The AMERICAN DENTAL SOCIETY of EUROPE VIENNA • AUSTRIA 2012 DR. LLOYD SEARSON President DR. GEOFFREY PULLEN Vice-President DR. PETER YERBURY DR. DIMITRIS EMMANOUIL Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer THE AMERICAN DENTAL SOCIETY OF EUROPE ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEENTH MEETING to be held at Imperial Hotel Vienna Kärntner Ring 16 1015 Vienna Austria Tel: +43(1)501 10 - 0 Fax: +43(1)501 10 - 306 June 28th - June 30th 2012 ADSE OFFICERS President LLOYD SEARSON 2 Harcourt House 19a Cavendish Square London W1G 0PN UK Vice-President President-Elect GEOFFREY PULLEN JEAN-JACQUES DUPUIS 48 Connaught Street 24 Rue de Madrid London W2 2AA 75008 Paris UK France Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer PETER YERBURY DIMITRIS EMMANOUIL 57 Portland Place 268 Kifissia Avenue London W1B 1QN, UK 14563 Kifissias Tel: +44(0)207 580 7146 Greece Fax: +44(0)207 636 4781 Tel: +30-210-623 3533 e-mail:
[email protected] Fax: +30-210-623 3507 Executive Committee Members J. CIEPIELEWSKI D. BLACK J. DERMODY I. ROUSOU G. ROBERTSON A. PARVIZI American Dental Society of Europe - Object (Article Two) The object of this Society shall be to afford dentists who are graduates or holders of an accredited certificate of a recognised dental school in the United States or Canada, the benefits of an organisation for the promotion of more extensive professional intercourse, by meeting together at stated times for the discussion of questions of professional interest. page 2 INFORMATION REGISTRATION Pre-registered delegates, whether Members, Guests, Essayists, Clinicians or Visitors will be able to collect their tickets and name badges from the Registration desk on Wednesday 27th June from 17.00 - 18.00 or Thursday 28th June from 07.30.