prehod Za Poleg tega mora opraviti tiste študijske obveznosti, ki so navedene kot pogoj: dobi, kdor ima vaje ocenjene. Študent mora imeti testirana oba semestra nižjega letnika, torej vse frekvence za predavanja in vaje. Frekvenco za vaje LETNIK VIŠJI V PREHOD ZA POGOJI ŠTUDIJ: DODIPLOMSKI NASL NASL arhitekture. arhitekture. Za pr pr Za Za Za pr pr Za Za letnik: letnik: tretji tretji v v drugega drugega iz iz prehod prehod Za Za letnik: letnik: drugi drugi v v prvega prvega iz iz prehod prehod Za Za opravljen predmet opravljen predmet ehod iz è è iz iz ehod ehod ehod iz tr tr iz iz ehod ehod ehod iz è iz ehod O O ehod iz tr iz ehod ehod iz è è iz iz ehod ehod O ehod iz tr tr iz iz ehod ehod O O V V V V V e e e e e e e e e e tr tr tr tr tr tjega v è è v v tjega tjega tjega v è v tjega tjega v è è v v tjega tjega tega le le tega tega tega le tega tega le le tega tega Osnove tehniške mehanike tnik tnik tnik tnik tnik e e e e e tr tr tr tr tr a v de de v v a a a v de v a a v de de v v a a ti le le ti ti ti le ti ti le le ti ti tnik: tnik: tnik: tnik: tnik: v v v v v e e e e e ti semes semes ti ti ti semes ti ti semes semes ti ti ter ter ter ter ter : :: ::


univ univ univ univ univ er er er er er zite zite zite zite zite tni diplomir diplomir tni tni tni diplomir tni tni diplomir diplomir tni tni ani inž inž ani ani ani inž ani ani inž inž ani ani enir enir enir enir enir .

25 pogoji za prehod v višji letnik 26 predmetnik course syllabus oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski No. No. . Medved 2.8 . Kresal Marinko 2.7 Rihtar 2.6 Ravnikar 2.5 Kobe 2.4 2.3 . Kušar 2.2 . Juvanec Suhadolc 1.7 Vogelnik 1.6 Kilar 1.5 Muhiè 1.4 Založnik 1.3 * 1.2 * 1.1b 1.1a YEAR 1 2003/2004 year academic the GRADUATE for SYLLABUS COURSE oilmk študij dodiplomski the 1st semester Design studio Presentations techniques are conducted (È. Mihelj, J. Bonèa, M. Perossa). (see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. In the framew Note: * Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to gi * 2.1 YEAR 2 No. oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski No. No. Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate hscl education education Physical Physical T T materials in architecture architecture in in materials materials ulig ehooy and and technology technology Building Building architecture architecture of of History History design design urban urban of of Elements Elements composition composition and and design design of of Elements Elements studies studies Colour Colour Structural and dimensional design design dimensional dimensional and and Structural Structural hscl education education Physical Physical architecture architecture of of Elements Elements drawing drawing Freehand Freehand constructions constructions Architectural Architectural mechanics mechanics technical technical of of Basics Basics geometry geometry Descriptive Descriptive Mathematics Mathematics 1/2 1/2 studio studio Design Design 1/1 1/1 studio studio Design Design Design studio 2 2 studio studio Design Design Subject Subject hscl education Physical T aeil nacietr 2 2 architecture in materials itr facietr 2 2 2 2 2 and technology Building architecture of History 2 design urban of Elements composition and design of Elements studies Colour tutrladdmninldsg - - - 4 2 design dimensional and Structural readdaig1-21-2 - - - 1 1 - 1 1 4 2 1 2 2 - - - 3 1 - 2 - 1 1 2 - - 1 1 3 1 2 2 - 4 2 1 1 education Physical 2 - architecture of Elements drawing Freehand - constructions Architectural mechanics technical of Basics geometry Descriptive Mathematics 1/2 studio Design 1/1 studio Design Design studio ----109 2 Subject hscl education education Physical Physical T T materials in architecture architecture in in materials materials ulig ehooy and and technology technology Building Building architecture architecture of of History History design design urban urban of of Elements Elements composition composition and and design design of of Elements Elements studies studies Colour Colour Structural and dimensional design design dimensional dimensional and and Structural Structural hscl education education Physical Physical architecture architecture of of Elements Elements drawing drawing Freehand Freehand constructions constructions Architectural Architectural mechanics mechanics technical technical of of Basics Basics geometry geometry Descriptive Descriptive Mathematics Mathematics 1/2 1/2 studio studio Design Design 1/1 1/1 studio studio Design Design Design studio 2 2 studio studio Design Design Subject Subject echnology of building utilities utilities building building of of echnology echnology cnlg fbidn tlte 1 2 utilities building of echnology echnology of building utilities utilities building building of of echnology echnology

9 9 ---1-5 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 lectures 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3

3 3 exercises 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 5 5 0 ------5 0 0 -- -- 5 5 Semester Semester Semester ind.work Semester Semester 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 lectures 0 0 0 0 0 Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 1 1 1 210 22 1 1 00 1 1 0 1 00 1 1 exercises 1 1 1 1 1 3 ve prior consent 55 750 750 5 75060 105 7 105 55 750 750 45 4 45 60 5 60 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 90 6 90 60 6 60 6 90 6 90 44 750 750 4 75060 44 750 750 ind.work 105 7 105

90 6 90 90 6 90 285 24 285 Total hours ork of ECTS PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA za šolsko leto 2003/2004

šifra predavatelj predmet semester zimski poletni

I. LETNIK predavanja vaje delo ind. predavanja vaje delo ind. skupaj ur kreditne toèke

1.1a * projektiranje in kompozicija 1/1 - 4 3 210 22 1.1b * projektiranje in kompozicija 2/2 - 4 3 1.2 Založnik matematika 2 1 - 2 1 - 90 6 1.3 Muhiè opisna geometrija 1 2 - 1 2 - 90 6 1.4 Kilar osnove tehniške mehanike 2 1 - 2 2 105 7 1.5 Vogelnik arhitektne konstrukcije 2 1 - 3 1 - 105 7 1.6 Suhadolc prostoroèno risanje 1 - 2 1 - 2 90 6 1.7 Juvanec elementi arhitekture 1 1 - 1 1 - 60 6 telesna vzgoja 9 10 5 10 11 5 750 60

2. LETNIK year

2.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 2 ----109 285 24

2.2 Kušar konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje 2 4 - - - 90 6 letnik 2.3 Kobe barvne študije ---1-5 90 6 01 2.4 Ravnikar elem. oblikovanja in kompozicije 2 2 ---- 60 5 2.5 Rihtar elementi urbanizma 2 2 ---- 60 5 2.6 Marinko zgodovina arhitekture 2 2 ---- 60 5 02 2.7 Kresal tehnologija gradnje in gradivo v arhitekturi 2 2 ---- 60 5 03 2.8 Medved tehnologija instalacij 2 1 ------45 4 telesna vzgoja 04 12 13 0 1 10 14 750 60 Opomba: * Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. V prvem semestru se v 05 okviru projektiranja in kompozicije izvajajo Predstavitvene tehnike (È. Mihelj, J. Bonèa, M. Perossa).

27 28 predmetnik course syllabus oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 3.9 3.9 No. No. . ** 3.9 . Bonèa J. Brezar 3.8 Florijanèiè 3.7 Fister 3.6 Koželj 3.5 Ocvirk 3.4 Kilar 3.3 * 3.2 3.1 3 YEAR 2003/2004 year academic the GRADUATE for SYLLABUS COURSE oilmk študij dodiplomski +++: 3.9.11 Muhiè: 3.9.10 3.9.9 3.9.8 3.9.7 3.9.6 3.9.5 3.9.4 3.9.3 3.9.2 3.9.1 3.9 in any year. Student may register electives from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana. ** Students register the appropriate lecturer after choosing the elective subject. Foreign languages are facultative and can be consent. Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. * Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open (see page 38), but the tutor Notes: No. oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 3.9 3.9 No. No. Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective Lecturer Lecturer Zbašnik-Senegaènik: Eco-logical architecture Gazvoda: Landscaping 1 Kreèiè: Art history 1 Kalèiè: Detail in architectural composition 1 Turk: Computer-aided architecture Kušar: Structural systems Mihelj: Fine arts order 1 Košir: Idiomatics of space Košir: Architectural theory and critique 1 subjects Elective Lecturer Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective Lecturer Lecturer Building and urban planning legislature General safety rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate Elective subject subject Elective Elective design and composition composition and and design design Theory of architectural architectural of of Theory Theory 1 1 buildings buildings Residential Residential 1 1 buildings buildings Public Public architecture architecture of of Development Development city city the the of of Architecture Architecture sketching sketching Architectural Architectural mechanics mechanics building building of of Basics Basics 3 3 studio studio Design Design Subject Subject Elective subject Elective design and composition and design rhtcua secig1-3--- - 2 2 - 2 2 3 2 2 - 2 1 2 architectural of Theory 2 1 buildings Residential 1 buildings Public 2 architecture of Development city the of Architecture sketching Architectural mechanics building of Basics Design studio ----1010 3 Subject Elective subject subject Elective Elective design and composition composition and and design design Theory of architectural architectural of of Theory Theory 1 1 buildings buildings Residential Residential 1 1 buildings buildings Public Public architecture architecture of of Development Development city city the the of of Architecture Architecture sketching sketching Architectural Architectural mechanics mechanics building building of of Basics Basics 3 3 studio studio Design Design Subject Subject 2

Note: +++ Lecturer will be announced later. announced be will Lecturer +++ Note: 1 1 1 1 1 - - - 2 2 - 60 5 60 - 2 2 - - - 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 lectures Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter ----- 0 0 0 0 0 exercises

3 3 3 ------3 3 Semester Semester Semester Semester ind.work Semester 22 1 1 2 1 22 1 1 lectures Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 22 1 1 2 1 22 1 1 exercises has to give prior 0 0 0 0 0 30 3 30 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 5 60

60 5 60 ind.work

750 60 750 60 750 60 750 60 750 60 300 22 300 inscribed Total hours


šifra predavatelj predmet semester zimski poletni

3. LETNIK predavanja vaje ind.delo predavanja vaje ind.delo skupaj ur kreditne toèke 3.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 3 ----1010 300 22 3.2 Kilar osnove gradbene mehanike 2 2 --- - 60 5 3.3 Ocvirk skiciranje arhitekture 1 - 3 - - - 60 5 3.4 Koželj arhitektura mesta 2 2 ---- 60 5 3.5 Fister razvoj arhitekture 2 2 ---- 60 5 3.6 Florijanèiè družbene zgradbe 1 2 2 ---- 60 5 3.7 Brezar stanovanjske zgradbe 1 2 2 ---- 60 5 3.8 Bonèa J. teorija arhitekturnega oblikovanja in kompozicije - - - 2 2 - 60 5 3.9. ** izbirni predmet 2----- 30 3 13 10 3 2 12 10 750 60 Opombi: * Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta (glej stran 38), a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati. year Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. **Študenti vpišejo ustreznega predavatelja potem, ko izberejo predmet. Tuji jeziki se izvajajo fakultativno tako, da jih študenti vpisujejo

v katerem koli letniku. Študent lahko izbere tudi predmete drugih fakultet Univerze v Ljubljani. letnik 01 3.9 Izbirni predmeti 3.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 1 3.9.2 Košir: idiomatika prostora 02 3.9.3 Mihelj: likovni red I 3.9.4 Kušar: konstrukcijski sistemi 03 3.9.5 Turk: raèunalniško podprta arhitektura 3.9.6 Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 1 04 3.9.7 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 1 3.9.8 Gazvoda: oblikovanje zelenih površin 1 3.9.9 Zbašnik-Senegaènik: eko-logièna arhitektura 05 3.9.10 Muhiè: splošna varnost 3.9.11 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna zakonodaja Opomba: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje 29 30 predmetnik course syllabus No. No. oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski No. 4.9.12 4.9.11 4.9.10 4.9.9 4.9.8 4.9.7 4.9.6 4.9.5 4.9.4 4.9.3 4.9.2 4.9.1 . * 4.1 A. oriented programme - ARCHITECTURE 4 YEAR 2003/2004 year academic the GRADUATE for SYLLABUS COURSE oilmk študij dodiplomski .0** ** 4.10 Košir 4.9 Vodopivec 4.8 BonèaM. 4.7 Fister 4.6 Koželj 4.5 Pogaènik 4.4 Košir 4.3 4.2 No. No. oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 4.9 4.9 4.9.13 4.9 4.9 4.9 Muhiè: Standardisation Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer ** Lecturer Lecturer lcie ujcs general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Novljan: Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and media Debevc: Design and equipment of ecclesiastic buildings Mihelj: Fine arts order 2 +++: Building and urban planning legislature +++: Management in building Kuèan: Landscaping 2 Kreèiè. Art history 2 Toth: Basics of philosophy Muhiè: General safety Poliè: Environmental psychology Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2 general - subjects Elective lcie ujcs general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Lighting in architecture rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate Subject Subject Design studio 4 4 studio studio Design Design Elective subject - oriented oriented - - subject subject Elective Elective general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective buildings buildings Industrial Industrial 2 2 buildings buildings Residential Residential 2 2 buildings buildings Public Public conservation conservation and and Arch.rehabilitation Arch.rehabilitation urbanism urbanism of of Methodology Methodology planning planning Urban Urban urbanism urbanism of of History History Foreign language language Foreign Foreign Subject Design studio ---- 4 nutilbidns22 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 oriented - subject Elective 2 general - 1 subjects Elective 4 buildings Industrial 2 buildings Residential 2 2 buildings Public conservation and Arch.rehabilitation urbanism of Methodology planning Urban urbanism of History Foreign language Foreign Subject Subject Design studio 4 4 studio studio Design Design Elective subject - oriented oriented - - subject subject Elective Elective general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective buildings buildings Industrial Industrial 2 2 buildings buildings Residential Residential 2 2 buildings buildings Public Public conservation conservation and and Arch.rehabilitation Arch.rehabilitation urbanism urbanism of of Methodology Methodology planning planning Urban Urban urbanism urbanism of of History History Foreign language language Foreign Foreign 1 1 1 1 1 4. 4. .08Deu: 4.10.8 4. 4. 4. 4.10.7 4.10.6 4.10.5 4.10.4 4.10.3 4.10.2 4.10.1 Notes: +++ Lecturer will be announced later. announced be will Lecturer +++ Notes: 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 2 1 22 1 1

------2------0 0 0 0 0 lectures lcie ujcs oriented oriented - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Kalèiè: Detail in architectural composition 2 Vogelnik: Industrial structures Marinko: Elements of classical composition Leskovec: Recreational buildings Ocvirk: Refurbishment and renewal Muhiè: Prefabrication Kilar: Construction concepts oriented - subjects Elective lcie ujcs oriented oriented - - subjects subjects Elective Elective ** (Explanation on page 28) page on (Explanation 28) page on (Explanation ** * Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter 2 2 ------2 - - 30 3 30 - - 2 - - 2 -- -- 2 2 exercise Cultural heritage protection

0 0 - 2 - - 30 3 30 - - 0 2 ------0 0 ------ind.work Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester 66 1 1 6 1 66 1 1 10 10 10 10 lectures 00 1 1 0 1 00 1 1 exercises Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer - - -60 5 - - 0 0 0 0 0 30 3 30 60 5 60 5 60 6 90 3 30 3 30 30 3 30 ind.work 300 21 300 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 Total hours


šifra predavatelj predmet semester zimski poletni

4.LETNIK A. usmeritveno podroèje ARHITEKTURA predavanja vaje ind. delo predavanja vaje ind.delo ure skupaj toèke kreditne

4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 ---- 10 10 300 21 4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 2 - - - - 30 3 4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 1 1 ---- 30 3 4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 1 1 ---- 30 3 4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 2 4 ---- 90 6 4.6 Bonèa M. družbene zgradbe 2 2 2 ---- 60 5 4.7 Vodopivec stanovanjske zgradbe 2 2 2 ------60 5 4.8 Košir industrijske zgradbe 2 2 ---- 60 5 4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni ------2 - - 30 3 4.10 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja --- - - 2 - - 30 3 ** tuj jezik ---2-- 30 3 12 12 0 6 10 10 750 60 year

4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni 4.10 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja ll ll letnik letnik 4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2 4.10.1 Kilar: zasnova konstrukcij 01 4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija 4.10.2 Muhiè: gradbena prefabrikacija 4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost 4.10.3 Ocvirk: asanacije in adaptacije 4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije 4.10.4 Leskovec: rekreacijske zgradbe 02 4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2 4.10.5 Marinko: elementi klasiène kompozicije 4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2 4.10.6 Vogelnik: konstrukcije industrijskih objektov 4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji 4.10.7 Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 2 03 4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna zakonodaja 4.10.8 Deu: celovito varstvo stavbne dedišèine 4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2 04 4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme 4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardizacija Opombe: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje 4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: multimedijski prostor * (razlaga na strani 29) 05 4.9.13 Novljan: Svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru ** (razlaga na strani 29)

31 32 predmetnik course syllabus oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski No. No. 4.9 4.9 . * 4.1 B. oriented programme - URBANISM YEAR 4. 2003/2004 year academic the GRADUATE for SYLLABUS COURSE oilmk študij dodiplomski 4.9.13 4.9.12 4.9.11 4.9.10 4.9.9 4.9.8 4.9.7 4.9.6 4.9.5 4.9.4 4.9.3 4.9.2 4.9.1 4.9 .4** ** 4.14 4.9 Gabrijelèiè 4.13 Pogaènik 4.12 Košir Fister 4.11 Koželj 4.5 Pogaènik 4.4 Košir 4.3 4.2 No. 4.9 4.9 oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski No. No. Muhiè: Standardisation Lecturer Lecturer lcie ujcs general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Novljan: Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and media Debevc: Design and equipment of ecclesiastic buildings Mihelj: Fine arts order 2 +++: Building and urban planning legislature +++: Management in building Kuèan: Landscaping 2 Kreèiè. Art history 2 Toth: Basics of philosophy Muhiè: General safety Poliè: Environmental psychology Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2 general - subjects Elective ** Lecturer lcie ujcs general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Lecturer Lecturer Lighting in architecture rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate Design studio 4 4 studio studio Design Design Elective subject - oriented oriented - - subject subject Elective Elective general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Ruralism Ruralism settlements settlements Planning Planning Slovenia Slovenia in in urbanism urbanism of of History History conservation conservation and and rehabilitation rehabilitation Arch. Arch. methodology methodology Urbanistic Urbanistic planning planning Urban Urban urbanism urbanism of of History History Foreign language language Foreign Foreign Subject Subject Design studio ---- 4 uaim22 2 - 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 2 oriented - subject Elective 1 2 general - 2 subjects Elective 4 Ruralism settlements Planning Slovenia 2 in urbanism of History conservation and rehabilitation Arch. methodology Urbanistic planning Urban urbanism of History Foreign language Foreign Subject Design studio 4 4 studio studio Design Design Elective subject - oriented oriented - - subject subject Elective Elective general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Ruralism Ruralism settlements settlements Planning Planning Slovenia Slovenia in in urbanism urbanism of of History History conservation conservation and and rehabilitation rehabilitation Arch. Arch. methodology methodology Urbanistic Urbanistic planning planning Urban Urban urbanism urbanism of of History History Foreign language language Foreign Foreign Subject Subject 1 1 1 1 1 Notes:+++ 4.14.3 4.14.2 4.14.1 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.

------2------22 1 1 2 1 22 1 1 lectures 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter ** (Explanation on page 28) page on (Explanation 28) page on (Explanation ** * Elective subjects - oriented oriented - - subjects subjects Elective Elective +++: Spatial sociology Pogaènik: Physical planning environment preservation Gabrijelèiè: Landscape architecture and oriented - subjects Elective Elective subjects - oriented oriented - - subjects subjects Elective Elective ------2 - - 30 3 30 - - 2 ------2 2 2

2 2 exercises

Lecturer will be announced later. announced be will Lecturer 0 0 - 2 - - 30 3 30 - - 0 2 ------0 0 ------Semester Semester Semester ind.work Semester Semester 66 1 1 6 1 66 1 1 10 10 10 10 lectures 00 1 1 0 1 00 1 1 exercises Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer - - - 60 5 - - 0 0 0 0 0 90 6 90 3 30 60 5 60 5 60 3 30 3 30 30 3 30 ind.work 300 21 300 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 Total hours


šifra predavatelj predmet semester zimski poletni

4.LETNIK predavanja predavanja vaje vaje ind. ind. delo delo predavanja predavanja vaje vaje ind.delo ind.delo predavanja vaje ind. delo predavanja vaje ind.delo B. usmeritveno podroèje URBANIZEM predavanja predavanja vaje vaje ind. ind. delo delo predavanja predavanja vaje vaje ind.delo ind.delo skupaj skupaj ure ure skupaj ure kreditne kreditne toèke toèke skupaj skupaj ure ure kreditne toèke kreditne kreditne toèke toèke

4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 ---- 10 10 300 21 4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 2 ----- 30 3 4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 1 1 ---- 30 3 4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 1 1 ---- 30 3 4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 2 4 ---- 90 6 4.11 Košir razvoj urbanizma na Slovenskem 2 2 ---- 60 5 4.12 Pogaènik naèrtovanje naselij 2 2 ------60 5 4.13 Gabrijelèiè rurizem 2 2 ---- 60 5 4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni ------2 - - 30 3 4.14 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja --- - - 2 - - 30 3

** tuj jezik ---2-- 30 3 year 12 12 0 6 10 10 750 60

4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni 4.14 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja ll ll letnik letnik

4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2 4.14.1 Gabrijelèiè: krajinarstvo in varstvo okolja 01 4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija 4.14.2 Pogaènik: prostorsko planiranje 4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost 4.14.3 +++: prostorska sociologija 02 4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije 4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2 4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2 03 4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji 4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna zakonodaja 4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2 04 4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme 4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardizacija Opombe: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje 05 4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: multimedijski prostor * (razlaga na strani 29) 4.9.13 Novljan: svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru ** (razlaga na strani 29) 33 34 predmetnik course syllabus .8** ** 4.18 4.9 Suhadolc 4.17 Suhadolc 4.16 Kobe Fister 4.15 Koželj 4.5 Pogaènik 4.4 Košir 4.3 * 4.2 4.1 C. oriented programme - DESIGN YEAR 4. No. No. oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 4.9 4.9 No. GRADUATE COURSE SYLLABUS for the academic year 2003/2004 year academic the GRADUATE for SYLLABUS COURSE oilmk študij dodiplomski 4.9.13 4.9.12 4.9.11 4.9.10 4.9.9 4.9.8 4.9.7 4.9.6 4.9.5 4.9.4 4.9.3 4.9.2 4.9.1 4.9 4.9 4.9 No. No. oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski ** Lecturer Lecturer lcie ujcs general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Lecturer Novljan: Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and Media Debevc: Design and equipment of ecclesiastic buildings Mihelj: Fine arts order 2 +++: Building and urban planning legislature +++: Management in building Kuèan: Landscaping 2 Kreèiè. Art history 2 Toth: Basics of philosophy Muhiè: General safety Poliè: Environmental psychology Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2 general - subjects Elective lcie ujcs general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Lecturer Lecturer Muhiè: Standardisation Lighting in architecture rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate Foreign language language Foreign Foreign Elective subject - oriented oriented - - subject subject Elective Elective general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective architects architects for for design design Graphic Graphic objects objects of of Design Design design design Interior Interior conservation conservation and and rehabilitation rehabilitation Arch. Arch. methodology methodology Urbanistic Urbanistic planning planning Urban Urban urbanism urbanism of of History History 4 4 studio studio Design Design oeg agae ---2- - - 2 - - - language Foreign eino bet 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 oriented - subject Elective 1 2 general - subjects Elective architects for 4 design Graphic objects of Design 2 design Interior conservation and rehabilitation Arch. methodology Urbanistic planning Urban urbanism of History 4 studio Design Foreign language language Foreign Foreign Elective subject - oriented oriented - - subject subject Elective Elective general general - - subjects subjects Elective Elective architects architects for for design design Graphic Graphic objects objects of of Design Design design design Interior Interior conservation conservation and and rehabilitation rehabilitation Arch. Arch. methodology methodology Urbanistic Urbanistic planning planning Urban Urban urbanism urbanism of of History History 4 4 studio studio Design Design Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject 1 1 1 1 1 Notes:+++ 4.18.4 4.18.3 4.18.2 4.18.1 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.

------1 1 1 1 1 lectures 22 1 1 2 1 22 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter ** (Explanation on page 28) page on (Explanation 28) page on (Explanation ** * Elective subjects - oriented oriented - - subjects subjects Elective Elective Bonèa J.: Design concepts Kalèiè: Detail in interior Mihelj: Model making Kobe: Advanced interior design oriented - subjects Elective Elective subjects - oriented oriented - - subjects subjects Elective Elective - - 2 - - 30 3 30 - - 2 ------2 2 2 2 2 exercises

Lecturer will be announced later. announced be will Lecturer 0 0 0 - 2 - - 30 3 30 - - 2 ------0 0 ------ind.work Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester 66 1 1 6 1 66 1 1 10 10 10 10 lectures 00 1 1 0 1 00 1 1 Summer Summer

exercises Summer Summer Summer - - -60 5 - - 30 3 30 60 5 60 3 30 60 5 60 6 90 3 30 0 0 0 0 0 ind.work 30 3 30 300 21 300 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 750 60 750 Total hours


Šifra predavatelj predmet semester zimski poletni


C. usmeritveno podroèje OBLIKOVANJE predavanja vaje delo ind. predavanja vaje ind.delo skupaj ure kreditne toèke

4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 ---- 10 10 300 21 4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 2 ----- 30 3 4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 1 1 ---- 30 3 4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 1 1 ---- 30 3 4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 2 4 ---- 90 6 4.15 Kobe oprema prostora 2 2 ---- 60 5 4.16 Suhadolc oblikovanje predmetov 2 2 ------60 5 4.17 Suhadolc grafika za arhitekte 2 2 ---- 60 5 4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni ------2 - - 30 3 4.18 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja --- - - 2 - - 30 3

** tuj jezik ---2-- 30 3 year 12 12 0 6 10 10 750 60

4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni 4.18 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja ll ll letnik letnik

4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2 4.18.1 Kobe: Oblikovanje prostora 01 4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija 4.18.2 Mihelj: Modeliranje 4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost 4.18.3 Kalèiè: Detajl v interierju 02 4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije 4.18.4 Bonèa J.: Oblikovne zasnove 4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2 4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2 03 4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji 4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna zakonodaja 4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2 04 4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme 4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardizacija Opombe: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje 05 4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: multimedijski prostor * (razlaga na strani 29) 4.9.13 Novljan: svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru ** (razlaga na strani 29) 35 36 predmetnik course syllabus TOTAL / GRADUATE C GRADUATE / TOTAL oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 5.1 * 5.1 9.SEMESTER oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski No. No. No. 2003/2004 year academic the GRADUATEfor SYLLABUS COURSE No. No. Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate Thesis preparation preparation Thesis Thesis Design studio 5 5 studio studio Design Design Thesis preparation Thesis ein tdo 510 15 - 5 studio Design Thesis preparation preparation Thesis Thesis Design studio 5 5 studio studio Design Design Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject OURSE


Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester exercises

ind.work 375 30 375 33 33 33 33 33 75 285 285 75 75 75 285 75 75 285 285 75 75 Total hours Total hours 15 ECTS ECTS PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA za šolsko leto 2003/2004

šifra predavatelj predmet semester zimski

9.SEMESTER predavanja vaje delo ind. kreditne toèke skupaj ure

5.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 5 - 15 10 375 30 diplomsko delo 15 year

letnik 01 02 03 kreditne kreditne toèke toèke skupaj skupaj ure ure kreditne toèke skupaj ure kreditne kreditne toèke toèke skupaj skupaj ure ure 04


37 38 nosilci seminarjev design studio tutors Splošni seminarji - vpisuje vpisuje - - seminarji seminarji Splošni Splošni Seminar 1 1 Seminar Seminar prof. dr. Aleš VODOPIVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. France RIHTAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. Vojteh RAVNIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Mario PEROSSA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. Jurij KOBE, univ. dipl. inž. arh prof. Marjan OCVIRK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. Èrtomir MIHELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Jože MARINKO, univ. dipl. arh. inž. doc. dr. Boris LESKOVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Janez KRESAL, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. Janez KOŽELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Fedja KOŠIR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Igor KALÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. mag. Peter GABRIJELÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. Miloš FLORIJANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Peter FISTER, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Vladimir BREZAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Miloš BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. Splošni seminarji - vpisuje - seminarji Splošni Students will be divided into groups by the beginning of the summer semester Študentje bojo razdeljeni v skupine do zaèetka letnega semestra SEMINARJEV NOSILCI Seminar 1 Seminar Splošni seminarji - vpisuje vpisuje - - seminarji seminarji Splošni Splošni Seminar 1 1 Seminar Seminar F F F F F klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta klea a ar za akulteta klea a ar ar za za akulteta akulteta . le le . . . le . . le le . . tnik tnik tnik tnik tnik ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana hitekturo, ietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana hitekturo, hitekturo, Design s s Design Design Design s Design Design s s Design Design jo š š jo jo jo š jo jo š š jo jo tudio 1 1 tudio tudio tudio 1 tudio tudio 1 1 tudio tudio tudenti 2. in 3. le le 3. 3. in in 2. 2. tudenti tudenti tudenti 2. in 3. le 3. in 2. tudenti tudenti 2. in 3. le le 3. 3. in in 2. 2. tudenti tudenti DESIGN STUDIO TUTORS STUDIO DESIGN F F F F F cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Architecture, of aculty cly f rhtcue Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of aculty aculty tnik tnik tnik tnik tnik a a a a a

Gener Gener Gener Gener Gener al s s al al al s al al s s al al tudios – enr enr – – tudios tudios tudios – enr – tudios tudios – enr enr – – tudios tudios olled b b olled olled olled b olled olled b b olled olled y 2. and 3. y y 3. 3. and and 2. 2. y y y 2. and 3. y 3. and 2. y y 2. and 3. y y 3. 3. and and 2. 2. y y ear s s ear ear ear s ear ear s s ear ear tudents tudents tudents tudents tudents Oriented studios – enrolled by 4. year and 9. semester students (guidelines are presented by studio studio by by presented presented are are (guidelines (guidelines students students leaders) leaders) semester semester 9. 9. and and year year 4. 4. by by enrolled enrolled – – studios studios Oriented Oriented Usmerjeni seminarji - vpisuje vpisuje - - seminarji seminarji Usmerjeni Usmerjeni doc. dr. Tadeja ZUPANÈIÈ STROJAN, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. dr. Martina ZBAŠNIK-SENEGAÈNIK, prof. dr. Aleš VODOPIVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. Janez SUHADOLC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. France RIHTAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. Vojteh RAVNIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Mario PEROSSA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. Jurij KOBE, univ. dipl. inž. arh prof. Marjan OCVIRK, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. Èrtomir MIHELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Jože MARINKO, univ. dipl. arh. inž. doc. dr. Boris LESKOVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Janez KRESAL, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. Janez KOŽELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Fedja KOŠIR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Igor KALÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Borut JUVANEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. mag. Peter GABRIJELÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. Miloš FLORIJANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Peter FISTER, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. dr. Živa DEU, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. dr. Leon DEBEVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Vladimir BREZAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh. prof. dr. Miloš BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. doc. dr. Jaka BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh. studio by presented are (guidelines students leaders) semester 9. and year 4. by enrolled – studios Oriented Usmerjeni seminarji - vpisuje - seminarji Usmerjeni Oriented studios – enrolled by 4. year and 9. semester students (guidelines are presented by studio studio by by presented presented are are (guidelines (guidelines students students leaders) leaders) semester semester 9. 9. and and year year 4. 4. by by enrolled enrolled – – studios studios Oriented Oriented Usmerjeni seminarji - vpisuje vpisuje - - seminarji seminarji Usmerjeni Usmerjeni jo š š jo jo jo š jo jo š š jo jo tudenti 4. le le 4. 4. tudenti tudenti tudenti 4. le 4. tudenti tudenti 4. le le 4. 4. tudenti tudenti univ. dipl. inž. arh tnik tnik tnik tnik tnik a in 9. semes semes 9. 9. in in a a a in 9. semes 9. in a a in 9. semes semes 9. 9. in in a a tr tr tr tr tr a (usmeritv (usmeritv a a a (usmeritv a a (usmeritv (usmeritv a a e pr pr e e e pr e e pr pr e e eds eds eds eds eds t tt tt a a a a a vi vi vi vi vi jo nosilci seminarje seminarje nosilci nosilci jo jo jo nosilci seminarje nosilci jo jo nosilci seminarje seminarje nosilci nosilci jo jo v) v) v) v) v) 39 splošni/usmerjeni seminarji general/specialized design studios YEAR 1

1... 1a * Design studio 1/1 1... 1b * Design studio 1/2 1.2 Založnik Mathematics list of subjects of list 1.3 Muhiè Descriptive geometry 1.4 Kilar Basics of technical mechanics 1.5 Vogelnik Architectural constructions 1.6 Suhadolc Freehand drawing 1.7 Juvanec Elements of architecture Physical education

Note: * Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio (see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural work-

seznam predmetov seznam shops are conducted in the studio. In the framework of the 1st semester Design studio Presentations techniques are conducted (È. Mihelj, J. Bonèa, M. Perossa).

40 dodiplomski študij graduate course I. LETNIK

1... 1a * projektiranje in kompozicija 1/1 1... 1b * projektiranje in kompozicija 1/2 1.2 Založnik matematika 1.3 Muhiè opisna geometrija 1.4 Kilar osnove tehniške mehanike 1.5 Vogelnik arhitektne konstrukcije 1.6 Suhadolc prostoroèno risanje 1.7 Juvanec elementi arhitekture telesna vzgoja year

Opomba: leto * Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. V prvem semestru se v okviru Projektiranja in kompozicije izvajajo Predstavitvene tehnike (È. Mihelj, 01 J. Bonèa, M. Perossa). 02 03 04 letnik 105 42 42 42 42 42 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski 1.1a oilmk studij dodiplomski drawings and model. scales: and projections various in space of Presentation symbols. furnishing and fittings , instalations) and structure Denotation of materials and technical elements in plans. Linear and material sketch. Building elements (architecture, Basics of modular composition: Tuscan order by Vignola. Rules of dimensional data presentation, use of projections. scale, projections. Drawing of linear geometric forms. Free-hand writing. Planning grid; design of letters and numbers. drawing andmodel.Drawing Technical characteristics tools. ofarchitectural andartistic Elementsofplan: objects. Contents: Connecting nature and geometry, function and technology. Expressing architectural ideas by models. Sketch, Presentation techniques merilih z risbo in modelom. (arhitekture, konstrukcije in instalacij) in notranje opreme v razliènih merilih. Prikaz prostora v razliènih projekcijah in Oznaèbe materialov in tehniènih elementov v naèrtih. Linearna in materialna skica. Risanje stavbnih elementov številk. Osnove modularne kompozicije; toskanski red po Vignoli. Pravila kotiranja. Uporaba razliènih projekcij. naèrta: merilo, projekcije. Risanje èrtnih geometrijskih oblik. Prostoroèna pisava. Projektna mreža: konstruiranje èrk in in modelom. Skica, naèrt, maketa. Risalno orodje. Tehniène in likovne lastnosti arhitekturnega objekta. Sestavine Vsebina: Povezovanje narave in geometrije. Povezovanje funkcije in tehnologije. Izražanje arhitekturne zamisli z risbo Predstavitvene tehnike oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski

doc. Èrtomir Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh., doc. dr. Jaka Bonèa, univ. dipl inž. arh., prof. dr. Mario dr. arh prof. inž. arh., dipl. inž. univ.Perossa, dipl univ. Bonèa, Jaka dr. doc. arh., inž. dipl. univ. Mihelj, Èrtomir doc. I. letnik 105 ur PROJEKTIRANJE IN KOMPOZICIJAIN 1/1 PROJEKTIRANJE rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate - Dodge F. W.: Time-Saver Standards, F.W. Dodge Corporation, New York 1967 York New Corporation, Dodge F.W.Standards, Time-Saver W.: F. Dodge - 1989 Verlag-Anstalt,Stuttgart Deutche Konstruierens, des Geschichte Zur Graefe: Graefe. - 1987York New Abrams, N. Harry Art, of History W.: H. Janson, - 1965 Ravensburg Verlag, Maier Otto Architektur, Zeit, Raum, S.: Giedion, - 1996 Wiesbaden Sohn, & ViewegF. Bauentwurslehre, E.: Neufert, - DESIGN STUDIO 1/1 STUDIO DESIGN 1.1b PROJEKTIRANJE IN KOMPOZICIJA 1/2 DESIGN STUDIO 1/2

I. letnik 105 ur

Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.

Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio (see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. year Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega biroja ali ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve šole (Pleènik, leto Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se 01 namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike (veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo. 02 The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises). The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space 03 (seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) but has since been subject to changes. Today the method 04 is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work, new, vital and real issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more field work, workshops, competitions). The students’ projects are publicly exhibited annually. 05

43 44 44 44 44 44 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk studij dodiplomski and it’s connection with differentiation; curves and surfaces in space. able, elementary functions, limits and continuity; differentiation with applications to extreme problems; integration solution methods; real numbers – introduction to analysis, infinity, sequences and series; functions of one real vari- Contents: Basics of mathematical logic; vectors and their use in analytical geometry; systems of linear equations with ture and communication with engineers. process of solving problems, as well as in (written or oral) presentation of solutions; simplify understanding of litera- ematically (abstraction, logic); strengthen the sense for systematic approach, clarity and precision, both in the Goals: To discover new and rediscover known mathematical tools and their uses; develop the ability to think math- krivulje in ploskve v prostoru. elementarne funkcije, limita in zveznost; odvod z uporabo pri ekstremalnih problemih; integral, zveza z odvodom; reševanja; realna števila – osnova analize, neskonènost, številka zaporedja in vrste; funkcije ene realne spremenljivke, Vsebina: Osnove matematiène logike; vektorji z uporabo v analitièni geometriji; sistemi linearnih enaèb z metodami z inženirji. in pri interpretaciji ter pisni in ustni predstavitvi njihovih rešitev; olajšati razumevanje strokovne literature in komunikaci naèina razmišljanja (abstrakcija, logika); krepiti smisel za sistematiènost, jasnost in preciznost pri reševanju problemov Cilji: Spoznati nova in utrditi že znana matematièna orodja in njihovo uporabo; razvijati sposobnost matematiènega 1.2 oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski

I.letnik90ur MATEMATIKA doc. dr. Aleš Založnik, univ. dipl. inž. mat. inž. dipl. univ. Založnik, Aleš dr. doc. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate MATHEMATICS - Vidav: Višja matematika, DMFA Slovenije, Ljubljana 1990 Ljubljana Slovenije, DMFA matematika, Višja Vidav: - 1987 Ljubljana DZS, knjige?, te naslov Poznate Smullyan: - 1990 Ljubljana Slovenije, DMFA Matematika, Jamnik: - 1986 Ljubljana Slovenije, DMFA algebra, Linearna Grasselli: - je 1.3 OPISNA GEOMETRIJA DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY

1. letnik 90 ur

doc. dr. Alojz Muhiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Sajovic, Oton: Opisna geometrija I., DZS, Ljubljana 1951 - Jeran, Fran, Sajovic, Oton: Osnove opisne geometrije, DZS, Ljubljana 1958 - Božièeviæ, Juraj: Deskriptivna geometrija, Zagreb 1958 - Nièe, Vilko: Deskriptivna geometrija I in II, Školska knjiga, 1991 - Sajovic, Oton: Normalna aksonometrija, MK, Ljubljana 1962 - Božièeviæ, Juraj: Linearna perspektiva, Zagreb 1942

Vsebina: Zgodovinski razvoj opisne geometrije in njenih vej. Aksiomatika projektivne geometrije. Projektivnost in perspektivnost. Desarguesov izrek. Perspektivna kolineacija in afiniteta. Osnove projiciranja, eno- in dvoprojekcijski sestavi. Mongeova projekcija. Projiciranje toèke, premice in ravnine. Slednice, soslednice, padnice in normale ravnin. Stranski risi in vrtenje kot pomožne operacije. Pet osnovnih pozicijskih nalog. Sedem osnovnih metriènih nalog. Liki in telesa. Prebodi, preseki in predori ravnin in teles. Sence kot sistem poševne projekcije. Aksonometrièna projekcija year (ortogonalna, poševna, vojaška, kavalirska). Izometrija, dimetrija in trimetrija. Osnovne pozicijske in metriène naloge v aksonometriji. Centralna projekcija. Sestav perspektivnega in koordinatnega sistema. Vezana – arhitektna in nevezana – slikarska perspektiva. Osnovne pozicijske in metriène naloge v perspektivi. Risanje likov in teles ter sence v leto perspektivi. 01 Contents: The history of descriptive geometry and it segments. Axiomatics of projective geometry. Projectivity and 02 perspectivity. Desargue’s statement. Perspective colineation and affinity. Basics of projection, one- and two- projec- tion systems. Monge’s projection. Projecting of point, line and plane. Trail lines, parallel trail lines, decline lines and perpendicular lines of planes. Side projections and rotation as auxiliary methods. Five basic positioning tasks. Seven 03 basic metrical tasks. Figures and bodies. Piercing, sectioning and breaking through of plains and volumes. Shadows as a system of oblique projection. Axonometric projection (orthogonal, oblique, military, cavalier). Isometry, diametry 04 and trimetry. Basic positioning and metrical tasks in axonometrics. Central projection. Combination of perspective and coordinative systems. Bound – architectural and free – painter’s perspective. Basic positioning and metrical 05 tasks in perspective. Drawing of figures, bodies and shadows in perspective.

45 46 46 46 46 46 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk studij dodiplomski constructions; method of forces. Relations between moments, shear forces and deformations, calculating deformations by the virtual work method. Basics of static Torsion, stress intorsion, polarmomentof inertia, openandclosedcross-sections, practical examples oftorsion inbuildings behaviour. Spatial constructions, reactions, internal forces, examples (grids, plates, polyhedrical domes, membranes, thin dome and axial forces; cross-section core, foundations. Statically determined constructions, beams, Gerber beams, frames (trusses), tions, bending, bending momentums, axial force, bending stress, examples of bending constructions. Planar stress condition, com dimensioning, examples of use. Geometrical characteristics and their calculation: cross section; gravity centre; moments of ine plastics), criteria for choosing materials (relations: weight, load-bearing capacity, price). Frames (trusses), axial forces an bending, dimensioning on bending, practical examples. Basic mechanical properties of materials (reinforced concrete, steel, tim advantages and weaknesses of statically indeterminate constructions. Axial forces, tension, deformations, Hook’s Law, elasticit momentum, tension, balance, internal and external forces, planar composition of forces, reactions of planar constructions, stat use modelling exercises (constructing wooden construction models) and computer program animations. Contents: Laws of mechanics, years emphasis is given to presentations of practical examples of using obtained knowledge. Besides practical examples, films a other statics and construction courses in senior years. The subject’s contents cover the most important chapters of basic stati The course Introduction to technical mechanics gives students the basic principles of technical mechanics and fundamental knowl deformacij po metodi virtualnega dela. Osnove statièno nedoloèenih konstrukcij; metoda sil. pri torziji, odprti in zaprti prerezi, praktièni primeri torzije v stavbah (jedra, nesimetrija ) Sovisnosti med kolièinami stan notranje sile, primeri (brane, plošèe, poliedriène lupine, membrane, tanke lupine in prostorska palièja). Torzija, polarni vztr sile; jedro prereza, temelji. Statièno doloèene konstrukcije, nosilci, sestavljeni nosilci, okvirji, loki in njihovo obnašanje. upogib, upogibnimoment,preènasila,upogibnenapetosti,primeriupogibnihnosilcev.Ravninskonapetostnostanje,kombinacija vrvi, primeri uporabe. Geometrijske karakteristike in njihov raèun: prerez, težišèe, statièni, vztrajnostni in odpornostni mome gradiva (odnosi: teža, nosilnost cena). Palièja, osne sile in približno dimenzioniranje, primeri uporabe. Vrvi, vrvne konstrukc dimenzioniranje na uklon, praktièni primeri. Osnovne mehanske lastnosti gradiv (armirani beton, jeklo, les, aluminij, steklo, p prednosti in slabosti statièno nedoloèenih konstrukcij. Osne sile, napetosti, deformacije, Hookov zakon, elastiènost, plastièno mehanike, sila, moment, napetost, ravnotežje, zunanje in notranje sile, ravninski sestav sil, reakcije ravninskih konstrukcij, diapozitivov uporabljamo tudi modelne vaje (izdelava modelov konstrukcij iz lesa) in animacije z raèunalniškimi programi. Vsebi letih pa dajemo veèji poudarek tudi na prikazu praktiènih primerov uporabe pridobljenega znanja. Poleg praktiènih primerov in f potrebujejo pri drugih statièno-konstrukcijskih predmetih v višjih letnikih. Vsebina predmeta pokriva pomembnejša poglavja osno Osnove tehniške mehanike je predmet, ki študente arhitekture uvaja v osnovne zakone tehniène mehanike in jim daje osnovna znanj 1.4 oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski

1. letnik 105 ur doc. dr. Vojko Kilar, univ. dipl. inž. grad. inž. dipl. univ. Kilar,Vojko dr. doc. OSNOVE TEHNIŠKE MEHANIKE rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate - Nash, W. A.: Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of strength of materials, McGraw-Hill 1994 McGraw-Hill materials, of strength of problems and theory of outline Schaum’s A.: W.1989 Nash, Boston PWS-KENT, statics, - mechanics, Engineering W.: W. King, and J. D. McGill, - 1998 Maribor gradbeništvo, za Fakultetakonstrukcij, Statika S.: B. Benedik, - 1998 Ljubljana FA, predavanj, povzetek mehanike,tehniške Osnove B.: Dobovišek, - 1979 Ljubljana DZS, arhitekturi, v Konstrukcije M.: Salvadori, - BASICS OF TECHNICAL MECHANICS Prostorske konstrukcije, reakcije, statièna statièna nedoloèenost, ja, upogibnica, raèunanje nti. Upogibne konstrukcije, d approximate ajnostni moment, napetosti ije, poenostavljen raèun lastika), kriteriji za izbiro (cores, asymmetry...). cs, while in the latest st, vitkost, uklon, y, plasticity, slenderness, rtia. Bending construc- ic indeterminacy, arches and their s and spatial trusses). v statike, v zadnjih ber, aluminium, glass, ally undefined bination of bending na: Zakoni nd slides we also edge needed for ilmov ter a, ki jih upogiba inosne force, 1.5 ARHITEKTNE KONSTRUKCIJE ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTIONS

I. letnik 105 ur

prof. dr. Blaž Vogelnik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

Vsebina: Osnovni principi geomehanike. Temeljenje visokih zgradb (plitvo in globoko); toèkovni, pasovni temelji, temeljne plošèe, teorija nosilca na podajni podlagi, berlinski zid, temeljenje s koli. Armiranobetonske konstrukcije: vertikalno nosilni elementi (stebri, stene, zidovi); stropne konstrukcije (enosmerna in križnoarmirana plošèa, gobasta year plošèa, filigranski strop, rebrièasti strop, π plošèa, rebrasti strop, sovprežni stropovi, prednapeti stropovi). Jeklene konstrukcije: stebri izi osnovnih profilov in kombinacije; nosilci iz osnovnih profilov, satasti nosilci, ravninska in prostorska predalèja, R nosilci. Okvirji: ravninski in prostorski, doloèanje uklonskih dolžin po teoriji I. reda, teorija II. leto reda (faktorji varnosti, imperfekcija, iteracija). Lesene konstrukcije: stebri (klasièni in kombinirani), nosilci (klasièni, 01 zmoznièeni, lepljeni, predalèni). Ostrešja: špirovci, lege, škarje, zavetrovanje 02 Contents: Basic principles of ground mechanics. Building foundations (deep and shallow); point, ribbon foundations, slab foundations; theory of beam on flexible support; Berlin wall, pilot foundations. Reinforced concrete structures: vertical load bearing element (columns, walls); ceiling structures (one way and cross reinforced slab, mushroom slab, 03 filigree slab, ribbed ceiling, slab, composite ceiling structures, pre-stressed ceiling). Steel structures: columns of stand- ard and combined sections, beams of standard and combined sections, honeycomb beams, two and three dimen- 04 sional girder beams, R beams. Frames: two and three dimensional; determining of buckling length according to theory of I. and II. degree (safety factors, imperfection, iteration). Timber structures: columns (classical and combined), beams 05 (classical and combined, tree-locked, glued). Roof structures: rafters, beams, bracers, shear reinforcement.

47 48 48 48 48 48 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk studij dodiplomski and drawing. Drawing by imagination – in accordance with basic aims of the subject. perception into linear structure. Drawing by memory: analysing objects by sensible compositional units, memorising bodies, furniture, mechanical parts, architectural models and architectural landscapes. Transformation of visual proach and critical appraisal of drawing in every progress stage. Model drawing: drawing of simple geometrical Contents: Translation of spatial mind concepts into structures on paper. Basics of linear perspective. Rational ap- po domišljiji – v skladu s temeljnim smotrom predmeta. èrtno strukturo. Risanje po spominu: razèlenitev objektov na smiselne kompozicijske enote, memoriranje in izris. Risanje teles, kosov pohištva, strojnih delov, arhitekturnih maket in arhitekturnega pejsaža. Transformacija vidne zaznave v pristop in kritièno preverjanje risanja v vseh sekvencah nastajanja. Risanje po modelu: risanje preprostih geometrijskih Vsebina: Transformacija prostorske miselne zasnove v strukturo na papirju. Osnovne linearne perspektive. Racionalni 1.6 oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski

1. letnik 90 ur prof. Janez Suhadolc, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Suhadolc, Janez prof. PROSTOROÈNO RISANJE PROSTOROÈNO rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate FREEHAND DRAWING FREEHAND - Maier: Basic Principles of Design, Van Nostrand & Reinhold, Basel 1986 Basel Reinhold, & Nostrand Van Design, of Principles Basic Maier: - 1985 Zagreb Cesarec, A. crtanja, Umjeæe Nedeljko: Magjer, - 1997 Ljubljana Slovenije,Tehniška založbaslikanje, in Risanje Brian: Bagnall, - 1993 Ljubljana Slovenije, ZKO II, in I risanja Vešèina Tone: Raèki, - 1.7 ELEMENTI ARHITEKTURE ELEMENTS OF ARCHITECTURE

I. letnik 60 ur

prof.dr. Borut Juvanec, univ.dipl.inž.arh. - Ching, F. D. K.: Architecture: Space, Form & Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1979 - Fister, Peter: Umetnost stavbarstva na Slovenskem, CZ, Ljubljana 1986 - Fletcher, Banister: History of Architecture, Butterworths 1996 - Joussaume: Megaliti, Jaca Book, Milano 1992 - Juvanec, Borut: Arhitektura pri Lenartu, MOP, Ljubljana 1998 - Juvanec, Borut: Kozolec (http://www.ij.si/kozolci), Internet, Ljubljana 1996 - Juvanec, Borut: Kvadrat in kocka, gradivo, Ljubljana 1985 - Juvanec, Borut: Hiša, razvoj hiše, Izbor iz raziskovalnih nalog, Ljubljana 1988 - Petroviæ, D.: Teoretièari proporcija, Zodijak, Beograd 1967

Namen predmeta je predstavitev arhitekture kot problematike oblikovanja prostora. Elementi arhitekture kot predmet zaokrožuje problematiko arhitekture od teorije do izvedbe. Teorija se naslanja na prvobitne izvedbe, na izkušnje prvih graditeljev, z razvojem skozi tisoèletja vse do sistemski rešitev oblikovanja, arhitekture in prostorskega naèrtovanja. Praksa povezuje zasnovo, detajl in celoto. Pri tem razvija sociološke poglede na stroko v humanem okolju. Teorija potrjuje izvedbe v praksi, z znanjem naèel inženirstva in na podlagi teoretiènega z nanja matematike, predvsem pri proporcioniranju, ki veže tehnièno izvedbo z estetiko, komponente pa povezuje po lastnostih, obnašanju in po uporabi z znanjem tehnike in tehnologij. V razvoju z analitiènimi metodami dokumentiranja analizira in dokazuje nekatere praktiène izvedbe. Vse to je vgrajeno v interdisciplinarne projekte, ki vežejo arhitekturo z arheologijo, etnologijo in sociologijo v okviru tehnike in inženirskih znanj. To zahteva vsaj temelje znanj komunikologije, ki jih ob izdelavi praktiènih vaj (klavzurke in programi) aplicira z inovativnostjo in

kreativnostjo v smiselne celote. Pri tem je znanje jezikov kljuènega pomena za povezovanje z drugimi strokami, pa tudi z drugimi arhitekturami year evropskega prostora. Med drugo vsebino predavanj so najpomembnejše teoretske osnove (tloris, konstrukcija) od prvobitnih rešitev do danes, razvoj, red (proporcije: sistemi in nekatere rešitve), estetika in dekoracija, vernakularna arhitektura kot temelj za današnjo, konstrukcijski sistemi, kompozicija in sistem dela pri zahtevnih projektih. Cilj je pregledno poznavanje arhitekture med teorijo in prakso. leto

The purpose of the course is to present architecture as an issue of spatial design. It comprehensively presents architectural issues from theory 01 to execution. Theory rests on primeval constructions, experiences of early builders, development through the millennia, all the way to systems solutions in design, architecture and physical planning. Practice connects layouts, details and the whole and also develops sociological aspects of the profession in a humane environment. Theory confirms practical achievements, i.e. knowledge about principles of engineering 02 that are grounded in theoretical mathematical knowledge, above all proportioning, which is the link between technical completion and aesthetics, while components are connected according to their properties, behaviour and use based on technical and technological knowledge. During development with analytical methods of documentation it proves certain practical achievements. All are integrated into 03 interdisciplinary projects that tie architecture to archaeology, ethnology and sociology, within the framework of technical knowledge and engineering. This demands at least basic knowledge about communication that is applied with innovation and creativity into sensible entities 04 in execution of practical exercises (closing tests and programmes). Hereby knowledge of languages is extremely important, which enables links to other professions, as well as the entire European architectural space. Other important contents of the course are theoretical founda- tions (layout, construction) from primeval to contemporary solutions, development, order (proportions: systems and certain solutions), 05 aesthetics and decoration, vernacular architecture as the predecessor of contemporary architecture, construction systems, composition and systems of working on demanding projects. The goal is an overview of architectural knowledge ranging from theory to practise. 49 YEAR 2

2.1 * Design studio 2 2.2 Kušar Structural and dimensional design 2.3 Kobe Colour studies 2.4 Ravnikar Elements of design and composition 2.5 Rihtar Elements of urban design list of subjects of list 2.6 Marinko History of architecture 2.7 Kresal Building technology and materials in architecture 2.8 Medved Technology of building utilities Physical education

Note: * Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent (see page 38).

seznam predmetov seznam Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio.

50 dodiplomski študij graduate course 2. LETNIK

2.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 2 2.2 Kušar konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje 2.3 Kobe barvne študije 2.4 Ravnikar elementi oblikovanja in kompozicije 2.5 Rihtar elementi urbanizma 2.6 Marinko zgodovina arhitekture 2.7 Kresal tehnologija gradnje in gradivo v arhitekturi 2.8 Medved tehnologija instalacij telesna vzgoja year

Opomba: leto * Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. 01 02 03 04 letnik 205 52 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski 2.1 2.1 oilmk studij dodiplomski projects are publicly exhibited annually. issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more filed work, workshops, competitions). The students’ is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work new, vital and real pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) and has since been subject to changes. Today the method (seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises). (veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo. namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve biroja šole ali (Pleènik, ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski (see pages 38, 39). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej strani 38, 39) mentor/ izbrani II. letnik 285 ur DESIGN STUDIO 2 PROJEKTIRANJE IN K IN PROJEKTIRANJE rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate elected mentor elected OMPO ZICIJA 2 ZICIJA consent . 2.2 KONSTRUIRANJE IN DIMENZIONIRANJE STRUCTURAL AND DIMENSIONAL DESIGN II. letnik 90 ur

prof. dr. Jože Kušar, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Kušar J.: Osnove, Uèbenik za Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje, FA, Ljubljana 1999 - Kušar J., Slivnik L., Wallner E.: Priroènik, Priroènik za Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje, FA, Ljubljana 2002 - Wallner E.: Vaje 1. del, Zbirka vaj za Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje, FA, Ljubljana 2000 - Kušar J.: Gradivo za uporabo Evrokod standardov, Uèbenik za Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje, FA, Ljubljana 1999 - Schneider K. J.: Bautabellen für Ingenieure mit Berechnungshinweisen und beispielen, Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf 2002 - Egger H., Beck H., Mandl P.: Tragwerkselemente, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart 1996 - Beg D.: Projektiranje jeklenih konstrukcij po evropskem predstandardu ENV 1993-1-1 , FGG, Ljubljana 1999 - Rogaè R., Saje F., Lozej M.: Priroènik za dimenzioniranje armiranobetonskih konstrukcij po metodi mejnih stanj, FGG, Ljubljana 1989 - Bohm A., Geiger A., Valentin G.: Stahlbetonbau, Mainz Verlag, Wien 1994

Vsebino predmeta opredeljujejo tematsko zaokrožena poglavja o zasnovi nosilne konstrukcije ter izboru dimenzij po posameznih konstrukcijskih podroèjih in materialih v skladu z doloèili enotnih evropskih standardov (Structural Eurocodes). Pri predavanjih in vajah se obravnava: Osnove projektiranja in vplivi na konstrukcije, projektiranje betonskih konstrukcij, projektiranje sovprežnih konstrukcij, projektiranje lesenih konstrukcij, projektiranje zidanih konstrukcij , geotehnièno projektiranje, projektiranje konstrukcij na potresnih podroèjih, projektiranje konstrukcij iz year aluminijevih zlitin. Pri vsaki vrsti konstrukcije je obravnavan zgodovinski razvoj, tehnologija proizvodnje in vgrajevanja,

uporaba predpisov, normativov in standardov, naèin dimenzioniranja elementov in zgradb po predpisih, sistemih leto zasnove in povezovanja konstrukcijskih elementov, tendence razvoja in možnosti uporabe v prihodnosti. 01 The subject’s contents are defined by thematical, comprehensive chapters dealing with concepts of load bearing constructions and choice of dimensions for particular construction fields and materials, which follow regulations 02 stipulated in structural Eurocodes. Contents of the subject are: basis of design and actions on structures, design of concrete structures, design of steel structures, design of composite steel and concrete structures, design of timber 03 structures, design of masonry structures, geotechnical design, design provisions for earthquake resistance of struc- tures, design of aluminium structures. Each type of structure is described through its historical development, as well as 04 technology of production and site positioning, the use of by-laws, standards and norms, the methods of determining dimensions of elements and buildings according to standards, system of concept design and combining structural elements, tendencies in future development and use. 05

53 54 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski 2.3 oilmk studij dodiplomski Technique and skill in drawing, watercolour, gouache, tempera. Colours and computers. Painting in architecture (Vurnik, Pleènik, Kralj, Pengov). Colour schemes in damaged European cities after WW2. (Albers, Itten, Kandinsky, Vasarely). Colour in the exterior and interior (facades, decoration, illustration, advertising). and colour pattern; simultaneous contrast, colour shift and evaluation. Impressionist and Bauhaus colour basics Munsell. Natural colour system, NCS and RAL tables. Reproduction and production of colour charts. Colour circle Contents: Theoretical laws of mixing colour pigments and coloured light. Colour theories according to Itten and akvarel, gvaš, tempera. Barve in raèunalnik. arhitekturi (Vurnik, Pleènik, Kralj, Pengov). Poslikava porušenih evropskih mest po 2. svetovni vojni. Tehnike: risba, Kandinsky, Vasarely). Barve v zunanjem in notranjem prostoru (fasade, dekoracija, ilustracija, reklama). Poslikave v vzorec; simultani kontrast, barvni premik in vrednotenje. Barvne osnove impresionistov in Bauhausa (Albers, Itten, Naravni barvni sestav NCS in RAL razpredelnica. Reprodukcija in izdelava barvnih kart. Barvni krog in barvni Vsebina: Teoretiène zakonitosti mešanja barvnih pigmentov in barvnih svetlob. Barvne teorije po Ittenu in Munsellu. oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski

BARVNE ŠTUDIJE BARVNE doc. Jurij Kobe, univ. dipl. inž. arh inž. dipl. univ. Kobe, Jurij doc. II. letnik 90 ur rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate COLOUR STUDIES COLOUR monographies of domestic and foreign impresionists foreign and domestic of monographies impresionistov tujih in domaèih monografije - Vasarelly - Kueppers, - Itten, - Frieling, - Didek, - Albers, - 2.4 ELEMENTI OBLIKOVANJA IN KOMPOZICIJE ELEMENTS OF DESIGN AND COMPOSITION II. letnik 60 ur

prof. Vojteh Ravnikar, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Sitte, C.: Umetniško oblikovanje mest, Habitat, Ljubljana 1997 - Bacon, E.: Design of Cities, Thames & Hudson, London 1995 - Norber – Schulz, C.: Meaning in Western Architecture, Rizzoli, New York 1993 - Pevsner, N.: Oris evropske arhitekture, DZS, Ljubljana 1966 - Frampton, K.: Modern Architecture – A Critical History, Thames & Hudson, London 1996 - Vodopivec, A. Koželj J. Iz arhitekture, Hac via, Ljubljana 1991 - Koselj, N.: Arhitektura 60 let v Sloveniji, AB – posebna izdaja, Ljubljana 1995 - Venturi, R.: Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, MOMA, New York 1983 - Fisselada, M.: Raumplan vs Plan libre, Delft UP, Delft 1988

Vsebina: Uvod – miselni okvir. Dvodimenzionalnost talne ploskve. Projektna mreža kot naèin za analizo horizontalno izražene geometrije prostora. Prehod v tretjo dimenzijo. Odnos èrta – pika kot zid – steber. Odèitavanje stanja v prostoru. Kontekst. Prilagajanje projektne mreže obstojeèi strukturi prostora. Definicija odnosov med horizontalnimi nivoji arhitekturnega sklopa. Streha in pod, ki definirata vsebino zgradbe. Streha kot izraz odnosa med zgradbo in nebom, pod kot izraz odnosa med zgradbo in tlemi. Zid kot opna in mesto komunikacije (fasada). Fasada kot

nagovor in sporoèilo o prostoru, ki ga obdaja. Odvisnost fasade od konstrukcije, materialov in kompozicijskih year zakonitosti. Perforacija fasade; okna, vrata. Stopnice kot povezava med nivoji, njihov funkcionalni in semantièni vidik. Arhitekturni volumen. Vogal kot mesto sreèanja zgradbe z urbanim okoljem. leto Contents: Introduction – frame of mind. Two-dimensionality of the floor surface. Project net as a method for analysing 01 horizontally expressed spatial geometry. Transition to the third dimension. The relationship point – line as wall – column. Monitoring space conditions. Context. Accommodating the project grid to existing spatial structure. Defini- 02 tion of relations between horizontal levels of an architectural complex. The roof and floor that define the contents of a building. The roof as an expression of the relation between the building and the sky, the floor as a definition of the relation between the building and the ground. The wall as the envelope and place of communication (facade). The 03 facade as membrane and information about the space within. Interdependence of facade and structure, materials and composition rules. Perforation of the façade: windows, doors. Stairs as a connection between levels, their 04 functional and semantic aspect. Architectural volume. The corner as the meeting place between the building and urban environment. 05

55 56 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski 2.5 oilmk studij dodiplomski Individual exercises include real examples from the micro-level. conditions, spatial communication, structure and form, passive and active preservation of life in settlements, real measures an societal and economic conditions and global professional trends. Methodological approach to objective and subjective assessment Subject programme: Historical and culturally typical development as an original and experiential message, which meets with actu time, with emphasis on the micro-level in perceptive and experiential relation and checked by abstract, deductive patterns. circumstances (‘urban design’). Interdependence of material culture of the environmental structure: nature – society – in space Goal and name of the subject: Understanding relations in the urban-settlement space and project procedure in real ecological Individualne vaje zajemajo konkretne primere iz mikro-ravni. komunikacije v prostoru, struktura in oblike, pasivna in aktivna zašèita življenja v naselju, konkretni ukrepi in normativi. gospodarsko situacijo in globanimi trendi iz stroke. Metodološki postopek objektivnega in subjektivnega preverjanja stanja, Program predmeta: Zgodovinski in kulturno tipièni razvoj kot izvorno in izkustveno sporoèilo, ki se sooèa z aktualno družbeno percepcijskem in izkustvenem odnosu ter preverjanje z abstraktnimi, deduktivnimi vzorci. (‘urban design’). Soodvisnost materialne kulture strukture okolja: narava – družba – v prostoru in èasu s poudarkom na mikro-ra Cilj in naziv predmeta: Razumevanje razmerij znotraj urbano-naselbinskega prostora in postopek projekta v aktualnih ekoloških p oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski

prof. dr. France Rihtar, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Rihtar, France dr. prof. II. letnik 60 ur ELEMENTI URBANIZMA ELEMENTI rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate - Richards, B.: Transport in cities, London, Arch. design and Tech. Press 1990 Press Tech. and design Arch. London, cities, in Transport B.: Richards, - 1999imprint Butterworth-Heinemannn an of Press, Architectural [etc.], Oxford square, and street design: Urban C.: Moughtin, - 1995Architecture Oxford, Decoration, Butterworth and Ornament Design: Urban S.: Tiesdell, T., Oc., C., Moughtin, - 1984vestnik Gospodarski Ljubljana, perspektive, in problemi psihologija: Ekološka A.: Trstenjak, Ro- 2, arch. in Lessons architect, the and Space H.: Hertzberger, - Spon1996 E&FN Madras, Melbourne, Tokyo,L York, planning, New Weinheim,and Glasgow, design of view Post-postmodern a - landscape as City T.: Turner, - 99-125str. 1982, arhitekturo, za šole ljubljanske Zbornik V, naèrtovanja Metodologija F.: Rihtar, - 1996 arhitekturo Komnu, za pri Fakulteta grad Ljubljana, Volèji vasi primeru na prostoru v Koherence Katja: Rihtar, France, Rihtar, 1999- Press Arch. Oxford, techniques, & method design: Urban C.: Moughtin, - Longman Wesley 1998Limited Addison Essex, design, urban Introducing (ur.): M. Roberts, C., Greed, - 1996 FA skripta, mesta, Prostor T.: Strojan, Zupanèiè F., Rihtar, - ELEMENTS OF URBAN DESIGN URBAN OF ELEMENTS tterdam, 010 Publishers 2000 Publishers010 tterdam, d norms. and vni v ondon, ogojih al of 2.6 ZGODOVINA ARHITEKTURE HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE

II. letnik 60 ur

prof. dr. Jože Marinko, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Marinko, J.: Antièna arhitektura, Družina, Ljubljana 1997 - Vitruvius, M. P.: De Architectura libri decem (v razliènih prevodih) - Svetska arhitektura, Ilustrovana istorija, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1967 - Choisy, A.: Histoire de l’architecture, Ed. Vincent, Treal & Co., Paris 1954 - Mansbridge, J.: Graphic History of Architecture, B. T. Batsford, London 1967 - Fletcher, B.: A History of Architecture, Butterworths, London 1987 - Grabrijan, D.: Zgodovina arhitekture, prosto po Choisy-ju, Ljubljana 1952

Cilj in namen predmeta: Arhitektura je kot sestavni del èlovekove aktivnosti dialektièno povezana z razvojem družbe, delo arhitekta pa je sestavljeno iz tehniène in umetniške komponente. Osnova za sodobno teorijo arhitekture je v preuèevanju dosedanjega razvoja arhitekture in analizi povezav tega razvoja s splošnimi silnicami razvoja èloveške družbe. Študent se seznani z razvojem arhitekture do konca antike. Osvoji osnove arhitekturnega jezika. Spoznava zakonitosti nastanka in razvoja naselij in arhitekture. Poglablja se v tehniko in kompozicijo arhitekturnih spomenikov. Raziskuje vplive na kasnejši razvoj arhitekture. Ob problemsko zastavljenih vprašanjih se usposablja za kritièno vrednotenje in prenašanje izkušenj v današnji èas (aktualizacija tem). Celotna snov je razdeljena v naslednje teme: osnove metodologije študija in vrednotenja arhitekture; prazgodovina, Egipt,

Mezopotamija, Perzija; maloazijske in egejske civilizacije, Grèija; Rim; prehodno obdobje in vpliv antike na kasnejšo year arhitekturo.

Goal and purpose of the subject: Being a component part of human endeavour, architecture is dialectically tied to leto societal development, while the work of architects consists of technical and artistic components. The basis for 01 contemporary architectural theory are research of past architectural development, analysis of ties between such development and general forces of development of human society. The student is introduced to architectural 02 development until the end of antiquity, thus absorbing the basics of architectural language, learning the principles underlying creation and development of settlements and architecture, delving into technology and composition of architectural monuments and researching influences on later architectural developments. With questions raised as 03 issues the student is taught to critically evaluate and translate experiences into the present time (actualisation of themes). 04 The whole course is divided into these themes: basic methodology of architectural research and evaluation; pre- history, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia; Civilisations of Asia Minor and the Aegean, Greece; Rome; Transition period and the influence of antiquity on later architecture. 05

57 58 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski 2.7 2.7 oilmk studij dodiplomski oilmk studij studij dodiplomski dodiplomski execution project as stipulated in valid laws and regulations. The aim is to provide technical and engineering knowledge needed in the production of plans on the levels of the building permi knowledge about the before stated chapters. insulation, sound insulation. This field is complemented with exercises, whose purpose is to ensure understanding of technical following chapters: envelope constructions, partition walls, lowered ceilings, windows and doors, finalisation of surfaces, hea technological development, development of architectural forms and working techniques. The doctrine on construction finalisation surface treatment. The aim of this theme is to supersede encyclopaedic knowledge, seen as data gathering, with complex understa substances, wood). They are divided into the following segments: development of technology and use, properties, pathology and p second part (review of materials) presents all typical groups of materials (stone, ceramics, glass, bonding materials, concrete between materials and forms and design principles follows, which correspond to denial of such ties (replacement, masking, imita into nine families (structural, construction, thermal, hydro-physical, acoustic, sustainable, ecological, unhealthy, visual pro sponding to pertaining developments. Criteria for selection of materials are presented with a systemic overview of their proper materials is presented in two parts. The first part (theory of materials) presents development of materials in history and the Contents: The course joins the two fundamental fields of architectural execution: materials and construction finalisation. The in predpisi. Cilj je doseèi tehnièno in inženirsko znanje, ki je potrebno za izdelavo naèrtov na nivoju PGD in PZI v skladu nanaša z na veljavno zgornja zakon poglavja. zvoèna izolacija. To predmetno podroèje spremljajo vaje, pri katerih gre za osvajanje tehniènega in inženirskega poglavja: ovojne konstrukcije,znanja, ki se predelne stene, spušèeni stropovi, okna in vrata, finalizacija površin, toplotna izolacija, razumevanjem hidr razvoja tehnologije, razvoja arhitekturnih oblik in tehnik obdelave. Doktrina o finalizaciji gradnje vsebuje nasl površinska obdelava. Cilj tega predmetnega podroèja je preseèi enciklopedièno osvajanje podatkov s kompleksnejšim snovi, les). Vsaka skupina gradiv je razèlenjena v naslednjih segmentih: razvoj tehnologije in uporabe, lastnosti, patologija i imitacija). Drugi del (pregled gradiv) prikazuje vse znaèilne skupine gradiv (kamen, keramika, steklo, veziva, beton, kovine, u predstavitev o povezanosti gradiva in oblike ter oblikovalski principi, ki spremljajo zanikanje te povezanosti (zamenjava, mask (strukturne, konstrukcijske, termiène, hidrofiziène, akustiène, trajnostne, kontaktne, ekološke, nezdrave, vizualne lastnosti). spremljale ta razvoj. Predstavljeni so kriteriji za izbiro gradiv in sistemski pogled na lastnosti gradiv, ki Doktrina so o razvršèenegradivih je v predstavljena d v dveh delih. Prvi del (teorija gradiv) prikazuje razvoj gradiv skozi zgodovino in zakonit Vsebina: V enotnem predmetu sta združeni dve temeljni podroèji graditeljske arhitekture: gradiva in finalizacija gradnje. II. letnik 60 ur prof. dr. Janez Kresal, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Kresal, Janez dr. prof. ARCHITECTURE IN MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING TEHNOLOGIJA GRADNJE IN GRADIVO V ARHITEKTURI V GRADIVO IN GRADNJE TEHNOLOGIJA rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate - Seliškar, N.: Stavbarstvo, skripta, FAGG, Ljubljana 1988-90 Ljubljana FAGG, skripta, Stavbarstvo, N.: Seliškar,- 2001 Ljubljana FA, uèbenik, pomožnigradiv, Glosar J.: Kresal. M., Zbašnik-Senegaènik, 2002 - Ljubljana FA, glosar, – gradiv obdelava Površinska M.: Zbašnik-Senegaènik, J., Kresal, - 2001 Ljubljana FA, skripta, detajli, in Finalizacija V.:Brezar, - 2002 Ljubljana FA, uèbenik, arhitekturi, v Gradiva J.: Kresal, - perties). A review of ties principles corre- doctrine on t insulation, hydro- , metals, artificial and engineering eset družin Sledi ties grouped oizolacija, contains the tion). The t project and n zašèita, rotection, nding of osti, ki so ednja metne odajo iranje, 2.8 TEHNOLOGIJA INSTALACIJ TECHNOLOGY OF BUILDING UTILITIES II. letnik 45 ur

doc. dr. Sašo Medved, univ. dipl. inž. stroj. - Medved, S.: “Tehnologije instalacij”, snopièi predavanj na spletni strani www.ee.uni-lj.si - Medved, S.: Toplotna tehnika v stavbah , 2 dopolnjena izdaja, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana 1997 - Medved, S., Novak, P.: Varstvo okolja in obnovljivi viri energije. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za strojništvo 2000 - Lechner, N.: Heating, cooling, lighting, John Wiley & Sons, 1991 - Hall, F.: Building services and equipment, Volumen one in Volumen two; Longman Scientific & Technical,1990 - Priroènik Grijanje i klimatizacija: Interklima, 2000

Osnovna izobraževalna cilja sta seznaniti slušatelje s pomenom oskrbe in pretvarjanjem energije v stavbah in povezanimi vplivi na okolje, ter predstaviti tehnologije stavbnih instalacij, s katerimi ustvarjamo prijetno, storilno, varno, zdravo in informacijsko povezano notranje bivalno in delovno okolje. Slušatelji si pridobijo tako osnovno znanje o fizikalnih in termodinamiènih procesih pri prenosu toplote in snovi v stavbah in delovanju ter naèrtovanju sistemov stavbnih instalacij. Vsebina predmeta: Opredeljen je pomen oskrbe z energijo v družbi in stavbah ter posledice rabe energije v mikro in makro okolju. Opisane so najpomebnejše znaèilnosti energijskih virov – energija sonca oz. obnovljivih virov energije, fosilnih goriv, jedrskega goriva ter termodinamiène osnove za njihovo pretvarjanje. Opredeljujemo osnovne mehanizme prenosa toplote in snovi v gradbenih konstrukcijah – prevod, konvekcijo in prenos toplote s sevanjem in jih povežemo s snovnimi lastnostmi gradbenih materialov in tehnologij. Opredelimo mehanizme prehoda vodne pare. Predstavimo metode presoje gradbenih konstrukcij z vidika prehoda toplote, vodne pare in zvoka. Sledi predstavitev pojma notranjega okolja in opredelimo parametre in kriterije za presojo in naèrtovanje

toplotnega, svetlobnega, zvoènega okolja in pomen kvalitete zraka. Seznanimo se z integralnimi kazalci presoje kvalitete toplotne zašèite year stavb in raèunalniškimi orodji za njihovo vrednotenje. Predstavljene so tehnologije in sistemi za varèno rabo energije v stavbah s poudarkom na solarnih in fotonapetostnih sistemih. leto The main education goals are to inform students about the significance of supply and conversion of energy in buildings with connected 01 environmental influences and to present technologies of building utilities by which pleasant, efficient, safe, healthy internal living and working spaces are created that are also tied by information technology links. Students obtain basic knowledge about physical and thermodynamic processes occurring during passage of heat and matter in buildings, planning systems of building utilities and how they work. Course contents: 02 The significance of supply with energy in society and buildings is defined, as well as the consequences of using energy in the micro- and macro-environment. The most important characteristics of energy resources are described: solar energy and recyclable energy sources, fossil fuels and thermodynamic principles of their conversion. Basic knowledge about transport of energy and matter in building constructions is 03 defined by simple mechanisms of transport of heat: conduction, convection, passage by radiation, which are tied with material properties of constructions and technologies. Mechanisms of passage of steam are defined and methods of assessing construction from the aspect of 04 passage of heat, steam and sound. They are followed by presentation of the concept of interior space and definitions of parameters and criteria for assessing and planning heat, light and sound insulation, as well as the importance of the high quality of air. We learn about integral indicators for assessing the quality of heat insulation of buildings and computer methods for their evaluation. Technologies and systems for 05 economical use of energy are presented, with emphasis on solar and photovoltaic systems.

59 YEAR 3

3.1 * Design studio 3 3.2 Kilar Basics of building mechanics 3.3 Ocvirk Architectural sketching

list of subjects of list 3.4 Koželj Architecture of the city 3.5 Fister Development of architecture 3.6 Florijanèiè Public buildings 1 3.7 Brezar Residential buildings 1 3.8 Bonèa J. Theory of architectural design and composition 3.9 ** Elective subjects

3.9 Elective subjects - general 3.9.1 Košir: Architectural theory and critique 1 3.9.2 Košir: Idiomatics of space 3.9.3 Mihelj: Fine arts order 1 3.9.4 Kušar: Structural systems 3.9.5 Turk: Computer-aided architecture

seznam predmetov seznam 3.9.6 Kalèiè: Details in architecture 3.9.7 Kreèiè: Art history 1 3.9.8 Gazvoda: Landscaping 1 3.9.9 Zbašnik-Senegaènik: Eco-logical architecture 3.9.10 Muhiè: General safety 3.9.11 +++: Building and urban planning legislature Notes: * Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent (see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. ** Students register the appropriate lecturer after choosing the elective subject. Foreign languages are facultative and can be inscribed in any year.

60 dodiplomski študij graduate course 3. LETNIK

3.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 3 3.2 Kilar osnove gradbene mehanike 3.3 Ocvirk skiciranje arhitekture 3.4 Koželj arhitektura mesta 3.5 Fister razvoj arhitekture 3.6 Florijanèiè družbene zgradbe 1 3.7 Brezar stanovanjske zgradbe 1 3.8 Bonèa J. teorija arhitekturnega oblikovanja in kompozicije 3.9. ** izbirni predmet

3.9 Izbirni predmeti (študent izbere en predmet) 3.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 1 3.9.2 Košir: idiomatika prostora year 3.9.3 Mihelj: likovni red 1 Kušar: konstrukcijski sistemi 3.9.4 leto 3.9.5 Turk: raèunalniško podprta arhitektura 3.9.6 Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 1 01 3.9.7 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 1 3.9.8 Gazvoda: oblikovanje zelenih površin 1 02 3.9.9 Zbašnik-Senegaènik: eko-logièna arhitektura 3.9.10 Muhiè: splošna varnost 03 3.9.11 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna zakonodaja Opombe: 04 * Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. ** Študenti vpišejo ustreznega predavatelja potem, ko izberejo predmet. Tuji jeziki se izvajajo fakultativno tako, da jih študenti vpisujejo v 05 katerem koli letniku. letnik 3 3.1 PROJEKTIRANJE IN KOMPOZICIJA 3 DESIGN STUDIO 3

III. letnik 300 ur

izbrani mentor/elected mentor

Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.

Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent (see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. compulsorysubjects

Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega biroja ali ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve šole (Pleènik, obvezni predmeti obvezni Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike (veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo.

The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises). The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space (seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) and has since been subject to changes. Today the method is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work new, vital and real issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more filed work, workshops, competitions). The students’ projects are publicly exhibited annually.

62 dodiplomski študij graduate course 3.2. OSNOVE GRADBENE MEHANIKE BASICS OF BUILDING MECHANICS

III. letnik 60 ur

doc. dr. Vojko Kilar, univ. dipl. inž. grad. - SAP2000 “Integrated Finite Element Analysis and Design of Structures”, Computers and Structures, Inc., Berkeley, California, USA 2002 - Kilar, V.: Osnove gradbene mehanike - primeri rešenih nalog z izvleèki teorije, Fakulteta za arhitekturo 1997 - Kilar, V.: Potresna obtežba, potresni spektri in poenostavljen raèun pri potresni obrtežbi, uèbenik, Fakulteta za arhitekturo 2003 - Fischinger, M. in Cerovšek, S.: Baza diapozitiovov o poškodbah konstrukcij, sistem EASY, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Inštitut za konstrukcije, potresno inženirstvo in raèunalništvo, Ljubljana 1997 - Salvadori, M. in Heller, R.: Konstrukcije v arhitekturi, DZS, Ljubljana 1979 - Fajfar, P.: Zasnova potresno varnih zgradb, FGG, Ljubljana 1995 - Dobovišek, B.: Ali (bi zdržalo ?), raèunalniški program za preizkus konstrukcij, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, VII ponatis 1996 - Benedik, B.S.: Statika konstrukcij, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, Maribor 1998. - Prelog, E., Statika gradbenih konstrucij II, FAGG, Ljubljana Vsebina: Predmet uvodoma obravnava nekatere osnovne pojme statike konstrukcij kot so: podajnost, togost, trdnost, raèunski modeli in predpostavke, statièno doloèene in nedoloèene konstrukcije, varnost, stabilnost in porušitveni mehanizmi. Prvi del na kratko obravnava metodo sil in metodo pomikov za enostavnejše linijske konstrukcije, konène elemente in vpliv togosti na delitev obremenitve. Razložene so tudi osnove statiène in dinamiène obtežbe, osnove pomiène obtežbe, ovojnice in vplivnice. Drugi del obravnava statièno-konstrukcijske lastnosti gradbenih materialov kot so armirani beton, jeklo, les, aluminij, steklo, plastika in podaja kriterije za izbiro gradiva (odnosi: teža, nosilnost cena). V nadaljevanju predmet podrobneje obravnava potresno obtežbo in pomembnost konstrukcijske zasnove stavbe na njeno obnašanje med potresi. Razložene so potresne obremenitve, nedoloèenost pojava, spekter potresa in približna raèunska simulacija. Nadalje je obravnavan prenos vodoravne in vertikalne obremenitve, doloèitev nosilnih elementov, problem vertikalnega ravnotežja, pogoj togih etažnih plošè in približno raèunanje prenosa vodoravnih in vertikalnih obremenitev za enoetažne in veèetažne sisteme. Podane so tudi osnove raèuna toèkovnih temeljev. V zadnjem delu se predmet podrobneje posveèa izbiri dimenzij horizontalnih elementov (nosilci, brane, plošèe, palièja) in vertikalnih elementov (stebri, stene). Proces izbire dimenzij za konstrukcije iz jekla, betona ali lesa je prikazan v veè stopnjah: a) osnovna ocena potrebnih dimenzij, b) poenostavljen raèun in c) year toèen raèun. Kjer je to mogoèe, je posamezna tematika obogatena tudi s pomoèjo diapozitivov s primeri dejanskih konstrukcij in raèunalniških simulacij, ki študentom omogoèajo neposrednejši stik s predmetom. leto Contents: The subject deals with some of the basic concepts of construction statics, such as: flexibility, rigidity, computation models and hypotheses, 01 statically defined and undefined constructions, safety, stability and collapse mechanisms. The first part gives a short overview of methods of forces and methods of motions in simple linear constructions, final elements and the effects of rigidity on the distribution of loads. Basics of static and dynamic loads, moving loads, envelopes and influencing factors are also explained. The second part deals with static-construction properties of 02 building materials, such as: reinforced concrete, steel, timber, aluminium, glass, plastics and presents criteria for selection of material (relation: weight, carrying capacity, price). In continuation the course gives a detailed account of earthquake stresses and deals with the significance of behaviour of a building’s construction during earthquakes. Earthquake loads, non-determinability of the phenomenon, the earthquake spectre and approximation 03 computer simulations are also explained. Furthermore, transport of vertical and horizontal loads are explained, definition of carrying elements, problems of vertical balance, conditions of rigid floor plates and approximate computation of translation of vertical and horizontal loads for single- floor or multi-floor systems. Basics for calculating simple point foundations are also given. The last part of the course gives a detailed account of 04 choosing dimensions for horizontal elements (beams, grids, plates, frames and vertical elements (columns, walls). The process of choosing dimensions for steel, concrete or timber constructions is presented in several steps: a) basic assessment of needed dimensions; b) simplified calculation; c) exact calculation. Wherever possible the particular themes are enriched with slides showing examples of real constructions and 05 computer simulations, which enable the student direct contacts to the subject.


III. letnik 60 ur

prof. Marjan Ocvirk, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Ocvirk, Marjan: Architectural Sketch, Skripta za mednarodno delavnico Amsterdam, Ljubljana 1984 - Berti, Luciano: Michelangelo, I disegni di casa Buonarotti, Cantini, Firenze 1985 - Nerdinger, Winfried: Die Architekturzeichunung, von barocken Idealplan zur Axonometrie, Prestl, Munchen 1986 - Wagensky, A., Besset, M., Franelien, F.: Le Corbusier Sketchbooks 1-7, Thames & Hudson, London 1981 - Pozzetto, Marco: La Scuola di Wagner 1894 – 1912, Trst 1979 - Los, Sergio: Carlo Scarpa, Benedict Taschen, Koln 1993 - Cullen, Gordon: Townscape, AP, London 1961 - Krier, Rob: Urban Space, Academy Editions, London 1979 - Stele, France: Arh. Jože Pleènik v Italiji 1898 – 99, SM Ljubljana 1967

compulsorysubjects - Mušiè, Marjan: Obnova slovenske vasi, MD, Celje 1947 - Mušiè, Marjan: Arhitektura slovenskega kozolca, CZ, Ljubljana 1970 - Mušiè, Marko: Mapa risb Marjana Mušièa, Ljubljana 1995 - Ivanšek, France in Marta: Hommage a 1907 – 1993, Ljubljana 1995

Delo pri predmetu predstavlja nadaljevanje in poglabljanje znanja arhitekturne risbe in likovnega izražanja pridobljenega pri predmetih v I. in II. letniku in se njegova vsebina navezuje na vse predmete in usmeritve. Poleg utemeljitve arhitekturne risbe kot temeljne arhitekturne govorice pri arhitektovem delu se študentje seznanjajo z razvojem arhitekturne risbe skozi èas. Poseben poudarek je v predavanjih namenjen iskanju korenin naše arhitekturne risbe in nje povezave z arhitekturnimi risbami evropskih arhitekturnih šol. Zakljuèni del predavanj je namenjen slovenski arhitekturni risbi, njenim zaèetkom in aktualnosti v današnjem èasu, ki ga spremljajo ekskurzije na razstave in ustanove obvezni predmeti obvezni z arhivskim gradivom s podroèja risbe.

The course work represents continuing widening of in-depth knowledge about architectural drawing and artistic expression gained during the 1. and 2. year of studies, while its’ content ties to all the other subjects and courses. Besides the establishment of architectural drawing as the fundamental expression of architectural work, students will learn about the development of architectural drawing through time. In the lectures special emphasis is given to roots of domestic architectural drawing and its’ connections to architectural drawing in other European schools of architecture. The concluding part of the course deals with Slovenian architectural drawing, its’ beginnings and actuality in the present time, which is complemented with excursions to exhibitions and institutions with archives containing pertaining materials.

64 dodiplomski študij graduate course 3.4. ARHITEKTURA MESTA ARCHITECTURE OF THE CITY

III. letnik 60 ur

prof. Janez Koželj, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Koželj, J.: Tipologija mestne stanovanjske arhitekture in njena sovisnost z morfologijo mestnega prostora, KRT, Ljubljana 1987 - Lynch, K.: Slika jednog grada, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1973 - Sitte, C.: Umetniško oblikovanje mest, CZ, Ljubljana 1997 - Panerai P., Castex J., Depaule J.: Urbane forme, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1989 - Rossi, A.: The Architecture of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1982 - Schultz, Ch. Nor.: Genius loci, Electa, Milano 1981 - Gosling, D.& Maitland, B.: Concepts of Urban Design, Academy Editions, London 1984 - Mestomorfoze, zbornik, razni avtorji, Žepna, Ljubljana 1999 - Corner, J.: Eidetic operations and new landscapes, Wall A., Programming the Urban Surface, Recovering Landscapes, Princeton Architectural Press, N.Y. 1999 - Allen, Stan: Points+Lines, New York, Princeton Architectural Press 1999 - Koolhaas, Rem, Mau, Bruce: S, M, L, XL, New York, The Monacelli Press 1995 - Turner, T.: City as Landscape, E&FN Spon, London 1996 - Cosgrove, Denis: Mappings. London: Reaction Books 1999

Cilj predmeta je razviti okvir, ki naj vodi študente k razumevanju mesta kot strateškega prostora za udejanjanje arhitekture. Študenti se bodo seznanili z najbolj relevantnimi teorijami sodobnega mesta in preizkusili najnovejše operativne metode strateškega projektiranja. Predmet bo omogoèil, da bodo študenti lahko prepoznali znaèilnosti modela strnjenega in razpršenega mesta ter razumeli naravo razlik med obema modeloma. Pri predmetu se bodo seznanili s teoretiènim ozadjem in operativnimi orodji za raziskovanje in interpretacijo vsakršne urbane year situacije. Nauèili se bodo iz izsledkov analitiènih postopkov postaviti ustrezno strategijo posegov v specifièno urbano realnost. Pri tem bodo razvili sposobnost za kritièno presojanje in odgovorno odloèanje s primerjanjem med razliènimi razvojnimi alternativami, ki so med prilagoditivijo in inovacijo v odnosu do obstojeèega. leto Struktura predmeta: arhitektura strnjenega mesta: mesto kot sistem krajev, mesto kot prostorska; arhitektura razpršenega mesta: mesto kot 01 urbana krajina, mesto kot odprt sistem; projektiranje.

The subject’s goal is to develop a framework that can lead students to understanding the city as a strategic space for enacting architecture. 02 Students will become acquainted with the most relevant theories of contemporary city and test the newest operative methods of strategic design. The subject will enable students to recognize characteristics of compact and dispersed models of cities and to understand differences in the model’s natures. During the course students will learn about the theoretical background and operative tools for research and interpretation 03 of any urban condition. They will learn to position adequate project strategies to specific urban realities from results of analytical procedures. Hereby they will develop capacities for critical evaluation and responsible decision making by comparing different development alternatives, 04 which range from adaptation to innovation of the space itself. Subject structure: architecture of the compact city: the city as a system of places, the city as a spatial structure; architecture of the dispersed city: the city as an urban landscape, the city as an open system; design. 05


III. letnik 60 ur

prof. dr. Peter Fister, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

- Fister, P.: Razvoj arhitekture II, sinopsis predavanj, FAGG, Ljubljana 1981 - Fister, P.: Umetnost stavbarstva na Slovenskem, CZ, Ljubljana 1986 - Fister, P.: et al.: Glosar arhitekturne tipologije, RS MOP, Ljubljana 1993 - Fister, P.: et al.: Arhitekturne krajine in regije Slovenije, RS MOP, Ljubljana 1993 - Zevi, B.: Pogledi na arhitekturo, CZ, Ljubljana 1959 - Šumi, N.: Pogledi na Slovensko umetnost, PK, Ljubljana 1975 - Egenter, N.: Architectural Antropology, Structura mundi, Lausanne 1992 - Košir, F.: Zamisel mesta, SM, Ljubljana 1993 - Koch, W.: Baustilkunde, Orbis Verlag, Munchen 1994 compulsorysubjects

Vsebina: Teorije v (o) arhitekturi po antiki. Razvoj metod vrednotenja in ocenjevanja arhitekture do danes. Pojem in problem tipologije arhitekture. Pojem in problem identitete v arhitekturi. Razvojne zakonitosti umetnosti stavbarstva – arhitekture evropskega kulturnega kroga. Osnove razvojnih zakonitosti umetnosti stavbarstva – arhitekture neevropskih kultur. Sodobne znaèilnosti razvoja stavbastva – arhitekture – svetovni tokovi. Razvoj in vloga utrdbene arhitekture v svetu in v Sloveniji od zaèetka srednjega veka do danes. Razvoj in vloga sakralne arhitekture v svetu in v Sloveniji od zaèetka srednjega veka do danes. Razvoj in vloga posebnih (javnih) stavb v svetu in v Sloveniji od zaèetka srednjega veka do danes. Razvoj in vloga stanovanjskih stavb v svetu in v Sloveniji od zaèetka srednjega veka do danes. Razvoj evropskih naselbin in vpliv na arhitekturo. Razvojin vloga arhitekturne identitete na obvezni predmeti obvezni Slovenskem. Osnovne razvojne znaèilnosti vpliva tehnologije gradnje na Slovenskem.

Contents: Theories in architecture since antiquity. Development of evaluation methods and appraisal of architecture until the present. Concept and problem of identity in architecture. Concept and problem of typology in architecture. Development rules in building art – architecture – of the European cultural circle. Basic notes on development rules in non–European cultures. Contemporary characteristics of progress in building art – architecture – global trends. Progress and role of stronghold architecture, church architecture, public buildings and housing, globally and in Slovenia, from the beginning of the Middle Ages till the present. Development of European settlements and impact on architecture. Progress and role of architectural identity in Slovenia. Basic development characteristics of the impact of building technology in Slovenia.

66 dodiplomski študij graduate course 3.6. DRUŽBENE ZGRADBE 1 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 1

III. letnik 60 ur

prof. Miloš Florijanèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

- Le Corbusier: Towards a New Architecture, The Architectural Press, London 1946 - Zevi, B.: Saper vedere l’architettura, Einaudi, Torino 1949 - Banham, R.: Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, AP, London 1960 - Giedion, S.: Architecture and the Phenomena of Transition, Harvard UP, Cambridge 1971 - Pevsner, N.: A History of Building Types, Thames & Hudson, London 1976 - Norberg Schulz, C.: Architettura occidentale, Electa, Milano 198 - Scully, V.: Architecture: the Natural and the Manmade, St. Martin Press, New York 1991 - Rowe, C.: The Architecture of good Intentions, Academy Editions, London 1991

Vsebina: Tloris kot razmejevanje prostora v planimetriji; ravninski prostorski koncepti. Odnos med notranjim in zunanjim prostorom skozi formacijo zasnove in transparentnost zaslonov. Enojno, dvojno in trojno kodiranje prostora in njegovo prehajanje (Mies, Kahn, Le Corbusier, Gehry). Prerez v vertikalni zasnovi javnega prostora, njegovi stereotomni naravi in interpenetraciji volumnov in programov. Svobodno prehajanje prostora po vertikali v konceptih od »Raumplana« do odprte stavbne strukture (Loos, Stirling, Foster). Naris kot odnos med notranjo strukturo in pojavnostjo stavbe; merilo, hierarhija. Fasada kot prezentacija in razumevanje strukturnega koncepta notranje year zgradbe hiše (Gehry, Nouvel, Koolhaas). Odnos med individualnim in kolektivnim; merilo enote in celote; spomin in monumentalno. Kreacija javnega prostora kot manifestacija stanja èlovekovega duha v zgodovini in interpretacija prostora kot humanistiènega koncepta svobode; demokracija vs. avtokracija skozi tipološki pristop v arhitekturi. leto 01 Contents: The layout as definition of space in planimetrics; plane concepts of space. The relation between inner and outer space through concept formation and transparency of screens. Single, double and triple coding of space and 02 its transition (Mies, Kahn, Le Corbusier, Gehry). The section as vertical design of public space, it’s stereotomic nature and interpretation of volumes and programmes. Open vertical transition of space in concepts from »Raumplan« to open building structure (Loos, Stirling, Foster). The elevation as relation between the inner structure and outer image 03 of building; scale, hierarchy. The facade as presentation and understanding of the structural concept of the interior (Gehry, Nouvel, Koolhaas). The relationship between individual and collective; scale of unit and whole; memory, 04 monumentality. Creation of public space as a manifestation of state of mind through history following interpretation of space in the humanistic concept of freedom. Democracy versus autocracy in the typological approach to architecture. 05


III. letnik 60 ur

prof. dr. Vladimir Brezar, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

- Brezar, V.: Stanovanjske zgradbe 1, skripta (1.del), FAGG 1986 - Brezar, V.: Vpliv projektnih konceptov na uporabo in vzdrževanje stanovanj, raz. naloga, 1990 - Kalèiè, J., Perossa M.: Stanovanjske stavbe, magistrsko delo, 1982 - Habraken, N. J.: Supports – an alternative to mass housing, AP London 1972 - Schulz, C. N.: The concept of dwelling, Electa 1985 - Fromhold, T., Hans Jäger, S.: Wohnungsbau-Normen, Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1991 - Ineichen, B.: Homes and Health, Spon, London 1993 - Kennedy, R. W.: The house, Reinhold, N.Y. 1953 - Wentling, J. W.: Housing for lifestyle, McGraw-Hill, N.Y. 1990 - Hanson, J.: Decoding homes and houses, Cambridge UP 1998 - Adler, P.: Monteringsbyggda flerbostadhus, Universitetsservice AB, Stockholm 2001 compulsorysubjects

Vsebina: Bivalna kultura kot sestavina splošne èlovekove materialne kulture. Funkcionalna analiza stanovanja in stanovanjskega objekta. Tipološka analiza stanovanja in stanovanjskega objekta. Tehnološki, ekološki in obvezni predmeti obvezni organizaciojski sistemi v stanovanjski gradnji. Produkcijski in ekonomski sistemi v množièni stanovanjski gradnji. Skrb države za stanovanje: stanovanjsko gospodarstvo, standardi in normativi. Stanovanja za deprivilegirane skupine in manjšine. Stanovanjska arhitektura v Sloveniji in samograditeljska praksa. Vloga koncepta v stanovanjski arhitekturi – eksperiment in model. Novi trendi in projekcija razvoja.

Contents: Dwelling culture as a part of human material culture. Functional analysis of flat and residential building. Typological analysis of flat and residential building. Technological, ecological and organizational systems in hous- ing. Production and economy of mass housing. The role of government in providing homes; standards and by-laws. Homes for underprivileged and social minority groups. Housing architecture in Slovenia and self-help practice. The role of concept in housing – experiment and model. New trends and future development.

68 dodiplomski študij graduate course nature and artistic creativity, designing proportions. artistic space, system of relations, intervals, ratios and relations in artistic space, the role of grids, principle of proport their outcome; construction principles of artistic composition based on force fields in formats, seen as: organisation of compr relation between artistic and composition elements; basic principles of ensuring unity in artistic composition; the force field scale, module, ratio, proportion, rhythm, balance, harmony and contrast, unity and mutual relations of artistic elements in com sional) form in artistic (spatial) design. Artistic (measurements) composition: the concept and levels of artistic composition, ology of colour perception, colour systematic, colour contrasts and basics of colour composition, the relation colour – (three- in artistic production; morphology of natural forms; form as the carrier of information and artistic expression. Colour theory: possible mutual relations in conditions of artistic production. Artistic morphology: artistic variables; the relation between f Contents: Relation between the visual and artistic, art as a form of communication, artistic expressive elements or elements an prostoru, vloga mrež, princip sorazmerja, sorazmerje v naravi in likovnem ustvarjanju, naèrtovanje sorazmerij. temelju polja sil v gabaritu: kot organizacija celovitosti likovnega prostora, kot sistem odnosov, intervali ter razmerja in re zagotavljanja enotnosti v likovni kompoziciji; polje sil v gabaritu (formatu) in, kar iz njega izhaja; konstruktivni principi l kontrast in enotnost in medsebojni odnosi likovnih prvin v kompoziciji; odnos med likovnim in kompozicijskim elementom; temeljn Likovna (merska) kompozicija: pojem in nivoji likovne kompozicije, mera, merilo, modul, razmerje, sorazmerje; ritem, ravnovesje sistematika, barvni kontrasti in osnove komponiranja barv; odnos barva - (tridimenzionalna) oblika v likovnem (prostorskem) obl morfologija naravnih oblik; oblika kot nosilec informacije in izraza v likovnosti. Barvna teorija: Psihofiziologija barvnega do odnosi v pogojih likovne produkcije. Likovna morfologija: Likovne spremenljivke ali variable; odnos med obliko in vsebino v lik Vsebina: Odnos med vizualnim in likovnim, likovnost kot oblika komunikacije; likovne izrazne prvine ali elementi in njihovi mož 3.8. THEORY OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND COMPOSITION AND DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL OF THEORY doc. dr. Jaka Bonèa, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Bonèa, Jaka dr. doc. III. letnik 60 ur TEORIJA ARHITEKTURNEGA OBLIKOVANJA IN KOMPOZICIJE OBLIKOVANJAIN ARHITEKTURNEGA TEORIJA - Ule, Logos A.: Znanstveno spoznanja, in publicistièno središèe, 2001Ljubljana York New books, from,Basic comes Wherematematics 2000 R.: Núñez, in G. Lakoff, - - Wilson. S.: Information arts, The MIT Press, Cambridge in London 2002 New York1999 JeremyP.Tarcherbrain, the Putnam, of / side right the on Drawing B.: Edwards, - Mayer,Otto Ravensburg1987Farbe, der Kunst J.: Itten, - Callwey,1972Farbe, München H.: Küppers, - Payot,Editions nombre, du Pariz1971 mystique et Ghyka,Philosophie - M.: ZDSLU, marec 1994, 37-44. - Bonèa,J.:Prostorspoznavamokakorseponjemgibljemo,Likovnebesede26-28, 1998 Ljubljana Debora, 1; letnik 4, prostora,2, št.LikovnaRazvoj vzgoja J.: Bonèa, - 1997 Ljubljana Debora, SlikarskoM.: Butina, - mišljenje, 1997 likovneLjubljana Debora,Elementi prakse, M.: Butina, - 2000 Ljubljana Debora, teorija, likovna Mala M.: Butina, - ikovne kompozicije na lacije v likovnem življanja, barvna ion, proportion in ni medsebojni orm and content ovni produkciji; ikovanju. measure, i principi , harmonija ter s in format and psychophysi- position; ehensive dimen- d their 69 02 01 05 04 03 leto year 70 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski architectural theory in Slovenia. Critical analysis (theory of interpretation). the criticism of traditionalism, the apex of functionalism and the subsequent criticism of functionalism. Survey of development romanticists. The second and decisive break with traditionalism (William Morris). The architectural theory in the 20th Century Vitruvius. From tractates to manifestoes. First break with the dogmatic tradition: La Querelle (Claude Perrault). The Vitruviu’s generatiobiography as an autobiography. Vivarium of medieval fragments of architectural theory. Alberti’s reinterpretation of Contents: Introduction (basic terms). The sources of Proto-Theory. Vitruvius synthesis of Classical Theory. Reconstruction of tradicionalizma, funkcionalizem in kritika funkcionalizma. Razvoj teorije na Slovenskem. Kritiška analiza (teorija interpretaci prelom: Querelle (Claude Perrault). Rod romantikov. Drugi odloèilni prelom (William Morris). Dvajseto stoletje: kritikaantike do renesanse (vivarij srednjeveških idej). Albertijeva reinterpretacija Vitruvija. Od traktatov do manifestov. Prvi Vsebina: odlo Uvod (temeljni pojmi). Prototeoretski viri. Vitruvijeva redakcija antiènih izroèil. Dekonstrukcija Vitruvijeve biograf 3.9.1 3.9 oilmk študij dodiplomski New Tendencies (2): What is Deconstructivism? is Genius Loci?). The Tale of Two Cities (London versus Paris). New Tendencies (1): Two exhibitions in Venice (1980 and 1991).Deconstructivism). Bewitching the Social into the Spatial Order. Traum und Wirklichkeit (Vienna Austriae). Golden Prague (What The programme for 2003/2004: Man and Space. Structure as the means of architectural expression (from the Renaissance to dve beneški razstavi (1980 in 1991). Nove tendence (2): Kaj je dekonstruktivizem? Austriae). Zlata Praga (Kaj je genius loci?). Prosto po Dickensu: Povest o dveh mestih (London versus Pariz).kriterij arhitekturnega Noveizraza tendence (od (1) renesanse do dekonstruktivizma). V likovni red ukleta bit družbe. Traum und Wirklichkeit (Vi Program za leto 2003/2004 (Program se vsako leto prilagodi aktualnim problemom): Èlovek in prostor. Konstrukcija kot IDIOMATIKA PROSTORA3.9.2 oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ.Košir, Fedja dr. prof. 1 KRITIKA IN TEORIJA ARHITEKTURNA po 30 ur / PREDMETI IZBIRNI prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ.Košir, Fedja dr. prof. 30 hours each rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate ELECTIVE SUBJECTS ELECTIVE IDIOMATICS OFSPACE

ARCHITECTURAL THEORY AND CRITIQUE 1 CRITIQUE AND THEORY ARCHITECTURAL - Košir, F.: Izbrani èlanki 19 èlanki IzbraniF.:Košir, - 19 èlanki IzbraniF.:Košir, - 75/1 75/1 999 (LJ, FA 2000) FA (LJ, 999 2000) FA (LJ, 999 ije. Od èilni je). n of enna of : : 3.9.3 LIKOVNI RED 1 FINE ARTS ORDER 1 doc. Èrtomir Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

Vsebina: Analiza osnovnih naèel estetskega reda na temelju geometrijskih predstav ravnine v prostoru. Obrazec motiva in vmesnega prostora med ponavljanjem: ritem. Sestava enot, podobnih v enem ali veè pogledih: harmonija. Interes, izražen z razliènostjo: kontrast. Sestavni deli, skladni med seboj: ravnotežje. Izstopanje enote iz celote: prevlada. Osnovni princip kozmiènega reda v svetu èasa, prostora materije in mišljenja: enotnost.

Contents: Analysis of basic principles of aeshtetic order according to geometrical interpretation of plane in space. Schedule of motif and intermediate space in repetition: rhythm. Composition of units similar in one or more ways: harmony. Interest expressed by diversity: contrast. Components are in accordance: equilibrium. Unit prevailing whole: dominance. Basic principle of cosmic order in the field of time, space, material and reason: unity.

3.9.4 KONSTRUKCIJSKI SISTEMI STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS prof. dr. Jože Kušar, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

Vsebina: Sklop osnovnih konstitucijskih elementov v sistemu gradnje. Zgodovinski razvoj lesenih konstrukcijskih sistemov. Optimiranje prereza masivnega lesenega nosilca in dimenzioniranje v antropometriènih sistemih. Analiza statiène strukture skeletnega, kladnega in celiènega konstrukcijskega sistema s pregledom najbolj znanih primerov v svetu. Novi konstrukcijski year

sistemi in trendi razvoja.

Contents: Design technology and jointing of industrial building elements. Development of timber structure systems. Design of timber prefabricated elements. Analysis of jointing skeleton, panel and cell systems microstructures with a review of wall-known leto examples. New systems and development trends. 01

- Kušar, J. in sodelavci: Internationales Holzbauseminar (Zbornik mednarodnega seminarja), FA, Ljubljana 1996 - Kolb, J.: Systembau mit Holz, Baufachverlag, Lignum 1992 02 - Davies, C.: High-tech Architecture, Thames & Hudson, London 1991 - Schneider, K. J.: Bautabellen für Architekten mit Berechnungshinweisen und beispielen, Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf 2002 - Schneider, K. J.: Vermessungskunde für Architekten und Bauingenieure. Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf 2002 03 04 05

71 72 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski programmes used in architectural engineering (AllPlan FT Nemetschek, AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3Dstudio Max etc.). steel constructions, and use of simple materials) and present it in a contemporary fashion by using generally acknowledged soft European engineering, students have to design a detailed project of a simple building (which includes reinforced concrete, timb of the subject and under tutorage by a mentor, while abiding to principles of multi-disciplinary work, awareness and contempora house, interior, base, wall, roof, pillar, corner, overhanging, eaves, window, door, stairs, chimney, decoration etc. Within th technical, engineering knowledge and creative principles of architectural composition. The latter deals with these elements: na roof etc., mainly from the aspect of technical and engineering education. Only then does the subject establish dialogues betwee parts of buildings, covering constructions, internal and external space, openings in the covering structure, the shell – façade geometry of joining, economics and aesthetic qualities. The subject tries to clarify terms, such as load-bearing and non-load-b wood, stone, metal and glass, whereby emphasis is given to composition of these materials into complexes by using theories of j and aesthetical. The subject introduces students to tectonic conceptualisation and execution of details in simple, elementary m parameters of concept and design of details are: anatomical, psychological, functional, physical, chemical, technological, econ The detail is the smallest element of architectural language. It is primarily a category of engineering and then also aesthetic (AllPlan FT Nemetschek, AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3D S tudio Max ... ). enostavnih materialov), prezentiran na sodoben naèin v eni od splošno priznanih programskih oprem, ki se uporabljajo v inženirs inženirstva, izdelati detajlni projekt enostavne zgradbe (ki vsebuje AB konstrukcije, lesene konstrukcije, jeklene konstrukcije Študentje morajo v okviru predmeta z mentorskim nadzorom, multidisciplinarno, osvešèeno in po vseh naèelih sodobnega mesto, evropskegahiša, interier, podstavek, stena, streha, steber, vogal, napušè, venec, okna, vrata, stopnice, dimnik, dekoracija ... tehnièno inženirskim znanjem in arhitekturno konpozicijskimi kreativnimi naèeli. Pri tem obravnava elemente arhitekturne kompoz znotraj stavbe, lupina-fasadni plašè, streha... predvsem s strani tehnièno inženirske izobrazbe. Šele potem predmet vzpostavi d skuša razèistiti pojme kot so nosilni in nenosilni deli zgradbe, ovojne konstrukcije, notranji in zunanji prostor, odprtine v o pozornost sestavljanju teh materialov v sklope z upoštevanjem teorije stikov, geometrije sestavljanja, ekonomike in estetskih k uvaja študenta v tektonsko zasnovo in izdelavo detajlov v bolj enostavnih, elementarnih materialih: les, kamen, kovina , steklo zasnove in oblikovanja detajlov so: anatomski, psihološki, funkcionalni, fizikalni, kemièni, tehnološki, ekonomski in Detajl estetski je najmanjši element arhitekturnega jezika. Detajl je najprej tehnièna, inženirska kategorija, šele potem tudi estetska V DETAJL 3.9.6 realisation of specific graphic images including animation and simulation. In this course students are introduced to the elements of computer hardware and software, procedural graphic language and the specifiènih grafiènih podob, vkljuèno z animacijo in simulacijo. V tem teèaju se študente seznani z elementi raèunalniške strojne in programske opreme, postopkovnim grafiènim jezikom in izvedb 3.9.5 oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski


doc. dr. Igor Kalèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Kalèiè, Igor dr. doc. grad. inž. dipl. univ.Turk, Žiga dr.prof. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate ARHITEKTURNI KOMPO ARHITEKTURNI oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski ZICIJI 1 ZICIJI COMPUTER AIDED ARCH.AIDED COMPUTER DESIGN DETAILARCH.IN COMPOSITION1 vojnih konstrukcijah in . Predmet Detajl 1 kategorija. Parametri in uporabo valitet. Predmet . Pri tem posveèa ialog med icije: narava, ki arhitekturi e framework envelope, s. The earing aterials; ture, city, omical ware er and ry n oints, o - Brezar, V.: Finalizacija in detajli, skripta, Univerza v Ljubljani, FAGG Arh., Ljubljana 1990 - Brezar, V.: Kompozitna struktura ovojnih konstrukcij, dokt. dis., Ljubljana 1984 - Kresal, J., Zbašnik-Senegaènik, M.: Gradiva v arhitekturi, skripta, Ljubljana 1992 - Ching: Architecture: Form, Space and Order, Reinhold, New York 1979 - Krier: Architectural composition, Academy Ed., London 1991 - Papadakis, Broadbent, Toy: Free Spirit in Architecture, Omnibus Volume, Academy Editions, London 1992 - Norris, Christopher: Deconstruction, Theory & Practice, Routledge, London 1991 - Pasteiner, Herbert: Urban space, Design of public spaces in Vienna, Vienna 1993 - Compagno, Andrea: Intelligent Glass Façades, Birkhäuser, Basel 1999 - Db–detailbuch (serija knjig): detailbuch band 1, Klaus Siegele, Deutsche Verlag, Stuttgart 1999 - Glass construction manual, Steel construction manual ... - Revije: Detail in podobne strokovne revije, ... - Prospekti proizvajalcev gradbenih materialov, ... - www.detail.de

3.9.7 UMETNOSTNA ZGODOVINA 1 ART HISTORY 1 prof. dr. Peter Kreèiè, um. zgod.

Predmet Umetnostna zgodovina (I in II) obravnava: pojem umetnosti v razmerju do pojmov naravne in kulturne dedišèine ter kulture, razliène umetnostne zvrsti in položaj likovne umetnosti med njimi. Obsega likovno umetnost v ožjem pomenu besede: slikarstvo, kiparstvo, arhitekturo ter širši krog umetnostnih dejavnosti, kot so urbanizem, krajinska arhitektura, industrijsko in grafièno oblikovanje, fotografija, umetna obrt idr. Daje zgodovinski pregled umetnostnih pojavov od prazgodovine do današnjih dni kot sosledje stilnorazvojnih formacij. Vkljuèuje razlago umetnostnih pojavov skozi zgolj likovne kategorije ploskovitega, plastiènega in siikovitega year sloga kot možnim utreznikom idealistiènega, realistiènega in naturalistiènega družbeno-likovnega nazora. Poseben poudarek velja spoznavanju temeljnih likovnih pojmov, posebej arhitekturnih èlenov in njihovi skladnji. Umetnostna zgodovina 1 zajema obdobje od prazgodovine do grške antike, umetnostna zgodovina 2 pa od antike do moderne dobe. Seznam literature: stran 95. leto 01 The subject History of Art and Architecture (1 and 2) deals with, phenomenon of art in relationship with natural and cultural heritage and culture, different artistic disciplines and the role of fine arts among them. It contains visual arts in their narrow sense: painting, sculpture, architecture and artistic activities like town planning, landscape architecture, industrial and graphic design, photography, applied art 02 etc. It gives a historical survey of art phenomena from prehistory to modernity as a consequence of the development of stylistic formations. It includes discussion on artistic phenomena through exclusively plastic categories of linear, plastic and picturesque style as a possible parallel of idealistic, realistic and naturalistic and social-visual view of the world. Special attention is given to understanding 03 basic fine art view categories, especially architectural elements their syntax. The History of Art I covers the period from Prehistoric time to the ancient Greek art and architecture. The History of art II covers the period from ancient Greek art and architecture up to 20th century. List of literature: page 95. 04 05

73 74 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski landscape designs. Students will learn about primary methods for recognising quality in design of green surfaces with examples from domestic and f design and landscape plan. architecture, such as: landscape, landscape ecology, open space, green surfaces, urban green surfaces, urban landscapes, landsc enable better cooperation in multidisciplinary projects. A special chapter is dedicated to presenting basic terms used in lands towards society and the environment, as well as informing students about the characteristics of landscape architecture, which c understanding landscape architecture as an engineering profession is brought forward, especially understanding of responsibilit analytical approach and specific working methods. Various social demands for quality living environments are presented. The asp Course contents: Presentation of basic design landscape design techniques with emphasis on definition of issues, analytical pro pertaining green surfaces. absolve the main theoretical framework for designing green surfaces with emphasis on choice of adequate sites for architecture The course integrates basic terminology of landscape design and landscape architecture design methods. Students are expected to primerov krajinskega oblikovanja. Slušatelji se seznanijo z osnovnimi metodami prepoznavanja kakovostno oblikovanih zelenih površin preko številnih prostor, domaèih zelene in površine, tu mestne zelene površine, mestne krajine, krajinsko oblikovanje, krajinski naèrt. projektih. Posebno poglavje obsega predstavitev osnovnih pojmov v krajinski arhitekturi kot so: krajina, krajinska družbe ekologija, in o okolja ter seznanjanje slušateljev z znaèilnostmi krajinske arhitekture, da bi lahko uspešneje sodelovali v meddiscip bivalnem okolju. Z vidika razumevanja krajinske arhitekture kot inženirske stroke je posebej izpostavljeno razumevanje obveznos analitiènem pristopu in specifiènih delovnih metodah. Posebej so predstavljene raznovrstne družbene zahteve po kakovostnem Vsebina predmeta: Predstavitev osnovnih naèrtovalskih tehnik v krajinskem oblikovanju s poudarkom na opredelitvi problema, pripadajoèimi zelenimi površinami. se prièakuje, da osvojijo glavne teoretiène okvirje oblikovanja zelenih površin s poudarkom na izboru ustrezne lokacije za arhi Predmet združuje pregled osnovne terminologije krajinskega oblikovanja in krajinsko arhitekturnih naèrtovalskih metod. Od sluš 3.9.8 oilmk študij dodiplomski Profes 143)Design – 136Environmental pp.: 2, Other No. (1990),(and 9 Architects Journal, (Landscape Landscape of Education the to Applicable Theory for Framework C.: Steinitz, - 1993 Ewo Pudon Ljubljana, sveta, umetnost Vrtna D.: Ogrin, - 1993 Press MIT The Cambridge, Garden, of Poetics The W.: Mitchell, - za naèrtovanje Urbanistièno seminarja zborniku 37-41,str.1999) DAL (v Ljubljana: urbanizma sodobnega del nepogrešljivi - naèrtovanje Krajinsko D.: Gazvoda, - 139-140,XXVIII) 1998,vol.letnik julij AB, (v mestu v Krajina D.: Gazvoda, - Ljublj Slovenije. arhitektov 57-61,ilustr.str.krajinskih 1998, Slovenije,Društva arhitektov sreèanja krajinskih Društvostrokovnega letnega 5. zbornik Matjašec, : (ur.), oblikovanje Maja varovanje, Simoneti, raba, (ur.), : Aleš Voda Mlakar, V: mestu. v pojavov vodnih kontekst prostorski št.12, in 2001,let. Vsebinski izziv, D.: Urbani soseskah.Gazvoda, stanovanjskih- slovenskih novejših v prostoravol. zelenega 2002, pomen ed.], in [Print Vloga plan. D.: urban Gazvoda, Landsc. - education. its and architecture landscape modern of Characteristics D.: Gazvoda, - c19851995,Press California of University Berkeley:People, for are Gardens T.: Church, - oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski OBLIKOVANJE POVRŠINZELENIH doc. dr. Davorin Gazvoda, univ. dipl. inž. kraj. arh. kraj. inž. dipl. univ. Gazvoda, Davorin dr. doc. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate LANDSCAPING 1 LANDSCAPING ana: Darja (ur.). Darja 0 o ,sr 117-133.str. 2, no. 60, 2, str. 35-42, 133-137,ilustr.35-42, str. 2, sionals) nove družbene razmere, družbene nove dprti cape linarnih an blems, tekturo s ies ateljev oreign with jih ti do ect of ape 3.9.9 EKO-LOGIÈNA ARHITEKTURA ECO-LOGICAL ARCHITECTURE doc. dr. Martina Zbašnik-Senegaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

Predmet Eko-logièna arhitektura uvaja v arhitekturno naèrtovanje naèela trajnostnega razvoja. Tematika zahteva poznavanje ustroja stavbnega ovoja in njegove sestave ter ekoloških principov gradnje za doseganje standarda ekoloških, nizkoenergetskih in energetsko neodvisnih zgradb. Podlaga za pristop k naèrtovanju je obvladovanje programov za izraèun gradbene fizike, poznavanje veljavnih standardov za posamezne tipe zgradb in najnovejših tehnologij tovrstne gradnje, tudi s pomoèjo sodobnih informacijskih virov. Tematika je razdeljena na tri dele: analiziranje gradiv in konstrukcij po ekoloških principih na podlagi uveljavljenih predpisov in priporoèil (Ekologija v arhitekturi; Bivalno ugodje; Ekološko in zdravstveno vrednotenje gradiv; Ekološko osvešèeno bivanje; Ekološka gradiva; Ekološke konstrukcije; Ekološke površinske obdelave; Zelene strehe in fasade), spoznavanje relevantnih tehnologij za posamezne pristope k naèrtovanju na uveljavljenih primerih tovrstne prakse v tujini (Pasivna hiša; Solarna hiša; Nizkoenergetska hiša; Energetsko neodvisna hiša; Ekološka hiša), integriranje principov ekološke gradnje v koncept naselij (Energetski koncepti; Elektrarne na strehi; Ekološka komunalna ureditev; Energetska bilanca).

The course Eco-logical architecture introduces sustainable development into architectural design. The theme demands knowledge about the system of a building’s envelope and its’ structure, as well as ecological building principles needed for achieving standards of ecological, low-energy and energy-independent buildings. The foundations needed for designing are knowledge of software for computing building physics, valid standards for particular types of buildings and the most recent appropriate building technologies, even with the use of modern information sources. The theme is divided into three parts: analysis of materials and constructions according to ecological principles by using valid regulations and recommendations (ecology in architecture, living comfort, evaluation of materials based on ecological consequences and health, ecologically conscious materials, ecological materials, ecological constructions, ecological surface treatment, green roofs and façades); learning about relevant technologies for particular approaches to design by using examples of pertaining foreign practise year

(passive house, solar house, low-energy house, energy-independent house, ecological house); integrating principles of ecologi- cal building into settlement concepts (energy concept, rooftop power plants, ecological utilities network, energy balance). leto - Daniels, K.: Technologie des okologischen auens, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1994 01 - Dworschak, G.: Neue energiesparhauser im detail, Weka Baufachverlag, Augsburg 1997 - Fox, U.: Sonnenkollektoren, termische solaranlagen, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart/Berlin 1998 - Humm, O.: Niedrigenergie und passivhauser, Ökobuch, Staufen 1998 02 - Kaiser, Y. in Hastings, S.R.: Niedrigenergie-solarhauser, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Berlin/Boston 1998 - König, H.: Wege zum gesunden bauen, Ökobuch Verlag, Staufen bei Freiburg 1997 - Kresal, J.: Gradiva v arhitekturi, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana 2002 03 - Krois, J. in Bammer, A.: Biologisch naturlich bauen, S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart-Leipzig 2000 - Lloyd Jones, D.: Architektur und okologie: zeitgenossiche bioklimatische bauten, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1998 - Roaf, S.: Ecohouse, Architectural Press, Oxford, 2001 04 - Trebersburg, M.: Neues bauen mit der sonne, Springer Verlag, Wien/New York 1999 - Zbašnik-Senegaènik, M.: Negativni vplivi gradiv na èloveka in okolje, doktorska disertacija, Fakulteta za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana 1996 05 - Wines, J.: Green architecture, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, Köln 2000

75 YEAR 4 - COMPULSORY SUBJECTS 4.1 * Design studio 4 A. oriented programme ARCHITECTURE 4.2 Košir History of urbanism 4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning 4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology 4.5 Fister Architectural rehabilitation and conservation 4.6 Bonèa M. Public buildings 2 4.7 Vodopivec Residential buildings 2 4.8 Košir Industrial buildings 4.9 ** Elective subjects - general 4.10 ** Elective subject - oriented ** Foreign language

list of subjects of list 4.1 * Design studio 4 B. oriented programme URBANISM 4.2 Košir History of urbanism 4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning 4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology 4.5 Fister Architectural rehabilitation and conservation 4.11 Košir History of urbanism in Slovenia 4.12 Pogaènik Planning of settlements 4.13 Gabrijelèiè Ruralism 4.9 ** Elective subjects - general 4.14 ** Elective subject - oriented ** Foreign language

seznam predmetov seznam 4.1 * Design studio 4 C. oriented programme DESIGN 4.2 Košir History of urbanism 4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning 4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology 4.5 Fister Architectural rehabilitation and conservation 4.15 Kobe Interior design 4.16 Suhadolc Design of objects 4.17 Suhadolc Graphic design for architects 4.9 ** Elective subjects - general 4.18 ** Elective subject - oriented ** Foreign language * notes: page 78 ** notes: page 78

76 dodiplomski študij graduate course 4. LETNIK - OBVEZNI PREDMETI 4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 A. usmeritveno podroèje ARHITEKTURA 4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 4.6 Bonèa M. družbene zgradbe 2 4.7 Vodopivec stanovanjske zgradbe 2 4.8 Košir industrijske zgradbe 4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni 4.10 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja ** tuj jezik

4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 B. usmeritveno podroèje URBANIZEM 4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 4.5 Fister prenova arhitekture in konzervatorstvo 4.11 Košir razvoj urbanizma na Slovenskem 4.12 Pogaènik naèrtovanje naselij 4.13 Gabrijelèiè rurizem 4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni year

4.14 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja ** tuj jezik leto 4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 C. usmeritveno podroèje OBLIKOVANJE 01 4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 02 4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 4.15 Kobe oprema prostora 03 4.16 Suhadolc oblikovanje predmetov 4.17 Suhadolc grafika za arhitekte 04 4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni 4.18 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja ** tuj jezik 05 * opombe na strani 79 ** opombe na strani 79 letnik 4 YEAR 4 - ELECTIVE SUBJECTS 4.9 Elective subjects - general 4.9.1 Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2 4.9.2 Poliè: Environmental psychology 4.9.3 Muhiè: General safety 4.9.4 Toth: Basics of philosophy 4.9.5 Kreèiè. Art history 2 4.9.6 Kuèan: Landscaping 2 4.9.7 +++: Management in building 4.9.8 +++: Building and urban planning legislature 4.9.9 Mihelj: Fine arts order 2 4.9.10 Debevc: Design and equipement of ecclesiastic buildings 4.9.11 Muhiè: Standardisation 4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and media 4.9.13 Novljan: Lighting in architecture list of subjects of list 4.10 Elective subjects - oriented A. oriented programme ARCHITECTURE 4.10.1 Kilar: Construction concepts 4.10.2 Muhiè: Prefabrication 4.10.3 Ocvirk: Refurbishment and renewal 4.10.4 Leskovec: Recreational buildings 4.10.5 Marinko: Elements of classical composition 4.10.6 Vogelnik: Industrial structures 4.10.7 Kalèiè: Detail in architectual composition 2 4.10.8 Deu: Cultural heritage protection

4.14 Elective subjects - oriented B. oriented programme URBANISM 4.14.1 Gabrijelèiè: Landscape architecture and environment preservation 4.14.2 Pogaènik: Physical planning 4.14.3 +++: Spatial sociology seznam predmetov seznam

4.18 Elective subjects - oriented C. oriented programme DESIGN 4.18.1 Kobe: Advanced interior design 4.18.2 Mihelj: Model making 4.18.3 Kalèiè: Details in interior 4.18.4 Bonèa J.: Design concepts Notes: +++ Lecturer will be announced later. * Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent (see page 39). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. In the framework of the 1st semester studio. ** Students register the appropriate lecturer after choosing the elective subject. Foreign languages are facultative and can be inscribed in any year.

78 dodiplomski študij graduate course 4. LETNIK - IZBIRNI PREDMETI 4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni 4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2 4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija 4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost 4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije 4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2 4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2 4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji 4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna zakonodaja 4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2 4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme 4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardizacija 4.9.12 Zupanèiè-Strojan: multimedijski prostor 4.9.13 Novljan: Svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru 4.10 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja A. usmeritveno podroèje ARHITEKTURA 4.10.1 Kilar: zasnova konstrukcij 4.10.2 Muhiè: gradbena prefabrikacija 4.10.3 Ocvirk: asanacije in adaptacije 4.10.4 Leskovec: rekreacijske zgradbe 4.10.5 Marinko: elementi klasiène kompozicije 4.10.6 Vogelnik: konstrukcije industrijskih objektov 4.10.7 Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 2 4.10.8 Deu: celovito varstvo stavbne dedišèine year 4.14 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja B. usmeritveno podroèje URBANIZEM 4.14.1 Gabrijelèiè: krajinarstvo in varstvo okolja

4.14.2 Pogaènik: prostorsko planiranje leto 4.14.3 +++: prostorska sociologija 01 4.18 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja C. usmeritveno podroèje OBLIKOVANJE 4.18.1 Kobe: oblikovanje prostora 02 4.18.2 Mihelj: modeliranje 4.18.3 Kalèiè: detajl v interierju 4.18.4 Bonèa J.: oblikovne zasnove 03 Opombe: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje. 04 * Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 39). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. **Študenti vpišejo ustreznega predavatelja potem, ko izberejo predmet. Tuji jeziki se izvajajo fakultativno tako, da jih študenti vpisujejo v katerem koli 05 letniku. letnik 4 80 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 4.1 oilmk študij dodiplomski projects are publicly exhibited annually. issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more filed work, workshops, competitions). The students’ is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work new, vital and real pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) and has since been subject to changes. Today the method (seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises). (veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo. namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve biroja šole ali (Pleènik, ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski PROJEKTIRANJE IN KOMPOZICIJA4 IN PROJEKTIRANJE izbrani mentor/elected mentor mentor/elected izbrani IV. letnik 300 ur (see page 39). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 39). rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate

orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: DESIGN STUDIO 4 STUDIO DESIGN


IV. letnik 30 ur

prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Košir, F. : Zamisel mesta (LJ, SM 1993)

Vsebina: Uvod (temeljni pojmi): geneza elementov (prostorskih prvin). Od tvorb k zasnovam: sedem korakov do nastanka vezanega mesta (diferenciacija, koagulacija, kristalizacija, polarizacija, geometrizacija, aksializacija, nukleacija). Vezano mesto: Orient in klasièna antika. Dualizem radialnih in ortogonalnih zasnov. Helenski dualizem »starega« in »novega« naèina (kot ga definira Aristotel). Helenizem. Rimski urbani univerzum (castrum). Postantièna year kriza: vrnitev rašèenih struktur. Fevdalno »bastidsko mesto« kot uvod v moderni naèrtovani red. Renesanèno »idealno

mesto«: nastanek kaste oficirskih naèrtovalcev. Baroèno rezidenèno mesto. Racionalistièno »žoržetsko mesto« (Geor- leto gette City). Moderno »tartansko mesto« (Tartan City). Industrijska revolucija kot detonator. Funkcionalizem (Le 01 Corbusier). Postfunkcionalizem in dekonstruktivistiène perspektive.

Contents: Genesis of (spatial) elements. From agglomerated to planned patterns: seven steps to the emergence of 02 consistent city (differentiation, coagulation, crystallisation, polarisation, geometrisation, axialisation, nucleation). The totally integrated city: Oriental and classical antiquity. Dualism of radial and orthogonal patterns. Hellenic dualism 03 of the »old« and »new« method (as defined by Aristoteles). Hellenism. Roman urban universe (castrum). Post-antiquity crisis: return of organic structures. Feudal »Bastide City« as introduction to the modern planning order. The Renais- 04 sance »Ideal City«: emergence of the caste of planning officers. The Baroque Residential City. The Rationalistic »Georgette City«. The modern »Tartan City«. The industrial revolution as the detonator. Functionalism (Le Corbusier). Postfunctionalism and deconstructivist perspectives. 05

smeri: ARHITEKTURA URBANIZEM OBLIKOVANJE 81 82 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski Visits of important urban planning institutions, offices and governmental institutions. systems, public safety. Detailed planning of housing, central, industrial, land uses, municipal services, traffic infrastructure, supply Real estate management. Synthesis in urban planning. Methods and techniques in urban planning. Site plans, urban documents, legislation and agencies. Plan implementation, types of plans and projects. planning. Environmental impact assessment and bearing capacity, urban ecology. systems and other databanks. Data processing and uses of geographic information systems in urban systems. Geodetic, cartographic maps fort planning documents, land cadastre, geographic information Contents: Introduction, general terms and urban planning terminology. Urbanisation process, urban obiski pomembnejših urbanistiènih zavodov – upravnih in projektantskih. površin, prometne, komunalne, energetske in okoljevarstvene infrastrukture. Varnost v naseljih. Strokovni Podrobno urbanistièno naèrtovanje naselitvene, centralne, proizvodne, komunalne rabe, mestnih zelenih zemljiške politike. Urbanistièna sinteza. Metode in tehnike v urbanistiènem naèrtovanju. Urbanistièna dokumentacija, zakonodaja in služba. Izvajanje urbanistiènih planov in projektov. Instrumenti in okoljske nosilnosti, urbana ekologija. osnove. Pregled glavnih podatkov o prostoru in njihova obdelava za urbanistiène naloge. Karte primernosti kartografske podlage urbanistiènih dokumentov, kataster, zemljiška knjiga, GIS-i in druge podatkovne Vsebina: Uvod, splošni pojmi in urbanistièna terminologija. Proces urbanizacije, urbani sistemi. Geodetsko- oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 4.3. URBANISTIÈNO NAÈRTOVANJEURBANISTIÈNO IV. letnik 30 ur prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Pogaènik, Andrej dr. prof. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate - Vrišer, I.: Urbana geografija, FGG – IPŠPUP, Ljubljana, 1984 Ljubljana, IPŠPUP, – FGG geografija, Urbana I.: Vrišer, - 1988 Ljubljana, FAGG, planiranju, urbanistiènem in prostorskem v metode Kvantitativne A.: Ljubljana Pogaènik, knjiga, - Mladinska uèbenik, okolja, varstvo in prostora Urejanje A.: Pogaènik, - 1984 Ljubljana, FAGG, uèbenik, planiranje, Urbanistièno A.: Pogaènik, - 1991FGG, Ljubljana, površin, prometnih mestnih opremo in projektiranje za normativi Tehnièni T.: Kastelic, - 1994 London, Routledge, placess, natural and Cities M.: Hough, 1989 - ZDA, Hill, McGraw development, residential for standards saver Time Chiara: De -

orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: URBAN PLANNING URBAN


IV. letnik 30 ur

prof. Janez Koželj, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Alexander, Ch.: A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press, New York 1977 - Barton, H., Davis, G., Guise, R.: Suistainable Settlements, A Guide for Planners, Designers and Developers, University of the West of England and the Local Government Management Board, Bristol 1995 - Èerpes, I.: Samoorganizacija in urejanje naselij, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana 2002 - Lynch, K.: The Image of the City, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge 1960 - Èerpes, Koželj s sodelavci: Priporoèila za urejanje naselij, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor ter Ministrstvo za znanost, šolstvo in šport Rep. Slovenije, Ljubljana 2001 - Èerpes, Koželj, Pahor: Urbanistièna metodologija, interna navodila za izdelavo vaj, Fakulteta za arhitekturo 2002

Temeljni cilji predmeta so naslednji: opredeliti in razložiti temeljne pojme v sistemu trajnostnega urejanja prostora, spoznati študente z metodami in tehnikami urbanistiènega naèrtovanja, seznaniti študente s stanjem in težnjami razvoja v prostoru ter s problemi njegovega urejanja, preizkusiti uporabo operativnih metod in tehnik naèrtovanja v konkretnem prostoru, ozavešèanje študentov za odgovorno poseganje v prostor glede na njihove okoljske, ekonomske socialne uèinke. Vsebina: Metode in tehnike: analitiène, inventarizacijske, napovedovalne; lokacijsko naèrtovanje: razporejanje rabe in organizacija dejavnosti v prostoru; fizièno naèrtovanje: dimenzioniranje in urejanje vzorcev, fiziènih struktur in prostorskih oblik; Simulacija naèrtovalskega postopka;

sistemski pristop: baze podatkov, urejanje in izbiranje, ankete, statistike, GIS /geoinformacijski sistem/, urbanistièe analize: stanje in težnje: year layering, okoljske, strukturne, morfološke , zaznavne, jezik vzorcev, vrednotenje primernosti in ranljivosti: metoda pedoskvenc, metoda izloèanja s prekrivanjem plasti, postavljanje ciljev: protokoli, delo z javnostmi, sektorska prièakovanja, urbanistièna zasnova: razvojno programiranje,

strateško presojanje , SWOT analize, modeliranje, pisanje scenarijev, prezentacije: ArcView, IDRISI; ProVal, implementacija: odloèanje, leto preverjanje. 01 The basic goals of the subject are as follows: defining and explaining basic concepts in the system of sustainable spatial management, introducing students to methods and techniques of urban design, informing students about conditions and trends of spatial development 02 and management issues, testing the use of operative design methods and techniques in real space, raising awareness among students about environmental, economic and social effects of spatial developments. Contents: Methods and techniques: analysis, inventory, forecasting; Site planning: distribution of uses and organisation of activities in 03 space; Physical planning: dimensioning and arrangement of patterns, physical structures and spatial forms; Simulation of design procedures; Systems approach: databases, management and selection, surveys, statistics, GIS (geo-information systems); Urbanistic 04 analysis: conditions and trends, environmental, structural, morphological and perceptive layering, pattern language, evaluation of suitability and vulnerability: method of pedo-sequences, method of elimination by overlapping layers, setting goals: protocols, public participation, departmental expectations, urbanistic concept, development programming, strategic assessment, SWOT analyses, 05 modelling, drafting scenarios, presentations: ArcView, IDRISI, Proval, implementation, decision-making, checking.


prof. dr. Peter Fister, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Fister, P.: Prenova in varstvo arhitekturne dedišèine, Ljubljana 1979 - Fister, P.: Serija strokovnih in teoretiènih èlankov v zbornikih Varstvo spomenikov in drugod

Vsebina: Teorija in metode dokumentiranja: cilji in metode temeljnih strok; interdisciplinarni cilji in metode konservatorskega dokumentiranja dedišèin; sodobni informacijski sistemi. Analiza in ocena dokumentirane dedišèine, compulsorysubjects priprava kriterijev varstva in prenove: merial za posege v dedišèino, reevaluacija dedišèine, javna dostopnost ocen; izdelava konservatorskega programa Projekt procesa varstva in prenove dedišèine: teorija naèrtovanja procesa varstva in prenove, metode izdelave projektov (mednarodno uveljavljene in slovenske posebnosti), projekti konservacije, prezentacije, likovne, tehnološke in vsebinske sanacije, managementa in prostorske prenove, strokovno in javno preverjanje projektov. Izvedba konservatorskega programa: organizacija, korektura programov, dodatne raziskave, izpolnjevanje formalnih zahtev, odgovornost. Aktualnosti in vzorci: novosti doma in po svetu ter v posameznih strokah; posebni problemi, vloga novih tehnologij, managementa, ekologije. Vzorèna predstavitev primerov s kritièno oceno izvedbe.

Contents: Theory and documentation methods: goals and methods of basic professions; interdisciplinary conserva-

obvezni predmeti tion aims and methods of documenting heritage; modern information systems. Analysis and appraisal of heritage, preparation of preservation and restoration criteria; standards for interventions on heritage; re-evaluation of heritage, public accessibility to appraisals, implementation of conservation programmes. Designing the process of preserva- tion and restoration of heritage: theory of the preservation and restoration planning process, methods of interna- tionally acknowledged design implementation (and Slovenian particularities), projects of conservation, preservation, refurbishment of artistic and technological contents; management and spatial restoration, professional and public evaluation of plans. Execution of conservation programmes: organisation, correction of programmes, additional research, meeting formal requirements, and responsibility. Actualities and models: domestic and foreign novelties and novelties in specific professions, special problems, the role of new technologies, management, ecology. Model presentation of case studies with critical evaluation of execution.

84 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN 4.6. DRUŽBENE ZGRADBE II PUBLIC BUILDINGS 2

IV. letnik 60 ur

prof. dr. Miloš Bonèa, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Pevsner, N.: A History of Building Types; Thames and Hudson, London 1979 - Murray, P.: The Arhitecture of Italian Renaissance; Thames & Hudson, London 1986 - Wittkover, R.: Arhitectural Principles in the Age of Humanism; Academy Editions, London 1988 - Summerson, J.: The Classical Language of Architecture; Thames & Hudson, London 1988 - Tafuri M.: The Sphere and the Labyrinth, MIT Press, Cambridge 1990 - Gombrich E.-Eribon D.: Looking for Answer, Conversations on Art and Science; Harry N. Abrams Inc., NY 1993 - Bonèa, M.: Pet vaj iz arhitekture ali arhitekturna razprava o hiši; FA, Ljubljana 1995 - http://www.arh.uni-lj.si/program/dodiplomski/dz2 - Morgan, Conway Lloyd: Jean Nouvel: The Elements of Architecture, Universe Publishing, NY 1998 - Van Berkel, B., Bos, C.: Move: 1. Imaginations, 2. Techniques, 3. Effects; UN Studio & Goose press, Amsterdam 1999 - Baudrillard, J., Nouvel, J.: The Singular Objects of Architecture; University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2002 - Spletni gradbeni vodnik, http://gcs.gi-zrmk.si/3-vodnik/gc_v03.htm, 15.1.2003 - Veljavni pravilniki in zakoni pri projektiranju v RS, http://www.arhiforum.com/literatura1.html, 15.1.2003 Osnovni smoter predmeta je vzporedno dograjevanje osnov – projektne in strukturne filozofije za posamezne vrste zgradb, z vzpostavljanjem odnosov v širšem prostoru. Vsebina: 1. Hiša je tehniško urejena celota: Analiza znaèilnih tipov zgradb ( do multifunkcionalnih mega zgradb, ki se sproti prilagajajo novim dejavnostim), spoznavanje arhitekturne teme. Organizacija prostora, uporabnost zgradbe, logièna, z metodo podprta razporeditev programa zagotavlja, da bo zgradba najbolje služila svojemu namenu ( do zgradb, kjer se program stalno spreminja). Sestava zgradbe, materiali in njihova svojstva, konstrukcijske izkušnje, transformirane v arhitekturo, delitev na nosilni in loèilni sistem omogoèa novo razumevanje fasadnega pasu ( do integralnih površin, ki združujejo funkcijo, infrastrukturo in konstrukcijo). 2. Hiša je del mesta (graditi hišo je kulturno dejanje): Odnos med hišo in mestom, temeljne arhitekturne naloge v zgodovinskih obdobjih, mestna palaèa – javni svet mesta, privatni svet uporabnikov, naravni svet vrtov. Hiša, ki doloèa mesto – 19. stoletje v Ljubljani – veliki volumni, novo veliko merilo, nove ambientalne poteze, razvoj year novih tipov zgradb. Odnos med obstojeèim in novim, prenova kot aktivna zašèita, znaèilni primeri povojne prenove mestnih jeder v Evropi. Odnos med zgradbo in okoljem, znaèilni posegi, klasifikacija posegov, metode. Prouèevanje okolja – sistematièna ureditev elementov na nivoju ambienta, objekta, detajla, ob spoštovanju zgodovinskega razvoja in lokalnih znaèilnosti. Model uskladitve novega z obstojeèim – razgraditev volumnov na stalne osnove in spremenljive dodatke (na tehniške in oblikovne enote). Razvoj modela, razslojevanje lupine na zašèito objekta in na povezavo z leto okoljem - dve plasti ( do novih topoloških prostorskih kontinuitet). 01 The prime rationale of the course is parallel growth of basic project and structural philosophy for particular types of buildings by establishing relations in wider space.Contents: The building is a technically arranged entity: Analysis of typical types of buildings ( from multi-functional mega- 02 buildings, that consequentially adapt to new functions), recognition of the architectural theme. Spatial organisation, building utility, logical, method supported distribution of programmes ensures that the building will serve its purpose ( even buildings, whose programme changes constantly). Composition of a building, materials and their properties, experiences in construction translated to architecture, separation into load bearing and 03 dividing systems enables new understanding of the façade belt ( to integral surfaces that join function, infrastructure and construction). The building is part of the city (building a house is a cultural act): the relation between the building and city, basic architectural tasks in historical periods, the city palace, city’s public domain, private user’s domain, natural domain of gardens. The house which determines the city 19th century in Ljubljana, 04 large volumes, new grand scales, new ambiances of single strokes, development of new building types. Relation between extant and new, rehabilita- tion as active protection and typical examples of post-war rehabilitation of urban cores in Europe. Relation between the building and its’ surround- ings, typical developments, classification of developments, methods. Examining the environment, systematic arrangement of elements on the level of 05 place, building, detail, with respect to historical development and local specifics. Model for harmonising the new with the extant, decomposition of volumes into constants and changeable additions (technical and design elements). Development of the model, layering of the envelope into two layers – protective and connective layer ( unto new topological spatial continuities).

smer: ARHITEKTURA 85 86 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 4.7. oilmk študij dodiplomski contribution to architecture of single-family housing (Pleènik, Tomažiè, Šubic, Jugovec). conceptualism, Land art, minimalism (Mies, Siza, Campo Baeza, Silvestrin). Regionalism, ecological building (G.Murcutt). Sloven Architecture as oasis of silence (L. Barragan). Building envelope texture (Herzog & de Meuron, J. Nouvel). Contemporary art imp literature and philosophy (Rietveld, Malaparte, Wittgenstein). Authentic building materials, geometrical order and nature (T. A Structural logic of contemporary building – open layout (Le Corbusier). Continuity of living space (Mies van der Rohe). Impact (renaissance villas in ). Ascent of the new type (Palladio). Connection of inner and outer space (Wright). Spatial plan (L capabilities of new building materials etc.). Environmental topography, geometry of the villa and perspective as the connecting systems, contemporary possibilities in construction, building economics, energy efficient and environmentally friendly architec Contents: Issues in contemporary housing construction (new meanings of family and privacy, working from home, flexibility and o answers to questions about opening contemporary architectural horizons to housing construction. The lectures and exercises introduce students to independent research of new typologies of residential environments and finding zasebnost stanovanja. Murcutt); ekonomika gradnje – socialne razsežnosti stanovanjske gradnje (Lacaton&Vassal); nove medijske tehnologije – vdor javn konceptualizem, Land Art, minimalizem (Mies, Siza, Campo Baeza, Silvestrin); pojav globalizacije in regionalizem - ekološka Pleènik); gra možnosti sodobnih gradbenih materialov (Herzog & de Meuron, J. Nouvel - tekstura ovoja); vplivi filma in sodobne umet (Rietveld, Malaparte, Wittgenstein); avtentièno gradivo, geometrijski red in narava (T. Ando); nacionalna identiteta arhitektur beton (Le Corbusier - prosti tloris), jeklo (Mies van der Rohe - kontinuiteta bivalnega prostora); vplivi likovne umetnosti, li povezava notranjega in zunanjega prostora (F.L. Wright); prostorski naèrt (A. Loos - Raumplan); tektonska logika Topografijasodobne gradnjokolja, geometrija vile in perspektiva kot vezni element (renesanène vile v Italiji); rojstvo novega tipa (Palladio konstrukcijske možnosti, gospodarnost gradnje, energetsko varèna in okolju prijazna arhitektura, sposobnosti novih Vsebina: gradbenihProblematika sodobne ma stanovanjske gradnje (nov pomen družine in zasebnosti, delo na domu, fleksibilnost in odprti sist stanovanjski gradnji tudi v našem èasu odpreti obzorja arhitekture. Predavanja in vaje uvajajo študente v samostojno raziskovanje novih tipologij bivalnega okolja in iskanje odgovorov na vprašanj oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski STANOVANJSKE STAVBE 2 STAVBESTANOVANJSKE prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Vodopivec, Aleš dr. prof. IV. letnik 60 ur rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate - Izbrana poglavja iz monografij obravnavanih arhitektov. obravnavanih monografij iz poglavja Izbrana - 1988 Milano Electa, 60, Lotus - 1988 Delft UP, Delft libre, Plan versus Raumplan M.: Risselada, 1993 - Munchen Prestel, Gardens, and Villas Italian Steenbergen: Smienk, Ree, der Van 1976- Cambridge Press, MIT Villa, ideal the of Mathematic The C.: 1972YorkRowe, New - Art, Modern of Museum The paradise, in House Adam’s On J.: Rykwert, - 1994 UP Cambridge Construction, of Ontology G.: Hartoonian, - 1994 London Cambridge, Press, MIT Publicity, and Privacy B.: Colomina, - 1990 UP Princeton Villa, The S.: J. Ackerman, - RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 2 BUILDINGS RESIDENTIAL

orientation: orientation: orientation: orientation: orientation: AR AR AR AR AR terature in filozofije – palladijanska vila); CHITECTURE CHITECTURE CHITECTURE CHITECTURE CHITECTURE e (L. Barragan, emi, sodobne terialov itd.). e: armirani dnja (G. e, kako nosti - oos). ture, ndo). ega v media of art, ian pen of act, 4.8. INDUSTRIJSKE STAVBE INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS

IV. letnik 60 ur

prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

- s.a.: Industriebau (Stuttgart, DVA 1994)

Vsebina: Kaj je industrijska arhitektura? Kulturne razsežnosti oblikovanja industrijskih objektov. Razvoj lokacijske teorije industrijskih objektov. Razvoj industrijske arhitekture na Slovenskem: Formativna faza (1500/1800). Idrija kot arhetip modernega industrijskega naselja. Industrijska revolucija v avstrijski monarhiji (1800/1918). Razvoj industrializacije v jugoslovanski monarhiji (1918/1941). Energetika kot bazièni problem v federativni socialistièni državi (1945/1991). year Estetski in programski problemi socialistiène izgradnje industrije. Urbanistiène dimenzije industrializacije v dvajsetem

stoletju. Arhitekturne znaèilnosti oblikovanja industrijskih objektov. Drugi primeri: oblikovanje industrijskih objektov na leto Danskem. Trendi v prihajajoèem tretjem tisoèletju: avantgardna primera Renzo Piano in Santiago Calatrava. 01 Rezervna tema: problemi varnosti.

Contents: What is industrial architecture? The cultural dimensions of designing industrial buildings. Development of 02 the location theory of industrial buildings. Development of industrial architecture in Slovenia: the formative phase (1500–1800). Idrija as the prototype of modern industrial settlements. The industrial revolution in the Austrian 03 monarchy (1800–1918). Development of industrialisation in the Yugoslav monarchy (1918–1941). Energetics as the fundamental problem in the federative socialist state (1945–1991). Issues of aesthetics and programme of socialist 04 industrial development. Urbanistic dimensions of 20th Century industrialisation. Architectural characteristics of industrial building design. Other examples: design of industrial buildings in Denmark. Trends of the emerging third millennium, avant-garde examples: Renzo Piano and Santiago Calatrava. Reserve topic: safety issues. 05


prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

- Košir, F.: Izbrani èlanki 1975/1999 (LJ, FA 2000) compulsory subjects compulsory

Vsebina: Uvod (znaèilnosti slovenskega poselitvenega prostora). Arheološko izroèilo od neolitika do zatona antike. Vprašanje o regionalizaciji (in standardnih nacionalnih fetiših). Fevdalna mesta in trgi na Slovenskem. Od fevdalnega do modernega tkiva. Maks Fabiani kot prvi moderni urbanistièni in arhitekturni naèrtovalec in teoretik (»in the field«). Trideseta leta in prodor funkcionalistiènih nazorov (1930/1940). Tradicionalizem vraèa udarec: Architectura Perennis (1941). Klavrna in kratka faza socrealizma (1945/1950). Vrnitev k ciamovskemu funkcionalizmu (1950/1965). Strukturalistièna faza funkcionalizma (1965/1980). Alternativno birokratsko planerstvo in ekosocializem (»urbanizem = matematika + marksizem«). Postmoderna kritika funkcionalistiènih dogem (1980/2000). Digitalia »pro futuro«. Rezervna tema (povzetek): urbane zasnove dvajsetega stoletja. obvezni predmeti Contents: Introduction (characteristics of the space of Slovenian settlement). Archaeological heritage from the Neolithic till the demise of Classical Antiquity. Regionalisation issues (and standard national fetishes). Feudal cities and markets in Slovenia. From the feudal to the modern tissue. Maks Fabiani as the first modern urbanist, architect and theoretician (»in the field«). The thirties and the influx of functionalistic attitudes (1930–1940). Traditionalism strikes back: Architectura Perennis (1941): the meagre and short phase of Socrealism (1945–1950). Return to CIAM Modernism (1950–1965). Structuralistic phase of Functionalism (1965–1980). Alternative bureaucratic quasi- planning and Ecosocialism (»urbanism = mathematics + marxism«). Post-modern critique of functionalistic dogmas (1980–2000). Digitalia »pro futuro«. Reserve topic (summary): urban concepts of the 20th century.

88 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientation: URBANISM 4.12. NAÈRTOVANJE NASELIJ PLANNING OF SETTLEMENTS

IV. letnik 60 ur

prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

Cilji: Seznaniti se s temelji urejanja regionalnega prostora in ocenjevanja vplivov posegov v prostor in okolje. Omogoèiti timsko in interdisciplinarno delo v prostorskem planiranju in uporabo GIS in LIS sistemov v prostorskem planiranju. Poudarek je na tehnièno-naèrtovalskih vidikih (v razliko od socio-ekonomskih in goegrafskih) prostorskega planiranja. Vsebina predavanj: Kratka zgodovina razvoja prostorskega planiranja v svetu in pri nas, stanje v evropskih državah. Metode in tehnike teamskega in interdisciplinarnega dela na prostorskem planu, mrežnem planu, metodi kritiène poti. Kartografske in raèunalniške tehnike v prostorskem planiranju. Potrebe za površinami, bilance površin, oblikovanje in ocenjevanje variant. Teorija lokacije, lokacijske odloèitve. Koncept razporeditve in uskladitve dejavnosti oz. rab v prostoru za: kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, rudarstvo, naselitev, proizvodnjo, centre, turizem, rekreacijo v naravnem okolju. Trasiranje in naèrtovanje prometnih, energetskih, vodo-oskrbnih, komunalnih in drugih infrastrukturnih sistemov. Prostorska sinteza in kompozicija. Prostorsko planiranje z vidika varstva okolja, varstva pred naravnimi nesreèami, varstva dedišèine. Sanacija degradiranih obmoèij. Krajinska tipika in oblikovanje. Metode ocenjevanja velikih posegov v prostor z vidika varstva okolja. Zakljuèek in diskusija. year

Goals: To gain knowledge about tha basics of regional planning and the assessment of spatial impacts of

development. Enabling team work and inter-disciplinary approaches in physical planning, use of GIS and LIS leto sytems. Emphasis is on technical-practical aspects (in comparison with social-economic and geographical) 01 physical planning. Lectures: Short historical overview of physical planning in the World and in Slovenia, the state in European 02 countries. Methods and techniques of team and inter-disciplinary work in physical planning, network plan, method of critical path. Cartographic and computer techniques in physical planning. Spatial needs, balance of surfaces, design and evaluation of possibiities. Site theory, site decision making. Concepts of distributing and 03 harmonising land use for agriculture, forestry, mining, settlement, production, central functions, tourism, recrea- tion in the natural environment. Spatial synthesis and composition. Physical planning from the aspect of environ- 04 mental protection, protection from natural disasters, protection of heritage. Rehabilitation of degraded areas. Landscape types and design. Methods of appraisal of large scale development projects from the aspect of environemntal protection. Conclusion and discussion. 05

smer: URBANIZEM 89 90 obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski 4.13 oilmk študij dodiplomski rural territories as the basis for establishing criteria for particular settlements types. new types of agrarian production units and their links to the existing environment. Alternative case studies of planning analysis of rural settlements. Analysis of basic production units in relation to the settlement. Methods of designing dependence on natural and man–made features and their impact on settlement pattern design. Morphological design of village territories according to types of production aims. Morphological analysis of village territories, their ing types. Physiognomy of landscape as the natural basis of rural production regions. Structuring of regions and Contents: Review of methodological approaches to evaluation of cultural landscape as starting point for determin- kriterije urejanja posameznih tipov naselij. njihova navezava na obstojeèe. Alternativni ureditveni preizkusi oblikovanja vaškega teritorija kot izhodišèe za osnovnih proizvodnih enot v odnosu do naselja. Metode projektiranja novih tipov agrarno produkcijskih enot in ustvarjenih danosti ter njihov vpliv na oblikovanje poselitvenega vzorca. Morfološka analiza vaških naselij. Analiza teritorijev po tipih proizvodne usmeritve. Morfološka analiza vaških teritorijev, njihova odvisnost od naravnih in Fiziognomija pokrajine kot naravna podlaga kmetijsko proizvodne regije. Strukturiranje teh regij in oblikovanje vaških Vsebina: Pregled metodoloških pristopov k vrednotenju kulturne krajine kot izhodišèe za doloèanje njenih tipov. oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski RURIZEM IV. letnik 60 ur prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Gabrijelèiè, Peter mag. prof. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate RURALISM human settlements, zeitschrieft für kulturtechnik und andentwicklung, 41, 3: 98-105, 2000 - Töpfer K.: Rural poverty, sustainability and rural development in the twenty-first century: A focus on - The – Stiller,on house the as wayan to article production,A.: A+T, 10, 1997 rural economy in OECD countries, Paris 1998 - OECD (Organisation for economic co-operation and development): Agricultural policy reform and the - Mingay, G.E.(ur.): Therural idyll,Routledge, London1989 Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana 2002 Ljubljani, 1.v UniverzaRurizemruralna uèbenik. izd., arhitektura,univerzitetniin P., Gabrijelèiè, A.: - Fikfak, celovitega razvoja podeželja v Sloveniji, str. 149-164, 1995 P.:- Gabrijelèiè, Novi poselitvenivzorci napodeželju; zbornikposveta: inproblemi Izhodišèa,sestavine - K., Hoggart Buller H., Black R.: Rural Europe, and identity change, Arnold, London 1995 solution, Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften, Institut für Geographie der Universität Klagenfurt 1995 - Barbiè,A.,Wastl-WalterD.(ur.):Sustainabledevelopmentofruralareas:fromglobalproblemstolocal agrarno ekonomiko, Ljubljana 1995 podeželja v Sloveniji (izdajatelj skupina Niè), Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za agronomijo, Inštitut za - Barbiè, A.: Kulturna identiteta slovenskega podeželja; izhodišèa, sestavine in problemi celovitega razvoja Ljubljana 2002 naselij, Publikacija Mednarodnega posveta dec. 1999, Univerza v FakultetaLjubljani, za arhitekturo, - Ažman Momirski, L., Fikfak, A. (ur.): Oblike prostorskega naèrtovanja: od mestnega naèrta do urejanja

smer/ smer/ smer/ smer/ smer/ orientation: orientation: orientation: orientation: orientation:


IV. letnik 60 ur

doc. Jurij Kobe, univ. dipl. inž. arh. year leto Vsebina: Analiza funkcije, pomena in estetike opreme prostora. Oprema notranjega in zunanjega prostora. Oprema 01 javnega prostora, industrijskega, sakralnega, gledališènega prostora in domaèega ambienta. Klasièni in moderni primeri ter trendi razvoja. Zgodovinske, oblikovne in tehniène komponente opreme prostora. Dekoracija. Pomen 02 tehniènih naprav, strojnih in elektriènih instalacij. Detajliranje v luèi oblike in izvedbe. Oprema kot unikat, kot pohištvo, kot finalna površina prostora. Struktura, barva in svetloba v prostoru. 03 Contents: Analysis of function, meaning and aesthetics in interior design. Designing inner and outer spaces. Interior design of public space, industrial, ecclesiastic, theatre space and homes. Classical and modern examples with 04 development trends. Historical, formal and technological aspects of interior design. Decoration. The role of technical equipment, mechanical and electrical fittings. Detailing in terms of form and execution. Interior design as a unique 05 product, furniture, finishing of surfaces. Structure, colour and light in space.


IV. letnik 60 ur

prof. Janez Suhadolc, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Oblikovanje na Slovenskem, DOS, Ljubljana 1991 - Slovenski znak in plakat, Sinteza, Ljubljana 1989 - Katalogi BIO 1 – 13, Arhitekturni muzej 1965 - 97 - Pleènik, J.: Napori, Arhitektura perennis, Ljubljana, 1938, 1956 - Russel, F.: Chair Design, Academy editions, London 1985 - Makaroviè, G.: Slovenska ljudska umetnost, DZS, Ljubljana 1974 - Bogataj, J.: Ljudska umetnost in obrti, Domus, Ljubljana 1993 compulsory subjects compulsory obvezni predmeti

Vsebina: Konceptualni in projektantski vidiki male arhitetkure, ki ni nujno sestavina veèjih interierov ali zasnov. Pojem stila. Problem nacionalne identitete v arhitekturi in oblikovanju. Vidiki mednarodnih in domaèih dosežkov. Tehnologija izdelave in detajli.

Contents: Conceptual and design aspects of small architecture which is not neccessarily a part of bigger interiors or concepts. Definition of style. Problems of national identity in architecture and design. Aspects of international and domestic achievements. Technology and details.

92 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientation: DESIGN 4.17 GRAFIKA ZA ARHITEKTE GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR ARCHITECTS

IV. letnik 60 ur

prof. Janez Suhadolc, univ. dipl. inž. arh. - Ruder, E.: Tipografija, Partizanska knjiga, Ljubljana 1984 - Bratuž, L.: Manum Scriptum, NUK, Ljubljana 1990 - Beisele, I.G.: Graphic Design Education, ABC Verlag, Zurich 1981 - Tafelmaier, W.: Schrift Variiren, Callwey, Munchen 1990 - Frutiger, A.: Type Sign Symbol, ABC Verlag, Zurich 1992 - Berthold Phototypes, Dallwey, Berlin 1986 - Henrion, F. K.: Corporate Identity, T & H, New York 1993 year leto 01 02

Vsebina: Stik in simbioza vizualnih komunikacij z arhitekturo. Morfologija èrke; èlenitev, pisava in tisk. Pojem 03 geometriènega, optiènega in organskega. Pika, èrta in ploskev; ritem, integralni design, napis v arhitekturnem okolju. 04 Contents: Connection and symbiosis of visual communications and architecture. Morphology of letters; elements, writing and printing. The idea of geometrical, optical and organic. Point, line and surface; rhythm; integral design, lettering in architectural environment. 05

smer: OBLIKOVANJE 93 94 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski Deconstructivists (Tschumi). half of the 20th Century. The deaths of the patriarchs, structuralist experiments. Exorcists (Venturi and Rossi). Analysts (Row and Germany before WW2 ( Cranbrook schools. Le Corbusier as architect and urban designer. Two Charters of Athens. Two alternatives: in architectureFine Arts: in From Ital the Pre-Raphaelites to the Abstract Expression. The theory of Functionalism. Modern Design: The Bauhaus and Contents: The beginnings of Modern Movement (Morris and Sullivan). Loos and his »Raumplan«. The desintegration of tradition Strukturalizem in trabanti. Eksorcisti (Venturi in Rossi). Analitièni kritiki (Rowe). Dekonstruktivizem (Tschumi). listini. Totalitarizem v Italiji in Nemèiji. Neue Sachlichkeit. Blut und Boden. Likovna umetnost v drugi polovici abstraktnega dvajsetega izraza. st Funkcionalizem. Moderni design: Bauhaus in Cranbrook. Le Corbusier (kot arhitekt in urbanist). Dve Atenski Vsebina: Predhodniki (Morris in Sullivan). Loosov »Raumplan«. Razkroj tradicije v likovnih umetnostih: od prerafaelitov do 4.9.1 4.9 oilmk študij dodiplomski work and fire code for a specific building. include research and descriptions of specific safety issues or methodological approach for preparation of documentation on safe The lectures present three groups of safety issues in detail: 1. fire protection, 2. safety at work, 3. safety from pollution. varstva pri delu in elaborata varstva pred požarom za doloèeno zgradbo. onesnaženjem. Pri vajah gre za raziskavo in prikaz nekega varnostnega problema ali za metodološki Pri pristop predavanjih k so izdelavi podrobnejeelaborata obdelani trije sklopi varnostnih problemov: 1. varnost pred požari, 2. varnost pri delu, 3. varno V 4.9.3 SPLOŠNA behaviorial science theories and methods as they relate to interactive effects of people in residential and working settings. Presents social science theories and methods that apply to human transactions with a wide range of environments. Introduces vedenjskih ved in metod, v razmerju do medsebojnih uèinkov posameznikov v bivanjskem ali delovnem okolju. Predstavlja teorije družbenih ved in metod, ki izvirajo iz èloveških odnosov (transakcij) z širokim razponom okolij. Uvaja teor EKOL 4.9.2 19 èlanki IzbraniF.:Košir, - oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski ARHITEKTURNA TEORIJA 2 ARHITEKTURNA KRITIKA IN prof. dr. Marko Poliè, univ. dipl. psih. dipl. univ. Poliè, Marko dr. prof. prof.dr. FedjaK ORIENTATIONS ALL / GENERAL - SUBJECTS ELECTIVE SMERI VSE / SPLOŠNI - PREDMETI IZBIRNI

doc. dr. Alojz Muhiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Muhiè, Alojz dr. doc. OŠKA PSIHOLOGIJAOŠKA rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate 75/1 ARNOST 999 (LJ, FA 2000) FA (LJ, 999 » ošir, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. ošir, Neue Sachlichkeit GENERAL SAFETY ENVIROMENTAL PSYCHOLOG « versus

orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: » Blut und Boden ARCH.THEORY2 CRITIQUE AND


Predmet Umetnostna zgodovina (I in II) obravnava: pojem umetnosti v razmerju do pojmov naravne in kulturne dedišèine ter kulture, razliène umetnostne zvrsti in položaj likovne umetnosti med njimi. Obsega likovno umetnost v ožjem pomenu besede: slikarstvo, kiparstvo, arhitekturo ter širši krog umetnostnih dejavnosti, kot so urbanizem, krajinska arhitektura, industrijsko in grafièno oblikovanje, fotografija, umetna obrt idr. Daje zgodovinski pregled umetnostnih pojavov od prazgodovine do današnjih dni kot sosledje stilnorazvojnih formacij. Vkljuèuje razlago umetnostnih pojavov skozi zgolj likovne kategorije ploskovitega, plastiènega in siikovitega sloga kot možnim utreznikom idealistiènega, realistiènega in naturalistiènega družbeno- likovnega nazora. Poseben poudarek velja spoznavanju temeljnih likovnih pojmov, posebej arhitekturnih èlenov in njihovi skladnji. Umetnostna zgodovina 1 zajema obdobje od prazgodovine do grške antike, umetnostna zgodovina 2 pa od antike do moderne dobe.

The subject History of Art and Architecture (1 and 2) deals with, phenomenon of art in relationship with natural and cultural heritage and culture, different artistic disciplines and the role of fine arts among them. It contains visual arts in their narrow sense: painting, sculpture, architecture and artistic activities like town planning, landscape architecture, industrial and graphic design, photography, applied art etc. It gives a historical survey of art phenomena from prehistory to modernity as a consequence of the development of stylistic formations. It includes discussion on artistic phenomena through exclusively plastic categories of linear, plastic and picturesque style as a possible parallel of idealistic, realistic and naturalistic social-visual view of the world. Special attention is played to understanding basic fine art terms, especially architectural elements and their syntax. History of Art I covers the period from Prehistoric time to ancient Greek art and architecture. History of art II covers the period th year from ancient Greek art and architecture up to the 20 century.

- Cankar, I.: Uvod v umevanje likovne umetnosti; Sistemati stila, Ljubljana 1926 (ponovni izdaji, 1959, 1995) - Cankar, I.: Zgodovina likovne umetnosti v Zahodni Evropi (I-III) Ljubljana 1929-1951 leto - Janson, H. W.: History of Art, New York 1969 (srb. prev. 1970) 01 - Hauser, A.: Socialna zgodovina umetnosti in literature, I-II Ljubljana 1961 - Giedion, S.: Time, Space and Architecture 1941 (1962) - Pevsner, N.: Oris Evropske arhitekture, Ljubljana 1966 02 - Zevi, B.: Pogledi na arhitekturo, Ljubljana 1959 - Mumford, L.: Mesto v zgodovini, I-II, Ljubljana 1969 - Stele, F.: Oris zgodovine umetnosti pri Slovencih, Ljubljana 1923 03 - Mole, V.: Umetnost južnih Slovanov, Ljubljana 1965 - Cevc, E.: Slovenska umetnost, Ljubljana 1966 - Šumi, N.: Pogledi na slovensko umetnost, Ljubljana 1975 04 05

smeri: ARHITEKTURA URBANIZEM OBLIKOVANJE 95 96 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski means of landscape architecture. Presentation of the contents of project documentation for landscape architecture designs. ples, in view of their relations to spatial characteristics, design ideas and planning of details. Introduction to basic design green system. Introduction to particular types of designed landscapes. Analysis of independent foreign and domestic exam- landscape in various urbanistic doctrines, environmental art and landscape architecture. The concept and role of the urban and role of landscape and open space within the new social condition. Differences and similarities in understanding of urban landscapes. Landscape in the city as a myth of primary nature, which confronts its’ social and cultural character. The position methods. Principles of landscape design presented with historical backing, with emphasis on contemporary design of urban Contents: Presentation of contemporary divisions between planning and design: similarities and differences in approaches and participation at various levels of spatial design. independently devise criteria for recognising quality in design of landscape architecture and to develop potentials for design. Presenting students with principles, starting points and methods of design in landscape architecture, so that they can The course’s rationale: introduction to specifics of landscape architecture as one of the activities of spatial management and sredstev. Predstavitev vsebine projektne dokumentacije naèrtov krajinske arhitekture. odnosa med znaèilnostmi prostora, oblikovalsko zamislijo in naèrtovanjem detajlov. Predstavitev osnovnih krajinsko arhitekturni mestnega zelenega sistema. Predstavitve posameznih tipov oblikovane krajine. Analize posameznih tujih in domaèih primerov z vid sorodnosti v razumevanju mestne krajine v razliènih urbanistiènih doktrinah, v environmental artu in krajinski arhitekturi. Zas naravi sooèena s svojim družbeno-kulturnim znaèajem. Položaj in vloga krajine in odprtega prostora znotraj izhodišèih novih podana družbenih naèelarazm krajinskega oblikovanja, s poudarkom na sodobnem naèrtovanju mestne krajine. Krajina v mestu kotVsebina: Predstavitev mit sodobne o delitve podroèja na planiranje in oblikovanje: sorodnosti in razlike v pristopih in metodah. Na z krajinsko arhitekturnega oblikovanja in razvili potencial za sodelovanje na razliènih ravneh prostorskega naèrtovanja. naèeli, izhodišèi in metodami krajinsko arhitekturnega naèrtovanja, da bi lahko sami izoblikovali merila za prepoznavanjeUèni smoter kakovpredmeta: predstaviti znaèilnosti krajinske arhitekture kot ene od dejavnosti urejanja in oblikovanja okolja. Sezna 4.9.6 OBLIKOVANJE ZELENIHPOVRŠIN 2 oilmk študij dodiplomski mest urejanja temo na problematika strokovna – DKAS sreèanj letnih Zborniki - 1970arh BF krajinskih simpozija, Prispevki Zbornik okolju.DAL. urbanem organizaciji v v Zelenje seminarja - s referatov Zbornik razmere. 1 družbene 2: (1990)nove 9 za Journal naèrtovanje Landscape Architects.Urbanistièno Landscape - of Education (19the to plan., Applicable urban theory Landsc. for design. Framework landscape C.: Steinitz,and - planning landscape into articulation its and architecture Landscape D.: Ogrin, - 1993 Ewo Pudin Ljubljana, sveta, umetnost Vrtna D.: Ogrin, - 1 1985:Arhitektura povelji. Atinskoj u Zelenilo D.: Ogrin, - 1 (1997) 27 AB. V: Harmony. Inevitable skladnost. Neizogibna A.: Kuèan, - 117-1332: (2002) 1963York New plan., Reinhold, Cities. urban L.: Halprin, Landsc. - education. its and architecture landscape modern of Characteristics D.: Gazvoda, - oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski Ana Kuèan, univ. dipl. inž. kraj. arh. kraj. inž. dipl. univ. Kuèan, Ana rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate 89–190

orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: 35–136: 58–6735–136: LANDSCAPING 2

AR AR AR AR AR HTCUE RAIM DESIGN DESIGN URBANISM URBANISM CHITECTURE CHITECTURE HTCUE RAIM DESIGN URBANISM CHITECTURE HTCUE RAIM DESIGN DESIGN URBANISM URBANISM CHITECTURE CHITECTURE 36-143 itektov 94) 30: 131-13730: 94) nove in vloge niti slušatelje z h oblikovalskih godovinskih ostnega er. Razlike in ika primarni 4.9.9 LIKOVNI RED 2 FINE ARTS ORDER 2 doc. Èrtomilj Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

Vsebina: Analiza in vpliv konstrukcijskih sistemov na likovno snovanje po naèelih estetskega reda na osnovnih geometrijskih predstavitvah volumnov v prostoru. Linearne, ravninske in prostorske konstrukcije. Sinteza: linearni element deli ploskvi ali volumna; ploskovni element deli ali sestavlja volumne; volumen deli ali sestavlja prostor; prostor se manifestira kot postavljanje stvari nasproti stvarem ali kot vrivanje stvari med stvari.

Contents: Analysis of structural systems and their impact on artistic creation in terms of aesthetic order according to basic geometric presentation of volumes in space. Linear, planar and spatial structures. Synthesis: linear element divides planes or volumes; planar element divides or combines volumes; volumes divide or join spaces; space is represented as placing things against one another or as inserting things between them.

- Florenskij, P.: La prospettiva rovesciata, Casa del libro, Roma 1983 - Gruetter, J.K.: Aestetik der Architektur, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Berlin 1987 - Pevsner, N.: Dictionary of Architecture, Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1965 - Clark, K.: Civillisation, BBC, London 1969 - Harrison, Ch.: Primitivism, Cubism, Abstraction, Open University, London 1993 - Rudofsky, B.: Architecture Without Architects, D&C, NewYork 1964 - Rainer Graefe: Zur Geschichte des Konstruierens, Deutsche Verlag-Anstalt-GmbH Stuttgart 1989

4.9.10 OBLIKOVANJE CERKVENEGA PROSTORA IN OPREME year EQUIPMENT OF ECCLEASIATIC BUILDINGS doc. dr. Leon Debevc, univ. dipl. inž. arh. leto Predmet je namenjen študentom, ki želijo poglobiti svoje znanje o tem, za slovenski prostor tako pomembnem segmentu 01 arhitekturnega ustvarjanja.Posebnost te arhitekture je utemeljena z njenim razmerjem do širšega in ožjega prostora, njeno zasnovo, tipološko raznolikostjo, njeno funkcijo in opremo, njenim simbolnim in vsebinskim pomenom ter nenazadnje z dvatisoèletno kontinuiteto v soustvarjanju razpoznavne podobe slovenskega prostora. 02 Poglabljanje znanja o bogoslužnem prostoru je zastavljeno v treh smereh. V predavanjih bo predstavljena kompleksnost bogoslužne stavbe in znaèilnosti njene vpetosti v prostor in èas. Na krajših ekskurzijah bomo spoznavali dedišèino in sodobno 03 sakralno arhitekturo ter posebne obrti, s katerimi se sreèujemo pri tovrstnih nalogah. V individualnem delu študenta na izbrani temi pa bo izzvana njegova kreativnost pri oblikovanju bogoslužnega prostora in opreme v njem. 04 05

smeri: ARHITEKTURA URBANIZEM OBLIKOVANJE 97 98 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski elements on standard measurement system ments. History of industrial standardisation. Parameters that affect measurements, proportion systems. Dependency of prefabrica general standard system. Contents: Anthropometrics, Vitruvian module, rennaisanse partes as a system of composed measure- training them to use all parameters that affect measurements in the design of prefabricated elements to integrate them in a Introducing students to theoretical and methodological principles of measurement standardisation in building construction and ki vplivajo na mere, proporcijski sitemi. Odvisnost prefabrikacije od standardnih merskih sistemov. Antropometrika, Vitruvijevi moduli, renesanèni partes, kot sistem komponibilnih mer. Razvoj industruijske standardizacije. Para pri oblikovanju prefabrikatov vse parametre, ki vplivajo na mere tako, da jih vkljuèi v splošni standardni sistem. Vsebina: Seznanja študenta s teoretiènimi in metodološkimi principi merske standardizacije v gradbeništvu in ga usposablja, da uporablj 4.9.11 MERSKASTANDARDIZACIJA pertaining equipment within. trips. In the individual part a students creativity will be challenged on a specific topic of designing a place of about worship heritage and and contemporary sacral architecture with special crafts needed for their creation will be gained from short fie lectures present the complexity of eclessiastic buildings and the characteristics of their integration in space and time. Knowl the recognisable identity of Slovenian space. Obtainment of knowledge about sacral places runs along three courses. The variety, function and equipment (furniture), symbolic and contextual significance and two thousand years of continuity in co-cr Slovenia. The specifics of such architecture are based on its relations to the wider and immediate surroundings, layout, typolo The subject is intended for students wishing to obtain in-depth knowledge about a significant segment of architectural creativi oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski doc. dr. Alojz Muhiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Muhiè, Alojz dr. doc. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate s.

STANDARDISATION orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations:


Cilji: znanje in razumevanje - temeljni vpogled v teorije in prakse mnogotere komunikacije v procesu urejanja in oblikovanja prostora; strokovne vešèine – prilagodljivost v uporabi razliènih sistemov komunikacije oz. predstavitvenih tehnik. Vsebina: Spoznavni procesi arhitekturnega, mestnega oz. krajinskega prostora kot multimedijskega prostora; umetnosti in znanosti spoznavnih procesov prostora; zgodovinski oris razmišljanja o zaznavnem prostoru; konceptni in izkustveni prostor, idealni in realni prostor; informacija in prostor; mediji spoznavanja oz. interpretacije prostora (materialnega in nematerialnega, obstojeèega in možnega); dejavniki vpliva na kreativni proces urejanja prostora: naravni, družbeni, kulturni, tehnološki; uporabnost medijev in tehnik v procesu urejanja prostora; prevajanje pojavnih ‘jezikov’ arhitekturnega okolja; urejanje fiziènega in virtualnega prostora na osnovi zaznave; multimedijske predstavitvene tehnike prostora (od skice do VR) v razliènih komunikacijah.

Aims and objectives of the course: knowledge and understanding – basic introduction into theories and practice of diverse communicarion within the design process; disciplinary/professional skills – flexibility in choice and use of diverse systems of communications / representation techniques. Contents: Cognition of architecture, city and landscape as multimedia space; arts and sciences dealing with spatial cognition; historical overview; concept and experience; ideal and real space; information and space; media of cognition and representation of places (material and immaterial, existing and possible), factors influencing the creative architectural, urban and landscape design process: natural, social and cultural, technological; use of media and techniques within the architectural, urban and landscape design process; multimedia representations of places (from sketches to VR) in diverse communication processes. year

Temeljna literatura (po letu 1997) / Basic literature (after 1997): - Eysenck, Michael W, Keane, Mark. T.: Cognitive Psychology, A Student’s Handbook, Hove, Psychology Press 2000 leto - Boesselman, P: Representation of Places, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press 1998 01 - Jordan, J. Peter, Mehnert, Betina, Harfmann, Anton (ur.).: Design and Representation, Ohio/USA, ACADIA 1997 - Lootsma, Bart, Rujken, Dick: Media and Architecture, Amsterdam, Berlage Institute Amsterdam, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture 1999 Viri na svetovnem spletu / WWW sources: 02 - EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association): http://www.telepath.com/edra/ - IAPS (International Association for people-Environment Studies) http://www.bwk.tue.nl/iaps/ - CumInCAD (Cumulative Index of Computer Aided Architectural Design): http://itc.fgg.uni-lj.si/cumincad/ 03 04 05

smeri: ARHITEKTURA URBANIZEM OBLIKOVANJE 99 100 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski lighting in virtual and real space. Lighting in the future. Mistakes in lighting. Tricks with light and shadows. Photo-pollution of the environment. Contemporary lighting technologies. Li and temperature of light. Mixing of coloured light. Light as the carrier of information. Special types of light/lighting. Dynam Lighting of open spaces: streets, squares, green surfaces, façades. Technical lighting quantities. Quality and quantity of ligh the past. The effect of light on spatial perception. Shadows, reflection and absorption. Lighting of the interior: homes, worki Contents: Basic physical properties of light. The influence of light on humans. The relation between natural and artificial lig v prihodnosti. onesnaževanje okolja. Najnovejša tehnologija osvetljevanja. Svetloba in osvetlitev v virtualnem in realnem prostoru. Osvetljeva informacije. Posebne vrste svetlobe/osvetlitve. Dinamièna osvetlitev. Napake pri osvetljevanju. Triki s svetlobo in senco. Svet osvetljevanja. Kvaliteta in kvantiteta osvetlitve. Barva in temperatura svetlobe. Mešanje barvnih svetlob. Svetloba kot nosilec stanovanjski, delovni, javni prostori. Osvetlitev zunanjih prostorov: Ulice, trgi, zelene površine, fasade. Tehniène kolièine osvetljevali v preteklosti. Vpliv osvetlitve na dojemanje prostora. Sence, odboj in absorbcija. Osvetlitev notranjih prostorov: Vsebina: Osnovne fizikalne lastnosti svetlobe. Vpliv svetlobe na èloveka. Razmerje med naravno in umetno svetlobo. Kako so 4.9.13SVETLOBA PROSTORUOSVETLITEVV IN oilmk študij dodiplomski 1978 Ljubljana Univerzum, DDU barve, in Èlovek A.: Trstenjak,2001 - York New Inc., &Sons Wiley John Design, Lighting Architectural G.: Steffy, - 1998 Oxford Science, Blackwell Data, Architect’s Neufert E.: Neufert, - 1996 York New Reinhold, Nostrand Van architecture, revealing Light M.S.: Millet, - Kardelja, Edvarda 1981Ljubljana Univerza Arhitektura, VTOZDFAGGmesta, delovnega osvetljenosti dnevne doloèanje za Diagrami L.: Muhiè, T., Kurent, 2001 - Zürich Niggli, VerlagArchitektur, der in Tageslicht A.: M. Critchley,P., Buonocore, - 1999 London Ltd., Group Publishing Octpus Lihgting, M.: Beazley, - oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski doc. dr. Tomaž Novljan, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Novljan, Tomaždr. doc. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate

orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations: orientations:


4.10.1 ZASNOVA KONSTRUKCIJ CONSTRUCTIONAL CONCEPTS doc. dr. Vojko Kilar, univ. dipl. inž. gradb.

Predmet na kratko povzema zasnovo gradbenih konstrukcij, doloèanje obtežbe, raèunalniško analizo konstrukcij, projektiranje potresno varnih objektov in dimenzioniranje glavnih konstrukcijskih elementov (gred, plošè, stebrov in sten). Obravnavani so tudi nekateri drugi konstrukcijski vidiki kot je dilatiranje, temeljenje in izvedba pomembnejših konstrukcijskih detajlov. Uporabljen je projektni naèin študija (PBL – problem, project, produkt, process, people based learning), pri katerem uèenje poteka na dejanskem problemu ob sodelovanju/sooèanju študentov višjih letnikov arhitekture in gradbeništva, ki skupaj sodelujejo pri rešitvi razliènih projektnih nalog. Naloga arhitekta je zasnova konstrukcije, naloga gradbenika pa vkljuèuje svetovalno delo, preverjanje razliènih konstrukcijskih rešitev in statièni dokaz konèno izbrane variante. Direktno komunikacijo med udeleženci vse bolj nadomešèa komunikacija preko video-konferenènih povezav (projektiranje in planiranje na daljavo).

This advanced course covers the basics of the preliminary design of building structures, determination of loads, numerical analysis of structures, design of earthquake resistant buildings and dimensioning of main structure elements such as columns, beams and walls. Also some other structural aspects, such as dilatations, foundations and detailing details are covered. The project-based approach (PBL – problem, project, product, process, people based learning) is used with students of architecture and structural engineering are working together on various practical projects. The task of the architect is the preliminary design of the building whereas the task of the structural engineer is to give structural advice, year propose and judge the acceptance of various structural systems and solutions as well as to prove the safety of the finally chosen solution. Direct personal communication is being increasingly replaced by videoconference communication via internet (distance planning and learning). leto 01 02 03 04 05

smer/orientation: ARHITEKTURA / ARCHITECTURE 101 102 izbirni predmeti elective subjects oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski details. Students independently select tasks, which can be carried out as thematic papers or smaller building renewal projects or certai renewal of buildings, which abides to earthquake safety regulations. places domestically and abroad. An architectural and technical theme, conducted by invited experts presented each year, is the of Slovenian space. Another is the annually changed selection of contemporary architecture, which is introduced into historical important themes permanently included in the course are Pleènik’s works in Slovenia and abroad, and their effects on the design the lecture-hall or by observation in fieldwork, whereby themes change each year according to actuality. One of the most Discussions with students about possible renewal or addition methods applied to extant architecture are conducted as lectures i their effects on architectural and spatial design. time. An architectural technical analysis of basic building materials of Slovenian houses through time follows, with a review o Students will learn about the architectural settlement in Slovenia, with emphasis on architectural design and technical changes dela. Študenti po lastni izbiri izberejo nalogo v obliki strokovnega referata ali manjše projektne naloge za adaptacijo objekta ali n strokovnjaki. Eno od vsakoletnih arhitekturno tehniènih tem predstavlja sanacija stavb ob primeru potresne varnosti ob razgovoru z vabljenimi vsakoletni izbor vkljuèevanja sodobne arhitekture v zgodovinski prostor pri nas in tudi drugje. teme se vsakoletno vkljuèujejo Pleènikova dela pri nas in na tujem in njihov vpliv na oblikovanje slovenskega prostora. Sledi t predavalnici ali v obleki ogledov na terenu, s tem, da se teme vsako leto, z ozirom na aktualnost, menjajo. Med najpomembnejše Razgovori s študenti o možnih metodah adaptacije obstojeèe arhitekture ali njene dogradnje v prostoru oblikovanje se arhitekture vršijo in v prostora. obliki predav spremembah skozi èas. Sledi arhitekturno tehnièna analiza osnovnih gradbenih elementov slovenske hiše skozi èas in njihov vpliv Študentje se seznanijo z arhitekturno poselitvijo slovenskega prostora s poudarkom na arhitekturno oblikovalnih in tehniènih 4.10.3ASANACIJEADAPTACIJE IN prof. Marjan Ocvirk, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Ocvirk, Marjan prof. REFURBISHMENT AND RENEWAL rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate

mr /orientation: /orientation: smer smer mr /orientation: smer mr /orientation: /orientation: smer smer


Vsebina: Prosti èas, turizem, rekreacija, šport; njihova vloga v sodobnem svetu in njihove funkcije v prostoru. Arhitektura in tipologija športno rekreacijskih objektov. Vloga sodobne tehnike in tehnologije pri oblikovanju športno rekreacijskih objektov. Metode projektiranja športno rekreacijskih obmoèij, centrov in zgradb. Športno rekreacijska obmoèja, centri in zgradbe v naravnem okolju (sun centre, aqualand, camping, èolnarna, marina, smuèišèe). Športno rekreacijska obmoèja, centri in zgradbe v urbanem okolju (športno rekreacijski centri, parki, dvorane, telovadnice, bazeni, fitness). Posebni športno rekreacijski objekti (stadion, hipodrom, velodrom, drsališèe, teniški center).

Contents: Leisure, tourism, recreation, and sports: their role in modern society and their function in space. Architecture and typology of sports and recreational buildings. Role of modern technologies in design of sports and recreational areas, centres and buildings in the natural environment (sun centre, aqualand, camping, boat houses, marinas, ski slopes) and in the urban environment (sports und recreational centres, parks, halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, fitness centres). Special buildings and facilities (stadium, hippodrome, velodrome, skating rink, tennis centre).

- Leskovec, B: Rekreacijske zgradbe, študijsko gradivo, FA, Ljubljana 1995 - Leskovec, B.: Raziskava razvoja telesnokulturnih objektov na Slovenskem, disertacija, FAGG 1991 - Konya, A.: Sorts Buildings, AP, London 1986


prof. dr. Blaž Vogelnik, univ. dipl. inž. arh. leto 01 Vsebina: Pregled specifiènih problemov gradnje tovarn. Težki temelji, konstrukcijski sistemi, sestavine in znaèilni detajli. Splošen študij konstrukcijskih gradiv in metod. Pregled postopka gradnje. 02 Contents: Surveys specific problems of the building of factories. Heavy foundations, structural systems, components and typical details. A general study of construction materials and methods. Review of the construction process. 03 04 05

smer: ARHITEKTURA / ARCHITECTURE 103 104 izbirni predmeti elective subjects

edged software programmes used in architectural engineering (AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3Dstudio Max, AllPlan FT Nemetschek etc.). combinations of more demanding complex joints of various materials) and present it in a contemporary fashion by using generally building (which includes reinforced concrete, timber and steel constructions, and use of more exacting and complicated construc multi-disciplinary work, awareness and contemporary European engineering, students have to design a detailed project of a more provide users with aesthetic satisfaction. Within the framework of the subject and under tutorage by a mentor, while abiding to and design is the aesthetic component. Which ensures that the final product (joint, but also the building) will be attractive, and follow solutions taken from physics, chemistry and other important engineering aspects. The last phase of the process of co factor (rationality), which is often the dominant factor in decision-making. The rules of the game for such composition are str materials. In the design of details the subject introduces new parameters that are closer to engineering, as well as the combining compul various materials into modules, “rules of the game” are applied, which are different than those in simple combination even more exacting and complex combinations: concrete, metal and glass, concrete, metal and wood, metal, wood and glass etc. Wh into new compositions – modules: metal and glass, wood and concrete, wood and glass, stone and concrete, metal and wood and etc., introduces b students to design of details with more demanding and complex materials, whereby the topic is combination of var The detail is the smallest but probably the most important element of architectural language. The subject is a continuation of Nemetschek ...). od splošno priznanih raèunalniških programov, ki se uporabljajo v inženirski arhitekturi (AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3D vsebuje Studio bolj Max, zahtevne All konstrukcije in kombinacije bolj zahtevnih sklopov razliènih materialov), predstavljen na sodoben naèin z multidisciplinarno, osvešèeno in skladno z vsemi naèeli sodobnega evropskega inženirstva, izdelati detajlni projekt všeèni, bolj lepi komple in da bodo uporabnikom ustvarjali estetsko zadovoljstvo. Študentje morajo v okviru predmeta z mentorskim nadzorom, procesa zasnove in oblikovanja detajlov je tudi estetska komponenta, ki zagotavlja, da bodo konèni izdelki (sklopi in s tem tud sestavljanju strogo tehnološke narave in upoštevajo rešitve iz fizike in kemije in druge pomembne inženirske aspekte. inženirske Zadnja narave fa in obvezno tudi ekonomski faktor (racionalnost), kot vèasih kar prevladujoè pri sprejemanju odloèitev. Pravil »pravila igre« kot pri bolj enostavnih kombinacijah enakih materialov. Predmet uvaja pri oblikovanju detajlov neke nove paramet kompleksno: beton, kovina in steklo, beton, kovina in les, kovina, les in steklo itd. Pri sestavljanju razliènih materialov v s materialov v nove kompozicije – sklope: kovina in steklo, les in beton, les in steklo, kamen in beton, kovina in les, ... ali š študenta v zasnovo in oblikovanje detajlov z bolj zahtevnimi in bolj kompleksnimi materiali. Pri tem gre predvsem Detajl za je sestavljan najmanjši, pa morda najpomembnejši element arhitekturnega jezika. Predmet Detajl 2 je nadgradnja predmeta Detajl 1 in DET - Cook, P.; Jones, R.L.: New Spirit in Architecture, Rizzoli, New York, 1991York, New Rizzoli,Architecture, in Spirit New R.L.: P.;Jones, Cook, - 1993 London Editions, Academy Experimentation, & Theory A.: Papadakis, - 1990 Ljubljana FAGG, skripta, detajli, in Finalizacija V.:Brezar, - 1991London Editions, Academy Composition, Architectural R.: Krier, - 4.10.7 K VARHITEKTURNI DETAJL oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski

oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski doc. dr. Igor Kalèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Kalèiè, Igor dr. doc. AIL IN ARCHITECTURAL COMPOSITION 2 COMPOSITIONARCHITECTURAL IN AIL rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate

OMPO ZICIJI 2 smer/ smer/ smer/ smer/ smer/ orientation orientation orientation orientation orientation : : : : :

RIETR / / ARHITEKTURA ARHITEKTURA RIETR / ARHITEKTURA ARHITEKTURA / / / ARHITEKTURA ARHITEKTURA klope veljajo drugaèna AR AR e bolj zapleteno in AR AR AR beautiful and will ictly technological the subject Detail 1 CHITECTURE CHITECTURE CHITECTURE CHITECTURE CHITECTURE sory economic a igre so pri tem je razliènih principles of ksne zgradbe (ki nceptualisation Plan FT i zgradba) uporabo enega za tega s of equal tions and re, bolj acknowl- ious materials complex uvaja ut also en 4.14 IZBIRNI PREDMETI - S PODROÈJA / SMER: URBANIZEM ELECTIVE SUBJECTS - ORIENTED / ORIENTATION: URBANISM


Vsebina: Naravno okolje. Naravna, kulturna in urbana ali mestna krajina; nova urbana kompleksnost. Tipološka in morfološka analiza kulturne krajine; analiza kulturno krajinskih dejavnikov (geomorfologija, pedologija, ekologija, antropogena èlenitev prostora, poselitveni vzorci, mentalna slika krajine). Metode kompleksnega vrednotenja naravnih in antropogenih struktur v kulturni krajini; parcialni pogledi in potreba po interdisciplinarnem povezovanju. Politike urejanja prostora in njihov vpliv na podobo kulturne krajine. Razvoj vsebine in metode prostorskih dokumentov. Trajnostno in uravnoteženo prostorsko naèrtovanje.

Contents: Natural environment. Natural, cultural and urban landscape; new urban complexity. Typological and morphological analysis of cultural landscape, analysis of impact factors (geomorphology, pedology, ecology, anthropogenic articulation of space, settlement patterns, mental image of landscape). Methods of complex evaluation of natural and anthropogenic structures in the cultural landscape; partial aspects and need for interdisciplinary co-operation. Planning policies and their impact on cultural landscape. Development of content and methods in planning acts. Sustainable and balanced planning.

4.14.2 PROSTORSKO PLANIRANJE PHYSICAL PLANNING year prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh. leto Vsebina: Metodologije in tehnike prostorskega planiranja. Prikaz na konkretni prostorski nalogi, pri èemer se sintetizirajo 01 teoretièna znanja s praktiènimi problemi. Posebna poglavja iz podroèij valorizacije prostora, varstva okolja, prostorske informatike, urejanja agrarnega okolja, urbanistiènega ali regionalnega planiranja zlasti na nivoju regionalnega, urbanistiènega, krajinskega ali ruralnega plana. Dopolnilo so predavanja strokovnjakov iz prakse in obiski strokovnih zavodov, in sicer za 02 razliène tematske sklope. 03 Contents: Methodology and techniques of physical planning. Presentation of a real physical planning task, whereby theoretical knowledge and practical problems are synthesised. Specific chapters on spatial evaluation, environmental protection, spatial informatics, managing agrarian environments, urban and regional planning presented on the level of regional, urban, landscape 04 and rural plans. Lectures by practising professionals and visitis to planning offices specialised in various planning fierdls comple- ment the subjects topics. 05

smer/orientation: URBANIZEM / URBANISM 105 106 izbirni predmeti elective subjects requirements. features) and inner spaces (living spaces, public spaces, work spaces). Spaces with special technological and functional background. Elements of scene, exhibition, leisure spaces. Analysis of outer (square, atrium, arcade, loggia, special urban Contents: Synthesis of emotional and structural aspects of space. Analysis of domestic and foreign case studies. Historical prostorov (bivalni prostori, javni prostori, prostori za delo). Prostori s posebnimi tehnološkimi in funkcionalnimi zahtevami. Elementi scene, razstave, prostorov za poèitek. Analiza zunanjih (trg, atrij, arkada, loggia, posebne urbane rešitve) in notran Vsebina: Sinteza emotivnih in konstrukcijskih pogledov na prostor. Analiza domaèih in tujih primerov. Historièna izhodišèa. 4.18.1OBLIKOVANJE PROSTORA 4.18 - Massini, G.: Sulle tracce della vita, CIL, Firenze 1972Firenze CIL, vita, della tracce Sulle G.: Massini, - 1980 Beograd SIC, Suprematizem, K.: Maleviè, - 1965 Beograd Kultura,Vrednosti, J.: Ruskin, - 1989 Cambridge MIT,Architecture, of Logic The J.: W. Mitchell, - 1967Tiranti Alec London, Architecture, Moderne of Roots Some H.: Rasch, - 1963 London T&H, Architecture, of Language Classical The J.: Summerson, - of uniform or complex composition. changes of form. Artistic transfer of the abstract concept into material product with defined function. Harmony in the expressi structure sistems. Spatial analysis of natural laws and causes in the material framework of artistic integrity. Development and Contents: Understanding the process of spatial conceptualisation in abstract and real spheres. Sensible use of materials and enovitih in raznoterih sklopov. spremembe in deformacije oblike. Likovni prenos abstraktne študije v materialni izdelek z doloèeno funkcijo. Izrazna usklajenos konstrukcijskih sistemov. Prostorska analiza naravnih zakonitosti in vzrokov delovanja materialnih sklopov v likovni celoti. Ra Vsebina: Spoznavanje procesa prostorskega snovanja v sferi abstraktnega in realnega. Smotrna izraba lastnosti materialov in 4.18.2MODELIRANJE oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski oilmk študij dodiplomski oilmk študij študij dodiplomski dodiplomski ELECTIVE SUBJECTS - ORIENTED:, ORIENTATION: DESIGN ORIENTATION: ORIENTED:, - SUBJECTS ELECTIVE OBLIKOVANJE SMER: PODROÈJA, S - PREDMETI IZBIRNI doc. Èrtomir Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh. inž. dipl. univ. Mihelj, Èrtomir doc. doc. Jurij Kobe,Jurij arh.univ.doc. inž. dipl. rdae course course graduate graduate rdae course graduate rdae course course graduate graduate MODEL MAKING MODEL

INTERIOR DESIGN INTERIOR smer/ smer/ smer/ smer/ smer/ orientation orientation orientation orientation orientation : : : : :


Predmet Detajl v interieru je nadgradnja predmeta Detajl 1. Splošni opis: stran 106. Subject Detail in Interior Design is a perfection of the Subject Detail 1. General description: page 106.

Literatura: glej strani (72,) 73. Literature: see pages (72,) 73.

4.18.4 OBLIKOVNE ZASNOVE DESIGN CONCEPTS doc. dr. Jaka Bonèa, univ. dipl. inž. arh.

Vsebina: Obris in oblika (pravilno opazovanje). Razumevanje oblike (impulz oblike, potrebno se je poglobiti v objekt). Teža in modeliranje (forma in teža). Risba po spominu in druge hitre študije (videti celoto). Modeliranje z linijo – vsakodnevna kompozicija (predsodki omejujejo). Modeliranje s svetlo–temnim – objekt pod pravim kotom (množica medijev). Poudarek na obrisu – lik (razvijanje dolgih študij). Študije posebnih form (detajli). Pristop k tehnologiji. Enostavna razmerja. Študija teksture. Objekt s teksturo – subjektivni impulz. Celostna študija (varjenje znanja). Svetlo–temno (pristop k svetlo–temnemu, svetloba na kocki, svetloba na krogli, vržene sence). Pristop k študiju zgradbe (strukture) (osnova gibanja, sredstvo na poti k cilju). Pristop k študiju kompozicije. Vaje z belimi in èrnimi èrtami. Študije zgradbe (strukture). Analize z risbo (oblikovanjem) (premikanje in kontrast). Študije obstojeèih kompozicij. Napetosti (kako delujejo napetosti). Vaje s širokimi èrtami v èrno–belem. Analize z risbo (oblikovanjem) – nadaljevanje. Subjektivni element (odnos izkušenj). Pristop k uporabi barv (linija in ploskev).

Contents: Contour and form (correct observation). Understanding form (form impulse, necessity for reflection on an object). Weight and model

making (form and mass). Drawing on memory and other quick exercises (seeing the entirety). Model making with lines – day-to-day composi- year tion (limited by prejudice). Model making with light-dark objects at a right angle (mass of media). Emphasis on contour – image (development of elaborate studies). Study of special form (details). Advent to technology. Simple ratios. Study of texture. Objects with texture – subjective impulse. Comprehensive study (welding knowledge). Dark-light (approaching dark-light, light on a cube, light on a sphere, shadows). leto Approaches to studying buildings (structures) (basics of motion, the mode on the trip to the goal). Approach to study of composition. Exercises 01 with white and black lines. Study of buildings (structures). Analysis by drawing (design) (moving and contrast). Study of existing compositions. Tensions (how tensions work). Black and white exercises with wide lines. Analysis by drawing (design) – continuation. Subjective elements (relations of experience). Approaching colours (lines and surfaces). 02

Temeljni študijski viri so posredovani študentom sproti, medtem ko so osnovni: - Bonèa, J.: zbrano gradivo 03 - Bonèa, J.: Gospodar sistema; Likovne besede, revija za likovno umetnost, Zveza društev slo. likovnih umetnikov, 23–24, Ljubljana, december 1992, s. 20–23 - Bonèa, J.: Gospodar sistema 2; Likovne besede, revija za likovno umetnost, Zveza društev slo. likovnih umetnikov, Ljubljana, 38, december 1996, s. 66–69 - Bonèa, J.: Gospodar sistema 3; katalog k razstavi v Mestni galeriji, november 1997 04 - Bonèa, J.: Èrtna tipografija; Acta, non verba II, mednarodna likovna kolonija, ŠOU, Ljubljana, 1999, s. 44–45 - Bonèa, J.: Barva, prostor in gibanje v arhitekturi; Antropos 5–6, 1993 - Butina, M.: Mala likovna teorija; Debora, Ljubljana 2000 05 - Realnost likovne teorije, Zbornik referatov simpozija Likovna teorija in kultura - Nicolaides, K.: The natural way to draw, Mariner Books 1990

smer/orientation: OBLIKOVANJE / DESIGN 107 podiplomski postgraduate course študij 110 postgraduate masters course in archit./ specialist course in archit. C C INTEGRA INTEGRA 3. Seminar work 3. Seminar work subjects subjects Elective Elective 2. 2. 1 1 OR OR COURSE COURSE SPECIALIST SPECIALIST - - GOALS GOALS STUDY STUDY COURSE COURSE MASTERS MASTERS - - GOALS GOALS STUDY STUDY specialist course: 2 years (300 hours) masters course: 2 years (380 hours) C international workshops with domestic and foreign lecturers and students are organised. seminar work. Foreign lecturers for specific issues are invited individually for the course. In the framework of seminars, Students with scholarships for study at foreign universities are granted a suitable equivalent of elective subjects or INTEGRA 3. Seminar work: composition or research project in the masters or specialist thesis - specialist course: four elective subjects, two of which can be from other faculties or universities - master’s course: five elective subjects, two of which can be from other faculties subjects or universities Elective 2. - joint compulsory subjects for the specialist course (2) - joint compulsory subjects for the masters course (3) 1 The study plan for the for plan study The OR and permanent contacts with the tutor (mentor). following the traditional method of work at the Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana – the studio, involving team work directed towards new planning methods and design of all spatial elements – from regions to buildings and details The specialist course programme represents in-depth development of the artistic segments of COURSE the profession. SPECIALIST It is - GOALS STUDY quest for methods of conscious, controlled and rational development of the built domestic and global environment. of the profession. It is aligned to in-depth theoretical discourse on the present and future role of architecture and The programme for achieving the master’s title is the genuine place and COURSE method for MASTERS developing the - research segment GOALS STUDY ARCHITECTURE IN COURSE SPECIALIST POSTGRADUATE B. ARCHITECTURE IN COURSE MASTERS POSTGRADUATE A. C C INTEGRA INTEGRA 3. Seminar work 3. Seminar work subjects subjects Elective Elective 2. 2. 1 1 OR OR COURSE COURSE SPECIALIST SPECIALIST - - GOALS GOALS STUDY STUDY COURSE COURSE MASTERS MASTERS - - GOALS GOALS STUDY STUDY oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski oilmk študij podiplomski oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski . Com Com . . . Com . . Com Com . . OURSE DURA DURA OURSE OURSE OURSE DURA OURSE OURSE DURA DURA OURSE OURSE G G G G G ANIS ANIS ANIS ANIS ANIS pulsor pulsor pulsor pulsor pulsor TION IN INTERNA INTERNA IN IN TION TION TION IN INTERNA IN TION TION IN INTERNA INTERNA IN IN TION TION A A A A A TION OF THE C C THE THE OF OF TION TION TION OF THE C THE OF TION TION OF THE C C THE THE OF OF TION TION y sub sub y y y sub y y sub sub y y TION TION TION TION TION otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate jects jects jects jects jects masters masters masters or masters masters masters OURSE OURSE TIONAL C C TIONAL TIONAL OURSE TIONAL C TIONAL OURSE OURSE TIONAL C C TIONAL TIONAL specialist course course specialist specialist specialist course includes: course specialist specialist course course specialist specialist O-OPERA O-OPERA O-OPERA O-OPERA O-OPERA TION TION TION TION TION A.PODIPLOMSKI MAGISTRSKI ŠTUDIJ ARHITEKTURE B.PODIPLOMSKI SPECIALISTIÈNI ŠTUDIJ ARHITEKTURE

TEMELJNI CILJI MAGISTRSKEGA PROGRAMA Program za pridobitev magisterija je temeljno mesto in naèin razvoja znanstvenega segmenta stroke. Naravnan je na poglabljanje teoretiènega diskurza o vlogi arhitekture danes in jutri ter na iskanje metod za zavestno, kontrolirano in racionalno oblikovanje grajenega okolja - slovenskega in globalnega.

TEMELJNI CILJI SPECIALISTIÈNEGA PROGRAMA Program za specializacijo predstavlja poglobljen razvoj umetniškega segmenta stroke. Usmerjen je v iskanje novih metod projektiranja in oblikovanja vseh sestavin prostora - od regije preko zgradbe do detajla. Pri tem gradi tradicionalno metodo šole za arhitekturo v Ljubljani - seminarski naèin dela, ki vkljuèuje skupinsko delo in permanentni stik z mentorjem.

ORGANIZACIJA ŠTUDIJA Študijski naèrt magistrskega oz. specialistiènega študija arhitekture obsega: 1. skupne obvezne predmete - za magistrski študij ( 3 ) - za specialistièni študij ( 2 ) 2. izbirne predmete - za magistrski študij: pet izbirnih predmetov, od tega sta dva lahko na drugi fakulteti aIi univerzi - za speciaIistièni študij: štiri izbirne predmete, od tega sta dva lahko na drugi fakulteti ali univerzi 3. seminarsko delodelo: kompozicijsko aIi raziskovalno delo na magistrskem oziroma specialistiènem delu podipomski magistrski študij arhit./ specialistièni študij arhit. VKLJUÈEVANJE V MEDNARODNO SODELOVANJE Študentom, ki si pridobijo štipendije za študij na tujih univerzah, se prizna ustrezni ekvivalent izbirnih predmetov ali seminarskega dela. Za posamezne aktualne teme so sproti vabljeni tuji predavatelji.. V okviru seminarskega dela so organizirane mednarodne delavnice - z udeležbo domaèih in tujih profesorjev ter študentov.

TRAJANJE ŠTUDIJA magistrski študij: 2 leti (380 ur) specialistièni študij: 2 leti (300 ur)

111 112 postgraduate masters course in archit./ specialist course in archit. oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski TITLE TITLE COMPLETION COMPLETION COURSE COURSE FOR FOR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ADVANCING ADVANCING FOR FOR CONDITIONS CONDITIONS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ENROLMENT ENROLMENT oilmk študij podiplomski title sional title scientific the granted be will A student who has successfully completed all his/her obligations of the course programme stated in previous points, TITLE A student must successfully pass all the exams, finish seminars and successfully defend COMPLETION the masters COURSE (specialist) thesis. FOR REQUIREMENTS seminars. successfully completes examination in subjects of the compulsory part of the programme and both the first year A student will enroll for a year at a time (two semesters). Advancing into the second ADVANCING year is FOR possible when CONDITIONS the student Submission deadline for enrollments is August, 25th. - filled-in questionnaire “plan of masters (specialist) course, signed by the tutor (mentor) and candidate. - certificate from employer and statement of approval if the employer is the payee of study costs; - biography and bibliography of most important achievements; sources for study purposes; - certificate on knowledge of a foreign language proving that the candidate can use foreign literature and - certificate on duration of work experience; - graduate diploma; - copy of birth certificate from the registrar’s office; On application for enrolment in the masters or specialist course a candidate has to present: study affairs or the chairperson of the postgraduate course at the Faculty of architecture. The suitability of previous programmes and type or scope of work experience is checked by the deputy dean for - average grade of at least 8 points from the graduate course. - active knowledge of a foreign language (capability to use sources in a foreign language) - two years of work experience in research or architectural practice; - title of university diploma of engineer of architecture; comply with the listed conditions: A candidate wishing to apply for the title Master in architecture and be admitted to the postgraduate courses has to REQUIREMENTS ENROLMENT oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski TITLE TITLE COMPLETION COMPLETION COURSE COURSE FOR FOR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ADVANCING ADVANCING FOR FOR CONDITIONS CONDITIONS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ENROLMENT ENROLMENT specialist architect architect specialist specialist specialist architect (postgraduate specialistic course of architecture). of course specialistic (postgraduate architect specialist specialist architect architect specialist specialist otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate master of architecture architecture of of master master master of architecture (postgraduate master course of architecture) or profes- or architecture) of course master (postgraduate architecture of master master of architecture architecture of of master master POGOJI ZA VPIS

V izobraževanje za pridobitev znanstvenega naslova magister/magistra znanosti oziroma strokovnega naslova specialist/specialistka se Iahko vkljuèi kandidat/ka, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje: - ima strokovni naslov univerzitetni diplomirani inženir arhitekture/univerzitetna diplomirana inženirka arhitekture - dve leti izkušenj pri raziskovalnem ali strokovnem delu - aktivno znanje tujega jezika (sposobnost študija po virih v tujem jeziku) - ima povpreèno oceno vsaj 8 za izpite in vaje v dodiplomskem študiju Ustreznost predhodnih programov ter vrsto in obseg delovnih izkušenj preveri prodekan za študijske zadeve oziroma predstojnik podiplomskega študija FA.

Prijavi za vpis na magistrski ali specialistièni študij mora kandidat/ka priložiti: - izpisek iz rojstne matiène knjige - diplomo univerzitetnega študija; èe je diploma pridobljena v tujini, jo nostrificira po predpisanem postopku pri UL (nostrifikacija ni potrebna za diplome v bivših republikah SFRJ, pridobljene pred junijem 1995) - potrdilo o trajanju delovne dobe - potrdilo o znanju tujega jezika, ki dokazuje, da je kandidat spososben študirati tudi po virih v tujem jeziku - biografijo in bibIiografijo pomembnejših del - priporoèilo organizacije aIi ustanove, kjer je kandidat zaposlen; èe je delovna organizacija plaènik študija, pa še izjavo o tem - izpolnjen formular »naèrt magistrskega (specialistiènega) študija« s podpisom mentorja in kandidata

Kandidat/ka odda prijavo na Fakulteti za arhitekturo do 25. avgusta.


Študent se vpiše naenkrat v en letnik (2 semestra). V drugi letnik se vpiše, kdor je uspešno opravil preverjanje znanja podipomski magistrski študij arhit./ specialistièni študij arhit. iz obveznega dela programa in seminarskega dela obeh prvih semestrov. . POGOJI ZA DOKONÈANJE ŠTUDIJA Kandidat/ka mora opraviti vse izpite, seminarsko delo in uspešno zagovarjati magistrsko (specialistièno) delo.

NASLOV Znanstveni naslov po konèanem podiplomskem študijskem programu arhitektura za pridobitev magisterija je magister znanosti oziroma magistrica znanosti. Strokovni naslov po konèanem podiplomskem študijskem programu arhitektura za pridobitev specializacije je spe- cialist oziroma specialistkaspecialistka.

113 114 postgraduate specialist course in urban planning The thirdmodule The thirdmodule The second The second The firstmodule The firstmodule oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski OR OR GOALS GOALS STUDY STUDY the seminar workshops. connecting into particular subject units. Renowned experts from specific thematic fields will be invited to participate in subjects in the first module and more detailed subjects with the same topic in the second and third module, thus (organised at the end of each module), while particular thematic subjects are structured vertically, from the basic Within each module the basic and professional subjects are connected horizontally with the concluding seminars development plan (site plan). spans65hoursofprofessionalsubjectsand40fortheconcludingseminartitled:Spatial The thirdmodule optional subjects, carried out by visiting professors from abroad. seminar titled: Spatial plan for a municipality. Students have the possibility to select one subject from the list of The second module spans 65 hours of professional and theoretical subjects and 40 hours for the concluding from abroad. Students have the possibility to select one subject from the list of optional subjects, carried out by visiting professors nected with the joint concluding seminar (planning workshop) titled: Development scenario for a municipality. spans 95hours,ofwhich75areintendedforbasicinterdisciplinarysubjects,horizontallycon- The firstmodule as well as receive necessary experience in composition. trained to use real methods and techniques in execution of planning, urban design or development documentation, detailed knowledge – applicative treatment, and are completed with seminars (workshops), whereby students are gramme includes three modules (three semesters, together 305 hours), where the subjects evolve from general to students can widen and build on with practical experience or academic and research involvment.The course pro- providing students with in-depth recognition of the whole structure of necessary interdisciplinary knowledge, which the The profession of architect – urbanist requires complex knowledge, therefore the course programme is based on PLANNING URBAN IN COURSE SPECIALIST C.POSTGRADUATE oilmk študij podiplomski OR classified duties of town planners. new spatial legislature) with an adequate number of specialists: architects-urbanists, capable of fulfilling legally eduaction level of urban planning professionals, while at the same time providing practitioners (in conjunction with the interdisciplinary education in the field of urban planning, the intention being general growth of the professional The basic goal of the post-graduate specialist study programme in urban planning is oriented towards in-depth GOALS STUDY The thirdmodule The thirdmodule The second The second The firstmodule The firstmodule oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski OR OR GOALS GOALS STUDY STUDY G G G G G ANIS ANIS ANIS ANIS ANIS A A A A A TION OF THE C C THE THE OF OF TION TION TION OF THE C THE OF TION TION OF THE C C THE THE OF OF TION TION otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate OURSE OURSE OURSE OURSE OURSE C. PODIPLOMSKI SPECIALISTIÈNI ŠTUDIJ URBANISTIÈNEGA NAÈRTOVANJA

CILJI ŠTUDIJA Temeljni cilj podiplomskega specialistiènega študijskega programa urbanistiènega naèrtovanja je usmerjen v poglobljeno in interdisciplinarno izobraževanje na podroèju urbanistiènega naèrtovanja z namenom, da bi dvignili splošno strokovno izobrazbeno raven strokovnega kadra na podroèju urbanistiènega urejanja ter hkrati ponudili praksi (v skladu z novo prostorsko zakonodajo) zadostno število specialistov arhitektov urbanistov, ki bodo sposobni prevzeti z zakonom sistemizirana delovna mesta mestnih arhitektov.

ORGANIZACIJA ŠTUDIJA Poklic arhitekta urbanista zahteva kornpleksna znanja, zato je študijski program zastavljen tako, da podaja študentom globinsko poznavanje celotne strukture potrebnih interdisciplinarnih znanj, ki jih bodo slušatelji dograjevali in razširjali s praktiènimi izkušnjami ob delu ali z akademskim in raziskovalnim delom dograjevali in razširjali. Študijski program obsega tri module (tri semestre, skupno 305 ur), kjer prehajajo predmeti od splošnejših znanj k njihovi detajlnejši aplikativni obravnavi in, ki se zakljuèujejo s seminarskimi nalogami (delavnicami), s katerimi se študent usposablja za uporabo konkretnih metod in tehnik izdelave planske, urbanistiène oziroma izvedbene prostorske dokumentacije in si pridobiva potrebne kompozicijske izkušnje.

Prvi modul obsega 95 ur, od tega je 75 ur namenjenih baziènim interdisciplinarnim predmetom, ki so medsebojno horizontalno povezani: skupni zakljuèni seminar (planerska delavnica) zajema izdelavo razvojnega scenarija obèine. Študentje imajo možnost izbire enega predmeta iz seznama predmetov tujih predavateljev. Drugi modul obsega 65 ur strokovnih in teoretiènih predmetov ter 40 ur zakljuènega seminarja - izdelave prostorskega plana obèine (mestni naèrt). podiplomski specialistièni študij urbanistiènega planiranja urbanistiènega študij specialistièni podiplomski Študentje imajo možnost izbire enega predmeta iz seznama predmetov tujih predavateljev. Tretji modul obsega 65 ur strokovnih predmetov ter 40 ur zakljuènega seminarja s temo prostorski izvedbeni naèrti (lokacijski naèrt).

Znotraj posameznega modula so bazièni in strokovni predmeti horizontalno povezani preko zakljuènih seminarjev, organiziranih ob zakljuèku vsakega modula, medtem ko so posamezni tematski predmeti vertikalno povezani vse od baziènih predmetov v prvem modulu preko detajlnejših predmetov iste tematike v drugem in tretjem modulu in se tako povezujejo v posamezne predmetne sklope. V delo v okviru seminarskih delavnic bodo vkljuèeni številni vidni strokovnjaki za posamezna tematska podroèja.

115 116 postgraduate specialist course in urban planning TITLE TITLE COMPLETION COMPLETION COURSE COURSE FOR FOR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ADVANCING ADVANCING FOR FOR CONDITIONS CONDITIONS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ENROLMENT ENROLMENT C C C C oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski will be granted the title: the granted be will A student who has successfully completed all his/her obligations of the course programme stated in previous point, TITLE - have all semesters tested. the first three modules; - successfully pass all exams (or short seminar papers) and all three synthesised seminars (workshops), by the end of A student must: COMPLETION COURSE FOR REQUIREMENTS seminars. successfully completes examination in subjects of the compulsory part of the programme and both the first year A student will enroll for a year at a time (two semesters). Advancing into the second ADVANCING year is FOR possible when CONDITIONS the student /See page 112/ REQUIREMENTS ENROLMENT planning, are accessible to candidates from other faculties by the credit system. and optional subjects; the subjects being prepared by the Faculty of Architecture for the specialist course of urban Horizontally the programme includes subjects from other faculties and universities, in both the segments – compulsory Vertically the programme is a logical continuation of the graduate course in architecture (course: urbanism). C seminar) intended for permanent education of experts from the field of urban planning b) Thematic courses (attending selected lectures or chapters – or participation in imply successful course completion a) The specialist course will last for three semesters (305 hours), three accomplished seminars and examination will C and design will be organised, providing basis for practical work and seminar assignments. Alongside the compulsory subjects, facultative courses on computer methods and spatial informatics for planning oilmk študij podiplomski TITLE TITLE COMPLETION COMPLETION COURSE COURSE FOR FOR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ADVANCING ADVANCING FOR FOR CONDITIONS CONDITIONS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS ENROLMENT ENROLMENT C C C C oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski ONNE ONNE OURSE DURA DURA OURSE OURSE ONNE OURSE DURA OURSE ONNE ONNE OURSE DURA DURA OURSE OURSE CTIONS T T CTIONS CTIONS CTIONS T CTIONS CTIONS T T CTIONS CTIONS TION TION TION TION TION otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate O O O O O O O O O O O O O THER PR PR THER THER THER PR THER THER PR PR THER THER specialist architect–urbanist. architect–urbanist. specialist specialist specialist architect–urbanist. specialist specialist architect–urbanist. architect–urbanist. specialist specialist OGRAMMES OGRAMMES OGRAMMES OGRAMMES OGRAMMES TRAJANJE ŠTUDIJA a) specialistièni študij, traja tri semestre (305 ur) in se uspešno zakljuèi z opravljenimi tremi seminarji in izpiti iz vpisanih predmetov. b) tematski teèaji (poslušanje izbranih predavanj ali poglavij ali udeležba v seminarju), namenjeni permanentnemu izobraževanju strokovnjakov s podroèja urbanistiènega naèrtovanja.

POVEZANOST Z DRUGIMI PROGRAMI Vertikalno predstavlja program logièno nadaljevanja študija arhitekture (smer urbanizem). Horizontalno se v program vkljuèujejo predmeti z drugih fakultet in univerz bodisi kot redni bodisi kot izbirni predmeti. Predmeti specialistiènega študija urbanistiènega naèrtovanja, ki jih pripravlja Fakulteta za arhitekturo, pa so v okviru kreditnega sistema dostopni tudi kandidatom z drugih fakultet. Študij je organiziran v sodelovanju s Fakulteto za arhitekturo iz Pescare in Oxford Brookes University na podlagi programa TEMPUS. V ta namen študentje poslušajo dva izbirna predmeta iz predmetnika omenjenih fakultet, posamezne predmete pa bo mogoèe poslušati tudi v alternaciji tujih profesorjev.

POGOJI ZA VPIS / Opis na strani 113/

POGOJI ZA NAPREDOVANJE Študent se vpiše naenkrat v en letnik (2 semestra). V drugi letnik se vpiše, kdor je opravil preverjanje znanja iz obveznega dela programa in seminarskega dela obeh prvih semestrov.

POGOJI ZA DOKONÈANJE ŠTUDIJA Študent mora - opraviti vse izpite (ali krajše seminarske naloge) ter tri sintezne seminarske naloge (delavnice) ob koncu prvih treh modulov planiranja urbanistiènega študij specialistièni podiplomski - imeti mora testirane vse tri semester.

NASLOV Strokovni naslov po konèanem podiplomskem študijskem programu za pridobitev specializacije je specialisttt arhitekt urbanist oziroma specialistka arhitektka urbanistkaurbanistka.

117 118 postgraduate specialist course in urban planning oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski professors: professors: Visiting Visiting follows: follows: as as are are Architecture Architecture of of Faculty Faculty the the at at leaders leaders programme programme The The “Oxford Brookes University”, Oxford. Lecturers from the “Faculta D’architecttura, Dipartimento per l’urbanistica, Universita’ Gabriele D’Annunzio”, Pescara and prof. dr. Tomaž Valena – Technical University Munich (Contextual design) senior lecturer dr. Maruška Šubic – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Land policies and real estate evaluation) prof. dr. France Rihtar – Faculty of Architecture(Environmental planning) structure design) prof. dr. Albin Rakar – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Communal and Housing Economics, Communal infra- doc. mag. Boštjan Radej – Faculty of Economics (Environmental economics) prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Urban Planning) prof. dr. Dušan Plut – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of geography (New ecological paradigms) prof. dr. Rajko Pirnat – Faculty of Law(Legal foundations of spatial planning) doc. dr. Jože Panjan – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sanitary hydrotechnical infrastructure) prof. dr. Ivan Marušiè – Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture(Protective planning) doc. dr. Srna Mandiè – Faculty of Social Sciences (Housing economy) prof. dr. Ivo Lavraè – Faculty of Economics (Management in the public and private sector) prof. dr. Bogomir Kovaè – Faculty of Economics (Project management, controle) doc. dr. Drago Kos – Faculty of Social Sciences(Topics from spatial sociology) doc. Jurij Kobe (Ambiental design) prof. dr. Andrej Kirn – Faculty of Social Sceinces (Environmental ethics) prof. dr. Tomaž Kastelic – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Traffic management and design of traffic surfaces) oilmk študij podiplomski dr. Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews – Urban Planning Institute – prof. dr. Andrej Èerne – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of geography (Planning methodology) senior lecturer mag. Dušan Blagajne – Ministry of environment and physical planning (Environmental and spatial legislature) professors: Visiting prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec (Urban designing) prof. Janez Koželj (New urban design paradigms) prof. dr. Fedja Košir (Development of urban planning) prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè (Detailed urban design) prof. dr. Peter Fister (Preservation and renewal of settlements) follows: as are Architecture of Faculty the at leaders programme The oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski professors: professors: Visiting Visiting follows: follows: as as are are Architecture Architecture of of Faculty Faculty the the at at leaders leaders programme programme The The otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate in habilitation process (Instruments for controlling urban form) Nosilci programa Fakultete za arhitekturo: prof. dr. Peter Fister (Varovanje in prenova naselij) prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè (Detajlno urbanistièno naèrtovanje) prof. dr. Fedja Košir (Razvoj urbanistiènega naèrtovanja) prof. Janez Koželj (Urbanistièno oblikovanje) prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec (Urbanistièno projektiranje)

Vabljeni profesorji: viš. pred. mag. Dušan Blagajne – Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor (Okoljska in prostorska zakonodaja) prof. dr. Andrej Èerne – Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za geografijo (Metodologija planiranja) dr. Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews – Urbanistièni inštitur –(Instrumenti za nadzor urbanih oblik) prof. dr. Tomaž Kastelic – Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Urejanje prometa in prometnih površin) prof. dr. Andrej Kirn – Fakulteta za družbene vede (Okoljska etika) doc. Jurij Kobe (Ambientalno oblikovanje) doc. dr. Drago Kos – Fakulteta za družbene vede (Urejanje prometa in prometnih površin) prof. dr. Bogomir Kovaè – Ekonomska fakulteta (Projektno vodenje, nadzor) prof. dr. Ivo Lavraè – Ekonomska fakulteta (Upravljanje v javnem in zasebnem sektorju) doc. dr. Srna Mandiè – Fakulteta za družbene vede (Stanovanjsko gospodarstvo) prof. dr. Ivan Marušiè – Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo (Varovalno naèrtovanje) doc. dr. Jože Panjan – Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Zdravstveno hidrotehnièna infrastruktura) prof. dr. Rajko Pirnat – Pravna fakulteta (Pravni temelji urejanja prostora) prof. dr. Dušan Plut – Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za geografijo (Nove ekološke paradigme) prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik – Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Urbanistièno naèrtovanje) doc. mag. Boštjan Radej – Ekonomska fakulteta (Ekonomika okolja) planiranja urbanistiènega študij specialistièni podiplomski prof. dr. Albin Rakar – Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Komunalno in stanovanjsko gospodarstvo ter Komunalno projektiranje) prof. dr. France Rihtar – Fakultata za arhitekturo (Okoljsko naèrtovanje) senior lecturer dr. Maruška Šubic Kovaè – Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Zemljiška politika in vrednotenje nepremiènin) prof. dr. Tomaž Valena – TU Muenchen (Kontekstualno oblikovanje)

Predavatelji iz “Faculta D’architecttura, Dipartimento per l’urbanistica, Universita’ Gabriele D’Annunzio”, Pescara in “Oxford Brookes University”,Oxford.

119 120 doctorate dissertation oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski If the dissertation will be written in one of the foreign languages, the candidate has to state so in the application. if applying for direct continuation from master’s to doctorate course (article 99, - proof of passed exams on the master’s course and compliance to other conditions as stated in the study programme - master’s diploma or document on approval of diploma; - diploma certifying successful completion of graduate course; - conceptual framework of the doctorate dissertation, as specified in article 3 of these regulations: - bibliography, i.e. list of published scientific or other work or achievements; (professional bibliography); biography with personal details with emphasis on the candidates development in the research field thesis; (mentor) and can also state whether he/she is in pursuit of a direct doctorate course without a previous master’s Ljubljana and suggests the field of the doctorate dissertation; in the application a candidate can suggest the tutor dissertation and details confirming compliance to conditions from article 98 of the Statute of the University in - application, whereby a candidate asks for acceptance in the doctorate course, states the title of the proposed The application for a doctorate dissertation has to contain: necessary corrections. application is complete and registers the application. If the application is incomplete the candidate is notified about architecture, Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana). The authorised person in the registrar’s office establishes whether the a doctorate of science dissertation to the registrar’s office for study affairs (address: University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Candidates wishing to be granted the doctorate title at the Faculty of architecture have to submit an application for course, to develop a Ph.D. thesis. by the committee for Ph.D. courses on the basis of the proposal of the senate of the member which runs the (high Master’s exam marks, notable results in research, publication in recognized scientific magazines etc.) can be accepted, - candidates who have fulfilled all their obligations during their Master’s course, and have achieved excellent results Characteristics of Ph.D. courses - a knowledge of two world languages - successfully completing a Master’s course (master’s exam) and being accepted for a direct transfer into the Ph.D. course - successfully completing a Master’s course (master’s exam and master’s thesis) in the appropriate branch or General conditions for enrollment into Ph.D. course: DISSERTATIONDOCTORATE D. oilmk študij podiplomski oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate Statute of the University in Ljubljana). D. DOKTORAT ZNANOSTI

Znanstveni naslov doktorja lahko pridobi: - kdor je uspešno konèal podiplomski študij za pridobitev doktorata znanosti ter izdelal in uspešno zagovarjal doktorsko disertacijo; - kdor je pridobil naslov magister znanosti /magistrica znanosti ter izdelal in uspešno zagovarjal doktorsko disertacijo.

Kandidatu, ki se vpiše na podiplomski študijski program za pridobitev magisterija, se lahko pod posebnimi pogoji omogoèi neposreden prehod na doktorski študij, in sicer: a) da se je posebej izkazal pri magistrskem študiju in v roku, ki ga doloèa študijski program, opravil vse obveznosti prvega letnika magistrskega študija; b) da je uspešen pri raziskovalnem delu. Rezultate svojega dela mora izkazati z avtorstvom ali soavtorstvom èlanka v publikaciji, ki jo stroka oznaèuje kot mednarodno priznano in služi v habilitacijskem postopku, pred sprejemom teme za doktorsko disertacijo. Predlog za neposreden prehod na doktorski študij poda kandidatov mentor, sprejme pa senat fakultete.

Kandidat, ki želi na Fakulteti za arhitekturo ( v nadaljnjem besedilu: FA ) pridobiti doktorat znanosti, mora vložiti v referatu za študentske zadeve FA (naslov: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana) prijavo doktorske disertacije. Pooblašèeni delavec referata ugotovi ali je prijava popolna in potrdi njen prejem. Èe je prijava nepopolna, pozove kandidata, da odpravi ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti.

Prijava doktorske disertacije mora obsegati: - prošnjo, v kateri kandidat zaprosi za sprejem v doktorski študij, navede naslov predlagane doktorske disertacije ter podatke, iz katerih je razvidno, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz 98. èlena Statuta Univerze v Ljubljani; predlaga podroèje, na katerem bi želel izdelati doktorsko disertacijo; v prošnji lahko kandidat predlaga mentorja; v prošnji tudi navede, èe doktorat znanosti prosi za neposredni prehod v doktorski študij brez izdelave magistrskega dela; - življenjepis z osebnimi podatki in poudarkom na kandidatovem razvoju na znanstvenem podroèju (strokovna biografíja); - bibliografijo, t.j. seznam kandidatovih objavljenih znanstvenih in drugih strokovnih del oziroma stvaritev; - dispozicijo predloga doktorske disertacije, ki je opredeljena v 3. èlenu teh pravil; - diplomo o uspešno konèanem univerzitetnem študiju; - magistrsko diplomo ali listino o nostrifikaciji diplome; - dokazilo o opravljenih izpitih na magistrskem študiju in izpolnjevanju drugih pogojev, opredeljenih v študijskem programu, èe gre za neposreden prehod iz magistrskega na doktorski študij (99. èlen statuta UL). Èe bo disertacija napisana v enem od tujih jezikov, mora to kandidat navesti v prijavi.

121 122 predmetnik course syllabus No. No. No. No. No. oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski A. MASTERS COURSEINARCHITECTURE MASTERS A. oilmk študij podiplomski oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski P 1 1 P P 15** P1.5 14** Košir P1.4 P1.3 Medved P1.2 15** P1.5 Kališnik P1.1 1.YEAR the tutor (mentor). another faculty or university. Elective subjects are determined in conjunction with the master’s thesis and following consent f Besides these subjects, the list of which is adapted and changed regularly, a student can enrol in not more than two subjects a - J. Koželj: Architecture of the city - F. Košir: Development of urbanism - V. Kilar: Comp. supported conception of contem. struct. - I. Kalèiè: Identity in Slovenian residential architecture ergonomics and aesthetics - B. Juvanec: Elements of design: technology, - P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurism and rural architecture - P. Fister: Corpus of Slovenian architecture - P. Fister: Protection of architectural monuments - V. Brezar: Theory of details - M. Bonèa: The new and old as integral space - J. Bonèa: Theory of composition 1 P ** P1.4 2 YEAR P 1 1 P P .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture arcitecture of of Faculty Faculty at at subjects subjects elective elective of of List List List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture of Faculty at subjects elective of List List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture arcitecture of of Faculty Faculty at at subjects subjects elective elective of of List List

They are specified in the postgraduate programme for each student separately. otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject T T Research, seminar seminar Research, Research, Elective subject subject Elective Elective Elective subject subject Elective Elective Elective subject subject Elective Elective critique critique and and theory theory Architectural Architectural energy energy and and space space resources, resources, of of use use Rational Rational T T Research, seminar seminar Research, Research, work work scientistic scientistic of of organisation organisation and and Methods Methods Elective subject subject Elective Elective Elective subject subject Elective Elective T Research, seminar Research, Elective subject Elective Elective subject Elective Elective subject Elective critique and theory Architectural energy and space resources, of use Rational T Research, seminar Research, work scientistic of organisation and Methods Elective subject Elective Elective subject Elective T T Research, seminar seminar Research, Research, Elective subject subject Elective Elective Elective subject subject Elective Elective Elective subject subject Elective Elective critique critique and and theory theory Architectural Architectural energy energy and and space space resources, resources, of of use use Rational Rational T T Research, seminar seminar Research, Research, work work scientistic scientistic of of organisation organisation and and Methods Methods Elective subject subject Elective Elective Elective subject subject Elective Elective oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther - A. Založnik: Mathematics – selected chapters - Ž. Turk: Computers in architecture - F. Rihtar: Street furniture - A. Pogaènik: Urban planning - J. Kobe: Colours and space - J. Kobe: Artistic theory and practice - L. Muhiè. Safety in architecture - J. Marinko: Sacral architecture - J. Kušar: Load bearing conditions - J. Kresal: Archit. elements of the humanised resid. environment Share of independent research work: 44 ECTS 44 ECTS 16 Two elective subjects at other faculties or universities: Share of independent research work:

(together: 380 hours)

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter 70 70 1 1 70 50 10 10 1 50 - - 10 - 30 30 70 70 1 1 20 20 20 20 20

Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 1 1 1 50 10 10 - 30 - - 1 1 90 90 90 90 - - 90 90 00 00 00 00 00 hours hours T T hours T hours hours T T 220 220 220 100 10 10 10 30 30 30 220 220 1 1 1 140 10 10 oge oge 1 1 oge oge oge 60 60 60 60 60 ther ther ther ther ther rom ECTS ECTS ECTS ECTS ECTS 7 7 44 44 16 8 8 8 12 12 12 7 28 8 8 44 7 7 44 44 6 6 t 6 6 6 A. MAGISTRSKI ŠTUDIJ ARHITEKTURE MAGISTRSKI ŠTUDIJARHITEKTURE A. 2.LETNIK 2.LETNIK 1 1 P1 P1 šifra šifra dela za vsakega študenta posebej. ali univerzi. Izbirni predmeti se doloèijo v povezavi s temo in v dogovoru z mentorjam. Navedejo se v naèrtu podiplomskega Razen teh predmetov, katerih seznam se sicer prilagaja in spreminja, lahko študent vpiše tudi do dva predmeta na drugi fakultet - J. Koželj: Arhitektura mesta - F. Košir: Razvoj urbanizma - V. Kilar: raèunalniško podprta zasnova sodobnih konstrukcij - I. Kalèiè: Identiteta v slovenski stanovanjski arhitekturi - B. Juvanec: Elementi oblikovanja: tehnologija, ergonomija, estetika - P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurizem in ruralna arhitektura - P. Fister: Korpus slovenske arhitekture - P. Fister: Varstvo arhitekturnih spomenikov - V. Brezar: Teorija detajla - M. Bonèa: Novo in staro kot integralni prostor - J. Bonèa: Teorija kompozicije 15** P1.5 15** P1.5 2.LETNIK ** Košir P1.4 P1.3 Medved P1.2 1 P1 ** P1.4 Kališnik P1.1 šifra P1 P1 šifra šifra 2.LETNIK 2.LETNIK 1 1 .LETNIK .LETNIK .LETNIK .LETNIK .LETNIK .4 Seznam izbir izbir Seznam Seznam .4 .4 .4 Seznam izbir Seznam .4 .4 Seznam izbir izbir Seznam Seznam .4 .4 predavatelj predavatelj predavatelj predavatelj predavatelj nih pr pr nih nih nih pr nih nih pr pr nih nih skupaj skupaj raziskovalno delo, seminar seminar delo, delo, raziskovalno raziskovalno izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni skupaj skupaj predmet predmet izbirni izbirni raziskovalno delo, seminar seminar delo, delo, raziskovalno raziskovalno predmet predmet izbirni izbirni kritika kritika in in teorija teorija arhitekturna arhitekturna energije energije in in prostora prostora virov, virov, raba raba racionalna racionalna izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni znanosti znanosti v v dela dela organizacija organizacija in in metode metode predmet predmet skupaj raziskovalno delo, seminar delo, raziskovalno izbirni predmet izbirni skupaj predmet izbirni raziskovalno delo, seminar delo, raziskovalno predmet izbirni kritika in teorija arhitekturna energije in prostora virov, raba racionalna izbirni predmet izbirni izbirni predmet izbirni znanosti v dela organizacija in metode predmet predmet predmet skupaj skupaj raziskovalno delo, seminar seminar delo, delo, raziskovalno raziskovalno izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni skupaj skupaj predmet predmet izbirni izbirni raziskovalno delo, seminar seminar delo, delo, raziskovalno raziskovalno predmet predmet izbirni izbirni kritika kritika in in teorija teorija arhitekturna arhitekturna energije energije in in prostora prostora virov, virov, raba raba racionalna racionalna izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni znanosti znanosti v v dela dela organizacija organizacija in in metode metode edme edme edme edme edme t tt tt o o o o o v (matièni na F F na na (matièni (matièni v v v (matièni na F na (matièni v v (matièni na F F na na (matièni (matièni v v ak ak ak ak ak ulte ulte ulte ulte ulte ti za ar ar za za ti ti ti za ar za ti ti za ar ar za za ti ti - A. Založnik: izbrana poglavja iz matematike - Ž. Turk: Raèunalnik v arhitekturi - F. Rihtar: Urbana oprema - A. Pogaènik: Urbanistièno planiranje - J. Kobe: Barve in prostor - J. Kobe: Likovna teorija in praksa - L. Muhiè. Varnost v arhitekturi - J. Marinko: Sakralna arhitektura - J. Kušar: Obremenitvena stanja - J. Kresal: Arhitekturni elementi humaniziranega stan. okolja (skupaj: 380ur) aotjorzsoan eo 44 kreditnih toèk 16 kreditnih toèk dva izbirna predmeta iz tujih fakultet samostojno raziskovalno delo: hitektur hitektur hitektur hitektur hitektur

o) o) o) o) o)

semester semester semester semester semester zimski zimski zimski zimski zimski 70 70 50 50 1 1 70 50 10 10 1 50 - - 10 - 30 30 70 70 50 50 1 1 20 20 20 20 20

poletni poletni poletni poletni poletni 1 1 1 50 10 10 - 30 - - 1 1 90 90 90 90 - - 90 90 00 00 00 00 00 skupaj ur ur skupaj skupaj skupaj ur skupaj skupaj ur ur skupaj skupaj 220 220 220 100 10 10 10 30 30 30 220 220 1 1 1 140 10 10 1 1 60 60 60 60 60 ECTS ECTS ECTS ECTS ECTS 7 7 44 44 16 8 8 8 12 12 12 7 28 8 8 44 7 7 44 44 6 6 6 6 6 i 123 letnik year 124 predmetnik course syllabus oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski P 1 1 P P the tutor (mentor). They are specified in the postgraduate programme for each student separately. another faculty or university. Elective subjects are determined in conjunction with the master’s thesis and following consent f Besides these subjects, the list of which is adapted and changed regularly, a student can enrol in not more than two subjects a - J. Koželj: Architecture of the city - F. Košir: Development of urbanism - V. Kilar: Comp. supported conception of contem. struct. - I. Kalèiè: Identity in Slovenian residential architecture ergonomics and aesthetics - B. Juvanec: Elements of design: technology, - P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurism and rural architecture - P. Fister: Corpus of Slovenian architecture - P. Fister: Protection of architectural monuments - V. Brezar: Theory of details - M. Bonèa: The new and old as integral space - J. Bonèa: Theory of composition 1 P oilmk študij podiplomski P 1 1 P P oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski No. No. No. No. No. YEAR 2 2 YEAR YEAR 1 1 YEAR YEAR 17** P1.7 2 YEAR ** P1.7 1 YEAR 14** P1.4 ** P1.4 Medved P1.2 Kobe P1.6 B. SPECIALIST COURSE IN ARCHITECTURE YEAR 2 2 YEAR YEAR 1 1 YEAR YEAR .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture arcitecture of of Faculty Faculty at at subjects subjects elective elective of of List List List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture of Faculty at subjects elective of List List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture arcitecture of of Faculty Faculty at at subjects subjects elective elective of of List List Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer

otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate Subjects Subjects Subjects Subjects Subjects T T T T Composition in seminar seminar in in Composition Composition seminar seminar in in Composition Composition Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective energy energy and and space space resources, resources, of of use use Rational Rational practice practice and and theory theory Artistic Artistic T T Composition in seminar in Composition seminar in Composition Elective subjects Elective subjects Elective Elective subjects Elective subjects Elective energy and space resources, of use Rational practice and theory Artistic T T T T Composition in seminar seminar in in Composition Composition seminar seminar in in Composition Composition Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective subjects subjects Elective Elective energy energy and and space space resources, resources, of of use use Rational Rational practice practice and and theory theory Artistic Artistic oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther - V. Kilar: Computer supported conception of contemporary structures - A. Založnik: Mathematics – selected chapters - Ž. Turk: Computers in architecture - F. Rihtar: Street furniture - A. Pogaènik: Urban planning - J. Kobe: Artistic theory and practice - L. Muhiè. Safety in architecture - J. Marinko: Sacral architecture - J. Kušar: Load bearing conditions - J. Kresal: Archit. elements of the humanised resid. environment (together: 300 hours)

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter 65 65 85 85 65 55 - 10 85 45 - 10 - 30 65 65 85 85

Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 85 85 85 45 10 - 30 - 85 85 65 65 65 55 10 - 65 65 hours hours T T hours T hours hours T T oge oge oge oge oge 1 1 1 90 10 10 30 30 1 1 1 1 1 110 10 10 1 1 70 70 70 70 70 30 30 30 30 30 ther ther ther ther ther rom 60 60 20 8 8 12 12 60 60 60 ECTS ECTS 30 30 ECTS 14 8 8 30 ECTS ECTS 30 30 t 2.LETNIK 2.LETNIK 1 1 P1 P1 dela za vsakega študenta posebej. ali univerzi. Izbirni predmeti se doloèijo v povezavi s temo in v dogovoru z mentorjam. Navedejo se v naèrtu podiplomskega Razen teh predmetov, katerih seznam se sicer prilagaja in spreminja, lahko študent vpiše tudi do dva predmeta na drugi fakultet - J. Koželj: Arhitektura mesta - F. Košir: Razvoj urbanizma - V. Kilar: raèunalniško podprta zasnova sodobnih konstrukcij - I. Kalèiè: Identiteta v slovenski stanovanjski arhitekturi - B. Juvanec: Elementi oblikovanja: tehnologija, ergonomija, estetika - P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurizem in ruralna arhitektura - P. Fister: Korpus slovenske arhitekture P. Fister: Varstvo arhitekturnih spomenikov - V. Brezar: Teorija detaja - M. Bonèa: Novo in staro kot integralni prostor - J. Bonèa: Teorija kompozicije 17** P1.7 2.LETNIK ** P1.7 1 P1 ** P1.4 ** P1.4 Medved P1.2 Kobe P1.6 B. ŠTUDIJ SPECIALISTIÈNI ARHITEKTURE P1 P1 2.LETNIK 2.LETNIK 1 1 Šifra Šifra Šifra Šifra Šifra .LETNIK .LETNIK .LETNIK .LETNIK .LETNIK .4 Seznam izbir izbir Seznam Seznam .4 .4 .4 Seznam izbir Seznam .4 .4 Seznam izbir izbir Seznam Seznam .4 .4 predavatelj predavatelj predavatelj predavatelj predavatelj nih pr pr nih nih nih pr nih nih pr pr nih nih skupaj skupaj skupaj skupaj kompozicija v seminarju seminarju v v kompozicija kompozicija seminarju seminarju v v kompozicija kompozicija izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni energije energije in in prostora prostora virov, virov, raba raba racionalna racionalna praksa praksa in in teorija teorija likovna likovna skupaj skupaj kompozicija v seminarju v kompozicija seminarju v kompozicija izbirni predmet izbirni predmet izbirni izbirni predmet izbirni predmet izbirni energije in prostora virov, raba racionalna praksa in teorija likovna skupaj skupaj skupaj skupaj kompozicija v seminarju seminarju v v kompozicija kompozicija seminarju seminarju v v kompozicija kompozicija izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni predmet predmet izbirni izbirni energije energije in in prostora prostora virov, virov, raba raba racionalna racionalna praksa praksa in in teorija teorija likovna likovna predmet predmet predmet predmet predmet edme edme edme edme edme t tt tt o o o o o v (matièni na F F na na (matièni (matièni v v v (matièni na F na (matièni v v (matièni na F F na na (matièni (matièni v v ak ak ak ak ak ulte ulte ulte ulte ulte ti za ar ar za za ti ti ti za ar za ti ti za ar ar za za ti ti - A. Založnik: izbrana poglavja iz matematike - Ž. Turk: Raèunalnik v arhitekturi - F. Rihtar: Urbana oprema - A. Pogaènik: Urbanistièno planiranje - J. Kobe: Barve in prostor - L. Muhiè. Varnost v arhitekturi - J. Marinko: Sakralna arhitektura - J. Kušar: Obremenitvena stanja - J. Kresal: Arhitekturni elementi humaniziranega stan. okolja hitektur hitektur hitektur hitektur hitektur (skupaj: 300 ur) o) o) o) o) o)

zimski zimski zimski zimski zimski 65 65 85 85 65 55 - 10 85 45 - 10 - 30 65 65 85 85 semester semester semester semester semester

poletni poletni poletni poletni poletni 85 85 85 45 10 - 30 - 85 85 65 65 65 55 10 - 65 65

skupaj ur kred.t kred.t ur ur skupaj skupaj skupaj ur kred.t ur skupaj skupaj ur kred.t ur skupaj skupaj ur kred.t ur skupaj 1 1 1 90 10 10 30 30 1 1 1 1 1 110 10 10 1 1 70 70 70 70 70 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 20 8 8 12 12 60 60 60 30 30 14 8 8 30 30 30 i . 125 letnik year 126 predmetnik course syllabus oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski oilmk študij podiplomski oilmk študij študij podiplomski podiplomski C. III.modul III.modul 2 2 YEAR YEAR II.modul II.modul I.modul I.modul 1 1 YEAR YEAR No.No. III.modul 2 YEAR II.modul I.modul 1 YEAR ** interdisciplinary seminar work with elected mentor (list on page 122) s * No. No.No. III.modul III.modul 2 2 YEAR YEAR II.modul II.modul I.modul I.modul 1 1 YEAR YEAR tudents inscribe 1 subject from the programme of visiting professors (list on page 122) SPECIALIST COURSEINURBANPLANNING Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer ** ** ** ** * * ** ** * * ** Fister Rakar Kovaè Pirnat Vodopivec Gabrijelèiè ** * Rakar Kovaè Pirnat Pogaènik Koželj ** * Rakar Kovaè Pirnat Èerne Košir ** ** ** ** * * ** ** * *

otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate otrdae course postgraduate otrdae course course postgraduate postgraduate T T T T T T Seminar Seminar settlements settlements of of renewal renewal and and Preservation Preservation design design infrstructure infrstructure Communal Communal controle controle and and management management Project Project planning planning spatial spatial of of foundations foundations Legal Legal designing designing Urban Urban design design urban urban Detailed Detailed Seminar Seminar subject subject Elective Elective economics economics housing housing and and Communal Communal leading leading and and management management Project Project 2 2 planning planning spatial spatial of of foundations foundations Legal Legal planning planning Urban Urban paradigmas paradigmas design design urban urban New New Seminar Seminar subjects subjects Elective Elective economics economics housing housing and and Communal Communal evaluation evaluation strategic strategic and and management management Project Project 1 1 planning planning spatial spatial of of foundations foundations Legal Legal methodology methodology Planning Planning planning planning urban urban of of Development Development T T T Seminar settlements of renewal and Preservation design infrstructure Communal controle and management Project planning spatial of foundations Legal designing Urban design urban Detailed Seminar subject Elective economics housing and Communal leading and management Project 2 planning spatial of foundations Legal planning Urban paradigmas design urban New Seminar subjects Elective economics housing and Communal evaluation strategic and management Project 1 planning spatial of foundations Legal methodology Planning planning urban of Development T T T T T T Seminar Seminar settlements settlements of of renewal renewal and and Preservation Preservation design design infrstructure infrstructure Communal Communal controle controle and and management management Project Project planning planning spatial spatial of of foundations foundations Legal Legal designing designing Urban Urban design design urban urban Detailed Detailed Seminar Seminar subject subject Elective Elective economics economics housing housing and and Communal Communal leading leading and and management management Project Project 2 2 planning planning spatial spatial of of foundations foundations Legal Legal planning planning Urban Urban paradigmas paradigmas design design urban urban New New Seminar Seminar subjects subjects Elective Elective economics economics housing housing and and Communal Communal evaluation evaluation strategic strategic and and management management Project Project 1 1 planning planning spatial spatial of of foundations foundations Legal Legal methodology methodology Planning Planning planning planning urban urban of of Development Development Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge oge ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther

(together: 309hours)

101 40 10 10 6 15 10 10 ------103 20 10 10 10 10 23 20 Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester

105 40 10 10 10 15 10 10 ------Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer C. SPECIALISTIÈNI ŠTUDIJ URBANISTIÈNEGA NAÈRTOVANJAURBANISTIÈNEGA ŠTUDIJ SPECIALISTIÈNI C. . LETNIK LETNIK 2. 2. III.modul III.modul II.modul II.modul I.modul I.modul 1 1 Šifra Šifra . LETNIK 2. III.modul II.modul I.modul 1 Šifra ** interdisciplinarna seminarska naloga na konkretnem primeru pod vodstvom izbranega mentorja (seznam na strani 123) š * Šifra Šifra . LETNIK LETNIK 2. 2. III.modul III.modul II.modul II.modul I.modul I.modul 1 1 . LETNIK LETNIK . . . LETNIK . . LETNIK LETNIK . . tudent izbere 1 predmet iz programa gostujoèih predavateljev (seznam na strani 123) ** ** * * ** ** * * ** ** predavatelj predavatelj ** * Rakar ** * ** Fister Rakar Kovaè Pirnat Vodopivec Gabrijelèiè Rakar Kovaè Pirnat Pogaènik Koželj Kovaè Pirnat Èerne Košir predavatelj predavatelj predavatelj ** ** * * ** ** * * ** ** skupaj skupaj seminar seminar predmet predmet izbirni izbirni gospodarstvo gospodarstvo stanovanjsko stanovanjsko in in komunalno komunalno skupaj skupaj seminar seminar predmet predmet izbirni izbirni skupaj skupaj seminar seminar naselij naselij varovanje varovanje projektiranje projektiranje komunalno komunalno nadzor nadzor in in vodenje vodenje projektno projektno 3 3 prostora prostora urejanja urejanja temelji temelji pravni pravni projektiranje projektiranje urbanistièno urbanistièno oblikovanje oblikovanje urbanistièno urbanistièno detajlno detajlno z z vodenje vodenje in in planiranje planiranje akcijsko akcijsko 2 2 prostora prostora urejanja urejanja temelji temelji pravni pravni naèrtovanje naèrtovanje urbanistièno urbanistièno oblikovanje oblikovanje urbanistièno urbanistièno ak ak 1 1 prostora prostora urejanja urejanja temelji temelji pravni pravni planiranja planiranja metodologija metodologija naèrtovanja naèrtovanja urbanistiènega urbanistiènega razvoj razvoj predmet predmet skupaj seminar predmet izbirni gospodarstvo stanovanjsko in komunalno skupaj seminar predmet izbirni skupaj seminar naselij varovanje projektiranje komunalno nadzor in vodenje projektno 3 prostora urejanja temelji pravni projektiranje urbanistièno oblikovanje urbanistièno detajlno z vodenje in planiranje akcijsko 2 prostora urejanja temelji pravni naèrtovanje urbanistièno oblikovanje urbanistièno ak 1 prostora urejanja temelji pravni planiranja metodologija naèrtovanja urbanistiènega razvoj predmet predmet predmet skupaj skupaj seminar seminar predmet predmet izbirni izbirni gospodarstvo gospodarstvo stanovanjsko stanovanjsko in in komunalno komunalno skupaj skupaj seminar seminar predmet predmet izbirni izbirni skupaj skupaj seminar seminar naselij naselij varovanje varovanje projektiranje projektiranje komunalno komunalno nadzor nadzor in in vodenje vodenje projektno projektno 3 3 prostora prostora urejanja urejanja temelji temelji pravni pravni projektiranje projektiranje urbanistièno urbanistièno oblikovanje oblikovanje urbanistièno urbanistièno detajlno detajlno z z vodenje vodenje in in planiranje planiranje akcijsko akcijsko 2 2 prostora prostora urejanja urejanja temelji temelji pravni pravni naèrtovanje naèrtovanje urbanistièno urbanistièno oblikovanje oblikovanje urbanistièno urbanistièno ak ak 1 1 prostora prostora urejanja urejanja temelji temelji pravni pravni planiranja planiranja metodologija metodologija naèrtovanja naèrtovanja urbanistiènega urbanistiènega razvoj razvoj eml eml eml eml eml ci ci ci ci ci js js js js js jiš jiš jiš jiš jiš k k k k k o planir planir o o o planir o k k k planir planir o o k k a politik politik a a a politik a a politik politik a a an an an an an a in vr vr in in a a a in vr in a a in vr vr in in a a je in s s in in je je je in s in je je in s s in in je je edno edno edno edno edno tr tr tr tr tr ateš ateš ateš ateš ateš ten ten ten ten ten k k k k k o pr pr o o o pr o o pr pr o o je nepr nepr je je je nepr je je nepr nepr je je eso eso eso eso eso jan jan jan jan jan emiènin emiènin emiènin emiènin emiènin je je je je je

zimski zimski zimski zimski zimski 101 40 10 10 6 15 10 10 ------103 20 10 10 10 10 23 20 semester semester semester semester semester

(skupaj: 309 ur) 309 (skupaj: 105 40 10 10 10 15 10 10 poletni poletni poletni poletni poletni ------127 letnik year 128 uvod introduction 4 YEARS YEARS 4 4 autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta * mentor YEARS 4 DISSERTATIONDOCTORATE autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana arhitekturo, za Fakulteta autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta 4 YEARS YEARS 4 4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot al/ C C al/ al/ al/ A A al/ al/ al/ B. P P B. B. al/ al/ al/ C al/ al/ A al/ al/ B. P B. al/ al/ C C al/ al/ al/ A A al/ al/ al/ B. P P B. B. al/ al/ . P P . . . P P . . . P . . P . . P P . . . P P . . os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os tgr tgr tgr tgr tgr tr tr tgr tgr tr tgr tr tr tgr tgr gr gr gr gr gr aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat aduat doctorate dissertation e s s e e e s e e s s e e e mas mas e e e mas e e mas mas e e e s s e e e s e e s s e e pecialis pecialis pecialis pecialis pecialis pecialis pecialis pecialis pecialis pecialis t tt tt er er er er er aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Architecture, of Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty s cour cour s s s cour s s cour cour s s t cour cour t t t cour t t cour cour t t t cour cour t t t cour t t cour cour t t se se se se se se in ar ar in in se se se in ar in se se in ar ar in in se se se in ur ur in in se se se in ur in se se in ur ur in in se se chit chit chit chit chit ban planning planning ban ban ban planning ban ban planning planning ban ban ectur ectur ectur ectur ectur e e e e e 300 309 309 - - 300 380 380 1 1 300 90 309 - 380 1 300 90 309 309 - - 300 90 380 380 1 1

Together hours 90 90 20 20 20 20 20 ECTS DOKTORAT ZNANOSTI 4 LETA

* mentor izdelava doktorske disertacije skupaj skupaj ure ure skupaj ure kreditne kreditne toèke toèke skupaj skupaj ure ure kreditne toèke kreditne kreditne toèke toèke skupaj /A. podipl. magistrski študij arhitekture 380 120

skupaj /B. podipl. specialistièni študij arhitekture 300 90

skupaj /C. podipl. specialistièni študij urbanistiènega naèrtovanja 309 -

129 130 opombe personal notes autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana arhitekturo, za Fakulteta autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Architecture, of Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty 131 132 opombe personal notes autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana arhitekturo, za Fakulteta autt z ahtkuo Ljubljana Ljubljana arhitekturo, arhitekturo, za za Fakulteta Fakulteta aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Architecture, of Faculty aut o Acietr, Ljubljana Ljubljana Architecture, Architecture, of of Faculty Faculty 133 Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo ŠTUDIJSKI PROGRAM 2003/2004

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture STUDY PROGRAMME 2003/2004

IzdalaPublisher Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za arhitekturo

Publikacijo je finanèno podprlaPublishing was financially supported by Evropska komisija (Socrates/Erasmus)

UredilaEditor Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan

OblikovanjeDesign Mojca Lenart

Priprava za tisk Print preparation Robert Prešeren

Prevodi v anglešèino English translation Ivan Staniè

TiskPrint Tiskarna Grif

NakladaCirculation 300 izvodov

Ljubljana, 2003

CIP -Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana

FAKULTETA za arhitekturo (Ljubljana) Študijski program 2003/2004 / Fakulteta za arhitekturo = Faculty of architecture ; [uredila, editor Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan ; prevodi v anglešèino, English translations Ivan Staniè]. - Ljubljana : Fakulteta za arhitekturo, 2003

ISSN 1581-7636 1. Gl. stv-. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Zupanèiè Strojan, Tadeja. - I. Strojan, Tadeja Zupanèiè glej Zupanèiè Strojan, Tadeja 116791296