
TUDIJSKI PROGRAM STUDY PROGRAMME Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta20 za arhitekturo University03-04 of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture Univerza v Ljubljani FAKULTETA ZA ARHITEKTURO University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE Evropska skupnost TUDIJSKI PROGRAM 2003/2004 STUDY PROGRAMME 2003/2004 Ljubljana 2003 2003-04 THE DEANS FOREWORD The Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana is generally considered one of the best Central European schools of architecture. Confirmation of its quality comes from numerous successful students and graduates, often achieving enviable results domestically and abroad, as well as its high quality teaching staff effectively covering most contemporary issues of architectural creativity. There are almost 700 students enrolled in the graduate course while the teaching and associate staff includes some 50 employees. Enrolment in the Faculty entails an entrance exam. Each year 120 regular and 45 part-time students are accepted. In the year 2000 the 3000th student graduated from the Faculty. Our graduates are known for their general and professionally profiled knowledge and systematic project approach enabling successful employment in various fields of artistic and architec- tural endeavours from graphic design, scenography, interior design, architectural and urban design to physical planning. The Faculty has vital and rich ties to the best Central European cultural tradition. The foundations for organised architectural education in Ljubljana reach to the year 1919, when the Austro-Hungarian monarchy collapsed and the University in Ljubljana was established, or rather the year 1920, when the first department for architecture was established under the leadership of Ivan Vurnik. Vurnik was an ardent supporter of technical understanding of the discipline, aligned to the Parisian Les Beaux Arts. Thus the entry of Joe Pleènik, with the studio approach and artistic tradition of Otto Wagners school was extremely important for the later balance in programme and ideas. The stated duality between technical and artistic aspects of the discipline has since been a constant feature of the faculties study course. After Vurnik and Pleènik had so significantly marked the period between the two wars, they were appropriately replaced by a younger generation of architects, led by Edo Mihevc and Edo Ravnikar, both arguing for modern architectural approaches. In the post-war period the Department of architecture was for many years part of the Faculty of architecture, civil engineering and introduction geodesy, except for a short period between 1950-1954 when it was independent within the framework of the Technical faculties. Similar to Vurnik and Pleènik, even Mihevc and Ravnikar were active in varied fields of professional involvement and significantly contributed to the countries reconstruction and development. Their pedagogical work was closely tied to large scale uvod practical projects in which they also involved their students. In 1995 the Department of architecture, until then part of the Faculty of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, transformed into an independent Faculty of architecture. We have however maintained tight academic ties to the former joint faculty and nourish the tradition of intertwining education with practice. For this purpose we have successfully co-opted several leading professionals from Slovenian practice to the teaching staff, that can translate their rich practical and theoretical experiences to the younger generation. The basis for qualifying of teachers to the Faculty is artistic and scientific merit. Alongside the numerous successful artists from the teaching staff we also employ many professors oriented towards theoretical subjects, who have gained their prowess at foreign universities. Every year two visiting professors from abroad join the fifty employed professors and teaching staff. The first master ateliers of prof. Vurnik and prof. Pleènik confronted the problem of teaching space. The temporary Technical 4 Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana DEKANOV NAGOVOR Ljubljanska Fakulteta za arhitekturo velja po splonem preprièanju za eno boljih srednjeevropskih arhitekturnih ol. Njen kvalitetni nivo potrjujejo tevilni uspeni tudenti in diplomanti, ki dosegajo zavidljive rezultate, tako doma kot v tujini, prav tako kvaliteten pedagoki kader, ki uèinkovito pokriva veèino sodobnih vidikov arhitekturnega ustvarjanja. Na fakulteti je vpisanih okoli 700 tudentov ter zaposlenih okoli 50 uèiteljev in sodelavcev. Za vpis na fakulteto je potrebno opraviti preizkus sposobnosti za tudij arhitekture. Vsako leto se na novo vpie 120 rednih in 45 izrednih tudentov. Leta 2000 je na fakulteti diplomiral tritisoèi diplomant. Nae diplomante odlikujejo iroka in dobra strokovna podkovanost ter sistematièen projektni pristop, kar omogoèa njihovo uspeno zaposlovanje na najrazliènih poljih likovnega in arhitekturnega ustvarjanja - od grafiènega oblikovanja, scenografije, notranje opreme, preko arhitekturnega in urbanistiènega oblikovanja do prostorskega planiranja. Fakulteta ima iv stik in lahtno povezavo z najboljo srednjeevropsko kulturno tradicijo. Zaèetki organiziranega tudija arhitekture v Ljubljani segajo v leto 1919, ko je bila po zlomu avstroogrske monarhije ustanovljena ljubljanska univerza, oziroma v leto 1920, ko je bil pod vodstvom arhitekta Ivana Vurnika organiziran prvi oddelek za arhitekturo na takratni tehniki fakulteti. Ivan Vurnik je bil izrazit zastopnik tehnikega pojmovanja stroke, po vzoru parike Ecole des Beaux Arts, zato je za kasneje programsko in idejno ravnoteje ole nadvse pomemben prihod arhitekta Joeta Pleènika, ki je uvedel ateljejski naèin dela in umetniko tradicijo Wagnerjeve ole. Omenjena razpetost med tehnikim in umetnikim vidikom obravnave stroke je od takrat naprej stalnica tudija arhitekture v Ljubljani. Potem, ko sta Ivan Vurnik in Joe Pleènik s svojim ustvarjalnim in pedagokim delom usodno zaznamovala obdobje med obema vojnama, ju je po vojni dostojno zamenjala mlaja generacija arhitektov na èelu z Edom Mihevcem in Edom Ravnikarjem, ki sta zagovarjala moderneji pogled na arhitekturo. V povojnem obdobju je bil oddelek za arhitekturo dolga leta sestavni del Fakultete za arhitekturo, gradbenitvo in geodezijo, razen med leti 1950 do 1954, ko je pridobil kratkotrajno samostojnost v okviru TV. Podobno kot prej Vurnik in Pleènik sta bila tudi Ravnikar in Mihevc prisotna na najtevilnejih podroèjih strokovnega dela in sta pomembno prispevala k obnovi in izgradnji domovine. Njuno pedagoko delo je bilo nenehno tesno povezano z velikimi praktiènimi nalogami, v katere sta vkljuèevala tudi tudente. Leta 1995 se je oddelek za arhitekturo na takratni FAGG preoblikoval v samostojno Fakulteto za arhitekturo. Z nekdanjo skupno fakulteto smo ohranili e naprej tesne akademske vezi, negujemo pa tudi tradicionalno povezovanje ole s prakso. V ta namen smo uspeli pritegniti k delu na fakulteti nekaj uglednih predstavnikov slovenske stroke, ki uspeno prenaajo svoje bogate praktiène izkunje in teoretièna znanja na najmlajo generacijo.Uèitelji na fakulteti se habilitirajo na osnovi umetnikih ali znanstvenih kriterijev. Ob tevilnih uspenih umetnikih ustvarjalcih je na oli tudi vrsta pedagogov, ki so usmerjeni v teoretiène predmete in so pridobili svoja znanja na tujih univerzah. Veè kot petdesetim redno zaposlenim univerzitetnim uèiteljem in sodelavcem se vsako leto pridruita vsako tudi dva gostujoèa predavatelja iz tujine. e prvi mojstrski oli Ivana Vurnika in Joeta Pleènika sta se kaj kmalu sooèili s prostorskimi problemi. Takrat provizorna 5 faculty on Akerèeva Street offered very modest possibilities. Almost thirty years later, in 1948, the Municipality of Ljubljana allocated the use of a former primary school on Zoisova Street to the Faculty. After improvements to the building, the Faculty enlarged the available space tenfold. After WWII cabinets were added and later the attic was adapted for drawing studios. The demand that every student has allocated work space at the Faculty, the real increase of students, teachers and junior researchers numbers, dilapidation of the existing building and lack of workshops, laboratories, computers and other high-tech equipment, conditioned the construction of the Eastern extension with the library and lecture theatre. With the imminent construc- tion of the Western extension we will round up our spatial possibilities and needs. The graduate course lasts nine semesters. A student has to pass some 40 exams before graduation. The first three years of the course are intended for education on general professional knowledge and skills needed by a practising architect, while the fourth year and ninth semester are oriented into in-depth knowledge in architecture, urbanism and design. The backbone of the programme is the Studio, in which students test knowledge gained from theoretical and methodological subjects on practical examples. The Studio is led by a teacher with publicly acknowledged work and experience in the field of artistic creativity. The subject is organised as a tutored seminar, with students from various years working together. They choose their tutor (mentor) independently. The graduate course is completed with a diploma thesis with specified content and volume. Graduates are granted the title university diploma of engineer of architecture. The Faculty also provides a two-year specialist and masters course and a four-year PhD course. Alongside the regular course, the Faculty is also involved with research work
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